#''never wanting a partnership makes it very difficult to do things like have a family or own a house''
lowkey i feel like the aro community focuses a lot of effort on trying to change people's opinions on us without wanting to actually do anything about the societal structures that prioritize romance and nuclear families
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lunarlianna · 2 years
Chiron in sign/house
This asteroid can show you where you have your deepest wound and also where you can heal other once you’ve healed yourself, it can also represent your secret power. It’s one of the major asteroids in astrology, it was discovered in 1977, its orbit is between Uranus and Saturn which this is why it has the characteristics of both these planets. It takes this asteroid about 49 years to travel through the entire zodiac. This is a brief description of this asteroid in each sign/house. My advice is to read both the sign and the house where your Chiron sits.
Chiron in Aries/1st house: when this asteroid is in Aries, you are the kind of person that is hyper competitive but also you have suffered a self-esteem lost, you may have been ignored as a child or your need where not met, there for you may have feelings of worthless also you may be taken advance of quite often. Once you heal, you’ll be the type of person that empowers people to be truth to themselves, you’ll be fearless a fearless individual where your anger can be channeled into more creative aspects.
Chiron in in Taurus/2nd house: when Chiron falls into Taurus you may have a difficult relationship with your body and your self-worth as a person You also have a resistance towards change and can be quite stubborn. You can get addictive to comfort foods, drinking or later in life have hoarder-like tendencies. Once you heal you can be the type of person that encourages others to accept their feminine side and heal their financial trauma or reconnect with their self-worth.
Chiron in Gemini/3th house: you may have a deep fear of rejection and judgmental opinions towards you. You may prefer not to share our thoughts and you have the tendency to question your own intellect very harshly. You can get addictive to gossip like behavior, you may have difficulties in finishing something that you started. Once you heal, you can be great helping others to find their inner voice, you can use humor and wit in order to heal as well.
Chiron in Cancer/4th house: your deepest wound is related to your mother and the emotional needs that were not met growing up. In your family you may have felt like the “black-sheep” and never truly felt like you belong, you may also be an emotional eater. Once you heal you can create a safe place for the community, you can empower and support women in your community.  You can heal though the family that you choose rather the one that you are born into it.
Chiron in Leo/5th house: you may struggle with self-expression and being truth to yourself. You may need external validation and enjoy drama way more than you should. Your parents may have told you that you can do anything but one thing, you may think that not everyone is special. You can also be very shy when someone gives you a compliment. Once you heal you can help other people in expressing their truth self and embrace their creative endeavours.
Chiron in Virgo/6th house: you may struggle with self-criticizing, perfectionism, people pleasing and not a clear image of your own body. When you were young, you were let to do whatever you wanted but in the same time the expectations were for you to be more mature than your actually age. Animals can be a great comfort to you and give you peace. Once you heal you can help others be more organized, share practical wisdom and empower others in putting boundaries and take your inner power back.
Chiron in Libra/7th house: there is a struggle with this placement in either ending relationships or committing to them. You can have a hard time making any kind of decisions especially romantic ones as well as having a good social understanding of others. You can have a hard time loving yourself and you may seek perfection in your partnerships. Once you heal you can help other find the love that lays within themselves, you can help them make healthy compromises and establishing healthy boundaries in the relationship.
Chiron in Scorpio/8th house: this is an especially hard aspect for your natal chart, since most of the issues are related to you emotional and psychological needs. This wound usually run very deep into your soul and teaches you how to survive after abandonment and betrayal from other people. It’s usually a complex and multi-layer wound which it calls for self-awareness and compassion towards  yourself and others. Once you manage to understand this wound and maybe heal part of it you can help others in extreme situations such as death and rebirth, powerful transformations and sexual healing.
Chiron in Sagittarius/9th house: this wound is usually related to higher learning, belief system and foreign countries. You can have an exaggerated optimism and see the world through the eyes of the spirit and not as a simple mortal, which may give you a distortional view of the world. You may have a hard time believing in your purpose and trust you intuition. Once you heal and understand your wound you can help other find their place in the world, promote inclusivity and diversity, preaching higher truths with compassion and acceptance.
Chiron in Capricorn/10th house: here this asteroid can manifest in having obsessive ambitious and seeking power with all cost, maybe even not feeling that you are good enough to gain recognition and  achieving success. Sometimes this placement can indicate that your father had pressured you in being exceptional and feeling like you never can reach his expectations. Once you attempt to heal this wound, you’ll start encouraging others to have healthy ambitious, have a good relationship with their father or authorities and take leadership positions.
Chiron in Aquarius/11th house:  with this placement your deeps wound is related to your friends and social networking. You may struggle in embracing your uniqueness and you may have been rejected by friends that you thought there will always bee there for you. You may try to “fit in” and have extreme rebellion phases in your life time. Once you understand your wound and try to heal it, you’ll encourage others to be unique and embrace their quirky side, you’ll be a social activist and you’ll seek social justice in a healthy manner and encourage other to do the same.
Chiron in Pisces/12th house: here you wound is related to your boundaries, spirituality and the tendency to escape reality. You may have a hard time forgive yourself, even do you always forgive other, sometimes this wound can come from a past life time or can be inherited from your family.  You tend to escape reality and not be in the present moment. Once you attempt to understand and heal your wound, you can help other find their spiritual path, explore their creative side and embrace their artistic abilities. Through healing other you can heal yourself as well.
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xvxnux · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝓻 𝓮 𝓫 𝓲 𝓻 𝓽 𝓱 ,
⠀ ⠀ “sometimes we are killed and we don't realize it
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ so tell me, you're dead rn?”
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( 💬 ) i want to talk about your most recent rebirth. if it doesn't resonate try to choose another option!
the lovers
for some people who chose the lovers card i see that they have gone through a rebirth and others have not yet. but the context of the rebirth of both parts will be the same, have you ever had the feeling that the events are the same and only the characters change? then. rebirth for this pile comes through a passion. basically i see that after a disappointment in love you fell, maybe you missed opportunities because of someone and after that disappointment you tried to get back up. the beginning may have been difficult, today you may feel like you must work hard and there may be regrets in your heart too. after the rebirthing process did you acquire new skills to deal with pain and with your life, your studies, career, dreams? you will be successful. each person has a reason to be reborn and all are valid and understood. and for you who chose this pile and are in love with someone at the moment make sure you take off yours pink glasses and see all the things for what they are, be realistic and spare yourself from people who make it clear that they are not on the same wavelength as you.
the tower
your rebirth happened when you lost an important person in your life, i see that person is on another plane. i feel masculine energy, father, grandfather, brother... (for some people i see that it may have been a change, they – or you moved for far – may have moved to another city or country and for others i see that a family member has died) i feel that it may have been 2 people in some cases. there is something striking about this situation that is still present in you, in the farewell... yes, from a farewell you were never the same and know that you were reborn at that very moment! you may have felt helpless, as if you were numb or as if the ground was cracking under your feet. don't worries, you'll be feel better.
for this pile see that rebirth has connection with spiritual awakening. it's like the cards tell me a story. so if you identify with this stack and resonate, pay attention to what i'm going to say next and see which stage you are at right now. "suddenly you realized that you are in a bad way, in such a way that you can no longer control it or understand very much why you feel that way in some moments. it relieves your pain and then you feel a little motivated and hopeful to move on. this motivation will make you more open to things of spirituality, and then you wake up and discover your mediumship (some of you can predict the future) – for some people finally get to know more about a spirit guide –" i see that this awakening tends to improve your life in general. new ideas emerging, new dreams, great partnerships, great friends. do you want to travel, change your room or organize something? you will. positive for the financial, very positive! your rebirth and spiritual awakening are in perfect alignment, your paths are clear.
random: financial problems? connect with your spirit guide, he has something to say to you.
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siderealmaven · 6 months
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7th House Planets: Partnerships that Provide
The Seventh house is all about relationships. This can include spouses, co-parents, business partners, collaborators and even friends. In this house you can also find people you consult, such as a doctor, lawyer, or an astrologer. Because the 7th house sits opposite of the Ascendant, it can also represent people who oppose us in some way.
When planets fall into the 7th House, it means that we cannot access the significations of that planet on our own. Instead, we must utilize our personal and working relationships with others in order to obtain it. The tricky part of this is that as much as we will find friends and helpful people in this house, we can also find people who disagree with us, have opposing motives, or whose differences can make it difficult to work together.
That being said, having planets in the 7th house can be difficult because it seems to undermine our independence to need to go through others in order to obtain our goals. The lesson with this house is that everybody needs somebody else every now and then, some of us more than others. When living in community with other people, we will have to learn how to work with people we may not get along with but that doesn’t mean that we can’t achieve great things together when willing to put our differences aside.
Here is my interpretation of the planets in the 7th House in a Natal Chart.
Sun in the 7th House
When the Sun occupies the 7th House, the chart holder must go through others in order to access their self-awareness, self-regard, sense of authority, biological/adopted father + grandfathers, husband, and authority figures. It can be difficult for this person to see themselves clearly and thus assert themselves as the authority figure over their own lives. Navigating social hierarchies that emphasize family legacy and patriarchal values can be a pain for this individual who may have had a father figure that was incapable or unavailable to serve as a parent in their childhood.
This person comes to learn more about themselves and how to act as the leader of their own self + life through their relationships with the help of people/men/authority figures outside of their immediate family. This could be through romantic/sexual partners, people they meet through work, family friends, teachers, bosses, or community leaders. This person will attract people in their life who seem very self-assured and confident to act as a model for the 7th House person to learn how to be more aware and confident in themselves.
In the 7th House, the Sun teaches the chart holder that if they do not assign themself their own identity and assert themselves as the authority figure over their own life, someone else more pushy will come along and do it for them. While it may seem like they are constantly being challenged to assert and defend their boundaries around who they are, what they think, and how they navigate their life, it teaches them that they should never allow another person to dictate their life path.
Want to read the rest? Head on over to my Patreon!
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glamsmine · 10 months
The Final Ackermann
(Yes that is the fic name and that was the best i could do but it will all make sense PROMISE)
It was unspoken, as was everything else between the two, but this- THIS was something the both needed to confirm. How to go about it? Neither knew. They were so used to questioning each other on topics and arguing, but talking things out? Leaving everything in the open? That simply wasn’t how Kenny operated in any way, shape, or form. Uri was more adept in that area, but Kenny being the other part that had to contribute to the possible conversation made it more difficult for him to find a way to even bring it up. Uri wasn’t one to keep his thoughts to himself, and part of him has doubts that this may just all be in his head and that Kenny just acts as he pleases with whoever. He had no idea of knowing whether he was wrong or not. Kenny was stubborn and to the point, so he’d have mentioned at least once what it was they were to each other wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t, in fact, because this is about the only type of thing he has no experience in. The past month felt off, awkward, not in any instance like a regular evening they had or casual banter they exchanged like before. All because of the way the two gazed at each other sitting in front of the island’s shore one afternoon.
It felt instantaneous, feverish, a bit shy. Something so foreign to the two that they realized that in that moment, they could never look at each other the same way afterwards. So in the moment that they both had that disappointing realization that there might be more to this “partnership” that they developed under the intention of keeping a royal and loyal connection, they held their eyes for as long as they could; in fear that they would never have a moment exactly like this one ever again. The sea air felt soft and smelt of jasmine rather than the nasty smell Kenny first described it as. The light coming from the sun above seemed to graze Kenny’s face and capture it in a warm glow with an expression Uri could only think of as surprised. Truly a sight to see, Kenny never softened his face or let the furrow in his brows rest.
The light breeze picked at Uri’s hair, a picture wouldn’t do him justice. The technology on the island is too behind to allow for the invention of a camera, but Kenny was grateful he was able to capture this moment in his mind where he hardly had any real memories that made him comfortable or happy.
It was just like that how their prolonged silence led to hushed nights hiding from palace guards and days where Kenny would stare up at the sky with nothing else but that white coconut head he had engrained into his eyelids. If only he wasn’t such a cowardly ass that didn’t give a damn of what others thought, maybe he’d be able to peck Uri without a single thought. Perhaps he might’ve even been able to keep that little Levi in his sights, properly raise him and prepare him for the world that he will let him see in the future. The underground was no place to live. He’d like to think that he’d have everything he ever wanted then. His family and love(maybe even more if he got the chance), but the dreams of an Ackermann can never come to fruition. He wanted to blame their heritage, maybe it was a curse because no Ackermann in existence has ever lived the life they’ve wanted, but he knew. This was just how the Ackermanns managed to survive this far, and he hoped that that wouldn’t reach Levi’s way of living. Yet he knew. This was just how things are, and how they always will be.
WOOOPWOOOPWOPPP. So this has been siting in my drafts for like, forever and I decided to finish it off just now. (I hate writing fr, why can’t I just write my stuff all at once so I don’t have to constantly revisit my drabbles when I finally have a transition point or more to add on.) anyways.
This is very much KenUri if you haven’t already noticed💀 I don’t wanna ruin the actual plot point that comes after this bc it would be a big spoiler for my fic, even though i have yet to write the whole thing🗿 but this will be an Armin-centric fic (ik. SURPRISING. Given that this is some real KenUri) but it will make sense when i actually write it🧍🏽‍♀️there’s a good foreshadow/ reference in here so maybe that is a tip-off. Anyways. This exists now…….
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
Ombra's Flaws
Template belongs to lovely @neonneurons
Note: I used this list as a reference
Minor Flaws
Distinguishes the character but doesn’t have any impact on the plot (Patterson).
Absent-minded: Ombra is very much forgetful on a daily basis. People should remind her several times about something she has to get done. This also makes her unreliable with doing tasks and other's requests, and it is so bothering to those around her.
Ignorant: This is close to the previous one. Ombra tends to neglect the "pointless" and "boring" activities of a normal life. She does what she feels like it at the moment, something that doesn't "waste" her time. This also implies to those around her. She often ignores her friends and colleagues' needs, worries and emotions.
Fussy: It is very difficult to befriend Ombra not only because she's an introvert, but because it's hard to reach to her standards. In her view, the majority of humans and human-like creatures have lower than average or average IQs, and they're all the same shit. She picks those as her friends who impress her with their minds, ideas and unique personalities which give her the chance to observe.
Hateful: Ombra hates children with a passion. Just keep them away from her.
Withdrawn: Being an introvert and fussy person she is, she often tends to isolate herself in her loneliness. She has a very small circle of friends, and social interactions is usually boring and time-wasting to her.
Major Flaws
Has more of a debilitating impact on the character physically, psychologically and morally (Patterson).
Stoic: Ombra tends to be so logical that it makes her bottle-up and neglect her own emotions. She doesn't recommend people to be this way. She believes that feelings must be expressed, but deep down she thinks that they're huge weak spots at least for herself.
Impious: Every moment of her childhood was affected by religious trauma. Ombra believes that religion is a weapon of manipulation, and whoever follows one is stupid and narrow-minded. She would challenge them into arguments to no end and may even tease them here and there. And if they piss her off enough, she may get physically violent.
Stubborn: Ombra's mind can't be easily played with. She made it up years ago, and it's well-preserved. She will even force her opinions upon others, if it is needed.
Controlling: Ombra suffers when things are out of her control even if it is other people's behaviors. In fact, this is one of the reasons why she can't spend time with kids - they're out of her control and she never wants to unnecessarily hurt them. Even though she is self-aware, it does affect her partnerships and her relationship with Quan Chi.
Secretive: Ombra acts strategically when it comes to revealing the facts about herself. If it is necessary, she will use manipulation to craft a whole different image of herself in people's minds. And only one person knows about her true intentions: Quan Chi.
Fatal Flaw
The major downfall of a character (Patterson).
Ombra's fatal flaw is Rebellious.
It was first commenced with rebelling against the government. She risked her whole life, including her family's. She had to emigrate to keep everyone safe. But the emigration didn't cease her. Ombra used every opportunity to fight with the oppressive government and its branches. She accepted to join the Earthrealm Defenders to gain more power which was beside risking her dream career life. Then she left behind her good friend Fujin to join the MRD in order to earn more power to achieve her now bigger goal: fighting with oppressive governments and destroying the roots of religion. As Ombra tracks her quest of finding Falkus, her doubts become certainty: The Elder Gods are liars and the entire system of the universe isn't what it seems to be. Now Ombra is going to rebel against the Elder Gods, and turn the whole universe against herself.
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
i saw the ask about being bi and i just wanted to get some perspective on my situation since you have such good advice!
i’m going on 5 years into a relationship with my boyfriend and i’ve been kind of freaking out about my gender lately. i’ve been struggling with it for as long as i can remember but i had a lot of shit going on and there was never really time to think about it seriously until recently. i’m realizing now that i’m non-binary leaning masc. i just can’t bring myself to tell my boyfriend. we’re very serious, living together and all but i know that he isn’t attracted to guys and i feel so stressed about doing things like binding and asking him to not use feminine words for me. but it also makes me sad thinking that i might never come out. sorry about the rant i just really don’t have anyone to talk this through with so i’ve just been ruminating about it for a while
Oooh, ok, this is touchy. Because I don't know you and your situation and the nuances of it. Because this is a very nuanced thing. I can't judge based on just this ask how strongly you feel about your gender identity versus how strongly you feel about your relationship. This is a decisional balance situation. You'll have to weigh your options against one another. And the weight of each thing can and will change over time. It's a tricky thing to do. I can only give you some perspective and talk about my own experience with my gender and my primary relationship.
Tough love incoming. If you're not ready to take it or hold space for it, feel free to not read. Or let me know in another ask to delete, and I will delete this message for you.
My main thing in regards to relationships is and will always be this: if you can't be yourself, truly, completely yourself within said relationship, why are you in it?
Now, I recognize I'm an all or nothing person. I see the world in black and white. I handle being alone and solitude very well. I'd much rather be on my own and happy about myself, then in a relationship where I can't be myself. I'm saying that now, today, in my current headspace, as a 31 year old with lots of therapy and self care and growth behind me. And lots to come still. I don't know how old you are. But. Ten years ago, would my answer have been the same? Absolutely not. Ten years ago I stepped all over myself and bend myself every which way people asked to fit in their tiny little uncomfortable boxes of what they wanted me to be. I DESTROYED myself doing that over decades. Destroyed. Wrecked. Reconstructed. Rebuilt. I will never do that again. I am me. I am unapologetically me and, as much as I recognize in situations like work etc. I do have to conform into societal norms, those are not relationships I chose. Unfortunately in our capitalist society you cannot choose to not work and still survive. But relationships like a couple, a partnership, friendships, family, etc. I choose fully. I refuse to choose to be in a partnership where I won't be able to be myself.
If you're scared to have these conversations with your boyfriend, to me that's a red flag. That's a bell that needs to ring and be heard. Why are you scared? Is it inner anxiety? Or did he react in the past negatively or aggressively towards similar subjects? Is it your brain assuming he won't like it, or did he clearly state he doesn't believe in gender or some shit like that? There's a world of difference between what your brain tells you and what may be the truth. A lot of times we assume and project emotions and thoughts onto people, and it turns out to not be their emotions or thoughts at all. Be wary of projection. Ask yourself why is it that you're afraid to tell him about your discoveries, your pronouns. Why are you afraid to bind. Find the source of the fear. From you, or from him. If it's a fear from within, evaluate that. Sit with it. Ask your boyfriend directly. Have the difficult conversations. You will never know for sure unless you ask and talk it out. Get his real feelings out in the open. Now, if he did say transphobe things for example and that's why you're scared, maybe he's not a great partner to keep, you know?
You have the right to come out. You have the right to be recognized as who and what you are. You have the right to be fluid and change in your identity, and anything else. By the sheer nature of your existence you have this right. Your boyfriend has the right to his own opinions and beliefs too. You'd need to know what those are tho. Not assume. Ask and know for sure. Then you have to decide.
There's four ways I see this conversation can go. 1) he's actually more fine with it that you thought and you two can flourish and continue your life path together with acceptance and love all around. 2) he's not down for the NB shit and you choose to sacrifice yourself and your identity for the sake of this relationship. That might last a few years. My prediction is you'll self destruct eventually because of the repression and it'll be a worse break up in many years than it would have been at 5 years in, because you'll have harmed yourself immensely in the process of denying who you are. 3) he's not down with the NB shit and you decide that the relationship is not what you want to continue living in. It doesn't matter if you live together and have life plans, you'll know in your heart if your identity is worth more to you than to move out and start over. 4) then there's the option of, maybe the gender discovery was not what you thought, because gender is messy as fuck and it fluctuates so much. That I can't answer for you, you have to know within if NB is really what you are or if you're just trying out pronouns and a label, see if it feels good, feels better. You have the right to try labels and pronouns in spaces other than the home if home doesn't feel safe for it. With friends, while going out, in queer spaces, online, etc. See how it feels. Does it feel strong enough and a big enough part of you to turn your life upside down for it. It might. It might not. That's up to you to decide. But live your truth.
Never settle. Settling, swallowing it down, brushing it under the rug, that might seem like the best option right now. It's the easiest. It's the avoidant option. It will catch up to you I can guarantee it. Under the rug is where things go to die and rot and fester. The pungent smell of rot will catch up to you. It will be unavoidable one day. If you ignore stuff for months or years even, I can guarantee one day, ten years from now maybe, this gender shit will come back up with a vengeance and it might harm you. Where are you gonna be in ten years? What if you ignore your gender today, ignore who you are, buy a house with this boyfriend, get married, maybe have kids if that's something you want. What then? When in ten years, what you've been repressing this whole time comes back to kick your ass. Are you gonna be able to destroy everything then to live your truth? Its gonna be way more difficult if you have legal attachments like a marriage contract, a mortgage or a kid. 5 years is a long relationship, but honestly in the scope of your life it's not that long. To stick with something that's not right because of how much time you've invested in it is not a good reason. It sounds like one. That's called the sunk cost fallacy. Or fallacy of time invested. "The human tendency to stick with endeavors in which we've already invested time, money, or other resources even when changing course would be the more logical choice." Look it up.
My sincere hope for you two is that it will go better than you assume. I was scared to tell my partner too when I started to understand what I'd felt all my life towards my body was disphoria. When I started to realize how I relate to gender was different than most people. When I wanted to see if I was trans (I don't consider myself trans, tho some NB people do and that's absolutely valid too) and I tried the masculine pronouns and identity for a while. Didn't fit perfectly right. Some things and words fit, some days it fit more than others, but some days it didn't feel right at all. The journey to land on NB she/they with a preference for they and gender neutral words was a long one and I'm honestly still not sure about the label or the identity. The only things I know for sure after two years of exploration of gender is I'm not just a woman, and I'm not just a man. That's it. It will change.
When I told my partner about the disphoria and my inkling that I had some gender fuckery going on, she still identified as a lesbian. My partner is a cis woman and for decades her identity was very very rooted in the "I am a lesbian" thing. My gender identity made her reconsider things too. I was worried that she wouldn't be into me anymore because she was such a lesbian back in the day and I wasn't a woman anymore. But the thing is, I was never a woman at all. She fell in love with me and we agreed on a life partnership and a life path together while I wasn't a woman. Because I never was. I just didn't have the right terms to describe myself with before. I didn't have the vocabulary, the knowledge. My partner had to evaluate for herself was she in love with a woman, which would have made us incompatible, or was she in love with me. She figured out she was in love with me. She was supportive about all my pronouns try-ons and label changes through the years and to this day she's my absolute rock and most supportive cheerleader ever. She takes it in stride, makes a point to ask which pronouns I want for that day, asks how I want her to refer to me to specific people, etc. She asks permission before she outs me to someone as NB by using gender neutral terms. She cares. Cause she loves me. And I love her. And we choose every day that we're gonna build our life together. If one day something incompatible comes up, and either one of us wakes up and cannot make the choice that day, cannot choose the other that day, then we'll talk about it. Have the gut wrenching conversations and decide what happens with the relationship there. But I know for a fact if she wasn't down with my gender exploration, I would have brought it up. Assuming she would have been super closed minded about it and refused my gender identity, I would have had to talk about breaking up. Cause I'm not gonna live my life with someone I'm afraid of. I will not share my life with someone whom I can't be my true self with.
Will you?
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autisticlee · 1 year
I have so many characteristics that make me feel like dating would be absolutely impossible to do and navigate, because they're such undesirable things that no one wants. i
if someone DOES want/are ok with them, there's so few of those people that they either already found someone, or they're out of my reach/we'll never meet. and that's if THEY match what I want as well, which then makes that pool even smaller.
i'm autistic. i'm asexual/aromantic. i'm trans/nonbinary. all things that make dating extraordinarily difficult to begin with.
i'm also not smart, rich, socially acceptable, or conventionally useful. i'm not physically attractive/don't match societal standards. i'm not likable to most people and can't even make or keep friends. my interests are very weird and niche, and it's hard to find people who share them.
if I can't figure out how to make and keep friends, how am I ever supposed to date? that's many levels ahead of where I am, almost end game. i'm at level 0. the tutorial level. except my tutorial glitched out before I even started and won't work. so I can't advance.
yes, I have good characteristics that people would be lucky to have (like loyalty, willingness to communicate, honesty, going out of my way to be there for people I care about, etc) but those things don't overshadow the ones above. first impressions kill me. my most noticeable traits kill me again. I can't lie or mask. no one gets to the smaller "good" traits or they simply aren't ever enough.
this is why I never tried to date and never even thought about it until now. I gave up before even starting because I knew it would be a dead end, a waste of time and energy.
i'm going to complain further under here, despite already making like 10 posts about the exact same bullshit:
"until now." so, I need someone who lives in canada to date me so I can move there from US and be with the only supportive people I have in my life lmao. my closest friends, my found family, who meet my needs, respect my boundaries, go out of their way to help me, and reciprocate everything mutually and equally. they actually want me in their lives. it's not one-sided, for the first time in my life. I don't question their motives or loyalties like every other friend I had in my life. it's genuine and real and they've stuck with me for like idk 5 years now? meeting irl (which usually ends my friendships for some reason...I guess people don't like me after meeting me outside of my internet persona?) it was solidified even more that we are the found family i've been wanting and needing my whole life. why do they have to be in a different country that has an extremely strict policy for being allowed to move there?!
so back to the dating thing a big problem is that I have too many barriers that I can't hide that make people uninterested or dislike me. I also can't control other people. people are unreliable and difficult as hell.
throw on top wanting to date someone specifically to move countries and they might question MY loyalties and think i'm only using them. when actually, I genuinely also want someone who can be part of our found family and be my life partner.
unfortunately, I know it will probably never happen, since it's not even about "trying" or "not giving up." I literally don't know how to try to find someone. like where to look?? social medias are collapsing and I get ignored everywhere. dating apps are for more hookups, polys, cheaters, and bots/catfish than real partnerships. I have no clue how to make people like me because who i am hasnt done me any favors ever in my life. waiting around for someone to come to me first just wastes my time! plus i'm picky as hell and can't accept just anyone.
people keep telling me "keep waiting you'll find The One! don't give up! I was in a similar position and i found someone!" that doesn't help me. it doesn't give me hope or whatever. I prefer actual helpful things like "I'll help you get there!" if you want to "help." I prefer to look at things realistically and live in the moment. not a future I can't see. and in this moment i'm stuck in a shitty anti-lgbt state with unsupportive and unaccepting family who don't treat me very well and no irl friends i can trust and rely on. no one can say that will for certain change in the future. things don't always magically change for the better and if you aren't prepared for that, you'll always be stuck in one place, waiting. i'm not being negative. it's more dynamic than that. it's more "I need an alternative in case this truly is a dead end." i'm simply not getting my hopes up for disappointment and fooling myself into believing that doing nothing and waiting will help, while life passes me by.
but I also can't do anything. because I don't know how/what to do
and by can't do anything I don't mean in life in general. I mean about getting out of my parents house so I can be free from them and fond a safe and comfortable place. I can't afford it alone obviously. I unfortunately need other people on my life, as much as i wish i could be a lone gremlin human and never need others. and that's the part I have no clue how to do. if the only humans who want me aren't attainable, then what? i've tried for over a decade and only had failures because people are unreliable and turn on me without warning, after i'm the only one who puts effort into trying to help us escape our situations. i'm TIRED. I can't keep trying to do everything alone and end up hurt and betrayed by fake friends. i'm so tired.
(if anyone reads this, don't try to comfort me because it won't work. if you relate, you can share that because that's fine. if you want to help me by being a candian who can sponsor me to move there then that's even more acceptable 🤣 if you find you cant stand me after im permanently there, i'll appreciate your help and let you go lmao)
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deadrlngers · 1 year
8, 12, 26 and 39 for Akira and Hanako? 🙈
8. What do the like best about their partner?
about hanako: she's clever and cunning, even if she doesn't want to show it plainly she's very good at plotting, and that's something akira LOVES about her (they love to see a girlboss winning)
about akira: the unwavering devotion djfkdk their determination to reach their goals and indipendence (which she also admires), akira always chose to do whatever they wanted, it didn't matter what their parents planned for their corpo future, they always held dear their self-determination (which makes the fact that they consciously chose to put themself in service of another, in this case arasaka, so interesting, they are like a dog on a leash that actually chose to have the collar on, BUT ANYWAYS i'm rambling)
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
YES THERE IS! akira is the one proposing, technically. i think they talked about marriage a few times prior to the proposal itself, so in a way, they both knew they wanted marriage to be a thing for them. the proposal is simple, and reserved as akira is, just the privacy of their home and akira declaring their love for her, how they don't see themself spending the rest of their life with anyone else. ofc the wedding is expensive, showing off both their filthy rich status (especially in hanako's case). the honeymoon isn't the most peaceful since they have a company to run plus i don't think they can just, spend their time as common tourists out and about, so probably the honeymoon is spent in some big estate of the arasaka's family, preferably on an island where it's just the two of them jdsfkd and where they try to take as few calls as they can
26. How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
akira's parents are..impressed, let's say that. they aren't exactly a loving family and the news of the relationship mostly made them happy for all the economic & possible partnership between companies reasons. hanako's family on the other hand was absolutely not happy, her father never liked how close her and akira became while her brother never liked akira in general jfdskf (and the feeling was mutual). michiko..doesn't really care, actually she tries to avoid akira most of the time because she finds them scary which is an universal feeling when it comes to akira. friends..friends..coworkers count? djfdk akira's inner circle doesn't dare speak about their relationship with hanako, they are well aware of it tho and as long as their boss is happy (=not making their life more difficult) then they're happy too
39. Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
it naturally developed on itself. i think hanako was the first to realize that something was absolutely going on between them, while akira simply blamed it all on their job as her bodyguard and the fact that they enjoyed her company only because it was 'interesting' chatting with her. realization hits akira when hanako's life is on the line and she gets kidnapped at the parade. the idea of losing hanako or that something bad might happen to her was unbearable. akira was uncharacteristically straightforward about their feelings when they managed to get a moment to talk with hanako after the kidnapping, and it's actually hanako who kisses them first, just seconds after akira's confession. they pined for each other for sooo long djfdk
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batcowmaster · 2 years
This blog is set pre the end of Robin 2021, I may bring him up to canon if/when I actually enjoy reading his comics again.
Introduction. I’m Jet. Old bean. 25+. Any pronouns are fine. I slip up and use UK spelling sometimes. I’ve written Damian for 9 years and have been in tumblr rp since 2011. Tumblr IMs are always open to mutuals. Dis.cord is case by case basis. While I’m in my late 20s this muse is typically underage with the default being 14/15.
This is a single muse indie blog, though I may have mains or exclusives with certain other blogs.
I will not under any circumstances accept racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and so on. I also do not accept whitewashing muses. All in all – don’t be a dick, be respectful, treat others with kindness and understanding.
I don’t really check my tracked tag so it’s best to @ me in a post or message me with a link if that fails if you want me to see something.
This blog is semi-selective, I don’t tend to follow first anymore and reserve the right to not follow back. If I don’t intend on following back I will probably soft-block. If I find your blog triggering for any reason I will hardblock. I will unfollow/block if something makes me uncomfortable or our writing styles don’t mesh. Please only follow if you’re 18+.
I only rp with mutuals, if you send me an IC ask and we’re not mutuals I may block you. OOC asks are okay, especially if they’re development questions.
If there is no information on your blog I won’t be likely to follow back.
If you’re a personal blog (a non-rp blog) please do not reblog my posts.
I am pro-OC but am just as selective following them as anyone else – please have detailed information on your character.
I am duplicate friendly! If you’re a duplicate you’re welcome here. I am also likely to rp with multiple rpers of the same muse unless I am explicitly exclusive with a muse.
I am also crossover friendly! Though I may need to plot some to make the crossover happen.
Hate anons get deleted.
I tag triggering posts with ‘tw TRIGGER NAME’ e.g. ‘tw seizures’. If I’m not tagging something that you need tagged or my posts are slipping through and you need them tagged differently, please let me know.
OOC posts are typically tagged as such.
I’m not a meme source. Please reblog from the source.
Liking my musings and hcs and edits is okay, reblogging them is not.
Anything NS.FW is tagged NSFT. This blog will also have themes such as canon-typical violence, swearing, topics regarding poor mental health, torture, death, murder, abuse, experimentation, dissociation, and blood.
Please be patient with me, I have a lot of health issues and my job! I also have memory issues due to my health so if I forget something please just let me know. I try to stay on top of things but life happens.
All general comic book icons are made by me and they’re very time consuming. Please don’t steal them. My writing on this blog does not represent the comic book company, their views, the opinions of the character in canon, any fc’s actions or opinions,
I love developing deep and rich stories for my muses. Backstories, plotlines, development. Plotting is how I do best in RP. I tend to ask for it a lot if I want to cultivate a partnership with another RPer. Consider this me wanting to invest in our muses. If you never willing to engage in plotting I may unfollow as I find it really difficult to come up with starters and replies if we never plot. This is especially important if we have muses that have familial bonds or we are trying to ship.
Please do not assume our characters have met or have any form of relationship unless it is canon. And even then I’d like to plot what kind of relationship you’re interpreting from the canon.
Godmodding & Metagaming
I consider godmodding to be: controlling my character in threads (thoughts and actions), big plot moves made without consideration or consent, and drawing conclusions about my character that haven’t been discussed with me. I do not accept godmodding. Although, I will accept NPCs and actions that need to happen to move the thread along that don’t require you to wait for a response from me to push ahead (e.g. if your muse hands me a normal bottle of water you can assume my muse has taken a sip. If the bottle of water is poisoned, however, wait for a reply or check with me ooc). Big plot beats need to be discussed before moving ahead.
Metagaming is along the same veins as godmodding. Just because there are detailed bios and hcs don’t assume your character has intimate knowledge about mine. Please ask me and plot these things out. I am happy to do meta-asks like hcs or interview questions but if your muse didn’t send it IC it means they didn’t hear the answer IC. Dash Commentary is for the most part crack and unless plotted your muse does NOT have the dash commentary knowledge in serious canon.
I do accept interlacing. For me interlacing is when your character references my version of the muse in other threads. E.g. if my muse and yours went to the zoo in a thread, yours is free to talk about what happened in that thread to other characters.
I try and keep on top of my threads. I draft things if I can’t reply to them straight away and then will typically sort through those drafts later. If you think I’ve missed something please let me know, I love a good reminder and won’t consider it nagging. It only crosses my boundary it it’s consistent pestering. I typically tell partners if I’ve dropped something. I will keep drafts for sometimes even ten months if I’ve been busy and struggling. If I have too many replies for you and it’s overwhelming I’ll contact you to check if we should drop any.
Please cut your posts, I may stop following if posts are consistently uncut. Also, if turning an ask into a thread please move it from the ask into a new post. I use Beta and no longer use legacy.
I’m happy with anything from single para to novella/multi-para length replies. Single para can be small, I don’t mind, as long as it’s more then 2 lines. You do not have to match my length when responding but short replies consistently will kill my muse and lessen my likelihood of continuing something.
I tend to queue most of my replies just so I’m not hit with a bunch of return replies at once.
Memes and asks
While I love memes and asks and I so appreciate people sending things in there are a few times I’ll delete them, those include: I’m feeling overwhelmed with what’s in my inbox, I consistently have no muse for this ask, etc.
That being said, please don’t let that discourage you from sending things. This also goes for random, unprompted asks. I appreciate you making attempts at conversing with my character.
Chemistry is important to me, both IC and OOC. And for me shipping is both a term used for platonic and romantic ships. Platonic ships are important – best friends, family, mentors, mentees, etc. There will be no instantaneous friendships on this blog because, well, it's Damian.
Please do not ask to ship with Damian. It will result in an instant block.
While I am open to writing cutesy things with underage muses like crushes, first relationships, holding hands, first kisses provided both muses in the relationship are the same age, I am only comfortable writing this for Damian with one person due to extensive plotting. This is because I am very comfortable with them and know it will never be sexual.
If I’m not responding to something: I’m busy with life stuff OR you’re ignoring my rules and giving me anxiety (usually non-mutuals). I promise if we’re mutuals I am not ignoring you on purpose, I’m just busy. Or! I saw it and meant to respond but it slipped my mind and got lost in the abyss that is my brain.
I don’t pay much attention to things on the dash. I’m too busy. You can always assume that if I’m not participating in something, I didn’t see it.
My triggers are dissociation, multiple personalities, rape & SA, snakes & lizards (photos of). Flashing gifs trigger physical responses so I’d appreciate a warning. I also appreciate domestic abuse/child abuse being tagged in visual posts or thoughts/musings/hcs.
I RP with DID representation on a case by case basis. If you RP a character that has DID and I did not follow you back then that is why. Do not pressure me into RPing with them, it’s for my own wellbeing.
There are certain fandoms I just won't rp with. I also tend to block these fandoms.
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aranyasaeli · 2 years
[ nychaa nuttanicha, cis woman, she/her ] - was that ARANYA SAELI i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY-SIX year old who has been in nightrest for HER ENTIRE LIFE and works  as a/an TWITCH STREAMER has a reputation of being AFFECTIONATE, but also NAIVE. they reside in STOUGHTON ESTATES & people in town usually associate them with TRENDY, GIRLY CLOTHING BOUGHT FROM AN ONLINE SHOP, THE SCENT OF VANILLA, LATE NIGHTS AWAKE AND ONLINE, & AN AURA OF INNOCENCE let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next.
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FULL NAME: Aranya Saeli
DATE OF BIRTH: July 1st, 1998 (26)
ETHNICITY: Thai-American
FACE CLAIM: Fah Yongwaree
HAIR & EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5’4”
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS: a few small tattoos, belly button piercing
OCCUPATION: twitch streamer
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english & thai
the youngest of her family, aranya would likely describe her upbringing as peaceful and loving. her mother was an art teacher at the very high school she attended, and her father owned his own law firm. both of her parents, in addition to her older brother, were seen as academically intelligent, a trait that wasn’t necessarily passed on to aranya. it wasn’t that she wasn’t smart, it just tended to take her longer to learn things, and she’d always found it difficult to stay focused on school.
in high school, she was popular, largely due to the fact that she was seen as a sweet, beautiful cheerleader that just wasn’t very bright. her heart was very pure growing up, and she often just saw the best in people and struggled to see when people would take advantage of her naive nature. 
despite her image in school, the only real interest she had in a career was in gaming. video games felt like the only thing that really kept her attention, and aranya began streaming on twitch while she was still in high school, largely gaining a following for her looks, and later for the fact that she was actually good at what she played.
her parents weren’t initially supportive of her choice to not go to college and decide to become an internet personality, but they eventually came around when they saw it was something she loved. though her family had always been upper middle-class, aranya’s following brought her into money that she’d never seen before, securing partnerships and brand deals along the way. for her twenty-fourth birthday, she bought a house for her and her family in stoughton estates, wanting to give back to her parents for supporting her dreams.
has been getting tattoos recently, loves the idea of having pretty art on your body so she tries to make her stuff thought out
yes she is inspired by pokimane ok zont come for me. started streaming seriously around the time fortnite got big and became one of the biggest girls playing the game at the time which gained her massive amounts of followers at a young age
she says she’s grown and become less naive compared to before but she really does still see the best in people, and is the type to fall for people’s tricks
very innocent and very slow at times. will not get your jokes so get ready to explain them so she can laugh
big life of the party gal!! wants everyone to feel included and have a good time
smiles. a lot. is a big lover. loves love and everything about it and will fall in love with someone without realizing it. gets very invested in her relationships even if they are short-lived
very much the type to let people step all over it and then laugh about it in public like haha no biggie but then go cry into her pillow at home.
secretly worries that people still view her as the dumb pretty girl. she’s not very book-smart but likes to think she makes up for it with street smarts and good people skills
lives on takeout, cannot cook. do not let her in a kitchen ever. she’s nice and will offer to cook but all you will get is something burnt im sorry
very trendy and into fashion. as an online shopping addiction for sure
ummm u know like all the stuff (besties, friends, exes, flings/hookups, childhood friends, ppl that think she has rocks for a brain, etc)
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frostfall-matches · 2 years
[ matchmaking... ]
@blank-dreamlucid : [ match report ready ]​
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the romantic match is…
✦ Mozus Trein
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From the sounds of it, your mom may feel more comfortable with someone she shares a number of traits with. This isn’t to say that an “opposites attract” situation couldn’t work, but with her preference for structure and stability it may feel easier to be with someone who shares at least some similar traits and mindsets. Both of them are rather serious, responsible, realistic, and methodical. They each value hard work and order, and work better in a structured environment (especially if they were the ones to create that structure). There is a lot of mutual respect in these areas, since they share many of the same values and preferences. They will be able to easily understand these things about each other, and understand where the other is coming from in times of conflict.
Trein may be more even-tempered than your mom. He might get exasperated dealing with rambunctious students, and Crewel might get on his nerves sometimes, but he has a lot of patience. He is equipped to handle conflict and high emotions calmly, even if he might be emotional himself under the surface. He’s mature and has had a lot of life experience; he’s not going to ruin a relationship by stubbornly arguing while tempers are fiery. While your mom may be temperamental, she’s rational, too. Trein will easily be able to appeal to this side of her, and he knows when to give her space to collect herself and her thoughts. He will be more than willing to give her time to cool down and talk about the issue later.
Trein seems to be a family man! As discovered in his voice lines from the third NRC Joint Exams, he actually previously had a wife (who passed away) and a few daughters (who are all grown up already), and it’s clear that he loves them dearly. He knows what a good partnership looks like in a marriage, and he’s had experience raising children and dealing with kids who have grown up already. That being said, he will be able to match that “family is important” mindset that your mother has. Each family dynamic is going to be different, but he is going to do his best to adapt and make things work. He can probably also relate to your mom being hesitant to get into another relationship; she may be trying to protect her child as well as keep the family dynamic from shifting too much.
On top of that, he may actually be able to provide very valuable advice, so long as she is willing to listen! Every parent handles their children growing up differently. Some can really struggle seeing their child grow up and become more independent, leaving the nest and spreading their wings, because the parent is so used to guiding their child and making sure they don’t make any drastic mistakes. We may not know if this is an area Trein struggled in, but he knows what it’s like to see his children start developing their own adult lives.
He will be incredibly sad and sympathetic hearing about your mother’s backstory. He can’t even imagine how painful and difficult it must have been to deal with an abusive partner, all while trying to make sure one’s young child is safe and protected. He is also very sympathetic to find out the sort of emotional neglect she had to deal with in regard to her own father, how he didn’t want daughters and acted cold towards the one he did have. Once he is dedicated to someone, Trein is absolutely supportive of any healing or growth that needs to be done around those traumatic incidents. Everyone heals differently and at their own pace, and even if someone is “healed” that doesn’t mean that they never think about the incident anymore, or they don’t have lingering behaviors as a result of trauma. Dealing with the effects of trauma is lifelong, and Trein is not afraid of being someone’s support for that, no matter how difficult it might get.
Those with the ISTJ personality type are honest, direct, strong-willed, and tend to create and enforce structure and order. On the negative side, they tend to be stubborn, rigid, and extremely hard on themselves. Trein is extremely similar in this regard, and sometimes conflict may be inevitable because of their stubbornness! If they’re both trying to create and enforce their own order, if there are any points that differ between the two, that is definitely a point of friction. They’ll be arguing who has the better system for the situation, who should have the final say in things, etc… But if they are able to work out a compromise, or their ideas of structure are compatible in the first place, it’s smooth sailing! They will hold each other accountable while also being supportive.
Those with the 6w5 enneagram type are intellectual and introspective, and their basic fear is losing guidance and stability. They are protective of themselves and their loved ones, and they seek close and stable relationships. Trein is about as stable and steady as you can get. He knows who he is, what he wants, what he likes and dislikes. And, to put it frankly, he’s older. He has already settled down and had a family once, and has a pretty steady career teaching. There are plenty of years ahead of him, of course, there’s a lot more to do and to see! But much of the transitional periods in his life have come and gone at this point.
Trein will find your mom’s job as a nurse to be admirable. To be a successful nurse you need to be smart, a quick-thinker, patient, and empathetic. Going through any kind of medical training is a lot of work and you really have to want to do it to follow through with it. However, it can be an incredibly high-stress job depending on what kind of hours and tasks are expected, as a nurse can fill many different roles in different healthcare settings. With your mom also being a workaholic, it may be difficult for her to remove herself from “work mode.” Trein is dedicated to his work, too, but he knows it’s important to rest when you can. You can’t continue to work at 100% if you don’t allow yourself to rest! He is a big advocate for settling down somewhere comfy, with some tea and a good book (and maybe a cat!), and relaxing. Or, as your mom loves delicious food, perhaps they can go out together and try out a new restaurant, or go to one of her favorites!
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the platonic match is…
[ Vil! ]
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Vil is drawn towards anyone who is confident and dedicated to themselves and their goals. He is incredibly driven and strict with himself, and is not afraid to guide others with the same strictness if he feels it will benefit them. He knows there are times where it is fine to be a little more relaxed, and he believes everyone should allow themselves to enjoy life, but deep down he is always aware of his lifelong goal of improving himself and being the best he can be. Your mom works out, so she obviously cares for her health; she dresses more simple and casual, but she is a busy woman between work and family so the clothes are practical; she is organized and dependable, so it makes sense that she is good with money and planning ahead.
As your mom is a fair bit older than he is, that means that she has had that much more life experience. He can see that she is successful, and that her determination and hard work has led her to that success. Vil would absolutely want to use her as an example and a resource for advice. He’s young, and he doesn’t exactly know what sort of challenges will come with age and how to really be successful with both a career and family (if one chooses to go that route), so any advice or insight would be greatly beneficial for him.
Still, nobody is perfect. No one is exempt from stress and personality flaws. It is clear to him that your mom has had her fair share of struggles. It is immensely difficult going through abuse, all while trying to keep other members of the family safe. It takes a lot of strength to get out of those types of situations, and the aftermath of trying to keep the children happy and provided for will take a lot of work. The stress easily piles on in these situations, and it can make a temperamental person lash out. Vil can understand where your mom is coming from when she does lash out, but what is more important in his eyes is if she is making efforts to manage those emotions and apologize to others when needed.
Since he’s still young, he is easily able to put himself in the position of a “child” to their “parent” (in other words, he would easily be able to put himself in your shoes). Vil can see that it can be hard for a child to be micromanaged by their parent; he knows he does a version of micromanaging to his dorm members when he wants them to improve, but he can also see that it can be incredibly frustrating. Vil is one to speak his mind, and he wouldn’t have any hesitation bringing up the benefits and consequences of your mom’s parenting style. And, actually, it may potentially lead him to learning something about himself with how he manages his dorm members. He will realize that communication is extremely important, because not everyone will view someone’s tough love and strict monitoring as helpful.
All in all, though, Vil would definitely see your mother as a potential mentor type of person, someone he can go to for advice and to see how her actions have led her to her current point in life. He thinks it is valuable to learn about the experiences of others, because although life plays out differently for each person, it is still a learning opportunity to see what works for people and what doesn’t, and why. He can relate to many of your mom’s strengths, and while they do not share some of their most important weaknesses he can still examine her weaknesses and compare them to his own. She is someone that he can look to in order to become his best self.
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11/30/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
1 Corinthians 5 - 8
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. today's the 30th day of November the last day of November here together the last day of the second month before the last month that makes it a year, which means we will be all the way through the Bible in chronological order after today and one month just a little Focus for you if you are struggling to stay here and struggling to stay focused you're almost there. you're almost there you can do it. We can do this together. We are continuing in the reading today in the Book of 1 Corinthians at picking right up where we left off yesterday and will be reading chapters 5 through 8 and this week we're reading The New International Version, 1 Corinthians chapter 5.
The letters from Paul to Corinth continue today, and we see harsh words from Paul on different topics of importance and we're going to encounter more of the same tomorrow so we'll just pause with Paul there for today and get all caught up tomorrow as we take on topics that can tend to be touchy and well tricky. If I'm being honest because we have to remember the context, the place and time in history that such things are being written in a specific time and place and culture and without that understanding you can either be really Pro Paul or you can be really anti-paul. So we always want to remember that the context of scripture is essential to what we're reading. 
Jesus thank you for this time together. We thank you for closing out this month as we head into the final month of the year. It's a big one, and so many things come for so many people during the holidays, maybe not as much joy as they wish, not as much peace as they wish and maybe some are entering a season of just really difficult pain. I remember them here today and remember how you said you would never leave us, you would never forsake us. and you even blessed those that are suffering you blessed so many that we would walk past that we would tend to overlook and so we know that you are for them your words your gospel your truths are for them as much as anybody else so if peace is just impossible to find if Joy just is not found anywhere. I pray that we would hold onto it, the truth that you will never leave us, never forsake us, you are with us. and no one knows suffering more than you while fully human and fully God, pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base check it out if you have not. That's the app. It's an exciting time here at Christmas at the Daily Audio Bible when there are very unique and very limited exclusive products created for your enjoyment through the Christmas holiday. You'll keep it as easy as accessible and as user-friendly for everyone that may or may not come across the Daily Audio Bible app. So how that works is any donation of $25 or more gets you at least one vinyl. There are five to purchase for 125 you could have the whole collection but it's not required one, two, three, four, or five and on vinyl. We have the Sleep album, The Heart album, Maxwell's Christmas time album, the family Christmas album, and the soundtrack to Promise Land. So all five of those are available for $25 a piece, all five for $125 and any number in between and of course you can still donate this year to the Daily Audio Bible. We thank you so much or your partnership could not do this without you. if you're giving my mail DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or utilizing that app you can hit the give icon up at the top right hand corner. and lastly look for the give icon on the website. if you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in 800-583-2164. and once again utilizing that app, hit the red circle button up at the top right hand corner. you have two minutes on the app, hit submit at the end from the wheels chronological and it will get to the right place. That's it for me today I'm Jill, we’ll turn the page together tomorrow and start a brand new month. with a reminder that as we end one well if we begin another you can simply begin again anytime you need to no matter who you are no matter where you are no matter what you've been through, the gospel is true for you there is no condemnation through Christ and you are welcome to come back home at any point if you lose your way. if that's not one of the greatest gifts that we can never deserve but given so freely and I for one who I'm incredibly eternally grateful for that truth and that promise. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow and I can't wait until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer line
Hey this is Kristen AKA Christ to me and I am calling in to pray for Simone from Texas Lord we just thank you that Simone's kidney numbers are doing better Lord we just praise you for that and Lord we would just pray that her blood pressure would would just become normal and she would not have to deal with any other kind of effects from her blood pressure Lord that she would just be healed in Jesus mighty name and Lord we do lift her up for this this the the thing that she has to go to get further testing on Lord we just pray that this would just be benign there would be nothing wrong Lord and we just pray that you would just give her peace and comfort her in this time while she waits for these for this testing to be done Lord we just ask that you would just wrap her in your wings and give her the piece that surpasses all understanding and she's just mighty name amen 
hi dabc it's Emmy from Illinois calling in with an update on my daughter she has an Atrium septal defect which is a flap of skin that's supposed to seal off at Birth and did not fully seal so there's some blood flow happening in their dilated the two sides of the that side of the heart are dilated so the doctor is going to have us talk with a Pediatric Cardiologist we are waiting to find out when we can get that scheduled and then depending on what he says it may be a monitor situation for a while or it could be that things have to be fixed by either open heart surgery or a more minor So that God would just miraculously heal the spot and it would no longer be there that it would close up on its own I would really appreciate it it's added some extra levels of stress as you can all imagine in addition to trying to figure out what I'm doing with my marriage if I should step away for a while or if I should stay I just don't know what I should do I was feeling pretty confident that I should say something after Thanksgiving and now I don't even know if I should say anything I just know I'm unwanted in this home right now and I don't know if I should pursue leaving or if I should stay in continue to pray that God makes me feel wanted allows me to be wanted and appreciated in my home so if you could pray for my daughter and myself thank you Fabulous pray but I come on behalf of the daughter of the silversmith regarding Kristen and Jake who have been separated and I need of your intervention God I don't know where they stand spiritually but if there is a break in their relationship with you we men that relationship first so that God they can get in right standing with one another and what we thank you that you are the mentor and the Healer of broken things and we trust God that you're at work because we know you hate divorce so God please touch Jake and Kristen's heart may they hear your voice speaking to them Discerning the issues in their lives and then father will you bring them to the table of reconciliation and restoration can we give you thanks in advance because we know you are at work we trust your will to be done for this couple in Jesus name and then finally lift up Joy from Mexico as she has been dealing with quite a bit thank you for this young ladies heart for Missions and just for wanting to advance your kingdom God will you strengthen her and Surround her on every side regarding all that she's got going on give her Comfort to know that you are there with her in the struggle and that you will see her through spiritually emotionally and physically and then finally to Emmy and Illinois I just wanted to challenge you to please make sure you get some spiritual counseling advice and wisdom before you make that decision 
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f1 · 1 year
Verstappen not interested in setting F1 title record as two-time champ says hes already happy
Max Verstappen has spoken about his long-term goals and future in Formula 1, making clear that he is “not interested” in setting the outright record for world titles and already feels fulfilled with what he has achieved. Verstappen made his F1 debut in 2015 at the age of 17 and has racked up 37 wins, 22 pole positions, 80 podiums and two world championships to date, with his 2023 title defence starting in impressive fashion. READ MORE: ‘I don’t see him being a Fernando Alonso’ says Horner as he discusses Verstappen’s future in F1 A recently-signed contract extension will keep Verstappen at Red Bull until at least the end of 2028, when he will turn 30, and team boss Christian Horner has predicted that the Dutchman won’t be “a Fernando Alonso” by racing into his 40s. Ahead of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, Verstappen was asked about his current deal and whether he thinks he will be motivated to add to it when the time comes – with the potential for several more titles to be won between now and then. Verstappen and Red Bull have formed a formidable partnership in F1 “It depends how competitive the car is in that last season as well, and maybe also it depends on the opportunities you have around Formula 1, or what you’re already doing outside of Formula 1 at the time, so at the moment it’s a bit difficult to imagine what’s going to happen past 2028,” he said. Pushed on whether being recognised as the greatest driver in F1 history motivates him, Verstappen stated: “No. I’m not interested in winning seven or eight titles. If you have the car to do so, then great. But even if it doesn’t [happen], I’m happy – I’m already happy, so it’s OK!” READ MORE: ‘He deserves a lot more’ – Verstappen backs Alonso to break his decade-long victory drought in 2023 One possibility put to Verstappen was that of a break, or sabbatical, from F1, which fellow two-time champion Alonso opted for a few years ago to try out different categories. “It’s difficult to say when you’ve never had a break, right? I will always be on the grid until the end of 2028,” he said in response. “I’m still very young, but I always said that I also want to do other kinds of competitions, a bit like what Fernando did. Verstappen has won two of the first three races this season “But also, when you have been, let’s say, winning a lot, or at least driving at the front, it needs to be also worth it to come back. Because, if you then come back and you don’t really have a chance of winning, it’s probably even harder to motivate yourself day in, day out, to travel all over the world and not spend time with family, friends and doing other things.” Verstappen continued: “I think every person is a bit different. It also depends a bit what you want out of your life. Some people just love racing and that’s the only thing they know or want to do. I’m probably a bit more in the middle. I do love racing but I also want to do other kinds of racing.” READ MORE: ‘Exciting, cool and more pressure’ – Drivers eager to try out new F1 Sprint format at the Azerbaijan GP As for where that might be, he commented: “Endurance, eventually. Even if it’s not with my dad, we’ll see. I also have the passion of maybe setting up my own team and stuff, so there’s a lot of things I would like to do outside of just driving myself.” Verstappen heads into round four of the 2023 season with a 15-point lead over team mate Sergio Perez in the drivers’ standings, while Red Bull are 58 points clear of Aston Martin in the constructors’ battle. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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akaraboonline · 2 years
Where Does That Leave Me If I'm Not A Hookup Chick Or A Relationship Girl?
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At my age, everyone around me seems to fall into one of two categories: relationship females or hookup chicks. Some people joyfully commit to their partners and have been together for years, while others are wildly, joyously dancing from guy to guy as they enter their 20s. Although I find both types admirable, I have some difficulty because I don't feel like I belong into either. Where Does That Leave Me If I'm Not A Hookup Chick Or A Relationship Girl? Hookups terrify me.  I find it extremely frightening to consider inviting a total stranger into my home or visiting a relative of a stranger. It's just... freaky having sex with a man I don't know. I mean, I'm not sure if he has an STD or if he's into some really strange fetishes. What if he's a peculiar killer of some sort? I might be too much of a hookup chick because I watch too many crime programs. Relationships also terrify me.  On the other hand, I find it unsettling to consider committing to someone. Up until something goes wrong, getting close to him, placing your confidence in him, and spending a lot of time and money on him are all attractive and enjoyable. What occurs if he departs from me or if we simply don't get along? That kind of confidence is difficult for me to give. I don’t really get out much.  I usually spend Friday evenings having a date with my bed. I've even had fortunate enough to sleep with it occasionally. Even when I do go out, it's never to a bar. I don't really go out much. I simply don't have the opportunity to meet a man to hook up with. If I'm not out with all the other hookup folks, it's kind of difficult to be a hookup chick. I really enjoy my freedom.  The problem is that I enjoy having a serious connection with myself. I enjoy binge-watching Netflix on the weekends while curled up in bed without wearing trousers and some snacks. Giving up those evenings or at the very least sharing my popcorn is part of a relationship. I simply don't believe I'm prepared for that move at this time, and perhaps I never will be. I get attached really quickly.  I have a history of monogamy. One-night encounters are not something I do. Because I find sex to be such an emotional experience, I tend to grow attached to people very fast. The guys I hook up with end up making me want to spend more time with them and becoming more than just physically attracted to them. Even if it's just for one night, I'll think about him until he's elevated in my consciousness. I'm not precisely hookup material because of this. I have huge commitment issues.  My family history is full of three-month commitments. I easily form attachments to males, blossoming during the honeymoon period, but the moment things get challenging or serious, I leave the relationship. It's a terrible pattern I've developed. I still act in this manner despite being conscious of it. There are countless ways I can explain it, but in the end, I know it's just that I might not be ready for a committed partnership right now. I get really clingy.  I rule the adhesive world. I constantly contact my partner, updating him on my day and keeping him informed because I love the spotlight. Others of comparable status find it to be admirable, while some guys find it annoying. In any case, it doesn't exactly make for a decent "friends with benefits" scenario when I text him good morning the following day and inquire whether he arrived home safely each evening. I need alone time to function.  I'm prone to pushing my man away occasionally when we're dating. I require some leisure to simply be by myself. If we've been going out a lot, every weekend, I'll probably start requesting that we remain in on Sundays or coming up with reasons why I have to stay in on occasion. Guys assume I'm losing interest, but all I really want is some leisure to be the lazy slob I really am. I’m pretty much a walking contradiction.  I require alone time because I dislike being alone. I'm afraid to pledge because I become attached easily. It can be challenging for me to understand what I want in a relationship because I sometimes feel like I'm continuously contradicting myself. While a part of me yearns for the solid commitment you read about, another part of me is still youthful and prefers to be free to date a variety of men for a while. It can irritate both the males in my life and me. So what am I?  I'm still youthful, at the end of the day. I don't need to be a relationship girl or a hookup chick because I'm in the prime of my existence. I can go into every relationship with an open mind and be willing to embrace whatever may happen. Okay if that means I have a lot of partnerships that last for three months. I'll consider myself extremely lucky if I encounter the man of my dreams tomorrow. It's great if I have some time to myself. I'm just content with who I am and have faith that someday I'll find someone who appreciates my contradictory nature. Read the full article
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titanstroia · 2 years
This blog is typically set Pre-N52 however with discussion I am open to threads set in Rebirth and beyond.
Introduction. I’m Jet. Old bean. 25+. Any pronouns are fine. I slip up and use UK spelling sometimes. I've been RPing Donna for over a year. Tumblr IMs are always open to mutuals. Dis.cord is case by case basis. Donna defaults to mid-late 20s though I'm happy to write her older or younger.
This is a single muse indie blog (that follows back from batcowmaster), though I may have mains or exclusives with certain other blogs.
This blog is multi-ship
I will not under any circumstances accept racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and so on. I also do not accept whitewashing muses. All in all – don’t be a dick, be respectful, treat others with kindness and understanding.
I don’t really check my tracked tag so it’s best to @ me in a post or message me with a link if that fails if you want me to see something.
This blog is fairly private, I don’t tend to follow first anymore and reserve the right to not follow back. If I don’t intend on following back I will probably soft-block. If I find your blog triggering for any reason I will hardblock. I will unfollow/block if something makes me uncomfortable or our writing styles don’t mesh. Please only follow if you’re 18+.
I only rp with mutuals so if I'm not following you back on batcowmaster we're not mutuals, if you send me an IC ask and we’re not mutuals I may block you. OOC asks are okay, especially if they’re development questions.
If there is no information on your blog I won’t be likely to follow back.
If you’re a personal blog (a non-rp blog) please do not reblog my posts.
I am pro-OC but am just as selective following them as anyone else – please have detailed information on your character.
I am duplicate friendly! If you’re a duplicate you’re welcome here. I am also likely to rp with multiple rpers of the same muse unless I am explicitly exclusive with a muse.
I am also crossover friendly! Though I may need to plot some to make the crossover happen.
Hate anons get deleted.
I tag triggering posts with ‘tw TRIGGER NAME’ e.g. ‘tw seizures’. If I’m not tagging something that you need tagged or my posts are slipping through and you need them tagged differently, please let me know.
OOC posts are typically tagged as such.
I’m not a meme source. Please reblog from the source.
Liking my musings and hcs and edits is okay, reblogging them is not.
Anything NS.FW is tagged NSFT. This blog will also have themes such as canon-typical violence, swearing, topics regarding poor mental health, domestic abuse, age gaps, death, torture, dissociation, and blood.
I am not comfortable with anything heavily NS.FW unless we as rp partners have been establishing a repertoire ooc. I will never smut on dash. It’s not my thing. Do not ask me to do so. I am happy to fade to black though.
Please be patient with me, I have a lot of health issues and my job! I also have memory issues due to my health so if I forget something please just let me know. I try to stay on top of things but life happens.
Most general comic book icons are made by me and they’re very time consuming. Please don’t steal them. However I also paid for and downloaded this pack of icons for Donna. And I downloaded icons from here, here and here. My writing on this blog does not represent the comic book company, their views, the opinions of the character in canon, any fc’s actions or opinions.
I love developing deep and rich stories for my muses. Backstories, plotlines, development. Plotting is how I do best in RP. I tend to ask for it a lot if I want to cultivate a partnership with another RPer. Consider this me wanting to invest in our muses. If you never willing to engage in plotting I may unfollow as I find it really difficult to come up with starters and replies if we never plot. This is especially important if we have muses that have familial bonds or we are trying to ship.
Please do not assume our characters have met or have any form of relationship unless it is canon. And even then I’d like to plot what kind of relationship you’re interpreting from the canon.
Godmodding & Metagaming
I consider godmodding to be: controlling my character in threads (thoughts and actions), big plot moves made without consideration or consent, and drawing conclusions about my character that haven’t been discussed with me. I do not accept godmodding. Although, I will accept NPCs and actions that need to happen to move the thread along that don’t require you to wait for a response from me to push ahead (e.g. if your muse hands me a normal bottle of water you can assume my muse has taken a sip. If the bottle of water is poisoned, however, wait for a reply or check with me ooc). Big plot beats need to be discussed before moving ahead.
Metagaming is along the same veins as godmodding. Just because there are detailed bios and hcs don’t assume your character has intimate knowledge about mine. Please ask me and plot these things out. I am happy to do meta-asks like hcs or interview questions but if your muse didn’t send it IC it means they didn’t hear the answer IC. Dash Commentary is for the most part crack and unless plotted your muse does NOT have the dash commentary knowledge in serious canon.
I do accept interlacing. For me interlacing is when your character references my version of the muse in other threads. E.g. if my muse and yours went to the zoo in a thread, yours is free to talk about what happened in that thread to other characters.
I try and keep on top of my threads. I draft things if I can’t reply to them straight away and then will typically sort through those drafts later. If you think I’ve missed something please let me know, I love a good reminder and won’t consider it nagging. It only crosses my boundary it it’s consistent pestering. I typically tell partners if I’ve dropped something. I will keep drafts for sometimes even ten months if I’ve been busy and struggling. If I have too many replies for you and it’s overwhelming I’ll contact you to check if we should drop any.
Please cut your posts, I may stop following if posts are consistently uncut. Also, if turning an ask into a thread please move it from the ask into a new post. I use Beta and no longer use legacy.
I’m happy with anything from single para to novella/multi-para length replies. Single para can be small, I don’t mind, as long as it’s more then 2 lines. You do not have to match my length when responding but short replies consistently will kill my muse and lessen my likelihood of continuing something.
I tend to queue most of my replies just so I’m not hit with a bunch of return replies at once.
Memes and asks
While I love memes and asks and I so appreciate people sending things in there are a few times I’ll delete them, those include: I’m feeling overwhelmed with what’s in my inbox, I consistently have no muse for this ask, etc.
That being said, please don’t let that discourage you from sending things. This also goes for random, unprompted asks. I appreciate you making attempts at conversing with my character.
Chemistry is important to me, both IC and OOC. And for me shipping is both a term used for platonic and romantic ships. Platonic ships are important – best friends, family, mentors, mentees, etc. There will be no instantaneous friendships or romantic relationships on this blog. With romance I am also not okay with massive age gaps.
I can be into dynamics where something is one sided, a crush, or doesn’t work out. As long as we discuss it beforehand.
I will not EVER write something sexual with underage muses or in verses where they’re underage, mine or yours. I am open to writing cutesy things with underage muses like crushes, first relationships, holding hands, first kisses provided both muses in the relationship are the same age. But this will never be sexual. I cannot begin to express how uncomfortable that makes me.
Any ask memes involving kissing or more personable actions I would prefer if they were only sent by characters already in an established relationship or checked in with me beforehand.
If I’m not responding to something: I’m busy with life stuff OR you’re ignoring my rules and giving me anxiety (usually non-mutuals). I promise if we’re mutuals I am not ignoring you on purpose, I’m just busy. Or! I saw it and meant to respond but it slipped my mind and got lost in the abyss that is my brain.
I don’t pay much attention to things on the dash. I’m too busy. You can always assume that if I’m not participating in something, I didn’t see it.
My triggers are dissociation, multiple personalities, rape & SA, snakes & lizards (photos of). Flashing gifs trigger physical responses so I’d appreciate a warning. I also appreciate domestic abuse/child abuse being tagged in visual posts or thoughts/musings/hcs.
I RP with DID representation on a case by case basis. If you RP a character that has DID and I did not follow you back then that is why. Do not pressure me into RPing with them, it’s for my own wellbeing.
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