straycatj · 11 months
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He is the menace also for my landlady...so I'm going to tell you about his wrongdoing again.
れいぞこの こおりすとっかーをあけて できたこおりを ぜんぶとかした
家主がこおりを作らなくなったら こおりすとっかーに入っていた
たおるカゴに入り くろい毛だらけにした(シャシンさんしょう)
ゴハンじゃぁ たいまーじかんまえにフタをあけて ゴハンをダイナシにした
ゴハンじゃぁ かってにあけてくう
パスタのふくろを あけてかじる
らぁめんのふくろを あけてかじる
He opened the ice stocker of her refrigerator and let all ice cubes melted
↑it inundated the floor
He entered that stock space after she quit to make ices
He entered her towel box(example photo) and put black furs all the towels
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He threw away her kitchen cloth box when he climbed and entered the shelf
↑she needed to wash them again
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He opened the rice cooker before it started to cook so she couldn't have rice at the morning
He opened the rice cooker and ate rice
She needed to buy a new cooker with the side button
He ate rice in her lunch box
He ate mochi rice before she cook
He opened the package of pasta and ate them
He opened the package of lamen and ate them
He raids her every time while she's eating her favorite pudding
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0hire · 2 years
- ̗̀ 🤍𝑀𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠𓈒𓂂 ̖́-
YouTubeshort ¦
tiktok ¦ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8jLsso9/
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chinopan2 · 2 years
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#アッと言う間に #こんな季節です #カシミヤの王様 #今年も入荷しました #お早めにどうぞ #ptalfred #火曜日と水曜日が定休日 (Pt.Alfred) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkX0KyquICm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikahlua · 29 days
MHA Chapter 424 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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2 ワシントン州 ワシントンしゅう WASHINTON-shuu State of Washington
tagline 決戦から数日… けっせんからすうじつ… kessen kara suujitsu... A few days after the decisive battle...
3 ーーーーご覧の通り全国に渡って快晴となるでしょう ーーーーごらんのとおりぜんこくにわたってかいせいとなるでしょう ----goran no toori zenkoku ni watatte kaisei to naru deshou "----As you can see, it will be sunny all across the country."
4 荒れるかに思われたこの一週間でしたが…… あれるかにおもわれたこのいっしゅうかんでしたが…… areru ka ni omowareta kono isshuukan deshita ga...... "This past week seemed like it was going to be rough, but......"
5 予報を大きく外してしまった事お詫び致します よほうをおおきくはずしてしまったことおわびいたします yohou wo ookiku hazushite shimatta koto owabi itashimasu "I apologize for being so far off the forecast."
6 メリルもう変なこと言うなよ〜 メリルもうへんなこというなよ〜 MERIEU mou hen na koto iuna yo~ Meryl, stop saying weird things~
7 しかし洗濯の際はご注意を しかしせんたくのさいはごちゅういを shikashi sentaku no sai wa gochuui wo "However, be careful with your laundry."
8 風はまだ強く吹いています かぜはまだつよくふいています kaze wa mada tsuyoku fuite imasu "The wind is still blowing strongly."
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1 あの日吹いた一陣の風は あのひふいたいちじんのかぜは ano hi fuita ichijin no kaze wa "The gust of wind that blew that day"
2 大きな戦いを経たこの世界に おおきなたたかいをへたこのせかいに ooki na tatakai wo heta kono sekai ni "through this world that went through a great battle,"
3 おーいそれこっち寄越したまえ おーいそれこっちよこしたまえ ooi sore kocchi yokoshita mae "Hey, please move it over here."
4 あ助かります あたすかります a tasukarimasu "Ah, that's helpful."
5 どのような影響をもたらすのかーーー引き続き予報を続けてまいります どのようなえいきょうをもたらすのかーーーひきつづきよほうをつづけてまいります dono you na eikyou wo motarasu no ka---hiki tsudzuki yohou wo tsudzukete mairimasu "what kind of impact will it have?---We will coninue to forecast." (Note: Speech bubbles 1, 2, and 5 would be combined in English to more colloquially say something like: "We will continue to forecast what kind of impact the gust of wind that blew that day will have on this world that has gone through a great battle.")
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1 もうお家建ってるぅ‼︎ もうおうちたってるぅ‼︎ mou ouchi tatteruu!! "The houses are already built!!"
2 タケノコみたいィィ‼︎ TAKENOKO mitaiII!! "Like bamboo shoots!!" (Note: I think what is meant by this line is that the houses are springing up quickly like bamboo shoots.)
3 一週間が過ぎた いっしゅうかんがすぎた isshuukan ga sugita One week has passed.
4 蛇腔戦以降手つかずだった復旧作業が急速に進んでいる じゃくうせんいこうてつかずだったふっきゅうさぎょうがきゅうそくにすすんでいる jakuu-sen ikou tetsukazu datta fukkyuu sagyou ga kyuusoku ni susunde iru Restoration work, which has remained untouched since the battle of Jakuu, is rapidly progressing.
5 戦いの後 たたかいのあと tatakai no ato After the battle,
6-7 アメリカを始めとした多くの国からたくさんの支援が アメリカをはじめとしたおおくのくにからたくさんのしえんが AMERIKA wo hajime to shita ooku no kuni kara takusan no shien ga starting with the USA, lots of support from many countries
8 続々と届いている ぞくぞくととどいている zokuzoku to todoite iru arrived one after another.
9 彼らの戦いを見て動かすにはいられませんでした かれらのたたかいをみてうごかすにはいられませんでした karera no tatakai wo mite ugokasu ni wa iraremasendeshita "As I watched their battle, I couldn't be kept from mobilizing"
10 審査機関から図面貰えたんで しんさきかんからずめんもらえたんで shinsa kikan kara zumen moraetande "I received the blueprints from the inspection authority."
11 建てられるとこから建ててっちゃいましょう たてられるとこからたててっちゃいましょう taterareru toko kara tatetecchaiumashou "Let's start building where we can."
small text 建築基準法もクリア けんちくきじゅんほうもクリア kenchiku kijunhou mo KURIA "They clear the Building Standards Act."
12 オーケー OOKEE "Okay."
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1 超常以前はこの規模の復旧に10年以上はかかったでしょう ちょうじょういぜんはこのきぼのふっきゅうに10ねんいじょうはかかったでしょう choujou izen wa kono kibo no fukkyuu ni 10nen ijou wa kakatta deshou "Before the [advent of the] paranormal, a recovery of this scale would have taken more than 10 years."
2 しかしこれだけの"個性"が寄り集まればきっとすぐにーーー しかしこれだけの"こせい"がよりあつまればきっとすぐにーーー shikashi kore dake no "kosei" ga yori atsumareba kitto sugu ni--- "However, if all these quirks come together, surely soon---"
3 元には戻らないですね もとにはもどらないですね moto ni modoranai desu ne "It's not going back to how it was before." (Note: This is a transition with an excellent double meaning. The doctor is delivering this news to Katsuki about his arm, but the line serves as a poignant conclusion to what was said previously on this same page. The previous lines essentially imply: "Surely if all of us with our quirks come together, everything will go back to how it was before!" The doctor's final word on this page is meant to show that no, things won't go back to the way they were before. Things have changed.)
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1 手術前にもお伝えしましたがこれが最善です しゅじゅつまえにもおつたえしましたがこれがさいぜんです shujutsu mae ni mo otsutae shimashita ga kore ga saizen desu "I told you this before the surgery, but this is the very best [that can be done]."
2 我々も彼の活躍を見ております故…手は尽くしました われわれもかれのかつやくをみておりますゆえ…てはつくしました wareware mo kare no katsuyaku wo mite orimasu yue...te wa tsukushimashita "As we are also watching his [ability to] flourish...we've done everything we can."
3 なんとか接合に接合を重ねて形は留めましたが なんとかせつごうにせつごうをかさねてかたちはとどめましたが nantoka setsugou ni setsugou wo kasanete katachi wa todomemashita ga "We somehow managed to keep the shape by arranging his joints on top of each other, but"
4 リハビリで動くようになるかは…明言できません リハビリでうごくようになるかは…めいげんできません RIHABIRI de ugoku you ni naru ka wa...meigen dekimasen "whether he'll become able to move again with rehabilitiation...I can't state [for certain]."
5 ヒーロー活動を見据えるならミルコのように義肢の選択も… ヒーローかつどうをみすえるならミルコのようにぎしのせんたくも… HIIROO katsudou wo misueru nara MIRUKO no you ni gishi no sentaku mo... "To ensure his hero activities, you can also choose prosthetic limbs like Mirko..."
small text 1 リハビリィ?じゃー切ってくれ リハビリィ?じゃーきってくれ RIHABIRII? jaa kitte kure Rehabilitation? Then just cut me loose.
small text 2 ※決戦前のミルコさん ※けっせんまえのミルコさん ※kessen mae no MIRUKO-san ※Mirko-san prior to the decisive battle
6 いーや良いよ いーやいいよ iiya ii yo "No, it's fine."
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1 俺の"個性"掌 由来だもん おれの"こせい"てのひら ゆらいだもん ore no "kosei" tenohira yurai da mon "The source of my quirk is the palms of my hands."
2 勝己…! かつき…! Katsuki...! "Katsuki...!"
3 それに sore ni "Additionally,"
4 あいつは"持って"すらなかったんだ…… あいつは"もって"すらなかったんだ…… aitsu wa "motte" suranakattanda...... "that guy didn't even have one......"
5 どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜ今すぐ どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜいますぐ donna KITSUI RIHABIRI daroo ga yatte yan ze ima sugu "No matter how intense the rehabilitation is, let's do it right away."
6 まだ負担の軽い訓練しかダメ まだふたんのかるいくんれんしかダメ mada futan no karui kunren shika DAME "Anything but the lightest of training yet would be bad."
7 は‼︎ ha!! "Hah[?]!"
8 腕よりねまず心臓よ君は うでよりねまずしんぞうよきみは ude yori ne mazu shinzou yo kimi wa "Before your arm, it's your heart first of all."
9 エッジショットの見事な縫合と心肺蘇生がなきゃ君 死んでたんだから エッジショットのみごとなほうごうとしんぱいそせいがなきゃきみ しんでたんだから EJJISHOTTO no migoto na hougou to shinpai sosei ga nakya kimi shindetanda kara "If not for Edgeshot's magnificent sutures and CPR, you would have died."
10 あの状態で戦い切ったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに あのじょうたいでたたかいきったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに ano joutai de tatakai kitta no mo chotto yoku wakannai noni "How you managed to finish a fight in that condition I don't really understand, but"
11 何でその後数キロも移動できたのかワケわかんないんだから なんでそのあとすうキロもいどうできたのかワケわかんないんだから nande sono ato suu KIRO mo idou dekita no ka WAKE wakannainda kara "how you were able to move several kilometers after that I also don't understand."
12 生かされ…応えたという他ない いかされ…こたえたというほかない ikasare...kotaeta to iu hoka nai "You were kept alive*...I have no response other than that." (*Note: This word for "kept alive" means also "let live," "revive," "resusciatete," "bring back to life," "restore," "put to good use," "make the best use of," "capitalize on," etc. I bring it up because the meaning here could change depending on whether or not the story elaborates on this moment in future chapters.)
13 とにかく絶対安静だからね とにかくぜったいあんせいだからね tonikaku zettai ansei dakara ne "Regardless, you absolutely must rest, okay?"
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1 起きたかい おきたかい okita kai "You awake?"
2 まさかオールマイトと同室なんて… まさかオールマイトとどうしつなんて… masaka OORU MAITO to doushitsu nante... "I can't believe I'm in the same room as All Might..."
3 塚内くんの計らいだよ つかうちくんのはからいだよ Tsukauchi-kun no hakarai da yo "It's Tsukauchi-kun's arrangements."
4 そっか… sokka... "I see..."
5 警備が楽なのと病室も有限だからね けいびがらくなのとびょうしつもゆうげんだからね keibi ga raku na no to byoushitsu mo yuugen dakara ne "[It makes] security easy, and hospital rooms are also limited."
6 オールマイト身体は… オールマイトからだは… OORU MAITO karada wa... "All Might, your body..."
7 こんなにボルト入れるの初めてだって言われたね こんなにボルトいれるのはじめてだっていわれたね konna ni BORUTO ireru no hajimete datte iwareta ne "I was told this is the first time they inserted a bolt like this."
8 緑谷少年は? みどりやしょうねんは? Midoriya-shounen wa? "And you, Young Midoriya?'
9 …腕の感覚が少し…ーーー… …うでのかんかくがすこし…ーーー… ...ude no kankaku ga sukoshi...---... "...There's a little bit of sensation in my arms...---..."
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1-2 転弧の命を救ける事はできませんでした てんこのいのちをたすけることはできませんでした Tenko no inochi wo tasukeru koto wa dekimasendeshita "I couldn't save Tenko's life."
3 心に手を伸ばして憎しみが砕けても こころにてをのばしてにくしみがくだけても kokoro ni te wo nobashite nikushimi ga kudaketemo "I reached out to his heart, and even though his hatred was crushed,"
4 転弧は最期まで てんこはさいごまで Tenko wa saigo made "to the very end, Tenko"
5 敵連合のリーダーでした ヴィランれんごうのリーダーでした VIRAN rengou no RIIDAA deshita "was the leader of the League of Villains."
6 臨死体験した身から言わせてもらうと りんしたいけんしたみからいわせてもらうと rinshi taiken shita mi kara iwasete morau to "Let me tell you this as someone who has had a near-death experience,"
7 最期にどんな表情だったかだと思うよ さいごにどんなカオだったかだとおもうよ saigo ni donna KAO (kanji: hyoujou) datta ka da to omou yo "I think it's in the expression on his face at the end."
8 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo You already...destroyed it.
9 それは…… sore wa...... That......
10 明日のおまえら次第だな あしたのおまえらしだいだな ashita no omaera shidai da na depends on you all tomorrow. (Note: I think a more apt, less literal way of saying this in English would be "That depends on all of you tomorrow...who you will be, what you will do.")
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1 せいぜい seizei "To the fullest,"
2 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "do your best."
3 そこに泣いている少年がいなかったのなら そこにないているしょうねんがいなかったのなら soko ni naite iru shounen ga inakatta no nara "If there wasn't a crying boy there,"
4 やっぱり心は救ったのだと思うよ やっぱりこころはすくったのだとおもうよ yappari kokoro wa sukutta no da to omou yo "I think his heart was saved after all,"
5 OFAの使命と共にね ワン・フォー・オールのしめいとともにね WAN FOO OORU no shimei to tomo ni ne "along with One For All's mission."
6 譲渡したんだろう?伝わってきたよ わたしたんだろう?つたわってきたよ watashitandarou? tsutawatte kita yo "You transferred it to him, right? [That much] was conveyed back to me."
7 …はいけれど ...hai keredo "...Yes, but"
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1 まだ残り火が燻っているのを感じます まだのこりびがくすぶっているのをかんじます mada nokori bi ga kusubutte iru no wo kanjimasu "I still feel the embers smoldering."
2 なんで動けるのあんたはああ!!!!! なんでうごけるのあんたはああ!!!!! nande ugokeru no anta waaa!!!!! "How are you able to move!!!!!"
3 かっちゃん! Kacchan! "Kacchan!"
4 無事でよかった…! ぶじでよかった…! buji de yokatta...! "Thank goodness you're okay...!"
5 すみませんオールマイトこの子貴方が無事か心配してたみたいで すみませんオールマイトこのこあなたがぶじかしんぱいしてたみたいで sumimasen OORU MAITO kono ko anata ga buji ka shinpai shiteta mitai de "I'm sorry, All Might. This kid seemed worried about whether or not you were okay."
6 出久くんもごめんね いずくくんもごめんね Izuku-kun mo gomen ne "Sorry to you, too, Izuku-kun."
7 ……残り火って ……のこりびって ......nokori bi tte "......You said embers."
8 え e "Eh?"
9 じゃあそれ… jaa sore... "So then..."
10 おまえ… omae... "you..."
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1 "無個性"に "むこせい"に "mukosei" ni "[will become] quirkless..."
2 うん un "Yeah."
3 でも… demo... "But..."
4 元々なかったものだし もともとなかったものだし motomoto nakatta mono da shi "It was something I didn't have originally, so"
5 惜しいとかはないよ おしいとかはないよ oshii toka wa nai yo "I don't have any regrets."
small text 渡そうと思わないと渡せないモノだし わたそうとおもわないとわたせないモノだし watasou to omowanai to watasenai MONO da shi "Since it's something I can't transfer if I don't want to transfer it." (Note: Izuku is saying he has no regrets about transferring One For All because, by definition, he couldn't have done it if he didn't want to do it. He has no reason to regret something he wanted to do aka he accepted it.)
6 すごい夢を見させてもらったなって感じ すごいゆめをみさせてもらったなってかんじ sugoi yume wo misasete moratta natte kanji "It feels like I was allowed to have an amazing dream." (Note: This is similar to what Star & Stripe said as she died.)
7 どんな汚え手使やあ どんなきたねえてつかやあ donna kitanee te tsukayaa What dirty tricks did you use to do it, (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5.)
8 "無個性"が受かるんだ "むこせい"がうかるんだ "mukosei" ga ukarunda you quirkless twerp? (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5. Also note that in this line, Katsuki's memory is that he spoke the kanji for mukosei as "mukosei" aka "quirkless." In the original for chapter 5, the kanji were still mukosei for "quirkless," but Katsuki pronounced it as "temee" for "you bastard.")
9 じゃあ僕はその上を行く じゃあぼくはそのうえをいく jaa boku wa sono ue wo iku Then I'm gonna rise even higher than that. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
10 行かなきゃいけないんだ…! いかなきゃいけないんだ…! ikanakya ikenainda...! I've gotta keep growing too! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
11 俺に追いつかれてンなよ出久 おれにおいつかれてンなよいずく ore ni oitsukareteNna yo Izuku Don't let me overtake you, Izuku! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 423.)
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1 えええ eee "Ehhh?"
2 泣っ なっ Na- "Cry-"
3 っちゃん⁉︎ cchan!? "-cchan!?" (Note: The new "Wacchan!")
4 いや… iya... "No..."
5 ええ… ee... "Ehh..."
6 っだァ… ddaA... "Ngah..."
7 マジで… MAJI de... "Seriously..."
8 マジで… MAJI de... "I seriously..."
9 おまえに…何しとったんだろうな俺 おまえに…なにしとったんだろうなおれ omae ni...nani shitottandarou na ore "wondered about what I had done...to you."
10 ��んとなく nantonaku "[I thought] somehow,"
11 ずっとこのまま zutto kono mama "[we'd go on] like this forever,"
12-13 競い合って追っかけていくって きそいあっておっかけていくって kisoiatte okkakete iku tte "competing and chasing after each other."
14-16 なんか思ってた なんかおもってた nanka omotteta "I had been thinking something [like that]." (Note: The spaces between Katsuki's phrases and words indicate pauses like he's sobbing.)
17 やめてよらしくない…! yamete yo rashikunai...! "Stop it, this isn't like you...!"
18 とりあえずまだ…残り火あるし…‼︎ とりあえずまだ…のこりびあるし…‼︎ toriaezu mada...nokori bi aru shi...!! "For now, I still...have the embers...!!"
19 身体 弱ってるからメンタルも弱ってんだよ からだ よわってるからメンタルもよわってんだよ karada yowatteru kara MENTARU mo yowattenda yo "Since your body's weakened, your mental [strength] is weakened too."
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1 強くなったんだよ つよくなったんだよ tsuyoku nattanda yo "You've become stronger,"
2 2人とも 2りとも 2ri-tomo "both of you."
3 初めて会った日から随分変わった はじめてあったひからずいぶんかわった hajimete atta hi kara zuibun kawatta "You've changed considerably since the day we first met."
4 あの日駆け出した緑谷少年は あのひかけだしたみどりやしょうねんは ano hi kakedashita Midoriya-shounen wa "Young Midoriya, when you ran out that day,"
5 私にとって最高のヒーローだった わたしにとってさいこうのヒーローだった watashi ni totte saikou no HIIROO datta "you were the greatest hero to me."
6 だが今は皆を奮い立たせる だがいまはみんなをふるいたたせる daga ima wa minna wo furui tataseru "But now you inspire everyone."
7 皆にとっても最高のヒーローだ みんなにとってもさいこうのヒーローだ minna ni tottemo saikou no HIIROO da "You are the greatest hero to everyone."
8 そして… soshite... "And..."
9 これを伝える暇を私にくれた これをつたえるいとまをわたしにくれた kore wo tsutaeru itoma wo watashi ni kureta "you gave me the free time* to convey [all] this," (*Note: In English, the context for this word, "free time," would probably make more sense as the word "chance." Ex. "You gave me the chance to convery all this.")
10 爆豪少年も… ばくごうしょうねんも… Bakugou-shounen mo... "Young Bakugou, you too..."
11 最高のヒーローだ本当にありがとう さいこうのヒーローだほんとうにありがとう saikou no HIIROO da hontou ni arigatou "You are the greatest hero[es]. Thank you so much."
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1 子どもの頃は こどものころは kodomo no koro wa When I was a child,
2-3 戦いが終われば世界は自動的に平和になると思ってた たたかいがおわればせかいはじどうてきにへいわになるとおもってた tatakai ga owareba sekai wa jidouteki ni heiwa ni naru to omotteta I thought that, once a battle was over, the world would automatically become peaceful.
4 けれど keredo But,
5 僕らの物語は終われない ぼくらのものがたりはおわれない bokura no monogatari wa owarenai our story cannot end
6 戦いのあと僕らが明るい未来を示せるまで たたかいのあとぼくらがあかるいみらいをしめせるまで tatakai no ato bokura ga akarui mirai wo shimeseru made until after the battle we can show [you] a bright future. (Note: This is a callback to how Sir Nighteye said the world needs smiles and laughter or else it won't have a bright future.)
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1 更に向こうへ さらにむこうへ sara ni mukou e Go beyond.
tagline 1 少年たちを待つ新たな日常はーー しょうねんたちをまつあらたなにちじょうはーー shounen-tachi wo matsu arata na nichijou wa-- A new daily life awaits the young man and the others--
tagline 2 No.424 エピローグ 堀越耕平 ナンバー424 エピローグ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 424 EPIROOGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 424 Epilogue Kouhei Horikoshi
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taico-favorte · 2 years
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何年か前に購入してずっとそのまま飾っていた子を開封しました✨✨✨ * #飾っておこう か#連れ歩こう か#悩んだ末 連れ歩くことにしました😊#未開封で保管 は#性にあわない #可愛い子は 連れ歩きたい!#沢山写真撮るぞ 📸 * #ハッシュタグからが本文 #スマホ越しの私のぬいぐるみ #ぬいぐるみ好きな私とぬいぐるみ #プリキャ #プリンスキャット #アランチャ #ぬいぐるみ #ぬい撮り #ぬいどり https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrgZ0dPFsT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kohanakonohana · 1 year
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I report my landlady's followers that she has started weaving today
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gdmtblr · 6 months
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A Winter Dawn
Above the marge of night a star still shines,
And on the frosty hills the sombre pines
Harbor an eerie wind that crooneth low
Over the glimmering wastes of virgin snow.
Through the pale arch of orient the morn
Comes in a milk-white splendor newly-born,
A sword of crimson cuts in twain the gray
Banners of shadow hosts, and lo, the day!
-Lucy Maud Montgomery
Happy New Year, my dear friends!!
Much peace, love and joy to you all in 2024.
Warm wishes for the new glorious year :-D
(Sorry for the late New Year's greetings. I've been suffering from a persistent cold since the end of the year🤧💦 Sore throat and cough were particularly heavy and there were times when I was unable to speak…😮‍💨However, my health is finally back to normal👍🏻✨)
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kenta05 · 20 days
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vashtijoy · 9 days
This one is extremely strange, so strange that I think I must have got it wrong somehow? Here's a line from Akechi's Black Mask navigation. Yeah, you know which one this is going to be:
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Here's the English audio:
Is it me, or is something a little... off, here? Look at the portrait. Doesn't he look a little... calm? Downbeat, even?
Here's another use of the same portrait. This is not a laughing statement:
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Akechi has a laughing navigator portrait, of course:
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it's okay goro we know you're very normal
So we've got a mismatch between the portrait and the English line. Let's have a listen to the Japanese audio:
They're a bit... different? He's not laughing, he's not gloating. Just "Huh, I guess that was a thing that happened..."
So what's going on here?
translation time
Akechi 敵1体逃走!仲間に見捨てられたようだね。 teki ittai tousou! nakama ni misuterareta you da ne This one just got betrayed by its teammate! Ha, imagine how that feels! [lit. One enemy fled! Looks like this one was abandoned by its friend, huh?] One more enemy out of the way! So this last one got dumped by its friend, huh?
Let's talk about 見捨てる misuteru—"to abandon". misuteru pops up regularly in the P5R script. It comes up when someone's being ditched, bailed on, forsaken by God—generally left behind: if your friends run out on you, you are being misuterued.
Are there any contexts where misuteru can mean betray? Sure. If you leave a friend held hostage to die, the shadow will accuse you of misuteruing them. nakama o misuteru is used consistently here, similarly to Akechi's line above—"you betrayed your friend by leaving them to die".
Here's Kawakami, at the end of her confidant, resolving to never abandon any of her students again:
Kawakami でも、これからは君のことも守るよ。教師として、絶対、見捨てたりしないから。 demo, kore kara wa kimi no koto mo mamoru yo. kyoushi toshite, zettai, misutetari shinai kara. But from now on, I'm going to protect you too. As your teacher, I will never betray you.
What does Kawakami do? She tries to help her student Takase, but in the end abandons him; she believes she betrayed him to his death. But she betrayed him by giving up on him; by abandoning him. She misuterued him.
Here's Futaba, during her apology to Joker for dumping him at the start of Maruki's reality:
Futaba てかむしろ怒るだろ!{F1 82}のこと見捨てたんだぞ!? te ka mushiro okoru daro! <given name> no koto misuteta n da zo!? Why wouldn't you be!? I betrayed you! Don't you get that!?
Under Maruki's influence, Futaba loses herself in her happy family life, and leaves Joker to handle things essentially alone. Futaba betrays Joker by abandoning him; she misuterus him.
how does akechi use misuteru?
Besides the usage above, Akechi has two other uses of misuteru in P5. One is in his deleted Mementos mission from the third semester:
Akechi 君たちのことだしこういう人間は見捨てておけないだろう? kimi-tachi no koto da shi kou iu ningen wa misutete okenai darou? Well, considering what you and your group do, I imagine you could hardly abandon him to his fate...
This doesn't mean "betray". There's no relationship between Joker and the mission target—there's no betrayal. There's just an abandoning—a refusal to help.
Akechi やっぱり馬鹿は⋯お前らだ。見捨てて行けば、よかったのに⋯ yappari baka wa... omaera da. misutete ikeba, yokatta no ni... The real fools... are you guys. You should have just abandoned me here a long time ago... [lit. the real fools... are you guys. if only you'd [just] abandoned me here...]
Now this line is a doozy. Look at that use of misuteru here; in vanilla, it was his only use of this word. Akechi has just got done explaining that being unwanted and cast aside is the thing he fears most of all. He has shaped his life around it. He's done murder for it. Everything he's become, he became, at base, because he was abandoned—because he was misuterued.
It's here, at the very end, that he turns his back on that. This unwanted child who has killed to be wanted—he looks at Joker and the Phantom Thieves on the other side of the engine room shutters, people who've proved that they value him and want him around, for himself. And he says to them—no; you're idiots; why didn't you abandon me, like everyone else has? He says to them, I won't let you die here, and I care about that more than I care about being abandoned.
Everything about Akechi is resolving at this moment. He transcends his obsession, fear and trauma. And that word misuteru is doing a ton of heavy lifting—because if Akechi can't have what he wants, then he'll reject it. He makes a free choice, for once in his life.
This moment influences him for the whole of the third semester. And when we hear him say misuteru later on, we should remember this. When black mask navigator Akechi notes the Shadow being abandoned to its fate, he isn't laughing about it; he's thinking about it. In his head, he isn't the betrayer, thinking of Joker in the interrogation room; he is the betrayed, being left behind by everyone he ever hoped would care about him. He's being left behind behind that engine room door.
This line as localised, taken in isolation, can transform your reading of Akechi's character and motives—which is why it's so important to look at the whole of canon, and not single cherrypicked lines. Step forward, "I hate you"
unhinged ranting
Lemme be clear here: this line has always pissed me off for its inconsistency. Akechi reacts against the engine room ending in the third semester, sure. Almost the first thing he does is to rub that deal they made in Joker's face. He's desperate not to be viewed as that pitiful object on the floor. He's desperate to keep up walls between himself and the others—for whatever reason.
But after 1/2, he doesn't really gloat about what he's done. He doesn't argue with Futaba's threat to him on 1/11—"if you ever betray us again, we'll make sure you regret it."; he just agrees to her terms, which he knows are well deserved. He's not walking around like "lol, I got you arrested and tried to murder y'all and there was that whole thing"; even unhinged combat Akechi doesn't do that. Except for this one line. When he suddenly reveals that, deep down, he thinks the whole thing was hilarious.
Except he didn't do that at all. If he did, I think he'd find the others tolerated him a lot less. And he's already walking a knife edge with many of them.
What was the translator's brief here? Honestly, I have no idea. Did they even have access to the original audio? Did they have time to play it? Did Atlus give them a brief to make this guy just as crazy insane as possible?—because we know they told Akechi's JP VA, Soichiro Hoshi, to underplay it.
Either way, I don't think the line as localised (and as delivered, excellently, by Robbie Daymond) corresponds to the Japanese audio. traduttore, traditore—translators are traitors. Even me
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.1 (2024/6/18)—it's 1/11, not 1/13!
v1.0 (2024/6/18)—first posted.
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straycatj · 1 year
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うちはあったですが 外に自由に行けたです
白いねこは ちゃとらのボスとのあいだに
なんども 子どもをうんだです
白いねこの飼い主は 小さい時はかわいがったですが
大きくなると うちに入れてもらえなくなったり
子どもはみんな のらこになったです
のこったかぞくは ねこがキライでしたので
白いねこは とおくにすてられたそうです
今日 家主とはじめて会って 9年です
オレは 白いねこの さいごの子どもです
Once ago, there was a white cat that was a house cat,but she could go out as she liked so she had babies with the orange tabby boss cat many times. The owner of the white cat loved kittens while they were little, but those kittens were stray as some wasn't allowed to enter the house after getting bigger, some were lost their mom and the way to go back and so on...After the owner had gone, the white cat was thrown away because its family didn't love cats.
Today, it was the ninth anniversary thet I had met my landlady at first... I am one of the last kitten of that white cat.
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shoji · 24 days
東京23区内のいろんな場所で回収していますが、お金持ちエリアと庶民エリアとで全く違うのが、ゴミの量。お金持ちの方が物をたくさん買って捨てている、と思われがちじゃないですか。実は逆で、お金持ちになればなるほど少ない。  お金持ちにもランクがあって、僕は松竹梅で分けています(笑い)。松のゴミになると本当に生活しているのかって思うくらい少なくて、「自分が認めた物以外には1円も払わないぞ」っていう信念が漂っている感じです。  庶民エリアからはチューハイ缶、たばこ、100円ショップのかご、洋服が大量に出ることが多いのですが、お金持ちエリアでそういうことはない。一般人のゴミには、安いけど長持ちしない「消え物」が多くて、お金出してゴミを買ってるんじゃないかって思うくらいです。だから、ゴミの量は貧しさと比例しているような気がします。
知りたい聞きたい お金のはなし:お金持ちのゴミには〇〇がない? 清掃芸人・マシンガンズ滝沢さん | 毎日新聞
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pikahlua · 19 hours
MHA Chapter 426 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 来なくて大丈夫って言ったのに! こなくてだいじょうぶっていったのに! konakute daijoubu tte itta noni! "I told you it's okay if you don't come!"
2 それを言うなら貴方たちもよ冬美 夏雄 それをいうならあなたたちもよふゆみ なつお sore wo iu nara anata-tachi mo yo Fuyumi Natsuo "If you say that, the same goes for you all, Fuyumi, Natsuo."
3 お母さんでも… おかあさんでも… okaasan demo... "Even you, mom..."
tagline 1 No.426 地獄の轟くん家・FINAL 堀越耕平 ナンバー426 じごくのとどろきくんち・ファイナル ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 426 jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi・FAINARU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 426 The Hellish Todoroki Family - Final Kouhei Horikoshi
4 それを言うならおまえもだ冷 それをいうならおまえもだれい sore wo iu nara omae mo da Rei "If you say that, the same goes for you, Rei."
tagline 2 集う轟家の面々向かう先はーー… つどうとどろきけのめんめんむかうさきはーー… tsudou Todoroki-ke no menmen mukau saki wa--... Where are the gathered members of the Todoroki family heading--...?
5 義務感で来たんじゃねぇから! ぎむかんできたんじゃねぇから! gimu kan de kitanja nee kara! "It's because I didn't come here out of a sense of duty!"
6 皆そうだろ みんなそうだろ minna sou daro "It's like that for everyone, right?"
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1 会話は可能ですが一日に数分が限界です かいわはかのうですがいちにちにすうぶんがげんかいです kaiwa wa kanou desu ga ichinichi ni suubun ga genkai desu "Conversation is possible, but [his] limit is a few minutes a day."
2 緩やかに死へと向かっている… ゆるやかにしへとむかっている… yuruyaka ni shi e to mukatte iru... "Slowly* headed towards death..." (*Note: It's important to note this word for "slowly" does not imply Touya is suffering slowly until he dies but that the wait is a gentle and easy one.)
3 それが今の轟燈矢です それがいまのとどろきとうやです sore ga ima no Todoroki Touya desu "That is Touya Todoroki now."
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1 ……………ぞろぞろと ...............zorozoro to "...............One by one."
2 ハハ… 観光名物じゃねぇんだよ……… ハハ… かんこうめいぶつじゃねぇんだよ……… HAHA... kankou meibutsu wa neenda yo......... "Haha... I'm not a tourist attraction........."
3 ゲホッ GEHO (Note: This is a sound effect for a coughing sound.)
4 ガホ GAHO (Note: This is a sound effect for a coughing sound.)
5 燈矢 とうや Touya "Touya."
6 今後の話をしに来たんだ こんごのはなしをしにきたんだ kongo no hanashi wo shi ni kitanda "I came here to talk about the future,"
7 燈矢 とうや Touya "Touya."
8 俺はヒーローを引退するよ おれはヒーローをいんたいするよ ore wa HIIROO wo intai suru yo "I'm retiring from being a hero."
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1 元より戦いが終わったらそうするつもりだったが もとよりたたかいがおわったらそうするつもりだったが moto yori tatakai ga owattara sou suru tsumori datta ga "I originally planned to do that after the battle was over."
2 最早自力で立つことすらXXXXX もはやじりきでたつことすらXXXXX mohaya jiriki de tatsu koto sure XXXXX "I can't even stand on my own anymore XXXXX" (Note: This speech bubble is cut off, so I cannot read the full line.)
3 ヒーローエンデヴァーは灼かれて死んだ ヒーローエンデヴァーはやかれてしんだ HIIROO ENDEVAA wa yakarete shinda "The hero Endeavor was burned to death."
4 おまえの炎は おまえのほのおは omaeno honoo wa "Your flames"
5 誰よりも強かった だれよりもつよかった dare yori mo tsuyokatta "were stronger than anyone else's."
6 そっか sokka "That so?"
7 ご愁傷様 ごしゅうしょうさま goshuushousama "My condolences."
8 事が済んでから諂うなよ ことがすんでからへつらうなよ koto ga sunde kara hetsurauna yo "Don't flatter me now that everything has finished."
9 卑怯者… ひきょうもの… hikyou mono... "You coward..."
10 そうだな sou da na "That's right."
11 燈矢は俺のことをよくわかってる… とうやはおれのことをよくわかってる… Touya wa ore no koto wo yoku wakatteru... "You know me very well, Touya..."
12 ずっと見てたんだもんな ずっとみてたんだもんな zutto mitetanda mon na "You've been watching for a long time."
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1 XにXてほしかったんだもんな X ni Xte hoshikattanda mon na (Note: Most of this sentence is cut off and thus illegible to me. All I can tell is that he says someone, probably Touya, wanted something.)
2 なのに見なかった… なのにみなかった… nanoni minakatta... "But I didn't see it..."
3 俺はお父さんの子どもなんだから おれはおとうさんのこどもなんだから ore wa otousan no kodomo nanda kara Because I've got you for a father. (Note: This is the official translation of this line from chapter 301.)
4 おまえはエンデヴァーじゃない‼︎ omae wa ENDEVAA ja nai!! You aren't Endeavor!! (Note: This line is from chapter 293.)
5 誰が何と言おうと…… だれがなんといおうと…… dare ga nan to iou to...... "No matter what anyone says......"
6 おまえの炎は俺の「ヘルフレイム」だ おまえのねつはおれの「ヘルフレイム」だ omae no netsu (kanji: honoo) wa ore no 「HERUFUREIMU」 da "Your heat (read as: flames) are my Hellflame."
7 あの告発映像を あのこくはつえいぞうを ano kokuhatsu eizou wo "That accusation video,"
8 毎日見続けている まいにちみつづけている mainichi mitsudzukete iru "I kept watching it everyday."
9 おどおさん odousan Dad,
10 見で みで mide watch me! (Note: The line from speech bubbles 9 & 10 comes from chapter 387.)
11 これからーー… kore kara--... "From here [on out]--..."
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1 毎日来る まいにちくる mainichi kuru "I will come [here] everyday."
2 話をしよう はなしをしよう hanashi wo shiyou "Let's have a conversation."
3 あまりに遅すぎたけれど あまりにおそすぎたけれど amari ni oso sugita keredo "It's much too late, but"
4 話そう はなそう hanasou "let's talk."
5 心拍数上昇これ以上は負担が しんぱくすうじょうしょうこれいじょうはふたんが shinpaku suujoushou kore ijou wa futan ga "His heart rate is increased. The burden from any more than this [would be too much]..."
6 冷 れい Rei "Rei,"
7 夏雄 冬美 なつお ふゆみ Natsuo Fuyumi "Natsuo, Fuyumi,"
8 焦凍が… しょうとが… Shouto ga... "and Shouto..."
9 残してくれた時間で話X のこしてくれたじかんではなX nokoshite kureta jikan de hanaX "With the time we have left, let's talk*." (*Note: This line is cut off at the end, but it would just determine what conjugation the verb "talk" would be, so I'm assuming the conjugation will be "let's talk.")
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1 憎いなら…憎いと にくいなら…にくいと nikui nara...nikui to "If you hate [me]...[tell me] you hate [me]."
2 なんでもいい nan demo ii "Anything is fine."
3 ぶつけてくれ…! butsukete kure...! "Vent to me...!"
4 燈矢兄い私も…! とうやにいわたしも…! Touya-nii watashi mo...! "Touya-nii*, me too...!" (*Note: This suffix is an honorific to refer to one's older brother.)
5 話たい事たくさんあるの はなしたいことたくさんあるの hanashitai koto takusan aru no "There are so many things I want to talk about."
6 今日は止めにしましょう‼︎ きょうはやめにしましょう‼︎ kyou wa yame ni shimashou!! "Let's stop for today!!"
7 また明日にでも… またあすにでも… mata asu ni demo... "But again tomorrow [is fine]..."
8 最後に一ついいですか さいごにひとついいですか saigo ni hitotsu ii desu ka "Is one last thing okay?"
9 聞きたかったことあるんだ ききたかったことあるんだ kikitakatta koto arunda "There's something I wanted to ask you."
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1 燈矢兄 とうやにい Touya-nii "Touya-nii*," (*Note: Again, this is the suffix that denotes an honorific for one's older brother.)
2 好きな食べ物何? すきなたべものなに? suki na tabemono nani? "what food do you like?"
3 ……体力の限界ですね ……たいりょくのげんかいですね ......tairyoku no genkai desu ne "......[Seems like] that's the limit of his physical strength."
4 今日は眠らせてまた… きょうはねむらせてまた… kyou wa nemurasete mata... "Let him rest today, then again [tomorrow]..."
5 蕎麦 そば soba "Soba."
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1 おんなじだ onnaji da "[Mine is] the same." (Note: This line is spoken with a younger affectation, which adds a bit of charm to this line. It emphasizes that Shouto is the adorable younger sibling here. Thank you @bakuhatsufallinlove for the note!)
2 これ以上は平行線だ これいじょうはへいこうせんだ kore ijou wa heikousen da Running in parallel, but forever apart! (Note: The lines from speech bubbles 2-4 are from chapter 352. I've mixed the official translations from Viz with the official subtitles for the anime episode release.)
3 交わるよ まじわるよ majiwaru yo Our paths will cross,
4 無理にでも むりにでも muri ni demo even if it's forced.
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1 焦凍… しょうと… Shouto... "Shouto..."
2 ごめんな… gomen na... "I'm sorry..."
3 俺はここまでだわ おれはここまでだわ ore wa koko made da wa "This is as far as I go."
4 悪いけど気持ち変わんない わるいけどきもちかわんない warui kedo kimochi kawannai "Sorry, but my feelings won't change."
5 俺はもう付き合わなX おれはもうつきあわなX ore wa mou tsukiawana- "I won't associate with you anymore." (Note: This line is cut off, but I believe I have inferred the entire message.)
6 ああ aa "Right."
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1 彼女と籍入れたい かのじょとせきいれたい kanojo to seki iretai "I want to marry my girlfriend."
2 式は挙げない紹介もしない しきはあげないしょうかいもしない shiki wa agenai shoukai mo shinai "I won't have a ceremony, and I won't introduce you."
3 ああ…悪かったな ああ…わるかったな aa...warukatta na "Right...I'm sorry."
4 姉ちゃんは? ねえちゃんは? neechan wa? "[What about you,] Neechan*?" (Note: This is an honorific used for one's older sister.)
5 仕事やめたんだろ? しごとやめたんだろ? shigoto yametandaro? "You quit your job, right?"
6 うんでも un demo "Yeah, but"
7 生徒のお母さんが新しい職場紹介してくれてねサポートしてくれるって せいとのおかあさんがあたらしいしょくばしょうかいしてくれてねサポートしてくれるって seito no okaasan ga atarashii shokuba shoukai shite kurete ne SAPOOTO shite kureru tte "a student's mother introduced me to a new workplace. She said she'd support* me." (Note: I believe this implication here leans more towards the mother saying she wants to support Fuyumi's job aspirations, not that she's trying to support Fuyumi financially.)
8 ……………正直責任は果たしたと思う ……………しょうじきせきにんははたしたとおもう ...............shoujiki sekinin wa hatashita to omou "...............Honestly, I think you fulfilled your responsibility."
9 罰も受けたと思う…もういいんじゃねーの? ばつもうけたとおもう…もういいんじゃねーの? batsu mo uketa to omou...mou iinja nee no? "I think you also received your punishment... Isn't that enough?"
10 犯した罪の賠償と謝罪を一生をかけて続けていく おかしたつみのばいしょうとしゃざいをいっしょうをかけてつづけていく okashita tsumi no baishou to shazai wo isshou wo kakete tsudzukete iku "I will continue to make reparations and apologize for the sins I commited for the rest of my life."
11 見ていなくていい みていなくていい mite inakute ii "You don't have to watch me."
12 子どもたちに降りかかる火の粉をできる限り俺が受け止める おまえたちにふりかかるひのこをできるかぎりおれがうけとめる omae-tachi (kanji: kodomo-tachi) ni furikakaru hi no ko wo dekiru kagiri ore ga uke tomeru "I will take* the sparks that fall on all of you (read as: you children) as much as I can." (*Note: This word "take" means to "take a blow." In this case, Enji is saying any sparks that fall towards the children he will receive as blows to his body in order to spare them.)
13 生き延びた意味があるとすればそれだけなんだ いきのびたいみがあるとすればそれだけなんだ iki nobita imi ga aru to sureba sore dake nanda "If there's any meaning to that I survived, it's only that."
14 ………地獄だぞ ………じごくだぞ .........jigoku da zo ".........It'll be hell."
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1 ああ aa "Yes."
2-3 ダンスの誘いを受けたんでな ダンスのさそいをうけたんでな DANSU no sasoi wo uketande na "I received an invitation to dance." (Note: This is a reference back to Dabi's invitation to Enji that they dance together in hell in chapter 290.)
4 …初めてだよ …はじめてだよ ...hajimete da yo "...This is the first time"
5 お父さんの事 おとうさんのこと otousan no koto "that [I thought] father" (Note: As far as I can tell, this may be the first time in the manga Natsuo has referred to Enji as "father".)
6 かっこいいって思えたの かっこいいっておもえたの kakkoii tte omoeta no "was cool."
7 焦凍は? しょうとは? Shouto wa? "What about you, Shouto?"
8 学校戻るんだろ? がっこうもどるんだろ? gakkou modorundaro? "You're returning to school, right?"
9 うん un "Yeah."
10 乗ってけよ姉ちゃんも のってけよねえちゃんも notteke yo neechan mo "[I'll give you] a ride. Neechan*, too." (Note: Again, this is an honorific for one's older sister.)
11 ありがとう arigatou "Thanks."
12 親父 おやじ oyaji "Old man,"
13 お母さん おかあさん okaasan "mother,"
14 俺にはA組いるから大丈夫だよ! おれにはみんないるからだいじょうぶだよ! ore ni wa minna (kanji: EE-gumi) iru kara daijoubu da yo! "I have everyone (read as: Class A), so I'll be fine!"
15 俺は自分でなりてえようになれるから! おれはじぶんでなりてえようになれるから! ore wa jibun de naritee you ni nareru kara! "Because I can become who I want!"
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1 地獄…でも じごく…でも jigoku...demo "Hell...but"
2 おーう早かったな‼︎ おーうはやかったな‼︎ oou hayakatta na!! "Wow, that was fast!!"
3 大丈夫だったかあ⁉︎ だいじょうぶだったかあ⁉︎ daijoubu datta kaa!? "Was [he] okay!?"
4 おなかすいた onaka suita "I'm hungry."
5 見てる人がいる みてるひとがいる miteru hito ga iru "we have people watching."
phone text 1 ホークス HOOKUSU Hawks
phone text 2 面会どーでした〜〜〜? menkai doo deshita~~~? How was the visitation~~~?
phone text 3 なんかメンドーあったら言って下さいネ nanka MENDOO attara itte kudasai NE Please let me know if you have any trouble
6 ええ〜〜〜?出ていいって言われてンのに ええ〜〜〜?でていいっていわれてンのに ee~~~? dete ii tte iwareteN noni "Eh~~~? You were told you could leave though."
7 出ないんスかあ? でないんスかあ? denainSU kaa? "You're not coming out?"
8 "まだ"ね"まだ"! "mada" ne "mada"! "'Not yet,' I said, 'not yet!'"
9 まだシャバはこわいまた利用されて繰り返すかもしれない まだシャバはこわいまたりようされてくりかえすかもしれない mada SHABA wa kowai mata riyou sarete kurikaesu kamo shirenai "The world outside of prison is scary. I might get used all over again."
10 色々助けてほしかったんですけどねーーー いろいろたすけてほしかったんですけどねーーー iroiro tasukete hoshikattandesu kedo ne--- "I did want your help with various things---"
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1 あの日緑谷出久が世界に示した"モノ"を あのひみどりやいずくがせかいにしめした"モノ"を ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga sekai ni shimeshita "MONO" wo "The thing Izuku Midoriya showed the world that day"
2 社会はどう受け取って変わるのか…そこを見極めてからだ しゃかいはどううけとってかわるのか…そこをみきわめてからだ shakai wa dou uketotte kawaru no ka...soko wo mikiwamete kara da "and how society will interpret it and change... We've still gotta see that through."
3 もうしばらく税金で飯食わせてもらうわ もうしばらくぜいきんでめしくわせてもらうわ mou shibaraku zeikin de meshi kuwasete morau wa "I'll be able to eat my meals off taxes for a while."
4 敵め ヴィランめ VIRAN-me "You damn villain." (Note: This is sarcasm.)
5 うおおおおお uooooo "Ohhhhhhh!"
6 ラブラバァ RABURABAA "La Bravaaa!"
7 ジェントルゥウウウ! JENTORUUUUU! "Gentleeeee!”
small text うるせえ urusee Noisy.
8 活躍が認められた形だ達者でやれよ かつやくがみとめられたかたちだたっしゃでやれよ katsuyaku ga mitomerareta katachi da tassha de yare yo "This is a form of recognition for your efforts. Be in good health."
9 ジェントルがかっこよすぎたおかげよ‼︎ JENTORU ga kakkoyo sugita okage yo!! "It's thanks to Gentle being so cool!!"
10 ラブラバがすごかったんだよ‼︎ RABURABA ga sugokattanda yo!! "La Brava, you were amazing!!"
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phone text 1 エンデヴァー ENDEVAA Endeavor
phone text 2 ありがとう大丈夫だ arigatou daijoubu da Thanks, we're fine
phone text 3 手を借りたくなったらい te wo karitakunatta rai I wanted to borrow a hand
phone text 4 言う iu Say (Note: The text messages are a bit short and lack context for me to understand completely what is being said. I don't know what this line is supposed to mean.)
1 どう変わるか… どうかわるか… dou kawaru ka... How will it change...
2 気丈〜〜 きじょう〜〜 kijou~~ [What] a strong spirit~~
phone text 5 そっちこそ大変だろう socchi koso taihen darou That must be difficult
phone text 6 新公安委員長 shin-kouan'i inchou New public safety commision chairman
phone text 7 わかくしてみこしになるかくご wakakushite mikoshi ni naru kakugo You're determined to become a warm mikoshi (Note: This line is a bit too vague for me to parse, but my guess is that it's directed at Hawks as a compliment that he wants to travel around and give people warmth. I'm not sure of this. The idiom here refers to a mikoshi, which is a portable shrine carried around town by parades at festivals.)
3 どう変えるか どうかえるか dou kaeru ka How will we change it?
4 あ もしもし目良さん あ もしもしめらさん a moshimoshi Mera-san "Ah, hello Mera-san."
5 ガチャ GACHA (Note: This is the sound effect for a door opening.)
tagline 一方、スピナーは… いっぽう、スピナーは… ippou, SUPINAA wa... On the other hand, Spinner is...
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daruma1004 · 28 days
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ウェブサイトの一種で日記形式のもの。英単語でも”blog”がありますが、もともとは”Web”と記録を意味する”log”が合わさった言葉である”web log”の略です。
英語で「遠隔操作」を意味する”remote control”から略されたものです。TVなどに向かってリモコンから赤外線をデジタル信号で送ることでチャンネルや音量などを操作することができます。
海外では「柔らかいクリーム?」となり伝わらない和製英語です。英語では” soft serve icecream”であり、ソフトクリームサーバーの製造などを行っている日世の創業者・田中穰治が日本でソフトクリームを広めるのにわかりやすくするために省略したとされています。
英語で”ball-point pen”と言い、これを略した言葉です。ボールという単語が使われている理由は、ボールペンの構造上、先端に小さな回転玉(ボール)があるためです。
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shioden · 9 months
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Floyd:Are you sure this is the right direction? Yuu:Leave it to me!Because this smartphone is perfect! Floyd:You said that and got so lost the other day… Grim:Hey! There's some good-looking fruit here! Let's buy some!
「ほんとにこっちで合ってんの~?」 「任せて!このスマホがあればバッチリだから!」 「そう言ってこの前も全然逆だったじゃん…」 「おい!うまそうな果物あるぞ!買っていこう!」
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neko-no-oto · 5 months
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We are very late in wishing you a Happy New Year. Sorry for the delay. I hope that all of you who read this blog will be able to meet many cats this year. Thank you for your continued support this year.
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nm-senmon · 5 months
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