vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "39" by sasakure.UK (ささくれUK) & DECO*27 (デコニーナ)! this song came out 12 years ago today.
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art by Ousaka Nozomi | youtube upload | july 27th, 2024.
[Image description: The official cover art for the song "39". It features Hatsune Miku holding a red camera with both of her hands while happily looking at the camera. Behind her are various scenic images from the music video that represent memories. The background is white. Overlayed over Miku, underneath the camera, is large white text that reads the name of the song, and underneath it, with smaller white text, are the names of the two producers that worked on the song. End image description.]
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しゅうまつがやってくる! / Hafta Sonu Geliyor! - Türkçe Çeviri
Shuumatsu ga Yatte Kuru!
Orijinal - Çevirili video
Sasakure.uk (ささくれUK) feat. Kagamine Rin 鏡音リン
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Ülkenin büyük insanları masalarına bakıyor.
Hiçbir şeyi değiştirmiyorlar.
Sadece gerçek olduğunu biliyorlar.
Bugün de sokağın köşesinde, bunun bir tesadüf olduğunu söylersem yalan olurdu.
きみのひだり キープ
Soluna doğru saklıyorum.
5 dakika süren mutlu gülümseyişin hazinemdir.
“Dünya”ya neler olacak diye düşünsem
Hiç nasıl hissederim bilemiyorum.
Yine de senin yanındayken ellerim ve tenimdeki his
幸 福 感
beni mutlu ediyor.
Son geliyor!
そんなこと別に 興味ないんだ
Bu tür şeyler beni ilgilendirmiyor.
Hafta sonu geliyor!
今度こそ想い 伝えなくちゃ
Bu kez, duygularımı iletmeliyim.
Yüzyılın sonundaki büyük son kehanetleri
オオハズレ 人類ビックリです
yanlış çıktı ve insanlık bu duruma şok oldu.
シュウマツロンだって きっと
Bunlar SON hakkındaki tartışmalar tabi ki.
Uzaylılar mı? Şaka yapıyor olmalısın?
Ülkenin büyük insanları masalarına bakıyor.
Hiçbir şeyi değiştirmiyorlar.
Sadece gerçek olduğunu biliyorlar.
君は 突然さ
Sen, ani bir şekilde
『Uzaklara』 gittin.
Yetişkinlerin söyledikleri şeyler
kalan umudumu kağıt gibi parçaladı.
Daha "Dünya" nedir bilmiyorum.
「Savaş?」mı「doğal nedenler?」mi bilmiyorum.
Yine de senden uzakta olunca ellerim ve tenimdeki his
喪 失 感
Seni kaybetmiş gibiyim.
Son geliyor!
そんなことホント 興味なかった
Bu tür şeyler beni ilgilendirmiyor.
Hafta sonu geliyor!
どうしよう気持ち 伝えなかった
Ne yapmalıyım, nasıl hissettiğimi sana söyleyemedim.
Bastıramadığım duygularımı
願い 夢 うたをつめこんだ
Dileklerimi, hayallerimi, şarkılara boğdum.
✉(てがみ) 一つじゃ足りないの
Bir tek MEKTUP yeterli olmayacak.
どれだけ書いても 伝わんないんだ もう
Ne kadar yazmış olsam da artık sana anlatamayacağım.
Ellerimde tuttuğum, hislerimin parçaları
『Gönderilecek kişi kim?』Bilmiyorum.
それならば いっそのこと
Eğer öyleyse yapılacak en iyi şey
Onları Dünya'ya mı yaysam acaba?
Hafta sonu geliyor!
愛のうた ひとつ いかがですか
Bir aşk şarkısı nasıl olmalıdır acaba
Bir yerde, birisine küçük bir
笑顔になれるよな 世界なら
tebessüm getirebilmeyi sağlayabilirsem bu dünyada.
Son geliyor!
Sen artık geri gelemeyeceksin.
Hafta sonu geliyor!
Sen artık geri gelemeyeceksin.
Son geliyor olsa bile
もう二度とこないで 大嫌い
(Senin) Bir daha gelmiyor olmana nefret ediyorum.
Hafta sonu gelse bile
もう二度とこない だれかの笑顔
Bir daha kimsenin gülümsemesi gelmeyecek.
Hafta Sonu geliyor…
Hafta Sonu geliyor…
Hafta Sonu geliyor…
Hafta Sonu geliyor…
終末(Son) ile 週末(Hafta Sonu) kelimelerinin okunuşu shuumatsu olduğundan kelime oyunu yapılmıştır.
Şarkının sonundaki mektupta きみときみの あいするひとへ yazılıdır.
“Sen ve Değer verdiğin(Sevdiğin) kişiye...”
Vocaloid'ler Felaket Gününü Düşünürler mi? isimli seriden.
İlgili şarkılar(Türkçe çevirili videoları ile birlikte):
*Merhaba, Gezegen.
16bit SavaşlarımıZ (Bu videodaki çocuğun bakış açısından.) Orijinali
↑ Çeviri @translations-of-alexandra tarafından yapılmıştır.
Son düzenlenme tarihi 23 Mayıs 2024.
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nordic-language-love · 9 months
IRL Japanese 2: Things the kids I teach say all the time
If you're planning to work as an ESL teacher in Japan working with kids, this vocab is gonna be super useful for you! You'll pick up a lot as you go along, but it's good to have an overview from the start.
できた = done, finished (whenever they finish an exercise I've set them. The older kids will use the ます-form, but kids under like age 8 will use this one)
かえる?= is it time to go home? (lit: go home?)
わかった = got it (again, the older kids will use the ます-form)
わからない / わかんない = I don't get it (idk if わかんない is just dialect or if it's common overall, but I hear it more than わからない. Usually from the kids who don't wanna be there and are making zero effort)
ちがう = wrong / different (when they give an answer but realise it's not correct. It's basically like "wait, no")
ばか = idiot (sometimes boys say this to their friends)
全部?(ぜんぶ)= everything?! (asked in disbelief when I ask them to write more than one word)
やめろ = stop it! (used with friends when they're teasing each other)
いたいよ = that actually hurts, you know! (used with friends when they're rough-housing)
よし (more like 'yoshhh') = right then (filler word indicating the start of an activity or a change of activity)
水筒(すいとう)= water bottle (most kids bring one to class and frequently forget to take them with them when they go home)
忘れた(わすれた)= I forgot (usually in reference to the text book they left at home)
トイレに行きたい = I want to go to the bathroom
先生、大好き!(せんせい、だいすき!)= I love you, Sensei!
Other useful classroom/school vocabulary:
サイコロ = dice
トランプ = playing cards
ごろごろ = onomatopeia for the sound for rolling (I found the kids got confused if I just mimed rolling a dice/ball and said "roll!" but if I did the gesture and said "gorogoro", they understood)
ビリビリ = onomatopeia for ripping (useful for when you have tear-apart crafts in class)
ケシケシ = onomatopeia for erasing something (useful when you try to explain to a kid they spelled something wrong. Because it's easier to just say "A kesh-kesh, E" than "Not A, E. Okay great you wrote E, but A needs to go. No no no not the whole word, just A. Oh my God. Okay. Let me write it and you copy.")
ちょっと = a little, soon, wait a little (useful if the kids are getting a bit antsy and ready to go home a bit too early/don't want to wait their turn. Don't use it with parents though!)
がんばれ = do your best / you can do it!
あぶない!= dangerous / look out! (useful if a kid unexpectedly runs in front of me while I'm carrying a table)
せえの!= Altogether now! (When I need the kids to repeat something after me)
だめだよ = Don't do that (for when the kids repeatedly do something I've asked them not to do)
少々お待ちください(しょうしょう おまち ください)= polite form of "please wait a moment". Useful if you have a parent talking to you and you need to go get something (e.g. a communication sheet for them to point at so you know what they're trying to say)
授業参観 (じゅぎょうさんかん) = parent observation (PO). A couple of times a year, parents are invited into the classroom to watch the lesson (absolutely not a thing in the UK, not sure about other countries). The past two months I've had POs at my various schools, and so the parents come to the door and ask me if it's PO week. I don't understand most of the question, but I can pick out this one word and a question particle and figure out what they're asking.
It's also obviously a good idea to learn vocabulary related to stationery (eraser, pencil, crayon, pen, notebook, textbook, pencil case etc) because kids forget/lose their stuff all the time and will inevitably ask you if they can borrow something.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (18)
T for Tinne (Holly) - July 18th - August 5th
“Tree of Sacrifice - 8th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn: Gemstone: ruby, bloodstone; Gender: male; Patrons: Taranis, Jesus Christ, Thor, Lugh; Symbols: discord + humanity, blood + compassion, endless love
When it comes to holly, there is no one who doesn't know the prickly leaves and red berries. The evergreen holly tree has dense branches, and thanks to its glossy evergreen foliage, the holly tree remains unchanged through over time and throughout the year. 
Since ancient times, holly has represented the robust vitality and masculine strength of nature. It was closely associated with birth and rebirth rituals and the transmission of esoteric knowledge, and was particularly linked with unconditional love, and eventually came to symbolise all gods dedicated to sacrifice. The holly is also known as a tree that protects fairies and, as with all 'fairy trees', legend has it that cutting it down will bring bad luck. People in the past planted holly near their houses because it was said to ward off evil and stop lightning from striking.
It is said that long ago, when the island of Britain was still called Albion, prehistoric Britain was protected by a giant called Gogmagog. This giant who covered his entire body with holly branches and leaves, primeval god Gogmagog, eventually became known by the name 'the Holly King'. The giant held a holly bush as a club and is said to be the twin brother of the 'King of Oak'. In the medieval story 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight', the Holly King appears as the immortal Green Knight and Sir Gawain as the Oak King. 
The Holly King, who rules over the six months leading up to the summer solstice and winter solstice, takes the throne after the Oak King dedicates himself to the summer solstice bonfire. Then, in a cycle of death and rebirth, he sacrifices himself to give way once more to the Oak King on the winter solstice. Hence, Oak King and Holly king represent two phases of nature's guardian deities.
The Celtic festival of Lughnasadh (Lughnasa) takes place at the end of the holly month. This celebrates the rebirth of Lugh, the god of light (the sun) and crafts, and is celebrated on 1 August in the UK, Ireland and Europe at the Harvest Festival. This is also the Anglo-Saxon festival of Lammas.
The evergreen holly, which does not die out even when all plants have died, symbolises a strong life force and is a 'good omen' tree. The druids (Ref2), who regarded holly as a particularly sacred tree, proceeded to bring holly into the house during the winter months. The holly, with its red berries and bright foliage, which exalts the soul, was a protector of elves and fairies from the harsh cold. So, during the winter, they do not misbehave.
Any holly brought into the house must be returned to the outdoors by 'Imbolc Eve'. It's because if holly leaves remain in the house after that, misfortune will befall them.
This was retained in Christianity as Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve). In Christianity, which teaches that holly eventually grew from the ground on which Jesus walked, the thorny leaves and red berries of holly represent the Passion and shed blood of Jesus.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (18)
TはTinne (ヒイラギ) - 7月18日~8月4日
『犠牲の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第8月』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星: 宝石: ルビー、ブラッドストーン (血石) ; 性: 男性; 守護神: タラニス、イエス・キリスト、トール、ルー; シンボル: 不和+人間性、血+憐れみ、限りなき愛
ヒイラギの月が終わる頃にはケルトの祭典、ルーナサが行われる。これは、光 (太陽) と技芸の神、ルーの再生を祝うもので、英国、アイルランド、ヨーロッパでは、8月1日に収穫祭が開かれる。これはアングロサクソン人のラマス祭にも当たる。
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leomacgivena · 3 months
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Xユーザーのtomo-uk🇬🇧さん:「これからはa little bitではなくa skoshを使いましょう」
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cafelatte-night · 10 months
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 370 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 死ねバケモノ‼︎ しねバケモノ‼︎ shine BAKEMONO!! "Die, monster!!"
tagline 1 降りかかる心ない言葉… ふりかかるこころないことば… furi kakaru kokoro nai kotoba... Heartless words falling down [upon him]...
tagline 2 No.370 HIStory  堀越耕平 ナンバー370 ヒストリー  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 370 HISUTORII   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 370 HIStory   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 イギョーは家から出てくるな! イギョーはいえからでてくるな! IGYOU wa ie kara dete kuruna! "As for the grotesque, don't come out of your houses!"
3 まさか忌み血だったとは… まさかいみちだったとは… masaka imi chi datta to wa... "Unthinkable that you have abominable blood..."
4 おまえ達には騙された おまえたちにはだまされた omae-tachi ni wa damasareta "You all deceived us."
5 土地が穢れる とちがけがれる tochi ga kegareru "The land is being defiled."
6 出ていけ でていけ dete ike "Get out of here."
7 時代がどう進もうと じだいがどうすすもうと jidai ga dou susumou to "No matter how much time progresses,"
8 我々はその血を受け入れることはない われわれはそのちをうけいれることはない wareware wa sono chi wo uke ireru koto wa nai "we will never accept that blood [of yours]."
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1 少し遡る すこしさかのぼる sukoshi sakanoboru Going back a little,
2 荼毘確保の報が戦場を駆け巡った後 だびかくほのしらせがせんじょうをかけめぐったあと Dabi kakuho no shirase ga senjou wo kake megutta ato after the news that Dabi had been secured had circulated the battlefield,
3 セントラル病院前 セントラルびょういんまえ SENTORARU byouin mae in front of Central Hospital
4 鹵獲された黒義を奪還シロ‼︎ ろかくされたくろぎりをだっかんシロ‼︎ rokaku sareta Kurogiri wo dakkan SHIRO!! Rescue the captured Kurogiri!!
5 "改人脳無シリーズ"マスターピースに最も近づいたハイエンド黒義 "かいじんのうむシリーズ"マスターピースにもっともちかづいたハイエンドくろぎり “kaijin noumu SHIRIIZU” MASTAAPIISU ni motto mo chikadzuita HAIENDO Kurogiri Kurogiri, the High-End closest to a masterpiece of the "Bioengineered Noumu Series"
6 ソレが病院にある事をつき止めたAFOは ソレがここにあることをつきとめたオール・フォー・ワンは SORE ga koko (kanji: byouin) ni aru koto wo tsuki tometa OORU FOO WAN wa AFO found out that is here (read as: hospital)
7 超常解放戦線幹部スピナー率いる ちょうじょうかいほうせんせんかんぶスピナーひきいる choujou kaihou sensen kanbu SUPINAA hikiiru Officer Spinner is leading the Paranormal Liberation Front
8 残党 レムナンツ REMUNANTSU (kanji: zantou) The remnants
9 及び および oyobi as well as
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1-2 残党に「賛同」する"一般市民" かれらに「さんどう」する"いっぱんしみん" karera (kanji: zantou) ni 「sandou」 suru “ippan shimin” the "ordinary citizens" who 'agree' with them (read as: the remnants)
3 計 けい kei In total
4 およそ一万五千の勢力を向かわせていた およそいちまんごせんのせいりょくをむかわせていた oyoso ichi man go sen no seiryoku wo mukawasete ita a force of approximately 15,000 were sent in.
5 どけぇ‼︎ dokee!! "Move!!"
6 行け いけ ike "Go"
7 通せ とおせ taose "Let us through
8 囲め囲め かこめかこめ kakome kakome "Surround them, surround them"
9 ラインを下げるな! ラインをさげるな! RAIN wo sageruna! "Don't break the line!"
10 道開けろ みちあけろ michi akero "Open a path"
11 迎え撃つは残存ヒーロー・残存警官隊 むかえうつはざんぞんヒーロー・ざんぞんけいかんたい mukae utsu wa zanzon HIIROO・zanzon keikantai The counterattacking force of remaining heroes and remaining police
12 およそ二百…! およそにひゃく…! oyoso ni hyaku...! were about 200...!
13 人気になったもんだな"白雲"…‼︎ にんきになったもんだな"しらくも"…‼︎ ninki ni natta mon da na “Shirakumo”...!! "You've become popular, Shirakumo...!"
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1-2 ラウドアウトシャウト‼︎ RAUDO AUTO SHAUTO!! Loud Out Shout!!
3 肉壁だとぉ!!? にくかべだとぉ!!? niku kabe da too!!? A wall of flesh!!? (Note: Basically a meat shield.)
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1 先生 大丈夫⁉︎ せんせい だいじょうぶ⁉︎ sensei daijoubu!? "Teacher, you all right!?"
2 サンキュアニマ SANKYUU ANIMA "Thank you, Anima"
3 テンタコルは⁉︎ TENTAKORU wa!? "Where's Tentacole!?"
4 戦ってる内にはぐれちゃった…! たたかってるうちにはぐれちゃった…! tatakatteru uchi ni hagure chatta...! "I lost him while we were fighting...!"
5 課長!数が多すぎます増援をーー! かちょう!かずがおおすぎますぞうえんをーー! kachou! kazu ga oo sugimasu zouen wo--! "Boss! Their numbers are too many, we need reinforcements--!"
6 いねンだよンなもん! ineNda yoNna mon! "We don't have any!"
7 テイザーシールドで押し返せ テイザーシールドでおしかえせ! TEIZAA SHIIRUDO de oshi kaese! "Push them back with your taser shields!"
8 くそっ!ただでさえ足りねェ人員を分断・孤立させるよう動いてやがる! くそっ!ただでさえたりねェじんいんをぶんだん・こりつさせるよううごいてやがる! kuso! tada de sae tarineE jin’in wo bundan・koritsu saseru you ugoite yagaru! "Damn it! They're moving to divide and isolate our already-insufficient personnel!"
9 寄せ集めの暴徒だろ よせあつめのぼうとだろ yose atsume no houto daro "Isn't this a ragtag mob?"
10 何でこんな統率力が…! なんでこんなとうそつりょくが…! nande konna tousotsuryoku ga...! "What's with this leadership...!"
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1 黙れうるさい‼︎ だまれうるさい‼︎ damare urusai!! "Shut up, you're noisy!!"
2 縛れ しばれ shibare "Tie them up"
3 もういい! mou ii! "Enough already!"
4 暴徒じゃねぇ ぼうとじゃねぇ bouto ja nee "We're not a mob"
5 手だ手 てだて te da te "The hands, the hands!"
6 おまえらいつもそれだ omaera itsumo sore da "You people are always like that."
7 人間の顔した奴には にんげんのかおしたやつには ningen no kao shita yatsu ni wa "Those who have human faces"
8 わかんねぇべ‼︎ wakannee be!! "don't understand!!"
9 ぶっ倒せ ぶったおせ buttaose "Crush them"
10 どけぇ dokee "Move"
11 道を開け みちをあけ michi wo ake "Open a path"
12 通せ‼︎ とおせ‼︎ toose!! "Let us through!!"
13 どけ! doke! "Move!"
14 邪魔すンな! じゃますンな! jama suNna! "Don't get in the way!"
15 どいてな! doite na! "Get out of the way!"
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1 やめっ… yame... "Sto...."
2 なんっ…!何でこんな事っやめましょう⁉︎ なんっ…!なんでこんなことっやめましょう⁉︎ nan...! nande konna koto yamemashou!? "Why...! Why would you do something like this, can't we stop!?"
3 都会育ちか? とかいそだちか? tokai sodachi ka? "Did you grow up in the city?"
4 こんっ… kon... "You..."
5 裏切り者が! うらぎりもんが! uragiri mon ga! "you damn traitor!
 6 いけ! ike! "Go!"
7 道つくれ みちつくれ michi tsukure "Make a path"
8 開けろォ あけろォ akeroO "Open [the way]"
9 通すんだ とおすんだ toosunda "Let us through"
10 代弁者を だいべんしゃを daibensha wo "Our representative"
11 通せ とおせ toose "Get through"
12 俺たちの方が強い おれたちのほうがつよい ore-tachi no hou ga tsuyoi "We are stronger"
13 解放だべ! かいほうだべ! kaihou da be! "Free him!"
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1 怒れ人民‼︎ おこれじんみん‼︎ okore jinmen!! "Get angry, people!!"
2 今日が解放日だ! きょうがかいほうびだ! kyou ga kaihou bi da! "Today is Liberation Day!"
3 "個性"カウンセリング!"個性"教育! "こせい"カウンセリング!"こせい"きょういく! “kosei” KAUNSERINGU! “kosei” kyoiku! "Quirk counseling! Quirk education!"
4 これが贋である事を! これがまやかしであることを! kore ga mayakashi (kanji: nise) de aru koto wo! "These things are deceptions!"
5 我々は"形"を持って知っている! われわれは"かたち"をもってしっている! wareware wa “katachi” wo motte shitte iru! "We're well aware we have these 'forms'!"
6 どいてろ doitero "Out of the way"
7 道つくれ みちつくれ michi tsukure "Make a path"
8 通せ! とおせ! toose! "Let us through!"
9 どけぇ dokee "Move"
10 代弁者が通るぞ だいべんしゃがとおるぞ daibensha ga tooru zo "Our representative is coming through"
11 倒せ たおせ taose "Defeat them"
12 「六・六事件」 「ろく・ろくじけん」 「roku・roku jiken」 "Incident 66"
13 「ジェダの大粛清」 「ジェダのだいじゅくせい」 「JEDA no daijukusei」 "The Great Purge of Jeda"
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1 「超常」とは 「ちょうじょう」とは 「choujou」 to wa "'Paranormal' refers to"
2 "異なる形"迫害の歴史だ! "ことなるかたち"はくがいのれきしだ! “kotonaru katachi” hakugai no rekishi da! "the history of persecution of those with 'different forms'!"
3 虐殺に加担した男はその理由を「気味が悪かった」の一言で片付けた! ぎゃくさつにかたんしたおとこはそのワケを「きみがわるかった」のひとことでかたづけた! gyakusatsu ni katan shita otoko wa sono WAKE (kanji: riyuu) wo 「kimi ga warukatta」 no hitokoto de katadzuketa! "The men who took part in that massacre gave their reasoning in a nutshell as 'Because they creep us out.'"
4 そして現在世界は反省したーー そしていませかいははんせいしたーー soshite ima sekai wa hansei shita--- "And then the current word reflected [on that]---"
5 ーーフリをしている‼︎ ---FURI wo shite iru!! "--[or rather] it's just pretending to!!"
6 人口蜜集!多様の坩堝に育った者は じんこうみつしゅう!たようのるつぼにそだったものは jinkou mitsushuu! tayou no rutsubo ni sodatta mono wa "Gather a large crowd! Those who grew up in the crucible of diversity"
7 ああ!教育の賜物!分け隔てる事などないのだろう! ああ!きょういくのたまもの!わけへだてることなどないのだろう! aa! kyouiku no tamamono! wake hedateru koto nado nai no darou! "Yes! The gift of education! There shall be nothing like discrimination, right?!"
8 だが街を出てみろ!そこにあるのはーーー だがまちをでてみろ!そこにあるのはーーー daga machi wo dete miro! soko ni aru no wa--- "But try leaving the cities! What [you'll find] there is---"
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1-2 「気味が悪かった」だ 「きみがわるかった」だ 「kimi ga warukatta」 da "'You creep us out.'"
3 どれ程強い光もそれ一つで全ては照らせない‼︎ どれほどつよいひかりもそれひとつですべてはてらせない‼︎ dore hodo tsuyoi hikari mo sore hitotsu de subete wa terasenai!! "No matter how strong a light is, it can't illuminate everything by itself!"
4 ここに集ったのは照らされなかった者たちだ‼︎ ここにとどったのはてらされなかったものたちだ‼︎ koko ni todotta no wa terasarenakatta mono-tachi da!! "Gathered here are those people who were not illuminated!!"
5 我々は自分自身で己を照らす! われわれはじぶんじしんでおのれをてらす! wareware wa jibun jishin de onore wo terasu! "We will use ourselves to illuminate you!"
6 通せえ とおせえ toosee "Let us through"
7 俺たちには必要ない おれたちにはひつようない ore-tachi ni wa hitsuyou nai "We don't need you"
8 おまえらじゃない omaera ja nai "It's not [about] you"
9 どけぇ‼︎ dokee!! "Move!!"
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1 「この"個性"じゃなければ」‼︎一度でも思った事はあるか⁉︎ 「この"こせい"じゃなければ」‼︎いちどでもおもったことはあるか⁉︎ 「kono "kosei" ja nakereba」!! ichido demo omotta koto wa aru ka!? "'If not for this quirk!!' Have you thought that even once!?"
2 道を開けろ みちをあけろ michi wo akero "Open a path"
3 通せ とおせ toose "Let us through"
4 彼を かれを kare wo "Him"
5 彼を通すんだ‼︎ かれをとおすんだ‼︎ kare wo toosunda!! "Let him through!!"
flag スピナーは代弁者である スピナーはだいべんしゃである SUPINAA wa daibensha de aru Spinner is [our] representative
6 我々のヒーローはおまえ達じゃない! われわれのヒーローはおまえたちじゃない! warewareno HIIROO wa omae-tachi ja nai! "You people aren't our heroes!"
7 彼こそが かれこそが kare koso ga "Only he can..."
8 勝つぞ かつぞ katsu zo "We'll win"
9 勝てばいいんだ‼︎ かてばいいんだ‼︎ kateba iinda!! "If we win, that'll be enough!!"
10 代弁者の道を開けろ! だいべんしゃのみちをあけろ! daibensha no michi wo akero! "Make a path for [our] representative!"
11 我々を社会の中心に導く!!! われわれをしゃかいのちゅうしんにみちびく!!! wareware wo shakai no chuushin ni michibiku!!! "...lead us to the center of society!!!"
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1 何 言ッテル ノか ワカン ネ ええ なに いッテル ノか ワカン ネ ええ nani iTTERU NO ka WAKAN NE ee What ARE you saYING, I dON'T UNDERSTAaand
2 AFO!  力 貰っテカラ 頭ガ ドンドン 白クーーー… オール・フォー・ワン!  ちから もらっテカラ あたまガ ドンドン しろクーーー… OORU FOO WAN! chikara moratTE KARA atama GA DONDON shiroKU---... All For One! BECAUSE HE GAve me power, my head IS GOING blANK---... (Note: Literally he's saying his head is gettinng "whiter.")
3 おい代弁者 おいだいべんしゃ oi daibensha "Hey, Representative!"
4 マあ MAa WEll
5 イや Iya WAIt no
6 俺は おれは ore wa I'm
7 黒義ヲ くろぎりヲ Kurogiri WO "GeT Kurogiri"
8 言われた 通りニ いわれた とおりニ iwareta toori NI [doing] just aS hE said
9 奪還シロぉ!!! だっかんシロぉ!!! dakkan SHIROo!!! "Rescue HImm!!"
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2 ブロー‼︎ BUROO!! BLOW!!
3 代弁者‼︎ スピナー‼︎ SUPINAA (kanji: daibensha)!! "Spinner (read as: Representative)!!"
4 こぉの野郎がてめっ‼︎ こぉのやろうがてめっ‼︎ koono yarou ga teme!! "This damn bastard!!"
5 裏切者だ殺せっ‼︎ うらぎりものだころせっ‼︎ uragirimono da korose!! "He's a traitor, kill him!!"
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1 死ねバケモノ! しねバケモノ! shine BAKEMONO! Die, monster!
2 それが sore ga "[What does] that"
3 今 病院を襲う事とどう関係ある…? いま びょういんをおそうこととどうかんけいある…? ima byouin wo osou koto to dou kankei aru...!? "have to do with attacking a hospital right now...!?"
4 蛇腔でヒーローはまずっ じゃくうでヒーローはまずっ Jakuu de HIIROO wa mazu "At Jakuu, [it seems] the heroes first"
5 入院患者や関係者の……安全確保に動いたそうだがっ にゅういんかんじゃやかんけいしゃの……あんぜんかくほにうごいたそうだがっ nyuuinkanja ya kankeisha no......anzen kakuho ni ugoita sou da ga "moved to ensure the safety of...those like the inpatients and others involved."
6 どうなんだ…⁉︎おまえたちは…っ dou nanda...!? omae-tachi wa... "So what about you...!? You people..."
7 考えはあるのか⁉︎ かんがえはあるのか⁉︎ kangae wa aru no ka!? "did [that] thought occur to you!?"
8 時代がどう進もうと じだいがどうすすもうと jidai ga dou susumou to "No matter how much time progresses,"
9 我々はその血を受け入れることはない われわれはそのちをうけいれることはない wareware wa sono chi wo uke ireru koto wa nai "we will never accept that blood [of yours]."
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1 あると言え…‼︎ あるといえ…‼︎ aru to ie...! “If it did, then speak...!”
2 じゃなきゃ ja nakya “If not,”
3 俺はおまえたちを許さない! おれはおまえたちをゆるさない! ore wa omae-tachi wo yurusanai! “I won’t forgive you all!”
tagline 闇 吹き荒び、少年は叫ぶ。 やみ ふきすさび、しょうねんはさけぶ。 yami fukisusabi, shounen wa sakebu. The darkness blows in, the young man shouts.
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holespoles · 7 months
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Season. Traditionally, spring in the UK begins on 6 March and lasts for 93 days. March is particularly interesting as it is said to arrive like a raging lion and leave like a docile lamb. The capricious, strong winds that change their appearance from one day to the next are a fascinating feature of the month.
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
My exhibition & Kakishibu dyeing
こんにちは。 この地に引っ越してきて半年、もうすぐ秋になろうとしています。
Hello. It's been 6 months since I moved here and it's almost fall.
Although the days are still hot (Japanese summers are really wet & hot!) ), I can feel that autumn is approaching when I look at the dye process of the persimmon tannin.
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My lovely friend purchased a my works' gown made of linen and dyed with persimmon tannin.
These are called myoga, Japanese summer herb, eaten pickled in vinegar. It can also be eaten raw.
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私は本当に柿渋染めの色が大好きなので、布をどんどん染めなくてはと焦ります。 そしてこちらは最近の制作風景。柿渋が鉄と反応すると黒くなる事を利用して模様を描いています。
I really love the colors of persimmon tannin dyeing and I am in a hurry to dye more and more fabric.
And these pics are recent work in progress. I draw patterns using the fact that persimmon tannin turns black when it reacts with iron.
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The deep black charcoal color, which is not just black, is very beautiful. And it seems to have a very strong water repellent effect. さて、展示に向けてラストスパート! 国内ではこちら。
MAMEDORI LABO. solo exhibition
ギャラリー水巣 新潟県柏崎市松波3丁目3-3-28
Next my exhibition in Japan is
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その後、イギリスのセレクトショップ Beautiful fashion freal lab. さんへたくさんの作品を送ります。Beautiful fashion freak lab.とMAMEDORI LABO.の限定コラボ商品も制作中。 イギリスの皆様、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
After that, I will send a lot of works to a select store Beautiful freak fashion lab. in England. I'm also working on a limited collaboration product between Beautiful freak fashion lab. and MAMEDORI LABO. Thank you very much for your kind attention to me in the UK.
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nyantria · 2 months
(Trump Once Unified Democrats and Divided Republicans. The Shooting And Debate Turned the Tables)
(Group of Democrats oppose virtual Biden nomination)
(Exclusive: County Officer Warned Of Seeing Man With Rangefinder Before Trump Was Shot)
(Expert view: This one thing about Trump shooting is very suspicious)
(Snipers Were INSIDE Building Used By Trump Failed Assassin; Reported Him Using Range Finder, Took Pictures, And Command Did Nothing)
(President Trump receives flood of surprising endorsements after shooting - one group is particularly interesting)
(VDH: Assassination Porn & The Sickness On The Left)
(Election In Britain)
(The UK’s next government must redefine its confused relationship with China)
(Over Half of French See Pre-Vote Candidate Withdrawals as Fraud)
(Trump’s VP pick promises ‘rapid close’ to Ukraine conflict)
(New GOP Platform Vows Support for Israel, Deportation of Pro-Palestinian Protesters)
(Donald Trump is going to win - America isn’t)
(Gold Soars To Record High As Stocks Do Something Not Seen Since Oct 1987)
(2024 Republican Party Platform)
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vsynthbday · 23 days
happy anniversary to "S∀MPLING MΘNSTER" by sasakure.UK (ささくれUK)! this song came out 7 years ago today.
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youtube upload | august 29th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Sampling Monster". It features Hatsune Miku looking at the camera. She's wearing a futuristic-like black, white, and pink dress with black gloves and black and pink socks. She has large black and pink wings. The background is a black and green image of spaceship-like interior. Flying around her are two robot-like black and green and black and pink eyeballs with wings. End image description.]
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kennak · 5 days
英内務省は18日、労働党新政権による戦略見直しの一環として、過激なミソジニー(女性嫌悪、女性蔑視)を過激主義の一形態として取り扱うと発表した。 イヴェット・クーパー内相は、過激主義戦略の再検討を省内に求め、有害な思想がもたらす脅威への最善策を模索するよう指示した。 この分析では、女性に対する憎悪を一つの思想的な傾向として扱う。イギリス政府は、ミソジニーが一部で勢いを得ていると指摘している。 クーパー内相は「インターネットと街中の両方で」、「私たちの地域社会と民主主義の構造そのものを破壊する」過激主義が高まっていると指摘した。 検討会では、イスラム主義と極右過激派に加え、過激なミソジニーや暴力など、より広いカテゴリーに当てはまる信条を含む、幅広い思想傾向の、イギリス国内での高まりを調査する。 さらに、若者が過激化する原因や流れについても分析を進める。 この戦略についてクーパー内相は、「過激派の傾向を把握し、監視する」ことで、人々を過激派から遠ざける方法を探ると説明。「有害で憎悪に満ちた信条や暴力を押し付ける人々を取り締まるために、既存の政策にある穴を特定する」と述べた。 クーパー氏はまた、過激主義に対する対策は近年「ひどく空洞化」していたと指摘した。 今回の見直し作業の内容は、労働党が先の総選挙で公約した新しい過激派対策戦略に反映される。内務省は、イギリス全土で過激派が「拡大し、変化するパターンに対応する」としている。 検討作業は10月までに完了する予定。労働党は7月の政権発足以来、戦略的防衛や歳出、教育課程といった多くの領域で見直しを進めている。 このうち、いくつかの見直しは実際の行動の代替に過ぎないという批判の声もあるかもしれない。しかし労働党は、イギリスでは2015年以来、新たな過激派対策戦略がなく、新たな脅威の評価が遅れていると指摘している。 一方で、イギリス政府がミソジニーを過激主義の一形態と見なしたのは今回が初めてではない。 何年か前から、「インセル文化」と呼ばれる、主に若い男性たちのオンライン活動が懸念されている。インセルはインボランタリー・セリベイト(Involuntary celibate、不本意の禁欲主義者)の略語で、自分たちの問題を女性や「アルファ男性(女性が魅力を感じる男性)」のせいにするインターネット上の男性グループを指す。 2021年8月に英南西部プリマスで起きた当時22歳の男による銃乱射事件は、インセル思想と関連していた。犯人は5人を殺害した後、射殺された。 当時、それ以上の政策措置はとられなかったが、このような事件や、ミソジニストを自認するアンドリュー・テイト氏のようなソーシャルメディアのインフルエンサーの台頭が、新政権に再考を促した可能性がある。 (英語記事 Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government
女性嫌悪、過激主義として取り扱いへ 英内務省が戦略見直し - BBCニュース
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Lai Dai Han (Lai Đại Hàn): The Truth that's Inconvenient for Korea (Essay)
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Statue of Lai Dai Han
The 320,000 Korean troops sent to South Vietnam during the Vietnam War committed a war crime that will never be forgotten. Under the pretext of wiping out the Viet Cong in South Vietnam, they indiscriminately massacred local people and gang-raped women, causing countless children (5,000-30,000). These children are called "Lai Dai Han" (children of mixed race with Korean soldiers). They are not accepted in either Vietnam or Korea and live in discrimination.
In the extreme conditions of the battlefield, the true nature of human beings is revealed, but what about the wildness of these Korean soldiers? They are no less cruel than American or Russian soldiers. In Korea, the topic of Lai Dai Han is taboo, and although there were media outlets that tried to cover it, the Veterans' Association headed by former President Chun Doo-hwan (全斗煥) suppressed it. Chun Doo-hwan was the commander of the Vietnam Expeditionary Forces. Vietnam, which wants economic assistance from Korea, does not want to touch on the Lai Dai Han.
South Korea, which has committed such evil deeds, is persistently erecting statues of comfort women around the world to criticize Japan for the "comfort women issue," which is said that the Japanese military Kidnapped Korean women and made them "sex slaves", but this is ridiculous. In the first place, the "comfort women issue" is a fabrication by the Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) of Japan, and South Korea is just taking advantage of the situation of it. In the face of the Vicious Lai Dai Han issue, South Korea has no right to criticize anything including Japan. (The Japanese military consensually employed Korean women as prostitutes. Not sex slaves.) The UK has erected in Vietnam a statue of Lai Dai Han in front of the South Korean embassy to commemorate the evil deeds. Japan should also erect a statue of Lai Dai Han next to the statue of comfort women all over the world.
Rei Morishita
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zappak · 2 months
Ayami Suzuki [Invisible Guest]
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Release date: September 01, 2024 Catalog no. zappak-016
Bandcamp Page: https://zappak.bandcamp.com/album/invisible-guest
Invisible Guest
Excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/zappak/zappak-016
Recorded and mixed by Ayami Suzuki Mastered by Rupert Clervaux Artwork by Sebastian Decay Design by Ayami Suzuki Layout by Haruka Shinagawa Special thanks to Cosima Pitz
Ayami Suzuki works actively in Tokyo, through performances and recordings using her own voice. And this is a rare work in which the subjectivity and artificiality of her voice is suppressed. The sounds you hear here are not intentionally or consciously constructed, but have a unique texture that makes them seem as if they are just there, or approaching you from afar. Furthermore, there is a story-like element that runs through the four songs, and by listening to the album as a whole, you will be able to experience the stoic world of this work.
鈴木彩文は主に自身の声をもちいたパフォーマンスや録音作品の制作をつうじて、東京を拠点に精力的に活動している。本作は彼女の声の主体性や作為性が抑えられた珍しい作品となっている。 ここで聴くことのできる音は意図的、意識的に作り上げられていくような形となっておらず、ただそこにある、または遠くからこちらへ向かってくるかのような特異性をもっている。さらには、4曲でひと続きとなるストーリー的な要素が存在しており、とおして作品を聴くことによってそのストイックな世界を体感することができるだろう。
Ayami Suzuki (鈴木彩文)
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Ayami Suzuki is a Tokyo-based musician, artist and improviser. Her practice revolves around creating ambient soundscapes that incorporate her folk influences in a synthesis of songwriting and improvisation. Since returning to Tokyo in 2019 after several years of studies in Ireland and the UK, she has become an active performer, collaborator and solo artist. Her recent releases for Lontano Series, Healing Sound Propagandist, Ftarri and Cosima Pitz showcase her singular approach to vocal ambient music, often fusing her ethereal vocals with environmental sounds in a way that feels formless, immersive and expansive all at once. https://ayamisuzuki.jp/
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (13)
F for Fearn (Alder) - March 18th - April 14th
“The tree of Bran the Blessed - Fourth month of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
Colour: purple; Gemstone: amethyst; Gender: male; Patrons: Bran, Apollo, Aranrhod, Odin, Lug; Symbols: shield + foundation, discrimination + inner confidence, loyalty
In Celtic also Norse mythology, March was known as the 'month of lengthening days', which wakes the alder from its winter slumber.
Alder trees are found in the northern hemisphere. Although it is a broad-leaved tree, only alder bears cones, so it is easy to recognise them at a glance in winter. Alder wood can survive completely submerged in water, and never far from water, Alder trees can most often be found lining the banks of a stream, loch, or river, or in boggy wet ground and swamps.
Alder trees, which fix nitrogen around their roots, are also soil-enriching blessing trees. The alder tree, which does not rot even when in water, appeared to be a source of great mystery to the ancients. However, the main reason why the ancient Celts worshipped the alder tree was its sap turns a deep red when exposed to air, as if cutting it would cause it to bleed.
The alder month is a time when the days lengthen, the winter chill slackens and the sun gains momentum, and the ancient Celts would have been uplifted by the blossoming of the alder and its various blessings. The alder tree, which sacrifices itself to fertilise the soil, was also considered sacred. While it was also said to protect the road leading to fairyland, it was also believed that if an alder was cut down, the person's house would burn down in a fire. According to Irish legend, the first man was made from an alder tree and the first woman was made from a rowan tree.
The alder is the totemic tree of Bran the Blessed, the god. He is a giant and king of Britain in Welsh mythology. According to legend, after fighting the Irish, Bran knew he was dying and ordered his fellows to cut off his head and bring it back to London. The party spent 7 years in Harlech and 80 years in Benbrook on the way, but Bran's head remained alive and undecomposed. Bran's head was buried in the White Hill below the Tower of London. Bran's totemic bird was the raven, so 2 ravens are kept at the Tower of London, but their wings have been clipped. This is because legend has it that if the ravens abandon the Tower of London and fly away, the UK will be destroyed.
Apparently, the ravens are loved and looked after, really well by the Beefeater Guards.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (13)
FはFearn (ハンノキ) - 3月18日~4月14日
『祝福された人ブランの木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第4月』
色: 紫; 宝石: アメジスト; 性: 男性; 守護神: ブラン、アポロ、アランロド、オーディン、ルグ; シンボル: 楯+基礎、識別力+内なる自信、忠誠
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I'm featured in the portfolio section and also on the cover for Reclaim the Street, co-authored by Stephen McLaren and Matt Stuart, published by Thames & Hudson
Thames & Hudson | Amazon USA | Amazon UK
And you can buy these few images as A4 print. DM me if you have interest. Thanks for collecting my print, and supporting my work.
Print Sale: https://shinnoguchiphotography.com/sale/print/
英国Thames & Hudsonから出版された近年のストリートフォトの流れを100名を越える世界中の写真家から500点の写真を集めて320ページにまとめた大型写真集「Reclaim the Street」(リクレイム・ザ・ストリート)。その中で30名ほどの写真家だけピックアップされた「ポートフォリオ欄」にワールド・プレス・フォトやゴードン・パークス・フェローに選ばれた写真家らと共に東アジアからは唯一自分が紹介され、またその中の一枚が写真集のカバーに使用されています。洋書を扱う蔦屋書店、紀伊國屋書店で実際にこのカバーを見つけてみてください。かなりの大きさ、重さです。またAmazonなどのネットショップでも購入可能です。
Thames & Hudson | Amazon Japan | 紀伊國屋書店
プリントセール: https://shinnoguchiphotography.com/sale/print/#JP
Instagram | News | Website
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