#『crack』sorry not sorry ’bout what I said I'm just trying to have some fun.
sxcondqueen · 3 months
『verse one』anne of the thousand days (canon). 『verse two』the mother of the future king (AU). 『verse three』rebirth wasn't in the cards (reincarnation AU). 『verse four』there's nothing wrong with a bit of magic (supernatural AU). 『verse five』so many worlds to explore (crossovers). 『verse six』 regent to the baby queen elizabeth i. 『crack』sorry not sorry ’bout what I said I'm just trying to have some fun.
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amazingmsme · 8 months
for the prompt thing could i ask for 13 with ler!paul and lee!richie?
they gotta have their much needed uncle/nephew bonding time! :D
This was SO MUCH FUN you have no idea!
Richie knew he was what some would call "scatter brained." Random thoughts would pop up at any time, day or night, and more often than not, he said what was on his mind.
"Hey Uncle Paul, how old are you?"
The question took him off guard and he looked at his nephew skeptically. "Uh, why are you asking?"
Richie shrugged, looking up from his phone. "I dunno, I just realized I don't know how old you are."
Paul thought it over and smirked. "Wait- guess."
Richie sat up straighter, rubbing his hands together mischievously. "46," Richie said, then immediately burst into laughter. Paul's eyes flew wide open in shock, and a little bit of betrayal.
"WHAT?" he screamed, making Richie laugh harder.
"It's a guess," he wheezed through his hysterics.
"Why're you yelling at me?" he asked, a smug, shit eating grin on his face.
"THAT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE! Like- okay so normally, when people ask that question they say, like, a little bit younger. "Was that your little bit younger guess?"
"Uh, yeah," Richie quipped. "You're like 49, aren't you?"
"What?" Paul cried out for the millionth time,
"So was I right?" he asked, as if that's what anyone would gleam from that reaction.
"Hell no! I'm not even in my 40's!" he exclaimed. Richie turned to him with furrowed brows.
"Oh. Really?" Then it seemed to "dawn" on him as his jaw dropped in revelation. A small gasp escaped as he spoke, "Oh I knew it, I was just being nice," he nodded solemnly.
"NO I'M NOT IN MY 50's, WHAT DO YOU MEAN "I KNEW IT"?" Paul screeched, making Richie fall against the couch in a fit of laughter. "I'M ONLY 32!"
"Damn, you old as hell," Richie mocked through bouts of laughter.
"Excuse me?" Paul asked, using his "mean adult" voice to get his attention. Richie didn't answer beyond hysterical laughter. "Hey! Don't laugh while I'm trying to talk to you!" he scolded lightly, fighting off a smile.
"What're you gonna do about it, old man?" he goaded. It was rare to see Uncle Paul so worked up, and it was hilarious.
"What I have to," he answered forlornly. Without warning, or perhaps that was Richie's warning, he latched onto his closest knee and squeezed. He shrieked and jerked his leg away, panic setting in as the tickling didn't stop.
“Wait wahahait I’m sohorry!” he pleaded, tucking his legs close to his chest and backed into the corner of the couch.
“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be,” Paul said with a smirk, reaching over to “crack an egg” on his knees, sending him into a fit of laughter. He drummed his feet on the couch, shaking his head back and forth.
“Ihihi’m sohorry nohohow!” he pleaded with a snort. Paul chuckled and decided to show the kid some mercy. He leaned back and ruffled his hair.
“Heh, yeah you are.”
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vee-xxo · 1 year
You and Your Friends - Warning
HELLO!!!! This part was originally gonna be much longer, but tumblr kept messing up my drafts and I had to rewrite it a few times. And instead of keeping u waiting, I decided to just post this as it is as a single part/chapter. I hope you still enjoy!
this is a Bakugou x Y/N slowburn
Warnings!!!: bad words, Bakugou is mean 😔
Genre: slice of life!
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After breakfast, the class started bit by bit making their way out the dorms and to the school building. It was strange going to school and seeing the same people you've been seeing all morning already, felt a lot less lonely than it might feel at home to some, Y/N thought to herself.
"What do we even have now? I totes just forgot our entire schedule." Mina looked up with a finger to her lips.
"Mhm? Uhh, I dunno, English I think." Y/N muttered after having been pulled out of her thoughts again.
They reached the school's entrance along with many others. Walking up the stairs and into the giant hallway. U.A's hallways were about the width of an average street, and the height of a small house. It was hard not to get intimidated by it all when applying here.
Now however, the students were already used to it all, and the hallway that had been empty just a few minutes ago, was now echoing with the sound of student's footsteps and chatter.
"Man!" Kaminari exclaimed as they all reached their classroom. "Ever since the dorms I haven't been late once!"
"Yeah, not on the class rep's watch!" Sero added with his signature grin.
"It's real nice spending the morning with everyone now!" Kirishima joined in. "I mean, even I thought it'd be a bit awkward with privacy and stuff, but it's been fun! Right neighbour?"
He grinned over to Bakugou, who was just about to take his seat.
"Shut up dumbass." Sneered Bakugou. "AND STOP COMING TO MY ROOM! If you're so worried about privacy how 'bout you leave me some!!"
"Aw hey, I'm just checking up on you, buddy!" Kirishima frowned, to which Bakugou just huffed while plopping into his chair.
While her classmates chatted, Y/N's head throbbed with a dull ache. She sat down with a hand on her forehead.
The chatter died down entirely once the class's homeroom teacher, Aizawa, entered the room. He was rubbing his tired eyes with his thumb and index finger as he walked up to his desk. Y/N looked up in slight surprise, as she had expected Present Mic to enter and begin the day with an English lesson.
The other students seemed surprised aswell, some tensing up slightly at what he might announce.
"Good morning class. As you can see, we've changed today's schedule a bit. It's been a while anyway..." He said, nonchalantly as ever.
More student's eyes had widened, knowing exactly just what he might say next.
Aizawa looked up, the corners of his lips rising slowly as his mouth cracked open into a grin. Further and further confirming the student's greatest fears.
"It's time for a pop quiz!"
☆ ☆ ☆
Once the bell rang, a few of the students quickly ran to leave their classroom as though it was keeping them hostage, to escape the shame and terror they felt from the sudden pop quiz.
"Hey no-" lida gasped and quickly jumped out of his seat, almost tripping over himself. "No running in the halls!" He yelled, as he ran after the others, pointing a hasty hand at them.
Meanwhile Kaminari fiddled around with a piece of paper which he was frantically trying to pull out of his bag. When he finally got it out, he ran to Aizawas desk, slapping it on the pile of papers already there, consisting of everyone's homework for the day.
Upon a second glance, Sero could tell how crinkled and foldy the paper was. "Hey, I told you not to crumble it too much!"
"Sorry! I almost forgot to bring it and just sorta stuffed it in my bag! Atleast I handed it in on time though!" Kaminari pointed a thumbs up to his friend.
Mina groaned, leaning back in her chair with a hand on her stomach. "Ughh, we've still got three lessons until lunch, but I'm already hungry again!"
To this, Tsuyu put a finger to her lip. "We just had breakfast about an hour ago, Mina."
Another groan escaped both Mina, and also Y/N. Y/N, who was sat between Mina and Tsu, also leaned back, running both of her hands up her forehead and through her hair. Next she crouched back down, folding her arms and resting her head on her desk.
"Are you okay by the way? You barely even had breakfast, Y/N." Tsuyu added. Mina turned around to look at the other girls, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"I'm okay. I'll just lay down on this table and pass out for the next seven hours, or I'll just die. Whatever. Doesn't matter." Y/N muttered mostly to herself.
The other girls could only share a worried look. Tsu had just opened her mouth to say something, when suddenly a louder, harsher voice forced it's way into the conversation
"Your dumbassery catching up on you?"
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Mina gasped at Bakugou, putting a protective hand on Y/N's head.
"Its her own fault for acting like a fucking idiot. Hey, weren't you at the top of the class just a month ago or so?" He taunted Y/N.
The other student's eyes flickered between them. Mina was just about to retort, but Y/N cut her off.
"Since when are you so conversational? Didn't think you cared that much about me. Stay outta my business, headass." Y/N snapped back, glaring up at him.
"HEY! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU DO!" Bakugou yelled. "Just thought you were stronger than this. You've been slacking for a while now, can't even put up a good fight anymore."
Just then Kirishima came running to the rescue. "Hey, hey! What's going on here? What's got you so worked up all of a sudden?" He put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, only for it to be pushed away.
"I'm saying you're fucking yourself over with whatever you're doing. It's pissing me off." He warned Y/N. His eyes squinting and his brows furrowed. Y'N's eyes flickered between him and the rest of the class, her mouth open in confusion at his accusation. He simply t'ched before leaving the classroom without another word.
Y/N wanted to snap back, but there was no more room for a witty comeback. Only a glance to give Kirishima as he shrugged and smiled apologetically.
Mina's eyes followed Bakugou as he left, her brows furrowed and lips slightly pursed as she softly shook her head in disapproval. Then she turned her head back to Y/N, a determined look in her eyes.
"Ignore him!" She said. But Y/N only looked up at her, almost disbelievingly, before quickly closing her own eyes and letting go of a long sigh.
"Whatever, I'm too tired for this."
Kirishima took a few steps closer to stand right next to the girls. "To be fair, I don't know what he means either. S'not very manly, just blowing up on someone like that for no reason..."
"It's whatever." Y/N replied. "He's just projecting some shit again. Probably got his own problems setting him off like that." She added, changing the topic primarily to Bakugou.
They all looked at each other for a second, before Kirishima took some quick steps to the exit. "I'll uh, I'll go and talk to him!" He said, before also disappearing out through the door.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you enjoyed this pls lemme know! Comments and reblogs are well appreciated and help me stay motivated! :)
Thank you! <333
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Forced to Believe Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
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Author's Note: A short one! Just a few random silly scenes I decided to keep when I wrote it years ago. 
Chapter Summary: Melanie reveals she helps from time to time with dances thanks to her father and spends time with Jon
Words: 700+
'Hours before Monday Night Raw'
Melanie dances with Fandango before the show to practice as the Bellas look on.
Nikki (I didn't know Melanie could dance.)
Brie (What can't Melanie do?)
Nikki (Beat us.)
Brie (Very true.)
"Alright, do it with her." Melanie said in a focused voice as Fandango danced with a dancer.
"How was that?" Fandango asked with a grin.
Melanie chuckled. "The moves look cleaner. You got it."
Melanie (What I do is, whenever someone needs help cleaning up their ballroom dance moves or whatnot, they call me. So it's pretty fun. Gotta thank my dad for that)
"Wish you were my dancer partner." Fandango flirted as the Philly Diva remained unphased with his advances 
Melanie laughed. "I'm good, man,"
"She's ours Fandango." Jon said and put his arm around Melanie with Colby and Joe by his side.
"Where did you three come from?" she asked as Fandango and The Shield laugh.
'Next day, Tampa, FL'
Melanie is in the kitchen in her hotel room. Jon knocks on the door and she opens it. "Finally! What took you so long? I was about to cook by myself."
"Sorry, had to make a quick stop." Jon and Melanie get settled. "All right, what are we making?"
"You can just make the pancakes. I'll make the rest."
"Sounds good."
Melanie (Today Jon is going to help me out to cook. This is a first so let's see how he does.)
"Can I have ten eggs?" Jon asked.
Melanie looks at him like he's crazy. "You're joking right? Then I'll only have two. Look, how bout I just make all the eggs? That'll be better."
"Fine, but you better take as much as you can."
"Hey, I like eggs too. you know? Share!" she giggled and started to crack the last egg in the bowl.
Melanie (So later on after I cooked the eggs and the other food, I take a little break. As Jon cooks the pancakes, I go to the bathroom. When I come out, I see Jon watching TV. Are you kidding me?)
"Dude! You burnt the pancakes!" she yelled as she looked at the burnt pancakes on the frying pan.
He jumps off the couch and rushes to the kitchen. "Sorry!"
"Sorry!? Those pancakes looked good!"
"Just make some more."
"Make some more-­why you little!" Melanie grabs a spatula and starts to hit him with it. "I want my pancakes!" 
Jon laughs and tries to grab the spatula out her hand and then manages to pick her up over his shoulder. 
"Jon! I want my pancakes!"
She manages to get out of his hold and then trips him down to the floor. 
"I win. Now get back to cooking." She ordered
Melanie (After breakfast, everything went well. Including the yummy buttermilk pancakes, which I fixed! Now, Jon owes me a piggyback ride and some grapes.)
"When do I have to give you a piggyback ride?" Jon asked.
"Hm...when I say so."
Melanie hangs with Jojo and Eva Marie. "So I heard you'll be trying out to be Fandango's partner. How excited are you?" Melanie asked with a grin.
"Um, I'm going to need your help with dancing." Eva Marie said.
"Yeah sure, whatever moves that you need cleaning up, I'll help you out."
"No Melanie, she told me she can't dance." Jojo admitted.
"You can't dance?" Melanie looked confused.
Melanie (Eva! Good grief! Why are you putting yourself in this situation? She needs to get out of this situation before it's too late.)
"Dude, your dance is tonight! What are you gonna do?" Melanie exclaimed.
Eva Marie sighed. "I know..."
"You need to tell him now." Jojo said.
"Like right now." Melanie added.
Jojo (First Eva goes against WWE and dyes her head red. And then she comes out with this boyfriend that no one knows about and now this.)
Melanie (She's in a screwed up situation that's for sure.)
At the arena on the stage, the divas watch Eva Marie's dance with Fandango and she doesn't do that good. At all.
Melanie (I tried to tell her.)
Trinity (Eva, if you're a dancer then I'm a freaking astronaut.)
"Ooh, someone's in trouble..." Brie said as Jane looked mad and walked off the stage
"Do you see how mad Jane looks?" Nattie asked
Nattie (In WWE, your reputation is everything. It takes one thing to ruin your reputation.)
"Are we running this again?" Mark asked
"No. We're not doing it again." Fandango said and stormed off backstage.
Nattie (Eva Marie has really started off with a bad start in the WWE.)
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
a character/ship: renga (i hc trans reki)
a song: billie bossa nova ; billie eilist
the genre: fluff ; comfort
ILY2 <33
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Billie Bossa Nova
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Ship: Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa
Warnings: timeskip a few years where they live together. Talk of dysphoria. a little cursing, kinda ooc langa but we’re sacrificing accuracy for the hurt/comfort
Notes: this was so <333 fun i love it i love them i need a langa. also just a little psa to anyone you can disagree (everyone has their own opinion!) but if you hate on trans!reki headcanons don't interact with me
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I'm not sentimental But there's somethin' 'bout the way you look tonight
“Babe! You ready to go yet?” 
“Uh—yeah, almost!” 
Reki took a long breath, throwing his t-shirt over his head before he could come in. Langa knocked quietly before entering, walking over to him, standing in front of the mirror. 
“Hug?” he asked gently, and when he nodded, he wrapped his arms around his waist. “How come you seem pouty?”
“I'm not pouty.”
“You’re pouting.”
He sighed and turned, burying his face in Langa’s neck. Everything started as a good day, but the longer he went, the worse his head decided to treat him. And now he and Langa were supposed to go on a date they’d had blocked out on their calendars for weeks because they needed free time together, and he felt like shit. 
None of his clothes fit right, his hair looked like crap, and the little bit of makeup he put on to try to appear more masculine didn’t help at all—nothing he did made him feel better, either. He’d taken way too long to get ready now, and he didn’t want to go. But he had to, for Langa. He’d be fine till they got home. 
“What’s going on, mon amour?” he asked gently. He felt Langa’s hand move from his back to the back of his neck, cradling him gently. “Talk to me.”
“‘M ok…”
Langa sighed and leaned back, just enough to look him in the eye. “Don’t give me that, red. What’s up?”
Reki looked at him for a moment, searching for any sign of insincerity. Of course there wasn’t, though—it was Langa. He should know better than to doubt him. The two of them had been there for each other through thick and thin the last six years and loved each other through it all. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, laying his forehead against his shoulder. He squeezed his waist a little tighter, clinging as if he was afraid to let go. “I was fine this morning, but nothing I do looks right today and I just wanna curl up under a blanket and-”
The more he talked, the harder it was to hold back tears. His voice cracked at the last word, so he took that as a sign to stop talking and hugged Langa impossibly tighter. He almost let all his thoughts and feelings get the better of him when he started playing with his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” Reki repeated, but this time, he was cut off from saying anything else. 
“There’s no need to apologize,” he said, pressing a kiss to his temple. “The whole point of tonight was to just…spend some time together, right? Since we’ve been so busy? So why don’t we just call Joe for takeout and watch a movie?”
He looked up at him, eyelashes damp with tears, and smiled. “That sounds nice, actually.”
“Throw on some comfy clothes, please take your binder off so you don't fall asleep in it, and then you can pick a movie, okay?”
With a sigh, he nodded. “If you insist…”
“I do. And, hey—” he picked his chin up— “you can tell me if you’re having bad days, Reki. You’re going to have them. And I really don’t mind spending an evening in rather than going out.”
Reki chuckled and pecked his lips. “Y’know, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Langa laughed when he picked him up and spun him around, taking the surprise to kiss his face all over. It was amazing how happy they made each other, and just how quickly he could turn bad days into good ones. 
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taglist (send and ask with what fandoms you want to be tagged in)
@sirimirihiro @emswordss @b3tterth4nm3 @momoewn @kodzukoi @agonyaster
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axymmetryx · 4 years
Arthur Conan Doyle | Ikemen Vampire
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a messy imagine for mr. doyle. didn't even read this as a whole and it's a mess. i'm a mess. :c
Day Two: Tea
"... ! What is your problem, Arthur?!" A very loud, annoyed -pissed- Theo, grumpily stomped up beside Arthur's table after being hit on the face with a flying crumped up paper.
Theo rapped his fingers across his friend's table impatiently, watching the writer groan and did some unhumanly kicks while throwing an exasperated hand on his head, ruffling his hair in the process.
"Well?" Arthur shoved his face on his table as the brunette man questioned him. He looked up at his friend while his cheek is still pressed over the stack of messy paperworks and pouted, "Theo, I'm in need of attention!" he whined and did a small tantrum again, which, he knows, puts Theo in an even badder mood.
Arthur saw his friend's eye twitching instantly and losing all interest in the world before attempting to walk away, and he immediatly shot up to grab the boy's sleeves.
"Off to the pub we go!" he announced to the open, and saw Theo lifting up his chair and was half ready to smack his head without any remorse, but he pulled Theo out the door before he uttered another word, that he was sure as hell, wouldn't even open an ear for.
"Arthur, my man! Welcome back." Arthur mustered up a grin, as he saw the pub's owner greeting him with a delighted look that Arthur deemed too genuine for a guy who does too much 'sales-talking', he catched the owner's hand in a familiar handshake before directing the latter's attention to his companion, "Great to be back, Pops! Even brought an extra here." he gestured to an unbothered Theo who just nodded in acknowledgement, trying to ignore Arthur's way of introduction. "Good! Well, hope you both have a heated night, if you know what I mean."
The pair walked towards the counter for a seat after a dreadful talk with the owner as Theo called it, and gestured up for a barkeep. Arthur did a scan around the dimly lit room, trying to spot any good ol' meals for the night, noting a few of his interests as his eyes did a three-sixty. He toned out the sound of Theo's nagging about him being a dick, as he bop his head along with the music in the background, he then patted his friend on the back in hopes of shutting him up, "Aw, have a little fun, Theo! Think of all the women that's about to swarm upon us! Speak of." Just as he was doing an encouragement speech, a group of women had really swarm up to them in hopes of attention.
"Oh, Arthur dear, I didn't notice you enter the pub, oh if I did, I wouldn't have let you in, and pulled you out to my carriage already!"
"Arthur, you're looking fine, tonight, I'd been waiting for you!"
"Arthur, who's your friend? It's the first time I've seen him here."
He was bombared with questions from all the women he was all too familiar with, but didn't fail to show a glimpse of playfulness, as a charming smile appeared on his face, but just as he was about to make a suggestive reply to one of them, he heard an unfamiliar voice behind him. He turned around as a fair maiden he had never seen before appear before his very eyes.
He lift his eyebrows in surprise as he realized that the girl was behind the counter, and asking for their order, but he covered his surprised look with a smirk as he leaned in over the counter to inch his face closer to the ladykeep, "What a fine lady you are, working as a barkeep." he lift a hand up to curl a strand of her hair on the tips of his fingers, forgetting about the crowd of women waiting for his attention behind him.
Even forgetting Theo, as the lad tried to slap away all the hands that tried to touch him, hoping to get a little privacy. Arthur noticed the ladykeep tremble a little at his act, and unconciously cracked a toothless smile.
"Just tell me what you want, sir." he heard a surprisingly confident reply, despite her trembling body, and he saw a flicker of irritation in the light of her eyes and pulled her hair out of his touch.
"Please, call me Arthur. And what if I want you?" his eyes glowed in the dim light of the pub, his voice sounding husky while blending with the party music.
"Sir, I'm not a drink." she said as a matter of fact, and Arthur couldn't hold back his amusement when she not only disregard his playful offer but also refused to call him by his name. He leaned back on his stool, trying to drown the thought that, she was infact a drink to his kind. Though he still grinned at the idea, he decided not to push it around her for now, if he wanted to get a moment alone with her.
"Alright then, dear, then get me the strongest coffee you can make." he flashed her his signature smile that could make a lot of women do almost absolutely anything for him.
He watched as the ladykeep looked at him as if he had lost his mind at his order, "If you wanted coffee, then go to a café, sir." was her obvious reply. His smile never falter even after seeing her showing less and less interest at him. But the smile he had did twitch a little when she offered her attention to Theo instead.
He had almost forgotten he had brought his friend with him, even forgotten the mob of women still clawing at his arms if it wasn't for the sudden lost of attention from this intriguing ladykeep he met. He turned quickly to the crowd and offered the sincerest apology he could pull, saying he was only here to accompany a friend.
Arthur turned his body back to the ladykeep who was just about to go back at the storage room, to probably get Theo's order, but he reached out to grab her arm.
"Hey, I still want the coffee, do find a way, sweetheart." he winked at her as she pulled away from him and openly rolled her eyes before sighing and continuing her way to the storage room.
A moment later, he watched as she emerged from the previously mentioned room and was now holding a tray with two drinks. A glass of colorful mixture of alcohol and a white cup filled with steaming hot liquid. He chuckled earnestly while watching her walk near them, "Splendid job, luv! You really went your way to get me what I want." he exclaimed once she placed down the steaming hot drink in front of him.
She then offered a smile at him, something he noticed was too fake and honestly too sudden for his liking. But he didn't pay no mind it, trying to cover up his thoughts of ways to get her to agree to spend the night with him.
He lift up the drink to his lips, and as he took a sip he immediately spat out the fluid in disgust, "Bollocks! What the-?" he coughed out, and then heard two deafening voices of laughter.
He looked up at Theo, realizing just now that he was definitely the mastermind of this ungrateful act. "Theo, you- ....! You know I hate tea!" he frowned, wiping the remaining liquid on his lips and tried to pat down his soaking pants, stinking of pure, ungrateful tea.
"Serves you right." he heard Theo mumble before humming and Arthur swore he saw devil horns on his friend's head.
He then looked up to see ladykeep trying to hold in her laughter but was obviously failing, as a few giggles left her pink lips. He thought she was too adorable to not take out on a date- wait! No, he was suppose to take her to bed. not on a date. No.
"Here. Sorry 'bout that." he snapped back to reality when he saw a pink handkerchief in front of his face, being offered to him by ladykeep.
He then switched back to putting on a playful grin as he accepted the handkerchief and patting it gently over his pants, "Why, thank you for worrying about me, luv! But this is partly your fault, so a simple apology is not enough!" he leaned in forward close to her again.
"Now, I think you owe me yourself tonight." he winked at her again and he noticed that she didn't tremble this time, and much to his surprise, he saw a glint in her eyes that didn't suggest any irritation like earlier.
"Arthur, I don't just give myself to anyone temporarily." he took note of the way she held her chin up when she uttered those words, especially when she actually called him by his name - if that ain't the hottest thing he heard, he didn't know what else- and he also took note of how barely visible the smile she offered right then and there and he thought that taking her out on a date might be a good idea after all, and so he smiled.
"Well then tell me you'd give yourself to me, for a lifetime."
"This little piece of- have you forgotten that you dragged me in here?!" Theo grumbled in annoyance, downing in his drink in one gulp as he refused to watch his friend and the lady barkeep making heart eyes at each other.
"Ugh, disgusting. Get a damn room!" He shouted at them both, feeling betrayed altogether.
"We will, thanks Theo!" He saw Arthur grinning at him while standing up and taking the barkeep with him outside.
"Dipshit. You owe me."
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callmeunstable · 4 years
Angels & Demons - Chapter 4
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Chapter 4
Characters: Reader, Godling, Savilla, Jaskier
Summary: After finding a friendin Jaskier their friendship get tested. Unsure of the danger ahead Alva tries her best to live in the village.
Warnings: Cursing, Blood, Death
Words: 2.000+
A/N: Hey! This is the fourth part of my fic. It took really long this time due to personal problems. I’m sorry but it probably will happen again. Thank you for you patience and enjoy!
Disclaimer: GIF’s and PNG’s are taken from Tumblr and are not mine! Credits to the creators!
Tags: @marvelbrat @charliestuff
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“Did ya hear the rumors?”
“The folks are saying the Nilfgaards want to overrule Cintra.”
“That’s never been a secret, mate. Cintra will fall and we all know that.”
“Got to hell. Our Lioness is strong. Don’t ya ever doubt her skill.”
These were the latest accusations browsing around the village. Cintra, the kingdom Alva was currently staying, was about to fall. The men were right when they're saying that. Even Savilla was under tension these days. She said they could arrive any day by now. 
The Lioness was the Queen of this state. Calanthe of Cintra, known also as the "Lioness of Cintra" and "Ard Rhena" called by the Elders. The mother of Pavetta, and grandmother of Ciri. She was known for her bravery and beauty. That is at least what she figured while serving in the tavern. She heard tons of rumors but couldn’t understand what that meant for her.
Sevilla had already started packing the most important goods and she collected all the money she received. Rarely spending anything except for once. She bought two horses. They weren’t expensive she said and necessary for traveling. 
When the Nilfgaards want to overrule Cintra the will stop here. Their town was called Walen. It’s close to the capital of Cintra. Where the Queen and the King had their castle. It may be a small village but you will get everything you need in this town. Food, animals, tailors, and a blacksmith.
Overall this village was not a poorly town. It had more than enough money to keep everyone well fed through the winter, which was a rare thing in this century. They didn’t necessarily depend on other nearby villages. They made everything they could need by themselves. Sevilla already had a plan figured out. James was still living in his forest and promised to alert them directly if he’d see something unusual and he would try to save them some time. In the beginning, Alva didn’t understand why the had to take all these precautions until the mage explained it to her. The Nilfgaardian Army was strong and powerful. They raided villages, stole their good, and raped the women. Their goal was to overrule Cintra, which means they wouldn’t hesitate to torture the people living here to receive any information they would mark as useful.
It was horrible and disgusting but it was the way this world worked. You have to protect yourself because nobody else will.
The job at the tavern kept her busy. It was quite fun now that Jaskier decided to stay. She liked his singing and his humor, even if sometimes he’d get on her nerves. He was flirting with every woman he could come across and needless to say, it didn’t stay with flirting if the girl agreed.
Gladly Jaskier understood rather quickly not to tease Alva's patience because she didn’t care about the girly behavior this world was used to. She was quick with grabbing any nearby object and chasing the bard with it. Once or twice even with his lute.
She would consider them both as good friends, which is why she was asking the bard about his plans when the Niflgaards arrive. “They don’t scare me. I’m not scared of anything. I could even get some new stories to tell in my songs.”
The bard was sometimes naive but he assured Alva that he knew what was coming and that he will be prepared.
Another day another workday for Alva. It was all peaceful and quiet, especially in the mornings. She liked that shift a lot. But not today. She was the first server to enter and she quickly realized that. Dozens of mugs were laying on the floor, bear and gin spilled everywhere.
“Was there a party I don’t know about?” Alva let that question settle in the room, soon recognizing that no one was there to talk to.
“All right, fuck all of you then.”
“Why you gotta be so mean all the time?” 
The mumbling sound of Jaskier's voice broke the silence and Alva spotted his hat in one of the corners of the room. The rest was hidden behind a barrel. He looked rather ruff. His Jacket was thrown on the chair beside him and his shirt was unbuttoned pretty far down. Thankfully he had his pants still on.
“Because you're sleeping quietly in your corner while I have to scrub the floor that you probably spilled you drink on.” Alva throws her bag at Jaskier, hitting him right in the belly.
“That was uncalled for. And to be exact it wasn’t only me. The men last night were enormously friendly and gave everyone a drink for free. Let me tell you it was fantastic.”
“Glad to hear you had a good time. Did you earn more than usual.”
“Probably. Can’t remember if I shall be completely honest.”
That sounded like typical Jaskier. 
Alva grabbed some towels and a bucket, filling it with water and soap. She dipped one into the liquid and searched for her target. Jaskier was standing a few meters away. His back was facing her.
“Don’t you know that turning your back to someone is just plain rude.” And with these words, the towel was being thrown, right on Jaskier's head. But the bard didn’t seem to mind the wet cloth sitting on top of his head.
“What the hell are you doing Jaskier?” The girl made her way over to him, to take a look at the interesting thing Jaskier was concentrated on. 
She didn’t like was she was seeing. Jaskier had opened her bag and grabbed one of her leather notebooks, Sevilla gave her exactly 3 of them, so she could keep track of this world and for anything else, Alva wanted to write down.
“You lied to me!” Jaskier let out an offended sigh. “You are a bard yourself and you didn’t tell me? I'm deeply offended, Alva.”
Alva tried to snatch the book out of his hands, unsuccessfully. “Jaskier, I will kick your ass! Give it back!” Jaskier was probably about 1 ½ head taller than Alva. That made it far more difficult.
“Why would I? These are amazing. Why did you hide them from me?”
“I’m not a bard Jaskier. I just like to write songs, get it?”
“You have to sing for me sometime or at least allow me to use some of your poetry.”
“For Christ's Sake Jaskier give me the book or I will kick you in your balls and that is a promise.”
Jaskier's shocked eyes stared her blank in the face. “No need to threaten me. But I've heard worse than that.” The bard still didn’t give the book back. Alva was struggling to get hold of his arm, that he held far up in the air. 
“That’s so romantic. May I quote ‘I've been hiding for so long, these feelings they’re not gone, can I tell anyone?’ What a poet you are little girl.”
“Jaskier I’m begging you, please stop!” Alva knew what the next line read. And she knew in which time frame she was captured. This will not end well.
“Why this is adorable! ’Afraid of what they'll say, so I push them away. I'm acting so strange.’ Does someone have a crush on good ol’ Jaskier?”
“Jaskier you don’t want to read further trust me.” Alva stopped reaching for her journal. It wouldn’t change what would happen next, she was too small and Jaskier to stubborn.
“’ They're so pretty it hurts. I'm not talking 'bout boys, I'm talking 'bout’ … oh.” There it was. Would he hate her now? Was she about to be abandoned from this village? She had no idea what would happen next.
“I’m sorry, Alva. I didn’t me to intrude your privacy.” Jaskier looked ashamed. That was a surprising sight. He quietly closed the book and handed it to her. She grabbed it and stuffed it bag in her back.
“You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”
“No, don’t be afraid. I don’t mind that. It’s just a bummer, I thought you had a swarm for myself. I guess I was wrong.” Jaskier let out a friendly laugh and scratched the back of his head.
“Wait, you don’t hate me?”
“Why would I? I mean I’m fond of women myself so why would I blame you? I’m just a little bit disappointed. I thought maybe I had a chance to win you over, at least for a night.”
Alva punched Jaskier softly in his side. 
“You’re a douche. But if you want to know. I still think men are attractive. But in my opinion, women are as well. So why exactly decide?” Alva tried her best to explain Jaskier with the easiest way that she’s bisexual.
“Does that mean I still have a chance of winning you over?” Jaskier's typical smirk was setting and he wiggled with his eyebrows.
“Technically yes, but no thanks.”
“That was disappointing.”
The day went quietly after this. Alva was happy about the fact that Jaskier didn’t mind her sexuality at all. He was indeed a great friend. He kept it a secret as he promised. And he didn’t change one bit.
A couple of weeks later they were walking back from the village that was next to Walen. It was a one-day march but it didn’t bother them. Sevilla sent Alva to get herbs she ran out of and Jaskier gladly announced himself as her companion. He didn’t want her to get lost and a woman should never walk alone, in his opinion.
It was only about a half an hour walk left, they were just arriving in the forest of James when they saw black smoke rising from the direction they were heading. “What the hell?” Alva didn’t understand what that was supposed to be. It was new to her that the village people used smoke signals.
“That’s not good.” Jaskier started to run, Alva behind him. What’s happening? “Why are we running?”, called Alva so Jaskier was able to hear her through the cracking branches they were running over.
“I think Nilfgaard reached Walen! Hurry!”
Anxiety was crawling up her throat. This couldn’t be real. Sevilla warned her but she never took it that seriously. She thought this would never happen.
“Alva!” The familiar voice of James was ringing in her head. The Godling used this method a lot to talk to Alva without needing to be seen.
“What is happening, James?” “Nilfgaard raided the village not even ten minutes ago. You need to run away! Not in the direction of the village! It will be your death!” The Godling was panicking like a child. His voice sounded helpless.
“I have to make it. I need to see if Sevilla is okay. Can you shield us? I beg you, James.” Alva needed to flee with Sevilla, she was not going to leave her there. “I try my best. But there are too many. You won't have much time.”
“I don’t need long, just help us!”
In the far Sevilla's house came in sight. It looked like normal, only the pots and jar outside the house were broken.
“Be quiet. I saw some soldiers not far from here. It's Nilfgaard. We have to leave!” Jaskier was pushing her in a bush, trying to have at least a little bit of cover. Screams and cries became audible. Uncontrolled and painful.
“Sevilla had a plan. I need to get her. We have horses. You can come with us Jaskier. But I need to get Sevilla, do you understand?” Alva was determined. 
She was not going to leave her. She was like a mother to her, all this time. She gave her a home when anyone else would have left her to die. The girl pushed the fabric of her dress aside, grabbing the hidden dagger.
“You are crazy! Going in there.”
“You will not stop me.”
“Alright then. Let’s go, you crazy girl. When we die, at least we’ll die together.”
They were slowly approaching the cottage. Trying to make out any sound.
“There is no one around you. You can enter.” James was back in her head. Alva didn’t hesitate anymore, breaking through the door.
It was horrifying. Everything was broken. All of the herbs were ripped out of their pots. All of their clothing was laying ripped on the floor. The fireplace was burning and tons of papers were stuffed into it.
But the worst thing was yet to come. Sevilla was laying on her stomach. The back part of an arrow was sticking out of her back.
“Sevilla!” The girl let out a shrieking scream. Jaskier quickly covered her mouth and held her in his arms. 
The was so much blood. All of her clothes were colored in a dark red. She wasn’t moving anymore.
“Alva, you need to listen to me.” Jaskier was grabbing her face and trying to get her to focus. “I know this is hard but you have to grief later. She wouldn’t want you to die here. You told me she protected you, I understand. But we have to leave.”
Alva was frozen, not even noticing her tears falling to the floor. “I can't keep them away much longer Alva!” A panicked voice ripped her out of her trance state. 
She wouldn’t want her to die. She has to live for her. “T- The rug. Under the rug.” Jaskier pushed the carpet aside and a hatch became visible.
Jaskier opened it and there were 6 bags stuffed together. Each of them grabbed three.
Alva was still looking at the corpse of Sevilla. She was lost in this world once again. No help to escape it.
“The horses! Where are they, Alva?” Jaskier started to panic like the girl. 
“Behind the house in the shed.”
Both ran outside, with a last glance at the mage they left. The horses were still outside, visibly unsettled.
“Help me saddle them. Hurry up!” They fixed the straps and secured the bags. While doing that a not fell out of the pockets attached to the saddle. Quickly picking it up she stuffed it on the inside of her pants. 
“You need to ride with this dress. Are you able to do that?” Jaskier wanted to make sure the girl stayed focused. It was the most important thing at the moment.
“N-no, I can't. B-but.” She held up her dagger and sliced the fabric of her legs. Ripping every single part of it off her body. Anger was building up in her body. “Stop that! We don’t have time for one of your outbreaks. Get up! Now!” Jaskier helped the girl on the horse and fastly climbed on the other one.
The horses picked up on speed. They could sense that they were in a dangerous situation. Alva looked back at the small village she called her home. But now she has to travel into the unknown with a bard my her side.
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theficplug · 5 years
𝓅𝓉 𝟤
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: 𝟣𝟪+ , 𝓈𝓂𝓊𝓉
𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓴 𝔁 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
{𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓬𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓼 𝓭𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽-𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓹 & 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓼 𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓴 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓼 𝓱𝓲𝓶 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓽𝓸 𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲���𝓼. 𝓘 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓭 4 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼😂. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵. 𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂'𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂✌🏾 𝔁}
His fingertips danced along your spine following the golden sunlight against your umber skin. While you laid next to him softly placing kisses to his shoulder and chest.
You smiled to yourself remembering how damn near perfect last night was. He didn't ask anything of you after giving you one of the most mind blowing orgasms of your life.
He just cuddled you almost swaying you as you fell asleep nestled against his side. 
You felt him toss and turn until you wrapped your arms around him. Although he's never admit to being a little spoon.
"Damn, it must really be paradise here. 'Cause it can't get more perfect than this. I haven't slept all night like that in a long time." He says lowly his voice slightly raspy and deeper from the tiredness lingering. 
"I mean besides the morning breath. Whew yours is kicking." You say to him jokingly before he scoops you closer into his arms and kisses all over your neck. 
"Come shower with me then?" He proposed, already halfway out of the bed. 
After grabbing your things you headed towards the large bathtub with him. It was absolutely breathtaking and you still couldn't imagine how you pulled off getting a ticket for this luxurious cruise. 
"What's on your mind? " He asks while pulling you closer to rest against him. His warm wet hands soothing over the kinks in your back. 
"Just thinking of how quickly everything has moved. First it was the breakup and then getting the position I've always wanted. And coming on this cruise and finally reuniting with you. It has just been a world wind of emotions. But as corny as it is. I'm glad that I'm with you right now." You say quietly before looking up at him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
"You still got them same ass big brown eyes. The kind you can't forget if you tried to. I never really gotta chance to say I'm sorry. I ain't mean to take off like that. I had some things that I had to take care of back then. Things that I'm still taking care of now. Things that I wanna tell you about but I feel like that's too much too soon." He says never once breaking eye contact with you as he chose his words carefully. 
You eyed him for a moment wondering what changed with him when he left. You wanted to question the scars that carried ghosts of his past etched across his skin or to ask him why he trembled when you held him last night. But you settled on a gentle kiss to his chest.
" All that matters right now is that you're safe. In time maybe you'll comfortable enough to tell me all about it. I believe that everybody's gotta past. It's alright" You soothe him and you can feel him for once relax against the bathtub. 
You slowly glide your hand down his body to stroke him softly. 
You noticed that eye contact is a big thing for him as you watch him melt under your gaze and touch. 
You pump him slowly as you rest your forehead against his and press a kiss to his lips. 
You sink down onto him slowly. Taking a moment to work him in fully before working all the way up and back down again to find a rhythm. "I'm glad that I'm here with you." You repeat against his lips as you slowly start to ride him. 
At first he just holds onto you as if you're going to float away. He's kissing every part of you that he can touch before burying his face in your breasts as you hold his head against you. You maneuvered lower so that he can tug teasingly on the right nipple then the left. 
Your hand smacks against the the outside of the bathtub as a kneejerk reaction to him beginning to fuck you back. His hand gripping onto your right hip tighter as he angles you slightly and drives into you at a new angle. 
"Eriiikkkk. Right there. Right there. Keep going baby-" You whine into his mouth as you find the right rhythm between the two of you.
You roll your hips down while he's giving deeper strokes into you from below. 
"You close huh? Don't run from it. Come on. Don't hold shit back from me." He demands as he grips your left hip harder holding you into place as he pounds into you and uses his other hand to massage your clit. 
That one last stroke had your arching your back into him and he took the opportunity to latch onto your nipple again nibbling it as he strokes you through your orgasm not stopping the rhythm between lightning fast strokes and then rolling his hips. 
You squeal as you hold onto his shoulders and bounce yourself through it before falling forward into him. 
"Nuh uh. Don't hold back neither. Give me that shit. You're hard as a fucking brick for me. I know you wanna cum. C'mon bae." You tease you whine your hips fluidly against him teasing him up and down you. 
He groans loudly and squeezes your cheeks hard holding you against him as his head rolls back and you grip his beard for him to look at you.
"Please, cum for me." You whisper to him as you feel him throbbing and pulsing ready to spill over for you he leans up and leave kisses down your neck before biting onto your shoulder hard as his stomach clenches and he releases for you.
"Goooddd. So good for me. " You moan praising him for giving you what you wanted.
After showering for real this time he left you to do your makeup and pick out an outfit for the day.
"I don't know how I feel about this look. I mean we're supposed to dock in like an hour and go sightseeing . And I'm late. I was supposed to meet the girls for breakfast. 10 minutes ago. So, this is good?" You say to Erik showing him the cherry red sleeveless dress that draped off over your back with a slit up the thigh.
It was the perfect shade to make your bronze skin pop along with the matching red lipstick and a simple winged liner.
You leaned your weight to one hip and smoothed out the dress smiling to yourself for a second as you watch him eyeing you up and down.
"You look so damn fine. I wanna spend all day in bed with you but these niggas tryna go snorkeling and shit." He says to you as you shake your head while laughing at him. 
"That sounds fun though. I think we're gonna hit up all the major food spots and tourist-y things we can today. But I'll meet up with you tonight. Gimme kiss." You say to him before you both head out. 
On your way to the elevator you finally check your phone and see all the missed calls and texts from Derrick. 'Shit.' was your only thought as you scrolled through them. 
"I'm not gonna apologize cause I'm grown. I can do whatever with whoever I wanna do it with. But I didn't mean for you to hear all of that. I must've called you by accident last night." You say to him as he answers the phone.
"So are we even now?" Is the only thing he asks as you shake your head at how unbelievable he is.
"Not even close. Look I've gotta go. I just wanted to call and clear the air so that you don't think this was something planned to "get back at you "." 
"To be honest I deserve more than an accidental call. I'm sorry. I really am. I know that I fucked up a good thing. I hope that someday we can at least go back to being friends." He says and for a moment you wanna believe that that's possible.
"Friends don't do that to each other Derrick. Like I said I just wanted to clear the air. I gotta go." You say hanging up quickly once you make it to the cute little cafe on the second floor of the ship.
You take a deep breath in before walking in and over to the table where your friends already eating and cackling about something. 
"Good morning y'all. I- I overslept." You say to them with a small smirk while sitting down.
"BITCHHHHH. Yo ass got good dick glow written all over you. That birth control was doing its job this morning! " Khadijah laughs as you throw an orange slice her way.
"Sebastian wasn't it though. 2 words. Chicken Nugggeeeettt. He's sweet as gold and we have so much in common but like y'all. " Khadi adds 
"UH UUHHH. Girl, and he was talking big game and ended up whipping out the shrimp?" Tasha says to Khadi in disbelief 
"Good morning. It looks like you had fun last night. Here we ordered you shrimp and grits and we're gonna need the full run down. So here" Tasha says as she puts the breakfast platter on your side of the table and Lynelle leans in closer. 
"Shush like you and Tasha's bag wasn't buzzing its way through TSA. Y'all I ain't even gon lie. Mans ate the soul clean outta my body. I was shaking and shit. I thought I was bout to morph into something. I'm like girl is this the moment where I turn into a Demogorgon. And then he just like held me and that kinda intimacy I hadn't felt in so long. Everything was going good. Morning sex was bomb...But then the gag is i must've accidentally called Derrick right before that cause he heard everything." You say and then watch Tasha , Khadi, and Lynelle cut up.
Tasha was clapping and laughing as Tasha and Lynelle tried to hold it in before laughing until the point of tears. 
"Wait , wait I'm hollering." Tasha yells 
You set there with your arms crossed before cracking into a giggle of your own.
"I don't know why I felt bad. But I did after I found out what happened. Is that weird?" You ask as you push the food around the plate. 
"As a psychologist, I want to say something profound like. Dopamine causes us to try and find the love object, hence why we spend days thinking about the other person. It’s for this very reason that it can be so incredibly hard for us to move on to a relationship with someone else. We tend to idealize our exes and distort the memories we have with them. We romanticise the reality and forge an idea in our minds of what life with them is like when often it’s not the truth. But as your best friend I just wanna say fuck Derrick and his feelings." Khadi says bluntly while sipping on the mimosa
"She ain't wrong. He didn't really take your feelings into consideration when he did what he did. So, i'm with Khadi on this one. Fuck Derrick." Lennie says as she raises her glass
"FUCK DERRICK" y'all say in unison as all 3 of you raise your glass for a toast. 
After the ship docked and you realised you were gonna be staying at a villa not too far from Erik's everything seemed to go smoothly.
You and Erik ended up venturing off together to all the little boutiques and food spots on your list.
Tasha and Lennie wanted to do all the cute tourist-y things on their own little list.
Khadi ended up going with Sebastian to do the snorkeling activities and meeting the dolphins. It turned out that they both love the ocean and marine life.
After sending each other quick texts about the change of plans. You agreed to meet up for dinner and to test out Club Jenja later on.
He didn't smother you when you and the girls danced at the club. But you could feel his eyes on you when men got too close to you for his liking. He did come by occasionally to ask you if you were okay or if you needed a water. Or if he just wanted a kiss from you.
He was currently standing by the bar talking to his boys when you notice a dark haired woman and another girl saunter up to him.
While they were standing there telling him their whole life story it seemed. His eyes never left yours.
"My feet hurt." You say to him as you walk over to as if the girls aren't standing there.
"Let's go then." He replied simply already done with the scene and just wanted to be chilling with you.
Your feet were done at this point from dancing all night in them skinny ass heels and he ain't hesitate to carry you bridal style to the Uber.
You wasted no time pulling off your look and slipping into one of your oversized shirts.
"You play too much. Why you left your girlfriend hanging like that?" you ask him laughing softly into his shoulder.
Of course he wanted to stay at your villa tonight.
You were both a little tipsy on the shots from the bar and realised that honey whiskey made both of y'all all lovey dovey. 
"She really said I hope y'all enjoy your honeymoon. You a cute couple. Maybe she seen something with us." he says repeating the elderly lady that y'all met in a souvenir shop earlier. Then pondering the thought
"She was really cute though." You say to him as he helps you wipe your makeup and adjust your head scarf in the back for you.
"You wanna use this face mask? You gotta lil sunburn right here on your nose. I told you to wear sunscreen. Talking bout lotion gonna cover it." You scold him softly before giving him a kiss to the tip of his nose. 
"Yeah , lemme go pee real quick." He says before moving from sitting between your legs on the bed.
You knew that you both weren't going to sleep anytime soon. So, you grabbed the laptop and turned on your playlist which mostly consisted of smooth r&b.
You watched as Erik walked out of the bathroom grooving to music and leaned down to kiss you.
Safe to assume that it's impossible to get over how his kisses made your skin light up like the 4th of July.
3 glasses of wine later and y'all were deep into conversation about everything from is there life on other planets to life paths.
"I think if I wasn't a stylist I'd be a criminal psychologist. That type of stuff has always seemed interesting to me." You say as he asks if you watched the new I Am A Killer series on Netflix.
To him revealing that he has a 4 year old daughter.
"Ava? She's the most adorable little thing. I can't wait to meet her one day." You say as you look at the pictures of her. She had his nose and head shape but with hazel eyes. Her adorable 4c fro adorned with jewels and cornrows in the front clasped with berets.
You think for a second wanting to ask him about the situation with the baby mama but didn't want to pry too much into it. Especially if you too planned on just keeping things casual.
"I met her mama while I was deployed. She got ill, and ain't really make it too many days past Ava's 2nd birthday." He says as he rub the back of his neck and shake his head.
You let out a small pout before pulling him in for a warm hug. You lay back with him in your arms and scratch at his scalp gently.
"I can tell that she was a good woman. Just look at how smart and kind and caring Ava is already. She taught her so much in such an unfortunate amount of time." You say thinking over the appropriate answer for the situation.
It's wild to think about this man was your best friend for years. And it feels like everything and nothing has changed all at once.
"I hooked up with Mr. Thomas after graduation." You blurt and Erik looks up at you for a minute before laughing hard as fuck.
"What the fuck? How? When?" He asks as he shakes his head still laughing.
"Well, he been a whole ass snack since junior year and I saw him during the girls trip to Mardi Gras . Like around carnival time. And we just got to talking. He stopped teaching math and now he's like traveling the world and all of this stuff. " You say laughing
"I can't believe that shit. I used to be disrespectful as fuck to that nigga too. He know I was good at math and cause I used to skip his class he always tried to play me like I ain't know nothing. Like nigga I didn't need to cheat off nobody homework or test." He says scoffing at the thought before his phone begins to ring
"We going to the zoo today. Sing the song daddy." Ava asks and she nods before saying hello to her and her grandmother.
"Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful-" He's cut off by her with a shake of her head.
"Not that one - the other one papa." She tells him and you look over to see him thinking before he dramatically says "ooh that one."
Your heart melted as they started singing together. She's smiling and laughing with her father as tried to sing with him.
"We're gonna have a good day. And all my homies gonna ride today. And all these mommies look fly today. And all we wanna do is get by today. Heyyy. We're gonna have a good day. And ain't nobody gotta cry today. Cause ain't nobody gonna die today. You save that drama for another day. Heyyy we gonna have a good day." He finishes and you swear that your heart grew at least two sizes watching him interact with her.
"Have fun at the zoo with Grandma, let her put the sunscreen on you when you get out , and say hey to the penguins for Daddy alright? I'll call you later. " He finishes and he says goodbye to her grandmother before ending the call.
"We came up with it when she start going to pre-school. She hated being away from me . So every morning we would sing the song together and she gets all the special hugs before she goes out the door to carry with her to have a good day. I don't miss a day." He explains and you couldn't help but kiss his face all over.
He was such a multi-faceted person to just sit back and admire. You could get use to this eventually being everyday.
But , a tinge of sadness couldn't help but wash over you . Thinking of what could've been if things hadn't happened the way that they did with you two.
You both eventually drift off while holding him in your arms, tipsy as hell, and feeling full of love.
@blackmissfrizzle @chaneajoyyy @sheisexcellent1 @fd-writes @theogbadbitch @yoyolovesbucky @destinio1
Lemme know if I missed anybody x
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mister-lady · 4 years
geez, i love your writing so much. water totally does have a taste tho. otherwise when you went to other places besides your house you wouldn't think that the water tasted weird there!!! which i'm now realizing might just be a me thing lol. anyway! if it's okay to send another prompt (i don't wanna overwork you!) then howa bout 9 with Remus cuz you said you didn't like him at first and the prompt says "forced to spend time together"!!!
*sobs* th-thANK yoUu!!!! And exactly!!!! Water has a taste!!!!! Janus doesn't agree tho smh. I definelty get that tho! One of my friends house that I go to I cant have their water cause it tastes funky to me dkkvkskg.
AAA ILLYYYY🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘❤💘❤❤❤💘❤💘❤💘❤❤❤🌟❤❤❤❤❤❤💘💘💘💘🌟🌟🌟🌟you're not overworking me at all!!!!!!!! I'm absolutely loving all of these thank you sososoo muchhh🥺🥺🥺🥺👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈👉😭👈👈😭😭😭���🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺💘❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕 this was super fun to do!!! Especially becuase I normally don't talk much about my enemies to lovers thing with Remus so it was kinda nice to almost project it onto here!!!🥰🥰🥰 Also sorry I got a little carried away while writing and it got a little off-topic from the prompt-
Prompt: A moves into a new apartment and wants to check out the closest dog park. Their dog loves it there, especially that one dog that seems to be there almost every time they go. With their dogs being madly in love with each other, A and the other owner, B, are forced to spend more time together as well
Warnings: strong curse words used a minor amount. Very small angst.
Matt had moved into an apartment, hoping to build up some money for a home. He was living the life though, being able to do things when he wanted, without people complaining at him. However, Matt had gotten a little lonely so he did the best solution! He got a pet. Now, Matt normally wasn't a fan of dogs, mainly ones that barked a lot, but when he had been searching through the animal shelter and found a very peaceful dog. It was maybe around 1 year old and it was a small poneramium. Normally small dogs barked a lot but this one was fairly quiet and Matt liked it for that. He named his dog Siskel. Since an apparment was a small place Matt had searched up local dog parks he could take his dog to and let it play for a bit and get some exercise. Matt was unbelievably happy when his dog had found another dog friend! He thought they were adorable together and seemed to get along so well too! What he hated was the rat-bastard that owned the dog. You know how theres the couple in movies that want be together but the parents hate eachother? It was essentially that for Matt, but it was one-sided. The other person seemed to find Matt amusing, even though Matt had often showed that he didn't care much for him. Sometimes Matt would feel bad for the way he treated the person, he never gave him a true chance. But then the person would say something that made Matt stop feeling as guilty. The downfall for Matt was that he had scheduled days that he could go to the park where he had free time so it's not like he could ignore the other guy either. Plus, he would feel bad for depriving his puppy of it's friend just because Matt had been salty.
Matt had currently been sitting on a bench at the dog park and was keeping a close eye on Siskel. He made sure to keep his dog on a leash incase it did go to do soemthing bad, he could pull it back, plus, he didn't have to worry about Siskel running off either. Matt could tell just by the way his dog acted, that it was impatiently waiting for it's friend to arrive. Matt was trying to take it's mind off of waiting for it's friend and was throwing a pinecone for his dog. He would use a toy but if another dog came up who knew wheres its mouth had been? Siskel knew not to fully bite on the pinecone, but it would still bark at it and pretend to play with it. Matt couldn't help but smile as he watched. Though, poor Matthew's smile didn't last for long as he felt the same ol' guy sit next to him. Matt knew a little information about him, like his name and such, but only because he had told him like Matt had asked.
"Hey, Maaattttt!!" He chimed.
"Hi, Remus" Matt huffed.
Matt watched as the dogs quickly ran up to eachother and played with a pinecone together. It was very wholesome. However Matt casted a confused glance towards Remus, not understanding why he was so silent.
"You're quiet." Matt commented, while raising an eyebrow.
"I am?" Remus asked, as if he wasn't aware of what Matt was talking about.
"Yeah, normally you're rambling on about something that happened to you, or about how you poisoned your enemies cake or soemthing." Matt soon regretted speaking up, as he watched a very amused smile grow across Remus's face.
Remus gave Matt a very tight hug, causing Matt to squeak from alarm. Matt couldn't help but notice now warm Remus had felt and he could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
"Wh-.. what?" Matt questioned.
"You do listen!!! I was always afraid you never listened to my stories!" Remus seemed to be bursting with excitement.
"Well, I mean I kinda have too, you tail me around against my will." Matt flatly pointed out.
"Pssshh, yeah cuase you don't like me. Totally"
"I hate you. And why are you still hugging me??"
Remus withdrew and let go of the hug. Matt could've sworn he thought Remus looked a little upset for a moment, but if he did it was quickly replaced by happiness.
"You knowwww... it took you a little while for you to tell me to stop hugging youuu" Remus teased.
"You're honestly the biggest idiot I know and it hurts to be around you."
"You can insult me all you want but it's not going to change the fact that you like my hugs!"
"You're a lunatic and burn down places. The last thing I want is your hugs."
"Is that why you let me hug you?"
"I didn't let you hug me! If I did I would've hugged back. But I didn't."
"You let me hug you and you listen to what I say? Mmmmm... I'm pretty sure you like me."
"I don't like you, I'm just that lonely."
"Most people that don't like me get a restraining order, so you must like me to some extent, right?" Remus gave Matt a puppy-eyed look.
Matt groaned in annoyance. "I just might if I have to sit here any longer."
"That's not a no~"
"And it's definitely not a yes."
"Well, it's not a no, so I'll take what I can get."
"You're a dunce."
"I still don't see why you hang out with me so much then."
"Hang?? Out?? I-? Me??- with yOu??-" Matt stumbled over his words in aghast. "Okay, I certainly don't, and would never, hang out with you, Remus. You come up to me. I deal with it because for some stupid reason my dog likes your dog, and I do what's good for my dog because I have a little bit of common sense."
Remus pouted at Matt's little tangent and crossed his arms. "Fine. I won't talk with you then. Maybe then you'll like me more."
Matt shook his head, "Why do you care so much for whether I like you or not?"
Remus only glared at him and didn't respond. Matt decided to take the opportunity of peace and quiet, however, as time started to pass, he felt like something was bugging him. Like he was itching to do soemthing and he didn't know what. Like something was...off. He gave Remus a curious glance, wondering if he had done something, but by the looks of it he was behaving like a decent human being. If that was the case, then what was bugging Matt?? He had gotten what he wished for, had he not? He subconsciously gave Remus an almost longing kind of look, and Remus met his gaze for a split second, only to look away. Matt couldn't help but fear a pang of hurt in his heart, only to be quickly filled with frustration at himself. Remus complete was the opposite of a normal, decent, and civilized person. All he did was annoy Matt, so why did Matt feel bad? He quickly answered his own question. Remus hadn't done anything bad directly towards Matt, and Matt had acted like a huge douche towards him for no reason. Matt felt his eyes water up a bit at the realization and quickly blinked it away. He felt terrible for the way he had acted.
"I'm sorry." Matt spoke, his voice cracking a little bit causing him to inwardly cringe.
Remus looked at him, but gave him a questioning look as if asking him to go on.
"I'm sorry for being a massive and terrible douche towards you. You hadn't done anything wrong, if anything, out of all the things you've told me about I should be lucky that you didn't do anything to me and I'm really, really, sorry and I know that doesn't really change anything but I completely understand if you don't forgive me, and honestly with the way I've treated you I probably don't deserve your forgiveness." Matt had gotten repeatedly choked up as he spoke and had to keep clearing his throat or blinking away the water in his eyes in a sad attempt to hide what he was feeling.
Remus eyes had widened in surprise. That was by far not what he had expected at all. He didn't expect too much of an appology especially from Matt, so the heart felt appology took him a few seconds to process.
"..Matt?" Remus spoke.
"Can I hug you?"
Matt quickly nodded his head and felt his face twist as he felt a few tears go down his face agaisnt his will. He didn't realize all the weird feelings he had subconsciously bottled up, but as Remus tackled him into a hug, almost knocking him off the bench they had been sitting on, Matt couldn't help but sniffle a little bit. He felt the warmth from Remus engulf him again, and his mind drifted to how nice Remus's arms and hands had felt to be wrapped around him. Matt tried to calm down his sudden emotions and breathed a little more slowly, and slowly slithered his arms up and around Remus's back and rested his head on his shoulder.
"We never speak of this to anyone." Matt mumbled.
Remus giggled and nodded his head in agreement, causing Matt to laugh a little bit himself.
"I knew you always liked me a little bit." Remus teased.
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Finding Family
"Family is not an important thing.
It's everything."
"I've never seen anything like it before in my life. They have this wall and it's all concrete, and then the crops and live stock! everything is so meticulously organized, their armory is stocked in ways you couldn't even imagine." Rick rambled, ducking beneath a low hanging branch as the rest of the group followed behind. They'd been on the road for over 11 hours when Rick had finally instructed them all to pull over through the walkie.
It was nearing close to another hour since they had all started walking through the poorly shaded woods, the Atlanta sun burning their skin and stray walkers hiding in the brush. Daryl had never seen this part of Atlanta before and he couldn't help but be impressed with how well this supposed "miracle community" was hidden.
"If I hear bout' this damn Georgetown one more time, I'm throwin' him all the way there." Merle grumbled from beside him, cutting down the far too tall grass with the chiseled saw he called a hand.
"Just keep ya mouth shut and keep ya eyes on the path." Daryl hissed at his brother, moving to walk a few feet ahead. Their relationship was beyond strained and some days it was worse than others, there was a deep seeded resentment amongst the two brothers, most days Daryl couldn't even look Merle in the eyes.
Everyone knew the reason why.
"Are we almost there?" Glenn panted, leaning into the hand Maggie was massaging his achey neck with.
"Almost." Rick promised.
"They gonna see us comin'? Ain't gonna attack or nothin'?" Daryl fell into step with Rick.
"No. They seem to be good people, they know I'm bringing my people to talk. I've only spoken to their leader Charlie and a few of the residents, it was Charlie's idea to bring you all for a visit. He wants to see the type of People Alexandria produces." Rick explained.
"So best behavior folks!" Abraham chuckled and slapped Eugene on the shoulder sending the mulleted man stumbling into Carol and Michonnes backs.
Carol whipped around and raised a brow at Eugene, Michonne laughed as the socially awkward man scrambled back to Abraham's side with wide, frightened eyes.
Almost half an hour later the sounds of muffled voices broke through the silence of the woods, Rick hadn't been lying , the concrete wall that blocked the community from the outside wall was incredible and large and so tall there it seemed to tower over even the tallest oak tree lining the woods.
"Holy shit." Jesus stopped abruptly, his jaw practically on the floor as he stared up at the dark grey, smooth concrete slab.
"That's unbelievable." Carol whispered
"Carl's going to be so mad he missed this." Michonne added
"Rosita too." Sasha stepped forward and pressed her hand against the wall tugging Tyreese alongside it.
Merle elbowed Daryl in the ribs and grinned
"Looks like that old burned down factory we used to store our huntin stuff in' with the cracked concrete and tall ass walls."
"Yeah. S'also where you started sellin' the meth and damn near got me killed by a tweaker." Daryl mumbled, dodging another elbow from Merle.
Wasn't that always how it was? Every good thing daryl had ever had was tainted by Merle's reckless and stupid behavior. It was that way then and it hadn't changed, it never would.
The heavy welded doors opened slowly in front of all of them and out stepped an older man who was so tall even Tyreese had to look up to catch his eyes.
"Hello Alexandria, I'm so happy you all could make it. The ride here was smooth I assume? No trouble?"
Rick stepped forward, extending his hand to the stranger and grinning.
"No trouble at all. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to say our piece, and Thank-you for giving my people a chance. I know how difficult it is to trust someone you hardly know, especially in this world."
Rick would have been one hell of a politician if the world hadn't gone to shit, it was amazing to see the easy way he talked to anyone and everyone never giving away even a piece of himself.
"Well of course, of course. Come on in then, you never know what's lurking in these woods." The man Daryl assumed was Charlie ushered them all inside the walls of the community, signaling to a group of men on top of the walls to close the doors.
It wasn't real.
There was absolutely no way something as prospering and lively and god damn beautiful could exist in the world they lived in now. Behind the walls of Georgetown was row after row of blooming and blossoming crops, farm animals grazed behind fenced fields, families tended to the fields and satellite panels stood tall on poles surrounding the beautifully kept homes. There were children playing and mothers knitting on porches, men were lugging lumber though the sidewalks and someone to Daryl's left was patching up the roof of a tiny yellow cottage.
"I told you." Rick whispered in his ear "I've never seen anything like it."
Neither had Daryl, not in this life or his last.
It felt welcoming and clean and homey..
It felt safe.
Maggie was the first to speak
"This place is beautiful, it's like a different world. I can't believe how much food y'all have! And the protection from the barriers and fences.. it's truly amazing."
Charlie smiled proudly
"Yes, we've worked very hard to achieve all that we have. But Rick tells me you've all worked hard as well. I'd heard of the saviors from passing travelers, fortunately we never encountered any at Georgetown. We're far too hidden to be found, of course we do have a plan of action in place should the time come we're threatened." His tone held a hint of a warning and Daryl felt Merle shift uncomfortably beside him, he got all fidgety when the saviors were mentioned. Daryl just got nauseous.
"You said we'd be able to meet more of your people? Not that I'm in any place to rush you but clearly we can see how well this place is run and I think we're all curious as to who's behind it." Rick smiled brightly and nudged Michonne until she was smiling just as wide.. albeit a bit more awkwardly.
"Well to be fair every single person who lives within the walls of our community is responsible for the progress and safety of our home. But if you mean my counsel, let me introduce you." The taller man pulled a walkie from his utility belt
"Hey team, meet in the corridor. Emergency meeting."
A chorus of jumbled
"Okay... got it.. be there in a sec."
sounded through the device.
"I haven't told them I was bringing you in, they would all be too anxious. They're going to be the deciding factors on whether I agree to the trade so I feel it's important they look at this with fresh eyes. It's better they don't have time to think on it." Charlie winked.
"I was in the shower. Someone better be dead."
A petite woman with short hair and tattooed arms came sprinting down the steps of the large white building that Daryl and his group were standing in front of. She was beautiful but the way her eyes landed on Michonne and lingered for just a moment too long made it fairly obvious she would not be interested in Rick, Daryl, Merle or anyone of that particular gender.
"You were in the shower? I was in dreamland. I was out all night scoping for walkers, you said I could sleep in." A mammoth sized man with a scarred face and dark blue eyes followed the smaller woman, trailing after her and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Charlie chuckled and shook his head
"These are a few of the people I wanted you to meet. They've come looking to trade with us, I wanted them to come by and meet you before we get into any details." He explained.
The tattooed woman reached a hand out to Michonne and the huge blue eyed man instantly reached for a high five from Rick
"I'm Tucker and that's Ruby. I run construction and head most of the supply runs, Ruby runs the armory she knows everything there is to know about guns so if you guys think you can ever get one over on her you're sorely mistaken." Tucker's laugh filled the air before he clapped a hand onto Glenn's shoulder nearly drilling him to the ground with the force of his grip. Merle snorted and Daryl had to fight to keep the smile off of his face.
"Aidan is tied up in the kitchen right now, he's got to get lunch out before we hit the road for our next run. He said he'd come by after."
Charlie nodded in understanding before turning towards The front doors of the white building again
"Where's Lil, I thought I heard her say..."
"I'm here! Sorry I got stuck with stitches on an eight year old not fun at a.."
Daryl's head snapped forward at that voice, he knew that voice, could pick it out of a million people. He never thought he would hear it again.. he never thought....
"LiliAnna?!?" Maggie practically squealed, dropping her weapons and running towards the blonde currently staring slack jawed at the group standing in front of her.
"Maggie?" She choked, falling back onto the steps of the stairs as the short haired brunette tackled her to the ground, squeezing her tight and rambling in her ear.
"I can't believe it's you! It's been almost two years! Look at you! You look amazing! I've missed you so much!" She babbled, tears leaking from her eyes as she held tight to her former best friend.
"I've missed you too." LiliAnna whispered, cupping Maggie's face and dropping her forehead to hers. When Maggie finally stepped away Rick was there to take her place, wrapping his arms around LiliAnna and smiling
"I had no idea you lived here? I've been back and forth for the past few weeks and I haven't seen you once." He pulled away and gave her a once over for injuries, Daryl had seen him do it countless times and it made his heart ache to see the familiarity playing out right before his eyes.
"I run Medical here, I'm The head nurse and we had a bit of an accident on our last run. I've been tending to the injured all month trying to get them back on their feet.. not to mention how busy I am typically." LiliAnna smiled softly before squeezing ricks hand and turning to greet the rest of the group, lingering a little longer on carol and wiping the older woman's tears with the sleeve of her jacket, they had always had a special bond.
"I feel like I'm missing something here." Ruby scratched her head.
"Ditto." Tucker shrugged, smiling at all of the happy faces "doesn't matter much though, look how happy they are. Can't bottle that up."
LiliAnna hugged Abraham one last time before finally turning towards Daryl.
"Daryl Dixon." She smiled softly, her eyes slightly misty with tears.
"Lili." He breathed, the name coming out no louder than a whisper. She looked beautiful, if possible even more so than he had ever seen her. Her long blonde hair was left loose at her shoulders, sky blue eyes big and bright on her sun kissed face. She was still too skinny, she always forgot to eat and it drove Daryl crazy, she was always too busy looking out for everyone else she often forgot about herself. But still she was beautiful, perfect. Except for..
There was a jagged light pink scar that stretched from the temple of her right eye all the way down to the corner of her top lip and when she walked towards him she walked with a limp, it wasn't all that noticeable but Daryl could see it, he'd memorized it as she walked away two years ago.
"Didn't think I'd ever see ya face again." He swallowed.
"Didn't think you would either." She answered honestly, her eyes were just as warm and beautiful as he remembered and her skin looked just as soft, he reached a hand out to touch her cheek when suddenly the shadow of a figure covered his back.
Almost as if she had been burned Lili flinched away, eyes casting over Daryl's shoulder and narrowing dangerously before she stumbled backwards and away from him. Daryl whipped around to see Merle standing directly behind him, eyes wide and apologetic when He noticed Daryl's hand still raised.
"Sorry little brother.. I didn't think."
"Ya never think." Daryl growled, harshly turning away from the man who had single handedly destroyed his happiness more times than he could count.
"LiliAnna! We gotta show you something."
Someone was coming towards them from a few feet away. Daryl couldn't make out the face yet but the voice sounded strangely familiar.
"That's D." Charlie explained "he's part of our combat group.. teaches our residents how to defend themselves."
Sure enough the mangled man came rushing forward, a child in his arms with wild blonde curls and bright blue eyes, a huge smile on the child's face.. the kid couldn't be older than a year and he looked nothing like Dwight.. actually he looked more like..
Mama? Did that mean..
"Hi sweet boy! How was your nap? Did Uncle D keep you up again?" LiliAnna reached for the baby in Dwight's arms and cradled him to her chest pressing sloppy kisses all over his cheek while he giggled and squirmed.
"You have a baby?" Michonne let the severe sharpness of her features lessen for just a moment as she stared at the mother and her child.
"I do. His names Greyson and he just tuned one." She smiled proudly.
"Oh my god Hershel Jr. just found himself a new best friend." Maggie tugged in Glenn's sleeve in excitement and even the lanky Korean couldn't keep the smile off of his face. LiliAnnas eyes softened immediately and she grinned
"It was a boy?" She asked Maggie.
"It sure was.. just like your little angel." Maggie moved forward to squeeze the chubby little ones cheeks. Rick was talking to Charlie and the rest of the group was either admiring Greyson or asking Ruby and Tucker questions.
"You see it don't you?" Merle asked from his space beside Daryl.
"See what?" Daryl refused to take his eyes off of the baby in LiliAnnas arms.
"Those are mamas eyes." Merle chuckled making Daryl snap his head towards his older brother.
Merle shook his head at his brothers obliviousness
"That boys a Dixon through and through."
Dwight's body stiffened at the sound of Merle's voice, he whipped around and drew his gun the instant his eyes caught sight of Merle.
"Woah!" Ruby shouted
Everyone turned towards the commotion and Charlie rushed towards Dwight
"D, what are you doing.. these people are our guests.. you can't just pull your.."
"Guests?!" Dwight scoffed "why the hell is he in our camp?! Why would you let him in here!"
LiliAnna handed Greyson off to Maggie and moved to stand beside Dwight, placing her hand in his arm she spoke quickly
"It's okay.. I'm okay. It's fine Dwight, put the gun down"
"Are they here to do business? They want to trade? Fat chance!" Dwight kept his gun trained on Merle but spoke directly to Charlie "you cannot let these people in here, you cannot do business with them. They took in that.. that monster." His hands were shaking around the trigger of his rifle and Daryl couldn't move, his feet frozen to the spot. Merle seemed to be in the same position because he hadn't even drawn his gun yet.
"What did he do? What's going on LiliAnna?" Tucker came to stand behind Dwight as back up and Ruby soon followed, her hands tight on her pistol.
"He.. it was the past.." She whispered, her eyes darting to her son behind her.
Suddenly images flooded Daryl's brain.
Dwight carrying a nearly lifeless Lili through the smoke and ash, her face so bruised and bloody it was almost unrecognizable.
The screaming. Her cries of pain and desperation as Hershel attempted to stitch her up and set her bones.
Her wide, terrified eyes when she looked up at him from the cot as Hershel relocated her shoulder
"Merle." She had croaked "it was Merle."
"I'll tell you what happened." Dwight growled, the click of his trigger sounding through the almost silent air "that bastard beat Lil to death and made me watch. She survived because she's stronger than all of us but he was trying to kill her... slowly.. he wanted her to feel it."
Daryls eyes met Lilis from across the field.
She looked him dead in the eye for just a moment before she raced over to Maggie, scooped up Greyson and rushed back up the stairs to the big building.
Charlie cleared his throat and placed a hand on Dwight's raised Gun.
"It looks like we may have more to discuss."
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Acts of affection ( shippy/ fluff edition )
💗 - our muses are wrestling playfully and yours suddenly kisses mine
🍟 - your muse steals a fry from mine and says “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
🎊 - my muse is pregnant and yours is ecstatic upon hearing the good news
She was... Well a little emotional about her fries being eaten by the love of her life. Well scratch that honestly... When Roland brought up that she was cute when she was mad, Sapphire burst out into tears. She just couldn't help it. Like literally couldn't. After going through the last few days of being woken up with the urge to empty her stomach through the day before settling finally by the time dinner time began to roll around. She was a little emotional about her food.
At first she thought it was some bug that she caught. After all it was part of her job to help those in need, and sometimes you couldn't help that those people were sick. But after day three, and concerned looks her way, the red head set herself up for a doctor's appointment. How wrong she was. A stomach bug didn't do this. No.. not with the news the doctor delivered to her. How could such simple, but so exstordernarily life changing news bring so much joy?
A baby.
They had been married at this point for perhaps... A little over six months? Having settled into a place that was a little larger than the last, the spare room they had wasn't going to be spare for much longer. But that was going to be fine. It was honestly the matter of sharing said news with her husband.
Which wrapped everything back to her being grumpy and distraught about the loss of her fries. Correction, one fry.
Cheeks puffed out as blue eyes narrowed in contempt. "Did you really have to take that? I need to eat you know." Grumbling at Roland, her hands reached to her plate as she pulled it a little closer. Bringing a hand up, as if to create a barrier between him and her food. Was this typical? Perhaps...but the fact that her eyes had become glossy, a sign of tears, was not.
"It's just a fry... You know we could cook more to replace the one I ate." Roland's expression changed from being humored to a bit more concerned for the fact that Sapphire was crying over the fry. The unusual behavior only made him more concerned. It usually ended with the two having a bit of fun after dinner. Then again, a bit more recently her mood swings had been a little more frequent and a bit harsher than usual. It made him worry there was something more going on that needed to be checked on by the doctor. Speaking of which, that was on the agenda of questions for his star. But perhaps... It'd be wise to lighten the mood. His focus falling fully back to his love.
"No..."she sniffled for a moment as teary blue eyes dropped to the floor. "It's just been a long day already...." She tried offering a small smile as Sapph looked up at her husband, an apology reflecting in her expression while her hands moved to clear her face of moisture. She really needed to pull herself together.
Roland blinked as his gaze went from his wife to the clock for a moment. The time changing to 11:17 in the morning. "Well.. that's saying something considering it isn't even noon yet.." His gaze turned back to the small woman before him, contemplating something. Yes.. now would be a good time to lighten things up. A slow smile stretched across his lips as Roland stood slowly from his chair.
Blue eyes followed his movements as a slim brow arched on Sapphire's forehead. Tears clearly stopping as curiosity filled the void. That expression spelled trouble. It did every single time. Well good trouble. Despite that, she waited with baited breath to see what he was up to. After all, he was very distracting to look at. Him with his rediculous handsome face, toned addictive body and the sweetest damned personality she ever had the chance to drown in. So lost was she on following his movement, she had missed the fact that he was at her side, leaning down, and quite humored with her sudden realization of just how close he had gotten.
Startled, a odd sound of a squeal mixed a strangled gurgle of excitement, the small woman practically fell sideways out of the dining room chair before catching herself in a hurry to skitter off to the living room. The bark of laughter echoed behind her for a moment as short legs carried her through the living room and towards the hall for the bedrooms. Despite the bout of sadness she had over the stupid fry, the fact that it had faded quickly was a relief. Especially as Sapph practically was snickering now as she attempted to flee.
Key word : attempted
Roland was just as fast out of suit, and just as light on his feet too. It didn't take much to cross the living room and into the hall once he stopped laughing over that adorable reaction. A predatory grin along his face as he reached out both hands, fingers grazing the sides of Sapphire's waist, the gap closing between the two. The hunter catching his prey in a final burst of energy.
The bought of laughter from the red head was her down fall as strong arms wrapped around her frame, lifting her easily into the air for a moment before being pulled against a strong warm frame. Hot breath tickled her ear as Roland joined her in laughing for the moment.
"Gotcha!" Long arms shifted the smaller woman in his arms to keep her comfortable against him while being held. Minor fussing coming from the other was normal. Typically cursing his long legs to catch up to her. Crossing into their bedroom, and plopping down onto the bed. Roland nuzzled his nose into curly red locks before placing a gentle kiss atop her head. " Love you my Star."
Arms loosened as if following a routine to allow Sapph to shift in a more comfortable position. All fussing ended once she settled in his lap happily, her attention turning to him once again. "Love you too my Leo." Gently tugging the front of his shirt, she leaned in kissing him gently.
Settling against one another, it was easy to relax and enjoy being in each other's company. Allowing the days stress, even if it was early in the day, to melt away. They were each others best remedy to a bad day after all.
After some time, Sapphire spoke up as she gazed at her husband. "You know.. I am sorry that I reacted like that. I wasn't trying to freak out over a little fry." Warmth spread through her as Roland's forehead settled gently against hers. Waiting for her to finish speaking before joining in. "I went to the doctor this mornin, and she kinda gave a bit of news I guess I wasn't quite prepared to hear. But it... It really does explain so much."
"Oh? And whats that?" He tried to remain calm. Normally Sapph was pretty straight forward with him. But she fidgeted in his lap while she beat around the bush so's to say. Which meant this was bigger than some virus he thought she might have contracted.
"Well..." She took a breath in, cheeks puffing out only slightly before letting it out in a quick release. Her cheeks colored a little while giving him a reassuring smile. "It's not death or anything like that.. but it will take bout nine months or so to let it pass..and another eighteen years before its all said and done." Seeing him arch a brow at her description almost made her laugh. "Oh come on haha... Its a baby... I'm pregnant Roland!" She felt giddy finally being able to tell him without her freaking out herself.
Those words sunk in heavy and quickly as his eyes widened. She was... It made sense the past few days.. even the past few weeks."Seriously?!" A swell of pride and joy spread through his chest and to the rest of his body as he pulled Sapphire in for a passion filled kiss. Any of her giggles died in her throat as she responded in kind. Pulling back for some air, laughter bubbled out. Excitement clear while holding his wife close. Her own cheerful giggles melded with his. "Holy shit.. haha that's.. that's some of the best news I've heard..." Planting a few small kisses along her face, he couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face. "God.. I was worried you were sick... Like really sick." What the hell would he do without his Star by his side? He'd already done so much to make sure she was safe. Enveloping her into his arms, held flush against him, he peppered her face with small kisses once more.
"No... I would have told you well before leaving the doctors if that were the case." A smile cracked across her face. One eye shut as she focused on her husband. All those little kisses filled her with so much love for this man. It was impossible for her to not figure out how to move closer, to soak up his affection in every way possible. "Now you're really stuck with me." Laughing, she kissed just along his jaw the first chance she got.
"Oh no...Guess I'll just have to cope with that by making sure we have the best life possible." Roland chuckled lightly.
"God I love you so much..."
"Love you too my Star."
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Dani I'm sending you the "I can't do this" prompt.. I hope it inspires you 💗 and spreads the happy faces 🤗
“I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can.”
“No. Nope. Can’t.”
“Yes you can, just like we practiced.”
“That was you, not Sherlock bloody Holmes!” John waved a hand down the corridor to where the man in question was bent over his bookbag, swapping textbooks into his locker. “It’s easy asking you out.”
“Cheers,” Greg deadpanned, but smiled when John rolled his eyes with a huff.
“You know what I-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Greg dismissed with a wave, “but the words aren’t any different. You just go up and say ‘Hey, this project has been a lot of fun. Wanna see if we have chemistry?’” He clapped his hands together, stretching them out to his sides as he tipped his head with a grin. “Eh?”
John’s shoulders slumped.
“Alright, so maybe you leave the pun out of it,” Greg muttered, shrugging. “I don’t get it, mate, why are you so twisted up over this one? You’re the last person I expected to ever need dating advice.”
John sighed, his locker jangling as he leaned back against it, tipping his head at the ceiling. “I don’t know,” he said, skull grinding into the cool metal as he shook his head. “It just feels different.”
Greg let out a shrill croon. “Ooo, is our Johnny Boy in love!” He leaned forward, making kissing noises in the air until John whacked him in the sternum, sending him into a fit of coughs.
“No,” he said firmly, “I just…don’t wanna screw anything up. We’ve gotten to be good friends.”
“So I noticed,” Greg muttered, massaging his chest. “I’ve damn near been usurped. Two of you watching movies into the sunset together.”
“I tried to call you!”
“I’m kidding,” Greg chuckled, nudging him on the arm. “I know my best friend card doesn’t expire. We have something pure.” He lifted a hand to his heart, sniffling with melodrama, a grin cracking over his face when John snorted. “Seriously though, just march over there and say- Sherlock!”
John blinked at the overhead light, dropping his chin with a frown. “Sherlock what?”
“Greg,” a low voice greeted at his right, and John jumped, slamming back against the locker. Sherlock’s forehead furrowed under rain-frazzled curls, blue eyes sweeping John’s face. “Sorry,” he murmured, glancing between them, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
John shook his head, straightening up and trying to regain some of his dignity. “No, you-you didn’t.”
“We were actually just talking about you,” Greg oh-so-helpfully interjected, beaming back at John’s glare. “John wanted to ask you something.”
Sherlock turned to him, brow lifting, John barely getting his mouth open before Greg chimed in again.
“Oh, is that the time!?” he exclaimed, looking down at a watch that wasn’t there. “I’ve gotta get to French.”
“That’s not for another half hour,” Sherlock said, checking his actual timepiece, and Greg shrugged, backing away from them toward the stairwell.
“Yeah, but sometimes Ms. Ward gets there early.” He winked, darting away from them as Sherlock chuckled, John trying to swallow the knot in his throat.
“Anyway,” he muttered, shaking his head and looking to John, “what did you want to ask?”
John’s lips parted, a croaking sound emanating from the back of his throat. “Nothing really,” he muttered, mind scrambling. “Just…wondered how you were getting on with the conclusion.”
“Oh,” Sherlock said, a pinch in his brow John might have interpreted as disappointment if he’d had longer than a blink to examine it, “fine. I can email it to you tonight, if you want to look it over.”
“No, I- Friday’s fine.” He shook his head. “I trust you,” he added with a smile, trying to undercut the awkwardness he knew he was creating.
Sherlock smiled, tucking his chin and adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “Well, I have class, but do you want to get together after and look over everything one more time?” he asked, glancing at his watch again. “If you don’t mind hanging around. You’re done for the day, aren’t you?”
John nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t mind.” He shrugged, patting the messenger bag on his hip. “Give me a chance to start on some homework.”
“Alright,” Sherlock replied. “Wanna meet in the lounge at half 1?”
John wrinkled his nose, shaking his head. “Naw, too stuffy. How ‘bout that cafe on the corner? I’ll try to snag a table before the lunch crowd comes in.”
Sherlock twitched a shoulder. “Works for me. See ya then,” he said, and, with a flick of his wrist, turned away and started down the corridor, disappearing into the crowd of milling students.
John sighed, falling back against his locker with a clang.
Why were study dates so much easier than the real thing?
He snuck into the cafe just before the lunch rush of businessmen and chatting mothers, snagging a small table in the corner, far from the autumn draft whistling through the door. Pulling out his laptop, he made a show of looking busy, idly clicking through pages of their A-level Chemistry project while his gaze truly lingered on the door, awaiting a tall dark figure. He finished his first coffee within the hour, the crowd dwindling as he returned to the counter, keeping an eye on his things and joining the line for the register.
The bell over the door chimed behind him, and he turned, finding Sherlock flipping a wind-ruffled curl out of his eyes, smiling as he found John’s gaze.
“In the corner,” John said simply, pointing toward his open laptop. “I’ve already got the project up. What do you want?”
Sherlock frowned, and then shook his head. “I can get it,” he said, but John only smiled, waving a hand.
“No sense us both waiting in line. You can get the next one.”
A corner of Sherlock’s mouth lifted, and he nodded, tucking the half-drawn wallet back into his pocket. “Alright. Just a black coffee, two sugars. Maybe a medium?” he asked, as if for permission, and John smiled, shooing him away.
“Go guard my computer; it’s new,” he ordered, and Sherlock chuckled, shaking his head but obeying.
John watched as he scuttled between the chairs, dropping his bag beside John’s on the patterned tile floor. He gently lifted John’s computer, turning it to face his chair, and braced an elbow on the wood, balancing his chin on his palm as he began clicking through their project, brow wrinkling in thought.
His phone buzzed not a moment too soon, his staring about to cross the creepy threshold, and John shuffled up a place in line, wriggling his mobile from his pocket.
Did you ask him yet?
John rolled his eyes, swiping out a retort.
No. No thanks to you
I was creating an opportunity
You were creating an ulcer
Agree to disagree
John huffed, tucking the phone back in his pocket as he reached the register, completing his order and moving to the edge of the counter to wait, Greg sending a few more messages in the interim.
It’s gonna get harder the longer you wait. Half term is coming up. Who knows what will happen then.
He goes yachting with his family in the Mediterranean. Meets a tan young stranger who’s worth millions in olive oil.
They float off into the sunset eating said olive oil.
John chuckled to himself, shaking his head.
Are you just hungry or harboring secret gay fantasies I should know about?
We’re all a little gay for olive oil millionaires
John snorted, turning it into a cough as the woman waiting beside him glared.
I don’t think we all are Gregory
Quit trying to change the subject
I’m not, I’m trying to love and support you in your gay olive oil dreams
You’ve just gotta rip the bandaid off
Would you go to uni down there or would you two try the long distance thing?
Just ask him out. Then one way or the other you’ll know.
Either way you should move there after graduation, give me an escape from winter
You’re not invited to my gay olive oil villa until you ask out Sherlock Holmes
But I was best man at your wedding!
I gotta go, we’re heading out on our yacht: Extra Virgin. Ask him out!!!!
John sighed, moving to tuck the phone back into his pocket when it buzzed a final time.
And don’t forget the details
“John?” The barista dropped two cups to the counter, John turning his smile up with a nod.
“Thank you,” he bade, sweeping them up and making his way to their table, scanning the sides of the cups for distinguishing marks. “Alright, I think this one’s yours,” he said, hovering a cup down at Sherlock’s shoulder, “but, if it tastes like 90% milk, it’s probably my latte.”
Sherlock didn’t reply, John looking past the cup to find the man blinking up at him, cheeks pink and eyes wide, his lips pressed together in a tight line.
“Are you alright?” he asked, lowering Sherlock’s cup to the table and glancing at the page of their project currently displayed on the screen. “Okay, the graphs are pretty bad,” he admitted with a tilt of his head. “I haven’t figured out what all the buttons do yet; I’ve only had PCs before.”
“No, it- It’s not-” Sherlock muttered, closing his mouth as a swallow rolled down the front of his throat. He looked away, turning back to the computer, his finger sliding over the mousepad to click on a background window.
John’s fingers forgot their job, the coffee sliding a couple centimeters in his grip before his brain reestablished communication, his heart being a little slower on the uptake, stalled in his chest as he read through his conversation with Greg. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, his tongue undecided on if it wanted to lie or scream.
Sherlock’s head turned in his peripheral vision, but John couldn’t look at him, couldn’t move, the blood rushing to his face making him dizzy enough already. “I- Er…” He swallowed again, the click of it snapping in John’s ears. “We don’t go yachting,” he muttered, and John blinked, certain he’d fainted and was now hallucinating, “and…I’m free on Saturday.”
His heart kicked against his ribs. “What?” John murmured, dropping his gaze, and Sherlock smiled, cheeks darkening anew as he looked down at his hands twisting in his lap.
“Well,” he said, shrugging a shoulder, eyes glinting when he lifted his chin, sending John’s heart into cartwheels, “I do owe you a coffee.”
///credit to @mssmithlove1 for confirming how Apple products work///
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grubhivemind · 7 years
FINN: -speaking of impulsive decisions, finn is now at simula's door with Sofia in her little baby carrier. they had just visited his parents, but when he left, he couldn't stop thinking about how simula lives here and how much he wanted to talk to them about that album they posted. he's nervous and his palms are sweaty, but he knocks with his free hand anyway-
SIMULA: -they already saw him coming, thanks to their wicked security cameras. they aren't quite sure what to make of it... and worst of all, he brought his damn baby along with him. they decide to let him dangle for a little while, and maybe during that time he'll just... leave. but unfortunately, curiosity gets the better of them and they drift over to the door to answer, looking positively unconcerned by his presence.- 
SIMULA: Wow. Finn. What a plea-sant sur-prise.
FINN: -his cheeks get a little red at the insincere greeting, but he makes himself take a deep breath- can we talk 
SOFIA: -drooling and looking up at simula. What an aesthetically attractive individual-
SIMULA: -thank you. I know.- 
SIMULA: We can.
FINN: -god damn it. he looks down- i mean 
FINN: i want to talk to you now
SIMULA: -weary sigh- 
SIMULA: II sup-pose you'd like to come in. -moves aside. they were taught better, at least, than to leave him hanging out there, with a baby no less.-
FINN: -relieved and terrified at the same time that simula lets him in, and he steps inside and glances around.- thanks
SIMULA: -shuts the door telekinetically and drifts on over to the living area.- Please, sit. -they won't offer him anything else, though, and promptly takes a seat themself.-
FINN: -he's grateful for this level of civility between the two of them and takes a seat on the couch, setting Sofia's carrier beside him and idly rocking it with his hand for the sake of something to do- about those 
FINN: screenshots and pictures you posted
SIMULA: What a-bout them? -examines their nails.-
FINN: why
SIMULA: Why what? 
SIMULA: Use your words.
SIMULA: Eng-lish or Span-ish will do.
FINN: why did you post them 
FINN: why did you want to humiliate me at that point in time
FINN: i know i 
FINN: did a lot of things wrong over a period of years but 
FINN: what am i doing now that makes you feel like you need to get back at me
SIMULA: -lips twitch in the slight suggestion of their facade cracking.- May-be II don't need a rea-son. 
SIMULA: May-be II just thought it would be fun-ny. 
SIMULA: And it was. 
SIMULA: May-be that's just the kind of per-son II am.
FINN: well it's not it's just the person you want to be to me 
FINN: i know you care about other people 
FINN: aren't you in a relationship right now 
FINN: i think you have to care 
FINN: so it's not the kind of person you are
SIMULA: -crosses their arms, getting indignant now that he's brought up venras.- II am in a relationship. 
SIMULA: We bask in the misfortune of oth-ers together. 
SIMULA: It's great.
FINN: -he shakes his head- no you don't 
FINN: there's a reason for me 
FINN: i know there is 
FINN: and i know i'll never be able to make up for how much i hurt you 
FINN: maybe i'm asking for some mercy even if I don't deserve it
SIMULA: -their lips purse and their arms tighten across their chest, but otherwise are keeping a relatively straight face. well... save for the sparks occasionally popping around their horns.- 
SIMULA: II don't care a-bout an-y of that. 
SIMULA: Why should II? It was so long a-go. 
SIMULA: None of what hap-pened ev-en mat-ters anymore.
FINN: well something has to be making you want me to feel bad about myself right
SIMULA: -goes quiet as they avoid looking at him, nails digging into their arms. this is stupid and they know it. what's the point in being petty? it only feels easier than confronting the truth.- 
SIMULA: You don't-- 
SIMULA: Get it. 
SIMULA: II-- -covers their face with one hand, exhaling- 
SIMULA: It's stup-id.
FINN: -he watches them, noticing the change of demeanor- it's not stupid 
FINN: especially if it's affecting you so much
SIMULA: II don't need your sentiments, II-- 
SIMULA: It... -sparks a little more, shutting their eyes tight.- 
SIMULA: It real-ly didn't mat-ter. II may as well have... Nev-er come back. From Lauc-tis. 
SIMULA: It would have been bet-ter that way.  
SIMULA: II would-n't have was-ted everyone's time.
FINN: -doesn't take his eyes off of them- what do you mean
SIMULA: ... Emilet. -winces saying it, admitting it.- 
SIMULA: You were al-ways sup-posed to be together. 
SIMULA: II fig-ured that out right away. 
SIMULA: And yet II still deluded my-self in-to think-ing otherwise. 
SIMULA: That II ev-er stood a chance again-st some-one like you. S
IMULA: That II ev-er-- 
SIMULA: Ev-en existed. As a fac-tor. 
SIMULA: II'm hard-ly ev-en a foot note in this fuck-ing fair-y tale. -hisses under their breath- 
SIMULA: But it's stu-pid. That II care. It does-n't mat-ter... 
SIMULA: II don't ev-en want to be with him anymore.
FINN: -it hurts to hear simula say that...just imagining all of the pain simula must be going through because of him. it's not like he can argue against it, because not only would it be ineffective but finn wouldn't be able to validate simula in this regard. someone else, maybe. not him. his expression softens- i'm 
FINN: no standard 
FINN: i'm kind of a fucking mess 
FINN: as you've noticed but -he sighs and rocks sofia's carrier a little more- i'm sure that doesn't really help anything
SIMULA: -hastily tries to rub away some tears prickling at the corner of their eyes. sniff.- Obviously. 
SIMULA: It's not e-ven a-bout competition. 
SIMULA: Not at this point.
FINN: -he feels so bad seeing how hurt simula is- so it's everything else
SIMULA: -JUMPS. the sudden baby yelling is WAY jarring. bad sensory shit.- Hhh-- 
 SIMULA: 私は自分自身を繰り返す必要がありますか? 
SIMULA: -sighs- It's like II said. 
SIMULA: II may as well have not e-ven been a fac-tor to be-gin with.
SOFIA: -she seems to have gotten over it- 
FINN: right 
FINN: i don't think it was for nothing though 
FINN: - looks down again- but my opinion doesn't really matter because this is how you've been feeling and 
FINN: -looks back up at them- i don't see quinne that way at all 
FINN: even if we aren't together anymore 
FINN: and despite whoever emilet chose to be with after you i know for a fact that you helped him open up more 
FINN: you were never in the way and i'm sorry that i treated you like that
SIMULA: -hearing that makes them fall quiet, the energy quickly draining from them, leaving them with little attempts to wipe away anymore tears that fall. it's hard to decide whether they want to take that as a comfort or not, but the apology is nice.- 
SIMULA: ... II know that we... You and II... 
SIMULA: Were ne-ver as close as you were to my broth-ers. 
SIMULA: But II still thought we... -glances off, embarrassed.- 
SIMULA: Were... in some way... friends. Un-till... 
SIMULA: You know.
FINN: -it hurts to watch them cry, especially when he had so much to do with it, but this conversation is necessary. it has to happen for anything to move forward.- we were and i 
FINN: lost myself to a point where that happened 
FINN: instead of working things out 
FINN: i still want to be even if it's not something that's possible
SIMULA: -looks down at their lap, considering, but speaks with earnest confliction.- II... don't know... 
SIMULA: But II do know... II want to move on from everything. II hate that it still has pow-er ov-er me. -winces-
FINN: -he nods, understanding- i'll do anything you need me to to make sure that happens
SIMULA: -there's another pause as they try to consider everything going on inside their head.- This has been... ver-y help-ful. 
SIMULA: II hate to ad-mit.
FINN: -exhales- yeah FINN: for me too
SIMULA: ... -wipes at their eyes again before folding their hands in their lap.- 
SIMULA: Who has been shar-ing the de-tails of my personal life to you that you know a-bout Ven-ras? -asks indignantly, as if finn isn't a family friend.-
FINN: -looks up and pauses- well 
FINN: ryan kind of
SIMULA: -squints into the distance- Of course.
FINN: you know her 
FINN: she's a talker
SIMULA: Do you know him?
FINN: not much 
FINN: i know of him 
FINN: i saw him at ryan's homecoming party
SIMULA: Oh. Right. 
SIMULA: II for-got a-bout that. 
SIMULA: -eyeballs him a little. not that he could tell, given they are pupiless and all. but don't mind them, they're just suspicious of people knowing things about their personal life unless they divulge it.- 
SIMULA: ... Anyway. II have some things II need to do to-day.
FINN: -looks at them for a second and then catches on to what they mean- oh right 
FINN: sofia has a thing -if that thing is being a baby-
SIMULA: -stands quickly to escort him to the door- Then by all means, don't let me keep you.
FINN: -stands and takes Sofia's carrier with him- yeah 
FINN: -heads toward the door- i'll see you later
SIMULA: Yes. -opens the door for him telekinetically.- Give Colt my re-gards.
FINN: -turns to smile before leaving- i will
FINN: bye -they gone-
0 notes
Scars That Heal || Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Series
• Ch. 7: Hush, Hush, Hush •
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    The children walk single file as they descended from the brush from where they had escaped, Eddie in the lead, Richie taking up the caboose. Y/n had helped Mike up the rocks, and shortly after found herself in the middle behind him. Mike cast a glance in her direction as well as the others.
    "Thanks, guys," He said, redirecting his gaze to the ground. "But you shouldn't have done that, they'll be after you too, now."
    Eddie was the first to chime in. "Oh, no, no, no, Bowers? He's always after us."
    "I guess that's one t-t-thing we all have in common," Bill added.
    "Yeah, homeschool!" Richie chirped. "Welcome to the Losers Club!"
    Y/n smiled at the boy's remark, shaking her head lightly. It was then that Y/n was reminded of the fleeting thoughts from the night before that bounced around her tired, foggy brain. And a familiar feeling bubbled back up to the surface along with it; a sense of belonging. Y/n did not have much luck when it came to getting close to people, aside from Beverly of course. Until that day at the quarry, she had never truly felt at home. And now that they had a new member - the last piece of the puzzle - she knew as long as she had them, she would be whole.
    In fact, they would never say it aloud, but each and every member of the Losers Club shared these same feelings. That day marked the beginning of a beautiful and powerful bond that would last a lifetime. Each and every one was just as important as the next and if you were to pluck any from the line, they would never quite be the same. Each of the eight children felt immediately at home with one another, a comfort so deep and profound it could quiet any lurking anxieties or fears.
    For a short while, no one said anything, just a peaceful ambiance blanketed the atmosphere as they descended the small hill of grass. Each of them could feel the tall green blades brush their legs, and the silence was filled with the low yet loud rumble of the train traveling along the tracks, yards behind them. When they reached the bottom of the small hill, Y/n  scurried up to the front and joined Eddie by his side. Everyone else disperses, scattering amongst one another, Ben silently taking the lead.
    "Hey Kaspbrak" Eddie looked to her, a little taken aback but attentive. "I'm counting on you,"
    Eddie blushed uncomfortably until he realized what she had been implying. She had been holding her left arm, just below the shoulder, and gestured to it with her eyes. She blushed herself and played it off with a weak laugh.
    "My arm?" She wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "If you anyone has a band-aid it's you."
    He laughed nervously as well, as he reached into one of his fanny packs, careful to watch his step as he was still walking. He pulled out a bandaid and handed it to her, she smiled in thanks. She wished she could have said she was surprised when he continued to pull supplies out one by one. And she'd be lying if she said she didn't find that a least a little impressive. It reminded her of clowns packed into a clown car. Ugh, she shivered slightly, bad analogy, nevermind.
    "Here you go. Also, here's some ointment, it's a special disinfectant - who the fuck knows all the germs that were on that rock, you'll need all the help you can get. I also have gauze, normally I don't carry gauze but since your leg is still pretty bad, I figured I should carry some, just in case. Here you take it, I think I have some more, also, I kept a small wrap of ace bandages, you really need to - wait you have been changing them frequently, right? You always, always change bandages, the bigger the wound the more important it is you change it. Seriously, this is really important because-!"
    "BEEP BEEP BEEEP!" Richie shouted suddenly, strolling up and walking between the pair. "Hear that sound, Doctor K? That's the sound of her flat-lining. You took too fucking long, genius, if you were a real doctor she would have bled out on your table already!"
    Y/n snickered under her breath, several of the Losers smiled as well. Eddie felt his face grow hot, and he turned angrily to Richie, his face contorted in an angry pout. He was struggling for words, but before he could form a proper sentence, Richie continued.
    "Quick tip, Doc, don't talk your patients to death!"
    Stan laughed dryly, "Yeah, you're one to talk."
    "Hey there, woah, woah, woah!" He threw his arms up in defense. "I'm just givin' the people what they want!"
    "Great!" Y/n said excitedly, her face lighting up briefly before falling. "How bout some silence? Beep beep, Richie."
    Mike, who had blended into the group so effortlessly and had been silently processing - still adjusting to the group dynamic - laughed suddenly and loudly. Everyone looked to him, taken slightly aback by his sudden, but infectious laugh. And it wasn't long until that laughter spread, everyone had cracked a smile and there was scattered laughter that melted away any previous tension.
    By now, Y/n had applied the ointment and the band-aid easily. She handed the tube of disinfectant back to Eddie as well as the gauze.
    "Thanks, but the band-aid will do just fine. Luckily, this one is only just a little cut."
    Eddie nearly tripped, he had been so lost in thought as he stared anxiously at the gauze outstretched in her hand. He licked his lips nervously, and his eyes flickered to hers. She noted his tentativeness and waited expectantly, but he could hold his tongue no longer, crush or not.
    "...Seriously, have you been changing those bandages, you never answered me and I'm sorry but that's disgusting if you haven't changed them cause the wound really needs to air out and if it doesn't you could end up-"
    "Christ, Eddie! I've changed them!" Y/n blurted, falling into a small fit of chuckles to show she wasn't truly mad.
    He tried to conceal his blush, but he played it off with a vigorous shake of the head and change of topic.
    "Hey, where are we going anyway? I can't be out too long or my mom will kill me. One time, I was like, two minutes late for curfew and she had a panic attack."
    Ben looked over his shoulder, he had taken the lead and while no one had mentioned it yet, everyone had instinctively followed him.
    "Well, I was hoping to show you guys something."
    Everyone gave one another an odd, questioning look but they followed Ben into the trees, nevertheless.
    Night had fallen the day of the rock fight and another day began. The group of misfits had found themselves in town, where the annual parade was taking place. Wracked with guilt and the unpleasant feeling of being pitied, Y/n was trying to talk Eddie out of buying her the delicious frozen treat she had been ogling. Eddie had noticed the longing in her eyes when she spotted a young child with one of their own, and it was then that he really noticed the effects the sun had on her. Her baggy clothes were sticking to her arms and legs, and he could see beads of sweat percolating above her brow.
    Once again, their previous exchange on the fire escape popped into his head and he was reminded once more of how fortunate he was that he could afford such little things he took for granted. The power of suggestion had already gotten to him as well when he saw a frustrated father shoving an ice cream cone at his crying child, and although the sight made him cringe he couldn't quite shake the sudden craving of the sweet treat. Hence their detour to the ice cream cart, he could practically hear Richie ragging on him for getting her something with the audacity to leave him out - What, you skimping out on me now, Eds? - Eddie opted for a vanilla cone for Rich, just to be safe. But none of that stopped Y/n from protesting against it.
    "Eddie, you really don't have to do this,"
    The young L/n girl looked between the hypochondriac kid and the disgruntled teenager behind the cart, slinging ice cream. Ignoring her protests, he dropped the small pile of coins he had retrieved from his fanny pack onto the metal counter of the cart. The overheated employee slid it towards himself to the end of the counter, plucking the quarters from the surface and handed Eddie two vanilla cones. Eddie gladly took them in each napkin-clad hand - he had already grabbed several napkins so as to not spill or drip anything. Y/n watched defeated, albeit a bit excited, as the young man behind the counter opened another compartment and retrieved the y/f/f popsicle and handed it to her.
    She hesitantly took the popsicle, trying her best to mask the ravenous look in her eye.
    "Look, it's best you have that anyway, it's supposed to get like, really hot out today so it's best you keep cool or you could be one step closer to heatstroke. And let me tell you, that is not fun, not fun at all! Did you know that-"
    A loud burst of noise disrupted their conversation and they turned to see the cause. Richie had gotten his hands on one of the marching bands instruments - a tuba by the looks, and sound of it. The owner of the tuba was angrily reaching for it but Richie managed to keep it out of his reach. His cheeks puffed and his face turned pink as a few short bursts of noise came from the instrument.
    Eddie and Y/n shared an amused look and Y/n's eyes fell to the popsicle. She sighed lightly, trying to tame the pit in her stomach that always occurred when she was pitied. Now Y/n appreciated the gesture, she really did. It was awfully sweet of the boy, and she would be lying if she said it didn't make her stomach do a small flip, but all that was easily drowned out by how small she felt. She hated being a charity case, it was bad enough Beverly had basically kept her fed all these years but Y/n reminded herself that their friendship was symbiotic - they each had something to offer the other. But this made her feel like she owed Eddie, and she didn't like that.
    The two left the cart and walked along the sidewalk at a steady pace. Nervously, she looked at the boy.
    "Eddie, I appreciate it, but I don't want to owe you or anything. I-"
    Eddie's face contorted into a confused frown. He chuckled weakly before taking a quick lick of his ice cream. He shook his head.
    "You don't owe me! It's just a popsicle, it's no big deal."
    Words failed her and she looked at the popsicle tentatively. Eddie noticed this and was scrambling to put out the small fire he had caused.
    "Think of it as a favor to me,"
    Y/n showed no efforts to hide her confusion. "A favor?"
    "Yeah, you stay cool, and I don't have to take care of you when you suffer from heatstroke."
    Her frown stayed cemented to her face as she stared at the boy, and Eddie feared his message was lost in translation. For fuck's sake, he didn't mean it like that! Great, now he sounded like a total ass.
    Y/n broke out into chuckles and Eddie felt the enormous weight leave his shoulders. He chuckled with her, though they came out more strained and nervous. She shook her head, eyebrows raised.
    "Man, you must care if you're willing to make up that load of horse shit." Y/n's tempted eye fell to the popsicle in her hand. "Thanks, shrimp, I appreciate it. But just this one time, okay? I always end up feeling like I owe people whenever they do stuff like this. Even if it's small things, cause a lot of stuff that might seem small to you, are kind of a big deal to me, does that make any sense?"
    Eddie nodded.
    "To tell you the truth, I've never tried one before."
    Eddie's eyes widened and he looked frantically between her and her dessert.
    "You gotta try it! They're really good!"
    Y/n smiled weakly.
    "Eddie, I mean it. Do you get what I'm saying?"
    Eddie nodded eagerly, his eyes frequently falling to the popsicle.
    "I get it, won't happen again. I promise. But seriously, you gotta try it! Really though, before it melts."
    Y/n examined the frozen y/f/f pop and noticed the ice was thinning. She shrugged at Eddie and tried the popsicle. Her eyes widened and she gaped at the boy.
    "Holy shit."
    Eddie grinned eagerly, and by now the two were approaching Richie.
    "Dammit, Eddie! You really shouldn't have done this, I'm gonna want another one!" She whined, though her voice held a twinge of humor.
    She switched the popsicle to the other hand to lick the melted residue that had made it on her fingers. Eddie was quick to supply her with an extra napkin which she thanked him for.
    Eddie laughed at her words and he noticed he had caught Richie's eye. More specifically, the extra ice cream cone did. Richie abandoned the tuba and waltzed over to the boy, gladly accepting the treat and the trio found themselves joining the rest of the group just inside the alley. They were all somber, Y/n couldn't help but notice.
    "What's wrong?" She asked, drawing all eyes to her. "What are guys talking about?"
    "What they always talk about," Richie said simply.
    "I actually think it will end," Ben said, ignoring the interruption. "For a little while, at least."
    "What do you mean?" Mike asked.
    "So I was going over all my Derry research and I charted out all the big events. The Ironworks explosion in 1908, the Bradley Gang in '35, and the Black Spot in '62. And now kids being... I realized this stuff seems to happen-"
    "Every 27 years," Bill and Ben finished.
    Y/n looked up from her frozen pop and licked her lips, for some reason feeling silly for enjoying such a thing during this discussion. She found her stomach was twisted in knots, though at least, she thought, Eddie was right. She was feeling cooled down. But none of that seemed to matter now. Like it was all a matter of time before all of these fleeting feelings, these little moments, were being packed and stored away for a long time. It was a strange feeling that she couldn't quite identify, a feeling each of the Losers Club was experiencing: that while everyone around them was laughing and playing, enjoying the blissful moments of summer, they themselves each felt as if they were enjoying their last day on earth.
    "So let me get this straight," Eddie began, fingers drumming nervously on his right knee. "It comes out from wherever to eat kids for, like, a year? And then what? It just goes into hibernation?"
    The Losers found themselves in the park, frozen treats long gone, the pits in their stomachs however still very much present. Bev, Stan, Mike, and Ben were splayed put on the bench, backs to the infamous statue of Paul Bunyan. Richie sat on his parked bike, unfortunate enough to be facing said statue - he never said it but the thing always creeped him out, just something about it. Bill and Eddie each found a seat of their own on the long back of Silver and Y/n laid in the grass before them in between the two bikes. She was propping herself up with her arms and legs splayed out before her. Her leg was healing fast but she didn't want to risk sitting on it and making it worse.
    So here the Losers sat, lost in discussion and despite the hot weather, there was a chill in the air that only these eight misfits could feel. Looming over them, watching them, much like It did their own town.
    "Maybe, it's like-- What do you call it?" Stan paused, searching for the word. "Cicadas. You know, the bug that only comes out once every seventeen years."
    "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed," Mike said. "He says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing. An evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry."
    An evil thing.
    The three words that lurked in the back of Y/n's mind all her life. She could feel herself falling back into the pit, the black hole that swallowed her up every time she thought of the looming threat. She could feel herself disconnecting from the world again, watching herself being ripped away from this moment in time and tossed back to that awful night, though she could still hear the worried voices of her friends speaking. Completely unaware of her state of mind. The words were fuzzy and distant, background noise as she felt herself being transported to that day.
    "I ain't got much time left, but at least I'm safer than you. I'm old, I've lived my life but you? Well, you're closer to death's door than I am."
    "But it can't be one thing. We all saw something different." Stan said, his voice now began to fade out.
     The voices were now blending together as memories of her past became her present reality.
    "Cause this town, I tell you, this town... There's an evil, evil thing in this world," the man said.
    She could hear her younger self whimper in fear, her own voice was squeaky and very frightened. The old voice continued, it shook with fear and the terror was as ripe as his memory, like only seconds had passed, not decades.
    "monsters are all too real my child, I've seen 'em with my own two eyes."
     Mike's voice found a way through her skull, echoing softly as all the details of the day she worked so hard to forget, came flooding back.
    "Maybe. Or maybe it knows what scares us most and that's what we see."
   "The Devil himself lives here, right here in this very shit hole and I've waited a very long time for this moment; to be free."
    There was a moment of tension-filled silence as the young h/c girl looked up at the slouching figure. The girl clutches her teddy bear tightly to her chest - the sad old thing nearly worn down to threads - tears pooling in her e/c eyes as she stares on in horror at the distant relative. Old and senile he was, why her mother brought her here she didn't know. Y/n would later figure out that it was a final visit of sorts. A last chance to meet some of her family. And while her mother stepped out of the room to retrieve a simple glass of water for the man, he turned unexpectedly to his grandniece and imparted the words she would never forget.
    "He's in your closet, under your bed. He's everywhere, always, watchin' you. Waiting for the right moment to snatch you up. And he will get you. He always gets you... he got her, I told her not to go, but she was adventurous you see, much like you kids are these days, and mother didn't like that and she always told us; 'you mind yourself or I'll tell him. I'll tell him...'"
    The old man's glossy eyes drifted away, his voice trailing as he was lost in the memory; reliving it all over again.
    "Tell who? Who is he?" The young girl asked tearfully?"
    He broke from his trance and he looked at her with cold and fearful eyes.
    "The Boogeyman." Y/n croaked, breaking from her stupor.
    The Losers all looked to their friend in the grass. The color was drained from her [s/c] skin, and her eyes were distant and glassy. Her left leg had inched gradually up and was now clutched tightly against her chest protectively. Seven pairs of eyes were now fixed on her and she gulped.
    "My great uncle Henry, I only met him once when I was about five or six, but he- he told me about how he saw the Boogeyman. Not much else, but the way he described It... I don't know, it always stuck with me. I've been afraid of It ever since and then-" Her eyes met Beverly's and she knew she had connected the dots.
    "Your ankle." She finished.
    Y/n nodded. She shifted in the grass uncomfortably before looking around at her friends. Some of them confused, others connecting dots of their own, but still intrigued and listening.
    "When school got out, Bev slept over." Y/n began, filling in Mike especially. "We both fell asleep with the TV on, it woke me up so I got up to turn it off, and then, just as I started to drift off I felt Bev pull on my leg several times. But, I woke up and realized she was fast asleep."
    She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the nerves that came crawling back even now. She fixed her eyes on the grass below her, and her fingers worked themselves into the ground. Y/n began fiddling with eh blades of grass, twirling them and ripping some from the ground as she continued.
    "Next thing I know, It's pulling me across the carpet and my leg is torn to shreds. It looked like what I always imagined the Boogeyman to be, but... but it also looked like-"
    "A clown."
    She had to turn her body slightly to look at Eddie, but she nodded, confirming everyone's suspicions from the day before.
    "Yeah, I saw a clown too. But It was also a leper." Eddie saw the confused looks scattered across his friends. "He was like a walking infection."
    Eddie felt himself fighting his bodily instincts to vomit, still repulsed by the vivid memory. Stan, who had been squirming in his seat the entire exchange, fought desperately to deny the gory truth that lay before them. Trying to convince everyone, himself especially, that this thing couldn't exist. Cause if It did, it would be all too terrible.
    "But you didn't," his voice trembled. "Because It isn't real. None of this is. Not Eddie's leper. Or Bill seeing Georgie, or-or woman I keep seeing." His voice broke, he looked down at his feet and the others knew.
    He was trying to convince himself.
    "She hot?" Richie asked with a half-smirk.
    Stan gave Richie an incredulous look, and his voice rose.
    "No Richie! She's not hot! Her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense. They're all like bad dreams."
    Mike spoke up, unable to tiptoe around him any longer.
    "I don't think so. I know the difference between a bad dream, and real life, okay? Besides, look at Y/n's leg! How do you explain that?"
    Y/n gave Mike a thankful nod, and Eddie asked the question she had at the end of her tongue.
    "What'd you see? You saw something, too?"
    "Yes," Mike answered somberly, and he took a deep breath. "Do you guys know that burned-down house on Harris Avenue?"
    Y/n nodded, encouraging Mike to continue.
    "I was inside when it burned down." Mike began fiddling with his hands nervously, and Bill could feel his heartache. "Before I was rescued, my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me. They were... pushing and pounding on the door, trying to get to me."
    Mike's voice broke and he fought hard against the tears that threatened to spill. His heart was breaking in two all over again, he rarely spoke of the incident, always much too saddened by it and each time he did he could hear their frightened screams and the scratches against the door.
    "trying to get to me." There was a pause, and Mike swallowed the swollen lump in his throat. "But it was too hot. When the firemen finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone."
    "Mike," Y/n felt at a loss for words, but all she could manage was a simple few. "I'm so sorry."
    He shrugged, and everyone could tell he was already beginning to rebury the memory.
    "We're all afraid of something."
    "You got that right." Richie quipped.
    Everyone looked to the boy and Y/n asked gently.
    "What about you, Rich? What are you afraid of?"
    His eyes flickered to Eddie against his will, and he ignored the spike in his heart rate when he did so. Everyone was staring at him now and he gulped, looking over his shoulder to see a clown on the stage across the field, staring at him. He returned his gaze to the group, and swallowed nervously, adjusting his bulky glasses.
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