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koi-koi-fish · 2 months ago
I wish there were more tank girl anime like GuP. There's lot's of ship girl anime like Kantai Collection, Azur Lane, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, and High School Fleet. Imagine a tank girl anime that takes place in college and the women use cold war era tanks.
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koi-koi-fish · 3 months ago
I've been working on both my fanfics but I've gotten to the point from having had rewritten multiple times that I just don't like what I've written.
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koi-koi-fish · 6 months ago
I had the weirdest dream last night. I was a Japanese woman during the early Edo period. I was serving my lord some tea but then he died. I was framed for the assassination and I fled. On the run I married a low ranking Samurai and lived with him for a couple years in the mountains.
He knew I didn’t love him yet he loved me anyway. Eventually he died in battle fighting the people responsible for my lord’s assassination. I took my late husband’s armor and weapons and started a resistance group to avenge my late lord and husband.
The dream was rudely ended by my alarm and now I’m writing it so I don’t forget it.
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koi-koi-fish · 7 months ago
Man, this is the coolest Feixiao I've seen so far.
I'm hoping that when we get to fight Hoolay, we get a trial Feixiao like when we got a trial Jing Yuan for the Phantylia fight.
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koi-koi-fish · 7 months ago
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God, she's so cool. That wink is lethal.
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koi-koi-fish · 7 months ago
I just got to the latest arc in Honkai Star Rail. It's my headcanon that General Feixiao and Jiaoqiu have that officer/subordinate forbidden romance that doesn't become official but they clearly love each other similar to Riza Hawkeye - Roy Mustang or Samantha Carter and Jack O'neill. I just love the whole dynamic of badass woman and dorky man.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Changed the name of my Youjo Senki/Stargate fic from the placeholder "Tanya's expedition" to "The forlorn hopes of lost exiles"
I think it goes hard. Though I didn't change it needlessly or just change it so it'll sound cooler. The new title is more accurate to the story that I want to write.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Just posted first chapter of my Youjo Senki/Stargate
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Just posted Chapter one of my Youjo Senki/Marvel crossover on AO3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56229055
I'll be finishing up writing the Youjo Senki/Stargate soon and posting that.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
March 15th, 2011.
Fury sits in his office staring at the monitor watching Captain America sitting in medical after his earlier escape attempt. He sighs. It's not every day a living legend comes back from the dead, beats dozens of your men, escapes a maximum security facility, and makes a scene in one of the most populous cities in the world. But the world finding out about Captain America's return is the least of his worries.
Just as Fury starts to get up, Agent Coulson enters the room holding a binder. "Ah, you're still in. Perfect." Agent Coulson says as he sets down the binder on Fury's desk. "Here's what we have so far on the 0-8-4 we fished up alongside the Captain."
Fury picks up the binder "Has she said anything since waking up?" he asks as he starts flipping through the pages. "Only her name, rank, serial number, and that she wants a lawyer," Agent Coulson says as he sits across from Fury.
The 0-8-4 identifies as 14 year old lieutenant colonel Tanya Von Degurachaff of the Polska-Prussian Union Empire. Her uniform resembles that of a Bavarian Chevaulegers cavalry uniform with rank insignia on the shoulders. Her ruby necklaces are likely rank and or noble regalia.
"She's too young for her rank. Since she's a noble perhaps she's an honorary officer. Purely ceremonial." Fury wonders outloud.
"I thought so too until her X-Rays came back." Agent Coulson says as he leans over and turns some pages on the binder.
"Her skeleton shows signs of several healed fractures. Some are estimated to be several years old. There were also metal fragments found in her body. Even if she was only a political appointment, she's tough enough to survive a battlefield and return for more," Agent Coulson says.
"Not to mention being frozen for over 60 years and surviving like Captain America," Fury thinks to himself.
Fury reads further. The alphabet on the documents and correspondence recovered from her person are closer to Scandinavian runes but essentially German grammatically. The most recent date found was correspondence dated February 5th, 1928, addressed to a Lieutenant Serebryakov wishing her a happy 21st birthday. The letter contained some chocolate. The medals on her person with the exception of the Iron Cross don't resemble any officially recognized medals of any nation past or present. Most of the medals are heavy with Norse mythological symbolism with the exception of the aforementioned Iron Cross and another with silver wings.
February 5th is the same day Captain America became frozen. "Just how likely is this to be a Hydra plot by the Red Skull?" Fury asks himself. Red Skull was overly obsessed with the occult, mythology, and the tesseract. It's possible that Tanya is one of his more fanatical followers that took after that motif. But that doesn't explain her DNA being different to regular humans.
Did Red Skull successfully create his own super soldier? That would explain her injuries. It's possible that there were others and that she was the only one to survive the process. But analysis shows no signs of a super soldier serum within her system like Captain America. Nothing about her adds up. Too much is unknown about her.
"Keep her under maximum surveillance for now. There is still too much we don't know about her." Fury says with a scowl.
"Understood boss," Agent Coulson says then leaves, closing the door behind him.
Fury leans back in his chair and rereads the binder. There's not enough information to go on and making assumptions gets people killed. Perhaps he should have the Captain interrogate her. He has the most experience with Hydra operatives of that time period.
Mulling that thought he sets down the binder and brings up the camera feed of Tanya's room only to be met with her looking directly at him sending a shiver down his spine.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Youjo Senki/Marvel
I reread the Youjo Senki/MCU fic on spacebattles and got many ideas.
I kinda want to write a YS/Marvel crossover that’s based off of the animated series instead of the MCU.
Imagine Tanya attending Sam Wilson’s veteran’s group therapy thing and she talks about her experiences fighting her Great War.
Tanya and Steve roaming NYC exploring and eating all the new foods after thawing and bonding over their shared experiences and their survivor’s guilt over “abandoning” their men (even though neither had any control over that).
I bet Tony would nickname Tanya and Steve the iceberg twins or perhaps the meat popsicle twins (reference to the movie “The Fifth Element”).
Thor would either love or hate Tanya. No in-between. He would at least respect her bravery and skill in combat though.
Natasha would see similarities. From Natasha’s perspective they were both made into weapons to kill.
Clint would probably think “This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!” because now he has to deal with two hypercompetent killers and he’s still the only normal dude on the team.
Bruce would be sympathetic and see Tanya as a victim.
I have to think about the other heroes a bit more. But I think overall, tanya wouldn’t get along with most other heroes. Tanya is far too abrasive.
Steve would be the one to understand Tanya the most. Both are veterans of world wars that resulted in tens of millions of deaths. Both were leaders of a tightknit units. Both ended up in ice and came out in a completely different time. What Steve gets that Tanya doesn’t though is closure. Steve knows what happened after his war. He can learn what happened to his friends. He can visit their graves. He can even talk to the still living WW2 veterans. He got to say goodbye to Peggy.
Tanya doesn’t get any of that. Tanya loses everything. All of her hard work in her previous world is now meaningless. She’s a nobody in the Marvel universe after she wakes up and has to start over.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Youjo Senki college AU. Airsoft playstyles
Tanya: that one fucker who wears a ghillie suit that's never seen the entire game.
Visha: Likes yelling "It's high noon" before shooting someone.
Weiss: balls to the wall reckless. He already had the tactical experience in the military. He's just here to have fun. Likes yelling "Leroy Jenkins".
Neumann: Somehow the sneakiest guy there despite being a walking wall. Likes to tap people on the shoulder before shooting them.
Koenig: Cringe. Says "nothing personal, kid" when sneaking up on someone. Yells "Yeet" when throwing a smoke grenade. Makes vague meme and anime references no one gets. Does fortnight dances.
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
Youjo Senki college AU part 3.
expanding on the backstories of the main characters.
Her parents were HS sweethearts that graduated in April 2001. But after the 9/11 attacks her father enlisted in the US military. He deployed in November 2002. Tanya's mother learned she was pregnant in January 2003. Tanya's father died during the invasion of Iraq, March 2003. Tanya's mother couldn't handle the heartbreak but carried on to give birth. Tanya was born on July 18th 2003. However, at two months old she was left at a church in Denver, Colorado without any documents on September 24th 2003 which is now her legal birthday.
Tanya grew up in the church orphanage until she turned 7 when she was then put into the foster care system. She spent many years moving from family to family until at age 12, she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Tanya was the fourth and youngest child in the household, her older adoptive siblings were the bio kids of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Though not overtly abusive, they did neglect Tanya and overlooked the bullying she received from her adoptive siblings. Mr. and Mrs. Williams only did the bare minimum legally required of them.
Yet despite the bad circumstances, Tanya persevered and managed to graduate HS at 16. When Tanya turned 18, Mr. and Mrs. Williams kicked Tanya out once the government money stopped arriving. Tanya was expecting this though and had gotten a scholarship for college and moved into the dorms. But as a result of years of abuse, she's very slow to trust and has a food insecurity resulting in her hoarding food and constantly checking the kitchen.
tragic backstory over. Let's get to the good part. After starting college, Tanya really came into herself and found people she considers family. She's incredibly frugal and prefers wearing men's clothes since they're more durable and cheaper in the long run not to mention the functional pockets. Same with soap, Tanya uses men's 5 in 1 instead of buying many different hygiene products. As a result she's often mistaken as a young boy on first impression because of her androgynous looks, male clothing, and small stature.
Visha is half White and half Mexican. Her mother, Natasha, is a Russian who moved to the US in 1992 shortly after the Soviet union fell. Her Father, Alejandro, and his family have lived in the Texas since 1850. While Natasha was attending college in Arizona she met and fell in love with Alejandro. They got married on his family ranch on August 16th 2000. Alejandro decided to take Natasha's last name of Serebryakov because he thought it was beautiful. Visha was born on February 5th 2001.
Growing up, Visha had a good childhood. She learned how to ride a horse, care for animals such as cats, dogs, cattle, and horses. Alejandro taught Visha how to be self-sufficient so she wouldn't need to rely on a man so she could truly get together with a man out of love and not necessity. Visha started working on her family ranch when she turned 16 and started to learn how to handle guns. Under parental supervision she practiced a lot and got pretty good.
That's when she discovered quick draw competitions and she fell in love with the sport. Her record is .38 seconds. When it came time for her to move out she decided to move to Colorado with her paternal grandparents to spend time with them while she attended college.
Matheus's father is German and his mother is American. His parents met when his mother was stationed in Germany during the late 90s, marrying in 1997. Matheus was born on July 26th 2000 in Pennsylvania. As a military brat he spent most of his childhood moving all over the world. It wasn't until HS when his family settled down in Colorado did he attended the same school for longer than a year.
After graduating HS in 2018 following his mother's footsteps he enlisted in the military much to her chagrin but also so he could get the government to pay for his college tuition. He did his job and performed well, however he was a bit too by the book and struggled with adapting. Though his contract was only for four years the government extended it by another year so he didn't get out till 2023.
Grantz was born on October 25th 2001. As the middle child he didn't get most of his parent's attention but he preferred that. His older brother was under a lot of pressure to set a good example so he was always busy and his younger sister was constantly making trouble. Grantz enjoyed being the "normal" one.
Some might consider Grantz's life boring but Grantz doesn't see it that way. He appreciates the privilege of having lived a secure life with a loving family. Grantz doesn't take for granted the hard work his parents put into giving himself and his siblings the best possible chance at life.
Born on July 21st, 2000 in a rough part of Albuquerque NM, Neumann grew up surrounded by hardship. But he didn't let that corrupt him. Growing up he loved helping people and protecting his classmates from bullies with his big size.
During HS he joined the wrestling team and did well. But he dropped out of HS at 17 to start working to help support his family. When working at a restaurant he discovered his love for cooking.
He studied hard to get a GED and saved money where he could so he could go to college. He finally saved enough money and moved to Denver Colorado to attend college there in 2022.
Born April 4th 2002 he grew up a loner, preferring to keep to himself. His parents also overworked and largely left him alone. His only real familial relationship growing up was with his paternal grandmother.
His grandmother's favorite movie was Mask of Zorro and Princess Bride. Watching these movies ignited his interest in fencing. While going to fencing classes he made friends who introduced him to anime. By HS his room was an odd mishmash of anime figurines and swords.
He decided to wait before starting college since he didn't know what he wanted to do. Then the pandemic happened and he stayed home 24/7 to act as his grandmother's live in caretaker to decrease external contact. In 2022 he started college and his grandma hired her own caretaker. Koenig still frequently visits and helps his grandma with her garden.
Factoids time. Tanya is the shortest of the friend group, standing at 5'1 (154cm for metric users). Visha is 5'7 (170cm). Grantz is 5'8 (172cm). Koenig is 5'11 (180cm). Weiss is 6'1 (185cm). And Neumann is the tallest at 6'4 (193cm).
Tanya is getting a business degree, Visha is getting an agriculture degree, Weiss is getting a history degree, Neumann is getting a culinary degree, and Koenig is getting a computer degree.
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koi-koi-fish · 10 months ago
Youjo Senki college AU part 2
Business professor. Grandpa energy. Well liked and respected by students. Though Tanya is his best and favorite student he's still professional enough to not focus on her and gives all his students equal attention. If anything he gives Tanya less attention because he knows she can handle herself. Enjoys debating Tanya on economics and business practices. Wine connoisseur.
History professor. Best friends with Zettour and they frequently go golfing together smoking cigars and drinking whisky (Zettour prefers wine). Though Tanya is his best student his favorite student is Neumann, however he dislikes that Neumann is a stoner. Former heavyweight boxer and occasionally gives Neumann advice. Super into sports, especially football. Part time coach for his grandson's football team.
Student counselor. In his early thirties, happily married, and has a 3 year old daughter. Is aware of Tanya's circumstances and feels bad for her. Hired Tanya part-time as a babysitter (Tanya is actually good at it). During holidays he invites Tanya over to spend time with his family (Tanya occasionally accepts. She mostly spends time with Visha). This is as far as he goes in giving Tanya special treatment. Like Zettour, he's professional enough that he doesn't neglect the other students.
Lergen AKA Rerugen:
Dean. Is the only one that knows Tanya is a troublemaker but doesn't have the evidence to prove it. Though he doesn't irrationally hate Tanya he believes she's up to no good. Dislikes Shugal and his lack of safety regarding students and his experiments. Believes nothing good will come from Tanya and Shugal working together and that Tanya will become a weapons manufacturer for the US military having Shugal design the weapons.
Engineering professor. may or may not have a time machine. Used to be an atheist but after a near-death experience became a hardcore Christian. Likes to have Tanya test out his contraptions because she's small and light so has the smallest affect on performance. Makes Tanya pray before testing his experiments (which is why Tanya hates him). Is aware that Tanya hates him but doesn't care. Shugal respects that Tanya is pragmatic enough to work with someone she hates (him) to get things done. Shugal convinced Tanya to work for him by giving her a couple hundred thousand dollars (which she put into investments) and promising her that once she founds her own business she can have some of his patent rights and sell his inventions.
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koi-koi-fish · 10 months ago
The AU where the 203rd are people IRL in college.
The tomboy. Straight A student. Lowkey trouble maker. Technically doesn’t break any rules. Grew up in foster care and food insecure. Graduated HS early and started going to college at 16. Was kicked out of her foster home when she turned 18. Has the bad habit of hoarding food and checking the refrigerator and cabinets every half hour when at home. Uses men’s 5 in 1 soap. Is somehow the mom friend of the group. Is both an early bird and a night owl yet somehow still functions. Bit of a coffee snob and only drinks the coffee that Visha makes. Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you.
Is the country girl from Texas that came to the big city. The girly girl that loves wearing pastel. Is the little sister of the group. Works as a barista. The extrovert that adopted the introverts and formed the friend group. Protective of Tanya. Grew up on the ranch in the middle of nowhere so is stronger than she looks. Lowkey the most dangerous in the friend group. Fast draw record is .38 seconds. Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.
The frat boy with a heart of gold. Military brat so moved constantly. Joined the military at 18 so they’d pay for his college education. Can be overly earnest. Volunteers for community service and donates food. Good grades but started studying with Tanya to get better. Had a rough childhood so empathizes with Tanya with their shared struggles. Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll.
The average joe. Had a mostly normal life and comes from a middle class family. Is the middle child of three siblings. Tanya simultaneously reminds him of his older brother and little sister which weirds him out though he understands that it’s because she grew up quicker because of her bad childhood. Lowkey crushing on Visha. Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll.
The stoner. Loves baking and cooking. Gives lots of food to his friends especially Tanya. Has exotic pets like lizards and snakes. A tad chubby yet deceptively strong. Is a body builder and has a scholarship. Is a gentle giant. Could kill you by feeding you too many cinnamon rolls.
The quiet guy. Very little is know about him. Is part of the fencing team and has a scholarship. Lives with his grandma and is her caretaker. Is secretly a weeb and loves anime. Has been teaching Tanya how to fight. Is a bit of a survivalist and occasionally gets into arguments with Weiss about his latest “military grade” survival gear. Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll.
They all love paintball and have a team called the “Salamanders”.
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