#' para.
kircket · 4 months
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PERSUASIÓN (2/3). La entrada de su diario.
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asksam · 5 months
Sam was so happy the two of them had switched to Post-Halloween dinner debriefs following last year’s spectacular breakfast one. The only spectacular thing about it being the hangovers the two of them had the morning after Sugar’s party. It’d honestly been a miracle that the two of them had gotten out of bed, let alone how they managed to eat anything. This morning was no different. It took Sam about five tries to get out of bed and then shower, eating not much more than a bagel for breakfast until his stomach settled and he could eat a bigger lunch. He was at least glad to know from his roommates that he hadn’t puked at all. 
Still, it had been a slow start to his day, which he didn’t mind too much. He’d even had coffee, but was still not completely sure he wasn’t still drunk. He was waiting on his best friend now at one of the booths at Breadstix. He hadn’t ordered yet, but thankfully one of the waitresses had brought him some water, which he was currently sipping from. He glanced at his watch, surprised to see how early he’d gotten here. 
Drumming his fingers along the tabletop, he glanced toward the door and grinned when he saw Blaine enter. He waved him over and before he could greet him, the waitress was back and setting a plate of food in front of him. Sam opened his mouth to protest, he hadn’t even ordered yet, but the woman spoke up first. “It’s from that guy over there, he said it was for a White Chocolate?” Instantly, he stilled and was almost afraid of what he would find when he looked toward wherever she had pointed.
He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it definitely wasn’t seeing him. Sam somehow managed to turn even stiller, blinking slowly and then rubbing at his eyes as if it would make the man smirking at him disappear. Without taking his eyes off of him because maybe then he would disappear, he kicked Blaine under the table. “Blaine… I need you to turn around. Don’t! Don’t make it obvious!” He whisper-shouted, still not glancing away from the other. “But I need you to do it and I need to know if you see him too. That dude like… five booths down on the left.”
He really wasn’t sure if he wanted him to be real or not. Wasn’t sure if it was hope blooming in his chest or fear causing it to beat double time. It couldn’t be, could it? Then again, maybe the man was simply back visiting his family again. But why was he here? Why was he here and… Sam glanced down at the plate of food and swallowed before quickly looking back up at Clint. Why was he here and ordering his favorite Breadstix dish for him? 
He wondered if he could send it back? Was that rude? Hopefully not for the wait staff, if it was rude to Clint, good. But he didn’t want the dish to go to waste, especially when he’d already planned on ordering it when Blaine showed up. “Please tell me it’s just my imagination, this can’t be happening right now…”
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evelayton · 6 months
Starter for: @antoniasullivan Location: Paradise Point, Ballroom Time: 8.30pm
They had gotten ready together for the gala but as soon as they had arrived together at the Masquerade Ball, Eve had lost sight of her best friend. You would think it would be rather easy to find the beautiful black gown that her friend was wearing in the crowd but apparently there were more people who had decided to wear black. Which had been expected.
It had taken Eve a while but finally she had found Antonia with two glasses of champagne in hand. "You, my dear, are very difficult to find. Next time you need to wear bright red or something so I am at least able to find you." She handed over the flute of champagne to Toni, raising the glass slightly. "To a fun night out. And that we will win some fun dates!"
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primeval-texture · 2 months
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jasperyang · 4 months
Estoy bien, lo prometo. Espero no te alteres a medida que leas esta carta, tengo el presentimiento de que las cosas sonarán mucho más dramáticas de lo que en realidad son. Es sólo que ya sabes cómo soy — quizá demasiado meditativo para mi propio bien cuando me encuentro por mi cuenta...
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zimoz · 4 months
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ADAPTACIÓN (3/3). Un momento que haya marcado un antes y un después. EL NACIMIENTO DE SU HERMANA, ZHOU MEI.
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booara · 4 months
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ORIENTACIÓN (3/3). La entrada de su diario, si tuviera: SU PRIMER DÍA EN REVERIE.
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fondueforme · 7 months
closed starter for @questionsforjamie
That was awesome and a disaster at the same time. The Cheerios are all on edge now and not only that, they still have the dance to get through. I know who I'm vot-
“Brittany, you're doing it again.”
Brittany stopped walking and turned around, Jordan nearly running into them. “Thanks, Celeste. I'm just going to visit my sister though so you can go. We can get more footage at the dance.” They waved the other off and waited until they were once again on their own in the school hallway before continuing to walk. They made sure their lips were shut for real this time before picking their inner voice over back up.
Ahem. Where was I? Right, the Homecoming dance.
They sighed, having dreaded it, which was so not okay because it was a dance. There were very few things Brittany loved more than dancing. But here they were, dateless with both their friends being nominated for Queen. That wasn't the part that bothered them though, (not even being without a date did because really, if you thought about it, everyone else's dates would end up as their date so who cared) but if they focused on what did bother them, they were going to get a headache and be sad. No one wanted to dance with a sad person.
Maybe Kitty falling had been a bad omen. Maybe Brittany should just go home and check on Lord Tubbington, they could both get a head start on editing tonight's video… They were stuck in a full on spiral as they entered the designated janitor's closet and bee-lined for a beanbag chair. They only paused in their freak out to swear that next year they would help their sister plan something like this better so it wasn't in a closet. While it was actually kinda cozy thanks to the decorations, it seemed like a step back.
"Jamie," they sighed, falling back into the chair, "I think the football team winning triggered the apocalypse."
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askbrett · 5 months
closed starter for @thejbi !!
If pressed, Brett knew he could probably get away with saying he was The Rock in that one iconic photograph, even if he didn’t have the fanny pack. But he was too loyal to lie and like when he’d been trying to scramble and pick another costume, this was the one he’d wanted to be. He slowly picked at his clothes, fingertips just a little numb from the high he was currently riding. It was easier to deal with the disappointed faces of his roommates with something in his system after he broke his sobriety earlier in the week. 
He currently had a beer in his hand, his phone in the other. He was still thinking about the reply he didn’t get, even if he already deleted his drunk text. Brett drained the rest of the beer as he thought of the call that connected for only a few seconds, trying to remember what could’ve happened, what could've been said. But as always, the alcohol that had been in his system at the time made it impossible for him to recall anything. All he knew the morning after Dottie’s 21st birthday was that he was now partial owner of three stolen traffic cones.
He made his way to the kitchen to grab another drink, stopping only to make a quick sale as he was flagged down by someone on the football team. At least when it came to this, he was having a good night. He’d already sold more than half of what he brought, which was honestly, way more than last year. Brett grabbed another beer, smiling to himself a little as he used the empty one and with a well placed kick, popped the cap off of his new one. It had taken him hours to learn that trick. Someone nearby clapped and he gave a quick bow, placing his empty on the counter before he started to head outside. He was about to cross the threshold when he stumbled a little, knees suddenly a little weak at the sight before him.
Brett closed his gaping mouth, opening it a second later, but this time nothing else came out and he closed it again. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his beer, glancing away only to look back and give the other a once over. He choked on his drink a little as he realized what Jacob was wearing. “You wore the costume,” he whispered, voice hoarse.
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flyingsunshine · 11 months
let's go to the beach (beach)
with @soundingstars' Nishinoya!
The sun bore down heavy on Rio's airport, only serving to accentuate the buzz under Hinata's skin. He was so, so excited! It wasn't often that friends from school came to visit him here (understandable, considering the length of the flight, the time difference, and about twenty other variables), but of course there was one person he could always rely on: Nishinoya senpai. Should he still use that honorific? It would probably make Noya happy.
Hinata did his best to keep in contact with all of his friends, but when you and everyone you know lives busy lives sometimes contact just... fizzles for a bit. And truth be told, before Noya's rather spontaneous announcement that he'd come to Brazil, they'd had a bit of a lull in their conversations.
But none of that mattered now! It was only a matter of minutes (probably, providing baggage claim didn't take ten years) before Noya would appear before Hinata's eyes, and then Hinata would get them a taxi, they'd drop off Noya's stuff, and then immediately head to the beach! Hinata bounced a little where he stood, unable to suppress his smile. What did Noya look like now? Had he grown? Surely not, and surely not more than Hinata had!
The second Hinata laid eyes on that familiar hairstyle, he beamed and shouted "Noya senpai!" without a second thought. Above his head, Hinata held a paper sign with Noya's name and a little cartoon smiley face. They were finally reuniting!
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ──── ⋅ ⋅ ──── ⋅ ⋅ ─── ⋅ ✩ ⋅ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ──── ⋅ ⋅ ──── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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catboii · 10 months
>After a while of exploring your boss's new digs, you decide to take Dave up on his offer of heading over there. You can only handle meeting so many new people in one go, but Dave said he'd be happy for you to just hang out and chill there, and you do kind of want to get away from anywhere that your boss is.
He even said he had an xbox he didn't really use that you could play Minecraft on! You get yourself ready, this time taking your generic black cat form. Dave said he didn't believe that you were really a shapreshifter, so you're going to have to prove it! You head over there, sneaking through the weird hallway that he keeps his transportalizer in, and head to the kitchen. If he's not in there, you're going to meow really loud over and over until he comes and looks for whatever is making the noise.
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kircket · 4 months
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CAPACIDAD DE ANÁLISIS (2/3). Una escena de la adolescencia de tu personaje.
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asksam · 7 months
TAGGING ➤ @askbwarbler & @asksam
TIME FRAME ➤ Before Homecoming.
LOCATION ➤ Sam's house just off campus.
GENERAL NOTES ➤ Sam and Blaine hangout on Live and get ready for Homecoming.
Sam looked around the room once with a nod, having cleaned extensively beforehand and made sure anything he had out wasn’t going to get him in trouble with the powers that be at TikTok. He then waved Blaine in, but made sure the Warbler was out of frame from his phone’s camera lens even if it wasn’t on just yet. “Do you want to use the bathroom and do your hair in there first before you come out?” He knew the other didn’t want the sight of his ungelled hair released to the masses. If they reacted how Sam did when he’d first seen him without hair gel, he might be doing damage control for most of the Live.
Once Blaine was tucked away in the en suite, the blond took a deep breath then started the livestream with a few quick taps on his phone. “Hey everyone, Sam here! Me and Blaine are over at my house getting ready for Homecoming.” He did a small wave of his hand in hello before pointing off camera. “Blaine has to do his hair before coming out here ‘cause if you saw him before that…” The blond shook his head with a fond smile, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “You definitely wouldn’t recognize him, I didn’t,” he laughs, launching into the story of how he’d tried to blow off Blaine, not realizing it was Blaine. 
“Anyways, while we’re gathered here to get ready for the most part, the other thing on the agenda is getting him to make an account.” Sam goes on as he starts to style his hair in the mirror by his desk, occasionally glancing at his phone to read comments and reply out loud before going back to the task at hand. “He’s still not too sure about it, but how many of you guys want to see more of this guy?” His hair finished, Sam grabs his phone and rolls his chair as Blaine walks out of the bathroom, his hair now styled with an impressive amount of gel.
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evelayton · 7 months
Starter for: @genortiz Location: Eve's apartment, Downtown, Briar Ridge
Even though Eve had moved to Briar Ridge two months ago, some of her things were still in boxes. More particular... The containment of the boxes were things of the past. Things that she should've left in New York City or should have brought to the dump right away. Things that reminded her of the life that she was trying to leave behind.
Splitting up with her ex was not for the lack of love, but the situation just had gotten out of hand and it was enough for her to leave the city and just want to start all over.
With two glasses of water in hand, Eve moved back to the living room where the boxes were scattered around now. "Thank you for helping me out with this today. I am happy I don't have to do this alone."
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yitarhero · 2 years
with: @peachcandies @dollphone location: a sunny afternoon in siqi and dior’s apartment. the rest of the city seems relatively calm compared to the calamity taking place in a humble two-bedroom.
it’s not often that siqi’s expression leaves its signature placid state — stale face and all . this is one of those times where it’s a completely visceral reaction , wherein one glance at their refrigerator’s whiteboard contorts too-tired features into a mortified grimace . gone is her and dior’s precious chore chart , and in its place is the dreaded return of the bane of her existence : chum’s fart chart . 
january’s fart chart!  🍑‍💨
CHUM: 155 🔥 BUU: 150 👎 SIQI: 8.5  DIOR: 12 
when did their apartment come to this ? all she wanted was a sanctuary of empty and quiet , and yet . . . ! her head swivels to the living room couch , to the very corner chum so often occupies when he decides to show face . “ my chores ! you saved the results !? ” she asks incredulously , accusingly , as she shakily points her toothbrush at the whiteboard . “ you... you updated them !? ” 
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jasperyang · 2 months
Resumen: En medio de una calurosa noche de verano neoyorquina, visita a una vieja conocida.
Participantes: Jasper Yang, Nina Lewis.
Fecha: Agosto 08, 2024.
TW: Ninguno.
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