kdram-chjh · 3 months
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Cdrama: Life after Life (2024)
Gifs of Intro & Ending of cdrama "Life after Life"
MULTISUB 【FULL】 EP01 青幽渡 Passer by in a Memory #李子璇 #张赫 (1&2)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga9lYBYGU3w
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Zhang Qiling's Birthday Month Special Recs
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Artist: 刘巴布
Happy birthday, Xiaoge! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧🎉🎉
It's a little late, but November isn't over yet >.<
I feel like there is nothing much I can do to celebrate Xiaoge's birthday. So, I will just recommend several PingXie fanfictions in Zhang Qiling's perspective, using the first person or third person POV. Most of them are in canon setting. The stories are different despite in the same setting, you can give it a try (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠). Anyway, I will try to look for the missing links...
There is also a short analysis/meta/discussion about Zhang Qiling's timeline that I found on Zhihu. Maybe just some thoughts to ponder, the overall DMBJ's timeline is confusing to begin with. Although it is relatively short, their analysis is pretty neat and the comments are interesting. It's mainly focused on Xiaoge before he met Wu Xie. On a side note, it was posted in 2020. Here is the link if you are interested:
张起灵大事年表 (mtl: Chronology of Zhang Qiling’s Major Events) ⬇️
And the fic recs, here you go!
情深非不寿 by 小 粉 📝Deep Love Does Not Mean Longevity
不是小胖几 by 方策 📝It Is Not the Little Fat Guy
补充笔记 by 璇宝 📝Supplementary Notes
不言 by 东帝沧阳 📝No Words
回家 by 东帝沧阳 📝Going Home
不寐 by 孤舟闲行 📝Insomnia
张起灵的私家笔记 by 孤舟闲行 📝Zhang Qiling’s Personal Notes
第六次 by 标点欸欸欸欸 📝The Sixth Time
光暗为界 by 墨澜白锦 📝Light and Darkness Are the Boundaries
瓶中记事 by 沈判 📝Notes in a Bottle
🏔️Previous Recs🏔️
人参娃娃 by 码字的在水一方 📝Ginseng Doll
到了三十岁还是处男,似乎会变成魔法师 by 蓝十六冒 📝At the Age of 30, He is Still a Virgin, It Seems that He Will Become a Magician
渡苦 by 一三 📝Overcoming Suffering
晓看天色暮看云 by 漫漫唯一 📝Look at the Sky at Dawn and the Clouds at Dusk
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: Gourmet in Tang Dynasty (2021)
Gifs of Intro & Ending of cdrama “Gourmet in Tang Dynasty”
【🧁ENG】 EP01 穿越之萌神厨娘 | 大唐小吃货 🍰 Gourmet in Tang Dynasty (李子璇/刘润南/张航瑜)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvbuUysgquc
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kdram-chjh · 1 month
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Cdrama: My Cat Burglar (2024)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "My Cat Burglar"
[Multi-sub] 《聘猫记》 第1集丨于轩晨 尚璇 李政霖 蒋未 王艺潇 张敢敢 My Cat Burglar EP1 【捷成华视偶像剧场】
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdBdplWd7Jo
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: My Cat Burglar (2024)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "My Cat Burglar"
[Multi-sub] 《聘猫记》 第1集丨于轩晨 尚璇 李政霖 蒋未 王艺潇 张敢敢 My Cat Burglar EP1 【捷成华视偶像剧场】
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdBdplWd7Jo
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solace-sylphieee · 3 months
{Translation} 世界之外 Beyond The World - 夏夜诡叙诗 主题曲 Summer Night's Poem of Spook Theme Song
世界之外·夏夜诡叙诗 主题曲——妄想诗 Beyon The World: Summer Night's Poem of Spook Theme Song - Poem of Delusion
"In night, when my life's fiery as the blaze
For love, burning together with me
May you tear and rip the bounds
Living freely with brilliance."
《世界之外》——特殊副本:夏夜诡叙诗PV主题曲 【妄想诗】 歌词 <Beyond The World> Special Dungeon: Summer Night's Poem of Spook PV Theme Song [Poem of Delusion] Lyrics {Translation}
歌词:璇子 Lyrics: Xuan'zi 作曲:AST Composition: AST 制作人:张光磊 / AST Producer: Zhang Guang Lei / AST 编曲:AST / 张光磊 Arrangement: AST / Zhang Guang Lei
听怪物在窃窃私语 Listen, the monsters' whispering 嘘不要动保持安静 Shh, don't move, be quiet 放慢脚步小心规则 With slow steps, beware of the rules 今天要通过 Today we must pass
听他的脚步在接近 Listen, to his approaching steps 看夜色下是他的影 Look, at his casting shadows 弹奏颤栗遗世独行 Strumming tremours, left alone and in woe 他会来找你 He will come and find you
听恐惧也被收割 Listen, as your fear be reaped 看惩罚看不见血色 Look, punishment that leaves no blood 他会让你记得 He will have you recall 爱是你就值得 Love, is of worth be you the one 诡叙的爱怪物的心 Eerily narrating the love to a monster's heart 剖开给你也可 Be it cutting out for your behold
不要怕人会变换形色 Don't be afraid of shapeshifters 爱却跨越间隔 Love will cross through the borders 轮回不变是我 And the one remain unchanged be me 怪物的心也会有承诺 Promises lie inside even the heart of monsters
夜掩盖你惑人眼波 As night, covering your alluring eyes 火摇曳在天边水色 The flame, trembles by the scapes 只求今朝不问对错 Praying for only today, disregarding right-wrong
谁是谁的魔 Who is whose demon 谁夜色中把我诱惑 Who is alluring me in the night 谁套上你给的枷锁 Who is the one binding you 迷途不返清醒堕落 Lost and astray, falling by choice 妄想有结果 Delusioning for fulfilment
业颠倒今生因果 Karma, reversing all our causal 妄遇见就不想放过 Wishfully, not letting go after meeting 业遇见就是错 Karma, marks the fault of our encounter 妄爱是谁的过 In delusion, who's fault is it for loving 叩问业果因缘交错 Asking for the karma and causal 谁为谁成了魔 For whom, has who become the demon
困不得妄想放你逃脱 Untrappable, and wishfully letting you escape 也想让你记得 All in hopes that you remember 因果纠缠执着 With the causal intertwined 今生来世彼此不放过 No one will be let go forever and evermore
夜我生如烈火 In night, when my life's fiery as the blaze 爱随我燃烧过 For love, burning together with me 愿你从今撕开枷锁 May you tear and rip the bounds 灿烂自由生活 Living freely with brilliance
困不得仍想要遇见过 Even if untrappable, the wish to meet still holds 也想让你记得 Hoping that you remember 不敢妄求因果 Not daring to ask for fulfilment 愿你来生还能看见我 May you still see me in the next life
Another day another dying brain~
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