fondueforme · 6 months
closed starter for @questionsforjamie
That was awesome and a disaster at the same time. The Cheerios are all on edge now and not only that, they still have the dance to get through. I know who I'm vot-
“Brittany, you're doing it again.”
Brittany stopped walking and turned around, Jordan nearly running into them. “Thanks, Celeste. I'm just going to visit my sister though so you can go. We can get more footage at the dance.” They waved the other off and waited until they were once again on their own in the school hallway before continuing to walk. They made sure their lips were shut for real this time before picking their inner voice over back up.
Ahem. Where was I? Right, the Homecoming dance.
They sighed, having dreaded it, which was so not okay because it was a dance. There were very few things Brittany loved more than dancing. But here they were, dateless with both their friends being nominated for Queen. That wasn't the part that bothered them though, (not even being without a date did because really, if you thought about it, everyone else's dates would end up as their date so who cared) but if they focused on what did bother them, they were going to get a headache and be sad. No one wanted to dance with a sad person.
Maybe Kitty falling had been a bad omen. Maybe Brittany should just go home and check on Lord Tubbington, they could both get a head start on editing tonight's video… They were stuck in a full on spiral as they entered the designated janitor's closet and bee-lined for a beanbag chair. They only paused in their freak out to swear that next year they would help their sister plan something like this better so it wasn't in a closet. While it was actually kinda cozy thanks to the decorations, it seemed like a step back.
"Jamie," they sighed, falling back into the chair, "I think the football team winning triggered the apocalypse."
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
If you could have your dream Glee Club, which 12 members would you pick?
Of course, the head bitches of the Tones, minus Satan, because this choir will not have bad vibes. Then from the Nude Erections, I'd have to go with Quinn because duh, Ryder because the choir can't be too cool, and I hate to say it, but Berry. As long as she keeps her mouth firmly shut when not singing during rehearsals. Nobody from Vocal Adrenaline because they're terrifying. And then from the Warblers, Smythe and Nick can hold their own, and of course Hunter, partly because of talent, and partly because of boyfriend nepotism.
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@asksugxrmotta @askdottie @askthingone @asksnixxtana @brittxxbpierce @questionsforjamie @askfabray @lynnryder @askingrachelberry @asksmythe @askwarblernick @askhunterclarington
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askthingone · 4 months
WHO. madison mccarthy and jamie lynn pierce @questionsforjamie WHERE. sebastian smythe's 21st birthday.
"Okay," Madison begun, leaning back into the comfortable chair next to the one Jamie Lynn was seated in. "I know the invitation said black tie, but I swear some of these outfits are cocktail parties at best." Maybe Sunday Church best. Like, she was pretty sure she saw a Warbler walking around without a tie. What is this? Did no one respect a theme?
"You look great though, big fan. Actually," Madison's gaze scanned the crowd as a triumphant smile spread across her face. "I'd say the girls from the Troubletones are the best dressed here. Which is expected since we're the hottest glee club, duh." Pulling at the straps of her dress just to get a moment of relief, because this dress was tight in certain areas, Madison turned to look at Jamie Lynn. "Are you having fun? Have you tried gambling at all?"
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askingrachelberry · 5 months
Are you familiar with the source material for this theme? Because I just told someone that I'm dressed as the character "Jessica Stanley" and they gave me the oddest look. I'm starting to wonder if she was the villain.
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askhunterclarington · 6 months
questionsforjamie: ...Well, yes! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Some would say predictability as a trait is also inherently "boring". But I could be wrong.
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fondueforme · 6 months
Give us your honest opinion about Jamie Lynn.
Jamie-Lynn is the best person I know. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. She's smart, funny, and possibly related to the Clooneys. Plus, we both share a burden of living in the shadows of the Spears sisters, but I know that we're both talented and great enough to become more famous than them with time. @questionsforjamie
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fondueforme · 6 months
Give people you know code names from these select ones: Eagle 1, Been there done that, Currently doing that, It happened once in a dream, If I had to pick a dude/chick and Eagle 2.
Eagle 1: @asksantanalopez
Been there done that: @asknoahpuck
Currently doing that: @asksam
It happened once in a dream: @jpuck
If I had to pick a dude/chick: @askbree
Eagle 2: @askfabray
And because I don't want to leave anyone out 'cause that seems like bullying, here's some more:
Pussycat: @askhunterclarington
Quinn: @goldenkwilde
Tango: @askjessestjames
Foxtrot: @askmikechang
We kissed once: @kurthq
Jellyfish: @questionsforjamie
Warbler 1: @askbwarbler
Warbler 2: @asksmythe
Not even while blacked out: @askfinn5
Not even in a nightmare: @askingrachelberry
That one guy: @lynnryder
That one girl: @askwallflowermarley
Boy Cheerio: @asknickduvalx
Cosmic Brownie: @askbrett
Princess Morbucks: @asksugxrmotta
If you don't stop recording me I'm going to call the police: @thejbi
The Hotter Gossip Girl: @mckinleyrumors
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askhunterclarington · 5 months
FMK: Finn, Jamie-Lynn, Britt
F: @fondueforme. M: @questionsforjamie. No objectifying, just two people happily co-existing. K: @askfinn5.
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askhunterclarington · 6 months
Who would describe you in the most negative light and how would they describe you?
Wouldn't this be a question better suited for those that dislike me? I guess the list could be pretty long.
Probably @askfinn5. Or @questionsforjamie. I'm not sure Finn knows enough words to articulate anything worth attempting to regurgitate, but Ariel's favorite term seems to be "Boring." So probably that.
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