kaminosoath · 8 years
[The next computer or device Statik interacts with will have a mysterious little animated desktop buddy pop up over whatever she's doing. It's like an object head school girl. The object head looks like some kind of application. She has a text bubble that scrolls with these words: こんにちは! Statik-chan... My creator thinks you are neglecting them... Please come see them before they uninstall me out of anger and sadness! 私は絶望している。😭 ]
STATIK: =MRRRRRGH she dragged herself into her dorm throwing her bag on the ground. She didn't really like her coworkers here as she had with the Tech Lab crew on the UU. It was probably because she didn't know them well enough yet, but EVEN STILL. The message on her computer instantly draws her however, and she leaned toward her desk to check it out.= STATIK: =holds down her speech to text function= holy shit arent you Cute! ⚡
STATIK: dont despair, objeCt head-Chan, im on my way! ⚡
CK< =strikes a pose, and soon she is grabbing her bag to head out again.=
STATIK: =Soon there is knock knocking on their door.= KChhhhK i hear there may be a hostage situation, over ⚡
SIMULA: -perks a little when they hear the knock on the door... LUCKILY she didn't see that, so they can compose themself before opening the door with psionics- Stop. Please. Help.
SIMULA: II've been stol-en a-way by my own enn-ui.
STATIK: =she peered behind them= it doesn't looK liKe it's here FOR NOW ⚡
STATIK: perhaps we Can initiate stealth and esCape before it Comes baCK ⚡
SIMULA: Ah. -sits up- II sup-pose that makes sense.
SIMULA: -lifts blanket, gestures for her to join them underneath.-
STATIK: =gets down on the floor and starts humming the mission impossible theme song while crawling across the floor. She climbed up onto their bed, scooting under the covers from the bottom. Statik's head eventually popped up next to them from where they held the covers up for her.=
STATIK: dun daaaaaaah! ⚡
STATIK: =smek=
STATIK: =they get a kiss on the cheek=
SIMULA: -screams internally about what a dork she is and endearing it is. you can tell how repulsed they are by the way they purr when they're smooched.- You are horrifically un-cool.
STATIK: oh you Can tell? i DO try my absolute best! ⚡CK
STATIK: =Snuggles up right next to them=
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grubhivemind · 7 years
FINN: -speaking of impulsive decisions, finn is now at simula's door with Sofia in her little baby carrier. they had just visited his parents, but when he left, he couldn't stop thinking about how simula lives here and how much he wanted to talk to them about that album they posted. he's nervous and his palms are sweaty, but he knocks with his free hand anyway-
SIMULA: -they already saw him coming, thanks to their wicked security cameras. they aren't quite sure what to make of it... and worst of all, he brought his damn baby along with him. they decide to let him dangle for a little while, and maybe during that time he'll just... leave. but unfortunately, curiosity gets the better of them and they drift over to the door to answer, looking positively unconcerned by his presence.- 
SIMULA: Wow. Finn. What a plea-sant sur-prise.
FINN: -his cheeks get a little red at the insincere greeting, but he makes himself take a deep breath- can we talk 
SOFIA: -drooling and looking up at simula. What an aesthetically attractive individual-
SIMULA: -thank you. I know.- 
SIMULA: We can.
FINN: -god damn it. he looks down- i mean 
FINN: i want to talk to you now
SIMULA: -weary sigh- 
SIMULA: II sup-pose you'd like to come in. -moves aside. they were taught better, at least, than to leave him hanging out there, with a baby no less.-
FINN: -relieved and terrified at the same time that simula lets him in, and he steps inside and glances around.- thanks
SIMULA: -shuts the door telekinetically and drifts on over to the living area.- Please, sit. -they won't offer him anything else, though, and promptly takes a seat themself.-
FINN: -he's grateful for this level of civility between the two of them and takes a seat on the couch, setting Sofia's carrier beside him and idly rocking it with his hand for the sake of something to do- about those 
FINN: screenshots and pictures you posted
SIMULA: What a-bout them? -examines their nails.-
FINN: why
SIMULA: Why what? 
SIMULA: Use your words.
SIMULA: Eng-lish or Span-ish will do.
FINN: why did you post them 
FINN: why did you want to humiliate me at that point in time
FINN: i know i 
FINN: did a lot of things wrong over a period of years but 
FINN: what am i doing now that makes you feel like you need to get back at me
SIMULA: -lips twitch in the slight suggestion of their facade cracking.- May-be II don't need a rea-son. 
SIMULA: May-be II just thought it would be fun-ny. 
SIMULA: And it was. 
SIMULA: May-be that's just the kind of per-son II am.
FINN: well it's not it's just the person you want to be to me 
FINN: i know you care about other people 
FINN: aren't you in a relationship right now 
FINN: i think you have to care 
FINN: so it's not the kind of person you are
SIMULA: -crosses their arms, getting indignant now that he's brought up venras.- II am in a relationship. 
SIMULA: We bask in the misfortune of oth-ers together. 
SIMULA: It's great.
FINN: -he shakes his head- no you don't 
FINN: there's a reason for me 
FINN: i know there is 
FINN: and i know i'll never be able to make up for how much i hurt you 
FINN: maybe i'm asking for some mercy even if I don't deserve it
SIMULA: -their lips purse and their arms tighten across their chest, but otherwise are keeping a relatively straight face. well... save for the sparks occasionally popping around their horns.- 
SIMULA: II don't care a-bout an-y of that. 
SIMULA: Why should II? It was so long a-go. 
SIMULA: None of what hap-pened ev-en mat-ters anymore.
FINN: well something has to be making you want me to feel bad about myself right
SIMULA: -goes quiet as they avoid looking at him, nails digging into their arms. this is stupid and they know it. what's the point in being petty? it only feels easier than confronting the truth.- 
SIMULA: You don't-- 
SIMULA: Get it. 
SIMULA: II-- -covers their face with one hand, exhaling- 
SIMULA: It's stup-id.
FINN: -he watches them, noticing the change of demeanor- it's not stupid 
FINN: especially if it's affecting you so much
SIMULA: II don't need your sentiments, II-- 
SIMULA: It... -sparks a little more, shutting their eyes tight.- 
SIMULA: It real-ly didn't mat-ter. II may as well have... Nev-er come back. From Lauc-tis. 
SIMULA: It would have been bet-ter that way.  
SIMULA: II would-n't have was-ted everyone's time.
FINN: -doesn't take his eyes off of them- what do you mean
SIMULA: ... Emilet. -winces saying it, admitting it.- 
SIMULA: You were al-ways sup-posed to be together. 
SIMULA: II fig-ured that out right away. 
SIMULA: And yet II still deluded my-self in-to think-ing otherwise. 
SIMULA: That II ev-er stood a chance again-st some-one like you. S
IMULA: That II ev-er-- 
SIMULA: Ev-en existed. As a fac-tor. 
SIMULA: II'm hard-ly ev-en a foot note in this fuck-ing fair-y tale. -hisses under their breath- 
SIMULA: But it's stu-pid. That II care. It does-n't mat-ter... 
SIMULA: II don't ev-en want to be with him anymore.
FINN: -it hurts to hear simula say that...just imagining all of the pain simula must be going through because of him. it's not like he can argue against it, because not only would it be ineffective but finn wouldn't be able to validate simula in this regard. someone else, maybe. not him. his expression softens- i'm 
FINN: no standard 
FINN: i'm kind of a fucking mess 
FINN: as you've noticed but -he sighs and rocks sofia's carrier a little more- i'm sure that doesn't really help anything
SIMULA: -hastily tries to rub away some tears prickling at the corner of their eyes. sniff.- Obviously. 
SIMULA: It's not e-ven a-bout competition. 
SIMULA: Not at this point.
FINN: -he feels so bad seeing how hurt simula is- so it's everything else
SIMULA: -JUMPS. the sudden baby yelling is WAY jarring. bad sensory shit.- Hhh-- 
 SIMULA: 私は自分自身を繰り返す必要がありますか? 
SIMULA: -sighs- It's like II said. 
SIMULA: II may as well have not e-ven been a fac-tor to be-gin with.
SOFIA: -she seems to have gotten over it- 
FINN: right 
FINN: i don't think it was for nothing though 
FINN: - looks down again- but my opinion doesn't really matter because this is how you've been feeling and 
FINN: -looks back up at them- i don't see quinne that way at all 
FINN: even if we aren't together anymore 
FINN: and despite whoever emilet chose to be with after you i know for a fact that you helped him open up more 
FINN: you were never in the way and i'm sorry that i treated you like that
SIMULA: -hearing that makes them fall quiet, the energy quickly draining from them, leaving them with little attempts to wipe away anymore tears that fall. it's hard to decide whether they want to take that as a comfort or not, but the apology is nice.- 
SIMULA: ... II know that we... You and II... 
SIMULA: Were ne-ver as close as you were to my broth-ers. 
SIMULA: But II still thought we... -glances off, embarrassed.- 
SIMULA: Were... in some way... friends. Un-till... 
SIMULA: You know.
FINN: -it hurts to watch them cry, especially when he had so much to do with it, but this conversation is necessary. it has to happen for anything to move forward.- we were and i 
FINN: lost myself to a point where that happened 
FINN: instead of working things out 
FINN: i still want to be even if it's not something that's possible
SIMULA: -looks down at their lap, considering, but speaks with earnest confliction.- II... don't know... 
SIMULA: But II do know... II want to move on from everything. II hate that it still has pow-er ov-er me. -winces-
FINN: -he nods, understanding- i'll do anything you need me to to make sure that happens
SIMULA: -there's another pause as they try to consider everything going on inside their head.- This has been... ver-y help-ful. 
SIMULA: II hate to ad-mit.
FINN: -exhales- yeah FINN: for me too
SIMULA: ... -wipes at their eyes again before folding their hands in their lap.- 
SIMULA: Who has been shar-ing the de-tails of my personal life to you that you know a-bout Ven-ras? -asks indignantly, as if finn isn't a family friend.-
FINN: -looks up and pauses- well 
FINN: ryan kind of
SIMULA: -squints into the distance- Of course.
FINN: you know her 
FINN: she's a talker
SIMULA: Do you know him?
FINN: not much 
FINN: i know of him 
FINN: i saw him at ryan's homecoming party
SIMULA: Oh. Right. 
SIMULA: II for-got a-bout that. 
SIMULA: -eyeballs him a little. not that he could tell, given they are pupiless and all. but don't mind them, they're just suspicious of people knowing things about their personal life unless they divulge it.- 
SIMULA: ... Anyway. II have some things II need to do to-day.
FINN: -looks at them for a second and then catches on to what they mean- oh right 
FINN: sofia has a thing -if that thing is being a baby-
SIMULA: -stands quickly to escort him to the door- Then by all means, don't let me keep you.
FINN: -stands and takes Sofia's carrier with him- yeah 
FINN: -heads toward the door- i'll see you later
SIMULA: Yes. -opens the door for him telekinetically.- Give Colt my re-gards.
FINN: -turns to smile before leaving- i will
FINN: bye -they gone-
0 notes
xenogeneicersatz · 8 years
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] began trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
IA: Rar3 s1ght1ng. A w1ld S1mula 1n 1ts natural ha81tat.
IA: Sup.
IA: R3stl3ss 3v3n1ng?
XE: II guess you could say that.
XE: Some-times II think it might be possible to find entertainment in the company of oth-ers.
XE: But not usually.
XE: Have you come to prove that there's still hope for my sanity, be-fore II completely slip a-way to the dark depths of enn-ui?
IA: Actually, 1 just cam3 to say h1. Lmao. R3lax.
IA: 1 h3ar a coupl3 of your 8ros ar3 caus1ng a ruckus.
IA: That has to 83 3xc1t1ng.
XE: When aren't my broth-ers caus-ing a ruck-us?
XE: Ex-cept, II haven't heard a-bout this... What do you know?
IA: Noth1ng 83s1d3s what w3nt down 1n th3 n3wsf33d. A troll nam3d Orphus was s1ght3d on Avalon.
IA: Sounds l1k3 1t's a throwdown.
XE: Oh my.
XE: Or-phus is Cit-rin's... ex? Kismesis.
XE: He kind of fucked off for a year or so.
IA: Ph3w.
IA: Should 1 call Troll Spr1ng3r? 83caus3 that's som3 crazy sh1t.
XE: It nev-er hurts to be pre-pared.
XE: My immediate family could book a whole sea-son with all our dra-ma, honestly.
XE: But II haven't experienced much of it my-self late-ly. II al-most miss it.
IA: Pl3as3. Drama 1s for p3opl3 who can afford pr3-matur3 ha1rl1n3s. 3h3h3h3.
IA: 8ut 8y all m3ans. T3ll m3 what's 833n up w1th you lat3ly.
IA: 1 l1k3 h3ar1ng from you.
XE: You already see me all the time at work.
XE: There isn't much else go-ing on... A-side from the part-y. But, shockingly, we were al-so there together.
IA: Okay, 3h3h3. Th3n 1 can t3ll you 1 hung out w1th 8acc1a y3st3rday. IA: 1t was gr3at. T3n out of t3n w1ll 83 do1ng 1t aga1n soon. IA: Also. Ch3ck out th1s cool n3w fr13nd.
IA: http://images.earthtouchnews.com/media/385812/Palmatogecko-rangei_Namib-gecko_2014_08_19.jpg
IA: 3xcus3 m3. Cool n3w fr13nd 1n h1gh d3f1n1t1on.
XE: Oh.........
XE: They're charm-ing.
IA: 1t holds the galaxy 1n 1ts w1s3 3y3s.
XE: II trust them.
XE: What hap-pened with Baccia? II can wa-ger a guess that he's still try-ing to fill out a pro-file on you, on-ly to discover there sim-ply are not e-nough psychiatric studies to cov-er this particular case.
IA: H3's don3 th1s for go1ng on a8out two sw33ps 8y now. St1ll no d1agnos1s.
IA: 1'm told 1 am someth1ng of a masoch1st though. Appar3ntly th1s counts as n3ws, 3h3h3h3.
XE: Sounds like the pot call-ing the kett-le black, in this case.
IA: 1 l1k3 to th1nk 1t's a mutually 83n3f1c1al dynam1c.
IA: Th3 k3y 1s allud1ng to you hav1ng "f33l1ngs" from t1m3 to t1m3.
XE: E-heh. That's ver-y charitable of you. That should keep him believing there's still hope for you yet.
IA: 1'm as opt1m1st1c as 1t g3ts for th3 futur3, 8rah. 8)
IA: Want to com3 w1th m3 to lunch som3 t1m3?
XE: II might be a-ble to clear some time in my bus-y schedule for that.
IA: Tomorrow sounds l1k3 a pr1m3 t1m3 for food18l3s. What's your stanc3 on sush1?
XE: II hap-pen to love su-shi.
XE: If my whole weeb persona wasn't indication e-nough of that.
IA: Don't hav3 to 83 a w338 to lov3 sush1.
IA: 8ut 1t's fuck1ng adora8l3 that you adm1t 1t.
XE: Shut up...
XE: II can al-low my-self some self awareness from time to time.
XE: Why not on the animes that II love so much?
IA: Adora81l1ty 1s allow3d. That 1s corr3ct.
XE: Cease.
IA: Okay.
IA: 1ntroduc1ng th3 su8j3ct chang3 for your comfort and pl3asur3.
IA: 1 start3d a n3w 1mposs1l3v3l d3s1gn and th1s on3 1s go1ng to mak3 you rag3 qu1t for sur3.
XE: II don't be-lieve it.
XE: Is this what we're do-ing af-ter lunch?
IA: Unl3ss you had oth3r plans for us.
XE: If II can think of anything else, II'm sure we can manage to fit it in.
IA: 1 l1k3 wh3r3 th1s 1s h3ad3d 83caus3...
IA: 1f you can't 83at th1s l3v3l, 1'm off1c1ally turn1ng 1t 1nto a cont3st at th3 shop.
IA: 1 w1ll pay good fuck1ng mon3y to s33 som3on3 83at a l3v3l you cannot.
XE: Save your boons for fu-ture lunch dates, be-cause it's not go-ing to hap-pen.
XE: If II can't beat it then it real-ly is impossible.
IA: All th3 mor3 r3ason to k33p my hop3s up.
IA: W3 l3arn from our hum1l1ty, S1mula.
XE: II have no idea what this "humility" is that you speak of.
IA: 1 suppos3 you hav3 no r3ason to know what th3 s3nt1m3nt f33ls l1k3. And you shouldn't. Hav3 you s33n you?
IA: M3anwh1l3... 1'm s1tt1ng pr3tty w1th a lot of good fortun3 for m3 to look forward to tomorrow.
IA: 1t's a rar3 occuranc3. 1 r3fus3 to not appr3c1at3 1t for all that 1t 1s.
XE: ...
XE: You're so sin-cere.
XE: It's weird.
IA: 1t tak3s mor3 3n3rgy to l13, 1 th1nk. Mor3 3n3rgy than 1 car3 to spar3.
IA: Wh3n 1 could 83 sp3nd1ng 1t 3ls3wh3r3.
IA: You should r3ally w1tn3ss most conv3rsat1ons 1 have w1th p3opl3.
XE: Are the mass-es just as baf-fled by you as II am?
IA: 1t's astound1ng.
XE: II think II would like to see this. As some-one who is get-ting used to it.
IA: You m1ght. 1t'll r3qu1r3 sp3nd1ng t1m3 w1th m3.
IA: But 1t's l1k3ly.
XE: A sacrifice II'm will-ing to make in the name of science... Or some-thing.
XE: You know, it's much more difficult to be coy with some-one when he is so notoriously straight for-ward him-self.
IA: 1t cut3 wh3n you try though.
IA: And th3 3ffort 1s not3d. 1 d1g that a lot too.
XE: 何てことだ!
XE: He's done it a-gain. Fuck-ing incredible.
IA: Th3r3 1s no n33d to f3ar. 1t g3ts 3as13r ov3r t1m3.
XE: II'm already tak-ing my first steps to-wards accepting and understanding this phenomenon but putt-ing it in-to prac-tice my-self.
XE: And II will ad-mit, II don't actually want you to stop when you call me cute. Which might be difficult to fa-thom, gi-ven how hum-ble II am.
IA: 1t's not d1ff1cult at all.
IA: All k1nds of flora l1k3 th31r chanc3 1n th3 sunl1ght. 1 don't 1mag1n3 you would 83 d1ff3r3nt.
XE: Now you're just be-ing chee-sy.
IA: As 1t's 833n 3sta8l1sh3d, 1f you would l1k3 for m3 to stop. Th3n 1 w1ll.
XE: ... No.
XE: Don't stop.
IA: 3h3h3. Th3n w3 cont1nu3.
IA: 8ut 1 hav3 to ask. You can say 1t's com3 out of 1nsp1rat1on 1n the dull of r3c3nt 3v3nts.
IA: Ar3 you s331ng anyon3 r1ght now?
XE: There are plent-y who wish they could be so luck-y... But no, II'm not.
IA: 1'm not 3sp3c1ally conc3rn3d a8out who any on3 3ls3 who could 83. 8ut 1 appr3c1at3 th3 h3ads up.
IA: 1 would just l1k3 to ask for stra1ght forward r3asons. And to 83 r3m1ss of any drama or what3v3r.
IA: That's not r3ally what 1'm h3r3 for.
IA: 8ut 1 do l1k3 you. And 1 would 3njoy s331ng wh3r3 th3 fondn3ss go3s.
XE: Oh.
XE: Yes.
XE: ...
XE: II like you too.
IA: 3h3h3h3. Cool.
IA: Th3n you und3rstand wh3n 1 ask you to lunch tomorrow... 1t'll qual1fy as a dat3?
XE: Yes.
XE: That is
XE: Acceptable.
IA: 1'm on3 lucky troll r1ght now.
XE: E-heh-heh.
XE: You certainly are.
XE: II'll leave you to consider just how much. II should make sure II'm well rest-ed for lunch, games, and what-ever else comes up.
IA: 1 can try to conta1n how stok3d 1 am. 8ut 1 gu3ss 1 can sav3 that for tomorrow.
IA: G3t your 83auty sl33ps.
XE: Yes. Good luck with that.
XE: And good-night, Ven-ras.
IA: N1ght, S1ms.
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] ceased trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
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taciteaneremite · 8 years
-- estrapadingTrueblue [ET] opened up a memo board: FamShenans. -- -- 
estrapadingTrueblue [ET] began responding -- 
ET: Hey fam. Droppin in here to let you know whats goin on. 
ET: And whats goin on is... 
ET: Me taking off with Rammie at the Skaianet base on Odimist. Zuserks coming with us too. Its like... 
ET: Actually Im thinkin about heading out there myself to give the place a look around right now. If it works out thats where Im gonna be living from now on. 
ET: Yall can check it out if you like. Its kind of cool. Evergreen forestry. Nobody around except for miners and idk. Lumberjacks or something. 
ET: So yeah. Ships retiring. Its time to spread the wings. Lemme know what yall think.
TT: Oh.
TT: That sounds 
TT: Really great.
ET: Its that time pa.
TT: I know. 
TT: You and Colt both. 
TT: It's good, though. It really is.
TE: I'm not gonna leave right away or nothin'...
ET: Nope I am. 
ET: Its happenin. 
ET: Im making it happen.
TE: I could maybe look around Odimist with you if you want, though... I kinda like the sound of it.
GT: Thats a fantab idea coltsworth! Go with your brother i say.
GT: But you know youll always have a place to stay with us. :) 
GT: Your home away from home! Skaia is as much yours as it is ours you see? And by jove its your right to know you belong!
ET: Thanks dad.
TE: Yeah... Thanks dad.
BZ: ummmm. 
BZ: what'z happening?
ET: Im fuckin off forever is whats happenin.
BZ: o... ok.
BZ: bye bitch lol.
BZ: jk.
BZ: 8(
ET: You probably wouldnt like it there bro. Theres snow and shit that are bad for bugs and flowerin plants.
BZ: i wazn't planning on FOLLOWING YOU. BZ: it'z juzt zad to zee you go!! lmao all theze people leaving. 
BZ: 🎉
XE: 🎉 in-deed.
ET: At least your lemons are safe. 
ET: For now.
BZ: yeah. finally.
GT: I say all of this is good. Frig! 
GT: It could mean im to spend new years at the family vacation home. 
ET: Wow...
TT: That sounds nice, actually.
TT: Bye kids.
ET: That didnt last long at all.
BZ: let him rezt...
BZ: if we're on zkaia by then tho i'm hijacking the houze to throw a wild party jzyk.
GT: You know the rules of house parties buddy. Only if squarewave and sawtooth are chaperoning.
BZ: um well it wouldn't be a party without them anyway??
GT: Thats better!
BZ: >8P 
BZ: eheheheh.
0 notes
biotechniczeal · 8 years
-- biotechnicZeal [BZ] began pestering xenogeneicErsatz [XE] at 13:25 --
BZ: yo zimian!! not often i catch u online.
XE: Yes, II know. Do you need some-thing?
BZ: not really, i juzt wanted to zay hey.
BZ: zooo HEY.
XE: Hell-o.
XE: Are you satisfied now?
BZ: 8/
BZ: bluh you don't have to pull the whole lolol i'm zimula and i'm all aloof and zhit act with me.
XE: May-be II just don't feel like talk-ing.
BZ: then why are you online??
XE: Just to piss you off.
BZ: well, if you haven't clozed the window yet then i don't think you're gonna.
BZ: zo, i dunno, maybe you could take thiz opportunity to zay thingz that you might wanna zay?? thingz that are driving you to be a TOTAL PIZZ BABY to your favorite brother? >;P
XE: II'm go-ing to go back to Lauc-tis.
BZ: huh?? really? i thought you wanted to ztay.
XE: II changed my mind.
BZ: >8'(
BZ: well... okay i guezz! i mean, it'z a good thing! you zhould purzue higher education and what not, bruh.
BZ: but did zomething... umm.
BZ: puzh you... towardz thiz... decizion...
BZ: i mean, what about emilet??
XE: What a-bout him?
BZ: don't you guyz have like, a THING??
XE: No.
XE: May-be.
XE: II don't know.
BZ: uhh well maybe you zhould figure that out before you leave??
XE: If you think he has some-thing to do with my decision, then you're mistaken.
BZ: pbbtt okay? i ztill think you zhould talk to him tho.
BZ: ziiiiim.
BZ: tell me what'z up!! i know zomething iz.
XE: It doesn't mat-ter.
BZ: >8(
BZ: it matterz to you zo it matterz to me!!
XE: That's a nice sentiment.
BZ: IT'Z TRUE!! don't be a lil gremlin about it.
XE: Fine. It's Finn.
XE: II had a conversation with him and afterwards, he disappeared.
XE: He could have died out there.
XE: But he wouldn't have had the same "luck" Ram-mie did.
XE: It would have been my fault.
XE: And II'm tired of complicating the lives of those a-round me. Much to my sur-prise, II don't find the dra-ma entertaining.
XE: II just want to go back to my bor-ing school and live out the rest of my days in mediocrity. There's noth-ing wrong with that.
BZ: bwa...
BZ: zimula!! what happened with finn couldn't pozzibly be your fault. i mean, yeah, maybe you UPZET HIM but it'z bigger than that. >8/
BZ: you didn't make him do anything...
BZ: and if you feel guilty about what you zaid then you zhould tell him zo.
XE: II don't feel guilty a-bout what II said. II meant what II said.
BZ: ffffrrrt. of courze you did.
BZ: but you feel guilty about the repercuzzionz, right? you don't want to make him mizerable. zo obviouzly you CARE about hiz well being.
XE: Of course II do. What the fuck do you take me for? II'm an ass-hole, not a mon-ster.
BZ: lol zcreenzhotting the FUQ outta that one. zimula admitz to having feelingz... more at 11...
XE: Shut up.
BZ: eheheh. anyway...
BZ: maybe you zhouldn't talk to him. idfk. i juzt know that you don't really want to leave!
XE: What II want and what is best are not al-ways go-ing to coincide.
XE: II'm not so narcassistic that II be-lieve everyone's prob-lems will disappear once II leave... But they don't need me exacerbating things, eith-er.
BZ: zigh... well, i dunno.
BZ: maybe juzt check yourzelf before you wreck yourzelf?? it'z not like you gotta "KEEP IT REAL" all the time. which, ironically, iz often u covering up your true emotionz on like EVERYTHING.
BZ: or maybe THAT'Z it. maybe you zhould like, be more zincere?? maybe not be zo angry at everybody??
XE: Wow. II'm feel-ing so enlightened right now.
BZ: COME ON. it'z not like i'm trying to fight you here.
BZ: i know you, zimula. i know you don't really want to be thiz way.
BZ: i juzt don't know what you're afraid of.
BZ: you're my lil zib and i love you and i think you dezerve to be happy maybe and that you don't have to run away from confrontation?? it can get worked out.
BZ: you really, really don't have to put up a fight!
XE: ...
XE: It's al-most like you understand.
BZ: ohhh my god.
BZ: you're zuch a pain in the azz.
XE: Gross.
BZ: eheheh. you don't have to zay it back, i know you do. >8P
BZ: and anyway... le zign.
BZ: whatever you decide to do, i zupport you, alright?? juzt do it becauze it'z what you really want.
BZ: juzt zaiyan.
XE: Fine.
XE: II'm go-ing to lie down.
XE: Good pep talk. It was exhausting.
BZ: well okay.
BZ: rezt up. >80
BZ: you're gonna need it when i hazzle you more later.
XE: II can't wait.
-- xenogeneicErsatz [XE] ceased pestering biotechnicZeal [BZ] at 14:04 --
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kaminosoath · 8 years
STATIK: =With Sirius GONE without so much as a warning notice (and along with her their mother and Ananya), Statik was a bit...agitated at about half her family. She understood the need, of course, but it didn't make it any less frustrating that they LEFT WITHOUT HER???=
STATIK: =Going on five minutes now, she had been pacing about the tech lab, feeling a little antsy and restless. She had to get out, and so she left, making a beeline straight for one block, even though she wasn't entirely aware she was headed there.=
STATIK: =When she crossed their door, she wet her lower lip, a little daunted. She'd been a bit...well...her usual ass of a self lately and didn't want to crowd them so soon after she'd made a scene... But in her opinion there had been sufficent time between then and now and she felt like she had given appropriate space? Even so, she missed them, and they were going to know it. There's a familiar knockin on Simula's door, always in some kind of musical rhythm to spice things up.=
SIMULA: -ah yes, the tell tale signs of statik's arrival. they'd been curled up on their bed for a while, drifting in and out of a nap. having company brought about some conflicting feelings, moreso than usual. caught between that need for attention and the ever growing fear that something is going to go awry. ultimately, they give in to the former desire, and opens the door from where they're lying. they only move to sit up, glancing over at her.-
SIMULA: Hell-o. Come in. Not that you need an invitation.
STATIK: hey hey simCard ⚡ =She notices that recently-awake expression and raises her brows, but accepts the invitation into their room= i didnt interrupt your beauty sleep did i? ⚡
SIMULA: -musses with their own hair, shrugging a shoulder. they might not be the most emotive person usually, but they definitely seem extra lethargic.- You could hard-ly consider it that, if II look as shit-ty as II feel.
STATIK: =she threw an arm over one of their shoulders and pulled them into a side hug= STATIK: this is only a small speed bump. youll be beautiful again, no worries ⚡ KD
STATIK: =that is she tried throwing and arm over their shoulders.=
STATIK: =She tried, she probably only could reach one of them properly, then ended up just crossing and arm over their back.=
STATIK: =even as she jokes, her expression does flicker into a worried one=
STATIK: you looK as exhausted a deer being traCKed by an enduranCe hunter ⚡
SIMULA: -rubs at their eyes now, accepting the little scraps of affection.- It's noth-ing. II just made the mis-take of leav-ing my room again to-day.
STATIK: do i need to KiCK someones ass? ⚡
STATIK: do i need to KiCK my own ass? ⚡
SIMULA: ... No.
SIMULA: Some-thing stu-pid hap-pened. -huffs a small sigh-
SIMULA: II was hang-ing out with Dell in the cafeteria. Emilet was there. Silliness en-sued, basically. But it escalated and Dell got irrationally frustrated and-- Chucked his tri-dent at Emilet.
SIMULA: II on-ly bare-ly stopped it.
SIMULA: May-be he deserves an ass kick-ing. But II will be frank, II'm get-ting a bit tired of acts of physical violence.
STATIK: K\ oh my god... ⚡
STATIK: youre the Captain's kid! file a Complaint! start a petition! ⚡
STATIK: ill even sign it for you! ⚡
SIMULA: -scoffs- What, like an an-ti-bullying pact?
SIMULA: There's noth-ing II can do to stop peo-ple from be-ing impulsive idiots.
STATIK: =scoffs right back= NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE! ⚡⚡
STATIK: when there are meetings in alternia's judiCiary, the league has to leave their weapons at the door and wear suppression Collars that are aCtivated during any signs of aggression. it was to avoid wrongful death. that was a problem for a while until it was solved! ⚡ CK
SIMULA: -looks.... reasonably horrified by this.- Eugh.
SIMULA: As aw-ful as Alternian cus-toms are, II sup-pose you're mak-ing a good point.
SIMULA: ... -long suffering sigh- II could al-ways talk to my fath-er, at least.
STATIK: =She didn't see anyone piledrive someone to death herself, she just HEARD things. And had a near-death experience that sent her straight back to the UU but that was a different thing entirely=
STATIK: of Course i am! ⚡⚡ OK
STATIK: =She pulled them into a tight hug, and her voice dropped a little softer,= what happened, it really bothered you, didn't it? ⚡ :C
SIMULA: ... -leans into her hug, nodding a little, unable to vocalize it.-
STATIK: it suCKs a lot to have someone you Care about be in danger ⚡
SIMULA: -glances at her, supposing she must know, if the way she's continually reacted to the finncident was any indication.- ... Yes. It does. -nonchalantly nuzzles at her shoulder a little.-
STATIK: then say something, sim! ⚡
STATIK: and if people don't listen, Keep saying something until they do ⚡
SIMULA: -quiets until she feels a little bit of wetness on her shoulder.- It feels... point-less.
STATIK: =she broke from the hug, and dipped her head, trying to look up at them=
STATIK: why?? ⚡⚡
SIMULA: -averts their gaze , but they can't hide the tears swelling in their mismatched eyes.- II made my bed a long time a-go.
SIMULA: II could keep try-ing, but why would anyone lis-ten to me? II don't de-serve the time of day.
SIMULA: II push-ed everyone a-way. That's what II want-ed. And now II'm-- -they can't believe they're letting themself break down like this, but everything hurt so badly, worse then the headache and the sparks erupting from the emotion, they couldn't hold it in anymore.-
SIMULA: II feel so a-lone.
SIMULA: Some-times II feel like you're the on-ly one who actually gives a fuck when it comes down to it.
SIMULA: Everyone is so fuck-ing con-tent to turn the oth-er cheek to-wards actual physical harm again-st me.
SIMULA: But II earned that, didn't II. This is what II get for be-ing such an ass-hole all the time.
STATIK: =she started off squinting at them, but the more they cry, the more her own tears begin to well up.=
STATIK: dont say that its not too late! i Can say for an absolute faCt that satomi and siri Care... ⚡
STATIK: but siri liKes everybody, so she doesnt Count ⚡
STATIK: looK looK looK ⚡
STATIK: =She sniffed as she squinted and placed each hand on their shoulders.=
STATIK: you didnt earn shit, and everyone else who is being an asshole about this doesnt Know a single thing about you ⚡
STATIK: they dont Care beCause its EASIER turning the other CheeK ⚡
STATIK: its easier for them thinKing theyre so freaKing PERFECT and trying to single you out beCause youre more honest about it that you arent ⚡
STATIK: they Cant grasp the ConCept theyre not as high and mighty as they maKe themselves out to be ⚡
STATIK: =her words are getting a bit snappish and angrier=
STATIK: and you Know what? they're fuCKing hypoCritiC COWARDS beCause of it! ⚡⚡
STATIK: theyre small and insignifiCant and they Cant stand it so theyre trying to maKe YOU feel that way! their tiny minds have tiny Cruel little thoughts and they arent worth shit! ⚡
STATIK: =she put a hand up to their face= youre worth way more than all of them together ⚡
SIMULA: -there's more to be conflicted about after hearing this. whether they should listen and let themself be comforted. whether it's true, whether it even matters if it's true or not. statik cared. statik saw them as something great, and not just despite the ugliness, but because of it too. they effectively lost the battle trying to keep her at bay along with everyone else. and... they're fine with that.-
SIMULA: You know... -sniffs, tentatively reaching to touch her face too. almost hesitant.- You real-ly are such an an-gry lit-tle per-son.
SIMULA: II think you give me too much cred-it. But II won't ar-gue eith-er.
SIMULA: ... Thank you, Stat-ik. For... be-ing here.
STATIK: im angry beCause all this pisses me off!! ⚡ KO
STATIK: but i wont deny im little ⚡
STATIK: =she leans into their touch, and laughs a slightly soggy laugh= and if i give you too muCh Credit, it's Cause you give yourself none ⚡
STATIK: im always gonna be here, sim. ⚡
STATIK: ...im sorry i stayed away ⚡
SIMULA: That doesn't mat-ter now. -insists, fidgeting a little before leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead.-
STATIK: =her face is turning a marvelous shade of GREEN, but not because she's sick. Statik doesn't move, because she's not sure how to take all these butterflies slamming themselves into the walls of her abdomen. Does she DARE?? Gradually though, she moved the hand she had on their face and lightly kissed the area where her touch had been.=
SIMULA: -a noise rumbles out of them like a purr -- a good indication that this is a good direction to head in. their head dips as they lean in, cheeks brushing, till they're simplying draping themself over her in another hug.-
STATIK: =Relief washed over her and she patted their face before pulling them closer in her arms, crossing her limbs over their back.=
STATIK: i wont do that to you again, oKay? i'm here for you. i'll always be here for you. ⚡
STATIK: =squeezes=
SIMULA: Then... you should stay here. Un-til II let you leave. -mumbles into her shoulder. this is what happens, statik. you give them an inch and they take a mile.-
STATIK: =There is a smile to her voice and she leaned her cheek against theirs.=
STATIK: there was only ever one option, i thinK ⚡
SIMULA: -they purr softly again, leaning heavily against her until they're both flopping back onto the bed. it's snuggle time...-
STATIK: =With Simula in her arms and she in theirs, it finally felt right. She nuzzled against them, purring herself.=
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