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torahoes · 3 months ago
(IDOLiSH7) Aoku (蒼く) - Haruka Isumi & Torao Mido [English Translation]
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Link to my Twitter post with the color-coded lyrics
始まりはいつでも突然だけど Hajimari wa itsudemo totsuzen dakedo The beginning is always abrupt, but
新しい季節には胸が躍る Atarashii kisetsu ni wa mune ga odoru My heart flutters with the arrival of a new season
待ち侘びていたのかぼくはまるで Machiwabiteita no ka boku wa marude Had I been waiting for it all this time?
水を得たように呼吸をしていた Mizu o eta you ni kokyuu o shite ita I was breathing like a fish that’s found water
(あてもなく) ゆらゆらと (Atemo naku) Yurayura to (Aimlessly) Swaying, gently
(とめどなく) 漂って (Tomedo naku) Tadayotte (Endlessly) Drifting along
(目を開ければ) 辿り着く紺碧の空 (Me o akereba) Tadoritsuku konpeki no sora (When I open my eyes) I’ll reach the deep blue sky
希望とか夢とか知らないけど Kibou to ka yume to ka shiranai kedo I’m not sure about my hopes or dreams,
未来がもしあるのなら今 Mirai ga moshi aru no nara ima But if there really is a future, it’s now
蒼く染まれ突き抜けるま��� Aoku somare tsukinukeru made Get dyed in blue, until you break through
独りきりの夜を裂いて Hitorikiri no yoru o saite Slicing through the solitude of the night,
果てのまだ向こうへ Hate no mada mukou e Toward what lies beyond the end
甘い毒を携えたまま握り締めた Amai doku o tazusaeta mama nigirishimeta I clutched the sweet poison I still carry tightly
ぼくの手には守るべき世界が今はあるから Boku no te ni wa mamoru beki sekai ga ima wa arukara In my hands, I now have a world I must protect
浮かんでは消えゆく光の中 Ukande wa kieyuku hikari no naka Amidst lights that emerge and fade,
捕まえた言葉たち胸に宿る Tsukamaeta kotobatachi mune ni yadoru The words I caught now dwell in my heart
忘れないでいたのか Wasurenai de ita no ka Had I managed to not forget them?
それともただ忘れられずにここまで来たのか Soretomo tada wasurerarezu ni koko made kita no ka Or did I simply make it this far, unable to forget them?
蒼く染まれ突き抜けるまで Aoku somare tsukinukeru made Get dyed in blue, until you break through
振り返ってる暇はないぜ Furikaetteru hima wa naize There’s no time to look back now
時はただ彼方へ Toki wa tada kanata e Time just keeps moving onward
甘い毒に蝕まれてた遠い夢に Amai doku ni mushibamareteta toui yume ni The distant dreams that were tainted by the sweet poison —
別れ告げて新しいメロディーをきみと歌うから Wakare tsugete atarashii merodii o kimi to utau kara I’ll bid them farewell, and sing a new melody with you
聴こえるかどこまでも響き合う Kikoeru ka doko made mo hibiki au Can you hear it? It resonates endlessly
(ただ自由に) ゆらゆらと (Tada jiyuu ni) Yurayura to (Just freely) Swaying, gently
(ただ自由に) 漂って (Tada jiyuu ni) Tadayotte (Just freely) Drifting along
(目を開ければ) 辿り着いた紺碧の空 (Me o akereba) Tadoritsuita konpeki no sora (When I opened my eyes) I had reached the deep blue sky
(そのブルーの) 真ん中で (Sono buruu no) Mannaka de (In that blue) Right in the center
(ただブルーに) 溶けるように (Tada buruu ni) tokeru you ni (Just in the blue) As if melting into it
(目を閉じても) 消えないだろう (Me o tojitemo) Kienai darou (Even if I close my eyes) I’m sure it won’t disappear
希望とか夢とか要らないのさ Kibou to ka yume to ka iranaino sa I don’t need any hopes or dreams,
目の前に広がるのはああ Me no mae ni hirogaru no wa aa What unfolds before my eyes is, ah
蒼く染まれ突き抜けるまで Aoku somare tsukinukeru made Get dyed in blue, until you break through
独りきりの夜を裂いて Hitorikiri no yoru o saite Slicing through the solitude of the night,
果てのまだ向こうへ Hate no mada mukou e Toward what lies beyond the end
甘い毒を味方に付けたぼくの声は Amai doku o mikata ni tsuketa boku no koe wa My voice, now united with the sweet poison,
きみと混ざり明日へと響く Kimi to mazari ashita e to hibiku Merges with yours and echoes into tomorrow
蒼く染まれ突き抜けるまで Aoku somare tsukinukeru made Get dyed in blue, until you break through
辿り着いたぼくの手には Tadoritsuita boku no te ni wa In my hands, at the end of my journey,
守るべき世界ときみが居るから Mamoru beki sekai to kimi ga iru kara I have a world I must protect, as well as you
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someonelol1872 · 9 months ago
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜, ''𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬''⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊... 真夜中のドアをたたき 帰らないでと泣いた あの季節が 今 目の前 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊... 口ぐせを言いながら 二人の瞬間を抱いて まだ忘れず 大事にしていた -Miki Matsubara, Stay With Me ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Isaac stood in the kitchen, surrounded by an array of colorful ingredients and exotic spices, each contributing to a symphony of aromas that filled the air with anticipation. He was meticulously preparing a selection of traditional Japanese dishes, and the enticing scents of simmering broths and sizzling vegetables created a tantalizing atmosphere. The thought that his mother had likely taught him these recipes melted your heart, filling you with warmth and admiration.
Catching your eye with a brief, warm smile, Isaac's voice resonated with calm excitement. "Almost ready," he said, his eyes steady and focused. "I can't wait for you to try these."
You returned his smile, feeling a flutter of anticipation in your chest. "Everything smells amazing," you replied, stepping closer to the counter where he was working.
Isaac finished plating the dishes with careful precision. He then reached into a drawer and retrieved a pair of elegant chopsticks, handing them to you with a gentle gesture. You took them hesitantly, your fingers fumbling slightly as you tried to hold them correctly.
Noticing your uncertainty, Isaac stepped closer, his eyes softening with understanding. "Do you know how to use these?" he asked quietly, his voice a tender whisper.
You blushed, looking down at the chopsticks in your hand. "Not really," you admitted shyly. "I've never been able to get the hang of it."
Isaac's smile widened slightly, a subtle yet playful glint in his soft brown eyes. "Let me show you," he said, reaching out to take your hand. Positioning himself behind you, his body radiated warmth and a sense of calm, making you feel enveloped in his presence.
Gently, he wrapped his hand around yours, guiding your fingers into the correct position on the chopsticks. His touch was firm yet tender, his movements patient as he demonstrated the technique. "Just like this," he murmured, his breath brushing against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
Your heart raced, a blend of nervousness and excitement bubbling inside you. Isaac's presence was comforting, his touch reassuring as he guided your hand. Slowly, you began to mimic his movements, the chopsticks starting to feel more natural in your grip.
"See? You've got it," Isaac whispered, his lips close to your ear. His voice was a soothing balm, filled with affection and encouragement.
You turned your head slightly, catching his gaze. "Thank you," you said softly, your voice imbued with gratitude and a hint of lingering shyness.
Isaac's eyes held yours, a tender expression illuminating their depths. "Anything for you," he replied, his voice a gentle caress that wrapped around your heart.
Leaning back slightly, you felt the solid comfort of his body behind you. With newfound confidence, you picked up a piece of sushi using the chopsticks, holding it up triumphantly. Isaac's smile broadened, his pride evident in his eyes.
As you tasted the sushi, the flavors burst in your mouth, a delightful explosion of taste that mirrored the emotions swirling in your heart. Isaac's hands still rested lightly on yours, his touch a constant reminder of his support and care.
In that moment, surrounded by the rich scents of the kitchen and the warmth of Isaac's embrace, you felt an overwhelming surge of affection for him. Turning your head, you kissed him softly, your lips conveying all the emotions words could not.
Isaac responded with equal tenderness, his hand gently cupping your face as he deepened the kiss. When you finally pulled away, you both wore matching smiles, your hearts beating in perfect harmony.
"Let's eat," Isaac said softly, his eyes twinkling with love and joy as you shared the meal he had so lovingly prepared, a meal his mother would have been proud of. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
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escelymir · 2 years ago
Ten songs on repeat
Got tagged by @katsigian to share ten songs from my On Repeat playlist. Thanks (♡-_-♡)
I use mostly YouTube and one old ass player for songs from VK bc you just won't find some covers and some no-name shit anywhere else. And I like my no-name shit.
My On Repeat stuff:
øneheart x reidenshi - snowfall (slowed) (1 hour loop)
HOME - Resonance 1 HOUR (slowed + reverb)
真夜中のドア (Mayonaka No Door) - Stay With Me
Mr. Kitty - After Dark
Shake It Off (Kanye's version)
踊り子 / Vaundy
Мельница - Обряд
Patrick Watson - Good Morning Mr. Wolf
Claire Laffut - Vérité
I don't have a specific favourite genre, but recently got into mostly calm songs. And "2 hour sigma tiktok phonk playlist" stuff, but it's not in my most repeated.
@juststayquiete @bnbc @milkspilled @wanderingaldecaldo @dreamskug @cyberneutral @cyberpunkaddict
Do it. Or don't.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year ago
Hatsuki Yura/ Koisuru Marionette/Marionette longing for love
月よ どうか見つめていて 壊れそうなルビーの鼓動 細い糸 体が軋みだす 金の瞳 恋するマリオネット
Oh Moon, please look at me
My throbbing heart of ruby is about to break
The thin thread have began to creak
Those belong to a golden eyed Marionette in love
どうか思う儘 操って粉々にして 夜に揺れる汚れた私を罰して欲しい
Please manipulate me as your heart pleases
In the night, my corruption makes me shake, so please offer me punishement
美しい瞳だと 囁く儀式の中を 狂乱に更けながら 抉り出すから飲み干して
Under your beautiful eyes, we peform this ritual as whisper arose
In complete state of frenzy
I started digging out and swallowing
真実を失ったその時 意識の先で聞こえる悲鳴 暖かい錆びた味 絡める 銀の��イフ 夢繰るマリオネット
The moment I lost the truth
I heard as scream at the tip of my conciousness
The silver knife has a warm and rusty taste
Making the Marionette dream
誰か触れてみて 裂けた傷と小さな悲鳴 永久の誓いを起てたら 響く裏切りの鐘
As I touch this person, I feel their wound torn and he lets escape a small scream
As we make this everlasting oath, I can hear the bells of treachery resonating
優しい言葉だけを信じた少女 罪を呼び 魂砕く痛み 肌に刻んで 罰を知る
The girl believed in the kind words that are calling for sins
The soul-crushing pain engraved into my skin is my punishement, I know it
白い壁 行き交う蟲達が 歪んだ現実 嘲笑う 時を告ぐ発条仕掛けの蝶 黒い微笑 朽ち落つマリオネット
Insects come and goes from the white wall
A distorted reality is laughing at me
A spring loaded butterfly is accouncing time to
Decaying Marionette with a dark smile
切先で撫でる白い肌に 紅の雫 糸の様 暖かい錆びた味 心が破壊される前に 嗚呼、抱き締めて
From the cut white skin that I caress
Escapes crimson drops that looks like a thread
With a warm and rusty flavor
Ah, please before my heart is detroyed, take me in your arms
真実を失ったその時 意識の先で聞こえる悲鳴 歪む夜 体が軋みだす 金の瞳 恋するマリオネット
The moment I lost the truth
I heard as scream at the tip of my conciousness
In the twisted night, my body began to creaks
I am the golden eyed Marionette in love
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dailyexo · 4 years ago
[TRANSLATION] EXO - 210828 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “’EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -‘ Event! Let’s relive the fond memories from EXO’s concerts! Saitama edition!” (”『EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -』開催記念! EXOライブの想い出を振り返ろう!埼玉編”)
"『EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -』、今日から2日間は埼玉県越谷サンシティホールでの公演��す。 外は暑いですが、みなさん負けないくらいに熱く盛り上がっていきましょう!
Translation: "The two 'EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -' screenings at Sun City Koshigaya City Hall have begun. It's pretty hot outside, but not hotter than the burning passion of EXO-L!
For the blog today we're going to talk a bit about what goes on during the sound and lighting checks before the concerts! EXO toured all over Japan so it was paramount that everyone on the team coordinated together at each venue.^^"
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Translation: "In order to make sure the concert would run smoothly, there were a number of things the staff had to check beforehand. One of the things they checked was the laser machine, in order ensure that the light scattered evenly around the venue. They also checked that the lighting equipment moved according to directions. Another important piece of equipment they had to check was the sound system, so that everyone in the venue would be able to hear the show and the resonance throughout the venue was perfect!"
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"会場の広さや客席の高さによって微妙に変わる音の聞こえ方も調整しているんです♪ みなさんも、大迫力のサウンドを照明やレーザーの演出と一緒にぜひ体感してくださいね!^^
そして、『EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -』の開催を記念しお届けしている「EXOライブの想い出を振り返ろう!」企画!今回は、本日公演が行われている埼玉編をお届けします!
埼玉県では、2018年1月27~28日に『EXO PLANET #4 – The EℓyXiOn – in JAPAN』さいたまスーパーアリーナ公演が開催されました。
Translation: "This venue was quite large and had a lot of seats that were higher up. Even the slightest change in speaker position or volume could impact the quality of the whole show!♪ With the sound and lasers set, we hoped everyone can feel the impressiveness of EXO’s performance with all their senses! ^^
Next on our list, some may remember we started this project with the first screening of 'EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -'! For today’s installment of 'Let’s relive the fond memories from EXO’s concerts! ' we will be covering EXO’s Saitama concerts!
The last time EXO was in Saitama was on 27-28 January 2018. They were here for their tour 'EXO PLANET #4 – The EℓyXiOn – in JAPAN'.
Fans may remember that during Suho's ment he said that the concept of the tour was 'Paradise'. He stated, 'We hope that fans can enjoy our performance and witness paradise for themselves!'. EXO took the stage that day and gave their best performance as if they were opening a new door. All eyes were on them as the atmosphere changed and tensions rose higher throughout the arena!
The curtain was lifted and in the blink of an eye suddenly a bar interior appeared on stage with a starry backdrop! ☆"
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"このシーンでは、バーでの時間を楽しむメンバーたちが『CALL ME BABY』をスタイリッシュなかっこいいパフォーマンスで決めると、チャンヨルのピアノ伴奏に合わせてD.O.が『For Life』をしっとりと歌い上げ、スホも『PLAYBOY』をセクシーなパフォーマンスで披露し、会場のみなさんを魅了しました。"
Translation: "The members sang 'Call Me Baby' in suits for an upbeat and cool performance. The lights then dimmed and Chanyeol accompanied D.O. on piano for a special version of 'For Life'. After that, Suho took the stage for a sexy performance of 'Playboy', showing off his charms to the crowd."
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Translation: "Next up was EXO-CBX with 'Ka-CHING!' The rest of the members also joined the sub-unit on stage, causing all sort of chaos in the process!^^ The performance was anything but ordinary as the other members danced and fooled around with CBX. You guys remember that day, right?♪"
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"またこの日は、アルバム『COUNTDOWN』から『Cosmic Railway』を初披露♪ MCで「EXOの気持ちをみなさんに伝えたい」とベクヒョンが話していたように、EXO-Lのみなさんへの気持ちを歌に込めて届け、みなさんとEXOの心が通じあったライブになりました。
そして、ステージでも見せていた、とても仲のいいわちゃわちゃとした盛り上がりは、この日のステージ裏でも! オフィシャルブック『PLANET #8』でもその様子をお届けしましたが、この日のステージ裏にはプリントシール機を設置。ライブ前のメンバーたちは、プリントシール機を見つけると次々に集合して大笑いしながら楽しそうに撮影していました(笑) オフィシャルブックではお見せしきれなかったその時の様子をお届けします!"
Translation: "The following day, the group performed 'Cosmic Railway' for the first time, a song from their album 'Countdown'. ♪ During the ment, Baekhyun described his impression of the song as, 'A song to convey EXO’s feelings to EXO-L'. The group performed with all their hearts, sending their feelings through their voices.
As we are sure everyone could see, the members were having a lot of fun on stage, but what happened backstage? Let’s take a look! Many fans will remember seeing the members enjoying the photo booth in the Official EXO fanclub members' magazine 'PLANET #8'. Right before the performance the members took turns in the photo booth laughing and taking pictures (hehe). We'll share here some content that did not make it into that magazine!"
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"メイクアップ機能を駆使しながら撮影していたベクヒョン、D.O.、チェン、セフンの4人^^ 「みんなちゃんと写ってる?」"
Translation: "Baekhyun, D.O., Chen and Sehun had a blast playing around with the make-up filters in the booth.^^ 'Did we capture our good side?'"
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Translation: "Suho and Xiumin make a cuuute pose!♡"
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Translation: "Chanyeol and Kai strike a cool pose despite having to awkwardly bend down to make sure they both fit in the picture!!"
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「EXOライブの想い出を振り返ろう!」企画!では今後もライブでのエピソードをお届けしていきますのでお楽しみに✩ そして、『EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -』は中盤に差しかかったところ! みなさん、後半も楽しんでいきましょう^^"
Translation: "After the mini-photoshoot the members looked at their photos and said things like, 'Our eyes are HUGE! (hehe)' and 'The stickers are sooo cute!'!^^ You'll find the rest of photos in the Official EXO fanclub members' magazine 'PLANET #8'!"
Well that wraps up this edition of 'Let’s relive the fond memories from EXO’s concerts!' and there is more to come in the future so look forward to it!✩
We are halfway done with the 'EXO FILMLIVE JAPAN TOUR - EXO PLANET 2021 -'! Let’s make the second half just as enjoyable as the first! Until next time! ^^"
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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ia-project · 5 years ago
【IA 最新リリースINFO】本日3/18(水)より IA「MUSICAL & LIVE SHOW "ARIA" ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK」がCD & デジタル(ダウンロード/サブスクリプション)でリリース開始!!
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“ARIA”を紐解く、新曲ボーカルトラック5曲(新曲10曲)を含む全21曲収録! 音楽アートとテクノロジーをクロスオーバーさせた、五感で体験する新しいスタイルのライブエンタテインメントショーとして展開する『ARIA』の世界観を充分にお楽しみいただけるサウンドトラックが本日3/18(水)HACHIMAKI SHOP、各音楽配信サイトで販売スタート!!
リリース記念として各CD・配信販売サイトで購入者特典もあるので、コチラもどうぞお見逃しなく! ※それぞれ特典対象・内容・期間が異なりますので、ご注意下さい。
(CD販売サイト HACHIMAKI SHOP) 3/18(水)発売「MUSICAL & LIVE SHOW "ARIA" ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK」¥3,500を含む、IA、ONE商品を¥5,000以上を同時購入された方を対象に先着で特製カレンダーをプレゼント!
【補足事項】 ・特典カレンダーは先着となり、無くなり次第特典及び、キャンペーン終了となります。 ・「ARIA ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK」¥3,500を同時購入されていない場合はキャンペーン対象にはなりません。 ・特典対象となるキャンペーンは3/31(火)で終了となります。 詳細・購入はコチラ : https://hachimaki-goodsshop.jp/page/index/155
(音楽配信サイトmora) 特典内容: ARIA特製グッズセット (抽選5名様) セット内容 : 特製不織布バック + IA[ARIA]アクリルキーホルダー5種セット 特典応募期間: 3/18(水)~3/24(火)23:59〆切 特典応募方法 : 3/18(水)配信 IA「MUSICAL & LIVE SHOW "ARIA" ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK」をAAC(通常音源) or ハイレゾ、まとめ購入/収録曲の単曲購入頂いた方を対象に指定フォームより応募可能。 詳細・ダウンロード購入はコチラ : https://mora.jp/artist/937819/
(音楽配信サイトanimelo mix) 特典内容 : ジャケット写真仕様のオリジナル缶バッチ&オリジナルデザイン待受画像 (DL全員プレゼント) 特典対象期間: 3/18(水)~3/31(火)23:59〆切 特典応募方法 : 3/18(水)配信 IA「MUSICAL & LIVE SHOW "ARIA" ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK」をシングル(単曲) or アルバム購入頂いた方を対象に上記animelo mix特典を全員プレゼント!! ※待受画像は対象期間問わず、永続DL特典となります。 詳細・ダウンロード購入はコチラ : https://pc.animelo.jp/portals/album/70268836
その他、LINE MUSIC / Apple Music / Spotify / AWA / KKBOX等のサブスクリプションサービスでも本日より楽曲配信中!!
【作品概要】 アーティスト名 : IA タイトル名 : MUSICAL & LIVE SHOW "ARIA" ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK (全21曲収録) CD価格 : ¥3,500(税抜)
<収録曲> 1. Introduction ~Planet ARIA~ 2. ARIA's Breath 3. Dawn of the Planet ARIA 4. HAVE FUN! 5. Discord 6. The national anthem of ARIA 7. One Heart 8. Resonance World ~Inner Journey~ 9. LIFE LOVE PEACE 10. PARTY A GO-GO 11. Conqueror 12. 絶対領域 13. ホロンボット feat. IA  (ARIA Ver.)   14. Reload 15.夜咄ディセイブ -TeddyLoid Hopping Remix- 16. てるみい  (Live Ver.) 17. Euphoria  (Live Ver.) 18. Resonance World 19. The Eternity And More 20. Higher 21. ARIA ON THE PLANETES ~Best wishes for you~
【備考】 ※ M2-8, 10, 19, 21 新曲Track ※ M4, 7, 9, 11-21 歌唱Track
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dialoversotaka · 6 years ago
【Diabolik Lovers】lyrics:「BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-」
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Helloooooo everyone (srry about that awkwardness, but yk me), I’m back! Wow, it’s been a while since i posted something at all good, but don’t worry, i’m bringing good stuff today! I’m sure you guys know the new dialovers game, Chaos Lineage, that came out and since noone translated the OP yet, i thought maybe I could (I want to do the ED as well, but I still didn’t find the kanji… if you find it, send me if you want, i’d be happy!) so I hope you like it! I found the kanji in a youtube video (1st comment). Please tell me if you see any mistakes (which there probably will be cuz i had a bit of a hard time translating this song…) and enjoy!
Sakamaki Ayato (逆巻 アヤト) - Midorikawa Hiakru (緑川 光)
Sakamaki Shuu (逆巻 シュウ) - Toriumi Kosuke (鳥海 浩輔)
Mukami Kou (無神コウ) - Kimura Ryouhei (木村 良平)
Everyone (皆) -  Ayato + Shuu + Kou (ア +  シ + コ)
ア: 黒 から、白 白 から黒 
シ: 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜 (よ)  
コ: 濡 れてる肌、 紅く染めて
ア: 惡意が共鳴 (ハウ)る, 
ア: 死んでいる仮説の羅列たち 血が呼び覚ます、新しいDays 、今 君の運命、至高!
シ: 病んでいる殺意の夜明けなら 目を閉じるなよ、すぐに見せるさ、ねぇ 悦びあえば、嗜好! 
コ: 重ねてる手は 神様の悪戯? 導かれてく ありのまま Eve 
ア: 喉元に 光る Proof、 刻まれたトラウマに
シ: 酔いしれよう 僕は 覚醒する 
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
コ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 真夜中の遺言(テスタメント) 惑わされていく 
コ: すべて曝(さら)け出す、 君とね? 
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
コ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 有耶無耶な遺言(テスタメント) 息を吹き返せ 
コ: ありとあらゆる痛みの果て 
ア: 何色にも 染まれるはず 
シ: 君の覚悟 ���めている
コ: 黒から白 白から黒
ア: 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜(よ)
シ: 濡れてる肌、 紅く染めて 
コ: 惡意が共鳴(ハウ)る、 
シ: 剥き身の魂に触れるほど 震えるほどの 禁断の蜜、 そう 怯えた顔の向こう 
コ: 澄んでいる 決意の裏側に 滲みはじめた、 アイツの姿、 もぅ どんな薬も無効
ア: 揺れ動いてる 想いの昏さなら 受け止めてやる 願わくば, さあ 
シ: 誰ひとり 知らない愛、 見せてくれればいいさ 
コ: 涙の先 君は 手にするのさ 
皆: 愛を試される
ア: (祈りを捨てて) 
皆: 致死量のOperation 朧げな月に 
ア: 身を投げ出している真実
皆: 愛を試される
ア: (瞳の奥へ)
皆: 加速するOperation 息を吹き返せ ありとあらゆる痛みの果て
ア: 最後の声、 ふたり 縋(すが)る夜は───······
コ: 愛と呼べるかは
シ: (答えはないさ)
コ: 真夜中の遺言(テスタメント)
ア: 惑わされていく すべて曝(さら)け出す、 君とね?
皆: 愛と呼べるかは 
シ: (答えはないさ) 
皆: 有耶無耶な遺言(テスタメント) 息を吹き返せ ありとあらゆる痛みの果て 
シ: 何色にも 染まれるはず 
コ: 君の覚悟 求めている 
ア: 黒から白 白から黒 目まぐるしく、 入れ替わる夜(よ)
皆: 濡れてる肌、 紅く染めて 惡意が共鳴(ハウ)る、Reverberation!
A: Kuro kara shiro, shiro kara kuro 
S: memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
K: nure teru hada, akaku somete 
A: akui ga hauru, 
ALL: Reverberation! 
A: Shindeiru kasetsu no raretsu-tachi chi ga yobisamasu, atarashī deizu, ima kimi no unmei, shikō!
S: Yandeiru satsui no yoake nara me wo tojiru na yo, sugu ni miseru sa, nee yorokobi aeba, shikō! 
K: Kasaneteru te wa kamisama no itazura? michibikareteku arinomama Eve
A: nodomoto ni hikaru purūfu, kizamareta torauma ni 
S: yoishireyou boku wa kakusei suru 
ALL: ai to yoberu ka wa 
K: (kotae wa nai sa)
ALL: mayonaka no tesutamento madowasarete iku 
K: subete sara ke dasu, kimi to ne? 
ALL: Ai to yoberu ka wa 
K: (kotae wa nai sa)
ALL; uyamuyana (tesutamento) iki o fukikaese
K: aritoarayuru itami no hate 
A: naniiro ni mo shima reru hazu 
S: kimi no kakugo motomete iru 
K: kuro kara shiro, shiro kara kuro 
A: memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
S: nure teru hada, akaku somete 
K: akui ga hauru, 
ALL: Reverberation!
S: mukimi no tamashī ni fureru hodo furueru hodo no kindan no mitsu, sō obieta kao no muko
K: sunde iru ketsui no uragawa ni nijimi hajimeta, aitsu no sugata, mou don'na kusuri mo mukō
A: yureugoiteru omoi no kurasa nara uketomete yaru negawakuba, saa
S: dare hitori shiranai ai, misete kurereba ii sa 
K: namida no saki kimi wa te ni suru no sa 
ALL: ai o tamesa reru
A: (inori o sutete)
ALL: chishi-ryō no Operation oboroge na tsuki ni 
A: mi o nagedashite iru shinjitsu 
ALL: ai o tamesareru 
A: (hitomi no oku e)
ALL: kasoku suru Operation iki o fukikaese aritoarayuru itami no hate
A: saigo no koe, futari sugaru yoru wa - …
K: ai to yoberu ka wa 
S: (kotae wa nai sa) 
K: mayonaka no tesutamento
A: madowasarete iku subete sarake dasu, kimi to ne? 
ALL: Ai to yoberu ka wa
S: (kotae wa nai sa) 
ALL: uyamuya na tesutamento iki o fukikaese aritoarayuru itami no hate 
S: naniiro ni mo shimareru hazu 
K: kimi no kakugo motomete iru 
A: kuro kara shiro shiro kara kuro memagurushiku, irekawaru yo
ALL: nure teru hada, akaku somete akui ga hauru, reverberation!
A: From black to white, from white to black
S: This night, hectically changing
K: Wet skin, dyed with red 
A: Malice resonates,
ALL: Reverberation!
A: The blood of countless dead hypotheses is awakening new days, now take power over your destiny! 
S: If it’s the dawn of the sick intent to kill, don’t close your eyes and soon show it to me, if you’re delighted, taste it!
K: Is this overlapped hand a trick from God? Leading me as it is towards Eve
A: The trauma carved in your throat is the shining proof
S: I’ll awaken by getting drunk
ALL: Can I call it love?
K: (There’s no answer)
ALL: Midnight’s testament is misleading
K: Can I expose everything with you?
ALL: Can I call it love?
K: (There’s no answer)
ALL: This vague testament will revive your breath,
K: The limit of every single pain
A: What colour should it be dyed with?
S: Demanding for your readiness
K: From black to white, from white to black
A: This night, hectically changing
S: Wet skin dyed with red
K: Malice resonates,
ALL: Reverberation!
S: The forbidden honey that shakes the soul just by touching it, beyond your scared face
K: That figure started to spread on the other side of the clear resolution, no remedy works anymore
A: If you’re shaking because of this thought’s darkness, I wish you could accept it, come on
S: Show me the love that no one knows
K: You hold your tears’ end in your hands
ALL: To test love
A: (Throw away your prayers)
ALL: A lethal operation in the dim moon
A: The reality of throwing away my body 
ALL: To test love
A: (In the depth of your eyes)
ALL: An accelerating operation that will revive your breath, end every single pain
A: The last voice, the night we both cling to - …
K: Can I call it love?
S: (There’s no answer)
K: Midnight’s testament
A: Is misleading, can I expose everything with you? 
ALL: Can I call it love?
S: (There’s no answer) 
ALL: This vague testament will revive your breath, the limit of every single pain 
S: What colour should it be dyed with?
K: Demanding for you readiness
A: From black to white, from white to black
ALL: This hectically changing night, wet skin, dyed with red, malice resonates, reverberation!
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gentleslopehillsplanet · 6 months ago
1.來瀬うか「sparklers methor shower」
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來瀬うか「sparklers methor shower」 Produced / Written / Designed by 來瀬うか(https://x.com/raise_20xx)
2024.9.18 G.Slope & Hill's Planet
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1-mini-1 · 6 years ago
After the Rain- “A Thousand Leagues of Dreams and Cocoons” (Senri no Yume to Mayu/千里の夢と繭) English Lyrics
The whole time I was translating this I just kept thinking of Soraru stuck in a cocoon. Also I included translator notes in this one so please read them!
Song: Soraru
Lyrics and Composition: Mafumafu
Swinging and swaying from your love
A thousand swinging leagues in a cocoon
望まない幸せに 名も知らぬ夢は消えた 罪作りな愛と知らずとも 確かに脈打つ心だ
To unwanted happiness, a nameless dream disappeared
Along without knowing a sinful love, the heart was certainly beating
The light swinging in the twilight and waves
Like a gem that looks like a glass marble
It will never know what it’s like to be colorful
ただ掛け違うだけの愛と 取りこぼすほどの願いと 貴方がくれた唯一で心臓が止まない
With just a misplaced love
And a wish for it to disappear just as fast as it came1
The only heart you gave me won’t stop
一度だけでも 今日だけでも 抱きしめられたい
Even just one time, even just today
I want to be held by you
ゆらゆらり繭籠もり 遠く手招くお月様 名乗れないボクの夢 真っ白に咲いたボクの夢
Swinging and swaying, hidden away in a cocoon
The faraway beckoning of the moon
My dream without a name
My dream blooming in pure white
待ちぼうけ越しの行く宛は 果ての果ての夜の果てで ゆらゆらと貴方を待とう 何時何時何時迄も
After waiting in vain, the place I need to go is
At the end of the end, the end of the night
Swinging and swaying, I think I’ll wait for you
Forever and ever for all eternity
ゆらりゆらり絆されて 故意か愛かに閉ざされるだけ
Swinging and swaying from your love
Only locked away, either on purpose or from love
手折られた明日と邂逅 小さく響くすすり泣き 救われぬボクの夢 紡いだ糸はボクの夢
The tomorrow I plucked away and a chance meeting
My small resonating sobs
My dream without hope of salvation
My dream is a spun thread
待ちぼうけ越しの行く先は 果ての果ての夜の果てで 閉ざされた千里先
After waiting in vain, the destination is
At the end of the end, the end of the night
Beyond a thousand leagues locked away
貴方のことを待とう千切れぬ繭の中 何時何時何時迄も
I think I’ll wait for you in the middle of an unbroken cocoon
Forever and ever for all eternity
Translator notes:
1: かけ違う and 取りこぼす- Ok tbh I had no idea how to translate this play on words. So “kakechigau” usually just translates to wrong, but the meaning of “kake” by itself means a “bet/gamble” or “money owed”. “Torikobosu” means “losing an easy game”. So in these two lines Mafumafu is saying that not only is the love wrong, but it’s like he was placing a bet on it and he’s bet on it so much that by this point he wishes that he’ll lose the bet already (also if I’m completely wrong please correct me cries).
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studiotky · 2 years ago
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2023年のDJ TKY MIX 第2弾 SPECIAL J-POP MIX 新時代の怪物
■ Tracklist -----------------------------------
私は最強 (ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED) / Ado 青と夏 / Mrs. Green Apple 君と癖 / yutori seeker / Novelbright Walking with you / Novelbright 夢喰 / Tani Yuuki うっせぇわ / Ado 新時代 (ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED) / Ado 電光石火ジェラシー / MOSHIMO Resonance / 藍井エイル SPARK-AGAIN / Aimer 残響散歌 / Aimer 怪物 / YOASOBI あるいは映画のような / yama 命短し恋せよ乙女 / MOSHIMO アイウエ (feat. 美波 & SAKURAmoti) / MAISONdes 夏嵐 / ジェニーハイ CLAP CLAP / NiziU Till the End / ReoNa Scar/let / ReoNa 低血ボルト / ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 廻廻奇譚 / Eve あの夢をなぞって / YOASOBI ガムシャラ / みゆな 本当は夜の端まで、 (feat. おおお & くじら) / MAISONdes グルグル / みゆな life hack / Vaundy Grumpy (feat. 春野 & Aqu3ra) / MAISONdes Chocolate / ちゃんみな 思い出は奇麗で / Aimer Walkin' In My Lane / milet ECHO / Little Glee Monster
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kido-teiraa · 6 years ago
T.M. Revolution - Salvage (ENG/JPN/ROMAJI)
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i wish i had more ero pics of takanori also i die DAICHAN MAKES GOOD DUBSTEP
bless the anon at yahoo jpn answers for a transcript of the thing taka said at the middle
Lyrics: Akio Inoue Producer: Daisuke Asakura   
English: Within that deep place, our fingers touched... Before your eyes, the door closes, and the illusions starts to trip up, Something dangerous is about to happen, your body told me so.
It’s a secret, that you’re quietly breaking from just a kiss, In that deep place, I’ll be honest with you.
That loneliness always doesn't need trust, Why is it that, the moment we embrace, you suddenly disappear.  I let go of your hand, as you sink down, but I'm still attracted to you, I'll make sure you'll accept love. 
As our veins come together, it becomes a closed promise, The one who has blue running in their veins, is this body. 
I hear the requiem, and it resonates fittingly.  I want to know wherever you came from. 
Searchin' wait a minute, you realized it shortly and refuse to come, Softly starting, the night pauses and probes around, But then, you depended on that kind moonlight, Gazing at the outline of love 
Within the chaos, you can't hear the sound. You're the only one I will never let go. I forget about the cold sometimes, The hollowness, the shock, sways the silence. The pain gets closer, it really its red, that blue promise. You and I, this love that came suddenly, I want to know more about it…
Merely waiting for a moment, you realized it shortly and refuse to come, Softly starting, the night pauses and probes around, But then, you depended on that kind moonlight, Gazing at the outline of love  
Salvage… Salvage 
fukai basho ni yubisaki ga fureta...
me no mae de doa ga shimatta sakkaku ni ashi wo torareta ayausa ga hajimaru kehai  karada kara oshieteru
kowareyasui himitsu ni naru kuchizuketa dake de fukai basho ni choukusetsu ni fureru
zutto shinjiatte irarenai sonna sabishiisa naze toutotsu ni kiesatta dakishimeta toki shizunde yuku tebanasu mata hikitsukeru koi ga zettai wo mitomeru joumyaku wo kasane awaseru tojirareta yakusoku ni naru aoi mama nagareru mono ga kono uchi ni aru nante rekuiemu ga kikoete kuru fusawashiku hibiku kimi ga doko kara kita no ka shiritai
Searchin' chotto matte otte konai, kimi ni kizuite sotto shikakeru togireta yoru saguriate tada tayotta yasashii sono tsukiakari koi ga rinkaku mitsukeru
konton no sanaka, hiroenai oto boku wa kimi igai ushinatteinai tokidoki tenmetsu nanoni tsumetaku wasurete shinkuu to shuugeki to shizukani yurete setsuna sa no chikaku hontou wa akai yakusoku no aoi kimi ga boku ga ai ga doko kara kita no ka shiritai hon no chotto matte otte konai kimi ni kizuite sotto shikakeru togireta yoru saguriate tada tayotta yasashii sono tsukiakari koi ga rinkaku mitsukeru Salvage… salvage…
-- JPN: 深い場所に 指先が触れた… 目の前でドアが閉まった 錯覚に足を取られた 危うさが始まる気配 躰から教えてる 壊れやすい 秘密になる くちづけただけで 深い場所に 直截に触れる ずっと信じあっていられない そんな淋しさ 何故 唐突に消え去った 抱きしめた瞬間(とき) 沈んでゆく 手放す また惹きつける 恋が絶対を 認める 静脈を重ね合わせる 閉じられた約束になる 青いまま流れるものが この体内(うち)にあるなんて レクイエムが 聴こえてくる 相応しく響く 君が何処から来たのか 知りたい Searchin' ちょっと待って���って来ない君に気付いて そっと仕掛ける 途切れた夜 探りあて ただ頼った 優しいその月灯 恋が輪郭 見つける 混沌の最中 拾えない音 僕は 君以外 失っていない 時々点滅 なのに 冷たく忘れて 真空と 衝撃と 静かに揺れて
切なさの近く 本当は赤い 約束の青 君が 僕が 愛が どこから来たのか 知りたい ほんのちょっと待って 追って来ない君に気付いて そっと仕掛ける 途切れた夜 探りあて ただ頼った 優しいその月灯 恋が輪郭 見つける Salvage… Salvage…
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hamadaraka · 7 years ago
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EDENDORDORADO ― Resonance of Paradise― HAMADARAKA Friday, August 31 ‒ Thursday, November 15, 2018
Glimpses of a vibrant utopia between reality and dreams Active both in Japan and abroad, Tokyo-based twin artist duo HAMADARAKA holds their first-ever major solo exhibition that showcases a visual feast of mystical fauna and flora DIESEL ART GALLERY is pleased to present “EDENDORDORADO: Resonance of Paradise,” the first-ever major exhibition in Japan showcasing the works of twin artist duo HAMADARAKA, from Friday, August 31 through Thursday, November 15, 2018. HAMADARAKA creates work inspired by their senses, sampling elements from their everyday surroundings, such as dreams, the temperature, the humidity, enduring images in their minds and the resonance of words. 434Hz, the theme for their body of work, is a frequency, between the two significant frequencies 432Hz and 440Hz, that the duo resonated with in particular. The exhibition features an as-yet unseen new installation, comprised of some 30 paintings and a floating sculpture, depicting a paradise inhabited by fauna and flora that have been awakened by the vibrations of the 434Hz frequency.
Conjured through the duoʼs impeccable teamwork, the paradise is home to a plethora of strange and mystical creatures and vegetation: A dense and massive stand of plants appears like a hologram in the darkness, with the effects of light and water. A translucent-bodied creature races across in undulating curves. Another creature emits flashes of rainbow light like the Brocken specter, stimulated by sounds by turns explosive and still. Their intermingling seems at times joyous, at others frightening. What appears before us, at first, seems like a distant world of the imagination, yet each creature with their charming faces and dynamic poses somehow instills a sense of familiarity and affinity in the viewer. This paradise ‒ where night and day, the inner and outer worlds, this world and the afterlife, dreams and reality collide ‒ emerges from the tremors of its inhabitants, and through its many facets, questions who we really are and where we stand in this world. There will be exclusive products featuring HAMADARAKAʼs work available, including earrings, rings, and a range of fragrances. An artist talk will be held on Saturday, October 27 from 6 to 7 pm with guests, artists Keiji Ito and Kosuke Kawamura.
ARTIST STATEMENT: At midnight, the throat of every living thing drew tight, Snakes that licked dreams then came and grazed their rainbow-colored eardrums with their cheeks A banana, its thudding heart melting into liquid gold Footsteps of lightening that just entered the world A teal-skied afternoon buzzing with the hazy-yet-transparent sounds of bumblebees The scent of pineapples dancing atop scorching waters that burn to look at In the darkness, plants emit flickers of light like ringing in the ears Nearby, a creature with its coat of rainbow spirals boomed Its blood smiled at a flashing light resonating at the frequency of 434Hz EDENDORDORADO  EDENDORDORADO To our floating paradise
The theme for this body of work is “a paradise inhabited by fauna and flora awakened by sounds based on the 434 Hz frequency.” 434Hz is in between 432Hz, which is said to be in sync with our heartbeat, and  440Hz, the general tuning standard of which music based on its scale is said to induce feelings of excitement as well as aggression.
By shedding just a sliver of light, this paradise resounds like a piece of music (like awakening oneʼs dormant senses). Every sound, color and light is a living, breathing being, and the sounds they utter are the sounds of paradise ringing in our ears. We hope that they awaken something latent and subtle in everyone. HAMADARAKA (Eru and Emu Arizono)

DIESEL ART GALLERYでは、2018年8月31日(金)から11月15日(木)の会期で、双子のアートユニット、HAMADARAKA(ハマダラカ)の国内初大型個展「EDENDORDORADO(エデンドルドラド) ―楽園の物音―」を開催いたします。
二人が阿吽の呼吸で生み出すその「楽園」には、光や水の効果により、暗闇に浮かび上がるホログラムのように巨大な植物が茂り、透き通った体の生き物がうねるような曲線で走りぬけ��す。 また、爆音と静寂の旋律により、ブロッケン現象のように生き物が虹色の閃光を放ち、不思議で神秘的な「ものたち」が数多く生息します。
それらが嬉々として、また時におどろおどろしく交ざり合う姿は、一見すると遠い空想世界のようでありながら、しかし、個々の愛嬌のある表情や生き生きとしたポーズは、鑑賞者に不思議な親近感と既視感を与えます。 「ものたち」が発するノイズによって浮遊し、昼と夜、内と外、この世とあの世、夢と現実が混ざりあうその「楽園」は、「そもそも自分は何者であるのか、どこにいるべき存在なのか」という問いを、多角的な視点から私たちに投げかけています。
ARTIST STATEMENT 喉が寄り添った真夜中に 夢をなめたへびたちが 虹色の鼓膜に頬ずりをした 黄金色に溶けだした 揺れるミバショウ*の心音 浮化したばかりの雷の足音 碧い昼間に振動する マルハナバチたちの透明な羽音 瞼がやけどするほどの水面に 踊るアナナス**の香り 暗闇に耳鳴りのように点滅する植物たちを横目に 虹色の螺旋の毛並みを轟かせ 434Hzの閃光に 血管たちが微笑した  EDENDORDORADO  EDENDORDORADO わたしたちの浮遊する楽園へ *ミバショウ=バナナ  **アナナス=パイナップル 今回のテーマは、周波数「434Hz」の旋律により目覚めた生き物たちが織りなす「楽園」。 周波数「434Hz」は、私達人間の心臓に調和するとされている「432Hz」と、基本音とされているが人々を興奮させ、攻撃性を起こさせる音階とも言われている「440Hz」の間に存在します。 1mmの光をあてることで、眠っている感覚を呼び起こすかのように浮かび上がる旋律的な楽園。 すべての音、色、光は息する生き物であるように思います。その生き物たちが発する物音=いま私達に聴こえている“楽園の物音” が、たくさんの人の眠っている小さな何かを呼び起こすきっかけを創ることができたら嬉しいです。 (HAMADARAKA 有園絵瑠,絵夢)
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bts-trans · 7 years ago
[JPN/ENG LYRICS] Crystal Snow by BTS
雪積もるように 確かめているよ 君がくれたもの 生きてく勇気
あらゆる時間 越えて出逢ったんだ それで How do we do? 果たせる? この不確か状態 Love
思ったより 世界は早くて How we gonna change it? We don’t know yet でもきっと・・・
(Eh) 愛、僕らの胸に uh yeah (Eh) Slowly響きだして
君を抱き締めたい 消えてしまう前に もう一度 Ah どこまでも 舞い上がる Crystal ねぇ何もいらないから もう少しだけ 感じてたい Can I touch your heart? 触れたくても すり抜けていく Oh Someday… Someday…
小さな���顔が なぜか苦しい How can I be closer uh… この想いは何故 答えが出ない
How I am gonna find it? どうやって? Oh let me know
曖昧な形ばかり Crystal Snow 報われない Story なんて もうムリ Eh この手で変えてみせるのに
(Eh) Surely 誓えるのに・・・
君を守りたくて 涙に変わる前に もう一度 願う程に 届かない Crystal 100年先になっても 次の一歩は君とがいい Can I be your one? 星ひとつない雪の夜空 Oh Someday… Someday…
もう二人は遥か遠い 一つのはずなのに 今では僕らを 彩る絵の具など 選べやしない黒い息も 深い君の白い霧も I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel Oh crystal snow, crystal snow 真っ白なその中で 君が僕を通り過ぎ 水になろうと胸でまだ流れてる (奏でてる) 輝くもの全てに映る 光る君を見つめてる 待ってるさまたどこでも 会いたい嘘でも 握ってこの手を
愛する温度が 溶け出す メロディ 確かな 温もりよ 永遠に続け
君を抱き締めたい 消えてしまう前に もう一度 叶えるため 舞い上がる Crystal ねぇ言葉足りないけど ありのままでも伝えるから Can I touch your heart? 信じて欲しい 迎えに行くよ Someday… Someday…
It’s always you, It’s always you, crystal snow (Let me see your smile, oh baby, eh) It’s always you, It’s always you, crystal snow (Let me feel your love,そう どこまでも Fuu) It’s always you, It’s always you, crystal snow (Let me feel your love, our crystal snow yeah) It’s always you, It’s always you, crystal snow Crystal snow, oh… どこまでも Baby crystal snow
Like the snow collects, I recollect my thoughts Of what you gave to me, the courage to carry on
We’ve met, defying time So, how do we do? Can we realise it? This uncertain love
The world is faster than I thought How we gonna change it? We don’t know yet But surely…
(Eh) Love, within our hearts, uh yeah (Eh) Slowly, it starts to resonate
I want to hold you tight once more before you disappear Ah, crystals soaring up high so boundlessly Hey, I don't need anything else; I just want to feel you a little while longer Can I touch your heart? I want to touch it, and yet it slips through my fingers Oh, someday… someday…
Your small smile is painful somehow How can I be closer uh… Why can’t I find an answer to this feeling
How I am gonna find it? How? Oh, let me know
Always taking such ambiguous shapes, crystal snow I can’t take another story that comes to nothing Eh, I would change it with my own hands
(Eh) Surely, I could swear to you, but still…
I want to protect you once more before it turns into tears Crystals getting further away the more I wish for them Even 100 years from now, I want my next step to be with you Can I be your one? The snowy night sky without a single star Oh, someday… someday…
The two of us are already far apart Although we’re supposed to be one Now, we can't choose over things Such as the paint that colours us Not even the black breath Not even the deep white fog of you I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel Oh, crystal snow, crystal snow In the midst of this pure whiteness Even if you pass through me and turn into water, you still flow in my heart (You still play on in my heart) You’re reflected on everything that shines I gaze at you as you glow I will wait for you, no matter where I want to see you, even if it’s a lie, please hold this hand
The melody that's melted by the heat of our love This genuine warmth, please last forever
I want to hold you tight once more before you disappear Crystals soaring up high to make my wish come true Hey, though my words may be lacking, I will tell you as it is Can I touch your heart? I want you to believe in me, I will come pick you up Someday… someday…
It’s always you, it’s always you, crystal snow (Let me see your smile, oh baby, eh) It’s always you, it’s always you, crystal snow (Let me feel your love, yes, to the end of time, whoo) It’s always you, it’s always you, crystal snow (Let me feel your love, our crystal snow, yeah) It’s always you, it’s always you, crystal snow Crystal snow, oh… To the end of time, baby, crystal snow
Trans cr; Erina, mame, Mari & Mickey  / Spot Checked by Jackie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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dailyexo · 7 years ago
[TRANSLATION] EXO - 180827 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “A-Nation 2018 Performance!!”
"8月26日(日)味の素スタジアムにて行われた「a-nation 2018 supported by dTV & dTVチャンネル」東京公演に、EXOが出演しました! 昨年に続き3回目の出演となりましたが、今までで一番気温が高くあっっついステージになりましたね!もちろんEXOのパフォーマンスもあっっっつかったですが、みなさんいかがでしたでしょうか!?"
Translation: "On 26 August EXO performed at the Tokyo concert of ’A-Nation 2018 supported by dTV & dTV channel’, which was held at Ajinomoto Stadium! This is the 3rd year in a row they’ve performed, but this year in particular was extremely hooottt! Naturally, EXO’s performance was hot, too, so what did everyone think!?"
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"暑い日差しがなくなり、空が紺色になり始めたイベント終盤に登場したEXO。 まずは『The Eve(前夜)』でEXOライブの幕開けです! ステージにEXOが登場すると、待っていてくれたファンのみなさんの大歓声が会場中に響き、青いa-nationのうちわの中にシルバーのライトがどんどん灯っていきました!!
勢いもそのままに『Ko Ko Bop』、『Coming Over』を披露した後のMCでは、「みなさんに会うとテンションが上がりますね!」と、全員とても嬉しそうな表情^^
続いて『Cosmic Railway』をしっとりとスタジアムに響かせると、そこからはまたアップテンポな曲で会場を思いっきり盛り上げて最後まで駆け抜けたメンバーたち! 途中のMCでチャンヨルのマイクの調整が悪くなってしまい直しに行くというハプニングもありましたが、ベクヒョンは「話す時間が長くなりましたね♪」とまたまた笑顔をみせていました!
「みなさんには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。僕たちもみなさんの力になれるように頑張ります!」 「韓国で新しいアルバムの準備をしているので、楽しみにしていてくださいね!そして、また日本でもお会いしましょう!」 とそれぞれ日頃応援してくれているファンのみなさんに、感謝を伝えていました^^
そして! いつも応援してくださるEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんへ、メンバーたちから写真が届きました! 本番直前の表情を収めたスペシャルなチェキです^^"
Translation: "As the warm sun set, the sky turned a deep blue, and EXO was introduced at the final act of the evening. They opened their performance with ‘The Eve(前夜)’! When EXO came out on stage, the fans who were waiting greeted them with a loud welcome that resonated throughout the venue. Amongst the blue A-Nation light up fans, the silver lightsticks lit up!!
Continuing with that energy, the group performed ‘Ko Ko Bop’ and then ‘Coming Over’. After that, the group smiled and gave a short ment, exclaiming that ‘Meeting everyone is really exciting!’
They moved on to ‘Cosmic Railway’, which echoes softly throughout the stadium. Once they were finished, the members used all their strength to liven up the venue with an up-beat number. They made their way around the stage all the way to the end! During one of the ments, Chanyeol’s microphone had an issue and he had to go get it fixed. When the other members realised this, Baekhyun smiled and said, ‘It seems like we get to talk longer♪’!
‘We are so thankful to everyone. We will work hard so that we may become everyone’s strength, just as you are ours!’ ‘We’re preparing a new album in Korea so please look forward to it! Also, let’s meet again in Japan!’ They expressed their gratitude towards their fans that are always supporting them.^^
After the concert, the members were all sweating buckets from the intense heat, but their expressions were ones of satisfaction!!
‘We are happy to get support from those who are seeing us for the first time’ The members all shared the same feelings that Baekhyun had expressed in his ment.^^
And also! We also have some photos from the members that they wanted to share with EXO-L JAPAN who always gives them support! Here are some special polaroids they took before their performance^^"
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Translation: "Thank you very much to everyone for gave their support in this heat!!"
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan website.
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seinafukufuku · 7 years ago
First Senbatsu Fan Reactions (twitter)
@seina81sousenkyo (Seichan SSK committee)
デビューから約6年目。やっとせいちゃんが初選抜に選ばれました! It’s been 6 years since her debut. Seichan has finally been selected for her first senbatsu!
ここで終わりではなく、 This is not the end, ここがスタートです! This is just the beginning! 最初で最後の選抜にはさせない。 Her first senbatsu will not be her last. 努力で掴んだ選抜。 With all her might, she has seized senbatsu. 次はファンの力で選抜の壇上へ! Next is the senbatsu stage with the strength of the fans!
第10回世界選抜総選挙にて In the 10th World Senbatsu Sousenkyo #せいちゃんを選抜へ #Seichan will be in senbatsu
より一層応援よろしくお願いします! We look forward to working with you in giving her even more support!
(I left some anonymous)
本当にずっとずっと待ってました😭😭 Honestly, I’ve always always been waiting for this 😭😭 せいちゃん推しでこうやって喜べるのが夢みたい… Seichan-oshis have always wished to see a wonderful dream like this この流れのまま世界選抜まで駆け上がるしかないですね😭😭 On the stream of things, we have no choice but to sprint up the World Senbatsu, don’t you think 😭😭
@seina_fuku48 せいちゃん💖💖💖 Seichan 💖💖💖
初選抜ほんとおめでと😭 Congratulations on your first senbatsu 😭
嬉しすぎて涙が止まらないよ😭 I’m so happy that I can’t stop my tears 😭
ずっとずっとせいちゃんを応援していくから Because I have always always supported Seichan
今年の総選挙は選抜入り目指そうね💖 Let’s aim for the Sousenkyo senbatsu this year, ok 💖
不安なこともあると思うけど Even though I think there are still things I’m uneasy about
せいちゃんはひとりじゃないよ💖 Seichan is not alone hey 💖
沢山のせいちゃん推しが Many Seichan-oshis will
サポーするからね💖 Supppooot ok 💖
福岡聖菜さんがAKB48初の選抜入り。 Fukuoka Seina-san has entered AKB’s senbatsu. 初めて見たのは2014年の4月。あの頃はまだまだ垢抜けない感じだったけどその中に輝くものがあって、本当に4年経って堂々として美しくなったなぁと。ちょっとというかかなり感慨深い The first time I saw her was April 2014. At that time, even though she gave off a feeling of still being unpolished, she had a light within her, and within 4 years, confidently, she became beautiful. Just by saying this small amount, I already feel quite moved
@pianshan_48 せいちゃんはそのうち選抜入るだろうと思ってたよ。 I’ve always thought, ‘Doesn’t it seem like Seichan will eventually enter senbatsu’. 最近右肩上がりな感じがあったし、先日のセンター試験もガチ勉で選抜入ったし、日頃から真面目に頑張ってた。 Recently there was a feeling of ascension, that day when she diligently entered the senbatsu of the center exam, from seriously doing her best steadily. それにファンの方も熱心で、全握行った時には福岡聖菜という子を多くの人に知ってもらおうという思いが感じられた。 In addition, the fans too are heated up, when I went to the national handshake event, there were many people speaking about Fukuoka Seina, trying to get people to know her, that’s what I felt.
@yume_legend 唯一良かったのは初選抜の聖ちゃんでしょう。聖ちゃんは報われるべき存在だったからね。なかなか同期に何人か固定の選抜がいると、想像以上に選抜への壁が厚くなるのがAKB。実力云々をさらに越えなければいけない二重構造。それを越えた福岡聖菜ちゃんは本物ということ。おめでとう The only thing I’m happy about is that Seichan entered senbatsu for the first time. Because Seichan could be rewarded. There were already a few who were fixed in senbatsu in her generation, the wall in the way of her dream to enter senbatsu is thick in AKB. Her true strength, etc, can not surpass the reinforced structure. So you can say that Fukuoka Seina-chan, surpassing it means that she is the genuine article. Congratulations.
私にとって福岡聖菜の初選抜とは、私自身のファンとしての冥土の土産になりました。お気に入りのメンバーが選抜に選ばれずに私のヲタ生活が終わるのはやりきれない思いが残るはずでしたから。私のヲタ生活は残り1年もありません。あと10ヶ月を残してこの光景が見られたことはこの上ない幸せです。 As for me, Fukuoka Seina entering senbatsu for the first time has become a wonderful memory that as a fan, I can take into the afterlife. That my favourite member has been chosen for senbatsu means my wota life can can end without any remaining feelings (?). My wota life has only 1 year left. Being able to see this light in the 10 months I have left is an unsurpassable joy.
(This one, uh, worries me a bit)
@0payu0 あーー Ahhhh やっと Finally やっとスタート地点に立てたんだ The start point has finally been reached.
ゆりあ、まゆゆ Yuria, Mayuyu せいちゃん、選抜になったよ。 Seichan, have all entered senbatsu.
もう「次こそ自分の選抜衣装で」 「次こそ表題曲を」って言葉かけなくていいんだね Hey, wouldn’t it be good if she didn’t have to say, “next time for sure it will be my senbatsu costume”, “next time for sure, the title song” again, wouldn’t it 「アンダーでTV出るかな」って探さなくていいんだね It’d be good if we didn’t have to see “I will be appearing on TV as an under”
でもね福岡聖菜はここから更に飛躍するんだよ。めざせ連続選抜!! But, you know, Fukuoka Seina will leap even further from here. Aim for continuous senbatsus!!
@mi_ha_ac 初選抜おめでとう(;_;) Congratulations on your first senbatsu (;_;)
自分でもビックリするぐらい 泣いた(笑) I too was pretty surprised I cried (laughs)
でも本当に But really 『これから』 “After this” 『ここから』 “After this point” だね! Right!
喜びを噛み締めて Joyfully digesting this news ここからまた一緒に After this point let’s continue, together, 頑張っていこう!! To do our best!!
本っ当におめでとう!!! Honesurely, congratulations!!!
@satohkinako せいちゃんはダンスそのものはそうでもないんだけど一生懸命さが伝わってくるし表情豊かで本当に楽しそうにパフォーマンスしてるから観る人の目を惹くし見てて楽しいし自然と笑顔になってしまう!!!もともとキリッとした顔立ちしてるからかっこいい系の曲も映えるし、とても良い。選抜おめでとう!! Even though Seichan has completely no dancing ability, as she goes along, her many expressions are really enjoyable, she draws the eyes of those watching as she performs, and they, enjoying themselves, naturally start to smile!!(?) She’s always had sharp features so she shines in cool songs, and it’s wonderful. Congratulations on the senbatsu!!
@seichanf801 SHOWROOM開いた瞬間、「24番AKB48チームB福岡聖菜」って呼ばれて、一瞬頭真っ白になった、嘘みたいで本当の話、現実。 The instant I opened SHOWROOM, “Number 24, AKB48 Team B Fukuoka Seina” was called, and my face immediately went pure white, the truth seemed like a lie, that was the reality. え、やった〜〜〜(;_;)♡正直今回28人選抜ってTL見た瞬間あぁ、、って諦めてたの。せいちゃんを信じ続けてきて良かった。せいちゃんの夢がまた1つ叶ったね😢 But, yayyyy~~~~ ( ;   __ ;    ) ♡ but honestly, when I saw on TL that 28 people were selected, I went Aaahh,, , and gave up. I’m glad I continued to believe in Seichan. A part of Seichan’s dream has once again been achieved, huh 😢
せいちゃんの選抜入り本当に嬉しいなー☺ I’m really happy Seichan entered Senbatsu yeahh ☺️ 推されてるわけじゃないのに、何事にも一生懸命で、ここまで努力して選抜まできたせいちゃんすごい(*´-`) It’s not that I oshi her, but in everything she does, she puts in everything she has, Seichan, who worked hard to this point and got into senbatsu, is amazing (*´-`) まだ選抜でも後ろの方だけど、もっと前の方で輝くせいちゃんが見たいし、いつかはセンターに、、、 せいちゃんこそAKBの希望✨ Even though right now she’s still in the back, I want to see a Seichan who shines even more than before, who will eventually become center,,,, Seichan, for sure, is the hope of AKB48✨
初選抜! First Senbatsu! ほんとにほんとにおめでとう😭👏 Genuinely genuinely congratulations 😭👏
「諦めない心」  「努力の大切さ」 を教えてくれてありがとう。 [A heart that never gives up], [The importance of hard work] thank you for teaching me these things.
受験生だから直接おめでとうは言いにいけるかは分からないけど😢 Even though I don’t know if I can tell you my congratulations directly  because I am preparing for exams😢
これからもずっと応援してせいちゃんについていきます! I will continue to support Seichan from here on as well!
素敵なシングルになりますように✨ I hope it will be a wonderful single ✨
せいちゃんの振り返りの時に泣いた When I think back on Seichan, I start to tear up
��走路だった握手レーンで他のレーンもいかず、座らずにずっと待ってた姿思い出したし At the handshake lane runway, I remember the sitting figure that continued to wait as I went to other lanes
深夜高速出たあとのパフォーマーとしての成長と人間性の成長 The growth of her performance from before her appearance in [Late night Highway] (the stage play), and her growth as a person
選ばれないことの悔しさ、選ばれる喜びの積み重ね The accumulation of her loneliness at not being selected, and her joy when she did get selected
もちろんせいちゃん以上に努力したり、パフォーマンスいい子だってたくさんいるし Of course Seichan doesn’t just work hard, she’s also a kid with a good performance and much more
でも俺が見つけたのが、応援するって福岡聖菜なんだよなぁ But what I found, was I that I was somehow supporting Fukuoka Seina
メンバーの一人一人にストーリーはあるけどそれを伝えてくこともヲタクの仕事だと思う、特にAKBは蹴落とし蹴落とされの世界だし Even though each and every one of the members has their own story, I think the job of the wotakus is to tell those stories, especially in the defeat-or-be-defeated world of AKB
Yeah!!! This took really long but I’m done! 
As I was scrolling through Seichan’s tag after the senbatsu announcement, I realised that the fans were writing really long paragraphs about their feelings, some of them pretty poetic or sweet or touching and I wanted to share a bit of them, ,, cos you can kind of resonate with the words and the feelings of the other fans,, and feel connected I guess? Being an international fan is kinda lonely, ya..
As always, my translation sucks ok? :D
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hosei-tatemizu · 4 years ago
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MORINO HAJIMARI セルフライナーノーツ⑥ 5.  Kaamos
極夜(きょくや、英語: polar night)とは、日中でも薄明か、太陽が沈んだ状態が続く現象のことをいい、厳密には太陽の光が当たる限界緯度である66.6度を超える南極圏や北極圏で起こる現象のことをいう。対義語は白夜。
核となるリフを奏でるピアノはuna corda。Skábmaでも使っています。この曲ではそこまで深くリバーブをかけてなくて家で弾いてる雰囲気を出しました。
KaamosはTINÖRKS bandcampのサイトにてDL販売中
「Kaamos」(カーモス)のアートワークで使用しているのは大台ケ原の正木峠にある大きな枯れ木を見上げたもの。これをINFINITE COLORのプラグインをフォトショップに入れて質感を変えました。アルバム「MORINO HAJIMARI」で使用している画像の編集はすべてこのプラグインで調整しています。
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(フォトショップの画面 中央に縦に並んでいるのがINFINITE COLOR CS6版)
Falling in the polar night to hear the melted dawn The place a ray returns I cognize still cause Embryos of tonal form Abstract me
Falling in the polar night to reach out the place Recurrence
If there is no ray, create it with resonance Even in darkness without time It casts a shadow and reveals the night tail
Like frightened animals evanescence exist
Voices covered in lies Efface everything and touch the colourless dawn If there is no ray...
【日本語訳 】 極夜に吸い込まれる 溶けた夜明けに耳をすませて かすかな光が宿る場所 静謐(せいひつ)な理由を知る 色彩の形
極夜に吸い込まれる その場所へたどりつくための循環
もしも光がないのなら 共鳴して作ればいい 時のない暗闇の中でさえ 影を投影し 夜の終わりを浮き彫りにする
おびえた動物のように はかなさは存在する
嘘にまみれた声 すべてを消してしまおう そして色をなくした夜明けに触れて
(lyric by Hosei Tatemizu)
淡々としたピアノの演奏は夜を表していて、そこでぽつぽつ灯る明かりを雫が演奏するlap harpの音色やメロディーに込めました。そこにバイオリンの弦の響きが加わることで、暗闇の中で揺れ動く心の動きを表せたらというアレンジを意図しています。
ドイツのミュージシャンApparat(アパラット)の 「Goodbye」 feat. Soap&Skinの主題歌もかなり良くて、その世界観にとても影響を受けました。3連符の弦と重さと暗さを感じるピアノの組み合わせにアートを感じるほど素晴らしい音作りだなあと感動��ました。
ここからは バイオリンにかけた実際のプラグインの設定を公開します。マニアックな内容です(笑)
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WAVES MV2で音量の小さな所を少し持ち上げます。outputは後々のことを考え余裕を持たせるために-0.5に設定。コンプを使うと質感が変わるのでその方向はやめました。重要なのは元々の演奏の雰囲気を壊さずに自然な感じで音量を整えること。
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MV2で音量を整えた後はWAVES Vitaminをかけます。Strings1のプリセットを編集して倍音を付加、少し力強さを加味しています。変にゲインを上げたり、EQで調整するよりも倍音で前に出す方向の方が自然な感じになりやすいです。
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音量調整→力強さを加えた後は、これまでのプラグインで出過ぎた帯域、余計な帯域をfabfilter Pro Q3でカット。特に他のトラックとぶつかっているセンターの帯域を結構カットして逆に広域のサイドをブーストしているのがポイント。これも音が極端に変化しないギリギリで調整。あと、輪郭を丸くしたいので広域は削ってます。ちなみにこのプラグインが便利すぎてかなり重宝しています。個人的プラグインベスト3に入るくらい優れていると思います。
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Pro Q3で周波数を整えた後はWAVES GW ToneCentricでいい感じに(笑) プロデューサー グレッグ・ウェルズのシグネチャープラグインを使って味付け。基本的な調整は真ん中のノブひとつだけ。エンハンス、音を強調させるためのプラグインで、うっすらとかけているのですが、多分コンプとかEQとかエキサイターとか色々裏で動いていると思われます。これも音が極端な変化にならないように注意しました。前段のEQで失われたものを補う感じの意図です。
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最後にWAVES NLS Channelで味付け。 エンジニアのMark Stent(マークステント)氏が所有するコンソールを再現したSPIKEの設定を使用してDRIVEのつまみで倍音を少しプラス。隠し味的な暖かさを加えました。プラグインは以上で、ステレオパンを-25で左に設定。音量バランスはフェーダーをオートメーションで書き込んでより自然な音量バランスで聞こえる様にしました。
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