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#伊藤園 vs #サントリー #おーいお茶 #伊右衛門 #濃い茶 #濃い味 #カテキン #機能性表示食品 #内臓脂肪を減らす https://www.instagram.com/p/CooJBwjP2wc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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こい? 濃い? 恋?
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Etichetta della bottiglietta di tè Kyōto Fukujuen Iyemon. • Label of a PET bottle of Kyōto Fukujuen Iyemon tea. • 京都福寿園伊右衛門煎茶のPETボトルのラベル。 ••• #fukujuen #iyemon #sencha #teverde #tegiapponese #bottiglia #kanji #linguagiapponese #greentea #japanesetea #petbottle #japaneselanguage #label #wrapping #productiondesign #graphicdesign #福寿園 #伊右衛門 #煎茶 #緑茶 #日本茶 #ペットボトル #日本語 #漢字 #ラベル #ラッピング #グラフィックデザイン #tè #tea #茶 (presso ファミリーマート 岡山番町店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CofSIrsBQzM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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本日のおやつ ・SUNTORY 京都福寿園・伊右衛門 ・ミレービスケット さっきまで 『LEGEND BB 武者號斗丸』 をクロスシルエットフレームに組み込んだ一部グレーサフ吹きした仮組みパーツをばらして、楊枝と洗濯バサミで塗装準備していたので、一休みしますね♪ #SUNTORY #伊右衛門 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoT3LfhLNFH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#本日のランチ #醤油ラーメン #ライス #伊右衛門 #お腹いっぱい 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHAVMjPoZW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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源氏物語ミュージアムで上映されていたアニメ映画「GENJI FANTASY ネコが光源氏に恋をした」の舞台にもなっていた「さわらびの道」を宇治川に向かって歩く。
「平等院」は人が多く並んでいたので今回はやめて、伊藤久右衛門 平等院店でお土産「宇治抹茶ガトーショコラ 宇治のこみち」を購入後、宇治田原町にある「正寿院(shoujuin)」へ。
今の時期は風鈴まつり(wind chime festival)も開催されていて、短い時間だったけれども、楽しむことができた。
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#訃報#yニュース#rip#oricon news#oricon#オリコンニュース#オリコン#三池嵐次郎#立川右太衛門#講談師旭堂南蛇#小林龍太郎#漫画トリオ#伊井パンチ#探偵ナイトスクープ#横山パンチ#上岡龍太郎
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#伊藤久右衛門 #宇治抹茶 と #さくら の #パフェ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpth1zZSyir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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20時過ぎに職場で夕食の日曜。 #すき家の牛丼 #すき家 #牛丼並 #牛丼 #ツナサラダ #綾鷹濃い緑茶 が並んでたので買ってきた。 #おーいお茶濃い茶 、#伊右衛門濃い味 に続き、3つ目の、#特保 #機能性表示食品 のペットボトル茶。 他のは600ccだがこれは525cc。 各社出揃った、という感じかな。 #濃い緑茶綾鷹 次のは、昼食の #ざざっとパスタ の写真。 #シーフードパスタ #ナポリタン #シーフードミックス #魚肉ソーセージ 3枚目は、土曜の晩のドミノピザ。 #バーガーピザ を試すの続編。 前回の #ドミノスバーガー に続き、#ビッグダックバーガーピザ を試す。 #���ルゲリータ とのハーフにて。 これは、ビックマックをコピってる。 なかなかの再現度。 そーか、レタスを省いても、パテとチェダーとピクルスで、ビックマックになるのか。 パテが良くできてる。マックのそれに近い。 ノスバーガーピザも同じパテだけど、あれはあれで似てたのは謎。 残すは、2種類。 それぞれどこの何のパロなんだろーか。 販売期間中に試せるかな。 最後の1枚の写真は、ざざっとお好み焼き。 お好み焼き粉50gに、鶏卵、シーフードミックス、揚げ玉、カットキャベツ100gで、このサイズになる。 #夜はこれから https://www.instagram.com/p/CokKCf6vaW6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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オランジェ THE CAKE 伊右衛門宇治抹茶。
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江戸時代、亀戸には呉服商・伊勢屋彦右衛門の別荘「清香庵」があり、その庭には見事な梅の木々が生えていました。立春の頃になると江戸中から人々が北十間川や竪川を船でやってきて、この地はたいそう賑わったといいます。 特に庭園のなかを数十丈(150m)にわたり枝が地中に入ったり出たりする一本の梅が名高く、評判を聞きつけこの地を訪れた水戸光圀は、まるで竜が臥しているようであると感嘆し、その木に「臥竜梅」の名を与えました。また、八代将軍・徳川吉宗は、一旦土に入った枝が、再び地上に這い出る様を生命の循環になぞらえ、「世継ぎの梅」と命名し賞賛したそうです。
亀戸梅屋敷について | 亀戸梅屋敷
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【12/5~25 新橋演舞場】 新作歌舞伎 『流白浪燦星』(ルパン三世)チケット発売中!
12月5日(火)より新橋演舞場にて上演の新作歌舞伎 『流白浪燦星』(ルパン三世)のチケットが発売中です。
■演目 新作歌舞伎 『流白浪燦星』(ルパン三世)
■公演期間 12月5日(火)初日~12月25日(月)千穐楽
■チケット取り扱い WEB:チケットweb松竹 電 話:チケットホン松竹
■劇場 新橋演舞場
■配役 ルパン三世:片岡 愛之助 石川五ェ門:尾上 松也 次元大介:市川 笑三郎 峰不二子:市川 笑也 銭形警部:市川 中車
傾城糸星/伊都之大王:尾上 右近 長須登美衛門:中村 鷹之資 牢名主九十三郎:市川 寿猿 唐句麗屋銀座衛門:市川 猿弥 真柴久吉:坂東 彌十郎
開演時間など、詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 ⇒ https://www.kabuki-bito.jp/theaters/shinbashi/play/844
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The Conquest of Iga, as recorded in Seishū Gunki
同年の冬、伊賀住人福地某が信長の味方になり伊賀追討の兵を要請した。故に信長は信雄に伊賀を与え、各家臣に諸方から攻め込ませた。伊勢、名張口は��畠中将信雄である。同じく馬野口は滝川左近将監一益である。長野口は長野上野介信包である。鹿伏兎口は神戸三七信孝である。甲賀山の口は多羅尾久右衛門尉が先陣を受けた。下口は蒲生忠三郎氏郷である。大和笠置口は筒井順慶である。 伊賀の侍は防ぐ場所を失い其々城にこもった。信雄は丸山城を落とした。一益は富益城を落とし、富益氏は討ち死にして滅亡した。また、具野尾城は落ちず、信孝は柘植城を攻め落とした。氏郷は土山城を攻め数刻鉄砲合戦があった。伊賀は大軍を受けてかなわず有るものは討たれ、あるものは降伏しみな信雄の支配下に入った。故に信雄は丸山城を瀧川三郎兵衛尉に与え、柘植城を池尻平左衛門尉に与えた。また、仁木友梅(前守護・義視)を取り立て平楽寺城に入れた。
In the winter of the same year (1581), a certain Iga resident called Fukuchi became Nobunaga's ally, and requested for an army to launch a punitive expedition against Iga. Nobunaga granted Iga to Nobukatsu, and sent vassals to invade from all directions. From Ise, Nabari entrance, was the troops led by Lieutenant General Kitabatake Nobukatsu. At the same time, from Umano entrance, was the troops under Takigawa Sakon no Shōgen Kazumasu. From Nagano entrance, came Nagano Kōzuke no Suke Nobukane (Oda Nobukane). From the Kabuto entrance, Kanbe Sanshichi Nobutaka. The army coming from the entrance of Kōkayama was led by Lieutenant Tarao Kyūemon, while from the exit came Gamō Chūzaburō Ujisato. From the Yamato Kasagi entrance came the troops under Tsutsui Junkei. The samurai of Iga lost their defences, and holed themselves in their respective castles. Nobukatsu felled Maruyama Castle. Kazumasu felled Tomimasu Castle, and the entire Tomimasu clan were destroyed and killed. Gunō Castle did not fall, but Nobutaka attacked and conquered Tsuge Castle. Ujisato attaked Tsuchiyama Castle, and a gunfight lasted for a few hours there. Iga was no match for such a massive force, and some were defeated, while others surrendered themselves under Nobukatsu. After which, Nobukatsu granted Maruyama Castle to Lieutenant Takigawa Saburōbē and Tsuge Castle to Lieutenant Ikejiri Heizaemon. Also, he brought back Nikki Yūbai (the former shugo Nikki Yoshimi) and installed him in Heirakuji Castle.
(Seishū Gunki vol. 8)
In light of the recently released Assassin's Creed trailer, this really needed to be said:
Nobunaga does not invade Iga because he hated "ninjas"/shinobi. Nobunaga never participated in the Iga invasion and never directly led it.
Both are erroneous narratives that are constantly propagated both by Japanese and non-Japanese media, and this is just frustrating at this point. Some newer takes tried to "clean it up" by saying that Nobunaga invaded Iga as part of his nationwide conquest. That's a somewhat less wrong take on it, but if you put Nobunaga in direct command of the army, then it's still incorrect.
Both times the Oda forces attacked Iga, it was under the command of Nobunaga's son, Nobukatsu. After this final conquest, where Iga was thoroughly defeated in 1581, Nobunaga only came later to inspect the region. Everything had already been cleaned up, and the Shinchōkōki even recorded that there were lavish accommodations prepared for Nobunaga to stay in for the occasion.
Now going back to the narrative.
Seishū Gunki is somewhat less reliable than Shinchōkōki in various areas, but it's still a valuable material regardless. The are differences between this account and Shinchōkōki, though. For example, here Nobutaka was also listed as a participant. In the Shinchōkōki, Nobutaka was not listed as an officer that took part in the charge.
Another difference is that while Shinchōkōki corroborated Fukuchi surrendering himself to Nobunaga, it also mentioned that he was actually from Tsuge. Meaning that there was no need to attack and conquer Tsuge. Shinchōkōki also said that one of the Oda vassals went to Tsuge to protect it, and his name was listed as "Fuwa". In the above gunki narrative, this was the castle/region that Nobutaka attacked. It's likely that this part is in error in the gunki, and Nobutaka was not actually present here.
That aside, there has been various theories about why Nobukatsu attacked Iga, and there's an odd story of an Iga resident(s) who requested that the Oda invade his own homeland that was not explained in prior articles that I've seen. This request from the Iga folk themselves was what encouraged Nobunaga to grant permission for an official invasion of Iga, something that highly disapproved of 2 years prior.
This full text in the gunki provides an insight for the possible reason: It's possibly to restore the rightful shugo of Iga to power.
In the last part of the above text, a man named "Nikki Yoshimi" was referenced. The Nikki family was originally the official shugo (governors) of Iga. In a previous chapter of the gunki, it was mentioned that at some point they lost power, and the so-called council leadership of Iga became established.
If you've read the various floating narratives about how Iga is an "independent" society that is free from samurai rulership, this is how that supposedly came to be. The Nikki family were still there. They just got overrun by the people. If the above text is to be believed, the people who rebelled weren't peasants either. They were still considered of "samurai" class (they even own castles), just that they're perhaps of lower status (some texts would call them jizamurai).
If this narrative is actually accurate, then perhaps the men who came to the Oda for help were associates of the Nikki family. What they wanted was perhaps to the get rid of the "insurgents" who had rebelled and snatched power from the "rightful rulers".
So much for the mysticism of the secret "ninja" village and all, huh? It's just more of the typical power struggle between clans that are constantly happening in this time.
Incidentally, this situation is not entirely unique to Iga. A similar situation had occurred in Kaga almost a century prior, where the Ikkō from the Honganji affiliated temples there overthrew the shugo and ruled the land for a very very long time. Like in Iga, the shugo family were actually still there. They just effectively no longer had any power. The Ikkō rule remained until the Oda forces came and got rid of them as well.
#oda nobunaga#oda nobukatsu#japanese history#sengoku period#sengoku#sengoku era#nobunaga oda#ninja#iga ninja#iga province#shinobi#sengoku fake news
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