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ancientgreekyuri · 4 months
Ribbon Bows (1/2)
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Summary: Asterius ponders his relationship with Lady Dianthus while sharing a dessert with her.
Notes: Originally from a longer fic, but this particular scene was scrapped due to no longer fitting the overall mood! It had enough to it that I thought it would be worthwhile to post it on its own, though. This is set before Dia and Asterius are officially romantically involved, but are starting to catch feelings for one another. I didn't really edit this one much so be nice 💔
TWs: Food and eating + some slightly suggestive scenes. if ur really grossed out by the idea of someone getting their hand licked don't read this (it's not overly detailed but still 😭)
~ 806 words. Titled after the song "Ribbon Bows" by J.oanna N.ewsom (tho the title only makes sense with the part 2 of this particular fic...), except the actual song is very sad and has nothing to do with this thematically. Still!
Elysium was a strange realm. The godly magic that held it together was in no doubt powerful, but it still bent to the will of those who lived within it. The world itself would shift to reflect a person’s true desires. Asterius assumed he was imagining things at first. But now, there was no doubt; when he’d first entered the lady’s home, his horns would nearly scrape against the ceiling. Nowadays, there was more than enough space for him to comfortably move about, horns and all. It was not an unwelcome change. But any of his attempts to rationalize it would fell flat. When he observed Dianthus within her home, stirring a bowl of powdered sugar and sweet cream, it didn’t seem as if anything had truly changed about her or the relationship they held. And yet… the proof of it quite literally surrounded him. Dianthus’ gaze turned towards him, once, then again, before she set aside her bowl of icing. She came near him (the scent of sugar mixed with her natural flowers). She reaches upwards, her hand inching near his jaw, before dropping it back down to her side. “Asterius,” she began, “ you’ve been quiet for quite some time. You’re not starting to doze off, are you?  Or… perhaps something is bothering you…?”
Asterius did not shy away from touch. He reached forward, and lifted her chin so that she would be made to look at him. Icing had splattered onto her cheek. Though it would no doubt make his fur sticky, Asterius wiped it away with his thumb. “It is nothing, my lady.” he noticed the way she clutched at her peplos, “I was merely thinking about you.” “Oh…” though he’d spoken with the intention of alleviating the lady’s worries, it seems his words had the opposite effect. Her breath hitched, and her fists balled even tighter. When Asterius released his hand, her shoulders slumped, though her gaze remained hazy and distant. “Asterius, I… I really need to finish icing these cakes!!”  she jumped up, suddenly energetic, and got to work. Asterius observed as she dipped her spoon into her bowl of icing, and slathered each of the small cakes she’d made. She seemed to avoid looking at him now— something about it made him ache. It was odd. In the past,  did not mind if he and Lady Dianthus could co-exist in silence. But now that he had her attention, he found himself craving it.
Asterius, filled with a strange desperation, hurried to change the topic: “Why do you choose to cook?”
“Huh?” She looked at him again, her brow furrowed. 
“Shades do not need substance,” Asterius explained, “There is no real purpose for food here. Why, then, do you choose to cook?”
“Oh, well… I’ve honestly never thought too much about it. Force of habit, I suppose. And… while eating certainly isn’t necessary, it’s still nice to do.” Dianthus brought one of the small cakes she’d made to her mouth, and took a bite. She smiled, apparently satisfied with how it came out.
“Though, I think… sometimes it's nice to just do things for the joy of it. That may not make much sense to you right now, but… I hope as you spend more time here in Elysium, you’ll come to understand it. Now, then… would you like to have a taste?”
The cakes weren’t perfect; on one she’d placed the icing far too early and it’d begun to melt. Another  cake had somehow become slightly lopsided. But Asterius, who had no reason to care about such things, thought they looked delicious all the same. He nodded.
“It’d probably feel uncomfortable to get icing in your fur, so…” Dianthus took one of the cakes, and held it up to him. Asterius froze; to put her hand so near his mouth seemed a dangerous thing, considering his past. But she did not appear nervous. Her green eyes were calm, despite being focused so intensely on him. He expected her to flinch when he gripped her arm to hold it in place, but she continued to stand firm. So be it. It was impossible for Asterius to take small bites, but he remained mindful of where he placed his mouth as he ate from her palm. When he’d finished the actual dessert, he dragged his tongue against her hand, intending to clean all that remained. She felt her shiver, though she did not attempt to pull her arm away until he was finished, and he released her from his grip.
“...Thank you for your consideration, Lady Dianthus.” 
“You’re… very welcome, Asterius.”  she mumbled, once again refusing to meet his gaze. “I’m going to… um… I’ll be back!” With that, Dianthus disappeared into some other room of her home, leaving Asterius with only the sweet taste of lemon and honey on his lips.
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astro-rainbow777 · 5 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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mountainslumbered · 2 years
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
(13) Fake Rumors - from the vault
I have been going through some old rumors from the fake house & decided to share some. whether these may be new to you or not, but i hope you still enjoy them as much as I did looking back. I feel like in the fandom, we’ve only ever been active when it comes to lrlg and the 49 fakes. the rest of the information that fall in between aren’t as talked about or depends on the topic. as with all other bjyx material, i want a place to store some parts of it. 🤍
these are sort of random, the ones that I had saved and found again. treat it all as fiction.
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( someone please make an AU fic or edit for this xz and wyb. there is a story here. look at them. 😍😍😍 )
i have traveled a long way, you have dreamed a long time. many lonely nights drift like fallen leaves but it always finds a way….🍃🍂
(1) this one was posted for the new year 🎉
XZ: Get me a courier later
🧔‍♂️:What is it? It’s so light
XZ: made-up parts, Legos.
*XZ talking to a staff so he can send out some lego parts. I think it’s light because what he is sending are “parts” that WYB is missing and he found them for him. I truly like the idea of XZ spoiling WYB when it comes to his hobbies and him being invested in it too even if he isn’t necessarily a fan too. true love! and well, reminded me of the rumored lego set gift during the early days of cql filming.
(2) have you eaten?
About the backstage live broadcast of a recent event on the same stage
WYB:Have you eaten yet?
XZ: *shakes head*
WYB: Come have dinner with me later
XZ: Who else? (Looking over it, I don’t know what I’m looking for)
WYB: Stop looking for it. I’ll send it to you next time.
Supplement: Teacher W watched Teacher X take off his makeup before leaving together.
*The usual WYB making sure that XZ eats and him waiting for his gege so they can eat with each other. Even after the CQL filming, as long as they are at the same event they will try and be together. Tho instances of that have been so rare to 0 nowadays because of the amount of eyes on them.
(3) the forbidden book lol
The crew's study period
WYB: Where is the erotic book? I want to read it.
XZ: Suddenly got up and left.
*This is one of my faves even if it’s so short! Library Pavilion behind the scenes & rumors is the gift that keeps on giving. I wouldn’t put it pass WYB to troll ZZ with this.
Here’s a GIF for you to bring you back to that time🤍
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(4) call me maybe? 📱
There was a period last year where everyone had to learn rap, usually🐂 learned the fastest but he was absent-minded that time🐂 was looking at us eating delicious food while resting, it seems that he is thinking his rap, he seemed to be even more tired. At this time, staff handed over the phone and he left immediately to pick it up.
He called him, and when he came back he didn't have any special expression, but he felt refreshed. 
(5) praising
WYB: I really like to be praised by everyone and feel "wow" from everyone, so every time Da Zhen's family praises me crazily, I will secretly write it down and send it to him.
XZ: I am also a part-time praise captain. Every time I praise,None of them are the same.He can often keep up with the facts.
WYB: I don’t understand a lot of Internet slang.
XZ: I always hurt him by saying, "No, you don't even know this joke, so WYB doesn't go online?" Just. very good. Laughing, every time I feel hurt, I secretly say "He is better than me. I'm young, I know everything." What kind of tone is this? One time during a video, XZ sang "Darling, come and save me." Seeing WYB's ears slowly become red and coughed. Who can tell me what’s going on with these lyrics?
(6) baking shenanigans
The puff pastry made by XZ is very delicious, WYB will also work with XZ to help when he has time. He’s busy getting started, and they will also do some weird things. If there is a strange taste, try it with the people around you.
Once WYB squeezed minced garlic into the pastry and mixed chili powder, but forgot to mark it, XZ ate it, pinched the back of the neck and squeezed the flesh of the face "Teacher Trained WYB”
*IM CACKLING AT THIS OMG WYB 😂😂😂 what flavor of pastry is that????
(7) another one about eating
Aling period
WYB: Why are you back?
XZ: Come back for dinner, there will be a show in the afternoon
WYB: Aren’t you going to eat with your friends?
XZ: I didn’t agree when someone wanted to invite me, it was too stupid.
WYB: xls It’s so difficult to eat normally today
XZ: You haven’t eaten it, have you?
WYB: Nope. I just thought you were back.
(8) checking the weather
XZ: “The weather doesn’t look like it’s going to rain...(Look 📱)
👤: "It should be sunny..."
XZ: “I just saw📱the weather forecast showed it’s going to rain soon.
👤: How is that possible? It’s obviously sunny. "(春📱)
XZ: "Huh?" (👤♥Two people facing each other📱)
XZ: Overcast to light rain to moderate rain.
👤: What you are looking at is the weather
XZ: Oh my God, so embarrassing...
XZ forgot to switch cities. no one will know the city WYB was in that day if I don’t tell you.
*This one hits different cause for this rumor, they are in different cities but in the same country. Lately, there are times that they are in diff countries so do they look at the weather their too? 🥹🥹🥹
I can’t relate to their obsession with the weather, but if that gives them a sense of connection to each other then it’s fine.
(9) raining
💚Supplement: It’s when the temperature gradually rises. At that time, it rained in June.
💚Holding an umbrella💚❤️talking all the way
❤️Start standing on the right side of 💚
💚Hold the umbrella and tilt it in the direction of ❤️
❤️Thick clothes💚Left half of light-colored thin clothes
The edges are wet and very transparent.
❤️Just keep pushing the umbrella in the direction of 💚
I wanted to block 💚 a little more, but found it was fine.
After seeing the effect, I found an opportunity to move it to the left side of 💚
Then 💚 the right half also got wet
Both centered and symmetrical….…..
(10) them and their parents.
Regarding their parents, I currently know the older one’s mom and dad can also surf the internet, and talk about about their CP and their impression of WYB is good. But his mother actually really wants to have a grandchild. His father is very indifferent when the older one comes home. I'm sure his mother won't be able to bear it. She asked him bluntly, the older ones always focus on work to fool her in the past. In July this year not only did he tell the truth to his family but took the younger one back with him.
It’s time for dinner at home, and the younger one is very nervous. He is afraid that the family will think he is not good enough. He bought a lot of things and piled them up for backup. He sprayed perfume and dressed properly and pretended. The older one made him want to laugh when he looks at him, just fool around. The younger one calls him a big bastard.
The mother on the table was holding jianguo and said she could only count on her to give birth to a litter of grandsons.
* I know that talk about their parents is sensitive and would always lead to more discussion, but again, treat this as fiction. and tbh, who could resist WYB as a son in law??? It I had a son and he brings home WYB as a boyfriend I will be very happy. I also feel soft that XZ is trying to tease and make WYB laugh.
What happened last year
WYB: Is it delicious?
XZ: (nodding while eating) Yeah, it’s quite delicious.
WYB: What about others?
XZ: Wait a minute...Wow, I just ate that, this one has no taste.
WYB: Is it too spicy?
XZ: It’s okay, but my tongue is numb and I can’t taste other flavors.
WYB: Wait a minute, drink some water. Is it really that spicy?
XZ: Try it yourself. You didn't keep it for yourself? Wasn't it sent from you?
WYB: I didn't take it apart. Bring it to me.
Then XZ really ate so much that he left two packets and took them back to WYB.
(You send it to me and I will bring it back to you. What kind of trick is this?)
What happened this year
XZ: It’s been too cold these two days.
👤: Southern kids.
XZ: :Then northerners also feel cold. Cold is cold.
(Okay, I know you have northerners in your family, next one)
👤When teasing XZ and WYB, XZ’s response was, “Hahaha” and send out red envelopes. As expected of Boss XZ.
I saw other people's submissions and came to do some post-sale service. I heard that XZ sang to put WYB to sleep. I know that there is indeed mmxhn, and there is a six-character song related to snow. (There are probably others somewhere that I don’t know about)
(12) like a fairy
XXX was wearing Iwj's white clothes for the first time
XX: Fairy, descended to earth to overcome the tribulation
XXX: Isn’t fairy a dog? You have so much information but no good words.
XX: Compliment you for being good-looking and handsome.wls, wow, so handsome!
XXX: xls looks better than me, our xls is so beautiful, ancestor of Yiling
XX: Stop, stop, it’s so shameful
*My favorite kind of rumor is when WYB goes gremlin on XZ! 😂😂😂😂
(13) cravings
WYB has been craving for "cai cai rice" recently, XZ told him many times that spring is not so good to have wild vegetables, even if they are cooked. WYB said he doesn’t care about wild vegetables he just wants to eat the vegetable rice cooked by XZ, but I don’t have that. It smells good, I just want to eat it.
In the end, he still didn’t get the cabbage meal, but freshly baked dumplings. WYB got a bargain and acted nice, he was acting coquettishly while eating.
* Oh to be WYB and have someone like XZ cook for youuuu 😍😍😍😍
P.S : this ye mi and xiao zhan AU pairing is living in my mind rent free. 🥵🥵🥵
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🤠🐮🐓A Rooster in Texas Fic Recs🐓🐮🤠& 🤠🐂🐓Texan Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Vol. I) Fic Recs🐓🐂🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Bahjrc, Bimmyou, Boobooblue, Bottledyarn, Cacorra, Crowstakeflight, Dandeliondick, Dracculaura, Electricghosts, Fuddlewuddle, Haaaveyoumetted, Hangmanbradshaw, Happy_Days19, Heartsickhills, Imafriendlydalek, LadyLanera, Lesbiseresin, Lightwoodsisabelle, Lucky, MadeItUp, Multifandommonster, MyDadsAnts, Nightwrite24, Pado_hyuck, Perishablealex, PleaseHellMe, Ravens_Words, Reanimated, ReformedTsundere, Renai_chan, Roo_mantic, Spiritsontheroof, SunMonTue, Teacupivy, Thee_Maxwell, The_Splendid_Wren, Viridimessorem, Writerofthelorde, Xo_em.
> Texan Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Vol. II)
When you're ready by The_Splendid_Wren {_}
After the suicide-mission-that-wasn't the pilots of TOP GUN go their separate ways to enjoy a much earned week of leave. Rooster is set to spend his time with Maverick in an attempt to rekindle their familial relationship but it gets complicated when unresolved trauma from nearly dying keeps him from truly opening up. With a host of other issues like his unknown next assignment and his feelings for a rival paralyzing him, he truly has no idea how he ends up at the Seresin ranch house in Austin, Texas with the object of his desires right in front of him. Or, Rooster is suffering PTSD and his friends and family try to help him. Whether that's getting therapy or confessing his very deeply buried feelings remains to be seen.
seresin ranch by lightwoodsisabelle
i've been afraid of changin' (cause i've built my life around you) {_}
if you want, family ranch has an extra bedroom and mama seresin is always looking for more mouths to feed.  how long can i stay?  Between the rush of packing, saying goodbye to Mav and his girls, and pointedly ignoring the messages in his group chat with Tasha and Bob, there wasn’t much time to reflect on the fact that he was actually going to to stay with Hangman and his family for two weeks in the Middle of Nowhere, Texas (or: a post-mission trip to the seresin ranch with two emotionally stunted pilots)
cowboy take me away (closer to you) {G}
Bradley’s eyes flickered up towards the Stetson briefly. Jake’s lazy smile returned, mischief bright in his eyes. “Is it my hat that’s turning you on, Bradshaw?” (the one where bradley realizes how attracted he is to jake working on a ranch)
(don't be a bitch) come take it to the floor now {G}
It’d been months since they were last in Texas but Jake’s movements were still just as sharp, if not sharper, than the dancers on the floor. After a childhood spent practicing the moves, the intricate steps and claps were second nature to him. Everything from his posture, his lazy smile, and the winks he kept sending to Bradley screamed arrogance. And God, if that wasn’t the hottest thing to Bradley.
you've got my heart stumbling by lightwoodsisabelle {G}
Bradshaw looked up, big brown eyes meeting Jake’s from across the room. A series of emotions played across his face before he settled on bemused, shooting him a short wave. With a scowl, Jake turned back to his laptop. He had bigger things to do than worry about Bradley Bradshaw. Bradshaw looked up, big brown eyes meeting Jake’s from across the room. A series of emotions played across his face before he settled on bemused, shooting him a short wave. With a scowl, Jake turned back to his laptop. He had bigger things to do than worry about Bradley Bradshaw. (the political campaign au no one asked for)
Field Day by xo_em {T}
“Where are you taking me?” Bradley exclaims as Jake pulls him along by the hand. “You said you wanted to do Texas things,” Jake laughs. “So I’m showing you a Texas thing.”
Haven't you herd, I rather love you by Fuddlewuddle {M}
Bradley knows Jake loves him, he just never expected the man to arrange a herd of cows into the shape of a heart for him. Being honest, he probably should've done.
wish I knew how to hold you by Ravens_Words {T}
Bradley bullies Jake's flight information out of Javy, and it's much easier than he thought it would be. Probably because he doesn't want his best friend to be alone. "Bradshaw," Javy says before he hangs up, "you- I know he doesn't make it easy, but take care of him, will you?" He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "sure." For the first time, he wonders if he made a mistake, bit off more than he can chew. Jake goes back home, Bradley goes with him. It goes about as well as one can expect.
I Won't Stop Running by ReformedTsundere {M}
"What? You said you were heading somewhere, didn't wanna give me the exact location, so sure, I've got a shotgun with no passenger and snacks that'll get us from here to Texas." When Bradley continues to stand there, with no response other than a widening of his eyes and slackening of his jaw, Jake takes two steps forward, close but not crowding into Bradley's space. "So, what'da say Bradshaw? Wanna come see the lone star state with me?" It strikes Bradley like he's been doused with a bucket of water, that Jake is serious.
Giddy Up by cacorra, perishablealex {T}
Jake smirks, not even flinching at the bite of the tequila and turns toward the group. He raises his second shot to the middle, waiting for the rest of the group to follow. They all clink their shot glasses together as Jake says, “Drink up, cowboys.” And so the night begins.
Accidentally on purpose by Writerofthelorde {T}
Bradley and Jake go to Texas to meet Jake's family and break it to him that he's moving in with Bradley in San Diego. They try to hide their relationship at first, wanting to know if they like Bradley before breaking it to them that they're dating. Thankfully the Seresin ranch is full of places where they can make out in secret. Unless someone turns the corner...! Especially his homophobic older brother...
Plus One by dandeliondick {E}
“Hangman?” He took a deep breath while Bradley waited, “I was watching you cry at my sister’s wedding while holding my hand and I think it broke me. I was sitting there thinking about how close I came to sitting here alone and mourning and how close I am to having you right where I want you.” Bradley’s breath hitched before he smiled, “Jake, for once I’m waiting for you to catch up.” - Coyote can't come to Texas for Jake's little sister's wedding, but who comes to save the day? Rooster, obviously. Can a few days of close quarters, meddling family members, and two idiots being unbelievably hot in suits make these two idiots figure it out?
like shooting stars by bottledyarn {T}  
“Well," the gate agent said. "Only uniformed military members and their spouses can board priority, but—” “That works out,” Bradshaw said, his voice tinny and distant in Jake's ringing ears. “Because this is my fiancé.” If Jake hadn’t been able to choke down a piece of toast this morning, he thought he might be light-headed enough to just pass out right then and there. -- Jake is trying to fly home for Thanksgiving and not have a panic attack on the airplane. Bradley is trying to skip town and spend the holiday in a mountain cabin to distract from another Thanksgiving alone. Between the two of them, they might both get where they need to go.
Take Him Off Your Hands by electricghosts {T}
Bradley got orders to Texas while his friends were stationed on the other side of the world. He also never wanted to speak to Maverick again; he was completely and utterly alone. After four long months of moping around and feeling sorry for himself, he finally goes out to have a beer and is greeted by a group of partiers with funny nicknames. One in particular sticks out; an overconfident blonde in a ten-gallon hat by the name of Hangman. Liquid courage and channeling his late father’s charm might just be the key for Bradley to land himself a cowboy.
Fire in the Blood and Smoke in the Air by MadeItUp {M}
feels good to know one thing
Jake doesn’t have the best relationship with his family, so when he’s summoned home for a special occasion, he calls up the one person he can trust to stick with him – after all, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has never ever lost a wingman. But he’s about to find out that getting shot down in enemy territory to save Mav was a whole lot easier than surviving a long weekend chez Seresin. “So it’s a big family thing?” Jake says carefully. “Everyone bringing their partners?” “Well of course, Charlie’s promised to bring the kids and I’ve not even met Matty’s new girlfriend—” “So that means I can bring someone?” Silence on the line. His mom is no fool. She knows when she’s been played. “Of course, Jakey,” she says. “You’re welcome to bring anyone you like.”
sunshine boy by pado_hyuck {E}
jake was fifteen when his sisters showed him the "sunshine boy" music video. jake never thought he would ever get to meet "sunshine boy" in real life. - where bradley bradshaw starred in a music video when he was younger and became jake seresin's gay awakening
Shining Star (Like A Little Diamond) by boobooblue {G}
"Weatherman said there might be a meteor shower yesterday, didn't think it would actually happen." Jake smiles, breathless. "Better late than never, I guess." "I don't think I've seen one since I was twelve," Bradley admits, just as in awe. "Really?" He turns to face Bradley briefly, wiggling his eyebrows. "Any wishes you've been waiting to make?"
Never felt like this before, take my name and make it yours. by haaaveyoumetted {M}
“Glad I don’t have to think of ways to keep your dad from having me dishonorably discharged and putting me six feet under for not wanting to date his daughter.” Claire smiled and shook her head fondly. “He means well, and I can’t say he has bad taste in men” she said as her eyes traveled up and down Bradley’s body playfully. “But he really isn't equipped with the skills to read people as well as he should be able to.” “Oh? What is it that he’s not seeing that you can?” Bradley asked, genuinely curious and engaged in the conversation now that he wasn’t worried about offending Claire with his disinterest in pursuing her romantically. “Well, for starters, if he was as observant as he likes to think he is, he wouldn’t have wasted his time trying to set you up with me. He would have thought about personally introducing you to Daniel... and then If he was really paying attention he would have realized he should be trying to set you up with Jake right now.” Claire replied far too casually for someone that just turned his entire world upside-down. “It’s clear he respects you and would welcome you into the family, he’s just going about it the completely wrong way. Obviously.”
in your shirt (that I got you) by multifandommonster {T}
The shirt itself is nothing too remarkable– a Gildan fabric, white all around save the barbeque sauce stain on the bottom hem. Over the chest is an off-center logo, the cartoon design of a cowboy digging into an overflowing plate. In big, blocky red letters, it reads: I Ate It All! The 72 oz Steak Challenge The Big Texan, Amarillo, TX
I Could Use a Texas Man by reanimated
Can't Fight the Moonlight {M}
What on god's green earth is Rooster thinking when he agrees to tag along for a break in Texas? He's the only one without a connection to the state. And the others have big ideas to turn this into a road trip. Two weeks. Two weeks to take on Fort Worth, to the Gulf Coast and back again...two weeks to meet new people, join in some family drama, and learn a lot more about his travel partners and colleagues than in the entirety of the last decade. And maybe be known in the process. Especially a version of Hangman he never knew existed. A few versions, in fact.
To Save a Horse by Renai_chan {E}
Jake and Bradley spend some time in Texas on the Seresin farm with Elise. They find a bit of time in the afternoon for themselves and enjoy… erm, the outdoors together.
all at once, everything looks different (now that I see you) by MyDadsAnts {T}
Jake convinces Bradley to fly to Texas with him to meet Jake's family, the Seresin's. Bradley can't help feeling nervous but is pleasantly surprised when he actually gets there. Jake's been acting strange ever since they landed, what could be happening behind the scenes?
restless in my mind dies out when you're right here by spiritsontheroof {T}
Jake drops his phone to his side and looks to Javy, who's gleaming at the prospect of Sarah Seresin’s cooking and a week or so on the ranch. “My mother is insisting I invite you all to Texas. Feel free to decline.” -- Or, Jake takes the Daggers home to the family.
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) by roo_mantic {M}
“Come home with me.” Jake breathed against Bradley’s lips. His shallow breaths break up his words, but he gets them out all the same. Bradley chuckled and brushed his thumb across Jake’s bottom lip. “I’m always gonna come home with you.” He muttered, pulling his thumb down and leaving Jake's mouth agape. or: Jake asks Bradley to come home to Texas with him
You Are the Answer by Happy_Days19 {M}
Bradley Bradshaw doesn't know what is happening, but he's never felt like this about someone before. Why is he feeling like this, and why couldn't it have happened at a better time? Or, the Floyd Ranch is under new ownership, and Bradley has a lot on his plate as he tries to adapt to changes at work, a best friend who won't stop pestering him about the crush he totally doesn't have, and Jake, the completely infuriating son of the next door ranch's owner.
Always Have (And Always Will) by Thee_Maxwell {G}
Bradley almost laughed, when Jake approached him the night the carrier docked. “My ma says she misses you around.”
it's a colorful life by bahjrc {M}
Someone said that almost dying changes nothing but Bradley would have to disagree. It changed everything, at least for him. Because when he wakes up the following day to that impossible mission, he's given another rare miracle: Jake Seresin standing right outside his door, with eyes that painted the world in all shades. Hangman slips once more through his fingers but this time Rooster decides not to let go. Even if he has to cross half a country in an impulse decision to chase the rainbow tail of that man's wings. or Rooster and Hangman once had something, then they had nothing, now they could have everything. If Rooster takes his shot. Though that may involve chasing a certain cowboy down to Texas.
calm down, cowboy by lucky {T}
‘You could come along, if you like.’ Bradley turned back sharply to Hangman, but the other man was studiously avoiding his gaze. ‘Ma loves to have more people to dote on and we’re not exactly short on the space.’ Rooster joins Hangman at his family ranch in Texas and learns some things about Jake, himself and them together.
the impossible by bimmyou {E}
His old man dies on a Wednesday.
Flock Together Universe by LadyLanera {T}
Misadventures in Texas
Jake and Bradley decide it’s time to let their twins spend extended time with their Texas family. The new fathers quickly find themselves seeing the end results of Jake’s wedding ultimatum to his father. Chaos ensues.
Guard Dog With A Death Wish by heartsickhills {E}
Jake Seresin has built a life around self reliance, hyper independence, survival - trusting no one. Who knew all it would take is one fucked up encounter to get him saddled with 24/7, around the clock supervision in the form of one Bradley Bradshaw.
austin interlude by lesbiseresin {E}
Long distance is something that isn’t easy to pull off. Some nights, Bradley missed him so much that he could feel his absence aching in his ribs, right behind the place where he’d cracked them during the mission with Maverick. Letters can only do so much. Phone calls make it more bearable, but nothing is better than having each other close. That’s how Bradley usually feels, anyways. He also usually likes Texas, but right now— “I wish we’d never come here.” (alternatively: jake & bradley finally sharing the domesticity they deserve)
The Christmas Wedding Date by imafriendlydalek {E}
Bradley knows it’s a terrible idea, even as he’s agreeing to it. Sure, things between him and Jake are better now since the mission, but the bar for that was so low it was practically on the ground. Just because things are “better,” just because Hangman saved his life, just because they had a long talk about what happened in the past—a talk that maybe ended with some rather hurried but incredibly satisfying blowjobs in a bunk on an aircraft carrier and them then texting each other all of twice before today—doesn’t mean that this is a good idea. Spending a whole long weekend together, over Christmas no less? At Jake’s sister’s wedding? Pretending to be his boyfriend? A terrible idea. Still, Bradley has been known for making ill-advised decisions when it comes to one Jacob Seresin, and today is no different. “Yeah, alright,” he hears himself say. Can even hear the smile on his face. “Guess I should iron my suit, huh?” It earns him a laugh from Jake, gravelly and delighted. “Oh no, darlin’. This is an event for dress blues.”
Family Cabin by viridimessorem {T}
If you'd told Jake in October of 2018 that he'd, in the future, end up introducing Bradley Bradshaw to his family as his boyfriend, he'd have, for one, punched you, for another, laughed his ass off because that would never happen. And yet, it had.
these small towns by nightwrite24 {M}
Bradley's moved to Texas from California. Jake's got a lot of expectations riding on him that don't leave room for the type of romance he really wants. Bradley has no idea he's such an overthinker. After a great night together, Jake's fallen into a full-blown crush and does his best to panic his way out of it. It does not work.
save a horse... oh you know by teacupivy {E}
Jake is wearing the lightest blue jeans Bradley’s ever seen and a t-shirt that’s so faded it hardly has a design. His eyes are shaded by an honest to god straw hat, and Bradley can’t believe his knees don’t buckle.
Texas Hold 'Em by hangmanbradshaw {E}
June in Texas hill country meant stifling heat, sunsets at 9pm, orange glows, and cicadas. Bradley remembers it well from the summer he'd spent at his aunt's house at 18, and when he finds himself the sole recipient of that house after she passes, he decides it's time for a fresh start after the mission that almost cost him and his godfather their lives. He'd never expected his summer fling from sixteen years ago to still be living there, but more than anything, he'd never expected Jake Seresin to be wrapped up in a local murder case. Or, Bradley retires from the Navy after the mission and inherits his aunt's house in Texas, where he'd spent a summer sixteen years ago falling fast and hard for the son of the ranch owner he worked for. Jake's grown into a man, taken over the duties of the ranch now, and oh yeah...is at the center of a murder investigation involving the son of an oil money family, who just so happened to be Nat's husband. According to the town, they got tangled in a love triangle, but there might be more to the case than meets the eye.
Car Troubles And Country Air by PleaseHellMe {E}
Bradley's on leave and heading to San Diego to visit his godfather when his car breaks down in the middle of Texas. A stranger stops to help and offers to tow the Bronco to his farm, and suddenly Bradley finds himself at the Seresin Farm, where he meets the rest of the brothers. One of them catches his attention, and turns out they have a lot more in common than Bradley would have first thought.
Make Yourself at Home by crowstakeflight {T}
Jake returns to Texas for his two week long break post-mission. He’s been homesick, so he wanted to spend it with his parents. The Uber drops him off at his parent’s home and he’s making his way inside when he notices a person crouching down on the side of the house. He gets closer and sees an awfully familiar face. “Bradshaw, what are you doing at my house?” Jake asks. Or, Jake finds out that Bradley is his parents' neighbor.
Can't buy me love by SunMonTue {E}
Jake doesn't need help around the ranch, but he's not going to turn down cheap able-bodied labor either. He's not stupid. The fact that Bradley knows nothing about ranching doesn't exactly help his case, but he's a fast learner.
when we hit the ground by dracculaura {E}
Bradley doesn’t ever plan to see Jake Seresin again, had written off their one night as just that – a one-time only thing. If he were in the habit of kissing and telling, it would even be a fun story about that time he got fucked by a professional bull rider. Life has other plans.
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wintergreenoreo · 6 months
F1 x Basketball AU 🏎️🏀
I’ve been working on a basketball au with the drivers for a while but haven’t been able to work on it until now..ish 🥲 and so i did silly little graphics for now. Combining two of my favorite sports = favorite pasttime!
Point Guard (PG): is typically the team's shortest player and best ball handler and passer. A scoring point guard regularly has the ability to shoot from three-point or mid-range distance. A facilitator-type point guard often has a high basketball IQ, or intuitive understanding of the game, and can see plays happening before they occur.
Shooting Guard (SG): are prolific from three-point range and long mid-range. A key aspect is having the ability to patiently wait for the ball and getting free, while others pass the ball around and finally get the ball to make the shot.
Small Forward (SF): They can do just about everything, from scoring, rebounding, handling the ball, passing, and the ability to defend. A common thread among small forwards is an ability to "get to the line" and draw fouls by aggressively attempting (posting-up) plays, layups, or slam dunks.
Power Forward (PF): often the team's most powerful and dependable scorer, being able to score close to the basket while also being able to shoot mid-range jump shots. Power forwards are also very crafty and have to be versatile on both offense and defense and are usually have good footwork in the paint and are able to force players into bad shots or blocking shots when guarding the paint.
Center (C): typically plays near the baseline or close to the basket. They are usually the tallest players on the floor. Centers usually score "down low", or "in the paint" (near the basket, in the key). The goal of centers is to create possessions, and, therefore, opportunities to score, by rebounding and trying to stop the other team from scoring in the paint.
Rookie (R): fresh off the bench and now a permanent part to the starting lineup.
In this Au, I combined the “junior” teams with their respective top teams (except for HAAS in this they merged with Alpine cause let’s be honest… Alpine need the extra help to actual stay an organization so HAAS agreed to merge).
Milton Keynes Red Bulls 🐂
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Bench players: Isack Hadjar, Pepe Marti, Ayumu Iwasa
Coach: N/A (Complicated)
Maranello Golden Stallions 🐎
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Bench players: Antonio Giovinazzi, Robert Scwartzman, Theo Pourchaire
Coach: Frédéric Vasseur
Brackley Silver Stars 🌟
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Bench players: Frederik Vesti, Doriane Pin, Kimi Antonelli
Coach: Torger “Toto” Wolff
Woking Papayas ✴️
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Bench players: Ryo Hirakawa, Gabriel Bortoleto
Coach: Andrea Stella
Silverstone Angels 🪽
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Bench players: Felipe Drugovich, Tina Hausmann
Coach: Mike Krack
Enstone Avalanche 🗻
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Bench players: Pietro Fittipaldi, Victor Martins, Abbi Pulling
Coach: Bruno Famin (Interim)
Every choice for who I made the starting five and which position I made them are very deliberate. All were based off of who I think each team would start and what role would fit with their skill set. Also taking into their personalities a bit as well.
When i get the time I wanna expand it a bit more but for now this all i got.🥲 Hope it all makes sense. 🙏
Sports nerd fr ❤️
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mothrasthorax · 10 months
I saw a Reddit post earlier about miraculous fusions and I made an extensive comment about what would happen if we fused other kwamis together. The following is an excerpt from the comment + other relevant stuff
We all know that if we merge Tikki and Plagg, we get the kwami of reality, Gimmi. Infamous for their sought-after wish granting powers.
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Got me wondering if other kwamis can do that and here's what I thought:
I don't think that just 2 random Kwami's can fuse into new versions. I think, if you can merge the Kwami's that are arranged in a way that they are grouped together, you'll be able to create new Kwami's, or just unlock new powers!
Let's take the miraculouses surrounding the yin yang that represent the Chinese elements (fox 🦊, bee 🐝, turtle 🐢, butterfly 🦋.peacock 🦚.).
If you can merge these 5, you might be able to use the powers the miraculouses in the 12 in the zodiac through their assigned element, that being one of the five Miraculouses (and potentially the ladybug and black cat's).
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You can also ofc gain new powers from the myriad of combinations at your disposal.
As for its kwami, I think it'll be some kind of jorogumo that changes color and patterns depending on which elemental miraculous it's using. 🤷‍♂️
Now let's try to combine the miraculouses that represent the Chinese Zodiac. (In order, Mouse 🐁, Ox 🐂, Tiger 🐅, Rabbit🐇, Dragon 🐉, Snake 🐍, Horse 🐎, Goat 🐐, Monkey 🐒, Rooster 🐓, Dog 🐕, Pig 🐖)
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If you can manage to combine them, you might be able to infinitely use all their powers with absolutely no consequences, so long as you use them in order. (like the anime Demon Slayer's 13th form of sun breathing), No new kwami tho 😢
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
Twst oc Valentines headcanons
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彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] warning: long post || triggers: none
彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] Route 1: Bowie Eustace
🐂 you get a knock on your door, and go to check to see who it is. standing on the door step of your old run down dorm, was a fellow NRC student. he was a Bull-beastman from the Tumbleranch dorm. a dorm filled with 'old western' themes and people, from what you knew.
🐂from the tops of his bull horns, down to his boots - he was about 7'0" tall. he was somewhat buff, muscles of which could be seen from under his his dorm uniform.
🐂you weren't super close with him, but had a science class with him. and he helped you out during gym classes whenever you began to fall behind everyone else. he was a gentle giant in a sense, always there for you when others didn't spare you a 2nd glance. he was one of the few people outside of your established group of friends that you told about your magic-less status.. and he never treated you any differently. in his own words 'people are people, no matter their core'. his earnest personality and kindness were why you were drawn to him so much.
🐂upon you opening the door, his bull tail swayed side to side in a semi-rapid fashion, giving away how excited he was to see you despite him trying to appear composed. brushing some of his thick curly locks out of his face.
"Hey Bowie! what brings you here today? sorry if the yard looks like a graveyard, i haven't had time to tidy it up--"
🐂" 's aight! don' matter to me much. think it gives 'er dorm it's own personality! a-anyway, i.."
🐂he handed you a fresh sunflower, which was in a small pot - a pot that had a pretty bow tied around it. his alluring southern accent filled your ears as he spoke.
🐂"I wanted tha' know if.. ye wanted tha have.. a picnic with me? 's ah nice day out, an' could give us time ta get ta know each other! since we usu'ally only eve'a see each other durin' classes..."
he seemed a bit nervous, his typical goofy lopsided smile wobbled a little in anticipation as he waited for an answer.
🐂 you thought it was a fun idea, and agreed to go along. which made him perk up, and you could see the will power of him fighting back the urge to hug you, in order to not make you uncomfortable. he had always been a touchy-feely kind of guy when it comes to interacting with others.
🐂 you left a note for grim, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. and before you left you put the sunflower in the lounge - in front of a window, so it could get enough light. you'd have to plant it outside once spring comes around.
🐂 you left the area around your dorm, him gently grabbing your hand as you walked side to side. interlocking your fingers and cradling your hand in his bigger one with tender care. he did it so casually, as if it was normal to do so. the contact with someone you admired made your cheeks become dusted with a light pink.
🐂 you both soon arrived at the botanical gardens, him holding open the door for you like a gentlemen. you spotted a picnic basket and blanket under the tree in the center of the room. at first you were worried leona would be here, as this is his favorite napping spot, but Bowie assured you that he wouldn't bother either of them today. not letting you in on the fact he had to bribe leona to insure no interruptions.
🐂 you both sat down on the blanket and began to chat. the room being filled with your conversation and occasional laughter. you ate sandwiches and fresh fruit - even some of your favorite chocolate from a store in the towns that's at the center of the isle of sages.
🐂 you asked how he knew you liked this chocolate, and he rubbed his neck while blushing. admitting he asked one of the people in your small clique the other day, and set aside time yesterday in between his dorm activities in order to head into town and buy it for you.
🐂 soon he began to play a song for you on his harmonica, claiming its a song he was working on (secretly for you) and wanted some feedback. it was an upbeat yet smooth tune, making your heart swell in awe.
🐂 he even offered to each you, and you spent a little while trying to learn how to use his instrument, it wasn't too hard but you would probably need a lot of practice to get to his level.
🐂 whenever you got a note/sequence right while playing, he would playfully ruffle your hair.
🐂 you thought to yourself - 'wait.. he never washed off the harmonica before he gave it to me to use.. is this- an indirect kiss??' the thought made you blush, and you tried to think of if it was intentional or not on his end. but when he asked about your red face you brushed it off, saying you were just tired from playing. to which he didn't question and took back the instrument. then you both took a small break.
🐂 after a while he fell silent and locked his vibrant violet eyes with yours, wringing his hands together nervously.
🐂 "s-so.. i wus wonderin'.. i reallah' like ya an' all, like.. very much! an' i wanted ta know if.. you would, y'know.. like ta be.. my valentine? not jus' this year, but.. every year?"
🐂 both of you had faces as red as riddles hear. there was a eerie silence between the two for you for a moment, before you launched your self at him - wrapping your arms round his neck, exclaiming 'yes!'
🐂 his smile beamed from ear to ear at your answer, he didn't seem to budge much when you leap at him. he quickly jumped up from his spot on the blanket and spun you around in a hug.
🐂 you two both soon felt back down onto the blanket, laughing like children, with you laying on top of him as he lied there on his back. your eyes soon met again before he nuzzled his cheek against yours affectionately.
🐂 "I wouldn' trade ya f'ur anythin' in tha world, Sugarbug." Route 2: Cailean Atharrais
🪶you hear a ping for a notification on your phone. bored and in search for anything to do to pass the time, you hop up from the couch and head over to the kitchen counter, where your phone was sat. having been charging all night.
🪶you unplug you're phone and unlock the main screen, and see the message sent from an rsa student you befriended a few months ago, who had helped you take fertilizer from the town to nrc to set up for some magic plant lesson. "hey! could you come over to rsa today? Neige and the dwarves are setting up stuff for a small party in celebration for it being hearts day and all, and we want an outside opinion on the set up. you can even join in on the party too when we finish!"
🪶you were a bit surprised by the invitation, but being in a gathering of actually friendly faces for once sounded like fun! at the very least, it would be a good break from the villainous students at your school that your surrounded by each day.
🪶you texted back; "sure! I'll be there as soon as i can. can't wait :)" to which Cailean sent back "ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬" in response.
🪶you got ready and left your dorm, leaving behind a note for grim to find when he wakes up. hopefully ace and deuce can keep him company, and keep him from burning anything down, while your gone for the day.
🪶you eventually arrived at the rsa campus, walking across the bridge to the school building. as soon as you step off the bridge, a bird swoops down in front of you - and with a 'poof' a boy lands on the ground right where the bird was about to. he quickly stands up from his crouched landing position, and brushes himself off.
🪶it was Cailean! he was wearing his school uniform, and honestly it was the first time you had seem him in such fancy clothing.. but it suited him. he had added his own flare to the typically orderly clothing. his brown with black striped swooped to one side hair bounced looked a little frizzy due to moving so much, but his freckled face beamed with an ear to ear smile upon his deep brown chocolatey eyes landing on you're form.
🪶" 'ey! ye mayde it!" the 5'8" boy chirps out in a singsongy type of tune with his prominent scottish accent, before pulling you into a firm hug while jumping up and down a bit. "Nice ta see ye ageen, Dove!"
🪶you laughed and hugged him back. when he eventually let go of you, he ushered you through the schools front gate while chatting with you about what's happened since you last saw each other. admittedly, not much on his end. but you had some fun tales to tell about grim and your other 1st year pals, to which he gave his full attention for.
🪶as he walked with you through the halls, laughing all the way, some people gave you a passing glance. not expecting to see you there, but not saying anything as they were all seemingly rushing around with their own tasks. eventually you both exit the main school building, and arrive at the wide open space with a big fountain, that sits in between the paths to each dorm. the whole place was decked out with decorations, and people! turns out that 'small party' for negie's dorm quickly turned into a big school wide party, since neige just couldn't help himself and invited any students he came across.
🪶he took you around and asked for your opinion on different parts that were being set up - the color pallets, the amount of balloons, the shape of balloons, the types of deserts, etc. after collecting that feedback, Cailean ran off to give the info to Neige.
🪶after about a half hour, the set up was finished, your opinions having been taken to heart and implemented right away. people soon began to file into the area in a more steady flow, and begin mingling with each other as someone got onto a DJ station and began to play some upbeat dance music through the amps. people either went solo or paired up on the decently sized makeshift dance floor on the grass next to one of the dorm buildings.
🪶after a while of picking around the food table and chatting with some people, you felt a tap on your shoulder. spinning around on your heel, you came face to face with Cailean. he had a cheeky grin on his face, before bowing slightly and extending out his hand to you.
🪶" 'ello, Dove! mey I.. hev 'is dance?"
🪶you chuckled and put your hand on his, "course you can, scatterbrain."
🪶" 'ey think ye mhen 'fancy-brain' !" he chimes as he swings you around and drags you off to the dance floor. the two of you have a blast, spinning and swinging each other around and kicking your legs. you failing at trying to copy one of Cailean irish dance moves, and him giving you a thumbs up and mouthing 'A for effort'
🪶eventually, after a little while, a more somber and relaxing song came on. the two of you ended up slowly swaying back and forth, hands interlocked and chests close together. you could feel each others breath on your skin. both of you had faces as red as the cherry filling inside a tart. there was only a few other people on the dance floor along with the two of you, as most others had taken breaks to sit or eat some of the sugary concessions as the party came to a slow drawl.
🪶neither of you had said anything since the song began, but halfway through your dance partner took in a breath - trying to give himself some courage, despite his nervousness.
🪶"..ey, Dove?" he says softly, his warm breath flowing against your ear. making the hair on the back of your next stand on end. "Evry’hing hus been soh moch fhun! ey couldn' be mair happy.. tah hav' yah he'er. whan ey met ye that day.. ye mhade meh tha happiest half fae on tha isle of sages. ye make meh feel.. free." freer then a bhird in tha breeze!
🪶"h-heh.. sorrah if thats cheesy, bhut.. ey mhen it! an'.. if ey mhey be so bold, im not shure if it's selfish tha ask f'ur, bhut.. could ey... hev ye witt meh.. all tha time? not jus' todah, as a valentine, bhut as.. a partner?"
🪶you were stunned for a moment, the both of you just staring into each others eyes as the somber music slowly began to swell into a more heartfelt symphony. you both had stopped in place due to your surprise at his declaration.
🪶he panicked a little when you too a bit longer to respond then he expected, his nervousness showing more clearly. "c-course' ye don' hev tah agree if ye don' wa--" but, you swiftly cut him off with a kiss. his blush turning a darker shade of red, if that's even possible. but he soon leaned into the kiss, and let out a stutter-y coo'ing bird sound. the taste of honeydew was noticeable on his lips. when you pulled away after a minute, you two were the last two on the dance floor. lost in your own world.. some people noticed and clapped for you, but most were preoccupied and didn't realize what was happening. the two of you shyly soon made your way off the dance floor, hand in hand, and headed towards a more quieter place to just enjoy each others company and relax for a while as you both process the bloom of your new union. Route 3: Bomani Melokuhle (meet-cute <3)
🦈towards the afternoon, your inner circle of friends contacted you and asked if you wanted to spent some time down at the beach today, since it was such a night day outside and they wanted to have some fun while the weather was still nice this week. you agreed and headed down into the town in the center of the island with grim, to get some supplies. since you didn't have a swimsuit or any beach gear. grim decided to wait outside for you.
🦈as you went to the counter with your things, you bumped into someone - both of you dropping your things onto the floor with a 'oof!', though luckily you fall down from the collision - due to the fact the other person wraps an arm around your shoulders to catch you. your faces ending up a few inches away from each other.
🦈after opening your eyes, which you originally closed in anticipation, upon not hitting the ground.. you locked eyes with the other person. which seemed to be a boy, somewhere around your age range. and very handsome at that.
🦈 the boy had warm pecan colored skin, which was covered completely in freckles from head to toe (from whatever skin you could see) - far more freckles then their friend cailean has, since cailean only has them on his face/shoulders. he has emerald green eyes that shimmer as the light from the ceiling fixtures above you shine down upon the room, and he has obsidian black hair .. which seemed to be very curly from the front fringe of thick curls, though most of it was pulled back into a low hanging, semi-big, puffy bun. he also seemed like a mix of chubby and muscular in terms of physique.
🦈you didn't recognize him at all, but you knew he probably wasn't from nrc due to that fact. people did live in this town of the center of the island, so he could just be a resident. since he isn't dressed like the typical tourist.
🦈soon the boy heaved you up back to your feet, and out of the half salsa dip pose you were being held in. it was only less then a minute, but it felt like much longer when you both were just lost in each others eyes.
🦈the boy give a toothy smile to you, showing off his shark-looking sharp teeth, before waving his hand in your face and giving an alluringly baritone voiced "helloo~?" which makes you snap out of the daze that you didn't realize you were in. a light pink blush dusting your cheeks, feeling a bit embarrassed for staring at this stranger.
🦈"oh- sorry! didn't mean to stare, i- uh" luckily for you, the boy didn't seem offended by it, and gave a hearty chuckle, pretending to wipe a tear in a comedic fashion. which made you feel a bit less uneasy about the situation.
🦈"it's alright, no harm done." he waved a dismissive hand, "anywho-" he dropped down into a crouch and began to separate your items from his, soon handing you your things before grabbing his own stuff and standing back up. "sorry for making you drop your things! i tend to wander, and when i wander.. i get lost in my own thoughts, and just don't focus on whats around me. heh heh, i wouldn't purposefully mess up the schedule of a sea star like you."
🦈as he was being very complimentary and casual, you accepted your items back, hugging the things against your chest to insure you wouldn't drop them again. "sea star?" you inquire.
🦈"yeah! your [y/n] right? it's a pleasure to finally meet the one making waves over at nrc. anyone who's anyone on this island knows about you, considering how many overblots you've fought and quelled! real impressive work there. your one tough cookie!"
🦈"oh- heh, sorry, i didn't introduce myself." he extends his hand, and you shake it. "Bomani Melokuhle. the star of the rsa swim team, and ukulele player extraordinaire on this side of the isle of sages!" ah.. so he was from rsa. well, that's a surprise, but also not a surprise..? you seem to be befriending a lot of rsa students recently.. so it's quite on brand.
🦈the two of you head to the counter together as you chat, and yo find you that you have quite a few things in common with him, in terms of interests. except for extreme surfing ... which he says he'll happily teach you, and you tell him you'll think about it.
🦈he goes to pay for your things as well. "oh- you don't have to, i have money" to which he just gives a warm smile, "yeah, but i want to. don't worry 'bout it, 'kay?" you begrudgingly agree.
🦈as grim complains about how long you took in the and asking what the hold up was, you and Bomani bid each other farewell. and you watch as he walks down the road, soon out of sight as he rounds a corner. oh wait- you forgot to get his number.. well, maybe another time.
🦈you then take grim and head off down to the beach, where your friend group had already set up in a pretty good spot. you all played volleyball, build sandcastles, the whole shebang. the beach was crowded for a while, but as the day went on and the evening arrived, people began to slowly leave. your group still stayed, even as the beach soon became almost empty, but your plans were soon cut short as the wind began to pick up. and soon after it began to rain.
🦈 your friends all complained and began to pack up, really only jack cared about the rain due to his tail. but as you finished gathering your things, grim told you he lost his sunglasses, and ordering you as his henchmen to get them as he flew off. you relented, and soon spotted the sunglasses. you managed to grab them before they could be washed off to sea, but as you turned your back to the water a wave slammed down on you from behind. all you could hear was the sound of the waves, mixed with the muffled voices of your friends calling out to you, as you get dragged away from shore.. while underwater you see some glimmers of something blue nearby, before your vision fades out.
🦈eventually you wake up on some rocks next to a light house nearby RSA, coughing up a bit of sea water as your vision steadies itself. you quickly notice that the sun had finished setting, and it was now nighttime. and something was approaching in the water..
🦈 it was bright spotty blotch of a neon aquamarine color, moving towards the cove from the water. a head soon poked through the surface of the water, and you noticed it was Bomani! other then his hair being out of the bun and flowing around his shoulders in bundled frizzy curls and all of his freckles glowing - it was him! he seemed to now have gray skin and sharp ears, along with his lower half being that of a shark - almost covered in glowing spots.
🦈 he checks if you were okay and not hurt at all, even giving you the sunglasses, which he found after saving you, he offers to swim you back to the beach. which you agree. he takes you by the hand, and guides you back into the water, you wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist and rests his chin against the crook of your neck.. holding you close to his body, which was warm compared to the cold water.
🦈he casts a spell to allow you temporary water breathing, since you don't have gills like him, and takes you back to the main shore. your friends were there waiting for you, but before you depart he gives you a peck on the cheek and winks "till we meet again.. sea star." then swims off. your heart bubbles with a new fuzzy feeling...
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sandbarbirdie · 2 years
Hi! I have some angst prompts for Rhett! You don’t have to do any or all if u don’t wanna! I love your post! (I hope my first attempt at this didn’t get sent in bc my phone glitched)
Am I just suppose to let you go?
Don’t make me do this
I don’t want to understand, I want you to stay
Don’t go where I can’t follow
Your better off without me
People get hurt if they get to close to me
I don’t even recognize you anymore
Who did this to you
You could have died, you know
Of course I’m here, where else would I be
We just can’t seem to get it right, huh?
Don’t look at me like that
Don’t push me away again
This was a mistake
Have a great rest of your day! 💛🐂
Thank you so much for sending this I’m so deeply sorry at how long this took me to get out!! Thank you for your patience.
It was early. Too early In the morning. Rhett hadn’t gone home. He felt like he couldn’t go home. The locks probably changed anyway. He was trying so hard to leave. He wanted to get the hell out of Wabang. Leave everything behind in a trial of dust.
He knew you were awake. It turned over in his gut causing him to grit his teeth. He didn’t want to drag you into this. He knocked on the door anyway.
His heart quickened and tried to keep his face from falling. You were standing there in the pretty sundress he loved, you were getting ready for work. He cursed at himself and turned to leave but you caught his wrist. He winced. You knew immediately and grabbed higher on his arm bringing him into the kitchen.
“You can’t keep showing up like this you know.”
“I know. “ he mumbled not making eye contact with you but still shrugged off his flannel as you started the hot water. He turned to start rinsing the blood off his hands. His white shirt stained. He heard your gasp as you took in his blue and purple shoulder. You reached above him for a rag and the first aid kit. In silence you let him wash his hands clean as you inspected the gash on his shoulder and the bruising around his shoulder blade. With dry clean hands he stared at the patterns on your dress and he let you wrap his sprained wrist and bruised knuckles.
“I hardly recognize you anymore Rhett.” Your voices sounded stern as you dropped his hands. His eyes snapped up at you. They were laced with hurt and fear. Last night he would’ve laughed. Yeah . He hardly recognized the man he had become. He thought he was doing a good job at covering it up, but guess not. He tried to find fear and disappointment in your eyes but he couldn’t find it. Maybe you were hiding it.
“T-this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come here” he said. His eyes burned as he stared at the empty wall, he flexed his fist until his wrist and knuckles stung.
“Am I supposed to just let you go then? Give up all that we worked for?” You spat. He couldn’t muster the courage to look at you. Not until you cupped his face with your gentle hands. Your thumb wiped tears he didn’t know he had been shedding.
“There’s no place for me here. you deserve more than what I can give you sweetheart. Your better off without me”
“The give me a night and I’ll go.” You hummed.
“What?” He pulled back from your touch. As if he stepped too close to the camp fire. His eyes wide. He looked at you in shock and fear. Searching for anything to call your bluff. After a minute of silently searching. In breath he had never felt more small and hopeful was the same time “You mean it?”
“Just don’t go down a road I can’t follow ”
@sebsxphia @iguana-braces @callmemana
@rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist (let me know if you don’t want to be tagged , or want to me added)
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quincyhorst · 5 months
Euro B Hissatsus Showdown
So far, when it comes to Euro B, I've already shared their visual references and their no-pixel shields (So they don't turn into webps when you try to save them). And now... Guess its the time for hissatsu lineups. Sometimes I like to take them in consideration for headcanons, sometimes not. It depends overall if I believe compliments the character in some way 🤷 Same thing with using them on fanfics and explaining their obtaining method, etc.
Since a long time I've been following Luktsu Do Inazuma, a YTber that posts gameplays on portuguese and all; but what I like the most from him are his hissatsu compilation videos, since they are very complete and the quality is excelent. You might be familiar with a video I've shared back at Chung-Yoon's headcanon post!
Originally I wanted to share the RM one only, but I've decided to wait a bit more until the user also uploaded Brockenborg and Rose Griffon's to their channel. With that being said, sit down and enjoy!
RedoMata 🐂
Burobo 🐉
Rozuguri 🦅
(Ps... If you're interested on any other of the FFI teams, minus for Great Horn they all got uploaded! Hop on Luktsu's channel to see them! ;-D)
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
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I know they're minor characters overall just existing as a boss battle and so we the players don't learn much about them in canon but Theseus and Asterius genuinely mean so so so so much to me 😭 choosing to be a better person but not being perfect and falling into some old bad habits but it doesn't necessarily negate the progress you've made (Theseus) .... And Asterius finding joy in his death and being with someone who understands him and nurtures him and the parts of him that are maybe a bit unusual- you'd think with all he's been thru he'd have a sorta aversion to violence but I think being in control of the sort of play - violence of the arena is genuinely very good for him, being able to control his own strength and how he uses it is another way to show how far he's come too. And I love that they have one another - I love that Theseus feels genuinely understood by someone with such an unconventional upbringing and vice versa. I love that despite what little of them we actually know there's still so much and so much to love about them both. I love that after dedicating almost 4 years of my life to them I still have a lot to say about them and write about them and I never get tired of it either, because they inspired me every day and I mean that 🫶🏾 it's silly but there's so much I would've never done if not for them... I would've never gotten more interested in writing, for one, and when I was first introduced to them I was genuinely ready to just give up on art entirely because of how depressed I'd been. I still know why it was that Theseus and Asterius made me want to start drawing again but I am eternally grateful towards them for it. They were all I drew for nearly a year...! I don't draw them as frequently anymore - but I want to get back to it someday. It feels so natural to at this point....
Umm idk where I'm going with this 🫶🏾 they genuinely do mean the world to me though
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warthogreporter · 11 days
A second look at the human fucker community on monster tumblr
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🧜‍♀️ Hermaid Follow
After a while you start to notice some trends in how people talk about fucking their hoomans
Vampires: This is Brother Reginald Regicus Regicum who I slowly corrupted and tempted with earthly desires across several long years until he became a creature of the night like myself. We're throwing his one year vampirization party in a month, here's the invite, if you don't come it's a personal insult, to me.
Orcs: This is Himby the Himbo who I snagged in some raid I did because I got bored on my way to the grocery store. It's funny when I make him wear cat ears.
🐻 Beard-Toucher Follow
Demons: These are Sir Good and Sir Goody. I make them wear matching collars because of how they were all but boyfriends before I enthralled them with my dark magic. You noticed their matching collars right?
Werewolves: You'll never believe this, but my human Stucky, who used to be called Lady Stuck Up, was actually a repressed and stuck up person before I helped her embrace her wild side TM.
🐍 Scaled-Scales-Scaling-Scales Follow
Naga: ...Anyway after spending 400,000 years praying I finally met the human who is the love of my life and we recited mantras together, after 200,000,000 years of this we began to *blushes* hold hands and then the gods...
Other kinds of dragons: This is King Dragonslayer the Unfucked. I use him as a display stand for my jewels when not fucking him.
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🐙 WetterThanYou Follow
Showing the humans parts of their world they've never seen (the depths).
(9,846 Notes)
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🐎 Seventaur-deactivated20230527 Follow
Man humans really are such pathetic creatures
🐎 Seventaur-deactivated20230527 Follow
Stop reblogging this as a human fucker post! I advocate for exterminating those pests! It's literally in my bio! Human Fuckers DNI!
👿PazuzuOfficial✅ Follow
Hey OP we need to 'talk' IRL. Don't bother turning on your location, I already know it.
(369 Notes)
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🐺 HereWolf Follow
Seeing elves in human fucker communities is always such a "bro thinks he's on the team" moment. Oh yeah you're so different from humans with your pointy ears and... oh right that's literally it.
🛣️Elf-Hater Follow
Elves are like humans but lame and pretentious, even lame and pretentious humans are better. Eying a 'human' only to notice pointy ears is like biting into a blueberry muffin thinking it's a chocolate muffin, if blueberries tasted like shit.
🧝Elfeven Follow
🪓Orcasionally-Really-Cranky Follow
If it makes you feel better I fuck both humans and elves, just got back from a raid where I scored plenty of elves to make into my obedient little whores.
🧝Elfeven Follow
That doesn't make me feel better.
(685,734 Notes)
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🦅Feathery Follow
Finally going to an actual human town. What do human eggs look like? Don't want to cause any problems by mistake.
🦋 Gregory-Grigori Follow
People on this webbed site will really just say anything about hoomans huh?
🐂 No-Yournotaur Follow
OP, humans don't lay eggs. It's weird that you thought they did. They're mammals.
🦅Feathery Follow
I thought they were like platypi no need to get up my ass about this
🐂 No-Yournotaur Follow
Okay you know what fair.
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🦋 Gregory-Grigori Follow
I'd say good morning, but I didn't wake up with a beautiful human on each side of me so actually it was yet another mid morning.
(4,384 Notes)
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Click here for part 1 and here for part 3
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croconuts · 4 months
BARD OF HOPE 𓍢ִ໋♒ (💜✨🪻)
⋆ (2) " The Bard of Hope will begin to be optimistic and spread joy, encouraging those around them to follow their dreams and be their true authentic selves. They don’t take criticism about the things they love or believe in, operating as if they are always in the right and doing the best thing for themselves and everyone else. The Bard of Hope in an ironic twist, now destroying Hope with their newfound Hope, being full of toxic positivity and being overbearing at times. "
୧ ‧₊˚ ⭐ ⋅ -- ☆゚°˖* 🌑🌒🌓🌕.
(18+ follows only) 21 ; ;🪻
• BYF ;; More Information below ♟️ ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
BYF :; - Be a good person.
| 'as long as it doesn't hurt others or yourself it's okay'. having said that NO: terfs... MAPs... pro shippers ... racists... homophobes... etc
- - - -
' Tagging . . . emojis only
( People )
• ❤️ ; Kankri | • 🍡 ; Damara | • 🐂 ; Rufioh | • 🛹 ;Mituna
• 🙀 ; Meulin | • 🪡 ; Porrim | • 🛼 ; Latula | • 🕷️ ; Aranea
• 🐎 ; Horuss | • 🃏 ; Kurloz | • ♒ ; Cronus | • ⚜️ ; Meenah
( Misc )
• 📝 ; Memories | • 🎙️ ; Rambling | • 📃 ; Long Post
• 🖼️ ; Aesthetics | • 🎨 ; Art | • 🤡 ; Funny Stuff
⋆ (1) " The Bard of Hope is someone who at first, acts much like a Rage player in their actions; they spread misery, bringing people down for fun. The Bard of Hope starts out as an angry and spiteful person, skeptical and defiant to the rules, revelling in the anger and unhappiness of their peers.
They purposely shoot down people’s hopes and dreams, cast fear into the hearts of those around them, and destroy any and all kinds of joy or positivity around them. However, the Bard of Hope will have a change of heart once they begin to rise to their challenge, when they find something or someone that they actually truly care about and doesn't want to see get hurt. "
MAIN ;; @kurlolz
0 notes
ailtrahq · 1 year
Shiba Inu marketing expert who calls herself Lucie has taken to Twitter to raise the spirits of the SHIB army and suggest a possible explanation as to why the second largest meme cryptocurrency is not going up, despite the Shibarium relaunch over the weekend. Instead, SHIB has another 3% within the last 24 hours, according to TradingView data. "Why is SHIB down?" LucieSHIB suggests reason Lucie tweeted that, in her opinion, SHIB is currently down since "it rides market waves," as all other cryptocurrencies, both Bitcoin and altcoins, do. Currently, it is "a little bumpy." She recommended that Shiba Inu investors and holders think long term since "short-term victories fade fast." She believes that the Shiba Inu community has come too far to give up holding their SHIB now. Why No Moon? 🌕 Why $SHIB down? 📉Eh... $SHIB's unstoppable spirit is real, but it rides the market's waves too. It's everywhere! 🌊Okay, a little bumpy now, but what about the Bullmarket? 🐂Remember, thinking long term matters. Short-term victories fade fast. BE POSITIVE… pic.twitter.com/ZQQGKxIhrk — 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐄 | Summer of Shibarium (@LucieSHIB) August 28, 2023 Overall, since Aug. 15, SHIB has dumped more than 25% of its value, trading at the $0.00000793 level at the time of writing. Hundred million SHIB burned as price dips As reported by popular burn tracker Shibburn, the SHIB army seems to be taking advantage of the current price dip and has managed to get rid of a hefty amount of meme coins overnight. Within the last 24 hours, Shiba Inu holders and Shibarium developers have transferred a total of 106,052,734 SHIB to dead-end wallets in 15 transactions. The largest chunks of SHIB burned during that period of time carried 27,848,584 SHIB; 18,517,304 SHIB and 11,339,375 Shiba Inu meme coins. In the past 24 hours, there have been a total of 106,052,734 $SHIB tokens burned and 15 transactions. Visit to view the overall total of #SHIB tokens burned, circulating supply, and more. pic.twitter.com/w4YF6t0GZB — Shibburn (@shibburn) August 28, 2023 Since the SHIB price is dipping at the moment (and the coin has retraced to 16th place on CoinMarketCap), the SHIB community can burn more coins, since it is cheaper to buy them. Shibarium finally relaunched on mainnet Also, now that the Shibarium Layer 2 solution has staged a loud comeback and there are already 350,000 conducted on it, each transaction is also contributing to Shiba Inu burns; part of the gas fees paid in BONE are set aside to be converted into SHIB later on and burned. In a recent blog post, the leader of Shibarium devs Shytoshi Kusama announced the current progress of transactions and connected wallets on the relaunched Shibarium. So far, there are more than 65,000 wallet addresses already linked to it. Kusama gave special thanks to the Polygon (MATIC) team (Shibarium is a fork of the Polygon chain), Unification Fund, the decentralized team of Shibarium and a few other devs. Source
0 notes
thealchemistbae · 2 years
Hello ! Happy Sunday my Alchemist Babes. 🌞 This post will cover Aries - Capricorn zodiac signs and what they can expect in this upcoming week. Please refer to part 2 for Aquarius and Pisces. Make sure you check your Sun, Moon & Rising signs 🌞🌙⬆️ for a more in-depth forecast of the week. Enjoy 💜
Disclaimer: These images do not belong to me. I have gathered these images from Pinterest. This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not make any life changing decisions in regards to this reading. This is a collective reading so don’t try to force what doesn’t resonate.
If you are looking for something more personal, message me about my services.
thealchemistbae © do not copy, redistribute, or edit my content.
ARIES ☄️ (March 21 - April 19)
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What can Aries’s expect this week ?
Happiness and well-being.
Unsuccessful outcome to a problem.
You will be shown the way.
Temporary situation.
You will be playing a different role in a situation.
Great worry over nothing.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
TAURUS 🐂 (April 20 - May 20)
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What can Tauruses expect this week ?
Protection from a powerful friend.
Unsettled times. Need to plan ahead.
A long journey, either physical or mental, will leave you wiser at the end.
Guaranteed success.
Time to take action.
Opportunity or windfall.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
GEMINI 🐉 (May 21 - June 20)
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What can Gemini’s expect this week ?
Karma - you will reap what you have sown.
Good advice from a wise person.
Money will be coming to you.
In need of help, assistance, and guidance.
Stepping into a new experience.
Take care or there will be a loss of material wealth.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
CANCER 🌝 (June 21 - July 22)
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What can Cancers expect this week ?
Problems to be resolved.
Take care - enemies are working against you.
You are highly thought of.
Major challenges to overcome.
Getting back to the basics.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
LEO 🦁 (July 23 - August 22)
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What can Leo’s expect this week ?
You feel something is lacking in your life; perhaps love, money, or goals.
Solid foundation. Success with effort.
SUCCESS is highlighted.
New job/career.
Advice from a friend.
Indecisiveness. Allowing your life to ramble aimlessly.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
VIRGO 🌿 (August 23 - September 22)
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What can Virgo’s expect this week ?
A period of ill health. Depression.
A path with money is waiting for you to find it.
Great, good fortune.
Love, deep affection, and caring. (SIGNIFICANT)
Put in a position of authority.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
LIBRA ⚖️ (September 23 - October 22)
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What can Libra’s expect this week ?
Unsuccessful plans.
Someone new is entering your life.
Someone is extremely stubborn and unwilling to change.
Romance, celebration, party.
Spiritual guidance. Angels are protecting you from harm.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
SCORPIO 🦂 (October 23 - November 21)
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What can Scorpio’s expect this week ?
Chain of events that will affect your life.
Someone working against you behind your back.
New creative ideas. New ventures. A fresh start.
You are on the road to success.
Muddled, unclear thinking.
You will be taken care of in difficult times.
If you enjoyed this reading, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via cashapp $lavishlyguapa. Thank you.
SAGITTARIUS 🔥 (November 22 - December 21)
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What can Sagittarius’s expect this week ?
Opportunities are waiting for you.
Romance is in the air.
Money or property through an inheritance, winning or windfall.
Financial pinch.
Pay attention to your health.
Do not be tempted to lower your standards.
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CAPRICORN 🐐 (December 22 - January 19)
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What can Capricorn’s expect this week ?
Shrewdness and resourcefulness, especially in business.
Short journey ( road trip or mini vacation )
Someone will try to make you do something against your will.
A wish is being granted.
New home, new attitude.
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P.S. Aquarius and Pisces will be on a separate post due to no more space on this post.
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Moon & Eyes
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"people associate the eyes with the soul certain people say that they are windows to it people also say that if you have a black ring around your eyes then you still have yours -- the moon rules eyes." -@izsavage
🐏Aries Moons have lighter colored eyes with thick whites to them they also tend to have prominent eyelids and slanted eyes (Lily James, Tom Hiddleston, Charles Dance, Daniel Craig, Ansel Elgort)
🐂Taurus Moons tend to have serious resting eyes paired with bushy or very long eyebrows the colors are usually very natural greens tend to be lighter with brown or simply brown the men usually have shaded hooded eyes by there eyebrows (Robert Downey Jr. , Isabel Lucas, Mackenzie Foy, Jai Courtney, Chrisitian Bale)
🫂Gemini Moons Icier eyes arched pointier brows with long lashes there brows tend to be thin there eyes typically very light (Lauren Cohan, Rachel McAdams, Alexandra Daddario, Olivia Wilde, Taylor Kitsch)
🦀Cancer moon ladies usually have thin brows men having bushy both have tear drop eyes they tend to have bags (Heath Ledger, Elizabeth Olsen, Rose Leslie, Natasha Lyonne, Lana Parrilla)
🦁Leo moons typically have wide hairy eyebrows long lashes there eyes may be hooded by there brows there eyes may appear shinier (Megan Thee Stallion, Amanda Seyfried, Jamie Brewer, Eric Roberts, Rene Russo)
👰‍♀️Virgo Moons often have super sharp eyes boxy yet arched brows as well as a very natural bright glow to there faces (Samuel L. Jackson, Rebel Wilson, Chris Hemsworth, Madonna
⚖️Libra Moons as said with a previous post often blue eyed there brows are usually thickly wide with slight arches often usually faint lashes (Colin O'Donoghue, Kristen Bell, Alia Shawkat, Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Spencer)
🦂Scorpio Moons could have thick to very thin brows either arched or straight brows they could also be super faint they're lashes can be faint (Lady Gaga, Margot Robbie, XXXTENTACION, Aly Michalka, Mila Kunis)
🏹Sagittarius Moons long brows that extend over there eyes slanted eyes thin or very hairy brows short lashes (Amber Stevens, Ayalet Zurer, Jensen Ackles, Kierna Shipka, Max Thieriot)
🐐Capricorn Moons Sharpest gazes sharp eyes thin brow hair yet long lashes long or faint (Linda Cardellini, Julia Stiles, Jerry O'Connell, Rutger Hauer, Serinda Swan)
🪣Aquarius Moons rounder eyes prominent brows tend to have bags "polished" (Ariel Winter, Michiel Huisman, Sarah Hyland, Marisol Nichols, Mary Elizabeth Winstead)
🐟Pisces Moons arched long brows miniature bags they're brows may be bushier bright eyes (Abigail Breslin, Lee Pace, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert De Niro, Anna Faris)
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