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Happy Golden Week
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modernagegarbage · 2 months
Watched a video abt nakayama miho and found that the relationship between her, kimura takuya and kudo shizuka is a bit complicated. miho and shizuka used to be besties until miho’s bf tahara toshihiko cheated on her with shizuka. It was a huge shock to miho. She felt deeply betrayed by shizuka and decided to cut her off.
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Love this pic of miho and shizuka cos you can see they were close with each other at that time
Here’re two lovely pics of miho and toshihiko I found online
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hard to find a pic of toshihiko and shizuka tho
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However, she seems to have a really good relationship with takuya as he has tried to set her up with some of his friends. He first introduced the footballer nataka hidetoshi to her. Dunno too much abt this guy but he’s a playboy and has dated many Asian celebrities. Later, he introduced another playboy friend noguchi tsuyoshi to her, who’s also his long time stylist. Miho was really into him and even considered marrying him but he can’t be faithful to her so she ended up breaking up with him too.
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huang0415 · 2 years
第五屆「台灣最美飯店」歷經一番激戰廝殺,由超過30萬投票數以及15位達人加權評分,25間得獎飯店名單終於出爐!今年一共有9間新進榜飯店,其中「七星潭水上明月海景渡假旅店」、「承億酒店」、「禧榕軒大飯店」及「寒居酒店」以2022新開幕酒店之姿拿下最美頭銜;而「花蓮理想大地渡假飯店」與「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭」依然屹立不搖,獲得5連霸的超狂紀錄!此外,「承億酒店」、「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭」和「七星潭水上明月海景渡假旅店」這3間飯店,更一舉奪下「最美飯店」與「最美房間」雙料獎項,堪稱是今年的最大贏家! (more…)
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ipapago · 6 days
中秋節除了吃月餅,還要應景吃柚子,每到中秋節前後也是柚子的產季,因為「柚」與「佑」諧音,含有吉祥之意也是希望月亮護佑的意思,文旦柚除了生食外,不僅果皮可提煉精油,皮囊能夠製作為柚子糖,果肉還可製成柚子醋、柚子果醬等,成長於花蓮縣玉里鎮、卓溪鄉、瑞穗鄉一帶的哇好柚,由於生長環境位在中央山脈的東側,吸收充份的日光,氣候溫暖,因此果實帶有淡淡的柚子香氣,果肉的酸甜比例也恰到好處,襯托出香甜獨特口感   文旦柚幾乎全國皆有種植,全台以台南麻豆、雲林斗六、花蓮鶴岡等地最為集中,盛產期約落於8~10月,花蓮文旦大多為樹齡二十年以上的果實,老樹充分吸收花蓮純淨水質與健康土壤中的養分,果實飽滿沈甸,且果形略呈三角型,果肉細緻多汁,是文旦中的極品   成長於花蓮縣玉里鎮、卓溪鄉、瑞穗鄉一帶的哇好柚,產區位在中央山脈東側的花蓮縱谷區,這邊氣候溫暖、日照充足、土質偏黏、山坡地排水良好,非常合適文旦樹的生長…
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