#''eh i may come down later idk just hold off or ask someone else''
vaugarde · 2 years
god the management at my job is so weird rn help
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klvbxlove · 3 years
finally (chie x american! gn! reader)
a/n: i’ve got another persona 4 drabble. this time it’s dedicated to another cousin of mine, matt. i hope you like this, i lowkey had fun writing it! i think it’s now the longest drabble i’ve written so far (it has, i think, 400 more words than my yosuke one, damn). i do plan on writing a rise drabble for my other cousin, chuck, soon, but i also kinda wanna write a kanji drabble. idk which one to start off with, so i’ll see what my mind decides. but anyways, enjoy this drabble! :)
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reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): reader is from america and is also a bit flirty LOL
genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: as much as chie loved being with you, she was saddened by the fact that you lived in america, which is far away from japan. however, one day you give her a surprise, one that she wasn’t expecting at ALL
word count: 2.9k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(e/c) = eye color (f/a) = favorite anime (f/c) = favorite color (n/n) = nickname (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   It started with Chie meeting you online after finding out you were a fan of (F/A), an anime series she had recently started watching. Having been in love with it for years, you were glad to find someone else (regardless of whether you met them online or in real life) who also loved it as much. 
   Then it slowly progressed into the both of you talking about everything besides (F/A) almost constantly. Every day, whenever you woke up, whenever you were waiting for school to start, whenever you were about to go to bed. Hell, even when you were out with your friends, the both of you found ways to text each other! Also, both of you may or may not have stayed up on school nights to continue the conversations.
   Conflicted feelings eventually showed up at the front door months later, when the both of you realized you had crushes on each other but had no idea how to bring it up. Neither of you originally wanted to confess in fear that you would be rejected, and the friendship would end up tensing up (cliché, I know). But ultimately, the two of you got over that fear and eventually ended up in a relationship.
   And that is where the two of you are at now.
   Now, here was the thing. It was not as if there were any major problems throughout your and Chie’s relationship. It was quite healthy, to say the least! 
   So what was wrong?
   Chie lived in Japan, and you lived in America. 
   Those were different countries and two different continents. 
   Even before entering a relationship, the two of you initially had some difficulty having the time to chat with each other due to the huge time zones. It was especially hard since both of you were high school students who had to focus on their education. Although like troopers, the both of you managed to deal with the time difference and found time to talk. 
   And of course, Chie could not forget to mention this was not only her first relationship but her first long-distance relationship. It sucked not being able to see you every day (not including face-time calls. Sure, she has seen your face, but not in real life). Chie was not one to constantly watch couples. However, when she did, she could not help the slight jealousy in her eyes. She had no idea if she would ever get the chance to get a ticket to America or vice-versa. 
   All Chie could do, whenever she missed you badly, was to sulk. There was no other way to do it. Was it healthy? Probably not. How was she supposed to help herself? But then again, it was not her fault she had been raised in Japan her entire life. Same as you, you have been in America for a while now. And the both of you certainly could not help the fact that you were miles away from each other. 
   Of course, that was not enough to stop Chie from being sad about it from time to time. She had a feeling she would not see you anytime soon.
   The short brown-haired female found herself sitting alone on the bench, scrolling through her phone. Out of everyone in the Investigation Team, Chie was the only one who did not feel like going to the restroom. So she insisted on waiting for them outside. Although, that was not the only reason. She did not want any of them catching her reading her text messages with you and questioning why she was smiling. 
   But then Chie remembered one time Yosuke had caught her doing that. Yeah, he was the first (and unfortunate) person. As he had continued to tease her, she eventually got irritated and took out that irritation by kicking Yosuke right in his scrotum area. (**)
   Oh God, she just had to bite the inside of her cheek. She was already seeing him riving in pain on the ground as he held the affected area and the rest of their friend group looked on in either confusion or concern. Hmph, served him right!
   Scrolling up towards the older texts, Chie was reading a conversation she had with you. It was about how you wanted to visit her in Inaba and explore the town. 
   Chie: I mean, of course, I’m down to you coming here and meeting me. But let me warn you, Inaba is a bit boring. I don’t think you could even compare it to other places like Tokyo or Osaka.
   (Y/N): Babe, I don’t mind at all! And besides, you know I’m willing to visit any part of Japan, not just Tokyo. I’m like head over heels with Japan at this point BWAHAHAHA
   Chie: I think everyone knows. But knowing you, I think you would especially want to go to Akihabara.
   (Y/N): Hey, stop calling me out!
   Chie: You know it’s true (N/N). Eh, not that I blame you. They got cool stuff there. It would be nice to visit sometime.
   (Y/N): For sure! We should go together, too ;)
   Jeez, even reading old texts you sent Chie always managed to make her blush! Although they were not the only reasons for her blushing, besides your flirtatious remarks. On a few occasions, you would poke fun at her (Not in a way to make her upset, of course). You were lucky that Chie considered you more tolerable compared to Yosuke. 
   She could already imagine herself not bothered by you teasing her about something like how Yosuke did. And when Yosuke would see, he would ask, “Oh, so (Y/N) can tease you, but I can’t?! WHERE’S THE LOGIC IN THAT, CHIE?!”
   Oh, wait. Chie looked up. Now that she realized, she had not told anyone in the Investigation Team about her relationship with you. No, it was not because she was ashamed. Well, it was more of the fact that she did not have a logical explanation. 
   Was it because she could not find the time to tell everyone? Maybe.  
   Or was it because she knew that some of them might not even believe her? 
   Looking up from her phone, the brown-haired girl saw everyone else heading in her direction. As she stood up, placed her phone in the back pocket of her shirts, and followed the rest of the team, she thought, ‘There will be a day where I can introduce (Y/N) to everyone. One day. And I’ll be sure to do it!’
   Chie immediately sat up from her bed at the sudden sound ringing. Her first instincts were to assume someone had broken into her room. However, those instincts vanished when she looked over at her nightstand and saw that it was her phone making that sound. When Chie looked at the screen, her eyes lightened in excitement upon seeing what it read. 
   “(Y/N)!” She said after picking up the phone.
   “Hey, Chie,” you answered over the line. Said girl could never get tired of hearing your voice. “How’s my favorite girl doing?”
   Chie could feel the blood rushing towards her cheeks again. You were not one to call her many pet names. But when it comes to you referring to her as “your girl”? Do you even realize the effect you have on her?! She was lucky she was not like this when she was sneakily texting you next to the Investigation Team! 
   “I--” she cleared her throat, “--I’m good, thanks!” 
   You chuckled over the phone. “You know, for a sec it sounded like you were getting flustered again. Don’t hide it, Chie. I know you sometimes clear your throat when I see those cute cheeks turn pink!”
   “H-Hey, shut up!” Chie retorted. If this was an anime, she was sure she would have had a tick mark above her head. “Why do you always tease me whenever I blush? I don’t get it, (Y/N),” 
   “It’s ‘cause you’re so cute, baby.”
   It wasn’t exactly helping that Chie had made some weird sound at what you had said. And it wasn’t any better by the fact that she heard you snickering. “Jeez, if you were an anime character, even though you don’t act like one, you would surely be a tsundere!” 
   “(Y/N),” Chie gritted her teeth. To hide her flustered form, she acted as if she was angry. “I swear to God I will...get back for you one day.”
   “Get back? Hmm? If I didn’t know any better, I thought you were going to say, ‘I will kick your ass.’ Is my girl getting too flustered now? How cute.”
   “Grrr, (Y/N)...” Damn it, Chie wanted to fight back against you. Sometimes (or more like, a majority of the time), you were way TOO MUCH to handle! You knew how to get her going, that was for sure. 
   “Alright, enough about that,” you spoke up, the teasing tone in your voice already gone. “I wanted to call you ‘cause I got a surprise!”
   At that, Chie’s eyes lit up in slight interest. “A surprise?”
   “Yep! I’ve been planning it for a few months so I can get it right. And now I think it’s the perfect opportunity to give it to you!”
   The surprise was more intriguing than learning about a new steak meal at Junes and practically drooling over how it would taste. Chie could not hold back her excitement anymore. “What is it, (Y/N)?!”
   “Ah, ah, ah! I can’t tell you what it is. You’ll have to find out for yourself, babe.” you snickered. 
   “Oh, come on!” Chie grumbled. “You know I can’t do that. You’ve gotta at least give me a hint! Just one hint! 
   “Well, how about this,” you suggested. “Just open your front door, and you’ll see it right then and there.”
   Okay, that was a bit suspicious. Chie raised her eyebrow. It was not as if she had little to no faith in you when it came to surprises. Coming outside to the front door, though? Just what were you planning? “Are you sure?” she asked. “You’re kinda weirding me out,” 
   “Just trust me on this!” you said. “I’m not trying to do anything creepy, I promise. Come on, Chie. Just open your front door.” 
   “Fine,” the short brown-haired female gave in, sitting up from her bed and exciting her bedroom. Maybe Chie was feeling a bit too doubtful about this. For all she knew, you must have sent her something like an anime figurine of her favorite character. Or even better, maybe you ordered her some food and had it sent to her front door! 
   “Okay, I’m at the front door,” Chie spoke over the phone as soon as she arrived. With her free hand, she unlocked the handle before fully opening it.
   And what did she see? Just someone wearing a (F/C) shirt (Chie was sure that was your favorite) and carrying a backpack. In one of their hands was a suitcase, and they had a smile on their face. 
   Chie was extremely confused. Did she invite someone to come over to her house for a sleepover? She did not remember, nor did she think she ever did. She highly doubted that this was the surprise you were mentioning. 
   A few seconds of silence passed before the person snickered. “What’s with the confused look?” they asked. Their voice sounded so familiar, but who was it? “Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you don’t recognize your s/o! You’re breaking my heart over here, Chie!”
   Wait a minute.
   Wait a Goddamn minute.
   That voice. 
   That familiar smile.
   Her eyes widened.
   There was no way. Was this real? Was she dreaming? If so, someone needs to knock her out right now! 
   And she meant RIGHT NOW!
   Chie almost dropped her phone on the floor. “(Y-Y/N)?” she spoke up. 
   Their smile-- no, your smile grew a bit. “Yep, that’s me!” you nodded. “Live in the flesh, and not just some photo on a screen.” 
   ‘So it was you, holy shit!’ 
   Chie could not believe it. Her mind was feeling so many things. One part of her accepted the fact that this was real. But the other part of her was in disbelief. Chie had no idea what to do at this point. Besides, she already knew she must have looked foolish right now, and you were there to see it in real life. 
   And then the tears came. 
   Chie could no longer control herself. She practically jumped out towards you and wrapped her arms around you. She almost knocked you to the ground, but luckily you only stumbled backward a bit before balancing yourself. “Y-You finally came!” she sobbed into your chest. “You’re real! You’re right here, oh my God! I-I’m not dreaming, right?! Please tell me I’m not!!”
   Meanwhile, your heart felt like it was being pulled on tug strings watching your girlfriend cry out of happiness. You wrapped your arms around her waist to complete the hug and rubbed her back soothingly. “You’re not dreaming, darling,” you reassured Chie, “I’m right here. After many, many months, I’m right here.”
   Chie pulled away for a bit, wiping her tears with the sleeves of her sweater before looking up at you with a tear-stained smile. “I never thought the day would come when I get to see you right in front of me,” she said, “I thought it wouldn’t even be possible, either! You’re here, at my house. Speaking of which--” 
   Then the realization hit her, “--How did you even get my address? Because I don’t think I ever gave it to you after months of knowing you.” 
   “Well,” you scratched the back of your head sheepishly. You were somewhat scared that Chie was going to question it, but now she did. 
   “Please don’t kill me when I say this. But I talked to one of your friends, Yosuke, and I told him about my relationship with you. After a while, I tried to bring up the suggestion of wanting to visit you after I realized I have a chance of going to Japan. Then he gave me your address, and I kept it. Then as soon as I arrived in Inaba, I went to your house. I know that sounds so creepy. I’m sorry!”
   Chie would have kicked Yosuke’s ass (literally) if he ever did something like that. She would never approve of him giving any stranger her address, especially without her permission. And she would have kicked your ass for coming to her house as well. Chie would want you to consider yourself lucky since she understood where her friend was coming from, so there was no anger in her body. 
   Oh yeah, and it seems like Yosuke already knows about you and Chie. He better not have told anyone else on the Investigation Team. She was planning to do it very soon.
   “Don’t worry, I get it,” she said. “If getting my address from one of my friends meant that you got to see me, then I don’t mind at all!” 
   You were expecting Chie to yell at you about how creepy that was. After being shocked at her calm reaction for a while, the feeling disappeared, and you smiled, patting her head. “Thanks, babe. I appreciate it.
   “Oh, and by the way,” Chie spoke up. “Now that you’re here and not just on a screen, I’d like to do one thing with you. 
   Puzzled, you tilted your head. “What is it?”
   A smirk appeared on her face. “I want to kiss you!”
   Your eyes widened a bit. Now it was your turn to feel flustered (you could already feel it in your cheeks). You were not opposed to the matter, as you could understand why Chie would want to do it. You had no idea why you were feeling nervous in the first place. You cleared your throat. “Well, alright. I don’t mind,” you smiled. 
   “Oh wow, you’re getting flustered now, aren’t you? I guess this is karma for all the times you’ve made me flustered.” Chie snickered. 
   You sighed. Somehow you had a feeling that your girlfriend would say something like that. But you decided to brush that aside for now.
   Rewrapping your arms around her waist, you slowly inched towards her face. Both of your eyes closed at the same time as she placed her hands on your shoulders. It almost felt like an eternity for the moment to finally happen. 
   And then, the moment happened. Your lips connected into a kiss. 
   You instantly realized how soft her lips were, and you had to admit it felt amazing. You almost considered not pulling away for a while. Both of you did not want this to escalate into some steamy make out session, so you kept it slow. But there was a feeling of love and passion in it. You could feel the bliss coming into the atmosphere. 
   Seconds passed, and both you and Chie pulled away. You smiled. “God, do you know how long I wanted to do that?” you asked softly, caressing her cheek. 
   “I could ask you the same thing, (Y/N),” Chie answered. “I waited for so long, and I thought it would never happen in a few years. But now it has, and I’m so happy.” She rested her head against your chest to feel your heartbeat. “Thank you. Thank you for coming here,” 
   “Of course, Chie,” you whispered, running your fingers through her hair.
   At this point, you would have asked if Chie would let you inside her house. But you did not care about that right now. All you were thinking of was hugging Chie and never letting go. You were almost tearing up just thinking of the fact that you had been in a relationship with Chie over a long distance for months. It had been months where you two could not even have your first kiss or any affection. 
   And here you are now. Hey, you (unfortunately) might not be in Japan for too long, but it was better than not visiting at all. As long as you were able to spend every single second with your girlfriend, you were as happy as they could be.
(**) lowkey feel bad about hurting yosuke like this, but i felt like i just had to LMAO 
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fluffubunny23 · 3 years
Hello! I’m tired and I wanted to write my own fix it fic with my probably overpowered OC because I want to. It’s patchy, unfinished and has bad grammar and not a lot is explained about my OC but I’m exhausted and am going to bed. I’ll fix it and maybe add more tomorrow in a reblog. I have not proof read this at all and am not going to. Had to get all my ideas on here while they were fresh.
So things you need to know:
His name is Peter
He’s a very powerful alien friend of douxie and has been for a while now
Just imagine Peter Pan (yes that’s where I got his name from) wearing all black, really tall guy, kinda goth with really long hair styled like a rats nest
So sit back, relax, and enjoy a shitty story from a angry, tired first time writer who hated the movie ending with no reset and no one dies!
Begin story!
‘Hey doux, I heard what happened, what’s going on-‘ he stopped, noticing what was going on around him. A boy was talking about fixing everything and bringing everyone back. Why would he be- Oh no.
He was going to time travel
‘NO’ he said, making a bat and hitting the gem a mile away before it can be use
‘Look, I’ve been where you are, time travel is dangerous and won’t fix everything like you think it would!’ ‘But-‘ Jim started ‘no. Hold this’ he said, shoving the bat into Jim’s hands and pushing him aside.
Kneeling down next to Toby's body, he began to focus his energy on him and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was floating in a dark space. A shine of light caught his eye.
He saw Toby, slowly floating up towards the light source.
‘Hey!’ He shouted ‘Hey, kid!’
Toby turned to look at him.
‘Woah, are you an angel?’ He said wide eyed
‘No. I’m here to take you back. If you want to that is. Your friends really miss you. I think your best friend was about to do something rash to get you back too.’
‘Wait I can go back?! Heck yeah man, take me!’
With a flash of light he was back, sore and a bit light head, but he was back. ’TOBES’ Jim shouted hugging his now alive best friend.
‘How..how’d you do that?’ Asked douxie in disbelief
‘How many times do I have to tell you? I. Am. Basically. A. God. You should know this by know man, you’ve seen me do lots of impossible stuff. You know what? I’m just gonna write a list of what I can do so you don’t almost do anything stupid like this again.’
Thank you, thank you so much
Eh, no worries kid, bring someone back is easy as long as it’s within 24 hours
‘Wait, that could mean you could bring back everyone else too!’ Exclaimed Claire
‘Wait, what? there’s more!’ He said
Yeah…do you think you can help us a little more? Douxie asked sheepishly
‘Uh, yeah sure, For the record it only works if they want to come back, I can’t force them. So, just take me to their body’s and I’ll do what I can.’
Oh, right, their body’s. Not a lot to work with there.
Let’s see, strickler was blown up, nomora was turned to stone then crumbled and bark dissintigrated into the earth.
‘What?’ Peter said, noticed how everyone looked away
‘Well, uh, about that-‘ douxie started
“They don’t have bodies do they?
‘Ok then I’ll just go back and grab them before they die’
‘Hold on! Didn’t you just say time travel was bad!” Said Jim, finally speaking up after hugging Toby for what felt like forever
‘This is going to be a short visit to separate times in one jump, which I have done before, you were going to reset an entire fucking timeline with zero experience.”
Jim looked down sheepishly
‘Now, I will be right back, this should only take a moment”
With that, he disappeared into what they assumed was a time portal.
He found Strickler first, 10 seconds away from sacrificing himself
Peter immediately set to work, flying as fast as he could, the bomb was a split second from going off when he grabbed strickler and portables away. No saw them as the bomb felled the titan.
Next was nomoura, this one was tricky as he would definitely be seen, but he decided to forgo that just once, considering it’s the same people and they know what he’s doing. The portal opened just as Nari had raiser her to the sun, he grabbed her and portaled away as fast as he came before she was turned to stone completely.
Navi was last, as he came out of the next portal, he could see the Titans battle was about to end. He swooped in and found Nari as the ice was creeping towards her, just inches away from sealing her fate.
Everyone was still staring at where the portal had closed when it reopened again. This time four people stepping out instead of one, strickler, nomoura and nari all came out barely unharmed.
‘Ah, ha ha, you did it!’ Said douxie he quickly ran to nari, kneeling and hugging her tightly ‘Nari, oh thank the stars your okay”
‘Of course I did it, was there ever any doubt” he said cheekily, giving dousing a light hearted smirk as he watch everyone’s reunion. But wait, the was someone missing.
‘Hey doux, where your cat?”
He froze, then standing to meet his eyes “um well-‘ he started
Douxie. Where’s your familiure?
‘Well you see-‘ he tried again
‘Oh no, he’s not dead too is he?!, I really liked that guy, and I can’t go back so soon after doing it once’
‘No no, he’s fine. He’s just trapped in a underground troll market… with no way to get in…or out’
He let out a sigh, he missed Archie already.
‘oh thank the king’
‘Well, c’mon’ we don’t have all day
‘Wait what? What are you talking about?’
‘You’re gonna take me to where ever this underground trollmarket is and where gonna get your familiar out’
‘Peter, no, it’s impossible to get in or out of there with out a horngazzle, and even if we had one the entrench is gone, crushed under a bridge, there’s no way in” he was starting to tear up, reality setting in.
‘That’s what you think” peter said in a sing song voice
‘What are you on about now?’
Douxie, you’ve seen me create an entire house inside a tiny closet, you’ve seen me materialize food out of nothing, you just watched me bring back your friend from the dead, and time travel the rest of them here, you’ve seen me copy money so you’re never broke, you’ve seen me do lots of things. Creating a portal and doorway using your familiar as an anchor shouldn’t sound like much of a stretch, I just need you to take me to where this place is.’
‘Oh..right then’
A few moments later half of the crew where standing in front of the fallen bridge in Hong Kong. Stickler, nomoura, Nara, Toby, Jim, Steve, Eli and the akiridions all stayed behind to rest up. It was surrounded by workers clearing debris and searching for possibly injured people. Luckily due to a quick illusion spell they weren’t seen.
‘Ok, Peter, where here, now what?’ Douxie said
‘Watch this”
Peter knelt down, placing his hands on the ground, glowing green cracks started expanding around him. He began to feel every living thing near him, the group, the workers, and something big just a bit further. He dug down deeper, and felt an entire city full of people.
‘Got it’ he said, and began searching for the familiar
‘Can you see him?’ Douxie asked, feeling hopeful
That when peter felt a familiar aura, a small one in the middle of the city, there was someone else next to him.
‘Found him, there’s someone bigger with him too’
‘That must be his dad!’ Exclaimed clarie
Peter stood up, the green cracks not leaving the ground
‘Alright then, everyone, stand back’
He began pulling the cracks out of the ground and forming a circle with them. Soon enough there was an opaque portal looking doorway in front of them. When he was finished, he placed his hand at the top of it and pulled an item from it.
He handed it to douxie, ‘here, this will be the key to this place from now on, just put it against a wall and it’ll open’ turning back to the portal, ‘but for now, this portal will lead straight to your Archie’
Upon hearing that, douxie wasted no time running into the portal. On the other side, he found what looked to be a throne room. And atop the throne was ‘Arch?!’ He said in disbelief ‘Douxie!’ Said the dragon as he flew towards his familiar, both hugging each other tightly.
There was a loud crunch in the background. Douxie look up “Charlie?’
‘Oh, hello there, my boy’ charlimane said, with a mouth full of (idk, image something crunch that a dragon would eat)
“what’s all this?’ Douxie said looking back at Archie.
‘Well, um, dad and I may have killed the king when we took the kronosphere and took over this place and are now ruling with iron fists”
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Ramples
Season 8 episode 9 Pre Wedding Jitters
That scene in 👏Nathan's 👏office👏 The lines they wrote for Kevin *chef's kiss* perfection. I mean, I still dont like this whole secret reveal thing. I think it's so dumb. Like, ain't no way the writers intended Nathan to have this secret when he first came to the show. I don't think he was suppose to have any secret at all. I mean, this whole, 'There's something he's not telling me' thing came out of nowhere. That aside, the love confession was great, again, and he left Elizabeth speechless again and she ran away, AGAIN. That tells me all I need to know. She cannot deny this man BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM. And if y'all think otherwise than you're delusional.
The game at the bachelorette party. It was obvious from the promo for this episode how this would play out. She reaches for Nathan's hands and thinks he's the one. (I was predicting that she would know it was Nathan and then feel uncomfortable and move on, but that didnt happen. She thought he was Lucas *bleh. Though I was still right in thinking Nathan would be 'the one' during this little game). We like that. I really liked how the party scene lasted longer than I expected. It wasnt even too long of a scene, but it was definitely long for When Calls the Heart. This show really needs to work on it's pacing. Everything happens so fast bc they have to cut to the millions of side plots that happen in every episode. My gosh, would they give us some focus please.
When Lucas came by Elizabeth's house in the morning I enjoyed that they interacted more casually with each other it seemed, at least it did on Elizabeth's part. Just through small details like the way she was casually leaning in the doorframe or her tone of voice. She wasnt so awkwardly polite...but Lucas still was. Lucas is so polite it's uncomfortable. Like I don't feel like anybody could just be themselves around him, bc it's like every meeting has this awkward air of being polite to an acquaintance you dont know well. Ugh it's so weird. I didnt like that Elizabeth told him Nathan's reveal. I feel she should have kept that to herself. Ugh and then Lucas wanted to act all protective and 'talk' to Nathan. Oh please. That is not his place. Elizabeth is obviously the one who needs to talk with Nathan and it's no one else's business what goes in between them, besides Allie of course. And speaking of Allie, I thought her scenes were really good and thoughtful. I still think it was weird that Lucas got her a gift for her adoption ceremony, but whatever we are past that now. I like that her character is being more mature about everything too. I really hope we get a scene where Allie and Elizabeth have their own conversation though. They need it. I'm not sure how I feel about that obvious Paul (Florence's son) having a crush on Allie. It seems that the writers will want them to like each other. I guess it could be cute? It's just a little awkward bc we havent seen this Paul kid around before so it creates a weird air that the only reason he shows up now is to be a school crush for Allie. Eh. Jaeda was great though and I think she did her scenes well.
After Lucas and E talked, I think it's obvious to Lucas that Elizabeth has strong feelings for Nathan and that she's just running away from them. I mean, she told Lucas that when Nathan told her he loves her all she could do was say nothing and just leave. *holds out arms and stares with a 'well, there you have it' expression'* IT DOESNT GET ANY CLEARER THAN THAT. I wonder if the writers will make Lucas step down bc he cant be with someone who will never love him. Idk how Lucas will react honestly, Lucas's character is such a mystery to me I could never know what he would do in a situation that didnt involve setting up a perfectly romantic date or sweet talking someone with an annoyingly, unrealistic, perfectly understanding polite response.
Elizabeth was also super rude to the people she cares about in this episode. The way she talked to Rosemary. First, she didnt like hearing what Rosemary had to say, which implies that she may have been blaming Nathan for Jack's death. That is such a horrible thing to hold against someone. I mean I could understand why she would feel that way but just for a moment. I mean she should understand how completely wrong and irrational that thought process is and that she shouldnt blame Nathan. TWO, then she had the nerve to tell Rosemary something like 'why would you think that comment would help me right now'. Wow Elizabeth. Gee, maybe she's saying the truth and she's also your friend and just trying to talk things through and give her opinion as a way to help you through your difficult situation. God forbid she doesnt say the perfect thing that you needed to hear at that time, she can't read your mind. I thought that was incredibly rude. It hurt to see Rosemary hurt. And then later she told her that she should leave her house. *SCOFF* man, she was really hitting Rosemary hard this episode. If I were in Rosemary's shoes, yes I would be hurt, but I think I would mostly be understanding of what Elizabeth might be going through and not take anything personally. E's lucky that Rose is such a good friend. OH! What Rosemary told Nathan in the library! She totally implied with her little metaphor comparison that Nathan was making Elizabeth unhappy by getting in the way of true love, i.e. Lucas and Elizabeth. I-- wow! Everyone is against this man. I'm so glad that Nathan stands firm. I mean he knows that Elizabeth feels strongly for him based off her reactions to his honesty with her and how she never denies anything and just runs away. I mean, it's plain as day. Let's not forget the *speechless gaze into each other's eyes* 'I can't' from Honestly, Elizabeth.
I think that's it regarding the love triangle. I absolutely despise the Faith and Carson relationship. And I cant believe they made him say, come with me to Baltimore and we can see in a year if we want to get married. That is so dumb. He just asked Faith to drop everything and leave her life in Hope Valley for a 'I might break up with you in a year' situation. Dumb. This is definitely out of character for Carson. It's obvious the writers are just trying to get rid of him and make him not be missed by the audience. They clearly want us to favor Faith, but she couldnt be more annoying honestly. I wish she were leaving and Carson would stay in Hope Valley. But whatever.
I dont like how every side plot seems to be about some couple's budding relationship. I mean aside from the love triangle, we have Florence and Ned, Molly and Bill, Clara and Jesse (though not a budding relationship, it's still all about their relationship) and now Rachel and Christopher and oh yes also Fiona and whoever that guy is and wow I'm still missing Faith and Carson. Thats 6 other romantic relationships in the show (not including the also important one of Rosemary and Lee) and I'm probably leaving one out. Oh yes, now possibly Allie and Paul. 7. Seven relationship side plots!!! Omg I'm going crazy!! They need to learn how to write some actual plot! What happened to town problems and family drama! Thank goodness we have Henry Gowen and his son (cant believe I just complimented that out of nowhere concept but hey) and the oil thing with Lucas and Henry, barely ever a plot line. This show needs better writing. There's no glue holding the town together and even when there is, it's so small or happens so fast that it doesnt have any long lasting and meaningful affect.
If I weren't so invested in Elizabeth's plotline and in need of some wholesome tv, I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Oh and the last thing. The mention of Abigail. I'm so glad Henry mentioned her because she was very important to him and his character growth. His character arc is one of the saving graces of the show and it needs to be given more attention.
Okay in short, Elizabeth was hecka rude, Nathan is wonderful and so was that office scene. We also stan Allie. Next week's episode also looks like a dud and I dont think much will happen.
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Yeah it’s like bore gee actually my bad. Yeah it’s cause in Italian the I and E kinda switch so I - ee and E - eh. Just like package it and ship it over like 💳💥💥💥💳💳💥💥. I want it 👁👄👁. I would hum and just stay where I am, “they can wait a bit but for curiosity, who is it?”
Making out seems scary, like I would be the type to bite someone. Like NOM. ooo~ go get your person!! I would flinch then whine not knowing what to do, like I know like that it means for me to open my mouth so their tongue can slurp slurp my tongue. However how wide are you supposed to open your mouth like what if I look like a fish? I would pull away slightly from Hyunjin and look up at him, and just whine helplessly like help me idk what I’m doing- I would smile at Chan’s cuteness and leave a kiss on his forehead. I would move my hands down to his waist and rub my hands up and down. “Hmm besides a collar with the skz logo anything else my pup would like, I can get you a few more..accessories it seems like you’re missing some.” Chan in pupspace is too cute, it hurts my heart🥺😫
“Hmm we could like create a diversion and make a run for it. We could also just try to leave without saying anything. We also could just jump out a window too, that’s always fun. However I don’t want you getting hurt darling.” My hands would come up in surprise and rest on Hyunjin’s shoulders, I would Yelp. Then smile and roll my eyes amusingly, “You really like pulling hair don’t you Love?”
I want all the albums >:D I’m going to be so broke :,D I have a bookshelf just for stray kids in my room. I also have a Yellow Wood poster hung up with a photocard collage on my wall in a frame, no pcs were harmed. I would giggle and situate myself, moving myself to get comfortable. Tilting my head I would ask, “how may I help you?” I would blush and cover my face, leaning down to bury my face into his shoulder. I would hum along, nodding my head too. I would relax in his touch and close my eyes, letting him pet my hair. “Yeah, some are more easy to fluster than others, which is very much enjoyable.”
“I don’t mind you meowing hyung, but like at the same were you meowing or making weird noises? Or were you in one of those feels where you just need to scream?” I would tilt my head, “you remind me of someone I know, with the meowing being brought up. I know pupspace is a thing. Kitten/kit space or is it called cat space, a thing?. Anyway it just reminds me of that..you wouldn’t look too bad with a collar on,” I would mumble nonchalantly. “Good I wouldn’t want you to get hurt or be sad. My kitten needs to be happy and loved at all times!” I would smile brightly at Minho and shift to rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I would let out a happy sigh and melt as he played with my hair. I mean I’m Okayish I’m very on and off with skinship. Like I kiss my friends like pecks and I can cuddle with them hold hands with them and be fine then the next day any of that makes my skin itchy and it hurts my brain. -•^•
Oop, idk italian so- 👽👽 tho ngl i want to speak it. I send me your p.o box imma take a chunk of me out- The knocking would stop suddenly and Jeongin hums beside you, “Well now that he left, what do you wanna do?”
I- thats a mood, that's coming from someone too that also doesn't know how to make out— aka me- Hyunjin would find it cute on how much you don't know. “Such a baby.” He’d say before leaning down to kiss you against, this time a more behaved tongue. Just licking your lips. Pulling away for a bit, “Just follow my lead, baby boy.” He’d say.
If Chan was an actual pup he’s tail would be waggling nonstop but Chan just nods as an answer as he knows better than to speak cuz pups don't speak. He’d prolly cling on to you afterwards.
Hyunjin would smile at your rambling “ let’s go without a word, though we might get scolded later by Chan-hyung.” he explains before patting your head. He’d laugh at your statement, “It might be a kink~” he’d tease.
I- give me some bestay, like i want— My birthday is coming up 🌚. Jeongin would laugh in amusement and keep you in his lap, “Pretty boy.” he’d tease you biting the top of your ears softly. “Are you talking about Chan-hyung, baby?” he’d raise an eyebrow with an unknowing smile.
“It’s Chan-hyung with the pup space hm? Oh kitten space? I think it exist, I don't have it though sadly~ Oh and since you talked about collars, how would you feel if I bought a pretty pink and black collar for my bunny hm? with bunny ears too maybe?~” He’d tease you, gripping your chin and forcing you to look up at him, “I appreciate the compliment, but I like holding the ropes here~ Maybe I’ll collar myself for you one day though~” he’d reply with a voice with a sexy undertone.
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dr-gloom · 4 years
Some thoughts/analysis on the new episode, because the video itself and people's reactions were bugging me
Disclaimers: I don't hate Patton or Roman, I'm not calling Patton abusive or manipulative, as those terms insinuate knowing what you're doing and I don't think Patton does know how he's coming across
- First I wanna just point out, as a few others have, that Thomas is once again wearing black and white while discussing a grey-area issue. I love the attention to detail
- The recap only really highlights that Thomas admitted to wanting something that contradicted Patton's statement of why he's a good person (or more specifically "perfect", which, as nice and friendly and lovely as that sounds, is a toxic mindset and I like that Thomas touched on that at the end), which is an interesting point to cover honestly, especially since later Thomas challenges Patton to call him a good person
- "Now kiddo, if you're gonna dish out Fs, why don't we make them friendly hugs?" I understand Patton was trying to lighten the mood and joke a little and all that, but he's not letting Thomas just... Be angry/upset. He's trying to control how he feels and steer away from negative emotions, which I thought he learned not to do??
- I love that Patton heard what he was saying and stopped. Good on him. But what he replaced it with is called guilt tripping and that's not much better. "I'm surprised you would say something like that about your friends. I always thought that when it came to your pals, that sort of language would be... Ineffable?" It may sound gentle and sweet, but he's still saying "you can't talk about your friends like that" (and I get it, we all know that's not how Thomas really feels, but again he needs to be allowed to express himself). You can tell from Thomas's face while Patton's talking that the guilt tripping worked, at least for a moment.
- Anyone else notice a little Logan shining through in Thomas's words/actions the first portion of the video?
- "If our goals aligned with his what would that say?" Uhmmm gee lemme think Roman... Maybe that you care about Thomas's mental health and desires???
- I think it's very telling that during the rap Thomas cuts Patton off right before he's about to say something that, judging from the graphics, was going to make him sound heroic and said "I made this choice", while looking very... Upset.
- Okay so when Thomas was all "why didn't I just talk to them???" I felt hella vindicated but the second time I watched I finally heard Roman say "I mean I kinda brought that up before but it got shut down faster than an Antarctic icepop shop". Like... Fuck, they seriously do not appreciate or listen to Roman at all
- Patton brushing them off with "Eh well hindsight is 20/20" pissed me off so much. No empathy whatsoever. Jesus Christ.
- Roman's reaction when Thomas said no to the whole future vision thing made me laugh and no one is talking about it
- But yeah Thomas talking about using foresight has a total Logan Vibe
- Patton's reaction when Thomas says "I made a decision with a blindfold on" is... Interesting...
- Seriously that cat analogy was so specific.....
- One should never base their decisions on "well they've helped me before so I owe them" like. No. Patton, Roman, stop. He should have decided to go because he wanted to, not because he owed it to them or you made him feel like shit
- "Those baby-making Catholics" lmfaooooo
- "You, thinking about giving their wedding a pass all because of a callback that, really, might not work out". That bugged me too, because it can just as easily be argued he gave up his big break for a wedding he barely participated during. If we're being completely logical here (and borrowing from a later concept of how our time is better used), his time would have been better-spent at the callback since he wasn't even mentally present at the wedding
- "Maybe they understand, and maybe they still want you to go to the wedding but feel too guilty to say so. Or, maybe you end up going to the wedding, and they feel guilty seeing you there because they feel like they took a big opportunity away from you". First off, they did (or would have, had the conversation taken place and they insisted he come). Secondly I personally feel like he owed it to them (and yes, I'm aware how that sounds but I can't think of better phrasing) to talk about it with 100% honesty on both sides, because now he's angry that he went to their wedding and they have no idea. Sure, the vid ends with them coming over to catch up, but if it hadn't? That's the kind of shit that festers very easily. I feel like he'd have been more satisfied if he had still decided to go after talking with them. I think Thomas realizes this too when he responds to Roman's question with a very sure, very adamant "No."
- "This was our chance to be there for them when it counted". I know this is me reading into things but it felt like he was saying anything else he may have done for them doesn't matter or isn't good enough
- "Why does their complexion matter" LMFAOOOOOO omg roman
- "... We can all agree that you're a good fellow-" "Can we? All agree on that?" Like fuck, Thomas still isn't sure what Patton thinks of him? That cuts deep. And... Patton still hasn't apologized. He conceeded that he's "been a bit much", which is far from the same thing
- pfffft what the fuck was Roman trying to do???
- "Well that's a relief... I think". Meaning Thomas still isn't fucking sure where Patton stands. I have to admit his dialogue did sound a bit circuitous
- he almost said GameStop lmfao
- why is he fixating so much on frogger
- "At least 16 graphics!" I died laughing
- "By the liquid lipstick of William Shakespeare" wut the fue? Lmao
- "just like you don't have to get him a hotdog" "I feel like you kinda do... Maybe". I know Janus says it later on but he was right when he said peppering in a few "I don't know"s and "maybe"s does not a conversationally-conscious person make. Like, he didn't even add the maybe until Roman reacted negatively to what he was saying
- I'm surprised Logan said it'd be wrong for Thomas to keep his money to himself tbh
- Roman mouthing "behoove". Like, c'mon dude, stop being such a dick to Logan when he's just trying to help
- Logan's so done he's not even trying to hide it. Like you can see the annoyance clear on his little pixelated face
- Also did anyone notice that Logan kept getting cut off so the next time he "spoke" he made them read it aloud so they'd actually fucking listen
- "Yeah! As long as that's not the main reason you're doing it!" Honestly though, most people do good things for their own benefit; tax benefits, That Good Feeling, compliments from others etc. It doesn't diminish the effect of the good act, so who cares?????
- "You shouldn't do a good thing just because it makes you feel good... I-I think." He's trying so hard but he's just not understanding how this works is he. Also it's interesting that he preaches holding to your values and not nitpicking situations yet he's literally doing it right now because last time he just... Needed to counter Janus and couldn't admit he'd had a fair point
- "Deceit said you'd be doing the right thing for a selfish reason if you did it for your own emotional gain". You can tell by his tone he's trying to make Thomas see Deceit as wrong and bad but like literally two seconds later he audibly confirms he feels the same way
"Definitely! Maybe... I think so... What do you think?" Tbh I'm proud of him for asking someone else's opinion, esp cause he's screwing this up so horrendously
- man if Roman being scared to share his opinion after Patton visibly disagrees isn't a huge red flag idk what is
- the world of the video game is called AU I'm screaming
- I'll always be salty that Roman once again shoved a "dark side" into the villain roll without asking
- I don't agree with Patton automatically assuming that just because the hero wants a reward, it means he doesn't care about the people he saves getting it. People can have multiple motives and wanting recognition isn't bad or evil or selfish
- I'm so fucking glad Thomas snapped and asked "am I not allowed to feel good if I do something good" because that's basically what Patton's saying and no one was addressing it. And Patton saying that can't be a valid motive is honestly fucked up
- during the trolley problem the options toggle the most between morality, anxiety, and denial. Idk, it's just interesting
- it's also interesting that Patton views moving the trolley as worse than letting it stay, meaning he thinks small active murder is worse than larger, passive murder. Not bad or good or anything, just interesting
- I hate hate hate that Patton silences Logan when he's the one who asked him to say something, especially since he follows that with "oh you can't really learn good morality from a book hahahaha". Like dude just acknowledge that you don't agree but there are other valid points of view, my god
- also you can tell from the color that Janus totally put that skip button in, meaning Logan really, really wanted to continue but Janus could see it wasn't going to get them where they needed to go
- "stu-ooper dooper unique mustache" lmfaooooo
- Thomas keeps coming back with something along the lines of "I need the answer to X so I can meet your expectations". He even says "I don't understand what I need to change so I can meet your standard". Last time I did a post like this, back when SvS came out, I said Patton has too much sway/control over Thomas, and he still does. Thomas doesn't try nearly as hard to "meet the standards" of his other sides, but in this instance he's desperate to know how he can appease Patton. I don't think that's necessarily a good thing, given that it's likely because he wants Patton to say without hesitation that he's a good person
- Roman thinks he's the problem I wanna cry
- "And I'm an awful driver" I laughed so hard
- "I only mean well when I say that that is the stupidest thing you have ever said" I can't stop laughing XD
- "You're just blowing smoke" seriously someone help me
- Roman's reaction when Thomas says he feels guilty just killed me. They all just acknowledged that Roman is his motivator and Thomas comes out and says his motives make him feel guilty? Ouch
- "Doing nothing is even worse!" Patton honey I'm begging you to please stop talking omg this is going so poorly
- "doing nothing is worse than doing a good thing for the wrong reasons" first off, who's to say what a wrong reason is, and secondly, that's an interesting take from the man who refused to move the trolley 👀
- oooof Thomas's relief when Logan cuts in though
- "Huuuuuhhhh I do need help" fuck, I wanna cry, poor Thomas
- "Logan, like you said this isn't your area of expertise" ITS NOT YOURS EITHER ROMAN OMG
- "Every point you've made in today's discussion has contradicted that sentiment" YES LOGAN JANUS SLAY. Also anyone else notice Patton looking to the others for validation because I Sure Did
- oh man though I thought Logan was finally getting the chance to lay into Patton and take him down a peg and it turned out to be Janus
- "Oh, is it not? Please, correct me if I'm wrong." yeah paTTON CORRECT HIM IF HES WRONG (notice how he doesn't even have an argument to that, all he can say is "you're wrong!")
- honestly the way he goes from 0 to 60 should've tipped us off that that was Janus
- I wanna know if Patton turned into a muscular frog irl
- idk Patton feels like a villain when he's all "Thomas you choose!"
- "What have you done with Logan?!" "Nothing at all and I resent the question" weeeeeelp there goes loceit
- even Janus admits Patton is misleading unintentionally can we all calm down now
- I find it interesting that Thomas willingly stays behind Janus
- "Sure if he's in that kind of situation then of course he should focus on himself. But does he deserve it? I don't know." *Record scratch* excuse me wHAT?????? And like, you can't ignore the obvious symbolism behind that attack missing Janus and hitting Thomas. Thomas is knocked out and Patton just ... Keeps talking? Jesus fucking christ
- and Roman so adamantly attacking Janus has a very pre-AA vibe to it
- "Not that any of you care, but I am unharmed, and I don't want to talk about it." Thomas looks like the only one genuinely concerned when he says this and that hurts
- Janus looks so happy that Logan's backing him I wanna cry my baby aaaaaaa
- "Well when is it enough?!" ".... Trees?" I'm STILL LAUGHING SOMEONE HELP ME
- I'm so fucking happy Thomas doesn't agree with Roman about trusting Janus
- Roman laughing and saying Janus's name is stupid and Janus's jab about him and Remus just... Gutted me y'all. Thems some hurt boys. And he looks to Thomas and Patton and they just... Can't side with him, cause they know that was hella fucking rude of Roman.
- I genuinely believe that Janus's nod meant Thomas was telling the truth. Based on his facial expression (which was slight but idk I notice more stuff than most people apparently???) He was trying to reassure Roman. And Roman just... Took it the completely wrong way, because he still thinks all Janus does is lie. When Roman says "wow, I can't believe this" you can actually see Janus's smile disappearing, because he realizes Roman took the nod the wrong way
- aaaaand then he immediately goes into attacking Janus. *Sigh*
- "Everything's gonna be okay, kiddo. We love you." "*Scoff* Right." I truly believe the next video is gonna be about Roman, because there's no way in hell they could ignore the obvious hurt and self-deprecation coming off of Roman
- "Janus? Is there a limit to how many times a person can say sorry before you have to admit that they're just bad for you?" Patton was talking about himself. Whether Janus was trying too hard to be witty and missed that or what, his reply hurt Patton, and you can see that Janus realizes his mistake with Patton's reaction. We have to remember that this isn't a side who's used to how the others communicate, though. He doesn't spend time with them outside of the few videos he's shown up in because of how they treat him. It's gonna take him time to get the little things like this and until then there's gonna be a lot of hurt feelings and (hopefully) apologies
- Janus immediately backtracks once he realizes what the real question was and says "... it depends... How many things have they had to apologize for? How frequently do they have to apologize for things? How terrible were the things that they did? One of the biggest factors in my very humble opinion is whether or not they seem to be making an honest effort to do better" this is Janus trying to tell Patton "you aren't bad for Thomas. I see how hard you're trying. It's okay"
- you can totally see Janus realizing why Patton fights him so hard while Patton is explaining how hard shit's gotten as Thomas grows up
- "Janus?" "I'll take care of him" y'all I need the tissues
- Janus trying to lighten the mood with the whole push-someone-down-the-stairs thing just... Made me die laughing. Y'all know he's hella good at April fool's pranks okay? Okay
- "You're not stuck with an evil snake boy, you're just stuck with a snake boy" HES SUCH A DORK I LOVE HIM
- I reacted the exact same way to Thomas saying Janus was right omg
Again, I'm not saying I hate any of the characters, this is just a stream-of-consciousness analysis-and-commentary-type post on the new episode
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masterserris · 5 years
all things considered, i think the blue lions ending is the “true” ending and at least the happiest of endings... we’ll see when the dlcs come out tho
spoilers under cut
it’s literally the only ending in which dimitri lives and becomes the “savior king” and saves the continent and creates a new democratic government to fix the broken old noble/chest system.
edelgard dies but like. she did that to herself by LITERALLY STARTING A WAR AND KILLING THOUSANDS OVER 5 YEARS. like that bitch had it coming. she may have wanted a better future by getting rid of a corrupt church but fuck that bitch honestly she coulda gone about it in a better way
idk about the golden deer route, i havent seen much on it, but eh dimitri still dies and i think so does edelgard so it isnt much better. just slightly better than the black eagle route. church route is also in the same boat.
idk man dimitri and the blue lions literally did nothing wrong. the kingdom did nothing wrong, they only ever acted out of self defense. so fuck the empire honestly afjsafnjaksfajksfjaks for as wack as dimitri gets it ONLY happens because of MASSIVE ptsd, depression, and anxiety caused BY the empire, his step mother, and edelgard. like his step mom had his whole family killed in front of him, blamed it on duscur to destroy them, then she got killed by edelgard i think or smth. his dad LITERALLY was beheaded in front of him and people/buildings were burned too. like holy fuck he’s just a KID goddamn
anyways, the empire is literally the invading imperialistic army so. yeah. no. edelgard can’t just be like: “aw ur in the wrong dimitri!1!! you are a bad person to keep fighting back and killing more people!!111!! even tho i started all this shit and killed thousands of innocent people to begin with!1! i burned a whole village mother fucker!” 
before killing him. like fuck. that. bitch. UGH.
like he didnt even know it was his step mom that did it until later when he finally takes the throne. it’s bullshit, all he knew is some bastards like the flame emperor were behind it, that’s all. he wanted Rightful revenge for the murder of his family, the destruction of garreg mach and the “death” of his teacher, AND the 5 year war that butchered the continent and his homeland.
dimitri is valid as FUCK for being pissed at her and the empire. wack. it’s all wack. he’s the best boy and the only route that leads to a good ending for him and the kingdom overall is the blue lions route so there. 
he gets all crazed but honestly who wouldnt. dont gaslight the man for having a super fucked up life and stressful from like age 10 and on. he deserves peace for all he’s been through and he does a fucking fantastic job once he gets his shit together.
edit: based on all the likes i’ve been getting on this i can probably just assume that I Am Right About This
sorry i dont make the rules nsfjanfjannfjnnjk
also all the shit edelgard wanted? dimitri went and did anyways. he got rid of the bullshit nobility and made things more of a democracy. like all she did was kinda pointless and made a lot of enemies.
sure, byleth still has that thing in their chest but who GIVES A FUCK. they still live their life just fine like damn. rhea retires the fuck away regardless. so she aint being a tyrant anymore. byleth is in charge. like damn all the “good shit” from the black eagle playthrough is IN THIS ONE PLUS DIMITRI LIVES AND MORE PEOPLE LIVE AND HAVE GOOD LIVES.
so yeah 
also also: empires always ALWAYS crumble as nations desire their independence. in a few decades after edelgard leaves you can BET your ass someone will wanna revolt from their control. imperialism never works forever folks. look at all of human history for that example. the other nations in fodlan should remain free.
i think by the end dimitri rules all the lands in fodlan? mainly bc the empire just got dethroned and they are destabilized (the alliance is also destabilized but i think they are mostly ok), so it makes sense he would rule/join the two (empire/kingdom) together for mutual growth. but they are still at least sorta recognized as their own territories. they aren’t just wiped from history like edelgard did ffs.
ALSO. ANOTHER THING (sorry i keep editting this bc i have so many thoughts)
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after all the bullshit, they still have the highest moral ground and actually fix things. even after offering their enemy peace.
after the cutscene!! the epilogue!!
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edit edit: also look at the murals specifically, i’m gonna point out some shit real quick. 
first, dimitri’s:
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It’s in nature. Birds and trees and leaves. Calm and harmonious.
Children are playing and smiling, food is being passed out by the soldiers to the people. they are thankful. 
byleth is addressing the people, writing out reforms and decrees, making sure things are aright.
the people of duscur are literally at the side of dimitri, the king. 
looks like people from the alliance are on the far left of the mural, they are carrying gifts but they dont seem unhappy about it. just. normal.
dimitri is lower than everyone on the canvas besides a person on their knees asking for help and literal children. he is seated down at THEIR level, smiling AT them and doesn’t mind the kid pulling at him and playing. very relaxed. he’s sitting on just a regular ol’ tree stump. no throne. no opulence. just him, bc that’s all that’s needed.
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she is the tallest above them all, next to her is a divine figure, she is holding a staff as well. she is power. she is above all other peoples. she is STEPPING on a national flag with impunity. she doesn’t CARE she is the one in charge and no one can stand against it.
everyone from the other nations are bowing their heads and being submissive, but they certainly dont look happy. they look anxious as hell. their kingdoms are literally being trampled by the emperor. she is in her grand castle, gold and red and opulent. power and riches and rule.
the common folk, however look up to her. they see her as a second saint seiros. a better one. hence the divine figure next to her. she is like a god to them. not ideal. they seem happy, but no. they are looking to her for guidance in a troubled time caused by HER actions.
let’s not forget the mage in the back holding a knife. things are far from peaceful. 
the two very different moods of these pictures say all. one is true peace where everyone seems to be thriving with a compassionate ruler.
the other is domineering and crushing in presence. people are anxious about the future with violence still on the horizon. 
yeah, no. blue lions >>>> black eagles.
(i’m currently playing through golden deer which is looking p good so far, def better than black eagles and then im gonna do the church route. we’ll see how THAT goes anfjanjfnnfasjns)
edelgard stans dont interact
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numba99 · 5 years
Fatal Attraction Part 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary:  When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 3.7k 
Song: Loft Music // The Weeknd 
Warning: this part may kinda intense? idk??  some physical fighting and some light smut
When you woke up, your bed was empty. For a split second you thought you dreamt everything from the night before, however, the noises coming from the kitchen told you it had to have been real. You crept out of bed, stepping over Mika’s clothes, which you were happy to see were still on the floor.
You found him at the stove, his back to you as he was cooking up breakfast. You slid your arms around him from behind, on your tip toes so you could rest your head on his shoulder. “Morning,” you murmured into him.
“Morning,” Mika replied, snuggling his head against yours. He stirred some eggs in a frying pan, while you just clung to him, not wanting to let go. “I have to say, your food supply is severely lacking. It’s a miracle I could get this together.”
You rolled your eyes, playfully pushing him, “Give me a break I missed my grocery shopping day this week.” You were a little preoccupied with figuring out if Mika had ghosted you or gotten himself killed, but you thought it was best not to make him feel bad by saying that.
You sat down at the tiny table you use as a kitchen table while Mika plated the eggs. You were pretty sure this table was supposed to be a beside table, but it managed to fit two plates so it didn’t really matter. Mika sat in the creaky little chair across from you and you couldn't help but smile. It was weird, seeing him here with you like this. It almost felt out of place and yet, you couldn’t imagine ever eating there alone again.
“Damn these are good,” you said as you swallowed a forkful. You thought the scrambled eggs you made were good, but these were fancy brunch restaurant level. “Successful, good looking, and you can cook? You really might be the Prince Charming I’ve been dreaming of,” you teased.
“Was your Prince Charming also a drug dealer?” Mika asked, a smile playing at his lips. 
“He wasn’t a dealer, he was the head of an empire,” you threw his words back at him. Mika laughed, continuing to poke at the food with his fork. You didn’t miss the blush that came up to his cheeks, though.
“So I’ve been thinking,” Mika began as he finished up, “If we’re gonna do this, I don’t want there to be secrets between the two of us. I want you to know what’s going on.”
You nodded, “I think that sounds really smart.” You didn’t do well with secrets in normal circumstances, but with something like this it would be a lot more difficult. Plus, it made you feel good the Mika was trusting you this much.
“I’ve got a meeting later with some people who work for me. I’d like you to come, if you’re up for it. I get it though if it’s too overwh-”
“I’d love to be there,” you cut him off. You were already kicking around outfit ideas in your head. If you were gonna be a drug lord’s First Lady, you would need to dress the part. 
“There’s one other thing,” Mika said, taking a long sip of his coffee.
“What’s that?” you asked.
“I’d like you to move in with me.” You choked on your drink, having to cover your mouth to not spray it all over the place. “Don’t act too excited,” he chuckled.
“What happened to taking things slow?” you asked when you finally caught your breath. Not that the idea of moving in with Mika totally turned your off, it just seemed like a complete 180 from last night.
“I know it sounds like a lot,” Mika replied, “I just like the idea of keeping you close to me, so I can make sure you’re safe. You could have your own room, I don’t mind giving you space for yourself.”
 It was a tempting offer, but part of you were attached to your shitty little apartment. It was one of the few things that were your own. You worked really hard for it, and it would be weird to give it up. “Can I think about it?” you asked.
“Of course,” Mika gave your hand a squeeze, “In the mean time I probably should get back to my place and change into new clothes.”
“Can I come? I mean, I probably should be scoping out the place that could be my new home,” you replied, giddy to see where he lived. You could only imagine how nice it would be with he resources he had.
“You should definitely come. And maybe bring an overnight bag? The meeting might end late... and I selfishly want you to sleep over,” Mika replied.
You leaned over the table, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.” You went off to your room, digging out a duffle bag from your closet and filling it with whatever you thought you would need. It was probably a bit much for staying just one night, but you wanted to be prepared. 
“I said a night, not a week,” Mika teased, leaning against your front door.
“Says the dude who asked me to move in with him after dating for like 16 hours,” you shot back.
“Touché. You ready?” You nodded, following him out the door. His driver was waiting for the two of you already. You weren’t self conscious about getting too close to Mika anymore, curling right up to him in the backseat. He lazily ran his hand up and down your side, staring out the window.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, looking up at him.
Mika, smiled looking down, “You.”
You made a fake gagging noise, “Way too cheesy. What are you really thinking about?”
“I was being serious,” Mika chuckled, “I’m thinking about how good you’ll look next to me tonight.” His kissed your forehead, returning his attention to the world outside the window. Even if it was cheesy, it made you blush. You never thought you would be so excited to sit in on a meeting with a bunch of drug dealers.
The car eventually stopped and you got out to find a glass high-rise towering over you. “This is where you live?” you asked incredulously. Sure, you have seen these buildings before, it was hard to ignore these giant, glittering structures that dotted the skyline, but you never really thought about the people who lived there. It seemed impossible, you couldn’t fathom someone living so luxuriously. Not to mention how insane the rent must be.
“Eh, it’s nicer on the outside,” Mika winked. He took your hand and led your inside. The lobby was like a hotel and everyone inside was either dripping in money or taking care of the people dripping in money. A far cry from the creepy old men that sit in first floor of your apartment building to stare at the young girls walking by.
In the elevator, Mika punched in a code on the keypad, which you eyed in confusion. “It’s to get up to my place,” he explained noting the look on your face, “It’s a security code so no one else can get to my floor. Most penthouses have.” Right, like it’s that casual to have a penthouse in New York City.
The elevator kept going up and up, and you wondered if it would ever stop. You guessed you were at the top floor when the ding sounded and the doors slid open.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, stepping into the apartment. Apartment didn’t even feel like the right word, it really was like mansion that happened to be on top of one of the tallest buildings in the city. Everything was sleek and sexy, much like the man standing beside you. The windows were floor to ceiling, allowing natural light to spill into the sprawling rooms making everything seem that much bigger. You walked forward, taking it all in: the luxurious furniture, the private balcony, the fucking second floor in the apartment. Who the hell in Manhattan has a place with two floors?
“This is amazing,” you breathed, looking down at the city. It felt so impossibly small from up here. “God you must of thought my place was a fucking dump.”
“Not at all,” Mika shook his head, “I’m just glad you like it here.” Mika wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek.
“Like it? This... this is like a dream. I can’t even believe it,” you replied. This was making the whole “I wanna stay independent in my own place” thing seemed stupid now.
“Let me show you around,” Mika said and you followed eagerly. Everything seemed more impressive than the room before. The living room had a real wood burning fireplace etched into the marble mantle. His bathroom had a shower and a separate tub, which was positioned right next to a window. That surely gave you some ideas. Up the stairs was his bedroom, which easily fit a king-sized bed. You thought his bedroom was probably bigger than your entire apartment. And his closet looked like a luxury boutique.
“Mika, this is amazing,” you said when he finally led you back down to the main floor. 
“Have I convinced you to move in with me yet?” He smirked, holding you close to him.
“You’re much closer than you were this morning,” you replied. That made him smile brightly. Mika told you to make yourself at home while he made some calls, which was very easy to do. You headed to the kitchen for a snack and now understand Mika’s comments about yours. He basically had a fully stocked food store at his disposal.
After that you wandered around the house a bit. Though Mika gave you a tour, the place was so big there was still so much to discover. Mika found you a while later, marveling again at the spacious bathroom.
“You can use that later, if you’d like,” Mika said as he watched you run your hands over the tub’s edge.
“Seems too big to be in alone,” you heard yourself say. You really need a lesson in taking things slow, you thought to yourself.
Mika laughed though, replying, “I’ve always thought that too.” Mika then let you know you'd be heading out soon, so he set you up in a guest room to get ready. You dug through your duffle bag, trying to put something together from all the clothes you stuffed in there. What does one wear to one of these kinds of things? You certainly didn’t know. 
Eventually you decided on a little black skirt and a silky top that showed off your chest perfectly. Not exactly what you’d wear to a professional business meeting, but you felt like it fit the occasion.
“Wow,” Mika said, watching you descend the stairs. He took you by the hand, spinning you around, “Maybe you shouldn’t come tonight. I need everyone focused and you are one hell of a distraction.”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes, pretending like his comment didn’t make you smitten.
Before Mika could reply, Chris came in. “Ready to go when you are,” he announced. Mika thanked him, lacing his fingers through yours and leading you back to the elevator. 
“So there are some things we should go over,” Mika said as you both settled in to the car, “There are going to be some people with big guns there tonight. It’s a security thing, I don’t want you to freak out.”
“Mika, I’ve walked through Penn Station, I’ve seen big guys with big guns I’ll be fine,” you replied. 
“Okay, okay,” Mika replied, “But I don’t want you to leave my side, okay? Everyone there are part of my closest circle, and trust them, but still I can never be too careful. Especially when it come to you.” 
“Is there anyone you trust completely?” you asked.
“Chris,” he responded simply.
“You hear that Chris, you’re the chosen one,” you called up to Chris, who was in his usual spot in the passenger seat.
He turned around, giving you the first smile you think you’ve ever seen from him. “Lucky me,” he replied, before turning back around. Mika told you it would take a little while to get there. Not that it was that far, but they loop around and take back ways to ensure they aren’t being followed. You hadn’t ever really been scared to be with Mika, but it suddenly dawned on you that this was real. You weren’t in some crazy movie, this was all really happening to you.
You had some time to think about how fucking crazy your life is before you finally arrived. The outside didn’t look like much. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought it was just a run down abandoned warehouse, but you guessed that was the point.
Mika’s arm was wrapped tightly around you as walked inside. After a short walk down a dimly lit hallway, you came to a door way guarded by two of the infamous men with big guns. They let you, Mika, and Chris pass without a word. Behind the doors was a dark, windowless room with a long table populated with 4 men, as well as a couple of other armed guards standing at attention. At the head of the table was an empty chair, the biggest in the room, looking more like a throne. You knew who that was for.
“Now I know why you were late,” one of the men - a blond, who looked fairly young - smirked.
“Relax, Lias,” Mika replied as you walked you to the head of the table. Lias settled back in his seat, but his eyes were still on you. You felt self conscious, realizing as you sat beside Mika that the were all staring at you.
“Who’s this?” asked a well-dressed man, who's looks rivaled Mika’s.
“This is y/n, we’re dating,” Mika replied.
“God finally. You’ve been so uptight lately, I was hoping you’d get laid soon,” a different man piped up, making you blush.
“Mats, please,” Mika replied sternly.
“So we just bring random girls here now? How do we know she’s not working for Dimitri?” the well-dressed cut in.
“I agree with the Henrik, this doesn’t seem smart,” Lias added, “Even if she is hot.”
“Would you all shut up,” Mika snapped, “Do you really think I’m that stupid? To bring someone here I don’t trust?” All of the men shrunk in their seats, shaking their heads. “You all seem to forget who’s in charge here sometimes.”
“Sorry boss,” Mats replied, “It’s nice to meet you, y/n. Happy to have you here.”
“Thanks,” you replied awkwardly, “It’s nice to meet all of you.” The rest of them mumbled greetings back to you. 
“Can we get to business, or do you guys wanna bitch some more?” Mika asked, scanning the men that sat before him. No one contested, so they got to business. You tried to pay attention the best you could; it was a bit of an out of body experience at first. You learned the last man’s name was Jesper, and that each of them were responsible for overseeing different areas of Mika’s coke trade in the city.Right now they were discussing a huge shipment Mika had coming in, one they were sure Dimitri was going to try to sabotage if he found out the details of it.
It was hard for you to focus on this details, however, as you watched Mika at work. He always exuded a strong energy, but the way these men looked at him, followed all of his words without question, the power he had was arousing. Not to mention, he kept his hand on your inner thigh rubbing little circles over the delicate skin, which definitely not helping the stirring between your legs.
“So we all know what are roles are when the shipment comes?” Mika asked. Everyone nodded and Mika continued, “Alright, we’re good here then. You’re free to go.”
The atmosphere broke in the room after that, feeling a lot more like some friends hanging out than a much of guys planning to smuggle millions of dollars of coke into the city. It was comical how swift the shift was.
“Sorry about before,” Henrik said to you, “Can't be too cautious in our line of work, but if Mika trusts you, you’re family.” You smiled as he pulled you in for a hug.
“For the record, I never questioned you,” Mats jumped. You didn’t miss how his eyes scanned your body. Neither did Mika, apparently.
“Alright, back up,” he said, half kidding. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek as if to mark what was his, if it wasn’t already obvious. “If you guys are done drooling, there’s actually something I have for y/n.” They nodded, listening to Mika as always and heading out of the room with a final goodbye.
“What do you have?” you asked Mika when you were alone... well alone with Chris and two guards.
“It would be better to show you,” He nodded to Chris, who whispered something in one of the guards ears. Both of of them disappeared out of the room. “If it’s too much just tell me.”
“What are you- oh my god,” you felt like the air was sucked out of you as the guard returned, dragging in none other than Thomas Holmes. He was more haggard looking than when you last saw him at the trial, but you would never forget his face.
Mika put his hands on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, “I thought you deserved to have some justice of your own.” The two guards held him firmly on his knees before you. You walked forward slowly, seeing him shake with fear as you got closer. You wondered if that was the same fear he saw on your parents face the night they were killed.
And then you snapped. In a fit of rage you blacked out, pounding away at him as half screams half cries left your throat. It was like all the anger, fear, pain, everything you felt since the day your parents died was flooding out of you. You kept going until you got it all out, then backed up, practically stumbling into Mika’s arms.
He held you tightly, letting cry out the last few tears you had, before wiping them off your cheeks. “You okay baby?” he asked, to which you nodded. He hugged you again, saying to the guards, “Take him out back and finish him off. Hide his body where no one will find it.” 
“No please! Please don’t I’m sorry!” Thomas screamed as the guards began to drag him away.
“Wait!” you stopped them. The guards looked to Mika, awaiting instruction from him.
“You answer to her tonight,” Mika told them firmly. The guards wordlessly brought him back over to you.
“I don’t want him dead,” you said.
“Oh bless you, thank you, thank y-”
“Not so fast,” you cut him off, crouching down to look him in the eye, “I don’t want you dead today. My mind may change tomorrow, next month, maybe even next year. And if I do, you better believe you will end up dead. You’ll never really be safe for the rest of your life. As long as you live you’ll be looking over your shoulder, praying I haven’t changed my mind.” You saw the fear in his eyes and you weirdly liked it. It made you feel powerful, and it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve this. 
You told the guards to get him out of your face, before turning back to Mika, who was looking at you stunned. “Would it be wrong to say I thought that was hot,” Mika said.
“Only if it was wrong that I enjoyed it,” you replied. Maybe enjoyed wasn't exactly the right word. It was intensely emotional, but it also felt like such a weight off your chest. You had stored so much hatred and fear in your body because of that man for years now it was all out. You felt ten pounds lighter.
Mika smiled hungrily at you, “Lets go home, yeah?” You nodded taking his hand and heading out. The ride felt quicker, though you took just as many turns and back ways as you did when you came. Maybe it was because your mind was elsewhere, processing everything that took place in these last few hours.
Once back inside Mika’s place, you found yourself walking over to the wall of windows. It was the same view from this morning, of course, but at night with all the lights glimmering below you it was totally different. It was being in like another world.
“You sure you’re okay? I know that must have been... emotional for you,” Mika asked carefully. He slipped his arms around your from behind, kissing your cheek.
“Yeah, it felt good. Like a relief. I just can’t believe you did that for me,” you replied.
“I would do anything for you,” Mika said seriously, his hand squeezing your hips softly. His lips found your neck, peppering kisses over your skin. “I don’t think you realize the power you have.”
“Mmm, and what power is that?” you asked, tilting your head back so Mika had more room to kiss you.
“You could give me a name, any name in this city, and in 24 hours I’d have them in front of you and they’d be at your mercy,” Mika told you between kisses. His hand slipped under your skirt, rubbing you through your underwear. “See this city honey? I run this whole fucking place, and it’s all yours now too. It’s ours.” HIs hand went down the front of your underwear, making your gasp. You hadn’t expected the contact, but you were grateful for it.
“Mika,” you moaned softly. One of your hands pressed against the glass as he ran his fingers through your wetness. He alternated be long, purposeful pumps of his fingers and rubbing circles over your clit. Your free hand reached back and tangled into his hair. You’ve never had a man make you feel so good so fast, and it wasn’t long before he worked you up so much you were cumming all over his fingers. “Fuck,” you whined when you finished, your knees buckled beneath you.
Mika peppered a few more kisses on you before scooping you up. “Let’s get you to bed sweetheart,” Mika murmured, walking with you in his arms. You fell asleep before he even got you to the bedroom.
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
waywrdvagabond replied to your post “mavinwood with werecat michael would be love”
I would enjoy more of this if that’s ok with anyone lmao
I can’t seem to smush enough brain cells together to Officially Fic recently, but not!fic is super fun until I can.
And these werecat AUs are complete self-indulgent shenanigans so I hope you know the above XDDDDD was in no way exaggerated when I saw this?
Because, like.
It’s been rainy and gray where I live the past few days and that just makes me think of these three dorks, right?
The three of them curled up all nice and cozy on their couch while the rain patters down outside. Some dumb movie on the television and Michael settled between Ryan and Gavin - human or cat form - and content as anything after they get their shit together and feel comfortable enough about their relationship to move in together.
Realize it’s more ~cost effective than renting out three separate apartments/whatevers across the city. (Security reasons too, sure.)
(Really, though, their old apartments were too small and didn’t have room for them to spread out on the days they need a little more space or whatever. They still have their rooms at the penthouse if they need more space, or various safe houses or other places to go if they need so the whole living together thing’s not as daunting as it seemed in the beginning, what with various issues and hang-ups they all have.)
Anyway, that’s another tangent because this new place is pretty nice, you know?
Old building, yeah, but it’s in a quiet (discreet) neighborhood and the three of them are pretty well liked by their neighbors, what with them dealing with some ~undesirables causing trouble and harassing the people living there and the like when they were first checking the area out?
Also, Gavin and Matt may have done some Sekrit Hacker stuff along with the smart investments Gavin and the other two have been making with their ill-gotten gains - all carefully sorted out so the cops or feds or whoever won’t get wind of it.
It’s all taken care of so they don’t have to worry about it and monitored closely just in case by trusted parties and as ANOTHER anyway, these three idiots may or may not actually own the building they live in? (Part and parcel of dealing with those ~undesirables causing trouble and harassing the people living there.
Hush-hush only a select few know - certainly no one else in their building and such suspect and they’re not too fussed about letting them know? (If they find out, eh, whatever.)
Until then they keep the rent low because they don’t actually need the money, and also they’ve got nice neighbors, you know?
Sweet little old ladies and young couples struggling to get by. Some college students - dumb kids doing their best - and so on and so on and so on.
Set someone up as an absentee landlord to keep the whole ridiculous business going as long as they can. (Trevor or Alfredo, maybe, before their faces end up on the news right alongside theirs and they get these little sideways looks from their “tenants” when they happen by, and then that role gets passed on to, idk, Fiona or some such until their faces get too recognizable and so on.)
They’ve got this nice little place in a quiet (discreet) neighborhood. Have a decent sized lot next door that they may or may not acquire on the down low the same way they got the building and it gets turned into a community garden project kind of thing?
First it’s Ryan and some of the plants he had in his old place that have gotten a little too big to be inside. Then it’s this little old lady on the third floor who used to have a garden way back when, before moving to Los Santos for whatever reason and oh, does he think anyone would mind if she planted a few things herself?
Ryan’s just ??? “I don’t see why not,” because what does he care, right?
And then a few weeks later he goes to check on his plants and sees her in this section she’s clearing weeds and debris and whatnot from for these honeysuckle plants she got somewhere and Ryan is like, oh, because growing up in the south and the ~memories and it’s like.
Well, alright then, for him because he goes over and asks if she’d like some help and she gives him this look, right?
Because she’s old but she’s not an invalid, please to remember that, but also it would be lovely to have someone to talk to while she works. (And maybe she relents an hour or so in, having underestimated how stubborn some of the weeds are, how deep their roots go, and Ryan is just “Yes ma’am,” and trying not to smile while she pretends to scowl at him.)
From there the lot gets more visitors or whatever you want to call them.
Kids from the building (and the neighborhood) who are Curious and growing plants is always pretty cool at first and there are some you can eat?
So a little section gets turned into a little science-y corner where bean plants and whatever else kind of things will hold a kid’s interest long enough to see their growth cycle through get planted.
ANd then their parents or others come to see what’s going on here - if it’s a scam or what because Los Santos and suspicious shit - and it’s.
They don’t know what it is, just that there are a lot of plants and such being grown. Some kids listening intently to whatever Ryan or Penlope of the honeysuckle plants and other such things have to tell them about nurturing the plants and whatnot the kids are growing.
And, look, okay.
Money’s tight for everyone there (aside from our three dorks, but no one knows, so shhh on that front) but maybe they can take some of that burden off themselves if they put a little work into growing their own food?
So then you have the rest of the lot sectioned out for fruits and veggies and whatever else and a whole slew of people learning to cultivate them and it’s.
It’s really, really, weird.
Gavin goes down there some days when Ryan’s dealing with his plants or helping the neighbors with problems they might be having. No real interest in growing anything himself, but he’ll bring a little blanket and sit under one of the scraggly little trees growing along the edge of the lot while Ryan does whatever it is he does there and spend a quiet afternoon decompressing from a project or other or healing up after a heist or job or Incident where things didn’t exactly go as smoothly as hoped for.
He does, however, take a special interest in this little plant one of the kids gives him. A cutting or whatever else from one of their favorite plants and a gift after Gavin helped them with their homework or other school project and stop looking so damned pleased with yourself, Ryan, of course Gavin would want to make sure the plant is looked after.
And Michael, okay.
Always a soft touch for kids even if acts like he isn’t. Plays with the quieter ones as a cat because animals are almost always easier than people, you know? No expectations or judgement and cats have that lovely little purr.
Sometimes he’ll chase after a little red dot from a laser pointer to make one of them laugh and so on, but more often than not he ends up curled up in a kid’s lap or tucked up against their side. Little hands petting him because soft fur and rumbling purr and some of them might pet a little too hard, but cats are resilient fuckers and Michael can handle it.
Other times he’ll wander around the garden lot, nap in the shade of one of the honesuckle plants or steal some low-hanging fruit or vegging to nibble on.
Gets annoyed as hell when Gavin brings in the catnip plants along the fence because that’s fucking playing dirty and see if Michael doesn’t scratch up his favorite shirt next time he sees it, asshole.
Also, also I realize less cat!Michael shenanigans this time around? But imagine him running around playing with the kids and other neighbors while Ryan’s tending to his plants and Gavin’s gently heckling Ryan.
Ryan flubbing something he’s telling the kids and Gavin pouncing on it with glee. The kids laughing and Ryan rolling his eyes and them ~bickering until Gavin flubs something and it’s Ryan’s turn to give him shit and just.
Also, also.
Human!Michael not really having any interest in growing plants either? But the kids freaking love him and his bluntness and the way he listens when they chatter on about something. (He’ll tease them about it, sure, but he listens and a lot of them don’t have people who care enough to do that and just. Yes.)
ALSO. Cat!Michael who the kids - and some of the adults - tell shit to they can’t/won’t with anyone else.
Anything from trouble with homework (and whichever one of them best suited to help may or may not find a way to offer up some tips for the kid at some point?) to some creep or whatever they saw around the schoolyard/their work and so on.
(And wouldn’t you know it if something Happened to said creep or whatever not too long afterwards. Weird, right?)
And like, yes. /o\
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Magical Miracle Dream Girl ☆ Momonomi
Summary: Matsuda suits up Monomi for her next attempt at the second boss in the events immediately following Chapter 13 of Super Danganronpa 2: Matsuda Yasuke's Battle of Despair and Wits .
Rating: PG (?)
Warnings: Laaaaanguage I guess? Idk.
Notes: Dude, reading this over with it being more reference heavy is lowkey super embarassing for me so I really don’t get how Kodaka does it so shamelessly. But I tried. Oh my god did I try. Anyway, I’m a sucker for ribbons and yet I did not squeeze in a single reference to the Ribon magazine so in reality I am a failure. In all seriousness, writing Matsuda and Monomi is great and I wuv wuv them both so much.
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
Commission? Donate?
Monomi sniffled into her paws, sitting on her rump and looking so pitiful it was honestly kind of sickening. Matsuda, ever weathering, just stared and waited for her to stop crying.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I-I’ll get stronger, I will, I will, but, but,” her breath hitches. Matsuda wordlessly hands her a handkerchief and she blows into it. It’s an astounding sight and he refuses her trying to return it. He’s just, he’s not sure how his sanity would handle potentially having to wash off a stuffed animal’s mucus from a fabric. Shit was already so fucking weird.
Monomi dabs at her eyes delicately.
“Matsuda-kun, you really are such a kind boy. So, so kind.”
That’s such a miserable thing to say, so Matsuda rolled his eyes at it.
“O-Okay!” she exclaimed, getting to her feet with a few squeaky noises. “Sensei will now bulk up before her next fight! I won’t lose! Not when my precious students are depending on me!”
It’d be easy to burst her bubble but this time, she’s not wrong. We have to get to the hospital on the third island. Not just for that guy’s sake, but for all our sakes. I have to scan not just myself, but potentially everyone else.
“I-I just, um, need a new weapon, maybe a new ribbon, and, um.” Monomi pats her belly a few times. “This diaper is a bit restrictive too, huh.”
“Then just take it off?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s not like you need it. You don’t defecate, right?”
“S-Such a horrifying question to ask your teacher!” she exclaimed, jumping with an utterly mortified look. “It’s not just inappropriate, it’s so indecent! You should never suggest nor ask such things of a young woman!”
Young woman? What about her is young besides that childish appearance? She has an age? She considers herself matured?
So many questions. So little importance. Matsuda scowled.
“I’ve already dug around your intestines,” he pointed out. “I know there’s nothing there but fluff.”
“D-Don’t say that; it’s so embarrassing!” she cried. “For a teacher to be in such a position before her precious, precious students! I’m just so, so ashamed! I never want to think about it again!”
“So you’re just going to keep wearing a diaper. Even though that’s not exactly tasteful either.” He shook his head. “What is there even to be done about you? Urgh. Come on.” He clapped his hands a few times, and she tottered after him in confusion. “Let’s go to Rocketpunch.”
Monomi blinked up at him. Grimacing, he explained.
“You said you needed a new ribbon, right? We’ll look for sticks on the way there but there might very well be something else you can use.”
“M-Matsuda-kun, oh.” She presses her paws together, awestruck. “Y-You really are such a kind, kind child!”
“Hurry the fuck up or I’m throwing you ahead.”
“Red or yellow? Is yellow maybe too flashy, Matsuda-kun?”
“Those are for pigtails.”
“Oh! I see! I’m not a pig, after all, I’m a rabbit! Ehehehe!” Monomi giggled even in the face of Matsuda’s stoic frown. “They have all kinds of ribbons. It’s difficult to choose.”
“Some of these have different names,” Matsuda said, pulling out a big red one. “This, for instance, is a V Ribbon.”
“Ooh! For victory!” Monomi exclaimed. “Yes, yes.”
“No, but whatever.” He held up the ribbon to Monomi’s ear. Making a face, he tied the bow and then leaned back to take in the sight. “A maybe, maybe?”
Not exactly feeling the most confident about this one. Best to find a couple of other options.
He dug around the ribbon section some more. His eyes light up as he pulled out another one, similarly bright red but so very fine.
“This one’s better,” he said, holding it out. “The Hime Ribbon. It’s an actual creation of the princess of the Magical Kingdom.”
“It looks like this one,” Monomi replied, patting her bow.
“It’s completely different!” Matsuda exclaimed, annoyed. “It’s come on, come on, go, go, jump!”
“Come on, come on, go, go jump?” Monomi repeated. She mulls it over before pumping her paw. “Ike, ike!”
“No, no!” Huffing, Matsuda rubbed his temples. “It's a classic! A fucking classic! Like, Akko-chan and Mami? No, not that Mami!”
“H-How cruel,” she sobbed, holding down her ears. “But, you know.” A pause before she beams. “It does give me a nostalgic feeling, Matsuda-kun.”
“Because it’s a classic,” Matsuda muttered, puffing his cheeks. “But, considering what this ribbon does, it’s a bad fit for you.”
“Eh? What does it do?”
“It’s...freaky.” Making a face, Matsuda set the ribbon lovingly aside. “Maybe we should look for something a little more straight-forward.”
“Hm, hm,” Monomi hums. “You know, transformation is a very important part of being a magical girl but it’s not always a good thing.” She tugs at her diaper, sullen. “This kind of transformation for instance.”
Transformation. Yeah, obviously. Normal people can only do so much even with the amount of capability they have. But, there’s more to it.
“It’s not about getting stronger, it’s also about building confidence in yourself,” Matsuda snapped, irritated now. “You may not have the range you did before but the fact that you’re so whiny and weepy about it is beyond infuriating. Was your character always that fickle? Your simpering, desperate optimism only a forced front?”
Monomi stilled and blinked up at him.
“Pathetic,” he sniffed. “Even if you didn’t mean for things to go so wrong, you’re making it worse with how flighty and pitiful you are.” He quiets for a moment, and weirdly, he feels sick. He covers his mouth with a groan. “Gross.”
“Matsuda-kun,” Monomi says, softly and meaningfully. “So harsh.”
It is a bit harsh, isn’t it? He thought almost in mirthless amusement. If she had just been trying to help, that’d be one thing, but she’s responsible for our lost memories. She’s part of the reason why we’re trapped in the first place. That’s why I can’t help but get so pissed about it.
That said, he should know better than to tell off a program of all things. He wished he could just spit in the face of whoever human in charge. But that person is, allegedly, someplace he can’t reach while trapped.
It’s useless. It’s all useless. Except. I really do have to get to the hospital.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. An adult complaining so much only burdens the children.”
Matsuda stilled for a moment, perking up.
“I’ll do better!” Monomi chirped. “I’ll get stronger! For my precious, precious students!”
She’s a program, but maybe she does have a semblance of maturity. He thinks that, but even so, his expression darkens. Still a program that acts as a proxy. Still incapable of explanations and justifications. Still the means we found ourselves trapped with our heads tampered. How trustworthy can someone so fundamentally detached and closed off really be? Even if it’s someone with this kind of personality?
Still, there was one matter that was clear while the rest were vague.
Even if we’re at odds, we have the same enemy. Komaeda said that about the traitor, too.
While he’s still undeniably pissed and suspicious, he does need all the help he can get. Especially from someone with the capabilities of taking down the Monobeasts, of opening the paths to the closed-off islands where more could be gleamed and where more could be done. With that, he looks through the ribbons once more, pulling out various options before he found one that had him pause.
A pretty yellow ribbon adorned with a blue star. Still quiet, Matsuda knelt down and tugged the red ribbon off Monomi to replace it. He fixed the yellow ribbon and the star shone brightly at him. Pulling back, he took in the beaming Monomi and nodded.
“Yeah, that’ll work. Let’s go with this one.”
Monomi twirled around with flourish.
“Magical Miracle Girl ☆ Monomi! At your service!” A pause. Monomi yelped. “N-No, Usami! I mean Usami! I’m not Monomi, I don’t even know a Monomi!”
“Right,” Matsuda said, nodding along. “There should be a baton around here that we can use as a weapon. Hopefully one that suits your new look.”
“Y-Yes!” she exclaimed, watery-eyed. “Yes, yes!”
When he found one and handed it over, Monomi waved it around and declared,
“I absolutely won’t lose! I’ll fight for the sake of my students! With the power of wuv and hope!”
Matsuda said nothing to that, even as his lips twisted in the slightest way.
Later, when Monomi faced against that snake beast again, not only was she knocked away again in spite of her best efforts, but...
That thing knocked her away with the force of a truck, causing the now broken baton to clatter at Matsuda’s feet.
“Welp,” was all he had to say.
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Ch 4 The Cat and the Fox
Category: Romance, Modern College AU
Rating: Will be Explicit but for now I’ll just say Mature for language and drinking
Pairing: InuKag
Words: 2,276
Also available on ff.net and AO3
Chapter 1
Tag list: @keichanz @noviceotakus-blog @hinezumi @morikothehalfangel @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @cammysansstuff
Speaking to Foxy on her trips to and from work had become a daily routine in the last few weeks. Kagome worried that she was interrupting his sleep schedule too much but he kept insisting she wasn't. So, she happily spoke to him as often as she could. Her morning commute had become quite enjoyable with him keeping her quite blissfully distracted. So much so in fact, that she never noticed when another person began riding the same trains with her every day.
He was tall, but not overly so. His hair was waist long, black and greasy looking, almost to the point of being in dreadlocks, but not quite. His skin was pale and ghostly, hanging off of his gangly frame like a malnourished child. But the most disturbing thing about this man were his eyes. They had an unnatural red color surrounding his dark irises. He wore simple clothes, jeans, a hoodie or t-shirt, sneakers, never standing out in a crowd. But almost everywhere Kagome was, so was he.
 Foxy, are you leaving for break next week?
 Nah. Got nowhere to go. I always just chill here. Why? Are you?
 Yes. I'm going back home to my family's shrine. I miss my mom, brother and grandpa so much. I've never been away from them for so long.
 Spoiled wench :P
 Hey! That's mean!
 Never claimed to be nice woman
 Yeah well you better start
 Oh yeah? Or what?
 I'll come over there and make you!
 Anytime wench ;)
Kagome stared at that last message for several minutes without responding. What the hell did that mean? Was he just messing with her? Her naïve little brain didn't know what to make of his words. Sometimes this relationship they had was confusing for her. They talked all the time, even seemed to be flirting with eachother, but they were both too chicken to even ask the other's name let alone meet again in the light of day.
Once again, she was saved by the proverbial bell as the train slowed to her stop. She tucked the phone into her pocket, determined not to think about it for now, and made her way out of the station up to the street. She pulled her jacket closer around her neck as she came up and the chilly late November air brushed over her. The vibration from her pocket drew her attention.
 Oi wench when do you leave?
 Week from tomorrow. Why?
 So I know when the last time I can text you is
Her brow furrowed in confusion as she rounded the last corner before Yoro North. When did I say you couldn't text me when I leave?
 You didn't I guess. I just assumed you wouldn't want to talk to me while you're visiting your family
 Well, you can. I may not always respond right away but I don't want to stop talking
 I have to go now though. I'm at work. Later Foxy
 Bye wench.
Kagome walked into the door only to be immediately tackled by a little kitsune.
“Kagome!” Shippo exclaimed as he leapt into her arms and latched onto her jacket with his tiny little fists.
Kagome looked down at him and smiled. “Good morning, Shippo. Why aren't you in class with the others?”
That moment Ginta came running from the direction of said classroom, looking quite exasperated. “Shippo! What do you think you're doing?” he bellowed out.
Huge green eyes filled with tears and looked up at Kagome, imploringly. “I-I-I just wa-wanted to gr-greet you, Ka-go-me!” he managed out around sobs.
Stroking his back soothingly, Kagome looked up at Ginta. “It's all right, Ginta. No harm done, right?”
He seemed to be taken aback by her statement, but he hung his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just make sure Koga doesn't find out,” he whispered at her as he made his way her direction.
Stifling a giggle, Kagome nodded. “Our secret, Ginta. Where is Koga anyway?”
A nervous look crossed the demon's features. “Um, I don't know. He just said he was going out for a while.”
Kagome's face bunched up in confusion. She had never seen him not be here in the morning when she arrived in the month since she had started. Odd. Shrugging it off as an anomaly, she snuggled Shippo close to her chest and started for the classroom. “What'dya say we go join the others, eh Shippo?”
“If we really have to...” he said, voice low and sad.
Stopping in her tracks, Kagome looked down at the boy in her arms seriously. “Shippo? Is something wrong?”
Shippo stared up at her with his wide emerald eyes. “Dumb Hiten won't let me play with Soten. He says his sister doesn't need to be associating with stupid little kits.”
Kagome frowned down at him. “Is that so? Well, we're just going to have to set him straight, aren't we Shippo?” With those words, she stormed off towards the classroom, a nervous looking Ginta in tow.
“Miroku, it's been over a week since we figured it out! I don't know how much longer I can keep this from her.” Sango told her boyfriend as they sat together on the couch of the living space of his frat house.
“Patience, my dearest Sango. These things take time. I'm working on it.”
“What exactly are you working on?”
“We need to get them in the same room together, without masks this time. Surely once they see eachother in person again they'll realize they should just be together. Have you noticed that they've actually scheduled time to talk now?”
“Yeah. It's friggin' creepy. She just stares at her phone for atleast an hour a night. No matter what she's doing she'll always respond to him. Sometimes she laughs or sighs weird. I've given up trying to talk to her about him. She won't tell me anything other than basic info.”
“Same here. Course, with InuYasha that's not too far from the norm anyway.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Y-you've never told me his name! Now how in the hell am I supposed to keep that from her you jerk??”
Miroku opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, a thoughtful look crossing his features. Finally, he simply shrugged at her, a slightly shamed look on his face.
Sango narrowed her eyes at the man. “You... you are such an ass.”
“I'm so misunderstood,” he proclaimed. “Look, you said she's leaving next week for break, right?”
“Yeah...” Sango said.
“Alright. Well, the house always throws a combo platter new year's/back to school party. Just hold out for one more week and she'll be gone. Then when she gets back just get her to come to the party and I'l handle the rest.”
Sango glowered at him. “Fine. But no longer than that or I'll tell her everything I know, consequences be damned.”
“You have my word, my dearest Sango.”
Twelve hours later, Kagome exited the building housing all those disgusting creatures she seemed to care so much about. He would never understand what about those nasty things she could possibly find appealing. He supposed it was just her kind, pure hearted nature, something he would have to be sure to set her straight on before it got too far like with her. Blanching inwardly, the greasy haired man took up his normal post across the street and a block or so behind her. He knew she was heading straight for the train, so he had no fear of losing her. Besides, nothing would keep his Kagome away from him.
How was work today wench? InuYasha typed his message out when he knew she would be on her way to the train from her job. Talking to her had become as second nature to him as breathing. If he hadn't texted her, she would have texted him, of that he had no doubt.
 Tiring. I had to scold the same kid about 100 times today. He's just so aggravating! He thinks he's better than all the other kids because of his heritage.
 I know the type. The asshole is the same way. Kinda why he hates me.
 Oh yeah?
 Yeah. The half thing remember?
 Right. Different moms. She not as classy as he thought she should be?
 You could say that. You have a lot of homework tonight?
 Not really actually. Most of my classes have actually lightened up in prep for the finals I guess. I have a free Saturday night for once.
Something inside InuYasha clenched at those words. Briefly, he had a flash of him sitting with her somewhere quiet, where they could talk. Maybe even look at the stars... Shaking his head of those traitorous thoughts, he focused back on what he could share with her.
 Yeah. Me too. Damn room mate hasn't been around much the last few weeks ever since he found himself a girlfriend.
 Oh yeah? My room mate has been mia too. I think she's been seeing a guy but I haven't really seen her to ask. Makes me feel kind of pathetic.
 You're not pathetic. If anyone is pathetic it's me. I haven't had a girlfriend since high school. And I use the term girlfriend very loosely.
Something about her short response made InuYasha feel guilty, though he didn't know why.
 Yeah. We hung out for half our senior year. She was the most popular girl in school. I had no idea why she was hanging out with me of all people. Everyone else hated me or atleast avoided me. She was different.
 Sounds lonely.
 Eh. I had my friend. And her. It wasn't all bad.
 What happened with her?
Staring at his phone for several minutes, InuYasha contemplated what to say about her. He didn't even know why he had brought her up. He hadn't spoken of her in years. Ever since she had left him.
 She left me
 She just left? No reason?
 She found someone else.
 Oh. I'm sorry.
 It's alright. I'm over it.
Atleast 15 minutes passed before he received a reply. He had almost thought that she had gotten busy or fallen asleep when his phone buzzed once again.
 Hey Foxy, do you ever think about calling me?
InuYasha stared at her latest message with wide eyes. In the month since they had met, neither of them had suggested anything more than their simple text relationship. Though if he was being truthful with himself, he had thought about it. More than once. Did this message mean she did too? Damnit! He hated stuff like this. He had never been good at reading between the lines, being a direct and to the point kind of person himself.
 Why do you ask?
 Because I do. But I don't want to if you don't. I'm fine with this too.
 All the time wench.
Almost as soon as he had hit send, his phone was buzzing incessantly, flashing 'Catwoman' in big letters across his screen. Gulping, InuYasha pressed the green button and held the phone up near his face.
“H-hello?” He inwardly cursed his choked sounding voice.
“Hey.” Her voice was soft, timid, and so sweet.
A giggle came from her end. “You said that already.”
“Nuh-uh! I said hello.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was that much of a difference. Excuse me.” Her tone indicated she was messing with him.
“Yeah, well, there is wench.” A small smile came to his face at saying that word aloud to her for the first time.
“How.. how are you?” She asked timidly.
InuYasha lay back in his bed, resting his left hand on his chest. “I'm good. I feel pretty good about my finals next week. How bout you, freshman?” A small smirk crossed his features.
Kagome sighed loudly. “I think I'm doing ok. My job has me a bit ragged. He works me more than I initially thought he would but I'm not willing to give it up. I love it so much. I'm still getting good grades as far as I know so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.”
InuYasha frowned. “Do I need to let you go so you can study? I don't want to be the reason you fail...”
“NO!” She almost screamed at him, causing him to pull the phone away from his head a bit. “I-I mean, no. I'm ok. I promise,” she amended, a lot more quietly.
His chuckle reverberated through her earpiece, sending a slight shiver up her spine. “Alright, wench. How's that bitch at your job? What's her name? Ayumi?”
“Ayame. And just as much of a brat as ever.”
“Brat? Is she five?”
“No...” she said, sounding a little confused. “Oh, wait, you were being faceitious. Oh shut up you jerk!”
“I've told you so many times, you make it too damn easy, woman.”
“Yeah, well, you're a butt face.”
InuYasha's eyebrow quirked. “A-a butt face? That's... something.”
“Yeah! And a jerk head.”
“A... jerk head. Ok, then. Duly noted.” He couldn't keep the wide smile from spreading across his face.
“You're smiling aren't you? I can hear it in your voice.” Kagome's tone was slightly hurt, but in that playful way.
“Only for you, wench.”
Kagome's entire face became beat red at his words. “O-oh.” The line was silent for a few moments as she gathered her wits about her. “H-hey Foxy?”
“Have... have you ever wanted to know my name?”
A huge wave of panic washed over InuYasha.
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pinkchannies · 6 years
cheesier than cheesecake
i got inspired to write this on my 5 hours flight to hong kong bcz i ate cake on my way to the airport and miraculously wrote this on my flight in one go
also heading to hong kong eh wink wink nudge nudge @ agust d //slapped
well here's a jin oneshot because kim seokjin is my number one man and bias in bts and we need some shoulder man love in our lives amirite
laksndowxjoe i couldn't post this earlier bECAUSE WIFI AND MY COM WASN'T COOPERATING :(( sob well ok here i am posting it now LMAO bless wifi pls live
genre:  fluff , is this considered comedy, crack has slipped into this fic again
requested:  no 
pairing:  seokjin x reader
author notes: reader is a baking/walking disaster bcz mood, jin screaming and being a mama hen, idk how i wrote this in just one flight, chiru probably needs creative writing classes at this point, how do you come up with good titles
the clock read, 2.09am. i groaned. it was one of those days again. or rather, one of those nights. of grueling hunger and cravings. and there was one way to solve it(or make it worse) without actually eating. though it may not be the best way. do u kno da wae-chiru get out i snatched my phone from my bedside table and loaded instagram, heading straight to the buzzfeedtasty instagram account. yes, tasty. the number one guilty pleasure where their food looks so good even with the simplest ingrediants, and when you recreate it it somehow looks like shit. or maybe i'm just a shitty cook. or maybe plating food to make it look aesthetically pleasing is just that difficult. or maybe both. to "satisfy" this sudden craving for sweets, i started watching videos of their deserts. god help me they look so good. the way the cream cheese blends with sugar and turns into a smooth white paste under the electric mixer, with heavy cream added to that mix and that generous teaspoon of vanilla essence that you can literally smell (jin: mMMMm sMELL) through your phone, those cheesecakes and oreos and cream and just all that fattening goodness- y'all this whole instagram account is straight up porn. i already feel fat just by watching these videos. but i'm still hungry af. the struggle is hella real who else can relate "ughhhhhh i wanna bake these godlike creations but i'm scared that i'll accidentally blow up my kitchen..." i groaned into my pillow. yeah, i’m a bit of a walking disaster, luckily i haven't reached namjoon's level. i think. one time my cookies almost turned out spicy because i was cooking spicy noodles at the same time. please don't ask. someone please just buy me a huge cheesecake to binge eat whilst i cry over my bad life decisions, one of which would be eating a whole 1542 calorie cheesecake at the asscrack of dawn. an imaginary or rather, imajinary-chiru stob light bulb went off from my head. there was one man made for this situation. one shoulder man, to be exact. i clicked on the contact "worldwide shoulders" and started typing.
(y/n) 2.30am
shoulder man take me by the hand lead me to the land that u understand
worldwide shoulders 2.35am
ya, its like 2.30am, shouldn't you be asleep? don't make me confiscate your phone
(y/n) 2.35am
sorry mom
worldwide shoulders 2.36am
yA tHIs chILd what's up, u usually don't text this late
(y/n) 2.37am
r u free tmr i wanna bake cheesecake pretty please
worldwide shoulders 2.38am
what a *cheesy* date if i do say so myself
(y/n) 2.38am
jIN its too early for puns :(
worldwide shoulders 2.39am
excuse you my puns are jinius
(y/n) 2.39am
SO cAN U BAKE WITH ME TMR :((( well actually it’ll be later today pls i owe u one
worldwide shoulders 2.40am
fine make sure u have the stuff ready, i'll come over at 10 go sleep its late
(y/n) 2.41am
worldwide shoulders 2.41am
EXCUSE ME I AM OLDER THAN U (y/n) 2.42am :p see u tmr!! gnite shoulder man *finger heartu* worldwide shoulders 2.43am the disrespect i swear ----- "jin this is too tiring..." i groaned, my arms aching. "just a little bit more... just beat it harder." "look, must i really use my hands for this?" i whined. jin deadpanned. "(y/n) it's becoming white already, just continue. you wanted me to teach you right?" "why the hell can't i just use the electric mixer for the egg whites? its much faster than hand beating it..." i grumbled. "this is as good as doing 240 push-ups like jungkook," i whined. "my child there will be no shortcuts in this house when it comes to baking or cooking," i snorted at that. says the one who uses seasoning in his food. i mean, who doesn't? "i guess we can say that the cake will be eggcellent." he let out a windshield-wiper laugh at his own joke while i groaned at the terrible pun. "jin pls." ----- "DON'T CHOP THE BUTTER LIKE THAT OHMY GOD (Y/N) YOU'RE GOING TO CHOP YOUR HAND OFF LIKE THAT NO YOU'RE WORSE THAN NAMJOON SLICING ONIONS." jin shrieked at my horrible attempt to slice the frozen solid butter. i had forgotten to take the butter out to thaw, so now i had to face the consequences. of slicing, no, chopping, through rock solid butter that is stubborn about becoming smaller pieces. go me
he sighed and went behind me, his larger frame engulfing mine as he positioned my hand to hold the knife properly. "rest your index on top of the blade and your thumb and middle on its sides. this way, you'll have a better grip on the knife. and it reduces the chances of the knife slipping and chopping your finger off." he guides my fingers to hold the knife, while rambling on the precautions to take-which entered one ear and left the other. how am i supposed to concentrate when i've never been in this close proximity with the man until this moment? gosh he was warm and it feels real cozy, his chin gently resting on my shoulder to oversee the process, his larger hand on my smaller one guiding me to chop the butter. how domestic, i chuckled at the thought. i wonder how his hand would look like with his fingers entwined with mine- -which is what i did with the hand unoccupied by the knife. without me even registering it, i grabbed his free hand. our hands were clasped together and our fingers were tangled with each other. “omg (y/n) what are you doing” i screamed in my brain. do y’all ever just get intrusive thoughts like this and regret everything leading up to this moment. jin gave me a quizzical look that screamed "what are you doing." ok but same jin, same. well this turned awkward. in my panic, i let go of his hand. and the knife. good job, (y/n). "OH MY GOD LOOK OUT" jin yelled for what must be the 182297318th time today at my screw up and pulled me away from the knife which fell to the floor with a clang. i was pressed flushed against his chest as he pulled my body closer to his, almost as if we were snuggling. except that now is not really the time to snuggle with the situation at hand. thankfully the knife didn’t hurt any of us, but i knew, i was in deep shit with jin. i mentally braced myself for the lecture i was going to get. oh boy this is going to be ugly. "look (y/n), i dont care if you cant cook for shit." his face was starting to turn red from the incoming rant, and i had to stifle a giggle at that. there was always something amusing about jin scolding-maybe it comes from the fact that even if the mood is serious, he still wants to make everyone laugh and doesn’t want an atmosphere too damp. so his scolding just somehow turns comical. i bit down on my bottom lip harshly to stop the giggles, lest the lecture becomes longer. "but you are handling something sharp, please be careful." "i understand." i sighed. "look if i'm not here, you could have been seriously injured, you can't just play while handling knives. luckily i was around and could pull you away before it landed on your feet and cause you to internally bleed in your toe. do you even know how nasty it looks to have that black blood clot under your nail?" i nodded sheepishly. "loOK, WHAT IF YOU WERE ALONE? YOU COULD HAVE BLED TO DEATH AND THEN I WOULD NEED TO HAUL YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH WOULD NOT END WELL MAJOR BLOOD LOSS IS NOT A FUN THING OK YOU NEED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THE KNIFE DONT BE A SECOND NAMJOON." "yes mom." "excuse you i am not your mother." "alright you're excused mr worldwide handsome... mom." "YA THIS BRAT." ----- thankfully, that was the only major incident-or as the drama queen puts it, life threatening incident-that happened while baking the cheesecake. after 2 hours of screaming together and jin telling me how to carry out baking procedures properly, we finally put the cake together. "jin, she's beautiful." i shed a fake tear at our finished product. fake tear-fake love tear-chiru why are you so lame "yeah, but im more beautiful amirite." ".....you're inedible so obviously the cheesecake is prettier than you." he looked at me with a mock look of offense and i giggled at that. "well at least my face doesn't need to be caked with makeup to look good." "jin, why are you so lame." just like me "hey at least i'm still walking." "oh my god." "i mean that's not my name, but god's also a good name for someone as handsome as me." "........i give up." there was a tense moment of pregnant silence that settled between us. suddenly, we both burst out laughing at our ridiculous banter filled with bad puns, courtesy of jin. "let's eat the cheesecake, shall we?"
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falling--in--place · 6 years
25 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @sixstepsaway ♥ Thank you darlin! I may have done this before? Idk, I love tag games so I’m doing it anyway!
1. Is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
Not exactly? The book I’m working on now is exactly where I want to be with my writing right now. I am holding off on revisiting an old one though. It needs a complete rewrite and re-release. I held myself back so much, but I’m just not sure I should do it. I decided I’m going to though. Just a matter of when the need to do surpasses my hesitation... So, we’ll see! 
2. What work of yours, if any, are you embarrassed about existing? 
The first book I published. Embarrassed probably isn’t the right word though. It isn’t as good as it should be, and it needs sooooo much, but it helped me get to where I am. It was needed, but it is definitely not my best. Hence the rewrite at some point. 
3. What order do you write in? Front of book to back? Chronological? Favorite scenes first? Something else? 
Pretty much beginning to end. I format my documents for publication before I even start writing. It gives me an idea of what it looks like and where I am with it. Sometimes a scene will strike me though, and I write it in a separate document to be saved until it is needed. From being on here I have discovered I do things very... strange. But hey, it works for me. 
4. Favorite character you’ve written?
Vanessa. Like, I love her so much. She is my hero. 
5. Character you were most surprised to end up writing?
Most of them? My characters just sort of show up and tell me stuff. I do my best to write it down. Vanessa is the most vocal, and she isn’t afraid to scoff at me when I do something she doesn’t approve of. 
6. Something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
I don’t think it’s ever really too late. I mean... I have a published book I’m going to pull and rewrite so... 
7. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
A little of both, honestly. On here it’s almost exciting to talk about it all, but when in person... It’s the source of a lot anxiety. Especially when it’s someone I know. It’s kind of hard to explain. I need to get better at talking about my books. I self-publish. Self-promotion is all I have lol
8. Favorite genre to write
Fantasy! Urban Fantasy has a special place in my heart, but the WIP I have right now is more in the epic fantasy class, but not fully?
9. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Music. All of it. iPhone on shuffle, let all the words happen. I also read a lot. I dissect everything I read into why I like it and why I don’t and try to learn from that. 
10. Write in silence or with background music? Alone or with others?
Music Always with music. When I don’t put my headphones in I get distracted by literally everything around me. 
11. What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
I feel like I’ve gotten better at knowing when to stop. I had always been so “HERE IS ALL THE INFORMATION I EVER FOUND FOR THIS BOOK AND YOU NEED TO KNOW IT ALL RIGHT NOW!” Info dumps in every chapter is not a good quality to have... I kicked that habit for the most part. I think I am much better writer for it!
12. Your weaknesses as an author?
Several? Editing is really hard for me because I get attached (and it takes forever!). Being overly descriptive of characters at first meeting. Fight scenes take a few tries... I usually write it, read it over, flesh it out to be better, then cut a bunch of stuff to add in a bunch of other stuff, and because of my anxiety... all of this has to be done before I can move on in the story.
13. Your strengths as an author?
I think I’m pretty good at setting the scene. 
14. Do you make playlists for your work?
Not really... Some songs tend to stick with a character or an event, but I don’t ever specifically set up playlists for my books.
15. Why did you start writing?
I had stories living in my head, and a need to tell them. 
16. Are there any characters who haunt you?
Of my own? Not really. I guess Harley does a little. Her story will get it’s retelling. 
17. If you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
Just.. write. Stop worrying about everyone else and their opinions. You can edit and fix later, and not everyone’s opinion needs air time. 
18. Were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? What were they?
Jennifer Estep, David Dalglish, Richelle Mead... I could go on, but I don’t think this is supposed to be a novel on it’s own. Estep showed me a smart, beautiful woman that didn’t give a shit about others opinion of her, but she still cared deeply for those around her. She also has a thing for knives which is badass. David Dalgish showed me that research is great, but sometimes you just have to flow and see where it takes you. He also gave me characters that were so fleshed out, real, and raw that I will forever carry them with me. I would love to give a nod to Haern in one of my books but I don’t know how and if that’s a thing I can do. Richelle Mead gave me some of the above, but also a romance that I could truly get behind. One that I could follow and love and cheer for. I’m not much for pure romance, her books aren’t btw, but with her couples... I could read a romance novel about them with pleasure. 
19. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
Uh... well... I tend to jot down a lot of notes and do a lot of swearing and scrolling back up to re-read things.
20. Do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Both? Depends on the day and my mood. 
21. What do you think when you read over your older work?
I don’t have a lot of older work saved unfortunately. A lot of my older stuff was in notebooks that have gotten lost through the many moves I’ve had to make. So, the book I’ve mentioned before... It needs a re-write.
22. Are there subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
A lot of them actually... two of my main characters are gay. I was excited about that... then tumblr happened. Omg you guys... all the posts about do’s and don’t’s. and how many posts about insulting things people do with gay characters that they don’t seem to notice and..phew I could go on forever... I am a little terrified right now, but I’m working through it. James is so close to my heart. I’m writing him how I see him, and I’m just hoping no one will take it as offensive or insensitive. 
23. Any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
Pft... how long do I have? I live an interesting life. I’ve been through several different kinds of hell. I met an amazing group of people who support me. I am a living incarnate of Murphy’s Law. 
24. Have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
I wouldn’t say expert.... but I now understand the effects of a point blank gunshot to a bone, marriage rituals from all over the world, and how close you have to be to smell a dead body? 
25. Copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of.
Longer than “a short paragraph” but eh, just how I am. I’m not sure why I like this one so much. There are other that I like more, but I’ve posted them all at least once (some of them twice) so here is a new thing!
“Can you take me through it one more time, ma’am?” the officer said to me.
What I wanted to do was use one of the charred desks to kick his ass (literally) out the door. Or grab a roll of tape and cover his mouth with it. Whipping out my magic to boot the enforcement officers out of my place of business probably wouldn’t go over very well. It was tempting though. The story wasn’t that complicated. It happened in all of thirty seconds. This was the third time he’d asked me to run through the story again. Ellie and James weren’t fairing much better. Ms. Claudette was left alone for the most part. All it took was a complaint about her back and needing to check on her cats.
“Ms. Parker?”
“Sorry, it’s just that I’ve taken you through the story three times now. Four seems a touch excessive. There was a grenade, I contained the blast as best I could, you showed up. There it is. Now, if you don’t mind, I have shit to do.”
I spun on my heel and stalked away. Something I didn’t think all the way through since there isn’t much space in the office when it isn’t extra crispy. That didn’t slow me down though. I marched into the back office, yelled for Ellie to join me, now, and slammed the door as soon as she scooted in.
I’m think i’ll tag... @panticwritten, @hawksnbooks, @ava-burton-writing, @crazybunchwriter, @lakeeriesaltmine, @anolivewrites, @forlornraven, @leapwriter, @dantedevereaux, and @authorisada
As always, if you don’t want to be tagged or want to be tagged more often, let me know! 
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shiny-craboo-blog · 7 years
@rockformed​ replied to your post : i keep goin away for a long time but theres a good...
what asshole?? 👀👀👀👀👀
WHOOO lemme tell you this is a long one (sorry about any spelling errors i was tryna get this done quickly)
it was actually that guy that we played overwatch with together once.
ive known him since about december, but he was saying lots of homophobic and racist shit, so i was like eh might as well try to make him a better person, but to do that, you gotta get close, and i started liking him (literally @ past me why?????)
so i flirt a little here, giggle a little there, and he falls in love with me. i liked him too, but he liked me to a point where it was obsessive. he was telling me i saved his life and that out of everyone on earth im his favorite. i come out to him as trans one day, and after a lot of thinking, he was like “okay yeah im okay with this” and i was happy
however, like i said, he was really obsessive. he wouldnt let me play games with anyone else unless he was there, and when i tried to watch a show with one of our mutual friends, he gets all upset about it.
eventally, even though he liked me, he started being a real ass. i told him that i didnt really like him anymore and that i wanted to stay friends, and he turned it into this huge fight and ended it with “Forget it... Good night.” - and he used that phrase every (and “goodbye”) every time he wanted a conversation to sound final or like he was going to die if i didnt give him all my attention right then and there.
the fighting continued for a few months, during which he called me a sociopath, narcissistic, not worthy off being called a human being, and all that typa stuff. he started feeling suicidal - even though he felt that way before i met him, he started feeling it stronger because he didnt have me constantly fawning over him to ease it out - and he straight up told me that he blamed me for his feelings.
the fights got reaaalllll bad, and eventually he had a set day and time, and every time i said i was going to call his mom about it, he got really defensive and acted like i was attacking him, saying “dont test me” and shit
he became really emotionally manipulative and just flat out malicious tbh
the day came around and i blocked him because i didnt want to hear about it, and he started yet another fight. he didnt do anything though because half an hour later he came crawling back saying that he needed someone to talk to and that he had this whole change of heart and that he realized what his friends were worth and how he acted really shitty and that he was sorry
but he didnt change his behavior at all lmao
he kept arguing with me, so i started just. not joining as much and not talking to him as often and he got really pissy, asking me if i was talking to other people and accusing me of talking with this guy who he hates (the guy he hates left to make another server with all the people this guy was an asshole to so they could have a place where he wasnt there being a dick and the guy im telling you about acts like the victim whenever he talks about it like?? literally if u were a better friend they wouldnt have felt the need to?) (and i totally was talking to the guy bc the enemy of your enemy is your friend and all that) but he was a real ass about it. 
and saturday!! this saturday!!! he was an ass the moment i joined the call so i left and he got mad saying like “you know how i get upset when you leave the call” and i was like “i just??? dont wanna be there if ur gonna be mean to me the moment i join??” and he said
“its a guy thing to be mean to your friends. but i guess you wouldn’t know about that ;)”
so i blocked him. he texts me saying that hes been mean because his dads been on his back about college, and i said it wasnt an excuse. a few minutes later, someone from the server messages me sayin that nick said if i dont unblock him hes gonna ban me. so i unblocked him and asked for a reason why i should stay. this bitch. this ass. says “because i thought we were friends” LIKE BIIIIIIITCH PLEAAAAAAASE YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WE AINT
anyway we fought for 3 hours and rather than giving me any good reasons to stay he called me stupid and said i misinterpreted the message like?? how else am i supposed to interpret it????????
so im staying, making him fall in love with me again, then leaving.
bonus: i made a list of the highlights of some of the shit things hes said to me
"Forget it... good night." "i used to trust everyone then the thing happened with my cousin so i stopped sharing myself or exposing myself. then i did over the years with kii then she backstabbed me. then ness and it happened again. i didnt trust anyone and still wasnt ok with sharing myself. then u stepped in and made me feel happy and wanted and like i could trust people. then you said you loved me like you did. i opened up and pursued and got lead on for 15 hours a day for a month up until i got enough courage to try to stand and speak open heartedly and with courage and the next day you lose all interest." "you know what? you obviously dont like me anymore. im over it you win. im done chasing. the goalposts always change. its over." "i cant stop chasing you. you are literally my favorite person on earth." "im doing this once a day from now on. wanna go out" "1 reason i got on ow. *1 reason i got on ow off my psych. guess it doesnt matter to you." “For the record the reason im mad all the time is because im fucking pissed at you but cant take it out for some reason.” “reason im so shit ight now is caught i thought i was at rock bottom and you took me up the mountain just to fling me off. forget it. good night." "youre still online. just gonna pretend im not here?" "hope this doesnt wake you up but sorry for being a cunt." "i still want to die haha. life sucks" "im sorry." me: you purposely did something to make me mad and then get upset when i get mad "im hald zoned in rn im getting killed by bad vibes but im not gonna make you mad ever again." "why did you fool me. i fight with you a lot now and its because of what you did to me and how ive lost my sense of self and all emotions because of you. but then i remember this is just how i usually am and being happy is what people are supposed to be like and im not so this is normal and only my fault so. i forgot where i was going with this but take care friend." "if it was the concept thing then why do i still love you." "i get upset because i have to actively avoid falling for you." "im only angry and mean to you because i dont understand my emotions." "im gonna kill myself saturday at 7:32 pm" (<<<this was two weeks ago hes fine now) "im not gonna do it i just want attention" "to keep it 100 i just said that so you wouldnt call anyone." "dont test me" "eat shit" "if youre trying to make me unfriend you its working" "actual human beings dont pull that bullshit. they suck it up and stick to their word or break the news to the other and dont drag them along." me: every humans a human regardless of whether or not they feel "theyre a human. not an actual human. theyre a human but not worthy of being called one." "in 3 months you managed to fuck with my emotions and make me want to kill myself more than kii did in 3 years." "i think this is the last conversation were gonna have. if you got anything important to say speak now or forever hold your peace. alright youre in overwatch and missed your chance." "have fun with your game hope its worth losing me over."
me: im going to call your mom and tell her right now "and say what? 'im a bad friend and now nick wont talk to me?'"
me: no. 'nicks planning on killing himself.' "and ill just say its someone im amd at trying to get revenge on me" "im not convinced that its not a whole thing made specifically to drive me to suicide." "in queue rather than fixing problems. typical. goodbye, asshole." "what if by trying to stop the outcome u saw you just pushed me away from one of the only people i trusted and now im on a path that ends in my inevitable self destruction." "no thats the depression but i am saying u took away what made me happy." "forget it, ill catch you later. apparently no goodbyes either lol." "bye oats." "the only thing you will ever love besides yourself is overwatch. bye." "are you there i just got back and i really need someone." "beause youre the middle man i guess and it was a test of allegiance i think in my mind." "idk i just feel like not many people actually like me deep down and its a shit thing of me to put that on others." "hows ness doing" "because im done walking on eggshells for you, snowflake. "its a guy thing to be a dick to your friends. guess u wouldnt understand ;)" "sorry for being a jerk. dad has been riding me all week and im mad all the time." "maybe you would get it if your dad ever punched you or woke you up by throwing shit at you." (i know for a fact his dad doesnt do this. there was a whole week where we were in a call 24/7 to see how long we could get one to last and his dad brings him dinner and plays xbox in the same room sometimes. i get that from an outside perspective this may seem mean to overlook, but if you knew this guy, you wouldnt put it past him to lie about shit like this just for attention.) "youre being such a baby over this. its not a big deal, its an argument." "considering you didnt write it id consider it awful stupid of you to think you can interpret it better than the author." "you dont know me"
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Alex L: are you hoping Matt wont fight me this weekend?
Me: no. I'm hoping you'll fight him. Cause I'll know you'll win.
Alex: you think so?
Me: mmhmmm you always do
Alex: he's huge though baby
Me: well don't go for his Dick. He doesn't have one. But doesn't matter though Alex. I heard someone told him 10 people already had his name on Their fists. So you will be fine.
Alex: well im not using ten other people! Im just talking about me myself and I! Shit Saint Luches! She's gonna get me killed
Me: actually the group of 10 has more danger of being hurt unless they are to hold him down or stand in line. Because they don't have a chance to move when there's such a large group. You alone can totally kick his ass because you know how to move that lil ass. Remember that.
Alex: fucking pillow talk with Sabrina. Shit
Me: besides that baby You know he only got so big cause he was scared because he can't fight. And then he can't even touch the middle of his back anyway because hes got all them useless muscles.
Alex: really? They're useless? He can pick up a car
Me: brass knuckles you funky munky
Alex: You!!
Me: yeah. Gas monkey you used to drive for him. It was black and green lettering and I always sung it when I saw it
Alex: dam baby
Me: all the time. You like that huh?
Alex: Fuck babe
Me: and I remember, too
Alex: you're gonna make me cry
Me: you're gonna need to buy me a bra. I can't find mine
Alex: it's over there in the corner under that Like if shit or in the ... Is it in the hamper baby?
Me: I dont... Think so baby... I don't even... I haven't worn one in like... Since October?
Alex: i noticed
Me: old lady titties. You shouldn't be looking .. Leave them poor old things alone..them old hippie drippies look like they ain't seen a bra in their life!
Alex: well why did you quit wearing it?
Me: i got tired of putting it on everyday!
Alex: alright baby I'll buy you a bra. I know your size
Me: 48 or 46? Idk don't look at me!
Alex: i think it's 46 babe
Me: you have to try it on. Take all your boys babe
Alex: to buy you a bra?
Me: to try them out. You know how to do it. You gotta put it on... Then you gotta jump in front of the mirror and see if you like what you see. I bet Phoenix has a mall. Cacique.. I think it closed down but.. Don't go in Victoria Secrets they will look at your boys rude and yoh all sexy. But go to Frederick of Hollywood. All the girls on Christopher Street go,there
Alex: i know they did
Me: alright so you know what to do
Alex: where this bouncing come from?
Me: you know they can't unlacth the back so in a hurry they can see what it will look like when you know they don't take the bra off and he's got her jiggling.
Alex: I see. This is very testy, how serious is this babe?
Me: very!! I bet them boys forgot their Dick waa even for fucking!! They gotta get all the weird shit outta the way. So parading around in bras jumping up and down its like a bonding moment unlike no other!
Alex: and heels? You want us go try those on?
Me: mmhmmm and buy a pair in their size and then they girls don't wanna wear heels except in bed they will know why. Cause girl ain't wanna heard "them $3,000 shoes ain't ever hit the floor just wrapped around my ass and i swear your heel got real close to my shit hole and you may not wear them again" no she wanna hear "baby your shoe molested me and got me So scared i thought some one was here to take me away from you" that's what baby
Alex: what else baby?
Me: the thong.
Alex: okay baby I'll see what i can do
Me: good baby. That sounds wonderful. I think that's all
Alex: you want me to get your nails done baby? I saw you looking at them
Me: no. They cut them all the same and mine were peeling. But you can paint them. But i don't want to go to the salon
Saint Luches: they can treat them
Me: then we all go.
Alex: i knew that one was coming
Me: i see why you offered.
Saint Luches voice gets deep: for treatment
Me: yeah so after you get all dolled up at the mall yoh most certainly can take down a wanna be terminator with no arm reach. Take Steven Torrence to the mall, babe. Yoh said you owe him a jealousy apology
Alex: babe that's sounds more like torture!!
Me: if you're not invited to some weird cyclone event on Chandler love weekend
Alex: fine but because you called it Chandler Love Weekend
Me: i can't believe you got jealous!
Alex: what i did I did
Me: im just saying. I probably would been too probably but it was non touch. Non chalet just chillin,making someone feel good about themselves
Alex: you weren't ever serious?
Me: i think he's bunker kid adorable boy friend. Not bed.
Alex: aww shit I may had punched him a few too many times
Me: a few? Why?
Alex: eh babe don't ask questions I don't wanna answer.
Me: you really hit him? Like hard?
Alex: he hit me first !! ..... .... sometimes!
Me: you were in war with him?
Alex: hey look. You said boy friend in one word that's all i saw
Me: so. Babe and i was gonna take my girlfriend Brittany to bed?
Saint Luches: hey now a man could wish!
Me: insane. Insane. a War with a bunker boy!
Alex: it was.. It was... It was bad as hell i ain't gonna lie.
Me: you should been happy i had an anchor baby
Alex: I'm so dumb!
Me: did he hit you back good enough?
Alex: he called his mom who called my mom. Don't laugh don't laugh.I'm over here old as hell can't grow a mustache and his mom is calling my mom for the first time. It never happened in my fucking life.
Me: is that what he said? You can't grow a mustache so i wanna real man? So what you called him short? You guys did name calling for no reason until you got mad and threw a punch
Alex: look his mom called my mom first alright. Whose the wimp
Me: babe you probably gave him a bloody nose! And he had a heart attack. He needs extra love.
Saint Luches: you stop that right now
Me: im not talking to you. Really don't beat up that little boy
Alex: he's a grown man babe
Me: i said he's a little boy. You leave him alone.
Saint Luches: you know what i noticed too? He wasn't putting on a pansy about it. He was a real bitch, Alex was
Me: why you gonna yell at him for what I do?
Alex: i was feeling neurotic
Me: i was feeling unsafe and he was safe
Alex: don't cry. I'll apologize okay? I'll give him a dollar
Me: just make sure it's not pennies in a sock
Alex: alright just don't cry. I hate when you cry for what i do
Me: he was an anchor baby and i told you a thousand times.
Mark: dam it that's sexy.
Me: you like my anchor babies?
Mark: yeah. It wasn't that bad babe he was putting you on. It got pretty heated but he didnt beat him up
Me: did he think little Steven was possessing me? Making me like him because he's a nice kid
Mark: He was really just crazy he didn't know what to think and people like both med and large Jesse were taking shit how you were fucking Steven behind Alex's back and Matt got on it. It was bad babe.
Me: that's fucked up. I should had killed them already
Alex: you what? Music to my ears
Me: is he really going shopping?
Mark: you know I can't tell you that
Me: I'm sorry they did that to you Alex. No one told me.
Alex: really? No one? I told you they were fucking with me about him and I was getting mad
Me: and I said I was not hiding anything and it was plain to see
Alex: I know and I said I would beat himup anyway
Me: I thought you meant Jesse
Alex: oh Jesus Christ
Me: well i tell you thst scrap ain't scared of shit. He ain't ever blocked me. That's a real man if you ask me.,BABE. Use your brain.,
Alex: oh ok I'll go apologize and I'll be nice
Mark: they never get along because of you
Me: and the first day I call him sexy He blocks me. Alex come here.
Alex: what
Me: I love you
Alex: alright I'll get over it -- I mean him
Me: well I don't need to because you had more passion in your relationship than he and I did. Just so you know
Alex: are you sure?
Me: YES! :)
Alex: I'll learn to chill
Me: and I thought you were. Until I saw you fighting Tanner Gray. Who by the way is hot. But Babe.
Alex: you think hes hot?!?!
Me: you're focused on the wrong thing.
Alex: he said he would fuck yoh so i beat him up
Me: and i appreciate it.
Alex: wh
Me: because i didn't even know who he was and he was talking shit and i found it to be disrespectful and i didn't run across it online till weeks later. Or months Idk. And it was gross. He don't know me to be talking like that. Someone's kid all nasty up on me. He wasn't invited. I didn't see him that way. Did Steven say he would fuck me?
Alex: no
Me: okay. So don't listen to rumors ok? Ok?
Alex: yeah alright babe.
Me: okay. He's sick like me. He had a heart attack
Alex: Steve Torrence did
Me: yeah. We had things in common not alot of people do. Child hood sickness. Like you and me. We didn't have a normal child hood. While we weren't actually sick. We saw the sickest things in the world. It just felt safe to know he was there. Not like id be all in his trailer. I'd rather be in John Force's trailer just because he is more fatherly.. He just made it help feel safe for me. You see now? And I'm pretty sure they knew that. That's why they started taking shit. Because it could been about anyone to make you upset. But to keep me away so they can human traffic or try to pimp girls. They know I'll fuck up their shit So they would find my safety zone and attack it. So you fight with Steve Torrence. Then I get mad at you. Then what? You don't trust me. So then you're all paranoid and then you don't like people I like so we have no one in common. They had a whole list. Big Jesse ran by me. I just told them I didn't like anyone in it. But they knew who I would. They did. I remember I looked him up. Like Greg Line. Then they wanted to know how much I paid attention to mechanics and they were all "pick this one. Pick this one." On and on then "that should fuck her up" well i didn't know what the fuck they were talking about I really wasn't interested in racing. I knew there was shit to find but I didn't know what. So i knew I wasn't interested in what they were about. Because I have my own ways. My own shit I look for. My own reasons to do things. Them fucking with you is not something I ever thought would happen. I really thought you were all non violent and chill. Outta drama minding your own business
Alex: well I really am babe but they brought it to me
Me: I know baby, that is what I'm saying. To hurt you.
Alex: oh the fuck they did. I see. I'll earnestly apologize to Steve Torrence
Me: honestly?
Alex: it means the same thing. Then I'll take care of that rumor mill okay baby
Me: ok. Thank you
Alex Laughlin: I love you
Me: i love you, too
Alex: More than Steve?
Me: differently than him baby. Diffffferent. I love you
Alex: I love you. Don't cry no more Ok? I'll take care of it baby.
Me: k
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one month of practice teaching
actually i would most likely just break down ya kno if my hair isn't this short i'd consider getting a haircut again, why do my kids have to be so rowdy what the actual fuck???????????????/ i've walked out on two of my classes already which is super Not a good notch on my performance but jesus fuckin christ no one ever said it would be this hard (maybe except that one senior who advised me to shift courses when i was a sophomore)
i'm saying this so often these days but i've never been this Tired in my entire goodamn life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya know how yoi outgays itself in every episode?? it's like that for me except each day outstresses the previous one time to die
ya i'm sorry it's just ughughhuhuhuhguhughughuhuhuhguhughuhuhuhughu teaching is fun and all but? i thought i'd stop getting stressed once i get adjusted to the environment but holy fuck it seems everyday that passes reduces my tolerance for my kids' antics
i'm a pretty chill teacher in general i let them have free reign in my time as long as they submit their outputs on time. we start the class late up to 20mins to wait for the latecomers!!!!!!!!!!! they can like eat and play music and even walk around or do stuff for other subjects and even fucking sleep!!!! (they even played 'stupid love' and 'kalimutan mo na yan' and 'titibo-tibo' in my class and i never judged them for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) they can easily gain my permission when they want to excuse their whole class to practice for their mapeh cheerdance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i joke around with them!!!! i treat them all like i personally ejected them outta my damn womb & raised them for 16 or so years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a pretty chill teacher in lectures too i try to be as jolly as possible!!!!!!!! i try to make discussions interactive!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm generous with recitation chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (u can get chips just by sweeping the floor and erasing the board!!!!!!!!!!!!) i spend all night designing lesson-related games so that my kids wouldn't get bored!!!!!!! i give them plenty of time before the deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!! (like we spend a whole week for each output!!!) i go around the room during hands-on activities to make sure they're all doing their work properly!!!!!!!!! i even lent them my drafting stuff & provided them with bond paper bc i know how broke they are!!!!!!!!! you should come & sit in one of my classes they'll be the best thing you'll ever witness. i swear. i'm the best B-)
so holy mother of fuck why can't they give me the 1 ounce of respect i deserve? i'm so kind to them is it so hard to be kind back???? why are they all after my blood??????//
being strict's not my thing because strict teachers get less respect and u know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sinasaway ko sila + nagtataray ako minsan pero sandaling-sandali lang then back to bibo hotdog na aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'm so sorry for this rant i know i'm not supposed to be complaining to you i just. can't bring myself to tell my co-teachers bc they just tell me to be strict. and i can't for the life of me be strict. i literally forget which kids were noisy and rowdy after a maximum of 10 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! i easily forget which classes i'm supposed to be angry with and treat them well again the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuuuhhuhughughghuhuhuhuhuhhghugh kahihiyan ako
which is why i walked out of two of my classes; i feel like i've done everything to deserve their respect and it turns out i still don't. and idk what to do with them anymore honestly
i'm so stressed na bimb. minura ko na yung lower sections na hawak ko legit if my advisor/cooperating teacher(CT) finds out i'll get a bad rating for sure (and if i get a bad rating, laude is cancelledt) (super bigat na batas sa high school teachers na bawal magmura). i told them verbatim; guys kayo di ko kayo ginagago kaya pwede ba ako huwag niyo ring gaguhin? (which sounds light but not when coming from a hs teacher ok? some of them audibly gasped wow high schoolers are so soft) but even that didn't seem to have an effect on my raucous kids hanunah
anyway i just feel so weak now?? i forgive too easily specially especially after they've apologized or stopped being dicks + they make me smile so easily bc they're mostly so sweet & funny??????? why don’t i have the ability to stay mad & hold grudges & be strict hahahahhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuetangina
some 'anonymous feedback' i got was that, para raw akong baliw, one minute galit then the other bati-bati na ulit, tas parang be-babyhin ko pa yung mga sinita ko. inexplain ko nalang na di ko kayang magalit then my CT said kailangan kong maging consistent - kung galit, galit talaga, or else magmumukha talaga akong baliw. or di na ako susundin kasi parang joke lang ako magalit
b i h
iyak na c acoe
i'm sorry this is so long i feel like we haven't talked in years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm writing this in the faculty room actually haha i feel like i'd stop functioning if i don't type these out, my head is such a wreck rn bc i keep getting bad feedback about my teaching strategy, sorry for all the exclamation points :(((((((
yung CT ko pa, he's always insisting that my lower-sectioners are just a bunch of assholes, KSPs, and lazy fucks, but they're not!!!!!!!! they're actually really sweet, they can be competitive when motivated properly, and they have so much potential???? their grades might be mostly seven-liners – (yung isa kong anak aNG SAYA-SAYA NIYA NUNG BINIGYAN KO SIYA NG 79 LIKE ?????) (pinaulit ko yung gawa niya btw tinuro ko ulit sa kanya kung alin yung mga mali niya hahahahaha then naging 103/100 pa yun) (may +5 kasi pag nagpasa before the deadline so ayun) – but they're the ones who are maparaan/madiskarte; i know they're the ones who's most likely to succeed in real life. they're also the ones who greet me on the corridors & off-campus with those cheerful "hi ma'am"s!!! ma'am buhatin ko na gamit mo!! ma'am ako na magwawalis!! idk if i’m a fool but i only see kindness & initiative in their actions?? these pabibos are gonna go far, i believe in them so much, i really go
the top-sectioners my CT puts on such a high pedestal are mostly GCs and self-entitled, always have their noses in the air & think they're better than everyone including me. always competing with their "Friends", crab mentality, always memorizing my material even if i always tell them to Understand instead of memorize bc they'll never learn shit that way????
i'm so dismayed bc there's a very specific mould that determines whether you're a 'good teacher' or not. and that mould is so, so different from what my shape is. that mould goes against my beliefs and principles; that mould is nearly everything i've been wanting to fight against when i decided to be a teacher and holy shit it looks like i have to fit in that stupid, ugly mould if i want to graduate. nevermind cum laude; i'd never graduate unless i fit in that bullshit mould
shet bes magpapakain ako sa sistema makakuha lang ng diploma
ily so much baks thanks for listening to my stupid rants. i don't know who to turn to, everyone else is like 'ganun talaga' or some other bs i wanna jump off a cliff, pls i'd rather disappear than magpalamon sa sistema. tangina ng sistema
why do i have to be so stubborn why am i like this?????
ang sama pala maging weird
tanggap ko na nga sarili ko eh minamahal ko na nga yung pagiging weird ko pero hindi pala pwede; not in this profession; shet bes i need to become normal 2 survive. no fun allowed
now i just want to go home & send u thing whole novel can u believe i've been here since 5:30am!!!!!!! every!!! single!!!! weekday!!!!!! it's 5pm now but i can't go home yet bc i have to check tons of student outputs and write 5 semi-detailed lesson plans so that i can actually rest at home. someone take me out, the footbridge in sandigan is really tempting sometimes you know? the one that crosses over the underpass and u can see all the trucks passing underneath the bridge, plus theres a bunch of electric cables too. and when you're standing on that spot on the footbridge, the view of the sky is super pretty too. (you know what, maybe i'll take a photo when i pass by later. if it's there's still daylight out, that is.) it's so tempting sometimes,, sadly i'll never hear jung hoseok's contagious laughter if i pull any shit
do u think i should drop out now and just. i dunno work as a farmer in pangasinan or somewhere farther, like in visayas or maybe even cambodia where so much myths and folklore thrive, at least that sounds a lot less mentally taxing. i have backpain now anyway; i won't have to complain about that when i'm actually farming
i can't even listen to all the older songs i like bc they make me nostalgic about the past sjhkjhkjdhfkshdk i've told you how much i hate this nostalgia already, it hasn't stopped yet, gods help me!! i keep saying, "sana thesis na lang, thesis na lang ulit" and it's not even funny anymore
i'm so sorry for telling you all this :((( i'm sure you're stressed with school too, i hope i'm not adding to that. don't worry about me, okay? i'm probably not as stressed as i seem anyway, i tend to overact a lot then be perfectly fine after drying my tear ducts and then an 8-hour sleep and like a hot meal that isn't just reheated for the 5th time. i'm so sorry for making you read all this, this is like 5 whole pages i'm sorry :'((((
there's another lower-sectioner i wanna tell you about but this is getting ridiculously long, ask me about patricia sometime ok? it's kind of long-ish hahahaha
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