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Banner made by organizers in Hiroshima demanding the city disinvite Israel for the ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb. (source)
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Kikuo Tournament : ROUND TWO
"Invitation From Spooky" VS "Don't Look At Me Like That"

Remember to vote for which one you like more, not based on popularity!
#おばけの招待状#Obake no Shoutai#Invitation From Spooky#Don't Look At Me Like That#Boku o Sonna Me de Minaide#僕をそんな目で見ないで#Kikuo#きくお#Vocaloid#ボカロ#Hatsune Miku#初音ミク#Music#音楽#polls#tournament poll#tumblr tournament#tumblr polls
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#招待するな虐殺国家 #DisinviteIsrael


記事の一部引用 「申し入れ書では、式典会場を原爆ドームを含む公園全体に広げた上で、手荷物検査を実施して拡声器などの持ち込みを禁止する点を問題視。憲法に定める表現の自由や、「正当な理由がない限り公の施設の利用を拒んではならない」とする地方自治法に違反しているなどと主張している。」(↓中国新聞ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター)
🍉 広島市の平和記念式典に関して、ワリード・シアム駐日パレスチナ大使のコメント全文
🍉広島平和式典、イスラエル参加はなぜ問題か(Dialogue for People、2024.07.27)
記事一部引用 「今年の出席も、「広島の平和式典に参加しました」とイスラエルは最大限に利用しますよね。イスラエルは近年、文化広報活動に力を入れてきましたし、よく知られているのは、東京レインボープライドへのブース出展など、「ピンクウォッシュ」(「LGBTQフレンドリー」といったアピールが、イスラエルによるパレスチナ占領や人権侵害を覆い隠す効果を持ってしまうこと)の問題ですよね。最近では「ピースウォッシュ」という言葉を使う人が出てきましたが、こうしてジェノサイドの最中でも平和式典に参加することを日本側に受け入れられ、「普通に扱われている」ことを利用するはずです。私たちは昨年(2023年)10月13日から、ジェノサイドに抗議し、停戦を求めて原爆ドーム前でスタンディングを続けてきましたが、こうした取組がかき消されてしまうようにも思います。」
#DisinviteIsrael#hiroshima#松井広島市長はイスラエルを平和記念式典に呼ぶな#招待するな虐殺国家#広島市はイスラエルを平和記念式典に呼ぶな#from the river to the sea palestine will be free#free palestine#free gaza#stop the genocide#Palestine#Gaza#パレスチナ#ガザ#ガザ地区#記録
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Invitation From The Makai Casino - Part 1
"Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle" Casino Event
This event story was first held on September 10, 2021. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama are invited to the Makai Casino, a multistoried building of illusions ruled by Genmaki, the demon of illusions. While Yusuke and Kuwabara play a gambling game called Tenchifuda, The Heaven and Earth Card, Hiei and Kurama investigate the Casino's vault. This story also features Mukuro, Yomi and Raizen properly dressed for a Casino event.


???: Finally, the time has come...

???: Hiei...

???: Kurama...

???: And, Yusuke Urameshi...

???: Hu, huhahaha.

???: Now, let the game begins!!

"An Invitation From The Makai Casino"

Yusuke: Aah, I'm famished.

Kuwabara: Oh, that restaurant looks delicious! Let's eat here, Urameshi!

Yusuke: Oh no, I ain't got any money this month. I've nothing in my pockets, much less in my wallet ... eh?

Yusuke: Hmm? What's that? There's something in my pocket.

Yusuke: A black, envelope...?

Yusuke: What the heck is this, a prank?

Kuwabara: Is that a polite "Yusuke Urameshi-sama" written on it? Open it up.

Yusuke: Uh, sure.

"We would like to invite you to the Makai Casino."

Yusuke: Makai, Cassino?

Kuwabara: Oh, are there casinos in the Demon World too?

Yusuke: Nah, check it out. The location written on the letter is not far from here, right?

Kuwabara:Ack, then it's in the Human World!?

Yusuke: That's a suspicious invitation...

Yusuke: Hmph ... If I'm invited, let's freaking go!
[Yusuke and Kuwabara head to the Cassino's location]

Yusuke: Here's the casino's location.

Kuwabara: It's just a forest?

Kuwabara: Is there really something like a casino here?

Hiei: What are you both doing here?

Kuwabara: Wow! Hiei!?

Kurama: Have Yusuke and you come to investigate the Makai Casino as well?

Yusuke: Kurama's here too. Nah, I got an invitation.

Hiei: Hmph ... To think you'd be lured by something like this, showing up nonchalantly.

Kuwabara: Hiei! You bastard still can't keep your mouth shut!?

Yusuke: What, you guys weren't invited too?

Hiei: We're doing an investigation.

Kurama: We heard that a certain youkai is operating the casino, but we haven't been able to understand what's really going on.

Kurama: The casino becomes visible before those who are qualified to enter it, but fades away like fog from the rest of us.

Kurama: Appearing and disappearing like a ghost, it's certainly a mirage.

Kurama: So far, it has just been secretly active in the Demon World, but it's getting more and more showy.

Yusuke: So, it's finally come to the Human World.

Kurama: Yeah.

Kurama: It is said that a great number of treasures have been stockpiled in the casino's vault, becoming objects of gambling. It would be dangerous if they circulated in the Human World.

Kurama: Treasures like the Mirror of Darkness and the Shadow Sword, you know.

Yusuke: I see what you mean ... we can't ignore that.

Kurama: Hiei was part of the patrol, right?
T/N: After the end of the Makai Tournament, the losers had to work in a patrol to rescue possible humans who unwillingly stepped into the Demon World, and return them. Hiei has unwillingly become a patroller.

Hiei: Against my will.

Hiei: ...I haven't heard any good rumors about this casino since it was located in the Demon World.

Hiei: Those who enter it never come back, or something like that.

Yusuke: Huh?

Kuwabara: Hey, that is...

???: ... Welcome.

Kuwabara: This voice, where's it coming from!?

Yusuke: Look, it's a door.
[The entrance to the Casino appears]

???: Please … Please, come on in.

Genmaki: This is the Great Gambling Hall of the Demon World. It is a casino that I, Genmaki, created...
T/N: Genmaki (幻魔鬼) means something like the demon of illusions.

Genmaki: Hiei-sama ... Kurama-sama ... and, Yusuke Urameshi-sama.

Genmaki: Well now ... come on in.

Kuwabara: Okay, let's go in! Hey!! You didn't call my name!?

Genmaki: Unqualified guests are not allowed to enter the casino.

Kuwabara: Unqualified?

Yusuke: Hahaha! Sorry about that, Kuwabara.

Hiei: Wait here.

Kuwabara: Huhh!? You're fucking kidding me!

Kuwabara: Hey, let me in too!

Genmaki: If you have a treasure worthy of our casino bets ... or if you can prove your abilities, I'll invite you to join us...

Kurama: .......

Kuwabara: Haahh, don't look down on me! Look at this! Dimensional Sword (Jigentou)! !

Genmaki: I see ... that's good. Kazuma Kuwabara-sama, please come in.

Yusuke: Hey, where the hell are we...

Yusuke: What, the Maze Castle!?
T/N: Yusuke is talking about the Four Holy Beasts' Maze Castle.

Kuwabara: Why we are suddenly in the Maze Castle!!

Genmaki: This casino is a multistoried building of illusions ... the stages shift in various ways. Please, enjoy it...

Yusuke: Hey, you bastard ain't showing up?

Genmaki: Heh-heh ... the leading actor is merely a guest.

Yusuke: Guest, right ... no problem, I'll play with you!

Genmaki: Then, let's start the first bet at once.
[The rules of the Tenchifuda: The Heaven and Earth Card]

Genmaki: The rules are simple.

Genmaki: Here is a card. I would like you to guess whether the face of this card is "Heaven" (天) or "Earth" (地).

Yusuke: Huh? You told us to guess, but there's only one card.

Kuwabara: And it's already written "Heaven" (天) on it?

Genmaki: But, when I lay the card face down like this, and flip it over again...

Kuwabara: What!? It's Earth (地)!

Yusuke: The character changed!?

Genmaki: Face down again, and flip it over...

Yusuke: Now, it's the character of Heaven (天)!

Hiei: That's the Tenchifuda. It's a game often used for gambling in the Demon World.
T/N: Tenchifuda (天地札 ) means The Heaven and Earth Card.

Kurama: Once the card is laid face down and is off your hands, it is considered impossible for any other technique to tamper with it.

Yusuke: I see. So two choices, no cheating.

Genmaki: That's right. Then ... let's get started.

Yusuke: Oh! I forgot the money!

Kuwabara: You what!? You came all the way here and didn't bring any money!

Genmaki: Don't worry about it. I will lend you any amount of money you like.

Yusuke: Heh, you're generous!

Genmaki: However ... please, be sure to pay the amount owed at the end.

Yusuke: Heh, all I have to do is win, right?

Genmaki: Now, Heaven (天) or Earth (地) ... please, decide together.

Yusuke: Alright, then, Heaven (天)!!

Kuwabara: Oi, oi, did you hear that we're supposed to decide together!?

Yusuke: My instincts are right. Leave it to me.

Genmaki: The card is...

"Heaven" (天)

Yusuke: Alright!! Told ya.

Kuwabara: Urameshi, you got it man!

Kuwabara: Alright, I'm gonna show you what I've got too!

Genmaki: Huhu ... then, let's go to the second round.

Kuwabara: What? Kurama and Hiei ain't here.

Yusuke: If they're not here, they might've gone searching what they came for.

Yusuke: Let's win big, and take everything in the vault!
[Kurama and Hiei start investigating the Casino]

Kurama: It really helped that Yusuke and Kuwabara are playing with that guy.

Hiei: Hmph, I hope that's enough to distract his attention.

Hiei: Have you noticed? Youkai have disappeared in this casino...

Kurama: Yeah ... only those who were in Mukuro, Yomi, and Raizen's faction.

Kurama: It is also targeting those who have a close connection with them ... and are gradually becoming stronger.

Kurama: That's probably why Yusuke received the invitation.

Hiei: Probably.

Kurama: This casino ... apparently it has more than just treasures hidden in its vault.

Hiei: Heh ... No matter where or what he's hiding, it's useless. Whatever that is, my evil eye will find it.

Genmaki: ...Well, do you really think so...?

Kurama/Hiei: !!

Genmaki: This space is an illusion created by me ... the position of the vault also changes with the space...
(*space changes several times*)

Genmaki: You won't be able to find it easily.

Genmaki: Moreover...

Genmaki: I am setting youkai free in this space.

Low Class Youkai: *crrrreeeak* ... *grr*

Low Class Youkai: *shriek* *shriek*!

Hiei: Are you planning to stop us with these small fry? Bullshit.

Kurama: However, to have countless youkai in addition to ever-changing illusions stalling us ... it's going to be troublesome.

Genmaki: Heh-heh-heh...
[Back to Yusuke and Kuwabara, the 2nd round of the betting]

Genmaki: Now, the card is...

EARTH (地)!!

Kuwabara: Gotcha! We hit it again!

Kuwabara: We've got a lot of money in the blink of an eye! Urameshi, this is lookin' good!

Yusuke: Ain't we doing great as usual?

Yusuke: Hey, oi... you're hiding something more valuable, right?

Yusuke: I'll bet everything I have now.

Kuwabara: Wha-what?!

Yusuke: You better bet something that corresponds to that too.

Genmaki: ...Sounds a good idea.

Genmaki: Then, let's go to the final stage!

???: I'll be your opponent.
(space changes)

Kuwabara/Yusuke: !!
(Mukuro appears)

Yusuke: Wha...

Yusuke: Mukuro!?

Kuwabara: Hey, that is Mukuro...

Yusuke: No, no, this is also an illusion. I mean, what the hell is that look?

Mukuro (illusion): Appropriate attire for a casino, don't you agree? Now, about the bet...

Mukuro (illusion): I'll bet all the treasures in the vault against all you have.

Kuwabara: Am-, amazing, if we win this game, we can get everything from the vault.

Mukuro (illusion): Well then, Heaven (天) or Earth (地)?

Kuwabara: ...What should we choose, Urameshi?

Yusuke: Trust your gut, Kuwabara.

Kuwabara: Okay ... got it. The man Kuwabara is gonna decide!!

Kuwabara: ...Earth! I'll bet on Earth (地)!!

Mukuro (illusion): The card is...

Kuwabara: ..........

Yusuke: ..........

"Heaven" (天)

Yusuke: ......!!

Kuwabara: Heaven!?

Kuwabara: Mis-, I missed it...!?
[In the meantime, Hiei and Kurama are fighting low class youkai]

Low class youkai: GUAGH!!!

Low class youkai: *growwl.....*

Hiei: Those small fry are annoying!

Kurama: They're weak, but they're numerous, it's troublesome.

???: Weak … you say. Then … how about this?
(space changes)

(Yomi appears)

Kurama/Hiei: !!

Kurama: Yomi!?

Kurama: I see ... this is also an illusion.

Hiei: It looks very elaborated.

Kurama: ROSE WHIP!!

Yomi: It's useless.

Kurama: ......

Kurama: ...Is that form a sarcasm?

Kurama: It was Yomi, back in his bandit days, who once stole the treasures you stored in this vault, wasn't it?

Kurama: And even after he came to reign as one of the Three Great Youkai.

Kurama: The presence of the 3 should have been a hindrance every time you tried to expand your power.

Kurama: Not only treasures, but many youkai have also been captured in this casino's vault...

Kurama: All those youkai, they are related to Raizen, Yomi, and Mukuro.

Kurama: Your goal is not just to extend your power over the Human World.

Kurama: You must also be seeking revenge against the Three Great Youkai.

Genmaki: Huhuhu ... that's right.

Genmaki: My casino also has a collection of youkai related to those guys...!

Genmaki: And, you bastards are next.

Genmaki: Youko Kurama, and Hiei of the evil eye!

Hiei: Don't talk nonsense.

Hiei: Jaou Ensatsu-ken...! (Sword of the Darkness Flame)

Yomi (illusion): I told you, this is an illusion. Even if you kill it, it revives again.

Yomi (illusion): Other than that ... maybe you should worry about your friends?

Yomi (illusion): They may be the first to join my collection...

Kurama/Hiei: !?
After losing everything in a bet with "Mukuro", what Yusuke and Kuwabara will do? Will Hiei and Kurama defeat "Yomi" and succeed in finding the casino's vault?
To be continued...
(The second and final part of this story: PART 2)
#An Invitation From The Makai Casino#魔界カジノからの招待状#Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle#yusuke urameshi#Kazuma Kuwabara#Hiei#Kurama#Raizen#Mukuro#Yomi
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著者 ( Out of Character )
“Author” ( Out of Character/OOC )
エニグマ ( Anonymous )
“Enigma” ( Anonymous )
招待 ( Open )
“Invitation” ( Open )
内省 ( Headcanon )
“Introspection/Reflection” ( Headcanon )
駄犬 ( Daken )
“Mongrel” ( Daken )
父 ( Logan )
“Father” ( Logan/James Howlett/Wolverine )
母 ( Itsu )
“Mother” ( Itsu )
妹 ( Laura )
“Little Sister” ( Laura Kinney/X-23 )
主人 ( Lester )
“Husband/Master” ( Lester/Bullseye )
ハローキティ ( Victor )
“Hello Kitty” ( Victor Creed/Sabretooth )
日 ( Johnny )
“Sunshine” ( Johnny Storm/Human Torch )
美しい ( Remy )
“Beautiful” ( Remy LeBeau/Gambit )
ハンサム ( Wade )
“Handsome” ( Wade Wilson/Deadpool )
ロミュラス ( Romulus )
“Romulus” ( Romulus )
#著者 ( Out of Character )#招待 ( Open )#内省 ( Headcanon )#父 ( Logan )#母 ( Itsu )#妹 ( Laura )#主人 ( Lester )#ハローキティ ( Victor )#日 ( Johnny )#美しい ( Remy )#ハンサム ( Wade )#ロミュラス ( Romulus )#Tags#エニグマ ( Anonymous )#駄犬 ( Daken )
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Test my free Pearl couscous carbonara risotto recipe. with free eBook

If you're looking for a deliciously easy dinner that's ready in 30, this couscous carbonara risotto is what you've been dreaming about. The silky morsels of pearl couscous absorb all the flavour of the bacon, stock and thyme. Served with crispy bacon rashers and shredded parmesan, a big bowl of this is the perfect way to wind down after a long day.
-1 tbsp olive oil
-4 bacon rashers
1 brown onion, coarsely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
340g (2 cups) pearl couscous
1L (4 cups) salt-reduced chicken stock
4 fresh thyme sprigs
60g (3⁄4 cup) finely grated parmesan
4 Method Steps
Step 1
Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Coarsely chop 3 bacon rashers. Add to pan along with onion. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until softened. Add the garlic. Cook, stirring, for 30 seconds or until aromatic.
Step 2
Add the couscous. Stir for 1 minute or until lightly toasted. Add stock and thyme. Cover and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and cook, stirring often, for 15 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.
<<Download free eBook >>
Step 3
Meanwhile, cut the remaining bacon rasher into small strips. Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the bacon. Cook for 4-5 minutes or until golden and crisp.
Step 4
Add 40g (1⁄2 cup) parmesan to the couscous mixture and stir until well combined. Divide the carbonara risotto among serving bowls. Scatter over the crispy bacon strips and remaining parmesan. Season and serve.
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#⚜️妹妹名字:心妍 155.45.C.24歲#⚜️妹妹介紹:#全身散發著性感迷人氣息 待哥哥採摘 除了給你視覺觸覺上的震撼 感覺方面也是滿分喔 各種花招恨不得你快點、再快一點瘋狂撞擊滿足她#甜甜的聯絡方式:#🎉TG:@tyhfww (https://t.me/tyhfww)
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モンスターハンターパズル アイルーアイランドを一緒に遊びませんか?
ゲーム開始後に招待コード 6jxxvqey3e を入力して、特典を受け取ろう!
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