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サッポロ ニッポンホップ 信州早生
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#latergram We loved sippin' on some Old Fashioned cocktails and groovin' on some hard bop jazz celebrating the life of "Cannonball" Adderley at @caffevivace We also nommed on some tasty Venezuelan elote, yuca fries, and empanadas at @maize_otr w/ @kurt_mcgurk and Eric 🧈🌽 #シンシンナティ #ライブ #ジャズ #音楽 #オハイオ #オルドファッション #カクテル #ホップ #エローテ #とうもろこし #バター #ベネズエラ #料理 #エンパナダ #cincinnati #ohio #live #jazz #music #oldfashioned #venezuela #food #empanadas #elote #corn #otr #maize #cannonballadderley #yuca (at Caffè Vivace) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkOPwNyiGE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It is now-
Hop day.
#don't ever forget that this one rival's suffering is the very foundation this blog is built upon.#mod h.n elly#rival hop#hop pokemon#10月28日はホップの日#symposium magarum#gif warning#deadass tho I didn't expect his theme to go well w/ oktavia's
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ビールの風味づけに使われるホップを使ったヤツがありました( ꒪Д꒪)
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今宵の晩酌は、 #キリン #一番搾り #とれたてホップ からの #福島県天栄村 #松崎酒造 #純米吟醸 #山田錦 #廣戸川 🍶 とれたてホップは 爽やかなホップの風味が旨く ゴクゴクあっという間に 飲みほしました🍺 廣戸川は、みんなが知ってる旨い酒、 間違いない旨さで 飲みと食がすすみます🍶 忙しく仕事をしたあとに 旨い酒と料理で晩酌 癒され、ほろ酔いです🥴 #晩酌 #家飲み #宅飲み #ビール #日本酒 #酒 #清酒 #barber #バーバー #ヘアサロン #理容 #美容 #床屋 #石岡 #ダブルライセンス #ナカジマ #スキンフェード #フェード #濡れパン #お顔そりエステ #スパイラルパーマ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPj4NdpmA8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#プレミアムエビス #エビス #ヱビス #PremiumYEBISU #YEBISU #BORNIN1890TOKYO #プレミアムエール #余韻まで広がる香りとコク #吟味された2種のホップと上面発酵酵母が醸す余韻まで広がる香りとコク #自分だけのひと時にヱビスならではのエールです #サッポロビール #会社員かずやの晩酌 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3EkpjPuVS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#麦とホップ #300円 #おさかなソーセージ #150円 お先に失礼します。 2022/12/21 #キンパイ酒店 #横浜 #東京せんべろ協会 #東京せんべろ協会2022 #せんべろ研究会2022 #せんべろ研究会 #せんべろ #センベロ #安酒 #安酒飲み #立呑 #立ち飲み #一人飲み #0次会 #ゼロ次会 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbPDpiyuYD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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昨夜のビール サントリー ザ・プレミアムモルツ・初摘みホップ SUNTORY THE PREMIUM MALT'S FINE ALOMA HOP 前回の香るエールの初摘みホップより、香りが良いと思うのは私だけ? 香るエールは確かに良い香りだったのですが、同じグラスでこちらの方がフルーティな香りが広がっていました。 体調が悪かったの��な? #ビール写真 #beer #beerstagram #ビール #japanesebeer🍺 #suntory #ゆうべのビール #乾杯 #santé #bière #kampai #suntorybeer #cheers🍻 #prost #bier #premiammalts #プレモル #ザプレミアムモルツ初摘みホップ #ザプレミアムモルツ #thepremiummalts #thepremiummaltsfinearomahop #thepremiummaltshatsudumihop #東洋製罐 #東洋製罐グループ #飲酒タグラム #家飲み (Ibaraki, Osaka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmFcCqeyOl2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (23)
Ng for Ngetl (Broom) - October 28th - November 24th
“Entering into dormancy – The Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), Twelfth Month”
colour: blue; Star: moon; Gemstone: opal; Gender: male; Patron: Mercuris, Morpheus, Bacchus; Symbols: dignity, purity, healing, spiritual protection, soul journey
The common broom is ubiquitous in European wetlands. It grows unmindful from alpine peaks to lowland scrub and wilderness, providing temporary shelter from the wind and rain on rugged, bare ground. Although delicate in looks, its long, straight stems are strong and flexible and will not break in the wind. As its name suggests, it is used to make brooms. The broom has also been valued as a medicinal plant since ancient times. In medieval England, it was used by the royal family as a remedy for after drinking and singing parties and debauchery. The reason was that in November, when it was cold and people spent a lot of time indoors, there was nothing else to do but to be merry and boisterous.
The efficacy of medicinal herbs is corroborated in ancient Celtic literature. The ogham form of the word Ngetl represents from a word panacea, meaning 'physician's power'. The most important constituent of the broom plant is sparteine (an alkaloid). Some people associate the broom plant with witches because large doses of sparteine can cause extreme excitement or hallucinations. It is also said to be the reason why witches are flying astride broomsticks.
Beer is now made from hops, but in the olden days young, supple broom plants were used to flavour the beer and enhance the tipsy mood. Tea made from the yellow flowers was often used as a diuretic. In esoteric rituals, the broom plant is used for purification and prayers for personal safety, and is said to be particularly powerful against poltergeists. It is also said that throwing the branches of the broom plant causes wind, while burning them and burying them in the earth quiets the wind.
The spirits leave their bodies and embark on a journey. Druids (Ref2) and shamans call this 'the journey to the underworld', and the broom plant is a symbol of such a journey. Anyway, with its remarkable healing properties and narcotic-like effects, the broom plant has long been associated with healers, sorcerers, witches and shamans.
For the Celts, the month that the broom plant governs, which marks the end of the year, is a time to store up for the winter, sweep the house clean and hope that miscellaneous thoughts and bad habits will leave the house. In a nutshell, the enithid symbolises the virtue of keeping one's behaviour clean. It also teaches us to pay close attention to the dreams we have while sleeping at night.
ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (23)
NはNgetl (エニシダ) - 10月28日~11月24日
『休止への入り口 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)、12番目の月』
色: 青; 星: 月; 宝石: オパール; 性: 男性; 守護神: メルクリス、モルフェウス、バッカス; シンボル: 尊厳、清浄、癒し、精神の保護、魂の旅
普通種のエニシダ(英:ブルーム) はヨーロッパの湿地帯ではどこにでも生えている。高山の山頂から低地の低木林や荒野まで、荒々しいむきだしの大地に雨風をし��ぐ仮の宿を提供しながら���然と生育している。見た目は繊細だが、長くまっすぐな茎は丈夫でしなやかで、風で折れることはない。その名が示すように、ほうき(英:ブルーム)の材料として使われる。また、エニシダは古くから薬草としても重宝されてきた。中世のイギリスでは、王族が酒を飲んで歌い騒ぎ、放蕩した後の薬として使っていた。寒さが厳しく室内で過ごす時間の長い11月は浮かれ騒ぐよりほかになかったからだ。
薬草の効能については、古代ケルトの文献にもそれを裏書きする記述が見られる。そもそもオガム表記のNgetlは「医者の力」を意味するパナケア(panacea) を表しす。エニシダの最も重要な成分はスパルテイン(アルカロイド)である。スパルテインを大量に摂取すると、極度の興奮や幻覚を引き起こすことがあるため、エニシダを魔女と結びつける人もいる。また、魔女がほうきにまたがって空を飛ぶのもこのためだと言われている。
魂は肉体を離れ、旅に出る。ドルイド(参照2)やシャーマンはこれを「冥界への旅」と呼び、エニシダはそうした旅の象徴である。いずれにせよ、エニシダには驚くべきヒーリング (癒し) 作用と麻薬のような効果があるため、長い間、ヒーラー、魔術師、魔女やシャーマンと縁の深い植物なのだ。
#trees#tree legend#tree myht#folklore#legend#mythology#broom#witches#nature#art#celtic tree calendar
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サッポロ NIPPONHOP偶然のホップゴールデンスター
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#たべもの #ノンアルコールビール
長野県内の道の駅で発見した、謎のビールテイスト飲料。ちちぶ もりのめぐみビターイエロー……が商品名なんだろうか。
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Songs associated with Kurumi, Kana and Yui BUT It’s vocaloid songs 🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
We already know we're both vocaloid fans so this is the fastest clear for an ask I've done lmao It's also fun going through their playlist too! (Going through some of their songs while knowing the lore and going "That's so fucked up 🥹💖") Anyway, I'm also including other links for eng tl, if their voice claim sang it and for other notable versions!
You can treat this as a song recommendation list too, because I soaked my brain on all of these each at some point before. I can guarantee, all of them are bangers! (if you don't already know them hahaha)
Metamo Re:born (pr\sk ver.)
KING (subbed)
Sorry for Being So Cute (可愛くてごめん) (honey\works ver.)
Darling Dance (subbed, cover)
Want You Bad (voice claim cover)
IDSmile (pr\sk ver., voice claim ver.)
lower one's eyes (pr\sk ver, voice claim ver., eng cover)
Venom (pr\sk cover, voice claim cover)
Reborn (再生) (pr\sk ver., voice claim ver.)
QUEEN (subbed, eng cover)
Bad Apple!! ft. SEKAI (subbed, og ver.)*
Phony (subbed, voice claim cover)
Demon Lord (subbed, cover)
Empurple (pr\sk ver.)
The Good Child and the Fox Spirit (イイコと妖狐) (cover)
Hop! Step! Instant Death! A Happiness Dance Death-Trap (ホップ!ステップ!即死!シアワセダンスデストラップ) (subbed, metal cover)
Literary Nonsense (ナンセンス文学) (eve ver., voice claim cover)
ENVY BABY (eng subs, pr\sk cover)
Genius Rock (天才ロック) (cover)
Samsa (pr\sk ver.)
●utlaws (㋰責任集合体)
Solitary Hide & Seek Envy (独りんぼエンヴィー) (subbed, cover)
Scum of the Earth (ド屑) (pr\sk ver., cover)
Love ka? (ラブカ?) (pr\sk cover, voice claim cover)
*Bad Apple!! is really a Tou\hou song, but since pr\sk made a version with Miku in it, I thought "Why not?" *King = Kurumi, Queen = Kana, and their favorite clown, Yui. Thank you, Kan\aria my King 👑✨ *These are a lot but they're all carefully, specially and specifically hand-picked for them ehehehe
I was only gonna do five each, but then I just kept adding and going "It would be a shame to not include this one and this one too and also this--". Then, I managed to stop myself, because damn that's already 24 songs. Also, yes, there are more, even on the duo department (KanaRumi, YuiRumi, YuiKana).
If you want more details on how some songs here relate to the respective character or want more vocaloid songs related to them, feel free to ask hahaha 🤣🤣😳😳🥰🥰
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#oniyanagi#oc ask#ninomiya kurumi#ninomiya kanako#yorimitsu yui#me and sou are so normal about vocaloid! very normal and not insane at all!#between knrm; kana has more vocaloid songs i think? then krm has more non-vocaloid ones (tho majority of them are still jp songs anyway)#if i messed up some of the links here pls lmk too so i can fix it!
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