#🪖advartionist (oc)
bonnibelette · 7 months
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ok ok sorry im reuploading this with a prettier and fancier layout along with some extra info about this guy because i love him ❤️,,
anyway here’s advartionist/ego-darwinism he’s based off of the realicide character, and there’s some extra info/headcannons (?) about him beneath the cut
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ok ok headcannon (?) time
since ego-darwinism is, well, a darwinist, i like to think he’s darwinist’s older brother because advartionist resembles darwinist more than he does egoist, and that he’s mentioned to sound slightly like darwinist in the unreleased scripts/older streams (and also because i think they’d have a funny dynamic)
while darwinist is more of a knives guy advartionist is more of a long range guns guy
darwinist butchers while advartionist is more chemically educated (as mentioned on an older stream) but i decided to give advartionist also an interest in mechanics because why not and also it was mentioned in an older stream that advartionist’s design was based off a post apocalyptic movie so i figured it fit well enough
darwinist butchers but can’t cook because he thinks it’s a feminine trait so advartionist cooks for the both of them (i know technically darwinist lives with the other realists like shown in one of the comics but he visits when he needs something)
because advartionist has an ego he puts himself before anyone and everything, so a funny idea i had for him was that whenever darwinist and advartionist would butcher someone together advartionist would refuse to help out because he’s secretly a huge germaphobe but he doesn’t wanna look like a pussy or anything so he just makes up an excuse every time
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