#【 tags 】
frownyalfred · 9 hours
Plz u can't just keep drop amazing plots of Fics and not drop a link or at least tags 🥺tell where to find "you can't pit JL against each other" fic
Usually any fic where you have at least Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, and Barry all acting serious, you'll have a hypercompetent Justice League. Look for something serious and less cracky in the tags (nothing wrong with cracky, btw, I love cracky). Look for those stronger platonic relationships like Bruce & Ollie and Clark & Barry, etc. Look for a strong Trinity. Look for background Dinah/Ollie. Usually when you don't have as many on-screen Batkids, you have a more serious and focused Justice League (again I love the Batkids, just something I've noticed).
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mrs-gojo-satoru · 3 days
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Here’s the cake my sister got me for Gojos funeral today. I miss him so much and to everyone who left comments on my other post I read them out loud.
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the-wales-5 · 2 days
"The end of the worst nightmare"
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One of the chemotherapy appointments she had in late July 2024 was as tough as the first back in March, and Catherine left the hospital with heavy tears in her eyes.
“I can't take it anymore. I don't think I am strong enough” she said as tears were running down her face as she sat down in the car. William cupped her face in his hands as he whispered “Maybe it won't be necessary, Babykins. Until now it was working perfectly. You came a long way since March and you're stronger. I know it hurts you, physically and mentally and you're sick of treatment but it'll be fine. Trust me”.
She stared into his eyes for a moment and then said weakly “Take me home now”, then fell asleep with head turned away from him.
William remembered her first ever chemotherapy and how her words “I wonder if it will work” full of anxiety made him feel hopeless like never before. Back then Kate also fell asleep on the way home and her husband got tears, sick of hiding his emotions for weeks and scared to death of losing her.
Now, he thought of just one thing as he fixed her hair a little. “You will be alright, my wife”.
That simple sentence echoed in his mind throughout Kate's whole cancer journey, but this time it was way more intense until the end of that particular chemotherapy course.
By the end of August, her medical team was supposed to inform her if her chemotherapy worked properly and it was about to be either the happiest moment for The Princess of Wales and her family or just another one full of worry and fear. On the night before that appointment, neither Catherine nor her husband could sleep and she was shaking with fear at the slightest mention of that hospital visit, the most crucial one of all those since the beginning of health problems.
“I'll be right next to you” William whispered and squeezed her hand as they stepped into the building. Catherine didn't look at him, her emotions were so high that for a second she thought of running away from that place. William could read her thoughts and feel her anxiety. He tried to hide his own fear behind a supportive touch on her back and weak smile.
That day would either make him the happiest or throw him into darkness once again. The doctor's secretary led them to the office where the doctor and two other oncologists were waiting. Catherine had learned to trust these people almost as much as she trusted her husband. She felt like crying but finally asked that one difficult but important question “Do you have my results?"
"We've got everything, your royal highness. The tests after the operation we did in January, various blood tests throughout treatment and new results after your chemotherapy sessions ended” Dr Stevenson explained but William interrupted him impatiently "Just tell us about the results”
“The last results indicate that chemotherapy is not needed anymore “Dr Stevenson said "Our sessions achieved the maximum effect of destroying cancer cells that remained after the surgery. We found it so fast and consequently had the luck to be equally fast in treatment which achieved its aim to the fullest. I am pleased and happy to inform you that all these steps worked, and as of today you are cancer free, your highness. Your life can continue the way it did before surgery, diagnosis and chemotherapy. Of course, treatment is not completely over. We will keep in contact and prescribe medication that will help you stay in remission and let your body rest after chemotherapy treatment, but cancer cells are all gone” Dr Stevenson said and smiled a little.
“Is it real? Is it the truth? Tell me that I am not dreaming” Catherine whispered as she looked at her husband with eyes full of tears. Her doctor's words made it very clear to her that at least a part of all those frightening moments was slowly coming to an end.
“You are recovered” William whispered and caressed her cheek, he was crying happy tears at that moment too “You are not dreaming at all and we're starting a new phase of our lives, my wife” he said and looked at Dr Stevenson “Thank you. Thank you for helping her” he murmured through tears and smiled. It felt as if Catherine and him finally escaped from the worst nightmare of their lives. Her doctors left the room to give the couple a moment of privacy after revealing such positive news to them.
“You are healthy. You are fine and it's going to be completely alright from now on. I love you, Catherine. I love you so much” he whispered through tears as he hugged her as tight as possible and kissed her on forehead and lips.
“I can't believe it's over. No more aches, exhaustion, tears..” Catherine whispered and blinked a few times. She looked into William's eyes and then all of a sudden she pressed her lips on his. In that kiss, she again broke down into happy tears. Her husband cupped her face into his hands, kissed her cheeks and even her eyes too. Catherine smiled after a few seconds and said quietly “We need to tell the children”.
“Not yet. Let us have some time for ourselves first” William whispered and wiped her tears again before they both thanked the doctors and left the hospital hand in hand.
1 hour later. The car stopped in front of Adelaide cottage, William quickly left the car.
Wait for me” Catherine said but he let her know that she should stay inside. Quite confused, she blinked a couple of times but smiled too, thinking “I wonder what's happening”.
“We're ready to go” William said and drove away from Windsor five minutes later. His wife assumed that he was taking her on a date but when she said these words, he shook his head, Kate felt more and more intrigued.
Their car stopped by a little forest. It was a familiar spot for them as they often were going there with their children, yet this time it seemed to be special as were the circumstances. Catherine was walking a few steps behind her husband at one point and was often looking up at the sun. Finally, she stood by one of the trees and closed her eyes, breathing in fresh air. After a few seconds she felt William's hands on her waist. She smiled lovingly and then teased him “It's not a date, stop flirting”.
Instead of replying, he said “Close your eyes now”, Catherine raised her eyebrows but listened. Her husband walked over her and pulled out a small blue velvet box. Inside there was a small eternity ring, similar to what the princess already received from him back in 2013 and earlier in 2024 a few months into her treatment.
“Open your eyes now” he said and smiled as he noticed Catherine’s smile across her lips.
“What? Why? What's the reason?” she asked in a whisper, she was on the verge of happy tears. “I’ve been planning it for so long now. I bought it after Wimbledon. I wanted to give it to you back then but later I realised there need to be a special day” William smiled
“Is it today? You know the treatment isn't over. Where would you give it to me if today's results were negative?”
“We don't have to think about that” he whispered as slowly taking her hand into his “It'll be fine from now on. Only your ‘good’ days are ahead of us”.
Catherine trembled a little and sniffed. Her new ring was as difficult to put on her finger as her wedding band.
“It's a sign” William whispered again, looking into her eyes “It's our new life chapter, Catherine Elizabeth. It'll be..”
“No, stop” Catherine interrupted in a whisper too “I don't want to hear what it will look like. Let us take every day as it comes in that new chapter. No expectations, they ruin everything” she chuckled through tears and put her hands around her husband's neck.
Two birds were chirping while sitting on a tall tree above William and Catherine. After a second, they flew away somewhere together.
“Nothing will be ruined anymore this time” William whispered too and tucked his wife's hair behind her ear. She nodded and their eyes locked for a few moments before Catherine pressed her lips on his. It was an unbelievably long kiss, simultaneously passionate and gentle.
“Did you see that? They're probably starting their new chapter too” the princess whispered as she noticed the birds and lovingly smiled at William before putting her head on his shoulder. He kissed her on hair and breathed in her scent without saying a word.
It was completely unnecessary as they won against the worst nightmare of their lives.
♥︎~The End~♥︎
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graffitiporn-org · 3 days
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local-lover-boy · 13 hours
Tag game bc I can
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Neon or pastel: Neon
Do you believe in past lives: Somewhat, it's complicated
Thoughts on the British Empire: Hate them with all my heart<3
Record player or MP3: record player
@sunnyxjarrus @urlocalmanicpixiedreamboy @lovefrmbambi @angel-cryptid @beadickel
@beetelz @beabeebeee @scary-friend @vyobunda @shelby420basketball
@xoxoishu @mast3rofnonee @be3skne3s @fjskdzhsx @coffin--coffee
@insaneinpink @justagirlluckyme @urdtarah
Anyone who wants to join!!!🪩✨🪩✨
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kibby · 4 months
SungWon Cho’s voice acting range is actually just fucking astounding to me. Every time I figure out a character is voiced by him I get the most insane whiplash. Like
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What the fuck do you mean all three of these characters are voiced by the same person. I am in awe.
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sunsestart · 2 months
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Fiddleford just keeps gifting things to Ford AAAAA😭
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somelokivariant · 27 days
Mourning the decuntification of Klaus Hargreeves
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mintaikk · 2 months
I fuck hard with Asexual Venom, but the idea of Venom, an alien whose species doesn't breed sexually and don't have concepts of sex, being sexually attracted to some boring sad and sweaty white guy he picked up on the streets is just so funny to me
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nmfonsek-art · 7 months
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peace of mind.
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darthvaderade42 · 2 months
The clones in Star Wars absolutely astound me, especially in the clone wars like,
501st: Our general is a war criminal maniac with a teenager at his heel learning to do the same things by example. And we love them.
212th: Our general is in love with a Duchess and we’re actively in feud with a four armed lightsaber wielding cyborg with lung cancer. One time we fucking punched him and lived.
104th: I would give my entire right arm to see the General Plo never comes to harm or anything ever happens to him. Wolffe: I gave my eye but still, same sentiment.
327th: Our commander and general are fucking. Like. Legitimately. Bly: Yeah dude. Ayala Secura: Yeah dude.
The Bad Batch: This hologram thing keeps telling us that we should stop right now and follow protocol instead of commuting more war crimes. If anyone but Tech knows what war crimes are they simply do not care enough to stop.
Long live the fucking republic man. How the hell they won battles is a mystery.
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jetpack · 2 years
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The blade is imbued with great power. I can feel it course through my hands as I unsheathe it. I do not know if I can sate its hunger. Read more on my blog.
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mrs-gojo-satoru · 2 days
Also the fact that once again nobody cried over Satoru Gojo and instead fucking BLAMED him for everything. Also for it to be the last chapter and still no mention of how sad they are he’s gone. Brotha be so for real with me right now. I’m in pain I hate this. I hate that nobody cares. I hate that they aren’t crying. I hate that we didn’t get a funeral for him. I hate that they didn’t even mention him after Yutas body.
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drblacula · 3 months
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:3 < another png dump with icons ^ ^
quick edit : the second icon art is by yeurei on twt I HAD TO FIND THE ART AHAIJ LAWL
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graffitiporn-org · 10 months
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ART BASEL , MIAMI 2023 📸 @wiseknave
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marinememes · 2 months
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@paopuvanitas this is the best tag I’ve ever seen in one of my posts and I will be showing it to my coworkers
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