#✏️original characters
bonnibelette · 7 months
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ok ok sorry im reuploading this with a prettier and fancier layout along with some extra info about this guy because i love him ❤️,,
anyway here’s advartionist/ego-darwinism he’s based off of the realicide character, and there’s some extra info/headcannons (?) about him beneath the cut
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ok ok headcannon (?) time
since ego-darwinism is, well, a darwinist, i like to think he’s darwinist’s older brother because advartionist resembles darwinist more than he does egoist, and that he’s mentioned to sound slightly like darwinist in the unreleased scripts/older streams (and also because i think they’d have a funny dynamic)
while darwinist is more of a knives guy advartionist is more of a long range guns guy
darwinist butchers while advartionist is more chemically educated (as mentioned on an older stream) but i decided to give advartionist also an interest in mechanics because why not and also it was mentioned in an older stream that advartionist’s design was based off a post apocalyptic movie so i figured it fit well enough
darwinist butchers but can’t cook because he thinks it’s a feminine trait so advartionist cooks for the both of them (i know technically darwinist lives with the other realists like shown in one of the comics but he visits when he needs something)
because advartionist has an ego he puts himself before anyone and everything, so a funny idea i had for him was that whenever darwinist and advartionist would butcher someone together advartionist would refuse to help out because he’s secretly a huge germaphobe but he doesn’t wanna look like a pussy or anything so he just makes up an excuse every time
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mooechi · 5 months
i ain't evuh seen two pretty bestfrendz (okMAYBE I cwn have them asofficially friends instead of just being idgaf to each other with no reason whatsoever)
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sngtch-smgs · 3 months
Woah doodle dump! Just a buncha doodles Three and I did at work
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Context for Miku drawing: Shes everywhere at work, one of many
I also plan on making that first one digital eventually, bc idk how we made it so peaceful looking
Redraws of old drawings, small eye contact Warning
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A New Life
Pairing: Aged!Up!Neteyam × Pregnant!Olo’eykte!female!reader (Elä Oc)
POV: Third Person
CW: contractions, amniotic fluid (water breaking), very graphic child birth, unknowningly going into labor, cursing, small timeskips, tsaheylu, worried Neteyam, fluff and cute ending.
PSA: Neteyam is 23 and Elä is 20!!!!
Note From Author: this is a small snippet from a story that I am writing on Wattpad, decided to share it with y'all! There is no use of y/n, it's solely based off of my story that I am trying to write. It's my first ever written short story so please be nice! Any advice is welcome! Also PSA CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP!!
{Semi Proofread and also created at 1 am… oops 🙊.}
Summary: Elä was hanging out with Kiri when she started feeling sharp pains in her abdomen, little did she know it was the beginning of labor. So kiri helped Elä into the birthing pods and helped aid her for the first three-ish hours until she finally called for Neteyam. The sully family and Elä’s grandmother Mousai had awaited outside of the pods to give the couple privacy during the delivery. Adaku is Elä’s adopted son and Neteyam helped her raise him
Na’vi to English Translations: Tsmuke - sister, Mawey - calm, Olo’eykte - female role of clan chief
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Elä felt normal. A little uncomfortable at the kicking of her baby and random pains, but mostly normal. One moment, she was laughing and goofing around with Kiri. Then the next moment, she felt a sharp jab in her stomach.
The sharp jabs of pain was overwhelming to Elä. "Ow, fuck." She said, before looking back to Kiri, who had been just as surprised.
"Kiri, take me to the birthing pods! Do not inform anyone..." Elä screamed when she felt another wave of pain. Kiri nodded her head and rushed to help Elä up so that they could go to the secluded pods.
As the two walked, Elä placed a hand on her stomach as she held in groans of pain. Kiri avoided the crowds of people by taking a short cut that was by the springs, "does it hurt?" Kiri asked as she looked to her best friend.
"Yes very much so" Elä gritted her teeth and whimpered, "shit!" Elä stopped suddenly and tried to push but Kiri ushered her to keep walking. "We're almost there, I'll help you set up okay?" Kiri said and Elä nodded silently as she was breathing heavy.
Soon enough, they arrived at the birthing pods and Kiri helped Elä inside one of them. In the pod, there was a spring like pond, a bed mat, herbs for the labor, bowls, towels, a mat inside of a basket to place the baby, food, water, supplements for the mom and baby. And an extra area for visitors, plus the pod was decorated with furs, flowers, faunas, also it was dimly lit for the mother to feel relaxed.
Kiri helped Elä prepare everything while Elä was rocking back and forth as she was sitting down.
"All done! What else do you need me to do?" Kiri asked as she worried for the young Olo'eykte, "there's a leather band that is in the basket of other necessities- gahhh!! Uhm.. get it and tie it to the hook and then wrap it around my upper arm" Elä said as she was slightly panting through the pain.
So Kiri grabbed the leather band and tied one end to the hook in the ceiling and then wrapped it around Elä's arm, Elä gripped tightly onto it as she adjusted her position.
Elä was squatting now and Kiri was dabbing at the sweat that beaded itself across her forehead. Elä glanced around and took note that it had been about a couple of  minutes since her last contraction. She let out a whimper as the pain wrapped itself from her lower stomach to her hips.
Her body began to move by itself, her hips were swaying. "I don't want to do this, I can't do this" she felt tears start to build in her eyes.
This wasn't how she wanted to have her first baby, she wanted to be held by her partner. She wanted to have whispers of encouragement in her ears, her tears wiped. But yet she kept forbidding Kiri from getting any help.
The pain finally finished, "I-I don't know what to do Kiri" she spoke with so much fear lacing her words, Kiri soothed her as best as she could. Elä just needed the contractions to become more frequent and then maybe she will allow Kiri to get help.
Elä rested her head on her forearm, her cheek pressed to her skin. "Th-this hur-hurts" she stuttered out, it was all pressure and it was uncomfortable pressure that was just adding to the pain.
"After this contraction, I'll check you and we can get you some pain relief I promise" Kiri said pushing her hips in more. She didn't know whether she was on back labor or not so Kiri just applied counter pressure to her hips.
"It's finished" she heard Elä whisper into her arm, "Do you want to lie down so I can check you or do you want to remain squatting while I check you?"
"Squat please" Kiri just nodded, "I'm gonna move your skirt now okay?" Kiri had learned over the past twenty weeks of Elä's pregnancy, that Elä didn't like to be touched.
Elä just nodded weakly, she knew that Kiri was going to have to check her. "Alright Elä, I'm just going to check now" Kiri said, she pulled Elä's skirt up just enough to do her checks. "It's going to be uncomfortable but I'll be quick okay?" Elä felt immediate discomfort as Kiri inserted her fingers into her cervix, she tensed. "Elä take a breath for me, the more you tense the more difficult it's going to be to check your dilation" Elä took a staggered breath, "Good" Kiri whispered as she felt Elä relax against her fingers. Kiri did her check as quick as possible, much to Elä's relief.
"Elä you are only about two centimeters dilated" Kiri said as she looked at Elä, "damnit" Elä huffed out as she realized this was going to be a long and very exhausting labor.
"where do you want to go?" she asked Elä who was still squatting. "Can I get in the water? Or is it too soon?"
"Elä, this is your labor. You can do or go anywhere you want, if you want to go into the water and stay there for six hours then you can do that. Just listen to your body"
"I want to wait for a bit, I'll stay squatting then I'll go to the water" Kiri nodded her head, but hesitated "you must call for my brother so he can help aid you in the labor" Kiri spoke truthfully.
Elä knew. It was very common when the male would attach his queue to his mates to help aid her in labor. But Elä refused, "no.. I need to do this myself-" Kiri rolled her eyes at her best friend, "stop being stubborn and just call him when it becomes too much. There's only so much I can do" Kiri said as she rubbed Elä's back to help ease the pain, Elä groaned in acceptance as she stayed squatted and swayed lightly.
3 Hours Later
Another powerful contraction gripped her and Elä pushed, bearing down with what little strength she felt she still had. She could feel her baby sitting low in her body, ready to be born, but she had been straining for hours now without success.
Elä was panting with sweat and tears coating her skin. Kiri was helping with dabbing away the sweat, giving her sips of water, and rubbing at her back and hips to help ease the pain. Kiri was also helping with checking Elä's dilation progress.
"Elä you're now four centimeters, do you want to go into the water now and call my brother?" Kiri asked, Elä was breathing heavily as she felt exhausted. "Yes and yes Kiri please" she whimpered out as she felt completely useless and kept focusing on her breathing.
"I'm going to leave you here while I go and prepare the water. If you want you can come with me or stay here?" Kiri said as she stood up from the squatting position she was in behind Elä.
Elä held up her hands, Kiri linked her hands with Elä's and pulled her from the squatting position to stand up straight. "I'll call my brother with the comm device. But first let's get you settled" Kiri said as she untied the leather belt from the hook and helped Elä to the pond and helped her undress her lower half.
"If I ask for any pain herbs, you need to tell me no because I want this birth to be natural and in the water" Elä mumbled as Kiri tied the leather belt to another hook and then tied up Elä's hair, "okay okay."
It had been an hour since Elä had got into the water, she was completely bare from the waist down. "unggghhhh there's so much pressure, make it stop" she moaned out, she had her arms around Kiri's neck as she swayed in the water. "That might be your water, it's trying to break" Kiri pointed out as she tried soothing Elä. But the girl was in too much discomfort and pain to even try to relax.
"Make the water break please" she begged as the pressure was at an all time high. "Deep breaths Elä, give little pushes, it should help break your water" Elä bared down ever so slightly but it just made the pain worse. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" she swore as the pain was so much worse. "I said little pushes Elä"
She tried one more time, and finally she felt relief, "oh thank god, that's so much better" Kiri just ran her hands down Elä's back. "I guess your water has just broken" Elä just nodded against Kiri's shoulder, "That means there's nothing against you and your child. Do you want me to check your dilation again?" Elä nodded once again.
Kiri had learned that Elä was only ever vocal during the contraction, any other time she was just silent. "Six centimeters, you are doing really well Elä. Another centimeter then you can push but I'm going to call in Neteyam" Kiri alerted as she held down the button on the comm device, "Neteyam? Hello!" Kiri spoke into the device.
"Kiri? Is everything okay? What's the matter?" Neteyam's voice spoke through, "I'm fine big brother but listen to me very carefully. Elä is in labor and we're at the birthing pods, she is six centimeters dilated. Come now! Hurry!! She needs you" Kiri said in urgency and it was silent.
"He will come, don't worry" Kiri reassured Elä.
So far Elä's birthing experience had been good, it was calm. The room was dimly lit, the water was warm and felt amazing on her hips. Kiri had been calm and quiet. It was perfect for her, it helped with the pain all together. The atmosphere was amazing and she would love to do it again in the future if it was going to be like this again.
Elä immediately pulled away from Kiri and began to squat in the water, she wrapped the leather belt around her upper arm, she felt the need to be on her own. "Don't touch please" she whispered as her head fell forward.
Kiri nodded as she heard commotion outside, "I'll be back" standing up, Kiri walked out of the pod and saw Neteyam running with their family and Elä's family behind him.
Kiri ran halfway to meet them.
They all came to a stop and Neteyam was panting softly, worry written all over his face, "is she okay? Which pod is she in?" Neteyam asked frantically. Kiri tried soothing her brother, "mawey brother. She is in that pod straight ahead, go to her now" Kiri said as Neteyam nodded slightly and ran straight to the pod.
Kiri informed her family and Elä's family about the situation and she wanted everyone to wait outside until further notice or just in case Elä needed any help. Hence why Mousai was there ready in case of any problems.
Neteyam finally made it to the pod and entered the quiet pod, except for the soft whimpers that made his ears perk up. "My love?" He called gently as he made his way to the pond, he came face to face with his mate squatting in the water, completely bare from the waist down.
He could see the sweat drenched on her skin, she was using the leather belt as support that hung from the ceiling. "Neteyam" she weakly called out to him, Neteyam kneeled down at the edge of the pond and Elä reached out to him with her hand that wasn't holding onto the belt.
"I'm here my love" he soothed her as he took her hand and immediately planted a kiss to her knuckles, "I'm so scared Neteyam... it hurts" she whimpered as tears were steaming down her face. "Shhh my love, it's gonna be okay" he said softly as he grabbed ahold of her other hand and loosened it from the belt so that she could hold onto him.
Elä felt the crushing pain of another contraction and immediately snapped wide awake as her grip on Neteyam's hands were tightened. "Ahhhhh!!!" She screamed and Neteyam pushed the throbbing pain in his hands away as he soothed his mate.
"You're doing so good my love, when you're ready, I'll help aid you" he reassured, Elä nodded feeling absolutely exhausted. She rested her head down as she remained squatting.
Elä felt another contraction hit, it was worse than the rest. She let go of Neteyam's hand and moved one of her hands to her opening and applied pressure, "the baby is crowning... ahhhhhhh"
"Mawey my love, I'm right here. You're doing great" Neteyam cooed at her as he placed a kiss on her head, "it's okay. remain calm love, our child is going to be here very soon" he whispered as Elä moaned through the contraction.
"I can do this, I can do this" she chanted as the contraction carried on. The contractions had gotten closer, and more painful as the labor went on. She just knew that she was going to meet their child soon and that was making it easier.
This contraction seemed like it lasted forever, it felt never ending. Suddenly all Elä felt was pressure, she knew what this meant and she couldn't help but bare down. She tucked her head to her chest and grunted as she bared down. It was actually a relief to push, it gave her body purpose. "I'm pushing!"
"Keep pushing! Come on baby, but only push when you feel a contraction" Neteyam said from outside of the pond. Neteyam was in awe of his mate, to him, Elä was doing amazing for her first labor. He had only ever seen this much relaxing atmosphere with his mom when she gave birth to Tuk.
Elä pushed until the contraction was finished, she felt her child move further down her birth canal. "Neteyam- I need you... please" she whimpered out as she sat up, Neteyam immediately got into the pond and leaned his back against the barrier of it and pulled Elä to his chest. Elä bended her legs as her back rested against Neteyam's chest.
"Take some breaths, this is the time to relax until the next contraction" Neteyam instructed. "I need you-... I can't do this.." Elä cried as she felt the exhaustion weigh itself on her body.
Neteyam smiled at his mate and moved his braid in front of him and grabbed ahold of Elä's braid. He saw the tendrils dancing as he held his braid and Elä's. Soon enough he attached the two queues together and a rush of euphoria flowed through him but subsided as he felt Elä shift.
"Another one" Elä moaned out, she once again tucked her head to her chest and pushed. "You are such a good pusher, our child will be out in no time" it was true, through the bond, Neteyam could feel the baby shifting and within the next few pushes at this rate the baby would be born.
Neteyam then looked over his mates slouched position and kept his eyes trained to Elä's opening, she was doing really well.
"Can you see them yet" Elä said as she bared down as hard as possible. Neteyam looked between her legs and saw the smallest amount of pitch black hair between her legs.
"Yes I can, our child has pitch black hair" Neteyam encouraged, Elä smiled as much as possible as she pushed. She was so close. Elä's body relaxed as the contraction finished, "I need to rest" she said and Neteyam nodded as he laid her head back along with her tense body against him.
"Rely on me, I'm here" Neteyam said as he pushed the little hairs that was sticking to her forehead back and just kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
Elä prayed beneath her breath to Eywa. To give her strength, to watch over her child. This child is a symbol of their love.
After a few minutes of rest, she felt another contraction, she shrieks as she bared down. Neteyam noticed that his mate was shying away from the pain, "don't shy away from the pain, the pain is what will bring our child out" Elä just bared down harder, she wanted the baby out now. "It hurts so much!!!" she shrieked as child moved closer.
Neteyam felt the pain wash over him in waves through the bond, he sucked on his teeth with a slight hiss underneath his breath as he pushed his strength through the bond. He then saw the hair of his child become more visible. "The baby is so close, once their head is out then all that's left is their shoulders" Elä brought her hand down to her vagina and felt a thin layer of hair. "My baby" she whimpered as she stopped pushing, keeping her fingers on the baby's head.
Another contraction ripped through Elä, causing an inhumane sound that came out of her mouth is piercing and everyone outside of the pod heard it and flinched. Elä did not care, the pain of childbirth will turn even the most dignified woman into an animal. It is burning, it is agony.
"A little more my love" Neteyam spoke as he kept pushing his strength forward through the bond to help his mate, even through the bond, Neteyam was taking away bits and pieces of her pain to help.
Neteyam watched as the baby's head started to emerge from Elä's opening.
Soon enough Elä felt her opening pull back against the head, the entire top of the head moved outside of her, there is a terrible stinging sensation and yet there is some relief in giving into the urge to push. Elä kept pushing on the next pain and felt half the head being forced out. Neteyam tells Elä to try not to push on the next few pains, and to just pant through it but the urge is too strong so Elä pressed down a little. More of the head comes out as she screamed and grunt.
Neteyam had grabbed a cloth that was close and gently patted at her face and neck, trying to remove the layer of sweat coating her body. Elä's hair was matted and damp around her face.
The pains are now practically overlapping each other, and with strength born from the sheer frustration that Elä had managed to push the whole head out on the next one. Which leaves her body with a pop and she gasped.
Neteyam tried speaking to Elä but all of her senses are overtaken by the burning down below and the pressure of the shoulders pressing against her groin.
Elä's body is screaming at her to push, and she followed its orders but she couldn't manage to move the shoulders. Elä grunted, she could feel Neteyam trying his hardest to help her through the labor.
Over the next ten pains Elä tried to move the shoulders, having little success. Neteyam began to softly pray to Eywa. On the eleventh pain Elä decided to give herself a rest for a minute, but the pain of not pushing is almost as bad as the pain of being filled with the head of the infant. Elä gave up and pushed again at the next urge.
"Nnnnnuuuggggghhh! AHHH! NNNnuuuugghh!"
And one shoulder is pushed through, the burning feeling returning to its height minutes before as it was with the head. Over the next three pushes Elä gets the other shoulder out, and with one final heave and loud piercing cry the rest of the child is released from her.
Their child was released into the water along with a mixture of fluid. Elä immediately pulled the baby from the water and on to her chest. The baby gave a loud cry as it rested on her mothers chest. Neteyam smiled with tears in his eyes as he reached over to the outer part of the pond and grabbed the basket filled with stuff for the birth.
He immediately sprung to action and began to wipe the baby, the blood from its face and back.
Once the baby was clean, Neteyam nestled back behind Elä and she fell back against his chest, her eyes shut, her breathing heavy.
Neteyam had cut the cord binding it to Elä, tying it off with a soft thread. The baby continued to cry, loud and angry cries that were the most beautiful sound Elä has ever heard.
Holding the baby to her chest, Neteyam and Elä both studied the baby's little face. The baby opened its mouth wide as it wails, eyes squeezed shut. Neteyam noticed a faint mop of pitch black hair on top of the babys head.
Elä parted the child's legs and smiled brightly, "it is a girl" she announced softly. Neteyam sniffled as he looked over Elä's shoulder and admired his newborn daughter.
A girl. Eywa has blessed Elä with a baby girl, a future Tsahík. Her daughter. Elä thanked Eywa for blessing her and Neteyam with a daughter, a child to rule after them. Her heart felt so full it might burst, but whether or not she was to die right here the only thing she could focus on, was the newborn daughter in her arms. The baby slowly stops her crying and when she opens her eyes and gazes up at Elä, eyes wide. Elä and Neteyam stared back at the infant, lost in her features that they realized she was a splitting image of both her parents.
Neteyam grabbed ahold of the infants queue and Elä did the same. Elä removed her queue from Neteyam's as a hiss left his lips at the pull. Now at birth, the mother and infant are to create tsaheylu. So Elä lightly attached her queue to the baby's and the bond was created. The baby cooed at her mother. Neteyam smiled as the bond was complete. Pulling apart their queues, Neteyam and Elä went back to admiring their newborn.
The baby's skin was a dark blue with light blue stripes, her hair was a beautiful ink color, bioluminescent spots decorated her skin, the baby's eyes were a mix of white and yellow. She was definitely special. Elä felt a wave of exhaustion overcome her, so Neteyam lifted Elä up carefully and carried her over to the bed mat that was covered in furs, pillows and blankets.
"I love you Elä, rest. I'll clean you up and the baby and then break the news to our family" Neteyam said as he kissed Elä on the forehead, Elä nodded and drifted off the sleep.
Neteyam took the baby from Elä's grasp and cradled her to his chest as he began cleaning up the pod. He then cleaned up Elä and had put on a more comfortable outfit and then he cleaned up the baby.
Neteyam stepped out of the pod and saw his family and hers waiting patiently. His family and Elä's looked at him waiting for him to say something.
"It's a girl" Neteyam voiced with tears brimming his eyes, everyone gathered around to congratulate Neteyam on becoming a father. Jake hugged his son, but they pulled away from each other when they saw Adaku inspecting his newborn sister.
Neytiri was talking to him softly since the infant had fallen asleep. Everyone was enamored by the small bundle of joy.
Soon enough after showing the baby to his family and hers, Neteyam went back into the Pod with Adaku this time.
Neteyam joined Elä's side and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, which she woke up to. "Hi" she whispered softly, Neteyam smiled, "you did so well my love. Everyone loves our daughter already" he chuckled.
Elä smiled, Neteyam sat on the edge of the bed with Adaku on the other side of Elä. Neteyam helped Elä sit up against the pillows and held out her arms for her baby. So Neteyam handed the baby to Elä and watched as his mate cradle the infant to her chest.
"What are we gonna call her?" Neteyam asked softly, Elä smiled, "Adikia... will be her name" Neteyam's heart swelled with love as he watched his mate with the infant.
Neteyam looked at Adaku as he saw him looking at the baby in curiosity, "Adaku meet your new baby tsmuke... Adikia" Elä's smiled brightened as the name of her daughter was finally given. The baby opened her mixed colored eyes at the mention of her name and cooed loudly at the people around her.
Adikia made fussy noises and Elä had adjusted her so that the baby could nurse. Adaku laid down, tucked away into his mothers side while Elä was breastfeeding Adikia. Neteyam admired his mate and his two children. He was happy. He was home.
After a long thirteen hours, the little baby girl was born out of blood, sweat, and tears. This was the birth of Adikia, this was a new bead on Neteyam's songcord, and Elä's.
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©️softsnowydreamer 2023. |❀| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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Think you can draw my OCS
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there you go
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eepyartz · 8 months
Welcome back, to my unofficial series of “Making trolls ocs based of the X readers i read on tumblr”
☀️Meet DAZZLE✨
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They are based of the Brozone x GN sibling reader made by: @iamatinydinosaur
I thought this was cute 😊
Edit: forgot the taill whoops-
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confessions-sm · 2 months
I adopted the Wonder kids and I have oc x canon of Dexter so he will be my husband soon. They have a family now.
That's a peculiar family/pos /silly
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radiyostatic · 6 months
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regretevator oc he is basically just me/my fursona...... oh well
sum info about him...
he/him pronounce only (maybe it??), he's an adult, he can be spotted in two stud camp watching the invasion from out of bounds like on a cliff somewhere. also seen on the ues floor in the woods
probably would not be able to enter the elevator (unless we get more floors with forested areas)
blahblah lahblah feel free to ask me questions about him
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doomed-to-try · 16 days
This is just a basic intro, so I'll try to not make it too long.
Here I'll be sharing a few comfort personas and OC's of mine that pretty much represent my own struggles, issues, even existential crisis but who knows... but of course, there's a lot of silly stuff aswell, so don't worry this isn't just a plain vent blog!!
Further information about me can be found on my main, @mayisgoingnuts.
Links for important posts + Tags under the cut!
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#🔪 || Want
#🩸 || Need
#📱 || Support
#✨️ || Daydream
#💭 || Something
#❔️ || Other
#✏️ || Creator (Me)
#📩 || Inbox
#🔖 || Reblogs
Main Characters
White Space
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avamazingg · 7 months
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two posts in 5 minutes hahahahaha
this guy's called Dennis & he loves The Garden (as all clowns should)
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bonnibelette · 7 months
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new oc based off of hivemind collectivism in realicide (i also made an advartionist here <3)
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mooechi · 4 months
well DANG girl. 🤨 i see ya aight!‼️
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demonsfate · 1 month
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never NOT obsessed with the theoretic idea that devil within is canon but also never actually happened because it was all in jin's head. like playing a game but it turns out nothing in the story is real and instead it's just the protagonist having a breakdown. that's fucked up. vaguely feels silent hill - esque.
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Spicy Thoughts🌶️💭:
Okay.. so I am shy to be open about any or all ideas regarding smut but like Imma just go ahead and throw this out there— so I just got this (possible) weird ass idea. Please don’t judge..
What if…
Fem human oc or reader (aged up of course) was like in the middle of being completely fucked dumb by male Na’vi (could be anyone that you think fits) and he takes notice of her rosary that she tends to wear a lot ever since she came to pandora. Anyway so he takes notice of the rosary and smirks teasingly with a mischievous gleam in his eyes while he’s pounding into her relentlessly, so he grabs her by the rosary but being careful not to snap it in half and he whispers into her ear…
“Who’s your god now?”
Yes I know.. it may be weird but like I just thought it was really hot because my brain is weird like that… sooo yeah. Also I am not an expert on writing smut, please bear with me 🫣😅. I am a very kinky person.. been doing a lot of research on kinks lately.. so don’t judge me please
So the big question remains… what do y’all think? ~ Snow
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Hello Potato! 🩷 Would you be okay with drawing my oc n this character (Phillip Graves) together? If you don't feel like drawing both one or the other is perfectly fine with me! I'll be happy either way!
Here's a couple references...(Tactical gear is hard to draw sometimes so feel free to just draw them in plain tshirts or similar)
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Also how are you doing lately? 🩷
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today this request has finally sparked my inspiration like a wildfire! i hope you enjoy it :)
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marz-writes-shit · 7 months
i promised art in my blog description...
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