eyoooomiru ยท 16 hours
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obsessed with all of the women in Iran and Afghanistan who are standing up for themselves knowing their lives are on the line
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eyoooomiru ยท 16 hours
I can feel concern for any woman that I want. "She doesn't need your pity." She doesn't have it. She has my concern. "She's rich, she's doing just fine." Great, she still has my concern. "She's sexually liberated, you're being weird." Dope. As she should be. She still has my concern. "You sound like a Karen." I've seen what you define as a Karen, so that doesn't mean anything. She still has my concern. "She wouldn't give a damn if you were the one going through it."
My feminism is not conditional. She has my concern.
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eyoooomiru ยท 8 days
what men callย โ€œlogicโ€ is really just a lack of empathy
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eyoooomiru ยท 8 days
i lov huge jackedman i wish australians were real
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eyoooomiru ยท 12 days
i PERSONALLY would like to FALL IN LOVE please!!!!!! and have the SAME PERSON fall in love with me BACK!!!!!!! could i get some MUTUAL AFFECTION out here!!!!!!!!!
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eyoooomiru ยท 18 days
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eyoooomiru ยท 22 days
never wanted to be anyoneโ€™s controversially younger girlfriend more than i want to be his
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eyoooomiru ยท 23 days
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Source: This
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eyoooomiru ยท 30 days
I love queer movies where the protagonist realizes that his ex-girlfriend is better off with someone else, and that he actually finds his soulmate in his mutant best friend (+their love language is killing each other)
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eyoooomiru ยท 30 days
It's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! So go on, appreciate the fuck out of those who generously share their ideas and talents with us. Today and every day after.
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
I just think people write out of obligation too often.
"How do I motivate myself to write through the boring part of my story?"
"How do I make this boring scene not boring?"
Don't write it.
Don't write boring things just because you think the structure of the story demands it. I promise it doesn't need to be there.
If your characters need to have gone shopping for a later part of the story to make sense you can just have a sentence about how they went shopping and move on.
You are not obligated to write the boring parts. No matter what those parts are.
You are not obligated to make the parts of your story that you're not excited to write interesting somehow.
You can just write the fun and interesting parts and gloss over and summarize boring things.
Your audience will thank you and you will thank yourself.
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
That fic you wrote?
The one about the ship no one else cares about, or the deeply unpopular character, or the extremely unusual AU?
The fic that got no comments or kudos when you posted it?
Months or years from now, that fic might be exactly what someone is looking for in the sea of fics about all the popular characters, ships, and AUs.
Your fic might be the only fic out there that has what someone is looking for. The only fic that scratches the itch that it turns out you and that reader share.
And that's awesome.
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
if you're struggling with your writing right now, I just want to say, now more than ever, it's needed, and I mean it.
It doesn't have to be a big think piece novel, an elaborate examination of a certain subject or opinion, your poetry doesn't have to have an obvious political angle, but yes, it also absolutely can.
It doesn't have to be light hearted escapism to heal our collective wounds for a while, but it can.
It can be as serious or as silly as you want. It doesn't have to be anything other than authentic to you.
We're nearing, or already in, an era where everything feels like it is becoming less and less authentic, further and further detached from people's true experiences, genuine voices, algorithms feeding us the most shallow, trend-following, manufactured by big-bucks, AI spouted, sterile material and no matter what you're writing, be it a mind-blowing, life-shattering profound novel, or a casual piece of fun entertainment (maybe both!) so long as you're writing and creating from the heart, out of passion for writing it, it's needed out here right now ๐Ÿ’—
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eyoooomiru ยท 1 month
''what if my writing isn't good eno--'' what if it's a reflection of your soul. what if it has a place in this world. what if you write it anyway
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