#駄犬 ( Daken )
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autumnmongrel · 6 months ago
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" I am brilliant and beautiful. Anything I want on this earth I can take and no one can stop me. Simply, I am bored." -Daken Akihiro ----------- Daken desires control within his own life, the control that he never got growing up, and the control that he finally has over his own life now that he is free of Romulus.
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dubiousdeviant · 2 years ago
著者 ( Out of Character )
“Author” ( Out of Character/OOC )
エニグマ ( Anonymous )
“Enigma” ( Anonymous )
招待 ( Open )
“Invitation” ( Open )
内省 ( Headcanon )
“Introspection/Reflection” ( Headcanon )
駄犬 ( Daken )
“Mongrel” ( Daken )
父 ( Logan )
“Father” ( Logan/James Howlett/Wolverine )
母 ( Itsu )
“Mother” ( Itsu )
妹 ( Laura )
“Little Sister” ( Laura Kinney/X-23 )
主人 ( Lester )
“Husband/Master” ( Lester/Bullseye )
ハローキティ ( Victor )
“Hello Kitty” ( Victor Creed/Sabretooth )
日 ( Johnny )
“Sunshine” ( Johnny Storm/Human Torch )
美しい ( Remy )
“Beautiful” ( Remy LeBeau/Gambit )
ハンサム ( Wade )
“Handsome” ( Wade Wilson/Deadpool )
ロミュラス ( Romulus )
“Romulus” ( Romulus )
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dakendogdog · 3 months ago
hiiiii!! my intro~~!!
₊˚⊹ 𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯 ⊹˚₊
call me 駄犬 -> daken
im a jirai dogboy :3
im 16, about to turn 17
i luv attention, good and bad, so give me lots plz!!
just a warninggg, but i dont claim to be a good or nice person in any way, shape or form, if you cant deal with me having an attitude sometimes, my blog might not be the place for you.
₊˚⊹ 𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯𐂯 ⊹˚₊
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otomenai · 4 years ago
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claudeleine · 4 years ago
On the Akihiro thing, I’m a fic writer and anytime I’m writing for him I use Akihiro but a lot of time people get mad about it or don’t know who I’m referring to, and when I try to point out that it’s a slur people always try to defend it??? Do you know why comic fans keep defending this because it’s disgusting and he’s one of my all time favourite characters and I didn’t even know it was a slur until maybe 2 years ago but now people get all pissed about how I refuse to use it anymore or how I went and edited it out of my older works... I know this isn’t the point of your blog or anything and not your problem but if possible do you have any better sources or arguments to help me out here... also no one else seems to care???
honestly, i have no clue why generally non-asian, and especially white, comic readers are so hellbent on using “daken.” i personally don’t know a single asian comic reader who’s just been chill with that alias. i assume it’s because the comics had some sort of “he reclaimed the slur” type explanation, which frankly, is meaningless bc he’s a character with no autonomy. so, who actually decided that? white writers? i can’t confirm, but at a glance, looks like his creator is white.
at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what reasons ppl come up with to defend the use of “daken.” a racial slur should’ve never even been considered for his alias. i could maybe understand it being part of his background trauma (if it was a writer with a similar background, like being japanese and/or mixed race who created that idea), but having that become what he’s actually called, rather than a real name or any other alias that isn’t a slur? that’s messed up and there’s no justifying that in my opinion. and it’s not exactly a secret - this is an excerpt from the second paragraph of his wiki page:
Though he was named Akihiro by his father, the servants and other families of his town secretly referred to the boy as Daken (駄犬, "mongrel"), a slur on his obvious mixed heritage.  
like i’m mixed race and i grew up with ppl thinking it was totally okay to call me things like “mutt,” amongst other racist names. so seeing a mixed race, character of color getting called “mongrel” as his alias, strikes a chord for me and many others. and white writers and fans can never really understand the weight derogatory names like that hold for people of color, or the real world implications. 
but honestly, it feels on theme for the mutants being this fictional minority, but writers and fans not actually giving a shit about real marginalized people, namely people of color. because who else is out here getting mad when people DON’T use a slur?
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years ago
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Daken ni Chuui[駄犬に注意!]: Beware of Mutts!
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tonyloon · 8 years ago
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Yuma Route ー Sub Scenario w/ Ayato
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--> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Carnival where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts in the dining room
Yui: ( Phew...I was shocked to find out Yuma has his own vegetable garden over at the castle as well. )
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi! You look hella lame with your clothes covered in dirt like that! Playin’ in the mud even at the Demon World, huh?
Yui: No! I was helping Yuma-kun in the garden.
Yuma: There ya have it. So shut it, ya mutt. (1)
Ayato: Excuse me!? So what exactly does diggin’ ‘round in the mud like that accomplish, huh?
Yui: It isn’t just a game. Yuma-kun grows a lot of foods which can be eaten in his garden.
Ayato: Haah? Grub? ...Then, make me my favorite dish.
Yui: Ayato-kun, that might be pushing it a little...
Ayato: What!? I won’t take no as an answer, you know?
Yuma: What’s yer favorite food anyway?
Ayato: ...Takoyaki.
Yuma: Aah? Takoyaki? No way we can make that shit. Ya barkin’ up the entirely wrong tree for that. (2)
Ayato: What? Stop complainin’ and make me some already!
Yuma: Ahー There’s really no reasonin’ with this guy, is there? Hehe...Oi, ya really think ya can pick an octopus in the garden? 
Ayato: Haah? You can’t just make any food out there?
Yuma: Listen up...I have a garden, remember? I’m not raisin’ damn octopi.
Yui: Ayato-kun, an octopus lives in the ocean so...
Ayato: Shut up! I don’t care even if there isn’t any octopus inside!
Yuma: Aahn? Weren’t ya the one who said ya like takoyaki!?
Ayato: Listen, I do like takoyaki but I don’t really ‘like’ octopi or anythin’ so I don’t care if you don’t put it in.
Yuma: Che...This guy makes zero sense. Then ya won’t know what ‘yaki’ (3) it is, right?
Yui: Ah, but there might be some vegetables which could substitute for the octopus. Yuma-kun, what do you think would work? 
Yuma: Why are ya on board with this idea as well? ...Well, somethin’ like mushrooms would have a similar texture, I guess?
Ayato: ‘Kay, then make that! Hehe...I’ll taste test it for you!
Yuma: Geez, ya leave me no other choice. Come on, Yui! We got some harvestin’ to do!
Yui: ( Despite everything, he’s very caring, huh...? )
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Yuma calls him a 駄犬 or ‘daken’ which refers to a dog of a mixed (inferior) breed. 
(2) Literally he says ‘that isn’t just a problem of it being out of one’s field’.
(3) The ‘tako’ in ‘takoyaki’ stands for octopus.  
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years ago
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Ranked by Summoners Part 1 of 2
169 Mantis* 178 Xorn* 195 Omega Sentinel 214 Daken* 244 Wong
Vote: The Wishlist
Ranks 151-175 • Ranks 176-200 
Ranks 201-225 • Ranks 226-250 
Mantis is traditionally from Vietnam; it is not strongly suggested her MCU counterpart is from Earth at all. The actor Pom Klementieff is half-Korean.
Xorn has undergone several retcons and impostor episodes in the comics. The impostors, including Magneto, were not Xorn. But the actual character Xorn is Chinese.
Daken (駄犬, Japanese for “mongrel,” best known as Dark Wolverine, is Wolverine’s half-Japanese son. His actual name is Akihiro. He was born to a Japanese mother in the Honshu region of Japan.
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avengerphobic · 4 years ago
hi! uuuh idk if u know this but d*ken is a slur in japanese and a lot of asian ppl are tryin to get marvel to stop using it, its pretty racist
I did know that they say it is in the comics, but like I've googled it before and the only thing when you type in daken slur and 駄犬 slur are wiki pages on daken. like it may be an insult but I havent seen anything that makes me think it's a slur racial or otherwise.
someone who speaks japanese can correct me and I'll change my tag for him immediately but I just find it hard to believe that marvel would find a real racial slur in Japanese for a character name when they literally cant even find real Asian names for any asian people like ever.
like I do want them to give him a new name like definitely not akihiro or daken tho because I feel like both arent good names for him. when that happens I will change my tag because I dont particularly like the tags I use.
I'm asian myself, specifically korean. this isnt coming from a place of malice like I want him to have a good appropriate name. I definitely want Japanese people and people who speak Japanese to correct me on this if I'm wrong.
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autumnmongrel · 6 months ago
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Akihiro "Daken" Howlett (autumnmongrel)
Mara Maveth (marvelmyriad)
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autumnmongrel · 6 months ago
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Akihiro "Daken" Howlett (autumnmongrel)
Mara Maveth (marvelmyriad)
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"Molten bloody earthA focused open wound All highways lead right here Ghost"
-Ghost Song by Gunship
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Daken finally found a kindred spirit in Mara Maveth. Hopefully she isn't another phantom within Daken's life.
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autumnmongrel · 6 months ago
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" There is no god above me. And below me are only corpses......and converts" -Daken Akihiro ----------- The darker days of Akihiro had him as a child soldier, mercenary and assassin, used to do whatever his client wanted, as the bidding of the Mastermind Romulus.
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autumnmongrel · 6 months ago
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He could tell that this man was trying to get to know him and it wasn't that he was closed off, quite the opposite actually. That being said Akihiro had to have a reason to open up to someone. He had gotten better about that over the years, but some times it was more fun to fall back into old habits. Sure, Akihiro found Wade incredibly annoying, but he could also dish that out. It would seem that Wade's behavior was either his emotional shield or it was his way of showing affection, hard to say which it was, maybe both.  Yeah, so Akihiro's father, Logan Howlett, was a huge man slut and had graced this world with many, many, children, and thereby Akihiro had a lot of siblings out there. Akihiro had met a few of them, by this point. Some interactions were positive while others where less than ideal, most either began or ended in a fight, sometimes both. Akihiro always had fun, regardless of intended or not, begining or end, or all of the above. In his experience the word family meant very little. His mother, Itsu, died when he was an infant, his father thought that he was dead, then Akihiro was given to a prominent couple to take care of. They gave him the name Akihiro, initially then tried to take it from him when they had their own biological child. It made Akihiro so angry that he trie to kill his little brother. The woman, Natsumi,  who was taking care of him in his mother's stead took him out to a forest, calling him '駄犬'' (Daken), meaning 'mongrel' to his face this time, rather than in secret to her husband, Akihira. Natsumi left Akihiro in the forest, abandoning him. After that the young wolverine pup learned how to manipulate people. He desperately wanted control in his own life, he wouldn't let anyone else control him, or his life, ever again and family meant just that. Or so he thought. 
"I'm glad you like it. It's what's keeping me from trying to kill you, and since you can't die.....Well, let's just say I really enjoy a good challenge." His tone turning one of almost arrogance with morethan a little bit of a hint of snark to it. Akihiro snickered at Wade's attempt at deflecting his 'Telletubby' insult That was more than a little funny, and a little sad but he was right.
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"Okay, Okay. Ya got that right. You're not as off putting as a goddamnm, Telletubby. Those guys are creepy as fuck. You're more like my father's blow-up doll. Be careful, he got claws. Don't want ya t' deflate." Chuckling confidently as he stuck a single finger out and poked Wade in the side as though he was popping a Wade-shaped ballon, slowly and softly, then pulling his hand away at a normal pace. Akihiro sighed at this mans continous attempts to befriend him. Fine, if his father's new dick-sleeve wants to be freinds, then Akihiro will ive it an attempt but he isn't going to make it easy on him. 
"I am Akihiro and for the record Laura is cooler than everyone but I'm the best. I am the greastest fighter out of my siblings, and I am even greater than my dad is. One day I'll prove it to everyone, how great I am. You better remember that." There was no malice, or anger or any emotion behind his words, in his tone, or in his general energy or aura. Akihiro fully beleived what he was saying, he was confident, calm, his eyes steeled and staring at Wade. 
"Look I'm givin ya a chance, here. No strings attached. That's rare for me. Don't make me regret it." Akihiro's expression soften as he reminded himself that he came on a little strong sometimes, not giving people a chance, and sometimes not showing people that he was giving them a chance when he was. Akihiro was a little rough around the edges, like most of Logan's offspring.
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If someone could ever SUFFER THROUGH the gestation period that it took in order to get to know Wade Wilson, they found out very quickly that he had a METHOD TO HIS MADNESS, and he was someone that cared a LOT MORE than he let on. Sometimes his method of SHOWING THAT LOVE was...
Well. INEFFECTIVE, to put it very politely.
This entire display that Wade was putting on in this case had more to do with needing to know just how much HIMSELF he could be around this kid of Logan's. One of the MANY. His little PROMISCUOUS PEANUT. Man had at least 19 other little BABY HOWLETTS roaming around the globe somewhere.
Wade had learned to appreciate the concept of a FOUND FAMILY though, a concept that he hadn't realized how much he needed until he finally got it.
He wasn't BLISSFULLY UNAWARE that he was blowing it by any means, he was simply incapable of SHUTTING THE ENTIRE FUCK UP...unless he was made to do so.
Thankfully, Wade understood the universal motion to STOP, and had done so. Based on Wade's read of the other man's mood, and his MANNERISMS, it seemed that he wasn't as ready to GO FERAL as one might expect. That was something fascinating to behold.
Wade even went as far as to take a DEEP, APPARENT BREATH along with Akihiro and exhaled with just as much emphasis. "It's a great technique," he mused quietly, "breathing has really kept me alive."
He wondered briefly what this man's DUMBASS limit was, and he was glad to have been muttering mostly under his breath. That subtlety though was about to be kicked out of his efforts altogether.
"HEY..." Wade placed his hands upon his hips and narrowed his eyes. "First of all, I may be ugly, but I am NOT as off-putting as a fucking TELETUBBY, okay?" The Merc folded his arms over his chest.
"Let's start over." He seemed to have calmed suddenly and significantly. "My name is WADE WILSON. Gotta say, Laura is a little cooler than you AESTHETIC-WISE, but that's not to say I don't appreciate everything you've got goin' on."
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