#【 ❝ bella speaks ❞ 】
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newesthope · 2 years ago
Marlene found and separated two bonded, feral cats and what? Expected peace?
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andreafmn · 11 days ago
Requite | Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: When everything seems to fall into place in Forks, Washington, a string of mysterious deaths call the attention of both vampires and werewolves in town. As the redheaded vampire returns with her mind set on revenge, (Y/N) and Bella Swan find themselves in the center of danger once again. With secrets still lingering between them about their past best friend, they will find themselves stuck in a whirlwind of love, betrayal, and the hardest choices they’ll have to make. But one thing is certain: no one will go a day without a taste for vengeance. 
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Calm in a town like Forks was a mirage. Or, at times, it was simply a distraction. While the supernatural walked amongst the land, there would never be calm and tranquility. Their existence was enough to shift the balance of the universe, and it would always find a way to rectify itself. Even just a couple of days could send the small town down a whirlwind, regardless of who got caught in the middle of the current.  
(Y/N) Swan didn't know that yet. At that moment, she thought she had faced her worst battle yet. She had survived a vampire attack; she had saved her sister from drowning in the ocean, and she had even endured an abusive relationship. There couldn't be anything else thrown her way that could be worse.  
Or so she thought. But of course, hindsight is twenty-twenty.  
Finals were approaching, and (Y/N) had never wanted to go back to homeschooling more than at that moment. For the better part of a year, she had been able to focus on her schoolwork at her own pace. In school, she had to submit to her teacher's pace. If she had it her way, she would have already been done with her year's curriculum. Instead, she was buried up to her nose in her and Bella's books.  
“So, dad gave me another letter from Jacob,” Bella muttered as she closed her history book, seemingly over the topic. “Seems he really wants to talk. Although it seems he's not sure about what.”  
Bella passed the piece of paper to her sister, her eyes searching for any answers on (Y/N)'s face. But the younger Swan remained stoic as she perused the letter. Jacob had started over seven times, angrily scratching over every sentence until he left a vague plea to see the older Swan and explain everything that had gone down behind her back. In between strikes, he said he felt like a schoolboy asking Charlie to hand over notes. He asked her to pick up the phone. He begged her to talk to him before he talked to her own sister. Most of all, he asked her not to choose Edward. 
Every letter for the past few weeks had been the same. Angry and desperate requests to see Bella before (Y/N) told her the truth of what he had done. Every letter was accompanied by a frenzied call, his voice always distressed and anguished over the receiver and always picked up by Charlie. And every time, he received the same answer. Bella didn't want to speak to him, and (Y/N) had not said anything.  
The younger girl wasn't sure why she was protecting him. Jacob had done atrocious things deliberately. He had manipulated, belittled, and dismissed her for months. He had quite literally left her for dead when she had faced a murderous vampire. He had used her feelings for him to get closer to her sister. Jake had chewed her up and spat her out when he had been done with her. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to turn her family against him—much to Paul's dismay.  
(Y/N) had made Paul promise he would not tell anyone what Jacob had done. Not when Bella cornered him at night when he snuck in, not when her father tried to coax it out of him when he joined them for Saturday breakfasts or Sunday dinners, and definitely not when he had asked her to his senior prom in front of both Swans.  
“When are you gonna tell me what happened?” Bella asked as (Y/N) folded the note back up. “Don't you think I should know if I'm ever gonna talk to him again?”  
“There's not really much to say,” the younger girl shrugged as she closed the books in front of her. “I won't stop you from being his friend, Bella. Whatever happened between us happened—it's not gonna change no matter how much we talk about it.”  
“What if I just ask him about it?” her sister offered. “Will you be fine with that?” 
“You can do whatever you want, Bells,” she said. “But believe me when I say he’s not gonna tell you anything.” 
“Don't you think I should know his true character if I'm gonna associate myself with him?” her sister pushed, exasperated. “(Y/N), the things I know he did are bad, but I need to know the whole truth if I'm ever gonna start to think to forgive him.”  
Before she could answer or even give herself time to make up her mind, her attention turned to a peculiar smell in the air. The sisters exchanged a questioning gaze before leaving their books on Bella’s bed and following the scent all the way to the kitchen. There, Charlie was fanning smoke coming from the stove, the open window blowing the cloud back inside rather than helping to keep it out of the house. The smell of wood and pine mixed with the smoke in the kitchen created a choking and uncomfortable environment.  
“What are you doing, dad?” Bella exclaimed as she opened the microwave only seconds before a catastrophe while (Y/N)turned off the burner their father had neglected. “Trynna burn down the house?” 
“Oh! Girls!” he exclaimed as he finally noticed their presence. “I, uh, I was trying to make dinner.”  
“You put a jar of sauce in the microwave,” the older daughter sighed. “With the lid on. Yeah, metal and microwaves don't really mix well.” 
“Did I at least get the pasta right?” Charlie questioned expectantly. “It's just boiling water.”  
“Well, yeah, but you should stir it too,” (Y/N) chuckled. “And maybe add enough water for the noodles inside. That usually helps the pasta not stick to the pot and burn.”  
“I'll take that into consideration for next time.”  
Bella and (Y/N) exchanged a worried look, knowing their father would not have been caught dead in the kitchen had he not had something to say. It was written on his face—something was clouding his mind. His brow was furrowed, his shoulders were tense, and there was concern plastered across his features. Charlie had something to say, and he was trying to let it go down with a plate of burnt spaghetti.  
(Y/N) was the first one to talk, curious about her father's behavior. “What's going on, dad?” she inquired as she tried to clear out the burnt sludge in the pot. “Why the sudden need to cook us a meal?”  
“It's not illegal for me to make a meal,” he argued. “Especially not in my own house.”  
The sisters exchanged the same look once more, unsure what it could be that he was hiding. He was avoiding their gaze, focusing on the last bits of smoke that disappeared into the rainy day. 
 “You would know, huh?” Bella teased, staring at the badge shining on his jacket.  
“Yeah,” he chuckled dryly. “Good one.”  
Charlie was quiet after that, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the rack that had housed his gun sling for the better part of the week. Ever since the pack didn't have to investigate the odd slaughtered hitchhiker, no one had reported sightings of the massive, mysterious wolves. Of course, the man didn't know that, but he was glad the semblance of calm had returned to the small town.  
Silence rained in the Swan household as Charlie sat at the table with the newspaper and Bella worked on cleaning the rest of the pasta pot. (Y/N) couldn’t handle the tension, feeling herself drowning in the unease of the room. There were too many unspoken words between the three of them, and there didn’t seem to be a confession coming from any of them.  
“Well, why don’t I run out to the diner and get us some food?” (Y/N) offered. “Dad, thank you for trying to make us some dinner, but I would like to eat something tonight—something edible.”   
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” he said, clearing his throat. “Is, uh, is your, uh, boy, uh, friend, uh, your friend Paul coming over tonight?”   
“During stipulated visiting hours,” she chuckled, “yeah.”  
“Alright, get him something too, then,” her father instructed before moving his gaze back to the paper in his hands. "Take some money from my wallet. It's in the inside pocket of the jacket.”  
“Cool. I'll be back soon.”  
“I'll call ahead, so the order is almost done when you get there,” Bella announced. “Make sure they pack my order of onion rings.”  
"Will do,” (Y/N) said, slipping on her jacket and pulling up the hood. “Be right back.” 
She pulled her phone out as she made her way to her truck, clicking on the number three on her speed dial. But before the line could ring more than once, arms wrapped around her, and she was lifted off the ground. An undeniable warmth engulfed her, and she couldn't help the laugh that left her throat. “Paul,” she shrieked joyfully as he spun her around. “You're early.”  
“And you're on your way to get some food,” the boy smiled brightly as he turned her to face him. “I'll go with you.” 
“How could I say no to such a tempting offer?” (Y/N) smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck before giving him a small kiss. “And you should be wearing a jacket in this weather. I know you don't need it, but others don't know that.”  
“Well, I would have worn the hoodie I left in the truck, but it seems like it has a new owner.”  
“I told you, whatever's left in the car is mine,” she grinned. “Not my fault you can't keep track of your belongings.”  
“Let's just go get the food before your dad starts to wonder what's taking so long,” he chuckled. “I think I'm finally winning him over.”  
 (Y/N) laughed as they got into her truck. She had started getting used to Paul appearing out of nowhere, filling her quiet and empty moments with his laughter and wild occurrences. He had become a welcome constant in her life, and she couldn't remember a time when he wasn't in it. “I don't think dad will ever warm up again to the idea of another guy dating one of his daughters,” she teased. “But if anyone has a chance, it would definitely be you.”  
“Thank you for the vote of confidence. And here I was thinking I had a leg up on everyone.” 
“Hey, he's getting you food,” (Y/N) laughed. “He likes you enough. At least he likes you more than Jacob. Even Bella sorta likes you.”  
“I take it you still haven't told them what happened,” Paul asked, taking her hand in his and giving it a comforting squeeze. “At least your sister should know what that idiot really did to you to cut him out from her life completely.”  
“And what good would that do?” the girl sighed. “It won't change what happened, nor would it serve her to lose one of the only people she can call a friend.” 
“Do you really think he's the kind of friend Bella should have? Should she really keep someone that would have let her sister die by her side?”  
“Can we not talk about him?” (Y/N) argued, turning the truck into the diner parking lot. “I don't want to waste my time on him anymore—not now and definitely not later.”  
“No more talk about him, Paul,” she said firmly as she killed the engine and turned to face him. “If you mention him again, there will be consequences. Starting with locking my window at night.”  
"You drive a hard bargain,” Paul replied while cradling her chin in his hand. “And it seems I don't have another choice but to agree.”  
With a chaste kiss, they left the truck, walking hand-in-hand into The Lodge like they had done it a million times before. It was easy for everything to feel natural with Paul. Being with him made her heart feel at peace. And after all she had been through in the short time she had resided in Forks, she more than welcomed it. In hindsight, (Y/N) knew she had played a hand in all the hardship that had befallen her. She ignored how she felt about Paul; she pushed him away over trivial miscommunications, and she had stayed with Jacob for far longer than she ever should have.  
“Is this gonna become a weekly thing, huh?” Cora, the waitress who always took their order, said with a smile. “What is this now three weeks in a row that you two have come in?”  
“Something like that,” (Y/N) chuckled. “This time is because dad tried to cook dinner. And well, that never goes down as well as it should.”  
“What'd he burn this time?”  
“Spaghetti,” the girl smiled. “And he tried to microwave a jar of sauce with the lid on.”  
“Charlie should really just stick to the police work,” the woman laughed. “And you came in just in time. Steak with cobbler; a double medium-well Lodge burger with extra bacon and onions and cheesy fries; a single bacon cheeseburger with cheese and bacon friends; and a veggie burger—which has surprisingly become a best-seller since we put it on the menu last year—with onion rings. I threw in a couple of slices of apple pie slices in there for you guys. On the house.” 
“Thank you, Cora. But could I trouble you with replacing two of the slices with some chocolate cream pie?” Paul asked, sporting his award-winning smile. “As good as it is, (Y/N) here is allergic to apples, and I wouldn't want her to miss out on dessert.”  
“Oh my goodness, sweetheart. I completely forgot!” Cora exclaimed as she scrambled to the pie display. “Tell you what, you keep those extra slices, and I'll give you three of the chocolate. And I'm gonna leave a note right here so no one forgets.”  
“You don't have to do all that, Cora,” (Y/N) said. “It was an honest mistake.”  
“Nonsense, (Y/N),” she smiled. “I'm happy to do it. And between you and me, I like the chocolate one better. Your boy here has really good taste.”  
“That he does,” the younger Swan replied as she felt heat flush to her face. She paid for the food, handing Paul the bags as she put away the change, ignoring the teasing stare the waitress was sending her way. “Thanks for everything, Cora. I’ll see you next week.”  
“See you, sweetie,” she called back. “Say hi to your dad and your sister for me.”  
“Will do!”  
(Y/N) felt stupid with how much she was smiling. Paul had remembered her apple allergy, he held doors open for her, he remembered her favorite pie. They were bare minimum standards, but she couldn’t help the joy that overtook her when he did them. Paul knew her in the most simplistic of senses, and she couldn't believe she had stopped herself from feeling that way.  
“You remembered my apple allergy,” she smiled, bumping his shoulder as they walked back to the truck. “Thank you.”  
“I should be able to remember the fact that my girlfriend's throat could close if she eats apples,” Paul chuckled. “It's not a fact I should gloss over.”  
The girl stopped in her tracks at his words, realization sinking in. “What was that?”  
“What you just said.”  
“That I should know apples could possibly kill my girlfriend?” he chuckled again, unsure what he had said wrong. “What about it?”  
“You called me your girlfriend, Paul,” (Y/N) stated. “You've never called me your girlfriend before.”  
“Oh, uh, well, you know, I didn't... we haven't had the talk but... you know,” he stammered awkwardly, his skin growing red as he scrambled for the right words. “Is it okay that I call you my girlfriend?”  
(Y/N) smiled before standing on her tiptoes to place a kiss on Paul's lips. “It is more than okay,” she beamed. “I like the sound of it. Especially when it's said by my boyfriend.”  
“That does sound good, huh?” Paul circled his free arm around her shoulders before kissing the top of her head. “Now, let's get this food to your house before your dad thinks I've kidnapped you.”  
Like mere minutes before, Paul and (Y/N) were back in her truck, the smell of diner food filling the cabin, and heading back to the house. Just the month before, the youngest Swan could never have thought she would be where she was. With Jacob, she couldn't see farther than a couple of weeks down the road—not that it mattered in the end. There were so many parts of her that had become overwhelmed with the darkness of their relationship, lost in the endless void that came with being close to Jake.  
None of that mattered now, though. Happiness had found itself back in her life, and it seemed to start infecting the rest of the Swans. Charlie and Bella cheered when the couple arrived with the food, making space on the table for the bags. The older Swan girl placed the food on plates as Paul and (Y/N) served drinks for the table. Peering into the windows of the house, no one would have guessed all the pain that had led to that moment.  
By the time they had reached the desserts, Bella had picked up her discarded Wuthering Heights book while Paul and (Y/N) whispered amongst themselves. It was a rather normal scene for a less-than-normal family.  
“So, um,” Charlie cleared his throat as he wiped his mouth, “I did have a reason for cooking dinner for you guys, as you may have guessed.”  
“Is that what that smell was?” Paul mumbled.  
Trying to stifle her laughter, (Y/N) placed a hand on his forearm and whispered, “Not right now, Paul.”  
“Anyway, it's regarding your grounding, Bella,” the man continued, focusing his gaze on his oldest daughter rather than the boy who’d seemed to invade his new family dinners. “I’m not very good at this whole grounding thing, and you are far too good a kid for being grounded. You haven't complained, you've come home at curfew, and that boy hasn't stepped foot in my house since he came back—which I much appreciate.”  
“You did say he couldn't come over,” Bella stated, a hint of a laugh hiding under her words. “But I don't want him over—not for now, at least.” 
“Well, good. I think it's about time you were up for some parole,” Charlie said, a tentative smile tugging at his lips. “I just hope you take this time to reconnect with your old friends and focus on something other than those Cullens.”  
Bella finally set down her book, saving her spot with a clean napkin. “I've been trying to do that, dad,” the girl admitted. “I know I haven’t been myself these last few months, and I broke your trust by leaving with Alice, but I do want you to know I’ve been trying to change.”  
“I know, Bells, and I've seen that,” he smiled. “That's why I think it's time you get some of your freedom back. As long as you're prudent with it.”  
“Right, no one wants a repeat of the past few months,” she laughed. “But I do appreciate you trusting me again, dad. I promise to do my hardest to make you proud, even if it takes forever.”  
“I'm already proud of you, Bells,” Charlie said. “I'm proud of both of you girls—no matter what. All I want is for you to be happy and fulfilled by whatever you want in life. Especially you, Bella. Now that you're about to enter a new stage in your life.”  
The man slipped an open envelope toward his oldest daughter while he tried his best to conceal the smile that threatened to stretch across his face. “You opened it,” Bella noted. “That's a felony, Sheriff.”  
“Couldn't help myself,” her father beamed as she pulled the papers out of the envelope. “Congratulations, kid.  This is just the first of many.” 
University of Alaska Southeast had been one of the only colleges Bella had personally applied to. Unlike some of the schools (Y/N) and Charlie had sent applications to using some of her old essays, she knew she could get in. And it did help that Juneau was overcast most days of the year, given she didn't know just how long she had before she had to face the inevitable. Regardless of what Edward had told her, there was no way to know when the Volturi would come to make sure their word had been made law.  
She received her sister's congratulatory hug and Paul's words, unsure how else to respond. The girl knew she should have been happier—it was her future after all. But she couldn't help the dread that filled her as she thought about giving it up. There wouldn't be any human experiences she would be able to live through—emphasis on the human. Once she was turned into an immortal monster, that's all she would know.  
“What about you, Paul?” Charlie asked, clearing his throat and breaking his oldest daughter out of deep thought. “What're your plans after school, kid?”  
“Uh, well,” the boy stammered, straightening his posture. (Y/N) stifled a laugh as she shared a knowing look with Bella. Their father loved interrogating anyone who stepped foot in his house, and it was Paul's turn to get a grilling. “I was, um, accepted at Western. I'm still undecided, but I'm thinking of getting a degree in Manufacturing Engineering. Still, I'll have to defer for a year.” 
“Why's that?”  
“Financial aid only covers so much, and I don't really want to get loans,” he explained. “The counselor at school said I could accept Western's offer and defer for a year while I worked with my dad to save up some money. That way, I'll have something to tide me over my freshman year.”  
Paul squeezed (Y/N)'s hand under the table and fought back a smile when squeezed back, mentally repeating the script he had practiced the night before with the youngest Swan. If there was one thing she knew, it was that her father was predictable.  
“Well, it seems you've got a good plan there,” Charlie said, sounding almost impressed. “That's good. So, engineering, huh?”  
The boy droned on about what he liked about the degree when Bella's phone chirped twice with a text message. Invested in their conversation, Charlie and Paul did not notice the frown that pulled the corners of the girl's mouth, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. (Y/N) noticed, though, and she pointed toward the living room. The two sisters left the conversation about college and hoped they were just out of hearing distance for privacy.  
“Is everything okay?” (Y/N) questioned. “Who texted?”  
Bella handed her younger sister her phone, allowing her a moment to read. “Edward sent a picture of today's newspaper,” she said. “Apparently, the deaths that have been happening in Seattle that have dad grouchy are newborn vampires running rampant.”  
“And Jacob wants to talk,” (Y/N) added, feeling a knot forming in her throat. “He's really persistent, huh?’  
“(Y/N), you need to tell me what happened between you two.”  
“God, it's not gonna change anything,” the girl groaned. “Why can't everyone just let it go?”  
“Fine, I'll drop it,” Bella said. “I'll just go over to La Push and get his version.”  
A/N: teased y'all for long enough with that little prologue, but strap in. This book is gonna be one hell of a ride 🤭 If you used to be tagged in Speak and would like to be tagged in Requite, you will need to fill out the form below. Once Tumblr stops allowing the tag list, I will be closing it. If you’d like to be tagged: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
Taglist: @lepetitlu @galactict3a @eddiefrickenmunson @stvrrlighttt @gh0stgurl @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r @nj01
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yeonhours · 8 months ago
🍒. Taehyun loves shopping ;)
Taehyun is the type of boyfriend who sits with you to see if you're 'fit is outifitting. He's gonna ask you to swish, give him a twirl to see if it looks good on you. Butttt... he's a secret perv! He takes pics of you in your shortest mini skirt while u show him how it looks on you !!
He's also the type of boyfriend who'd feel you up through your clothes, pushing your skirt up your ass to give it a squeeze "your ass looks so damn good in this, we're definitely getting this." "I'm gonna fucking cum in you while you wear this and you're gonna keep my cum inside, you get that baby?" while the whole time he's smiling innocently and whispering near your ear.
143 notes · View notes
natasharomanoff · 1 year ago
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bella ramsey the way i love you
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etheral-moon · 9 months ago
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Me 𝜗𝜚
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Bella malevolent fans I require any head cannons you have pretty please.
I need to know more about her theres so little cannon stuff about her i cant
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tethered-heartstrings · 2 years ago
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Happy international women's day <3 you all deserved better
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homosherb · 2 years ago
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cxndiedvi0lets · 5 months ago
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panlight · 10 months ago
Today's musings are about the visiting vampires in Breaking Dawn and modern technology:
The group slowly dispersed, some off to hunt, some to while away the time with Carlisle's books or televisions or computers.
Mealtimes were dicey, though. Our company cooperated as best they could. They gave Forks and La Push a wide berth, only hunting out of state; Edward was a gracious host, lending out his cars as needed without so much as a wince.
Maybe it's just me, but my impression from the books and the guide was that the non-vegetarian vampires weren't like, super involved in the human world. I mean it was 2006 and the Cullens had to physically go and find these people (other than the Denali), which supports the idea that they were off the grid. No phones, no computers. Couldn't just email [email protected] and ask him to come visit. Couldn't ring up Siobhan and explain.
So how familiar would they realistically be with the tech of 2006? I thought most of the vampires were just like, chilling in the wilderness or their hidden lairs and only interacted with the human world to hunt and steal the clothes from their victims, so the idea of like these ancient vampires all knowing how to drive and how to use a computer threw me off a bit. Like sure they would have had all the time in the world to learn this stuff, but where? Under what circumstances? They're nomads; they don't live in a house and pay for cable and internet and car insurance like the Cullens. Are Siobhan, Liam and Maggie popping into public libraries to use the internet? Vladimir and Stefan going to sports bars to watch soccer/football or something? Did younger-looking ones like Benjamin, Tia and Maggie take a driving course and then teach the others?
And why would they even want to borrow a car when they can just run? For the novelty of it, maybe?
Were all these vampires huddled around the Cullens' TV watching Hallmark Christmas movies? What are they googling on the computers? Or are they just playing solitaire? Or using Carlisle's eBay account?
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andreafmn · 1 month ago
Requite | Prologue
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Word Count: 233
Summary: When everything seems to fall into place in Forks, Washington, a string of mysterious deaths call the attention of both vampires and werewolves in town. As the redheaded vampire returns with her mind set on revenge, (Y/N) and Bella Swan find themselves in the center of danger once again. With secrets still lingering between them about their past best friend, they will find themselves stuck in a whirlwind of love, betrayal, and the hardest choices they’ll have to make. But one thing is certain: no one will go a day without a taste for vengeance. 
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I thought the story was over.
There wasn't exactly a happy ending—not for everyone, at least—but things seemed to be resolved. How was I supposed to know there had never been a period at the end of the sentence but a frightening and dangerous ellipse?  
Begging had not worked. As hard as I had tried, he still kissed me that morning before he left—not knowing if that was the last time. He kissed me goodbye without knowing the outcome of the fight. That morning, there was only one thing in his head, and as much as he said it was me, there was something much bigger than the two of us.
This time, I didn't know who the real target was. Were their sights still set on Bella? Or had their palate transformed to the taste of me? Would I live? Would she? Would Charlie have to bury one daughter, both, or none?  
I feared that the moment I got to learn those answers, it would be too late. For whom? I didn't know. 
Dark silver fur disappeared through the woods, and I watched our future slowly fade into the darkness of the trees. And after all was said and done, there was still a chance the eyes that were watching my sister, and I would find the right moment to strike.  
Suddenly, somewhere deep in the forest, his wolf cried.  
Next ->
A/N: The long awaited sequel to Speak is here! This is the only chapter that will be in first person. I wanted it to mimic the Twilight books a bit more, so I made a prologue. 🤭 You will notice no one is tagged in the story, and that's because since the other list got to the point Tumblr wouldn't let me post, I decided I'd make a new one to give others the chance to be tagged. I will also be deleting users from the list that don't allow tagging or that don't interact to give the space to someone that will. If you’d like to be tagged: click hereMake sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
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ender--slime · 9 months ago
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hello chuck e. cheese heads. ball corner for you
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yeonhours · 8 months ago
🍒. soobin's pillow </3
soobins favourite position to sleep is probably to have his lips suckling one your nipples while his face is smooched against your tits, your hands gently playing with the hair in the nape of his neck, your legs intertwined with each other. Best believe he wakes up with his mouth on your tits.
back to entrance.🍒
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southrnbelle · 1 month ago
I feel like I really need to post something so here are little clips from smut fics that I may never finish :D
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Bruce Wayne fic, love him. Frank ocean ref>>>
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Meljayvik fic that I regret not finishing earlier bc now I have no motivation.
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Coriolanus fic. Ugh, need him so bad.
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rockettequeen · 6 months ago
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yesterday vs today vibes
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legally-a-bastard · 3 months ago
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TREE TIME TREE TIME look at the silly little star fella I love him
if you see this u can do this but tagging uhhh @strangefable @max--phillips @captastra @dwarf-vader-of-middle-earth @salted-selkie @goingfera1 @homosexualisopod @scribblingninja @nixwolfe @sukoshimikan @waywardsnail @collapsingintojupiter @answeringmysister @jacobseedsmalewife @drabbles-mc @dooxliss @wozw4ld @lantern-knight @dirtboy @mothers-and-fuckers-of-the-jury @home-for-the-slugs @cranky-kyrati @the-brotherhood-of-deez @totally-not-deacon @cicadahead @adelaidedrubman @mysticalgalaxysalad @cosmicbug379 @adverbedly @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @existentialcrisisetcetera @houseofmcallister @spudprincess @occultabomination @darling-leech @yourlocalmenacetm @ferndragon64
i wasn’t sure who in particular to tag so I tagged all of my Wonderful Beloved Moots
even if youre not one of my moots or I forgor to tag u pls feel free to do this too, ily all my dear followers who enjoy my bullshit
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