marigoidz · 5 months
Okay I'm done. For Now
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vampthropologist · 2 years
Peace OUT
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badcloudlands · 2 years
6.18.2021 -> dreamed i dropped a ladder into a pit, deeper than the ladder’s height. the puzzle was trying to figure out how to retrieve the ladder from above the pit. 🛌💭🪜🕳
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jaygubz · 2 years
Y’all, I don’t think I can manifest my insomnia away
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lukolabrainrot · 14 days
GREAT compilation video!
Also this YT creator has some great videos! You should check her out if you haven't already!
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omegapheromone · 8 months
Can we talk about how sometimes I see people confuse nests and dens completely? Because it happens a surprising amount.
First of all, what IS a nest when it comes to mammals specifically, considering Omegaverse draws inspiration from animal behavior?
Here are some NON-BIRD google results for "animal nest", "mammal nest" and similar searches, a.k.a. This is a representation of Animal Nests:
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Notable features:
the nest is BUILT. The structure is specifically created/crafted from materials that may or may not belong to the surrounding environment, but it is clearly built by the animal for either themselves or their offspring, usually for the purpose of resting in.
The nest is built in a mostly-round shape, and the sides of the nest are covered, while the top usually isn't. The height of the sides varies however, so the space in the middle may appear more cavernous at times. Nests are often made in sheltered locations where they remain hidden, but actual shelter from rain etc is not necessarily a part of a nest.
Now then, what are the searches for DENS? Here's what google comes up with when you look for "animal den" or "mammal den", a.k.a. a generic representation of what dens are:
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Notable features:
Dens are DUG, instead of built. They are tunnel-like features in the terrain that do not utilize manipulation of material to craft a structure, like nests do.
Dens are tunnel-like. They are covered at the top and most sides, with an opening at the side for entry and exit. They are dug into hillsides, under trees, and occasionally flat ground in order to ensure a space where the top of the den will be covered, much like a cave.
So, what's the difference when it comes to omegaverse, especially lifestylers?
A nest is a structure you build. An example of a nest is when you organize all your blankets and pillows to form "walls" around you in your bed (shape, structure, meant for rest, utilizes the action of building with materials). A nest could also be a bean bag in the corner of your room that you surround with soft things and maybe even other larger items to block a direct view into it (sheltered location, intentionally buolt structure). Nests also are generally far softer- not that dens are uncomfortable, but nests tend to be made in places that are ALREADY comfortable, such as bean bags, beds and sofas.
A den is a bit more difficult to define, but to me, a den is anything you build UNDER something, i.e. utilizing an estabilished structure to provide shelter, including a closed top. Bringing blankets and cozy things under your desk or bed to create a super sheltered tunnel-like structure? That's a den, buddy.
One thing I find is "a bit of both", is pillow/blanket forts. It's obviously built intentionally and doesn't utilize an existing structure, but it usually includes a covered top and a tunnel- or cavern-like internal structure. It isn't quite a nest, but it also isn't truly a den because it involves intentional creation of a structure. Personally I tend to lean more towards them being den-adjacent, but depending on how comfortable and soft the interior is, you could consider pillow/blanket forts "dens with a nest built inside".
Anyway, I feel it's important to add that your dynamic doesn't necessarily determine which you prefer. An Alpha can nest and an Omega can burrow. It's personal preference- the only reason there are any associations are mostly because omega nests are seen as cozy, comfortable structures built to house offspring and/or made for sleeping/resting, while alpha dens are seen more as shelters from the elements and structures inside of which you can isolate yourself to get over a rut or even just to hibernate.
Additionally... An idea for a headcanon reasoning is that Omegas generally don't burrow and are discouraged from creating dens for themselves by society because it's seen as an "alpha thing" and that Omegas don't need the shelter and protection a den offers because "an alpha will come and take care of you anyway, so you can just share the alpha's den". Similarly, alphas could be discouraged from nesting because it's seen as "omega behavior" and not 'suitable' for an alpha. Very much mirrors emotional vulnerability, interests and preferences irl; men aren't "allowed" to like soft things or 'be' soft emotionally, because it's "feminine", while women are discouraged from being independent and having a "hard shell" because it's "too masculine". Utilizing this in a headcanon about nests/dens is a good way to explore patriarchy and gender roles & expectations.
Anyway the only reason I actually made this post is because I see so many people call their dens "nests" when what they actually have is an obvious den. Please embrace it!! Dens are great!! Dens offer shelter and safety and create a more private space separate from your surroundings!! There's nothing wrong with building dens/burrowing, as opposed to nesting!! If you want the shelter/safety of a den, that's great!! You don't have to be an alpha to do that!! And also for the alphas- you are allowed to nest!!! It's not a weird thing!!! Nests are super cozy and comfy for a reason, AND you maintain a visual connection to your surroundings more easily if you feel like you need to stay alert/guard!!! Betas can have a nest! Betas can have a den! Betas can have both if they like, why are we forgetting about them when it comes to this anyway??? It's INDIVIDUAL preference.
Random addition I couldn't fit anywhere else: I personally tend to think that an alpha definition of a den can be a little more fluid than just "a tunnel/cavern dug into the ground/under an object". I mean, technically, a room is a den, too- covered at the top with a tunnel-like entrance (door) in and out. Personally I've never subscribed to "alphas have dens and omegas have nests" either way, I actually headcanon alphas especially being more concerned about perceived/claimed "territory" they see themselves as having claimed/being in charge of, such as being protective of their rooms/houses/living quarters etc, as well as lockers, assigned seats, cars, etc, while omega 'territory' protectiveness is more about privacy/safety/comfort, even though it also commonly includes one's own room (for omegas, more specifically, bedrooms) and similar things such as sofas, arm chairs, etc.
Another headcanon I have is that betas especially adore pillow/blanket forts and like building them both just for themselves, as well as big ones to share with the pack. I don't have any particular reasoning because I mean, who doesn't love a blanket fort? I just think it's kind of funny in an endearing way, and a neat idea.
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muttalert · 3 months
have an awesome puppy night everydoggy
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bear-man74 · 1 month
What happened
Where are the other sys members.
Im glad gaybabyjail is gone, but where?
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lightingandpainting · 2 years
EVENT: FAMILY ISSUES: part one, Dreams.
(Tws: executions, being burn to death, murder, blood, missing cases, child abuse, alcoholism, and sleeping disorders...you have been warn)
You had a dream. One of the day Iroha Nijiue, Ultimate Painter, was executed. You saw all of it went down in someone else's point a view. The point of view of a masked child.
*flashback to the dream*
Plead a brown haired girl. Iroha was sitting in a building covered in gasoline. Both hands handcuffed to a pole in the middle of the building, surrounded by hay and dead grass. She was crying, begging for her life. Her eyes, red, spiraling. Those were the eyes she had during her trial.
Her face were pale but the purple hue showed her emotions. She cried and cried and cried. Shouting, screeching, begging, pleading. No one listened. Her mother, thin, as if she didn't have any muscles on her bones; tall; a warm, cozy, brown hair that was cut to the shoulders; in a long flowy fancy blue dress
Her mother held a torch as the judge stood next to her.
The Judge: "Silence! You are a terrorist to the highest degree! This was the last straw! To death with you!"
The child, who eyes you were seeing through was able to speak up when..
????: "Don't you dare say anything, you murderer. This is all your fault and you are going to live with this. If only you were never born, this wouldn't be happening to your cousin, so shut up and watch!"
The child shut up and watch as Iroha's mother dropped the torch near the wall, setting the building on fire. Iroha cried for help. She beg for Utsuro to come save her. She screamed for Sora to come rescue her. She yelled for void to free her from her fate. She pray for luck to be on her side.
No one came and the view of Iroha burning to death in the burning building fill the view of the child.
"This is all my fault"
*flashback ends*
Someone called you. It was Emi Nijiue, Iroha's cousin. It was the middle of the night however, why is she awake. Do you answer her call?
Tags(inact if you want to or not. Tags aren't needed):
@human-monokuma @ultimate-rider @unknown-ultimates @kurokuma-gang @yui-samidare-returns @mikado-sannoji @detective-shelf-collection @hopeless-protagonist @ask-the-journalist @askthegoddamnluckyhope @ask-emma-magorobi @ask-the-otonokoji-twins @special-encounters(junko) @anyone else.
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revenant-coining · 28 days
1. Being straight in a weird, fucked up, complex, and/or gay/queer way; being straight in a way that doesn't conform
2. A gender under the genderfreak system, cisfreak
3. A gender under the genderfreak system, cistransfreak/trisfreak
4. A presentation suffix for those that are neutral and/or xenine (like how flower- is feminine and/or neutral, but with neutral & xenine instead) ( https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Flowerboy )
5. A presentation suffix for those that are masculine and/or neutral
6. Alternate flowerboy flag
7. Flowergirl flag
8. Flowerenby flag
- 🛏 anon
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alternative flowerboy flag! dew- (link) is a prefix for those who are masculine and/or neutral, & the rest have been queued!
tagging; @radiomogai
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kristina100000 · 2 years
i saw a post of mine where i said you have to brush your teeth and go sleep the second you start feeling everything you have been ignoring creep up on you but some time has passed. and there is only so much you can do until you look at the clock and it is 4 in the morning, you are still up. and it’s day 238, you are still in your apartment that you were not ready to move into yet but had to, you don’t have anyone to share your bed with, there is no one to say good morning to. your cat sits in your lap and purrs, probably sensing you are incredibly stressed out and you just want to take it with you somewhere familiar. months and months have passed, almost a year and i can���t bear living alone anymore. i don’t like what it has done to me. btw u were meant to cook with someone. and go to bed with them and laugh with them and overall not have a false sense of security and hope but actually be happy
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vampthropologist · 2 years
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Gn peace out
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NPD culture is simply not applying to jobs because they will reject me anyways and that hurts (help I'm like super poor)
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daughterthethird · 5 months
helloooooo fellow hettimir enjoyer
I have a question
what about Pan's background???
Uhh. To put it simply… ITS COMPLICATED. i haven’t exactly fleshed her story out so its all over the place <\3
But to give you a very brief rundown:
Pan is brash, entitled, reckless, and generally unnaproachable. She’s uh. She’s got issues. Partially because of her upbringing by her parents who are both messy in their own ways.
Because of everything surrounding her parents, people are wary of her, thinking she’s dangerous in some way just like them. This ostracisation combined with a slew of other things has made her distant and bitter towards others. And her sour attitude does not help her image whatsoever.
nobody likes her, she doesn't like anybody (save for her parents). It's a lose-lose situation all throughout. BUT LIKE I dunno maybe things will turn out better in the future for her. If I'm feeling nice that is.
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☝eyes full of malice hate and darkness
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sambuchito · 1 year
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omegapheromone · 1 year
Visible symptom of depression in Omegas: nest is a fucking mess they have no energy to clean or organize at all. The mess is distressing them further but it makes them just want to stay in the nest more because it's still a comforting and safe place. Which doesn't really help with the mess at all.
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