strangefable · 5 months
every friday morning is fucking hell
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moonspirit · 6 months
The original:
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The Blu-ray:
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(Source on the bird app) also thank you anna for showing it to me, it's made my whole fucking day nahdbsksns T///////T
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yaeggravate · 1 year
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Ferrari you lying bitch
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caramello-styles · 1 year
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I thought I had you figured out. | x x
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wafflessquad · 8 months
riding the bus to the airport with a terrible migraine, sunglasses, black tights tied around my head for pain relief and a trash bag in front of me bc i feel i might throw up while listening to the radio talk about fantasanremo top 5 surreal experiences of my life
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crowleyanthonys · 7 months
email notifications weren't working on my phone and i missed two (2) emails from my advisor asking if i wanted to meet with her this morning!!!!! embarrassing!!!!! mortifying!!!!!!
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volodei · 1 year
Do you have commissions open because I will pay this month’s rent for you if you help me indulge in my selfshipping
agshdhf anon i’m so flattered you actually want to pay for this stuff 🫣💕 tbh i’ve never felt comfortable doing commissions tho bc i don’t trust myself to do a good job, but i truly appreciate the thought that you’d trust me to do it 🥰 i had the most joyful breakdown when i got this ask omg. you got me rolling around and wiggling 💕💕
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anyway, im sorry i cant do commissions but there are plenty of wonderful volo artists out there who do! 🙌 dont let your dreams be dreams. make that twink yours 💪✨
just remember you’ll never be number one in his life
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 months
Talaney-Anne sounds like someone who either believes there's good in everyone or that everyone is shitty on some level so it doesn't matter to her that Billy can be a bit too shitty or it could something more complex and entirely different
How aware is Talaney-Anne on Billy assholery to basically almost everyone, mostly her friends?? and how does she feel about it?? and what does she do about it???
Talaney is very much a 'there's always some good in people- even if it's a little bit' at least through seasons 1-2. I think she'd develop a mindset as 'No one is bad for no reason' if someone is bad, it's because she believes they were made that way or hurt- no one is bad from the start.
Funfact! just to add drama... They aren't really together through season 3. Not the beginning at least. Having broken up- if they were really even dating before [also to add to the whole Mind Flayer/Billy and Heather situation] so she becomes very aware of Billy's attitude behind all the flirting and sweet talking he puts on in front of others.
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healthcare bullshit cw
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heres a baby snapper to apologize for the caps spam <3 thats about to follow
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blakbonnet · 1 year
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sara-smind · 1 year
Bella lì, so che non vi interessa ma scrivere a qualcuno quello che devo fare mi rende più motivata a portare a termine le cose, quindi vi elenco tutto quello che devo fare stanotte e aggiornerò man mano che finisco le cose così mi sentirò realizzata (oltre che spronata a continuare nonostante il sonno)
Disegnare i percorsi della mia area di progetto e mandarli alla mia compagna di gruppo
Riportare i suddetti percorsi sul foglio per la stampa laser 3d con spessori 2 e 3mm con campitura dei percorsi e puntinato per le aree verdi
Ridisegnare le stampe laser delle curve di livello dell'area di progetto (forse faccio prima questo)
Finito tutto ciò passare agli edifici: edificio - rampa, edificio - collina ed edificio - torre. Per tutti questi fare i disegni per la stampa laser con spessori decenti (direi 1.5 mm) e fare attenzione alle incisioni dei serramenti
Ultima ma non meno importante fare la rampa e il ponte di collegamento tra i due edifici
Mandare la mail allo studio per la stampa chiedendo il preventivo (probabilmente un rene) e aspettare la risposta di domani mattina alle 10 circa
Andare a dormire giusto 2 minuti e poi piangere perché a quel punto dovrò fare altre seicento tavole
Grazie dell'attenzione a chiunque abbia avuto voglia di leggere, ci becchiamo più tardi
(Ovviamente in tutto ciò almeno la gioia di avere la nuova canzone di Blanco, Lazza e Sfera che altrimenti suicidio immediato)
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61below · 8 months
I’m both a gifted kid and the kid that was kicked out of the gifted program for being a chaos gremlin* and then had multiple years of teachers Decide(tm) that I was being a troublemaker for kicks, and then have to listen to constant shit. Like one time we had a test on naming all the world’s seas. I actually fuckin studied for that one (because I love Categorization! You gotta be able to put everything in its box!) but partway through I realized the teacher just put everything as question 1) A. question 2) B. question 3) C. ‘Neat pattern!’ I thought, but I also didn’t trust her to start a pattern like that without twisting it up in the end to play Gotcha, so I answered them all based on the right name, not by knowing the alphabet. I finished before everyone else. She picked it up and in front of everyone (!) who were still working (!!!!) she said something like ‘I see you figured out what I was doing.’
Instead of, you know, acknowledging that I was doing what teachers are supposed to want: answering tests correctly.
Tldr, I got into a real dark place after years of that shit. Why keep putting effort into shit if it is only EVER going to get thrown back in my face? Thankfully by the time I got to 7th grade and started having one teacher per class instead of one teacher per day, I was able to have less exposure so they didn’t build up as much animosity. I didn’t graduate top ten, bc FUCK math, but I did finish 12th in my class, I did go on to a good college, and I did get a good job. But seriously, fuck every single one of those teachers who treated me like I was evil incarnate bc I couldn’t behave like everyone else.
* I didn’t get diagnosed autistic til I was 33. Now to be fair idk if my school ever did talk to my mom to encourage her to pursue a diagnosis back then, but this WAS the 90s in middle America and I WAS a girl, so it’s equally likely they didn’t even consider it.
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kiwibubbles5 · 11 months
Happiest birthday to my bestest friend 🥰 @lounaticm
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justafoxhound · 1 year
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sheepstiel · 2 years
somebody just told me i don't look the type to like girls and if i told them i did they wouldn't believe me. joke's on them i guess.
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