#🤖 family first; always 🤖
robobrainrot · 4 months
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Please submit asks with things you wish were in EarthSpark (Season 2)
I can't promise I'll include them in my fix-it fic but I'd love to hear people's suggestions!
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qui-gg · 4 months
opinion on the bog ii 🤖🤖🤖
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I’ll assume you mean bot and answer accordingly
(Drops art i havent shared and wasnt really planning to. But its appropriate for the things ill talk about yay)
Fun fact i didn’t really have a strong opinion of bots character for a while but then one day i woke up and went “I have an idea for a gjinka” and it caused me to get into their character and now its like my fav gjinka to draw
(Some fun facts about that gjinka design: their head is completely magnetic, and their “hair” is a set of completely removable accessories so their natural state is bald, they can add as much or as little as they want. Also they continue to wear a little pink because i was thinking of the “I can still like chocolate cake” line- they can still like pink too)
I LOVE BOT. Even though i have thoughts and opinions about the iffy nature they were implemented overall i love the concept of a character who was made to be someone else and theyve given me a lot to chew on which i appreciate with a character. What really fascinates me about them is how their interactions with other characters play out so id like to talk more about that⬇️
Their relationship with Cabby was what caused me to create the gjinka design in the first place, and then I found a song that made me think of them and i was like Wow. Bot and cabby’s initial impressions of one another being somewhat at odds due to miscommunication but ultimately other factors (cabby’s disability and bot’s suppression of their fake memory- wow they both have memory issues!) was something that lasted a while but then iii14 saw the end of bot’s assumptions of her being strained when they finally had the chance to actually talk with one another. Bot assumed that Cabby was obsessed with finding a way to explain their existence and identity which they very much felt didn’t need an explanation for who they were, but they realized this is only the way cabby processes the world around her they both place importance on identity both with not knowing their pasts and carving a way for their futures the way they are and they can do it together agh i love ittt
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Here my gjinkas of them with an outfit styleswap
One day i kind of started placing suitcase in bots position to cabby though and i just think about their potential relationship primarily now though LMAO but thats unrelated
With fan and test tube I had stronger opinions about how the circumstances/reasons behind creating them weren’t strong enough and it caused both of their characters to backslide from where they were in ii14 but now i like to look at it and take what i can get from it because i like it when characters do bad and questionable things its interesting to analyze why they did something so selfish. In fan’s case he didnt have a strong connection with bow’s death when it happened beyond being a fan of her bc of his low empathy at the time especially he didnt process it as Death, and he believes he knows everything about bow as the number1 fan so now hes the best person for the job, and test tube coldly decides to recreate the image of a person under the idea shes now using her strengths for a good cause, but shes wrong and she has to learn shes wrong. Theyre not bot’s parents- but it’s easiest for them to describe them that way, since they created them, but that’s not quite how their relationship is at all. Bot has no real familial ties with them, and test tube created them with the sold intention of being somebody other than they are, so that’s always going to stick with them and theyre not just a blindly happy family now. Bot is also a grown adult that doesnt just go away they shouldn’t be infantilized so much. They can be friends with fan and test tube because they now recognize them as Bot but honestly theyd prefer keeping a distance when they can because they wish they were made intentionally or were just a person, but they appreciate being created. Its a pretty unique situation
What really fascinates me the most though is the concepts of how they are in relation to Bow, with the concept of being created as a replication of someone who already exists being so terrifying for both involved. In Bot’s perspective, their conscious is being repressed intentionally to continue living someone else’s life who they never even knew and doesnt identify with. And everyone is acting like its fine and okay when theyre the only one who seems to see how scary this is. They just struggle to grasp with their very existence with the only thing to guide them being a paragraph of a character description and to spew references that dont make sense. In BOWS perspective, she was a celebrity and the most popular contestant in the first season of a reality show, and even after dying on it the fans just screamed for her to “come back” though it was impossible. So her likeness kept getting replicated by both the show (doughs inclusion) and fans (bots creation) who both misrepresented her and she could do nothing but watch it play out. Her death was being denied and other people were living her life just because she was popular on a show, it’s terrifying. Terrifying and despair inducing for both of them theyd both have a disdain for one another on an existential degree, and bot finding their identity is freeing for both of them.
Lifetime achievement award made me insane abt this thanks panks
:D ive talked long enough so thanks for reading this far if you made ittt ! More art
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justafangirly · 4 months
I keep thinking about this so I have to share it:
Which Greek God would each strawhat be?
Luffy: Helios ☀️ - God of the Sun and guardian of oaths
Sun god duh. Also I like guardian of oaths as Luffy always keeps a promise and holds others to theirs as well.
Zoro: Hades ☠️ - King of the underworld, God of the dead and riches
Also pretty obvious for our king of hell. And he keeps almost dying so sure god the dead.
Usopp: Artemis 🏹 - Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, healing, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery
I mainly chose Artemis for the hunting and archery part which is closest to Usopps sniper skills. That she is the goddess of sudden death is also pretty funny though.
Nami: Hermes 🪽 - God of boundaries, roads, travelers, merchants, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, language, oratory, wit, and messages
Of course the god of thieves for Nami. Hermes has a lot of other jobs too and god of travellers fits with her navigator role.
Sanji: Hestia 🥘 - Goddess of the domestic and civic hearth, the home, sacred and sacrificial fire, virginity, family, and the state
Sanji was difficult, but I chose going with the goddess of the hearth for him for his cooking (and fire). Also I feel like Sanji is the most domestic person of the crew so that also fits nicely.
Chopper: Asclepius 🩺 - God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians
Medicine for doctor Chopper of course.
Robin: Athena 📖 - Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft
The brain of the crew has to be Athena. I also thought about Persephone as a representation of the demon child and of spring for her flowers, but ultimately I think wisdom and handiwork are more important aspects.
Franky: Hephaestus 🤖 - God of fire, volcanoes, metalworking, artisans, metallurgy, carpenters, forges, sculpting, and blacksmiths
Pretty easy choice again. It just fits sometimes.
Brook: Apollo 🎵 - God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, light, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young
I mainly chose Apollo for the music and arts aspect of course but protection of the young is also really fitting and cute, especially when thinking of not just the crew but also Laboon.
Jinbei: Poseidon 💧 - King of the sea, God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Again, obvious, but for the first son of the sea really there is no choice.
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luffyvace · 4 months
There’s gonna be a new op series called character remix!!
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this is so exciting and cool!
here’s my thoughts and take on it 💌💗
so if you haven’t heard it’s basically where we’ll get to view all the strawhats pov before they met Luffy, instead of picking up on they’re life where Luffy met them since the anime is in his pov. They’ll be going in chronological order and the first 2 volumes will come out July 4th. Starting with Luffy I believe, in stead of flashbacks like marineford we’ll get the full thing! :) yippie! Also! There’s gonna be 580 pages per volume! That’ll totally be packed with info right?! 🎉
starting with who I’m most curious about:
Robin: 📖📚
she’s first because most backstories are straight to the point in flashbacks but for me it just feels like it happened really quickly. Personal opinion. Also! We got to see that she likes books but we mostly saw her pain. The only thing to have ever made her happy as a child was books, Saul and the researchers. Therefore we didn’t get a chance to learn much about little robin! Would she like dolls if she had to opportunity to get one? Or building blocks? If she wasn’t neglected would she have been a louder person naturally? You never know because how you grow up can mold you, so if you’re in a survival mode from such a young age you don’t get much time to focus on your personality! Which is why I like Robin’s “saying creepy things” gag, it lets me know she’d be a bit of a weirdo! But it can also stem from hardly having any light in her life- also fact that she’s straightforward about it shows some of her personality as well!
Zoro: ⚔️🗡️
this guy’s past is definitely gonna be good! We seriously didn’t get to see anything about him at all! We don’t know what he like’s personally, and yes training and such, but what about silly little adventures?! He lost Kuina which is a part of big part of darkness in his life, but we still don’t know Zoro on a deep level. Really it’s just gonna be interesting to see what the volume has to offer! :)
Franky: 🤖🦾
this!!! This guy! Nobody talks about how little we know of him! It’s like Zoro, we only know what he’s good at! We only know he likes to build! But we don’t know any habits or hobbies he could’ve tried to pick up that didn’t stick, we didn’t see him evolve and grow! Franky and Robin are in their 30s! We don’t even know what they were like in their 20s! Especially not franky!! I’m really pumped to see what he’ll be like from the flashback up til when he meets Luffy, a weirdo that’s for sure. It’d be fun to see the franky family funny moments too!
Brook: ☠️🏴‍☠️
Dude. No one talks about the fact that his flashback started when he was already an adult!! The only reason we know what he looks like as a child is because Oda drew it! Obviously he was playing music back then as well, but all the strawhats ambitions started when they were a kid! That’s not enough info! We don’t know his parents, hometown, anything! We don’t even know why he loves music! I mean we do, but not really we’re it stems from directly, was his parents out of the picture? Were they there but didn’t care so music was all he had? Were they struggling financially? Did he raise himself? What?!
Nami: 🍊🧡
again! All we know is her dream, not her personally! The most we know is why she loves money! And that was shown in the flashback! We also know she wasn’t financially stable, but what about the day to day life? Did the tangerine sales pick up in the summer? Why weren’t they selling good? Couldn’t they have gone to all the neighboring towns to sell them? How did Bellmere break the news that they weren’t a biological family when Nami was of age? Did she always figure and it was an unspoken thing? Or did Nami cry when she found out? We don’t know!
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳🥘
ngl he would be higher on the list if I watch whole cake but I’m only on Zou 😁 anyway, the article I read to find out the series was coming out mentioned the fact that we don’t know exactly when and how Zeff met, which is a good point!! I’m interested in how that went down too! It pretty much just slipped over that during the flashback, did Sanji escape? Did Zeff take him in welcoming or did Sanji have to fight to get in? Did Zeff help break in out? Now keep in mind I haven’t watch Whole cake so if these questions have been answered I don’t know yet. Anyway that’s my take on it, but one more thing. I feel we’ll get a deeper sense of why Sanji loves to cook. And if there’s anything else he likes besides that!
Chopper: 🦌
I wanna see his day to day life! And also funny moments bc IK they’re there. Also to see him study more! Honestly just more background for this little cutie is all I want. Maybe he should be lower on this list….idk? I really wanna see his tho..
Usopp: 🤥
he’s also lower bc i feel they did a good job showing us enough of Usopp’s background. They got the point across real well, but I would like to see more Usopp pirate crew adventures tho!
Luffy: 🧑‍🌾
Lol the emoji is supposed to be a strawhat. Anyway I LOVE Luffy which makes it odd that he’s so low on this list, but he gets lots of screen time, I feel he also got the longest and most detailed backstory. They did a real good job covering most things, I’d honestly just want to see more adventures and they years between 14-17 bc they timeskiped it lol. Itd be fun to see teen Luffy and Ace interact more, since they’re not little kids anymore. Like arguments about who’s gonna be taller, hobbies they might’ve picked up, talking about what they’re gonna name they pirate crews, sneaking into Goa kingdom together and going through another man’s trash to find they’re own treasure. So I guess I might wanna see his more than I thought! Anywho!
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eminsunnytoons123 · 13 days
Special birthday gift to @0lemonadefox0 :
Special Surprise on the special day! 🥳
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Ever since today is Nicole's @0lemonadefox0 's birthday and I know that she has been through a lot.. so to cheer her up, here's the special birthday drawing I made for her =^_^=
So, in this picture, y'all can see me (my IRL self insert) in a light blue bath robe, and there's even Nicole's favorite characters such as Maxi (from roary the racing car but humanized), serial designation N (from murder drones) and Sunny and Madison (from class of 3000, ofcourse) and theres even a table in the middle with a cake that I made just for Nicole and theres even confettis around =^.^= 💛💙🏎️ 💛🤖 🎷🧡☀️ 💟🎻
And I really hope ya will like this, Nicole @0lemonadefox0 , because you were my first bestie/loved one in my tumblr family that I became close with on november or December of 2022, and I feel guilty for not making ya a Birthday drawing last year on 2023, so to make it up, I made it this year... And just know, Nicole, I still feel rully bad for what have ya been through, you never and still dont deserve that type of treatment, and I'll always try to comfort ya snd protect ya... And just know again, I still love ya a lot and always will, even my other loved ones in my tumblr family. So I hope this picture brings ya sincere joy, love, happiness, and comfort =^////////^= ❤️🧡💖
I hope y'all will like this, especially Nicole @0lemonadefox0 =^////^= 💛💙🏎️ 💛🤖 🎷🧡☀️ 💟🎻
And again, happy 21st Birthday, Nicole!! 🥳❤️🎉✨
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digital-playtime · 11 months
Have some angsty facts about Choko because I’m feeling silly at this point:
The reason why he has a lot of plushies on his bedroom is because he was alone for many years before he escaped from the place that he got forced to entertain the children and families. Even when they were other animatronics that takes an appearances of a human that become his friends, he feel like he is a friend to none of them as most of them are like... Fake friends at this point except 🤖💝 and others that I shall mention their name until it's the right time do so.
He wear a ribbon around his neck as a promise that he made with a child who have been missing after their first interaction because the child did wear a ribbon around their neck at that day and to remember their friendship between them, he wears the exact same ribbon like theirs and let it wrapped it around his neck so that he will forever remember their friendship.
He have tears on his face because it's the last thing he experienced human emotions as a human. No matter how many times that he have tried to get rid of it, it will be always be in there.
The members of the blue bouquet are trying to understand his past by listening to some hints that he put on his sentences due to the fact that Choko never opened his heart and speak the truth in front of their faces because he is very scared about what they are going to do with the information after that.
And lastly… If I have to describe him with a single title or anything like that, it would be: “A robot who have the heart of a human”.
And this is it, the end of the post. Yep, now that you have (probably) read through all of this, how does it feels like to know these facts about him in the first place?
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flowerandthesongstress · 11 months
Alice/Noah anything!
🤖🌹beep instructions scarce and unclear beep defaulting to base parameters: lifelong friends. healthy relationship. instantly resolved miscommunication. emotionally mature. ¡qué viva colombia! pining. just a bit sad. life is shit but hugs aren’t shit. family issues. emotional support. ambiguous cryptid pc cameo. comfort comfort comfort comfort comforrrr *erupts in sparks* mmffffffrrrr *blasts some hardcore extreme bass-heavy sarah mclachlan*
An Ordinary Miracle
Alice (x) Noah | G; no tw. 
Here she is, fresh out of bed, still sleepy, barefoot, not even dressed — marveling in awe at what might have always been here; unsure of why today, of all days. 
read below or on the other hellsite.
The first thing that crosses her mind as she looks out the wide-open window of her room: has the sky always been this blue? 
The curtains fluttered, disturbed by a gust of breeze invading her room, just as the alarm shrieked. Punching the button, Alice groaned, turned away from it and towards the light, and grimaced, and opened her eyes, and saw. 
Has the sky always been this blue? 
Alice wasn’t sure, and this uncertainty puzzled her. Instead of shuffling to the kitchen or the bathroom, the way she always does, she approached the window and discovered that it wasn’t only the sky. All of these colors were mesmerizing; a strikingly vivid turquoise blue of the water lapping at the platinum shore, bathed in a quince-marmalade sunrise. 
So taken aback by the spectacular view, that for the last several minutes Alice has been stock-still, staring at it with her mouth agape.
Alice knows this island like the back of her hand; she was born and raised here, after all. Living right by the ocean for so long, she got used to seeing, hearing, and breathing it every single day. It became an insignificant background — noise, sight, smell, and the whole notion of its perpetual neighbourship. Tourists always gush about how extraordinarily beautiful the island is; usually, Alice gives a polite nod in response, offering words of agreement and one of those automated platitudes which lost their meaning long ago. In truth, she just couldn’t see it; she barely looked. 
Today, it’s different. All of it. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the tang of the salty breeze caressing her skin, the warmth of the sun’s rays on her face — each one of these sensations feels new and fascinating. As if she has never met the sea before; as if it was a stranger to her, or she was a stranger to the sea. Despite how they’ve known each other since her birth. 
Fresh out of bed, still sleepy, barefoot, not even dressed, she is marveling at what might have always been here; unsure of why today, of all days. 
Nothing’s changed, after all. Her life is just as drab, isn’t it? 
Alice checks herself and stops staring; there’s only so much spare time to spend on her morning routine, and she would do better not to waste any. Her sister Suki likes to say, ‘Hospitality is all about putting the guest first’ and ‘Laziness is reserved for tourists’ and ‘Chop-chop!’ 
She’d hate to give Suki a reason to say any of these things. Today or on any other day. But in the staff kitchen on the ground floor of Coral Inn, instead of doing anything useful, she idly stands, waiting for her coffee to brew, a thermal cup clutched in her hand, and stares out the window. At the hotel-adjacent beach — a long stretch of white sand— and at the pier jutting far into the water. 
It’s not the final beep that brings Alice out of her reverie; she flinches as the fabric of her cropped summer pants is yanked. Knowing what’s coming, she moves to the side and opens the fridge door like an automaton.  
“Juice!” her niece Valentina demands with a delay, raising her mug. A mug decorated with a ‘cartoony’ mermaid possessing exaggerated facial features and a couple of other exaggerated things; Suki bought it. Suki thinks that this insensitive and appropriating mug is funny. Suki bought a whole batch in bulk and now resells them to tourists as souvenirs. 
Pouring some juice into the mug, Alice once again — for the hundredth time, perhaps — wishes she could choose a new one for her niece, although she’d never admit this wish to Suki, and it’s a fleeting, routine thought. But today, all of a sudden, Alice muses on whether she’d actually be able to pull it off. What if she just buys a really pretty mug for Val’s birthday? It’s in a week. If Val likes the gift and chooses to keep it for her own daily use, there’d be no reason for Suki to object, or discuss, or split hairs, or to say anything at all. Val is headstrong, and, despite what Suki loves to repeat on the regular, it’s her daughter who is the top priority, and not the tourists. 
Tourists are the close second.
Val gulps down her juice in one go and raises the mug again, this time with both hands. “More!”
It’s odd how early she is today — and already dressed. Val loves to surf, but the weather is too calm for a surfing lesson. Not to mention, this frilly and cute sundress could hardly serve as surfing gear. 
“Why are you up so early?” Alice asks, pouring her more with no objections. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes! Ollie invited me to go flower-spotting. Have you ever gone flower-spotting?”
When she and Noah were little, they used to go looking for all kinds of stuff, just the two of them. Bugs, critters, flowers, ghosts, gods, and stories. When they were kids, every day spent with Noah was about something brand new and exciting. 
“Of course. It’s a lot of fun. Just watch out for fairies, they can be vicious this time of year.”
Alice doesn’t remember how and why precisely they stopped going. Was it because a flower fairy bit him on the nose? Or did they stop after Noah kissed her? As she was braiding three grass stalks together to make into a bracelet for him, he pressed his cushiony lips to hers in a quick and loud smooch, and ran off. It was the first kiss for both of them. She remembers it better than a lot of things from her childhood. She remembers the kiss tasting of bubble gum. She remembers the ‘bracelet’ slipping out of her petrified fingers. These memories and feelings are anything but bitter ... yet they are so distant and faded that she can’t help but wonder whether they’re even real, whether she imagined them, dreamt them. She and Noah remained friends, after all, up until he left for school. She thought he would never return, but he did...
“Hair!” Val’s already deposited the mug into the dishwasher and procured the hairbrush, out of one of the kitchen drawers. Suki keeps on putting the brush away, but it always ends up back here. 
It’s a tradition: for Val to sit on the same chair in the staff kitchen and for Alice to style her long tawny hair into a half-up crown braid. It’s been a tradition since Val still had to climb the chair instead of simply sitting down on it. 
“Would you like something different today?” Alice always asks her, and the answer is always no. 
“Yes!” says Val. Today, she wants her hair ‘all down and pretty’. 
Coffee is done. Most mornings, when she needs to unwind, Alice pours herself a full cup and goes to the square. With a book or with her thoughts; doesn’t matter. This ritual allows her to level her mind, calm down, and cope with the upcoming day. Always to the square. But today she can’t help but feel that this morning routine could use some variation.
The pier looks so inviting, bathed in the summer sun, framed by a glittering expanse of turquoise blue. Alice decides to take her coffee to the pier today. 
Outside, the soothing, persistent sound of the ocean waves rolls into her ears. It’s been a while since she last noticed, really noticed it. How long has it been since she’s last gone for a swim?
Walking the length of the pier, she sits at its furthest edge, her bare legs dangling above the water.
The pier is old, and it might remember things which Alice forgot. Old, but not neglected; Valentina’s favorite uncle Rafi is making sure to maintain it in neat condition. The wooden planks might be worn from decades of use, but they’re still safe and sound, and they will last. 
The breeze tugs at Alice’s hair and makes it sway about her face, tickling. Taking care to not let any of her coffee spill, she brushes the strands off to the side with her free hand. Perhaps today she should have done something different to her hair, too, instead of leaving it down as usual. 
Inhaling the tang of the salty brine, she watches the gently swaying water. The sea is as endless as the sky, but more alive. It seems like a gentle, almost imperceptible pulsation is going through it. The waves are shifting in sync, as if the sea itself is breathing ... Breaking its surface, a couple of merfolk emerge in the distance. Alice tenses, praying that she will neither be waved at nor, as that would be much worse, approached and forced to partake in meaningless small talk; praying that she’d be left alone. Luckily, the merfolk dive back into the depths in seconds, having not noticed her. Alice exhales in relief.  
A strange sensation is stirring in her chest, and Alice isn’t sure what to call it. 
It reminds her of anxiety, of nervousness, but lacks the distinct prickly edge of either. An overwhelming, breath-stalling kind of anticipation that borders jubilance; she might have experienced this feeling as a child ... If she absolutely had to, she’d have called it ‘waiting for a miracle’.  
Although she tried, Alice can’t shake this unexplainable premonition: today will be a day unlike any other. 
Sure, there are some days which stand out from the rest and are especially vivid in her memory. Days when everything that could possibly go wrong — does go wrong. The toaster in the breakfast hall breaking down along with the coffee machine, a guest bringing in an infectious disease, a guest getting drunk and rowdy, a guest starting a fight, a guest trying to take a picture of a stone statue and getting a stone punch in the groin because the ‘statue’ was a stone giant who didn’t appreciate being gawked at when they’re meditating; Alice being the one who has to remind the guest to read the Terms of stay when he yells to be given monetary compensation, Alice being the one who has to endure verbal abuse from him, Alice trying not to cry, Alice failing; Suki requesting this, Suki demanding that, Suki making decisions for both of them, Suki shaming her, Suki pushing her into doing things that make Alice want to ball up and bawl, things like making calls and yelling at suppliers and demanding things from them and shaming them. 
Alice gets such days quite often. 
Best she can hope for is a quiet day without too much stress. There is no tangible reason to expect any miracles. 
No reason to expect anything out of the ordinary, even. 
But Alice is convinced. Something is going to happen. Something big and profound. Something— She sighs; although the waves are masking the sound, although there is no noticeable shaking, she can still feel the weight of the footsteps through the interconnected wooden planks, and knows that someone stepped onto the jetty and is about to approach her. 
Alice doesn’t want to turn or look over her shoulder in order to see who that is. It could hardly be Suki. Suki would have shouted from the boardwalk. Taco, a mountain spirit inhabiting the body of a dog, does come over sometimes, but he always politely inquires whether he’s allowed to enter private property, or if his presence would be disruptive today — before stepping on the hotel’s jetty. So it’s likely a guest who’s either feeling flirty or wants to complain or demand, or Suki’s ex-husband Antonio, who, despite them being divorced, still lives at the Inn and likes to grumble or cry into Alice’s shoulder, although Alice’s shoulder never gave Antonio consent to do that. Whoever that is, the magic will be disrupted. She is clinging to the last threads of the pleasant and mysterious feeling, while strongly suspecting that it’s about to be washed off and disappear forever. 
She can feel the threatening presence behind her back, the footsteps light, quiet, and confident. When a shadow falls over her, Alice shrinks into herself, as if she could turn invisible this way, and inadvertently looks up.
“Hey, Allie.”
Her rigid shoulders sag and the tightness within her uncoils. Right before her body tenses in an entirely different way. 
As a child, Noah would have grinned ear to ear at her, or roughhoused her, or grabbed her wrist and pulled her away to the beach or to look at something fun, or to nick sweets off the tavern’s kitchen, or play a new game he’d invented. He would have done many things, and would have had no reservations and no second thoughts.
As a child, she would have thrown herself at him and hugged him, or asked if he’d like to go snorkeling, or insisted that he read a book to her today, or made him listen to a song that she liked. She would have done many things, and would have had no reservations and no second thoughts.
But now she just stares, with no clue as to what to do or what else to say except for ‘hi’.
Now he just smiles softly and asks if he’s allowed to stay a while and keep her company.  
Now Alice finds herself nodding and then nodding some more. Now, raising her unsealed thermal cup as Noah lowers himself to sit next to her, she asks, “Coffee?” 
Now Noah shows her the sealed thermal cup he’s brought with him.  
He’s been back for a while, but it’s the first time they’re one-on-one since his return from uni. 
The first time she’s seeing him from so up close. 
As teenagers, they were awkward, neglected and miserable, and believing that the entire world was against them, and always pretending to be mad at everything but each other, and always lying to their parents and siblings, and sneaking out, and drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, and listening to shitty music way too loud, and trying to act grown-up and tough, and failing at it together, and always saying ‘I hate this island, I hate this world, but I don’t hate you’, and they were allies and accomplices. 
As a child, she was pudgy and plump, and always dirty from head to toe, and her hair was always tangled, and she had chubby cheeks and a huge gap between her front teeth, and was always sporting bruises and scratches, and always getting new ones as soon as the old ones would start to fade, and always wearing mismatched hand-me-downs, and always telling Noah that he was the coolest and that they would be best friends forever. 
As a child, he was gawky and clumsy, and his feet were too big, and his arms were too long, and his hair was a mess, and he had pockmarks from varicella, and he was always chewing on a piece of gum and scowling a huge white-tombstone grin, and always blowing pink bubbles in her face, and always threatening to stick the gum in her hair, and never doing that, and always wearing mismatched hand-me-downs, and always teasing her by calling her his future wife and saying that one day they would marry, and always being gawky and clumsy and not caring about it, and her hand never strayed from his, and she always felt so brave when by his side, and they were equals. 
And now ... now he’s one of the most handsome men Alice has ever seen. Now, Noah is tall, lean, and graceful. His face is all but perfect. His arms are strong and toned. His skin is smooth and clear. His black hair is a row of neat lopsided spikes on top of an even neater undercut, and the golden glow of the sun is giving it a mirror sheen. His clothes — the snow-white trainers, the expertly fitted black jeans, the ironed polo shirt — are immaculate. His voice is warm and mellow. He looks and sounds so confident, so composed. And his smile is dimpled and easy, and he is not her best friend anymore, and Noah is his own man. 
Now Alice is all too aware how his thigh brushes against hers, and she can barely breathe, and she can barely focus, and she can barely manage not to let her coffee spill or to choke on her words, and she can barely notice anything at all except for how beautiful he looks, although she’s known him all her life and never ever noticed. 
“How’s it going?” he asks.
Alice’s reply is an eloquent, “Huh?”
“How are you holding up?”
Alice thought that he would never come back; his eldest brother, Eddy, left the island, his older sister Aaliyah, having spent a few years away and tasted of the outside world, has been thinking of leaving for good, too, and likely would do so soon. Alice thought that he would never come back, so she let him go. Or so she thought. She did her best to feel happy for him; a new and exciting life awaited him out there. Or so she told herself.  
Then he came back, changed.
Instead of ‘good’ or ‘same old’ she blurts out a “Why?”
Terrified of conflicts, she avoids them at all costs. Habitually bracing for impact, Alice winces; the word came out sounding harsher than she intended. She’s about to follow it up with a desperate ‘Nevermind, I mean, it’s fine, everything is great, just livin’ life, you know, uh, thanks for asking, how are you?’ making use of the fact that he’s taking a sip — when Noah briskly lowers the cup, turns his head, and the phrase gets stuck in her throat. 
She’s staring at his stylish, minimalist, browline-rimmed glasses, this tiny chin cup beard, and the thin and tidy patch under his plump lower lip. Since when— 
He takes a deep breath, as if he’s about to dive. “I’m sorry, Allie. ‘Tis the season, so I know that you’re busy, and I know that this is why we haven’t gotten a chance to properly talk and hang out and all.” Noah’s voice is low, and soft as velvet, and Alice finds herself wishing she could listen to it for hours. Isn’t it the same voice he’s had since his teenage years? He couldn’t have changed his voice, as well, could he? “I know, I get it, and I hope it’s okay that I dropped by. But I just— I’ve recently gotten this feeling that you’re avoiding me. Tell me I’m paranoid?” His forehead creases; Noah tilts his head to the side, with a small, sheepish smile. 
Her lips unpin. “You’re—”
It was Noah who seemed like the busy one. After his return, Alice has been watching from the sidelines — or shadows — of the tavern’s hall, not approaching. Only a couple of times, though. Mostly, she’s been hearing things about him, and, judging by these things, he was indeed a new man. The way others described him, calling him suave, witty, charming, full of energy, but also responsible, level-headed, thorough, slow, mature ... felt alienating. 
Noah inherited a family business alongside his brother, and, by all indications, took to it as a duck to water. He keeps it running smoothly, is doing books and handling suppliers now, and gets along well with Frank. 
Alice inherited a family business alongside her sister, and it’s a never-ending, slow-motion nightmare. Always stressed and strained, Alice can hardly deal with the simplest, most mundane tasks, and Suki gets mad at her every single day. 
She and Noah used to be equals, allies, and accomplices. After his return, she couldn’t help but feel inferior to him, couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she was only slowing him down. 
She’s supposed to act polite and to say to this confident, strange, handsome man, ‘Of course you’re being paranoid. Please don’t worry. How’s work? How’s your mom doing?’ And she’s about to spell out this white lie, but—
“I just miss you a lot, Allie,” he adds so quickly and quietly that she needs to strain in order to hear him. 
Noah was never a skilled liar, but what if he’s grown out of this, too? 
“You ... miss me?”
Her body feels like a shell of lead, and the sound of the ocean and the beating of her heart suddenly become deafening as she meets his gaze. 
Everything else about him seems so different. Noah looks like a carefree supermodel now, but his eyes are as earnest as they have always been. Deep and kind and soulful, and just a little mischievous as he quirks an eyebrow; it’s the same eyes she remembers. Is this an illusion?
Or is it truly the same boy who taught her to swim? 
“Like crazy.”
She and Noah started growing apart long before his departure. His dad passed away, then Eddy left, then Frank got married and moved out, then Aaliyah’s conflicts with Betty started. Noah was trying as hard as he could to be there for what remained of his family. And Alice barely had a spare minute, what with all of that inheriting-the-hotel business and taking classes online ... Whenever she and Noah had time to meet and talk at all, they only talked of how stressed and wrung out they both were, and half-assedly joked about how much they both wanted to be abducted by aliens so that there’d be no need to deal with any of this, but aliens favored big cities and continuously ignored their corner of the world, and those meetings were growing more and more scarce. Then he left... She could not blame him. She did not blame him, not for a single second. 
Lately, there have been days which Alice spent in complete silence, having said zero words to zero people. She’s come to consider days like that positive. They’re less tiring. No words means no conflict, or at least it means a one-sided conflict which is destined to fizzle out soon. No words means no shallow small talk, no empty questions about how she’s doing, coming from people who don’t actually care how she’s doing. 
Alice hasn’t felt relaxed in ages. She’s so tired. She is tired of feeling like a failure. Tired of feeling out of place, like an outsider in her own home, tired of feeling that nothing she does is good enough, tired of being told off for every single transgression, tired of living in her sister’s shadow. She is so tired of—
—of having no one to talk to about how tired she is. 
“I was, Noah. I was avoiding you. I’m ... so sorry. But I—” Words rise to her throat, words spill and spill and spill out of her in batches. Much like pearls and spherical rubies out of the mouths of half the townsfolk did, during that nasty epidemic last year, one which gave Yuri and Charles so much trouble and a lasting addiction to coffee. 
The stream seems never-ending, but it doesn’t feel like an ailment. It feels like it used to, long ago, when his presence was making her brave. Alice tells him what she’s heard about him, she speaks of all the praise and compliments the townspeople have been directing at him, and how she got an impression that the things which she never had the strength or confidence to do, he now does effortlessly.
“I just felt like I had nothing to offer anymore, like maybe you were avoiding me, because you’re so brilliant, and all I can do is—”
Noah laughs. He laughs, and his deep, braying laughter, so familiar, so forgotten, resonates inside her with a nameless ache. She missed this sound so much. She missed his unabashed, white-tombstone smile, his dimples, and the way the skin around his eyes crinkles. He laughs, and it’s a dam to the stream. 
Silent, mesmerized, she watches him. Alice is terrified of conflicts; Noah used to de-escalate conflicts and any tense situations in seconds, with a smile on his face. No, not ‘used to’—
“Oh Gh-awd, Allieeeee.” Pinching them by a corner, Noah raises his glasses and wipes a tear of mirth off his left eyelid. “And here I thought— First of all, you know they’re praising you just as much, right? Ohhh dearest Alice, always so polite, so composed and patient, so dutiful and respectful! Just the other day I overheard Wataru using you as an example to shame his son. His son is a goddamn STEM academic! Who, by the way, says he doesn’t ‘believe’ in aliens, as if that’s a question of belief, but that’s beside the point... Secondly, we both got stuck in the hospitality business, come on, you must be aware by now that it’s a crapshoot that’s all about window dressing! Horeca is hell. But you gotta fake it till you make it, and, you know, we gotta show visitors a good time and be there for them, there’s no choice, because our families depend on this, on us. But did you really think— I’m sorry. Allie, I’m so sorry. But come on. Come o-on! Even if I was this brilliant and suave hero, which I’m so not, I assure you, you know it wouldn’t have changed a thing, right? Like I would leave you in the dust to be all high and mighty?! We were buddies, you and I, we were— We are. I would never, not in a million years, think less of you, for whatever reason, I would never want us to stop being buddies. You’re amazing, you’re legit the best person in the world, precisely ‘cause you hate window-dressing, you’re so real, no one gets me like you do. Come on, I know you, don’t you know me? I’m still me, and you’re still you, and no matter what, it’s gonna be you and me, because that’s just the way it is.”
Someone else in his place would have acted offended or annoyed at her presumptuousness. Someone else would have scolded her. Someone else would have clicked their tongue, formed a grimace, and shaken their head ... Alice is speechless. Not fumbling for words, not avoiding words, not scared of words. It’s not some stranger. It’s him, it’s Noah. 
Noah, who taught her to swim and to count. 
Noah, whom she taught to read and write and to ride a bicycle. 
The same Noah whom she stole Frank’s moped with — and then they crashed it while learning to drive. Together. 
It’s the same man she’s known all her life, possessing the same unshakeable confidence and faith in their friendship.
While she almost threw it away. If not for this moment of bravery— Alice feels like a fool. She feels like a child who got scared of her own shadow.
“I don’t know why I’m like this,” she mutters. 
“I do.” Tilting sideways, he nudges her shoulder with his own, and the gesture is as familiar to Alice as her own breathing. “‘Cause you’re tired A-F, that’s why.”
The feeling of relief is so intense that for a moment Alice is worried her bones will melt.
The silence which follows is not strained in the slightest. It’s as comfortable as a warm blanket on a cold and stormy night. It’s the silence of two people who know each other so well, they barely need to worry about talking. With but a hint of concussed silence. 
For a time, they sit sipping their coffee, looking at the water, listening to the gentle, steady cadence of the waves. Alice remembers; this is not the first time the two of them are on this pier. They used to spend hours here, as kids. Although never in silence. 
“So. Tourists being a pain?” he finally pipes up. Alice turns just in time to see him adjusting his glasses again. Do they not fit well or is it a nervous habit?
“No. I mean, yes, I mean it’s—” This time, she does stutter. They say he is the perfect son. They say Betty is the luckiest mother on the island. Alice has no trouble believing this, and a small part of her is still reluctant and cautious in regards to his boundaries. He hasn’t badmouthed his family directly since the two of them were angsty hormonal teenagers. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, in what unmistakably is a nervous habit, she starts, “I’m grateful to Suki. She keeps the business running, she’s always so determined, full of energy. She’s a problem solver. She’s my sister and I lo—”
“Don’t,” interrupts Noah briskly, startling her. “Don’t do that.”
“D-do what?” She turns her head to find him looking at her not with a judgmental crease in his brow, but with a small sardonic smile. 
“Come on, Allie, it’s me. You don’t need to preface a rant with excuses. Just say it, say what’s on your mind. Go nuts.”
She has been apologizing and groveling, sometimes in advance, trying to appease so many people, to explain herself, for as long as she can remember. With Noah, she never felt the need to do that. Why start now?
“She’s pushy, Noah, she’s pushy, and it’s so hard on me,” Alice breathes out on a long exhale, peering right into his eyes. 
And just like that, words start to flow from her again. Alice talks about the many little things that bother her, that wear her out. The phone calls she hates making, ones Suki insists she makes. Suki ordering her about, Suki making decisions for them both without Alice ever being consulted, Suki calling her out in public, or demonstratively humiliating her by asking strangers for advice on what Alice needs to do — rather than discuss the issue in private or just let her off the hook. Suki berating her whenever she believes her inefficient; telling her off for not working as fast as she works, for not doing as much as her. Suki saying things like, ‘It’s time you learned how to put your foot down and take charge of things, or at least how to hold a pen right!’ or ‘What’s wrong with you today? Can’t you do a simple math sum?! What are you, five?’ or ‘Chop-chop! It’s fine to be a klutz from time to time, but if you keep on slacking, you’ll let the whole family down!’ 
Alice talks about feeling like a failure — while at the same time starting to believe that she isn’t. She talks about how much she wants to stop feeling like a failure, because she knows she isn’t. Noah listens almost without interjecting. He nods along, in acknowledgment, and once in a while manifests a scowl or an ‘Oof’. He’s right there with her, he knows what’s expected of her, of them, and he relates. There is no doubt in her mind anymore. 
It’s so liberating to talk about it all openly, and witness no judgment. It’s exhilarating.  
In a few words, a few gestures, and through his sheer presence, he grounds her, puts her back together, and imparts some of that bravery in the way only he knows how. 
“It’s hard to love them, sometimes. I know.” His voice is low, and it trembles. The smile on his face is fragile; Noah is looking down at his knees, at the water below the pier, at his cup. 
She finally notices, behind the beautiful veneer, and the stylish glasses, how puffed up his eyelids are from lack of sleep. This small detail strikes her. Alice’s chest constricts, her stomach clenches. Noah is just as tired. He’s exhausted. 
He’s not some superhuman, and the past two and a half years were just as hard on him. And he had no one to confide in, either.
“Noah,” she whispers, poking him in the shoulder, while at the same time registering the puzzling and alluring wish to cup his cheek instead — something she’s never done; a gesture that is so not them . “Your turn. Go nuts.”
Tossing his head up, he snorts. “You’re not gonna believe this, but it’s a-all the same shit—”
Alice listens to him talk about customers and suppliers, as rowdy and capricious as the ones she deals with; about how he handles them, and how tiring it is at times to keep a straight face, to be friendly and welcoming when all he wants is to strangle a dude. About equipment breaking down, about the days when everything at once goes wrong. 
She listens, hoping that for him, as well, a shared burden would no longer be as heavy. 
“Remember how we were teens, talking shit, saying all of the time about how we want to leave? That we hated the world and hated the island?” 
But did not hate one another. 
“Ow, man. Leaving is just not an option, even if I wanted to. But I had to go and learn and bust my ass for two years at uni, just to get a solid grip on how things oughta be handled, ‘cause I had no other choice, it was me or no one else, otherwise that mess of a tavern would have collapsed, now I’m bustin’ my ass here, but they—”
He talks about his family, for a long while. Noah tells her of how Betty still perceives and treats him as her baby boy, despite him being an adult and, by all known definitions, the most responsible sibling of them all, the one who always looks out for them; he talks of Aaliyah being moody and full of doubt, and getting into fights with their mom; about Frank’s devil-may-care attitude and the stupid experiments he pulls in the kitchen, trying to ‘expand’ the menu and fix what isn’t broken.
“And my sister-in-law is using me as a lab rat, and I let her, ‘cause she’s family now. But I swear, in comparison to everything else, that’s an upside, and—”
“Wait, what?” Alice stops him short, rewinding. “Lab rat? For what?”
“Everything.” Shrugging, Noah rubs the patch under his lower lip, with the pad of his thumb. “Hair and whatnot.”
Reclining, Alice freezes and stares at him, at the side of his head, at the neat, precise line-up. Suddenly, she’s wishing to run her hand over his undercut, just to find out if that neatly trimmed stubble would tickle. To learn what it feels like under her fingers. His hair used to be such a long shaggy mess... 
She sees his hand move in slow-motion. Noah aims to raise it to her face, but then stops midway, as if unsure. Alice holds her breath. Her heart is beating fast. He lowers his hand and fiddles with the lid of his empty cup instead.
A gentle breeze brushes past them, tugging at the hem of Alice’s blouse, flapping the collar of Noah’s shirt. She draws in a sharp breath as, distracted, she’s lost track of, well, everything. 
The tempo of the ocean waves is speeding up. The tide is rising. 
“Uuh, yup, everything. Nails and skin and all. Lucky for me, she��s a decent stylist.” His eyebrows jump, and she sees that they’ve been trimmed or plucked too. “So how’s my new look? Do I look like a proper douchebag?”
“Not even a little.” 
“No douchebag vibes, even? So much for all the crap that sister’s put me through.”
Shaking her head, Alice lets out a solitary chuckle which instantly turns into a fit of laughter. Eyes roving over her features, Noah joins her, and it feels so good to laugh with him again. So right.
“Aww, poor you. I should drop by Erika’s and save you by heroically volunteering myself,” she teases, still laughing.
“My sister-in-law might be a decent stylist, but even she can’t improve perfection,” Noah counters, and for an additional second that grin is still stretching his face, before faltering and then flattening. 
So does hers as the words sink in. Noah’s lips remain unsealed. He does not turn away. Instead, he holds her gaze. Eyes wide open, Noah is looking straight at her. 
This is brand new. Completely new and unexplored. 
Alice can feel heat rising to her cheeks, and she’s certain that it shows. She’s certain that he can hear her pulse pounding wildly in her veins; she feels like her heart is about to break out of her ribcage and jump right at him, and maybe a part of her wishes for Noah to keep looking at her like this forever, and, for another fleeting moment, she wants nothing more than to grab the collar of his shirt and to pull him close and taste his stupidly perfect mouth ... Exhaling, Alice ducks her head, hiding behind her hair, hoping that the sun will mask her blush.
Meanwhile, she can hear him clear his throat. Noah’s hand lands on her shoulder and squeezes it, and rocks her gently. “Anyway. It gets better. It’ll get better, Allie. We’ll pull through. We’ll make it, you and I.”
But what if she doesn’t want him to fully de-escalate it? 
Following an overwhelming, courage-fed impulse, Alice leans into him and wraps her free arm around his upper back, and nuzzles into his shoulder.
His breath catches. It takes him a few moments to relax, but he does: she can feel his lean muscles uncoil, can feel him ease into her half-embrace. Noah’s hand slips around her lower back. 
“I don’t actually hate the island. I never have.”
“Me neither. I love the island. I do hate you a little now, though,” he mumbles into the top of her head.
“Yeah. I hate you too.” 
She feels him shift; he is looking at her now.
“I have an idea. We both need a goddamn break. Let’s ditch our joints today. Let’s go somewhere.” Noah sounds resolute and gentle at the same time.
“Where?” Alice asks, but doesn’t dare raise her eyes to look into his.
“Does it matter?”
“I suppose not. But I’d have to tell Suki, and I—”
He squeezes his arm around her back. “It’s just an afternoon, Allie. We’re all grown up now, we don’t need to ask for permission.”
“But Suki is expecting me to—”
“Suki. Will. Be. Fine.”
Alice takes a deep breath, still nuzzling into his neck. He smells so good. Like fresh laundry, and a hint of cedar, but mostly, he smells like Noah. Like courage, like mischief and promises of an adventure, like venturing into the exciting unknown; like that low thrum of joy in her heart, so familiar, so forgotten. Like home. 
“Flower-spotting?” he pitches, and she’s finally feeling brave enough to draw away and look at him. 
His smile is now so sheepish that it would make any other man seem bashful. It just makes Noah appear boyish and sweet. 
“I’d love to.”
Looking away, Noah runs a hand through his hair, messing up his perfectly tidy spikes, and Alice can see that his palm is trembling, ever-so-slightly. “Remember how we went flower-spotting that one time and I did something stupid that I shouldn’t have done—”
“You kissed me,” she whispers. Was that stupid? Alice’s heart falls; she did not expect it to react with so much intensity.
But then he starts speaking again. “Allie, the stupid thing was, I ran away. So if I—” Taking a deep breath, he finishes, “I’m not stupid anymore. I’m not gonna do stupid things again, because—”
Interrupting him, someone materializes right on the pier in a rustling vortex of pink petals, and then, to Alice’s utter relief, leaves in a haste — right away, without saying a word to either of them or even acknowledging their presence. And yet. So rude. 
Noah slaps his knees, gets up, and offers her his hand. “Let’s go.”
As he pulls her away by the wrist, the way he used to do when they were kids, Alice suddenly understands the cause behind that mysterious anticipation. Why she was waiting for a miracle. 
She remembers now. When the alarm woke her up, she was dreaming of him.
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caspersscareschool · 7 months
imagine im sending all the emojis under Character Specific - i love when u talk about the versions of the turtles that exist in ur mind, theyre canon to me (has never watched the show or any movie)
you are the realest one out there I'm so serious. under cut because that's a lot of questions
first of all: she/her leo, he/it raph, he/him donnie, any/all mikey but mostly he/him unless the situation calls for it
🥊 Does Raph have anger issues? If so, how does Raph deal with his anger?
i guess you could say that it does, but its issues have more to do with the guilt and fear associated with feeling or expressing anger on any level. he relies a lot on leo's constant emotional support
🧶 Does Raph knit?
no, but yoshi sews. raph's hobbies include raising butterflies and stag beetles, planting herbs and then forgetting to water them and crying when they die a week later, basketball, and lacrosse (but only with leo). he also has a hamster named daisy whom he would kill himself for without a moment's hesitation
🗣️ Is your Leo the leader? Has he always been?
...there's not really a "leader" since that's not how families work in real life, but she's generally the dubious voice of reason and the one who carries everybody's water bottles and medications and whathaveyou. she resents this position a little but doesn't have the self awareness to confront it
🔥 Is Leo accident prone? Especially in the kitchen?
no ❤️ she's not good at cooking because she is too afraid of failure to put any effort towards building skills that don't come naturally to her, so if it was her job to cook dinner she'd just dump a bunch of hot sauce and tuna and jelly and cheese and gravy in a pot and go heheheyhehheehhehehe Soup👍
🔬 Is Donnie only interested in Tech?
I'm not entirely clear on what this question means. he has other interests outside stem, but in my verse his focus is much more on computer science and mechanical engineering than any other field of science, so he kind of doesn't gaf about biology or anything organic or "squishy." if that was the question. other interests include grindcore music, transformers, my little pony (the toys), swimming, gambling, arguing on forums, sculpting, 3d animation, girls, and other things.
🤖 Does your Donnie have a robot child?
Grins really huge.
🎨 Is Mikey the artist of the family?
yes but he's best at cartoons and graffiti and abstract designs. he also makes his own music (mostly experimental hip-hop). donnie is a far better representational artist, but he doesn't consider his work "art" since he doesn't have mikey's imagination or eye for color and he pays mikey disgusting amounts of dubiously-sourced money to draw his pngtuber rantsona. mikey in turn spends this money on fancy cheese
😈 Is Mikey a little shit?
what more is there to say. Yes
🐀 Was Splinter a human or an animal before he was mutated?
human. but don't worry about it
🧑‍🍼 How does Splinter raise the boys?
Jesus. i really don't know how to get into this without copy/pasting 3 pages of backstory from my notes doc. he did his best that's all i can say
💏 Does/Did Splinter have a significant other?
he had a weird bisexual thing. which is different. i can't disclose more at this time
🎤 Is April a reporter?
april is a first-year undergrad majoring in journalism and minoring in environmental science. she interns at her college newspaper, and lately has been going to dangerous lengths to uncover her "big break" so they'll let her do more than edit the crossword
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Is April considered a sibling?
she's like. okay. april is an integral part of their family, AND. she's also really not a surrogate/adopted/found sister in a literal sense. yoshi isn't her dad, and her relationship with the turtles is quite distinct from their relationship with each other as siblings, but it's still just as important, because she's family. like, found family outside of any traditional nuclear family roles. she's their best friend and they're her home away from home
🏒 Does Casey play hockey?
casey is such a minor character in my verse right now that it's actually kind of hysterical that they'd be on this list. they used to play, yeah.
🦸 Is Casey a vigilante?
they are a serial murderer.
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etes-secrecy-post · 21 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Happy 28th Birthday Bryan360
Hello, September! 🍂🍁 I had no plans on sharing my throwback artworks (a.k.a. #OnThisDay post) because it is time for another celebrating a birthday! Its my A-Pal's 28th birthday! 🎂🎁🥳
IMPORTANT NOTE #1: No Art Trade this month, with my A-Pal. 😊 So, you know, give him a chance to relax while he's celebrating like my previous Bday? Yeah. ☺
• "First" off, I want to apologize for missing out on the respective anniversaries of Bryan360's three main OCs; Maxwell 🐰🖌️, May 💥👊🐰, and Sam ⚽🦊. That's because, I was dealing with my emotions on my mistakes and mishaps, not to mention I missed using my PC desktop since June 2024. I'm still using my mom's laptop... *sigh* 😔Furthermore, when I try to apply for a job on my current social media, I've sort of made a mistake but I dodge the bullet from a job scam. Thanks, Mom for reminding me from 2019. I'm still a helper at my parents' small rug business without pay.😥 So much for getting the opportunity for a real-life job and purchasing whatever I want (including my dream plush I like is that legit "DogDay" plushie doll 🐶☀️🥺🤗)
• And "Second", my OCs never get a chance to see me wearing PJs, including the ones that were gifted by Bryan360's OCs. So, I thought to myself "Why not I combine his upcoming birthday & my OCs wearing PJs into one celebratorily artwork package?" 🤔 And thus, an ultimate yet unique birthday slumber for his 28th-year birthday! 😁🥳🎊🌙🌃 After all, night day is ALWAYS a perfect way to celebrate any occasion! And the cherry on top of his birthday cake is adding pillow mattresses with their clothes gifted by the Rabbit-Fox family! What's not to love? 👕👖🥰🤗
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing his owned PJs from Maxwell]: Yeah! Nice idea, creator! 😁 I bet, he'll likes your gift art just like he did to you! 😊 Right now, we could stay up night for a nice midnight Birthday Slumber Party! 🛏️🌙🥳🎂
Riya 🐰🏎️ [wearing her owned PJs from May]: Yes, sir! A unique kind of birthday celebration is something interesting than a regular celebration! 😁 *hugging, rubbing, and squeezing on her pillow mattress* 👕👖🥰🤗
Cude 🐰🤖 [wearing his owned PJs from Sam]: I could agree your statements, twins! On behalf on our creator and their family, have a wonderful birthday to you, Mr. Bryan! 😊
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: His gift art → [CLICK ME!] from my 31st birthday's cake supposedly be written as "Maligayang Kaarawan" 🎂🇵🇭, instead he wrote it in a Spanish words. I would say, that this a error in mistranslation of sorts. So, I have to do something the same thing as he did to me for a fair mistake. 😅
Fun Fact ☝️😮: The Philippines in their ancient times used to have an official "Spanish" language owing to the historic colonization. 🇪🇸🇵🇭 However, by the time when the WWII ended, the Philippines already gained their independence from the United States, and the official "Spanish" language for the Philippines was removed. 🇵🇭📖 Nevertheless...
Well, that's all for now! And once again, Happy Birthday, A-Pal! 🇺🇸🇵🇷🤗🥳🎁🎂🎊
Cude (HTF OC) and the Speedster Twins (Spot & Riya; Chowder OCs) - created by ME! Maxwell, May, and Sam (Rabbits and Fox OCs) - owned by @bryan360
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eternalwritess · 2 months
hello, dearie! i saw your matchups, and i think what you’re doing is just the cutest thing! so i’m hopping in with a request of mine, if that’s alright!
general stuff/preferences: i’m an 18 year old cisgender woman and am bisexual, not too sure of my gender preference yet if i’m being real. not too picky about who i’m paired with although i would not like to be shipped with the following: valentino, niffty, alastor, mimzy, angel dust, sera, saint peter
personality: honestly i can get pretty cold and sharp around folks i don’t know well, i don’t trust until you’ve proven that you’re worth trusting, but once you get past that first initial stage… i’m honestly just a big ball of sun (according to my close ones)! i’m fairly mouthy and have a bit of an attitude, both jokingly and seriously. my humor is very sarcastic and quite a bit cynical, which matches who i am, i guess. if i love you, then i love you whole heartedly, i’m very protective yet loyal to those i love, and despite my small stature i won’t hesitate to throw literal hands if you fuck with my friends, partner, family, etc. despite my highkey bitch persona, when i’m with someone who i value (like a partner), i really let go more. i’m just more light hearted and goofy with my partner, and it’s just easier for me to be comfortable with them over anybody else, i’m a fair bit shy when it comes to handling compliments, both in a romantic and platonic setting, but i won’t deny them. if you’re into this kinda stuff or if it helps, i’m a pisces and my mbti type is infj (i think).
love languages: in terms of giving love, i’m an acts of service and physical affection sorta gal. i’m not great with my words, especially when it comes to love, although i do try. i honestly just love doing things for my partner to take the weight of their shoulders, like for an irl example, i’ll sneak into my boyfriend’s apartment to clean it up a bit for him while he’s at work — or if i stay the night at his i’ll wake him up with breakfast, simple things. i’m also big on physical affection, i hate pda though, but behind closed doors im all yours, kisses or cuddles or whatever ya want, your wish is my command.
appearance: i’d say i’m fairly basic appearance wise, honestly i’m short, at about 5”1. i have tan skin and dark brown (borderline auburn) curly hair with (dark) blue eyes. i have dimples, which i always hated throughout my years because i thought they made me look childish. i’d say i’m in the middle weight wise, i’m not skinny, but i’m not plus-size (no hate to my plus size peeps, ily mwauh mwauh), but i’ve got a bit of bone to me, and i feel no shame in admitting that i am infact chubby. i’ve also got a few moles and freckles on my face and neck.
ideal date: an ideal date for me consists of sitting on our asses at home while a movie is on that we’re not paying any mind to while we just talk about everything that comes to us. or like a lazy day during a hot summer or something. can you tell i have depression? /hj /lh
kins: (if you couldn’t quite a grasp on my personality, i recommend reading these to get a better idea, i also only included hazbin/helluva kins because my matchup is hazbin)
blitzø (helluva boss), vaggie (hazbin hotel), octavia (helluva boss), angel dust (hazbin hotel), fizzarolli (helluva boss), charlie morningstar (hazbin hotel), ozzie (helluva boss), husk (hazbin hotel), moxxie (helluva boss), adam (hazbin hotel)
style: lowkey i dress like a hobo ngl. an every day fit for me consists of sweatpants or leggings, a baggy sweatshirt or hoodie, with either birkenstocks, ugg slippers, or nike sneakers. sometimes i can’t tell if i dress like a basic white girl or hobo, or both who knows damnit.
so yeah, that’s my matchup! i hope this was enough, or hopefully isn’t too long! tysm if you do this! take care and drink some water, and remember to take breaks 🤍
- 🤖
i match you with... 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
➸ I'm not one hundred percent sure and how you two would meet. but if I had to guess I'd say that Saint Peter was out on break and you came up to heaven during that time and he was told to man the gates (despite his protests). He wouldn't be the kindest letting you in, most likely rudely asking for you name and rolling his eyes whenever you gave him a response.
➸ Until you had enough of it, you would snap at him telling him to just do his job and then he'd be more interested in you, messing with you and playing with you teasingly just to get a reaction. I'd imagine that you'd soon grow tired of it and just started to not speak to him and once you were let into heaven you were relieved hoping that you would never see him again.
➸ However fate had different plans for you, he bothered you constantly he wasn't even trying to constantly see you or meet up with you, but whenever he saw you he instantly found some way to annoy the shit out of you. Talking louder than usual, sometimes leaning on you and acting like it was an accident. He thought that you were interesting, more so than any of the other people in heaven and he was going to make sure that he got to know you.
➸ Sooner or later you'd ask him what his deal was with you and all he'd do was smile and simply state that you were interesting and didn't seem like the other 'goody two shoes' that managed to spring up around there. Not to mention he liked the sarcasm you would use to deal with him, he found it endearing and hilarious.
➸ Whether you liked it or not he began hanging out around you more and slowly you became friends and the more you became friends the more he would sling an arm around your shoulder or grab you and pull you places. Soon enough he was constantly touching you in one way or another, brushing hands, or grabbing your wrist to take you somewhere else.
➸ Soon enough he began figuring out that he liked you and began making it his mission to make sure that you liked him back. He'd ask you all sorts of questions and try to figure you out, pick you apart just so that he'd be sure you were in love with him back. Although he just gave up on those tests and straight up asked you out.
➸ At first you weren't sure when it came to going out with him but he didn't stop trying. He kept going and soon enough you agreed. It wasn't that romantic of a date because Adam doesn't really know romance and you both just watched movies the entire time with him cuddling up to you
➸ In the end he fell asleep on you and you stayed the night at his house. In the morning you both watched a few more flicks and soon enough you had to leave. Which he was not fond of. He kept trying to find excuses for you to stay but you told him that you had to go and he reluctantly agreed.
Whenever you cleaned his room or stuff up he would get really thankful for that because he can be kind of a mess at times and you had to get at him a few times for his messy room before he decided to actually do something about it
You're not great with words? Great, cause neither is he. Whenever he tries to compliment the way that you look or act, it comes off almost as either an insult, as if he was sarcastic, or just a train of stuttering. So instead he likes getting you stuff instead. He'll leave gifts on your desk or in your room but don't mention it cause he gets sensitive about being all sappy
Surprisingly I don't think Adam is into pda too much, he'd say that its bad for his 'brand' when in reality he also thinks that pda would put too much attention on you and he wouldn't be too fond of that as he might get a little possessive at times
He doesn't mind the way you dress, honestly he thinks that baggy stuff look way better on you anyways and will lend you some of his clothes from time to time. Not to mention that he dresses the exact same way and doesn't seem to care too much for 'fancier' tastes
I feel like you two would mess around quite a bit, he would have the more extreme ideas and you would dial it back a bit telling him when and when not to do something. You would also probably help him prank a few people sometimes as long as it wasn't too harmful to them
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The Ninja in order from Master Wu's Least Favorite to Master Wu's Favorite.
Jay: it's not that he dislikes Jay, he's just his least favorite. He's loud, and always screaming. And that's a lot sometimes. 📣📢💙
Lloyd: The son of the woman he wanted to be with but chose his brother instead. He's family, obviously, but he's still bitter on the inside. 🚫💍😭💚
Kai: He can be a little bit self centered and arrogant at time. And Wu thinks that can be so annoying when it comes up at the wrong moment. He also tries to do stuff on his own, so they don't bond like the others do.😏🔥🔥❤️
Pixal: They spend ALL of that time together on the bounty, of course they've bonded. With all of the contraptions she builds, Master Wu just gets to embrace the new technology and he's so proud of her, and so proud to have her on the team.🤖🪛⏳️💜
Zane: His father made him leave, of course Wu is like a father to him. Zane will do everything he asks, he'll be practically perfect every time. And he's still nice and caring. Definitely a favorite.🥰👌🧊🤍
Cole: Cole ran away from home first, and found Wu first. They had all of that time to bond and talk about things, and train. They definitely bonded like a father and son. Plus, did you SEE the way they interacted in MotM??? Hilarious. Cole does what he's asked, just like Zane, but still makes jokes and whatnot, still tries to have fun. And this old man needs to have some fun.🎉⛰️😢🖤
Nya: when she, y'know, 💧🌊🌊👩, Master Wu went absolutely INSANE trying to bring her back. Plus the time she was trying to figure out how to use her powers, he was always there with the buckets. Plus the time before her powers, they were always together on Destiny's Bounty. She's fistey, and she's independent, and he's watched her completeky grow as a person, from Samurai X to The Water Ninja. She is his favorite, 100% ❤️🤍💕😘💫🎉🖤💙💜💞🌊
In Summary:
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Thank you for your time.
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robobrainrot · 3 months
What’s Past is Prologue
An Earthspark Post-S1, Pre-S2 summary fic
If you were left unsatisfied by the jarring time gap and tone shift between S1 and S2, here's a mini fic to help fill the void. I'm going to write out the full version on Ao3. But this is the short and sweet summary~
It had been a month since The Battle of Witwicky. The Maltos are still picking up the pieces, both literally and figuratively. While they succeeded in their goal of defeating Mandroid, saving all Transformers on Earth, and quite possibly, the world as a whole, some things were left shattered. Most notably, Quintus Prime’s Emberstone. The pieces were scattered across the globe and, for a moment, Team Prime feared they would be lost forever.
However, Quintus Prime would never leave his chosen stranded. Prime Power or not, the kids did not give up hope. The shards of the Emberstone dispersed, but they were not lost forever. Starting right in their backyard, The Maltos found their first shard in the cow pasture… With the help of Fluffy-Ears, of course. Less than a week later, another was found by Breakdown while racing across the countryside with Bumblebee.
At first, the alliance between Autobots and Decepticons had been tense. Both sides were anxious that the other might sell them out or deceive them. But with the help of the newly declared “Malto-bots,” tensions eased. It was hard not to enjoy their company. It had been centuries since any of them had interacted with bots so young. It was refreshing to have such young and enthusiastic faces around.
Every day, the Maltos searched for more ways to find the missing shards. Some they stumbled across accidentally. Some ended up in museums- dazzling archeologists. Schloder and Optimus Prime had to be the ones to get those. Nightshade created a way of scanning for the shards, but their device’s range was limited so the scouting parties had to travel the world to identify possible locations. Did someone say road trip? The Trine were quick to point out that they were much better suited for the job thanks to the help of Skywarp’s powers.
Starscream had to admit, he was fascinated by these ancient Cybertronian artifacts. His volunteering to help the Maltos was not entirely altruistic. It was an opportunity to show off the superiority of himself and his fellow Seekers and gain knowledge about these strange crystal shards. That’s what he told himself at least. The fact that he often hoovered around the Malto residents when Hashtag was around, and Megatron was not, was purely so he could gather intel.
As for the Malto-bots, they enjoyed the month of relative peace. While not all the Decepticons were eager to become ‘friends’, the ones that stuck around would do their best to teach the kids something while they were there.
Breakdown was the first. Never one to turn down a chance to show off, he was happy to oblige Thrash when he asked for racing tips. He showed the young bot a few flashy new moves, including one that Robby insisted was called “The Akira Slide.” Breakdown maintained that it was a Stunticon specialty, and certainly not inspired by a cartoon.
Swindle tried to teach the kids how to override security locks at the junkyard, but was quickly shut down by Elita-One. He complained to Hardtop about what a wasted opportunity it was for three days straight.
Skullcrusher, Grimlock, and Jawbreaker formed a special alliance that Jawbreaker dubbed “The Beastie Boys.” They spent their down time sparing and seeing who could leave the biggest dent in scrap metal pieces.
Soundwave and his casseticons taught Hashtag how to utilize her radio to scramble comm frequencies. In return, she taught them about the wonders of the internet. This was a terrible decision, as Frenzy quickly became engrossed by internet subcultures. Soundwave had to step in with what Mo would call his “Mad Dad Voice.” On the bright side, the discovery of Kandi culture led to a group friendship bracelet making party.
Even Shockwave took some time to mentor the bots. Well. Realistically it was just Nightshade in the lab, but The Great Shockwave was cool enough that the other Maltos pretended to pay attention for half of his science monolouge.
The Decepticons started creating their own home base in between Emberstone shard scouting missions. Led by Starscream, with Shockwave as his Second, they found a suitable location far enough away from the former-GHOST base, but not so far away that it would be impossible to reach the Terrans if needed.
This was one area that walked the line of the treaty. The Decepticons were entitled to make a home on Earth. Optimus Prime respected their wishes on this matter. He instructed the other Autobots and Maltos to stay out as well. If there was going to be a chance at lasting peace, they needed to build trust. Many of the Decepticons had been imprisoned by GHOST for years. They deserved a safe space without surveillance as much as anyone. Freedom was the right of all sentient beings, and Prime would sooner go offline than go back on that principle.
There was still much they didn’t know. With every new answer about the emberstones came more questions. Between chaos and confusion, there was also stillness and affection. For these precious moments, both Autobots, Decepticons and Maltobots could enjoy the time of respite.
However, nothing really lasts forever.
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thedragonshanty · 2 years
Audio Drama Sunday!
It’s been a hot second since I’ve done #audiodramasunday but this week I wanna shout out a few shows that are worth listening to, AND whose cast/creators I have personally seen make the community a better, more supportive place lately. 🎶🏴‍☠️🖤
🤖 First up, say hello to your new AI overlords with @human-b-gon. You’re seeing buzz about this show for a reason- but it’s also worth noting the creators have been on the scene connecting and hyping up other creators for a while now. That’s dedication worth mentioning!
💖 Warmly welcome @starshipqstar to the community y’all! Queer comedic sci-fi with a ton of heart. And let’s GO with this aesthetic. The show may be new, but I already see them going out of their way to interact with and boost other creators.
🐺 OBVIOUSLY @packhowlmedia is on this list. Aside from helping us produce, the creators also run #ADRAID. Our feature this week boosted our numbers and made us new friends! Trust me, connect with these creative mentors and listen to their AD leviathan, The Madness of Chartrulean.
💚 Did you know The Liminal Lands features other shows embedded in their episodes to support them? Or that the creator runs one of the most active Discord communities for AD I’ve ever seen? There’s so much love in there. Go marvel at this family-grown, surreal journey!
💅 Love drag? Camp? Soap operas? Ever wish there was an audio drama that brought these elements together in a series of feature-length stories? @sisterindica-blog may write some of the backstabbiest plots you’ve ever heard, but is a warm presence for creators and is always boosting.
⭐ When I think about support in this community, I think W. Keith Tims (who is not on Tumblr but go follow him elsewhere!) His show Book of Constellations is itself a love note to humankind, and he started The First Episode Of to uplift AD creators (we’ve been guests on it ourselves!)
🎧 Chances are good you know @horrificnathan (@thestoragepapers) and Cole Weavers' (Tiny Terrors) shows, but they deserve a shoutout for all they do. Did you know they also run Phonic Fiction Fest, a community-bolstering AD contest? We are still reeling from the connections and impact even months later.
📚 Speaking of PFF connections, have you seen @amongthestackspodcast's progress? Releasing soon and picking up speed, it’s going to be one to look out for. Nigel is a great ringleader, bringing people together, and I’m excited to see her vision for the infinite library.
✨ @innbetween has brought some wonderful connections into our life and show, and how could they not with the sweet, uplifting community they foster? Also, have you seen how committed they are to interacting with fans while staying down-to-earth? Aspirational honestly.
💜Ok yes I’m also in @careandfeedingofwerewolves, but I stick around for a reason. Listen to a few episodes and you’ll hear more than just a fun modern fantasy. They’ve baked in a ton of advocacy, found family, and blatant callouts on issues that often effect people in AD.
🥛 Lastly, go listen to @ophiuchusradio. They’re not *just* doing it for the bit. OR is funny, smart, and they have a full first season ready to binge. @ghirahims-left-shoe is a powerhouse of AD hype with an impeccable ear for the craft. If she spots your show, you’re seriously blessed.
🖤 I’ve undoubtedly missed some this week (already kicking myself over a few, I'll getcha next time!) but please know I’ve got a lot of love for y’all and this community. Keep creating. Keep uplifting creators who are using their stories to make the world magical. Keep being kind and human. To others, and to yourself.
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selfinserttothestars · 7 months
Anyways I'd like to see ur yuusona's relationship with these 3 characters: 🤖, 🐱, 📚
I felt like asking for Idia and mayhaps Ruggie but then I remembered u already talked about them so lskskwksks decided to ask these ones instead
They’re gonna be long though so uuuuuuuuuuuuh heads up expanding the post!
Ok so first up is Ortho! Homegirl is so protective of him especially after book 6. She probably thought she’d never see him again after what happened in STYX so when he came back to be a student at NRC she was so happy, definitely got close to crying but will deny that forever lmao
She tends to treat him like a little brother because look at him and tell he’s not everyone’s little brother. You can’t you’re lying. She’ll always keep an eye on him when she can and cheers him on in anything that he pursues.
She genuinely believes that Ortho can do anything but will still protect him with her life. 10/10 incredible baby bro
Next up is Grim! The son ever! I’m going to be completely honest in saying that she was totally off-put by him in the very beginning. She didn’t quite understand why she was even being associated with this furball but with time and the necessity of teamwork between them they quickly bonded. He was the first to find out that she’s not a boy in the all boy’s school and even when she doubted him at first, he never let it slip to anyone. They can rely on each other when it really counts and it’s sweet.
She will openly refer to him as her son and she’s not afraid to poke at his pride every now and again (which he needs good gravy) but sometimes she humors his antics a little too much. She will claim that she is his familiar rather than vice versa if anyone calls him a familiar because she knows he hates it and doesn’t mind the title anyway. It’s kinda funny to see people’s reactions too.
Ultimately they have more of a sibling relationship than anything and have each other’s backs. They do love each other like family, 10/10 found family. Would find again
Lastly but not leastly is Mozus Trein! The dynamic between them is actually pretty interesting (to me at least) because it didn’t start out as much. If anything Lucius was the one to break the ice. Chris was always quietly affectionate towards the cat and he’d gotten comfortable hopping up onto her desk during class. She’ll always pet him and say hello and goodbye before and after class and Trein was always amused but never really showed any bias. For a long time Chris was actually a bit intimidated by Trein but slowly warmed up to him as time went on.
The relationship probably reached a pique during the Glorious Masquerade event! Chris was able to spend time with just Trein and Grim while exploring Fluer City so they were able to talk more casually, not having to worry about school for the moment.
She definitely slipped up and called him “dad” at one point, but rather than backing out she decided to commit to the bit for shits and giggles (Watching Trein’s composure waver when instead of apologizing she asked “Dad, am I the disappointment of the family?” Was definitely worth it though he was not expecting that). This of course was a joke between the two of them, as no one would ever drop the subject if they found out about it.
They have an inside joke now, so you might hear one of them mumble a “I raised you better than this” or “you’re not even my real dad” at each other if you listen closely. Of course if you don’t know it’s an inside joke then it might give you the wrong impression as Trein is always deadpan when he jokes… 10/10 best dad Trein
Thank for reading my essay holy moly these just keep getting longer I’m so sorry! 🩵
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heavenboy09 · 7 months
Happy Heavenly Birthday 🎂 ✨ 💓 To A Very Young Russian👱‍♂️ 🇷🇺 & Jewish✡ Born Inspiring & Brilliant Likeable Actor Who Was Gone Too Soon 🥺😭
Yelchin was born on March 11, 1989, in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. His parents, Irina Korina and Viktor Yelchin, were pair figure skaters who were stars of the Leningrad Ice Ballet for 15 years. His family is Jewish, and were subjected to religious and political oppression in the Soviet Union. Yelchin said that his grandparents "suffered in ways [he] can't even begin to understand under Stalin".
Yelchin's family left for the United States in September 1989, when Anton was six months old, and were thereafter granted refugee status from the Department of State. His mother worked as a figure skating choreographer and his father as a figure skating coach, having been Sasha Cohen's first trainer. Yelchin's uncle is the children's author and painter Eugene Yelchin. In an article published in the Los Angeles Times in December 1989, Yelchin's mother stated, "A woman came up, saw Anton, and said, 'He's beautiful. He will be actor.'"
He was an American actor. Born in the Soviet Union to a Russian Jewish family, he immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of 6 months. He began his career as a child actor, appearing as the lead of the mystery drama film Hearts in Atlantis (2001) and a series regular on the Showtime comedy-drama Huff (2004–2006). In 2006, he starred in Alpha Dog with Bruce Willis, Justin Timberlake, and Emile Hirsch. Yelchin landed higher-profile film roles in 2009, portraying Lieutenant Pavel Chekov in the Star Trek reboot and Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation. He reprised his role as Chekov in the sequels Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) and Star Trek Beyond (2016).
Yelchin frequently worked on independent and lower-profile films, headlining the romantic drama Like Crazy (2011), the 2011 remake of Fright Night, the supernatural thriller Odd Thomas (2013), the romance 5 to 7 (2014), the horror comedy Burying the Ex (2014), the neo-noir The Driftless Area (2015), and the horror thriller Green Room (2015). As a voice actor, he voiced Clumsy Smurf in the live-action Smurfs films (2011–2013) and lead role James "Jim" Lake Jr. on the Netflix animated series Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (2016–2018).
He maintained an active career until his accidental death in 2016 when he was fatally injured by his SUV.
He was 27 Years Old
Today Would Be His 35th Birthday 🎂 💕
Please Wish This Young & Incredible Russian👱‍♂️ 🇷🇺 & Jewish ✡ Born Actor A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 In Heaven ☁️
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#AntonYelchin #StarTrekTrilogy #TerminatorSalavtion #OddThomas #TrollHuntersTalesOfArcadia
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queenslayerbee · 2 years
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"Captain Latoya stayed submerged in the luxurious bathtub until her fingertips turned pruney. With eyes clossed in blissed solitude and the pleasant scent of sandalwood on her nostrils, Latoya muttered a solemn vow to herself: that she wouldn't be reduced to rely on the indignity of a communal shower ever again."
audience: adult. genre(s): space fantasy, adventure, cyberpunk. style: omniscient narrator. type: first installment in a series of novels.
A faraway galaxy already heavily populated by sapient before humans arrived and colonised it, something that already occurred a long time ago. It's a conflictive territory where tensions are high between different planets, species, or organizations trying to claim an extra smidge of power for themselves.
Captain Latoya is a pirate, an alien-human hybrid, and the descendant of tyrants. A sketchy group has helped her get an early release from prison, and its leader wants her to work for them. But in less than twenty-four hours Latoya meets a mysterious and beautiful woman, gets her aid to steal a ship with a faulty artificial intelligence, and scapes with the crew of mismatched criminals that had been put together for her. Now they're on the run, targeted by more people they're aware of as they encounter unexpected adventures in their path.
Latoya 😈
30 | Black, brown-skinned, tall, slender. Short wiry black hair, big hawk nose. Red eyes with a black sclera; two sets of sharp fangs; vestigial, black, membranous wings.
Once the heir of a now fallen empire, is now a feared pirate captain across the galaxy (interrupted by a brief stint in prison that affected her more than she'd care to admit, after the betrayal of a former crew). Arrogant, idealistic, ruthless, sharp, brave. She's a killer, a history savant, a natural performer and a hopeless romantic.
Leena ⛏
25 | Black, notoriously dark-skinned, toned, over two meters tall. Long black hair in twist braids, dark brown eyes.
On the run from the people who trained her and practically raised her, Leena is an enhanced human lacking in social graces shrouded in mystery. She has a perfectionist, proud, sentimental, curious and rebellious nature, a weakness for pretty and useless things, and the sticky fingers to grab them. Those get her in trouble when she tries to pickpocket Latoya at the worse possible time.
Alastair 🧠
22 | White, wafer-thin, sickly pale. Blonde, with green eyes. Webbed hands, horizontal pupils.
A talented and dangerous telepath held at bay by her own scruples. She got recruited by the same organization that helped Latoya, after the situation in the royal court she worked in went sideways for her. She's paranoid, resilient, and a social chameleon.
Alegría 🔥
28 | White, short, fat, curvy. Long, fine red hair, dark eyes, rosy complexion. Completely human in appearance.
Pyrokinetic. She was cut away from her family for years after her hidden powers manifested in regrettable ways, taking odd jobs to get by until debt caught up to her. She's bold, almost painfully earnest and sincere, bubbly in appearance but reserved in personal matters.
Zira 🩺
36 | Black, dark-skinned, short, bony. Long curly hair always out of the way, dark eyes, wide mouth often pursed.
A once renowned surgeon fallen from grace and dissatisfied with her current job. She's generally hard-hearted, shameless, sensible, promiscuous, extremely competent under pressure, and just equally fearful of failure.
Redstart 🤖
Age unknown. Disembodied. With a soothing, raspy voice.
The faulty, and at first nameless, artificial intelligence carrying the spaceship. Their personality will develop alongside the story, as they seemingly grow outside the abilities of regular AIs and bond with the crew.
Latoya's family 👑: Queen Emeritus Tivona (grandmother, executed during the uprising), Empress Casiphia (mother, fate unknown); Prince Mahlon (father, political prisoner), Princess Sade (older sister, fate unknown).
Ra & the Magpie 💔: vigilante duo in a crussade that crosses paths with the crew.
Leith 🐍: woman leading the organisation that recruits them.
The Priestess 🚩: member of the Galatea chasing Leena.
Latoya's old crew 🏴‍☠️: the ones that betrayed her. Decima (her quartermaster), Azumi & Joram (con-artist duo), and some others.
taglist (send an ask to be added/removed): @thebluesthourcommunity
WIP masterlist.
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