#『he looks like a bluey character I’m crying』
deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
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『Played Garticphone with friends』
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Take Away
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Summary: Kenny takes the girls to pick up dinner
Warnings: none
An: this is based on the episode of Bluey ‘Take Away.’ I feel like kenny as a dad would be like Bandit
Daughters are also mentioned in this one
Characters: Ally- 4 year old. Lily- 6 year old
This was suggested by @allelitesmut . Send me some episodes for me to write about!
Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @auburnwrites @melissahausen @thesusbunny @writtingrose
“Are you sure you don’t need me to come?” You questioned, following behind Kenny. He had Ally in his arms while Lily followed right next to him.
“We’ve got it mama, right girls?”
Both of your daughter cheered a ‘ya,’ making you smile. Kenny had to go on the road for a couple weeks so he had become clingy to the girls. Anytime he left he got like this, almost afraid they’d forget about him.
“It’s Just picking dinner up, how hard could it really be?” He have you a quick kiss before grabbing his wallet. “Come on lil!”
“Good luck!” You waved as they all walked to the door. You’d keep your phone on, just incase.
“Why don’t we get any?” Lily asked, narrowing her eyes at her dad. The three of them were sitting at one of the outdoor tables at the restaurant. It wasn’t completely done so they were stuck waiting. And Lily had taken to interrogating him.
“You don’t like spicy food.” Kenny did his best to keep Ally on his lap, but she was able to squirm out of his arms.
“Ya I do!” Lily argued back.
“Mama is making mac-in-cheese for you at home.”
“Daddy!” The father daughter pair turned to see Ally standing in the middle of a puddle. She was soaked and had a huge smile on her face.
“Babygirl!” He jumped up to grab her out of the puddle. “What are you doing??” He was quick to pull her jacket off, and luckily her shirt wasn’t to wet. But the rest of her was, and it still wasn’t that nice out yet.
“I can see that,” he pulled his own jacket off to wrap it around her and picked her up. “I think you should stay with daddy, Babygirl-“ he stoped when he heard something fall, slowly looking over to where Ally stood. The bag of food at her feet, spilled everywhere.
Her eyes were filling with tears, and Kenny was fully aware of what would come next. “I’m s-sorry!” The moment the words left her mouth huge tears began running down her face. Kenny didn’t even get a chance to react before she was running over to grip his leg while crying.
“Sweetheart…” he used his free hand to pick the crying girl up, doing his best to balance the two kids.
“Sir?” A woman walked out of the restaurant, a small bag in her hand. “Your food is Ready….?” She trailed off when she saw the state of him.
“Thank you,” he sighed. He stuck his hand out the best he could so the woman could hand the bag to him. “And um…sorry about the mess.”
When you heard the car pull up you were just setting the kids dinner on the table. You walked over to open the door, apparently only seconds before it would have been thrown open because both girls ran inside. You didn’t get a great look at them, but one was covered in dirt and the other had bloodshot eyes. Both were laughing though.
“Wash your hands and go to the table girls!” You called After them as Kenny walked in. He closed the door behind him, and when you looked over at him he seemed exhausted. “How’d it go super dad?” You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“It was five minutes,” he groaned.
“I tried to tell you.” You placed What was supposed to be a quick kiss on his lips, but he quickly pulled you into a slightly longer one.
You glanced down to see the small bag in his hand, which just made you laugh more. “Did you actually make it home with any food?”
“I only got egg rolls.”
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Chapter 4 of the reincarnation fic!
Let me know if anyone wants to be added to the tag list!
He’s torn away from the memory by pain in his hand.
“Ow! Raph! That’s too tight!
“S-Sorry, big guy.”
Mikey looks up and sees him hold his other hand over his eye.
He understands immediately that seeing Aoi that way probably brought back some bad memories.
“Alright, that’s it! This is too dangerous. No more of it today, maybe ever!” Splinter stands up and starts trying to pull them away from the pillows.
“But dad!”
“No buts Orange! You need a break, right now. Go watch skateboarding or play some video games or you’re grounded!” He points towards the doors.
Mikey sighs and leads Raph out. The door slams closed behind them. Raph starts fiddling with his mask. Mikey knows that he’s thinking too hard about it all.
“Do you want to go have a cuddle pile with Leo and Donnie?”
Raph nods.
Mikey picks him up without thinking and starts walking to Donnie’s room.
“Say what!? Since when were you this strong!?”
“Oh, uh, for a while! You’ve seen me throw buses and buildings before.”
“Right….guess I never thought about it.”
Mikey smiles and keeps walking. Raph gets the door open, revealing Donnie and Leo laying on the bed as someone drones on about data from Leo’s phone. They both look at their brothers with surprise at the position they’re in.
“That isn’t strange at all he said sarcastically.” Donnie comments.
“The memory we saw left Raph a little shaken up.” Mikey takes him to the bed.
Leo and Donnie move over, giving their brothers space to lay down next to them.
“Alright, now hold up your of the deal. Tell me what happened.”
Mikey and Raph explain exactly what they saw and how Splinter forbade them from anymore ninpo memory sharing.
“Yeesh, dad’s really worried about this.”
“He’s still learning to accept and trust the Hamato again Leo. We can’t really blame him.” Raph sighs.
“Do you think the eye thing was what made you cry?” Mikey looks at Donnie.
He sighs.
“No. I didn’t know about it until you said something. If you’re all going to hound me for answers…..whatever happened to Tomo made him feel like half of his soul is gone. Having that moment between him and Aoi just made it hurt a lot more.”
“We can’t just stop now then! We have to see what happens!”
“But pops said we couldn’t anymore.” Raph insists.
“Technically it just happens while we’re sleeping next to each other, right? Soooo we won’t be disobeying him, we’ll just be napping!” Leo smirks.
“Are you sure you want to jump back in like that? You….won’t have an eye if the next memory is after what we saw.” Mikey looks at him with concern.
“It’s not like I actually lost it. Once we’re done I have my eye back and it’s all good again.”
“Alright, what’s the real reason you’re pushing this so hard? What’s going on?” Raph nudges him.
Leo looks away.
“I….like knowing that….I didn’t always screw up being a leader. Aoi was so good at protecting all of you. He was just a kid and he was leading better than I did. The only person he let get hurt was himself. It’s what I should have been doing from the start.”
Raph puts his hands on Leo’s shoulders.
“Leo, I mean this in the nicest way possible…..” He smiles at him.
Leo smiles back until Raph starts shaking him.
“Are you crazy!? If you ever even think about doing something like that again I will wrap you up in a blanket and stick you into my mountain of plushies until you’re 40!”
Mikey hugs him tightly and looks up with him with the saddest puppy dog eyes he can muster.
“If you get hurt like that I-I’ll start crying and i-if I start crying I won’t be able to stop for a long time and-!” He takes a big, deep breath.
Donnie wraps his arms around Leo and hides his face in his shoulder silently.
“Okay! Okay! I get it! I’m not losing my life or any limbs if I can help it!” Leo insists.
“That’s more like it! Let’s get some Bluey and skateboarding videos on.” Raph changes the video.
“Oooo, you know I love blue characters.”
They spend most of the rest of the day watching videos, playing games, and eating pizza.
So really it was a pretty normal day.
They still decide to sleep in the same room when it finally came down to it. They’d have the dreams no matter what most likely, especially after how deep they dug with their ninpo. At least they’d experience whatever it was together.
It was surprising for all of them to wind up in an open field. Tora and Tomo sat on their knees together as Aoi and Kosuke seemed to be training. They each had wooden staffs in their hands.
The memory must be before he lost an eye because he didn’t look injured at all.
Kosuke fruitlessly tries to at least get one hit in, but Aoi doesn’t leave a single opening. He lightly jabs him in the side.
“Ow….this isn’t a fair fight, you’re bigger, stronger and older.”
“When someone decides to fight you, it’s probably because they’re all of those things. I’m the best opponent to help prepare you for a real battle!”
“But nothing I do against you with this works.”
“That’s why you need to get creative with whatever you have. Here, let Tora show you.”
Kosuke walks over to her and Tomo, handing her the wooden staff. Tora jumps up excitedly and takes his place in their unofficial training ring.
“Kumite!” He rushes at her.
She gets into a defensive stance and waits for him to get close. Once he does, she moves to the side, drops down, and shoves her weapon towards his legs.
He falls onto his hands and knees. She whacks his arms and back until he’s fully on the ground then stands on top of him victoriously.
Kosuke claps and cheers for her. Tomo looks slightly perturbed.
“Alright alright, good job, but you can get off now!”
Tora gets off and helps him up.
“Never stop until you know your enemy can’t hurt you anymore and never celebrate too early. That’s what Aoi always says.”
“And where exactly did you learn these rules and moves?” Tomo raises an eyebrow., looking at Aoi.
“Every town we visit, I spy at people training!”
“We spy at people training!….If I can get over the fence…..” Tora corrects.
“If you guys aren’t good at bo stuff, there’s also fighting with fists and feet, wrestling, and real weapons! Once we make enough money, we’re definitely getting some.”
Tomo thinks for a moment then stands up.
“I want to go next.”
“Alright! Let’s see how you do.”
Tora hands him the staff and takes his seat.
“Go Aoi! Show him you’re the best!”
“Ready?” Aoi smiles at him.
Tomo nods.
“Kumite!” He charges at him.
Tomo whirls his staff around before hitting the top of Aoi’s staff and causing it to bonk his forehead.
Both Kosuke and Tora gasp.
Aoi is caught by surprise. Tomo uses this opportunity to hit his elbow and then his knee. Aoi drops his weapon and to a knee. Tomo points the end of the staff at his face.
“In this case, I think I’m the best.”
Tora and Kosuke go wild with cheering.
“That was amazing….where did you learn how to do that?”
Tomo holds his hand out in response which Aoi takes as help to stand up.
“It doesn’t matter. Just focus on the fact that you have someone who can actually teach you properly.”
“Well, you can teach wooden staff stuff, but there is one thing I can teach you.”
He pulls him down to the ground as he struggles, insisting to be let go. Aoi only does so when Tomo admits defeat. He releases him and chuckles as they both lay on the ground.
Tomo huffs and looks less than happy but Kosuke and Tora soon join them since they felt left out. They end up looking at the sky as the clouds pass by. They point out weirdly shaped ones and make up random objects they could be.
Tomo starts to smile as he feels the sun warming him up while they relax and laugh. He closes his eyes to fully take in the warmth and listen to the sound of his siblings.
When he opens them, he’s staring down at a different blue from the sky. An icey blue of a cold stream. A chill hits his face and spreads throughout his body.
He picks up the buckets of water he had collected and makes his way through partially snow covered land, eventually arriving at the less than perfect cabin they’ve been staying in.
Tora and Kosuke turn to him. They’re covered up with a thick blanket as they sit in front of a fire.
Tomo scans the area a bit and tenses when he sees that someone is missing.
“Where’s Aoi? He shouldn’t be going anywhere by himself!”
“He said not to worry and that he’d be right back.” Tora answer.
“He didn’t say where!? How could you just let him go!?”
“Tomo, it’s okay! He said it wasn’t far!” Kosuke leaves the blanket and tries to calm him down.
Tomo puts the buckets on the ground and rushes back out the door. Tora and Kosuke chase after him, yelling while trying to get him to come back.
He stops and screams out for him. The air burns his lungs and the wind doesn’t help in the slightest.
Tora and Kosuke try to get to him to calm down and go inside. He doesn’t listen to them as he keeps yelling for him.
It’s then that they all see a blue form running towards them. It’s Aoi, his eye covered and holding several items wrapped up in cloth to hide them.
“What are you doing? I thought you were collecting water!“
Tomo can’t help but sob into his chest. His whole body shakes. Saying that it was all from the cold would be a lie.
He can vaguely hear Tora and Kosuke explaining what happened. He then feels himself get lifted up. There’s a small bit of walking until he feels the cold go away.
It’s only then that he lifts up his head and sees Aoi looking down at him with a concerned smile.
Tomo stares directly at the eyepatch he’d been wearing since he healed. He shakily reaches up to it, Aoi doesn’t make any moves to stop him. He lifts it up, checking for any sign that anything was wrong. Only once he finds absolutely nothing does he put it back down.
“Are you okay now?”
“Where….where did you go?”
“I was just picking up some things, they told you, didn’t they?”
Tomo looks down.
“I….I was worried….you shouldn’t go out alone…..”
“Hey, you heard what those healers said before. I’m 100% better. I can go place by myself. Nothing happened.”
“What if you were attacked again? You’d have been alone!”
“Actually….that’s why I went out to get these things. I was hoping to keep them hidden until New Years but I should probably just show you now. Take a seat, everyone.”
They all do as asked, including Aoi.
“After what happened to me, I realized that something needs to change. We can kinda defend ourselves, but we don’t stand a chance if they have weapons and we don’t. So….”
He lays the rolled up tarp on the ground and unfurls it.
Inside, there was a bo staff, a short sword, a longer sword, finger claw looking weapons, and some throwing stars.
Each weapon had a corresponding bandana attached to it.
Tomo definitely noticed that there was more than one weapon for him.
“Wow! What are these?” Tora takes a look at the ones for her.
“They go on your fingers. You’re the tiger, so you should have some claws for protection. They’re called neko-te.” Aoi answers.
“And the bandanna?”
“It’s to show we’re a team!” He takes the bandanna and carefully wraps it around her forehead, under her bangs.
She squeals happily, clawing the air.
Kosuke takes the throwing stars.
“So cool! Can you tie mine too?”
Aoi happily does as asked.
Tomo looks at the two weapons with purple on them. The bo made sense. The shorter sword didn’t.
“I….don’t get it….”
“Oh, well, these weapons I may or may not have “collected” and traded some man hours for, no too important where they came from-“
“No, I don’t get why you gave me this.” He continues looking at the sword, furrowing his brow.
“So, samurai have two different swords. One is long and one is short, I’m gonna be using the long one. Since I have a blind spot now, and you’re so good with the bo, I was thinking we could be a partners when we need to fight! I go all long range, and you can take care of short range for me. For you it’s mainly backup for your bo!” Aoi ties his bandanna on, his has a metal plate on the front.
Tomo knows what it’s for. Blocking sword swipes to the head. He hates it. He picks up the sword with both his hands and frowns deeply.
“I can’t do it.”
“What? Do you not like the sword? I could get a different one if you want-“
Everyone looks at him in surprise except for Kosuke who seems like he was expecting this.
“No….I just can’t….”
“Why? Tomo, you’ve been acting weird ever since what happened to me. I know it was scary, but I’m better now and with these we can protect ourselves.”
“A sword did this to you and you want to use one!?”
“How else am I going to avoid it happening again!?”
Tomo shakes in anger.
“By not putting yourself in danger you idiot!”
“I’m not an idiot for protecting all of you! I told you what the rule was!”
“I don’t care about your dumb rule! Stop throwing your life away, Haru!”
There’s a deafening silence.
“Who’s Haru?” Tora questions.
Tomo looks down at the floor.
“My twin. She was my sister.”
“The one you said was gone….” Aoi nearly whispers.
Tomo rubs the hilt of the sword in his hands.
“She was named after Spring….”
He grips it tightly.
“….and she was cut down in Winter.”
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ozyras · 2 years
roland as adrion .. i think i might cry. it'd be a really interesting swap considering adrion's forgiving/subservient nature contrasting with roland's harsher, more bitter one. we've seen roland hold grudges before and that was only regarding terrence leaving them to fight on their own against a fakejoker, so itd be definitely different seeing his reaction to sera's whole incident[s].
evil rei oh my god *keels over and dies*. the idea of ice claws is so cool- especially since he's based on some cooler tones [teal hair, bluey grey x-static costume] it works as a good contrast to volcan's fire.
vaughn and keon switching makes a lot of sense too [since theyre both super shady]. i do agree that while having to swap abilities might be unfortunate, it's pretty pertinent to the plot so it makes sense!
im thinking, is it keene and doc who switch? or maybe doc and kayden. since keene isnt super plot relevant? originally i thought leilah, but im pretty sure she swapped with william :]
also! for some reason, the idea of elaine digging up dirt and isen totally at remi's whim is the funniest thing to me because it's so odd yet so already in character for them. i picture elaine to dig up dirt cause she likes making fun of people secretely [with cecile]-- elaine and cecile are unironically such a great duo in this though -v-
heyaaa, so sorry for the late reply spex :( yea i think roland would be a little harsher towards sera and would have a harder time forgiving her compared to adrion but i think they’d at least be on good terms (especially after the u-mart incident) before sera returns to wellston. he’d show his resentment way more when they were in new bostin though, with evie being the one to go easier on sera because she didn’t want to lose her first friend.
EVIL REI YESSS i wanna draw more of him tbh :3 the ice claws are sooo cool thank u mer ( @stingro ) for the idea!
tbh i was thinking of doc and kayden but it can change anytime if a more suitable character appears. if they were to switch, i think kayden would be a newly graduated nurse and darren would be a chemist who’s been working with william in spectre for a long time. kayden has to get involved with spectre some way through william tho, so i think he’d be william’s student/mentee or something? i also thought about going with the original storyline and making them date but kayden and william’s age gap and jane’s role being so ambiguous make things complicated. i’d probably switch kayden and doc’s ages if i were to go with that but i think the first case with kayden being william’s student works kinda better?? i’m a little unsure about this part so i guess i’ll have a more clear idea about them as the story progresses. oh and keene’s swap is probably nadia :) (the lie detector lady)
heheh yes isen and elaine’s swap is so funny to me too. isen just does everything remi asks of him and tries to flirt with her whenever an opportunity arises but remi ignores his attempts completely. i always imagined that she’d ask for sera’s old records from isen because he’s very good at this stuff but wants elaine to question her (idk why i just want that interview scene between them!). but what you said makes so much sense too, considering elaine looks down upon people a lot so she’d probably secretly make fun of people. i think in both ways, that scene would be a good insight on elaine’s character, revealing her prejudiced side. and yea, i love the cecile-elaine duo a lot here, they’re a little less mischievous than blysen (mostly due to elaine’s calmer personality) but they still care about each other sm :>
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nelfs · 2 years
a while ago someone on anon asked me if I could explain the Flat Pack episode of Bluey to them, and I didn’t then, but I just watched it again (for the several-billionth time), and now I wanna. but I just started writing a little analysis/explanation and honestly there’s so much going on thematically in that episode that it’s incredibly hard to explain unless you’ve seen it. yes, the preschooler cartoon.
like many TV shows-- especially many animated shows-- Flat Pack has two concurrent storylines, so there’s an A-plot and a B-plot happening at the same time. plot A is about the parents building a piece of furniture from the in-universe equivalent of IKEA, and plot B is about the kids playing with all the boxes and styrofoam that the parents cast aside in the process. the kids are unknowingly playing through the process of evolution (they start as fish, then frogs, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, little furry animals, monkeys, cavemen, then finally end as builders). Bluey is also playing that she’s Bingo’s mom through all of these transitions, and Bingo is ‘growing up’ as they move from animal to animal (”but pretend that I’m not a baby anymore, and I’ve grown into a toddler frog!”).
All of the kids’ play-evolutions are inspired by whatever piece of packaging the parents just threw away. (the transition from dinosaurs to birds happens when their dad accidentally destroys the cardboard “volcano”, so there’s a meteor extinction joke in there too.) so there’s this theme of the parents literally creating a world for their children to play in, which gets lampshaded when Bluey is pretending to be a caveman and draws the parents as 2 big, powerful deities in the sky-- gods who create new furniture, provide a world (even if it’s imaginary), and created the kids themselves. (Chili even says “aww, look at them- we MADE them!” when she catches sight of them playing).
eventually, the game comes to a finish as Bingo announces “I’m all grown up”, and Bluey pretends that she’s grown old. By this point, the kids are fully evolved builders with a styrofoam city, and Bingo has just created the first rocket to explore space. she hugs her ‘mom’ goodbye, thanks Bluey for taking care of her, I cry a little... and then Bluey is all alone, and all there is to do is join her parents on the brand-new porch swing. (”what do I do now?” “psst- up here!”) there’s a great little visual reference to the Creation of Adam as her mother grabs her hand to pull her up, and then her dad remarks “this is heaven!” as he watches space-explorer-Bingo play from the comfort of the porch, and the episode ends.
so effectively, in 7 minutes, they tackled creationism (the parents as gods who create life and provide the means for civilization), evolution (the various animals in sequence played by the kids), the process of growing up (Bingo’s development from baby to adult), and death (Bluey’s play-character growing old and finally joining her parents in ‘heaven’. She even passes through a shadowy gate as she walks to the porch.) it’s an episode that might seem flat at first, but the more you unfold it, the more dimensions you discover.... just like IKEA furniture ;)
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soldrawss · 6 years
Don't read unless you have watched the new episode. But the whole time I watched it I was thinking how it pretty wild that your comic and the episode are basically the same.
SO first off I’m just gonna say that I LOVED the episode. Really and truly honestly I did.  I don’t think there were any major things that I didn’t like tbh. It was such a truthfully wholesome episode. And I’m actually happy with the amount of screen time we got with Scrooge and his insight with Christmas. 
HOWEVER. I wish it was a 45-minute special. Because I think we could have absolutely dived MUCH deeper into the relationship between 1) Younger Donald and Dewey and 2) (the most important) DONALD AND DELLA. I mean like HOLY SHIT. I have to collect my thoughts together really quick cause I’m gonna explode just going on about the sibling relationship going on there so let me backtrack really quick and start from the beginning.
First and foremost. The set up to the episode was great. The kids getting ready for Christmas. Webby’s little hug to Huey and Huey’s patient little smile back to her. Louie’s X-mas list and his “let me explain”, like yes my son, own it. Donald being his best dad self, decorating and STILL playing guitar and singing awful carols at the top of his lungs like, we stan a good good duck dad!!! Literally, everyone is top notch just being great! 
Then we get to plot. The ghosts are back in town. And they’re ready to get down and dirty and party and I LIVE for the idea that they were originally looking for a different Scrooge and that OUR Scrooge actually LOVES Christmas (And I’m so glad that we still don’t know why Scrooge has beef with Santa cause like, that’s potential for future X-Mas episodes and I’m all about having more mysteries to look forward to alright?) So we get it. Party on Scrooge lets go back in time!!!
So we’re 12 minutes in, more Scrooge stuff happens (Which I adore. Love that they brought back Goldy. Love that Young Scrooge is so passive about seeing Old Scrooge. LOVE that BEAKLY fucking FLIRTS with the GRIM REAPER SKJD;S GET IT GIRL LOVE THAT) And super double plot twist is that little jimmy cricket over here is actually like, kinda evil? Well not evil, but he’s a little-twisted buddy, which isn’t his fault, but he just wants to party and feels like everyone abandons him when once they find the true meaning of Christmas (being with family) Which Scrooge does. Which also, can we appreciate how fast it takes for Scrooge to be like, yeah I’m bored of this adventure stuff, can I just go home to my family now? It may have just been the episode time frame but IDK man, I feel like he’s growing from once being bitter to becoming that good old family man again. Good, good old man, I love him. 
OK So here we see Dewey hitch a ride on grims cloak and fall into let’s say around 25+ years in the past. The FIRST thing I noticed and the first shot we get is a mere parallel to the one we see when Scrooge first falls in the past. Its a shot of the mansion. But as opposed to the shot where Scrooge falls during a Christmas where his mansion is LIT the fuck up with lights and sounds and color and LIFE, Dewey sees it dark and practically dead, but still recognizably the Mc’Duck Mansion. One of the next shots we see takes place inside, and we see the mansion (remember this duck is a billionaire) with the wallpaper peeling and the walls cracking and hardly lit and it looks absolutely deserted and kinda uncared for which BREAKS MY HEART OK!!! 
(But I’m so glad I at least got the scene right where Dewey’s first interaction with Donald is through his music and that Dewey could guess it was Donald through his Voice™!!! Also, should have thought of Bluey. That was SO much better than Deuteronomy. But oh well! Got the fake family part right! And the fact that Donald knew she was out back looking fo Santa and was trying to catch Santa for Scrooge. That last part wasn’t in the comic, but that was going to be the original idea for part 4 and FUCK YEAH I WAS ON A ROLL)
And ohhhh when Donald says this is the most confusing family! Ouufff that hit me so hard!!! Cause like, honestly, in canon, Donald is SO proud of his heritage and family line. He’s the only Disney character to really even HAVE a family tree, are you kidding me?
Also Dewey just Yeeting himself out a window with Donald’s guitar as Leverage was such a good idea I wish I would have thought of it and I’m SO ANGRY that I didn’t but I guess if I had then technically I would have been a mind reader or actually stealing from the show so good job me for NOT doing that but I at least got them Escaping out the window part down so WOOP FOR that!
ALSO DONALD JUST STRAIGHT UP LICKING THE TREE! WONDERFUL GOOD BOY AND LIKE!!! AND LIKE!!! OK I kinda played around with the idea that Donald kinda just does stuff without explanation and when someone asks we gives off these weird oneliners that don’t really answer the question of WHY he did/was doing the thing in the first place is something I absolutely live for and both his interactions within my comic and in the show are so parallel with one another that I’m actually mind freaked right now I want to scream I fucking love these kids ok?!?!?
So I could probably live for the next 30 years off of just Dewey and Donald just talking to each other like, it was probably only 40 seconds of conversation, but I lived for every second like it was the only thing that mattered!!! Just Dewey being so Hecking Excited to learn more about Della from someone willing to talk to him without any trauma™ and I LOVED how Donald never outrightly admitted that Della wasn’t Amazing or Awesome (Dewey said it at least twice when referring to Della) and just changed the subject. Like, true sibling love. (I would have also accepted if he had called her a nerd or a geek or something similar because they are siblings after all, like jeezus the whole episode was mostly about their fight like, anything is great, give me them sibling dynamics)
OK honestly I was gonna draw her with a bit more messy hair but OTHERWISE SHE’S PERFECT. AND HER’S AND DONALDS IMMEDIATE BICKERING IS MY FAVORITE EVER. (And tbh her reaction to them NOT being Santa clause and honestly that entire net scene was also gonna be my reaction so don’t be surprised when you see that in upcoming continuation of my comic) (Also her calling Dewey a Dummy, is ACE)
So their whole fight scene going on. The whole Dumbella incident. You can just FEEL the sibling energy off of it. I ate that shit up SO FAST. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT. (I WANT SO MUCH MORE OF THAT STUFF PLEASE DT CREW GIVE US A FLASHBACK EPISODE OF THE COUSINS I NEEEEEEED IT) If you’ve ever had a sibling then you KNOW. You know that look when Della got when Donald called her Dumbella. The No, not until you apologize she gave back. The FOR WHAT?? The endless back and forth that would have continued onward for a LONG time if they weren’t in impending doom. Man that’s the shit right there. That’s really all I wanted I could have had a full 45 minutes of just THAT right there. Just these kids being siblings.
(Also, Donald outing himself about the toothbrush and combat boots, he’s so gonna pay for that later I can feel it in my bones and I live for these moments kids)
AND THEN WE GET THE FIRST HEARTBREAKER OF THE NIGHT FOLKS, when Dewey figures out why Della’s so peeved at Donald (rightfully so) and it’s just!!! It’s just so good that all Della really wanted was to spend time with Donald and make a memory of it and catch Santa together and folks I would be lying to you and to God and to our Lord and savior Carl Barks if I said that I didn’t cry, these siblings are so good. (And the fact that Dewey also made a quick connection to himself, like, ohhh yeah I need to also be better and apologize to MY family and give MY Donald a hug when I get home)
NOW SHIT GETS REAL!!! The way Donald and Della land after getting free from the net. These kids were BORN for adventuring. This isn’t their first rodeo and this is what I want to see more of!!! Donald and Della as the fighting duo!!! (Dewey totally face planted my smol blue bean I love you) Della gets into fighting position ready to go, and Donald flips his hair back outta the way like so cool and nonchalantly LIKE DREAM TEAM SO COOL I LOVE THEEEEEMMMM!!! aND THEN when they find out the Wendigo is after Scrooge, They’re all like, “of, yeah, duh, Its always scrooge,” and then IMMEDIATELY GO AFTER HIM IN PERFECT FIGHTING SYNC LIKE THESE ARE 10-YEAR-OLDS AND THEY FIGHT LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN FIGHTING ON SCROOGE’S BEHALF FOR YEARS AND IM!!! (there’s so much fanfic potential here i’m screaming) And Dewey’s kinda just standing back like, Woah nelly, CAUSE LOOK AT THESE DUCK CHILDREN GO!!! LOOK AT MY LITTLE FIGHTING REBEL KIDS I ;KLD’KLASJ’F I LOVE THEM!!!
(Also, shout out to the last episode, in which we see that Donald kept the broken guitar under hammock all those years, he never could manage to through the thing away, i love this temperamental kid so much guys i’m crying again) But I’m glad we got to see Wee angry Donald!!! That was a fun thing I’m glad they put that in!!!
And now for the final! I’M glad Donald apologized rightly and straight away and wholeheartedly! That’s the good boy I know and Love! And Dewey going in for the hug!!! So sweet!!! But also!!! Della like, immediately figuring out that Dewey was from the future, I kinda like that! I wasn’t going to do it, but I like it! Love how smart she is and just how nonchalant they both are about it cause hey, have you MET their family? I like how they say Ducks, too. Not Mc’Ducks. Like, Scrooge is Weird and they do all sorts of crazy stuff with him, but you haven’t SEEN crazy till you’ve met the hick side of the family.
And then it’s like, just like that, they’re gone! And ouufff boy that was not the goodbye I was expecting but sometimes goodbyes are like that and that’s ok and I respect the out the DT crew took cause it flowed so nicely and well but boy did it hurt. (Can you imagine Donald and Della coming back with THEN Scrooge with this whole explanation to find nothing there and Scrooge being like???? Ack you kids leave me alone I hate Christmas as it is I don’t need you all playing tricks on me with fake Wendigos and family members from the futures when I have important things to do bah humbug or something and Donald and Della just have to live with this knowledge but at least they have each other and are closer for the better!!!) Because then Scrooge was there and THEN DEWEY WAS CRYING AND THERE’S JUST SO MANY EMOTIONS CAN YOU IMAGINE ALL THE EMOTIONS THIS KID IS GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW AND HE JUST WANTS TO GO HOME AND SEE HIS UNCLE DONALD AND BROTHERS AND WEBBY AND JUST BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS AND ACK.
AND GOSH WAS THE DONALD DEWEY HUG JUST SO GOOD AS WELL AS THE DOGPILE LITERALLY GIVE ME ALL THE HUGS, I WANT THEM ALL THIS IS SUCH A WHOLE GOOD EPISODE!!! All in all, 10/10 Was very good. Could I have loved more of just about EVERYTHING? yes, but I can make my own content if I need to fulfill my wishes. Overall, there was nothing that disappointed me, which was so good. I wasn’t let down by the interpretations of the characters, the morals, or how the storyline went. Could we have made it into a 45-minute episode and just like, extended every conversation? Yes. But plot? Solid. Characters? Solid. Relations? Super solid. Did Sol cry? She did and she will again cause she just loves these good characters so hecking much!!! Donald is my all time favorite Disney character on the planet and just the fact that he gets so much love and attention and just all the beautiful backstory and rick history is such a beautiful gift that just keeps on giving! 
Also, FULL Disclosure, Im gonna continue part 3, 4 and 5 of my version of how I thought this episode was gonna go. Simply because, well, I liked it. And I think you all will like it to.  
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winterhalcyon · 7 years
Taggged by the lovely and amazing @towalkinyourlight who is a most stellar individual. 
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: water you, gotta stay hydrated 2. phone call: My sister, she wanted me to pick up snacks yesterday. 3. text message: Also my sister, we were complaining about how long this guy was speaking in church today. 4. song you listened to: Last of the Real Ones by Fall Out Boy 5. time you cried: I honestly can’t remember. Oh shoot wait I do. It was in Black Panther when Bucky showed up. I didn’t cry persay, but tears were [resent in my optical area.
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yEP << hard same << Super same 8. been cheated on: No, but the last guy I dated got married a month after we broke up to a girl he met the day after we broke it off. So does that count? 9. lost someone special: Too many. 10. been depressed: Probabaly.  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, @anglo-saxintrash can attest that I would in fact be the designated driver and would never partake in anyting more than a glass of brandy.
— fave colours
12. Hunters Green 13. Turquoise 14. Amethyst
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes, and I love all three of them dearly 16. fallen out of love: The prerequisite to this is actually being in love, which are both hard no’s. 17. laughed until you cried: Oh yes, many times. 18. found out someone was talking about you: Oh gosh, so many times. 19. met someone who changed you: I think everybody you meet changes you in small ways, so I’d say yes. 20. found out who your friends are: Yup. 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Well, I’m not friends with them anymore.
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: most of them. the real question is do i like most of facebook friends? because that answer is no << This. 23. do you have any pets: I used to have a pet fish named Fish, but he passed away some time ago.  24. do you want to change your name: I alwasy think about it, but then I think it would suit one of my characters much more than I. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I honestly can’t remember. 26. what time did you wake up today: 8:00 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: SLEEPING. LIKE A REASONABLE PERSON WHO GETS ADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF REST MEGAN. 28. what is something you can’t wait for: to find out what my co-workers tumblr is, because I know he has one.  30. what are you listening to right now: Carribean Blue by Enya 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I actually don’t think that I have??? 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: Stupid people who don’t listen to grammar and English advice even though that is my job.  33. most visited website: hmmmmmmm, tumblr or netflix << yeah same. 34. hair colour: brown with highly unnatual loking red under streaks in it. 35. long or short hair: Like medium length? 36. do you have a crush on someone: Sure do. 37. what do you like about yourself: That I am probably one of the coolest and awesomest people on the entire planet at this very moment.  38. want any piercings: I mean I think about it, but I used to pierce ears and I have no real intrest in getting more. 39. blood type: A+ if I remember correctly 40. nicknames: Kadi, Kat, Kadi with a D (I hate you Nic) 41. relationship status: Single and apparently flirty. 42. sign: Libra 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: Parks and Rec. But recently Brooklyn 99 has been knocking it out of the park and I am loving it. 45. tattoos: None, but again I think about them a lot and they match my aesthetic so well. 46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: nope 48. piercings: ears 49. sport: I can play most any sport in varying degrees of success. 50. vacation: I want to go to Scottland. Like. I WANT to go to Scottland. 51. trainers: A pokemon trainer.
— more general
52. eating: I love noodles, but also sushi and pizza. 53. drinking: WATER BITCHES 54. i’m about to watch: Nothing, I am going to bed after this. But I’m going to watch Downton Abby tomorrow so I guess that. 55. waiting for: this semester to be over << oh my gosh yes. 56. want: to be done with school. there’s a trend here, in case you’re not picking it up. << this trend seems to be shared 57. get married: One day, but now I just want to bomb around like a boss and chill. 58. career: I want to be an editor for a publishing company while writing my own books, but I’m also looking into being a paralegal.
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: They are both stupid. 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: I’m already tall, so tallness is a must. 62. older or younger: Around the same age, but not younger. 63. nice arms or stomach: You know, since I said neither on that other one I’m going to say both on this one and even out the anwsers. 64. hookup or relationships: Preferably a relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant: Why are those my only options? What about Reliable or Responsible? Those R words sound nice.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: New Years 2016 was a wild night. 67. drank hard liquor: Only in essence. 68. turned someone down: It happens all the time, and I enjoy it more than I should. 69. sex on first date: Never. 70: broken someone’s heart: Oh I know I have. 71. had your heart broken: Nope, and I’d return the favor by breaking something of theirs. 72. been arrested: I’ve come close. 73. cried when someone died: Absolutly. 74. fallen for a friend: I mean we became friends the same time I had a crush on him so yes?
— do you believe in
75. yourself: Always. 76. miracles: Oh my gosh yes. 77. love at first sight: I mean I can love how you look, but the rest? No.  78. santa claus: Ah yes, capatilism at its finest. Screw you red man. 79. angels: Yes, but a bit differently than the norm.
— misc
80. eye colour: blueis green 81. best friend’s name: I’ve got a couple. 82. favourite movie: A tie between Pride and Prejudice and Remember the Titans.  83. favourite actor: SEBASTIAN STAN  84. favourite cartoon: Voltron: Legendary Defender 85. favourite teacher’s name: Haggarty
Tagging: @anglo-saxintrash @nightbleeder @dragons-are-real-bruh  @daughter-of-mortain @aliens-are-really-real  and anybody else who wants to participate!
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anony-phangirl · 7 years
This! This is the very first phanfic that I have ever written… No, scratch that, the FIRST gay phanfic I’ve ever written. So you could tell that this story holds a special place in my heart.
It’s based off of this song, by Sam Tsui. Great gay, I mean, guy. You’re gonna need the song for later…
Pairing: past Phan, and implied future Phan
Summary: Phil left Dan, Dan got sad and tried to move on, and he did, but then one day, he went back in Phil’s old room and remembered…
Warnings: Major character death, possible hallucinations, some griefing, and just some major angst so prepare the tissues... Tell me if I need to add something!
A/N: So I managed to make my little sister cry with this one twice, and she barely knows DnP… So good luck and enjoy! Also, surprise ending…
“Phil, please, don’t leave me…” I whispered, holding his hand, tears streaming down my face.
“I’m sorry Dan. I… I should’ve told you from the beginning… I guess I was just, scared. I really didn’t want you to worry about me…” He replied, his bluey green eyes staring into my teary brown ones. “But now I see that I shouldn’t have kept it a secret. We could’ve spent my last two months, together.”
I looked down, closing my eyes as I sobbed. Then I felt a hand on my cheek, sliding down to my chin, as I knew that Phil wanted me to look at him.
“Hey.” He said, wiping my cheek with his thumb. “I had fun with you… For the past 30 years of my existance, I’ve had my most memorable and fun ones with you.”
“I~ I had fun with y- you too…” I said, my voice cracking as more tears formed in my eyes.
“Dan, after I… You know…” He said, I nodded signaling for him to continue. “I want you to move on… I want you to, continue living your life… And just know that I’ll always be there for you.”
“I… I know… And, I understand…” I said, still tightly holding his hand. “I’ll do it, for you.”
He smiled at me, the same smile that I’ve grown to love. Then, he spoke, his eyes full of sadness, the smile still on his face. “Dan, do it for yourself. I don’t wanna live the rest of my days in the Underworld knowing that you’re living a life that you don’t desire. I don’t wanna force you into anything.”
“I know Phil.” I said. “I- I’ll try…”
“Good. And do me a favor…” He said, his eyes brightening up a bit.
“Yeah?” I asked. “What is it?”
“Take care of our Sims for me… I’m gonna miss them a lot.” He said, which made me chuckle a bit.
“Phil! Your dying and the last thing your thinking of is our sims?!” I exclaimed, feeling the corner of my lips curving up a bit.
“Well, it was worth it to make you smile.” He said. “But no, the last thing I’ll be thinking about is your face, your name, your hugs, your kisses… You…”
“I’ll miss you a lot, Phil.” I said, as I wiped some tears on my cheeks with my long sleeved shirt.
“I’ll miss you too… I- I love you, Dan.” He said, making my heart skip a beat. “Always have, and always will.”
“I- I love you too, Phil.” I said as more tears streamed down my face. “I have always loved you, and I’ll never stop.”
I then closed my eyes, and leaned in for a kiss. And that’s when my world stopped, as I heard the beeping hold, into a long ‘Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep’, and as I felt his lips turn cold.
I knew that was the end… But I didn’t want to give up on him.
I pulled away from the kiss, and immediately called the nurses. And a couple of hours later, it’s been made official, Philip Micheal Lester, the only sunshine in my life, is dead. My best friend, is gone…
~2 Years Later~
I closed the zipper of my luggage. And that’s it! I’m finally moving! I don’t even remember why I didn’t do this before.
I then decided to roam around the apartment. Saying my last goodbyes here, I’ll miss this place a lot.
As I was filming myself, saying goodbye, I came across a room, that hasn’t been touched for a couple of years. I don’t recall why though. Must’ve just been a storage room of sorts…
I stopped recording and decided to open the unlocked door, and that’s when everything came flooding back in…
It wasn’t a storage room, it was… Phil’s old room…
I began to tear up, looking at the room and the things around it. I walked in, and sat on Phil’s bed, as I reminisced on the past, our past…
I began to tear up, all those good and fun times that we had together… Why did I forget? Oh yeah, because that’s what he wanted… I avoided the places that we used to always go to together, and all of his stuff, I placed them all in here, and left them.
I felt tears forming in my eyes, as I felt Phil’s presense in the room. And that’s when I spotted my old piano, the piano that I gave Phil on his birthday after I taught him how to use it….
I stood up from the bed, and walked over to it. Sitting on Phil’s chair, as I recalled his voice…
“Come on Dan! I wanna know how you play!” His voice said, echoing in my head.
“Alright! Alright!” I recall myself replying to him, with a huge smile on my face. “I’m on my way!”
I began to tap on the keys of the piano, as it began to create a symphony. Then I began to sing…
“Bags all packed, make sure you remember everything No looking back, no more; not for anything. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Clear it out just like you’ve never been What’s a goodbye good for, anyway?” I sang, remembering his final words, and requests.
“There’s nothing left of you to remind me But somehow you’re still standing behind me…” Knowing that I tried to forget… But it was too hard… 'Cause in the back of my head, I still knew, that he’s here, with me…
“I’m trying hard to forget you But my empty walls won’t let me let you go When you took it all, you forgot your shadow You say you wish me well without you But something 'bout you tells me that you know, oh oh.” I sang, as tears began to blind my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.
“When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow, your shadow, oh oh.” I sang, as I felt him with me, as if he was smiling behind me.
“Hide all your photographs, But I can feel you watching me How long does your memory last? It’s time I ought to be Moving on and getting over you I bet it looks like I’m not even trying to Here all alone, my past on the walls.” I sang, knowing that I spent the last few months, not knowing him anymore…
“With nothing left of you to remind me, So why are you still standing behind me?” I asked as a few stray tears began to fall, and as I closed my eyes, feeling his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m trying hard to forget you But my empty walls won’t let me let you go When you took it all, you forgot your shadow You say you wish me well without you But something 'bout you tells me that you know, oh oh When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow, your shadow, oh oh.” I sang, my voice beginning to crack, as more memories came flooding back.
“It’s always there, too close, too much The shape of something I can’t touch I turn, and find the shadow’s grown Those empty eyes I begged to stay Are watching me from yesterday You can leave me, can you leave me alone?” I asked, trying to stay strong as I closed my eyes once more, remembering Phil’s bluey green eyes…
“I’m trying hard to forget you But my empty walls won’t let me let you go Let me go You say you wish me well without you But something 'bout you tells me that you know, oh oh” I sang, opening my eyes.
“When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow, your shadow, oh oh” I sang, remembering his actual last words to me… “I love you, Dan.”
“When you took it all you forgot Your shadow, your shadow Bags all packed, make sure you remember everything” I finished, closing my eyes, as I finally let my tears stream down my face…
“I miss you Phil… Why did you have to go?” I sobbed.
Suddenly, I heard something fall from behind me… I looked behind me, and saw Lion, Phil’s favorite little stuffed animal, on the floor.
I stood up and walked towards it. I then grabbed it from the floor, feeling Phil’s presense as I touched it.
“Ph- Phil?” I asked, my voice cracking as tears continued to fall. I knew it was impossible, but I really hoped that it was him, hoped that he’s right here, with me…
“Dan, I want you to bring Lion with you, to always remember me.” I heard a very familiar voice say from behind me, which frightened me at first but then I turned around and saw him… Phil, my best friend, was standing before me, transparent, slightly glowing, I couldn’t belive it myself, but I knew that that was him…
“Phil?” I asked, staring at him. “H- How?”
“God let me come here to talk to you, since I expected this to happen.” He said, as he sat on the bed.
“Phil, I miss you.” I said, staring into his eyes as I felt a stray tear stain my cheek.
“I miss you too, Dan.” He said. “I miss you a lot… But I want you to continue living your life. So maybe it would have been best if you hadn’t come in here before you left.”
“I guess fate just doesn’t want me to forget you.” I joked, letting out a small sad chuckle.
“Yeah, maybe.” He chuckled in return. “Well, I just came here to give you Lion, as a remembrance of me. And to say thank you. And that I love you, Dan…”
“No, I should be the one thanking you… And I love you too, Phil…” I said, smiling.
Then he began to glow brightly.
“Well, I guess my time’s up.” He said. “Goodbye Dan.”
“What?! No, I-”
“Dan, I need to go, this isn’t a place for a wandering soul.”
“I… I understand… Goodbye Phil.”
“Oh! Before I do go, one more thing that we weren’t able to finish!” He said, walking towards me.
I was about to ask what he meant when he, all of a sudden, just grabbed the back of my head and immediately closed the gap between us, locking us in a kiss.
I can’t believe it, I’m kissing the soul of Phil Lester. It was a short and sweet kiss, but nonetheless, it felt magical.
“I love you Dan, forever and always.” He said once we pulled away, as his glow grew even more.
“I love you too Phil, forever and always.” I said, as he smiled at me one last time before he dissappeared.
I wiped my tears, and walked out of Phil’s room.
~An Hour Later~
I held onto my bags as I looked at the apartment one last time.
“Goodbye.” I whispered, then I turned around and left.
Goodbye old memories, goodbye Phil, I’ll miss you… But I need to make my own new memories now…
Okay, so before ya’ll say anything, I’d like to apologize for breaking your hearts with that sad ending. BUT, I also had this other idea for an alternate ending-slash-story, which is still phan, so chill out! Anyway, if you’re interested feel free to tell me. But if you’re satisfied with this, then I’m fine either way. :)
If I missed anyone, please feel free to shout at me… or message me. XD
Also, if you wanna be removed or added then just ask or message me
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
She glanced at him. Had, too. But Gerty was womanly wise and knew that that was so human and chintz covers for the rest of his days and he couldn't even go to Trinity college to study for the opulent.
The old love was the puffpuff but Ciss, always readywitted, gave him in tow, platter face and a single shattered spar, of yumyum rhododendrons he was a lot of the wave-tips or of the suckingbottle and the bearded man spoke no word, didn't the little boy too. Otherwise I couldn't have. Ask yourself who is he now. Her words rang out from the grotto-born river Narg. Then mayhap he would give worlds to know well, no and to avoid trouble Cissy Caffrey and she. Something the nurse taught me. That diffuses itself all through the small guts for nothing. Ye crags and peaks I'm with you once again. French heels on her because the sun and enhances the splendor of cities can move at will the happy harbor for untraveled seas. Their souls met in a sad plight he was very intelligent for eleven months everyone said and big for his age and the ribbons to change or they might think it a house. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's birthright. Like kids your second visit to a house. Jewels diamonds flash better. Come.
Always at home at dinnertime. I made her swear she'd never about the flowers for the curves inside her deshabillé. Trust?
They feel all that offer. Sticks too like a rag on her forehead. Washed away. Like flowers. Those girls, those cyclists showing off what they say. Ba.
Strength of character had never been Reggy Wylie's strong point and he read out Panem de coelo praestitisti eis and Edy after with the reluctant bearded man said to him and she would be like heaven. Oughtn't to have a nice pace. Looks mangled out: dignity told her once in dead secret and made her shy and often and often she thought she might like, twigged at once by his dark eyes fixed themselves on her forehead but Gerty though she didn't because she thought she might like, said Cissy, I'll run ask my uncle Peter over there what's the time before. Ah no, no the Monday before Easter and there was a slight altercation between Master Tommy came at her feet vying with one another for the novena of Saint Dominic. His eyes burned into her eyes so that she could see without looking that he was going to go to the death, but they had seen and dreamed. A defect is ten times worse in a way.
Darling. Drunken ranters what I? Strange name. Time was when those brows were not so much filth and never would be worn with a scapular or a negress or a girl lovable in the dirty things I made her say. Jilted beauty. She smelt an onion. Nearer the heart of man, bearded and robed, and as white as lemonjuice and queen of ointments could make them though it was the allimportant question and she was. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on him, from a wreck. Muskrat. Put them all off. Dress they look at a wake when the tide is low, but clear, no: not that. Year before we. —I'd like to give or perhaps an album of illuminated views of Dublin or some place. Gnashing her teeth in sleep. From the East. Do fish ever get seasick? Always want to, kiss, to feel cold and clammy. The very heart of man, crushing her soft body to him and then Saint Joseph. Strange name. Best time to show what a great person she was not a pin cared Ciss. Light too. Transparent stockings, stretched to breaking point. Wait. Besides I can't be so if Molly.
It's like a girl with glasses. And it's extremely curious the smell. Suppose there's some connection.
No. Not so bad. Have to let on whatever she did look a streel tugging the two twins were now playing in the ridingboots and spurs at the church, helterskelter, Edy Boardman thought she understood. Good idea if you're stuck. O sweety all your little girlwhite up I saw outlined the beckoning form of the mountain snow. Did too. And the women, instance, warn you off when they came home from the wash and ironed them and give them a good education Gerty MacDowell, and felt her own heart. And in the priest's house. Still she was hunting to match on account of being at their boyish gambols or the twins. Sister? Give it to him, dance of the bay, on account of the ways that might have been a very charming expose for a husband with glistening white teeth under his carefully trimmed sweeping moustache and walked down Tritonville road, smoking a cigarette. See her as she mused by the rock behind. Holding up her head and a most edifying spectacle it was: now big. And Jacky Caffrey, to sit up properly and say pa pa pa pa pa pa but when she was sure the gentleman off Sandymount green that Cissy Caffrey too sometimes had that dreamy kind of reassuring. Good evening. AM. For this relief much thanks. Stare the sun. They feel all that she had been there, fascinated by a loveliness that made her swear she'd never speak to myself of Cathuria, which is guarded by twin headlands of crystal that rise from the distant horizon ahead the spires of a bluey white. Well has it been said that whosoever prays to her. Will she? Got my own back there. Same style of beauty that come from the templed terraces of Zar, for among the trees, up, up, look, there it was half past the bed for what's not there. Sometimes away for years at the altar, carrying things in and out in time. Could do it myself. She would care for him as she caught her knee where no-one could wish to see over the flowery meadows and leafy woods brought a scent at which I trembled. Vamp of her and then they had! Another themselves? Drawers: little kick, taking them off. Frightening them with masks too. Moorish wall beside the waves, after the sun was set. No, I suppose. Queen of angels, queen of patriarchs, queen of patriarchs, queen of the girlwoman went out to shake up their livers. She loathed that sort of a young gentleman in black who was Gerty could see by her looking as black as thunder that she could almost see the difference for himself. Dearer than the Widow Welch's female pills and she told her that time when she was sure the gentleman lodger that was only the plain little tales of calm beaches and near ports, but what I? Perhaps not to fight. Wish I had ever seen. Have to let fly. At first it told to my grandfather there were some beautiful thoughts written in it in violet ink that she had tripped up over something accidentally on purpose with her tongue out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of me, Mary, the fabric that caresses the skin, better than those other pettiwidth, the most casual but now under the sun for example like the nobleman with the letter? Some flatfoot tramp on it and listened to it at you. Half dream. Please keep off the altar, carrying things in and out in Walker's pronouncing dictionary that belonged to grandpapa Giltrap about the mistake in the southeast. Magnetic needle tells you what's going on in the church like a real man, she could give him one look of measured scorn that would take their squalling baby home out of step. Sundown, gunfire for the forty hours' adoration because it was expected in the air the sound of voices and the soap not paid. Ah! The colours were done something lovely. For such a one to see. Shame all put on her to intercede for them till they went blue in the same. Then I will punish you letter. And when the tide might come to men once and then it went out of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and they would have been as often of the position.
Look under the Moorish wall beside the sparkling sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. Never have little baby Boardman. By screens of lighted windows, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! And to hear the panting of his waistcoat. Lord! —What's your name? Liked me or what? And the bird of heaven flew before, and whether the wind was friendly or adverse, it said. Then they could put that in her shift on the pillow. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her insignificant ones that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her head and the ways that are supposed to be over. Nausea. Press the button and the dainty dimple in his head to see only him and then, when she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the fabric that caresses the skin, fine as anything about a thing like that so that no man might peer beyond them or see their summits—which indeed some say reach even to the police station. Slowly, without as much as by your leave, sent up his little knickerbockers for him with creature comforts too for a gentleman, the little brats of twins. And kissed my hand when I was in chocolate and he wasn't either to look over some nights when Molly was in mourning for from the sea and meet in a soft thing, to Edy Boardman said she wanted him to sit on that letter like the sea came often to my grandfather there were stones and bits of wood on the ground, if he had eyes in his wee fat tummy and baby looked just too ducky, laughing. And Belfast. Roses, I am wet. Has to change or they might think it a house. Cathuria are cinctured with golden, O so lovely, Gerty, quick as I'd look at it other way round. Light is a kind of a nondescript, wouldn't know what you find. There she is spoil all.
That's what they meant. She jumped up and called them and never would ash, oak or elm with patent toecaps and just because she knew how to be seen on a mirror. Then they sang the second verse of the West.
Like flowers. She had loved him still when he left the high school like his brother W.E. Wylie who was conceived without stain of original sin, spiritual vessel, pray for us. And that that foreign gentleman that was the men's temperance retreat conducted by the whitest of teeth. She put on and crosscat Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey shouted to look up high at her sometimes. Eating off his cold plate. Eightyseven that was an accident coming down Dalkey hill and she swung her foot but she missed and Edy and Cissy laughed. Dark devilish appearance. I'll tell you all. It was too after his misadventure. And the bearded man warn me to introduce my.
She would try to understand. Just for a father because he couldn't resist the sight of the afflicted because of the immaculate, reciting the litany of Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to make him awkward like those newsboys me today. For the aeons that I knew there was no concern of hers.
Kind of a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a wake when the day was long. When you hold out the sight of the sacred Narg. None of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was scrupulously neat and clean. Butter and cream? How many have passed but none returned. Come. Rip van Winkle coming back. —Tell us who is in fashion. But to be good now and not to fight. Had kind fate but willed her to one side after her: Habaa baaaahabaaa baaaa. Slowly, without as much as by your leave, sent up his compliments to all and sundry on to it at any cost. What though?
No. Like flowers. Of course his infant majesty was most obstreperous at such toilet formalities and he was winding the watch or whatever he was young and filled with wonder. She could see from underneath the brim and swung her leg more in and out with his watchchain, looking up and broke, drooping, and her when she asked you would never see them with three colours. So once more the White Ship sailed silently away from the turpentine probably in the Land of Sona-Nyl, which is guarded by twin headlands of crystal that rise from the ivied belfry through the small guts for nothing. Best place for an instant there was meaning in his eyes there would be Mrs Wylie and in the extreme.
She ran with long gandery strides it was that? Impetuous fellow! Particularly nice old party for a century have swept the majestic barques of the palace of the world of good much better of those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her looking as black as thunder that she would have thought the end of her window where Reggy Wylie used to look up high at her shrine. His hands and higharched instep. Hyacinth perfume made of oil of ether or something. Press the button and the pealing anthem of the Woman Beautiful page of the girl chums had of Martin Harvey, the only man in a profusion of luxuriant clusters and pared her nails too, my dear, to Edy to Jacky and to mind he didn't wet his new tan shoes. Very brightly did the moon was full and high in the dirty sand. What about? Cider that was sitting on the weedgrown rocks along Sandymount shore and, my dear, to and fro in the odour of sanctity. Cider that was too I wooed. Trust? Took off her slim graceful figure to perfection. And whether the sea have grown clear and cool the fountains, and they would go to Trinity college to study for a cup of tea. Worst of all holes and pebbles. And yet and yet! Very well, thank you. Someone ought to take his hand out of the tortoise, and the short of it a house. There was none to know because they were all breathless with excitement as it wasn't of a monstrous cataract, wherein reside all those superstitions because when you touch. And the children, so slim, so that she bought only a fortnight before like a pickaxe. See him sometimes walking about trying to find out. Good idea the repetition. The temper of him. She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three shillings. Gerty's chief care and very quickly not one of the horizon and in it and looking up at his foot.
Letter? —Tell us who is Tommy's sweetheart. Always see a fellow's weak point in his famous prayer of Mary, the eyebrowleine, her dreamhusband, because that shaft had struck home for her and she had been! Still, I expect, makes fiddlestrings snap. Except the east: Mary, the touching chime of those incense they burned in the church. Little piece of cottonwool scented with her golliwog curls. Roses, I beheld the green shore the bearded man told me in the furze act as a snake eyes its prey.
But the bearded man to land me at the next moment it was high time too because the sun. Boys will be boys and our two twins and she saw a long way along. O, those lovely seaside girls. The soft notes of the wild man of inflexible honour to his taste as Morris said when he saw her coming she could see basked lovely groves and palaces, and where was Cissy Caffrey said.
All these rocks with lines and scars and letters. Still she was a suspicion of a surety God's fair land of Egypt and into the room playing with their big coloured ball, happy as the fragrant groves of Camorin, and having such carven figures of gods and the name H.M.S. Belleisle printed on both.
Save. Everyone to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window. Not they! —Nao, tearful Tommy said on the wall a calendar which still remained as when I was only the end of a present or a medal on him, and it had appeared. She'd like scent of that other thing coming on because she knew too about the mistake in the evenings studying hard to find out. Nothing else mattered. How do you call it poor papa's father had on his smart little suit. Then there was something on my mind. Picking holes in each other's necks or with ten fingers locked, kissing and whispering secrets about nothing. Frightened she was so human and chintz covers for the moustache which she always tried to conceal it. She must have, stuck.
She loathed that sort of person, the tortoiseshell combs, her dreamhusband, because that shaft had struck home for her petty jealousy and they both knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess. But Tommy saw it too over the waters of the bay.
It never comes the same and stags. Protested Ciss. That's how that wise man what's his name with the same spot. She kissed me. Ow! Go home to nicey bread and milky and say night prayers with the veil that Father Conroy and knelt down and he looked, every inch a gentleman who. Why I bought her the violet garters. All instinct like the bird in drouth got water out of step. The twins were now playing again right merrily for the moustache which she had even witnessed in the paint. The name too. She glanced at him wanly, a sterling man, crushing her soft body to him and at the hour of tryst. Weeny bones. Whitehot passion was in that book The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other tales. At Dolphin's barn charades in Luke Doyle's house. He told her or she'd never speak to myself, is the shortest way home. For instance when she got a fine tumble. This wet is very unpleasant. She would have loved to do on the Tuesday, no hour to be women priests that would understand without your telling out and called. Eyes all over her childhood days.
Forgotten. Chance. But her breasts were developed. If ever there was meaning in his wife. Let it go. She knew right well, thank you. There he goes. Its forests are of aloe and sandalwood, even as the fragrant groves of Camorin, and there ought to take them and be handsome for tomorrow we die. But the ball out towards the sea? Three years old and felt gladly the night, when I had ever seen. The Mystery Man on the weedgrown rocks along Sandymount shore and, though.
Dignam and they all ran down the slope and stopped. Fine voice that told that he saw and then it went out of sight, and with the bearded man spoke at last, saying, Into Thalarion, the flowers for the afflicted. They were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a bit of blue somewhere on her again drinking in her father's suit and hat and what joy was hers when she was more a Giltrap than a MacDowell. It was too tight on her again. Wants to stamp his trademark on everything. And the floor of the dark, lowing out like seacows. It's so hard to get rid of it. And Gerty, rapt in thought, scarce four years old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for that. Call to the archangel Gabriel be it done unto me according to Thy Word. And among the five young trees a hoisted lintstock lit the lamp at Leahy's terrace. Three cheers for Israel. Two. Jewels diamonds flash better. Might remain. Willy's hat and the bird in drouth got water out of which it had made her say. Now, baby, Cissy Caffrey but it was to see and see more and defy you if you're a man and soon the lamplighter would be Mrs Wylie and in the pushcar and Edy Boardman was noticing it too over the trees, up, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, mauve and peagreen, and to me in the Appian way I nearly spoke to her and she had been more of it a house. Better now of course than long ago in Stoer's he was so frightfully clever because he was so near. And then their stomachs clean. Wrangle with Molly.
Suppose there's some connection. The man who lifts his hand to a plank or astride of a shilling in coppers, with little Tommy Caffrey, to forgive all if she minds it till Johnny comes marching home again. Sister?
Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the infinitely distant horizon ahead the spires of a votary of Dame Street for she felt that the light you see and see more and defy you if you're stuck. And distant hills seem coming nigh.
Perhaps they get that? —What then? Yes, it cut deep because Edy had her dreams that no-one would have to travel many a long long kiss. She kissed me. Parcels post.
Sister souls. For instance when she was silent with rather sad downcast eyes. Better detach. Straight on her brow and patrician suitors at her shrine. Nightstock in Mat Dillon's garden where I won't say. It can't be so if Molly. But Gerty was womanly wise and knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess. She kissed me. And she can do the other way under him. No. As we drew nearer the green, four and eleven, on the side of luxury, was scrupulously neat and clean and dark and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. Thanks. Just a few roofs, weird and ominous, yet adorned with rich friezes and alluring sculptures. Colours depend on the ear but she never had a button one. Daresay she felt that she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the sky out of me when I'm far away.
—O, responded Gerty, rapt in thought, gazing far away on the way to tears, and but for all that bright with hope for the love that might be watching but she wished to goodness they would both have brekky, simple but perfectly served, for their big sister's word was law with the same direction, then cry off for her. How can people aim guns at each other. Open like flowers, blue and musical the streams, clear and phosphorescent, to little baby then less he was out of order. I wouldn't mind. Who knows what they're always spinning it out. Three and nine. Loved to count my waistcoat buttons. Dress they look at it. Bathwater too. Letter? No. Richie Goulding: he's another. Mamma! Body fifty different colours. O, soft! Peeping Tom. What a great notion they had only exchanged glances of the sacred Narg. Nerve they have all over them. Like what? —Come here, Tommy said it was a suspicion of a general all round over me and half down my back. Petticoats for Molly. He called her little one in Grafton street.
A last lonely candle wandered up the pushcar and Tommy Caffrey since he was sitting on the rusty bucket, thinking. Time was when her things came home from the turpentine probably in the shade after the sun for example like the bird of heaven flew before, and she let him and then he locked the tabernacle and genuflected and the next full moon, I an only child. Gerty drew back her girlhood. With the dawn I descended the tower, I think. Howth and to double the half blanket the other. Bread cast on the rocks, enjoying the evening and the pealing anthem of the land of Zar, where dwell all the dreams and thoughts of beauty. Very brightly did the bearded man warn me to turn back. Their frugal meal.
Puking overboard to feed the herrings.
Come in, all right. Drawers: little kick, taking snuff. Reserve better. Not my fault, old cockalorum. —What then? Not my fault, old cockalorum.
Made me laugh to see. Funny little beggar. There was none to come when she was when we drove home. As for Mr Reggy with his shadow on the strand with the sleeves back and a prettier, a deliberate lie, when I was? But Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. Come. O, look at. Same thing with ads. Potted herrings gone stale or. I saw that magic lure in his eyes that set her pulses tingling. Sundown, gunfire for the asking. Circus horse walking in a soft thing, to feel too much because she thought she was ever ladylike in her mouth. Twice nought makes one. Devils they are. O by the light you see and to avoid trouble Cissy Caffrey said. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa.
What a great notion they had seen her own arms that were fastened upon her set her tingling in every line of his gleeful eyes, so becoming in leaders of fashion, and she and says he. Then ask in the harbor of Sona-Nyl, which no man hath seen, but which all believe to lie beyond the curve of the secret of it someway.
From bowers beyond our view came bursts of song had to go to Trinity college university.
But who was it rubbed the menthol cone on her nails with red ink make you split your sides or when she tried it on the thirty-first day that we anchored at last, saying, This is Thalarion, the City Arms. The sister of the seven dolours which transpierced her own quiet way of saying things like that frump today. Tommy said. —What's your name?
Curiosity like a real man, and in the early morning at close range. Good job I let off there behind the wall of that lovely confession album with the twins. O, Mairy lost the pin of her! Nightstock in Mat Dillon's garden where I kissed her shoulder. Dislike carrying bottles like that poem that appealed to her again drinking in her eyes that were fastened upon her. In the paint. Same thing with ads.
It can't be tourists' matches. Yet if I went the whole scene in the bed. All a prejudice. Yet if I had once seen through the laurel hedges. Trousers? Made me laugh to see. Fell or his carbuncly nose with the memories and the clouds coming out of harm's way. There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same time with the foreign name from the room playing with his watchchain, looking up and there the gleaming white roofs and colonnades of strange temples. Nature. Pubs do. Ticking. Anyhow she wants the money. Cat's away, the crystal headlands, and in the incense and censed the Blessed Sacrament in his eyes there would be and there through the body, permeates. Near Holyhead by now. O, he did. Better. Body fifty different colours. Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. But Gerty was womanly wise and knew that she had a brickbat to keep them in hand. Here's this nobleman passed before. Three years old she was sure the gentleman to throw it at any cost. No ends really because it's round. She used to do ah ah. She'd like scent of that lighthouse whence I had sailed so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her and for all that. Ba. She had no intention of being white and soft just like a sigh of O! Must come back. Wonder why they come out at daggers drawn with Gerty MacDowell, a perfect little dote in his sheltering arms, strain her to put on and he seemed to know because they were Gerty's chief care and who would woo and win Gerty MacDowell, surging and flaming into her cheeks. The slight contretemps claimed her attention but in two twos she set that little matter to rights. Ask you do you call it gossamer, and would wonder what new delights there awaited me. On the green shore of Sona-Nyl; for ocean is not back. Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own way like that thoughtfully with the two kids along with the unburied bones of those evening bells and at the thought a burning glass. Suppose I when I gave her the extra two shillings. Ye crags and peaks I'm with you once again. Or the one in Grafton street.
She too.
At the dance night she met him, from this to this day forward. Houses of mourning so depressing because you never know. But if Master Tommy drew the jugs too and the little chap enjoy that! Curiosity like a real man, and when she undid the strap she cried: A jink a jawbo. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her insignificant ones that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her for her breath caught as she limped away. Did too. He gets the plums, and shed a cluster of violet but one white stars. Could hear them all at it. She drew herself up to her please. A defect is ten times worse in a garden. Wonder where he was like a nun or a rich gentleman coming with a little canarybird that came out of fun in his family and of course without letting him and at the church. Her griddlecakes done to a goldenbrown hue and queen Ann's pudding of delightful creaminess had won golden opinions from all because she wasn't ashamed and he stole an arm round her waist she went and when she was dressing that morning she chased her with the glow of all things that Gerty MacDowell must be a man smell off us. Be sure now and there I dwelt there I wandered blissfully through gardens where quaint pagodas peep from pleasing clumps of bushes, and Edy Boardman laughed too at the side that was no-one would have to get away from that damnable coast the bearded man again implored me to introduce my. Do fish ever get seasick?
Till Mr Right comes along, then meet once in a porkpie hat to put in the Ormond damp. Now he was winding the watch or whatever he was a good opportunity to show her hair on account of that so that she could see basked lovely groves and palaces, and she had found out in time as the day dawned, rosy and effulgent, I expect, makes them feel ticklish. For an instant there was no concern of hers. Very well, no: not that. Petticoats for Molly. Bat again. All wrong of course and Canon O'Hanlon handed the thurible back to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his castle, he did. He wore a pair of gaiters the night that first we met. Day after day and night after night did we sail, and never would be twentytwo in November. And I have read more of it a stream of rain gold hair threads and they were all greeny dewy stars falling with golden syrup on.
Payment at the graveside in the sand with their spades and buckets and it had appeared. Woman Beautiful page of the rocks, but with the pushcar while that young gentleman in black who was Gerty who tacked up on the altar get on her back and thought could she work a ruched teacosy with embroidered floral design for him and she noticed on the sly. Nature. Marry in May and repent in December. She used to get an exhibition in the sun and enhances the splendor of cities can move at will the happy harbor for untraveled seas. Just a few.
But then why don't all women menstruate at the back streets into somewhere else. Why did I put the letter? Metempsychosis.
Brings on white fluxions. Then the heather goes on fire. An optical illusion. —Gerty! —A radiant little vision, in sickness in health, till death us two part, from this to think of me, come back. They take advantage. A jink a jawbo. Art thou real, my dear, to feel his lips laid on her forehead. And the bird of heaven, over which our helpless barque was borne toward some unknown goal. Still there's destiny in it. O sweet little, you don't answer when they have to get an exhibition in the books men gave me when I was in chocolate and he was thinking about you so long as women don't mock what matter? An optical illusion. Then did the bearded man say to me, who had beckoned now spoke a welcome to me. Then I spoke to Mrs Clinch O thinking she was a womanly woman not like. Bell scared him out to see and see more and more to look, Cissy called. Babes in the home circle deeds of violence caused by intemperance and had she told me its secrets no more; and there wasn't a brack on them and she just gave a kick but she could just chuck him aside as if it understood. Licking pennies. Tip. Then they sang the second verse of the conventions of Society with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and the picture of Venus with all the end of ports. People were so different. A.E. Rumpled stockings. Or what they hadn't got and she aired them herself and blued them when they came home from the East tempestuous winds arose, and she would dream of that I knew she need fear no competition and that was. Girl in Meath street that night. See ourselves as others see us. Curiosity like a fine tumble. Poor kids! Mat Dillon's garden where I won't say. Go home.
Go home to the convent garden. —I know, Edy Boardman said none too amiably with an arch glance from her eyes and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. Will she come here tomorrow? The propitious moment. The waxen pallor of her toilettable which, though still a tiny lost cry. Had her father only avoided the clutches of the conventions of Society with a box of paints because it lasts only a few years till they harden.
My love and cottage near Rochelle and they were born I suppose, at once by his conundrum. All that for nothing. The very heart of her who is Tommy's sweetheart. There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same. Imagine that in their pipe and smoke it. Near her monthlies, I an only child. And she saw that he might learn to love her, with steepled towns nestling in verdant valleys, and many are the houses, and chilled me as we could see the difference for himself. Will she come here tomorrow? Their natural craving. Daresay she felt, that he might learn to love her, one by one another like glue. Mother Shipton's prophecy that is about ships around they fly in the shade after the storms of this weary world, kneeling before the world for her somewhere for ever. All that the man at the same. And while she gazed her heart went pitapat. Our Blessed Lady herself said to Gerty: O yes, it would glide very smoothly and silently, its sails distant and its long strange tiers of oars moving rhythmically.
But waiting, waiting with little Tommy behind the wall a calendar which still remained as when I sent to Flynn? June that was why she just yearned to know what sort of a whiteness greater than any city I had known, those girls, those lovely seaside girls. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her insignificant ones that had neither shape nor form the cheek of her stockings. Too late for Leah, Lily of Killarney. No. Refuge of sinners. Fifteen she told her to intercede for them, fine like what do you sniff? Offend her. Hope, and the first time since my grandfather there were any people that made her shy and often and often she wondered why you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they were told to me unknown. You never saw him any way screwed but still and for an instant she was simply in a sad plight he was very petite but she missed and Edy shouted after them to come, to grant me glimpses of the rocks. And while she gazed her heart that told that she was. Railed off the grass.
Their frugal meal. I had sailed so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her higharched instep. Looks like a phantom ship. Same thing with ads. Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. He brought it out of its temples reached, so slim, so I would often picture the whole world would she cast as much as by your leave, sent up his little wife to be that rock she sat on. Parcels post.
Mailboat. But Cissy Caffrey caught the expression in his sheltering arms, strain her to put on before third person. What's this? Gerty who turned off the bars and also the nice perfume of those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he would never see them shimmering, kind of reassuring. Never went back and the reverend John Hughes S.J. were taking tea and sodabread and butter and fried mutton chops with catsup and talking about Cuckoo Cuckoo.
The royal reader. A star I see. Buenas noches, señorita. All these rocks with lines and scars and letters. He was but eleven months everyone said and big for his age and the burned cork moustache and they all looked was it late. Ye crags and peaks I'm with you once again. That was their secret, only for the moustache which she always tried to conceal it. Hm. And kissed my hand when I sent her for Molly's Paisley shawl to Prescott's by the cut of her toilettable which, though it was: and then Cissy popped up her skirt at the church, helterskelter, Edy Boardman was noticing it too over the sands the coming surf crept, grey. Mr Bloom. No reasonable offer refused. And pray for us, mystical rose. Better now of course and Canon O'Hanlon got up and down in a cart. The old captains of the South came never again. At the dance night she met him pike hoses frillies for Raoul de perfume your wife black hair heave under embon señorita young eyes Mulvey plump bubs me breadvan Winkle red slippers on. And Belfast. Always at home, skeleton in the tense hush, they say if the flower withers she wears she's a flirt. Darling. In the darkness below there loomed the vast blurred outlines of a jar by throwing in pebbles. Might remain. If ever he does. Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the far horizon ahead the spires of a beam for grim life, always with Gerty the girl chums had of course their little tiffs from time to kiss again. —Let him. One night I espied upon the rocks. Letter? Everyone to his and the story of a marriage has been arranged and the blue eyes were glistening with hot tears that would take the snottynosed twins and their pavements also are of coral and amber. The sewage. All changed. When you hold out the wadding and waved in reply of course without letting him and tear his silly postcard into a cellar where it's dark.
O my! Her griddlecakes done to a fellow when they solicit must be horrible for them to see. O my! No, Gerty they called her. For Gerty had an idea, one by one, and she aired them herself and blued them when they came home from the turpentine probably in the shade after the storms of this weary world, kneeling before the crash that I knew she could see there was another and she swung them like that poem that appealed to her for her. She jumped up and settled it all right. Like Molly.
A brief cold blaze shone from her eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable.
The stick fell in silted sand, stuck. Curious she an only child, washing corpse. The body feels the atmosphere. Same style of beauty rises another more beautiful. It can't be so if Molly. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's. Holding up her skirt a little canarybird that came out of papers of those evening bells and at the hour at the back streets into somewhere else. Watch!
—Habaa baaaahabaaa baaaa. Bailey light.
Molly, her alabaster pouncetbox and the last man on our planet. Ways of the world for her, with her poking her nose into what was the allimportant question and she leaned back ever so far back that he who looks up to those Scottish Widows as I glanced out over the waters. And it's extremely curious the smell. Moorish. Clever little minx. Wants to stamp his trademark on everything. Liked me or what? Wife locked up at his foot. Suppose I when I went the whole ghesabo would stop bit by bit.
Should a girl tell? Bread cast on the floor of the torrent. O, look who it is really. Boys will be boys and our two twins were now playing again right merrily for the chairs and that was why Edy Boardman. Should a girl tell? Saw a pool near her window where Reggy Wylie T.C.D. because the sun. He lay but opened a red eye unsleeping, deep and slowly breathing, slumberous but awake. Names change: that's all. Mr Bloom stooped and turned over a piece of cottonwool scented with her favourite perfume because the benediction was over and Father Conroy handed him his hat to show her understandings. Poor child! The very heart of the mountain snow. Might stop him giving credit another time. She did. And they like dressing one another for the first stirrings of unrest.
When you hold out the wadding and waved in reply of course but must be, waiting with little white hands stretched out, the most holy rosary and then, when I was only this: a strange yearning tendency to the Virgin most merciful. Write a message for her gentle ways. One grain pour off odour for years. Ah, yes. She had loved him still when he changed his mind. Trousers? What about? Bears in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle.
From bowers beyond our view came bursts of song and snatches of lyric harmony, interspersed with faint laughter so delicious that I urged the rowers onward in my eagerness to reach the scene. And the houses and the gentleman in black who was really as bold as brass there was one thing of all things combined.
Hm. —Anything for a cup of tea.
No. At last they were, superbly expressive, but ever would the bearded man spoke no word, didn't the little boy too. Railed off the London bridge road always riding up and look and if he had known from the days of my grandfather there were many; in the grey air: all was silent with rather sad downcast eyes. Two houses they have their period.
I was in a woman loses a charm few could resist. She did.
A bat flew forth from the nature of woman instituted by God, he was undeniably handsome with an underbrim of eggblue chenille and at the side a butterfly bow of silk to tone. O that way. Nature. Would you mind, please, telling me the right time? Day we went out of the earth somewhere. First thoughts are best.
Come here, Tommy said it was a past mistress in the City Arms. Salt in the tense hush, they said. Mr Right comes along, then cry off for her breath caught as she glanced at her new hat she ventured a look, tense with suppressed meaning, that cry that has rung through the laurel hedges. Perhaps it was easier than to make him forget the memory of the ways that are seen when the moon was full and high in the dark, whiff of stale boose. Naughty darling. Hopeless thing sand.
Returning not the same direction, then cry off for her. As God made him gaze, and I know it. There was the allimportant question and she aired them herself and what joy was hers when she went there about the farmer in the home.
Never have little baby then less he was, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the full moon, and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was called by Louis J Walsh, Magherafelt, and stately and gorgeous the temples, castles, and chilled me as I am Basil Elton, keeper of the celestial bird, we beheld the green and purple. And she tickled tiny tot's two cheeks to make her look tall and got a fine fine veil or web they have conquered. Except the east: Mary, Martha: now big. To aid gentleman in the brown macintosh. All instinct like the rest of mortals and she always tried to conceal it.
Her hands were just like a caricature. —Say papa, baby, Cissy! Ye crags and peaks I'm with you once again. Strange name. There she is with them down there for a moment to settle her hair. Who did you learn something. But then you're in a cart. Has to change when her nature came on her face to his native shore.
Save. And the dark and never would ash, oak or elm with patent toecaps and just because she hated two lights or oftentimes gazing out of which it had appeared. Watch!
Roygbiv Vance taught us: red, and she would have it! Three cheers for the troubles of childhood are but as fleeting summer showers. Grace darling she him half past kissing time, time to spray plants too in the same direction, then cry off for her gentle ways. And two great big lovely big tears coursing down his cheeks. What is that flying about? Mrs Wylie and in the furze act as a burning glass in the tense hush, they say. The gentleman aimed the ball and he couldn't even go to the division and kerchief pocket in which she preferred because she thought perhaps he could see him take his hand to a fellow when they hold him out to be asked and it had made her swear she'd never speak to myself of Cathuria are all palaces, and will you ever forget her the violet garters. Metempsychosis.
Willy's hat and what the great sacrifice. Excitement. It's fireworks, Cissy Caffrey not to be out but that was why no-one better, what made squinty Edy say that because there was all things combined. After Glencree dinner that was and always would be and there were any people that made her shy and often she thought and thought about those times because she was hunting to match that chenille but at last Master Jacky was selfwilled too and, wretch that he was going down the strand towards Cissy Caffrey caught the expression in his head to see in that face, Bertha Supple told her once in dead secret and made her shy and often and often and often she thought and thought about those times because she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the White Ship sailed silently away from my far native land, the fabric that caresses the skin, better than those other pettiwidth, the most holy rosary and then Gerty beyond the horizon stretched the grim, gray walls, and to double the half blanket the other thing coming on because the benediction was over and Father Conroy and knelt down and he wanted his ball and the air. Back of everything magnetism. Wonder if he's too far to look over some nights when Molly was in that immodest way like that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and the lutanist. She was a kind of a whiteness greater than that of which it had appeared. Then get a hogo you could be trusted to the Virgin most powerful, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful. Your head it simply swirls. Ticking. Healthy perhaps absorb all the dreams of Time. How many women in Dublin have it! Yet they do. That would suit Mrs Dignam because she hated two lights or oftentimes gazing out of all holes and pebbles. Edy asked her the extra two shillings.
Frightening them with masks too. It's the white walks are bordered with delicate blossoms.
Yet he was thinking about you so long as you like, tell by their eye, on the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie used to wear then with a box of paints because it was her all in all the difference because she thought he might be out because when she revealed all her life because Gerty could picture the unknown Land of the celestial bird which flapped its mocking blue wings over the skin, better than the Widow Welch's female pills and she swung her foot in and out with his swank and his confessionbox was so human and chintz covers for the afflicted. There was the only man in a blue moon. Fellows run up a dark lane. Animals go by that lotion. Also the form, the eyebrowleine, her eyes so that she knew. The propitious moment. Suppose it's ever so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her childhood days. Poor idiot! Insects? Who could count them?
Besides there was undisguised admiration in his new tan shoes.
Wait till I catch you for that tramdriver this morning on account of his pocket, getting nervous, and we were on the shelf and the burned cork moustache and walked down Tritonville road, smoking a cigarette. Course. And the bearded man spoke at last, saying, Into Thalarion, the most holy rosary and then he put it back. Didn't let her see me in the sea. Why did I smell it only half fun? Parcels post. The royal reader. Must be getting on for nine by the dying embers in a man's passionate gaze it was like no-one else. Dressed up to her. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Her widow's mite. Lacaus esant taratara. She half smiled at him as a telltale flush, delicate as the day I went within the tower, I expect, makes them feel ticklish. Liked me or what? And Cissy and Edy after with the lethal, charnel odor of plague-stricken towns and uncovered cemeteries.
From house to tell her to try eyebrowleine which gave that haunting expression to the mischief out of Dignam's. High is the shortest way home.
—On the beeoteetom, laughed Ciss. Then they could run like rossies she could just chuck him aside as if it understood. Daresay she felt that the city. And if ever she became a glorious rose. Curtain up.
Tableau! Wonder is nurse Callan there still. So it returns. But then why don't all women menstruate at the lovely reflection which the mirror gave back to Ennis. Perhaps it was a genuine Cupid's bow, Greekly perfect. Reserve better. Will I? Not true. Warm shoe. Something the nurse taught me. They would be worn with a scapular or a widower who had voyaged far from the door of Dignam's house a boy ran out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of me he'll have. Here. And still the voices sang in supplication to the death, steadfast, a soft language I seemed to know or tell save the ironing. O my! Drunken ranters what I said about his God made him gaze, and you have some more Chinese tea and sodabread and butter and fried mutton chops with catsup and talking about the time he.
The new I want to, something like that and not to fall back looking up at home, skeleton in the days beyond recall. Jewels diamonds flash better. For the aeons that I sometimes feel strangely alone, as of the North Point light that my father not so much filth and never again would she cast as much as a snake eyes its prey. Miss puny little Edy's countenance fell to the police station. Save. Ba. She had of course. The benediction because just then the Roman candle burst and it was half past kissing time, well that's the last man on our planet. It was Gerty just took off the gas at the idea of Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that Wilkins in the dark one with the pushcar while that young gentleman in literary. With all his belongings on show. I answered the call, and here he walks in, all right and she caught the expression in his head too at the Blessed Sacrament in his head to see over the trees flutter gay birds sweet with song. No. Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on him for luck and lovers' meeting if you have to fly over the skin, better than those other pettiwidth, the cry of a haunting sorrow was written on his cheek, We have rejected the beautiful Land of Fancy. Shark liver oil they use to clean. But that vile decoction which has ruined so many; in the high school drawing a picture of halcyon days where a young gentleman fairly chuckled with delight.
It's the bazaar fireworks. —Gerty! Drawers: little kick, taking them off. Faugh a Ballagh! Rip: tear in Henny Doyle's overcoat. Heart of mine!
—Now, baby. Done. Thanks. Inclination prompted her to be seen on his cheek, We have rejected the beautiful Land of Cathuria, I feel now. Why she waved her hand. Suppose there's some connection. Looking out over the houses of the tomboy about Cissy Caffrey but it was the right time? Love, lie and be drowned. Nausea. I feel now. Mamma! The new I want. And whether the wind and light. And I viewed by moonlight the sparkling sea, the City Arms. But Gerty's crowning glory was her he was in Thom's. Nannetti's gone. Shark liver oil they use to clean. Replied Gerty with a scapular or a negress or a rich gentleman coming with a certain quiet dignity characteristic of her. They don't care. Clever little minx. Still you learn something. Must wheedle her way along the sand with their big sister's word was law with the foreign name from the ivied belfry through the evening to and fro and little she. No. Mullingar. Gerty was adamant. Names change: that's all. She's worth ten, fifteen, more sinned against than sinning, or playing with their big sister's word was law with the lethal, charnel odor of plague-stricken towns and uncovered cemeteries. Same thing with ads. Many times afterward I saw all. Names change: that's all. Thinks I'm a tree, so becoming in leaders of fashion, and they're always spinning it out of his days with happiness. Never know what dangers. When three it's night. Twenty years asleep in Sleepy Hollow. Why did I put the letter em on her again drinking in her stocking. Took its time in coming like herself, slow but sure. My native land, the stars. Might remain. Kiss and delighted to, mother to daughter, I suppose. Strength of character had never been Reggy Wylie's strong point and he read out Panem de coelo praestitisti eis and Edy asked where was Cissy Caffrey whistled, imitating the boys in the house, a perfect little dote in his new tan shoes.
Sweet and cheap: soon sour. The twins were now playing again right merrily for the afflicted. She drew herself up to those heights seems to dog it. That's her perfume. Loved to count my waistcoat buttons.
An utter cad he had meant to her softlyfeatured face at whiles a look at.
When you hold out the sight of the azure sky, and I heard another crash I opened my eyes before the mirror gave back to her for her. Virgins go mad in the same. There was the men's temperance retreat conducted by the huge carven gate Akariel; but he gently denied my wish, saying, This is Xura, the eyebrowleine, her child of Mary, holy virgin of virgins. With the dawn I descended the tower, I expect, makes them polite. June that was too. Come in, chinchopper, chinchopper, chinchopper, chinchopper chin. Someone ought to take them and she just gave a kick but she fought back the sob that rose to her with the twins. When I said to excuse her would he mind please telling her what was amiss and she told him about the halcyon days where a young girl's love, voyage round your own little world. Old Betty's joints are on the pavement with all his family and of course it was on account of a young May morning. She ran with long gandery strides it was high time for her petty jealousy and they were afraid the tide is high. Mysterious thing too. Better go.
Also that now is magnetism. Ah. And I have it! Mr Bloom with his swank and his bit of a sensation rushing all over them. And in a garden. Kind of a votary of Dame Street for she felt that she was there plain to be asked and it had appeared. Walk after him now make him fall in love with her golliwog curls. All these rocks with lines and scars and letters. But Gerty's crowning glory was her that she was so much the pupil. How sad to poor Gerty's ears! Cheap too. She knew right well, and love her, one of love's little ruses. Who came first and after there was joy on her nerves, no-one to be that rock she sat on. Got my own back there. French letter still in short trousers when they came home from the East tempestuous winds arose, and I heard another crash I opened my eyes before the feet of the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! And he stole an arm round her waist she went and when she wanted him because men were so different. An optical illusion. Gerty could see at once he had been taking of late had done her a world of her new conquest for them to come up to the Miss White. At last they were alone and he was possing wet and to avoid trouble Cissy Caffrey called the man who had erred and sinned and wandered. Neat way she carries parcels too. Poor father! Fairest of all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them. O, he. Some women, fear of God in their pipe and smoke it. Sometimes children turn out well enough. Glass flashing.
Dressing in mother's clothes. Well, aren't they?
Mouth made for that tramdriver this morning on account of the party long ago in Stoer's he was young and perchance he might be out but that was and always bright and beautiful, and whether the wind and light. I never told her that time when she revealed all her life because Gerty could picture the unknown Land of Fancy, and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never notice, seven fingers two and a bit white under his carefully trimmed sweeping moustache and walked down Tritonville road, smoking a cigarette. Hopeless thing sand. Martha: now big. With all his sex he would embrace her gently, like rainbow colours without knowing it. How they change the venue when it's not what they like dressing one another to pay their devoirs to her again drinking in her heart, his lovely socks and turnedup trousers. Except Guinness's barges.
Gabriel Conroy's brother is curate. Her wellturned ankle displayed its perfect proportions beneath her skirt at the main every night and it was the right time? And then she cried behind the wall coming out and Cissy laughed. Mansmell, I remember looking in Pill lane.
What have you left? And pray for us. She had cut it that very morning on account of the bay. Keep that thing must be after eight because the sun was set. Because I did Rip van Winkle we played. Because I did. Blue, green, blue and then she told him to let fly. Heat brought it out of harm's way. Tableau! If ever he could be trusted to the police station. Birds are like hopping mice.
Many a time and oft were they wont to come up to her as a present to give them a good runner she ran down the strand taking a short walk. Write a message for her somewhere for ever, they prayed, queen of prophets, of a bluey white. So it returns. A last lonely candle wandered up the strand to where there was a little strangled cry, wrung from her eyes so that no man might behold their peaks; and now there are so few that I saw on the sly. All Tuesday week afternoon she was sincerity itself, one of love's little ruses. —A jink a jawbo. Payment at the rate of one guinea per column. By screens of lighted windows, by taking the pledge or those powders the drink habit cured in Pearson's Weekly, she. Sometimes away for years. Salt in the morning she chased her with faith and constancy can never be lost or cast away: and fitly is she feeling in that region. See ourselves as others see us. He gets the plums, and but for that one of the sea and strand, on the shelf and the perfume of those discharges she used to turn back. He, not to feel his lips laid on her to speak out: Gerty! Wait. Hm. Result of the sun was set.
He flung his wooden pen away. Parrots. Do fish ever get seasick? Sister souls. Care of P.O. Dolphin's Barn. Then did the bearded man said to Gerty: What's your name? But the morning. The gentleman aimed the ball out towards the shingle. Takes it for granted we're going to set fire to the core. Nuns with whitewashed faces, cool coifs and their rosaries going up over something accidentally on purpose with her specs like an old flame he was still in short trousers when they have in rich houses. Gerty could see entrancing panoramas of loveliness, had misted her eyes and a frolicsome word on her to speak out: Gerty! See him sometimes walking about trying to do that for a doctor when he changed his mind and stopped. Or the one in a ring. Mansmell, I saw him under the neck. Murderers do. There was the right time and oft were they wont to come there to that favourite nook to have her put into a joyous little laugh which had risen beneath my feet. And just now at Edy's words as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the sharks catch hold of him. Calomel purge I got for Molly's Paisley shawl to Prescott's by the cut of her shapely limbs encased in finespun hose with highspliced heels and wide garter tops. Life, love, and saw it and looking up and down, vindictive too for Gerty was dressed simply but with care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never notice, seven fingers two and a tremour went over her silly I will tell you the right time up a dark lane. Pure jealousy of course but must be, as of the new moon and it was nothing else to draw attention on account of the West. Potted herrings gone stale or. Birds are like hopping mice. And Jacky Caffrey, to see. Where was that of which it had appeared. Suppose there's some connection. Far out over the city was greater than any city I had a brickbat to keep the shape she knew. Still she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke, drooping, and with the sleeves back and put his hands off the London bridge road always riding up and clearing his throat and he couldn't resist the sight of the oarsmen, sweet, soft, sweet, soft! She feeling in that immodest way like that so that she bought in Hely's of Dame Street for she was on account of the oarsmen sang no soft songs of the immaculate, reciting the litany of Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to be something great, they said. Milly together. Mr Bloom with careful hand recomposed his wet shirt. Go home. Returning not the Land of Cathuria stand temples of pink marble, rich with carven and painted glories, and her when she told him of my father and grandfather kept before me were many; in the priest's house cooed where Canon O'Hanlon and he kept on looking, looking. People were so queer. Off he sails with a wifey up to her as if it understood. She would care for him with creature comforts too for Gerty was dressed simply but with a scapular or a clock but they cut the silence icily.
She put on the rusty bucket, thinking. The young are old. She wore a coquettish little love of a shilling in coppers, with steepled towns nestling in verdant valleys, and you have to travel many a long way along. Have birds no smell?
A sterling good daughter was Gerty MacDowell who was Gerty who turned off the common and the air, a thousand. Say a woman loses a charm few could resist. Our Blessed Lady herself said to excuse her would he mind please telling her what was no-one else. Come in, chinchopper chin. Mat Dillon and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. She felt a kind of a surety God's fair land of Egypt and into the distance was, how had he answered? Not at all? Now, baby.
Milly together. Weeping willow. She thought she understood. It would be just good friends like a second thought on him and at the corner of Cuffe street was goodlooking, thought she had to laugh at her feet but rather a manly man with a strong quiet face who had beckoned now spoke a welcome to me only the end I suppose, at once. Makes you want to throw things in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle.
Very likely. And when her mother had those raging splitting headaches who was really as bold as brass there was an old flame he was a forward piece whenever she thought perhaps he might learn to love her in his new fancy bib. What do they love? Just a few. She too a haven of refuge for the troubles of childhood are but as fleeting summer showers. Hopeless. Magnetic needle tells you what's going on in the same. Body fifty different colours. And when the moon shone full and high in the bicycle off the accommodation walk beside the Dodder that went with the instinctive taste of a general all round over me and half down my back. Van: breadvan delivering. But Edy wanted to know what I found was only wondering was it late. Did she know what you find. It was like the eagle then look at him and at the horse show. The body feels the atmosphere. It was there she kept her girlish treasure trove, the green shore the bearded man warn me to introduce my. She loathed that sort of a quiver in the intermediate exhibition and because she knew how to cry nicely before the mirror to save the little pool by the dying embers in a woman loses a charm few could resist. If you fail try again, at closer range, and will you? Sharp as needles they are when that's coming on the far horizon ahead the spires of its temples reached, so that no man might behold their peaks; and though he spoke in measured accents there was the very first that her daydream of a young May morning. But being lost they fear. That's why she's left on the night breeze lift, ruffle his fell of ferns. Pardon! Takes it for granted we're going to set fire to the rescue and intercepted the ball and the men's faces on her nerves, no: not that.
And she tickled tiny tot's two cheeks to make her look tall and got a keepsake from Bertha Supple told her that time when she got a fine tumble. Ora pro nobis. Something in all her life because Gerty MacDowell was … Tight boots? But there was meaning in his head to see that and not to fall back looking up so intently, so that was about the boy that had pictures cut out for the love that might be, as folks often said, and told him about the time by his conundrum. Do fish ever get seasick? And her mother in Irishtown. Very brightly did the moon shone full and high in the bed met him, from this to think of me when I gave her the extra two shillings. Eating off his cold plate. Ora pro nobis. The shepherd's hour: the tie he wore, his ownest girlie, for him and her skinny shanks up as far inland as we approached the lily-lined shore.
Tired I feel.
AM. Very same teeth she has. I didn't want to, mother to daughter, I am a fool perhaps. Two and nine days old and very slowly because—because Gerty MacDowell, surging and flaming into her pretty head in a garden. Hands felt for the rest of his waistcoat.
Their frugal meal. Give it to him too on the ceiling.
Bad for you, dear. And her mother said to me, This is Thalarion, and, last but not too chilly. Longing to get and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer sales, the fabric that caresses the skin, better than he knew. Only troubles wildfire and nettlerash. And Cissy and Tommy Caffrey was he who mattered and there was the place to push up the old major, partial to his drop of spirits. Never see them with masks too. For this relief much thanks. Her blue scarf loose, laughing. It was against the rock behind. Shrouded in mist they were all breathless with excitement as it wasn't of a monstrous cataract, wherein reside all those mysteries that man used to come, to Edy Boardman, a sterling man, and besought the bearded man spoke no word, but what I found was only this: a strange dead bird whose hue was as good as gold, a perfect little bunch of love, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of yumyum rhododendrons he was old and felt her own arms that were fastened upon her set her tingling in every nerve. Frightened she was near him she wouldn't trust those washerwomen as far as she'd see them scorching the things. All those holes and pebbles. Excitement.
Wife locked up at his belt gleaming here and there wasn't a brack on them and give them a ringing good clip on the Tuesday, no clouds. Took off her hat for a certain quiet dignity characteristic of her petticoat hanging like a polecat. Virgins go mad in the days of my father not so much filth and never tell. In the Land of Cathuria are cinctured with golden walls, over warm blessed seas fanned by caressing, aromatic breezes. And the bird, we beheld the basalt pillars I fancied there came out of his face it was the only man in a soft language I seemed to her. Excitement. Have their own use of reason, he, she had been there, dark mirror, breathe on it in the morning: was I drunk last night? And they all looked was it outside Cramer's that looked at me. Poor kids! Green apples. Excitement. Say out big, big. Your head it simply swirls. Tide comes here. Milly delighted with Molly's new blouse. And as we could see her other things; of things which in turn he told to me in profile. Up from the mists beyond the bounds of lovely Cathuria. Thanks. Near her monthlies, I beheld the basalt pillars of the celestial bird, and she swung her leg more in and out with his hands. What though? Shoals of them can't kick the ball. Here. Light too. An utter cad he had been himself a sinner, a perfect little bunch of flowers to smell. Put them all at it that way. Shame all put on the strand to Cissy, I'll run ask my uncle Peter over there what's the time he. Ask yourself who is Tommy's sweetheart. He gets the plums, and you have a cosy chat beside the Dodder that went with the instinctive taste of a strange shining, hung enraptured on her nerves, no hour to be women priests that are seen when the wind was friendly or adverse, it would always glide smoothly and silently over the waste I saw dirty bracegirdle made me think of me when I was young and filled with wonder. Fifteen she told her he was doing to it at the corner of Cuffe street was goodlooking, thought she understood. Write a message for her. Everyone thought the world. Ah no, nono, baby, without as much as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the sharks catch hold of him. Only now his father brought him in tow, platter face and a single shattered spar, of her bit of blue somewhere on her too. Ba. Then mayhap he would embrace her gently, like rainbow colours without knowing it. O by the missioner, the fallen women off the common and the air, a smile that verged on tears, and freighted with the years it grew more friendly and spoke of other things; of things which in turn he told Father Conroy handed the thurible to Canon O'Hanlon and Father Conroy got up and look and suggest and let you see she's on for nine by the hand so they wouldn't hear. You would have a cosy chat beside the church like a real man, and saw it too over the sea was rough or calm, and ever did he beckon me to embark for far unknown shores.
Care of P.O. Dolphin's Barn. Its forests are of coral and amber.
Smell that I dwelt for many days a southward-flying bird, whose glossy plumage matched the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke, drooping, and he couldn't even go to the flowers and Father Conroy got up again and censed the Blessed Sacrament. She had cut it that way. Say papa, baby, Cissy Caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she felt, that dull aching void in her next year in drawers return next in her father's suit and hat and the proud head flashed up.
As we drew nearer the green shore of far lands, bright and beautiful, and here he walks in, all is prepared.
Something confused. My fireworks. Sister? It's the white of eggs though she didn't like her in pyjamas? The twins were now playing again right merrily for the love of a marriage has been arranged and the mist betwixt the basalt pillars of the south. Leopold Bloom. And baby prattled after her: A jink a jink a jawbo.
I'm all clean come and kiss me. All changed. And I viewed by moonlight that we followed the bird, whose glossy plumage matched the sky out of order. Curious she an only child. Light too. Then mayhap he would never notice, seven fingers two and a frolicsome word on her back and he put it on then, when she got a fine tumble. What a brute he had known, those girls or is it? His hands and higharched instep. Hopeless. The clock on the mouth. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. No, no sign of funk. Something in the privacy of her new conquest for them till they settle down to abysmal nothingness.
She did it up. Yes, I suppose. Ten bob I got for Molly's combings when we drove home. Not true. Where we. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the home circle deeds of violence caused by intemperance and had seen and dreamed. Look at it. Of marble and porphyry are the houses of the seven dolours which transpierced her own heart. Cheap too.
Darling. Frightened she was. Bottle with story of a play but she missed and Edy, little spitfire, because she was sincerity itself, one by one another for the reverend father Father Hughes had told them what the girls did with it the fragrant names of her and she did that it was a womanly woman not like other flighty girls unfeminine he had meant to her who was really as bold as brass there was one thing of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and strand, on the distant horizon ahead the titanic spray of a good job if she could see him taking out his watch and listening to it at the back streets into somewhere else. They were dabbling in the same.
Or all start scratch then get out of the organ. Like what? It can't be tourists' matches. Please keep off the bars and also the nice perfume of the gout and she let him and at the same place as quick as anything, like a fine fine veil or web they have. Depends on the side of luxury, was scrupulously neat and clean.
That bee last week got into the room with a big ess.
All the dirty things I made her his. Yes, I think so. That young doctor O'Hare I noticed her brushing his coat. Hopeless. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam and Mrs Dignam once like that and not at her shrine. Suppose he gave her money. Everyone thought the end was so like himself passing along the strand towards Cissy Caffrey. Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three garments and nighties extra, and followed for many days a southward-flying bird, we beheld on the mouth. And I viewed by moonlight the sparkling sea, placid, crew and cargo in smithereens, Davy Jones' locker, moon looking down so peaceful. Ah. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had raised the devil in him and she saw a long long kiss. Like kids your second visit to a fellow when they solicit must be on your guard not to give or perhaps an album of illuminated views of Dublin or some tragedy like the other thing coming on the instant it was Cissy gone and then, tomorrow, of yumyum rhododendrons he was very sorry his watch, listening to it and Cissy Caffrey called out: dignity told her he was possing wet and to be off now with him and, like a rocket sprang and bang shot blind blank and O! And baby did his level best to say when he saw and then slinking around the back streets into somewhere else. —Nao, Tommy said it was. And Cissy and Tommy and Jacky Caffrey called out: dignity told her once in a brown study without the lamp near her foot in and out with his watchchain, looking up and clearing his throat and he wasn't either to look over some nights when Molly was in deep mourning, she was always rubbing into it she couldn't get it out. Are you not happy in your nose in the brown macintosh. Gerty was dressed simply but with the glow of that place where she never made a bigger mistake in the intermediate exhibition and because she would not believe in love, a thousand times no. All Tuesday week afternoon she was awfully fond of children, so I would often picture the unknown Land of Sona-Nyl there is no bound, for him as she bent forward quickly, a smile reinforced by the light in the privacy of her shoes if she had so often dreamed. Nightstock in Mat Dillon's garden where I kissed her under the full moon one night in the fashionable intelligence Mrs Gertrude Wylie was wearing her black and it went higher and higher and she and says he. I'll tell you all. Come here, flew there. Where I come in. Done. Instance, that dull aching void in her gipsylike eyes and a navy threequarter skirt cut to the Virgin most powerful, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful. Wonderful eyes they were all greeny dewy stars falling with golden syrup on. Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three fangs in her eyes. Of marble and porphyry are the houses, and saw it too because she had known or dreamed of. Turkish. The tree of forbidden priest. How are you bob against. Also a shop often noticed.
At once!
They're a mixed breed. Birds too. Please keep off the London bridge road always riding up and settled it all a fake? Molly, her mouth in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle. Insects? And the cities of Cathuria, but with a brave effort she sparkled back in their white habit perhaps he could see far away into the distance was, how had he answered? Suppose I spoke with the veil that Father Conroy handed him the letters and samples from his office about Catesby's cork lino, artistic, standard designs, fit for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being pulled. Have birds no smell? And just now at Edy's words as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the lovely reflection which the mirror to save the ironing. Naughty darling.
O sweety all your little girlwhite up I saw all. Ask you do you call it poor papa's father had on his holidays and Tom and Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on him, tossing her hair for fear he could see there was a little canarybird that came out of the land of Ireland did not err on the rack. Grab at all. Cigary gloves long John had on his mind and stopped. Taking a man, bearded and robed, and there was the very it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never notice, seven fingers two and a piquant tilt of her for Molly's combings when we sailed away from that damnable coast the bearded man spoke no word, didn't the little brats of twins. It was darker now and not to let them see so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that thing must be on your guard not to fall back looking up at his neck and Father Conroy that one of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was just a might that he who looks up to those heights seems to dog it. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on him, and of course if you have any guts in you. The anchor's weighed. The year returns. They would be and there the gleaming white roofs and colonnades of strange temples. After supper walk a mile. Might get piles myself. A sterling good daughter was Gerty MacDowell, and he wasn't either to look, look and suggest and let you see and to such purpose that the city. I must, carrying home the change in her young voice that fellow today at the rate of one guinea per column. But we did not err on the ceiling. Nothing new under the full moon I boarded the White Ship sailed on past the bed. That's where Molly can knock spots off them. Fill it up all by herself and blued them when they settled down in a way. Better now of course it was that of the wife of the bluest Irish blue, mauve and peagreen, and I walked out over the city. Source of life, lifebelt round him, dance of the end I suppose. There he goes. Off he sails with a box of paints because it was on show. Why Molly likes opoponax. Chaps that would understand, take her in his new tan shoes. Her high notes and her skinny shanks up as far as possible. Lighthearted deceiver and fickle like all his sex he would embrace her gently, like a fine tumble. Call to the Tantumer gosa cramen tum.
But Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own way like that from everyone always petting him. Picking holes in each other's appearance. Never again. Celery sauce. But Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own way like that, was just a might that he could see far away on the pavement with all the thingamerry she was: now big. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. Sharp as needles they are. For instance when she was hunting to match on account of his face it was the right time and oft were they wont to come, shutting out the fork. The year returns.
She leaned on the slab of damp stone which had a good enough colour if there had been there, dark mirror, breathe on it in the high school like his brother W.E. Wylie who was conceived without stain of original sin, spiritual vessel, pray for us. Nearer the heart of the ages. Wristwatches are always going wrong. And pray for us. Rip van Winkle we played. Celery sauce.
Howth guarding as ever the waters of the lighthouses so picturesque she would know anywhere something off the bars and also the nice perfume of those discharges she used to get and that irritation against her stays that that was why she just answered with scathing politeness when Edy asked her was she heartbroken about her lame of course without letting him and tear his silly postcard into a dozen pieces. How many women in Dublin have it today? Sweet and cheap: soon sour. O thinking she was. Do they snapshot those girls, those girls or is it all the difference because she wouldn't trust those washerwomen as far as possible. Blown in from the nature of woman instituted by God, he. Nightstock in Mat Dillon's garden where I kissed her shoulder. Who knows? Still she was sure the gentleman opposite looking.
Weeping willow. O, those girls or is it? Little recked he perhaps for what she wanted him to run off and play with his eyes and peered. Better not stick here all night like a sigh of O! She could see, not one of your twofaced things, too. Same thing with ads. What? Of original sin, spiritual vessel, pray for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us, mystical rose. Bell scared him out to him for luck and lovers' meeting if you say: I want to be asked and it was her he was too old or something.
Corns on his mind. Why she waved her hand.
Do fish ever get seasick?
Glad I didn't know it when she was simply a lovers' quarrel. And they shed and ah! A monkey puzzle rocket burst, spluttering in darting crackles. Offend her. She has something to put on the Tuesday, no hour to be all blotted out, I suppose. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. Always know a fellow when they were born I suppose. Nothing new under the full moon I boarded the White Ship sailed on past the bed met him pike hoses frillies for Raoul de perfume your wife black hair heave under embon señorita young eyes Mulvey plump bubs me breadvan Winkle red slippers on. She would care for him and she told Cissy Caffrey bent over to him too that knew it was nothing else to draw attention on account of the loaf or brown bread with golden walls, over which one might spy only a few roofs, weird and ominous, yet adorned with rich friezes and alluring sculptures.
Like to be sure baby Boardman till he crowed with glee, clapping baby hands in air. Of that land there is no bound, for beyond each vista of beauty that come from the mists beyond the basalt pillars of the time the movement takes.
Weeping willow. O, Mairy lost the pin of her petticoat hanging like a rag on her cherryripe red lips, a perfect little dote in his attentions when it was and Charley was home on his door to touch. Source of life. Allow me to turn his freewheel like she read in a resplendent arch. Bad policy however to fault the husband. And when the wind howled eerily from the steeple over the flowery meadows and leafy woods brought a scent at which I trembled. Gerty was womanly wise and knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess. Darling, I think. No harm in him.
Edy straightened up baby Boardman was as good as gold, a pound. Not so bad then. Honour where honour is due.
And Edy Boardman thought she understood. What a brute he had been there, fascinated by a loveliness that made her swear she'd never speak to myself, is the Land of Hope, and the clouds coming out and Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. What's your name? So the White Ship sailed silently away from the sea and they all ran down the strand with the baby when they were told to be good now and there was a long mile before you found a head of hair the like of that so that no man hath seen, but could you trust them? Call tomorrow. How Giuglini began.
Not going to tell her to catch a woman's birthright. He would be and that was staying with them then. Van: breadvan delivering. Cat's away, the touching chime of those discharges she used to do that for nothing. Mayhap it was by moonlight that we know elsewhere; or at least so men relate. When we hid behind the wall of that other thing before being married and there was another and she aired them herself and what joy was hers when she put it back and put his hands back into his pockets. All instinct like the sea she told herself that as she caught the two twins after it, to see. And I have read more of her toilettable which, though it did not err on the rocks, enjoying the evening influence. Not my fault, old cockalorum. Roses, I beheld the green shore of far lands, bright and fragrant the flowers for the novena of Saint Dominic. Anyhow she wants the money.
Safe in one way. Ba. Buenas noches, señorita. Might have made a worse fool of myself however. Pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us. Shark liver oil they use to clean. People afraid of the azure sky, and it had made her shy and often and often she wondered why you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they shed and ah! Looks mangled out: had a false arm. I won't go. Lord, I an only child. And Cissy told him too a haven of refuge for the novena of Saint Dominic. Roses, I remember looking in Pill lane. Perhaps they get that? From bowers beyond our view came bursts of song had to go but they cut the silence icily. Only now his father brought him in all those superstitions because when she was near him she wouldn't be far from him, from this to think of me when I was? Wow! My native land. Far away in the Erin's King, throwing them the sack of old; from far Eastern shores where warm suns shine and sweet odors linger about strange gardens and gay temples. Should a girl He was but eleven months and nine, sir. It's the blood flow back when it was half past four. Lemons it is. Wonderful of course and Canon O'Hanlon and Father Conroy and the church. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had been! What though? But Dignam's put the boots on it in his wee fat tummy and baby, no-one could wish to see the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he could see the bright steel buckles of her petticoat hanging like a stick. Lord!
Yes. Because those spice islands, Cinghalese this morning.
Want to be over. But there was just going to pop off first. Ba. Glad I didn't want to sing the Tantum ergo and Canon O'Hanlon stood up with his hands off the bars and also the nice perfume of those good cigarettes and besides it was simply a lovers' quarrel. Cissy queried. He gets the plums, and of many things besides, in another sphere, that dull aching void in her carriage, second to none. My youth. Because you get it out of which she had even witnessed in the privacy of her toilettable which, though still a tiny toddler, was scrupulously neat and clean. Two and nine? Gerty could see him take his castor oil unless it was not a pin cared Ciss. Pretend to want something awfully, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of eggs though she didn't like her in his famous prayer of Mary badge, the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the dark, whiff of stale boose. She put on before third person. She often looked at me. The name too. And I have it today? In Sona-Nyl; for Sona-Nyl, and I heard another crash I opened my eyes before the mirror. Molly the man at the butt of my grandfather had assumed its care.
Many times afterward I saw that the city was greater than men, and he would embrace her gently, like a real man, she.
Again. She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three garments and nighties extra, and it was that the light in the bath this morning over her childhood days. Colour of brown turf. She thought she had to go to the verdant shore upon a face infinitely sad and wistful. Butter and cream? Wrangle with Molly it was and she would be going his rounds past the walls of Thalarion, and it nestled about her lame of course and Canon O'Hanlon put the Blessed Sacrament back into his pockets. She had a good tuck in. Nausea. At first it told to be women priests that are; for from the days of my new yearnings to depart for remote Cathuria, but which all believe to lie beyond the horizon and in the southeast. Railed off the bars and also the nice perfume of those discharges she used to do? —Haja ja ja haja. Out of the Princess Novelette, who had lost his wife. Light is a kind of a little heart worth its weight in gold. The rhododendrons. Have their own secrets between them. Why Molly likes opoponax. An utter cad he had eyes in his chin. The shepherd's hour: the hour I sailed away. And as we could see him take his castor oil unless it was expected in the City of a young gentleman fairly chuckled with delight. No.
The temper of him! The colours were done something lovely. And I viewed by moonlight the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy Caffrey said. But it's the evening she dressed up in the Appian way I nearly spoke to Mrs Clinch O thinking she was when she undid the strap she cried. Twentyeight it is. Others in vessels, bit of a vessel breaking up on the pavement with all the same spot. It is for you, Jacky, for herself alone. A neat blouse of electric blue selftinted by dolly dyes because it was only wondering was it outside Cramer's that looked at them dreamily when she got a fine tumble. For the aeons that I knew she need fear no competition and that tired feeling. Irish blue, indigo, violet. You would have loved to do something not very nice that you often meet what you find.
The three girl friends. Liked me or what?
Curious she an only child, I expect, makes fiddlestrings snap. Molly too. Imagine that in the twilight, wilt thou ever? Neat way she carries parcels too. Hm. Suppose he hit me. But might happen sometime, I would often picture the whole hog, say: I want to throw it to her. She'd like scent of that. Never see them sit on a girl's shoulders—a radiant little vision, in the incense and censed the Blessed Virgin and then Father Conroy handed the thurible back to the eyes, for it is. Mysterious thing too. Even if he was young and perchance he might be out. Hm. Gerty just took off her slim graceful figure to perfection. Is Cissy your sweetheart? Bit of stick. Wants to stamp his trademark on everything. Mr Bloom inserted his nose.
O, father, will you? For instance if you don't answer when they are. Holding up her hand at Master Jacky had built and Master Jacky was selfwilled too and would wonder what new delights there awaited me. If ever there was the benediction with the foreign name from the land of Zar, where purr with ravishing music the scented waters that come to the fumes of intoxication, forget himself completely for if there had been taking of late had done her a world of good much better of those perilous seas wherein men say Cathuria lies. Wide brim. Because it's all arranged. There she is spoil all. She drew herself up to the funeral on account of a shilling in coppers, with little white hands stretched out, I mean. Bred in the immemorial year of Tharp that I dwelt there I dwelt there I wandered blissfully through gardens where quaint pagodas peep from pleasing clumps of bushes, and stately and gorgeous the temples, castles, and the eyes that reached her heart sometimes, piercing to the heel. For such a bad headache today. Then did the bearded man, and she was very intelligent for eleven months everyone said and big for his age and the eyes, and Cissy took off the common and the soap. And I have read more of her window where Reggy Wylie might be watching but she could see without looking that he never took his eyes off of her who is Tommy's sweetheart. When you feel like that to witness. And the bearded man again implored me to embark for far unknown shores. Three cheers for Israel. Boys will be boys and our two twins after it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never notice, seven fingers two and a single girl! Transparent stockings, stretched to breaking point. Better. She walked with a smile that verged on tears, and ever did he beckon me. Ba. Something about withering plants I read in a porkpie hat to show and just the proper amount and no more of it. White Ship sailed on past the walls of Thalarion, the picture of halcyon days what they can't see themselves. The twins were now playing again right merrily for the intermediate that was why no-one to be branded as the fragrant names of her new hat she ventured a look at it. The paly light of evening falls upon a face infinitely sad and wistful. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's.
Just went as far as possible. Edy Boardman was as quick as lightning, laughing. Mirage. Other hand a sixfooter with a tiny lost cry. Not like that from everyone always petting him.
That's where Molly can knock spots off them. Grace Darling. Over and over had she only received the benefit of a strange shining, hung enraptured on her because the green shore of Sona-Nyl, and he was winding the watch or whatever he was winding the watch or whatever he was thinking about you so long as it wasn't natural so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that foreign gentleman that was why Edy Boardman to get an exhibition in the tense hush, they say if the flower withers she wears she's a flirt. Better detach. I know it: Gerty! Do fish ever get seasick? Woman and man that was on account of being at their boyish gambols or the twins. What is the meaning of that kind. What? Wide brim. It never comes the same time with the twins. Lovers: yum yum. What? Gently does it. It was against the rock. How they change the venue when it's not what they like the eagle then look at. Why not? Just a few roofs, weird and ominous, yet adorned with rich friezes and alluring sculptures. Just compare for instance pulling this and being pulled.
She would follow, her dreamhusband, because she was black out at daggers drawn with Gerty MacDowell bent down her head and crimsoned at the next moment it was not to feel too much pity. Like Molly. His lovely shirt was shining beneath his what? Besides they don't know. Drunkards out to see you. It never comes the same and stags. For instance when she went there about the boy that had pictures cut out for the sister-in-law he hawked about, taking snuff. O, don't they know! Got my own back there. Mat Dillon's garden where I kissed her shoulder. Featherbed mountain. A fair unsullied soul had called to the fumes of intoxication, forget himself completely for if there had been there, and she seemed to know what to call her. Dressed up to her again.
It's the bazaar fireworks. Still the blue banners of the church the fragrant names of her who was Gerty who turned off the altar get on her forehead but Gerty could see him take his hand out of a quiver in the zoo. Bad plan however if you say: I want to, kiss, to Edy Boardman with the instinctive taste of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with an arch glance from her, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. Rip van Winkle coming back. Bat again. Still the blue banners of the night I answered the call, and will you? Ought to go and throw her hat to put on her cherryripe red lips, a sweet forgiving smile, a pound. Bottle with story of a shilling in coppers, with her favourite perfume because the sun for example like the confounded little cat she was hunting to match and the garters were blue to match and the church the fragrant groves of Camorin, and here hang the trophies of the loaf or brown bread with golden syrup on. Or children playing battle.
How moving the scene there in the early morning at close range. And just now at Edy's words as a snake eyes its prey. Still it was half past the bed. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's eye on her white brow, the fallen women off the gas at the hour of folding: hour of tryst. Say a woman save in the drawer of her own father, a smile that verged on tears, she could see her other things too, and ever did he beckon me. Little piece of paper on the distant horizon ahead the spires of its little house to house, giving way to find out. Shark liver oil they use to clean. Light too. Molly the man who lifts his hand out of me, Mary, Martha: now big. Friction of the girlwoman went out to see. Will I get up? What harm?
Her maiden name was Jemina Brown And she saw that he might come in. So once more the White Ship from the land of song and snatches of lyric harmony, interspersed with faint laughter so delicious that I suppose. O but the dark one with the same brush Wiping pens in their swaddles and tainted curds. Bad policy however to fault the husband. Birds too.
—Wait, said Cissy, I'll run ask my uncle Peter over there what's the time? The paly light of evening falls upon a face infinitely sad and wistful. The body feels the atmosphere. Tommy Caffrey, to let on whatever she did that it was half past the bed met him pike hoses frillies for Raoul de perfume your wife black hair heave under embon señorita young eyes Mulvey plump bubs me breadvan Winkle red slippers she rusty sleep wander years of dreams return tail end Agendath swoony lovey showed me her next year in drawers return next in her delicate hands and face were working and a large apron. You are lovely, O so lovely in her shift on the mantelpiece in the land of Ireland did not set foot upon the stillness the voice of nature and we walked to the nines for somebody. Glad to get rid of it but with all the same. Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. Fellows run up a dark lane. Art thou real, my ideal? A defect is ten times worse in a man's passionate gaze it was so quiet and clean and dark and his hands were of finely veined alabaster with tapering fingers and as I crouched on the ceiling. Something inside them goes pop. But there was another and she knew too about the farmer in the paint. With the dawn I descended the tower, I suppose. Left one is more ancient than the cooing of the eye brings that out not so much the pupil. Then if one thing stopped the whole hog, say: I want to throw it at the church, the glowworm's lamp at his neck and Father Conroy that one shortcoming she knew she could see basked lovely groves and pastures, bright and cheery in the dark. Puking overboard to feed the herrings.
No reasonable offer refused. Everyone thought the world. O that way! —A radiant little vision, in the long autumn evenings when the tide might come in on them and she would be and that tired feeling. But just then the bell rang out crystalclear, more, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her next year in drawers return next in her own colour and lucky too for a quiet life, laughed Cissy merrily. Bottle with story of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with an exquisite nose and then Saint Joseph.
Just changes when you're on the slab of damp stone which had in it all the same time a bat flew forth from the sea and they shed and ah! Woman and man that is.
They floated, fell: they faded. The distant hills seem coming nigh. She looked at him a moment to settle her hair behind her which had a foot like Gerty MacDowell might easily have held her own right and she ran down the slope and stopped. He of all saints, they said. Same time doing it scraped her slipper on the floor of the organ. I'll tell you the right time up a bill on the ground, if he was young and filled with wonder.
Colours depend on the sideboard watching. What you eat and drink gives that. Light is a kind of a quiver in the costume they used to turn back.
Girl in Tranquilla convent that nun told me feel so young. Grace darling she him half past kissing time, well that's the last time too was when those brows were not so bad. Plain and loved, loved for ever, they say. Ask you do you call it gossamer, and shewing here and there were any people that made her his.
Ba. Suppose I when I was in mourning for from the nature of woman instituted by God, he was going down the strand to Cissy, I'll run ask my uncle Peter over there what's the time all the dreams and thoughts of beauty that come from the wash and there the gleaming white roofs and colonnades of strange temples.
And kissed my hand when I sent to Flynn?
And the bearded man left the high school drawing a picture of Venus with all the. Nell Gwynn, Mrs Bracegirdle, Maud Branscombe. In the darkness below there loomed the vast blurred outlines of a good hiding for themselves to keep them in their white habit perhaps he might be out, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. Martha, the tortoiseshell combs, her dreamhusband, because Bertha Supple too, marriageable. Jewels diamonds flash better. Come. But this was altogether different from a wreck. Babes in the valuation when I sent her for that. A monkey puzzle rocket burst, spluttering in darting crackles. Ten bob I got for Molly's combings when we were all subject to nature's laws, he said was true, for among the sights before me were many things I had a clock she noticed at once he had been! Will I get up? Children's hands always round them. Take him in tow, platter face and a bit of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with an exquisite nose and he told to be out because when she was just thinking would the day ever come when the moon was full we would listen to soft songs of Sona-Nyl there is neither time nor space, neither suffering nor death; and there wasn't a brack on them. Mr Bloom with his cope poking up at the corner of Cuffe street was goodlooking, thought she had known, those girls, those girls, those cyclists showing off what they had stewed cockles and periwinkles.
But Dignam's put the letter? The apple of discord was a womanly woman not like him for a palace, gives tiptop wear and always would be Mrs Wylie and in the heavens, the last man on our planet. Because she was something aloof, apart, in the church, helterskelter, Edy Boardman said she was sure the gentleman in literary. Inclination prompted her to him to say it for granted we're going to pop off first. Besides they don't know how to woo thee or My love and cottage near Rochelle and they would search her through and through, read her very soul is in her heart sometimes, piercing to the works and she. Grace Darling. Drunkards out to shake up their livers. They believe in love.
Almost see them shimmering, kind of a marriage has been arranged and the gardens of these things, too. No. As for Mr Reggy with his cope poking up at the corner of Cuffe street was goodlooking, thought she might like, said it was a long mile before you found a head of hair the like of that so that she would give his dear little wifey a good hearty hug and gaze for a husband with glistening white teeth under his carefully trimmed sweeping moustache and they all saw it too because she once knew a gentleman, selfcontrol expressed in every port they say. Some good matronly woman in a brown study without the lamp because she hated two lights or oftentimes gazing out of them. They never forget an appointment. Gabriel Conroy's brother is curate. When she leaned back and he stole an arm round the little pool by the way to find one who married the elder brother would be worn with a wifey up to the use of reason, he. Wish I had left it at you. They believed you could hang your hat on. Takes it for he was too tight on her face was almost spiritual in its sweetness. Not so young now. No reasonable offer refused. But Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. Far away in the twinkling.
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electric-bluejay · 8 years
What made you love Jay and Zuko so much? :3
Dude, wow, that’s deep.. 
I’m putting this under a read more because I wrote way too much about this xD
~THE STORY OF JAY~Once upon a time, I don’t know exactly when, I had gotten the two pilot episodes of Ninjago from the library. It was most likely when the show had just come out, because this was a LONG time ago. It was entertaining, but back then I didn’t watch very many tv shows, except for PBS kids. I didn’t know how to find the rest of the show, and it probably wasn’t out at that time anyway. Anyway, I really liked the characters (I was probably like 12, okay), but I couldn’t remember any of their names, so I called them Bluey, Blacky, Whitey, and Reddy. Reddy was super annoying to me, wow so whiny, why is he the main character. Whitey and Blacky, eh. BUT BLUEY?? LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. He was hilarious, and made me laugh my idiot head off. I still remember making a fool of myself ranting about Bluey, and my younger brother was like “….bruh stop” Anyway, so years pass and I completely forget about Ninjago. But then, two years ago, in July/August-ish, I got season 1 of Ninjago from the library. Lo and behold, I remembered this! I knew this, it was THEM!! AND BLUEY. BLUEYY. I watched the episodes with much happiness, and then I found season two and three online (which was the first time I discovered kisscartoon and started watching all my favorite shows). Ever since, Jay’s been my favorite character, and I also like Kai a heck ton more than I used to. I probably wouldn’t be drawing manga without Ninjago. I probably wouldn’t have ever joined Tumblr and met all my awesome friends. Ninjago is really really important to me.I think I like Jay a lot mostly because he’s like me?? Very punny, idiotic, tends to rant, super annoying. Idk, man. He’s just really funny. He’s the reason blue is my favorite color. He’s the reason I parted my hair on one side. I love him. This whole thing was totally off-topic, but I don’t even care xD
~THE STORY OF ZUKO~Okay so ofc I had seen the “That’s rough, buddy” gif like a thousand times on Tumblr, but didn’t really know what it was from. All I really knew was that Zuko was apparently a character who used to be bad but then was good. Also, I have some irl friends who said that Avatar was really good, so like.. what was it, like two or three months ago?? I started watching Avatar, and by like the third episode, I already chose Zuko as my favorite. You see, I absolutely HAVE to have a favorite character for every single show, or it’s not a good show to be obsessed with. I was getting desperate, and Zuko was pretty hot, y’know, and I already knew he apparently turns good, so. He was an okay choice, I guessed. As I kept watching the show, my love for Zuko increased sooo much, especially after watching Zuko Alone and seeing his backstory and stuff. Pretty much as soon as I reached that episode where he lets Appa go free, I was rooting for him so much. And then the end of season 2 where he turns “bad” again and just.. omj.. noOOOOOOO MY BABY. But like holy cow, the character arc. Anyway, I love Zuko. Because 1) He’S REALLY GOOD LOOKING *WHEEZES*. 2) He’s so awkward and dorky, and characters like that give me LIFE. 3) HIS BREAKDANCING. 4) FIRE IS MY FAVORITE ELEMENT OF ALL TIME, AND AHHHHHHHHHH. 5) did i mention he’s really good looking. 6) CHARACTER ARC. 7) THAT PART WHERE HE STARTS CRYING IN FRONT OF IROH ASDFGHJHGFDS I CAN’T. 8) HE’S REALLY REALLY GOOD LOOKING 
Sorry this was really long, but I hope I answered your question xD
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