#'Look how cute and smart these 6 year olds sound!' And that's not yours to share
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milfbrainrot · 1 day ago
I feel insane for cringing every time I get recommended a video of a teacher teaching in their classroom where you can hear the kids answering questions etc but 1) what happened to no filming policies in schools and 2) if my siblings were ever being even tangentially used for content I'd kill someone especially because 3) so many of these are in the US with the teacher's whole name and face attached and in an age of school shootings and stalking becoming 100000x easier with the internet I really don't get how bringing this much attention to your specific classroom and students is allowed, and I'm not even touching on the high school teachers who include their kids' faces
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year ago
Steve only agreed to go out with Tommy after their parents set them up because he “owed” his dad for ruining a potential business partnership for him at a dinner party.
To the rest of the guests, the man had just tripped and embarrassed himself but he knew and Steve knew and Steve’s dad knew: Steve had tripped him. But the guy had groped his ass when he crossed him on his way to the bathroom. He had it coming.
And even if his father had agreed with him after Steve told him the truth, he still needed help landing another client since his most profitable opportunity turned out to be a big ol’ creep. A date with another client’s son. Young, rich, good-looking, a single dad. It didn’t sound that bad.
And so Steve met Tommy. 
At first, Tommy was
 good. He was charming, cute, a praiser and a joker but the more Steve got to know the less he liked. After a while the compliments stopped and the commanding requests began. Get me this, pick this up, cook me, blow me, dress me, feed me, drive me, me, me, me.
But if Steve wanted or needed something? Tommy was sooo tired and busy. He hadn’t even made an effort to meet Steve’s friends yet. Plus he was always making Steve feel dumb and unimportant, saying his job was silly, even if Steve made almost as much money as him with fewer hours.
Telling him not to ‘worry his pretty head about it’ when Steve asked for clarifications or wouldn’t talk to him about work because Steve ‘wouldn’t get it’. He talked down on Steve all the time and offered him money to “buy himself something nice” in a degrading manner as if Steve was nothing more than arm candy for him.
The worst part was when he realized Tommy
 wasn't funny. At all. All his jokes were based on making fun of other people. And he was the only one who laughed at them. He was no better than a bully. He
 kind of sucked.
And Steve would’ve loved to never have to see him again. But the problem was he had fallen in love with Tommy’s daughter, Tarja. Because Tommy might have been a terrible boyfriend but at least he was a good enough father. So the weeks Tommy got Tarja, Steve spent most of his time with her. 
She was just a delight. Cute, smart, and actually funny. She had the most deadpan sarcastic humor a 6-year-old could manage and it cracked him up. She was also super creative and loved drawing, reading, bedtime tales, and coming up with stories of her own.
Her emotional maturity was impressive, better than her father’s actually, and one of Steve’s favorite things about her. He’d never forget the day he went to pick her up from school and she’d been upset. When Steve asked her how he could help she had calmly explained what had happened, how it made her feel, and what she could do about it
 over ice cream, obviously. It made him wonder what kind of person her other dad was like because she had clearly not learned how to communicate like that from Tommy.
And the thing is, Steve had always wanted a kid, ever since he was young all he wanted was a family and even if Tommy wasn’t great he just couldn’t make himself leave the connection he felt with Tarja. And he couldn’t just come out to Tommy and say: ‘Hey I wanna break up, but I’d love to keep seeing your kid,’ that would land him at best a punch, at worst in jail.
There was also the fact that, no matter how much he tried to deflect, Tommy’s comments were starting to get to him. Maybe Tommy was as good as he’d get, maybe he was dumb and uninteresting and the only thing he had going for him was his looks, maybe this was his only chance for a family. So he stuck it out. Cherished the times when they were all together.
And then he met Eddie.
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xkaidaxxxx · 11 months ago
Azula x Female Reader
Mentions: little angst, fluff, Lesbians
Sorry for any errors
Azula x Female Reader
“ No one has ever had to hide the way that we do Azula. I’m afraid they won’t accept us.” You said with tears slipping down your cheeks. “ Just because this stupid and horrible world judges us and says that we can be nothing that won’t stop us. I love you baby girl more than anything. I want you to be happy and enjoy every moment we have together.” Azula said. She wiped your tears. You girls loved each other but loving the same sex was seen as disgusting and almost like it’s forbidden. You and Azula met about 4 years after Zuko became the next Fire Lord. You lived in the palace due to being Mai’s long distant friend. 
How you two met was a bit wild. You were out and about outside the Fire Nation. You decided to travel to Kyoshi Island and visit Ty Lee. Mai said she’d greet you with open arms. Along the way you needed to stop at a Hotel and eventually found one. It was large,beautiful and expensive, it almost looked like a section of the palace.. Perfect for Azula. She knew how to survive. She’s strong, smart, beautiful and wild. On the way inside you bumped into a group of men. They looked very important. “Watch where you are going, you insolent girl.” one of the men said, shoving you away. You landed on your side. You had a bit of a spicy side of yourself. Standing up you turned your water into ice cutting cheek.“ You’re not a gentleman at all you asshole.” Azula walked over. “You’re making a scene outside my Hotel. You stupid guys run along before I kill you myself.” Her face confirmed her words. As she turned to look at you her heart skipped a beat. You were wearing some short tights with a short blue and white skirt over it. Your shirt was white with blue snowflake prints. Your shoes were cute as well. The way you wore your hair showed your wonderful facial features. Azula was checking you out. You cleared your throat. “I’d like a room please.” you also checked her out as you walked behind her into the Hotel. Azula was highly aware of it. She saw the mirror. “ What are you doing traveling alone?” Azula asked, grabbing a key and showing you to your room. “I’m on my way to visit a friend.” you replied feeling a bit lonely. “You sound lonely. I’ll keep you company since midday. I’ll show you around. Come on, pretty lady.” Azula said grabbing you and all day you went around town having fun. You thought you’d stay longer. Longer meaning about 6 months and along the way you fell in love. One day you were at a temple confessing what you were feeling. An old lady overheard you. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of loving someone so dearly and passionately. Don’t ignore your feelings otherwise you’ll regret it later on.” you smiled and ran back to Azula. The sun went down by then. As Azula was about to get ready you walked into her room. “Oh hey y/n. Is everything alright? Do you need something?”She asked and stepped forward as you started crying. You didn’t even know it was happening. This was your chance and you took it. You went up to her tipped toed and gave her a loving kiss. She was shocked at first but relaxed and kissed back. It got heated to the point where she hovered over you on the bed. You blushed. “I love you.” you spoke playing with the necklace you had on. “ I love you too.” Azula replied. 
After that it was history. 
“ If Mai and Zuko reject us..it’s fine but are you sure?” Azula asked. “Yes Azula..I want to live a normal life here without being attacked.” You replied. Azula waited at the balcony as you went to see Zuko and Mai. “ FireLord Zuko. Thank you for making time to see me..I have a request.” You said formally. Zuko stood up and walked over. He smiled and smacked your arm. “y/n. Don’t treat me like we don’t know each other idiot.” He replied. You smiled and giggled with Mai. “Now what’s your request?” he asked. “I would like to live here in the Fire Nation permanently..I swear I won’t cause any trouble and I will use my Water bending only for good like I always have.” you replied playing with your necklace. “Yeah you’re my friend and Mai’s basically sister.” He replied, rubbing your arm. “I want to live with my other half.” you said and Mai squealed. Odd of her to do. “You never told me you had a boyfriend!!” you looked away. “I love that person more than anything..outside..I would like you to meet.” you walked over to the balcony. Azula turned around. She went and kneeled down. “Its an honor to see you FireLord Zuko.” She said, looking at him. It wasn’t Mai she was worried about but her brother. The one she has hurt her entire life. The person she tried to kill. “Get up.” Zuko ordered. She obeyed. “ This is my girlfriend Azula.” You said. You were confused on why Zuko and Mai were upset. “What’s going on?” you asked. “ She’s Zuko’s little sister. Azula. She is a monster. How the hell did you fall in love with someone who has killed people and tried killing her own brother?” Mai said she was upset for sure but she also felt betrayed. “I’ve changed. I love y/n. I am happy with her. After the war it took some time for me to open my eyes and heart but I did. I met y/n only 6 months ago. We want to start a new life here. Please..if you wont accept me..at least allow her to live here peacefully.” Azula said. Her heart was aching on how they reacted but she expected that. How could she not. “ Zuko..Mai, I’m in love with Azula. I want to grow old with her. She’s my life and world. Please consider it.” You cried. They just stood there without saying a word. Azula held you close. She did that because she felt like it would be the last time she’d ever see you before they’d take and lock her up, for all the pain, suffering she committed and war crimes. Zuko saw how much they truly love each other. How you were certain she was the one for you. “Look you know what..We don’t care if you don’t accept our relationship but I love her and we think we start-” You were cut off by Zuko. “You can live here..only in the palace. That way I can keep a close eye on Azula. The world doesn’t need to suffer again. Azula..you are my little sister
so I’m giving you a chance..I don’t trust you yet..You better love Y/n to death. Do not hurt her in any way. If you do, you'll regret it.” He replied walking away getting your room ready. Azula carried you and spun you around. You giggled then kissed her as she set you down. Mai coughed. You two stopped. “Right s-sorry.” Azula said. “You girls will have a room to have fun.” Mai said. You blushed and your cheeks felt hot. “Mai!!” you yelled. Azula looked at her and smirked. You girls couldn’t help but laugh loudly. Zuko heard you all laughing and he smiled. "I'm glad she found someone. Azula you got blessed." He spoke.
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auxcordlawd · 11 months ago
Part 6: Wandering Thoughts of a Ravenclaw
Summary: Easter break continues
Word Count: 2165
Warnings: 18+ readers only, age gap (all parties 18+), student and teacher, making out, slight aggression from male to (y/n), swearing, masturbation
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Thursday morning you woke up in peaceful bliss. You felt as if you were dreaming until you smelled that beautiful smell, of Severus Snape, old books, the smell of lingering potions, a hint of wine. You truly knew you weren’t dreaming when you felt him move under you. Somehow you had moved from your separate sides of the bed, and were laying on his chest with his arm draped lazily around your waist. You soaked in the feeling of being so close to him, in his bed, in his room, in his clothes. He stirred under you, slowly waking up. “Good morning, miss (y/l/n).” He noticed your surprise at his comfort with you in his arms and sat up, gently pushing you towards your pillow. “I’m sorry, you kept moving towards me in your sleep, you were having nightmares-“
“Severus, I’m not mad at all. I want this more than you know. I want you.” You said sitting up.
“I’m aware.” He stated sounding more professional than you’d like, “This cannot happen again. I wanted to be available for you after last night, but as I stated, this cannot happen. If you need to talk my door is always open, but only to talk.” He said in his low and slow usual tone.
You felt hurt by his sudden professionalism, you felt like you were being struck by daggers at each word. You felt so stupid feeling so much for this man, your professor. What he said what logical and likely for a smart professor, but you felt like you two had been past the niceties.
“Fine. If you want me as your student and nothing more, then fine.” You stormed out throwing on his robe, slamming the door behind you before he could respond. When you got to your common room you realized you left your shoes and clothes. You ripped of Snapes cloak once you reached your dormitory, landing on your bed crying.
How stupid to let yourself get such feelings for a professor. Professor Snape of all, the most angry, cynical, domineering man you've met. Once in your dorm room you threw his cloak in the corner. You had so many stupid boys after you, yet he was all you wanted. Why couldn’t he see what was in front of him, someone so in love, with all of him.
You stayed in your dorm for hours, yet it felt like days. You didn’t want to see him, or anyone for that matter. No doubt people were talking about your hasty exit from the party. Hannah and the girls most definitely wondered where you had gone, most likely assuming you had spent the night with that disgusting lech Zacharias.
Eventually you fell asleep for a few hours, hunger waking you. It was close to time that dinner would be served in the dining hall. You showered which felt like it took years off of you, the most refreshing shower you've taken in your life. You patted yourself dry and started to dress for dinner. You were starving yet wanted to look good, as to make up for the night before. You dressed in a little black dress with your house cardigan over it. You blowdried your hair which settled into a soft curl. Walking out of your dorm you couldn't help but glance over at the cloak crumpled in the corner.
You walked to dinner, with your head down. You looked quite disheveled to your norm. You sat down at the common table. Hannah shrieked your name. “What happened to you last night, the last we saw was you and that hunk Zacharias walking out of the bar.”
“Yeah..he is definitely less cute up close, and he’s tiny.” You added wanting to protect future females against him. Thankfully you had no idea of his true size, but prophesying him as small in the sack was a much nicer picture than you could of painted him.
“Wait! Like
down there?” Susan questioned enthusiastically.
“Well yeah, it was totally underwhelming. Between us girls, a regret.” You embellished. The other girls look let down by this news. You were grateful to their response. Thankfully no one else questioned your evening. The conversation switched back to a hot topic amongst the 7th years, bittersweet emotions of your final term. You did your best to keep your attention to the conversation but couldn't stop yourself from glancing up at the professors table to find Professor Snape missing. In fact you didn’t see him until the last day of break, picking at food at the professors table, avoiding your gaze. That evening you walked past his office to see if he was available, he wasn't.
That night as you were walking back to your common room you were stopped by a familiar Slytherin boy. “(Y/n) wait up!” He said lighting grabbing your wrist to turn you towards him. “Why didn't you respond to my letters?” He said looking truly hurt. “I’m sorry..” You said awkwardly removing your hand from his grip. “Is everything ok? You've been weird to me ever since I said..well.. you know.”
“I mean, honestly, I was shocked when you said that. We never even solidified our relationship, and you caught me off guard
” You stated sheepishly. You notice his aura shift, colder almost. “Thats why you got with that idiot after drinking at the Three Broomsticks, you were dressed all slutty I heard too.” He said harshly with a grimace.
You took a step back shocked. “Miles, I-“ “No, you strung me along, using me when you needed me while holding out. I followed you around for months and you whored yourself out to the first idiot to get you wasted.” “You don’t understand, let me explain-“ He cut you off again as he took another step towards you like you were his prey, grabbing your wrist much harder this time. “I’m done listening to you, you think you’re so perfect, but you’re a selfish bitch.” He was yelling at this point, and other students were watching.
“Bletchley!” A deep voice boomed causing Miles to release your wrist and step back.
Professor Snape grabbed Miles by the back of the neck with so much force you were sure it was going to snap. “Everyone else, common room. Now!” He said dragging Miles to his office without even a glance to you. You stood there for a moment, not moving from the spot Miles left you. Your mind was swirling with a million different thoughts. You noticed Hannah standing there looking almost as shocked to you, she walked up to you with trepidation. “Are you..okay?” “..yeah. I’ve never seen that side of him.” “Well, he is a Slytherin.” “Yeah..I guess I now know who he really is.” Hanna linked arms with you and walked you to your common room. Hugging you before she left. You struggled to sleep that night, waking up feeling quite cruddy for your first day of your last term.
You went through your first day of classes dreadfully slowly, made worse by the gossip mongers giving you knowing and judgy looks. The next day was not much better. Hannah and Susan found you after dinner and asked you to join them in the library to go over the syllabus for your final DADA term, knowing how well you did on your last exam. After over an hour of studying you noticed the girls seemed “I don’t understand how you learned so much after our series of teachers ending with the worst one. I barely passed that last test.” Susan said leaning back in the deep ottoman crossing her arms. “Yeah, no one scored near your score (y/n).” Hannah stated shoving her books away. “Well first, Professor Snape is the best DADA professor we’ve had. Second I can’t fail, theres no way they would take me next year, I study every night!” “Wait, you think Snape is the best professor we’ve had?” Hannah teased with an eyebrow raised. “Maybe all those detentions were cozier than we thought. I mean he did suspend Miles, a Slytherin for Godrics sake.” You looked down at your lap trying to hide the growing redness in your face. “He would do that for anyone.” You snapped. Susan laughed “Are you blushing?!” “You guys are just embarrassing!” You said standing up gathering your books. “Noo, we we’re just messing around!!” Hannah said pleading in a playful tone. “It’s late, I’m going to bed. See you two in class tomorrow.” You said turning on your heel leaving them behind in the library.
You woke up early that morning, with your professors robe covering you. You loved being able to smell him while you sleep, wishing you could be waking up in his bed again, with him under you. You slowly got out of bed and began getting ready for your day. You wore your comfy Ravenclaw sweater and your shortest skirt, wanting to look devastatingly good so Severus couldn’t help but look at you. You pulled your hair in a messy bun, pulling some pieces out to frame your face. You applied some mascara and some lip gloss, and threw your bag over your shoulder.
Thankfully it seemed there was new gossip so you were barely getting any looks, aside from a few scowling Slytherins who you recognized as Miles’ friends. Your first few classes were going smooth. You were even asked by your potions professor if you’d like to be an assistant in your class, meaning you wouldn’t have to partake in the class, only assist with grading, helping students, etc. Next was DADA, and you had mixed emotions, and lot of them. You sat in your desk with nerves, your leg shaking uncontrollably. The door shut with a slam. “Open your books to page 394.” Snapes voice boomed in his deep voice. The lesson about werewolves went well, as you studied this material over break. However, Snape barely even looked your way. After assigning a lengthy essay about the difference between a werewolf and an animagus, he dismissed you all. Hannah and Susan walked up to you, Hannah asking “Wanna go take a walk with us near the lake?” “Uh.. maybe I need to ask Professor Snape a question..about the um- the essay.“ You said hoping they wouldn’t make anything out of it. “Uh, okay.” Susan said giving Hannah the side eye with a knowing smile. They linked arms leaving you alone in the classroom with Professor Snape.
You cleared your throat and stood, smoothing your skirt. You walked up to his desk, with him finally looking up at you as you were a few feet away from his desk. You saw his eyes shift up from your legs to your eyes. That alone made your heart jump. “Professor-“ “Yes miss (yln)?” He said standing up from his chair. “You- you said that you would continue mentoring me after my detention ended, and you ended it..” “I did say that..” Snape said trailing off, seeming to look for a way out of this. “Are you not a man of your word professor?” You looked up at him cockily. He stood in front of you crossing his arms, a slight smirk on his face. “Fine, tomorrow, my office after dinner.” He said motioning towards the door, telling you to leave. “Thank you, Severus.” You gave him a cheeky grin turning away from him, turning quickly so your skirt would flare out showing him a flash of your white panties. If he was going to protest you calling him by his first name, the move you just pulled silenced him. You took a last glance back seeing him gripping his desk tightly, eyes glued to you. Something dark and predatory was in his look, something that lit a fire in your core.
The rest of the night that stare was stuck in your mind. Laying in your bed your thoughts were fighting sleep. His hands gripping that desk, picturing them gripping you. You started to trail your hand down your leg, up your night dress. You were rubbing yourself at the memory of being in his bed, in nothing but his sweater and your thong. The feel of his hand wrapped around your waist. The memory of his hand trailing your neck in his office and his is tongue in your mouth. Last but certainly not least the feeling of his desperately hard erection beneath his pants. You were so close, so much pent up energy wishing you could let it out on him. The smell of his cloak drove you over the edge. You came harder than you ever had, screaming his name grinding your heat into your hand needfully. You had hoped this would clear your mind but still he was there. You thought of nothing else for hours until you finally fell asleep. Curled in his robes. Tomorrow couldn’t come sooner.
Part 6 https://www.tumblr.com/auxcordlawd/747298692121477120/part-7-wandering-thoughts-of-a
Tags; @yurfavmommy
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year ago
The Lifeaters (I.6)
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VI. Christmas with the Malfoys
Chapter Summary: You winter holidays couldn’t be better, well
 maybe they could, but still they were pretty good
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, might miss some warnings, you got to know, this is placed in a very “high class” wizard society so we will deal with classist comments and other things. 
Wordcount: 3,1 k
Notes: Maybe i can make the ten chapters, no promises though hehe
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You wasted no time in redecorating your room with everything that you could find that was of an emerald green color, like the canopy in your bed, you were so happy, and your aunt seemed so proud
You admired a photo that you had atop your dresser, of her with your mother, both in their slytherin uniforms outside the gates at Hogwarts, you looked just like her, according to anyone who had met her.
Your father had also been in Slytherin, but you had no picture of him that you know of.
Soon it was Christmass eve, the 24th, and you were excited for the presents, but also, for the rest of the traditions, you had been at it since the 21st, the log had been burning in your chimney, beautiful arrangements of mistletoe, pine, ivy and others were hanging from the chandeliers and over the doors, to bring  fortune in the year to come
It was a pagan celebration
You wore a crown made from the same plants, as did your aunt, as you had a wonderful dinner on Christmas Eve
“It arrived a huge cradle with gifts from France”, she said with a wide smile as she wiped her mouth with a silk handkerchief
“Are we going in the Summer?”, you asked
“If you’d like to”
“I would”, you answered quickly 
“Great, because I need to test the creams I have been making in the lab”
“The ones that help with the recovery of the skin after catching Dragonpox?”, you asked softly
“Yes, exactly”, she answered with a smile. You admired your aunt, she was so talented and smart, and breathtakingly beautiful
Normally, you would be at the Malfoys for the 24th, but your aunt insisted to spend it just the two of you, maybe you preferred this way too
 is there anyone you like in your class?”, she asked with a giggle
 not really”, you whispered sadly
“Oh no
 I know that look”, she teased gently
“There is this boy that is cute, but he is a bit
 of an idiot”, she snorted out a laugh, “and there’s this other one, who is also cute but
 he is
 very mean”
“Well, let’s just start by the idiot”
“I say he is an idiot because when they asked him why he was studying with me so much he blamed it on me, and said that it was probably because I fancied him, and it was because he didn’t undersnt it”, you told him upset
“No he didn’t!”, she screeched
“Yes he did! can you believe that? he is not THAT cute, besides
 I don’t think he is an idiot because he doesn’t understand potions
 but because of how he lied!”
“How is he like?”, she asked back
“Well, he had like.. dark, very dark blonde hair, with big green eyes that are shaped in a way that looks a bit sad”, you told her
“He sounds like a cutie”, she encouraged, “what’s his name?”
“Theodore Nott”, you answered
“Oh yeah, that rings a bell”, she whispered, with concern, “what about the other?”
“Matthew Gaunt”, you answered, and again she frowned, “he is very handsome but.. he is kind of mean
he has like chocolate brown curls, and big brown eyes and
 thick eyelashes that flutters when he does something mischieving”
“Mischieving?”, she asked, entertained
“He put a exploding potion underneath the desk of Mr Filch, and his cat’s tail caught fire”
“Can’t believe that old mop is still alive!”
“Hey, she is a pretty cat!”, you defended
“I was referring to Mr Filch”, she laughed back 
“Yeah, I guess he always looks like he is going to have a fit or something”, you murmured 
 what about Matthew then?”, her sparkle in her eyes had dwindled 
“I don’t know he
 is strange”
“How strange?”, she pressed
“We were carving pumpkins and bringing them to life, but he
 brought him to life and then started carving”, you whispered the last part
“Oh Merlin”, she whispered
“And he is mean
 to others, and bothers the ones that do well in class, like, if you study or anything
“Well, love you don’t have to be friends with everybody
”, she said with a simple smile, “and that is perfectly alright”
“I know but he is in Slytherin, and in all my classes, and hangs out with Draco and the others”
“Well, that’s the thing about first semester, some groups form, then they mutate, more people come in, a few may drop, and it will happen through the years”, she said caressing your arm over the table, “it happens, don’t be sad, you’ll have plenty of friends, but don’t ever doubt about protecting them, right?”
“Right”, you said surely
“Follow your heart”, she encouraged, “we might not be Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs, but Slytherins are fiercely loyal to their own”
“You are right!”, you giggled 
“besides, you can still meet nice people from other houses”
“They always treat us poorly because we are in Slytherin”, you said with a frown
“That can’t be true!”
“Sometimes it is, besides, Harry Potter
“Harry Potter is in your year? so it was true!”, she said with a honest surprise
“Yeah he is, everything is about him! is so annoying”
“How is he doing? in his classes and all?”
“He is playing as a Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team”
“Yeah and it's so annoying, Professor Mcgonaggal even gifted him a Nimbus 2000! Can you believe that? Is that even fair?”
“A professor got him a professional racing broom?, you are right that does seem sketchy, but cut him some slack he
 doesn’t have any parents, he is alone
“Neither do I!”, you answered
“He was raised by muggles! far from magic, until he got his letter he probably didn’t know ANYTHING!”, she defended, she made you feel a bit guilty
“Yeah, you are right, but he is still annoying”, she laughed, “Draco hates him very much”
“Do you hate him very much?”, she asked then
“No, you told me to never hate anyone”
“Well it's true”, she answered back with a soft smile, “don’t ever forget that”, she muttered, you shook your head
“Can we open presents?”, you asked then
“Tomorrow morning”
“Yes”, she insisted with a soft smile, “it’s tradition”
So the very next morning, your aunt and you were sitting on the livingroom floor, with matching pajamas, going through the big box of presents, so far you had gotten the set of this season body creams and lotions, a silk pajama, and a silver jewelry set, of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet, from a famous parisian jeweler 
The funny part is that your aunt has gotten the same things but in her size and tastes.
“Alright, this one’s from me”, she said, giving you a heavy looking package, it wasn’t big enough to fit a broom, and you were getting discouraged 
“And this one from me”, you answered sweetly, giving her back a smaller package
You opened the big box and you laughed wholeheartedly when you saw it, the entire official gear of the best French Quidditch team, the Quiberon Quafflepunchers. It was world renowned because the robe was hot pink, with small details in black and white
“I know you said Holyhead Harpies, but
“This is so much better!”, you laughed
“Remember when we went to that game when you were little?”
“With the french ministry of magic, how could I forget?”, you said fondly. It was one of the first and fondest memories you ever had. The best game they have ever played
“I had it autographed”, she said, grabbing the robe and sure enough, on the inside with gold letters were the signatures of the current team. “And it will grow with you, as will adapt to your size”, she said excitedly
“This is so much better”, you said sincerely
“Well, it had to be French instead, you know? our family in France are going to think that I’m educating you poorly”, she laughed
“You are not!”, you giggled, “your turn!”, you said excitedly, and she opened hers
She opened her present, it wasn’t much but you had make it yourself, it was a scrapbook filled with pictures of the two of you
“I love it”, she said with a wide smile, she looked at you and sighed, “I know you were expecting something else”
“No I’m not”, you said quickly
“First years are not allowed a broom and they are dangerous, alright? next year when you make the team
“If i make the team”, you corrected
“When you make the team”, she corrected back, “I’ll think about it, alright?”, she insisted, you nodded, “and a dragon
 apparently, you need a special dispensation, ministry-issued to have one, even if it is small, apparently, just as easy as you can make them small, you can make them big again”, you laughed
“It’s fine, and I don’t think Umbra would appreciate a little sibling that could set her feathers on fire”
“That’s my girl”, she whispered, “how about we put this spa supplies for good use? we have a nice calm girl’s day until the ball?”
“I thought we were invited to spend the day”, you murmured
“We were, but they will have other friends over”, that was odd, it was, but you didn’t say anything as you smiled at her and nodded enthusiastically
So all day you spend it in your pajamas, eating delicious food, reading Yule stories, and doing a spa day. 
The night came pretty quickly actually, and even though it was more of an adult party, you were excited to see your best friend, and the rest of your friends. 
“You look so beautiful, my sweet little girl”, your aunt was dressed with crimson red silk robes, and you in turn, she had dressed you in all an shimmering white glitter dress, you didn’t like it, you felt like you couldn’t eat with this on, but she looked so happy to see you dressed like this you didn't say anything. She even put a big glittery bow in your head the same color
The chimney had been clean to perfection, but that was not going to be the method of transportation for the evening, she grabbed your hand and walked you out of the house, and even further, out of the guards around them, and then, you apparated.
You didn’t like it, you always felt like you were some sort of gum someone just grabbed and stretch, but soon, it was over, and you apparate in a hill, just feet away from the guards of the Malfoy manor, it only took a couple of steps, and then the huge mansion was right there in front of you, hidden from muggles and people who were ignorant to its location
It was roaring with life, you could tell, every single room in that house was lit up, and you could hear the music from even outside the grounds
You walked towards the entrance, your feet making a sound you liked over the grabble. 
Once you were received by a house-elf, the entire atmosphere changed, the loud music, and delicious smell hit you hard as soon as you crossed the threshold 
Something was off, you could tell because when Narcissa saw you both, she actually had a look of relief on her face. Hugging your aunt tightly and then her eyes thrifted to you, and lit up when she saw you
“You look so beautiful”, she said with a long sigh, kissing the top of your head
“We brought you something”, your aunt said, delivering a huge basket with your family’s products, “Happy Yule”
“Happy Yule”, she said back, promising your gifts for when you go back home so you didn’t have to have them on hand all night. Draco came rushing as soon as she saw you 
“Happy Yule!”, he said quickly, hugging you
“Happy Yule Draco”, and you offered him your gift you had bought for him
“Thank you, let’s go play”, he said, grabbing your hand and leading you away almost running 
“Everyone is here!”, he said, “the Notts, the Parkinsons, the Bullstrodes”, all pure bloods you thought, “You look like a snowflake”
“oh wow, thanks”, you said sarcastically, “you look like your hair had been licked backwards by a grindylow”, you answered defensively, he frowned back at you
“Hey at least mine was a compliment”, well snowflakes were beautiful
“Sorry, I’m a bit uncomfortable”, the beads on your dress tickled your belly and under your arms. “you don’t look like you were licked by a grindylow”, he looked like always, his hair meticulously combed backwards. “You look nice”, he was dressed in classical robes, with a white shirt
“Did you get the Nimbus 2000?”, you asked Draco, drastically changing subjects before your reached the others in the other room, he barely shook his head
“No”, that truly did surprised you, “He said that until I was in the Quidditch team I could get it”
“My aunt said something similar”, you muttered, that next year maybe
“I got like a thousand new robes though”, he said with a look in his eyes that told you he didn’t want you to tell anyone, “what did you get?”
“Just some jewelry, a pajama, and the best present ever”, you giggled
“Did you get your dragon?”, he asked, truly interested
“No, but I got the riding gear of the Quiberon Quafflepunchers”
“What, really?”, he asked
“Yes! It's still pink! gorgeous!”
“That’s awesome”, he admired, “but I thought you wanted the one of the Holyhead Harpies”
“The Holyhead Harpies had a terrible season and they are not France’s champions for ten years straight”, you mocked back, and he laughed
“Good point”
“And their uniform is pink!”, you insisted
In the other room, next to the Ballroom, there was another receiving room, which was nice as well, but today is where you all were hanging out in
Gregory and Goyle were standing next to the table with the snacks, and in the center, sitting around in the armchairs and sofas were the others of Slytherin, Matthew, Theodore, Pansy, Milicent, Daphne, almost everyone, Blaise was missing, he was nice.
“Basilik!”, called Matthew, a smile on his face and a non-alcoholic butterbeer in his hand
“Happy Yule!”, you greeted, Vince smiled warmly at you, and he offered you from his plate a chocolate muffin
“Thank you!”, you said kindly, and he smiled warmly at you
“Happy Yule”, they were all looking their best for the occasion, even MIlicent that was wearing a beautiful silvery “muggle dress” according to her
Don’t tell anyone, but you didn’t see the difference
Perhaps between older people’s clothes, they wore robes, and muggle wore separate pieces of clothing, but, in children? not so much for what you had seen, at least not in dresses
“You all look beautiful”, Matthew had a scowl on his face at this, his robes didn’t fit him well, you believed they were Draco’s, and he was smaller than Matt
Of all the people that were here, Draco never mentioned the Gaunt family, where they here? if Matthew was spending christmas with the malfoys maybe they were on vacation like Blaise’s mother
People started leaving, but a couple stayed, since the Manor was huge, it had many rooms, your aunt, living so close, wanted you both to leave, but Narcissa grabbed onto her arm and looked her into her eyes to ask her to let you stay at your request, so she agreed, she summoned with her wand your new pajama set, kissed your forehead goodbye, and promised to be back tomorrow for brunch like it was custom
Greg and Vince stayed, so they took Matthew to their room, Draco and you, on the other hand, sneaked to his room, to exchange your presents
He got you a beautiful jewelry box
“My mom chose the present”, he said carefully, you opened to reveal a beautiful song, and a small mermaid inside, brushing her hair and singing, the entire interior of the box was dark blue velvet, and the rest seemed to be some sort of a precious black stone, “but I chose the color and the type, see? I knew you’d like it”
“I love it!”, you said with a wide smile. He opened his own present, it was a pair of riding gloves, made with dragon skin, they were supposed to be the best ones for seekers, and you had them monogrammed with his initials in each thumb.
“I love them!”, he said smiling back, “the best ones in the market, the ones Roderick Pumpton uses!”, he admired
“You’ll need them to be seeker next year, there are the ones that grow with you, and regenerate when they break”
“Thank you”, he said sincerely
The door opened suddenly and the boys entered
“Are we interrupting?”, Matthew teased, “Are you kissing?”, you and Draco both reacted with your best disgusted faces
“No we are not kissing!”, he answered quickly
“Who wants to hear some scary stories?”, asked Greg, and you were not convinced, but you didn’t want to be considered a coward, so you accepted 
You shouldn’t have
You couldn’t sleep even if you left the door open letting all the light from the hallway into the room, fearing the headless troll was going to come inside your room at any moment, impossibly sneaking into the Manor looking for little children to decapitate. So you sneaked into Draco’s room and hugged him tightly 
The very next day your aunt came back for brunch as promised, and you were relieved to see her, but no time, in the daytime you couldn’t see headless trolls decapitating children, so you and Draco, with Gregory, Vince and Matt, used your new Quidditch gear to go play in the huge ground behind the Manor, where Uncle Lucius had installed the hoops for you both to practice. 
So your aunt summoned for you your new gear and your Quicksilver 2.0
You looked like a firework, with your hot pink robe flying around trying to score, you were playing all against Vince, who had to stay in the gate as a keeper
You had no snitches so Draco couldn’t quite practice his coveted position, but he was a fair good chaser, Matthew was too determined to hit you with a bludger but you managed to dodge them all
It was a fun Winter break 
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i-promise-i-am-not-on-drugs · 6 months ago
Allllllll right, 08×02 rewatch rambling, let's go!!
This episode is going to make me emotional, I know that all ready.
1) Hopper and the scientists (+the demodogs ig)
Hopper: You sure 'bout that glass?
Bro was so real for that--
2) Mike and Bob
My boy's so smart :3
3) Demogorgons (+dead scientists ig)
Yay, death! :D (/j)
4) Mike, Will, Joyce, and Bob
I already said that and I'll say it again: Mike's so smart, I love my son.
And here is the famous "Ur Mom!" scene lol-- (sorry)
Alright, more seriously, seeing Will like must have been mildly traumatizing for Mike and Joyce don't you think? :(
Also, that one shoot of Mike slapping his hands on his ears to not ear Will... Poor boy must have felt so guilty, even if he knew it was the best thing to do. :((
5) the camera room (or something)
Holy cow.
Alright, I'm going to talk about my boy!! :D
Because there's never enough opportunities to talk about Mike's traumas <33
Imagine being Mike Wheeler, a 12 year old boy who's best friend is being possessed by some supernatural monster that is trying to murder everyone and everything around it. And now, you're locked in a room with lots of adults that you know very little to nothing about (except Joyce), and you're seeing in live people being killed and devoured by some other supernatural creatures that are also trying to murder and eat everything and everyone around them. AND, on top of that, all lights just went off for no apparent reasons. Also, you're feeling extremely guilty of all this because you think you could've prevent all of it from happened, if only you asked your best friend to have a sleepover with you a year before that. And how easy would've that been? It's not like you couldn't have done it, you just "weren't in the mood" that night, so of course it's your fault Michael!!--
Anyway. You got me. :)
6) the Mayfield house
Ew, Neil.
I still dislike Billy, but even this guy doesn't deserve to be treated like that. :(
(He was looking pretty good too! I like his eyes.)
7) Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Steve
I love Dustin and Lucas's fight honestly, it really shows how important the rules and honestly are for the party. (Also shows how different their's and byler's fight was--)
Max: No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you headed towards the sound??
No because she's so real for that honestly, they were pretty dumb here ToT
8) the Lab
The way Mike's nerdy brain most likely know some BASIC and Hopper doesn't even know what it is lol--
Also, I'm like 80% sure that Dr.Owens know BASIC (at least enough to do what they were talking about) and just didn't want to go on a suicide mission. ._.
Anyway, I already feel sad for Bob help me :((
9) Stoncy, Lumax, and Dustin
Jonathan and Nancy were flabbergasted to see Steve here lol--
Also, Max must be so confused like "...Who are these people again?"
9) Bob
Poor man would've been traumatized as hell if he was still alive. :(
10) Stoncy and the kids
Why are you so agressive Dustin? Poor Jonathan was doing the same thing as you did! ToT
11) Bob (+others)
He's so smart he's so smart I'm so sad AAAAAHHHH!! :(((
NOOOOO, don't forget the guuunnn!!! àŒŒâ ;â ÂŽâ àŒŽàș¶â Â â ÛÂ â àŒŽàș¶â àŒœ
(Also, Dustin's "I did it! :D" was so cute lol)
12) Hopper, Mike, Will, and Joyce
They way they were so fucking lucky to get out without seeing any Demogorgons ToT
13) Bob and Owens
àŒŒâ ;â ÂŽâ àŒŽàș¶â Â â ÛÂ â àŒŽàș¶â àŒœàŒŒâ ;â ÂŽâ àŒŽàș¶â Â â ÛÂ â àŒŽàș¶â àŒœàŒŒâ ;â ÂŽâ àŒŽàș¶â Â â ÛÂ â àŒŽàș¶â àŒœ
(and also because he's a slow runner, but let's not ruin the mood.)
14) Joyce, Hopper, Mike, Will, and Jancy
(â àŒŽàș¶â Â â à·Žâ Â â àŒŽàș¶â )
The way Mike runs to hug Joyce and push her to the car (⁠╄O╄⁠)
15) Everyone
16) "Bob"
I did NOT need to see that by the way. The 3D model thing is making me a bit uncomfortable.
17) Everyone
Joyce :(((
Mike trying to lift the other's mood while still being in shock of seeing so many people (INCLUDING BOB) dying in front of him :((((
The kids are so intelligent I love them <33
And you're also going to HATE your own idea in approximately 15mins. Yahoo.
Stancy... Yeah no. Break up already please.
Lucas and Dustin's talk ToT
Honestly I feel like Mike's trying to push Max away because he's scared that if he lets her actually be in the party, it would mean that he takes responsibility on her (because he's the paladin yk), and he doesn't want that because he feels like he's already failing everyone on that part. He doesn't want to feel responsible for someone else's life turning even more shitty.
Also, he's probably trying to not "remplace" El. (Survivor's guilt, yk?)
Jonathan and Joyce... I guess they're never escaping this realistic VS optimistic thing. :(
(I'm going to call this patched up place "interrogation room'' because yes.)
18) Byers house (Dustin, Nancy, Steve, Lucas, and Max)
Max: Yeah but.. But if he finds us?
Lucas:... Judgement day.
I mean, you can say it like that.
19) Interrogation room (Will, Joyce, Jonathan, Hopper, and Mike)
Mike bitting his nails off and hiding his hands under his armpits to try to comfort himself.. :((
Also, the light are flittering!! Will's powers??
MIKE'S EEEYYYYESSSS AAAAAAHHHH (â àŒŽàș¶â Â â à·Žâ Â â àŒŽàș¶â )
Joyce's monologue is just making me so happy... Imagine a little 8 years old Will, drawing his huge rainbow ship with this new(!!) 120(!!!) crayon set. He must have been so happy. :')
Jonathan's monologue toooo... My babies. :(
I really want to see them make castle byers honestly.
(alright, time for the big dealℱ)
Also, can we talk about how Joyce and Jonathan had shoots of other people's faces during their monologue, and Mike absolutely didn't? It's just him and Will. MikeandWill, WillandMike, always.
Also, the way Hopper was just standing there like "🧍" LMAO--
20) Everyone (-Will)
Steve: What's that?
All the kids: Morse code.
21) Interrogation room
(vibbing with "should I stay or should I go")
All of those little monologues are so sweet ToT💕
I especially love the truck one, Will is literally the kindest, sweet, most adorable little boy in the world, and I love him so much.
22) Byers house
Holy hell, phone murder.
23) interrogation room
Yep, they're cooked! Baked as bread!! Fried as chicken!!! :'D
24) Everyone
Max: Is it dead?
Well I mean, I hope so--
Bro the long mileven eyes contact is making me almost uncomfortable, the both look high help ToT
Annnd, here comes the end of this episode!!! I'll probably do the last one tomorrow.
It was nice to write everything down like this, tho I don't think I'll be doing it while rewatching ST3 and ST4 because it's very time consuming. (This episode is 48 minutes long and I've been here for literally two hours help me out ppl)
I really like this episode, but I do think that if the last one was very plain, then this one was extremely crowded. Still loved it tho!! :)
Alright, thank you for reading my rant lol, have a nice day/night/whatever!
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maximura · 1 year ago
Favourite KPOP Songs of 2023
So I am 3 days late posting this but I wanted to do it to keep up the tradition. It's fun looking back at old lists. My criteria isn't so much based on technical merit but rather the songs that I wanted to listen to over and over again for whatever reason.
Cupid by Fifty Fifty. No doubt, this is social media's song of the year. I have never seen a song that is actually good become so organically viral, only to be reduced to absolutely nothing because of abysmal management. Not even New Jeans was this widespread this year (to me). Cupid was playing at my local supermarket and even people who know nothing about kpop loved this song. It ranks low for me because I'm definitely sick of hearing it by now. Regardless, it is still a very well written pop song.
Ayo by NCT 127. Okay, hear me out: NCT is like durian. You either completely understand why it is called the King of Fruits or you think I should be put in jail for saying that. If you are a brave connoisseur who refuses to be confined by societal pressure, then know what it's like to open your third eye and consume NCT for what they are: completely weird but never boring. It's an experience. If you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you.
Tinnitus by TXT. Temptation is my least favourite TXT album from the last 3 years but I think that is mostly due to how much I hated Sugar Rush Ride. I've been re-listening to a lot of their material again and okay, I'll give this one a pass: it's a mood. Thanks Kang Taehyun. I don't know if it was very intentional but his voice is all I hear on the final version. Man, that dude's voice always gets me somehow, I don't know how he does it.
Rover by Kai. It's not even that good of a song and yet, it was everywhere and I was gaslit into liking it. The viral dance made it the hit it became but to be fair, much of this was really down to his star power and ability to make really good choices that suit his strengths (dance first, vocals second). This is EXO Kai we are talking about after all; when he delivers, he really delivers. New Gen boys can take some notes.
Drama by Aespa. This is like Asian Junk Food. It's objectively so terrible, full of empty calories, no nutritional value but they took the Terrible and sprinkled MSG on it, so now it's TastyTerrible. As someone who wants to learn film editing, the MV is excellent and an example of top tier editing without choppy cuts. I have not noticed editing this neat and time consuming since Seventeen's 'HOT'.
Back To Me by The Rose. A group with solid talent and well written songs. I wish every success for them to be honest. I am posting the live video because they are one of those groups who are better live and won't give you The Fear watching it. I wish I could've seen them because I genuinely just love their voices and sound. They've filled the void left behind by Day 6.
Hard by Shinee. It's just your typical weird and perfect Shinee pop song but with a distinctly 90s flavour in my opinion. They are just all so talented that it's virtually impossible to ignore them. SM production is always so slick but with Shinee it is something to gild the lily rather than hard carry the entire song and group. Onew vocals never takes a day off, he was flawless even in the raw recordings.
Kitsch by IVE. It's just so cute and comforting in the way a harmless little pop song can be. It's like a fresh breeze. There's no pressure to do anything but enjoy it. In the absence of Blackpink, they are definitely my favourite girl group at the moment.
This World by Ateez. I do actually prefer it to Bouncy because it has that dystopian and almost gothic feel to it. I don't think it would've made a good title track because it's not as explosive as Bouncy but it 100% would fit into a movie or montage sequence. It absolutely goes so hard in the car, especially at night.
Flower by Jisoo. I think this was just a very smart choice for her and her team. It did not have anything too complex or overly dramatic. It suits her elegance and brand perfectly. It was also very pleasant and kinda of prettily boring? The dance was very popular and cute without being obnoxious. She is very much a Great Gowns Beautiful Gowns and "Go on girl, give us nothing!" idol but I have a soft spot for her. I can't believe we live in a world where Jisoo has the best Blackpink solo song.
3D (Alternate Version) by Jungkook. I did not like it when it was released (with that awful rap feature) but the purely Jungkook and performance versions of it really improved everything. I am really happy that Golden is as good as it is, because I think most Jungkook stans from 2013 lived in fear he would only release Mid Tier pop songs. I think most features on the album are unnecessary. Jungkook has presence and star power on his own. Everything else diluted what we all came for.
Blue Blood by IVE. It's an unexpectedly more mature sound from them and I loved it. I think the driving backing track makes this one of the best driving songs. It has this dark eloquence to it, which I always vibe with. One of their best B sides for sure.
Off The Record by IVE. This was the best track off their album this year. That title track was heinous. OTR was so calm and comforting and there is something about it that reminded me of Gfriend and OhMyGirl where it's just a good song with any histrionics. I do not think IVE suit that bad girl crush concept at all. They always had this expensive High Teen aura and it really took at hit with Baddie imo.
Ring (Unplugged/Acoustic Version) by TXT. This isn't cheating, they released this one on a July 2023 album. Even if it was cheating, I would've still put it on here. It's well written, well produced, well paced and suits everyone in the group. But personally, I always saw this as a Kang Taehyun song (even though he didn't even write it). His aura is all over it. Controversial opinion but I think this has one of Yeonjun's best rap verses because the slower tempo works so much better for his voice and flow.
Crazy Form by Ateez. Ah the Male version of Junk Food with MSG. I don't think it's anywhere near their best song but it's a good fun time and after the tough year(s) we have all had, it's nice to jam to something silly. It's very SKZ adjacent but in my opinion, with much better production and editing because the team behind Ateez are better at it. I'm also including this because it made me really see Jeong Yunho. If you know you know.
Roll With Me by Hyungwon/Shownu. Technically The H/S version of Wildfire is my favourite from them this year but since it wasn't official, I'll go with my second favourite release. It once again proves that Hyungwon is my favourite man (musically) in Monsta X. I like his style, tastes and instincts. It's true that he is my overall favourite in MX but I'm mature now! It's not just the visuals, I truly put his musical output as the number 1 reason I like him.
Standing Next To You by Jungkook. Listen, listen, listen.....I have been following this dude since 2013. I always KNEW he could give more and be more. Even though SNTY isn't even 100% of what I think he can do, it was enough for me to feel all these 10 years were not wasted lol. This deserved this stop purely for the instrumentation and production value alone. Granted, it is very westernised but good music is good music. This is the only time where a feature (remix) actually added something.
Silver Light by Ateez. The sister to Cyberpunk. It is really like its title: a sparkling God Ray of light that cuts through the darkness. It's mysterious but also so hopeful and comforting. They just scraped in with this at the last minute but it is already one of my absolutely favourite Ateez songs. Instant love from 1st listen. The type of song I wish I was more conscious and present for so I could go back to experience it again for the first time. Park Seonghwa supremacy because this is now a song I associate with him. He's not even my Ateez bias but he is my favourite and the most important Ateez member to me. How that works, I do not know.
My favourite song of 2023:
Chasing That Feeling by TXT. They achieved the trifecta in 2023 for me: favourite song, favourite lyric, favourite choreography. I'm not even going to link to the official MV because the choreography needs to be seen unobstructed and undiluted. This is the type of song that I barely have any critiques on (and if I did, they would all be minor). The type of song that I would put as my bio. The type of song I want my best friend to play at my funeral. This era was also the one that pushed Choi Soobin into my life when he knew damm well that my heart has been closed for business for the last 12 months. The power this song had on me was all consuming and cannot be overstated, ok?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year ago
I'm actually crying because I'm so proud of you for this. There is a lot under the cut, but Jordan, this is a work of art. More...
government email server...(okay yes, i am perfectly aware that our esteemed lieutenant commander would probably get kicked out of the navy for some of these emails
that being said, i also don’t particularly care! we’re playing fast and loose with the time stamps too because i may be smart, but math has never been a strong suit of mine!)
12/17 @ 6:19am
I’m still in my car typing this after having stayed for probably far too long watching your C-40 take off (like people were staring at me I was there so long)
The numbness is palpable. This is really raw from SA. It’s not often this guard is let down in such a way.
12/18 @ 5:46pm 
they invited me to stay for drinks (the prosecco was flowing
), but I wanted to head home. 
I feel seen.
I miss you so much already, it feels weird not going over to your place after work and making dinner and prepping lunch together - and it’s only been two days. I know you’re on a comms blackout for the next couple days, so I’m just gonna keep sending these so you’ll have a bunch to read all at once.
Spam him, darling heart x
12/19 @ 11:48am
(‘twas preemptively sent!)
The holiday sentiment. Fucking heart eyes.
But alas! Climate change is real and private jets account for 20x as many carbon emissions as commercial planes, so I am up at the ass-crack of dawn for this 7:15am flight.
She’d either be my best friend or the one that saw my eyes roll most. I think they’re one and the same tbh
12/23 @ 4:45am
I still don’t understand why you don’t fly into Oakland instead of SFO? Like I get it, you’re not a Spirit or SW girl, but kid
.it’s an hour and forty minute flight?
I cackled out loud – he never misses one second to call her out on her shit and it melts my poor, cold, old heart.
12/23 @ 9:08am
Oh her excitement. It’s just
 it’s honestly, the sweetest.
12/23 @ 8:53pm
You and me, hot date tomorrow night at 11:45pst - don’t be late. (And look cute.)
Brain stopped to think 24 hour time
 then realised it was AM. Cool cool cool cool

12/25 @ 11:38am
Ummm, not sure what you’re talking about, kid? That sounds like something Santa would do? Probably heard about how good you’ve been this year? x
Dying at Dadley Dadshaw’s dad jokes. And sad Dadley Dadshaw lost his dad so early.
12/30 @ 9:20am
it’s at this fancy venue and I have a cute black dress! It’s very different for me and I wish you were here to see it! I’ll have to wear it again.
Oh, this is  a dreamy dress!
01/02 @ 6:12am
You know you labeled the pictures wrong
luckily no one was behind me

01/06 @ 9:58pm
I think I get that, having you around this time makes it different. I’ve never had anyone to really write to while I’ve been away before. Sure, I talked to my grandparents when they were still around and my aunts and uncles, Nat, Ice, and a couple others, but not like this. And I don’t ever want to not feel like this again. 
Oh, my heart. My HEART! I am YEARNING.
01/10 @ 8:05am
Well, the exterminator got here around 7:30 and sprayed all this stuff and blocked the hole in the crawl space of the garage. He showed me pictures and let me tell you, there was quite the nest up there. These raccoons were living large over the holidays. 
Did I tell you about our rat situation? Long story short, if they aren’t humans, they aren’t invited.
01/16 @ 7:47am
Not to worry my little Barefoot Contessa, I have returned back to civilization (ie the internet), though am dismayed to have missed this mind blowing Succession episode? Has Perry Mason started back up again or will we be able to watch that together? 
Bob and I were in the gym earlier and he almost dropped a dumbbell on my foot, I swear my life flashed before my eyes. But I had a new PR on the bench press today, up to 285 pounds. Glad the cooking lesson went well though! What’s the class makeup like? x Bradley 
His train of consciousness is wild haha
01/18 @ 6:37pm
Can I send you a dossier with everything!?! Even if you say no to that I’m doing it anyway ;) just promise me you’ll think about it, please? I’ll do whatever you want, Bradley <3
01/18 @ 6:40pm
Yes, please send the dossier my way henceforth, Moneypenny. 
And you’ll do whatever I want, huh? Might have to send you a dossier of my own now

(But yes, I promise I’ll seriously consider everything. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to spend all this money to make me happy. I’d say we’d both be happy camping out on the beach, but I think that might be a security issue down there, plus neither of us like camping - anyway, you know what I mean.)
This is seriously me and my hubby – it generally comes down to what Cass wants, Cass gets because he spoils me endlessly, but it’s nice to be nice and it’s nice to be loved and see the world through the eyes of the one you love.
01/18 @ 6:46pm
I’d say ‘sleep tight,’ but that’s a given considering you haven’t been fucked in a couple weeks. 
(Perfect, I genuinely am really excited about it, just want to make sure it works out for us both.)
Love you so much, kid 
Your Bradley
01/18 @ 6:58pm
Bradley Bradshaw!! You did not just say that over a government email server! 
And here we goooo!
01/19 @ 10:11am
Luckily, I have a very creative imagination, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw. 
See right now, I’m in my office, sitting at my desk, feeling so overwhelmed. It almost hurts how overwhelmed and frustrated I am. And you bust down the door, hair windswept like you’d flown to Del Mar, and you have that slutty flight suit on and I don’t even mind that you’re sweaty and gross.
My brain just broke. No brrrr. Figuratively just melted from my ears.
01/22 @ 10:01am
Breaking news, kid. Your esteemed, naval aviator boyfriend is going to be on 60 Minutes at the end of February. Totally came out of left field, but I couldn’t say anything until they finished filming. It’s about the Navy in the Pacific and “the lost art of shipbuilding.” They even rigged up a camera on my plane and everything, it was so cool. I’ve been dying to tell you, but again couldn’t say anything until it was official. I probably won’t be on it long since they interviewed the Admiral and Pac Fleet Commander for most of it, but yeah, Payback and Bob and I will be on with my girl Norah. I made sure I had enough sunscreen on so I was camera ready at all times. Love you B
Bradshaw Goes Hollywood. Could you imagine the enlistments the next day, knowing that is what is on offer with the Navy? My word.
01/24 @ 8:22pm
Fuck - I love you so much. My clever girl.
I turn to mush when I’m called clever. Because I know, but when someone else reiterates it?
01/30 @ 7:08am
i slept in one of your shirts last night. it doesn’t smell like you anymore, but it feels like you: soft and safe and warm x
01/30 @ 10:33pm
I burrow my face in my pillow so I can smell it while I fist my cock, why? What’d you have in mind?
01/30 @ 10:37pm
How does that work though? Like genuinely? Do you jack off with Rueben in the top bunk? Or wait till he’s in the gym? I’ve been curious about this for a while now. What about the showers? Is it like an open floor plan thing? Or are there stalls? Is there a Zillow listing for this aircraft carrier?
01/30 @ 10:41pm
Now why would I ruin the mystery? 
He’s the smuggest motherfucker and I think that’s what I like most about him.
02/02 @ 6:46pm
Oh, so you and Rueben Theragun each other, huh? Say more Lieutenant Commander!
Honestly, this was my same reaction.
02/16 @ 3:18pm
Kid, you spoil me. This package is amazing, I don’t know where to start (just kidding it’s with the Cadbury chocolate and the Sudocrem as my burnt shoulders thank you), but everything is wonderful, thank you. I love hearing about London and seeing the pictures you sent last time. But I do have one complaint
you’re not in any of the pictures, kid, and that’s truly egregious. (Think we won’t be able to Facetime for a while, I gave Payback my slot the other day.)
I honestly love how smart Bradley is. So many connotations of him are dumb, just a dude, that he doesn’t have emotions, doesn’t think about him life. Then he uses egregious and I just
 I would die. My husband is a lot like Bradley Bradshaw. He is my Bradley Bradshaw. My old man x
02/26 @ 7:55pm
You looked tragically handsome, I practically had to hold back a moan when you were standing on the flight deck talking to Norah O’Donnell (is she as nice in person as she is on TV?). God, I want to ravish you, you sounded so fucking smart. You know like half the country is going to be in love with you now, right?
I’m so glad that this was touched upon, because Hollywood, you’d better move the fuck over. The real flyboy is here
 and I’m mush.
03/01 @ 10:05pm
Where are you going to have me first?
03/01 @ 10:06pm
In our bed, in our house, after you make me dinner in our kitchen. 
Sexual domesticationTM.
03/05 @ 8:54pm
Though she’ll forget to ask about you, she’ll tell me about her latest string of failed relationships with bartenders and surf instructors in Canggu. Or is it Ubud? I genuinely don’t remember, she started in Ubud, but honestly my knowledge of Balinese geography is rudimentary at best 
Somewhere I have been and knowwww
03/10 @ 3:26am
We had a little baby. He was always giggling and laughing and we were making silly faces and he looked so small in your arms, Bradley. So small and little and he was ours. And then I turned around and he was toddling around the house and we were chasing him and his little legs were moving so quickly and we all wound up on the couch in a tangle of limbs, giggling under the blankets as we tickled him and he called you daddy. 
It wasn’t our house - or what will be our house, I guess? Instead of the leather couch you have, it was white and big and wide and the three of us could easily fit on it, snuggled together. 
And I could feel your arms around me, rocking me back and forth. I could feel you humming in my ear and kissing my neck and telling me you loved me. I could feel it. I could feel you. I could feel him and you. And it was nice and I felt warm and safe and cherished and loved. Because I felt so much love for this little boy in my arms - the perfect mix of me and you. Everything felt right and perfect. 
Except when I rolled over in bed to tell you about it, I realized I was alone in my bed, in my apartment, and not in the house that we shared or with the little boy that looked so much like you and I haven’t felt so empty and sad since I can’t remember when. 
And I just miss you so much, Bradley. I know I can come across as glib and unfeeling sometimes and like this doesn’t affect me as much. But it does and sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst because I’ve never felt like this for anyone else before? It’s never been so easy for me to love someone and let them love me to the point that I always want to be beside them. And I know with your job - and mine - that can’t always happen, but god Bradley I wish you were here right now so you could hold me and tell me you loved me because I just want to feel your arms around me and know you’re real. I want to tell you about the little boy - the perfect mix of me and you. 
I love you rocketman x
I feel it was so above board, you know. sO it could be kept light and that they were okay, but they're aren't. The are magnets, need to be together. The lack of joy they bring each other kept at a level that wouldn’t concern the other, but this just broke my heart. This is her word vomit and her honesty and the only person that really understands her is Bradley.
03/12 @ 7:11pm
How do you always know exactly what to say? I’m sorry for springing that all on you, know it wasn’t exactly a quick/easy message, but I love that you knew exactly what I meant. My day’s always a lot easier on my heart when I hear from you, too. Love you x
Smart boys get it. They feel it in their hearts and bones and blood.
3/13 @ 10:39pm
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rocketman: part i - it's just my job five days a week
Summary: in which lieutenant commander bradshaw is on a three month special detachment in the pacific and the holidays have never felt lonelier for either of you. it's just three months, it'll be fine, right?
OR you and bradley write each other 159 emails
Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader 11.8k
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, suggestive dialogue, bradley needs to remember this is a government email server...(okay yes, i am perfectly aware that our esteemed lieutenant commander would probably get kicked out of the navy for some of these emails
that being said, i also don’t particularly care! we’re playing fast and loose with the time stamps too because i may be smart, but math has never been a strong suit of mine!) enjoy the companion playlist! rest of the series can be found here!
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12/17 @ 6:19am
I miss you already and I haven’t even left the parking lot. I’m still in my car typing this after having stayed for probably far too long watching your C-40 take off (like people were staring at me I was there so long)(and, yes, I looked up the name of the plane). Pete asked me if I wanted to get breakfast with him, but I said no. Felt too lost. Plus, I need to get ready for work. We’re going to get dinner on Wednesday before I head up to Berkeley Thursday morning, though!
Hope you have a safe transport and settle onboard quickly. I left you something in your duffle bag (yes, it’s safe to open around other people
head out of the gutter, Bradshaw).
Love you and stay safe, x
12/18 @ 5:46pm 
Just dropped off the gifts at the Junior League for Caroline’s adopt a child thing. She was completely in her element (they gave her a clipboard and a bullhorn!), though she did say we went wayyy too over the top. But little Carter asked for all that stuff! We couldn’t just not get it all for him? She also appreciated your wrapping skills, very impressed with the bows and tight corners. I met a couple of her friends there, which was nice and they invited me to stay for drinks (the prosecco was flowing
), but I wanted to head home. 
I miss you so much already, it feels weird not going over to your place after work and making dinner and prepping lunch together - and it’s only been two days. I know you’re on a comms blackout for the next couple days, so I’m just gonna keep sending these so you’ll have a bunch to read all at once.
All my love, x
12/19 @ 11:48am
My brother and Lauren decided to come out here for Christmas after all! My dad was so excited when he called me, but I think Mary’s a little less enthused. Feels like shit knowing we were the backup option for them. Apparently, Lauren’s mom is sick and the whole house is in disarray (not hard in that family
) so my dad is paying for them to fly in from New York tomorrow. I think it’ll be nice, we’ll almost have a full set (baring you, of course, my darling rocketman), so the house won’t be as lonely. Do you think we’ll get to talk on Christmas or Christmas Eve? You should be getting a package soon (‘twas preemptively sent!) and are under strict orders not to open it until Christmas Eve, buddy!
Going to dinner with Pete tonight, I’ll let you know how it goes. Amelia’s coming with us, but I don’t know about Penny? I hope they like the gifts we got them. I’m going to stop by your place, do a once over, and make sure the tree is ready for Pete to take, etc. before I leave on Thursday.
Love you and talk soon! x
12/20 @ 7:03am
House looked good! In my seat on the plane. If my morals were shakier, I would 1000% have taken Max up on his offer to fly me up to Berkeley. But alas! Climate change is real and private jets account for 20x as many carbon emissions as commercial planes, so I am up at the ass-crack of dawn for this 7:15am flight. I’ll message you when I land, love you!
12/20 @ 9:04am
Just landed - easy flight. Now to find my dad in arrivals

Love you, talk when you get the chance! x
12/23 @ 4:45am
Hey sweetheart! Back online and all settled in. I’m bunking with Payback and we actually have a pretty decent layout. He graciously offered to give me the bottom bunk, due to my ‘geriatric status.’ Honestly, I’m just glad I don’t have to sleep in the bunk room with the ensigns and rest of the crew. I forgot how noisy it is being on an aircraft carrier, which makes Payback’s snoring surprisingly pleasant. I’m glad he and Bob are with me. The rest of this squadron’s from Lemoore and Bob knows some of them. It’s interesting seeing him and Payback fly together, but they mesh really well.
Glad Mav is there to keep an eye on you. 
Okay, I had way too much fun picking out all those presents, so I really hope Carter loves them too. And please tell me you have a picture of Caroline yelling into the bullhorn? I can truly think of nothing scarier than Caroline Calloway ordering the young women of San Diego county around like Santa’s chief elf. And speaking of gifts, I loved my pictures. The one from the Christmas party is my favorite, did Fanboy take it? I saw him running around with his Pentax. When the hell did you have time to print it? I’ve got it hanging up in my bunk so I can see it every night. 
I still don’t understand why you don’t fly into Oakland instead of SFO? Like I get it, you’re not a Spirit or SW girl, but kid
.it’s an hour and forty minute flight? Live a little. And I think it’ll be nice having your brother and Lauren around for Christmas. How many people do you think it’ll be? I always loved seeing Christmas Eves with large families in movies and stuff, all the chaos and whatnot? But it’s just gonna be you five Christmas Day? I’ve heard rumblings that I might be first in line for a Facetime on Christmas Eve, so save some time for me too, kid. I’ll let you know for sure in a couple days. 
Okay, think we’re all caught up now. Talk soon and love you so much,
Your Bradley
12/23 @ 9:08am
Bubs! I read your email four times since I woke up, I can’t stop smiling. I’m glad you’re all settled in - Payback’s snoring and ageism aside haha. How’s the food? Do you want earplugs? A sleep mask? Are earplugs allowed for sleeping? What if you need to get up right away and you can’t hear? I could send you a white noise machine? Or is there a fear of hacking with that? I should’ve done more research on this before you left. Tell me if you need anything, I’ll send it out express! Oh, I’m just so happy to hear from you. Keep me posted!
Lots of love, x
12/23 @ 8:53pm
You and me, hot date tomorrow night at 11:45pst - don’t be late. (And look cute.)
Your Bradley
12/23 @ 8:55pm
I’ll be there 😉 Love you, x
12/25 @ 9:56am
Bradley Bradshaw you absolute sneak! How on Earth did you pull a Christmas miracle off!?! Mary said she had no clue, so I’m extremely impressed you got my dad to keep that secret!? I was totally not expecting another present from you? The cooking lessons and apron were more than enough - to say nothing about moving in together!?! I love the bracelet so much, you have no idea. I started crying when I opened it! Mary took a video, which I’m sure she’ll send you. God, Bradley? You didn’t have to do that! It’s perfect, it’s like we’re locked together. I’m gonna wear it everyday. Please email me later if you get the chance! 
(Also, Lauren looked really jealous 😉 my brother was sweating)
Love you and Merry Christmas Rocketman! x
12/25 @ 11:38am
Ummm, not sure what you’re talking about, kid? That sounds like something Santa would do? Probably heard about how good you’ve been this year? x
12/25 @ 11:40am
Thank you, I love it so much and wish I could give you the biggest hug and kiss right now. I’ll have an extra slice of babka for you tonight, talk soon and Merry Christmas, Bradley! Love you x
12/27 @ 4:49am
I miss sleeping next to you. Whenever I can’t sleep, I think about the way you looked at me in the living room after our Christmas party. You looked so happy and I hate that I have to leave you for all our firsts. First Christmas, first New Year’s, first Valentine’s Day. And god, sweetheart, you’re so fucking gorgeous it makes me want to lose my mind sometimes. Always thinking about you, Bradley 
12/27 @ 8:38am
I miss sleeping next to you, too (especially since your body is like a furnace and you hold me close when I get cold). And I know you being away during the holidays is hard, but look at it this way - we’ll just have our firsts next year. Next year will be our first Christmas, first New Year’s, first Valentine’s Day together, not an ocean apart. We have all the time in the world, rocketman. Love you today and every day x
12/29 @ 6:02pm
There’s already so many things I’m dying to tell you and stories about the squadron we’re teaming up with, but the Navy will have my ass if I give away too many details so I’m just going to leave it at this: are we sure Max doesn’t have a twin on another continent? Take that as you will. What’re your plans for New Year’s? Your Bradley
12/30 @ 9:20am
Sorry for the delayed response! A minor issue with my brother and my dad that I won’t bore you with had the whole house in a tizzy. Thankfully, he and Lauren are gone even though my dad still won’t tell me what the issue was? Anyway! God, I wish I could hear more about Max’s twin? I am honestly kind of scared about knowing there’s a Max doppelgĂ€nger in the Navy (jokes!). For New Year’s, I’m going to this party with Mary and dad in the city, it’s at this fancy venue and I have a cute black dress! It’s very different for me and I wish you were here to see it! I’ll have to wear it again. Message me when it’s the New Year your time! Love you! x
01/01 @ 12:09am
Happy New Year, sweetheart! They had a little party for the officers - we even got cake and Bob snuck me and Payback seconds somehow. It’s always the quiet ones you gotta look out for. You absolutely need to send me pictures of you in that dress, I can’t wait to see it on you in person someday. Hope you have a great time with your dad and Mary, give them my best. Love you and again Happy New Year! 
Your Bradley
01/01 @ 12:01am
Happy New Year, Bradley!!! You got cake!! You broke some rules! I approve! Milk them for all the cake they’re worth! I’ll send some pics of the three of us and one just for you big boy 😉 Talk soon and love you so so much! x
01/01 @ 10:59am
Had a late start! Here are the pics from last night! Try and sneak some more cake xx
01/02 @ 6:12am
You know you labeled the pictures wrong
luckily no one was behind me

01/02 @ 9:04am
Who? Me? I would NEVER! (Just trying to keep you on your toes.) Hope the flying is going well and you’re staying safe, B! Love you!
01/03 @ 8:00pm
Yeah, it’s going well. It’s so different flying on the open ocean after so long? Last time was in September when I went to Hong Kong. The desert is cool, don’t get me wrong, but seeing the clouds and the water together is unreal. The pink and purple clouds remind me of you (sorry, that was lame). You still gotta let me take you up, kid. I’ve heard Mav is trying to convince you, but you gotta let me be the one. Can’t trust just anyone with my girl. Love B
01/04 @ 10:13am
he’s practically your father, I’m pretty sure you can trust him to take me up in a plane, you silly boy. Not that I’m saying you won’t be my first
but come on! And it’s not lame. I like that the pink and purple clouds remind you of me. Every time I see a plane I send a little call out for your safety. Gotta keep you safe, rocketman! Talk soon and love you! x
01/06 @ 4:45pm
My parents just dropped me off at the airport and no matter how many times I leave them, I always cry. I think the only time I didn’t cry when I left their house was when you were with me over Thanksgiving. You always make it better, bubs.
They’re coming down in a couple weeks to help me start packing, anything in the house you wouldn’t want them to see while dropping off boxes? I can still bring my old bed, etc for the guest room, right?
All my love, x
01/06 @ 9:58pm
I think I get that, having you around this time makes it different. I’ve never had anyone to really write to while I’ve been away before. Sure, I talked to my grandparents when they were still around and my aunts and uncles, Nat, Ice, and a couple others, but not like this. And I don’t ever want to not feel like this again. 
I’m an open book, kid. Ain’t got nothing to hide. And yeah, anything like that feel free to bring with you for the guest room or office. It was the bed, nightstands, and dresser and then your couch for the office, yeah? We can get new bedding and pillows for it if you want? I’m on comms blackout for a couple days, so message me whenever you want so I can read them all when we’re back online.
Your Bradley
01/06 @ 10:07pm
Perfect! Love you and stay safe, rocketman.
01/06 @ 10:09pm
Love you too, kid.
01/09 @ 6:11pm
Bradley, I don’t mean to alarm you, but there was a raccoon in your garage! Scratch that, a FAMILY of raccoons!??! I’m sure Mr Harrington was ready to call the cops when he heard my scream. They’re so cute, but also terrifying at the same time? So, I called Pete and he came right over, a true knight in shining armor! Amelia and I did a THOROUGH sweep of the house to make sure they were relegated to the garage. Pete got them out safe and sound with a random tennis racket and your 4 iron, but somebody’s coming tomorrow to check on how they got in there. And I know they aren’t hurting anyone, but I just don’t want there to be any issues later on? (The babies were actually so cute and reminded me of my cat growing up, Porter.) Anyway! Enough drama for tonight, I hope that gets a laugh out of you - talk soon!
Love you! x
01/10 @ 8:05am
Well, the exterminator got here around 7:30 and sprayed all this stuff and blocked the hole in the crawl space of the garage. He showed me pictures and let me tell you, there was quite the nest up there. These raccoons were living large over the holidays. 
01/12 @ 5:21pm
Okay! I’m in the parking lot, waiting for my first cooking class to start. Is it weird I’m a little nervous? I hope everyone else’s skill level is similar, I don’t like feeling behind. I brought my new apron, ironed it and everything. I feel a little like Ina Garten, isn’t she just divine? Okay, okay, I’m going in now! I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks again for getting me these xx
01/12 @ 7:03pm
I feel so tired? Like my hand cramped a little bit? We started off the class with knife skills, which we’re going to do every week and then made this “simple” egg dish, which was NOT simple and I overcooked the egg. Ina would be so disappointed. Alas! Onto next week. Love you!
01/15 @ 9:12pm
Bradley you’re not going to BELIEVE what just happened on Succession. My heart is POUNDING? Do you think if I called and asked really nicely the Navy would get an HBO subscription for everyone? That is what I would like my tax dollars to go towards. Can you get me a direct line to someone in charge please? Love you!
01/16 @ 7:47am
Not to worry my little Barefoot Contessa, I have returned back to civilization (ie the internet), though am dismayed to have missed this mind blowing Succession episode? Has Perry Mason started back up again or will we be able to watch that together? 
Bob and I were in the gym earlier and he almost dropped a dumbbell on my foot, I swear my life flashed before my eyes. But I had a new PR on the bench press today, up to 285 pounds. Glad the cooking lesson went well though! What’s the class makeup like? x Bradley 
01/16 @ 9:04am
I’m glad you’re back online and safe! Perry Mason has not started yet, though I’m still certain you’re the only person under the age of 55 that watches it (I guess I should say we’re the only people under the age of 55 that watch it, but whatever). You’ve also missed a couple Top Chef episodes, but we can always binge this season later. 
There’s about 12 of us in the class and it’s pretty evenly split? Though there’s tragically this really annoying couple who were at the station next to me. I hope we get to change next week, I don’t think I can watch them feed each other food another week. 
And I’m still waiting for that direct line to the Navy, Bradshaw! Love you! x
01/1 6 @ 6:59pm
Wait, wait, how did I miss there? There was a WHAT in my garage? A raccoon? Multiple raccoons? We need to get a dog or a cat or something. x Bradley 
01/18 @ 7:02am
Bradley!! I know we talked about a trip once you got home (provided you still feel up for it with the transition and all), what if we went here? I was talking about our tentative plans with my dad and Mary before I went back to San Diego and they went to Punta Mita this past fall and LOVED it! What do you think? Love you!
01/18 @ 6:03pm
Holy shit! That looks absolutely amazing, yes I’d love to go! Can we afford that though? It looks expensive? xBradley
01/18 @ 6:05pm
YAY!! Ahh, I’m so excited you have no idea! I want to hug and kiss you so bad right now! We can fly for free since I have a bunch of AA points (thank you pwc) and then I have like a million Amex points, so it’s not full price!! 
01/18 @ 6:12pm
When you say ‘like a million’ do you actually mean a million or?
01/18 @ 6:14pm
Yes! I’ve had this card for like 15 years! My whole family does the pooling on it! It’s a drop in the bucket, promise! Plus, I always use my other card for work and that has a whole bunch of Bonvoy points on it, too. We could stay at one of those? I think there’s a St Regis next door?
01/18 @ 6:22pm
Sweetheart, I want to go, I just don’t want you to waste all those points on this. 
01/18 @ 6:26pm
What if we go for 6 nights instead of 9? Maybe no plunge pool? Or we could pay cash instead? And then I could get 6x the points from paying that way? So, really
.the points just keep accumulating, we’ve got to use them sometime! The points can pay for the flights and the hotel and then we can split the room charges and incidentals 50:50?
Will you think about it? You don’t have to give me an answer right away and we can always pick another hotel? But if we want to go someplace in late March/early April, I think we should book soon with spring break and all? Not that I imagine many coeds will be staying at the Four Seasons, but you never know

01/18 @ 6:33pm
You gotta send me a ppt on all this points stuff, you know math stresses me out. And no, I don’t think many coeds will be staying at the Four Seasons, kid. 
01/18 @ 6:37pm
Can I send you a dossier with everything!?! Even if you say no to that I’m doing it anyway ;) just promise me you’ll think about it, please? I’ll do whatever you want, Bradley <3
01/18 @ 6:40pm
Yes, please send the dossier my way henceforth, Moneypenny. 
And you’ll do whatever I want, huh? Might have to send you a dossier of my own now

(But yes, I promise I’ll seriously consider everything. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to spend all this money to make me happy. I’d say we’d both be happy camping out on the beach, but I think that might be a security issue down there, plus neither of us like camping - anyway, you know what I mean.)
01/18 @ 6:43pm
Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw!! Is this a dossier for my eyes only? What will M say!? I’ll send you mine if you send me yours?
(But seriously, thank you! I’ll send you more specifics tomorrow - like pricing and whatnot - and you can take a couple days to think it over. And thank you for clarifying the camping thing, I was worried for a second there.)
I love you so much rocketman and we’ll talk (email) tomorrow 
x Moneypenny 
01/18 @ 6:46pm
I’d say ‘sleep tight,’ but that’s a given considering you haven’t been fucked in a couple weeks. 
(Perfect, I genuinely am really excited about it, just want to make sure it works out for us both.)
Love you so much, kid 
Your Bradley
01/18 @ 6:58pm
Bradley Bradshaw!! You did not just say that over a government email server! 
01/18 @ 7:01pm
Couldn’t help it. Plus, we both know it’s true. 
01/18 @ 7:04pm
Oh, shut up. Shut me up
01/18 @ 11:43pm
I’m sorry if I came off too strong about planning earlier, I might’ve gotten a little carried away and been a little too eager about planning something five days after you’re home from a three month detachment. If at any time before you come home or even right after you come home you don’t feel up to the trip, please please please tell me. I want to do something nice for you and give you a chance to truly relax, but I’d hate for it to come at a price. So, just let me know, okay? Say the word and we’ll push it, alright? I don’t exactly know what you’re going through, but tell me if it’s ever too much. I’ll always be here, promise. Love you x
01/19 @ 8:29am
Kid, no. I promise I’ll tell you. You know I love how excited you get planning things. I think I like it so much because you take care of it all. Sure, you ask for my opinion and what I want, but I just have to tell you one thing, one idea and you take care of it. 
Funny though, isn’t it? How it’s totally opposite in the other side of our relationship? You tell me one thing, one idea and I take care of all of it? Bet it’s hard for you not having someone around to do that for you? Maybe next time we Facetime we can talk more about that? x B
01/19 @ 10:11am
Luckily, I have a very creative imagination, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw. 
See right now, I’m in my office, sitting at my desk, feeling so overwhelmed. It almost hurts how overwhelmed and frustrated I am. And you bust down the door, hair windswept like you’d flown to Del Mar, and you have that slutty flight suit on and I don’t even mind that you’re sweaty and gross. You smell absolutely divine and I rake my hands through your hair as you eat me out underneath my glass desk. I get a conference call, but you don’t stop the entire time. You like how squirmy and fussy I get, I can’t focus on the deliverable I’m working on for the client. You like that I can’t control myself, that I squeeze my thighs around your head. Eventually, you can’t take it anymore, your cock is aching so badly, and you need to fuck me on top of my desk. You’re so strong it almost breaks. You fuck me so good everyone in the office can hear me crying out for you. 
(actually, I’m on the couch, watching college football, but it’s more fun to imagine you fucking me in my office - see, creative imagination! Make sure you get a quiet room for that Facetime...)
Love x
01/19 @ 7:29pm
You think you’re funny, huh? You have any more of those thoughts, feel free to send them my way. ‘m taking out that picture you gave me for Christmas right now. How you taking care of yourself? My imagination isn’t as creative as yours. B
01/19 @ 7:40pm
Guess you’ll have to wait for our next Facetime

01/20 @ 4:24pm
Your dad and Mary write me emails, you know. They aren’t as good correspondents as you are (for how could they possibly be, my dear?), but they check in about once a week or so. Mary sends me some of the articles she gives her students and talks about the show she’s watching with your dad. Your dad mainly talks about you. It makes me wish my parents were still around to do this stuff with me. Just checking in and writing emails and bragging about me to my girlfriend? How was yesterday’s class?
Your Bradley
01/20 @ 5:39m
I didn’t know they wrote you that often and I’m beyond embarrassed that my dad talks about me that much? But come on, Bradley
you have someone who does that, too? He’s about 5’8” (on a good day), looks great in a leather jacket, and just spent about two hours last weekend cleaning your gutters and telling me about how you won your high school’s debate scholarship?? Like how could you not tell me that? It’s literally one of the hottest things I’ve heard about you!
Class was good! They taught us a trick to cut onions without crying and one of the other girls complimented my apron! We’re doing meats next week, cutting, marinating, cooking, etc. and I’m excited!
01/20 @ 5:42pm
Oh gee, I bet it’s just awful for you to have Mav around all the time. Knight in shining armor

01/20 @ 5:48pm
He’s not a bother! And it’s not all the time! We’re actually going to get lunch together on Saturday! It’s this new place on the water.
01/20 @ 5:50pm
Sounds like a cute little date! You’ll have to tell me how he is. Love you so much B
01/20 @ 5:55pm
I’ll keep ya posted, bubs! Love you!
01/22 @ 10:01am
Breaking news, kid. Your esteemed, naval aviator boyfriend is going to be on 60 Minutes at the end of February. Totally came out of left field, but I couldn’t say anything until they finished filming. It’s about the Navy in the Pacific and “the lost art of shipbuilding.” They even rigged up a camera on my plane and everything, it was so cool. I’ve been dying to tell you, but again couldn’t say anything until it was official. I probably won’t be on it long since they interviewed the Admiral and Pac Fleet Commander for most of it, but yeah, Payback and Bob and I will be on with my girl Norah. I made sure I had enough sunscreen on so I was camera ready at all times. Love you B
01/22 @ 10:09am
YOU’RE FUCKING SHITTING ME????? Oh my god, Bradley! That’s amazing! Margie even ran into my office to see what made me shriek! I am TOTALLY having a viewing party! Oh my god, how do you think it went? Did they get your good side? What about hair and makeup? I know you get helmet hair, bubs. 
Seriously, so so excited and proud of you, Bradley! I’m going to make my dad and Mary come down for it! She doesn’t teach on Mondays, so this is perfect for them to stay over Sunday night! But now don’t go letting all that fame get to your head, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw 😉 Love you so much x
01/24 @ 12:17pm
Rocketman - 
I was sitting at my desk earlier and listening to some music before my 12:30 meeting and Elton John’s Rocket Man popped up on my shuffle. Obviously, as you are my rocketman, I always think of you whenever I hear it, but today the lyrics really scratched that special part of my brain, so I did a deep dive into the song’s origins. 
Please note, I’m including this time in my billable hours to the client (re. you). My findings are as follows:
Bernie Taupin was inspired by a Ray Bradbury story written in 1951 titled ‘The Rocket Man’ - not drugs as the urban legend states! Drugs! Imagine!
Bradbury’s ‘The Rocket Man’ was first published in Maclean’s, a weekly Canadian magazine, before it was published in the short story collection ‘The Illustrated Man’ that same year
‘The Illustrated Man’ later was made into a film, though ‘The Rocket Man’ story was notably absent
Some of more popular and renowned stories from the collection include ‘The Veldt’ and ‘The Long Rain,’ the latter of which is commonly read in high school honors English
Was client in honors English? Please confirm in follow up correspondence
Client has mentioned extensive library resources at disposal - perhaps he can check this collection out on his next visit? But for now, an executive summary has been provided:
With space travel more commonplace in society, Doug’s father, an astronaut, is sent on frequent, three- month journeys into space
Despite missing his dad, Doug also longs to be a Rocket Man, though his mother frequently prevails on Doug to beg his father to stay on Earth and be with the family
“What’s it like, out in space?” Mother shot me a frightened glance. It was too late. Dad stood there for a full half minute trying to find an answer, then he shrugged.“It’s the best thing in a lifetime of best things.” Then he caught himself. “Oh, it’s really nothing at all. Routine. You wouldn’t like it.” He looked at me, apprehensively. “But you always go back.” “Habit.”
The father finds that his work is ruining his life, but the draw of the stars is too great: "You don’t know what it is. Every time I’m out there I think, if I ever get back to Earth I’ll stay there; I’ll never go out again. But I got out, and I guess I’ll always go out.”
Even while on vacation with the family, having Thanksgiving dinner, or sitting on the back porch, the father’s eyes are always on the sky

Doug’s father begs him to not be like him, to not be a rocket man, but what happens when his father goes on one last journey to the stars?
Through much reflection, I have decided that ‘The Rocket Man’ was written about you - and your mom and your dad and me and on and on until there is no longer a need for Rocket Men - or the rocket man simply stops and breaks the cycle
You are both the Rocket Man and the little boy, forever waiting for his father to come home from space
The allure of flying, of being a ‘rocket man,’ is both too great and too sad for you to ignore
None of this is to say the rocket man is selfish, no. He simply cannot resist the temptation. He knows nothing other than the thrill and peace of being amongst the stars
And his mother shielding Doug from the sun at the end is like your mom asking Mav to pull your papers, she does it to save him, but it cannot keep him from becoming his father
Needless to say - I had to postpone my 12:30 meeting until tomorrow as my eyes were far too puffy and any word I tried to say felt like cotton in my mouth.
I miss you and I love you - your ‘Lilly’  
01/24 @ 8:22pm
Fuck - I love you so much. My clever girl.
01/24 @ 8:28pm
I pour my heart out to you and that’s all you have to say, rocketman? ‘Fuck - I love you so much’
(of course, I also love you so much, my clever boy.)
01/24 @ 8:30pm
Darling - it’s going to take me a little longer to come up with any commentary you deem appropriate, so for the sake of time, yes. I gotta read this story in full. I’ll be at the library at my earliest convenience. ‘The client’ will send an annotated copy with his notes henceforth.
01/24 @ 8:32pm
Of course, sweet boy. Goodnight, I love you so much. x
01/25 @ 11:44am
As promised, my darling girl. Love you.
[b.bradshaw_the rocket man_final paper.pdf]
01/25 @ 7:14pm
Oh Bradley! I love you so much, rocketman. Yes, I couldn’t have said it better. Yours x
01/26 @ 10:39am
Bradley! They’re sending me to London in February for two weeks! I even get a swanky corporate apartment for the stay. I wish you could come with me - even if it was just for a long weekend? We could go to all my favorite restaurants and afternoon tea and for walks in all the parks. One day it’ll work out! 
But tragedy of all tragedies! I just realized I’m going to miss a couple cooking lessons when I’m in London! I already emailed the instructor before today’s class and she said there’s other classes throughout the week that are behind us, so I can make it up with them! Ahhh I’m so excited! Talk soon, love you!
01/26 @ 11:13pm
I didn’t realize how nervous I was about the trip until I went to bed tonight. It’ll be my first trip abroad since I got my promotion in November. Plus, it’s a completely different client than my last trip abroad and I’ve only met one person on this new London team before. Sometimes I go into these meetings and still feel like a little kid? I’m always the youngest person in the room and normally the only woman and on one hand, that’s cool? But sometimes I feel like someone’s daughter instead of their colleague? Like these guys are my dad’s age? And they’re actually supposed to listen to what I have to say about their company? Do you ever feel like that? Like you don’t really belong, despite knowing you’ve earned your place? I wish you were beside me right now. My bed feels way too big tonight. Love you.
01/27 @ 7:48am
Sweetheart! I am so unbelievably proud of you! That’s amazing! You gotta celebrate, go out to dinner with Caro and Darcy, maybe even Nat! I know you’ve been working so hard these last couple of weeks, you absolutely deserve this. I can’t say I know exactly what you’re going through, but yes. I have absolutely felt like I haven’t belonged or deserved something despite having ‘checked off all the boxes.’ I felt that way when I got promoted to LC and when I got that award in October. Everytime I see it on my uniform, I feel a bit like a faker? Like do I really deserve this? But then I remember the way you smiled at me when I got back to my seat that night and how proud of me you were and I think maybe I do deserve it? Plus, I also think of how goddamn gorgeous you looked all fucked out later that night. 
And please note, I would happily slip into bed alongside you, especially since my bed feels way too small tonight. Love you, Bradley
01/27 @ 10:56am
Thank you for earlier. I don’t know, sometimes I just feel like I’m just too soft for all of this? Like I’m always trying to prove something to everyone and I get a little lost. Tell me something good? x
01/27 @ 7:01pm
How about this? Every time I go up in the sky and see the way the sun hits the clouds, I think of you. I’ve never wanted to be with someone as much as I want to be with you. I love you so much, kid
Your Bradley 
01/27 @ 7:06pm
Sometimes I can’t believe we love each other this much, it feels like a dream  x
01/27 @ 7:11pm
I can. Your Bradley 
01/30 @ 7:08am
i slept in one of your shirts last night. it doesn’t smell like you anymore, but it feels like you: soft and safe and warm x
01/30 @ 7:23am
Well I spray my pillowcase with your perfume whenever I miss you so I guess we’re even
Your Bradley
ps - can you send me another bottle?
01/30 @ 7:34am
You’re already out? What sort of illicit behavior are you engaging in with that perfume bottle? 
01/30 @ 10:33pm
I burrow my face in my pillow so I can smell it while I fist my cock, why? What’d you have in mind?
01/30 @ 10:37pm
How does that work though? Like genuinely? Do you jack off with Rueben in the top bunk? Or wait till he’s in the gym? I’ve been curious about this for a while now. What about the showers? Is it like an open floor plan thing? Or are there stalls? Is there a Zillow listing for this aircraft carrier?
01/30 @ 10:41pm
Now why would I ruin the mystery? 
01/30 @ 10:43pm
01/30 @ 10:44pm
Atta girl, that’s the spirit! Love you 
02/02 @ 6:30pm
I am so sick of going to the gym. It seems like it’s all Payback and I do lately. We got this new workout regime that’s been killing me - don’t say it’s because I’m old. Though, I have been using my Theragun. Payback does my back if I do his in return. It was only awkward the first time he turned it on too hard and yelped (please tell everyone that). 
02/02 @ 6:46pm
Oh, so you and Rueben Theragun each other, huh? Say more Lieutenant Commander!
02/04 @ 2:45pm
Going to Pete and Penny’s in a bit to watch the Super Bowl! Max is at the game, apparently his golf buddy Jimmy G hooked him up, though he neglected to bring me or Caroline. I feel like you would’ve been his first choice, so take that as a compliment I suppose. Do you guys do anything onboard for it? I have $350 on the 49ers winning by 3. Have a lovely day my darling boy x
02/04 @ 9:30pm
Guess who’s as snug as a bug on a rug in her bed AND $1400 dollars richer? That would be me! When you get home we’re going to Juniper and Ivy, my treat, bubs! x
02/06 @ 4:57am
Awww sweetheart are you gonna sugar mama me again? 
02/06 @ 7:03am
You do know the only reason you’re getting away with that is because there’s an ocean between us, right? 
02/06 @ 6:00pm
Sorry, couldn’t resist! Love you! B
02/06 @ 6:10pm
You’re lucky I love you so much. x
02/08 @ 9:58pm
Can you imagine if I was gone for 20 years?
02/08 @ 10:11pm
Bradley that’s not funny 
02/08 @ 10:13pm
It’s not supposed to be. I’m reading the Odyssey and it got me thinking. 
02/08 @ 10:16pm
Bradley I love you something awful, but you are such an old man sometimes. 
Are you going through some sort of midlife crisis reading the Odyssey while you’re at sea?? Is the Old Man and the Sea next?
(ps i love the thought of you reading in your bunk in your spare time and being so struck by something composed thousands of years ago that you have to email me)
02/08 @ 10:20pm
They wait 20 years to get back to each other - practically half their lives. They miss so many things and barely knew each other before he left, but they’re still so - I don’t even know? They’re just so intent on getting back to the other in Odysseus’s case? While Penelope makes sure there’s something for him to come back to? And I must’ve read this stanza ten times before I had to email you: 
"...the gods cast me upon Ogygia, Calypso's island, home of the dangerous sea nymph with glossy braids, and the goddess took me in in all her kindness, welcomed me warmly, cherished me, even vowed to make me immortal, ageless, all my days - but she never won the heart inside me, never" 
And I know it’s not a perfect comparison or parallel, but I read that last bit and I couldn’t help but think of you? And how you’re the one who won my heart and it’s always going to be that way. Whether I see you in twenty seconds or twenty years.
02/08 @ 10:23pm
You’d come home to me whether it took twenty seconds or twenty years. You’d come home to me and I’d know you anywhere. I love you so much. 
02/08 @ 10:58pm
“Now help me, please, to get back home, and quickly! I miss my family. I have been gone so long it hurts.” 
Your Bradley
02/09 @ 7:03pm
At the airport for London! Taking off! And I may or may not have used points to upgrade to a Club World seat
but like? It’s a nonstop flight, so it’s okay, right? Work’s already paying for business class? It’s points from my work card? It’ll be fine, right?
I had to take an ativan in the lounge. I just hate that I still get so nervous whenever I fly long distance? I fly all the time, I shouldn’t be like this? You know, one time, I pretended you were flying my plane. I know it’s kind of dumb and silly and a completely different type of plane, but it made me feel better because you’d never let anything happen to me. 
Anyway, we’re book buddies!! I went to the bookstore a couple days ago and got a copy! I read the Odyssey back in high school, but forgot so much. I was reading in the lounge and this part made me think of you:
“...this lovely house, my marriage home, so full of wealth and life, which I suppose I will remember even in my dreams.”
I’ll text you when I land my darling boy, love you x
02/10 @ 6:02am
You gotta squeeze every last bit of your per diem out of pwc. You’ve been working way too hard lately. Fuck it, on the way home just put the upgrade on your work card or put it on mine. Have a safe (rest of your) flight - maybe one day you’ll let me take you up. Love Bradley 
02/10 @ 10:08am
Just landed and on my way to the office (already
I thought of you as I read and stared out the window on the plane. I could pretend I’m flying towards you, rather than further away. I can’t imagine how you feel doing this everyday, but I imagine it’s like feeling limitless, like everything is in front of you, there for the taking. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you take me up one day. 
I’ll keep you posted on how everything’s going if you do the same. All my love x
02/12 @ 5:49am
How’s it going, kid? They working you too hard? You’re in London! Try to enjoy it, you deserve it. One of the guys I’m with gave me a restaurant recommendation for you, said the drinks were amazing, his wife loved it. Do something fun while you’re there! And send me some pictures dammit!
Love you, 
02/12 @ 8:22am
Bradley! It’s been so so crazy here! I feel like I haven’t stopped since I landed. My ‘flat’ is so cute and right by the client’s offices, so it’s an easy commute. I feel so professional taking the Tube places too! It’s one thing I’d like us to have in San Diego as opposed to all the traffic. Also, it’s CHILLY here and I’m so glad I dug my big coat out of storage. I’ll try and check the restaurant out this weekend, I’m gonna sneak in a trip to the Tate, too. I’ve always wanted to see the Turners. Talk soon and love you bunches! x 
02/14 @ 9:54am
Bradley Bradshaw! You absolute SAP! HOW!?! Did you conspire with my dad again? Thank you for the flowers! I’m going to have the biggest smile on my face all day. I love you and hope this is the first of a lifetime of Valentine’s Days together. Always x 
02/14 @ 7:33pm
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, kid. I’m not gonna lie, I gave your dad very specific instructions for the bouquet (I was going to ask Max, but he’d probably swap it for something ugly and cheap and keep the change
kidding (not)), so I’m glad they turned out well. It was a very big day on board today: we got special red heart cookies for the holiday. The mood was infectious, I can still taste the sprinkles. Maybe you could cook for me on our next Facetime? Have you learned anything good in class lately? It doesn’t have to be fancy, just wanna see you (and maybe also live vicariously through whatever you’re making).  
02/14 @ 7:33pm
Bradley! I think I can swing that for you, when do you think our next call will be? 
02/16 @ 3:18pm
Kid, you spoil me. This package is amazing, I don’t know where to start (just kidding it’s with the Cadbury chocolate and the Sudocrem as my burnt shoulders thank you), but everything is wonderful, thank you. I love hearing about London and seeing the pictures you sent last time. But I do have one complaint
you’re not in any of the pictures, kid, and that’s truly egregious. (Think we won’t be able to Facetime for a while, I gave Payback my slot the other day.)
02/16 @ 3:23pm
That’s not true! I’m in the one in front of the Tate!
02/16 @ 3:25pm
Yeah, but I can’t see you under all those layers! Just want to see your face. It’s been way too long since our last Facetime.
02/16 @ 9:52pm
As requested, Lieutenant Commander. I had one of the girls in the London office take this at dinner tonight. She really did wonders with the lighting and even managed to get my sidecar in the pic! x Love you
02/17 @ 6:55am
You look pretty. New dress? B
02/17 @ 7:17am
it was on sale, couldn’t resist. But you’re gonna hate me because all of my clothes are very much not going to fit in your closet. Also, I bought you a new jacket and some socks. x
02/17 @ 7:20am
Ehhh I’m not too worried about the closet thing. But if you keep buying me clothes we might have a problem.
02/17 @ 7:24am
It’s so cute though!! You’re going to look so handsome in it! I got the green one for you!
02/17 @ 7:29am
Okay, admittedly a very nice jacket, thank you. But you are aware that we live in San Diego

02/17 @ 7:31am
I am aware of that fact, LC Bradshaw. You can wear it when we visit my parents. Hell, I had to get my coat out of my storage closet for this trip. 
02/17 @ 6:53pm
Sighhhhh you raise a good point. Alright, alright, thank you for the jacket and socks my darling girl. What’d you have for dinner last night? We had chicken with these absolutely awful biscuits, tasted like saw dust, my stomach was growling for some more of that Cadbury chocolate (yes, Payback and I ate all of it already, though it was mainly Payback) for hours afterward. 
02/17 @ 6:59pm
Oh my sweet boy! Who do I need to call about your meal plan? Give me the number and I’ll call the Navy up right now. And I had scallops with truffle risotto. It was delicious. Wanted to lick the bowl clean. Love you bubs x
02/19 @ 10:22pm
Bubs, I cannot eat another meal out. I feel like I’m going to burst. I’ve gone to so many work dinners and lunches even before coming here, it almost makes me feel like a glutton. 
I miss you and your cooking (though I’ll have you know that my skills were vastly improving before my trip abroad!) and you standing behind me at the counter while I try to perfectly cut peppers. Sometimes I do it wrong on purpose so you’ll put your arms around me and I can feel the rumble of your voice. Would we call that weaponized incompetence? You better be ready for some Michelin Star meals when you get home, buddy. I just can’t wait to be home with you and roll over next to you in the morning and to tell you to stop snoring and that the battery in the smoke detector needs to be changed. I can’t wait to be home with you and make a life with you. I’m going to be really sappy now, but let me have this because I was reading this poem the other day and thought of you. 
“I am supposed to be touched. I can’t wait to find the person who will come into the kitchen just to smell my neck and get behind me and hug me and breathe me in and make me turn around and make me kiss his face and put my hands in his hair even with my soapy dishwater drips. I am a lovely woman. Who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me?” (x)
Only a month until you’re home with me, I hope you’re hungry. 
All my love x
02/20 @ 4:50am
It’s only weaponized incompetence if the other person minds. I, however, do not mind. I loved that quote you sent me, going to be thinking about that one for a long time. I hate to tell you this, but I’m gonna be offline for a couple days. I hate that it’s at the end of your trip, but please please message me when you’re leaving/taking off and again when you land, you know I worry. Love you and am so unbelievably proud of you, kid! You killed it in London. Your Bradley
02/20 @ 7:03am
That’s okay, I totally understand. I’ll give you all the details on our next Facetime. In the meantime, I message you when I leave. Stay safe and love you, Bradley! x
02/23 @ 3:45pm
Taking off soon! I got an upgrade again, thankfully! And I made sure to put your new coat in my carry on - I don’t trust British Airways not to lose it! Taking an ativan again so hopefully I’ll sleep the entire flight - love you and talk soon!
02/24 @ 10:33pm
Just landed, slept through
.90% of the flight! Apparently, there was bad turbulence, so probably for the best. Now, I know you would never have me deal with that my darling rocketman! Talk later - love you! x
02/25 @ 7:09pm
Feels kind of weird being back? I can’t quite get back into my routine. I’m not sure if it’s jet lag or something else? Feeling a little lost? x
02/26 @ 7:55pm
Bradley!!! You were so good, I’m so so proud of you! Max had everyone over at his place for us to watch you! We have quite the party here including my parents, Pete, Penny and Amelia, Natasha, Mickey and Cielo, Caroline, and Darcy. I’ll have to tell you about the parents meeting later. I wish you had been here for it, they took to each other like bees to honey. 
You looked tragically handsome, I practically had to hold back a moan when you were standing on the flight deck talking to Norah O’Donnell (is she as nice in person as she is on TV?). God, I want to ravish you, you sounded so fucking smart. You know like half the country is going to be in love with you now, right? I’ve got to get back to everyone, Max ordered dinner for us afterwards, but I had to email you as soon as you finished!
Just wanted to let you know how proud of you I am and how much I love you x
02/27 @ 5:09am
Thanks, kid. Sorry it took me a bit to respond, things have been getting a bit crazy, you know, now that I’m a celebrity and all? We’re winding down this training, so the next couple weeks are gonna be full of debriefs and paperwork, which means I should have a more stable schedule. Love you B
02/28 @ 11:48pm
Sometimes I wonder if you were here what would you do? Hold me? Love me? I never feel small except when I’m in your arms. x
02/29 @ 11:48pm
Some nights in bed, if I try really hard, I can imagine I’m laying down next to you. And it makes everything just a little easier. Bradley
03/01 @ 12:56am
I haven’t taken anything besides my fingers in months. You’re going to stretch me out so well when you get home. 
03/01 @ 7:19pm
And I’m gonna mark your ass pink for that comment. I can’t believe you sent that in the middle of the day. You getting yourself off at work? Dirty girl. 
03/01 @ 9:41pm
Never feels as good as when you do it. 
03/01 @ 10:01pm
And my hands pale in comparison to your pretty little cunt. You know that first time we slept together you were so fucking tight, I knew you hadn’t had a good fuck in ages. It gonna be like that again when I come home?
03/01 @ 10:05pm
Where are you going to have me first?
03/01 @ 10:06pm
In our bed, in our house, after you make me dinner in our kitchen. 
03/01 @ 10:09pm
Just over two weeks now, I can’t wait to see you. x
03/03 @ 5:55am
How you holding up, kid? You doing a little better this week work wise? Try and log off around 5 if you can. Don’t want you getting all worn down on me. 
They had us doing these war games yesterday that made me think of you. You would’ve walked circles around some of these other guys I swear. Think I can get a Facetime for us in a couple days? Probably will be our last one before I come home. Love you, B
03/03 @ 7:12am
Bradley! That's the best news I’ve had in ages! I can’t wait to see you! Definitely felt a little lost after coming back from London, but I hope my rut will be over soon? Tying things up with a client is always so lengthy and tedious. 
War games! ‘Would you like to play a game?’ I’d ask if you won, but no one ever wins in the art of war 😉Love you!
03/05 @ 8:54pm
So, here’s a new one. My mom called? She’s going to be stateside and wants to get lunch tomorrow. Could’ve done with a bit more warning, but apparently, she has a layover in San Diego on her way to New York to see my brother? I didn’t even know she was going to see him? I don’t even know if I want to see her? It’s funny, I can already tell you exactly how it’ll play out:
We’ll go to lunch at some sort of vegan restaurant, probably Donna Jean
She’ll make me pay
She’ll try to get me to use some sort of herb to promote weight loss since I’m looking a bit “pudgy” around the face
Though she’ll forget to ask about you, she’ll tell me about her latest string of failed relationships with bartenders and surf instructors in Canggu. Or is it Ubud? I genuinely don’t remember, she started in Ubud, but honestly my knowledge of Balinese geography is rudimentary at best 
She’ll ask how ‘that woman’ is doing as if Mary is just the woman my dad is seeing, not the woman who raised me and my brother
And finally, she’ll ask for money though betting is still open as to what for!
So, what do you say? Wanna put a wager on it? Your terms.
Love you! x
03/06 @ 6:30am
$100 she orders the caesar and makes you pay. I’m not even going to entertain the third parlay, pretty girl. Oddly feeling like she’s got a winner on her hands so yes she’ll talk about her new paramour. Does she really call Mary ‘that woman?’ And yes, without a question, she will ask you for money.
Your move my gorgeous girl,
03/06 @ 7:49pm
I really wish you were here right now. She doesn’t even know me, but she somehow always manages to make me feel small. 
Caesar - no croutons 
I paid
Pudgy and frumpy, but she was hawking shakes not herbs
Failed relationship? No, she’s actually GETTING MARRIED
She did not ask about you much other than to say I need to watch my figure for you (see bullet point no. 3)
Mary was called ‘that woman’ six times before I stopped counting
She asked for money as a wedding present 
So, you didn’t get them all, but not a bad showing. Love you. Talk tomorrow on Facetime. x
03/07 @ 6:09am
God kid, I’m so sorry. She doesn’t know what she’s missing. Actually, I don’t even think she deserves to know what she’s missing. Did you talk to your dad or Mary about it? I know we’re talking later, but I just wanted you to have a message from me before you start your day. What’re you wearing to the office tomorrow? Have you worn that polka dot dress with the bow lately? You know it’s one of my favorites and that I always love unwrapping it when you get home from the office. 
Can’t wait to see you tonight. All my love, Bradley
03/07 @ 9:55am
The dress doesn’t fit. My mom was right, I shouldn’t have gotten the french toast.
I’m planning on talking to dad and Mary later today before you and I have our Facetime. I know they’ll make me feel better, much like you have my darling boy, but it still feels pretty crummy. Especially since I’m sure she’s going to have wonderful time in New York with my brother 🙄 and I’ll have to hear all about it next time I talk to him. 
And I’m not sure if I’ve unpacked that dress yet! I’ll have to do some digging. Talk soon! x
03/10 @ 3:26am
We had a little baby. He was always giggling and laughing and we were making silly faces and he looked so small in your arms, Bradley. So small and little and he was ours. And then I turned around and he was toddling around the house and we were chasing him and his little legs were moving so quickly and we all wound up on the couch in a tangle of limbs, giggling under the blankets as we tickled him and he called you daddy. 
It wasn’t our house - or what will be our house, I guess? Instead of the leather couch you have, it was white and big and wide and the three of us could easily fit on it, snuggled together. 
And I could feel your arms around me, rocking me back and forth. I could feel you humming in my ear and kissing my neck and telling me you loved me. I could feel it. I could feel you. I could feel him and you. And it was nice and I felt warm and safe and cherished and loved. Because I felt so much love for this little boy in my arms - the perfect mix of me and you. Everything felt right and perfect. 
Except when I rolled over in bed to tell you about it, I realized I was alone in my bed, in my apartment, and not in the house that we shared or with the little boy that looked so much like you and I haven’t felt so empty and sad since I can’t remember when. 
And I just miss you so much, Bradley. I know I can come across as glib and unfeeling sometimes and like this doesn’t affect me as much. But it does and sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst because I’ve never felt like this for anyone else before? It’s never been so easy for me to love someone and let them love me to the point that I always want to be beside them. And I know with your job - and mine - that can’t always happen, but god Bradley I wish you were here right now so you could hold me and tell me you loved me because I just want to feel your arms around me and know you’re real. I want to tell you about the little boy - the perfect mix of me and you. 
I love you rocketman x
03/11 @ 12:49pm
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I realize that’s a lot to drop on you, especially since we can’t talk in person. I guess I’ve just never missed a person more in my life and seeing that future showed me what we could have when you come home. God, Bradley I want you to come home so badly. I want you to stay here with me forever and never leave and to have that cute little boy who was the perfect mix of me and you and to have you here in my arms every night. And I know it’s selfish of me to ask or even make you think about it, but I want you right here - in twenty seconds, not twenty years. 
How did your hop go today? x
03/11 @ 7:03pm
I have dreams like that, too. I’ll be little, but still older than I was when my dad died and we’ll be at the beach, running around, and he’ll pick me up and spin me around like I’m flying on an airplane. 
But then it’ll be me and my kid, running around and I’ll pick them up and spin them around like they’re flying on an airplane. Sometimes it’s a girl, sometimes a little boy. But I always just can feel and tell that I love them and I’d do anything for them. 
And I used to hate waking up alone after I had them and I’d feel empty and sad and like I had the feeling that they should still be there? Except now I have you and I know it doesn’t just have to be a dream?
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Today was hectic and I didn’t get to check my email until later. But if I checked it earlier, my day would’ve been a lot easier on my heart. 
All my love,
Your Bradley
03/12 @ 7:11pm
How do you always know exactly what to say? I’m sorry for springing that all on you, know it wasn’t exactly a quick/easy message, but I love that you knew exactly what I meant. My day’s always a lot easier on my heart when I hear from you, too. Love you x
03/13 @ 10:17pm
i miss having you around to take care of me. and telling me what to do and what to wear for you and how you want me and where you want me and when you want me and and and. and how good i feel around you as you come, how you take what’s yours. how i need you to take control and tell me what i need because i’m too much of a dumb slut to figure it out on my own. i need you so much bradley. and it’s so hard because i’m trying to take care of myself like you do and imagine what you’d do if you were with me right now. but i’m so frustrated since no one takes care of me like you do. i feel so empty. nothing stretches me out like you do, nothing makes me feel as small as you do, nothing makes me flush like the sound of your voice against my neck as i come, nothing soothes the ache inside me like you do. need you to call me good girl, pretty girl, sweet girl, anything as long as it’s yours. 
i need you i need you i need you i need you bradley bradley bradley bradley
3/13 @ 10:39pm
Awwww sweetheart, did you get yourself all worked up over me? It’s okay, I know it’s hard for you all by yourself. Must’ve been real bad for you to risk this getting flagged, huh? Poor thing, don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. 
Want you to pretend I’m next to you, leaning over you as you lay down and touch yourself. Say yes Bradley, more Bradley. Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. Good girl. 
Want you naked under the covers, no frilly little pajama set or anything. No, I want your cum to stain the sheets and then for you to have to clean up in the morning, all embarrassed because you did this. You made yourself like this because you can’t control yourself without me around. All that cum being wasted. Nobody around to lick it off your pussy. So what doesn’t get on the sheets, you have to taste. Good girl. 
Want you to use your fingers - only your fingers, I’ll know if you use anything else. Start with your breasts. Think of how perfectly they fit in my hands and how yours aren’t quite the same. They aren’t as big. Aren’t as strong. Play with your nipples, drag your nails across the soft skin on the underside of your breasts.
Want you to sigh my name as you slide your hands down your stomach towards your pretty little pussy. Have you shaved? Gotten a wax? You know how I like it, want it just like that when I get home. Pretend it’s my fingers sliding into your cunt. A few touches and you’re already clenching on air and I’m not even around. 
In and out, in and out. Circle your clit with your thumb. Add another finger, then another. You rocking your hips yet? I know you’re soaked. I know you want more. Three fingers can’t stretch you out nearly as much as you need. But I don’t know if you can handle anything else without me around. And I know you would never disagree with me, right? Because you’re my good girl and good girls do what they’re told. 
Don’t hesitate to get loud. You’re in our house, in our bed, you can be as loud as you want. Bet you’re getting close, huh? Try and last a little longer, can you hear yourself and how wet you are? Are you shaking yet? I know you’re close. Go ahead, speed up your fingers, just the way I do. It’s okay, you can come. Know you’re gonna get sleepy soon, wish I could sleep inside you, nice and tight.
Now say thank you Bradley. Good girl. 
03/14 @ 5:49pm
Thank you, Bradley. Thank you for taking care of me last night 
You like chicken piccata, right?
03/14 @ 7:33pm
Yeah, kid, I like chicken piccata. 
03/14 @ 7:39pm
Okay, that’s good. I’m going to make it when you come home. I ran it by my cooking instructor. Ina’s recipe of course. 
(I’ve read your email seven times since you sent it. I’ve thought about it constantly. I want you to take me softly and slowly that first time. But after that? I can’t wait to let go and float. Love you so much x)
03/15 @ 6:09am
You’re the boss. Good thing I’ll be home soon, you’re gonna run out of material. As is, I had to type that last one with one hand. 
Love you,
03/15 @ 7:21am
I’ll be good till you get home, promise. 
Have a good day, do you think we’ll get to talk much from now till Friday? Love you x
03/15 @ 7:24am
I’ll hold you to it. 
I don’t think so, might be able to send one out before leaving the boat. Better make it a good one. 
All my love
Your Bradley 
03/15 @ 7:25am
You got it! Love you bubs 
03/18 @ 11:08pm
Kid - there’s this lyric that keeps running through my head: ‘and I want you right here.’ I want you beside me - today, tomorrow, all my days. I want you right here, beside me forever. In twenty seconds, not twenty years. See you tomorrow.
All my love,
Your Bradley
03/18 @ 11:11pm
See you tomorrow, rocketman. I’ll be the one in blue.
Love you x
a/n: thanks for reading! i'll be back with part ii and part iii (hopefully not in...4 months). i had so much fun writing these and getting to explore a different format and side to their relationship! thanks to alexa @sometimesanalice, kylie @ofstoriesandstardust, cass @notroosterbradshaw, elle @dissonannce, nik @cherrycola27, and loren @heartsofminds for all the support!
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nolanhollogay · 2 years ago
6. greets your loved ones (parents) whenever there is an occasion (just screams how much they love you to know important things abt ur parents) + jjedgar!!!
i feel like this doesn't exactly qualify for what the prompt is dating but i love lying for clout
Rita was in the middle of making dinner when he phone began to ring. She sighed at the mess on her hands.
"Manuela, answer my phone! My hands are covered in chicken!" she called.
Manuela sighed, walking over to the counter, muttering under her breath. "Oh, it's JJ! Do you think something's wrong?"
Rita rolled her eyes. "Why does there always have to be something wrong with you? Answer the phone!"
Manuela scoffed but did as told. "Hi, JJ!" she shouted, putting him on his speaker.
"Oh, hi Manuela!" He sounded confused. "Is Rita there?"
Rita picked up her bowl, ready to resume cooking. "I'm here, JJ! Where's my son?"
"He's not he–"
Rita stopped mixing her chicken. "What's wrong? Why isn't he there?"
JJ laughed. "No, he's fine. Everything is okay. He's in class, learning about smart people shit."
Rita sent Manuela a dirty look. Damn her for getting in her head. "Okay, good. Then why are you calling me?"
JJ wasn't a phone call kind of person. He sent Rita sporadic texts and pictures, usually of Edgar doing something cute, every so often, but he didn't call.
"I have something to ask you..."
Manuela gasped. "He's going to–" She gestured wildly to her ring finger, bouncing up and down.
"Go ahead," Rita said, pointedly ignoring her.
JJ cleared his throat. "Um, I was, uh, wondering if I could get your blessing. To propose."
Manuela shrieked, so loud it made Raul – their new bassett hound – start barking.
Rita groaned, resting her head against the cabinet in front of her.
"JJ, since when do you ask for my permission? Since when do you ask anyone for permission for anything?" She said, once the peanut gallery had calmed themselves.
"Hey, I ask when it's important stuff! And he's, like, the most important thing in my life so..." Manuela pressed a hand to her heart, smiling at the phone, as if JJ could see her.
Rita scoffed. "You didn't ask to give him a promise ring."
JJ groaned, long suffering and tired of the same old teasing. "It wasn't a promise ring. It was a five dollar mood ring shaped like a dolphin." He paused, and she could hear his nerves when he asked, "Is that a yes?"
"Obviously it's a yes," Rita said, making Manuela squeal as if she was a thirteen year old girl and not a grown woman. "Honestly, I'm surprised you waited this long. I expected it to happen when you moved out there to be with him."
Manuela nodded. "I thought it was gonna happen at your guys' eighteenth birthday party."
"I wasn't that bad!" JJ argued, and Rita could practically see him pouting.
"Honey, you were so gone for him that it was painful to witness. And you've only gotten worse over time," she teased.
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. "Okay, I gotta go. He'll be home soon."
"You better send pictures of the ring you get! I have to make sure it's perfect for my nephew!" Manuela said.
"Yes ma'am," he said, laughing. "Bye!"
"Goodbye!" Rita called. "We love you!"
"Love you too!"
Manuela hung up, just before throwing herself at Rita with a joyful noise. "Our boy is going to get married!"
Rita laughed, elbowing her so she'd move. "He's just getting engaged. We don't even know if they'll make it to the wedding."
"Yes we do!" she argued, slapping her arm. "They've already been together for three and a half years. They'll definitely make it to at least thirty."
And Rita couldn't exactly argue with that. If anyone was to stay together and be together for years and years, it would be them.
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fitzells · 3 years ago
“I fell in love with you.” “No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor.”
For Stiles? <3
drunken confessions, stiles stilinski.
notes: stiles won’t be in the movie because we’re too busy raising our three children, two dogs and one cat in the suburbs! also im not happy with this i haven’t been writing that good recently
inbox is very full so im replying to random reqs that inspire me!!
word count: 1.8k!!!! longer than i intended but oh well.
warnings: hints of smut towards the end but other than that i think we’re good!
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A drunken giggle fell past lipstick stained lips as you stumbled into your dorm room; Stiles following close behind, strong hands holding onto the small of your waist to guide you into the room. “I’m serious, Stilinski! You’re a real catch.”
“Uh huh.” He let out a grunt, wincing as you flopped your body down onto your bed, curling into the sheets with a whimsical grin. “How’d you figure that one out?”
He sat on the edge of your bed, lifting your feet onto his lap so that he could undo the straps of your heels. You pouted, reaching up to grab his face with both of your hands, staring at him with lovesick eyes. He almost melted into your embrace on the spot, not being able to handle the pure adoration you were shooting his way. You were the girl he’d been in love with since he was 6 years old, he’d been planning your wedding in his brain since the first time you’d ever even waved at him. Here he was, a couple of inches away from your face, watching your eyes light up and your mouth stretch into one of the prettiest grins he’d ever seen you give.
He wished he could take a picture of this moment, partly to show all those assholes in high school that made fun of him any time you looked his way; but also, for himself; because he knew how you got when you were drunk, you were overly affectionate, to everyone. In a moment, he’d reluctantly drag your hands away from his face and you’d pass out on your bed in a full face of makeup and an uncomfortable dress. So, he wanted to soak it in, because he’d probably never get to be this close to you again.
“I mean,” you paused for a moment, a quiet hiccup sounding through the room before you took up speaking again. “You’re super sweet, when you’re not being a paranoid asshole with major trust issues— sorry, that was mean. You’re funny, and smart and you do this cute little thing with your nose when you’re concentrating that makes me want to slam my head in a door, in a good way; obviously.”
He allowed his eyebrows to raise, a flabbergasted hum leaving his rosy lips at your words. He only shook his head, believing that it was just the alcohol talking; because, there’s no way you could ever want to date him, right?
“And you’re super hot, but I mean. . . that goes without saying.” Your hands were still cupping his face, squeezing it every now and again, making his cheeks smush together and causing little giggles to exit your mouth. You cackled at the look of confusion he’d sent you, an annoyed eye roll being shot his way. “Oh, c’mon; Stilinski. You’re not blind, you’re an attractive guy! You got that hair, and those eyes; and that cute ass of yours.”
He emitted a loud yelp when you’d nudged your heel into his ass, as if to emphasise your point. A look of pure shock painted his face, and your laughs only increased in ferocity; leading to him joining you in your drunken giggles. “You know you’re hot.”
He let out another little hum, watching as your eyes drifted away from his, mind wandering to somewhere else. “And you’re always there for me when I need you. Like when I was dragged into all this supernatural bullshit because my best friend is a frickin’ banshee. You always looked out for me—“
He smiled softly, dark eyes meeting your hazy ones. “I’ll always have your back, you know that.”
“—and then I was finally realising how I felt, and you got possessed, which was terrifying. And then, we got you back, but we lost Alli, and I wasn’t ready to let anyone else get close to me. Then the whole dead pool thing didn't really give us much extra time for a declaration of my undying love. Then senior year was just-- I mean, Theo and everything else. . . and then you got erased from existence. Isn’t high school meant to be the best years of our lives?”
He was bewildered at your ramblings, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly eyes wide and eyebrows raised. No, you were just drunk; you didn’t even know what you were saying. He should just ignore it, get you to go to sleep and forget this ever happened. “God, I hope not.”
You let out a soft sigh, your thumbs running against his cheekbones gently. “Now we’re in college together; and you’re my best friend. I messed all this up, should’ve just kissed you at prom like I wanted to.”
“You wanted to kiss me at prom?”
You let out another giggle. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the end of sophomore year. Your little buzzcut was so cute, you were like a pale, flannel wearing teddy bear.”
“Right.” He sighed, your level of intoxication becoming clear again as he gently pulled your hands from his face. “Lets get you into bed, okay?”
He turned his back to find some of that makeup removed he’d seen you use. Was it a pink bottle? Or a blue one? Actually he was pretty sure it was gree—
“I fell in love with you.” You muttered from behind him. He scolded himself when he felt his heart flutter and his thoughts flitter from his head at your words. You didn’t feel like this, not really, it was simply the copious amount of alcohol in your system talking.
“No,” he replied, once he’d found the face wash hidden in your bedside table. “You fell down the stairs. You really should learn how to hold your liquor.”
He tapped at the fresh cut just below your knee, from when you’d missed a step halfway up the stairs to your dorm only a half an hour ago, and you’d tumbled down them, landing in a laughing heap on the ground. Your eyebrows knitted together, leaning over to inspect the cut. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that— Hey! Don’t change the subject, Stilinski.”
“I mean it; this isn't the alcohol talking. Maybe, I have some liquid courage but that’s it. I’ve felt like this since I was fifteen years old, Stiles. I’m in love with you.”
He paused for a moment, face wash coated cotton pad held in mid air as he observed your expression, it was desperate, and frustrated; but also fuelled with the utmost love and appreciation.
“I love you.” You repeated, voice softer this time.
He hesitated, wanting to utter the words back to you desperately, for a moment, your were sure he was going to, your eyes twinkling with hope as you stared up at him.
“I should take your makeup off.”
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Your head was pounding as you opened your eyes, your hand coming up to cradle your forehead as you winced at the sunlight gleaming through the window. You kicked the body beside you, hard, prompting him to curse before turning off whatever video he was watching on his phone. “Morning sunshine, how do you feel?”
You turned to face him, eyes narrow and mouth dry. “Fantastic.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, but it was clear that something else had been weighing on his mind. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, a soft gaze being cast over you. “Do you remember anything from last night?”
“You mean, do I remember getting sick all over the side walk and then falling down a slight of stairs once you’d managed to get me into the building? Yes, trust me; I remember it all.”
You couldn’t ignore the look of disappointment on his face at your words as you clambered out of bed, walking to the bathroom; turning on the shower to let the water heat up, before applying toothpaste to your toothbrush and walking back out into your room. You scrubbed at your teeth as you walked around the room, picking up your clothes from last night and tossing them in the laundry basket, only now noticing you were wearing one of Stiles’ t-shirts and a pair of pyjama shorts. You looked over at him, trying to word your next words carefully. Your toothbrush hung out of your mouth, foamy lips opening as you walked into the bathroom to spit.
“I also remember declaring my undying love for you in a way that was exactly like that one scene in ‘definitely, maybe’ where Ryan Reynolds declares his undying love for Isla Fisher? Except, maybe it was a little less angsty than theirs— but anyway, that doesn’t even matter. What matters is that I love you. And not to sound too egotistical, but I’m pretty sure you might love me too.” You were back in your dorm at this point, standing right in front of your bed, where he was staring at you with wide eyes.
“You really do love me? Like actually?”
You nodded, a smile being hidden as you bit down on your lip. “Do you love me too?”
He rolled his eyes fondly, quickly fumbling out of bed in his usual clumsy manner and cupping your face in his hands. “Are you kidding me? You're talking to the guy who's been mapping out our perfect suburban life with three kids and a golden retriever since I was six years old. Of course I love you.”
His lips found yours in a soft kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as he held you close to him, a quiet hum of approval leaving his mouth. It perfectly showcased all the love and affection you’d both been hiding for years, your hands knotting in his hair before you pulled away reluctantly.
“I have to go shower.” You whispered against his lips.
He nodded, a big dopey grin on his face. “I have to go call Scott, and my dad— and everyone from high school. I got the fucking girl.”
“You haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, Stilinski.” You tutted falsely, standing in the doorway between your room and your bathroom.
“I think you’ve been my girlfriend for a long time, baby. I just think that we’re only catching on now.” He muttered. “But, nonetheless; my dad raised me right, so; will you be my girlfriend Ms. Y/L/N?”
“It’d be my honour, Mr. Stilinski.” You grinned. “Now, go call whoever you need to call. I’ll be in the shower if you want me.”
He paused, throwing his phone down on the bed as you pulled your shirt over your head; and he swallowed thickly. “You know what? I think my gloating can wait a couple hours.”
“A couple hours? You think you got that kind of stamina, Stilinski?” You teased, pulling your shorts down your legs and stepping into the shower.
“Guess we better find out.”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years ago
Big Roles
Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Request - Hailee Steinfeld x actor/singer!male!reader where y/n is a 26 year old single father who has a 5 year old daughter. His old girlfriend passed away due to an illness (you can decide what illness). Y/n meet Hailee during filming Hawkeye he was cast as the clone/son of Natasha Romanoff. During the few months of filming y/n develops feelings for Hailee, so does Hailee. During Christmas Hailee kissed y/n under the missile toe and they started dating. He doesn't let Hailee meet his daughter until he is very sure that the relationship between them lasts. After 6 months of dating y/n tells Hailee about his daughter. Ending fluffy and sweet.
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You arrived on set late due to traffic and you apologized for being late. You rushed to put on your suit and makeup, Hailee smiled at you.
“We get to do our scenes today,” Hailee said.
“I feel a lot of pressure being Natasha’s son,” You said.
“I felt that too when I took the part for Kate. You will do fine, Y/n” Hailee smiled.
“Thanks. I came late because the babysitter arrived late due to traffic and when I left home the traffic got worse” You said.
“Oh, she is feeling better?” Hailee asked.
Last week you told Hailee that your daughter had a stomach ache.
“Yeah, she is doing better. Apparently, she was sneaking candy into her pockets and eating it when I wasn't looking” You said.
“Smart girl but that is funny” Hailee laughed.
You show Hailee the Halloween pictures and Hailee loves it.
“You made a cute Olaf. And oh my God, she is a cute Elsa” Hailee smiled.
“Thanks. She is obsessed with frozen. What did you do for Halloween? I just took Rachel to get candies” You said.
“That sounds nice. I went to a party here in the city. And this was my costume,“ Hailee said.
Hailee takes out her cell phone and shows you pictures from the party. Later, you and Hailee started to work on the scenes with Jeremy and Scarlett. You have a similar accent to Yelena but a little heavier because your character Clone was raised with Melina Vostokoff and Natasha. And your character Clone doesn't fully understand what is sarcasm.
“I'm always impressed that you can change your accent easily,” Hailee said.
“Thanks,” You said and winked.
Hailee smiled then you do scenes with Scarlett and Jeremy alone. But Hailee watched you act on set and she is impressed with your acting skills.
“It seems you have a crush on Y/n,” Florence said
“What!... What are you talking about?” Hailee nervously said.
Florence giggled and she can tell that Hailee has a crush on you.
“You always smile at him. And you laughed at that lame joke, he told us about a few weeks ago” Florence said.
“The joke wasn't that bad... It was a little funny” Hailee said
“Whatever. Y/n is single and he is good looking man, and he is a gentleman and he cares about his daughter a lot” Florence said
“But I don't know if he would go out with me,” Hailee said.
“You are hot and I think he would go out with you,” Florence said.
“I guess... I don't know” Hailee said.
“Don't be scared” Florence said.
You are in Hailee’s trailer and you will do a live Q&A on Instagram. She has on her purple suit and you have a similar suit to Natasha's but your suit shows more dark grey. You start to read the question first...
“Do you like working with Hailee?” You said.
“Do you like working with me?” Hailee asked.
“Hailee is such a diva. She hasn't paid me back that time I took her and Flo out for lunch, and she always makes me mess up my lines” You teased.
She smacked your arm and you gasped.
“Wow, that is assault” You laughed.
“Jerk” Hailee teased.
“I’m kidding. I like working with Hailee and she is fun to work with” You said.
“Y/n can sometimes be annoying but he does make me laugh a lot. And I like how he always changes his accent back and forth easily” Hailee smiled.
You and Hailee smiled at each other. Some fans start to write that they ship your Character Clone with Kate.
Later, you and Kate do another scene with Scarlett and Jeremy.
“We can't keep calling him ‘Clone’ I mean it can be his hero name but not his real name. Didn't you give him a name?” Kate said.
“I didn't get a chance to name him. They took him away before I can hold him,” Natasha said.
“What you would have named me if you didn't give me away?” you said.
“I didn't know what to name you,” Natasha said.
“How did all of this happen?” Kate asked
“Dreykov was making clones. He managed to get Natasha’s DNA and make a clone. When Natasha found out, she asked Melina for help but they found a baby boy in the lab. Natasha didn't know how to be a parent” Clint said.
“I wanted him to have a normal life,” Natasha said.
You didn't say anything but you walked away. Natasha feels bad and the scene ends.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
Hailee has been working on a song and she wanted you to sing the song with her. You agreed to it, you would meet up with Hailee at the studio to record the song.
“Sorry, I'm late. Rachel wanted to play with her toys with me” You said
“That is adorable, Y/n. She with her mom now?” Hailee said
“No. She passed away when Rachel was two years old, she had breast cancer. Since then, I haven't been in a serious relationship. I don't want to bring just any woman around my daughter. I have to make sure she will be a good role model for my daughter” You said.
“I’m sorry about your loss. But I understand what you mean. Ready to start singing? We have to do the chorus” Hailee said.
“Yeah, I'm ready,” You said.
You and Hailee go into the booth and started to sing.
“Y/n, I think you should sing that part again with more energy,” Hailee said.
“Oh, again. Okay, I will try again. Is it just that part?” You said.
“Maybe, sing the whole part again but with more energy,” Hailee said.
“Okay, I will try again,” You said
You start to drink water then you try to sing again. While singing, you and Hailee did argue about which chorus should go first and last, etc. The argument didn't turn into a huge fight, she managed to fix the problem.
You have the week off and you have been spending time with your daughter. She is happy to have you home and play with you.
“I don't want tomatoes,” Rachel said.
She doesn't like tomatoes on her burger.
“If you don't eat it then I will take your french fries and you won't watch frozen,” You said.
“Really?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, really. Eat your tomatoes” You said.
“I want to see frozen” Rachel said.
“Later, before you go to bed,” You said.
“Yay!” Rachel smiled.
Minutes later, Hailee called you on facetime. And you picked up, you smile at her.
“Hey, Y/n!” Hailee smiled.
“Hailee, I like your outfit. You look beautiful “ You said.
She blushed.
“I called to see how you been doing and Rachel too. Like my outfit? I'm going to a fashion show here in Milan” Hailee said.
“Sounds fun. I'm here about to see Frozen 2 with Rachel” You said.
“That’s cute. I saw the movie, it's actually very funny. And I love Olaf” Hailee said.
“Dad, I like Olaf too!” Rachel yelled then she smiled.
You spoke with Hailee for a little while then you watched the movie with Rachel then she wanted to play tea party and you dressed up for her.
You had to go to a party to celebrate the success of Hawkeye. At the party, you start to speak with friends and your manager introduced you to new people. But Hailee is across the room, you stare at her. Hailee is talking to her friends and she starts to look at you. You and Hailee stare at each other
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
Florence invited you and Hailee to a Christmas party at her house. Hailee sees you and she is smiling at you, and Florence did notice how you and Hailee are smiling at each other.
“I will let you two, lovers talk. I have to make sure there are more cups” Florence said.
Florence left and you keep smiling at Hailee.
“Y/n, you came. I got something for you” Hailee said.
“Really?” You said.
“Yeah, it's in the room. Come with me” Hailee said.
You followed Hailee to the room and she gives you a gift bag. You take the items out of the bag.
“I got a gift for you and Rachel. Since she likes frozen I got her a coloring book and mini toys with Olaf included. And for you, I wasn't sure what to get so... I got you a gift card and a watch” Hailee said.
“Wow, Hailee this is great. Thank you so much and she will love it” You said.
You hugged her and you smell the perfume on her. She stared into your eyes and she wants to kiss you, but you got nervous and moved away.
“Again, thank you. Do you want to get a drink?” You said.
“Yeah, sure. Oh, Flo got these amazing cupcakes and you have to try them” Hailee said.
“I like cupcakes,” You said.
You follow her to the kitchen and you try the cupcakes. Then You take selfies with Florence and Hailee, and they posted the pictures on their Instagram account and tag you on it.
You are having a good time at the party. You and Hailee are making each other laugh, and she would gently caress your hand. You and Hailee grabbed the drinks and headed to the living room...
“Y/n, look up,” Hailee said.
“What?” You said
You look up at the ceiling and there it's a mistletoe. You moved closer and you leaned in and kissed her and she kissed you back.
Time Skip...
You are celebrating Christmas with your daughter. And you are opening the gifts with her and she is loving the gift Hailee got for her.
“I have a girlfriend,” You said.
“Eww,” Rachel said.
You start to laugh and she starts to laugh too.
“Her name is Hailee and I want you to meet her,” You said.
“Why?” Rachel asked.
“Because I want you to meet her. I care about her and I want to meet you” You said.
“Dad, she is your best friend?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, she is,” You said.
You stand up and you pick her up. She asked if she can eat cookies and you said yes, she starts to smile.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
6 months later...
You are in Hailee’s trailer. You and Hailee are kissing each other but didn't take it further. Now you cuddle with Hailee, you have your head on her chest.
“Do you see us being together long term?” You asked.
You sit up then she sat up.
“I do see us being together long term. I really like you, Y/n. Plus, I have told you stuff that I never told anyone before” Hailee said.
“Same with you,” You said.
“Do you want me to meet your daughter?” Hailee said.
“Yeah, I want you to meet her. She knows I'm dating but I want you to be sure before we can take the next step” You said.
“I know how much she means to you, Y/n. Yeah, I will like to meet her” Hailee smiled.
“This is great!” You smiled.
She pushed you down to the bed now she is on top. You and Hailee are smiling and she starts to kiss you. Her lipstick is on your lips and you can't stop smiling.
Today Hailee will meet your daughter and you are feeling nervous. You and Hailee agreed to spend time at your house. She knocked on the door and you opened it.
“Hailee you made it” You said.
“Y/n, I'm nervous about this” Hailee said.
“Do you want to reschedule?” You asked.
“No, I still want to meet her. I got donuts for us” Hailee said.
“Sweet. Her favorite snack is donuts besides pizza and French fries” You smiled.
Rachel runs towards you and she hides behind your leg.
“Hi, Rachel my name is Hailee,” Hailee said.
Rachel looks away and she has her arms around you.
“Rachel, she said hi to you. What do you say?” You said.
“Hi,” Rachel said.
“I got donuts for us to eat,” Hailee said.
Hailee followed you to the kitchen, she gave a donut to Rachel. Later, you go to the backyard, and Hailee is pushing Rachel on the swing. You see them having a good time and you start to smile. You take a picture of them and you don't post it online.
You went inside the house to grab something to drink while Hailee and Rachel are playing together, but Rachel fell. She scrapped her knee and she starts to cry. While you go towards Rachel, Hailee picked her up
“Put her on the counter,” You said.
“Dad, it hurts” Rachel cried.
Her knee is bleeding but it's not too bad. You went to grab the first aid kit, and Hailee wipe the tears away.
“It will be okay. Don't cry, your knee will heal and you will be fine” Hailee said.
You start to clean her knee.
“She is right. Your knee will be okay and you will be okay too. Now you can pick any band-aids you want” You smiled.
“I want Mickey,” Rachel said.
You the band-aid of Mickey on her knee. Hailee picked her up and starts to rub Rachel’s back gently.
“Looks like, you two are friends,” You said.
“It looks like we did” Hailee smiled.
You smile at Hailee. Later, Hailee helps you cook the chicken, and Rachel tries to eat a donut.
“No donut,” You said.
You take it away and put it in the box. During dinner, Rachel starts to talk about frozen and who is her favorite characters. Hailee thinks it's cute and you are happy that Rachel likes Hailee.
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callipraxia · 2 years ago
1) The scene where the hands start sneaking up and then swarm? Legitimately creepy, Stan, well-done.
2) Ah, first instance of the phrase of “crippling loneliness.”
3) So, “Abaconings.” It’s true that Stan seems to equate himself with Mabel, but I think it’s a bit of an over-simplification to say he equates Dipper with Ford. If anything, he seems to want to equate Waddles with Ford
except for how Ford’s superintelligence is innate, not some new factor which appeared from nowhere. Dipper, if anything, more closely approaches the role of the principal. Stan, hon
obviously complicated feelings about your family are especially obvious here.
4) “coping with crippling loneliness.”
5) why do I have the feeling Stan enjoyed making the Ford stand-in the source of similar forms of slapstick and surreal humor (“my pig arms are cute and useless!” “And many potatoes! Yummy, yummy, in my little pig tummy!“) as the ones he’d made himself the object of in the previous story? Do even I think it’s going a bit far to read an attempt to put them on equal footing into this, when it’s far more likely Stan is just amused by the image of a talking pig with a rocket scooter and riffing on that idea? I
might actually think that, more (probably not really) at 11.
6) I did just notice for the first time, though
Stan’s knowledge of the hand witch and the jokes about her interspersing mystical-sounding pronouncements with attempts to date him implies he read most of the visible portions of Journal 3, not just the ones with the Portal diagrams on them. We know that at least some pages with reference to “F” survived whatever Bill did to the book just before Ford buried it. This means Stan knows that Ford actually made a friend outside the family (something Stan never seems to have managed, unless you count Soos, and Bill-in-Stan’s-brain, at least, implies that Stan on some level counts Soos in with family). I doubt he has a clue that the friend in question is crazy Old Man McGucket, but he knows there was some other “dumb smart guy” whose company Ford at least sometimes enjoyed. Therefore, I
think he might have just unknowingly cast Dipper in the role of the younger F.H. McGucket.
7) While Mabel doesn’t express direct hostility toward Dipper-as-McGucket, it does seem clear she regards Dipper as actively stealing her best friend from her. So hey, background to why Stan was specifically passive-aggressive and irritated with Ford after Ford (somehow - I’d have never guessed young and old McGucket were the same man until I’d heard them talk) recognized and was conciliatory toward Fiddleford in the Fearamid. Though the fact Ford apparently expressed interest about what had happened to Fiddleford in the past thirty years in a context where “everyone” immediately made efforts to change the subject probably didn’t help, if we assume Stan was part of “everyone.” No evidence for or against the idea that he was, but Ford never wondered aloud what had happened to him after their falling out, did he? And now here’s this guy, who bailed when things got tough and apparently never looked back until the world freakin’ ended and he had no better options than raiding Stan’s apocalypse supplies. He didn’t work thirty years to fix that weirdo contraption in the basement, did he? He didn’t even pay off the ——ing mortgage! Or the taxes! Well, some of the taxes, anyway
.whatever couldn’t be gotten out of without risking losing the house
8) “Clay Day” took me a long time to find associations for, but I think I did! The words “crippling loneliness” don’t recur, but the whole episode is about the theme of imprisonment, isolation, paralysis, suffocation, etc. The only thing is, this time, Mabel is able to single-handedly rescue everyone - or, in other words, Stan rejects the moral of the previous story that he wandered into: Mabel previously sorted out her problem by communication, telling Waddles about her feelings and asking outright for what she wanted
And one more thing. There’s that bizarre moment at the very end, when Soos unexpectedly turns into clay and Stan decapitates him before assuring the twins that “we’re safe now.” This is a thing I actually had noticed before: see, another theme of the episode, or perhaps just an extra aspect of the first, is that of transformation and control. Stan wants to control events and to an extent people, including literally bending the very fabric of reality to get the outcomes (Ford back, the relationship they had as children, no matter how unrealistic that would be after even half of what either of them has been through in the last forty-five to fifty years, back, to be recognized for an accomplishment and as the good guy in the story) he desires. Between the ability to flip Waddles’ intellect on and off like a switch in “Abaconings” and Mabel’s ability to literally reshape an opponent into an ally, there’s a feeling that
well, it could be taken a few ways. Subconsciously, though, he may well wish he could as easily remodel someone (be that Ford or the twins or himself) into a “safer” version - either himself into someone his family would want to have around or, if one chooses to take a much darker potential angle, his family into people who won’t want to leave him
And then there’s Gumby Soos
who is not remodeled but obliterated at the end in the service of Stan’s primary objective in the story. It’s not Soos’ fault that he got turned to clay. He initially seemed to have escaped as well as anyone else did. Ultimately, however
Stan probably remembered the Zombie Soos incident in “Scaryoke,” where through no fault of his own Soos had become a problem, when he made up that bit of “Clay Day.”
Do I think Stan was consciously trying to convince himself that he could kill Soos in real life if Soos interfered with his mission? Not in so many words, no - but I don’t think it’s impossible that he would have resorted to some level of violence had he deemed it necessary, and I do think he was prepared to sacrifice that relationship if need be. Soos had been unswervingly loyal to him for ten years. He’d practically half-raised the boy. Soos’ devotion ran to the point that it occasionally disturbed him, but the relationship isn’t entirely one-sided: we see, not frequently but repeatedly, that Stan appears to trust Soos far, far more than he does anyone else, which is impressive, considering how many secrets Stan had and how generally jaded his adult life had left him. Soos appears to participate in Pines family movie nights off the clock, for goodness’ sake. However
to quote the man himself, he knew that if he succeeded in retrieving Ford, then the tiny number of people he’d developed any level or relationship with while Ford was away were “gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true,” and even at his most blindly self-deluding, Stan had to know that there was no predicting how they would take that information. He’d promised Dipper there were no more bombshells. He’d fostered this illusion that he to some extent trustee Soos with his secrets, including ones the twins were not meant to be privy to, while keeping some extremely big ones still hidden - Soos missed work once in ten years, and in all that time, he never really knew the man he thought of as a father at all. Forget never knowing his history, or what he was capable of - he never knew Stan’s name. The foundations of Soos’ world were going to shake worse than the town did during the gravitational anomalies - who could know how well they would settle again?
But to quote the man himself again
 “I don’t care how dangerous it is.” “I’ve come too far.” “Nothing was going to get in the way of my mission.” Including, quite possibly, everyone else he cared about at all.
9) the ending is interesting. It isn’t canon, but it nevertheless shows us Stan being extremely ruthless - something underlining that notion of the extremism of his dedication to his goals. Once Stan commits, that’s it: it will happen, or he’ll die trying to make it happen, or both. I think that served multiple purposes on a writing level:
a) In S2, we see Stan being somewhat nicer than in S1, at least to his family. We’re lulled into seeing him, to an extent, the way they do: rough-edged to the point of abrasiveness, with a slightly strange, slightly alien view on morality, but it’s not much of a struggle to understand why they love him. Here, just before we kick off that final arc where it looks like his machine may be malicious, the author manages to remind us a bit that Stan is, after all, someone who has repeatedly shown a reckless disregard for human safety when it interferes with his objectives (ex., “The Time-Traveler’s Pig,” where he prioritizes profit over the safety of the Mystery Carnival to the point that a ride with Dipper in it apparently goes to pieces violently enough that Dipper enters the scene from above, flying in a detached compartment; any of the many times he engages in aggressively dangerous driving). This theme is built up a little (here’s another new thought!) in “Love God,” where Stan appears in earnest about trying to shoot a hot air balloon early in the episode and where an image of him, distorted but still recognizable, appears as a fiery hazard descending on civilians, like some kind of cannibalistic monster from Hell. The writers also, however, do something very, very clever in both of these incidents: they put them in contexts where, the first time we see them, it’s incredibly easy to laugh them off. “Little Gift Shop of Horrors” isn’t canon, as Dipper and Mabel‘s casual reaction to the idea of a stranded motorist being glued into an exhibit helps emphasize; the episode has no consequences, so we can take it as just a distortion of Stan’s avarice written for the sake of a joke, not an event that we should consider in our evaluation of the character. As for “Love God,” the Stan subplot is pretty minimal; for the most part, it’s another very lightweight episode, focused on the social dynamics of the teenaged characters almost separate from the supernatural; the plot would remain intact if we clipped out “Love God” altogether. Just another moment where the writers went juuuuussst a little past what is in character for the sake of the joke - right? This is, after all, Stan we’re talking about: Stan, who went Captain Ahab on a pterodactyl to save Mabel’s pet. Stan, who, in his own, admittedly ineffective way, ultimately does care about Dipper, and gives him the pointer that allows the Mystery Crew to put up a fight against Bill. Who, when he was down to his last scrap of money, prioritized the twins’ well-being, and who ended up providing the information that put a dangerous and completely, by the end of the season, unhinged stalker who tried to outright murder Dipper into a high-security prison, protecting the twins from further attacks and harassment from said stalker. Who plowed through zombies with a baseball bat and ultimately his own fists to prevent Dipper and Mabel’s brains from being eaten - who supported Mabel in both of the first two mini-arcs of “The Golf War” - gives Pacifica, who he’d earlier expressed a desire to hit, a ride home instead of abandoning her in the rain - and so on and so forth. Stan’s a little intense about his money, sure, and he’s got a temper, but ultimately he usually does more or less the right thing. And he’s funny - we enjoy his antics all the time - and, just under the surface, shown occasionally to be quite emotionally vulnerable: in the first two episodes alone, he makes an awkward but sincere enough effort to cheer the twins up when they are down, and he is shown to be very lonely and capable of badly hurt feelings. Really he just runs his mouth; we know he has some lingering secrets, courtesy of the lab scenes and the crossed fingers at the end of “Scaryoke,” but this is a relatively lighthearted show and he’s basically all right. So no point in pulling a Callipraxia and over-analyzing the text to death and back; indeed, between ourselves, I’ve reason to know that Calli didn’t think a thing about these incidents during her first watch of the show. We trust Stan. We even kinda like him.
And then comes “Not What He Seems.” Then comes the government, saying that he is planning a mass casualty event
but hey, those guys are dumb as rocks, right? We just saw them arguing in a closet while playing dress-up last episode, and in their first appearance, Powers went straight from “that’s classified” to “let me tell this twelve-year-old about it” while Trigger appeared barely capable of dialogue beyond echoing key words from Powers’ sentences. But then they have a lot of evidence. And then we hear Trigger, when trapped in the SUV, actually speak intelligently. And then the buildings start lifting off the ground
all about the time that we learn Stan did steal toxic waste, seconds before we are presented with the idea that he might be a cold-blooded murderer who killed the real Stan Pines and stole his identity.
All of this in NWHS would, of course, have built on itself convincingly enough without the examples of Stan behaving unusually badly for a joke in a couple of prior episodes
but those images being in the back of our heads certainly doesn’t detract, and probably contributes to the first-time viewer’s experience of fear and tension during the episode’s climax. We’re just that little bit easier to convince when the time comes, to paraphrase the Axolotl from one of my own fics, due to having the idea suggested to us before, without our taking it a bit seriously.
and then (yes, that was all Point A - all that wall of text, which led me to find out that there’s a maximum paragraph length on tumblr apparently) we reach points b) foreshadowing, and c), the rewatch bonus.
10) I really have to write that essay about this episode sometime.
11) and also that AU where Bill makes a deal with Stan.
12) I had another point but I can’t remember it now and I want to at least start my doubtless also quite long comments on “Society of the Blind Eye” tonight. (Edited to add: it was either “don’t play the dark mirror game, that way lies madness” or “Abaconings is an even cleverer title than I thought - it sounds similar to both ‘awakenings,’ as in Waddles first becoming sentient and later having a revelation, and ‘abandoning,’ which is what Mabel feels has happened in the story and which Stan felt happened in the past.” Have ‘em both.)
Words barely serve to express how much I love this episode, y’all.
Plan: play GF season 2 while dozing for
subliminal inspiration or something.
Reality: start watching the episodes
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manhwa-reader · 3 years ago
#50 List of 10 favourite manhwa ><
Hello ^^
Oh my god this time it's really been a very long time since I last wrote 😭. Yesterday I finished the last thing I had left to do from my degree. Now I'm officially graduated!! I'm so happy ><
Also this is post #50 and it's been a whole year since I started this tumblr. So I thought I should make something special. After thinking a bit I thought that I could do a 10 favourite manhwa list. I hope you enjoy it â˜ș
First I would like to say that I've had a rough semester so I couldn't read many manhwas. Also, the website I used to read them had some problems and it doesn't update like it used to, so many manhwas that I would have read I couldn't read them.
Most of these manhwas are webtoon, let's start with the overview of the list:
After school for unrippen apples
Act like you love me!
The spark in your eyes
Romance 101
'Til debt do us part
A stepmother's mÀrchen
Carrier falcon princess
Maybe meant to be
A whirlwind campus affair
Twilight poem
And now we'll do a quick review of every manhwa:
1.After school for unrippen apples
It's been several months since I started this manhwa and it has never disappointed me. There is comedy, romance and friendship. The story is set in the 80s and the emotions descripted by all the characters are sublime. If you haven't read it yet, trust me when I say it's wonderful â˜ș
2.Act like you love me!
Okay now I bring you a great romcom ! We have a handsome and cute actor and a hardworking woman. Guess what? He falls for her first !! I love that đŸ„° It's a very funny manhwa and the story only gets better and better with each chapter.
3.The spark in your eyes
Surprisingly I didn't post about this historical manhwa. The male lead is pharmacist who looks very big but actually has a very good heart. The female lead is the sun witch and as the name sounds she is very powerful. The plot is very interesting and it shows us the point of view and backstory of each character. I really recommend it !
4.Romance 101
It's such a cute and wholesome manhwa ! There are already more than a 100 chapters and yes it is so much worth it ! The romance builds up slowly but it doesn't get boring at all. The main character is very relatable which makes you loving her a lot. Without realizing you get to see the development of all the characters.
5.'Til debt do us part
When I read the manhwa it hadn't been officially translated yet to webtoon. It's a typical "from enemies to lovers". It's not really enemies, it's just that the characters didn't like each other much at first but when they get to really know each other they start catching feelings. I honestly enjoyed reading it a lot ><
6.A stepmother's mÀrchen
This historical manhwa is so beautiful ! The main character is smart and strong. Even if she is young she is able to take care of all the children and give them all the love that they deserve. I can't wait to see how the story will develop. I root for her happiness and love â˜ș
7.Cavier falcon princess
This historical manhwa is different but very nice. Lately there hasn't been many updates but the current chapters are great. It focuses more on the war but there is still romance. And I'm sure the romance will be worth the wait !
The next ones that I bring you are newer ones so I'm not sure if I'll keep liking them but for now I'm loving them :)
8.Maybe meant to be
I'm not sure what it is, if the plot, the characters or the art but it I've really taken a liking to it. The female lead is a tomboy but relatable woman. The male lead is a geek but sweet man. And they marry on the first episodes ! It awaits us so much fun 😂. At first I thought that they didn't look very good together but after they start getting to know each other you realize they make a great couple. So give it shot.
9.A whirlwind campus affair
This webtoon has a drama set but oh there is a lot of comedy too. The main character seems weird at first but you realize that she is a strong and nice girl. The art is very beautiful and the characters have secrets that with time they will help solve the mystery that surrounds the story.
10.Twilight poem
This pretty new historical manhwa is absolutely stunning ! The female lead is pitiful and the male lead for now is a jerk. But I'm sure he will end up being a good man. There is also supernatural stuff which makes it pretty cool. I can't wait to see more of this story and to finally see the female lead happy.
These are all the manhwa that I currently love.
Now that I have more free time I'll try to post a bit more.
I hope that you are alright â˜ș
Bye bye ❀
PS. I spent hours making the post and it got deleted so I had to do it all over again 😟. It was hard but anyway I hope you enjoy it â˜ș
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quindolyn · 4 years ago
General Relationship Headcanons || James Potter
Request: “Please can you do a general relationship for james potter? xx” -anon
Word Count: 5,835
Notes: This is kinda slow burn, I’m a little sorry. The ones I did for Remus and Sirius were not canon so this won’t be either which is a little easier because no Jily. These keep on getting longer and longer, but part of that is because Jamie is definitely my favorite marauder.
Warnings: Smut, angst, lots of fluff, dom and sub James, momma’s boy Jamie
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You were something special
James had known that since he was 4 years old
It just took him a long time to realize exactly how special you really were
James Potter was an idiot
That would become increasingly apparent to him as he grew up
Your family and the Potters were great friends for as long as any of you could remember, meaning that you and James were practically attached at the hip
And who could blame you? He has such nice hips 
The both of you are heart broken when he leaves for Hogwarts leaving you behind because you wouldn’t start until the following year.
All throughout his first year you guys write back and forth sharing every single detail of your respective days, down to the color of the plate you ate your lunch on
You can’t help but feel envious
There’s your best friend in the entire world, in fucking Scotland
Making new best friends
When the next year rolls around and you get to finally join James on the Hogwarts Express you want to hate Sirius and Remus
You really do
But how can you? They’re Remus and Sirius 
You guys spend the entirety of the train ride laughing and talking and the other two boys tell you embarrassing stories from the year prior about James
When they hear your nicknames for him (Jamsie, Jamie, J), they make fun of him relentlessly
He calls you an assortment of cheesy nicknames too but his favorites, before you guys get together, are “Sweetheart”, “Sunshine”, and “love”
If you get sorted into Gryffindor James screams his head off for you, making room for you to sit next to him at the table in the Great Hall, opposite Sirius and Remus.
If you’re in a different house then James gets sad, really sad, like that night he cries into his pillow and Sirius has to climb into bed with him to give him hugs and tell him that its okay even if the two of you are in different houses. That doesn’t have to affect your friendship if you don’t let it.
The next day James would find you before you got to the Great Hall and engulf you in a hug in the middle of the corridor, not caring that there were people streaming past the two of you in either direction. 
“We’re gonna be friends forever right (Y/N/N)?”
“I hope so Jamie.”
Even though you’re in different classes and potentially different houses you guys are around each other all of the time
You sit with him and the other boys at their place at the Gryffindor table
They sit with you in the library
And by the end of your first year you’re having sleepovers in their dorm
You sleep in James’ bed of course and Remus and Sirius do. Not. hesitate. To mock you relentlessly
“You and your girlfriend getting comfy over there Jamie?”
“Go to hell Siri, let me cuddle James in peace!” 
These jokes continue through your years at Hogwarts and you and James take them in jest
As you guys get older the physical affection you share never dwindles
After someone made a crude comment in the hallway about the two of you he talked to you making sure that you were okay with the arms he would throw over your shoulders, the arms wrapped around you waist, the kisses to your forehead before he left the Great Hall for class, holding you in his arms in the Gryffindor common room as the two of you drifted to sleep.
You assure him that its okay, that its not weird because you guys have been best friends since forever and that you love how affectionate you are with each other
You don’t start to realize you feelings for James until he starts pining after Lily, you don’t know what you have until its gone, right?
Watching him stare at her in the Great Hall
Writing her little notes that even though he’ll go up and ask her out in front of everyone, which you’re not too fond of either, he’s too shy to actually give her
Listening to him go on and on about her, her hair, the cadence of her voice, the beautiful color of her eyes, how intelligent she is, and on and on
Sirius picks up on this instantly
And he does not hesitate to make fun of you for it all the time, obviously not enough for James to pick up on it because he’s a prick not a complete asshole, but still enough to make you blush uncontrollably
You can’t say anything to him though because he’s your James and there’s absolutely no way that he returns your feelings, you’re like a little sister to him
So, much to Sirius’ chagrin, you swallow your feelings and sit there by James, trying to listen to Remus as he tries to explain to you your Charms homework while James watches Lily on the other side of the Common Room laughing with Dorcas and Marlene
And a little piece of your soul dies
The summer between your third and fourth year, his fourth and fifth, you were excited to finally have your Jamsie back to yourself again.
It went without saying that the two of you would alternate between each other’s houses over the summer
There would be no Lily Evans to distract him
No exams to stress over 
Just you and James at the Potter estate, exploring the woods that, in all honesty, didn’t change all that much from summer to summer, and swimming in the bioluminescent pond on the edge of the Potter property, simply floating next to each other on your backs, one of his hands grasping your forearm, making sure you didn’t float too far away from him
But apparently this year it didn’t go without saying.
Instead, a mere month before the end of the term, James regretfully tells you that he and his family are going to Spain for the summer to be with his aunt who lives there and he really wants to take you but its the entire summer and his parents nixed it
“I’m so sorry sunshine, I really want to take you but-”
“It’s okay Jamie, I get it if you could you’d take me, but you can’t so its fine. I’m not going to hold it against you.”
And you can tell that he’s genuinely upset about it but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt any less when you hug him goodbye at King’s Cross knowing that unlike years prior you weren’t going to see him in a few days.
You spend a good chunk of the summer wallowing, not necessarily because your crush isn’t there with you but because your best friend isn’t
James writes you every day just like he did during his first year at Hogwarts but its not the same because you can’t see him
You can’t hold onto his arm when you’re tired and set your head on his shoulder
So when September 1st rolls around and you finally get to see him again you’re down right giddy
But on Platform 9 Ÿ you’re looking for a wiry, lanky boy, with a nose a little too big for his face, and a squeaky little voice
Not the 6 foot man who approaches you, with broad shoulders and budding facial hair along his jawline.
Oh holy shit
His voice
He no longer sounds like a dog toy, a very cute dog toy but still
You must admit that you’re a fan of the change, as the word leaves his lips you imagine resting your head on his chest and feeling the vibrations as he spoke with whomever
Its not a single day that you’re back at Hogwarts before James is fawning all over Lily again and you’ve had enough of it
You’re not going to let yourself to keep on pining after a boy who doesn’t love you
Not even doesn’t love you
But loves someone else
Sirius finds you a couple weeks into the school year, sitting with your back against a wall in an empty corridor trying to hold in your tears.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I-I can’t believe I let myself fall for him. I’m an idiot Si!”
Sirius holds you in that hallway, rocking you back and forth while he murmurs to you that James is the idiot, not you, and that you deserve so much more than him
He helps you concoct a plan to get over James, he pitches to you going out on a date with someone else
Doesn’t have to be anything all that serious, just something to get your mind off James and remind you how hot you are, and how many people are lining up for you to give them so much as a moment of your time.
It doesn’t take too much on Sirius’ part to get you to agree to let him set you up
His name was Sullivan, he was in your year, a year younger than Sirius, with sandy blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes 
Sully, as he insisted you call him, took you for a butter beer at the Three Broomsticks
You had a good time, Sully was smart, and attractive, and you and he shared similar interests 
And all though he was lovely, and he insisted you were too, the both of you agreed that you would be better off as friends
You spent more time with him in the following weeks and less with James, Sirius, and Remus
The latter two were very happy that you were trying to move on because watching you stare at James was a little sad
James is confused, and hurt, and jealous
Though he adamantly refuses to admit that last one
Instead he just watches you. All. Of. The. Time.
To the point where if it wasn’t James it would be disturbing
And even though it is him it gets touch concerning
Sometimes before you go and sit with the Marauders at their spot in the Great Hall you’ll stop by where Sullivan sits with his friends and give him a smile, talk for a few minutes before hugging each other and walking away
It made James’ blood boil
Who did this kid think he was, you were his best friend he didn’t get to just waltz in and take you, or Godric forbid date you
One day you’re sitting outside with the boys when you see Sullivan on the other side of the court yard, excusing yourself you walk up to him and chat for a couple minutes before Sullivan’s face goes pale and there’s a shadow looming over you.
James throws an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side while extending his hand to Sully
“Hi, I’m James, (Y/N/N)’s best friend.”
James is standing there with you guys maybe 2 minutes, being the most passive aggressive petty person he could possibly be, dropping not so subtle hints about his distaste for Sully before he’s tugging you back to the tree where Siri and Remmy still are, their hands resting dangerously close to each other’s 
“What the fuck James!”
He plays dumb because if there’s one thing James Potter is good at its being an idiot, but eventually he relents
“I just don’t like the way he looks at you, it's like he’s trying to get into your pants!”
You start cackling
Borderline manically
“You’ve got to be kidding me James we’re just friends!”
Sirius being the eternally helpful human being he was added in his two cents, “Maybe you’re projecting Potter!”
And the laughing stops
James goes beet red, you feel all the blood drain from your face before collecting yourself and murmuring a quick apology before racing off for the castle 
You and James don’t talk for 2 days
It's the longest either of you have gone without some form of communication
You’re both so embarrased and you don’t want to hear James tell you that he doesn’t actually like you and that it was just Sirius being an asshole
Of course he would say this to make you comfortable but that’s not what it would do
It would crush you
You don’t have classes together so it's easy to ignore him there, and if you’re in separate houses it's even easier
Now that’s a different story
You can’t just eat somewhere else and the prospect of facing James after what Sirius said has you running for the nearest toilet
So you scrounge up what you can in the kitchen after meals
It kills James that he’s only seen you on the other side of the courtyard or disappearing behind corridors 
You’re supposed to be his Sunshine, he can’t stand that you’re hiding from him, he misses you so much
And at first he’s a little angry when you don’t sit with them at meals, but after scanning the Great Hall, he realizes you’re not there
His stomach drops, have you not been eating?
So dinner the second night he collects a plate for you with all of your favorite things and determinedly sets off for your dorm, balancing a plate in one hand and a glass of pumpkin juice in the other
He has to knock on your door with his foot
“Jamie, what’re you doing here.”
He gently pushes past you letting himself into your room to set the plate and glass on your desk
“You haven’t been eating.”
And despite yourself your heart flutters, because he’s right you haven’t been eating as much as you should’ve not wanting to get caught in the kitchens you only swiped what you could easily get your hands on
But then you have to remember, it's because you’re basically his little sister, not because he reciprocates your feelings
“I’ve missed you Sunshine.”
And you lose it
“Stop! Stop it Jamie I can’t take it anymore, you can’t keep calling me Sunshine and Sweetheart and Love and cuddle with me on the couch and then turn around and declare your undying love for Lily fucking Evans. I can’t do it anymore! I like you, differently than you like me and I can’t do this anymore!”
Poor Jamsie has never felt like more of an absolute asshole
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t revel just a little bit in the look on his face, didn’t feel a little triumph that maybe he felt even a fraction as bad as you did.
He’s an idiot and he realizes it
You’re both very quiet for a minute before he walks up to you so that you’re a mere inch from him before he gulps and leans down to press his lips to yours
“I’m an idiot.”
“Yes you are.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Always Jamsie.”
It's not as though much changes between the two of you on the surface once you’re together
You’re a bit more touchy feely with each other, kisses usually pressed to foreheads or temples often find themselves brushing at the other’s lips
He holds your hand a lot more freely now and more often than not it will end up clasping your thigh under the table in the Great Hall, or after having pushed your chairs together in the library so they touched
When you curl up together in the Gryffindor common room his hands find their way under your shirt, lightly tracing the skin of your stomach, pressing kisses to the junction where your neck meets your shoulder
His arsenal of nicknames expands impressively
Angel, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, poppet, pretty girl, mine
And he’ll add the occasional my before the word “love”
You already slept over in their dorm room every other night before you and James got together but now it's more of a nightly occurrence
Especially the day before a Quidditch match, James insists that he sleeps with his lucky charm, says you keep him calm
You cheer the hardest for James at his matches, bar maybe Sirius
Even if you’re in a different house you sit with Siri and Remus in the Gryffindor stands and get all decked out in red and gold
Now that you’re his he has no problem with Sullivan, he trusts you and by extension he trusts the people you trust
You’re touched one day, early on into your relationship, when Lily comes up to you in the Great Hall and tells you that you didn’t have to tell James to tell her that he was sorry for being a prick and not taking no for an answer.
You don’t tell her this but you didn’t ask him to do anything
James is just a good person
He also has an abundance of money and little impulse control
He’ll buy you literally anything he sees that reminds him of you, or if he remembers you bringing up that you wanted or needed it
He likes buying you jewelry because you can wear it more often than you could say the same dress or blouse
That’s not to say that he doesn’t buy you clothes too, he has all of your sizes memorized and knows whether you wear normal/petite/tall
James Potter will buy you pads/tampons/whatever product you use
He’s a man not a little boy and he doesn’t give a flying fuck if someone makes fun of him for it
One day Lucius calls him out for it and Jamie is just not having it 
“You have no clue where the clit is or what to do with it do you Malfoy?”
He’s always helped you through your periods so now that you’re together he’s just more liberal with his touch because he knows how much you love it
He knows how to do basic hairstyles and such because he watched his mom when he was a little boy and watch your mom do your hair too
If your hair requires special treatments and hairstyles he will write to your mom, asking for her to teach you because he loves your hair and wants to be able to help you, like imagine sitting in his bed while he puts braids in your hair following the instructions your mom sent him
Speaking of families when he tells Euphemia you two are together (which he does as soon as he leaves your dorm that night) she literally screams
Fleamont was worried that she was being attacked
But the next day at breakfast you get a letter from Euphemia stained with dried tear drops as she poured her heart out to you, telling you how much she loved you and that if her son ever broke your heart you were to go to her immediately and she would deal with him for you 
The year you finally become boyfriend and girlfriend is the year you all become animaguses 
James tries to argue with you, insisting that you shouldn’t do it because it's dangerous and he doesn’t want you getting hurt
Your rebuttal is that isn’t it just as dangerous for him? And if you’re not doing it neither is he and that leaves Sirius which just wouldn’t end well 
He’s so proud of you when you transform for the first time, he gets so distracted watching you that he forgets where he is for a moment
That summer, unlike the one previous, you and James spend all of your time together 
You spend the entirety of the holiday at the Potter estate doing all the things that you and Jamie used to do when you were younger, only this time its better
Instead of being childhood friends you’re each other’s 
You can kiss him, and hold his hand, and he can lift up your hair to kiss the back of your neck
Euphemia lets you guys sleep in the same bed but before that she sits the two of you down and gives you the talk
“Now (Y/N), I don’t know if your parents have ever discussed this with you but if you two are going to be sharing a bed I think it's important we go over it.”
There’s so much blushing and whining from James
One night you guys are lying on the floor of his bedroom wearing the absolute bare minimum because it was so hot and humid out when you pitched the idea of going skinny dipping
James is hesitant at first because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
But you insist that you’re fine and point out to him that it was you idea not his
Being the gentleman he is when you strip by the lake he looks away making you laugh
When you turn him to look at you his jaw drops
You’re even more gorgeous than he could’ve ever imagined
It's dark out but the light from the lake allows you to drink in your figure
He blushes so much you’d think that he was the one naked
 When he does strip too he grabs you and jumps into the water, you guys are all over each other, running your hands up and down his chest, his hands are supporting your bum while your legs wrap around his waist
You have sex that night, for the first time, he was very gentle with you and holds your hand when he breaks you hymen and if you cry he kisses away your tears
“Do you wanna stop baby? Does it hurt too much? We can stop.”
James is one of two things depending on your preference
We have soft dom!James and sub!James
I personally appreciate a healthy mix of both 
Starting with soft dom!James, he would be so gentle with you 
Also very firm though, if you broke any of his rules he would not hesitate to punish you
He’s a thigh man through and through
Doesn’t matter if we’re talking dom or sub, the man lives for your thighs
Which makes his favorite form of punishment laying you across his lap to spank you, but most of the time his blows land on more of your thighs than they do your bum
He makes you count as he spanks you too and after every blow you have to thank him
“One! Thank you Daddy!”
And if you ever call him James instead of Daddy during sex he’ll stick his fingers in your mouth and make you choke on them, kissing away the tears that fall from your eyes, “S’okay baby, you’re okay. Can you do this for me? Can you take my fingers like the good girl I know you are?”
He loves taking you up against a wall, especially in the locker rooms after a Quidditch match
Shower sex is one of his favorites, thinks you look absolutely gorgeous, soaking wet and moaning for him, not to mention he get’s to fuck you up against the wall
This is the point in the headcanon where I urge you all to go read the blurbs by @randomoutsiders​ where Remus and Sirius teach James how to brat tame you, she captures his essence perfectly
He loves to blindfold you, he likes the little jump he gets out of you when he touches you
He gives you the most condescending mocking smiles
What comes to mind is the first time he makes you squirt, he’s so proud of both himself and you
“Good girl, look at that, look at how much of a mess you made for me angel. So pretty, good job.”
He then proceeds to lick the mess you just made off of you 
He loves buying you lingerie
He likes it in a deep red and black
Loves ripping it off of you, absolutely adores it 
After care with him would be so soft and sweet, he loves taking baths with you so he can clean you up and kiss all the places he left bruises while he murmurs to you about what a good girl you were and how proud he is of you
One night he tells you that if Godric forbid the two of you ever split up and you’re with someone else that after care is necessary and that you’re precious and deserved to be treated as such 
He treats you like a goddess 
Sub!James is just as precious
He’s also my current obsession so stick with me here
He’s just so eager to please, always wanting to make you feel good and not even caring all that much if he gets off himself
Just so centered around making you feel good
He calls you “Mommy” and I will not be accepting criticism
I feel like “Mistress” is too impersonal if that makes much sense
The former is just so intimate and James wears his heart out on his sleeve 
James is rarely if ever a brat, usually when he’s disappointed in himself and he takes it out on you and you have to remind him how to be a good boy
And the rest of the time when he breaks a rule it's completely on accident and he’ll come to you and tell you about it to apologize
He feels so guilty, like he’s failed you
Especially if he touches himself without your permission, it's almost enough to keep him from doing it but he’s still a horny teenaged boy and can’t help himself sometimes
Most of the time though you’ll end up with a horny James knocking on your dorm door begging you to help him 
He prefers giving you head than you giving him head
That’s not to say that the visual of you on your knees with his cock in your mouth isn’t appealing, it most certainly is 
He just loves that he can make you feel that good with just his tongue
James also loves how you taste, tells you it’s better than candy
Which makes you smile like an idiot
Will finger you under the table in the library if you ask him to, it's not like he was paying that much attention to his homework in the first place, and even if he had been you are without a doubt more important
Loves it when you ride him
Absolutely adores it, he loves the way your tits bounce which is why he prefers cowgirl to reverse cowgirl because he can keep his hands on your tits and on your thighs
He asks you for a cock ring, loves that you get to decide when he gets to cum 
Extra points if its a vibrating one
With his consent of course, you tie him up and make him watch while Sirius and Remus fuck the living day lights out of you, barely paying him any mind while you scream for the cocks of his two best friends 
He likes being tied up in general allowed to look and only look
The first time you peg him he almost cries it feels so good
And you take his sniffling as a sign he doesn’t like it and that he’s hurt, he has to explain to you that that is not it and “You make me feel so good Mommy.”
His whimpers and moans are the most precious things and he’s very vocal
Screaming your name and begging you to cum
He is not shy to beg you 
To cum
To make you cum
To get to so much as look at you
Baby boy has absolutely no shame 
I especially like sub!James because he’s such a cocky asshole 90% of the time but he’s also the kindest, most considerate soul and he spends so much of his life helping others that sometimes he just wants you to be in control
Regardless of sub or dom James you were making out on his couch that summer, your hands in his hair, his fumbling with the clasp on your bra when there was a pounding at his front door
He makes you stay where you are because he doesn’t want you to get hurt but its just Sirius
Well not just Sirius
He was bloodied and broken and looked like he’d been to hell and back
When he told the two of you what happened, how he’d been disowned and had nowhere else to go, while Euphemia tended to his wounds James engulfed him into the biggest hug and they just sit there, Sirius crying into James’ chest while James ran his hands up and down Sirius’ back whispering to him about how it was going to be alright that he was safe, that no one was ever going to hurt him again.
About 2 or so hours after you’d all retired for the night, you and James snuggled together in his bed you awoke when the door to his room creaked open
There was Sirius, with tears streaming down his face, his bottom lip wobbling
After untangling yourself from James you walked over to him, taking his hand in yours and leading him over to the bed
“James, scooch over.”
When he opens his eyes and sees his Sirius standing there, bashfully ducking his head he quickly moves over and you and Sirius settle into the bed with him in the middle
You and James pet his hair hold his hands while you tell him how much the both of you love him and how you’re never going to let anything bad happen to him again
You fall asleep that night with James spooning Sirius from the back and you with your body curled into Sirius’s front, his head resting on your chest
When you go back to Hogwarts you often end up in this position in their dorm room only add Remus into the mix
You’re a year behind all of them at school meaning that when they graduate you’re still stuck their for a whole nother year without any of them
And it nearly kills all of you
You and James most, though you write to each other every day it's still not the same as him actually being there with you
When you get particularly desperate to see him he apparates to Hogsmeade where he becomes Prongs and meets you in the Forbidden Forest where you basically just spend the entire time holding each other and telling the other how much you love them
He cries at your graduation, full on blubbers 
“That’s my girl!”
Insists that you look better in your graduation cap than anyone else
Doesn’t relent when you tell him how ridiculous that is
You guys move in together as soon as you graduate, it’s barely even a discussion because you guys can always tell what the other is thinking
“Hey babe, do you wanna-”
“Yeah Jamie, when you wanna go look at apartments?”
He loves going shopping for your apartment, he has so much fun looking at color swatches and different fabrics
He insists that you guys decorate at least part of the apartment in Gryffindor colors
Wolfstar lives down the street from you guys and you have biweekly coffee dates together at a little coffee shop in between your two houses.
After a year or so you realise that you and James still aren’t married, and you get very self conscious
Does he not want to spend the rest of his life with you?
Does he not love you as much as you love him?
It completely eats you up
And James can tell that something’s up
When he asks you you confess your worries to him and his heart breaks
He never wanted to make you feel like he didn’t love you
Because of course he loved you
You were his everything, you were his Sunshine
After telling you all of this he goes rummaging through his drawers looking for something
That’s how you find him when you wake up to him accidentally dropping something results in a loud bang
“Jamie? Are you okay?”
When you find him he’s standing bashfully, blushing with his head down, his hands holding something behind his back
And that’s when he gets down on one knee and pulls the small velvet box from behind his back
“This isn’t how I wanted to do it darling, but I spend every single day  thinking about you, you’re the first thing I think of in the morning and I fall asleep with you in my arms thinking about how much I love you and how I don’t know if I could live my life without you. I’m so sorry if I’ve ever made you feel differently, I can’t believe I was enough of an idiot to ever hurt you, in any way. Even though I most certainly don’t deserve you, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marrying me?”
Euphemia plans your wedding with the help of Sirius
They go all out
There may or may not be a life size ice sculpture of you and James per Sirius' request
Married life is absolute bliss for the two of you
You wake up every morning with that ring on your bedside table (do people sleep in their engagement rings and wedding bands? I’m a child of divorce whose parents are both children of divorce, true love is a foreign concept) to remind you of the beautiful man beside you
Both sub and dom James go absolutely wild on your wedding night, he can’t believe your Mrs. Potter, that your his
Its that night that you pregnant
Though you don’t know it for almost 2 months 
James is the best husband 
He carries you everywhere, even when you’re not showing 
And he can because fuck that man is strong
He’ll carry you upstairs at night and down them in the morning and to the sofa 
You can only move by yourself when he’s not looking 
James is really good at puzzles and putting things together so it takes him less than 2 hours to put all the furniture together for the nursery 
Which he insists you paint yellow, the color of sunshine
One of the first things he buys is a little Gryffindor onesie for your baby
When he comes James has him in it all of the time
When you go into labor he’s very calm and collected
Euphemia is there to help the both of you because that’s the person he first called when you had your first contraction 
He holds your hand the entire time, kissing you, and coaching you along, telling you how good you’re doing, how proud he is of you
He cries when he first sees his son, he’s so beautiful 
Even though he’s basically the spitting image of James, Jamie swears that he looks so much like you
Once the doctors and nurses leave the room he climbs into bed beside you, throwing and arm over your shoulder as you cradle your little boy in your arms
“He’s beautiful Jamie.”
“Just like his mother.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts​ @kittykylax
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galaxywarp · 3 years ago
I don’t think I actually know much abt your new kittens. I know they have cute names, but what are their stories? Somehow I managed to miss those details since the nuke :(
Yeah I got them right after I got nuked so I haven’t really had a chance to talk about them!! :0
meet Bonnie and Clyde!!
Bonnie is the runt of the litter, but she’s FULL of personality. She’s
.she’s honestly a little monster LMAO she has endless energy and is afraid of NOTHING and gets into EVERYTHING. she’s INSANELY smart — like, the smartest cat I’ve ever met by far. She knows how to fuck with me!!! She actively enjoys being annoying and she thinks mischief is so fun and I regularly scoop her up and toss her across the room and she just prances right back to me for more. She tore open my bag of bread and ate a huge bite out of it and I was so upset
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Clyde on the other hand is a very sweet, somewhat timid boy ! And especially compared to his sister, he’s HUGE. he has these big lion paws and he’s super long—his tail is as long as Bonnie if not longer!! he took a few months to really open up to me, and he’s turning into a little cuddle bug now, but similar to Lulu he started off very nervous about being touched and tended to run away at sudden movements or noises. He’s getting much better tho!! He’s been sleeping in bed with me and he kneads the blankets SO hard
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He loves this hammock. He’s always in this hammock
Lulu pretty much adopted them both on sight. She started grooming them and playing with them within 2 weeks of me bringing them home. She’s their mama!! Clyde especially. He’s a mommas boy
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Khaleesi on the other hand

. Is a big grump LOL she’s 6 years old now, and apparently Too Old For This Shit, and regularly let’s out the whiniest, most cranky sounding MEOW whenever one of the kittens gets too close to her. and she baps them on the head. it’s harmless, and honestly hilarious. the kittens don’t even flinch anymore they just look at her like
.. Why. I caught her grooming Clyde the other day tho and that’s exciting progress!!! but like I said it’s really so funny how sassy she gets about the babies
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fillthedarkvoid · 1 year ago
I know more then one. But I don't want to go. They are scary.
đŸ‘Ÿ this octopus is trying to scare you. It could also be cheering for a friend or coming at you for a hug.
đŸ€č could be a juggling. But could also be a guy having 4 thoughts at the same time. All of them are not really related.
đŸȘ‚ I don't know. Just what it is? Parachute? What is that?
đŸȘ”ohhh this is a little bit of wood and you are going to sculpt it. Look at all its potential. It can still take on so many shapes. Imagine.
đŸ•žïž HALLOWEEEN. also a spiders web.
đŸ„ź It is an art version from pacman. See the shape? See the maze? See the little thingy it is eating?
đŸ«™well you could put fireflies in there. But maybe they will not hug you. You don't know. Listen to the song.
đŸ„€this is just soda. But since it is not in a bottle. It will be watered down by way too many ice cubes. Somehow you will still prefer this over bottled soda.
🧂for salty comments
🛞for when someone is inventing something that already existed (is this a dutch thing? I can't rembemer)
đŸ—Ÿwell it is a country and it is in love. See the little heart at the bottom? Well I don't know what country this is. (Japan?) It could also be a dinosaur leg that is green and shatered.
đŸ—ș you send this to someone and point somewhere on this emoji and they should know what the country is. Like a quiz.
🧹 dynamite? Usually it does not look like that right?
🎇 ohhhhhh (sterretjes, sterretjes) <- like the dutch name for that firework for kids.
đŸ„ advanced device for throwing the ball for your dog, or lacrosse. Whatever.
🃏the one card that will make everyone annoyed when this is how you win the game. Lucky basterd.
📟 what is that? No really? What is that?:
📠 this is a printer. And however nice that may sound. It does not print.
💮 yen. Money for anime
🧼 you still counting like that? This is how you make fun of a friend that is smart but somehow messed up adding 3 and 6.
⚖ for having a balanced life. Or scale. Well unless the person thinks a balanced life is by not eating so many foods or essential oils or other stupid bullshit. Then you just hit them with this device.
đŸȘąohhhhh a knot. It is for knotting two ropes of different width together. (I only know the dutch name for this one, we say platte knoop)
🧮old cough syrup. You can interpret that however you want. Like the herbs mix in your moms fridge that has been there at least 15 years that she still drinks, just because it tastes good. Or like from some time back when you could still put chlorine in it.
🧣 this is a scarf but it is a sign that the person wearing it is invisible.
🔖when capitalism starts selling the stars.
📊 statistics. Will tell you how many of these emojis I explained in a weird way (green) out of hyperfocus from the past or now (orange) or just overall not or badly (blue)
📇 book but holding it wrong? What is that?
🔅 ohhh this is the symbol for brightness. You know for screens ( but also the word we use for how smart someone is :))) you can also use it as a cute little sun
✎ what did they do to this orange? (You are only seeing a little piece. But someone skinned a bit in the shaped of a star)
🎌 to japanese flags. Used for?? Uh declaring you are both japanese?
A selection of rarely relevant emojis
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