ashitakaxsan · 2 months
Revisiting the Heartwarming Flashback
Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot's Wholesome Bond in Spy x Family 💼💖 Step back in time with the latest chapter in Spy x Family, where the tender relationship between Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot comes to life in vivid detail. As we journey through their shared memories, we're reminded of the power of friendship, kindness, and the bonds that endure through the ages.
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It was a question about what sort of story do housemaster Henderson and Marriot share.I was wondering about it.
Below:Chapter 72. They know each other well!
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They know each other,each one calls him wit his little name.
Now with chapter 97 Endo sensei gives us their shared backstory. Back during their years in Eden College Martha as the quite talented ballerin sparked to Henderson the word "Elegant".
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Eventually Henry was saved by the severe bullying of his classmates,thanks to the amazingly agile Martha.The incident led him to seek Justice,so this awful mentality wouldn't ever get repeated. But in his Dismay the seeds of Corruption,within the Well respected Eden College,had really blossomed to flowers of Evil(:
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"Even the teachers at Eden have been corrupted. I'll not let that happen to me". That'a great line of a man ,believing in moral Integrity.He would seriously protect this vital Element.He had made up his mind:In order to protect it,and make Active Defence of Integrity he would become a great Educator.
But being fixated with it,in the way he pursued his ideals,to seriously change the world(as far as i can tell it's pointless to change the world.the point is let go, keep an open mind, and give the universe room to show itself as it is-Taoism) he forgot to keep being with those close.Or accurately he saw it as useless.Ditching way the simple things that provides us joy isn't that great.These are Friendship,laughter,a sense of humor(:
(The arc displays us the volatile mentality and unscrupulness at Eden. How come the Disciplinary Committee got too lax? Where was madam Donna Schlag? She's always strict,dismissing the aggressive language too. Below:She was around the same time with Marriott)
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Below:The panel displays the joy od the graduates-except of Henderson.See somone noticed it:That Henry sees these things as a burden,he seems stonecold.
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That's how he left Martha behind,to her it really mattered that he walked way,with out him started the sorrow(:
Man,how Endo sensei makes it give us an intence scene of her sad tears.She's heartbroken. She was more than interested on him: She's In love with him,head over heels. Yet he was clueless about her feelings.
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"The next day I went to the garden thinking that he'd be there.I had the innocent believe that someone important to me would always be there": Martha Marriot.It did take the better of her,dragging her down -not being her usual self:The Lively,early bird.
It's intriguing how Endo sensei draws a subtle connection,between the corruption at Eden and the escalating tensions between Westalis and Ostania.Namely they're interrelated problems.
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Maybe in the next chapter we'll see more about them: How did each one sense the war,how did each one react,and particularly Martha's decision for a path as Defendor-not a coldblooded killer.
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tasoiano · 9 months
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『SPY×FAMILY | スパイファミリー 』
ロイヨル イーデン 校 | Loid and Yor Eden AU 🚌🏫🚸
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nagachika · 1 year
SPYxFAMILY 11 を読んだ。
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pianotex · 2 years
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🆕📺@spyfamily_anime🕵️🏻#SPY_FAMILY👸🏻#スパイファミリー👩‍🦰📲#Podcast #ポッドキャスト📶
#20 ヘンリー・ヘンダーソン役の山路和弘さん登場! 「山路さんはSPY×FAMILYだと断然●●ファン!!」
#キークリン #ギターペット #フトーゴム #ピアノベースSPD #地震
#Animation #JPOP🇯🇵#声優 #アニメ #PianotexRoom🐸@Pianotex @Piano_kyoikugkG🎹
▶️ Listen to this episode from SPY×FAMILY オペレーション〈ポッドキャスト〉 on Spotify. アニメ『SPY×FAMILY』の、Spotifyオリジナル番組「SPY×FAMILY オペレーションPodcast」。アニメがお休みの期間中も、引き続きロイド・フォージャー役の江口拓也さんをパーソナリティにお送りします。 今回のゲストはアーニャたちが通うイーデン校の寮長、ヘンリー・ヘンダーソン役の山路和弘さん。“声優になったキッカケ”トーク、2人の共通点を探る「せ~の!」のコーナーも実施。そして「お気に入りシーン」のコーナーでは、江口さんも知らなかったという、山路さんのお気に入りキャラが判明! 番組ではアナタからのメッセージを引続きお待ちしています。各コーナー、番組の感想、パーソナリティへのメッセージなど、ぜひ送ってください。投稿はコチラから…https://forms.gle/mF2NXPK1GxwWAB9L6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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ykwathced · 2 years
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cosnami · 2 years
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https://www.cosnami.com/products/iden-sport-boy-2628.html スパイファミリー SPY×FAMILY ダミアン コスプレ衣装 イーデン校運動服 男の子コスチューム 送料無料 https://www.cosnami.com/products/eden-sport-girl-2627.html スパイファミリー SPY×FAMILY アーニャ コスプレ衣装 イーデン校運動服 女の子 コスチューム 送料無料 https://www.cosnami.com/products/loid-forger-cos2-2626.html スパイファミリー SPY×FAMILY ロイド・フォージャー コスプレ衣装 いちご柄 コスチューム 送料無料 https://www.cosnami.com/products/yor-forger-cos4-2625.html スパイファミリー SPY×FAMILY ヨル・フォージャー コスプレ衣装 部屋着 コスチューム 送料無料
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zugadooon · 2 years
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アニメ「スパイファミリー」第6話、アーニャ、イーデン校に入学するも波乱の幕開けにwww【感想】 https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2022/05/15/%e3%82%a2%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a1%e3%80%8c%e3%82%b9%e3%83%91%e3%82%a4%e3%83%95%e3%82%a1%e3%83%9f%e3%83%aa%e3%83%bc%e3%80%8d%e7%ac%ac6%e8%a9%b1%e3%80%81%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a3%e3%80%81%e3%82%a4/
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chocolabtoto · 2 years
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tatsumine · 7 years
#釜石SW の2017年度新加入選手が発表されました。
PR佐々木 仁(ささき じん)
生年月日:1999 年 1 月 14 日(18 歳) 身長:181cm/体重:115kg 出身校・経歴:釜石商工高校 所属:SMC㈱ 
HO原 遼太郎(はら りょうたろう)
生年月日:1993 年 5 月 27 日(23 歳) 身長:173cm/体重:98kg 出身校・経歴:オークランド工科大学、ポンソンビー(2012 年、2014 年)、イーデン(2013 年)、 マウントウェリントン(2015 年~2016 年) 所属:㈱トヨタレンタリース岩手 
FL佐々木 拓磨(ささき たくま) 
生年月日:1985 年 9 月 24 日(31 歳) 身長:173cm/体重:90kg 出身校・経歴:山形大学、奥州アテルイブレーブス(2010 年~2013 年) 北上矢巾ブレイズラガー(2014 年~2016 年) 所属:釜石市立小佐野小学校 
SHスコット・ゲイル(Scott Gale)
生年月日:1994 年 10 月 24 日(22 歳) 身長:186cm/体重:86kg 出身校・経歴:セントジョセフカレッジ、クイーンズランドレッズ(2016 年) 所属:釜石シーウェイブスRFC
SO中村 良真(なかむら りょうま) 
生年月日:1994 年 11 月 27 日(22 歳) 身長:172cm/体重:73kg 出身校・経歴:帝京大学 所属:新日鐵住金㈱釜石製鐵所
SO福士 周太(ふくし しゅうた) 
生年月日:1994 年 8 月 15 日(22 歳) 身長:178cm/体重:88kg 出身校・経歴:立命館大学 所属:㈱岩手銀行
CTB ロコツイ シュウペリ(ろこつい しゅうぺり)
生年月日:1983 年 5 月 14 日(33 歳) 身長:186cm/体重:109kg 出身校・経歴:拓殖大学、リコーブラックラムズ(2005 年~2007 年)、 NEC グリーンロケッツ(2008 年~2010 年)、 NTT ドコモレッドハリケーンズ(2011 年~2012 年)、 三菱重工相模原ダイナボアーズ(2013 年~2016 年) 所属:産業振興㈱ 
CTB權 正赫(くぉん じょんひょく)
生年月日:1989 年 2 月 5 日(28 歳) 身長:178cm/体重:93kg 出身校・経歴:帝京大学、宗像サニックスブルース(2012 年~2016 年)、韓国代表 所属:釜石シーウェイブス RFC
CTB伊藤 優駿(いとう まさとし) 
生年月日:1994 年 1 月 13 日(23 歳) 身長:167cm/体重:83kg 出身校・経歴:白鴎大学 所属:釜石市立双葉小学校
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ashitakaxsan · 1 month
Inside Job: The Threat of a Traitor in Eden College
It's been a while since the Hostage Crisis Arc,everyone there seems to have forgotten it.However probably a new threat might endanger students of Eden College. So please let's see it :
How did Squire know the names of the kids,and the social position of the a’,b’..Father? The panels with the stunned kids speaks so.
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You can see my previous post about my headcanon: https://ashitakaxsan.tumblr.com/post/729714229960130560/just-before-this-arc-there-was-in-chapter-64-a
So the explanation is the Red Circus had an insider, who had sold to them the info about Eden’s activities that day,and the names of the children and their families standing in Ostania’s government.
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"I get what you say. But how can this person remaine so dangerous?",you'll ask me the question.
It poses a significant threat for several reasons:
Access to Sensitive Information: The inside man likely has access to sensitive information within the school, including details about the social standing and backgrounds of the hostages. This information can be exploited by the Red Circus for their nefarious purposes, such as targeting specific individuals for ransom or leverage.
Betrayal of Trust: It represents a betrayal of trust within Eden. This individual may have been trusted with confidential information and privileged access, making the betrayal all the more damaging and dangerous.
Continued Espionage: The betrayal may not be limited to the hostage crisis alone. It may continue to provide information to external threats, compromising the school's security and putting its members at risk in future operations.
Ability to Manipulate Events: With insider knowledge, the person has the ability to manipulate events and outcomes to serve their own agenda or that of their allies. This can include feeding misinformation, sabotaging rescue efforts, or orchestrating further crises for their own gain.
Difficulty in Detection: The traitor's ability to remain hidden within the school poses a challenge for identifying and neutralizing the threat. Their knowledge(of internal operations and security measures)may allow them to evade detection and continue their espionage undetected.
It's concerning that this possibility hasn't been thoroughly investigated, as the traitor's actions could have dire consequences if left unchecked.
Overall, the presence of a deadly traitor, within the Eden, represents a significant security breach, and poses a continuing threat to the safety and stability of Eden and its faculty members. Identifying and apprehending the traitor is crucial for mitigating the danger they pose and preventing further harm to those involved.
How come Anya hasn't read the mind of this traitor ?
Because her focus on her goals,and integration into the social and academic life at Eden College, may indeed consume much of her attention and energy. As a result, she may not have had the opportunity to consider the possibility of a traitor within the school, or to actively seek out their presence through random telepathic scans.
Additionally, the traitor may be adept at blending in with the student body or faculty, making it difficult for Anya to identify him/her among the many individuals at Eden College. Without any overt signs of suspicion or unusual behavior, the traitor could remain unnoticed and undetected, even by the mind reader Anya.
As she continues to navigate the challenges of her life at Eden College and works towards her goals, she may eventually uncover clues or circumstances that lead her to suspect the presence of a traitor. Until then, the traitor's identity and motivations remain shrouded in mystery, adding to the intrigue and suspense of the story.
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ashitakaxsan · 9 months
Anya chan,you're back:)
After a month of break the new chapter of Spy x Family is here. Yuupie! Despite there's anything openly yet with WISE,or Wheeler,the thing is Anya;s job.An her relationship with Damian.
How much badly it started,for the two of them,in Chapter 8:
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Later when she-unknowingly what danger's coming-made a big Sacrifice,in chapter 61:
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Yes,the day with the dread inspection of Donna Schlag,how she saved him from the disgrace and got a Tonitrus Bolt in Damian's stead.
The Crisis with the Studients as Hostages,chapter 71:
"It'll be okay." "Don't be scared".
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Now in chapter 88:
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"Man,what is this from her?".
Just to sayit's about Operation Strix. I have a hard time to concede there will ever be romance between them.
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ykwathced · 2 years
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cosnami · 2 years
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zugadooon · 2 years
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『SPY×FAMILY』4話感想 いざ、名門イーデン校の面接試験へ! https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2022/04/30/%e3%80%8espyxfamily%e3%80%8f4%e8%a9%b1%e6%84%9f%e6%83%b3-%e3%81%84%e3%81%96%e3%80%81%e5%90%8d%e9%96%80%e3%82%a4%e3%83%bc%e3%83%87%e3%83%b3%e6%a0%a1%e3%81%ae%e9%9d%a2%e6%8e%a5%e8%a9%a6%e9%a8%93/
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