#クッキー sweets
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kkimura · 1 year ago
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In this video, I made super delicious Oatmeal Pumpkin Spiced Cookies to share with you! It’s not crunchy cookies but soft and chewy with chocolate chips and coconut flakes! So tasty! 😋
Perfect to bring to any holiday parties coming up!!
*If you like the video, hit good 👍 button, comment and subscribe to my channel!) Thank you for watching!🩷��
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vegehana-food · 14 days ago
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✿ ローズクッキー ✍️ ストロベリーパウダー8g,アーモンドプードル15g,ザクロジュース大2,焼成後形崩れる
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arita-hello · 2 years ago
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aruharus-minitelier · 1 year ago
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バレンタインデーですね! 学生時代が懐かしくなる日です・・!
Today's valentaines day!! Valentine's Day in Japan is a special occasion that is celebrated by everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. Whether you received chocolates or cookies, or whether your feelings were reciprocated, this day creates memories that will be cherished every year.
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chinae03 · 1 year ago
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mipoyupo · 1 year ago
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hello-mox-universe · 2 years ago
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Bakin cookies!
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jinsei-pika-pika · 1 year ago
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necoiloop · 1 year ago
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絵本 meets sweets
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i-b-restaurant · 2 years ago
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🍪🍠sweet potato Cookie🍠🍪
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chikuwashika · 30 days ago
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Fruit anmitsu is a Japanese dessert with a base of agar jelly (kanten), topped with sweet red bean paste (anko), various fruits, and black sugar syrup (kuromitsu).
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sarahalainn · 1 year ago
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The sweet news is out
SARAH ÀLAINN Valentine Vegan cookies🍪
Comes with a little video💌from me♪
Red symbolises both passion and the rising sun🇯🇵
Profits will go towards delivering lifesaving aid for the Noto earthquake victims #能登の障害者に届け
Sweetness for yourself & someone far away this Valentine’s ❤️
Become a 1/f member
#能登の障害者に届け #能登半島地震
今回は特別にサラからのQR 付き動画メッセージを受け取ってください💌
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vegehana-food · 2 months ago
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✿ クッキードウ | Cookie Dough ・アメリカで大人気の「クッキードウ」は、生で食べても安全なクッキー生地をアイスのように盛りつけて食べる新感覚スイーツ。
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redux-pain · 2 years ago
chapter 12: Hospital conversation
You look good, Mika.
[MIKA:] Oh, hi, guys!
[YAYOI:] I'm glad to see you looking well, Mika.
わっ! ゼリーだ!
Here you are.
Yay! Jelly!
[YAYOI:] Here you are.
[MIKA:] Wow! Jelly!
[NOTE: This is more jelly/gummy candy than jar jelly.]
Thank you! I’m so happy.
Looking healthy.
[MIKA:] Thanks! I'm so happy.
[RUI:] You look healthy.
あたりまえでしょ~? なにせ不死身のミカ様よ?
暴漢ごときに、そう簡単に やられるわけないでしょう!
Of course!  I’m the invulnerable Mika!
You can’t stop a tough girl like me that easily!
[MIKA:] Of course! Don't you know I'm the invulnerable Mika-sama?
Some hoodlum isn't gonna take me down that easy.
でさでさ ルイのお土産は?
That makes me feel better.
So, what’d you bring me?
[RUI:] I can see that.
[MIKA:] So? What'd you bring me?
[NOTE: "That makes me feel better" is more literally correct in this case, but I didn't find it completely natural in the English conversation flow.]
それともそれとも、クッキーなんか だったりする?
Cream puffs and sweets?
Well then, shall we have some cooki��s and milk?
[MIKA:] Creampuffs? Ooh, or traditional sweets, maybe?
Ooh, ooh, or maybe cookies or something?
ミカ、あんた…入院しているの? それとも食べに来ているの?
まあ、ミカらしいというか 何というか……。
Mika, are you hospitalized, or just here for the food?
That’s just like you,  how should I say...
[RUI:] Mika... are you hospitalized, or did you come here to eat?
Although I guess this is a classic Mika moment...
[NOTE: The second line does not play in my version of the game.]
で? なによお土産は?
もったいぶらないで、さっさと 出しなさいよ。
Yes? So where’s your gift?
Quit wasting time and let me have it.
[MIKA:] So? What did you bring?
Quit beating around the bush and hand it over.
はあ? ……ない?
...I didn’t bring one.
What? ...nothing?
[RUI:] ...I don't have one.
[MIKA:] Huh? ...Don't have one?
ちょっとバタバタしてて、 忘れちゃったんだよね。
I was really busy and just plain forgot it.
No way!
[RUI:] I was in kind of a rush, and I forgot.
[MIKA:] No waaaaaayyy!!!
ちょ、ちょっとミカ。 ここ病院よ、静かに。
Mika, calm down. This is a hospital.
[YAYOI:] M-Mika, please calm down. This is a hospital.
[MIKA:] Ugh....
ふふっ、それじゃゼリー 開けるから、2人とも食べる?
I’m opening the jelly. Do you two want some?
Most definitely!
[YAYOI:] Heh heh... I'm about to open the jellies. Do you two want some?
[MIKA:] Of course!
ミカごめんね? 今度埋め合わせするからさ。
Thanks, Yayoi.
I’m sorry, Mika. I’ll make up for it next time, ok?
[RUI:] Thanks, Yayoi.
Sorry, Mika. I'll make it up to you next time.
はいはい、もうこの ワガママっ子め!
It better be delicious!
Ok! OK! You’re such a spoiled little brat.
[MIKA:] It better be something delicious, got it?
[RUI:] Okay, okay! You're such a spoiled little brat.
Here you are, you two.
[YAYOI:] Here you are, you two.
[MIKA:] Thanks.
それと西条さんゼリー お嫌いじゃないですよね?
よければ食べて見て下さい、 どうぞ。
Saijo, you don’t like jelly that much, right?
Try some if you like. Here you go.
[YAYOI:] Saijou-san, you don't mind jelly, do you?
Try some if you'd like. Here you go.
Hey guys.
Looking good, man!
[AKIRA:] Hey, you all showed up, huh?
[RYOU:] Hey. You look well.
はい、これ。果物の盛り合わせ。 後で野崎さんと一緒に食べてくれ。
I got you a fruit platter. Eat it with Mika later.
[RYOU:] Here you go. It's a fruit platter. Eat it with Nozaki-san later.
[AKIRA:] Thanks.
[NOTE: Technically he didn't "get" the fruit platter, but that got lost because this scene was translated completely separately from the earlier scene where Iida makes him take it. Except for that it's a reasonable way to rephrase it in English.]
んで? 何でシンジはそんなに 暗い顔しているんだ?
What’s wrong with Shinji?  Why the long face?
Well, you see...
[AKIRA:] So, what's up with Shinji? Why the long face?
[Shinji:] Well, see...
さっきモラルの無い発言をして、 山瀬さんに殴られたんだ。
ちょっと、何勝手にバラして るんだよ!
He said something rude to Yamase and she hit’im.
Why’d you just go and  tell him like that?
[RYOU:] Just now he said something morally reprehensible and Yamase-san clobbered him.
[SHINJI:] Hey! Why'd you just go and tell him?!
そうか、朝から最高な眠気 覚ましだな。
This is the best way to wake up.
[AKIRA:] Pfft... Ahahaha!
I see. That's a great way to wake him up.
ぼくは失礼なことは言ってない つもりなんだけどね……
朝からというものルイの奴に、 どつかれたり、蹴られたりさ……
It’s not like I was rude to her on purpose...
I’ve been being bullied by Rui since this morning...
[SHINJI:] I wasn't even trying to be rude.
She's been hitting and kicking me all morning...
She’s way too violent.
Was she always like that?
[SHINJI:] Seriously, she's way too violent.
Was she always like that?
そうだな昔のこと思えば、 ずいぶんとおとなしくなったよな。
She was worse as a kid...
Compared to back then, she’s calmed down a lot.
[RYOU:] She was even worse.
[AKIRA:] Yeah, she's really calmed down compared to back then.
そうだぜ、なんて言ったって 子供の頃いちばん強かったんだからな。
You can’t be serious...
It’s true. She was stronger than everyone back then.
Always making me cry...
[SHINJI:] Gah... You can't be serious...
[AKIRA:] Yep. She was definitely the strongest one when we were kids.
She made me cry all the time...
ぼくがダメだダメだって言うのに、 店の中で花火されたこともある……。
Yep, ”Queen Rui”...
One time she shot off fireworks inside a shop...
[RYOU:] Yep, "Queen Rui"...
There was one time when she set off fireworks inside the store even though I told her not to...
ああ、それで後でおじいちゃんに どれだけ怒られたことか……。
Didn’t it start a fire?
Yeah, the old man was so pissed off at us...
[AKIRA:] Didn't it start a fire?
[RYOU:] Yeah, and my grandfather was absolutely furious later...
あれもあったよな、花びら事件。 あいつ映画で見たんだったっけ?
花びらを敷き詰めたベッドを作れって、 電波塔の花を全部取りに行かされたな。
And the flower petal thing. She got that from a movie?
She made me scour the park for flowers to make a bed.
[AKIRA:] And then there was the flower petal thing too. I think she saw it in a movie or something?
She sent us off to pick all the flowers around the radio tower so she could scatter the petals all over her bed.
[NOTE: In Japanese, the words for "fireworks" and "flower petal" are hanabi and hanabira, so these two incidents also sound similar.]
その後、ぼくたち二人は警察と親から こっぴどく叱られたね。
それにあいつの前では、 眼鏡はかけられなかったんだよ。
Oh yeah...
We got scolded so bad by the police and our parents.
And I could never wear glasses around her.
[RYOU:] That's right...
And it was the two of us who got scolded horribly by the police and our parents.
And I could never wear my glasses around her.
似合わないんだから、って何度も 眼鏡にラクガキされたんだ……。
コンサートの準備させられたことも あったよな?
She said they were ugly and wrote all over them...
Didn’t she make you do all the prep for the concert?
[RYOU:] She would call them ugly and scribble all over them...
[AKIRA:] And then that time she made us do all the prep work for a concert.
あ、あはは、あれね。夕陽丘の住宅 公園でだろ?
ビールのケースを山ほど集めさせられ たよな。垂れ幕も作らされたし……。
Oh yeah, that. At Yushigaoka Park, right?
She made me climb up a mountain of beer cases...
[RYOU:] Oh, that, ha ha. You mean the one at Yuuhigaoka Park?
[AKIRA:] I had to collect a whole huge load of beer crates. And make a banner too...
[NOTE: "Yushigaoka" is an actual typo within the game, not Tumblr messing up.]
ぼくは、嫌がる同級生たちを、誘いに 行かされたのが辛かったよ。
And she made me invite all the kids who hated me.
Whoa! the brat general!
[RYOU:] And she sent me around with invitations for all our classmates who didn't want to go. That was tough.
[SHINJI:] Wow! She was bullying way above her grade level.
う~ん、どうだろ。ガキ大将っていう よりも暴君だね。
No. I’d say she was more like the brat terror.
Yeah, a terror indeed.
[RYOU:] Hm... no, I wouldn't say bully. More like tyrant.
[AKIRA:] Exactly. A tyrant.
となりの部屋、 なんか盛り上がってるじゃん。
美味しいものでも食べている��� じゃないの?
They’re pretty loud in the next room, huh.
They’re probably just eating something delicious.
[MIKA:] They're sure getting loud in the next room.
[RUI:] They're probably just eating something delicious.
確かリョウが果物持ってきていた みたいだけどね。
I think Ryo brought a fruit plate or something.
Fruit? I’ll pass!
[RUI:] I think Ryou brought a fruit plate or something.
[MIKA:] Fruit? I'll pass!
私も好きじゃないし、確かアキラも 好きじゃなかったはず。
If I don’t like it, Akira probably doesn’t either.
Ryo’s always been dhat way.
[MIKA:] I don't like fruit, and I'm pretty sure Akira doesn't either.
[RUI:] Yeah, Ryou's always been like that.
古い付き合いなのに、私たちの 好きなもの覚えてないんだもんね。
He’s known us forever, but can’t remember our tastes.
Or he doesn’t want to...
[RUI:] He's known us forever, but he can't remember what we like.
Or rather, he doesn't even try...
そうなの、すごく繊細な人に 私は思っていたんだけど……。
Really? I always thought he was very sensitive...
Haha, yeah right...
[YAYOI:] Really? He always seemed very sensitive to me.
[MIKA:] Ahaha, I don't know about that...
だけど小学生の私の誕生日に、 英語のウサギの絵本を贈る奴だから���。
He did send me a cute book on my 10th b-day.
Mother Goose, right?
[MIKA:] When we were in grade school, he's the one who gave me that English picture book with the rabbits in it.
[RUI:] Mother Goose, right?
小学生なんだから、英語なんて 読めないっていうの。
Yeah, yeah.  That goose book.
But it was in French, so I couldn’t read it.
[MIKA:] Yeah, yeah, that goose book.
Except I was in grade school, so I couldn't read English.
アキラはアキラで 誕生日におにぎり贈るバカだし。
そう、なんでも御父さんの真似して ケーキ作ろうとしたけど失敗……。
And Akira, the fool, giving people rice balls.
Oh yeah, he tried to make a cake, but failed...
[MIKA:] And then Akira is the idiot who gives you rice balls for your birthday.
[RUI:] Oh, yeah, he tried to make a cake like his dad and failed...
こっぴどく叱られたから、仕方なしに おにぎりを作ったって話だけど、
そんなの聞いたことある? 誕生日におにぎり持ってくる奴。
He got scolded real bad, so he made a rice ball,
Have you heard of giving a rice ball on birthdays?
[RUI:] Apparently he got scolded so bad he had no choice but to make rice balls instead...
...but have you ever heard of that? Someone bringing you rice balls on your birthday?
仕方ないからケーキ食べながら、 おにぎり食べたけど。
It’s from the Edo period.
It can’t be helped. I ate the rice ball with cake.
[RUI:] Like, seriously, is this the Edo period?
So what could I do? I ate the rice balls with my cake.
だけどうらやましいな~ いまも仲の良い幼なじみって。
私も居ないことはないんだけど、 こんなに仲良くないもの。
I’m actually envious. You have been friends so long.
It’s not like I’m not here, but I don’t feel as close.
[YAYOI:] I'm actually envious. You're all longtime friends who still get along today.
I'm right here too, but I'm nowhere near as close.
だからミカが危なくなった時に、 飛び出していけるんだね。
命の危険をかえりみずに助ける なんて、いまの時代じゃ珍しいよ。
That’s why when Mika was in danger, he ran to help.
Ignoring danger to save a life is rare these days.
[YAYOI:] That's why he ran to save Mika when she was in danger.
It's rare these days for a person to risk their own life to save someone else.
そうね~、良い奴だし、 いちばん信用できるのもそう。
もし逆の立場だったら私も アキラと同じことをする。
Yeah, he is a good guy, and I know I can trust him.
If it were me, I would have done the complete opposite.
[MIKA:] Yeah, he's a great guy and he's completely trustworthy.
And I'd do the same thing if he was in trouble.
だけどいまじゃ、ヤヨイ。 あんたも私たちの仲間なんだからね。
そうそう、もう幼くはないけど、 高校から始まった幼なじみ。
But, Yayoi.  You’re our friend now.
We aren’t childhood buds, but since freshman year.
[MIKA:] But you're one of our friends now too, Yayoi.
[RUI:] That's right. It hasn't been a long long time, but you've been our longtime friend since freshman year.
だから何か心配事や悩みなんかあれば、 どんどん、言わなきゃダメよ。
それに西条君もそうだよ。 無口でクールなのはわかるけど、
If you have any worries or problems, you can tell us.
And Saijo, also. I know he’s real calm and quiet, 
but we’re all friends.
[RUI:] So come right to us if you ever have any worries or problems.
And you too, Saijou-kun. I know you're the strong, silent type...
...but we're all friends now.
Thanks so much!
[YAYOI:] Thank you so much!
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koizumicchi · 2 years ago
きらきらスイーツパーチー (HaKoniwaLily) English Translation
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きらきらスイーツパーチー Kira Kira Sweets Party Sparkling Sweets Party
ハコニワリリィ HaKoniwaLily 2nd Single Kyorikan
Official MV here kanji & romaji from
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
海の中沈んでいく シュワシュワ弾けていく 水中から見上げた キラキラした世界 今日は海の中の Sweetsparty どれだけ食べても問題なし!
Umi no naka shizunde iku shuwa shuwa hajiketeiku Suichuu kara miageta kirakira shita sekai Kyou wa umi no naka no Sweetsparty Dore dake tabetemo mondai nashi!
Sinking into the sea, bubbles bursting I looked up from under the water, at a glittering world Today is a Sweets Party in the sea It does not matter how much I eat!
ケーキ、クッキー 甘いの、ストロベリー 幸せな匂い ぷかぷか浮かぶチェリーをパクリ 泳いでいた仲間たちと集まり 賑わい!乾杯! コーヒーちょっぴり苦い…まだ早い…
Keeki, kukkii Amai no, sutoroberii Shiawase na nioi Pukapuka ukabu cherii wo pakuri Oyoideita nakama tachi to atsumari Nigiwai! kanpai! Koohii choppiri nigai… mada hayai…
Cakes, cookies Sweet strawberries A smell of happiness Biting into floating cherries rising to the surface Gathering together with my swimming friends Prosperity! Cheers! The coffee is a bit bitter...it is too soon...
見渡しても同じ景色 クラクラ脳内停止 甘くて苦くて、うう…難しいや… もっとまだ溺れていたい なんだか不思議な気持ち 怖くて怖くて、あぁ、心地よくて。
Miwatashitemo onaji keshiki Kurakura nounai teishi Amakute nigakute, uu… muzukashii ya… Motto mada oboreteitai Nan da ka fushigi na kimochi Kowakute kowakute, aa, kokochiyokute.
The same scenery even if you look around A dizzying intracerebral interruption So sweet, so bitter, uh...how difficult I still want to drown in it even more It is somehow a strange feeling I’m scared, so scared, ah, so pleasant.
甘い甘い party 浮かんでるカップケーキをつまみ食い 注意してねクラゲさんには 夢中になりすぎて戻れない! もっともっと知りたいな深くまで 輝いてる海のお宝たち いつか私たちも
Amai amai party Ukanderu kappu keeki wo tsumamigui Chuui shite ne kurage-san ni wa Muchuu ni narisugite modorenai! Motto motto shiritai na fukaku made Kagayaiteru umi no otakara tachi Itsuka watashi tachi mo
A sweet sweet party I eat a floating cupcake with my own fingers Be careful with Mr. Jellyfish I am too engrossed in this to go back! I want to know more and more, until deep down The shining treasures of the sea And someday, us too.
光りたい!輝きたい! 目指すは世界の一等星 掴み取る2人で 海の中沈んでいく 抜けられない!抜け出せない! 溺れたい泡に包まれながら 連れてって!もっともっと奥まで! キラキラな世界へ!
Hikaritai! kagayakitai! Mezasu wa sekai no ittousei Tsukamitoru futari de Umi no naka shizunde iku Nukerarenai! nukedasenai! Oboretai awa ni tsutsumare nagara Tsuretette! motto motto oku made! Kirakira na sekai e!
I want to light up! I want to shine bright! We aim for the first magnitude star of the world Together, we grasp it in our hands We sink into the sea Cannot escape! Cannot break free! I want to drown, while wrapped in bubbles  Take me along! Deeper and deeper, to the depths! Into the glittering world!
視界は全部 Blue な世界 これから先は明るい未来 まだ覚めたくない もっと夢見ていたいなあ 合言葉は、「さんはい!」 ぷくぷくシュワシュワふわふわ 上を見て前を見て明るい方向へ
Shikai wa zenbu Blue na sekai Kore kara saki wa akarui mirai Mada sametakunai Motto yumemiteitai naa Aikotoba wa, “san hai!” Pukupuku shuwashuwa fuwafuwa Ue wo mite mae wo mite akarui houkou e
A world where you see is all blue A bright future ahead, from now on I do not want to wake up yet I want to dream more The password is, *“san hai!” Bubbling, bubbling, floating Look up, look forward, into the bright direction
進んでいけ泳いでいけ それではどうぞ合言葉「さんはい!」 ぷくぷくシュワシュワふわふわ 溺れていたい
Susunde ike oyoide ike Sore de wa douzo aikotoba “san hai!” Pukupuku shuwashuwa fuwafuwa Oboreteitai
Keep going, keep swimming Then, use the password “san hai!” Bubbling, bubbling, floating I want to drown
シュワシュワ…ふわふわ… シュワシュワ…ふわふわ… 溺れたい…
Shuwashuwa… fuwafuwa… Shuwashuwa… fuwafuwa… Oboretai…
Bubbling... Floating... Bubbling... Floating... I want to drown...
*san hai = similar to せーの (one, two / ready, go)
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cotton-milkyway · 1 year ago
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sweets shopパネル
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