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danzoku · 9 months ago
重曹ってすごいんだな! と
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 10 months ago
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ふぎゃ! (///⚬♢⚬///)
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s-lycopersicum · 8 months ago
multiples of 4^^
Of course!
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
This was a long time ago but, back in high school, me and a friend would refuse any requests with the cheapest, most obviously false excuses we could come up with, before immediately complying.
I think it all started when a teacher asked for something and he denied with "I can't feel my legs" as an excuse, whilst standing up. Afterwards, we were just trying to one up that one.
8. any reacquiring dreams?
Nothing specific, but I often dream of messaging people in that half asleep state, early in the morning. Waking up always start with the realization that "I did not type that out. My computer is turned of, my phone is to the side, and I don't have internet in my dreams."
For some reason, "my dreams don't have wifi" is what snaps me out of it every time.
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Oh, um... If you're trying to grow plants but aren't sure of how to water them, err on the side of underwatering. Most plants can more readily handle a drought over a flood. If you're still unsure and can afford two of them, try different watering schedules for each one and wait to see the results.
16. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Um. I, uh, well... Anything? Ahaha... Maybe size and build... a bit smaller. and cuter.
20. favourite things about the night?
The night is cold, dark, and silent, and it brings you many sights, of the beautiful moon and the starry sky. Walking around the city at night can also be a strange experience, in a comforting way. You are physically alone in the deserted streets, but the lights in every window are a reminder of how surrounded with people you are, each with their on lives.
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Hm... Nothing big comes to mind right now. I'm certainly proud of some things I haven't done, but boasting about those seems a bit... uncouth.
28. do you collect anything?
Does the well-catalogued art of anime girls in my computer count? Okay, I lied a bit, it's not that well-catalogued...
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
Only nine! I'm more of a "drag it to the bookmarks bar" type of person.
36. are you an open book or do you have walls up?
There are a few walls up, but I will talk about most things... If I'm asked first, that is.
40. any bad habits?
I've heard that a full cup of strong coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is not Good For You, but skill issue tbh
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ananimasu · 6 months ago
the only jehova’s witness experience I’ve had was shortly after moving to Anan, Japan, when one knocked on my door and offered me a bag of sudachi (the prefecture’s specialty fruit), which I discarded into the bushes by my apartment a week later
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hanamichisakichi-blog · 2 months ago
20250103 元気ですかー❗
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dialogmerchandise · 2 years ago
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田舎の父母。 4年ぶりの上京&東京ドーム。 大谷翔平の二刀流を生観戦。 なんかすげ〜いい席で俺も大興奮! 父、車椅子デビューで緊張MAX。 加えて、ドームの人混みに三日酔い状態で富士に戻り、父グロッキー状態のSaturday。 母はお土産配りに全集中。。。 よくがんばりました。 #wbc #東京ドーム #俺は東京には住めないと父 #知ってるよと俺 #母よ落ち着け #妻よサンキューでーす #米寿と傘寿のお祝い #似顔絵をプレゼント #かないかすみさん の���品 #連れていけてよかった https://www.instagram.com/p/CppRmNFL441/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pickles2000sblog · 2 years ago
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୨୧: サンキュー、ありがとうの日😊 ピクちゃん達が、大集合して、 ありがとうって、いいね💕って お話ししてくれたよ🐸😇 ::::::୨୧: n('~')n :୨୧::::::: #諏訪 #諏訪湖 #信州の風景 #長野の風景 #かえるのピクルス #picklesthefrog #萌蛙匹克 #ピクラー #ぬいぐるみ好きと繋がりたい #かえるのピクルス好きと繋がりたい #ピクラーさんと繋がりたい #ぬい撮り部 #ぬい撮り #ぬいどり #stuffedfrog #stuffedanimallove #plushies #ありがとうの日 #サンキューの日 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjzYsJPrc_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1way2mars · 1 month ago
Pazuribe Event Translation - “Eventful journey in Tonpu Market Street! 〜Showdown with Bofurin〜” — Part 1
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☆ Please give credit in case of use!
☆ I'll do my best to update the second part of the event once it's released on Feb 2nd!
☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. That's why some things might not match exactly/could have been better translated/there might be mistakes. This is a great way for me to learn. I put a lot of effort into making the translation as good as they can be!
☆ Find more pazuribe translations here!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! Interactions are appreciated (^^ゞ
花垣 武道:マイキー君!今日はどこ行くんスか?
Takemichi: Mikey-kun! Where are we going today?
佐野 万次郎:んーーー決めてねえ
Mikey: Mh……… Haven’t decided yet.
場地 圭介:急にツーリングしてぇって言ったのオマエだよな?なんで行き先決めてぇんだよ...
Baji: Weren’t you the one that told us you wanted to go on a tour so suddenly? Why haven’t you decided where to go…
佐野 万次郎:風を感じたかったんだよ いいから着いてこいオマエら!
Mikey: I wanted to feel the wind. You guys just follow me!
花垣 武道:あ、待ってくださーい!!
Takemichi: Ah, waaait for me!!
佐野 万次郎:おっちょっと上手なってんじゃんタケミッち
Mikey: Oh you’re getting better Takemicchi.
花垣 武道:本当っスか!?アザス!
Takemichi: For real!? Thanks!
松野 千冬:...場地さん 2人とも行っちゃいますよ?
Chifuyu: ...Baji-san. We’re also going, right?
場地 圭介:...ハァ~~ 行くか千冬
Baji: ...hah~~ Let’s go, Chifuyu.
松野 千冬:はい!
Chifuyu: Yes!
松野 千冬:結構遠くまで来ましたね…
Chifuyu: We’ve come pretty far…
場地 圭介:ここまで来たのは初めてだな
Baji: It’s my first time coming this far.
佐野 万次郎:なんか音聞こえねぇか?
Mikey: Do you hear that?
Ka-ling klink
佐野 万次郎:こっちだな 行ってみようぜ!
Mikey: Over here. Let’s go!
場地 圭介:おう
Baji: Yeah.
Ka-ling kling klink
花垣 武道:音はここから鳴ってたみたいっスね
Takemichi: Seems like the noise comes from here.
松野 千冬:「東風商店街」…ってどこだ?
Chifuyu: “Tonpu Market Street”... Where’s this?
場地 圭介:聞いたことねぇな
Baji: Never heard of it.
佐野 万次郎:にしても落書きスゲェな 渋谷もスゲェけどここもヤベェ
Mikey: Either way the graffiti are awesome! Shibuya’s also amazing but this place is insane.
松野 千冬:族が多いんすかね?チームのナワバリとかだったら勝手に入ると揉めそうっスけど…
Chifuyu: There can be a lot of gangs, right? If it's some team's turf and we go in as we like, we might end up in trouble.
場地 圭介:まぁ喧嘩売られても勝てばいーだろ
Baji: Well, if they pick up a fight, we’ll definitely win.
松野 千冬:そうっズね!さすが場地さん!
Chifuyu: You’re right! As expected from Baji-san!
花垣 武道:ん?なんだろうこの看板
Takemichi:  Mh? What’s this sign?
佐野 万次郎:おーいタケミッち 置いてくぞ~!
Mikey: Heeey, Takemicchi. We’ll leave you behind~!
花垣 武道:え!もうあんな遠くに!?待ってくださーい!!
Takemichi: Eh! You’re that far already!? Waait for me!!
佐野 万次郎:うんめぇ~!!ここのたい焼き最高じゃん!
Mikey: So good~!! The taiyaki here is the best!
店員:そんなに喜んでもらえて嬉しいよ はい、これサービス
Shop clerk: I’m glad that you like it. Here, this is on the house.
佐野 万次郎:マジで!サンキュー!!
Mikey: For real! Thanks!!
花垣 武道:すっごい馴染んでるな…マイキー君
Takemichi: You’re fitting in so well Mikey-kun…
松野 千冬:だな~そもそもこの商店街の奴ら不良に慣れすぎじゃねえか?
Chifuyu: Right~ Anyway, aren’t the people in this shop district way too used to delinquents?
花垣 武道:確かに 特攻服のオレら見ても怖がってねーし
Takemichi: For sure. They aren’t afraid to see us with our uniforms.
場地 圭介:おい、マイキー オマエ食いすぎだろ
Baji: Hey, Mikey. You’re eating too much.
場地 圭介:腹一杯まで食うと寝んだから ほどほどにしろ
Baji: You’ll eat until you’re full and then fall asleep, so don’t overdo it.
佐野 万次郎:え~ 場地さんも食えよ!ほら!
Mikey: Eeeh~ You should also eat! Here!
Delinquent 1: Oh~ Kids wearin’ a uniform tryin’ to act all grown up in a place like this~.
Delinquent 2: We had business in this town first! You kids grow up and go back home to your mums!
松野 千冬:あ?何だよテメェら
Chifuyu: Hah? What the hell, you assholes.
Delinquent 3: Don’t beat around the bush and leave immediately!! Come on!!
松野 千冬:えっと、危ねぇな お返しだコラァ!!
Chifuyu: Woah, that was close. Hey, take this!!
Delinquent 3: Don’t mess with me! I’m gonna kill you all!!
松野 千冬:勝手に喧嘩買ってすみませんっス
Chifuyu: Sorry for picking up a fight as I like. 
場地 圭介:気にすんな こんな奴ら大したことねぇよ
Baji: Don’t worry. These guys are no big deal.
佐野 万次郎:さっさと終わらせんぞ
Mikey: Let’s get it over with.
花垣 武道:はい!
Takemichi: Yes, sir!
?? (Nirei): Sakura-san! It’s there! Let’s hurry!!
Sakura?: Yup!
佐野 万次郎:コイツら弱ぇな
Mikey: You guys are weak.
Delinquent 1: Y-you guys are still kids, so why are you so strong…! 
Sakura?: You assholes!! What the fuck is this fuss!!
?? (Nirei): Please don’t bother the people from town!!
場地 圭介:ハァ?コイツらが先に喧嘩売れってきたんだよ
Baji: Hah? These guys picked up the fight first.
Delinquent 3: If you ain’t have nothing to do with this, back off!
Sakura?: It can’t be helped, let’s stop this.
?? (Nirei): Y, yes!!
花垣 武道:痛ってて…やべえ、ちょっと気失ってたかも
Takemichi: Ow, ow, it hurts… Damn, I might pass out.
場地 圭介:おーい、タケミチ こっちは終わったぞ~
Baji: Heey, Takemichi. We’re done over here.
松野 千冬:数だけで大したことなかったっスね!
Chifuyu: They were just a few, so it was no big deal.
花垣 武道:場地君!千冬!
Takemichi: Baji-kun! Chifuyu!
松野 千冬:タケミッち 相変わらずボロボロだな~
Chifuyu: Takemicchi, as always you’re all worn-out~
Sakura?: Hey! For fucks sake, give me a break!
佐野 万次郎:邪魔
Mikey: You’re on my way.
Sakura?: Ow.. That hurts!!!
花垣 武道:マ、マイキー君の蹴りをガードした…?あの人何者だ…?
Takemichi: H-he blocked Mikey-kun’s kick…? Who the hell is that guy…?
?? (Nirei): E-excuse me!! Where did you come from!?
場地 圭介:あ?テメェこそ誰だよ
Baji: Hah? Who the hell are you?
楡井 秋彦:オレは風鈴高校1年楡井秋彦っス
Nirei: I’m a first year student at Furin High School, Nirei Akihiko.  
花垣 武道:風鈴高校…?
Takemichi: Furin High School…?
楡井 秋彦:知らないンスか!?この「まこち町」を守るヒーローっスよ!
Nirei: You don’t know!? We’re the heroes that protect this “Makochi Town”!
松野 千冬:ヒーローねぇ
Chifuyu: Heroes, huh?
楡井 秋彦:それより!あんた達は何者っスか!桜さんがあんなに苦戦するなんて…只者じゃないっスよね!?
Nirei: However! Who are you guys! It’s unusual to see Sakura-san struggling with a fight… You are no ordinary people!?
花垣 武道:オレは東京卍會の花垣武道っス!
Takemichi: I’m Tokyo Manji Gang’s Hanagaki Takemichi!
場地 圭介:東京卍會壱番隊隊長 場地圭介だ
Baji: Tokyo Manji Gang first division captain, Baji Keisuke.
松野 千冬:同じく壱番隊副隊長 松野千冬だ
Chifuyu: I’m also first division vice captain, Matsuno Chifuyu.
楡井 秋彦:東京卍會?聞いたことないっスね…
Nirei: Tokyo Manji Gang? Never heard of it…
佐野 万次郎:ふーん オマエなかなかやるじゃん
Mikey: Pheeew. Not bad at all.
場地 圭介:お、終わったみたいだな
Baji: Oh, looks like you’re finished.
佐野 万次郎:オマエの名前は?
Mikey: What’s your name?
桜 遥:…桜遥
Sakura: Sakura Haruka…
佐野 万次郎:桜ね オレは佐野万次郎 マイキーでいいよ
Mikey: So Sakura. I’m Sano Manjiro. Mikey’s okay.
桜 遥:ハァ?マイキー?
Sakura: Hah? Mikey?
桜 遥:お前ら結構やるな
Sakura: You guys are quite impressive.
桜 遥:まだまだ本気出せんだろ?
Sakura: Still not making a serious effort?
桜 遥:やっと本気出しやがったか
Sakura: Are you finally stepping up your game.
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blogmatsu · 9 months ago
How Karamatsu Celebrated His Birthday This 2024!
May 24, 2024
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⏰ 12:00pm
おーい、ブラザー!今日はオレの誕生日だ!!盛大にお祝いしてくれッ……え、、?ああそうか、おまえたちもだったか! おーい、ブラザー!!同じ誕生日に生まれた奇跡の6つ子たちよ!!ともに誕生日をお祝いしようじゃないか!! 今日はカラ松ボーイズ&ガールズのために、新曲「俺たちの誕生日」を披露しようと思うのだが、まだ曲が出来上がっていないんだ!みんなと一緒に作り上げたい・・そう思うから、みんなの歌詞のアイディアを教えてくれ!(カラ松)
Oi~ burazzas! Today is my birthday!! So throw a big celebration and--...eh-? Oh, right, it's your guys' birthday too!
Oi~ burazzas!! We're the miraculous sextuplets born on the same birthday!! Why don't we celebrate our birthday together!!
Today, for the Karamatsu Boys & Girls I was thinking of performing a new song called "Our Birthday", but the song isn't finished yet! Then I thought how I wanted to create it together with everyone, so go and share your lyric ideas with me! (-Karamatsu)
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⏰ 6:00pm
みんな!ありがとう!!おかげで最高の新曲ができたぜ!! お、一松!ちょうどいいところに! それでは、聴いてください。新曲「俺たちの誕生日 feat.カラ松ボーイズ&ガールズ」 (ポロン♪)…うォ!?なッ!??ちょッッ一松!!俺のギターを窓から捨てないでくれェ~!(カラ松)
Everyone! Thank you!! Thanks to you guys, the perfect new song was created!!
Oh, Ichimatsu! Just in time!
Now then, please listen. This new song is called "Our Birthday (feat. Karamatsu Boys & Girls)"
(Strum♪)...Whoa!? Wha-!?? Wait---, Ichimatsu!! Don't throw my guitar out the windowww! (-Karamatsu)
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⏰ 10:03pm
ブラザーたちはもう寝るみたいだな。みんなに新曲を披露してあげたかったけど、一松にギターを隠されてしまったから、、申し訳ない!!! 来年こそは、絶対に新曲を届けるからな!今日はサンキュー!みんな、グッナイ⭐︎(カラ松)
It seems like my burazzas are going to bed now. I wanted to sing my new song to everyone, but Ichimatsu hid my guitar, and so, I'm really sorry!!!
Next year, I'll definitely perform a new song! Thank you for today-! Everyone, Goodnight⭐︎ (-Karamatsu)
All: Ichimatsu Karamatsu Jyushimatsu Todomatsu Osomatsu Choromatsu
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klonoa-at-blog · 7 months ago
If debug mode is enabled in the Phantasy Reverie Series version of Klonoa 2, you can use it to see an unused cut scene in the movie viewer where Momett congratulates you for achieving 100%. It is unknown why this scene never plays or if it existed in the PS2 original.
Debug mode will also let you re-watch several cut scenes that were left out of the movie viewer menu. Most of the scene names are translated save a few left in Japanese.
List of scenes hidden from the menu unless re-enabled:
Sea of Tears
Now that's Double Jumping! (Popka explains double jumping.)
[確認] サンキュー、ジョナさん (Klonoa jumps off Polly the bird-like creature. The scene is labelled "Thank You, Jona-san" but the creature is referred to as Polly in the strategy guides.)
Ishras Ark
Ark, Onward! Part 2 (The Ark moves across the Lake of Seclusion.)
Dark Sea of Tears
Ark Ascendant (The Ark is reborn and teleports away.)
Empty Sea of Tears
Tree Spirit (A scene that doesn't appear to display properly as it is very brief and shows only a black screen. Disabling the UI shows the camera is placed someplace beneath the sand. It is likely this was meant to be the short scene where the Fordon cannon shoots Klonoa up towards the Ark.)
Embryo Compass
Into The Gate (The Ark descends into the Empty Sea of Tears.)
The Ark Revisited
To Destroy an Ark (Beginning scene with Popka and Klonoa understanding their goal to shutdown the Ark.)
Nice Catch (Tat catches Klonoa with the Crimson Iris. Klonoa says there's only one engine left to go.)
Kingdom of Sorrow
Spying the Spire (Klonoa reaches the top of the Kingdom of Sorrow and sees the Terminus of Tears.)
Terminus of Tears
The King of Sorrow - Part 2 (Klonoa finds himself riding his hoverboard to confront the King's shell form.)
Momett House
[確認] モメット 全部集めた ("Momett, I've collected everything". Aforementioned 100% completion scene. )
[確認]Extra1 クリア ("Extra 1 Clear". Klonoa reaches the top of the Chamber o' Fun. The goal sound effect will play rapidly nonstop if viewed here.)
[確認]Extra2 クリア ("Extra 2 Clear". Klonoa reaches the top of the Chamber o' Horrors. The goal sound effect will play rapidly nonstop if viewed here.)
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 1 year ago
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Xユーザーの福田ナオ絵🌟2日目(日)-西ふ44aさん: 「サンキューGoogle https://t.co/AcNy7U2VLf」 / X
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 8 months ago
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blushing Satsuki!!! look at her being in lesbians!
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 8 months ago
oh wow it's so pretty... look at her look at the moon! just like me fr...
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mrs-stans · 2 months ago
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‪@aikairi: セバスタ、「バッグハグOK?」って聞いたら「もちろん!」って返してくれて力強く抱きしめてくれた❣️‬ ‪ほぼほぼ落とされ寸前の容疑者のようだけど😂終わった後も目を見て握手してサンキュー言えてよかった😊‬
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 months ago
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aka Strikeout Pitch
(as in Sankyuu-Sanshin[三球三振] lit."3-balls, 3-swings" referring to a strikeout, but the use of katakana also makes it a homonym with "THANKYOU"[サンキュー] although I'm not sure if that's an intended reading)
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diarytheroomoffuji · 5 months ago
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雨だし出かける用事もなかったから、Sweet and sour pork(日本の酢豚)を豚肉がなかったので鶏肉とミートボール少々足して作った。それとチャーハンも・・・
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