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Kanji for "under", "below", "lower pain", "inferior", "go down"
下 = shita / shimo/ sa•geru/ kuda•ru/ o•rosu/ moto/ ka/ ge
下手な - hetana - clumsy/ awkward/ unskillful - へたな
下着- shitagi - underwear/ underclothes - したぎ
テーブルの下- taabulu no shita - under the table - テーブル の した
靴下- kutsushita - (a pair of) socks/stockings - くつした
下宿する- gesyukusuru - to room (board, lodge) (at a person's house) - げしゅくする
下げる- sageru - to lower/ to drop/ to let down/ to hang - さげる
Kanji for "new", "novel", "fresh"
新 = arata•shi/ ara•ta/ nii/ shin
最新の- saishin no - the lastest/ up-to-date - さいしん の
新たな- arata na - new/ novel/ fresh - あらた な
新しい- atarashi - new/ fresh/ recent/ up-to-date - あたらし
新幹線- shinkansen - a bullet train/ a high-speed train - しんかんせん
新宿- shinjuku - Shinjuku (ward of Tokyo) - しんじゅく
新しい車- atarashiikuruma - a new car - あたらしいくるま
Kanji for "company", "firm", "society", "social", "shrine"
社 = yashiro/ sha
本社- horiginnsha - the head [main] office - ほんしゃ
社会人- shakaijin - a member of society - しゃかいじん
神社- jinja - a Shinto shrine - じんじゃ
社交的な- shakoutekina - sociable -しゃこうてきな
社会- shakai - society/ the public - しゃかい
新聞社- shinbunsha - a newspaper publishing company - しんぶんしゃ
Kanji for "world", "age", "generation"
世 = sei/ se/ yo
世の中- yononaka - the world/ life/ the times/ the age - よのなか
世界- sekai - the world/ the earth/ the globe - せかい
世代- sedai - a generation - せだい
世話のする- sewa (w)o suru - to take care (of)/ to help/ to look after - せわ の する
浮世絵- ukiyoe - ukiyoe (wood-block prints of Edo period) - うきのよえ
二十一世紀- nijuuisseiki - 21st century - にじゅういっせいき
Kanji for "world", "cirlce", "bounds", "boundary"
界 = kai
限界- genkai - a [the] limit/ limitations/ bounds - げんかい
政界- seikai - the political world - せいかい
世界- sekai - the world/ the earth/ a world/ one's world - せかい
世界中に「の」- sekaijuuni[no] - all over [throughout] the world - せかいじゅうにの
世界一- sekaiichi - the best in the world - せかいいち
世界的な- sekaitekina - world/ worldwide/ international/ global - せかいてきな
Kanji for "work", "labour", "serve"
働 = dou/ hatara•ku
働き者- hatarakimono - a hard worker - はたらきもの
労働- roudou - work/ (manual) labour - ろうどう
働く- hataraku - to work/ to labour/ to serve (at)/ to operate - はたらく
本屋で働く- honyadehataraku - to work at a bookshop - ほにゃではたらく
重労働- juuroudou - heavy labour - じゅうろうどう
働き- hataraki - work/ labour/ ability/ action/ a function/ operation - はたらき
Kanji for "endeavor", "make efforts"
勉 = ben
猛勉強する- moubenkyousuru - to study [work] hard/ to grind (away) - もうべんきょうする
がり勉- gariben - studying hard/ grinding/ a nerd/ a swot - がりべん
勉強家- benkyouka - a diligent student/ a hard worker - べんきょうか
勉強- benkyou - study/ work - べんきょう
勉強する- benkyousuru - to study/ to prepare/ to do one's lessons - べんきょうする
勉強中- benkyouchuu - while studying - べんきょうちゅう
(This kanji is pretty much only used for refering to studying. It's (as far as I know and learned) only used together with the upcoming kanji for "strong", "strength", "powerful" as you can see in the examples above)
Kanji for "strong", "strength", "powerful"
強 = kyou/ gou/ tsuyo•i/ tsuyo•maru/ tsuyo•meru/ shi•iru
強い地震- tsuyoijishin - a big [severe] earthquake - つよいじしん
強いる- shiiru - to compel/ to press/ to force/ to enforce/ to coerce - しいる
力強い- chikaradzuyoi - powerful/ strong/ mighty/ reassuring - ちからづよい
がまん強い- gamandzuyoi - patient/ enduring - がまんづよい
歴時に強い- rekijinitsuyoi - be good at history - れきじにつよい
強気の- tsuyoki no - assertive/ bold/ aggressive/ strong/ firm - つよきの
Kanji for "move", "motion"
動 = dou/ ugo•ku/ ugo•kasu
箱を動かす- hako (w)o ugokasu - to move a box - はこ を うごかす
自動ドア- jidoudoa - an automatic door - じどうドア
動く- ugoku - to move/ to shift/ to stir/ to shake/ to work - うごく
運動- undou - exercise/ athletics/ sports/ games/ a campaign - うんどう
動物- doubutsu - an animal - どうぶつ
感動する- kandousuru - to be moved [touched] (by) - かんどうする
Kanji for "prefecture", "territorial divisions"
県 = ken
県- ken - a prefecture - けん
石川県- ishikawaken - Ishikawa prefecture (of Chubu area) - いしかわけん
山口県- yamaguchiken - Yamaguchi prefecture (of Chugoku area) - やまぐちけん
県庁- kenchou - a prefectural office - けんちょう
都道府県- todoufuken - Japanese prefectures - とどうふけん
県立の- kenritsu no - prefectural (hospital, school, etc) - けんりつ の
Kanji for "paper"
神 = shi/ kami
表紙- hyoushi - a front cover/ a binding - ひょうし
紙- kami - paper - かみ
手紙 - tegami - letter - てがみ
(''Tegami'' literally means hand-letter. Supossed to represent a letter writen by hand.)
手紙を書く- tegami (w)o kaku - to write (to) a person/ to write a letter - てがみ を かく
神部来る- kamibukuru - a paper bag [sack] - かみぶくる
折り紙- origami - origama (the art of folding paper) - おりがみ
新聞紙 - shinbunshi - (a piece of) newspaper - しんぶんし
(This word is actually written without the ''paper'' part as well, also meaning ''newspaper''.)
Kanji for "parent", "relatives", "intimate", "familiar"
親 = shin/ oya/ shita•shii/ shita•shimu
親指- oyayubi - the thumb - おやゆび
(Literal meaning would be parent-finger.)
両親- ryoushin - one's parents - りょうしん
父親- chichioya - a father - ちちおや
親子- oyako - parent and child/ parents and their children - おやこ
親切- shinsetsu - kindness/ goodness/ goodwill - しんせつ
親しい- shitashii - close/ friendly/ familiar/ intimate - したしい
Kanji for "both", "two"
両 = ryou
車両- sharyou - vehicles/ cars/ a (railroad) coach/ a carriage - しゃりょう
両立する- ryouritsusuru - to be consistent [compatible] (with) - りょうりつする
両側- ryougawa - both sides - りょうがわ
両手に花- ryoutenihana - be between two beautiful woman - りょうてにはな
両替- ryougae - money changing - りょうがえ
両方- ryouhou - both sides - りょうほう
Kanji for "of long duration", "longstanding", "lasting for a long time"
久 = kyou/ ku/ hisa•shii
永久に- eikyuuni - permanently/ perpetually/ eternally -えいきゅうに
恒久の- koukyuu no - lasting/ everlasting/ permanent/ eternal - こうきゅう の
耐久性- taikyuusei - durability/ persistance/ lasting quality - たいきゅうせい
久しぶりに- hisashiburi ni - after a long time [absence/ seperation] - ひさしぶり に
持久力- jikyuuryoku - endurance/ stamina/ perseverance - じきゅうりょく
久しい- hisashii - long/ long-continued/ longstanding - ひさしい
Kanji for "finish", "complete", "conclude", comprehend", "know"
了 = ryou
了承する- ryousyousuru - to approve/ to accept/ to agree - りょうしょうする
了解- ryoukai - (an) understanding/ agreement/ consent - りょうかい
終了すること- shuuryousuru - to end/ to be over/ to come to (an end) - しゅうりょうする
修了証書- shuuryousyousyo - a certificate/ a diploma - しゅうりょうしょうしょ
了見- ryouken - an idea/ an intention/ a design/ a motive -りょうけん
完了- kanryou - completion/ finishing - かんりょう
Kanji for "decease", "die", "pass away", "lose", "perish", "go to ruin", "escape"
亡 = bou/ mou/ na•i
滅亡- metsubou - a fall/ a downfall/ ruin/ collapse - めつぼう
未亡人- miboujin - a widow - みぼうじん
死亡- shibou - death - しぼう
亡くなる- nakunaru - to die/ to pass away - なくなる
亡くす- nakusu - to lose - なくす
亡命する- boumeisuru - to flee (one's country) for political reasons - ぼうめいする
Kanji for ''musical composition'', ''melody'', ''tune'', ''song'', ''curve'', ''bend'', ''bent''
曲 = kyoku / ma•garu/ ma•geru
曲がり角- magarikado - a street corner/ (an) intersection/ a turning point - まがりかど
曲げる- mageru - to bend/ to curve/ to twist/ to distort/ to pervert - まげる
新曲- shinkyoku - a new musical composition/ a new piece [song] - しんきょく
曲線- kyokusen - a curved line/ a curve - きょくせん
作曲する- sakkyokusuru - to compose/ to set to music/ to write music - さっきょくする
曲がる- magaru - to bend/ to curve/ to be bent/ to turn/ to make a turn - まがる
Kanji for ''a samurai'', ''a soldier'', ''a knight'', ''an officier'', ''a gentleman''
士 = shi
修士- shuushi - a master/ a master's degree/ a Master of Arts [Science] - しゅうし
武将- bushi - a samurai/ a warrior - ぶし
紳士- shinshi - a gentleman - しんし
学士- gakushi - a bachelor/ a bachelor's degree/ a college graduate - がくし
兵士- heishi - a soldier/ a private/ (the) troops - へいし
博士- hakase - an expert - はかせ
博士- hakushi - a doctorate/ Ph. D. - はくし
(Yeah, the last two use the exact same kanji but a different pronounciation.)
Kanji for ''change'', ''alter'', ''transform'', ''abnormal'', ''unusual'', ''irregular''
変 = hen/ ka•waru/ ka•eru
変わる- kawaru - to change/ to alter/ to undergo a change - かわる
気が変わる- kigakawaru - to change one's mind - きがかわる
変える- kaeru - to change/ to alter/ to transform/ to reform [amend] - かえる
変化- henka - (a) change/ (a) variation / (a) transformation - へんか
変更- henkou - (a) change / (an) alteration / (a) modification - へんこう
変な- henna - strange/ odd/ queer/ curious/ peculiar - へんな
Kanji for ''third person pronoun'', ''the other party'', ''he'', ''she''
彼 = hi/kare/kano
彼岸- higan - the equinoctial week (of Buddhist observance) - ひがん
彼女- kanojo - she/ a girlfriend - かのじょ
彼- kare - he/ one's boyfriend/ one's lover/ one's husband - かれ
彼の本- kare no hon - his book(s) - かれ の ほん
彼氏- kareshi - he/ one's boyfriend [man]/ one's lover - かれし
彼等- karera - they - かれら
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強 . . . #chinesecalligraphy #chinesecalligraphytattoo #calligraphytattoo #calligraphyart #brushcalligraphy #calligraphyhk #calligram #brushtattoo #inkbrush #dailyart #tattooart #tattooartwork #asianinkandart #instattoo #instatattoo #tattooist #hktattooartist #hktattoostudio #tattoohk #hktattoo #hongkongtattoo #書法 #書道 #書道刺青 #書法刺青 #紋身 #香港紋身 #刺青 #한자레터링 #캘리그라피타투
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I put way too much effort into this LMAO but, have a translated version of the clip the official KN8 twitter put up.
It didnt seem like they planned on puttin out an english subs ver so I did it myself
#kaiju no. 8#kn8#kafka hibino#soshiro hoshina#anyways i opened after effects for the first time in literal years#and i havent translated proper in also. several years#i am very rusty but HEY I THINK?? ITS CLOSE ENOUGH??#i think? i saw a transcript floatin aroudn butyknow#video. woudl be nice#so i was like yea surely i can do that#turns out i can#but also#AE IS HARD???#also some of this stuff just doesnt translate properly#like?? 勉強させていただきます jus doesnt have the same tone??#frustratin but hey this is th best i got#ignore the lack of apostrophes its the 3rd day in a row workin on this im eeby
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・ ゚。・゚★。🍂☘️🍊・ ゚。・゚★。🍂☘️🍊・ ゚。・゚★。🍂☘️🍊
#⠀˚‧ ゚ 。゚ ۪ ࣪🎀🥬 ⊹︵︵︵ ⊹ ୨🎀🌈୧ ⊹ ︵︵︵ ⊹ 🎀🥬˚‧ ゚ 。゚#🥞🎀 . ˚ ✦ ✿ . ˚ . ˚ ✿. ˚ 🥞🎀 . ˚✦ . ✿ ˚ 🥞🎀 * ˚ 🥞🎀 ✦ ˚ .#˚ .🧇🎀🌈 (🎀 ๑ ω ๑)ノ⌒*:・゚✧:*:・゚☆🍋🌺青 。・:*:・゚★黄色⭐️🌈絵の具₊˚𓇼 🍮🎀#★ ₊ . ° . ⋆° .🌈🎀🥕(*・ω・)Princess⋆˚✿˖°°🧃๋࣭🍊多彩な☘️🎀#⭐️🎀🍊.。*゚ .*.。( ๑´꒳`๑)。.。: *🍊🎀⭐️#ねこ#あき#きょうふう#強風#cat#kawaii#kawaiicore#jojifuku#nekocore#neko#gif#old web#web graphics#animecore#otakucore#weebcore#aesthetic#webcore#neetcore#2000s#00s#2000s core
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Professional have hobbies
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Spring at Aotake
#kakehai#kazetsuyo#kaze ga tsuyoku fuiteiru#風が強く���いている#灰走#走灰#run with the wind#rwtw#rwtw anime#run with the wind fanart
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部屋探し|Apartment Hunting
Let me share with you my current struggles on finding a place to stay in Japan with this long vocabulary list!
住宅(じゅうたく)housing, residential building
住宅街(じゅうたくがい)residential area
最寄り駅(もよりえき)nearest train station
共同住宅(きょうどうじゅうたく)residential complex, apartment house
不動産屋(ふどうさんや)real estate agent
物件(ぶっけん)object, property (real estate)
ネット上(じょう)on the internet
掲載する(けいさい)post, insert (advertisement)
共益費(きょうえきひ)common fee, utility fee
月額(げつがく)monthly amount
初期費用(しょきひよう)initial costs
入居する(にゅうきょ)move into
翌月(よくげつ)next month
翌月分(よくげつぶん)next month's rent
礼金(れいきん)key money (fee paid for rental rights)
清掃費(せいそうひ)cleaning fee
火災保険料(かさいほけんりょう)fire insurance fee
賃貸(ちんたい)lease, rent
賃貸借契約(ちんたいしゃけいやく)rental contract
借り主(かりぬし)debtor, tenant
貸主(かしぬし)lender, landlord
一時に(いちどき)at once
滞納(たいのう)falling behind (with a payment)
Moving into a Japanese property comes with high initial costs which can be broken down into numerous different fees. Unfortunately, share houses are not necessarily fully excluded from this, but it really depends on the company. I'm glad that I could take some time to work and save up money before going to Japan. The first month will be very expensive.
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「ヴェルメイ」 by Piukute | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
#kinsou no vermeil: gakeppuchi majutsushi wa saikyou no yakusai to mahou sekai wo tsukisusumu#kinsou no vermeil#vermeil in gold#金装のヴェルメイユ ~崖っぷち魔術師は最強の厄災と魔法世界を突き進む~#vermeil#demon girl#nun#big#horns#navel#thigh highs#fan ar#artist:piukute#pixiv art#mypost#mypost:kinsou no vermeil
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Hiroshima University Arabic Study Group A friend from Egypt sent me these insanely cute photos.
In the story "Cat Army," a clever cat goes to the market to buy milk at the request of his owner, a girl, and returns home with all the cats he met, but when the girl sees him, she exclaims, "There's not enough milk! and she takes the cats on a boat and goes looking for an ocean of milk.
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仕事の後に めが差メール 何か心アクチャ 仕事の後に
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Keeping up with my goals!
I'm struggling a lot with the reading section and I really don't know how to fix my reading skills. Everyone suggests to read more but it's so hard to focus and keep reading when you don't understand things and get demotivated. If anyone has any tips for me I would really appreciate it!
Hope you guys are doing great!
#japanese#japanese language#jlpt#japanese books#jlpt n2#languages#studyblr#studying#language learning#study with me#日本語の勉強#にほんご#日本語
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#kazetsuyo#run with the wind#kaze ga tsuyoko fuiteiru#風が強く吹いている#userdramas#usergif#fysportsanime#animangaboys#anisource#fyanimegifs#dailyanime#animeedit#*gfx#kazetsuyoedit#userroh#usermoh#kanamesengoku#usergojoana#userkyaa#usernikiforova#userjenny
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Japanese Counting Words
〜着(ちゃく)counter word for suits and dresses
〜膳(ぜん)counter word for bowls of rice and chopsticks
〜杯(はい) counter for sake cups, bowlfuls, spoonfuls
〜個(こ)counter for articles, pieces
〜枚(まい)counter for flat, thin things
〜台(だい)counter for machines
〜本(ほん)counter for long cylindrical objects
〜冊(さつ)counter for books, bound papers
#vocabulary#japanese vocabulary#日本語語彙#japanese studyblr#japanese langblr#日本語の勉強#sunnie studies#divider by plutism
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This might be a very niche take but I think we should take people's reasons for learning a language in mind when suggesting how they go about it
I've seen people in a lot of Japanese learning communities tell other to never watch fantasy anime (or anime at all sometimes) or read anything that's not slice-of-life or actual literature because "people in real life don't speak like that"
And while, yes, that's true, native Japanese speakers do not generally speak like anime characters, uhhhh... The probability of me watching a fantasy anime in the course of a month is significantly higher than the probability of me going to Japan in the next five years. So understanding anime character speech is in fact more relevant to me than, idk, business lingo
And, I don't think that's a bad thing personally? Learning a language because you want to better understand content you find fun is just as good a reason as learning it to live in the country where the language is spoken, and it's fine and reasonable to adjust your learning strategies according to your personal goals
#japanese language#japanese langblr#langblr#language learning#language#langblog#learning#learn japanese#studying#adhd study#study blog#studyblr#discourse#hot take#日本語#日本語勉強
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12・13日目 悪食、ペールノエル
Day 12 & 13: Gluttony / Pere Noel
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改まった形|Polite Forms
In formal settings like in a business meeting or at a public gathering some words are switched with politer forms. You often hear them when somebody is giving a speech, holding a presentation or on TV. But they appear in written form as well, especially in business context. Basically, everywhere where keigo is used, it is also expected to apply politer forms.
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