skyedancer-system · 10 months
Kieran 🤝 Kiki
Being 2 versions of the same guy and calling each other twins bc of it
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areazerosystem · 7 months
I’m worried about Kieran
Every time he’s fronted recently he hasn’t been able to stay for long without getting hit with depressive symptoms and stuff
He wants to front but he can’t without feeling horrible and we don’t know why
I swear if my brother got stuck being a depression holder or something I’m going to hurt someone (half srs)
-⛩️Carmine (She/It)
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skyedancer2006 · 10 months
-🏮Kieran (He/They)
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areazerosystem · 8 months
Reaching up to do my little hair stim but there’s no hair there raaaghhhh
…and now our motor tics are acting up. Right before we were planning to go to bed. Great. /sar
-🏮Kieran (He/They)
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areazerosystem · 9 months
Me and Kiki casually playing source when someone appears and starts crushing on our sister; we can’t tell who they are at first
Then they start crushing on game me/Kiki and we still don’t know who it is
Eventually we figure it out (it was Juliana) and she immediately bolts somewhere in headspace
Once Carmine finds out about this she is going to be very happy and also very embarrassed lol
-🏮Kieran (He/They)
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skyedancer-system · 10 months
Uzi watching a playthrough of the new Pokémon DLC and I immediately push to the front and finally make myself known to everyone other than El ✌️
Anyways I knew sorta how the story was gonna go even before we finished watching the video; exomemories heck yeah
-🏮Kieran (He/They)
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areazerosystem · 6 months
other pokemon fictives 👀🥺
Yeah! It’s great to see more of us around; nice to meet you!
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areazerosystem · 8 months
Realizing that I am in fact a disaster bi like Kiki (except worse /silly) and not as gay as I thought XD
-🏮Kieran (He/They
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skyedancer-system · 7 months
System stuff has been all over the place today (negative)
Last week we thought we felt someone new forming and were worried that it was a sorta-friend’s character. I (🏮Kieran) tried to will him to not fully form and it seemed like it worked
Then today the guy showed up while I was in co front with 🔧Nine and immediately picked a fight with me; I pulled him a little away from front so Nine could have some peace while we argued (part of it was about whether we should tell his source’s creator/our sorta-friend about his existence, but I don’t remember much else)
Now he’s disappeared somewhere in headspace and we have no clue if he was even real or just us imagining things
Nine went back into Headspace to try scoping things out (and maybe to find our scout/welcomer El; she’d know if someone new was actually here)
Kinda hoping he isn’t here bc we don’t want to have to deal with possibly explaining to his creator that her AU character exists in our system now, but I feel like we won’t get that lucky xd
-🏮Kieran (He/They)
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areazerosystem · 9 months
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>_ Welcome to Area Zero.
>_ Biometric identification in progress...
>_ ...
>_ Identity confirmed. Access granted to lower level.
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Greetings and welcome!
This is a side blog run by the Pokémon fictives of the @skyedancer-system, so we can talk about source-related things without taking over the main system blog.
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🐍Ray - He/Ze/Delta, Rayquaza
🕯️Akumu - He/They, Hisuian Typhlosion
🌟Volo - He/Arc, Fairy-type cladopokekin, Arceus godshard
🏮Kieran/Ren - He/They, alterhuman and transspecies
🍡Kiki - He/She/They, alterhuman, Furret kin
⛩️Carmine - She/It
💠Juliana - She/They
⚛️Rai - He/Him, Miraidon, cannot speak in English; only Pokémon
💖Ortega - He/Fae
☢️Nucleon - It/Its, Pokémon Uranium “fakemon”
🍃Kieran/Ogerpon- He/They, Kieranpon AU, I like to say “pon pon” a lot! It’s a stim hehe ^^
🍑Pecharunt- They/It/Mochi, has difficulty with speaking English most of the time
🪻Drayton - He/Drei, dragon-type cladopokekin
🖋️Rika - They/She
💾KP - He/Him, Kitapark AU
🟣Dokutaro - He/It, Toxic Consequences AU
🍥TC!Kieran - He/They, Toxic Consequences AU
🦎BT - Any Pronouns, Bridged Toxicity AU Kieran
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BYF (Before You Follow)
We are bodily an adult
We are a mixed origin, trauma-endo system. We don’t want to get directly involved in syscourse, but anti-endos will be blocked on sight
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LGBTQ+ -phobes. This includes xenogender, neopronoun, and overall MOGAI antis, mspec antis, and those who are against “contradictory” labels
Radqueers/Transid/Transx and their supporters
Proshippers and those neutral on them
Anti-endos and system fakeclaimers
Anti-alterhumans (otherkin, therians, fictionkin, etc…)
Those who break our DNI will be blocked
Thank you for visiting our blog!
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