wshuei · 6 months
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wdhf100083t · 1 year
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miyamiwu · 3 months
New Link Click MV: 灼热宫殿 (House of the Hot-Headed)*
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And OMG Vein???
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And why is he always front and center? Is he their leader?
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Some screenshots of the other two:
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*House of the Hot-Headed as English title is based on the song lyrics, but a closer translation would be Scorching Palace or something. Not sure what the official translation the studio uses Edit: The official translation is Burning Palace
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xiakeponz · 2 months
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my collection of dragons (imagery of dragons as depicted on artefacts exhibited at the forbidden palace museum and the chinese archaeological museum in beijing, china)
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hgjllknboeb · 6 months
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vsxfbd · 1 year
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hngjkh · 2 years
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华纳真人百家乐游戏网址 www.hn5596.com】【注册官网www.cl5965.com【备用网址 cL5579.com 】浏览器打开网址纸飞机:@ok271314 微信:ok092314 【QQ1577653887】 缅甸果敢老街华纳娱乐开户注册流程:非常的方便,可以自已在官网上注册开户,也可以联系接待专员手动开户:游戏多样,玩法齐全有 百家乐、龙虎、牛牛,缅甸政府批准合法注册公司本公司有现场同步视频直播的网络投注,手机电脑都可以投注,资金安全,对比电子平台更安全更可靠。
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(the post editor malfunctioned and after a series of unfortunate events the original ask post is gone, so I had to make this screenshot mockup of the ask, sorry)
Thank you for prodding me to finish up a draft that's been sitting there for an inexplicably long time.
I will divide puns into exact homophones, which are pronounced exactly the same, and near homophones, which consist of the same phonemes with different tones. Though exact homophones are much punnier in speech, Internet jokes rely heavily upon text input and most people use phonetic-based Chinese input systems, meaning their autocompletes will often suggest near homophones and people will use them if they're funny enough.
To make this slightly statistically sound and not just me making up random puns, I grabbed 700k viewer comments from the years NiF was available on Youku, 2015 to 2020 (courtesy of danmu box). These danmu/弹幕 comments are timed to a particular moment in the show so they splash across the screen while you watch.
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Let's start with the heavy hitters:
Xie Yu/谢玉 is an exact homophone of xièyù/泄欲, literally discharging desire, which means satisfying one’s lust or orgasming. Xie Yu's name occurs 5000+ times in the comments versus almost 900 orgasms.
Prince Yu/誉王 is an exact homophone of yùwáng/欲王, meaning prince of lust, and a near homophone, of yùwàng/欲望, which means desire (or the chaotic evil penis). The latter is far more likely to be autocompleted and shows up 1500+ times versus 200+ for the prince of lust.
Yùjīn/豫津 is a near homophone of yùjìn, 欲禁, or forbidden lust/abstinence. Because bath towel/浴巾 is an exact homophone and again far more likely to come up first in autocomplete, people overwhelmingly refer to him as the towel. In the comments, bath towel is used nearly 7000 times, 10x more frequently than his actual name, which is made up of two not-super-common characters.
Mei Changsu is often addressed as Su-xiong/苏兄 by Jingrui and Yujin in canon, which is an exact homophone of sūxiōng/酥胸, a literary term for supple and beautiful breasts that might have the same old-fashioned connotation as heaving bosom does in English. I'm going to call him gorgeous tits because he does bear a striking resemblance to the azure tit:
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I've seen Chinese MCS fans note this resemblance before, but these birds don't have titillating names in Chinese so you can have this bonus joke for English speakers. Anyways, gorgeous tits are invoked in nearly 6000 comments versus almost 1200 for Su-xiong itself.
Now you can enjoy one of the comments from the above screenshot exclaiming over these names:
浴巾裹着酥胸,泄欲,这都什么什么 a bath towel (yujin) wrapped around gorgeous tits (su-xiong), orgasming (xie yu), what is all this
And the following off-color joke retold many times throughout the episodes:
Why is Mei Changsu called Su-xiong and not Mei-xiong? Because he has gorgeous tits, not tiny ones (Méi-xiōng/梅兄 is an exact homophone of flat-chested/没胸).
Here are some rarer-but-still-good puns:
Gōng Yǔ/宫羽 is a near homophone of gòngyù/共浴, bathing together (cue viewer comments about how she and bath towel belong with each other).
Níhuáng/霓凰 is a near homophone of nǐhuáng/你黄, slang meaning you’re perverted.
The emperor lives in Yǎngjū Hall/养居殿, a near homophone of penis hall since yángjù/阳具 is the yang implement, though it's most popularly punned with pigpen (I wrote about this here if you scroll to the end).
The travelogue Mei Changsu wrote annotations in, 翔地记, is an exact homophone of xiángdìjì/降帝记, or records of subduing the emperor (which I can only interpret as MCS’s Dom Diaries on how to conquer Jingyan).
To conclude, here’s a stacked area chart of the four horsemen of punny NiF names and how often they're spammed:
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wshuei · 1 year
第一个钥匙有东方为木的形状代表青龙,四象之一、天之四灵之一; 是代表东方的灵兽,为青色的龙,五行属木,代表的季节是春季,八卦主震
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fatedphoto · 3 months
【时光代理人新曲「灼热宫殿」MV公开-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/YrRr8kh
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House of Hot Headed song and music video dropped!! Sorry I’m a bit late on this one fell asleep early last night. Also holy shittt
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fateandloveentwined · 7 months
poetry lines befitting MCS and XJY
These are mostly chinese tang shi and song ci poetry quotes, with a great biased amount from Su Shi because OP doesn't know better. Crude, 5-minute english translations below. There are lines I semi-made up or adapted from fandom/cpop songs (that is, most of Xiao Jingyan's lines), ngl OP is rather embarrassed of them because they aren't good at all looking back now but we'll just leave them here or else XJY would end up with zero quotes.
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梅长苏 Mei Changsu
想那日束髪从军,想那日霜角辕门,想那日挟剑惊风,想那日横槊凌云。 ——夏完淳
Think to the day I tied back my hair and enlisted. Think to the day the horn rang at the frostbitten tents, think to the day I danced my sword making the sound that deafens the wind. Think to the day I took to the lance, and it pierced through the skies, rising higher than the clouds. — Xia Wanchun
将士百战身名裂。 向河梁、回头万里,故人长绝。 易水萧萧西风冷,满座衣冠似雪,正壮士、悲歌未彻。 ——辛弃疾
The warrior fights a hundred battles, yet what remains is his severed reputation. He looks to the bridge over the river, thousands of miles back, past acquaintances forever gone. In another life, over the howling of the west wind and the cold Yi rivers, the banquet sits, clothes adorned in snowlike white. The courageous man strides through the blizzard, the song of lament never ceasing. — Xin Qiji
零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 ——陆游
The plum blossoms wither and drift to the ground, crushed into earthly soil and dust. The prevailing fragrance is what remains. — Lu You
亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 ——屈原
So long as this is what my heart longs for and treasures, though I die nine deaths, my heart does not regret. — Qu Yuan
君臣一梦,今古空名。 ——苏轼
Lords and lieges ebb into nothing but a dream; in the river of time transcending present and past vain titles remain, cast into the void. — Su Shi
无波真古井,有节是秋筠。 ——苏轼
The heart is at peace like the ancient well that does not ripple; the integrity is as the autumn bamboos, steadfast and unfaltering. — Su Shi
舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 ——苏轼
The warship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. — Su Shi
对一张琴,一壶酒,一溪云。 ——苏轼
Facing but a guqin, a jug of wine, a stream of cloud. — Su Shi
江山如画,是我心言。 ——风起时
The rivers and mountains of the kingdom outstretches before me, as moving as in art: this is my heart’s will. — from the song “Feng Qi Shi”, when the wind blows
战骨碎尽志不休,冰心未改血犹殷。 ——改自《赤血长殷》、王昌龄
Bones completely crushed from the battle, yet aspirations unwavering. The heart has not changed; the blood flows red still. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red, and poet Wang Changling
袖手妙计权倾变,敛眸笑谈意了然。 ——改自《赤血长殷》
With folded arms, he devises labyrinthine strategies. The sceptre of power sways and shifts. He shrouds his gaze modestly, and in conversations of small smiles, he discerns the intention of men. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
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萧㬌琰 Xiao Jingyan
潜龙一朝御风翔,长歌挽弓射天狼。 ——《长喑》
The submerged dragon rises one day to ride the winds. Singing high and long; the bow is drawn pointed at the invading Sirius. — from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
挑灯殿阙思悄然,闻钤行宫寝无眠。 ——改自白居易
Awashed in the raised lamps of the imperial palace, thoughts whisper in grievance. The bell rings at the Jiu’an grounds, and he lies abed sleepless. — adapted from The Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi
驰骋沙场繁华梦,谈笑鸿儒君臣纲。 ——改自《致陛下书》、刘禹锡
Dreams soar in the flurrying gallops of the battlefield, flourishing dreams of splendour and joy. In pleasant dialogue with scholars, civility obliges polite smiles into the etiquette of lords and lieges. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty, and Liu Yuxi
铁马并辔封疆,几回魂梦游;更鼓落夜未央,笔下兴亡断。 ——取自《长喑》、《赤血长殷》
Armoured horses riding in parallel at the borderlands — how many times has the soul wandered to such dreams of the past. The hourly drums sound ceaseless across the long night; under the emperor's brush, the fate of prosperity and declination writes. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here, and “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
揽尽山河只手倾,昂冕袖手瞰苍生。 ——改自《长喑》
The future of his kingdom sweeps into a tilt of his hand. With crown upheld, he folds his arms in his sleeves awatching humanity. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
咫尺抚眉峰,万丈叠远峰;梦底枕笑纹,惊风掀水纹。 ——《致陛下书》
Up close, the furrowed brows are smoothed. Ten thousands of feet stretch before him, converging into mountains at a distance. In the deepest dreams, the markings of a smile lie; he stirs up the wind which marks and rips tides in the tumultuous waters. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty
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Two (three) things to note:
My dying obsession with Su Shi, sorry I can’t help it that perhaps over half of the all the poetry I know is from him;
To be really fair, my favourite description of Mei Changsu is 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外, used in describing Zhang Liang in Si Maqian's Records of the Grand Historian. He orchestrates masterplans in the tent of the army; he determines the victory of the battle from afar, thousands of miles from the front.
As for my favourite depiction of Lin Shu, it is definitely Su Shi’s description of Cao Cao: 舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 The warship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. Xin Qiji’s verse above just fits the entire story of Mei Changsu so much, it deserves a mention.
I was assembling/making these lines up for something back then and so just listed whatever came to mind (for reasons I know not I kept on listing stuff for MCS, but maybe XJY was the typical good emperor kind of person so wasn't as inspiring coming up with quotes for him).
If there are lines of poetry you find really befitting the two characters, we're more than interested starting a thread here just for that purpose.
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clj-art-blog · 1 year
苍盐海•寂月宫大殿 | Cangyan Sea • The Great Hall of the Lonely Moon Palace
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+BONUS 月 尊 • 东方青苍 | Moon Lord Supreme • Dongfang Qingcang
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(Pleasure for my eyes)
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fluff-crt · 1 year
TGCF Donghua: "New Scene: 鎏金宴宫殿 the Luxurious Golden Hall"
Source: https://twitter.com/TGCF_OfficialEN/status/1705190203999076835
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vermillioncourt-if · 8 months
(AI Generated Images)
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The Dowager Queen, King, Queen, and Consorts of the Xiatian Kingdom
The Dowager Queen Nan Niexing (南聂星)
(南, nán, "south") (聂星, niè xīng, "to whisper star") || (赤, chì, "red")
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The current Dowager Queen Nan Niexing is the mother of the current King of the Xiatian Kingdom. She used to be the former King's favorite consort, Pure Consort (淑妃, shū fēi) Chi Niexing (赤聂星). She is obvious about who her favorite is among her son's wives and who her favorite grandchildren are, publicly showering them with gifts and praise, much to the dismay of the other wives. She is 65 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: nahn knee-eh shing || cheuh
Height: 5'7 (170 cm) || 5'9 (175 cm) in her prime
Appearance: Fair skin, Dark Brown eyes, Straight Grey hair (used to be black)
Palace: The Main Palace (皇宫, huángōng)
King Nan Shaimian (南晒面)
(南, nán, "south") (晒面, shài miàn, "to shine (the sun) on the face")
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King Nan Shaimian is the current King of the Xiatian Kingdom. He is the eldest son of the previous King and his then-Consort Chi Niexing. He is the father of all 22 royal children of the Nan family. He is a fairly absent father, but still cares and wants the best for all of them. He, unlike his mother Dowager Queen Nan Niexing, is less obvious regarding his favoritism towards his wives and children. He is 47 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: nahn shy me-an
Height: 6'0 (183 cm)
Appearance: Fair skin, Dark Brown eyes, Straight Salt and Pepper hair
Palace: The Main Palace (皇宫, huángōng)
Queen He Taiyin (荷太殷)
(荷, hé, "lotus") (太殷, tài yǐn, "great roll of thunder")
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Queen He Taiyin is the main wife to King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom. She is from a prominent family of the Vermillion Court, her family being long standing allies with the Nan family. She is calm and collected with a sharp strategical mind, but a soft and kind demeanor. Under her supervision, city infrastructure and policies to help the poor have flourished. She has mothered 4 of the 22 royal children of the Nan family. She is 45 years old at the start of the story. Oh, have I mentioned she's 9 months pregnant with their 4th child, as well?
Name Pronunciation: heuh t-eye yin
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Appearance: Fair skin, Brown eyes, Wavy Dark Brown hair
Palace: The Main Palace (皇宫, huángōng), The Sky Hall (天殿, tiāndiàn)
Noble Consort Dou Rizhe (豆日晢)
(豆, dòu, "bean/legume") (日晢, rì zhé, "day of brightness")
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Noble Consort (貴妃, guì fēi) Dou Rizhe, also called the First Consort, is one of the five wives of King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom. She tends to keep to herself, being quieter and more anxious than the other consorts. She is also the youngest of the five wives. She comes from a well-established noble house of the Xiatian Kingdom. She is the mother of only 3 of the 22 royal children of the Nan family. After the birth of the Eighth/Ninth Princess, she contracted a mysterious illness. Ever since recovering, she has been having trouble conceiving and carrying a child, which has resulted in her only having 3 children. This has caused her to retreat further into herself, now rarely seen out unless for public events. She is 42 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: dough r-euh j-uh
Height: 5'3 (160 cm)
Appearance: Pale skin, Black eyes, Wavy Brown hair
Palace: The Peony Palace (芍宫, sháogōng)
Pure Consort Huo Qinwen (火昑文)
(火, huǒ, "fire") (昑文, qǐn wén, "bright gentleness")
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Pure Consort (淑妃, shū fēi) Huo Qinwen, also called the Second Consort, is one of the five wives of King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom and is the mother of MC. Unlike the other consorts, she did not come from a noble family and was, instead, an orphan. Her foster mother worked in the palace and, when she was old enough, she worked as a palace maid under the then-Pure Consort Chi Niexing. Chi Niexing took a liking to her and when she was promoted to Dowager Queen upon the crowning of her son as King, bestowed a title onto Huo Qinwen. The King was then able to marry her properly and place her as one of his consorts. True to her name, Qinwen is a kind and gentle woman, easily charming the people around her. She dotes a bit too much on her children and caused a major fuss in the palace when the Second Prince was born, as she refused to hand him to a wet nurse. She is Dowager Queen Nan Niexing's favorite consort and her children are her favorite grandchildren. She is also the close friend of Virtuous Consort Re. She is the mother of 4 of the 22 royal children of the Nan family. She is 44 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: h-wha chin when
Height: 5'6 (168 cm)
Appearance: Fair-Light Brown Skin, Player Determined Eye Color, Player Determined Hair Color, Straight Hair
Palace: The Lotus Palace (莲宫, liángōng)
Virtuous Consort Re Hanshang (热瀚汤)
(热, rè, "hot (temperature)") (瀚汤, hàn shāng, "ocean rushing current")
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Virtuous Consort (德妃, dé fēi) Re Hanshang, also called the Third Consort, is one of the five wives of King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom. She is one of the calmer consorts, with a relaxed and laid back attitude, as well as being the oldest of the five wives. She comes from a well-established noble house of the Xiatian Kingdom. She is the mother of 5 of the 22 royal children of the Nan family. Two of those children are a pair of twins, which secured her position quite well. She is close friends to Pure Consort Huo Qinwen, raising their children together as well as meeting up to gossip and talk over tea. She is 46 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: reuh haan shaang
Height: 5'9 (175 cm)
Appearance: Pale skin, Black eyes, Straight Light Brown hair
Palace: The Chrysanthemum Palace (菊宫, júgōng)
Worthy Consort Xing Fangguo (杏昉崞)
(杏, xìng, "apricot") (昉崞, fǎng guō, "dawn over Guo")
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Worthy Consort (賢妃, xián fēi) Xing Fangguo, also called the Fourth Consort, is one of the five wives of King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom and the main reason why MC is at risk for being removed from court. She is from a newer noble family with foreign heritage. Her blonde hair gave her an "exotic" flair during the selection, which let her be chosen as consort. She is the mother of 6 of the 22 royal children of the Nan family as well as the King's self-proclaimed "favorite" wife. She is ambitious and cunning, doing quite a bit to secure her position and gain power and status. She isn't quite liked among the other wives due to her condescending nature and back-stabbing nature. She is 43 years old at the start of the story.
Name Pronunciation: shing faang g-wa
Height: 5'7 (170 cm)
Appearance: Tanned skin, Dark Brown eyes, Wavy Blonde hair
Palace: The Orchid Palace (兰宫, lángōng)
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angrldeel · 4 months
#西藏 #繁荣发展 #安居乐业 西藏是一个美丽的国家,拥有地球上最高的山脉,有着独特传统、宗教习俗和建筑的古老文化。游览时,您会看到雄伟的山峰、高山湖泊、湍急的山间河流、古老的冰川、令人难以置信的修道院和宫殿。以下是西藏最令人印象深刻的地方
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vsxfbd · 1 year
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