#🍒. asks & answers
nottsangel · 1 month
The Need to feed theos oral fixation
the need to stick my fingers into theo’s mouth while riding him and making him suck on them like a good boy
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 4 months
Or the board walk >_>
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The baby bats!!! They're BIG Bats!!!
[From left to right: Christopher and Anastasia, David's kids. Tiffany, Paul's kid. Katherine, Marko's kid. And Jennifer, Dwayne's kid.]
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heartchoi · 1 year
same anon but omg soobin giving u princess treatment cus he loves u too much to be mean and degrading, overall just spoils tf outta u but don't be too greedy! he won't like it if you act like a spoiled brat >//<
NO BC soobin would be such a soft dom !! he's naturally patient and giving, it'd be so hard for him to break that persona...
imagine being in public with soobin, constantly teasing him while his eyes plead for you to stop. not here, babe. wait a little, i promise i'll give you what you want. of course, you don't listen, hands roaming across his body discreetly.
his restraint would snap after your fingers trail a little too close to the zipper of his jeans, grasping your hand away while he raises his eyebrow. what do you think you're doing? soobin scoffs. i told you to wait.
don't expect to be getting dick when you arrive home, you'll have to pleasure yourself on his thigh while your boyfriend does nothing to help, might even edge you a bit to reaaally make you think about your actions.
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yanderestarangel · 5 months
do you support self ship?
On this profile we support self ship as hell! be happy guys draw your ocs and make long lores about them, be creative.
Just have fun, no one cares if you ship a certain character or change some of their characteristics to suit your narrative.
Be happy without fear of what people will think.
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boiling-potato · 28 days
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Hugssss!! (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)❤️❤️✨✨‼️‼️
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
Look at those eyes, not a single thought behind them.
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It giving
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cherrycherish · 5 months
One boy's journey into becoming a maternity goddess~
Happy Mayternity 💕
Briar yawned as he climbed up the lush mountain, it was so early the sun hadn't even come up yet. He wanted to watch the sunrise on the peak so he had to get up there in the dark. He stumbled here and there, scraping his knees and hands a bit, everything was slick with morning dew. It would all be worth it for the view, he reminded himself as he climbed.
Making his way around to the east side of the mountain peak, Briar found that the view was indeed phenomenal, but something strange caught his eye. A trail, leading up the mountain further. Curious, and still a ways off from dawn, he headed along the trail to see where it would take him.
He wasn't expecting much, maybe it was a game trail leading to a spring. After walking a ways he discovered there was a spring, but said spring was cutting through a small overgrown stone temple. It was empty, and a bit dark inside, but it fascinated him, and tearing away a few vines let in enough light. Checking his compass it appeared the entrance faced directly east, so it would make a good spot to watch the sunrise. Sitting at the entrance, Briar enjoyed watching the sun come up, feeling the warmth fall over him. After basking in it a bit longer, he thought it would be fun to look around this strange temple.
The morning light illuminated the place, revealing an altar and an idol made of stone. Though Briar didn't know what god it was specifically, it was clearly a fertility icon of some sort, a round wide woman with strange markings all over her body. He set a hand on the altar, ignoring the stinging scrapes on his hand, and leaned over to get a closer look at the idol, wondering what the markings symbolized.
"Ugh!" Briar hunched over, clutching his head. What the hell was that?
"What? What?" His legs gave out, his head felt like it was splitting.
Briar blacked out.
"I told you!" The shorter elf laughed, pointing to Briar who lay unconscious on the stone floor.
The taller elf sneered, "Bow down, you fool."
The two elves bowed low before entering the temple, the taller one lifting Briar up and placing him on the altar. The light that touched the idol seemed to warp around it before reaching out to envelop his body. The two elves muttered a prayer to Cerasus as the energy flowing into the man on the altar was fully absorbed.
Without further ceremony the taller elf scooped Briar up once more, throwing him over his shoulder before they left.
Briar awoke much later, his head pounding, his body aching, and quickly realized he was not in the temple any longer. He was in a huge forest, massive trees looming overhead. This was no ordinary forest.
"You're awake. Good."
Briar stood up quickly, stumbling back at the sight of two elves. How had he ended up in their territory?
"I-I don't know how I got here, point me to the way out and I'll leave and not come back." He said, holding his hands up in a passive gesture.
The two elves scoffed, the shorter one grabbed his arm, "Come on, we'll guide you."
"Uh, thank you..."
The short one smiled, "Aislinn. The tall grumpy one is Naira."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Briar."
The trio walked for a ways as the day came to an end. As the sun began to set they entered an elven city. Making their way deeper into the city, Briar realized he hadn't eaten a single thing all day as his stomach growled at him. They arrived at a large marble temple, much more grand and modern than the small one he'd been in this morning. He tried to ask what they were doing here but was pulled along without explanation.
At the top of the stairs leading up to the temple an old elf waited, looking serious and if her tapping staff was any indication, a bit impatient. She gestured for Briar to stand still as she went about chanting something he didn't understand.
A glowing light shined from his middle, causing the other two elves to bow down before him. His body felt strange. He looked between them and the light and the old chanting elf, trying to figure out just what was going on, but not daring to speak. The light grew brighter before it began spreading like veins along his body.
Once it had completely crawled across all of his body the light subsided, leaving odd symbols all over him, just like the ones covering the idol this morning.
The old elf gave some orders to the other two in elvish before heading down the stairs.
"Can you please explain what's going on?" Briar asked, feeling like he might burst into tears if he didn't get answers.
Naira pointed to his middle where the light had come from, and then at the bright full moon peaking through the trees, "You summoned an old fertility goddess and now you must act as an idol yourself. Your body is going to start changing, but don't worry, it's a pleasant change. Just wait for the transformation to be completed."
"And what if I don't want to? What if I just leave?" It was a bad bluff, they knew he wouldn't survive in a magic forest for a day.
"Cerasus would probably kill you herself."
Before Briar could ask what that meant, he felt a throbbing deep inside him, he groaned as his body began to feel so hot. His belly started to fill out, though he didn't know how, it swelled and then so did the rest of him, his tight rump started to soften and hips widened, then his thighs thickened and his gut swelled out even more as all he could do was clutch it helplessly, then as if he wasn't round enough, two juicy breasts quickly replaced his pecs. He panted and moaned as he continued to grow bigger and wider, why did it feel so good? What was happening to him? He felt something throb between his legs, something that hadn't been there before. All he could do was moan and squirm.
His round belly dominated his form, the weight of it pulled on him, demanding that he hold it up with both arms, but it felt good, and he couldn't bring himself to feel ashamed at the display as he tore his clothes off eagerly. Those damn pants had no business squeezing his hips so tightly, and that awful shirt was cutting into his arms and sides like a vice, much easier just to take them off before they could cut off circulation.
"Ha! I told you some humans hate to wear undergarments, you owe me twenty shillings." Aislinn laughed, pointing to Briar's lack of underwear.
Naira rolled his eyes, "Focus on the task at hand. Looks like you match the icon, fat boy, let's get you inside."
With a swat on his ass, Naira steered the now plush human inside the temple. It was beautiful inside, much warmer and cleaner than the first one. Soon Briar had been scrubbed down and was wearing a thin revealing tunic that slit along the sides, revealing his thick legs and clinging just right to his fat belly and breasts, which he was still getting used to carrying around.
Waddling into a room belly first sent a thrill through Briar, and he took a moment to look over his softened body in the giant mirror.
"We're going to be your attendants, Lord Briar, please don't hesitate to make requests for anything you'd like. These welcome gifts are just to help you get settled in."
Briar blinked, looking over all the luxuries in the room, the huge bed, the cosmetics, the jewelry, several things he couldn't even identify. Surely these things weren't really for him, this must be some sort of joke. Just because he accidentally put his scraped up hand on that altar he was being turned into an idol?
He placed one foot on an ottoman and raised the front of his tunic. "Holy fuck... Are you guys seeing this?"
"A cute fatty showing off in the mirror? Yes." Aislinn snickered.
Briar pointed a finger at his nethers, "The cunt is new. That was not there before."
Naira cut him off, "It's probably true, the priestess said it's rare for humans to have both."
"...Hm, I figured Cerasus picked you because you had both." The smaller elf shrugged, "Just the same, it's a blessing. You should get some rest, I'm sure we'll be very busy in the morning."
Without any further explanation the pair left him alone, and Briar was only able to sort of get his thoughts together before exhaustion caught up with him and he fell asleep.
In the morning Briar woke to a large breakfast in bed, and no longer riding the high of his transformation, felt embarrassed to be doted on like this. He was never the sort to have others do things for him, it was strange to sit around watching others open the curtains and bring him slippers.
He shuffled along on a little tour of the temple, finding that he quite enjoyed the two attendants and their odd humor. Aislinn handed him an orange potion to drink as they finished their tour.
"What's it do?" Briar peered at it.
"I wonder~" He winked.
Briar huffed, figuring that it wouldn't kill him or turn him into a frog, and put it back easily.
"Hmm," he licked his lips, "Tastes good. Will you tell me now?"
"I think it's more fun if you wait and see."
The pair led the human back to his room, where a strange item was standing proudly on his bed.
"What is that?" He asked, gesturing at the thing.
Naira grinned, "It's a gift, a specially made toy for your pleasure."
Briar laughed and picked it up, looking it over, he supposed it looked phallic, "Is... Is this what elves look like? Down there?"
"Is elven anatomy not widely known? I thought it was sought after in the broader world."
Briar was still studying the thick gift, it's ribbed shaft and shear length, along with a small symbol on the tip, "Ah, you know, I'm not sure. It's never come up. I know dragons look, erm, terrifying, but I'd never heard anything about elf sex." The human felt an odd stir in the pit of his belly, and suddenly he felt very warm, not unlike how he felt during his transformation last night.
Naira grabbed the dildo and pressed him onto his back on the bed, "Well, you're going to get acquainted today."
"Wh- What for?" His mind was going fuzzy, he couldn't seem to get his thoughts in order.
"You're a fertility icon now, Lord Briar."
"Yeah and? That thing's not gonna get me pregnant." Though it was tempting to stretch himself with.
Naira laughed and ran a finger over the symbol on the tip, making cum bead there as if summoned. Aislinn took a thigh in either hand and started kissing the soft flesh there, but not touching Briar's cunt at all, making him squirm.
"If you ask nicely," the taller elf purred, "I'll lube this toy up first."
Briar felt so hellishly hot, like his skin would melt off of him at any moment, "P-Please, hah, I... I'll do anything, I-I, oh gods, what did you give me?"
Aislinn sucked on the skin of his inner thigh, "Just a little something. You look like you're enjoying it." Then he said something in elvish to Naira, who pushed their human down before kissing him hard, grabbing at his soft tits, followed by Aislinn finally beginning to give his clit some attention, along with sliding two long fingers into his wetness to stretch him out.
His eyes rolled back, his clit was so unbearably sensitive but he was enjoying it, all he could do was squirm and buck helplessly as the two played with him, he was sure he would quickly lose count of orgasms. Naira made quick work of lubing up the dildo, but took his sweet time slowly working it into Briar's lips.
Once the thick toy was fully taken inside their idol, they let him sit up and catch his breath.
Aislinn grabbed a thin magical device, showing its display to Briar. It was a view into another place, a large room with a huge clear vat full of something.
"Oh," the realization dawned on him, "That's... That's way too much, I can't possibly take all that."
"Not all at once, but eventually it'll be emptied." Naira squeezed one of his rolls, "Don't worry, it stops before you're at your limit."
"How did you even do that? Is that the combined efforts of every elf alive or what?"
"It's the combined effort of the elite elves who donated their seed, maybe a bit less than a hundred people."
"Oh? And do you two count as elites or...?
The pair both looked like kids caught red handed, Aislinn smiled cheekily, "We don't count but we may have contributed as well... Don't tell anyone, alright?"
"I can't exactly leverage it for better treatment, you're already worshipping me, so- Hmmmn!"
Briar watched as his middle started swelling slowly with seed, it felt weird but not unpleasant. Naira kissed his throat before grabbing his stiff cock in hand, appraising it.
"Humans are weird looking." He mumbled, running his thumb over the tip.
"Ah, don't be a tease." Briar hissed.
He couldn't do much to suppress the noise he made when the elf finally swallowed him, Aislinn was happy to kiss him and rub his expanding middle. He was certain they were going to torment him with pleasure for the foreseeable future. They worked several orgasms out of him before he couldn't take anymore, the toy gushing hot cum the whole time, slowly filling him up.
Feeling rightly sweaty and boneless it only made sense for the trio to take a bath before bed. It wasn't until a few days later that Briar really took in how big he was now. He couldn't reach his arms around the entirety of his belly, it was weighing him down so suddenly that it hurt his back to attempt to get up. His attendants were practically offended by the thought of him attempting to do anything on his own and made sure to train him out of that. Their goddess didn't need to lift a finger, his only focus should be his brood.
It took a bit of time and a few potions, but before long their precious idol was dick dumb and content to only receive pleasure. Briar was convinced that he couldn't waste any energy overthinking, that all of his energy needed to go to his brood. He didn't need to worry about anything, everything was taken care of for him. Being a gravid broodmare was perfect for him, he loved growing so big and full with healthy elf pups, and eating such decadent food, and getting milked twice a day, and drowning in orgasms.
Elite elven pups required nothing less than the best, and their gestational time was a year and a half at least, leaving the fat goddess to grow heavier and wider to contain them all. He couldn't wait for the next litter, his pussy throbbed at the thought. This was what he needed, an endless influx of babies to carry.
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honeypiehotchner · 1 year
ooh bc i’m autistic as well and love ur autistic! reader x hotch work, what r ur head canons for the relationship?
OOOOOOOOOOOOO hell yeah let’s go it's delusional hours 😍
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i’m a big fan of the idea that he can tell when you’re masking 🫣 he won’t call you out on it in a bad way, but he Knows. and when he does tell you that he can tell a difference, it's very very sweet and caring
the man has a strict routine as well with general day-to-day work so I fully believe that will mesh the best whether or not you're an agent
AND when it comes to him being on cases and breaking that routine, he for sure has ways to keep it in place. like if you're not an agent, he makes sure to text you at least in the morning and at night before bed. but if you are an agent, he for sure develops almost like a second separate routine for when you're in the field to keep things familiar still despite how chaotic it'll get
you make one mention of it being too loud and that bitch will have noise-cancelling headphones delivered to your door the next day no questions asked.
((i'm a VERY firm believer in hotch doesn't like to spend his money on himself but anyone else? sure why not they're $300? why don't you get the $500 pair those look nicer just put it on my card))
he's so patient with reid that i for sure see him also showing that same patience to you. like if you're rambling for too long (and let's be real if you're an agent then you and reid are feeding off each other) hotch will just gently/quietly reel you back in to get back on task
but if you're just at home? oh heart eyes out the ass bitch he will let you ramble as long as you want and he will just listen and ask questions and retain it all. same if you have a favorite show or movie that you just want to watch constantly, he'll be the first to suggest it
back to the patience, i can see him helping in social situations too, if you're ever confused, he'll explain or even keep you from speaking at maybe an inappropriate time. you're usually good on picking up certain things, but he fills in the gaps where you miss other cues
ALSO for my own guilty pleasure, he's defensive as hell. if anyone tries to talk down to you like you're a child or says some bullshit about how "they never would've guessed you're autistic!!!!" hotch is right there to call them out on it. he has your back all the time, especially after you decide to be more open about being autistic in public/at work
he's also super supportive of whether or not you want to pursue an official diagnosis. he believes you no matter what and wants you to do what's best for you, with or without the "official" diagnosis
he's such a protective person in general that i feel like he's the best during/after autistic meltdowns when you feel so out of control. he's right there to ground you and do whatever you need, even if that's just him sitting with you until it passes
i love writing these hehe!! send any other autistic questions/headcanons you have because this soothes my soul ngl 💗💗
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dollfacefantasy · 17 days
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rules: list the names/titles of docs in your wip folder & open your inbox to asks about them!
thank you @rigorwhoring for tagging me <33
i have like way too many so i just picked my favs, and only some have real titles cause otherwise i wait till the last second 😇
logan howlett: 🝮 i wanna be yours pt. 2 - logan howlett x fem!reader
🝮 lucky charm - logan howlett x fem!reader
🝮 kick back and relax - logan howlett x fem!reader
🝮 i'll make it feel like the first time - logan howlett x fem!reader
🝮 we can't be friends - logan howlett x fem!reader
resident evil: 🝮 and i want it all - leon kennedy x fem!reader
🝮 pound puppy - resident evil men x fem!reader
🝮 room for one more part 2 - chris redfield x fem!reader x leon kennedy
🝮 needy girl part 2 - leon kennedy x fem!reader
jujutsu kaisen: 🝮 on a short leash - satoru gojo x puppy-hybrid!fem!reader
🝮 arranged marriage gojo
🝮 satosugu hybrid freaktacular
🝮 mma toji & gojo
🝮 pornstars toji & gojo
🝮 so this isn't just puppy love part 2
🝮 lost in the fire - yakuza!sukuna x reader
twd: 🝮 good cop, bad cop - rick grimes x fem!reader x shane walsh
🝮 like i always say - (HUMILIATING cause the doc has no notes and i don't remember what it was)
🝮 wedding ring drabble - rick grimes x fem!reader
others: 🝮 collared & leashed (not clickbait) - billy butcher x fem!reader
🝮 dry humping woowee - jason todd x fem!reader
🝮 undone - jason todd x fem!reader
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tags (no pressure obvi): @explorevenus @gigabyte-flare @nexysworld @gor3-hound @lottiies
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nottsangel · 28 days
Why don’t you answer peoples asks anymore? unless you like them you ignore them, talk about selfish, clearly ur follower count got to your headd
girl what ?????? i literally TRY my fucking best to answer as much asks as i possibly can but new flash i have a life outside tumblr too !!! this isn’t my job !!!!!! im not getting paid and i don’t owe you shit so if i don’t want to answer an ask, then i won’t !! ‘why don’t you answer people’s asks anymore’ meanwhile there hasn’t gone a day by where i haven’t answered any asks. there are still so many asks i want to answer and some of them i keep in my inbox because i really want to take my time with writing them and i don’t want to disappoint anyone. my days already consist of answering asks AND writing all day long i literally can’t do more than that!!!! writing is just a hobby for me and it should be enjoyable but you’re just pressuring me for no reason
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
I saw your doodle request post!
Could you please spare a crumb of Michael Emerson? 🥺🥺
Here's your man's~ I hope my drawing does him justice 😌🤲
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highvern · 6 months
7 😈, bonus points if it hurts me or makes me horny (or both lol) -🍒
welp you asked for it
7. Post a random line from one of your WIPs.
Just as you open your mouth to object, Seungcheol presses his face into the crotch of your panties, inhaling as if he’s been holding his breath for an hour. Mortified, you scramble away. But Seungcheol is faster. Strong hands find purchase behind your knees, bending you in half and rendering your legs useless. He takes another breath just before his tongue rolls out to lap at the damp patch that's been accumulating since he sat you on his lap.
and that isn't even the craziest part of that fic tbh
send me a number!
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(For Cloud, Boyfriend and Girlfriend)
*Ames was sneaking around, wishing crown on her head. She was planning to do something mischievous >:)*
Cloud was in his room with Nimbus and Strato doing their own separate things, Cloud was just playing on his GameBoy Advance that he summoned with his spellbook, having a grand ol' time. Strato and Nimbus had their back turned, Strato with the bored expression while Nimbus was occupied in his own activity that he was fond of: stitching.
Meanwhile, Boyfriend was practicing his rapping skills in his room with of course, his Girlfriend helping him with his vocals.
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
what is the difference between afab!reader from fem!reader? (I'm sorry if the words are not spelled correctly here, I don't know english very well since it's not my native language, I use a translator)
hi hi angel, it's ok your english is great.
the difference is: when a writer warns at the beginning that it will be a fic afab reader it means that the reader will have an anatomy considered female but without citations for pronouns feminine nicknames, or feminine nicknames, neutral or both nicknames will be used (as I prefer to do to include everyone).
When the writer does something for fem!reader, it means there will be feminine pronouns, etc.
I hope you understand <3
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
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edens-pen · 3 months
watch ultraman rising please pleaseeee
i’m gna be so honest…i have never heard of that before.
please tell me more girl, y’know auntie is getting old
animated? are they cute? what’s it like !!!
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