#🥤:: to go orders!
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irl matty at erwhon!!!! do u think he got an $18 dollar smoothie???
(ps i accidentally sent the first ask to my other fav fic writer betweenthings2 and i’m very embarrassed)
Hello My Dearest Smoothie Anon!
I saw the picture!! He looked so very soft even though I was like sir why are you tucking your tee shirt into your sweat pants you look silly (said with love and care) Also how did Matty Healy of all people end up with IU sweatpants?! That just feels very random but also I kinda love it for him. I hope for both of our sakes he did get one of those ultra expensive smoothies and that he enjoyed every sip of it because he deserves to treat himself!!
Also I'm dying, I'm sure @betweenthings2 doesn't mind! They are ultra talented and I am so looking forward to sitting down and reading the new fic they posted a few days go! I haven't had a chance yet, (I'm weird and like to read fic in "ideal situations" ex. on my couch, on my iPad, with my favorite fluffy blanket and a diet coke rather than frantically on my phone while doing twenty other things at once lol) but I'm sure it's absolutely brilliant as all their work is!
As always, it is so wonderful to hear from you smoothie anon and I hope you are having a fantastic Tuesday and that the rest of your week is the very best! I hope you also have a fancy expensive smoothie in YOUR future because like Matty, you very much deserve it!
#allylikethecat#ask ally#anon ask#keep it kind#smoothie anon#🥤 anon#🥤#ally's fic recs#its always such a pleasure to hear from you!#i hope you are well!#and I hope irl matty had a lovely shopping trip#he is braver than me#i hate grocery shopping with a burning passion#so i either dont go and then am sad because i have no food#or i have to order delivery or curbside pick up#because i just get irrationally angry being in a grocery store and then buy like two things#neither of which i came for#which doesn't help at all#ok i do like the local gourmet grocery store in my town#but thats mostly because i like all the samples#BUT that also isn't super helpful because they don't have like normal things?#and i dont like buying too much their because its expensive#i usually just get weird local products that i know i like from there#i feel like i just way overshared about my grocery habits in these tags but oh well
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Benji Tags n.n
「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( ??? ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛consume responsibly‚ protagonist ahead.❞ ( pinned ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛read nutrition label.❞ ( about ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛come get your fill.❞ ( thread ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛is there something on my face?❞ ( face ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛so mouthwatering.❞ ( body ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛come quench your thirst..❞ ( usfw ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛got a warrant?❞ ( ask ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛anyone order a memechelada?❞ ( memes ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛tip your servers.❞ ( answered ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛did everyone try the chicken?❞ ( task ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛let's tilt your head for that first sip.❞ ( starter ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛it's beer o'clock somewhere.❞ ( ooc ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( misc ) 「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛so.... you gonna show me how you [redacted] or what?❞ ( sparring )
💧 ( interactions 🥤 muse ) 🫗 ( event 「 🥤 」 event000? ) ( post 「 🥤 」 quest000 )
#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛come get your fill.❞ ( thread )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛so... you going to show me how you [redacted]?❞ ( sparring. )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛did everyone try the chicken?❞ ( task )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛let's tilt your head for that first sip.❞ ( starter )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛come quench your thirst.❞ ( usfw )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛so mouthwatering.❞ ( body )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛it's beer o'clock somewhere.❞ ( ooc )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( ??? )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛consume responsibly‚ protagonist ahead.❞ ( pinned )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛read nutrition label.❞ ( about )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛is there something on my face?❞ ( face )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛got a warrant?❞ ( ask )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛anyone order a memechelada?❞ ( memes )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛tip your servers.❞ ( answered )#「 🥤 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( misc )#💧 ( interactions 🥤 muse ) 🫗
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Don't Dish What You Can't Serve
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Sexual Harassment (Not Between Main Pairing), Chewing Tobacco, Gross Shit Happens That I Can't Say Because It Spoils The PlotTags: Different First Meeting AU, No Upside Down AU, No Supernatural AU, Steve Never Became Friends With Tommy and Carol, Hurt/Comfort, Tommy Hagan Being an Asshole, Tommy Hagan is a Piece of Shit Here, Waiter Steve Harrington, Line Cook Eddie Munson, They Work at Benny's, So This is an AU Where Benny's Never Closed, Protective Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Gets Revenge, Steve is a College Student (But That's Not Entirely Important Here), '86 Was Eddie's Year
🥤——————🥤 Steve picks up a new job in the summer of 1986, waiting tables. The job at Family Video fell through and it just didn’t pay enough. He was starting his first year at the local college soon and he desperately needed the money. Especially since his parents cut him off, sighting his one gap year as enough reason. And so he goes to Benny’s, fills out an application and turns it in the same day. Back at his apartment, also the same day, he gets hired on. Alongside another guy around his age, one he recognizes from high school as Eddie Munson—who must’ve finally finished his time as a senior and now just needed to work.
Neither of them really talk to each other outside of putting orders in and taking orders out. Maybe occasionally scolding the other because—“You didn’t ask how rare he wanted his steak, Harrington? How the hell am I supposed to make it then?” and “Munson, you forgot the fucking ketchup on this asshole’s cheeseburger and now he won’t shut the fuck up about it. Fix this, please for the love of god.”
So, sure, they don’t get along all that well all the time. They’re not friends. More so just acquaintances. And so they don't really talk.
However, that changes one evening.
It’s a couple weeks before the upcoming school year is supposed to start. Hawkins, Indiana is one of those little college towns. Meaning, the new students were finally moving, coming around, getting to know where they now lived. And that includes one particular customer, Tommy Hagan, and his girlfriend, Carol Perkins. They’ve been coming in since mid-July, despite the new year starting in September, despite move-in dates set in late August. Every Sunday, Steve sees their pinched, smarmy, cocky faces. And every Sunday, they always cause some sort of issue.
The first time, Tommy spilled his soda all over the tiled restaurant floor. Claimed it was an accident, but Steve saw him. He saw the guy push his cup over the edge. Heard him snicker as Steve bent down to wipe it up, as he stood back up and plastered on a tight smile, promising that he’d get him a new soda right away. Flushed with shame as Tommy laughed and laughed and laughed his ass off about the, “Guy with the big stupid eyes and no thoughts in his head” and how he, “Probably doesn’t have much going for him if he’s working in a place like this.”
A riddle and game, that’s what it was. Steve would welcome them, take their orders, put them in for Eddie to make, drop the food off, and be at their service if something went wrong. Which was always. And he’d endure the stupid comments Tommy would make when he wasn’t in earshot. Spanning from how incompetent their waiter was—“He’s always screwing something up, swear to god. Don’t even know how he’s holding a job here, jeez.”—to how big of a manwhore he is because of how tight his work pants were. As if Steve would ever be catching tail in his stupid slacks, always stained with food and sticky soda by the end of the night, and the same pants that give him wedgies if he doesn’t make them sit right on his waist. All in all, Tommy is their worst customer. But it’s just a job, Steve always thought, it’ll get better at some point. Tommy will eventually start classes and leave me alone.
Then, of course, comes the Sunday a couple weeks before the new school year. Tommy is alone this time. No Carol on his arm. He just slides into one of the booths and watches Steve work until he approaches. And immediately, something is terribly off about this encounter.
“Welcome to Benny’s, can I get any drinks started for you?” Steve asks. His script. Customer service voice pitchy and monotone as it drips from his mouth.
Tommy doesn’t answer for several moments. Leaving Steve to stand and loom and stare. To smile and squirm. As he rakes his eyes so unnoticeably over all of Steve’s frame. His tongue trails along the inside of his lower lip, eyes heated, a gross smirk on his face. Smarmy.
“Bet you’d look good without that dumb frilly apron around your waist,” Tommy teases. It’s half-flirtatious, Steve thinks. But all the same creepy and…predatory.
“Excuse me?” He can only respond.
The asshole hums, assessing. Repeats himself. And adds, “You’d make better tips, too. Maybe put some gloss on your lips, a tighter shirt, no apron…yeah…vision’s coming together, baby. Could make everybody your bitch when you serve them.” He stares for a second longer. Rests his face in his left hand and flutters his eyes at Steve. “Can I get my usual, pretty boy? And one of those strawberry milkshakes.”
Steve writes the order down on his little notepad, shifting foot to foot. His stomach twists and knots. Brain still whirling at what Tommy said, unable to retort. Doesn’t even know how to really feel. Not flattered, that’s for sure. Slimy…that seems like a good enough substitute for the emotions mildewing in his chest.
“Y’know,” Tommy continues, voice sticky the way humidity is—uncomfortable—“I see how hard you work around here sometimes, even if you are pretty bad at it. Swear I can see the cogs just clogging up in your head. If you wanna give that pea brain of yours a moment to relax, you could share that drink with me. Maybe I’ll tip you real good this time, baby.”
He shifts again. Hands clammy and bile in the back of his throat. Steve swallows hard, thinks he stutters something out akin to, “I’ll be back with your order,” and promptly disappears into the kitchen.
The door swings closed behind him. And he’s not really looking, not paying attention. Just trying to get away from the residue left in Tommy’s air of existence. In the seconds between entering the kitchen and trying to storm away, he runs into somebody. An exerted grunt, raspy and deep, sounds out in front of him.
“Hey! Watch”—the person gently grabs him by the shoulders and leads them somewhere that he can’t really register. In a softer voice, no longer agitated, “Steve? Hey, man, y’alright?”
Steve sniffles. It’s then that he recognizes the heat in his cheeks, overwhelmingly hot and itchy. The scalding of tears. A pinch behind his eyes. There’s a soft cushion underneath him, the telltale creak of one of the older dining chairs. The air smells like garlic and grease, but a breeze catches over his exposed forearms—most likely from an air conditioning unit. He’s in the break room, he can finally notice. And break he does.
“That asshole is back,” he garbles, “and he”—hiccup—“he’s being really gross to me.”
The person crouches down in front of him, putting them eye-to-eye. And he knows immediately that it’s Eddie. Long hair pulled up into as neat of a bun as he can manage. A group of pitch black bats on pale skin. Dark brown eyes, shifting back and forth between his own with a mixture of concern and anger.
“What’d he say to you, Steve?”
He sniffs again, trying to gain some composure before he inevitably has a full-blown breakdown. Inevitable because he always has one when he goes home to his apartment, but it might happen here, and he can’t afford to let it happen here. Not today, at least, not now.
“Calling me…calling me baby and pretty boy. And he—he’s trying to make me share his stupid milkshake and he calls me stupid—that I have a…a fucking pea brain. Eddie, he calls me stupid every single time he comes in and I just—he’s just—I can’t”—
Eddie runs his warm hands up and down his biceps, gently pushing the fabric of his quarter sleeve, too. He shushes low and whispered. Murmurs, “I don’t want you to go back out there without me, alright?” His eyes dart back and forth between Steve’s wet ones once more. One of his hands leaves and digs into his back pocket, producing a black bandana. And he carefully brings it up close, patting it over Steve’s blotchy cheeks. “You don’t deserve that, Steve,” he whispers, “and I’ll make sure he gets what he deserves. Just wait back here for a bit and I’ll get his order done.”
Steve nods slow and heavy. Wipes the heel of his palm roughly over his eyes—to which Eddie tuts at and firmly drags it away, replacing it with the worn, soft fabric of that bandana. “Sorry that I ran into you at the door,” he says quietly.
“I’m glad you did. Because I’m going to make sure that asshole never bothers you again. ‘M sick of hearing what he does to you every single time he comes in.” Eddie stands up, but leaves the bandana to dangle in Steve’s loose grip. A tentative stroke through Steve’s hair, something he usually wouldn’t allow, but it’s too nice to turn down. “We’ll put him up on the wall, too. That bastard can suck a fucking egg.”
He laughs at that, or at least something like a laugh. It’s brittle, airy, but genuine. And watches Eddie go.
Roughly fifteen minutes later, though, Eddie wanders back into the break room and drags them back towards the milkshake blender in the kitchen. He has the ingredients all laid out next to the machine: vanilla ice cream, a gallon of milk, some freshly chopped strawberries, the can of whipped cream, and the glass itself. Adds the milk and the ice cream, but then stops abruptly, turning to dig something out of his pocket.
“What’re you doing?” Steve quietly asks, worried to be overheard through the ticket window.
“Oh, just some good ol’ payback,” Eddie answers, something darker than mirth in his tone. What he produces from his pocket is a can of chewing tobacco. The nasty menthol kind, too. He shakes the little tin in his hand, the tobacco thunking against the lid of the container. And then he twists the cap off, plucks a quarter sized amount, and stuffs the wad between his bottom teeth and lower lip. Mouth literally bulging with the tobacco. “We’ll blend this shit first,” he whispers, scheming, “add the strawberries. Then, comes the grand finale.”
Steve side eyes Eddie. His deft fingers flittering over the buttons of the blender, scooping out the strawberries with the same hand he picked up tobacco with. He grimaces, but doesn’t comment on that. “Grand finale?”
“One of the biggest fears that customers have when they go into any restaurant is that the waiter is going to spit in their food,” he nonchalantly explains, capping the blender, “though, a lot of them don’t consider the line cook. Or at least, the rude ones don’t.” Eddie shifts something in his mouth, what sounds like the slosh of thick saliva. “He’ll probably complain, but it’s not like he’ll be believed. It’s a safety hazard, sure. But nobody suspects the cook because they’re supposed to know that shit. A cook spitting in a patron’s food? No way, man. That shit’s taboo.”
“And if he is believed?”
Eddie merely shrugs. “Then I get fired. But it’s whatever. I’m already on my way out anyway, got enough money for what I need.”
Before Steve can ask or get in response, Eddie’s blasting the blender. It chugs and churns the half cup of milk and the measly two scoops of ice cream. The strawberries burst and bleed juice throughout, mixture turning pink. And with a few shakes, a half-way pit stop to unclog the bigger chunks, and a go-about with the partially dysfunctional blades—Eddie chucks the lid off, unlocks the pitcher from the machine, and turns away from Steve.
“I’m gonna have the good graces to not make you watch this shit,” Eddie gives as an explanation, “y’may wanna cover your ears.” Steve doesn’t, though wishes he did. With a cough and a semi-gag, Eddie inhales and burbles the saliva in the back of his mouth. He can hear the way the tobacco spit dribbles from between Eddie’s lips, the way it plops into the blended mixture, and the last little dredges left in his mouth. Steve’s stomach turns, but he doesn’t stop it. Doesn’t step in.
Eddie turns back around with the blender. Sitting on top of the pink mix is one quarter sized glob of tobacco and saliva, the spit already spilling down the sides of the pitcher. “Ta-da!” Eddie exclaims, shaking the pitcher back and forth. “And that is what I like to call the revenge special. Half cup milk, two scoops of vanilla ice cream, four chopped strawberries, and a fantastical exported ingredient from the land of your’s truly. It may be a seasonal item, but it’s got the gust of something that’ll last a lifetime.”
“God…that is disgusting,” Steve mock-whispers. “You’re a fucking genius.”
“Thank you, it’s one of my many tricks.” He sets the blender down onto the metal counter, a hard thunk that rattles the milkshake glass. “Now, do me a favor and pour that into the glass, get him one of those stupid striped straws, spray it up with some whip. And I’ll dish up his monstrosity of a cheeseburger.” Eddie’s eyes soften away from the mirth they previously had. His voice dropping low, too. “I’ll deliver it, too, by the way. I would never throw you under the bus for something gross like this. This should hopefully get him to stay away, though. If he does complain about you and you have to flee, I’ll help you find a new job.”
“I could just say I did it, y’know,” Steve tentatively says, “that I fucked up his drink. You don’t need to lose your job because of issues I’m having.”
“You were crying, Steve,” Eddie points out gently. “Nobody makes my waiters cry. And nobody gets away with it, either.” He slinks away from Steve without another word and without another word getting in. And Steve watches him for a long moment. As he busies himself around his workspace, tidied and organized the way he needs it. The flex of his muscles as he flips and cuts and assembles that cheeseburger. His baby hairs at the crown of his head getting stuck to his sweaty temples, hard work painting and furrowing his brows.
But when he’s caught staring, Eddie simply and softly smiles, gestures at the blender, and turns back to his plate. So, Steve does what he’s told. Assembles the nail to his coffin, one pour and spray and straw at a time. And walks out of the kitchen, behind Eddie’s flexing back, his grease stained and sweat drenched white t-shirt. He sits at the front counter, in one of the old, flaking barstools. Watches.
Tommy looks up at Eddie from his spot in the booth, eyes wide as he sees Eddie take a seat across from him. He grimaces and sours. “You aren’t that waiter. Who the fuck are”—
“Heard you like milkshakes,” Eddie drawls. “Thought maybe I could get your opinion on a new recipe I’m trying. It’s strawberry, don’t worry your preppy little chinos off. But there’s been a slight change, was wondering what you’d think about it.”
Across the table, Tommy gives Eddie an odd glance. “Is it that important that you watch me? Surely I could’ve just sent my compliments to you or whatever when I’m done.”
“Nah, I like getting it straight from the source. So, go ahead, take a sip. Tell me what you think.”
Steve has to physically draw himself back, has to swallow down the gag and bile working their way through him, and genuinely convulses back against the counter as Tommy takes his first, long, hard sip of the milkshake. His face doesn’t move much with the sip, but he does scowl a tad, grimacing with a slight twitch in his upper lip.
“Tastes sour,” Tommy comments.
Eddie hums. “But is it good? Sometimes sour’s a good thing.” He reaches across the table, then, and plucks up Tommy’s cheeseburger. Crosses one arm across his chest, hand resting on his opposite bicep, and brings the food up to his mouth, taking a hearty bite.
“Hey!” Tommy exclaims, “that’s my cheeseburger, man! You can’t just”—
“Get a second sip and maybe I’ll consider remaking your food.” Eddie smugly watches Tommy take another deep swallow. His eyes cast at the glass, roaming at the little brown flecks in the shake. Knowing and proud. “It’s good, isn’t it?”
“I mean it’s…objectively, I guess it’s good. Can I get a new burger, man? I’m starving here and I’ve got a date with my girlfriend in thirty minutes.”
All at once, Steve’s heart enters his stomach. Eddie takes another large bite of the burger before replacing it on Tommy’s plate. He crosses his arms against the top of the table, fingers tucked securely in the creases of his elbows. Leans all the way across until he’s nearly nose to nose with Tommy.
“So, could you taste what was different? Could your pea brain discern the new flavor on your tongue?” He asks, smarmy as Tommy has ever been. Over-confident, yet satisfied.
Tommy’s eyes widen at his words being thrown back in his face, startles against the back of his booth. Fingers gripping to the edge of the table, cheeks going pale. “I…I don’t”—
“Spit,” Eddie repeats coldly. “You just drank my fucking tobacco spit.” Silence. And then, “How’d I taste, baby? Be honest. Was it everything you’d ever hope it would be with a man?”
More silence. Tense and thick, enough that it weighs on Steve’s shoulders across the way. However, Tommy finally registers what just happened. He gags hard, hand covering his curdled mouth. Behind it, muffled, he says, “You’re sick in the head. I’ll—I’ll fucking tell your boss. You’ll fucking regret this.” And he stands up on shaky legs, dashing away before he can vomit all over himself.
Eddie only watches him leave, satisfied and content. He looks back to Steve, grins. “I can’t wait to see his girlfriend’s face when she finds out he isn’t allowed back.”
Steve nervously giggles and crosses to the booth, sliding in where Tommy just was. “You’re insane,” he murmurs.
“Yeah, but it worked, didn’t it? Too bad he didn’t leave a tip. There is a cheeseburger if you want the rest of it. Promise I didn’t fuck with that.” Eddie’s eyes are on him, soft and thoughtful, watching him pick up the partially eaten burger. “I can make you a new one instead, if you’d prefer. Extra cheese, too.”
“Trying to get in all the cooking you can before this inevitably backfires?”
“Sure…or I’m trying to make sure you’re taken care of. One in the same, I suppose. So, provolone, right? Could even combine some of the cheese if you want. Pepper jack and havarti…colby jack and swiss. Take your pick.”
Steve glances up from the plate in front of him. Heart beating fast and chest gooey as Eddie looks onto him with something like reverence. “Provolone, please,” he requests quietly, “and can I get extra crunchy crinkle fries, too?”
Reaching out a hand, Eddie gently pats the back of Steve’s left. “You got it, baby”—he hisses—“I probably shouldn’t call you that. I’m so”—
“It’s alright,” Steve murmurs, “I…uh…I don’t mind if it’s you.”
Eddie sucks in a sharp breath, then stands from the other side of the bench. “You’re gonna give me a hero complex and an ego, Stevie.” He begins to retreat towards the kitchen, calling out about bringing the dishes back when he’s done, that the milkshake could just be tossed glass and all.
But Steve stops him with, “Hey, Eddie?” Is met again with those soft, dark brown eyes. “Thank you,” he quietly says, “I never thought I’d get him away from me. Means a lot that you helped.”
There’s a soft smile on Eddie’s face, one that Steve can’t help but return.
“Anything for you, man.”
He makes Eddie stop again, though. To gaze, to drink in that tight white t-shirt and the spatter of black ink on his arms, his heavy pretty curls, and that soft face of his. “When we finish closing up for the night, do you wanna come over to mine? I’ve got a rented copy of Empire Strikes Back and a few beers. Only if you”—
“I’d love to, Steve. Now let me make you your food, sweetheart. Before you gobble me up with that hungry stare of yours.”
#stranger things#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#tommy hagan#hurt/comfort#waiter steve harrington#line cook eddie munson
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“Where the buns are soft, the patties are thick, and things always get messy.”
whether you’re here for a quick snack or a full-course indulgence, we’ve got what you need to satisfy those cravings. this isn’t your average burger joint, we serve up drabbles, one-shots, and fics with a side of heat. expect some spice, unexpected flavors, and a whole lot of indulgence. 🔥
⏰ open 24/7 for all your cravings, because you never know when you’ll need something extra juicy. no judgment here, just messy, sinful goodness, served hot and fresh.
est. march 2025
(Who’s on the Grill? — WHO I WRITE FOR)
🥬 All orders are made fresh, extra juicy, and seasoned to perfection. No dry, overcooked shit here.
TOMORROW X TOGETHER — Signature Dish 🧀
A balanced bite: soft, sweet, but packs just the right amount of heat. starts off smooth, melts on your tongue, then hits you with a slow burn that lingers. best enjoyed when you’re craving something that keeps you coming back for more.
ENHYPEN — The Chef’s Surprise 🍅
no two bites are the same, but that’s the fun of it. one moment, it’s rich and buttery, the next, it’s bold and dripping. unexpected, satisfying, and always leaving you wondering what’s next.
STRAY KIDS — The House Favourite 🍟
heavy on the seasoning, no shortcuts, no half-measures. hits hard from the first bite, gets messier the deeper you go, and by the end, you won’t care about the grease on your hands. bold flavors, zero regrets.
(Extras & Specials — MY TAGS)
🍟 Crispy, messy, and the perfect complement to your main. These sides will keep you satisfied and coming back for more.
🍟 # Quick Bites
short drabbles or bite-sized pieces to satisfy those quick cravings. perfect for when you want something light and fun, but still full of flavor.
🍔 # Double Patty
longer, more detailed one-shots or multi-chapter fics. rich, layered, and packed with depth, these will keep you coming back for seconds.
🌶️ # Secret Sauce
exclusive content that’s a little extra, special requests, prompts, or experimental writing. only for the daring and the curious. (and only if the chef feels like it).
🥤 # Refills
ongoing series and fresh updates. if you’re hooked on something, come back for more. these are served regularly to keep you satisfied.
© cheryeos 2025, pls don’t steal, edit / translate, or repost my works on other platforms without asking. thank you cuties :3
#⋆˚˖🍟 quick bites#⋆˚˖🌶️ secret sauce#⋆˚˖ 🍔 double patty#⋆˚˖🥤refills#skz smut#txt smut#enha smut#stray kids#tomorrow x together#enhypen#enhypen smut#tomorrow x together smut#stray kids smut#skz#txt#enha#txt imagines#skz imagines#enha imagines#txt headcanons#skz headcanons#enha headcanons#txt hard hours#skz hard hours#enha hard hours#txt hard thoughts#skz hard thoughts#enha hard thoughts#kpop smut#kpop hard hours
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What other colors would you wear besides gold?
My dear questioner... what wouldn't I wear? 👑✨ The possibilities are endless!! Imagine... When words fail. 📝❌ When diplomacy crumbles. ⚖️💥 When all seems lost. 😱🫠
The colors activate. 💥🌈 Like a tactical response. 🎯 Like divine intervention. 🌟
Like a Kool-Aid superpower. 🥤💥🔥
1- 💖 Pink - The “I Will Absolutely Get My Way” Kool-Aid Effect 💕👑 Flavor: Bubblegum power. (or: Oops, did I just manipulate you?)
“Please? you wouldn’t deny me, would you?” 🥺🥺🥺👑 (A tactical nuke of charm)
Elrond folds instantly. 🫠📜 (Poor boy never stood a chance.) Galadriel mutters but obeys. 😒 (She KNOWS this game. And she HATES it.) Celebrimbor: Signs before realizing what happened. ✒️😵 (He blacked out.) Círdan just sighs and gives him a knowing look. 🍷 (He’s seen this trick for centuries.)
2- 🟠 Orange - The “Not My Problem” Kool-Aid Effect 🧡👀 Flavor: Tangy citrus. The taste of expertly dodging responsibility.
“Elrond, deal with this.” 📜💨 (He wasn’t even in the room!!!)
Elrond: Materializes out of thin air. ⚡😰 (There is no escape.) Celebrimbor: Somehow gets put in charge. ⚒️🫠 (Disaster pending.) Galadriel: Steps up. ⚔️🔥 (We are now at war.)
Círdan: sighs and begins preemptive damage control. 💀 (He’s already writing the apology letters.)
3- 🟡 Yellow - The “Sunshine and Lies” Kool-Aid Effect ☀️🍋 Flavor: Tastes like optimism. But there is something… sinister.
“No, no, everything is fine.” 😇👑 (HE IS: L.Y.I.N.G.)
Elrond: Visibly sweating. 📜😨 He knows. He has never NOT known. (His instincts are screaming. 🤨) Galadriel: Already plotting five moves ahead. (She KNOWS.) 🔪✨ Celebrimbor: (Muttering) He is fixing the problem. This is worse. ⚒️👀 Círdan?: Unbothered. Unshaken. Unmoved🍷 (Has seen worse.) ☀️ “If I smile, they won’t notice the crisis.” (Narrator: They noticed.) 4- 🟥 Red - The “Oh No, Oh NO, OH YEAH” Kool-Aid Man Effect 🔥🚪Flavor: Pure Fëanorian Energy. We Are All Going to Die
“You did WHAT???” 👑💢 (Full-body crisis loading… 99%… 100%.. 120%.) Celebrimbor: stutters. ⚒️😨 (Mithril is definitely involved.) Elrond: Opens mouth. Closes mouth. Blinks. 📜😶 (I need a drink. I need a new job.) Círdan: downs his entire drink. 🍷💀 (And orders another.) Galadriel: Cracks knuckles. Sharpens sword. ⚔️🔥 (Assassin mode: ACTIVATED. Bloodlust: LOADING…)
🔺 Somewhere, a wall explodes. 💥🚪👹 🔻 A Balrog may or may not be involved. 🐉🔥
🥤 OH YEAH. 🥤 (---Sauron, probably grinning in the distance. 😈🥤.)
#AFlavorForEveryCrisis#PowerRangersButMakeItRegal#OhNoOhNoOhYeah#WhenInDoubtUseTheColors#GaladrielKoolAidManButMakeItMurder#rings of power#trop#trop crack#gil galad#galadriel#elrond#lotr trop
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I want to do a little fanfic event just because. The deal is that you come in to my bakery and order something off the menu from whoever is serving, and I’ll write you something.
Open to everyone, including anons. Pals will take priority. Bakery stays open until we sell out, or the bread goes stale (i.e. until I get overwhelmed or bored). I don’t write smut, because I’m not good at it. I do write chaos and nonsense, so expect that instead.
How to participate: drop me an ask with your choice of character(s) and your order from the menu. If you’re happy with whatever comes off the shelf, you can leave it at that.
If you have a custom order in mind with any more specific details, then lemme me know exactly what you want. (E.g. if you tell me Eren, Mikasa and Armin are behind the counter and you order a sandwich, you might want to be clear if your sandwich filling is established Eremika or flirty Eremin or whatever.) If you specifically want character x reader, please say, and drop some pronouns too. We here at Bea’s Bakery are all about customer service.
Everything will go under the hashtag #🐝BeasBakery.
Who’s behind the counter today?
Pick up to three characters who will be working at the bakery from this lil’ list:
- Attack on Titan
- Sk8 The Infinity
- Akudama Drive
- DanganRonpa (games only, please!)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (anime only, please!)
With regard to the last two: I’ve seen the DanganRonpa anime and I’ve read bits of the rest of JJK, but I don’t know the characters well enough to do a good job.
Feel free to mix and match. Crossovers are fun!
What’s on the menu?
🍞Loaf of bread: an everyday slice of life.
🥖 Sausage roll: somebody’s pining…
🥪 Sandwich: …but this attraction is mutual.
🧁 Cupcake: something light and fluffy about a friendship.
🍰 Mille-feuille: a headcanon or two or three or a thousand.
🍮 Macarons: my personal showstopper, so this will place your character(s) of choice in the Great British BakeOff.
🥤Coffee to go: oh my gosh, you’ll never guess what drama happened while you were waiting on your coffee this morning!
🫖 Cup of tea: you overhear them gossiping - could be their co-workers, or current events, or celebrity chitchat, or anything. You can specify the topic or leave it up to me.
If you pick politics, know that I lean left and progressive.
#🐝BeasBakery#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#jujutsu kaisen#sk8 the infinity#DanganRonpa#akudama drive
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Things dont need to be going badly in order to need a hydration reminder 👏🥤
#destiny 2#destiny the game#my art#fanart#crow#guardian crow#crow destiny#destiny crow#the crow#cayde 6#guardian cayde#destiny cayde#cayde-6#drink
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I saw so many people make those ii-[thing]-confessions blogs so I gave in & made my own!
Last edited: 11/03/25 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Reason: added a new anon
(stamp creds go to thisdastampdoesnotexist)
Rules for confessions:
Because this is II-Confusing-Confessions, all confessions must be confusing, perplexing, odd, &/or cryptic in nature about the II series, its characters or its fandom. If that is not the case, then the confession won’t be sent.
Relating to the above, other characters from other media (includes non-object show media) can also be mentioned, but II must be in the ask in some sort of way
Suggestive asks are allowed, BUT NOTHING NSFW!!! This blog is run by a MINOR!!!!!!!! (SHOOTS LAZER BEAMS AT YOU)
No harassment/bullying/whatever, I feel like this should be obvious but just incase.
Uhhhh that’s all I have for now but I will update this list again incase I forgot some stuff to add…
Other notes about confessions
If the confession is allowed to be sent but I am unable to answer it for whatever reason (such as the 28 mepads), I will simply take a screenshot of the confession & if the confessioner isn’t on anon then I’ll mention them too (unless it doesn’t allow me to do so)
Most of the time I will send confessions the order of which they are sent, so if you see me answering other confessions assume that there’s a good amount in the inbox
I think the only case where I will send the confession sooner than it’s supposed to is if it’s a question about Paintball or something… (I LOVE PEOPLE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT MY OCSSSS RAHHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥)
SPEAKING OF PAINTBALL, e has its own tag, so if you wanna look for paintball related posts go to the 🖌️🟤 tag
All anons will have their own tag, for organization reasons. Same with users that are off anon
List of all anons so far: 🍃, nobody, 🦐, 🍀, skibidi, 👁️, reddit (bfnif), puter bam, 🐢‼️, ⚾️👖, 🐛🍂, doughnon/🥧, 🍞, 🜏𖤐⸸, 📺, 👁️🛶👁️, 🫧🩷, 🧢🌙, 💽🪽, ⛲️⚜️, 🍒☯️, 🦅, 🍟, 🍓🥤, Xavier Renegade, 🦀, 🎾, lyric, 🦠🍋, ✨🐈⬛, 📁, 🧹, Keep It up with the IIdashian, pattern recognition, hlpjmlpfcam
That’s all I have so far but I will update this
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A Cornucopia for You!
Ransom Drysdale; miscommunication; omegaverse; fluff
Ransom had no idea when the town started to get so wild. Maybe it had always been, but now he was old enough to see it. Mature enough to be observant, and to know what he wanted. And right now, that was some dang good fries from the diner on Main Street.
The thing was, anywhere that was a common date spot was always packed, full of courting alphas and omegas all over each other, searching for their true mates. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in them, but right now he was more focused on a good meal than finding his lifelong partner, which is why maybe it was good to hang out in the part of the restaurant reserved for betas who wanted to eat alone, without all of the mate pressure. But if his mate were there, they’d be able to sniff him out easily without the scent blockers he’d made sure to take, just to get to sit peacefully in the hole in the wall joint.
The beta section was much more crowded than usual today. He supposed the rain painting the windows was good enough reason for others to be wanting the same comforts as him. Ransom sat down at the counter and placed his order, feeling fine, until he began to look around, opening up his senses to the diner. The smell of hot fryer oil and bitter coffee usually hit his nose a little harder, but it was like there was something else trying to undermine it today. Before he even could investigate, though, a pair of wide eyes on the stool next to him caught his attention: you, snacking on a basket of fries and sipping a milkshake as you stared at him.
He was tall, shoulders broad under a sweater that looked unbelievably comfortable. You blinked in surprise when his eyes wouldn’t leave yours, but something about this man entranced you. And by the looks of it, he was pretty drawn in, too. Your mouth went dry and your senses went into overload. Hopefully your scent blockers were working properly, lest you make the stranger next to you more uncomfortable with the whirlwind of emotions that seemed to be taking over you, but all they really boiled down to was want.
Before you could think better, your mouth blurted, “big build for a beta.”
His terrifyingly straight face morphed into a smile, and you could’ve sworn you’d heard something between a rumble and a purr emerge from his chest before he laughed.
“And you smell sweet for one.” You thought you would’ve been able to control yourself better, but at the compliment, a chirp burst from your lips.
The man’s eyes grew wide and suddenly the realization hit you both like a train. Neither of you were betas, and this seemed like much, much more than an interaction from strangers. Pulling up the sleeves of his sweater, he signaled for his food to be put in a to-go box and leaned down so his lips brushed your ear.
“I can’t believe it’s really you, omega. Let me take you somewhere nice and private so we can figure out everything about…this.”
Mature enough to be observant, and to know what he wanted. And right now, that was some dang good fries from the diner on Main Street.
Dagnabit I want some fries, one of my comfort junk foods!
right now he was more focused on a good meal than finding his lifelong partner
This man has got his priorities in order 🤣
Before you could think better, your mouth blurted, “big build for a beta.”
If I’m suddenly face to face with this tall, sweater clad, cosy looking blue eyed buff babe I’d probably either faint or swoon or make a total fool of myself in comparison!
His terrifyingly straight face morphed into a smile, and you could’ve sworn you’d heard something between a rumble and a purr emerge from his chest before he laughed.
Ok… yeah I was melting and now I’m goo. 🫠
“I can’t believe it’s really you, omega. Let me take you somewhere nice and private so we can figure out everything about…this.”
ESSIE!! 😍🥹 I’m absolutely blown away with this. I LOVE soft Ransom and I’m a sucker for the omegaverse. Thank you so much for this!
#ransom drysdale x you#ransom drysdale x reader#ransom drysdale#essie’s 500 follower event#essie’s cornucopia event#Essie’s 500 follower thank you for being a friend cornucopia event#Soels reading list#bigtreefest
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End of October Update
There's got to be a less clunky way for me to title these things but maybe I'll figure it out after a few posts.
Anyway at the top of the order I want to say that uh... the Abacelsus zine is not happening by halloween unforch.. I just started school part-time and it being part-time is still kicking my ass! So tentative release date will be on 11th November unless something else happens....
On the plus side I'm done with the cover so all that's left is the back page and cramming all 24 pages full of drawings 👍
-> As I've said at the end of my previous post I want to make more blog style posts so here's me trying to do that, more under the cut
🔐Abacelsus Zine
I'm still deciding on whether i want to print it A5 or B5 but I'm leaning towards A5, though for the digital release it doesn't really matter lol
As mentioned, I'm done with the main cover so I just need to fill this entire thing with stuff, I said 24 pages but really the total page count is 30. I'm just not counting the cover and the blurb stuff.
I'm half taking a break with this at the risk of burning myself out and half paralysed with starting it. Plus I've kind of been more into Axl & I-no hilariously but I'll always love A.B.A. I think the lack of any real info really lends her well to interpretation which is always fun.
I've never really been one to engage in fandom so I'm probably going to be doing my own thing. That being said if anyone has any suggestions feel free to drop them in my strawpage or ask box :)
🥤 Strawpage & General Socials
The bugs make my pages so decorative, I gotta draw more bugstyle guys.
Speaking of strawpage, I made one of those! It was really fun, I have a short OC info tab with descriptions of some of my main guys. I'd love for you to check it out.
This kind of acts as my ask box for twitter since there's not one there and apparently it's basically my main social media site these days so I'm just mirroring my experience here over there too.
Hilarious timing considering that it's basically collapsing on itself once again, I'll probably still be on that damn site until it implodes but I also have a Bluesky account for those that care about it.
The sky follower bridge extension is really useful for bulk following people from twitter to bsky
I'd love to post there more but there's not a queue function and that's very important to me as someone who is not American and lazy to remember optimal timings.
Did you see? I also have a new pinned for this blog! Wanted to make a new one for a while now, always thought the old one was so freaking long. All the old info is still on my about and faq page though I don't know who actually looks at those.. a relic from years past..
☹ School
Sigh, like I mentioned earlier I'm doing school again! At my big age, but I'm having fun so far! It's part-time but it's still kicking my fucking ass! It's the main reason why I'm a little disoriented this month honestly.
Do you like it? I spent an entire Sunday making my class miro board look niceys and then proceeded to get nauseous from cybersickness afterwards LOL
I'm doing a UI/UX course and I have to say the funnest part about it is making personas, it's like making OCs. Don't particularly like writing though.. but also that's a lie considering the numerous amount of paragraphs in this blog post alone haha
🎁 Merch
I've also gotten confirmation that I'll be boothing again next year in Febuary! So I gotta start locking into making more stickers and general merch. I say this a lot but I do need to look into opening an online store because I just have tonnes of stickers and stuff lying around waiting till the next time I do a convention which is kind of a shame.
Oh, but I will say that if you are from Singapore and would like anything from my previous convention catalogue feel free to shoot me a DM on instagram and I can mail it to you locally, shipping's $2 SGD.
➰Closing Thoughts
All in all, been kind of busy this month with school and various loose threads from September but overall I think I'm doing better! I've also been cooking lately and truthfully that's my biggest achievement this month haha, been also getting really into canned fish. Yummy!
Oh and a last thing is that I've been itching to animate again so I'll end this post with a WIP of a gif I did last night/morning. I almost always never finish my animations but here's hoping this one actually makes it to the colouring stage haha
No prizes to anyone who can guess who these two because of course.
Thank you for reading! I know I can't expect everything to be done in a single month but I just wish I could do everything without getting tired or cybersick! If you'd like to support me, here's my ko-fi page and my itchi.io & gumroad as well.
If you have any questions or just generally want to talk to me, my DMs and askbox is always open! Any professional enquires can be sent towards my email as well: [email protected]
XOXO, Stay weird!
-Eliot :)
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Winwin 🫧 Update (240420)
This is interesting
Today the temperature is below zero degrees
This evening I ate beef noodles which I really crave
Now I'm lying in bed
I'm looking for something to watch
I'll sleep when I'm sleepy
Even though filming has finished, my healthy living habits remain
Every day at almost 10 p.m
I'll feel sleepy
Very healthy hahaha
My hair turned brown🙂↔️
Suddenly I want to drink
Should I order milk tea or juice?
Guess what I ordered?
🤗 Ordered yogurt
Do you drink yoghurt?
Tomorrow will be a really fun week hahaha
Go to bed early today too~
Good night~
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Hello there!
This is a very neglected wip and I was a bit stuck… but inspiration just struck so thank you for that and here you go
“Coffee is just better, everyone knows that, even you right?” Eddie looks smug as he folds his arms. “If you had to choose between no more coffee or no more juice, you can’t tell me you’d choose juice.”
Eddie holds his eye boldly and Buck really wants to tell him he’s wrong, trouble is he’s not sure he is. He loves the juices they make but that first coffee in the morning, especially the Diaz blend… well, could he do without it? The best he can do is keep quiet.
Unfortunately Eddie takes that as an admission of defeat.
Don’t feel bad, it’s just the natural order of things,
“Ok, coffee is an essential I can admit that but…. “ The words just come to him from somewhere, like a gift from the universe, “so I can’t honestly say that juice is better…”
“Thank you! First sensible thing I’ve heard you say.”
Just gonna tag a few others who might like some words too
@tizniz @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @monsterrae1 @lonelychicago @diazsdimples @eddiebabygirldiaz
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🥤 🔪 🪲 🐝
Hello Anon!
🥤 - Recommend an author or fanfic you love;
First one that immediately comes to mine is the wonderful @stripeydani and their incredible fic Ginger and Lime which they wrote for me! It's so hot!!! And I absolutely adored their characterisation of LA Knight - he's such a wonderfully cocky little sub who'll willingly be taken down a peg or two. Everybody, please go read and tell Dani how amazing they are!
I have also currently obsessed by Dastiel4ever's fic Simply for Fun but Certainly not for Revenge - it's just good old fashioned whump! A bunch of wrestlers get kidnapped and tormented - it's all I need in life! Especially when all of my favs are involved! 😈
🔪 - What's the weirdest topic you've researched for a writing project?
Recently, it was German dog commands (tee hee) but I've also had to research what medieval people eat for breakfast - fun fact, they don't!
🪲 - Add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here;
Ok dokey, here's a tiny snippet I've just added to the epilogue of Stray:
Punk was staring out the coffee shop window, chewing on his thumbnail when Joe came back from the counter with their order; two large cups of coffee and a piece of pie. 'This to share?' Punk's eyes lit up at the sweet treat.
'Course not,' Joe shook his head wryly. 'It's all yours. A little 'farewell treat' from me.'
🐝 - tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them;
AAGHH!!! I have soooo many!!!! But here goes!
@selamat-linting - the only blog I regularly stalk for updates because he always posts interesting things. My fellow PDS sufferer and vampire au appreciator, her comments fill my life with so much joy!
@stripeydani - hello again Dani! I reckon we would be great friends irl and go to wrestling shows together and wax lyrical about our respective favs and what we're currently writing about them!
@seasonal-depression-of-punk - I adore your art, your fics, your twisted mind! I always love it when you reblog from me with your affectionate ramblings
@d-lanx - A looooongtime sufferer of PDS - I salute you and always enjoy your Punk post-dumps!
@blowflyfag - All of my fellow Yeah! girlies (ng) mean so much to me, but you're probably my favourite!
@elementaldoughnut12 - my own little magpie, leaving me shiny gifts in my inbox every day. Your fics inspire me so much (I want to draw something for all of them and I will one day!)
@afterdarkprincess - I just fucking love your Punkintyre fics so damn much!!!!!!!!!!! So!!!! Damn!!!!! Much!!!!!!!!
@tache-noire - Most of the time you just scream at my posts and I will never not appreciate it! ❤️
I'm positive I'm missing a whole bunch of you (there's also the mutuals I'm a little in awe of and intimidated by because they're so cool - looking at you @dilf-in-peril @pepsi-maxwell @realworldchamp and @are-we-really-doing-this )
And, of course, the lurkers who go on 'like-and-reblog' sprees, so that I wake up in the morning to dozens of notifications, including but not limited to; @ramblingenzyme @xxrabiesxx @milesworld96 @wammbam @unrealunearth honestly there's too many to name but please know I appreciate you all! 😘
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so...welcome. Here's our introduction post. We are a system. you can call us by our user or just pan when in doubt of who's fronting. we use any/all pronouns collectively, and as such don't mind what you use for any of us, including neos. quoiromantic asexual.
as you might've already figured, we really like hfjone. we also enjoy reading objectified and the four moons initiative, and a couple other object show comics. murder drones was cool. the amazing digital circus is cool. we'll probably upload some furry/object show ocs as well.
if you know us from AO3, you probably already know that we like vore in a sfw way (this also includes g/t because they kinda go hand in hand). if you're uncomfortable with that, you're free to block.
with that done...let me introduce you to everyone! (in alphabetical order)
First we have airy. He mostly goes by he/they/it. Talks slowly and type with lots of ellipsis. Loves nicknames. He's always happy to talk about stuff, especially if they're related to bugs. It can be difficult to tell his tone, so if you want them to use tone tags you can ask. Its signoff is 🔦.
Then we have Bryce. She/him/any. Possibly the most controlled one out of us...°^°" Still scared of deep water, but she's okay with shallow pools and clear rivers. Likes sea life. A bit hypocritical, but who am I to judge? Feline and puddle slime (yes. yes this is another water related thing.) therian. His signoff is 🥤.
CAPS GUY. they/it/he/any neos. They don't have a name yet. if you give it one it'll probably take it. They speak only in caps, unless they're so tired they can't even type coherently (about to pass out). It sometimes makes little 'poems' (not sure what to call em) about The Light and flesh. Loves Edgar Allan Poe's short story The Tell-Tale Heart. Bryce and it quote it sometimes. They don't really use a signoff since its typing quirk is unique to it, but if he does it'll be CAPS GUY or CG.
I'm charlotte. I go by she/they and fuck/fucks. I can sometimes be blunt and rude. It's all in a playful manner, but if this affects you, let me know! nicknames are allowed. wasp and canine therian. Yes, I bite. Yes, I sting. My signoff is 🍞. (Charlotte's in a qpr with me, by the way -🥤)
Divine Ava. she/any. she types with proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization...you get my point. She means well. I...don't knwo much about her. But she is really nice, and pretty too...
Eldritch diane. She/it She's based on...Diane. CuSO4 this is of your own making. It's...kind of like parker bug. Her and him get along well.
Goetz. He/her. You can call him officer jokingly but he seems to prefer goetz. He popped up here pretty recently so we don't know much about him yet. Hyena therian I'm pretty sure. I dunno man he's in denial of being a freak but once you're here its official. Bisexual, sure. Why not. Signoff is officer g.
Next we have Pancake. they/them, trying out fang/fangs! Call them our host or call them insane if that will help you to stay in line. /ref lyr. Fang very much enjoys speaking without caps, unless it's to shout. They also like bugs. And stingrays. they might!! seperate!! their sentences!!! like this!!!! Cat therian! Fang's signoff is 🥞.
Parker Bug. He/it. He capitalizes the first letter of every word when typing. It might talk about flesh and "eating the weak" or whatever, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone, not really. Crawls around. Makes for a nice pillow.
(bryce here, adding goetz 1/26/25)
(YOU FORGOT TO PUT ME IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BRYCE. you mees3ed u o the alplhabetical order bryce)
DNI: -homophobics, transphobics, racists, nazis, etc. this is a safe place for everyone and we will NOT tolerate any hate towards innocent people.
-kink/mdni accounts
- pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles. this applies if you are ACTING on these things. if you're getting the help you need you're okay.
-anti-endo. not completely sure if we're endo ourselves, but we support them!

(we're collecting thingies hehe)
updated on 1/17/25 ! -🍞
Updated 1/26/25! -🥤
updated 2/01/25 -officer g
updated 2/02/25... changed my pronouns + added divine ava, parker bug and eldritch diane...sigh... -officer g
updayed 3/02/25. hah. fuck/fucks. awesome
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Good omens fic recs
So in a previous ask game, I have been asked that question (thanks @fierceyetflawed )
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
But of course, I wasn't able to choose only one, so here is a full list of recommendations with no particular order (brace yourself, it's gonna be long)
Charming never so wisely by Hapax
AU where Aziraphale is a cryptid and Crowley has been hired to tame him. Absolutely beautiful, some angst, and an amazing worldbuilding, if I had to choose, it would probably be somewhere in my top 5. Or even in my top 3, it's one of my absolute favorites
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by krowtenretsnom
One short, focused on the relationship between Warlock and Crowley as Nanny Ashtoreth. Absolutely beautiful, and a tiny bit heartbreaking
The Godfathers - Or storge and other words for family by bluebirdboy
Crowley and Aziraphale as queer guardians for a young trans man. A story about healing and queerness, and a lot of other things, absolutely comforting, and has been so helpful at times, once again, pretty high in my list of favorites. [As a note, I've only read fully the V1 as I haven't found the time yet to read a lot of the V2, but from what I've read, I'll trust it will be as good as the first one, if not better]
Shine bright like a diamond by LadyAJ_13
Pre-canon, Crowley observes Aziraphale that is always helpful and always alone. I loved it so much, but it is also somewhat heartbreaking, because the story ends before the actual one, so nothing is resolved yet at this point, but please go ahead, it's absolutely worth it.
An author for that one: AppleSeeds
They write amazing stories, and I particularly enjoy how they write Aziraphale and Crowley in various (human) AU. Two of my favorites are Never too late, where Crowley is a rockstar and Aziraphale used to be a fan when he was younger and Your virtual companion, that occurs in a post-apocalyptic world where humans cannot interact together anymore and Crowley finds some comfort in a virtual companion: Aziraphale.
The Good Demon, by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits), HolyCatsAndRabbits, smolalienbee
Crowley is turned mortal as a punishement for not being evil enough and needs to make Aziraphale fall to get his status back. With some queer guardian angel Aziraphale that is absolutely delightful, very soft story, and quite funny as well, with a really nice lore and the relationship being built amazingly. Once more, quite high on my favorite's list.
Touched by HolRose
Aziraphale is given as a mission to help some autistic child. Very soft, very comforting. Aziraphale is autistic himself and it makes the interaction absolutely brilliant. It's very short (around 500 words) but so much is said in such a small story, without any bad pun, it absolutely touched me as well.
Like a spiral sea unending by Hapax
It's an astronomy AU (yes it exists) where Crowley is a black hole and Aziraphale a bright star. It's a really poetic story, really original and (I feel like I spend my time saying that here) absolutely beautiful.
How to make friends on Halloween by not_vatican_approved
Aziraphale is human, Crowley is a demon, and Aziraphale's shitty friends decide to summon him to scare Aziraphale. It's a really cute one with protective and comforting Crowley, quite fun as well. (And yes, the shitty friends get what they deserve)
The art of human nature by IneffableDoll
Human AU with fem!Aziraphale and fem!Crowley, Crowley is a painter and Aziraphale commisions her to make her portrait. It's absolutely beautiful, with some fat positivity and queerness (Crowley is trans in this one), gorgeous talks about nature. It's also really poetic. It's not love at first sight, but it takes a bit more time to settle, which I absolutely love. (It's also the fic that convinced me to give a chance to good omens human AU)
'Tis the Damn Season by KiaraMGrey
Human AU, after an awful proposal on Christmas Eve, Crowley ends up boarding on a train with no plan in mind and meets Aziraphale there. It's very cute, soft, and a really comforting hollidays fic.
The Ones Who Walk Away From Nevaeh by soft_october
Fantasy AU, inspired by a story of Ursula Le Guin. To keep suffering away from the city, Crowley is kept alone in the dark in a cell, without any human interaction. That is, until Aziraphale becomes the new guard and starts listening to him. It's quite angsty, but with soft elements and a happy ending. And also, I adore the worldbuiling on that one, and the context of the story.
Fond(ant) by ddagent
Human AU, Aziraphale pretends to have a fiancé and to be getting married to be able to enjoy Crowley's cakes. It's funny and soft, I love ddagent's way of telling stories and their portrayal of Crowley and Azirphale, but it's the first one I read from them, so it's the one I'm going to recommend here.
crossed wires by tealeafthief
After 6000 years of emotional abuse by Heaven, and internalized ableism, Aziraphale learns about autism and start to embrace who he is with Crowley's help. It wasn't the easiest read (at least for me, because it came a little bit too close from home) but it was an amazing one. It's wonderfully done, the progression and evolution of the character is beautifully done and Crowley is so caring on that one, I can only recommend it.
Sorry (Not Sorry) by ineffablefool
Human AU, Crowley and Aziraphale were friends when they where younger and end up reconnecting at a friend's wedding. It's so soft, with fat-positivity, and a really beautiful story.
My Safe Place by IneffableDoll
Aziraphale wonders if, being an angel, he can be queer or not. Crowley is really supportive on that one, and the discussion about queerness is so interresting and comforting. It's also an asexual relationship, which I love to see, so yeah, quite an amazing one.
Pieces of Creation by angelwithawand
Crowley gets attached to Jemimah after seeing that the thing she made is the most important thing to her. It follows their relationship all through her life, and it's really soft, I love seeing Crowley or Aziraphale interacting with humans. It's, of course, slightly heartbreaking at the end, but it's so much worth it. And there is also some backgroud Aziraphale/Crowley relationship that is very soft as well.
So that's it for now, I hope you'll enjoy those fics!
#and now I want to re-read all of them!#good omens#good omens fanfiction#fic recs#good omens fic rec#eweryan's fic recs
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hello it’s emerlad here with my ask for you !!!!!!! 🤍
salutations, my dearest emerlad.
i am eternally grateful for you announcing your presence within my humble inbox and bestowing upon me some splendid inquires.
🥤what’s your go-to coffee order?
i remain wholly devoted to a classic iced vanilla oat milk latte. if the opportunity shows itself, i’ll always add some delectable lavender flavoring. i am also a seasonal connoisseur, and will partake in new drinks as they make their debut.
🎤any songs you know all the lyrics to?
ah, there are far too many. i energetically recited all of ‘kill the director’ by the wombats on my commute to work.
🌸best compliment you’ve received?
truthfully, i reflect on the beautiful little poem you composed for me about my eyes far too often. 🤣 my ocean orbs. one of my favorites to this day. so thank you, em. love you💕
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