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kageyamareijiraydark · 3 months ago
To Kidou Yuuto
You slip through my fingers like glowing sand, as elusive as revolutionary impetuous wind.
Long ago, your joyful, crimson eyes concealing an ineffable, unbearable pain broke the brazen shield behind which my exhausted soul was hiding, thus shattering it into thousands pieces: thousands of sharp shards pierced my soul and I knew it was you. I was bleeding. I was copiously bleeding. The blood, that warm, sweet blood that had turned so long ago into ice, resumed its course: it began to impetuously flow through my veins. I was adrift in a stormy sea of hopelessness, on the precipice of the deep ravine of the most acute despair. Unable to move, my limbs seemed to be stuck in a profound sleep state – the gray sleep of death. The oppressive dullness that surrounds you and penetrates every inch of your skin to the core of your bones – how can you describe it to someone who has never experienced it, when even you can no longer distinguish gray from any other color?
I was reduced to an automaton fuelled by an anger of ancient origins that have been swept under the rug of amnesia; an anger that slowly faded over time, thus leaving room for a crushing, desolated, heavy space that has been suffocating me since immemorial time, choking my words and turning them into annoying sobs.
I’ve been living this way for ages – a perpetually frustrated man who’s not suited to life, worthy of nothing but eternal damnation. Damned, damned, damned. Damned! I say. Only that mystical being y’all so naively call “God” knows what kept me from being utterly swallowed up by darkness.
But on that hot summer afternoon, amid the gloomy dimness hovering over the ravine in front of me, something changed. The air became lighter, the bitter disgust felt for life became sweeter, and a color finally peeped out: the grayness of my existence was tinged with red.
It was the fragrant crimson red color of your eyes that saved me, Kidou, and that is why every day I shout, scream, curse myself for allowing you to get away from me.
Happy birthday, my son.
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x666mid · 14 years ago
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wangmiao · 2 days ago
lol c-ent has so many melons in the past week. i'd be a much happier melon eater if zsw wasn't in zly's river sunset. i'm kinda waiting for the whole thing to have a set conclusion, and if zsw is confirmed to be a human garbage, than fuck him very much, the airing of river sunset will be affected for sure. but at least he is only a supporting character in that show, so they should be able to change his face using AI, right?
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tianyantong · 1 year ago
平台:華經 老師:鬼手易生 助理:楊凱莉 詐騙股:科嘉-KY5215
只要提到投資型詐騙,第一個想到的就是假老師,其次是美女助理,但是一旁敲鑼打鼓的假群眾也居功厥偉 很多受害人稱群組內的討論氣氛熱絡,大家都踴躍跟飆股甚至是參加老師的某某計畫,所以就會有「我不跟好像怪怪的」、「應該沒問題吧」之類的疑惑。 假的!都是假的! 這種在旁邊接話抬轎的都是詐團人頭帳號,行話叫作「水軍」。水軍帳號有專門的公司負責打理販售,各種媒介如 LINE、臉書、微博等等任君挑選,幫你弄好名字與照片是基本的,甚至簡單的發文與點讚都有。 詐騙集團某些帳號在一段時間後會改人設,只要持續觀察就經常會發現: 1. 同個 ID 在一段時間後變成另一個人; 2. 陌生人傳訊來,原來是原本帳號加的好友; 3. 帳號易主,詐團推說先前那位離職; 4. 助理變水軍、水軍變助理。 金融交易投資,只要宣稱高獲利,絕對都有鬼,套句業內常說的,真那麼好賺,把家裡值錢的全都賣了,也要來拚,那還需要留給你們去賺。
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syrupsyche · 7 months ago
in honour of our boys appearing yet again for Les Mis Letters, here is a look at their names + my favourite lines from the Chinese translation of Les Mis (by Li Dan and Fang Yu)
Enjolras = 安灼拉 (Ān zhuó lā)
安 meaning peace
灼 meaning burning/bright
“他有天使那么美。” = He was as pretty as an angel
“他在欢乐中也不苟言笑” = He did not smile even when he was happy.
“他���自由女神云石塑像的情人” = He was lady liberty's marble lover.
Combeferre = 公白飞 (Gōng bái fēi)
公 can be found in the word 公平, meaning just
白 meaning white (which makes me think of: "Combeferre was as gentle as Enjolras was severe, through natural whiteness.")
飞 meaning flight
安灼拉近于义,公白飞近于仁。= Enjolras was closer to righteousness, Combeferre was closer to kindness.
如果这两个青年当年登上了历史舞台,也许一个会成为公正无私的人,而另一个则成为慎思明辨的人 = If these two young men had ascended the stage of history, one would have been a fair and just man, and the other a careful and discerning man.
公白飞也许能双膝着 地,两手合十,以待未来天真无邪地到来,希望人们去恶从善的巨大 进化不至于受到任何阻扰。= Combeferre would have gone on his knees, hands clasped, and bring about the innocent arrival of the future, and hoped that nothing would impede the evolution of the people.
Jean Prouvaire/Jehan = 让·勃鲁维尔 (Ràng·bó lǔ wéi'ěr) / 热安 (Rè ān)
shares an 安 with Enjolras, meaning peace
让·勃鲁维尔是个多情种子 = Jean Prouvaire was the affectionate type
他说起话来语调轻缓,俯首低眉,腼腆地微笑着,举动拘束,神气笨拙,无缘无故地脸羞得通红,胆怯。然而,猛不可当 = He spoke in a soft and tender tone, bowed his head and lowered his gaze, smiled shyly, moved reservedly, had a clumsy air, his face would flush red for no reason, and was timid. But his ferocity was undaunted.
Feuilly = 弗以伊 (Fú yǐ yī)
他只有一个念头:拯救世界。他还另外有种愿望:教育自己,他说这也是拯救自己 = He only had one thought: to rescue the world. He also had another wish, to educate himself, which he said was also to rescue himself.
弗以伊是个性情豪放的人。他有远大的抱负。这孤儿让人民为父母 = Feuilly had a bold temperament. He had great ambitions. This orphan took the people in, and became their parent.*
Courfeyrac = 古费拉克 (Gǔ fèi lākè)
克 meaning overcome or subdue
古费拉克确实具有人们称为鬼聪明的那���青春热力。这种热力,和小猫的可爱一样 = Courfeyrac had what one might describe as the cleverness and passion of youth. This passion can also be found in the cuteness of a kitten
不过古费拉克是个诚实的孩子 = However, Courfeyrac was an honest boy.
在多罗米埃身上蕴藏着一个法官,在古费拉克身上蕴藏着一个武士。 = In Tholomyès' body contained a judge; in Courfeyrac's body contained a knight.
安灼拉是首领,公白飞是向导,古费拉克是中心。= Enjolras was the leader, Combeferre was the guide, Courfeyrac was the heart.
Bahorel = 巴阿雷 (Bā ā léi)
雷 meaning thunder
巴阿雷是个善于诙谐而难与相处的人,诚实,爱花钱,挥霍到近于奢侈,多话到近于悬河,横蛮到近于不择手段,是当魔鬼最好的材料 = Bahorel was a humourous man, though difficult to get along with, honest, spendthrift, spending to the point of extravagance, talking to the point of eloquence, bold to the point of brashness and had the perfect makings of a devil.**
他的父母是农民,对父母他是知道反复表示敬意的。= His parents were peasants, and he knew to often treat them with much respect.
关于他们,他常这样说:“这是些农民,不是资产阶级,正因为这样,他们才有点智慧。” = Regarding them, he often said: "These are peasants, not bourgeois; thus they are the wiser."
Lesgle/Bossuet = 赖格尔 (Lài gé ěr) / 博须埃 (Bó xū āi)
博须埃是个遭遇不好的快乐孩子。他的专长是一事无成,相反地对一切都付之一笑。= Bossuet was an unfortunate, but happy child. His specialty was to achieve nothing, and would laugh at everything.
他能很快用到他最后一个苏,却从不会笑到他的最后一声笑。= He could quickly spend his last sou, but he would never smile a last smile.
Joly = 若李 (Ruò lǐ)
他认为人和针一样,可以磁化,于是,他把卧室里的床摆成南北向,使他血液的循环不致受到地球大磁场的干扰 = He believed man and needle were the same - able to be magnetized - and so he had his bed turned facing the north and south to prevent his blood circulation from receiving any interferences from the Earth's magnetic field.
可是在所有这些人中,他是最热闹的一个 = But amongst these men, he was the liveliest of them all.
年轻,乖僻,体弱,兴致高,这一切不相连属的性格汇集在他一人身上,结果使他成了个放荡不羁而又惹人喜爱的人 = Young, eccentric, frail, and cheerful: all these individual characteristics constituted his being, resulting in a peculiar man whom people were fond of.
Grantaire = 格朗泰尔 (Gé lǎng tài ěr)
朗 meaning bright or clear
格朗泰尔是个不让自己轻信什么的人。= Grantaire was a person who did not allow himself to believe in anything.
这个乱七八糟的怀疑者在这一伙信心坚定的人中,向谁靠拢呢?向最坚定的一个 = To whom did this mess of a skeptic lean towards in this group of confident and steadfast men? To the most resolute.
没有谁比瞎子更喜爱阳光。没有谁比矮子更崇拜军鼓手。= No one could love the sunlight more than the blind man. No one could worship the drummer more than the dwarf.
这是种深深的矛盾,因为感情也是一种信念。= This is deeply contradictory, for love*** is also a form of belief.
他经常受到安灼拉的冲撞,严厉的摈斥,被撵以后,仍旧回来,他说,安灼拉“是座多美的云石塑像”!= He was often attacked and harshly rebuked by Enjolras. Still, he would return even after being driven out, and say that Enjolras "could be a beautiful, marble statue!"
If anyone is interested in other lines and what they have been translated to, feel free to let me know and I can dig it up for you! And thanks for reading all this way :)
*Other Chinese speakers pls help me verify if this is an accurate translation? Idk why this particular sentence is tripping me up.
**Verification on his translation most welcome too; this REALLY sent me on a doozy.
***感情 can also be translated as feelings, affection, fondness etc. Used as "He has feelings for him."
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journeytothewestresearch · 1 year ago
Is Six Ears an Aspect of Sun Wukong?
I've seen some people claim that Six Ears is not an aspect of Sun Wukong's mind. They either ignore the references to "one mind" and "two Minds" (and the Buddhist philosophy behind them), or they just say it's allegory and nothing more. Well, there are actually internal story details from chapter 58 that support the close connection between the Monkey King and his doppelganger.
1) The Bodhisattva Guanyin and her “eyes of wisdom” (huiyan, 慧眼) can’t tell them apart:
The various deities and the Bodhisattva stared at the two for a long time, but none could tell them apart (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 眾諸天與菩薩都看良久,莫想能認。 [And later:] Pressing his palms together, our Buddha said, “Guanyin, the Honored One, can you tell which is the true Pilgrim and which is the false one?” “They came to your disciple’s humble region the other day,” replied the Bodhisattva, “but I truly could not distinguish between them …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 我佛合掌道:「觀音尊者,你看那兩個行者,誰是真假?」菩薩道:「前日在弟子荒境,委不能辨 …
2) The tight-fillet spell works on both Monkeys:
Asking Moksa and Goodly Wealth [a.k.a. Red Boy] to approach her, the Bodhisattva whispered to them this instruction: “Each of you take hold of one of them firmly, and let me start reciting in secret the Tight-Fillet Spell. The one whose head hurts is the real monkey; the one who has no pain is specious.” Indeed, the two disciples took hold of the two Pilgrims as the Bodhisattva recited in silence the magic words. At once the two of them gripped their heads and rolled on the ground, both screaming, “Don’t recite! Don’t recite!” The Bodhisattva stopped her recital … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 菩薩喚木叉與善財上前,悄悄吩咐:「你一個幫住一個,等我暗念緊箍兒咒,看那個害疼的便是真,不疼的便是假。」他二人果各幫一個。菩薩暗念真言,兩個一齊喊疼,都抱著頭,地下打滾,只叫:「莫念,莫念。」菩薩不念 …
(If someone disagrees with this one, they need to show where it says Six Ears is faking the pain.)
3) Both the Jade Emperor and the imp-reflecting mirror can’t tell them apart:
Issuing a decree at once to summon Devariija Li, the Pagoda-Bearer, the Jade Emperor commanded: “Let us look at those two fellows through the imp-reflecting mirror, so that the false may perish and the true endure.” The devaraja took out the mirror immediately and asked the Jade Emperor to watch with the various celestial deities. What appeared in the mirror were two reflections of Sun Wukong: there was not the slightest difference between their golden fillets, their clothing, and even their hair. Since the Jade Emperor found it impossible to distinguish them, he ordered them chased out of the hall (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, pp. 107-108). 玉帝即傳旨宣托塔李天王,教:「把照妖鏡來照這廝誰真誰假,教他假滅真存。」天王即取鏡照住,請玉帝同眾神觀看。鏡中乃是兩個孫悟空的影子,金箍、衣服,毫髮不差。玉帝亦辨不出,趕出殿外。
4) Only omniscient beings like Investigative Hearing (Ksitigargbha's mount) and the Buddha can tell the two apart:
[T]he Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha said, “Wait a moment! Wait a moment! Let me ask Investigative Hearing to listen for you.” That Investigative Hearing, you see, happens to be a beast that usually lies beneath the desk of Ksitigarbha. When he crouches on the ground, he can in an instant perceive the true and the false, the virtuous and the wicked among all short-haired creatures, scaly creatures, hairy creatures, winged creatures, and crawling creatures, and among all the celestial immortals, the earthly immortals, the divine immortals, the human immortals, and the spirit immortals resident in all the cave Heavens and blessed lands in the various shrines, rivers, and mountains of the Four Great Continents. In obedience, therefore, to the command of Ksitigarbha, the beast prostrated himself in the courtyard of the Hall of Darkness, and in a little while, he raised his head to say to his master, “I have the name of the fiend …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 112) …地藏王菩薩道:「且住,且住。等我著諦聽與你聽個真假。」原來那諦聽是地藏菩薩經案下伏的一個獸名。他若伏在地下,一霎時,將四大部洲山川社稷,洞天福地之間,蠃蟲、鱗蟲、毛蟲、羽蟲、昆蟲、天仙、地仙、神仙、人仙、鬼仙,可以照鑒善惡,察聽賢愚。那獸奉地藏鈞旨,就於森羅庭院之中,俯伏在地。須臾,擡起頭來,對地藏道:「怪名雖有…」。 [...] Smiling, Tathagata said, “Though all of you [Guanyin] possess vast dharma power and are able to observe the events of the whole universe, you cannot know all the things therein, nor do you have the knowledge of all the species” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 如來笑道:「汝等法力廣大,只能普閱周天之事,不能遍識周天之物,亦不能廣會周天之種類也。」 […] [After the Buddha explains the ten categories of life and the four types of celestial primates (see the introduction here), he says:] As I see the matter, that specious Wukong must be a six-eared macaque … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115). 我觀假悟空乃六耳獼猴也 …
In short, the twin monkeys are so hard to tell apart simply because they are representations of the true and illusionary minds (refer back to the article) within the same person.
So what does this say about Shadowpeach? I know LMK is a separate entity from the novel, but applying canon to this ship would make it more self-love, right? I'm sure those with creatively perverted minds know what I'm taking about.
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moja-co · 7 months ago
中年世代の一部に存在する「極端にアニメを嫌う人」 背景にあった「社会的事件」とは? かつてアニメは「テレビまんが」と呼ばれ、あくまで子供が見るものとされていた映像作品でした。 今では子供から大人、高齢の世代でも最新のアニメを楽しんでいる人がいます。 一方で、40代後半から50代半ばの世代の一部に、「極端にアニメを嫌う層」が存在しています。 それには、かつて社会を震撼させたあの事件が大きく影響しているのではないでしょうか。 「宮崎勤事件」……当時この事件の影響を受けた人間にとっては、口にするにも文字にするにも大変なエネルギーが必要です。 1988年(昭和63年)から1989年(平成元年)にかけて、東京都および埼玉県で計4人の幼女、女児が殺害される痛ましい事件がありました。宮崎勤はその犯人です。 なぜ、ここにアニメがからんでくるのかというと、宮崎勤は「アニメ好きのロリコンである」という報道が行われたからです。 その結果、��時アニメ好きだった少年少女たちが、ある日突然「社会の敵」とされて「アニメ好きを倒すのは正しい行動だ」と考えた生徒たちにより凄惨ないじめを受けました。 特にこの時期に中高生だった世代、つまり現在の40代後半から50代半ばの世代には、アニメを嫌う人が少なくありません。 問題は、そのマスコミの報道が「捏造」だった点です。 宮崎勤は6000本ものビデオテープを所有しており、その点は当時の水準から考えると確かに異常ではありました。 しかし、部屋に踏み込んだ記者の告白によると、その大半は『ドカベン』や『リボンの騎士』『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎』など、ごく一般的なアニメだったことが明ら��になっています。 またホラービデオマニアとの報道もあり、犯人の異常性が強調されていました。 しかし、ホラー作品の所有数もわずかでした。 『ギニーピッグ2 血肉の華』という作品がコレクションのなかにあると報道されたのがきっかけで、「ギニーピッグ」シリーズは廃盤となりましたが、押収されたのはコメディ調の『ギニーピッグ4 ピーターの悪魔の女医さん』であり、宮崎自身は『ギニーピッグ2』を観ていないと供述しています。 また、多数の雑誌が散乱する部屋のなかで、マスコミ的にはおいしい被写体がなかったため、わざわざ埋もれていたポルノマンガを上に置き直して撮影するという、作為的な情報操作があったことも明らかになっています。 当時の若い男性の部屋を漁れば、エロさを感じさせる本など1冊くらい見つかるものでしょう。 もちろん、映像作品について「好き」「嫌い」と判断することは、個人の価値観や体験に左右されるものであることは明白です。 しかし、「宮崎事件の報道」に影響されてアニメ嫌いになった、というのではれば、もしかするとアニメを否定する気持ちは自分のものではなく、30年以上前の報道によって植え付けられたものかもしれません。 その点を踏まえてもなお、アニメを否定するのであれば、せめて先入観を捨てて純粋な映像作品としてアニメを鑑賞したうえで、自分自身の気持ちから生まれた言葉で批評すべきではないでしょうか。
中年世代の一部に存在する「極端にアニメを嫌う人」 背景にあった「社会的事件」とは? | マグミクス https://magmix.jp/post/238203
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potteresque-ire · 2 months ago
Happy Halloween! 👻 (Happy Birthday, Wei Wuxian!)
For this spooky evening, I'd like to present this spooky song named 《辜》 (Guilt, pronounced gu), one of the theme songs from Season 2 of 天官賜福 TGCF's audio drama. (Lyrics and some thoughts under the cut!)
Below is my attempt to translate the beautifully written (and eerie) lyrics, although I can't say I'm satisfied with my efforts this time. It bears strong roots in the Taoist (religious) tradition, which I'm not part of. The very last paragraph (the one that mentions a pardon) is from a prayer known as 往生咒 (The Rebirth Mantra; Buddhists have their own version), which believers chant to help lost spirits find their way to the next life. Hence, the change in tone. I hope though, that as music is universal, that even with the language barrier this song can successfully spook some of you. Oh, by the way, the vocal in the middle of the song (starting 2:27) is from an opera style known as 華陰老腔 (pronounced Huayin Laoquiang), which has been designated as an Intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, and the performer 張喜民 Zhang Ximin is the heir of the style (kudos to the production team of the audio drama for inviting him!). Even though the origin of the style is far from where I've grown up, the lines from that paragraph: 善有善報,惡有惡報 不是不報,時辰未到 Good is retributed by good. Evil is retributed by evil. It’s not a lack of retribution. It’s the time of retribution has not yet come. is something I can recite, in my own dialect (Cantonese), since I was little. The way this song conveys this well-known message ~ one that I admit I don't / can't always believe in ~ is very powerful to me. It's one of the reasons why I've repeatedly spooked myself with this song this month! (And so, I'm also using this post to send a message to Voldie: yes, I remember what you did 43 years ago on this night. The time of retribution would come for you.) (No, I haven't forgotten my "birth fandom" (Harry Potter), which I do plan to revisit one day. 😊) Anyway, onto the lyrics!
《辜》 (Guilt) [0:14] 幽幽夜沉沉 語悄悄 The night is dark and heavy, its words quiet. 聽 何人行踽踽 登初宵 Listen ~ Who’s walking in solitude, ascending upon this evening? 遊魂野客喧囂 高門重府燭搖 Boisterous are the wandering souls, the unbridled guests. Flickering are the candles in the mansions, the palaces. 問旦福夕禍 世間知多少 Asking about the ever-changing fortunes and calamities, how much and how little this world knows about them.
[0:43] 忽而風起 似誰笑 良辰吉時到 The wind suddenly rises, as if someone laughs. The propitious hour has come. 幾家烹調歡宴 肉骨餵邪妖 不足飽 Some homes have cooked a feast, meat and bones to feed the wicked but can’t satiate. 他神色木然 既悲又喜 耳畔道 Wooden is his expression, both sad and happy, and by each ear, he utters words. 回頭 卻是惡言生寒 入髓竅 But when heads turn, the evil in the words grows into a chill and burrows into the marrow.
[1:34] 迷迷霧漫漫 哭渺渺 The mist dazes and lingers, its tears vague.  提 昏燈過長街 天不曉 Uplift ~ dim lanterns crossing the long streets, the sky that fails to dawn. 花腔滾板未消 惡鬼怨倀又告 Dissipating still are the coloraturas and percussions. Accusing once more are the wicked ghosts, resentful, 問天公愚聵 善惡何以報 Asking the gods, stupid and deaf, the retributions for the good and the evil. 
[2:00] 社鼓陣陣 金鐃厲 良辰吉時到 The temple drums beat. The golden cymbals clang. The propitious hour has come. 造化如命數 歡恨誰藉著 不相饒 Life’s blessings are like the accounts of destiny, transactions of joys and hatred are not forgiven. 他神色木然 似悟非悟 舉斧刀 Wooden is his expression, both knowing and ignorant, and his hatchet rises. 回頭 卻是青衣扶搖 登仙道 But when heads turn, rising is the commoner’s attire, ascending to the enlightened path.
[2:27 Vocal] 休將奸狡昧神祗,禍福如同逐影隨 Don’t use guile to deceive the gods, calamity and fortune follow like shadows. 善有善報,惡有惡報 Good is retributed by good. Evil is retributed by evil. 不是不報,時辰未到 It’s not a lack of retribution. It’s the time of retribution has not yet come.
[2:52 Chant] 斷足折顱 摧魄裂魂 Feet broken, skull snapped, Spirit broken, soul cracked, 手起刀落 血飛肉滾 Hands lifted, knives dropped, Blood spilled, flesh rolled, 剜心剔骨 解我悲忿 Heart hollowed, bones carved All to solve my sorrows and fury. 易除厄罰 難償苦恨 Easy it is to root out adversaries. Hard it is to compensate the bitter loathing. 斷足折顱 摧魄裂魂 Feet broken, skull snapped, Spirit broken, soul cracked, 有命還命 以待三更 A life for a life, to wait for midnight 諸罪來受戮 見鬼神 When crimes come for a slaughter, to greet their demons and gods.
[3:23 From 往生咒 The Rebirth Mantra] 有頭者超,無頭者升 鬼魅一切,四生沾恩 太上敕令,超汝孤魂 脫離苦海,轉世往生 Those who’ve kept their heads, transcend. Those who haven't, rise. All apparitions are marked with the blessings from life, The pardon from The Supreme transcends your wandering souls. To leave this bitter sea, to reincarnate and reborn.
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kageyamareijiraydark · 3 months ago
Christmas time memories
Snowflakes are dancing lightly in the frosty air of a cold winter afternoon in Tokyo. Christmas is in the air, but for Kageyama the holly, jolly warmth of the holidays is only a distant memory faded out like an old, weathered photograph. The fearsome Teikoku Gakuen’s coach, his long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, walks through the Christmas markets. His left hand clasps the small, gloved one of a crimson-eyed child. The contrast between them is stark: the man, tall and austere, moves with measured steps, while the little boy jumps around with excitement, while dragging his gaze over the goods on display on the stands. «Look, look!» the child exclaims, tugging on Kageyama's arm whenever he spots anything related to penguins, his favorite animals. His ruby red coat and fluffy creamy white earmuffs stand out in the crowd, like a small flame in a sea of grays and blues. The man, by now accustomed to the child’s overflowing enthusiasm, lets himself be dragged through the stands. After a while, he notices that the boy is no longer pulling at him with his usual energy. He looks down and sees him shivering, his nose reddened by the cold. Two sneezes in quick succession and an ineffective attempt to stifle them confirm his suspicions. With keen eyes, the man scans his surroundings. There it is, at the far end of the street: a cozy stall, lit by warm, soft lights, displaying clothing items. Among them, an ultramarine blue scarf catches his eye. With no hesitation, the man purchases it. He kneels down in front of the child to be at his height and gently wraps it around his neck. The child's eyes sparkle with joy as he notices the presence of small penguins embroidered on the ends of the scarf. «Thank you, daddy» the child says smiling. «I am not your father. For you I am Mr. Kage-» Kageyama sighs and starts replying, but something interrupts him. Maybe it's the child's sweet smile, or maybe it's those vermilion eyes filled with innocence and affection. Whatever the reason, he feels the marble ice around his heart slowly begin to melt. «You're welcome, Kidou» he replies instead, his soft voice betraying a certain melancholy. Then he hesitantly reaches out his hand to pat the child's head as he hints a shy smile. Kidou smiles back, Kageyama gets up, and the two of them go back to strolling through the festive stalls. Perhaps, the warmth of Christmas is not as far away as I thought.
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x666mid · 14 years ago
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kennak · 9 months ago
今回の報告書で「消滅可能性自治体」とされた自治体は、以下の通り。 【北海道】 函館市、小樽市、釧路市、夕張市、岩見沢市、網走市、留萌市、稚内市、美唄市、芦別市、赤平市、紋別市、士別市、三笠市、根室市、砂川市、歌志内市、深川市、富良野市、登別市、伊達市、北斗市、当別町、新篠津村、松前町、福島町、知内町、木古内町、鹿部町、森町、八雲町、長万部町、江差町、上ノ国町、厚沢部町、乙部町、奥尻町、今金町、せたな町、島牧村、寿都町、黒松内町、京極町、共和町、岩内町、泊村、神恵内村、、積丹町、古平町、余市町、赤井川村、南幌町、奈井江町、上砂川町、由仁町、長沼町、栗山町、月形町、妹背牛町、雨竜町、北竜町、沼田町、当麻町、比布町、愛別町、上川町、上富良野町、和寒町、剣淵町、美深町、音威子府村、幌加内町、増毛町、小平町、苫前町、羽幌町、遠別町、浜頓別町、中頓別町、枝幸町、豊富町、利尻町、美幌町、津別町、清里町、小清水町、訓子府町、佐呂間町、遠軽町、湧別町、滝上町、西興部村、雄武町、大空町、豊浦町、白老町、洞爺湖町、むかわ町、日高町、平取町、浦河町、様似町、えりも町、新ひだか町、士幌町、広尾町、���田町、豊頃町、本別町、浦幌町、釧路町、厚岸町、浜中町、標茶町、弟子屈町、白糠町、羅臼町 【青森県】 青森市、弘前市、八戸市、黒石市、五所川原市、十和田市、むつ市、つがる市、平川市、平内町、今別町、蓬田村、外ヶ浜町、鰺ヶ沢町、深浦町、藤崎町、大鰐町、板柳町、鶴田町、中泊町、野辺地町、七戸町、横浜町、東北町、六ヶ所村、大間町、東通村、風間浦村、佐井村、三戸町、五戸町、田子町、南部町、階上町、新郷村 【岩手県】 宮古市、大船渡市、久慈市、遠野市、一関市、陸前高田市、釜石市、二戸市、八幡平市、奥州市、雫石町、葛巻町、岩手町、西和賀町、平泉町、住田町、大槌町、山田町、岩泉町、田野畑村、普代村、軽米町、野田村、九戸村、洋野町、一戸町 【宮城県】 石巻市、気仙沼市、白石市、角田市、登米市、栗原市、蔵王町、七ヶ宿町、村田町、川崎町、丸森町、松島町、七ヶ浜町、大郷町、色麻町、加美町、涌谷町、女川町、南三陸町 【秋田県】 能代市、横手市、大館市、男鹿市、湯沢市、鹿角市、由利本荘市、潟上市、大仙市、北秋田市、にかほ市、仙北市、小坂町、上小阿仁村、藤里町、三種町、八峰町、五城目町、八郎潟町、井川町、大潟村、美郷町、羽後町、東成瀬村 【山形県】 鶴岡市、酒田市、新庄市、上山市、村山市、長井市、尾花沢市、山辺町、中山町、河北町、西川町、朝日町、大江町、大石田町、金山町、最上町、舟形町、真室川町、大蔵村、鮭川村、戸沢村、高畠町、川西町、小国町、白鷹町、飯豊町、庄内町、遊佐町 【福島県】 会津若松市、白河市、喜多方市、二本松市、田村市、伊達市、桑折町、国見町、川俣町、天栄村、下郷町、檜枝岐村、只見町、南会津町、北塩原村、西会津町、猪苗代町、会津坂下町、三島町、金山町、会津美里町、泉崎村、棚倉町、矢祭町、塙町、鮫川村、石川町、玉川村、平田村、浅川町、古殿町、三春町、小野町 【茨城県】 日立市、常陸太田市、高萩市、北茨城市、潮来市、常陸大宮市、稲敷市、桜川市、行方市、鉾田市、城里町、大子町、美浦村、河内町、八千代町、五霞町、利根町 【栃木県】 日光市、矢板市、那須烏山市、益子町、茂木町、市貝町、塩谷町、那珂川町、 【群馬県】 桐生市、沼田市、渋川市、藤岡市、富岡市、安中市、上野村、神流町、下仁田町、南牧村、甘楽町、中之条町、長野原町、嬬恋村、草津町、東吾妻町、片品村、みなかみ町、玉村町、板倉町 【埼玉県】 行田市、秩父市、越生町、小川町、川島町、吉見町、鳩山町、ときがわ町、横瀬町、皆野町、長瀞町、���鹿野町、東秩父村、神川町、寄居町、松伏町 【千葉県】 銚子市、勝浦市、富津市、八街市、南房総市、匝瑳市、香取市、山武市、いすみ市、栄町、神崎町、多古町、東庄町、九十九里町、芝山町、横芝光町、白子町、長柄町、長南町、大多喜町、御宿町、鋸南町 【東京都】 檜原村、奥多摩町 【神奈川県】 三浦市、中井町、山北町、箱根町、真鶴町、湯河原町 【新潟県】 小千谷市、加茂市、十日町市、村上市、糸魚川市、妙高市、五泉市、阿賀野市、佐渡市、魚沼市、胎内市、田上町、阿賀町、出雲崎町、湯沢町、津南町、関川村、粟島浦村 【富山県】 氷見市、南砺市、上市町、入善町、朝日町 【石川県】 七尾市、輪島市、珠洲市、加賀市、羽咋市、志賀町、宝達志水町、穴水町、能登町、 【福井県】 大野市、勝山市、あわら市、池田町、南越前町、越前町、高浜町、若狭町 【山梨県】 都留市、大月市、韮崎市、上野原市、甲州市、早川町、身延町、南部町、富士川町、道志村、西桂町 【長野県】 大町市、飯山市、小海町、佐久穂町、立科町、長和町、阿南町、阿智村、平谷村、天龍村、上松町、南木曽町、王滝村、大桑村、木曽町、生坂村、筑北村、小谷村、坂城町、高山村、山ノ内町、木島平村、信濃町、小川村、飯綱町、栄村 【岐阜県】 美濃市、瑞浪市、恵那市、山県市、飛騨市、郡上市、下呂市、海津市、養老町、関ケ原町、揖斐川町、池田町、七宗町、八百津町、白川町、東白川村 【静岡県】 熱海市、下田市、伊豆市、御前崎市、牧之原市、東伊豆町、松崎町、西伊豆町、川根本町 【愛知県】 津島市、新城市、南知多町、美浜町、設楽町、東栄町、豊根村 【三重県】 尾鷲市、鳥羽市、熊野市、志摩市、木曽岬町、大台町、度会町、大紀町、南伊勢町、紀北町、御浜町、紀宝町 【滋賀県】 高島市、甲良町 【京都府】 宮津市、京丹後市、井手町、宇治田原町、笠置町、和束町、南山城村、京丹波町、与謝野町 【大阪府】 富田林市、河内長野市、柏原市、門真市、泉南市、阪南市、豊能町、能勢町、岬町、太子町、河南町、千早赤阪村 【兵庫県】 洲本市、西脇市、加西市��養父市、朝来市、宍粟市、多可町、市川町、神河町、上郡町、佐用町、香美町、新温泉町 【奈良県】 大和高田市、五條市、御所市、宇陀市、山添村、安堵町、三宅町、曽爾村、御杖村、高取町、上牧町、河合町、吉野町、大淀町、下市町、黒滝村、野迫川村、十津川村、下北山村、上北山村、川上村、東吉野村 【和歌山県】 海南市、橋本市、有田市、御坊市、田辺市、新宮市、紀の川市、紀美野町、かつらぎ町、九度山町、高野町、湯浅町、広川町、美浜町、由良町、みなべ町、日高川町、白浜町、すさみ町、那智勝浦町、太地町、古座川町、串本町 【鳥取県】 岩美町、若桜町、智頭町、八頭町、大山町、日南町、日野町、江府町 【島根県】 雲南市、奥出雲町、津和野町、隠岐の島町 【岡山県】 玉野市、笠岡市、井原市、高梁市、新見市、備前市、真庭市、美作市、久米南町、吉備中央町 【広島県】 竹原市、府中市、安芸高田市、江田島市、安芸太田町、神石高原町 【山口県】 萩市、長門市、美祢市、周防大島町、上関町、田布施町、平生町、阿武町 【徳島県】 鳴門市、小松島市、吉野川市、阿波市、美馬市、三好市、勝浦町、佐那河内村、神山町、那賀町、牟岐町、美波町、海陽町、上板町、つるぎ町、東みよし町 【香川県】 さぬき市、東かがわ市、土庄町、琴平町 【愛媛県】 宇和島市、八幡浜市、大洲市、四国中央市、西予市、上島町、久万高原町、内子町、伊方町、松野町、鬼北町、愛南町 【高知県】 室戸市、安芸市、須崎市、宿毛市、土佐清水市、四万十市、東洋町、奈半利町、田野町、安田町、北川村、本山町、大豊町、いの町、仁淀川町、中土佐町、佐川町、越知町、檮原町、日高村、津野町、四万十町、大月町、三原村、黒潮町 【福岡県】 嘉麻市、小竹町、鞍手町、東峰村、添田町、川崎町、みやこ町、築上町 【佐賀県】 多久市、玄海町、大町町、白石町、太良町 【長崎県】 平戸市、松浦市、対馬市、壱岐市、五島市、西海市、雲仙市、南島原市、東彼杵町、小値賀町、新上五島町 【熊本県】 水俣市、上天草市、天草市、美里町、和水町、小国町、産山村、高森町、山都町、氷川町、芦北町、津奈木町、多良木町、湯前町、相良村、山江村、球磨村、苓北町 【大分県】 佐伯市、臼杵市、津久見市、竹田市、杵築市、豊後大野市、国東市、姫島村、九重町、玖珠町 【宮崎県】 串間市、えびの市、高原町、国富町、諸塚村、椎葉村、美郷町、高千穂町、日之影町 【鹿児島県】 枕崎市、阿久根市、西之表市、垂水市、曽於市、南九州市、三島村、さつま町、湧水町、錦江町、南大隅町、肝付町、大和村、喜界町、天城町
【全744自治体リスト】「消滅可能性自治体」を一挙公開…北海道から鹿児島まで 出産年代の女性人口が半数以下に 日光市や草津町も  |FNNプライムオンライン
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thesnazzysharky · 4 months ago
All Alone - A Inner Monologue from Specimen 9
TW: Implied rape and graphic descriptions of violence. You can also view this story on AO3 as seen here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我孤身一人。 (I was all alone.) 我從我以為的永久死亡中醒來。濕的。冷。黑暗。我的身體塗滿了黏土。被所有的「木頭」包圍著。 (I woke up from what I thought was my permanent death. Wet. Cold. Dark. My body coated in clay. Surrounded by all the “logs”.) 我的心碎了,支離破碎。我不再知道自己是誰。我是誰?我幾歲了?我叫什麼名字?我以前是住在安靜舒適的家中,還是寒冷破落的街上?我有過妻子或孩子嗎? (My mind was broken and shattered. I no longer knew who I was. Who was I? How old was I? What was my name? Was I previously living in the quiet comfort of a home or the cold and decrepit streets? Did I ever have a wife or kids?) 我再也記不起… (I could no longer remember…) 那些鬼子… 日本人… (Those demons… the Japanese…) 我記得一些事情 我記得他們所做的一切 實驗 折磨 酷熱 嚴寒 注射 切割 尖叫聲 所有被折磨的男人、婦女、兒童、嬰兒… (I did remember something. I remembered everything they did. The experiments. The torture. The heat. The cold. The injections. The cutting. The screams. All of those tortured men, women, children, infants…) 他們對待我們的方式。我們甚至不被視為人類。對他們來說,我們只是小玩具。他們可以為所欲為的玩具。 (The way they treated us. How we weren't even viewed as human. We were just little toys to them. Toys that they could do whatever they wanted with.) 我仍然記得每天籠罩在我們頭上的絕望。我還記得當那些孩子的父母沒有回到牢房時,他們淚流滿面的表情。我還記得我牢房旁邊的婦女在男人們打開門鎖後,是如何默默受創,她們… (I still remember the despair looming over us everyday. I still remember the tearful looks on those children's faces when their parents didn’t come back to their cells. I still remember how silently traumatized the woman next to my cell was after the men unlocked the door and they…) … 我還記得他們把我剖開的情景。我的身體在劇痛中扭動。我的尖叫聲充斥著整個房間,並在大廳中迴盪。當他們把他們的手和所有的小工具塞進我脆弱的身體時,我向他們求救。然後一切都暗了下來… (I still remember them cutting me open. My body wriggled in agonizing pain. My screams filled the room and echoed down the halls. I begged for help as they jammed their hands and all of their little tools into my fragile body. Then everything went dark...) 現在我變成這樣了 (And now I'm this.)
我把自己藏在���暗處好一陣子 但總覺得不對勁 一種愧疚感,混雜著對那些……東西的憤怒、憤怒、憤恨。以及他們對我們所做的一切 (I hid myself in the shadows for awhile, but something felt wrong. A sense of guilt, mixed with this burning, bubbling, raging ocean of hatred for those... things. And what they had done to us.)
我回去了 急於報仇,解放我的人民。是時候讓仇恨的海嘯沖垮他們了。就這樣 (I went back. Eager to get my revenge and free my people. It was time to let that tsunami of hatred come crashing down on them. And so it did.) 這是一次奇妙的經歷。他們可憐地向我開槍,卻毫無作用。當我走向他們時,他們試圖逃跑的樣子。他們尖叫的美妙音樂傳入我的耳朵。 (It was an amazing experience. The way they pathetically shot at me to no effect. The way they tried to run away as I made my way towards them. The way the beautiful music of their screams made their way to my ears.) 我喜歡折斷他們的骨頭。我喜歡看見他們的身體在痛苦中扭動和掙扎。我喜歡用我新發現的力量讓他們燃燒。我喜歡撕開他們的身體。我喜歡看我的殺戮有多有創意。他們在死之前能承受多大的痛苦。如果我這樣做而不是那樣做,他們的尖叫聲會有多大。我可以讓他們承受多大的痛苦。 (I loved snapping and breaking their bones. I loved seeing their bodies squirm and writhe in pain. I loved setting them ablaze with my newfound powers. I loved tearing their bodies open. I loved seeing how creative I could get with my kills. How much pain they could handle before expiring. How loudly they would scream if I did this instead of that. How much I could make them suffer.) 他們現在是我的小玩具……因此,我的腦海沉醉於孩子般的本能殺戮慾望。我不再思考 我只想盡可能地讓那些可怕的日本鬼子痛苦。我繼續殺戮。我盡力確保那些惡魔一個也逃不出我的手掌心。我放火燒毀了周圍的一切。 (They were now my little toys... and so my mind became drunken with a childish and instinctive desire to kill. I was no longer thinking. I just wanted to cause as much pain to those horrible Japan devils as possible. I continued the killing. I tried to make sure not a single one of those demons escaped my grasp. I set fire to everything and everyone around me.) 然後我就醒了 (Then I woke up.)
突然,當我檢視周遭環境時,周遭的一切都被摧毀了。建築物消失了。我的身體塗上了紅色。一些火苗仍然揮之不去 而且到���都是燒焦的屍體……而且大部分都不是科學家。 (Suddenly, as I examined my surroundings, everything around me was destroyed. The building was gone. My body was coated in red. Some flames of fire still lingered. And there were charred bodies everywhere... and most weren't the scientists.) 我把他們全殺了 我所有的族人 所有我想拯救的人 都是為了報復那些殺了我的人,盲目自私的憤怒。有些人因為跑出大樓或那天沒去上班而躲過了我的憤怒。我沒有機會殺死那個戴圓框眼鏡的人… (I killed them all. All of my people. All of those I wanted to save. All in a blind selfish rage to get back at those who murdered me. Some of which were able to escape my rage due to running out of the building or simply not showing up to work that day. I never got to kill that man in the round glasses...)
我現在是個怪物了 (I'm a monster now.) 我再也不能在人行道上隨意散步。我再也不能安安靜靜地坐在家中。我再也不能吃喝拉撒睡。我再也不能友善地向鄰居打招呼。我再也不能參與有趣的嗜好。我再也無法擁抱我的孩子,告訴他們睡前故事,或是在工作前給我的妻子最後的一個吻,如果我有他們的話。 (No longer would I be able to go for a casual stroll on a sidewalk. No longer would I be able to peacefully sit quietly in whatever home I had. No longer would I be able to eat, drink, and sleep. No longer would I be able to give a friendly hello to a neighbor. No longer would I be able to take part of fun hobbies. No longer would I be able hug my kids and tell them bedtime stories or give my wife one last kiss before work, if I had them.) 我再也不能做人了。 (No longer would I be able to be human.)
即使是這樣,我也可以成為英雄。一個救世主。一個領導者。一個演說者 但現在我認識的所有人都死了 沒有人能知道他們的痛苦 因為只剩下我一個人了 (Even in this form, I could've been a hero. A savior. A leader. A speaker. But now everyone I once knew is dead. Nobody will be able to know of their suffering as I'm the only one left.) 我能做的只有哀悼。哀悼那些被我謀殺的人。哭泣。哭泣,淹沒在我內疚和羞愧的淚水中。尖叫。為了我變成的怪物,為了我永遠失去、永遠也回不去的東西,尖叫幾個小時。 (All I can do is mourn. Mourn those I had murdered. Weep. Weep and drown in my own tears of overwhelming guilt and shame. And scream. Scream for hours on end about the monster I became and what I have permanently lost and will never get back.) 我對著天空尖叫了幾個小時。把我所有的痛苦和煎熬都吼了出來 不知道是否有人會聽到。我的喉嚨���了,聲帶也繃緊了,但我的求救聲仍未得到任何潛在的神甚至人類的回應。 (I have been screaming into the sky for hours. Blaring all of my pain and suffering. Wondering if any of it will ever be heard. My throat dries and my vocal cords strain, yet, my pleas for help have yet to be answered by any potential god or even human.) 我一個人。 (I'm all alone.)
Hello everyone! It's my b-b-birthday! I wanted to post this earlier, but I ran into some internet problems and I had other stuff to deal with. Now it's finally posted! Originally I wanted to write about a slice of life story between Spooky and her father for my birthday, but I simply never had the proper time to fully flesh that out. So, I wrote this last night! Specimen 9 is one of my favorite specimens, so I wanted to make a little short story about him and how tragic he is. As a bonus detail, I added Chinese text to fit with Taker's origins. I didn't want to use Google Translate and call it a day, so I used DeepL Translate. Supposedly the world's most accurate translator.
Lastly, you may have noticed my profile pic changed. Check out this post from my awesome friend @alaskinapples99! She made this amazing artwork of me for my birthday that really warmed my heart. Thank you so much! And thank you to everyone else for liking or reblogging and showing me support over these past few months! I wrote this theory months ago and I still get a notification about it every now and then. Which is pretty crazy to me. Definitely one of my most proud posts. Anyways that's enough of me yapping. Thanks for reading and have a snazzy day!
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freisende · 28 days ago
Faraway Wanderers Audio Drama Song - Faraway Wanderers《天涯客/Tian Ya Ke》(Hanzi/Pinyin/English) Lyrics & English Translation
✲ Faraway Wanderers (天涯客/Tian Ya Ke) Audio Drama Season 1 Song
✲ Singer: Kē Mùqīng (柯暮卿)
Youtube Music Lyric Video (+Dialogue): here
Youtube Music Lyric Video: here
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📌Production ℗ 2021:
•Composer: Li Dabai (李大白), Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
•Lyricist: Minghuang (冥凰)
•Arranger: Li Dabai (李大白)
•Vocal Solo: Ke Muqing (柯暮卿)
•Harmony Vocals: Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
•Dong Xiao/Flute: Qiuniu (囚牛)
•Mixing Engineer: Li Dabai (李大白)
•Supervisor: Gugu (咕咕)
Verse 1:
zhè rénjiān kùnjìng jǐhé
dé chāotuō yǒu jǐ gè
rú gǎn yǐ shēngsǐ lái shè
jiérán shì tiānyá kè 
Pre-chorus 1:
shéi cíbié miàotáng 
zuì shānhé 
mù dé tiānguāng shǎng chūnsè 
yù zuò xiān yún hè 
piān yòu shēng jiūgé 
飞絮身 偏走黄泉路 
fēi xù shēn piān zǒu huáng quán lù 
kàn jǐn yīngxióng chēn diān qún guǐwǔ 
黑白错 风崖起疑雾 
hēibái cuò fēng yá qǐyí wù 
miàoshǒu shè jú dài shéi rù 
六合渺渺 纵是无觅处
liùhé miǎomiǎo zòng shì wú mì chù 
携酒来 拔剑去 自有归宿
xié jiǔ lái bá jiàn qù zì yǒu guīsù 
Verse 2:
zhèngxié dào ren xīn pǒcè 
gānkǔ zì qǔ zì shě 
yù zhījǐ míngmóu chè chè 
rú jǔ dēngguò yuān zé
Pre-chorus 2:
shéi yǐ guǐ xíng shì 
hèn shàn è 
hóng páo tuì shēn shéi shí dé 
yīyǎn jìng wàn nián 
qíngchī zhōng bù shè 
飞絮身 偏走黄泉路 
fēi xù shēn piān zǒu huáng quán lù 
kàn jǐn yīngxióng chēn diān qún guǐwǔ 
黑白错 风崖起疑雾 
hēibái cuò fēng yá qǐyí wù 
miàoshǒu shè jú dài shéi rù 
六合渺渺 纵是无觅处
liùhé miǎomiǎo zòng shì wú mì chù 
携酒来 拔剑去 自有归宿
xié jiǔ lái bá jiàn qù zì yǒu guīsù 
天欲晚 风雪袭巴蜀 
tiān yù wǎn fēng xuě xí bāshǔ 
hé xìng jiè zhè wēncún bù gūdú 
问余生 怎舍好眉目 
wèn yúshēng zěn shě hǎo méimù 
sānqiū rú mèng yě yuàn fù 
Last Chorus:
六合渺渺 自有自在处
liùhé miǎomiǎo zì yǒu zìzài chù 
竹林响 忘沉浮 寻光欲渡
zhúlín xiǎng wàng chénfú xún guāng yù dù
English Translation:
Verse 1:
How many hardships are there in this mundane world? 
How many can be detached?
Daring to risk experiencing life and death,
Are the solitude, faraway wanderers
Pre-chorus 1:
Who bids farewell to the Manor;[1]
Travelling and drunken on the mountains and rivers, 
and bathing in the light spring vibes under the sky? 
Desiring to be as free as the immortal fairy crane [2] in the clouds, 
yet still with these remaining life entanglements…
Chorus 1:
As free as the flying catkins drift to the Underworld,[3]
Beholding the frenzied dance of the heroes and ghosts,
Black and white inverted; Fengya veiled under doubts and suspicions, 
For whom is the crafted trap set by the master?
The immense six directions are boundless, there is no specific place [4]
Carry a bottle of wine, wield the sword, reach their own destination
Verse 2:
Measurement of the good and evil are unpredictable, 
As well as the owned good times and spurning hardships
Encountering the destined soulmate with unwavering eyes, 
Holding a lantern illuminating across this abyss
Pre-chorus 2:
Who walks this world as a ghost, 
Who despises virtues and vice,
Unrecognizable disguise under the shed red robe
One glance lasting for ten thousand years, 
With this unforgivable mad and love-struck feeling
As free as the flying catkins drift to the Underworld,
Beholding the frenzied dance of the heroes and ghosts,
Black and white inverted; Fengya veiled under doubts and suspicions, 
For whom is the crafted trap set by the master?
The immense six directions are boundless, there is no specific place
Carry a bottle of wine, wield the sword, reach their own destination
As the sky darkened, the wind and snow blows towards Bashu [5]
How fortunate to still be able to linger with this warmth and keep accompanied?
Contemplate in giving up the beautiful world as life is nearing the end,
Willing to be intoxicated in these three autumns dreams. [6]
Last Chorus:
The immense six directions are boundless, each where they belong respectively
The sound of bamboo forests, forgetting the ups and downs of the world, seeking light to cross through.
[1]: In this context, refers to Four Seasons (Siji) Manor
[2]: simply, freedom like a flying fairy in the clouds. There is also a story of Chinese fairy famous for her eternal youth and brews immortal wine from magical plants
[3]: Flying catkins / dandelions; Yellow Spring or the Underworld.
[4]: north, south, east, west, up, down. 六合 can also mean the world/universe
[5]: 巴蜀, Province in Southwestern China
[6]: Three autumns means three years (ehem, Zhou Zishu’s remaining lifespan)
Don't forget to check the Youtube Music Lyric video here.
Thank you for reading. Have a good day! ✨
Please feel free to tell me if you have any questions, or if you notice any mistakes-- whether they be the vocabulary, grammar or something else.
Navigation: ✤ Also read Faraway Wanderers Audio Drama Season 2 Lyrics Translation: Tian Ya Xun Chun ✤ For translations, here. ✤ For more discussions and perspectives, here. ✤ For meme, here! If you like my writing, please consider giving me a tip through Ko-fi! 😊 ✤ More information (commission, messages, requests): Carrd
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noink131 · 1 year ago
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#柳沈 #渣反 #SVSSS
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castatratewriter520 · 8 months ago
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ari0921 · 4 months ago
ウクライナ戦争には、最高指揮官に関わる貴重な教訓が詰まっている。総裁候補者たちは教訓をくみ取り、自衛隊最高指揮官としての糧にすべきだ。もしもの時、自衛官を死地に投ずる覚悟はできているのか。また自衛官をして「あなたの命令なら水火も辞せず」と言わしめるだけの人間的魅力や信頼はあるのか。胸に手を当てて自省すべきだろう。かつて「改めて法律を調べてみたら、首相である自分が自衛隊の最高指揮官であることを知った」と述べた首相がいた。こんな首相だけは御免被りたい。(おりた くにお)
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