#🖊 hope // headcanon
wehowl · 10 months
tag drop i forgot to do
#🖊 shadowheart // in character,#🖊 shadowheart // musings,#🖊 shadowheart // likes,#🖊 shadowheart // aesthetic,#🖊 shadowheart // visage,#🖊 shadowheart // headcanon,
#🖊 tara t. // in character,#🖊 tara t. // musings,#🖊 tara t. // likes,#🖊 tara t. // aesthetic,#🖊 tara t. // visage,#🖊 tara t. // headcanon,
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wehowl-arch2 · 2 years
tag drop wotow pt2
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thetriumphantpanda · 10 months
Panda's 3,000 Followers Celebration!
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This is still utterly wild to me. I wanted to firstly say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for being here. It makes me so incredibly happy that so many of you find my space a place that you can leave your real life worries at the door and escape for a while. Whichever story you find comfort in, thank you for being here and for supporting me. I love and cherish you all. 🧡🫶🏼
NOW TO THE CELEBRATION. I know this isn't my usual celebration, but I hope it's just as fun! You can request as many or as few as you would like! This will stay open as long as there is interest - I just want to celebrate my love for you all!
💌 Ask Me Anything - this could be about one of my fics - is there something you've always wanted to ask about a certain fic, or a character's choice to do something? Are you interested in the way I write, do you want to know more about my process? Or, do you have a random burning question? Perhaps a would you rather, or a have you ever, or a FMK? Any questions, writing or not, send them in!
🖊 Drabbles - Choose an existing fic of mine, give me a prompt or something you've wanted to see within that universe, and let me work my magic over 500 words.
🧠 Headcanons - Drop a character headcanon into my ask box, or ask me about my own, and let me give you my thoughts on it. Maybe even a little Drabble.
🌅 Moodboards - Give me one of my fics, a scene, a chapter, or just generally a vibe or a character (literally anything!) and I'll make a moodboard according to that!
📚 Fic Recs - Is there something you've been searching for to read? Do you have a fic you want people to read? Drop your fic rec requests into my inbox and I'll recommend something to you, or pop your own fic (or a fic you love!) and I'll rec it!
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lavenderstobins · 3 months
hey queen I hope you're still taking qs on this: 💭🧠 and 🖊 if you want!
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Can you have a headcanon about your own work? I guess that mine would be that several of my fics take place in the same universes despite not being written with that intention. For example, my bubblescoops fic is set in the same universe as Josieverse, but I've never really said so.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I really want to write a stonathan fic with background byler where Jonathan is quietly jealous of Will because he wishes he could be brave like him, but he doesn't think he can be, until Steve shows him otherwise.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
That earns him a laugh. “Alright, you got me. Got any movie recommendations for me, prettyboy?” “Not a boy,” Steve says automatically, then freezes as the words register.  Eddie blinks at him—them—Steve. “Not a boy?” Steve feels sick. Still, he’s not one to leave a hole half-dug. They nod, a short, half-aborted movement. “Uh. Yeah. I mean, not a girl, either. Just…” Steve clears his throat. “Me.” “Oh,” Eddie says softly. Nods once. “My apologies, pretty thing.”
Here's one from a genderqueer Steve fic I'm writing on/off <3
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
do you have any hcs for lee!sunny ler!mari? ive seen like. nothing w/ these two and that is an issue/lh
Heyaaa!!! I took some time to answer this, so thanks for the patience ^v^ my period made like pass out on the bed for a week BWGSVHSVE
Here we are!!! Honestly my heart absolutely MELTED writing this so I hope you like this as well ♡
It was mentioned that Sunny got Mari's bed because it was softer and stuff and honestly all I can think is that, before it, Mari would simply get up from her bed to get a glass of water or to make something mundane for a few secs and when she got into her room again that would be a smol-human-shaped lump admist all her plushies/covers and Sunny would refuse to leave most of the time (not that Mari really minded) but be very willing to make up space for her to lay and cuddle
Sometimes tho Mari would feel very playful and just start to lightly spidering her fingers on his sides and back when they were in that situation and Sunny would get all squirmy and smile but not really moving away because the tickling is so light and he is comfortable. After keeping this up for a few seconds she would eventually launch a full tickle attack until Sunny rolled out of the bed and keep pouting at her from his spot on the floor until she chuckled, made grabby hands at him and promised that she wouldn't tickle him anymore.
Mari loves to play with Sunny's hair. After a whole afternoon of playing and goofing around he would usually lay his head on her thighs to rest and she would comb her fingers through his hair strands. It wouldn't be very rare of her to slip a few silly wiggly fingers to scribble on his neck or tease his ears, especially if dinnertime is getting close and he doesn't want to wake up.
Cheer up tickles and wake up tickles. That is it. That is the whole headcanon.
They don't know who got this from who but both Hero and Mari have this tradition that when their young sibs are trying to escape from the tickle monster (I feel like while Kel is very good at running, Sunny would be amazing at dodging but idk) they open their arms for a hug, chasing after their sibs and talking about how could they run away from some lovely sibling loveee~
Mari likes to pretend that tickling Sunny is like playing an instrument. His sensitive ribs can be a piano, the ticklish legs a guitar and his tummy-yummy (her words exactly) a trumpet. Also, even tho Sunny feels embarrassed, he secretly loves the fact that she says that his laughter is a melody.
One of Sunny's favorite passtime between him and Mari is that when Mari is playing or writing but he still wants interaction, he can sit on her lap and watch her do her own thing, and sometimes he get bored and turn around to hug her or just rest a face right under her chin and she will rub his back. It's more relaxing than really tickly but still it puts a wobbly smile on his face and it's one of the few things that make his mind go completely blank, 100% concentrated on how warm, comfy and nice this feels.
(Mari can and will be sometimes evil enough to pinch and pinch the ticklish spots on his spine, which makes him lose his concentration and huff and puff his way thro a few giggles before he manages to lay a very-light-but-still-warning raspberry on her neck.)
(Depending on their mood it can evolve to a full tickle fight)
Mari laughs together with Sunny when she is tickling him. She loves how cute and carefree he looks like when someone decides to knead his sides or skitter under his knees. Besides, Sunny always - and I mean *alwayas* - get EXTREMELY gigglier when someone laughs with him. He doesn't know to explain why but he could swear it makes the tickles 100% ticklier
Mari was the first to discover that Sunny has ticklish cheeks because he was such a CUTE lil KID she couldn't help but to kiss his chubby cheeks over and over again until her precious lil bro was a mess of uncontrollable laughter and squeaks in her arms
When he gets older, Sunny manages to make at her the most '-' and -.- faces when he can see the tickle attack come, which soon turns into a pout, then huffs of quiet yelps, - sometimes a snort or two - and then the lovely laughter that we love and appreciate so much! And look at this beautiful smile :D
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heavencasteel420 · 11 months
for the fanfic ask game: 😈💭🖊️(tonight tonight if possible - it’s prob my fave st fic ever?)
You are so incredibly sweet! I loved what you said in your reblog about the Sherry bit; I really hoped that would hit.
1. 😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I’ve never gotten negative feedback about this, but I’m fairly certain that my dead-dog backstory for Jonathan in Drive All Night turned a few people off, just because of the dead dog of it all. (As my husband said, “Jesus Christ, baby! And you wouldn’t watch John Wick?”) I remain pleased with it, though, because I think it really explains his whole deal in that story.
2. 💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
I have a whole elaborate idea of what’s happening in Tommy Hagan’s family that informs Tonight, Tonight, but also at least two other story ideas. Tommy is the youngest of three kids. His sister, Marianne, is two years older, smart, athletic, and responsible. His brother Robbie is four years older and a popular, charming athlete at Hawkins in his time, but he’s also very manipulative and has a cruel streak. Tommy idolizes Robbie, even though Robbie bullied him and Marianne severely before he left home; Marianne fought against it but was labeled a spiteful whiner by their mother, who vastly prefers Robbie, while Tommy accepted it as his due.
3. 🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
From Tonight, Tonight:
As she rearranged the congregation of pastel teddy bears to give the illusion that the Pianosaurus was still present, Nancy wondered if Holly wasn’t too quiet. Maybe she couldn’t be loud in a house with so much silence. Nancy was usually out, Mike shut himself in his bedroom, their dad zoned out in front of the TV during the vanishingly rare times he wasn’t at work, and their mom tiptoed around everyone and everything. Where would Holly have learned to make noise?
It was a disturbing thought to have about her four-year-old sister, so Nancy pushed it away. Their mom would notice if something was wrong with Holly, who followed her around like a shadow. Besides, she went to nursery school a couple of days a week. She probably had lots of little friends who could teach her how to shriek and howl and generally act obnoxious. Nancy should be grateful that their lessons hadn’t taken yet. If she was lucky, it wouldn’t happen until she left for college. Let Mike deal with a banshee for a sibling. Nancy had done her time.
She had bigger concerns, anyway. She carried the Pianosaurus into her own room, grateful that she had the house practically to herself. It was the Monday before Thanksgiving, so Mom and Holly were on a marathon grocery shopping trip. It was only four in the afternoon, and Dad wouldn’t be home until seven or eight. Mike was just down the hall, but he never left his room between coming home from school and being summoned for dinner. He claimed he was too busy with homework, but he always emerged with messy hair and half-lidded eyes. Nancy thought he just crawled into bed with his Walkman and, if she was feeling optimistic, a fantasy novel. She’d heard their parents ream him out enough about his grades to guess that he wasn’t doing much schoolwork.
This is a Pianosaurus, btw:
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yourworsttotebag · 7 months
thank you so much, my angel!!! 💕
answering fic writing asks!
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
“You should stop looking at me like that.” “And how am I looking at you?” She took another sip from the bottle, the wine warm and tart in her mouth. “Like maybe I'm not so bad underneath it all.”
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
All my favorite characters kiss each other in it! But forreal, I think my writing is pretty funny? And it has all the stuff I like most like yearning, and hope, and romance.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
I'm not sure if this counts but I think that in like 90% of all possible timelines married Evie and Gale would decide not to have kids.
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EHUEHEUEHEHE surprise us w any of ur ocs B) SENDING MUCH LOVE UR WAYYY <333
"The Marvelous Mandisa" - Mandisa Sephtis:
I wanted to do a Sphinx character for Lackadaisy! But oh my GOD she was so HARD TO DRAW. So WRINKLY. Nonetheless she's one of my favorite designs!
Her suit color palette is faded green and light brown, something subtle and not too flashy. She also has a rose regalia pinned on her jacket lapel.
Heeled boots heeled boots heeled boots heeled boots---
I didn't have much of a process, but she originally had a cane. Didn't like that idea, it made her too...showman-y, and don't get me wrong! I enjoy showmen, but it wasn't the vibe for her.
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^This beautiful baby was my main inspiration for her design. I love Sphinxes <3333
I originally wanted to make her have two normal eyes and normal ears, but I gave her a glass eye---mainly for trying to figure out what I wanted to do/something new to try out!
I wanted to make her like...fifty years old, but she's in her thirties now lol plus she has three kids!
I wanted to make her of Persian-Egyptian descent, too!
Her voice claim would be Emily Blunt! Specifically Tempest Shadow from MLP lololol
She has three kids! Malachi, Cassandra, and Aziraphale. I honestly just picked names off the top of my head. Though Aziraphale was DEFINITELY because of Good Omens, and how I am not okay after that ending honestly, STILL NOT.
She is divorced: her husband Lorenzo was not kind to her as the years went on. Hence why she has a glass eye and scratches on her right eye. Her youngest son Aziraphale left with Lorenzo, Cassandra and Malachi staying behind with Mandisa.
Mandisa plays the violin: she used to perform with her second oldest, Cassandra, and her last show was in 1922, a month before Lorenzo left Mandisa.
She lives in the same apartment complex as Lacrimosa! Mandisa is also a hired assassin for Lacrimosa, working in the Rose Brigade
Her former occupation was a violinist and performer! Hence why she was called "The Marvelous Mandisa".
She loooooves making koshary for Malachi and Cassandra.
Koshary is an Egyptian dish (down below), and it consists of rice, lentils, macaroni, Vermicelli, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, onions, cumin, and coriander!
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Her first name means "sweet" in Egyptian and African descent, and her last name means "eternal death", from Persian descent.
She is most likely to be redeemed.
She is bisexual! <3
Left hand woman to Lacrimosa! Though she kind of hates her guts most of the time...
She has a lover named James Monroe, a Maine Coon, and he is the SWEETEST THING to her.
She knows how to get her job done, quickly and painlessly, and she is a no-nonsense type of woman. She will NOT stand for lies or cheaters.
She doesn't play her violin much anymore...if anything, she plays it for Malachi and Cassandra. Other than that, she does not bring it out to the public: she fears for her already shattered reputation.
Her song if it were 2023 would be Don't Make Me by Malinda!
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chaoticstrata · 11 months
🖊 + Aketho
Oh my goodness, there's sooo much headcanon I can talk about for him. Aketho is the youngest of three. He has an older brother (5 years older) and sister (3 years older). Kthira'orm'omi (Raormo) and Kthira'risu'omi (Arisuom) respectively. For the short time that his older brother was around, he had a close relationship with Raormo- Aketho called him' Ormi.' When it was discovered that Raormo was Force-sensitive at age nine, he used the Force to protect his younger siblings from bullies and was found out in a public space. Aketho was devastated that his brother was being sent away, refusing to let him go as people took him away, not understanding what his brother had done wrong. Things were explained to him when he was older, but he never held the same belief of force users as the rest of the Ascendancy. He resented his Father and Grandfather--the latter the most--for sending his brother away and not fighting for him.
He was ordered not to look for Raormo...which he promptly ignored. Of course, being trained as a spy from a young age, he knew how to be discreet when he started looking into where Raoromo was sent. He planned to find where his older brother was and meet him during his Wandering Year. However, what he learned surprised him. Their Mother had arranged for a pair of smugglers to take her eldest to the Core worlds and to the Jedi--their secret status with the Ruling Houses allowed them some leniency instead of outright banishment or worse. When he questioned his Mother on the choice she simply said she wanted her son to have the best chance at living a full life--she had heard the stories of Sith Academy and didn't want to take the chance.
His dreams of meeting his brother during his Wandering Year were dashed, knowing he would not be able to step foot on the Core worlds. Instead, he made it a personal mission to inquire about any Chiss Jedi when possible. When he joined Imperial Intelligence, he was able to hear some rumors of a Chiss Jedi killing Darth Angral's son and working to stop various Republic secret weapons from falling into the Sith's hands. He hoped that it was his brother, but he was never able to get the name or image of the Jedi--how Watcher One and the agents under his commander never got that information was frustrating. When he started working for the SIS, he still couldn't access information on that Jedi--he didn't have the necessary clearance. (Insert several unflattering curse words in Cheunh here.) Despite the setbacks, he swore he would find his bother one day. Maybe, just maybe, a certain spy boyfriend is able to do what Aketho couldn't...-wink wink- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, Raormo is the Jedi Knight in Aketho's canon. =3 Much to Valkorion's chagrin.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
🖊🖊🖊 for Oakley 👀
Prompt: Send me a “🖊 + an OC“ and I will talk about that OC. It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything.
🖊️ John and Oakley had a run-in that left him so bitter he has forbidden his men from ever speaking about Oakley Moore (including the name alone) or how she managed to flee her Confession. 😂
🖊️ Oakley used to be a PMC (private military contractor) before she was forced to return to Hope County thanks to Eden's Gate growing presence. She has been eyeing the cult with hatred ever since.
🖊️ Cal is probably among the very few that she jokes around with freely and she gives him more leeway in comparison to what she grants others.
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wehowl · 1 year
tag drop 2
#🖊 noah // in character,#🖊 noah // musings,#🖊 noah // likes,#🖊 noah // aesthetic,#🖊 noah // visage,#🖊 noah // headcanon,#🖊 moreno // in character,#🖊 moreno // musings,#🖊 moreno // likes,#🖊 moreno // aesthetic,#🖊 moreno // visage,#🖊 moreno // headcanon,#🖊 hope // in character,#🖊 hope // musings,#🖊 hope // likes,#🖊 hope // aesthetic,#🖊 hope // visage,#🖊 hope // headcanon,#🖊 tori // in character,#🖊 tori // musings,#🖊 tori // likes,#🖊 tori // aesthetic,#🖊 tori // visage,#🖊 tori // headcanon,
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I really like my dialogue. Unsurprising bc I used to write audio dramas but it’s still my fave. I probably write about twice as much dialogue as what actually ends up in the fic :D
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Big snippet for Mal :)
In the same way that his heart called out for Rain, the water magic within him did as well. His magic seemed to sense his presence sometimes before even Swiss did. The sigil growing slightly warm, a tiny glow emanating from it whenever Rain would draw near to propose plans for the evening.
Rain finds everything about it adorable. The soft point of light peaking out of Swiss’s tank top as the multi ghoul pretends not to stare at Rain coming out of the lake. Soft little pinpoints of love and longing in his eyes matching the glow of the sigil. The faint glow of the main sigil on the multi-ghouls back mixing with the moonlight filtering through the windows whenever he snuggles closer in the middle of the night. The small roll of his shoulder’s Swiss does in his sleep during those moments, almost like the sigil itches in a way that can’t be scratched.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
I feel like (and kinda hope) it doesn’t come off as as deeply self referential as it truly is. Like most larger fics have at least one tie in to another one but hopefully it isn’t noticeable in a pretentious way. It’s just something I do for myself to have fun
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howlofhades · 1 year
Hii! Hope your day is going well~ I'm going to send a 🖊 for Bear, because he's my fave from your ocs (I just want to *gently holds him*)! I'm gonna hc he has a bit of trouble falling asleep, because who's keeping an eye on Glowstick if both of his are closed? And pls remember to drink some water if you haven't in the last hour :]
Hi, I'm doing well and I hope you are too!! :)
Please hold him, just a warning he might cling onto you like his life depends on it!
But I absolutely love this headcanon, Bear already has trouble sleeping due to a) insomnia and b) he's terrified that when he wakes up everyone's gonna be gone. Sweet boy is terrified of losing everyone, and abandonment scares him :((
But absolutely, if someone doesn't keep an eye on that dork he's gonna cause so much trouble. Bear can't sleep if he's trying to keep an on glowstick. Is he injecting himself with something, is he eating a glowstick? He's freaking out
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Writers ask: ✨ 🖊️ 💭
Alright alright!
🌌 Answered here, but if I pick another three, I'll say introspective, bombastic, and detail-oriented.
🖊 Try this on for size.
Your opportunity to talk civilly with Beatrice comes quicker than you like.  You manage to avoid each other for a full day, no small accomplishment in a place as small as Haven, but by the end of afternoon the next day, your luck runs out.  You walk into the Chantry’s tiny library, wanting to see if they have any books at all on magic, and find her already sitting at one of the tables, pouring over a small tome with that fervent concentration you’ve come to know well.
You debate walking back out again like a scaredy-cat, but it’s too late.  She hears the sound of your footsteps and looks up.  You are comforted just a little to see the same surprise and apprehension you feel reflected in her wide eyes.  She stands as you slowly approach, being sure to keep a yard or so of distance between you.
“Ehm, apologies,” she says.  “Were you hoping to read here?”
“Well, no… not really,” you respond, feeling sweat grow on your palms.  “I was going to browse a bit, but I can come back.”
“No, please,” she denies, gesturing at the shelves.  “Stay.”
You don’t move toward the shelves, and she doesn’t sit back down.  You both just stand there in excruciating awkwardness, unable to do more than glance at each other.
Come on, Ava, stop being a loser.  Just buck up and say it.  Now that you’re standing face to face again, you find it difficult to speak at all.  You clench your sweaty fists, pulling together all your courage.
“Look, I’m sorry—”
“I wanted to apologize—”
You snort, unable to help it.  Of course you two would start saying the same thing at the same time.  She lets out a breathless chuckle that makes you bite your lip.
“Should we try that again?”  You ask, half-joking and half-serious.  “I can walk out and walk back in again, and we can start this over.”
She graces you with the tiniest smile.  “No need to walk back out again, but I wouldn’t say no to a do-over.”
💭 Headcanon about my own work? Hmm, well I think SCP!Camila is aroace, and I think she was recruited to the Foundation after giving therapy to an unwitting reality bender. She negotiated hard to get protection and financial assistance for her mother, at the cost of never being able to see her again.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
🖊 Sabine Bellerose (I hope I spelt everything right)
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In her youth, Sabine had a terrible issue with sleepwalking which somewhat persisted into her adult years to a less prominent degree. Thankfully, due to the solitude and expansiveness of the Bellerose estate she never wandered off the property, but she would've taken a nasty spill down the foyer staircase one time if it weren't for one of the house elves stepping in in the knick of time!
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!
Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Sighing, Cisco shoved his drink away only half finished.  This had definitely been a bad idea.  He'd just catch the bartender's attention, pay, and leave.  A few drinks at home with a comfort show on Netflix and his own hand in the shower later would have to suffice.
"Heard you saved Ronnie," said a familiar voice at Cisco's right that sent panic skittering across Cisco's nerves.
After all, after mutually hurting each other with something Cisco had deliberately made to hurt Hartley, it wasn't likely that Hartley'd sought him out to be friendly.
Set shortly after the whole honey pot + kidnapping incident with the Snarts, so Cisco's a bit sensitive to being approached by villainous types at clubs. Hartley doesn't actually mean Cisco any harm though. He's just genuinely curious about the Ronnie situation.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
In my Ripple Effect series, the blastia that erased Yuri from history did so by creating a parallel timeline and working backwards. So Yuri is in a timeline that didn't exist before impact with the blastia... but neither did he. Which means the original timeline with the original Yuri Lowell still exists at the same time as this new reality where Alexei is in charge.
I don't know if this'll ever actually make it into the series, but it's the reason why I intend for Yuri to find there's no way to undo the effects of the blastia; he can only fix forward and hope to find allies along the way.
That said, because of how the timeline was created, remnants of the original timeline still sort of exist within the new one. Some people instinctively 'remember' or at least trust Yuri despite not knowing him. Rita's belief that she's the genius friend who can't remember Yuri that he mentions to her is the first signs of this. Let's just say that the closer someone was to Yuri, the stronger their reaction to him will be.
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