sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
lesson Twotale of mermaidVasistha said – Agnidev! You are the cause ofcreation- the origin of the god Vishnu's fishes etc.• Describe the incarnations. Also recite the BrahmaswaroopAgnipuran, which you had heard from the mouth ofLord Vishnu in earlier times. Agnidev said - ListenVasistha, I describe the Matsya avatar of Sri Harika.The work of incarnation is done for the destructionof the wicked and for the protection of the sages. At the endof the last kalpa, there was a natural disaster called 'Brahma'.Mune! At that time the 'Bhoo' and other people weresubmerged in the waters of the ocean. It is before thecatastrophe. Vaivasvata Manu was doing penance for theattainment of enjoyment and salvation. one day when, They were offering water to the ancestors in theKritmala river, a very small fish came inthe water of their Anjalika. Don't throw mein the water, here I am afraid of water-animalslike planets etc. Hearing this, Manuthrew it into the water of his urn. Thefish grew up as soon as it fell in it andagain said to Manus, 'Rajan! Give mea bigger place than this.' Hearing this, theking put him in a big water vessel (naad orgarbage etc.). Growing up in that too, Matsyasaid to the king - 'Mano! I have noGive a wide space.' Then he again took her to the lake
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sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
अग्निपुराण● Jyotirmaya Paratpar Parabrahma is worshipedthrough Jnanayoga and Karmayoga. One dayI asked that Vishnu form Agnidev alongwith the sages like this: 8-11Vasistha asked – Agnidev! In order to crossthe ocean of the world, describe the nature of theSupreme Lord Brahma in the form of a boat and preachthat knowledge, the essence of all knowledge,knowing which man becomes omniscient. 12Agnidev said - Vasistha! I am Vishnu, I am calledKalaagnirudra, I preach to you the essence of allknowledge, which is called Agnipuran. He isthe essence of all knowledge, He is the form ofBrahma. The omnipresent and all-causal Brahman is notdifferent from Him. In it, I will do canto, pratisarga,lineage, manvantara, ancestral origin and matsya., There is a description of the Lord who takesthe form of Kurma etc. Brahman. The nature of Lord Vishnuhas two disciplines - one Para and the other AparaRik, Yajuh, Sama and Atharvanam Veda, the sixparts of the Veda - Education, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Nirukta,Jyotish and Chandah Shastra and Mimamsa, Dharmashastra, Purana,Nyaya, Vaidyaka (Ayurveda), Gandharva Veda (Music),Dhanurveda and Arthashastra - all these are Apara Vidya andPara Vidya is that which leads to the realizationof that invisible, inadmissible gotraless, stepless,eternal, imperishable Brahman. Consider this Agnipuranas para Vidya. Just as Lord Vishnu had described tome and Brahmaji to the gods in the past, in the sameway, I also present to you the manifestation of the God,the cause of the universe, who takes incarnations of fishetc. 13-19In this way the first study in the Adi Agreya Mahapuran, said by Vyasa about the thread, was completed. 1
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sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
अग्निपुराण● Jyotirmaya Paratpar Parabrahma is worshipedthrough Jnanayoga and Karmayoga. One dayI asked that Vishnu form Agnidev alongwith the sages like this: 8-11Vasistha asked – Agnidev! In order to crossthe ocean of the world, describe the nature of theSupreme Lord Brahma in the form of a boat and preachthat knowledge, the essence of all knowledge,knowing which man becomes omniscient. 12Agnidev said - Vasistha! I am Vishnu, I am calledKalaagnirudra, I preach to you the essence of allknowledge, which is called Agnipuran. He isthe essence of all knowledge, He is the form ofBrahma. The omnipresent and all-causal Brahman is notdifferent from Him. In it, I will do canto, pratisarga,lineage, manvantara, ancestral origin and matsya., There is a description of the Lord who takesthe form of Kurma etc. Brahman. The nature of Lord Vishnuhas two disciplines - one Para and the other AparaRik, Yajuh, Sama and Atharvanam Veda, the sixparts of the Veda - Education, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Nirukta,Jyotish and Chandah Shastra and Mimamsa, Dharmashastra, Purana,Nyaya, Vaidyaka (Ayurveda), Gandharva Veda (Music),Dhanurveda and Arthashastra - all these are Apara Vidya andPara Vidya is that which leads to the realizationof that invisible, inadmissible gotraless, stepless,eternal, imperishable Brahman. Consider this Agnipuranas para Vidya. Just as Lord Vishnu had described tome and Brahmaji to the gods in the past, in the sameway, I also present to you the manifestation of the God,the cause of the universe, who takes incarnations of fishetc. 13-19In this way the first study in the Adi Agreya Mahapuran, said by Vyasa about the thread, was completed. 1
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sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
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, Srihari: *Om Namo Bhagwate VasudevayaAgnipuranfirst chapterAgnipuran began with the form of invocation and dialogue between Agni andVasishtha, Sri Saraswati, Gauri Ganesham, Skandamishwaram and Pail etc. went to Rishi Badrikashram andThere by saluting Vyasji, we askedBrahmanam vahimindradin vasudevam namamayam'Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Ganesha, Kartikeya, then they started teachingus the essence of Gods like Mahadevji, Brahma, Agni, Indraand so on. 46 I salute Lord Vasudeva. 1It is a matter of nobility. The sagesShaunaka were performing Yajna to Lord Vishnu throughyagyas. At that time Sutji came there from the contextof the pilgrimage. The Maharishis welcomed themand said - 2॥The sage said - Sutji! By acceptingourworship, please tell us that essence evenmore important than the essence, by knowingwhich one attains omniscience. 3Sutji said- Rishis! Lord Vishnuis the essence even more than theessence, He is the doer of creationand maintenance etc. and is pervasive everywhere.I am Brahma in the form of Vishnu' -in this way omniscience is attained onknowing Him. Two forms of Brahma are worthyof knowing - Shabdbrahm and Parabrahma.Once upon a time, I, ShukdevjiVyasji said - cotton! You listenwith Shuk etc. Once upon a time, along with thesages, I had asked Maharishi Vasistha about theessence of Paratpar Brahm. I am telling youwhat he preached to me at that time. 7Vasistha said – Vyas! There are two forms of theSarvantaryamiBrahman. I tell them, listen!Whatever Agnidev had told me in the past alongwith the sages and deities, I am telling youwhatever. Agnipuran is the best. Every letterof it is Brahmavidya, hence it is 'Parbrahmrupa'.Rigveda etc. The entire Veda-shastra is'Aparbrahma', Parabrahma's form Agnipuran is supremelypleasant for all the deities, whose statementhas been made by Agnidev, that Agneyapuranis as common as the Vedas. This holy Puranais going to provide enjoyment and salvationto its readers and listeners. Lord Vishnuis seated in the form of Kalaagni. they are
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sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
Vaastu Shaastra
May there be happiness and prosperity in the house
Many traditions are prevalent since time immemorial. These traditions are associated with different objects and functions. In everyone's house, some things are broken, useless, yet they remain lying in some corner. 7 items have been told which should not be kept in the house in a broken state.
If these things happen in the house, then they have a negative effect on all the members of the family. Due to which mental stress increases and speed is not able to be done in the work. For this reason, chances of failure are also formed in money related works. Poverty may enter the house. Know here what are these 7 things...
• According to Vastu, these 7 broken things should not be kept in the house, negative energy increases.
Utensils Many people also keep broken utensils in the house which give inauspicious effects. According to the scriptures, broken utensils should not be kept in the house. If such utensils are kept in the house then Mahalakshmi is displeased with it and poverty can enter our house. Broken and useless utensils also occupy space in the house, due to this Vastu defects also arise. When Vastu defects arise, negative results start coming.
2. Mirror Keeping a broken mirror is a big defect according to Vastu. Due to this dosha negative energy remains active at home and family members have to face mental stress.
3. Bed
For happiness and peace in married life, it is necessary that the bed of husband and wife should not be broken at all. If the bed is not good, then the chances of problems in the married life of husband and wife increase greatly.
4. A bad watch should not be kept in the house. It is believed that the progress of our family is determined by the position of the clocks. If the clock is not correct, the family members will face obstacles in completing the work and the work will not be completed in given time.
5. Picture If there is a broken picture in the house, then it should also be removed from the house. According to Vastu, it also creates Vastu defects.
6. Door
If the main door or any other door of the house is breaking from somewhere, then it should be fixed immediately. Break in the door is considered inauspicious. Due to this, negative energy enters the house and Vastu defects arise.
7. Furniture
The furniture of the house should also be in perfect condition. According to Vastu, the wear and tear of furniture also has a bad effect on our life.
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sanatandharmasworld · 3 years
If you don't get success in business
If you do not get success in business, then recite the last verse of this Gita 21 times... "Yatra Yogeshwarah Krishna Yatra Partho Dhanurdharah Tatra Srivijayo Bhutidhruva Nitirmatirmam..78.
If you cannot speak 21 times, then at least say once and calm down.
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