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川狩り/秋季大祭 - 勝岡八幡神社, 松山, 愛媛 Kawagari/Autumn festival - Katsuoka Hachiman Jinja, Matsuyama, Ehime
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What's That Thing? Part 30
On The Fifth Day of Fun I present... an ask! This one seems to have been sent in by the person who asked a question last year too! Anonymous asked: "What were your favorite Misedashi/Sakkō/Erikae ensembles in 2024?" It's always so hard to pick just one as okiya always bring out their best for special occasions, but here are my personal favorites from this past year: My favorite misedashi look goes to Fukuyumi (ふく弓) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho. Being that it was Shigemori's first summer misedashi, they naturally needed to commission a new outfit for the occasion. However, I wasn't expecting them to commission a matching pair of kimono for both Fukuyumi and her onesan Fukuchō (ふく兆)! The matching set is really chic with its lucky treasures and gold bands ^^
Image courtesy of Shigemori Okiya. My favorite sakkō outfit hands down goes to Ichikoto (市琴) of Katsumi (勝見) in Pontocho. While I love kuromontsuki with sakkō, I'm a bigger fan of iromontsuki, and Ichikoto's lovely burgundy kimono with partitions whose motifs cover almost all of the colors of the rainbow is the definition of iki!
Image courtesy of Geiko Ayano. Finally, my favorite erikae ensemble for this year also came out of Shigemori in Miyagawa Cho, and it belongs to Kotsuru (小つる)! I thought about picking another outfit, but this one was just too perfect. Cranes flying over blue water and tri colored pine? Classy and fits to a T!
Image courtesy of My Kyoto Photo.
#maiko#geiko#geisha#kyoto#misedashi#sakko#erikae#miyagawa cho#shigemori#fukuyumi#kotsuru#pontocho#katsumi#ichikoto#舞妓#京都#芸妓#芸者#見世出し#店出し#さっこう#先笄#襟替え#衿替え#宮川町#しげ森#ふく弓#小つる#先斗町#勝見
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【元絵】 題名:式亭三馬『復讐両脵塚』後編 (四丁ウ・五丁オ) (文化5年(1808)) 作者:勝川春亭 所蔵:媒体:版本 【使用作品】 猫鬼 [補4-373] 『水木しげるの中国妖怪事典』 (1990)

『補巻 媒体別妖怪画報集 (4)』(水木しげる漫画大全集)
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Kiyoshi Kurosawa
- Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself!! The Heist
#Kiyoshi Kurosawa#黒沢清#Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself#勝手にしやがれ!!強奪計画#勝手にしやがれ#Japanese Film#1995#Show Aikawa#哀川翔
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"Questioning the Reason" by Haruka NAKAGAWA (left); "dusk" by Katsuharu TANO (right)
#わけを問うたなら#Questioning the Reason#中川晴賀#haruka nakagawa#dusk#田野勝晴#katsuharu tano#musashino art university#art work#art#oil painting#20230227#tokyo#joint graduation exhibition of 5 art universities
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夢いまだ成らず-評伝 山中峰太郎 尾崎秀樹 中央公論社 カバー・デザイン=佐藤裕、カバー画=(表)樺島勝一 (裏)梁川剛一
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#photographers on tumblr#travel#cool japan#castle#photography#photo#instagood#tour#landscape#バイクで行く景色#history#日本の建物#日本の城#日本の歴史#日本の文化#三重県#桑名城#本田忠勝#徳川四天王
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職業に貴賤があると真面目に語る奇人を知事にしている県があるらしい。 「県庁というのはシンクタンクです。毎日毎日、野菜を売ったり、牛の世話をしたり、モノを作ったりとかと違い、基本的に皆さんは頭脳、知性の高い方…」 知性の高い人間は第一次産業・第二次産業に従事していないと本気で思っているかのような発言。 なわけないじゃん。 今や農業は知性の高い人間がやらないと滅びてしまうような産業になってるし、 ビル・ゲイツとかスティーブ・ジョブズって、なんかモノ作ってたような… 儒教の考え方では、君子、貴人は、肉体労働モノ作りをすべきでないらしい。 貴賤の序列を重んじ、形而上学的な思考に長じている方が貴であり偉かったらしい。 中国は儒教で科挙をやりつづけ、朝鮮もそうだった。で、近代化に出遅れた。 日本は流通経済が繁栄し、合理主義的な平等意識が広がりつつあったが、幕府や多くの武士は儒教的だった。 黒船を見て大慌てで欧米の科学技術を取り入れはじめてからまだ150年、 運動部の文化に代表される異様な一種の儒教文化は根強いし、 油断すると、こんな未開の儒教バカみたいなこと言う間抜けがトップに立ってしまう。こんな珍理論は中国でも今は笑われちゃうでしょ。 今やふつうに、どこの産業職業にもバカと利口が分布している、ただそれだけの常識を真っ向否定するドアホを知事に持っている県があるらしい。
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川狩り/秋季大祭 - 勝岡八幡神社, 松山, 愛媛 Kawagari/Autumn festival - Katsuoka Hachiman Jinja, Matsuyama, Ehime
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May 2nd, 2024: 'Tis the season for celebrations, and what could be bigger than an erikae? Two erikae! Kotsuru (小つる) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho and Ichikoto (市琴) of Katsumi (勝見) in Pontocho are currently wearing the sakkō hairstyle ahead of their May erikae! Both women are wearing the traditional outfits of their districts for their sakkō periods: Kotsuru is wearing a kuromontsuki, a black crested formal kimono, while Ichikoto is wearing an iromontsuki, a colored crested formal kimono. Kotsuru's erikae will be taking place on May 9th while Ichikoto's will be taking place on May 27th ^^ Images are courtesy of My Kyoto Photo and Geiko Ayano.
#maiko#geiko#geisha#kyoto#sakko#sakkou#miyagawa cho#shigemori#kotsuru#pontocho#katsumi#ichikoto#舞妓#芸妓#芸者#京都#先笄#さっこう#宮川町#しげ森#小つる#先斗町#勝見#市琴
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【元絵】 題名:式亭三馬『復讐両脵塚』前編 (一丁ウ・二丁オ) (文化5年(1808)) 作者:勝川春亭 所蔵:媒体:版本 【使用作品】 猫憑 [補5-272] [補5-273] 『水木しげるの憑物百怪』 (1993)
via 御田鍬;さん 水木しげる元絵まとめ 日本妖怪編

『補巻 媒体別妖怪画報集 (5)』(水木しげる漫画大全集)
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Kiyoshi Kurosawa
- Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Hero
#Kiyoshi Kurosawa#黒沢清#勝手にしやがれ!!英雄計画#勝手にしやがれ!!#勝手にしやがれ#Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself: The Hero#Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself!!#Suit Yourself or Shoot Yourself#1996#V Cinema#Susumu Terajima#寺島進#Toshiya Fujita#藤田敏八#Show Aikawa#哀川翔#Koyo Maeda#前田耕陽#Yoriko Doguchi#洞口依子#Japanese Film
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Guess who just rewatched for the millionth time Kyou kara ore wa!! ?
Yes it was me, I’m simply obsessed with it (especially with the Italian dubbing), and especially with Nakano, I love him and his Italian voice (in the last two episodes 😂)
For this illustration I tried to mix my style with both the one from the manga and anime to give it a more ‘90s look and I really like the result 🖤
Also Due come noi (the Italian title) is one of my all time favourite manga of all times I really love it and I’m so grateful for the mangaka Nishimori Hiroyuki sensei for having created it and other manga too I really love his humor, so I wanted to tribute it and my love for it with this illustration with the main cast 🖤✨
(P.s.the words are based on what was written on the Italian cover for the dvd box…😂)
#my art#illustration#nenesleepyhead#digital drawing#digital art#fanart#mywork#kyou kara ore wa!!#Mitsuhashi takashi#ito shinji#Nakano Makoto#akasaka riko#hayakawa Kyoko#tanaka ryo#imai katsutoshi#tanigawa yasuo#今日から俺は#三橋貴志#伊藤真司#中野誠#早川京子#赤坂理子#田中良#今井勝俊#谷川安夫
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Himemaro! ‐Ai no sen nen sutōkā hen‐ (姫麿!‐愛の千年ストーカー編‐) / written and illustrated by Katsumi Nakagawa (中川勝海) / published in 2021
#manga#shoujo manga#Himemaro! ‐Ai no sen nen sutōkā hen‐#姫麿!‐愛の千���ストーカー編‐#Katsumi Nakagawa#中川勝海#source: mangaz.com#free to read#(every website says 2021 but the art???)
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