#'a homosexual declaration of love'
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orionsangel86 · 1 year ago
Happy Destiel Day to all who celebrate!
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drulalovescas · 1 year ago
No because you don't understand. I am absolutely and utterly obsessed with the way Cas' homosexual declaration of love has everyone in a chokehold. Like seriously!!!! They wanted Cas in The Winchesters but ... what about the confession. They want the revival to happen BUT they'll have to address the confession. Because after all the controversy they cant just not address it right???? They wanted desperately for the "i love you" to stay ambiguous but Misha Collins said no fucking way. I fought too hard for this shit to happen. The angel is gay. And stays gay. So now we have this show "Supernatual" that is all about the brothers" but that gay little nerdy angel who was supposed to stay for 3 episodes only!!! dictates the narrative. They painted themselves into a corner so badly because they wanted to please EVERYONE and thus managed to piss off everyone. And I'm just here grinning and eating my🍿 waiting for how things will unfold. And yknow what? I'm not even sorry. Also, Cas is gay.🌈
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thisbisexualbrainrot · 6 months ago
Jensen always words things so carefully ya know he’s always on eggshells trying to please everyone and not openly give his opinions on the confession or destiel he’s very diplomatic about it
meanwhile Misha is out here saying shit like “if the CW weren’t cowards Dean and Cas would have been balls deep”
And I just think that’s hilarious
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freechaostyrant · 2 years ago
A few times Misha (and Jensen, Rich, and others) make reference to Castiel's HOMOSEXUAL/ ROMANTIC confession of love:
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strawlessandbraless · 1 year ago
How often do you think Jensen Ackles lays in bed to watch the castiel love confession footage on his phone? Do you think he mouths the words? Do you think he cries? Do you think he goes crazy knowing that he’s written a better ending and he just wants the world to see it?
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1-800-arsonforsale · 8 months ago
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I wonder if Ali Hazelwood watched 15x18 before writing this.
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inthiswhisper · 1 year ago
people saying “we cannot tell if the writers were inserting queer subtext in later seasons for us or to punish us.” yes, we can. do you hear yourself. do you not see the patterns and parallels. they were doing it on purpose. destiel (at the very least during dabb era) was on purpose. those writers were queer-coding and paralleling dean and cas with canonically romantic pairings on purpose. it was not to punish fans, it was to reveal fans were always right, done by way of evading censorship while serving spn’s narrative, of which the love between those two men is such a pivotal aspect. the queer subtext / text was added on purpose.
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theghostsip · 4 days ago
@jeremiah-rose with a sprinkle of @ashton-ryder declaring love and being homosexual for a second.
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@userdramas event 20: revival ↳ the resurrection of wei wuxian
+ bonus:
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orionsangel86 · 1 year ago
Happy Destiel Day to all who celebrate!
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drulalovescas · 1 year ago
Say what you want but those who experienced November 5, 2020 (and then consecutively the horror that was November 19, 2020) LIVE do share a more profound bond.
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the-gayngel · 10 months ago
me in 50 years: the happiness is in just being... canon in spanish... onion field... cas helped... open to interpretation... homosexual declaration of love... balls deep... it's not subtext it's clear text.....
them: alright grandma let's get you to bed
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purgaytorysupremacy · 10 months ago
I get the reasoning behind this, I really do. We don't want to talk about how confessing your gay love for your gay bff is shameful. I get that, and I support it.
But also.
It is shameful to Cas. And to Dean! That's what makes Cas declaring it at that moment brave and courageous. If it wasn't hard and shameful and embarrassing, why aren't they declaring it all over the place? You know?
From an in-universe perspective, Cas is embarrassed by his love for Dean. And whomst among us hasn't had an embarrassing crush on a bff we think is way out of our league? And Dean? Mr. I-haven't-deserved-one-single-good-thing-in-my-whole-life Winchester? Pfft! Hell yeah they're ashamed of what's going on between them.
But it's not the gay thing! It is a shameful secret because neither of these grown ass men have learned they can ask for something purely for themselves in their entire lives! Neither of them believe they deserve good things so coveting this man who they respectively believe is the single best entity to have ever walked the earth? Who do they think they are! The hubris! The gall! The shame!
I guess what I'm saying is that it can be both, and neither takes away from the other. If anything, they enhance it. A confession is also a hard thing to do, which is also the undercurrent in these definitions. Cas is literally giving up everything for Dean here. Is he doing it via a declaration of his love, a testimony to the love of his life? Yeah. But it's hard to do, it's a brave sacrifice, because it's a secret. (Not to mention the secret of the whole Empty Deal in the first place.)
So yeah. I do like that the conversation from the actors themselves have moved towards a more positive, affirming discussion of this scene that was obviously very important to everyone. Out-of-universe, I support that impulse. However, in-universe, I don't think we should erase the courage Cas had in confessing his secret love for his best friend, even as it was a joyful, tender testimony to him.
I really really love the language both Misha and Jensen have been using re: the "confession"
Like Misha repeatedly stating "homosexual declaration of love"
declaration: a formal or explicit statement or announcement. announcement. proclamation.
It's just, stating something, making it known.
Then there's Jensen correcting himself from saying "confession" to "testament"
Jensen: "he gave a confess- or he gave his - his testament"
testament: something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality. a tangible proof or tribute. an expression of conviction. creed. attestation. related to testimony: a solemn declaration. an open acknowledgment.
These words are more neutral / positive statements than "confession." Cas's feelings just are, and he is declaring them proudly, attesting** to them. Speaking his truth. Whereas "confession" connotes shame.
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.
an admission or acknowledgment that one has done something that one is ashamed or embarrassed about.
a formal admission of one's sins with repentance and desire of absolution
All of these imply that something about what is "confessed" is shameful, embarrassing, sinful. There's guilt associated with the "confessed" thing, and that's not what Cas felt in the moment of his True Happiness.
In that moment he felt proud, he felt elated to finally declare his feelings, and also in his speech to Dean, which imo is a big part of Cas's happiness, getting to tell Dean how he sees him, how many actually see him, as a being of love, as someone who is always trying and fighting for others. as someone who loves so fiercely and strongly that he taught Cas how to love in this way too. And none of those feelings are shameful, he's proud to tell Dean these things. He's happy to finally get to say them.
So I really like the language they're personally using when talking about this scene. It's really not a confession. Cas's love isn't some secret, shameful thing. In that moment all those feelings burn brightly, happily in him. In that moment he is making his solemn declaration to Dean about his feelings and all the things about Dean that he loves, openly acknowledging what has sat quietly between them for years, not hidden, not shameful, just unspoken.
**to show, say, or prove that something exists or is true
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weebsinstash · 2 months ago
I wanted to share another piece of American history and also queer history with you guys that I've been thinking about since, what I consider to be the vandalism of "Portrait of Ross in L.A", and also because it is relevant to our current polticial climate, where even the company I currently work for has publicly declared that they will no longer have diversity and inclusion programs
John S. Boskovich was an American homosexual man living in America during the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and 90s. He had a partner, Stephen Earabino. During the epidemic, Earabino contracted AIDS and eventually passed away in 1995.
This was during a time period where the AIDS crisis was being intentionally mismanaged as a direct attempt to "purge" queer people and make them socially unacceptable, and many families often hid the deaths of their queer family members for being AIDS-related out of shame, fear of public ridicule, and/or homophobia. The shifting of the blame of AIDS onto exclusively gay and bisexual men was so intentionally heavily prevalent that it lead to many deaths of heterosexuals, lesbians, and even the creation of a now famous poster by that read "Women Don't Get AIDS: They Just Die From It", which was also created as a plea to the CDC to address the crisis and EVERYONE who faced it
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So, in that social and political context, after Stephen passed away, his family came to the flat where their son was living with his lover and completely cleaned out all the belongings in the apartment, erasing any evidence of Earabino and Boskovich's relationship, but also, leaving Boskovich with absolutely no possessions and nothing to remember his lover by except for a single box fan
Boskovich, in his grief, made this single electric box fan an art installation by encasing it in plexiglass with holes cut into it, protecting the fan, lionizing it, with the breeze coming through the gaps meant to symbolize his lover's breath and how this art installation, in a sense, keeps Stephen Earabino's memory alive. The name of the piece is "Electric Fan (Feel It Motherfuckers)" and it has been theorized that the "feel" refers to not only the breeze of the fan symbolizing his lover and memorializing him, in a sense giving him eternal life, but also for the viewer to "feel" the grief and anger of Boskovich losing his lover and the cruel aftermath that followed
Boskovich made this piece of artwork in 1997, and eventually passed away 9 years later in 2006 in his home at 49 years old of causes that were never fully disclosed, some theorizing that he committed suicide. His artwork now sits in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
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This is another influential and emotional piece of history that goes to show just how extremely important it is to hang onto the truth that queer people and by extension any marginalized people have a right to exist. It shows the lengths to which lives are destroyed by the hatred and policies of those who revel in intentional cruelty and exerting their own authority for no other reason than hating those that do not share the same views as them. When we do not fight to hold onto our history, those who decide we do not need to be a part of it will fight hard to erase it completely and pretend that we were never even here in the first place, much like Stephen Earabino's family would have completely erased his existence without the voice of John Boskovich, or how Ross Laycroft and his struggle wouldn't have been known without him becoming memorialized by Felix Gonzales-Torres' sculpture intended as an act of love
We are here. We are alive. We will continue to make our voices heard and refuse to die in darkness. I will not be driven from my home country because of what is QUICKLY becoming an American fascist dictatorship.
We are all eternal in the memories of those who lives we touch and change. We are made stronger by the bonds we build with each other and our communities. We must never stop fighting for our right to exist.
We must never make it easier for them to erase us, not just from being alive, but from being recorded in history altogether
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saywhat-78 · 4 months ago
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Misha Collins looking the so called cw sniper dead in the face:
“I said it was a homosexual declaration of love. Castiel loves Dean like a lover. If cw weren’t homophobic Cas and Dean would be balls deep. The show’s ending would have had Castiel in the bar with his arm around Dean”
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hag-lad · 7 months ago
True luv is real...
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tinytalkingtina · 2 months ago
Who could not be happy?
Written for the February @steddiemicrofic prompt, using the word "rose" and 367 words
Rating G | Ao3 link
Tags: language of flowers, Eddie has a crush on Steve, love confessions, first kiss
See under the cut for some notes on flower language, and thank you steddiecameraroll-graphics for the lovely divider!
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Eddie stared at the book clutched tightly in his hands. There was a rose carefully tucked away among its pages. The color had faded a bit, but a pink hue still delicately tinted the petals. And that wasn’t all. Fragments of other flowers were also dried and wrapped in protective layers of wax paper: camellia, columbine, gardenia. Under the last page, a green carnation peeked out.
Steve came back into the room juggling a few more empty boxes.
“This should be the final load, if we add anything else the Beemer won't make it to Chicago without tipping over. Hope you don't mind us driving up without the rearview mirror.”
Steve grinned, but Eddie didn’t respond. The grin faltered a little.
“You okay man? Not getting cold feet now.” Wordlessly, Eddie held out the book.
“Oh, thanks, this one needs to be packed flat.” A tiny smile crept over Steve's face. “You know how people used to decorate their crush's locker for Valentine's Day? My senior year there was this whole bouquet tucked in waiting for me. Dunno who put it there, Nance and I'd broken up months ago. They're nice though, right? I mean you never see green flowers. Wish I could've thanked them, whoever it was.”
A tiny spark of hope bloomed in Eddie's chest. Before he could swallow it back down, his brain blurted out:
“I had perfect attendance in Spanish that year.”
Steve's eyes squinted in confusion.
“My second-go around at senior year, and I was still stuck in Hawkins, then freaking King Steve sits behind me in Spanish 3,” Eddie barreled on. “You never used to pay attention to anyone who wasn't in your inner circle, but in that class you'd mutter to yourself about how cool my doodles looked, and told folks to knock it off when they called me trailer trash. So I found a book on flower meanings and did something incredibly stupid.” He didn’t dare look at Steve as he finished his confession.
The kiss caught him off-guard.
“Guess I've got three years worth of dates to make up for. Prepare to be romanced off your feet Munson.”
That February, Eddie gave Steve red and yellow tulips.
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Author's notes
-The fic's title comes from a quote by Victorian playwright Oscar Wilde: "With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?" The green carnation is associated with Oscar Wilde himself, and wearing a green carnation on ones lapel might have been a code for gay men at the time to identify one another. Wilde was famously convicted for homosexual acts in 1895. Let's say Eddie picked up a copy of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and learned about the symbolism from a coded forward written for it.
-The meanings within the original bouquet were "happiness" (pink rose), "longing for you" (pink camellia), "foolishness/folly" (columbine), secret love (gardenia), and homosexuality (green carnation). Eddie was being very dramatic putting together the original bouquet for his forbidden love, and definitely dyed the carnation himself.
-Red and yellow tulips represent passion/declaration of love and sunshine in your smile respectively.
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