#🍭 requests
lollipopshu · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞ ❀ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 ! 𓂅
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helloo !! my name is lolly (´◡`) i'm a minor who enjoys writing seventeen agere !! my works are mostly little!joshua / joshua centric because i'm a joshushushu heehee ! i enjoy talking about stars and galaxies, and my favourite animal, bunnies (^o^)/ i will also scream about seventeen.
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coming from a country that don't speak english, i can't guarantee my works have good grammars/spellings, so if i make any mistakes, lmk please! you can find my writings here ! reminder that i'm a beginner writer so please don't expect me with 10k + words..
My requests/askbox is always open so if you have any questions or requests ask me right away!
ꕤ७ please refrain from typing out offensive words in my askbox
ꕤ७ i won't write caregiver!shua (not good at it huhuhu..)
ꕤ७ no heavy angsts
ꕤ७ other than that, i'm okay with everything !
> my works are all fiction / RPF.
> my works can be reposted / translated with credits
> my works are all SFW age regression , no NSFW works will be written by me (works might contain light swear words! )
> all of my fics are joshua-centric
> im okay with writing ships and reader!
> works mostly contain caregiver! jeonghan / mingyu
> i project to joshua so in my works, he's just a girly princess baby <33
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that's all! i hope you enjoy your stay here <3
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part-time-pixie · 6 months
Wow! Congrats on the 1k!! ^^ ^^ Well deserved btw 🥳🥳 you said fave ship?? resquest?? MariChat? pretty please??🥺🥺
thank you so much!
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
Hi Kaia could i order white chocolate,fruit tart,glazed Donut,nougat,Donut hole,with caramel and whipped cream for one piece men: (Luffy ,Rayliegh ,Ace, Zoro, Sanji ,Shanks,and Law) plz and thank you
hihi ty for being patient angel 🥰️ i def took some liberty w. this one, but i think i like how all of them turned out; you gave me a tall order but *clenches fist* i survived 💛💛💛 anyway, ty for requesting hope you like it :)
3.2k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni; smut, some angst, fluff (wow i know), hurt/comfort; feat. luffy being a total menace, rayleigh being the dilf we all want, ace being mischievous as ever, zoro being a dumbass, sanji being overwhelmed, shanks being the absolute worst, and law trying to teach reader a lesson. also feat. cute stuff like: ass grabbing, rough (consensual sex), exhibitionism & public sex, lil bondage, jealousy, orgasm denial, some sof smut™ (who am i), oral (f receiving), fingering, oral (m receiving), idk other stuff probably. y/n has no self preservation ofc, these men are ridiculous (i love them). (if u see grammar/spelling mistakes no u didn't <3)
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it isn’t your intention, but somehow you and your captain get separated from the group one afternoon while canvasing a new island. you normally don’t get lost, but luffy was teasing you all morning — pulling you aside for impromptu kisses, grabbing onto your hips from behind, his lips curled into a devilish smile against your neck with each kiss he left behind. luck was usually on your side during those instances, except it seems it’s suddenly run out.
“don’t give me that look,” you say as sternly as you can, eyes glancing around to see if any of your crew mates doubled back to look for you. luffy’s really to blame for you both getting lost, but he doesn’t want to admit that just yet; it’s more entertaining to tease you, because you’re cute when you’re annoyed. luffy wraps a hand around your wrist and pulls you further away from the path you came from.
in between kisses, you remind him that you’re both pressed for time.
“don’t worry,” he says in a low voice, “it’ll be fine, probably.” you’d slap him if he wasn’t already kissing you again, tongue licking inside your mouth hotly; you arch against him, face flushed from the heat. his kisses remind you of summers and warm breezes; your mouth still tastes like the mangos you consumed with him earlier — sticky and sweet, a taste he’ll always covet.
you squeeze your thighs together when his hand roams lower and take a shuddering breath once he backs you against a thick tree. you hike a leg around his hip, holding him close to you, humming pleasantly when you feel the growing bulge in his shorts. being this close to him makes you impulsive and you know that all you have to do is rub against him once and he’ll fuck you against that tree. but your conscience wins out and you pull away, ducking out of his hold quickly, panting lightly as you touch your lips with the tips of your fingers.
“we need to get back to the others,” your voice is a bit too high when you say that. luffy laughs at your act and plants a wet kiss on your cheek; you bicker with him playfully on the walk back while holding his hand and lacing your fingers together with his.
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“i don’t normally do this. i have to go.”
that’s what you said twenty minutes ago, after you’d gotten tipsy enough to have the courage to flirt with the older man sitting next to you. the pub was crowded and you only ever came by if you didn’t want to be recognized. rayleigh had a dangerously devilish charm, one that extracted information out of you with ease.
his voice is thick and rich, his words a pretty distraction — hypnotizing you as you find yourself nodding along to his impetuous plans. he hadn’t intended on sleeping with anyone tonight, but he couldn’t resist himself once he saw you sitting there by yourself, swaying on the bar stool while humming a nameless tune.
you seemed so content to be alone, it was admirable.
he had a bright smile and a laugh that came deep from the soul; you felt your body flush at the thought of kissing him suddenly. you blamed the alcohol for making you foolish, but you knew that wasn’t exactly true.
now you’re seated atop a sink in the upstairs bathroom, whimpering softly as you keep your legs spread for him. your skirt is hiked up, panties discarded somewhere — they were ruined once rayleigh whispered in your ear and suggested you carry on the conversation elsewhere; his hands were skilled, his mouth even more so.
he liked how pliable and supple your body was, how plush and soft your thighs were under his calloused hands. you shivered as he ran a finger along your slit, making you tremble as you keep as still as possible. rayleigh, you come to find, is experienced and passionate; you grow impossibly drunk from all his teasing — to the point that you’re panting and begging him to fuck you.
“all in good time.” his voice is gravelly when he nips at your exposed clavicle, cock hard and heavy; he knows he should hurry up, but something about you makes him want to take his time — so he can see all the frustrated expressions on your face. you pull him close and wrap your hand around his cock, stroking his length, rattling his nerves until he finally gives in.
he buries his cock to the hilt, hips pulling back and snapping forward roughly against you. letting out a breathy moan, you can feel just how slick your pussy is from your arousal. legs wrapped around him, you lean up to kiss along his jaw; he chuckles and indulges you, hands gripping your thighs, fingers likely to leave bruising marks behind from how tight he’s holding you. rayleigh fucks with you with fervor and selfishness that serves as a daunting reminder — that you’ll never find someone else like him after this.
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“ace,” you pant as quietly as you can, but you’re struggling badly. the 2nd division commander has you in a back hallway on the ship early in the morning. he’s grinning like a fool, clearly entertained by your insistence on keeping quiet. he kisses you as he knocks his hips against yours, his cock sliding deeper inside your pussy; he holds you up against the wall as your legs stay wrapped around him.
you buck your hips against his, doing your best to match his thrusts, but his strokes are deadly and frenzied.
“wait, wait, ace slow down,” you whisper, sighing pleasantly when his cock reaches a sweet spot that has you clenching around him tightly.
“can’t,” he says in response, breath warm against your jaw, “stay. unless you want to get caught.” he gives you a meaningful look that’s accompanied with a smirk. you purse your lips but shake your head. it would be easier if you could stay mad at him, but he’s too cute and funny and attractive — plus, you like that he’s bold enough to fuck you in public without a care in the world. you hear voices off in the distance and panic, eyes widening as you look back at him.
but ace only winks and tells you to hold on tight.
as you bite down on the fleshy part of your palm to keep yourself from screaming, ace pummels his thick cock into your cunt mercilessly, balls slapping against you loudly. the sound is lewd and tantalizing; you find that you can barely keep up with his thrusts, but you do your best anyway.
apparently, he’s determined to make you cum before your crew mates catch you. and as much as he jokes that he wouldn’t care if someone saw you, a small wave of jealousy passes through him at the thought of anyone seeing you like this. he wants to finish up quickly so he can take you somewhere more private. it’s when he bites your neck roughly and pants against your skin that you cum unexpectedly, a blinding, white hot flash filling your vision as you forget yourself and scream his name.
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the rain has yet to let up, not that it matters to you since you’re trapped in yet another argument with your thick-skulled boyfriend. you can’t even remember what triggered the argument in the first place, and because stuff like this makes you extra sensitive, you end up crying.
he sighs at the sight of your face flushing and eyes closing as you try to wipe away the tears, as if they were bothersome and unnecessary. guilt eats away at his chest, making it hard to swallow or breathe; he knows he should apologize, but he’s just so terrible at it. so, he does the one thing he knows how to do — apologize with his hands and mouth.
the mattress is soft beneath him as you straddle his hips and slowing sink onto his cock; you both shed your clothes some time ago, lips swollen from kissing him hungrily, an insatiable need seeping into your pores and making you greedy. you place kisses along the base of his throat, hips rocking forward as he thrusts into your cunt slowly. and while he’d love to just fuck you senseless — something quick and dirty — he knows that you’d appreciate his apology more if he took his time.
so, he does.
you sigh against his lips, fingers threading through his hair, tugging on the short strands. his chest is broad and firm, your nipples harden each time they rub against his light brown skin. slipping your tongue into his mouth, you cradle his face in your hands as he continues to give you broad, sensual strokes that have you whimpering in the most pathetic way against him. he likes you like this, though, and tells you as much when he presses a kiss along your jaw.
he finds forgiveness when you bounce on his cock a little harder, his hands rough against your skin as he grabs onto your ass to thrust into your pussy at a devastating pace. tears coat your eyelashes, but they primarily because zoro’s fucking you like he loves you. and maybe he does; you don’t want to think about that too much, because the intimacy behind it scares you.
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jealousy, you think, looks good on him.
sanji rarely likes to show his true jealous side to you, it’s less playful and much more charged, possessive but you don’t mind that at all. earlier, zoro had offered to help train you and before you could turn him down — you’d seen firsthand just how brutal he is with his workouts — sanji was already up in arms over it. they argued for the entire afternoon, but by then you were already annoyed over the situation and dragged sanji off to calm him down.
his face is flushed when you kiss him suddenly and pull him into a broom closet without thinking too much about it. you can’t remember if you locked the door, but it doesn’t really matter. all you care about is wanting to give your silly boyfriend a little bit of attention.
your idea of giving attention is rubbing his half-hard cock through his pants, smiling slyly against his lips when you feel him shiver. in one fluid motion, you sink to your knees, fingers quickly unzipping his pants and tugging it lower. you pull his cock out and admire the shape of it, the slight curve always made your mouth water; before he can say anything, your tongue darts out and swipes at his slit, the pre-cum slightly salty in your mouth.
you make a big show of licking your lips, which only causes another flush to stain his cheeks. whenever you get like this, he has no choice but to follow your whims; he likes that about you, a lot. that you take charge and keep him grounded whenever his feelings get to be a bit too much for him to handle.
he opens his mouth to apologize, but you kiss his tip and he forgets all about it, mind short-circuiting momentarily, which gives you the opportunity to take him by surprise again.
“i don’t care that you’re jealous,” your voice is honeyed and sweet, wrapping itself around him comfortably, a lust-filled haze taking over his mind when you wrap your lips around him and suck. you run your tongue flat along his length, taking your time to lick all over before you take his cock into your mouth completely.
sanji’s breath slows and he does his best to not fuck your face, but then you’re massaging his balls and bobbing your head faster — so he does the most impractical thing and bucks his hips forward and thrusts his cock further down your throat. you gag around him, the pressure intense but welcomed; if he didn’t already know that you like it rough, he’d feel bad — and he still does, but he hasn’t voiced that out loud just yet. you don’t care though; truly, you don’t. you just want him to feel as relaxed as possible, but how can he relax when your mouth is warm and wet, when you’re looking at him tenderly, like you’d be on your knees for him every day if he asked you?
you let him have his way, and he doesn’t last very long, but you keep still, hold onto his thighs, nails sinking into his skin when his cock goes a little too deep. when he sees the tears roll down your cheeks, it ignites something in him and he cums in your mouth, your name a soft chant that tumbles out of his parted lips. he feels feverish and dizzy, but very much alive. you rub your thighs together as you swallow the thick load, smiling prettily at him, head tilted slightly while you boldly ask, “do you feel better now?”
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he knows better than to piss you off, but he does it intentionally anyway. the captain of the red hair pirates loves pushing your buttons; he likes when you roll your eyes at him, when you pout cutely and demand he take you seriously; he likes when you don’t stop him when he kisses you openly, mouth possessively staking its claim against yours.
if you weren’t so used to his whims, you’d have the decency to act bashful.
you have a short temper that he’s been warned about time and time again; except, shanks doesn’t fucking listen — nor does he care.
so when he has you bent over one of the tables in the kitchen late one night after you both argued and drank and argued again, you have no choice but to forgive him. especially when he his thick cock is buried deep inside your pussy, his large hand pressing down on your lower back as you grip the sides of the table. your legs shake, but you know better than to complain right now. shanks fucks you hard, the wooden table scraping against the floor every time his hips knock roughly against yours.
“shanks, fuck,” you cry out, chest heaving as you try to keep your sanity intact. his chuckles annoy you, but he knows that you only pretend to act annoyed with him because you like the way he makes up with you. your ass bounces back against him, jiggling from the ferocity behind his thrusts.
“careful, doll,” he grabs your hip to power into you — his strokes turning you into a mumbling, delirious mess, “thought you didn’t want us to get caught.” he sounds so fucking pleased with himself, and you hate that your pussy is wet enough that you can take him without much prep. you blush at the thought of being caught and remind yourself to keep quiet.
“oh, don’t stop now on my account,” his voice lowers substantially, you crane your neck to hear him better, and you just know without having to look at him that he’s got a pleased smile on his face. that man works every nerve in your body, but you like him too much to leave him properly.
you press your lips together to stifle another moan, but then shanks keeps his hips close to yours and gives you short, rough thrusts that you struggle to keep up with. with your back arched, you make for a pretty sight; he knows he should finish quickly, but he likes watching you hold onto the edge of the table like it’s your only lifeline. you don’t even have time to process the orgasm that passes through you because it happens so suddenly.
he teases you mercilessly and without remorse, but you take it; you take the rest of his frenetic thrusts, take the way he slides his hand underneath you to rub your clit. your body is much too sensitive, and when you moan his name like that, it flips a switch in him. you doubt you’ll be able to walk properly after this, but you’re not too worried about that; shanks bullies his cock in and out of your needy hole until he’s satisfied, successfully wrenching another orgasm out of you that makes you slump over the table weakly.
“don’t tell me you’re all done,” he presses a kiss on the side of your neck, lazily grinding against you, every bit as greedy as he always is. you can barely stand, but you feel alive in the best sort of way, already forgetting that you were mad at him in the first place.
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you knew better and you still didn’t listen.
the restraints around your wrists dig into your skin a bit, but they don’t hurt that much; you squirm around on the bed, not liking that you can’t touch yourself or him. but he told you earlier to behave and you still chose to ignore his warning.
now you’re paying for it.
although, you wouldn’t exactly call this sort of thing a punishment.
law’s mouth latches onto a patch of skin on your inner thigh, teeth and mouth leaving behind marks that serve as little reminders for later. you whimper softly, but he pays you no mind, instead moving to the other thigh, tongue running along your skin. you buck your hips forward to get him to touch you properly, but all he does is click his tongue at you in faux-disappointment.
“seems like you still need to learn,” he says sharply, his eyes a dark amber, the look he gives you is equal parts fierce and mesmerizing. you want to kiss him, to run your hands down his chest, but he won’t let you and you’re upset about it.
when it looks like you’re about to say something that’ll piss him off, he stuffs your panties inside of your mouth to keep you quiet. your pleas are muffled but he pulls your hips close, mouth brushing along your slit, making you tremble with need.
he knows he should probably ease up, but if he doesn’t teach you now, then you’ll keep the same bad habits and he can’t have that, now, can he? you’re nearly in tears when he finally flicks his tongue against your throbbing clit, hips jerking forward when he swirls his tongue around. you can feel your saliva dampen your panties. you close your eyes briefly, ecstasy filling every part of your body when he stops and says, “keep your eyes on me.”
you want to tell him that it’s damn near impossible, but you try to follow his instruction anyway.
law eats you out with purpose and vigor, his mouth a sinful delight as he french-kisses your pussy without restraint. he teased you for so long that your nipples ache from being hard and untouched. you could kill him for that. and law is smug in his own way, enjoying you at his leisure, slurping and licking your pussy with fervor.
you thrash against him and he holds you steady; you can barely keep your eyes open and you feel like you’re having an out of body experience when he glides his lithe fingers inside your cunt. law fingerfucks you lazily, sucking on your clit like it’s his favorite piece of candy. when you cum, your moans are strangled and garbled, vision blurring as you ride his mouth shamelessly, a sharp pain on your wrists from the way you keep tugging fruitlessly.
he could let up but won’t, taking pleasure in watching you fall apart for him; you tell yourself that once you’ve calmed down, you’ll just have to pay him back in kind later when he least expects it.
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ameyumez · 1 year
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⟨🌊· » Focalors stimboard!
+ space themes, bioluminescence and gold!
— for @lylagender ♡
❲ ♡/⇄ + credit if using! ❳
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chiffiorra · 3 months
⌦ APRICUS..:*♡
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✴ Definition - Warmed by, having lots of sunshine, sunny
✴ Synopsis: If Seishu could describe one word that suited you, it was most definitely "apricus". You were his sunshine that always managed to warm him even in his darkest days. What happens when that sunshine suddenly disappears and becomes distant when he truly needed it?
✴ This Series Contains the Following: Female reader, childhood friends to lovers, Bonten timeline, final timeline much later, separation, canonical character death, violence, gang fights, reunion, reader is also friends with Koko, mentions of time travel, suggestive themes, angst with a happy ending
✴ Note: soooo i've been wanting to write inupi for the longest time and this happened lol. i've had so many ideas for who would fit but he was my best bet as i was inspired by an rp i did in the past ^^. while this series is not largely nsfw, i would still prefer minors to not interact, please and thank you.
✴ Tagging: @enchantedforest-network @eveningatthemoviesnetwork @thehoneypotserver
⌦ Chapters:
✴ SUNRISE . . . 1995 ✴ AURORA . . . 2001 ✴ NOONTIDE . . . 2003 ✴ SUNSET . . . 2005 ✴ TWILIGHT . . . 2008 ✴ MIDNIGHT . . . 2018
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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I know I love you
Genre: friends-to-lovers!au, fake-dating!au, angsty but with a happy ending, fluff (in the end)
Word count: 1k
Pairing: fake-boyfriend!Beomgyu x fem!reader
Requested by: anon (song: 0X1=LOVESONG - TXT)
Warnings: one kiss, usage of pet names (angel), a bit of a messed up situation, mentions of clubbing, mentions of Beomgyu being drunk (though he is sober enough), possible grammar mistakes
A/N: nonnie, im sorry it took so long to write this, but i am happy i got to finish it now. i changed the meaning of the lyrics a bit and i used them in different situations, so I hope you don't mind that too much. thank you! ✨️
__________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The flashing lights and the loud music defining the club Beomgyu was in were nothing new for the boy. The reason why he kept ending there? Very familiar as well. He often wondered what made him accept fake dating you, because instead of becoming closer, he felt like you were distancing more with every passing day. And still, it was his mistake, because he accepted the deal when you offered to help him with making the girl he loved jealous—not realising that you were supposed to make yourself jealous in this case. And once again, the memories have started to kick in.
"Hey, Gyu!" you shouted, gently nudging his shoulder: "I heard you're in love, hmmm?"
His eyes widened at your question, and the panic made his vision blurry. There was no way you found out, was it?
"Uhm, well, you see—"
"I can help you with that, Gyu! I know you are way too shy to confess, so I have a plan for that. Let's fake date!"
"I don't want to use you for that… you are much more than a rebound for me, Y/N…"
“I offered to do that, and I will be here for you, always. Let's do that, Gyu. Please, use me like a drug."
Let's fake date. Please, use me like a drug. He would have never imagined that he would be in such a situation, but if he said no, you would keep on asking questions, and he would expose himself; so he chose to say yes.
Already tired of the place he spent his last hour in and the aching memory of his mistake, he took his leather jacket and started walking slowly to your house, because even with his foggy mind, he knew you'd always let him in. You were his fake girlfriend, after all. He also took advantage of the silence on the street, engulfed by the pressure of his thoughts, until he reached your welcoming house. One knock, and you were already in front of him, the same, worried look plastered on your face.
"Did you get drunk again…?" you sighed, before letting him come inside.
"No, 'm not drunk," he said, an innocent smile stretching his lips softly: "just missed you."
You gave him a bitter smile, because in the end, you were not the girl he loved, (or so you thought).
"Is this part of our deal?"
"Missing you? No, Y/N, 'm honest with youuuu!" he laughed, clinging into you like a little kid.
You had enough of this painful pretending.
"Gyu… let's end this."
Was he not sober enough, so that he started to hear things? There's no way you would end things like this, right? Did he do something wrong?
"What? What about the girl I like?"
"You don't need me to pull her, Beomgyu. Once you do, you will be happy, and I will keep on hurting myself. It's over."
He felt the need to laugh, you couldn't be serious. It was toxic, but he was addicted.
"Are you saying that I'm the one hurting you, when you did that to yourself?" he asked, hands shaking in anger. Why did you blame him?
"Yes." you simply stated, arms crossed in front of your chest.
"Then why the fuck did you offer to help me one month ago?"
"Because I love you, Gyu. And I would rather have you as my fake boyfriend than not having you at all, but it has become an all or nothing situation, and I want all of you."
You did all of this—because you loved him too? All this messed up situation, for him to find out that you were crushing on each other?
"Y/N… you were the girl I liked. When you found out that I have a crush, I panicked and… I didn't want to give myself away, so I chose to say yes to your plan, even though it made no sense."
You looked at him with glossy eyes, giving up and squishing him into a big hug. There was no point in fighting more, the situation was already messed up. You were convinced he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, but you wanted to use this opportunity, just this time.
"Gyu, look at me. If you remember this in the morning, kiss me. If not, let's both forget about this."
Even though he was sober enough to think rationally, he played your game once again.
The next morning came with such small steps, that you felt trapped in a never ending loop. Since you didn't have a lot of space in your one-person apartment, you had no choice but to let Beomgyu sleep next to you, his hands holding you close to him all night. You opened your eyes and saw him already looking at you, lips curling in happiness at the sight of you.
"Morning, Y/N!" he cheerfully said, stroking your back softly.
"Morning, Gyu. How do you feel?"
"Amazing, actually. What about you?"
"I'm… alright…" you whispered, trying to understand why he didn't act sick after his drunk state the other day; though, the boy had something else in mind.
He gently cupped your cheek with his hands, pressing his soft lips on yours. The kiss took you off guard, but you didn't lose any more time and kissed him back, full of feelings and love. You felt him smile, pressing his forehead on yours and looking at you softly.
"Say you love me, Y/N. That's all I want to hear right now. Say you love me till the end of the world."
"I love you, Gyu. I love you, and I'm so happy you remembered."
"I love you too, angel, I always did." he said, then pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek.
In the end, everything turned out to be worth it, as you ended up having your own happy ending story, next to the boy you've adored more than anything.
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melody-starlight · 5 months
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References for Togo :>
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Art Request #8
Togo as AI Hoshino!! The perfect liar!!/jk
Aaaaaaa another late art request ;;--;; but I did my best to make sure I put a lot of effort into this one! Honestly, this is by far one of the most pieces that I am proud of >w< 🩷💙🩷💙🩷💙🩷✨️💫✨️💫✨️💫✨️💫✨️
I really enjoyed making this one so much aaaaaaaa 🥺💙💗💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💜💗💜💗♥️💜💜 especially with lighting and background awawawa! I also liked the pose, it helps me getting improvement with anatomy and it makes me feel more proud about my art ^^ ♡♡♡♡
Thank you so much for your patience Togo! Your OC is so cute and I had so much fun drawing her and I have to say that this is one of my favorite drawings I made hehe <333
I hope you like it and tysm for requesting!! 💛💛💗💗💗✨️✨️💫💫
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plutolovesyou · 6 months
That spider-man!ellie moodbored for some reason made me think of you? and I think you could write smt really, really cool with that!!?
ohmygoshhh i would love to. (answering this right away because i screeched i'm so excited, but i'll tag you and link everything when i write it!!) thank you soso much for the request, i can't wait to think something up, love this idea so muchhhhh
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cryotheatre · 9 months
hi :3 could you please do a fight club themed header and maybe a profile picture to go with it?
should be posted soon! ty for requesting :3 i hope u like them
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sugaaaaaaaar · 2 years
*slides in* So I heard you were doing OC requests-
Okay, how about you draw your favorite MeriClot scene from "Secret of the Sugar Flare II"? It can be with Cookies or humans, your choice. (If you haven't read the book, I'll send you a list of their cutest moments without spoiling anything important)
"At one point, he lifted her in a high-spirited gusto before sweeping her to the right and continuing the dance. " Chapter 3, 'Secret of the Sugar Flare ll'.
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Notes: Thank you for being my first request! Sorry it took so long (anatomy is hard :'D). I had a fun time and would be honored to draw them again!
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Can we just talk about the fact that anzai is legit perfect boyfriend material. So caring, introverted and tentative without being brooding or cold, so selfless. Imagine getting him to come out of his shell, getting him to get out more and not be so committed to his work all the time, getting him to trust you and himself, just, auckenchenhx
I believe I might need to make a request…..
he’s literally perfect boyfriend material!!! at first he starts off all distant because he’s too afraid to hurt you, of what he is, of his abilities. but once his guard comes down, he’s so sweet and caring and aaaahhhhh
just the type to always think about you first. doesn’t make any decisions without thinking about what you would want, how it could effect you, how he could make you happy before going to the store and getting your favorite snack. he’s always there for you too, even when you’re upset and think you’re being a little ridiculous. he’s quick to put work aside, to tend to you and hold you and reassure you whenever possible!!!
he’s just so attentive and caring and I need him so bad 🥲
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part-time-pixie · 8 months
Congrats!! I love your art 💙 May I ask for some cute Lukanette, please?
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they're in love
thank you so much! 🤍
|| ♡ ko-fi
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
May I get a oatmeal raisin cookie, dulce de leche roll, nougat, with caramel on top with Law from One Piece, with a f!reader, please?
hiii angel 😊💕 ty for your patience, i had fun writing this one, something short & sweet as law is the worst and i h8 him (i'm lying ofc).
1.8k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni, a lil bit of angst (i can never help myself ok) mixed w. smut; feat. cute thangs like law being the worst ever, delusion on both law and reader's part, rough (consensual) sex, reader as always lacks self-preservation, but that's how i like her; law likes to think he's above intimacy but lbr he ain't. (if u see spelling/grammatical errors, no u didn't <3)
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if he’s honest with himself — and he often isn’t — you brought this on yourself. he’s grown beyond tired of repeating himself throughout the day; he tells you as much after he instructs you to hold onto the backs of your thighs to expose your pussy to him in a way you’ve never done before. there’s something almost clinical about the way his amber eyes take in your body. his gaze is hawkish, a little cold, but also very familiar — leaving behind a blazing path with every passing second.
you knew you shouldn’t have pushed him, but you were having so much fun earlier, and things are always exciting whenever he gets angry. what you didn’t count on, was law reacting so quickly. normally he lets you have your way and then deals with you the next day, preferring to drag out his punishments — but today, you really toed the line. you’d be proud if you weren’t currently in a bind.
one ironclad rule that everyone on board the polar tang follows, is to never disturb the captain while he’s working. on the rare occasions where there’s an absolute need for his assistance, he’ll make an exception — but you’ve never cared about that, often provoking him in front of the others, flirting as you taunt him by not wearing the appropriate attire in the submarine.
trafalgar law thrives on order, on ensuring his crew follows his plans exactly the way he wants them to, and without question, too. you’ve always thought the others archaic and ridiculous for following him blindly like that, and, besides, law makes it easy to tease him. constantly finding reasons to touch him, always making sure to sit right next to him during meals, your hand drifting to touch his thigh under the table, nails dragging down he inseam of his denim.
whenever you act like that, whenever you brush up against him with the intent of rattling his nerves, he has to remind himself that it’s not feasible for him to fuck you on the table for everyone to see exactly how he likes to deal with you. it’s because you know he won’t do it, that you keep poking.
he stopped fighting you ages ago, but he doesn’t let you get away with much in front of the others.
except for today. you actually managed to fluster him in an irreparable way, so he’s teaching you a lesson.
there are books, papers, and pens scattered on the floor near the desk — law shoved them off to drop you on the surface without restriction. you’re on your back, hot tears pooling around your eyes, threatening to roll down your round cheeks without mercy.
when he originally called you into his office, you figured he’d give you a lecture then send you on your way; but the moment you entered, he had you backed against the door, long fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing tightly. you’re normally not so careless to let yourself be caught off guard like that, but he has height and strength to his advantage always.
you expected him to kiss you then, to make you fall apart without even doing much — but he didn’t, as usual, he always refuses to kiss you. the sting of that rejection somehow always leaves you with a bitter feeling that you swallow with great difficulty each time. you don’t know why you get your hopes up like that; law isn’t intimate, nor does he crave any sort of romantic companionship. you know that, and yet you still can’t help yourself; hope is a dangerous thing, so you unfortunately have to learn that lesson repeatedly.
“don’t move,” is all he says when he slides the tip of his cock inside your tight hole before snapping his hips forward, the motion making your hips twitch and has your pussy clench around him. it’s pure desperation that has you whimpering and pleading with him to hurry up.
he doesn’t listen — and why would he? he’s the one in charge here, not you. still, he doesn’t make you wait for long, as he thrusts his cock in and out, enjoying the way your slick clings to his length, your thighs warm and soft each time his hips meet yours. you bite down hard on your bottom lip, hoping to keep quiet — knowing it’ll piss him off even more, but law isn’t having it. he plucks your lip away from your teeth, cock pounding into you harder, making you choke on his name.
“behave,” he clicks his tongue afterward, but gives you a dark smile. “you’ll take what i give you and like it.” more than like it, really; your mind is a jumbled mess, thoughts bouncing around erratically, heart beating too fast, as if you’re running an eternal marathon. he leans down, licks along your collarbone, nipping at the skin there, hips rolling against yours at a devastating pace. it makes you rethink all the times you acted out, makes you want to repent somehow — and this does serve as some sort of penance, even if you’re getting pleasure out of it.
and he is too; out of your submission, out of his domination of you. it’s always exhilarating when he has the upper hand in any given situation, but with you he’s amplified tenfold, and he doesn’t know why. or he pretends he doesn’t, anyway.
when you plead for him to slow down, he sucks his teeth and speeds up, reminding that he’s the one in charge — and always has been. your pussy swallows most of his length, a feat that he continues to remain in awe of. no matter how rough he is with you, you always manage to survive and he supposes he likes that about you.
your tenacity is dangerous, though, and if he’s not careful he might end up liking you more than necessary. even though he already does. he watches the expressions on your face, the ecstasy despite all your complaints — you just like running your mouth, is all; he knows that now.
law pulls out of you without warning, leaving a aching, vacant feeling in your pussy. you open your mouth to protest, but he motions for you to get on your hands and knees. he hisses in annoyance when you rub your ass against his hardened length; his patience is practically nonexistent, and you feel it when he grabs your ass and thrusts inside you again.
the change in position has you arching your back, a bit of drool gliding down your bottom lip and spilling onto your chin as you reach back and grab his hip. you bounce your ass against him, matching the timing of his thrusts; a warmth crawls around his chest as he watches the way his cock moves in and out of your pussy. he doesn’t know what to do with that feeling, so he swallows back a groan and grabs a fistful of your hair to pull you closer.
your whining grips him around the throat, makes him think about going easier on you — but then he remembers your insolence and drags his lips along the curve of your ear.
“stop running.”
an impossible request, you know that he knows that; but you take it anyway, grateful that he’s fucking you hard enough to make you forget you have feelings for him. you know later on you’ll mull over what you should or shouldn’t have said, but for now you’ll enjoy the way his cock kisses a spot so deep that it has your eyes rolling back. your words are barely coherent when he kisses the side of your neck, and he almost moans your name out loud when you clench around him in retaliation. and, because he refuses to let you push things in your favor, he rubs your clit with his fingers, your wetness dripping down your thighs so prettily, pussy squelching loudly with each thrust of his cock.
you know that this will only end with your heart in torn carelessly into pieces, but you don’t care; the rush that overwhelms you with each orgasm he gives you is worth it. it’s a powerful delusion, one that you’ll keep for as long as you can. law pinches your clit impulsively, and the way you tremble beneath him, the way you cry out for more more more nearly incapacitates him.
but he stands strong, thankfully.
it’s only when his strokes get sloppy and frenetic, that an orgasm seizes control of your body.
“you’re squeezing so tight,” he says lightly, breathing uneven against your skin, pressing kisses on your shoulder, “must be feeling good, hm?” he knows why you can’t answer him, which is why he pushes you back down onto the desk and slaps your ass. you’re not sure if it’s the aggression or the fact that you’re nearly spent, but it’s like your orgasm is never ending. arousal pools around your abdomen as sweat clings to your skin; he won’t last much longer, but he wants to delude himself into thinking he can handle more.
“too much,” you manage to say, pussy overstimulated, sensitive, and puffy; but you still arch against him, still buck your hips backwards, enjoying the way law seems every bit as obsessed with you as you are with him. you know you’ll be sore in the morning, but it’ll be worth it; and you know that no matter what he says, you affect him more than he’s ever willing to admit publicly.
your pussy has him in a literal chokehold, which is always the case whenever he fucks you, but tonight it feels different. he’s not sure what it is, but something compels him to pull you flush against his chest. when you turn your face towards him, he kisses you, the impulse surprising both of you. he cums the moment your lips part and his tongue glides inside your mouth, artful and graceful as it caresses your tongue with familiarity. a flush takes hold of your body, making your skin hot to the touch, but he doesn’t stop kissing you; his thrusts are slower, almost sensual but he refuses to read too much into it. when he pulls away, he tries to catch his breath, heart suddenly much too big for his chest when he realizes what he just did. you don’t bother teasing him about it, as your body is currently out of commission, your thoughts obliterated of anything that isn’t related to him.
he glances down and sees the way your cum spills onto his desk, the sight burned into his mind. you don’t even remember if you locked the door when you came in — and anyone could’ve heard the way law had you screaming, the pleasure much to great to keep quiet no matter how hard you tried. he isn’t worried about that, though; he’s concerned with how he’s supposed to move forward now that he’s allowed you a bit of intimacy and vulnerability. he supposes he can think about that later, so for now he runs a hand down his face before giving your ass a playful slap and commending you for a job well done.
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ameyumez · 4 months
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⟨🍇· » purple Kuya stimboard!
+ flowers, painting, mythical symbolism
— for anon ♡
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endlessidol · 2 years
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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Genre: fluff, comfort, angst if you squint
Word count: 0.6k
Pairing: boyfriend!Jisung x gn!reader
Warnings: usage of pet names (my love, beautiful, angel, my star, baby), mentions of anxiety, Jisung has a panick attack, crying, cute confessions, possible grammar mistakes
Requested by: @shakalakaboomboo (song: Mary On A Cross - Ghost) __________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
You and Han Jisung weren't dating for a lot of time, but what you surely knew was that you were made for each other. Your dates were filled with laughter and happiness, and just looking at him could bring you the comfort you needed. You thought it was all perfect; he seemed absolutely flawless. Though, maybe, you needed to experience some hardships together, in order to grow even closer to each other.
Jisung thought he had everything under control. He was aware that his anxiety was still there, but he seemed to forget about everything that could happen when he saw his lover’s beautiful eyes. You were his comfort, but he was so scared to let you see this side of him. Scared to lose you and everything the two of you crafted in this beautiful love story.
He found himself thinking about the worst again, as he felt the stingy venom of his anxiety kicking in. He tried to calm down, but the thoughts overflowing his feelings seemed to win the battle. He was screwed. The tears threatened to slip on his delicately sculpted face, and he fought so hard to make them disappear, but with no result. He wished one of his friends was there for him, but the environment of the room he was in screamed loneliness. He started to search for his phone, breath and hands shaky, and a whole mind glitching over the same thought: how would you react if you found out about his "problem", his beautiful flaw.
You, on the other hand, were worried to death. You took the first taxi you saw to get to him on time, after the nine calls he missed from you. Jisung used to answer immediately and let you hear his honey-like voice, but not today. The time seemed to stop on its track right there, and everything irritated you; you just wanted to know that your boyfriend was fine. As soon as you got to his apartment, you knocked a few times, breathing heavily from all the running–locked. You took your spare key from your bag and unlocked the door, and your eyes widened instantly at the sight. Your boyfriend was crying on his knees in front of the bed, his hands moving like they were searching for something.
“My love! What’s wrong, beautiful?” you asked worriedly, kneeling next to him and cupping his cheeks softly.
“P-please don’t look at me… You don’t deserve to see me like this…”
As much as it hurt to hear him talking like that, you needed to help him. You wiped his tears softly, before pressing a feather-like kiss on his eyelids.
“I’m here for you, angel. I promised you I will be here for you at both your best and worst. Please, tell me what happened…" you pleaded him softly, looking in his teary orbs.
“I struggle with anxiety… I was scared to tell you, I didn’t mean to scare you and make you leave me… I never meant to let you see this–”
You interrupted him with a little kiss on his hand, then led it to his heart, pressing it there softly.
“Baby, your beauty never ever scared me. I care about what’s in there, the love you carry. You deserve the whole world, my star.”
His face got burrowed by his pearly tears, happy ones this time.
“I love you, my angel. So, so much,” he whispered between his sobs, hugging you tight to his chest.
You could hear his heartbeat, and it made you smile. The closure you had with him, the promise that everything will be alright, all these little things made you aware of the bright future waiting for the two of you, even if it meant getting through some obstacles together. Your love was stronger than any hardship you went through, and you were ready to show the world that nothing could bring you down when you were together.
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