#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛come get your fill.❞ ( thread )
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of thanatos πŸ₯€@isaacbrooks location: the swimming pool stands
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It probably wasn't the best start to the day, forgetting his change of clothes today of all days. Benji was on edge enough as it is. First couple of weeks in a new place, being told he's a demigod and now having to compete in an demigod filled Olympics shortly after. He had left the preliminaries for the breaststroke swimming category sopping wet. Walking back to the stands with a purple and gold beach towel, a slight shiver to his step and a pair of lips just about to match the towel. Luckily for him, the son of Thanatos had offered him a hoodie to wear.
"Thank you again for letting me borrow your hoodie." Benji says, pulling his head through the other man's hole. Yes, that's definitely how that's meant to be written. A curled tuft of hair bounces on top of Benji head as the son of Hebe dons on Isaac's hoodie. He sat himself on one of the benches. "Not a lot of people offering a towel during these things, much less a hoodie."
"Did you sign up to do breaststroke as well?"
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youthmustfight Β· 6 months ago
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"Hah, yep... That... That's going to be... more than sore tomorrow." Benji groans a bit as Evan demonstrated his godling strength on his shoulder. If this much damage could be done to just his shoulder, the son of Hebe could only imagine what else Evan was capable of. "Y-Yeah, I can definitely see how a workout in there could be tricky."
"Might be a good reason for us to use the steam room instead? Plenty of room and seating for... practically anything. But of course, only if you want to..." Benji attempts to goad him a little bit more. Tying a towel over his waist several couple times as he continued on his attempts. "That and if nobody ends up putting mint oil onto the sauna stones. It may relax the nerves, but it's a bitch on the eyes."
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" I get you. Honestly, I haven't had a week that's been the same as the last, every week something drastic happens that changes the whole ball game, or changes up something in me," His powers were very much on his powers, constantly changing, him getting stronger, changing timelines, his weird dream, he even loss some of his powers and while he did miss some of them, he did love the ones that this timeline's Heracles gave to him, it's been on his mind to talk to his new father, see if the God would respond and what his view on all of this was. " All I know is, I am taking a long fucking break, I am exhausted." It was true, Evan was tired, his body was sore from their last mission, maybe it was the growing beyond his mortal limitations, but the small break that he envisioned for himself was going to do wonders to get Evan back on the ball when he returned. Hearing Benji's time ramble, he couldn't help but laugh, " That's truly what all of this sounds like." Evan was never a man that picked up on small cues, like Benji's sudden shift as he saw the taller male shirtless. Evan certainly gained some muscle over his short time here, feeling a bit like Spiderman as his body was getting into shape fast. He was of course in shape when he got here, but now he was a bit more rugged, muscles soft still, but firm, his hair longer, stubble coming in, chest hair, he was growing into a full fledge warrior of Heracles afterall. " You're doing well for yourself man, don't sweat it," He patted Benji on the shoulder with a firm hand. At Benji's suggestion...Evan didn't get it, " A workout?" He asked, " I feel like it would be a slippery place to workout."
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of tyche πŸ₯€@misterluck location: training area
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"You know, before we start, can I ask ya something? If I lose, I'm not gonna like die, right? I thought that's only supposed to happen in Minecraft." Benji jokes, a smile adorning his determined look as he points his rapier at Robbie's direction. He had seen the fellow newbie around The Scry.
"Totally fine with that, you know." Benji posture grew relaxed, his hands storing themselves into the pouch of his hoodie as he continued to talk. The blade of his rapier poking out from one end as the pommel was stowed away inside as well. "I kinda wanted to know what were to happen to us if we died, like are we just gone or do we kinda like.." A hand leaves its cozy cotton dwelling as Benji uses it to accentuate the soft explosion noise he makes.
"Do I get advantage for confusing you?"
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[ and now we roll for initiative n.n]
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of thanatos πŸ₯€@isaacbrooks location: training area
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"So this might be a long shot, but you wouldn't happened to have some kind of power off button, would you?" Benji chuckles nervously in front of the fellow godling. He didn't know much about the son of Thanatos, barely seeing him around the camp. When Benji did notice him, the son of Hebe could swear he was seeing him talk to himself. It wasn't as unsettling as Benji had originally thought it would be. Being the son of anything death related, one could only assume ghosts. Regardless, Benji wasn't above hoping Casper and friends could distract him long enough to get a hit.
"Turn around, I might be able to find it." He unsheathed his rapier and held it in front of him in preparation. "Or maybe a power off phrase? Mind saying the word 'Shazam' for me?"
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[ this is where we roll for initiative n.n ]
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of thanatos πŸ₯€@isaacbrooks location: near the library
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Benji had brought a sack across his back as he made his way towards the Hebe cabin. In front of his face, the son of Hebe had a piece of notebook paper. On it were names of a godlings he's met or heard of and their corresponding parent. Wanting to make a good first impression, Benji wanted to at least attribute the correct name to the correct person. All that was left was... actually meeting them. He looked around the bustle and hustle of the camp, weaving his way through as Benji continued to study the list while searching for the cabins.
"Winter... son of Hades, Oliver... son of Demeter, JosΓ©.. son of Hypnos, Romeo... son of --. Wait, so it's just the Greek demigods? What happens with the Romans? Do they just become Bizzaro versions of us?" Benji mutters to himself as he looks over the list he had made himself during his first few hours at camp. It wasn't the most legible, but it did help him in a pinch. "Or are we the Bizzaro versions of them?"
"Maybe we're the Zibarro versions of them?"
As Benji was engrossed in his existential thoughts regarding the DC comicbook character, he accidentally managed to bump into someone's shoulder. Benji nearly topples over before reaching towards the person he bumped in hopes of making sure they were okay. "Oh, shit. Sorry about that. Kinda distracted." He chuckles.
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youthmustfight Β· 7 months ago
For the son of Hermes || @duckandash ( continued from here. )
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"Man.. And I was this close to thinking we ran on lithium batteries for a sec there. Really poking holes in my theories, doc." Benji says mindlessly as he kept moving the overhead light to a different position each time the son of Hermes moved. He'd usually try shoving him in place, but he was sure neither him nor Alex had energy for that aftermath.
"I'd usually kiss it better, but even that takes too much energy." Benji confesses, carefully wrapping gauze and bandage around Axel's stitches. His eyes, so dry and heavy with exhaustion, did their best to stay open as Axel continued to get treatment.
The low vibrato of the godling's voice seemed to keep him awake for the time being. His eyebrows peaked up at Axel's acknowledgment. "And any time, big guy."
"Just buy me a drink and we'll call it even." He chuckles softly.
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of nyx πŸ₯€@bornatnightt location: nyx cabin
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"I feel like I should have brought something... Like a basket of sandwiches, maybe. Eh, I'm sure he won't mind." Benji shrugs before knocking on the Nyx cabin's door. He had hoped to get to know the demigods around camp, Benji was a bit new after all. However, he wasn't quite sure if this would be the correct course to introduce himself. "Maybe it's not too late to check the bathhouses..?" He muses to himself.
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of asteria πŸ₯€@fatedstarfall location: amphitheater
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"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I overdid it by shaving my head. I kinda thought all people were supposed cut their hair for swimming events. Make them more hydrodynamic, right? Although, I think I only signed up for one swimming event..." Benji runs a hand through his soft and fuzzy new haircut. "Well, at least it looks good right?"
"I will admit, it does a good job at cooling me off. Maybe there's a bright side to this cut after all?" Benji continues to say. He wasn't sure how he managed to met the son of Asteria, talking his ear off for good measure, but Benji saw him signed up for a couple of the same events as him for the demigod Olympics. He figured it'd be a good opportunity to introduce himself to his fellow godling and now Olympian."I like your hair though. You style it yourself?"
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youthmustfight Β· 7 months ago
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Ever since the time shenanigans, Benji had been adjusting rather well. Finding out he was the son of an Olympic god was definitely a surprise, getting transported to an alternate timeline seemed to be par for the course. He had yet to dig around alternate him's cabin to look for specific differences, hadn't really done much outside of sleep if he were to be honest. There was many rereadings of the godling camp handbook and trips to the mess hall in between those slumbers.
"I'm not sure. Asking me is kinda like asking a fish how to do a slam dunk at this point." Benji chuckles lightly. Coming back from the mess hall, the son of Hebe had been observing the other's positioning and stances as he made his way to the training area. Along the trek their followed the sound of crinkles from the snacks Benji had brought over for himself. He didn't mean to bring over so many snacks, though of course it made the prospect of sharing them easy for him to do. "But if you want to know how to land a three pointer in basketball, I'm your guy."
"It's all about the little square above the basket." He continues, sitting himself nearby the training demigod. "You want one?" He offers the son of Chronos a small bag of chips up for Calvin to see. "If it helps at all, your little show felt like you were really giving it your all, maybe you should rest."
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Location: Training Grounds With: Open
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Worth. It wasn't exactly something that Calvin had spent much of his time thinking about before the Trial. Was he worthy of demigodhood, was he a worthy heir to divinity, was he worthy of his powers. It had never really been something he thought about because he was just... Doing. Fighting, protecting, helping. He had power, he used that to make things better. There wasn't worth tied to it.
But it had still felt like a burden alleviated when he'd heard the words. Felt the embrace. Lost himself for a stolen moment in time in seeing his divine parent there. A moment for them. And every time he adjusted his hold upon OrodeΓ­ktis, it felt like he could live it again. He was worthy.
"Let's see what you got." The weight was lighter than the other sword's he'd seen of this length at least. Adjusting it in his hand, feeling for it. It meant hour hand, right? It's what had at least prompted him to test it with his other blade. And then began the process. Swing, after swing, after swing. Comparing the weight in each hand, what felt more intended.
"Am I making for an interesting show?" A flash of a grin, head turning toward the figure he'd maybe finally caught sight of. Out of breath, sweating, but satisfied at least.
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youthmustfight Β· 5 months ago
for the son of asteria || @fatedstarfall location: asteria cabin
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Well, it's been a officially 365 days. The world danced around the sun and it's recent step and turn landed on Benji's birthday. A dance similar to Earth's has happened here as well, it's sibling Saturn pirouetting for 28 years to come to the same position it had been in all those years ago. Felt like a new beginnings in some regards. He stands in front of the door to the Asteria cabin, one hand knocking on the door while another holds a box of prepared baked goods, different types of sweet breads from different cultures, expertly made by the creatures who manned the cafeteria. As he waits, Benji's brow furrowed in a concerned confusion.
"Crap, I think I was meant to meet him at my cabin this time."
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youthmustfight Β· 6 months ago
for the son of hecate πŸ₯€@hecatechosen location: hecate cabin
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"You can read palms, right?" Benji asks curiously, observing the son of Hecate as he lounged against the kitchen counter. It's been a while since Benji had decided to visit his fellow demigods at their own cabins. Time shenanigans hopefully finally out of the way, he had hoped to spend some time with Luca. Though, hopefully Luca didn't mind the strange questions and ramblings the son of Hebe may have to offer. "And not like the 'spitting in your hand, look there's your pool' kind of palm reading?"
"I've been a bit curious to how this magic stuff works."
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youthmustfight Β· 7 months ago
open starter || post!be-our-guest quest
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"I'm starting to sense a theme here..." Benji says aloud to himself. He looks at himself in the mirror at one of the shops, a tentative look on his face as he scans the abruptly aged features across it. He would admit to feeling a bit captivated by the noticeable difference from how he looked just over a day ago. His eyes were a slightly brighter shade of hazel, the shade of lime now more prominent against the shrinking starburst of light brown gathered towards the center of pupils.
He didn't have many freckles to begin with, but now with them seemingly absent all together, their presence was missed. Benji saw little to no sight of them across his cheeks. Pursing his lips together, Benji gives an impressed hum though that worried look still sat itself on his brow.
He looks back to the fellow godling he had joined for a walk through the camp's shops. "Sorry, didn't mean to space out like that. You were saying?"
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youthmustfight Β· 7 months ago
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"Oh?" Benji says in a curious tone, unsure if he had heard the fellow godling correctly. He was very much curious about the possible drama between pantheons. Of course, the son of Hebe hoped it wouldn't be anything remotely too serious considering their apparent trouble with the Norse demigods.
"What happened for the Fae to get mad at us exactly? Hope it wasn't because of that damn cat." He chuckles, hoping his behavior during that quest hadn't actually put them all in bad standing with the Fae. His feeling of concern was quickly set aside once Rio started joking along with him.
"Yeah, definitely had my fill for the night... but.... I mean." Benji began to say, suddenly sheepish around the son of Erebus and his question. "Not sure making people seeing stars is part of my domain, but I wouldn't mind trying with you." Benji's steps slowed as well, subtly looking for a tucked away corner for the two demigods to play in.
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Rio thought for a second as he looked at him. He wasn't the most well-versed with who was who, but he was sure the three men that Oliver all but tripped over were Celts. "Pretty sure they are Celtic not Fae, but seeing as the Fae aren't the fondest of the Greeks so either way good for you."
He laughed a little "and a lot of cum I imagine. " The joke was more than a little crude but it fits the vibe of the walk of shame, or in this case pride. "More like she found me and told me she was gonna make me see stars and that she did best lay of my life honestly but that's the fae and older women for you" The Greek tent was closely coming into view so Rio moved slowly. "Any other cocks you got your eye on?"
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
for the son of apollo πŸ₯€ @songofapollos location: the mess hall
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Benji wasn't really the welcome committee type. Sure, he may be overall preppy and polite, but his social battery was in need of charging. Sometimes it paid off in being extroverted, other times Benji felt like he would be imposing on someone's day. He was new at the camp, that already seemed like something that made Benji like he was further impeding.
Noah seemed like he was just as clueless to what was going on around them as himself. Whether that was true or not, Benji didn't know. He made a mental note to apologize to Noah if he in fact knew what exactly they were meant to do in a place like this. He sits across from the other man, offering a smile as he set down his food on the table. "Hey, how you doing?"
"Did you see the centaur on the way in? Dude kinda reminds me of one of the Hemsworth brothers." Benji chuckles, his fork anxiously sculpts at the mash potatoes on his plate. "And the satyrs walking around too, kinda makes me feel like I came here too dressed up."
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youthmustfight Β· 8 months ago
Benji Tags n.n
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γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( ??? ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛consume responsiblyβ€š protagonist ahead.❞ ( pinned ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛read nutrition label.❞ ( about ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛come get your fill.❞ ( thread ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛is there something on my face?❞ ( face ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛so mouthwatering.❞ ( body ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛come quench your thirst..❞ ( usfw ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛got a warrant?❞ ( ask ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛anyone order a memechelada?❞ ( memes ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛tip your servers.❞ ( answered ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛did everyone try the chicken?❞ ( task ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛let's tilt your head for that first sip.❞ ( starter ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛it's beer o'clock somewhere.❞ ( ooc ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( misc ) γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛so.... you gonna show me how you [redacted] or what?❞ ( sparring )
πŸ’§ ( interactions πŸ₯€ muse ) πŸ«— ( event γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 event000? ) ( post γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 quest000 )
#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛come get your fill.❞ ( thread )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛so... you going to show me how you [redacted]?❞ ( sparring. )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛did everyone try the chicken?❞ ( task )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛let's tilt your head for that first sip.❞ ( starter )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛come quench your thirst.❞ ( usfw )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛so mouthwatering.❞ ( body )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛it's beer o'clock somewhere.❞ ( ooc )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( ??? )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛consume responsiblyβ€š protagonist ahead.❞ ( pinned )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛read nutrition label.❞ ( about )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛is there something on my face?❞ ( face )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛got a warrant?❞ ( ask )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛anyone order a memechelada?❞ ( memes )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛tip your servers.❞ ( answered )#γ€Œ πŸ₯€ 」 ─── ❛❛snappy quote here.❞ ( misc )#πŸ’§ ( interactions πŸ₯€ muse ) πŸ«—
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youthmustfight Β· 6 months ago
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"Glad to have had the same idea." Benji winks as he raises his juice box towards him. "Cheers." He says as he takes a sip from it. "Feels like it's one thing after another, huh? Are quests always this... timey wimey?" The son of Hebe asks, getting a couple of fries to dip in his ketchup. "I'm still trying to make sense of it. So far I got a lot to start my own true crime podcast, but not sure if I'd be incriminating myself if I do. I'd also look terrible in some headphones too, so... Just business as usual."
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β " not much. " winter smiles. " just having some much needed food. " he responded. " yea, you know, trying to figure out this timeline. a lot of changes i'm getting use to. even in my own life, family matters, all that. it's strange how one thing we changed in the past had this much of a butterfly effect. " winter took a bite of his sandwich. " has anything changed for you? "
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