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💋 Audi 奧迪 RS Q8 🐊 霸王休旅車
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全新 CarPlay 曝光!疑似與 Audi 合作設計圖現身歐盟資料庫
Apple 蘋果曾表示支援新一代 CarPlay 的車型將於 2024 年推出,如今都已經快到年底了,仍然還沒有具體時間表。不過,日前外媒《MacRumors》讀者 Aaron Perris 發表蘋果向歐盟智慧財產局(EUIPO)提送新一代 CarPlay 的設計圖,目的是為了讓即將推出的車載系統申報專利保護,但是更讓人驚喜的是,這次公開的圖片除了顯示了多種不同的 CarPlay 介面設計之外,還出現了德國車廠 Audi 奧迪的品牌標誌,讓人更加期待這套全新的車載系統。 Continue reading 全新 CarPlay 曝光!疑似與 Audi 合作設計圖現身歐盟資料庫
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Love this one from 楊乃文 Naiwen Yang w/ 佛跳牆 Buddha Jump, the chorus is so perfect! =D
Lyricist: *Penny Tai 戴佩妮 & 楊乃文 Naiwen Yang Composer: 戴佩妮 Penny Tai & 陳君豪 Producer: 陳君豪 Howe@成績好工作室 Arrangement: 佛跳牆 Buddha Jump: Guitar: 黃宣銘 SMH & 陳君豪 Howe Chan Piano: 吳貞儀 (牙牙 YAR) Bass: 林奧迪 OD Lin Drums: 江尚謙 Shang-chien Chiang Synthesizer: 陳君豪 Howe Background Vocal Arrangement: 陳君豪 Howe Background Vocals: 楊乃文 Naiwen Yang & Buddha Jump 佛跳牆
*It is interesting that Penny co-wrote the song but did not sing with her band Buddha Jump.
楊乃文 Naiwen Yang aka Faith Yang. TW singer born in 1974.
Links: YouTube, Instagram, Spotify (under the name Edward Chen, huh?), Wikipedia
#楊乃文 Naiwen Yang#Faith Yang#佛跳牆 Buddha Jump#陳君豪 Howe#吳貞儀 (牙牙 YAR)#江尚謙 Shang-chien Chiang#林奧迪 OD Lin#Penny Tai 戴佩妮#黃宣銘 SMH#taiwan#malaysia#music video#Youtube
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百年一遇 你好巴黎
“即使天空將要崩裂,即使大地將要陷落,只要你愛我,我不在乎整個世界!”歌聲從埃菲爾鐵塔傳出,歌聲在塞納河上回蕩。 這是一直在同病魔作鬥爭的超級巨星席琳·迪翁7月26日之夜在埃菲爾鐵塔上的絕美獻唱。鐵塔變幻着顏色,在藍色和金色之間搖擺。席琳·迪翁已經四年沒有演唱了。 她唱的是法國早逝的天才歌手艾迪特. 皮雅芙的『愛的禮讚』,皮雅芙對愛人的表白,然而所愛不幸遇難了。 神似“天地合,才敢與君絕!” 這是巴黎奧運開幕式上最動人的一幕,巴黎奧運會水上開幕式全程! 精彩紛呈! 法國總統馬克龍形容其“獨一無二”。 席琳-迪翁(Céline Dion)在埃菲爾鐵塔頂上高歌一曲,為開幕式畫上了圓滿的句號,這也是當晚最激動人心的時刻之一。 © AFP POOL / OLYMPIC BROADCASTING…
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很久以前拍ㄉ菲姆極限騎車車怪照XD 謝謝埃���卡米陪我玩!
覺得比較有意思的應該是弄成GIF的東西(??) 在我找到手機深處的檔案之前我想先發發圖~
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Heads up this is a little different from what I usually post and it's not RWRB related, i completely wrote this for fun
There's a rom-com danmei web novel (danmei, a genre of queer/mlm literature popular in China) that I wished more people here knew about because it's hilarious, sweet, unhinged, and honestly a really good template for fanfics, in fact over here most of the popular gay ships have a fanfic/ fan edits of it
It's called Mister Dior (it has nothing to do with the luxury brand) and it's set in a world pretty much like ours, with the exception that everyone has a thing called a smartbrain, which is essentially a smartphone directly implanted into a human brain (don't think too much about it)
The main characters of the story I'll simplify to Zhang (top, yes these things are fairly fixed in this genre and contribute to their personality) and Jiao (bottom) who have been married for seven years. They're both CEOs of big companies, but while Jiao has rich parents, Zhang built up his company by himself. At the beginning of the story, their relationship isn't bad per se, but they are having communication issues and drifting apart slightly.
One day Zhang gets into a mild car accident causing a concussion, but also a side effect which is the point of the story: before the collision, he was browsing trashy, tropey romance novels using his smart brain, and the collision hit his head so hard that the novels and his own consciousness got mixed up
The consequence is for a variable period of time, he will think he is the main character of a certain novel, Jiao is his love interest, and everyone around assimilates into some role from the story
Each novel is called a "script" and it's all hilariously tropey, you have ABO, Mafia, Vampire etc, all together 9 AUs, plus he's still in the real world, so it's like 10 stories in one web novel, all of which turn into comedy because the real world is still the real world and Jiao is trying really hard to deal with each script without setting off anyone else's alarms
And at the same time, because he has no filter when in character, Zhang ends up revealing certain things about their relationship that help them learn more about each other, understand each other better and improve their relationship, they come out stronger than ever
So TL DR: you have one half of the couple jumping through 9 AUs and the other half desperately trying to play along while still living their daily lives of prominent CEOs and semi public figures, all while learning more about and improving their relationships
It's sweet, it's kinky, it's fun and it's fucking hilarious.
And more than the novel, there's a completed radio drama and an ongoing comic of the novel. The radio drama, although in Mandarin, is an amazing production, one of the most popular on the radio drama platform, passing one hundred million plays earlier this year. It's how I learned about this novel as well. Me re-listening to the radio drama these days is what prompted me to write this lol
And the thing is because of the structure of the story, it's really easy to change the "script" and put in other ships, I wish more people explored this
Yeah anyway I wish more people knew about this it's just amusing
Plus nearly everyone's name is a pun lmao
#danmei#迪奧先生#mlm#gay#web novel#romcom#I honestly don't know how to tag this one lmao#Idk it's just I started relistening to the radio drama after like a year#and someone on the firstprince weibo tag wrote an idea for a firstprince this novel au#and then I thought a thought#and this is the thought
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生活、健康、流行和時尚:平衡追求健康與個人風格的挑戰 引言: 生活、健康、流行和時尚是我們日常生活中不可或缺的元素。這四個領域相互交織,對於我們的身體、心理和社會健康都有著深遠的影響。本文將探討這些元素之間的關係,並討論如何平衡追求健康與個人風格的挑戰。 第一部分:健康與生活方式 健康是一個維持良好生活品質的關鍵。正確的飲食、運動、睡眠和壓力管理是健康的基石。同時,充實的社交互動、心理健康和生活滿足感也是重要的組成部分。我們的生活方式選擇,���括飲食習慣和運動習慣,對我們的身體和心理健康有深遠的影響。 第二部分:流行和時尚 流行和時尚是我們的文化和社會生活中不可忽視的一部分。它們反映了我們對美的理解和個人風格的表達。時尚不僅包括服裝和配飾,還包括髮型、化妝和身體形象。流行和時尚對於提升自信心、創造個人身份、社交互動和文化參與都具有重要作用。 第三部分:平衡健康和時尚 平衡健康和時尚是一項重要的挑戰。有時,我們可能因為時尚趨勢而忽視了健康,例如追求極端的節食或穿著不合適的鞋子。反之,過度關注健康可能導致對外貌的過度自我批評,甚至出現身體不滿意的情況。 平衡的關鍵在於自我接受和尊重。這意味著我們應該優先考慮健康,而不是追求不切實際的身體標準。同時,我們應該選擇流行和時尚元素,以提升自己的自信和幸福感,而不是為了迎合他人的期望。 結論: 生活、健康、流行和時尚是我們多面化的生活中不可或缺的元素。平衡這些元素之間的關係是一個重要的挑戰,但它是實現身心健康和自信的關鍵。我們應該追求健康生活方式,同時也擁抱自己的個人風格和時尚選擇。最終,健康和時尚可以相輔相成,讓我們在生活中更自信、更健康地展現自己。 https://lungjyi.com/ http://perfume.com.tw/
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奧利卡·迪斯克倫蒂亞 オリガ・ディスコルディア Olga Discordia (bikini) You can find more images or uncensored images on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/laststardust3d
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奧利卡·迪斯克倫蒂亞 オリガ・ディスコルディア Olga Discordia more pics on patreon or deviantart. choose anime membership on patreon https://linktr.ee/zakuro3d
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三相女神-黑卡蒂 嚴與慈 Triple Goddess - HECATE & HEKATE
『踏在迴旋之輪上,舞於暗冥深幽之境; 展智慧羽翅,燃光明法炬, 匕首斬破邪阻迷障,金鑰開啟時空通道; 威嚴之力驅散晦暗能量,直面並除斷恐懼,脫縛重生。』
『踩踏在生死之上,立於不動之地; 神聖火炬指引迷途行者,智慧之鑰啟迪宇宙奧秘; 照破無明暗坑,穿越幽冥之淵,往到光明前路。』
#triple goddess#三相女神#hekate#hecate#黑卡蒂#赫卡忒#goddess#Soteira#deities#triplemoon#hellhounds#地獄犬#torches#wisdom#oinochoe#skull#Strophalos#serpents#dagger#Hecate's Wheel#divineshrine#cosmic#owl#white fox#hedgehog#weasel#mouse#fantasy#digital art#digital painting
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ディオ捧げて、サポートに感謝して、幸運が続いています( *ˊᵕˋ)✩︎
Offer Dio,thank you your support,and have good lucky (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎)
#極道畫師#水墨画#acg#my art#illustration#ink painting#二次元水墨#二次元#手繪#jujutsu kaisen#dio brando#ディオ#jojos bizarre adventure#ジョジョの奇妙な冒険
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記得曾經看過G還是GA裡,ND的巨蟹座迪斯托爾出現在SS的聖鬥士裡……具體什麼的我忘了,就只是記得有這段故事。 當然,那是其他作者畫的,跟車田老師沒關係,但我就想了一下如果艾卡拉特還活著,或者他是以靈魂形態出現在SS裡教導米羅的腦洞就出現了(不然……難不成真的用聖衣的記憶來教導絕招?那後輩們也不用拜前輩為師,大家直接拜聖衣就好了啊XD) 當老師把圖片給我,我配上文字再給老師看的時候,老師說了句「史昂對穆很好耶!」 我也這麼認為! 史昂→穆→貴鬼→羅喜,這群羊咩咩師徒相處的感覺都很不錯滴! (雖說牡羊座也是脾氣不太好的火象星座,不過在《聖鬥士星矢》裡,脾氣倒是被洗成是一等一的好) 童虎、卡妙、亞路比奧尼(瞬的老師)這些老師在教導的態度上都挺好的,但又想到魔鈴、撒娜、一輝的老師這種類似絕後型(?)的斯巴達教學…… 所以艾卡拉特是屬於哪一種? ……想想ND那幾話的艾卡拉特感覺脾氣也不是很好XD 「不���人說完話」、「一言不合就戳」、「有隱性燥鬱症」敢情��你們天蠍的特產了? 所以……米羅,你就受著吧,這樣才能一個獨當一面的黃金聖鬥士! P6是ND裡米羅被認證的綽號。 P7是ND的EPISODE ZERO 前篇小米羅說過的話XD。 P8是話說重新看了P7這一張才發現,米羅小時候耳朵竟然是有露出來的?當時心裡涼了一下,畢竟我也約了不少小米羅的圖,也都默認他的耳朵是藏在頭髮裡的,現在你跟我說他的耳朵有露出來……(崩愧)後來再看看米羅出現在前篇的畫面……果然P7只是畫錯而已(認真講!)所以! 米羅的耳朵是藏在頭髮裡的! 米羅的耳朵是藏在頭髮裡的! 米羅的耳朵是藏在頭髮裡的! 重點說三次!
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原作:神北克 •《穿越效應》
#countryhumans#平行宇宙#穿越效應#parallel universe#history#虛構#歷史#countryhumans qing dynasty#Countryhumans austro-hungarian empire#Countryhumans Kingdom of Serbia
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