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VENRAS: *Whether she expects him or not, Venras is showing up at Evadne's dorm unannounced. Boom, baby. He's coming in.* I saw you hang1ng out w1th Kat3lyn y3st3rday. 1s 1t not what 1 th1nk???
EVADNE: *looks up from her tablet from where she's perched on her bed, only KIND of startled.* O3O
EVADNE: Rebecca! It /not/ what yoo think!
VENRAS: *makes fingerguns at her* 1 won't H3S1TAT3 81TCH.
VENRAS: *static zaps her.* 3h3h3h3h3h3.
EVADNE: OO! )(EY! Be nice. *pouts*
VENRAS: *drops his hands and strolls into her dorm like he owns the place. Flops into the nearest cushion for his butt, legs out in front of him.*
VENRAS: So how was 1c3 cr3am with /Kat3s1a/.
VENRAS: 1 m3an M3ls1a.
EVADNE: *moves to sit on his legs* )(ehehe. It was great. <3
EVADNE: Yoo shoold have been there.
VENRAS: 1 was... 1n my kokoro. *flexes his leg as a means to scoot her off her butt a little.* My tamash1 no tamash1s.
EVADNE: *tips over a little but steadies* Aaa! What's a tamashi? >3>
VENRAS: My soul of souls, you un3ducat3d sw1n3. *and now just bounces his leg. Feel him flex.*
EVADNE: n3n *she will, and she will enjoy it*
EVADNE: Can yoo REELY speak east Beforan though?
VENRAS: Nah. 1 just know 3nough to 1mpr3ss th3 8a83s (TM).
VENRAS: Ar3 you 1mpr3ss3d?
EVADNE: Naut in the LEAST! Reely learn a second language and maybe then I'll swoon.
VENRAS: H3y. 1 know oth3r languag3s. Just not 3ast 8efor3an. *bleps at her and bounces his leg some more.*
VENRAS: 1 can't 83li3v3 you don't count Prosp1t1an or D3rs1t3.
VENRAS: Anyway. 1 st1ll don't s33 you swoon1ng.
EVADNE: Whoopsea... I FORKGOT. I guess I'll have too change my terms.
EVADNE: Learn... twenty languages!
VENRAS: 3h3h3h3h3, som3 standards.
VENRAS: Th1s 1s why w3 don't dat3.
VENRAS: That and M3ls1a 1s totally hot for you.
EVADNE: We don't date because I'm WAY out of yoar league.
EVADNE: Obviously she is, but she's also kind of hot for every gill she seas. Naut that these facts retract from how GORGFISH I am. But still.
VENRAS: *snickers some more* 1'm go1ng to t3ll h3r you sa1d that.
EVADNE: W)(AT. Don't be rood.
VENRAS: Okay, f1n3. 1 won't. 83caus3 1'm a good p3rson. And you'r3 w3lcom3.
EVADNE: Pffff. *flops over onto him* )(ey, are yoo also the kind of psychic that can read minds? Because I was so BOARD before yoo showed up.
VENRAS: *welcomes the floppy fishes and gives off a companionable chirr.* No. 1 kn3w you hung out w1th M3ls1a and that was 3nough to al3rt m3 to your pl1ght. 3h3h3h3h3h3.
VENRAS: 8ut no. Th3 truth 1s 1 am an att3nt1on whor3 and was f33l1ng n3gl3ct3d.
VENRAS: So now 1'm h3r3... as th3 plot pr3d1ct3d.
EVADNE: Aww! n3n That's so pathetic... I love it. *curls up on him*
EVADNE: Yoo can get my undivided attention so long as I get yoars! Surfprise, I'm an attention whore too.
VENRAS: 1 hav3 l1t3rally n3v3r h3ard of a cut3 g1rl who d3s3rv3d to 83 call3d an att3nt1on whor3. Also.
VENRAS: 1f anyon3 1s go1ng to whor3, 1 nobl3ly s3l3ct mys3lf as tr18ut3.
VENRAS: 1t's th3 only way.
EVADNE: Please, yoo already try! But yoo kinda have too get people too TAKE T)(E BAIT first before it can get excessive. )(ehehe.
VENRAS: Moth3rfuck, goddamn. You'r3 r1ght.
VENRAS: No8ody has 3v3n tak3n th3 8a1t. 8/
EVADNE: Reel talk, I can't imagine why! Yoo're cute.
VENRAS: Okay so. 1 w3nt on th1s smooth13 dat3, r1ght.
EVADNE: O3O *listens intently*
VENRAS: And th3 guy agr33s to com3 8ack to my plac3 and all. 3v3ryth1ng's cool.
VENRAS: 8ut th3n h3's mak1ng l1ttl3 comm3nts l1k3 oh. You'r3 just a guy who 8r1ngs p33ps 8ack to h1s CLOS3 SPAC3S w1lly n1lly and 1 was l1k3. Um, y3s.
VENRAS: That 1s l1t3rally what 1 was talk1ng to you a8out.
VENRAS: And th1s dud3 1s l1k3 wow, haha. Tak1ng actual not3s.
VENRAS: 1 was l1k3 omg. W3ll. Th1s 1s c3rta1nly happ3n1ng.
EVADNE: What the heck????????
EVADNE: Sounds like a reel weirdo!
VENRAS: H3's cool, sur3. L1k3s to d1ss3ct sh1t l1k3 my 1nt3nt1ons and th3 k1nd of p3rson 1 am, 1 gu3ss.
VENRAS: 8ut anyway. 1 told h1m 1f h3 had a pro8l3m, h3 could just say so and 3v3ryth1ng w1ll 83 ch1ll.
VENRAS: So w3 w3nt 8ack to my plac3 and r3tro gam3d th3 r3st of th3 day.
VENRAS: *shakes his head with a snort* Som3 trolls though. 1 s2g.
EVADNE: )(onestly! It shooldn't be so hard too get a smooch if yoo want one, shoold it? *snrk*
VENRAS: T8h. 8ut 1t 1s for m3. 83caus3 that's just my l1f3.
VENRAS: *plays with her hair a little bit* You g3t any luck lat3ly?
EVADNE: )(mm... Nah. But I haven't reely been trying. I've been busy!
VENRAS: W3ll y3ah 8ut also.
VENRAS: 1 GU3SS you w3r3 100% pr3occup13d w1th your jo8 that whol3 t1m3 you w3r3 away.
EVADNE: Yoo're the NERD!
EVADNE: Anywave, I didn't have much choice... I was hoping I could swim away too enjoy Avalon a little bit, but then the ship got locked down... .3.
VENRAS: So you d1dn't r3ally g3t to 3scap3. *BIG SIGHS FOR HER.* That sucks.
VENRAS: To 83 fa1r, th3 U.U. was may83 th3 worst cho1c3 for t1m1ng. 3h3h3h3.
VENRAS: W3 can go ch3ck out Avalon on our own.
EVADNE: Oh? O3O Woold yoo go with me?
VENRAS: Y3ah. 1 m3an.
VENRAS: Do you want to ch3ck out th3 spoops all 8y yours3lf???
VENRAS: What do you want to s33 f1rst?
EVADNE: I want to sea the big lakes! Or... fjords? Whatever they are.
VENRAS: Or 8oth.
VENRAS: Sch3dul3 yours3lf an actual hon3st to god vacat1on.
VENRAS: 1sn't 1t cold as sh1t 1n Avalon r1ght now?
VENRAS: All your lak3s and stuff ar3 go1ng to 83 froz3n.
EVADNE: Oh yeah... Troo...
EVADNE: Ice skating? O3O
VENRAS: Sh3 cam3 1n l1k3 a wr3ck1ng 8all...
EVADNE: All I wanted was too go on vacation...
EVADNE: Maybe it woold just be fun too enjoy the village life in the winter! I don't sea much snow.
VENRAS: That's 83caus3 you'r3 a trop1cal f1sh.
VENRAS: 8ut 1f you want to s33 snow, 1'll g3t you snow.
EVADNE: Get me all the snow, Venras!
VENRAS: 1t do3sn't hav3 to 83 a snow troll...
EVADNE: *giggles and nuzzles a little to his chest* Yoo're a dork.
VENRAS: H3ck. *smirks, always so smug.* And you hav3 a t3ns1on knot.
VENRAS: R1ght...
VENRAS: Th3r3. *PRODS into her neck just to be annoying.* 3h3h3h3h3h3.
EVADNE: EEP. )(ey! *whaps him* Now yoo own me a proper neck massage.
VENRAS: Um. Prop3r. L1k3 1 don't alr3ady g1ft you w1th th3 gr3at3st str3ss r3l13v3r 1 can afford?
EVADNE: This neck isn't gonna massage itself!
VENRAS: Don't look at m3 l1k3 that... *scoots her so shes better aligned against his chest. Yes, ok fine. He starts working a neck massage for her.* 83tt3r, pr1nc3ss?
EVADNE: Much betta! <3
EVADNE: Thank yoOoOoOoO.
VENRAS: 1 am a slav3 to your happ1n3ss. Your pl3asur3... *kneads with fingertips.* You only want m3 for Th3s3 Hands.
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-- eonianEmigrant [EE] began pestering isometricAstrourbanization [IA] --
EE: dude. i just realized that ur handle is like....hella long.
IA: 8r3aks th3 1c3 mor3 oft3n than not.
IA: ... S8)
IA: H3y.
EE: well shit i didn't know what i was sayin was so fuckin basic, lmao. gotta try to b more creative.
EE: whasup bro. i just remembered that talkin to pp on here is a thing i can do.
EE: like i can raise my socialization skill n also wear cheezy poof stained sweatpants 24/7. wut a tiem 2 be alive.
IA: To 83 fa1r, you could w3ar ch33sy poof-sta1n3d sw3atpants any of th3 day and soc1al1z3. 1f you'r3 not a fuck1ng noo8.
IA: H3ll, why 8oth3r go1ng that far? W3ar no pants l1k3 a r3al troll.
IA: 1 know 1'm not, aaay.
IA: So th3r3for3, 1'm as r3al as 1t g3ts.
EE: i mean. that's cool. if you want to free range it while we talk that's ok by me. i'm not gnna disparage ur lifestyle choices but i like to be a fab dressed dude and i can't be slippin up in the way ur suggestin.
EE: as the the only person pushin denim on denim fashion on skaia, i got a responsibility u kno.
EE: gotta edumacate the masses.
IA: 1 know what 1 must do now.
IA: Your t3rr18l3 r31gn of tyranny w1ll com3 to an 3nd on3 day... and 1 w1ll say you'r3 fuck1ng w3lcom3. 1t was m3, Aust1n. All along.
IA: D3n1m on d3n1m, jfc.
EE: it's fine if u don't understand. i don't expect ppl to understand right away.
EE: it takes time. B)
EE: altho since ur pantless ur already 1/3 of the way to full denim on denim.
EE: step 1. remove pantalones step 2. put on pantalones step 3. locate una jaqueta de mezclilla and put that on too
IA: N1c3 l3gs, da1sy duk3s mak3s a dud3 go woo-woo. Surpr1s3.
IA: Th1s was a s3gu3way to th3 1n3v1ta8l3 furry conv3rsat1on w3 w3r3 8ound to hav3. 1t's as 1n3scapa8l3 as d3ath and tax3s, 8roh.
IA: My t1m3 1s now.
EE: aight. i'm down to talk about furries. what about them.
EE: did u grow up in a horse infested hell hole like i did.
IA: Furr13s 1n da1sy duk3s. D1scuss.
EE: omg we have so much in common.
EE: ok let's talk about the concept of furries wearing skimpy clothing when they're already covered in FUR.
EE: ????????????????
EE: questions that have plagued me sine my youth, bro.
IA: Sh1t, you'r3 r1ght. L3av3 noth1ng to th3 1mag1nat1on.
EE: just when u think i've gone deep enuff i go even deeper. full forearm.
IA: W3 l1k3 to hav3 fun h3r3 on 3non1an3m1grant dot com.
EE: o bby u don't know the 1/2 of it yet.
IA: 1 know that 1 compl3t3ly lost my tra1n of thought. Mmmm.
EE: wut a shame now i'll never know what ur fursona's dick looks like.
EE: like exact dimensions down 2 every little ridge, knot and bump.
EE: btw if u rlly are a furry, pay me to draw that shit.
EE: i like to hustle around here.
EE: time is $$$.
IA: D1cks, dud3.
IA: Plural 83caus3 th3 only l1m1t 1s your 1mag1nat1on.
EE: back in my universe we only had 1 of those things and if you broke it that was tough luck.
EE: jk, i'm p sure dicks were in hot demand and supply was meetin it.
IA: 3h3h3h3. Sucks to 83 you.
EE: hahahhaha.
IA: 8)
EE: i guess u could say it's nut my lucky day.
IA: Amaaaz1ng graaac3... how sw33t th3 sound...
EE: o that made me think of nother topic.
EE: r u religious.
EE: haven't gotten a chance 2 ask anybody about that shit yet.
EE: this is a good a time as any to ask about god right.
EE: right after discussin dicks.
EE: god(s), u don't wanna assume it's singular i guess just like penises, or penii.
IA: A nuth3r top1c.
IA: Also r3gardl3ss of d1cks to worsh1p as gods, not r3ally no.
EE: dang i was rlly hopin it would be something crazy.
IA: 1'm sur3 you hav3 a th1ng to talk a8out 1t though.
IA: As th3y say 1n th3 land of 1nnu3ndos and dou8l3 3ntr3dr3. F1ll m3 1n, 8ro.
EE: as much as i would love 2 double stuff u with knowledge ;))).
EE: yeah i got nothin. i'm just curious i guess.
EE: i'm not religious it's just 1 of my 2,000 spare interests.
EE: lol.
EE: the only religion is know of is the shitty clown one. does that also exist here or nah.
IA: N1c3.
IA: Unfortunat3ly, an op1n1on on r3l1g1on just so happ3ns to 83 th3 on3 th1ng 1 fall short on. Just d3p3nds on who you'r3 talk1ng to, 1 gu3ss.
IA: Th3r3's always th3 Follow1ng of 81l1ous Sl1ck. 1t's a popular Prosp1t1an th1ng.
EE: i never heard of that. i won't bore u with it tho if it's not ur thing.
EE: u never did tell me what u were up to btw.
EE: despite bein semi nude somewhere???
IA: Hang1ng at my condo. Plac3 to stay wh3n 1'm not work1ng.
IA: F1rst rul3 of th3 hous3 1s, no pants.
EE: wtf tho if u got ur own place why u creep at the dorms.
EE: just 4 the pool?
IA: 3v3ryon3 asks m3 th1s 8ut 1t's 3as13r to fr3qu3nt a dorm than 1t 1s a hot3l dur1ng th3 work p3r1od.
EE: o aight.
EE: that makes sense.
EE: guess who else has a super important job now.
EE: u don't nee dto guess imma tell u.
IA: Y3s.
IA: 3vadn3 was t3ll1ng m3.
EE: i'm workin 4 the gvnmt now.
EE: with a lady that has eight fuckin eyes.
EE: no joke.
EE: she can see all ur illegal hiphaps and now i'm her agent so watch out.
IA: Sounds l1k3 a 8last, dud3. Also t3ll N3va3h 1 sa1d sup.
EE: o u kno her?
IA: 3v3ryon3 knows h3r.
EE: >:/
EE: man here i was thinkin i was special.
IA: Ch1ll, dogg. You ar3.
EE: o dogg. bro...
IA: Th3r3's mor3 wh3r3 that cam3 from.
EE: //touches chest//
EE: i wsn't redy.
IA: Good th1ng 1'm g3ntl3.
EE: s-senpai...
EE: ://O
EE: t-taiyō o massugu watashi ni fakku
IA: G3t your w338ass 8ullsh1t out of my fac3.
IA: My pantsl3ss a8od3 1s sacr3d, can you r3sp3ct that pl3as3 and thank?
EE: watashi ni fuck u in the mouth.
EE: don't test me bro, i got like eight shitty swords with ur name on em.
IA: Mmmmm. 1 d3c1d3d 1 k1nd of l1k3 wh3r3 th1s 1s go1ng.
EE: i mean. i'm confused by u typing out "mmmmmm" like pennywise the clown but i'm glad ur havin a good time.
EE: that's all we're here 4.
EE: 2 have a good time.
IA: Sp3ak1ng of wh1ch... 1 got th1s comm num83r r1ght. 83caus3 1 hung out w1th a guy aft3r clu8 t1m3s and that's just what happ3ns.
EE: o it's story time now. ok i'm listenin.
EE: //shimmies up w/ popcorn//
EE: :o
IA: W3ll, s33. Noth1ng happ3n3d. 83caus3 1 d1dn't know 1t was on th3 ta8l3.
IA: And w3 had a n1c3 t1m3. Cut3 guy, d3af. L1k3s conv3n13nc3 stor3 food and fly1ng.
EE: das cool, das cool.
EE: i mean u got his digits so there's always next time right
IA: Y3ah, 1 gu3ss. Th3n 1 wond3r wh3th3r 1t's worth 1t.
IA: 8ut th3n 1f 1 hav3 to wond3r, th3n 1t's pro8a8ly not. L8r.
EE: idk i mean not necessarily.
EE: it depends on why u wonderin.
EE: me talkin like i got a fuckin atom of exp w/ this shit. but ignore that for now. haha.
IA: H3 cut3 8ut th3n 1'm just... gum wrapp3r and mag1c mark3r, 8ro. Factor all of th1s 1nto a pot3nt1al hook-up.
IA: 1 don't 3v3n know 1f th3 gum wrapp3r 1s h1s, lmao. May83 h3 found 1t on th3 ground.
IA: 1 m3an 1 gotta 83 at l3ast worth som3 k3tchup sta1n3d 8urr1to pap3r. Do you g3t what 1'm say1ng?
EE: mm yea i feel u. i mean mb he was just tryin 2 to be quirky? but who knos.
EE: i'd say if u got doubts ur probably right ,just don't do it.
EE: i wouldn't wanna be somebody's 2nd or 3rd choice even 4 a hook up.
EE: i wouldn't want them 2 be like "man if I GOTTA sleep with this guy i guess iw ill"
EE: u kno.
EE: that would suck.
IA: Y3s. 81t3s a l1l 1nto th3 3nthus1asm and not 1n th3 fun way.
IA: Anyway, g3n3rally "1t sucks" 1s a good way to summar1z3 1t up.
IA: Thanks, man.
EE: np dude.
EE: haha.
EE: nobody's ever asked me bout shit like that b4.
EE: i can live vicariously thru ur shenans.
IA: W31rd. K1nd of l1k3 w3'r3 8ros or som3th1ng.
IA: 8ro...
EE: n so it was written n so it shall b.
EE: they were bros from that moment on.
EE: jk, we were bros b4 that.
EE: time is relative actually so we were always bros and simaltaneously not bros.
EE: bro, i gots 2 bed. again.
IA: 1 was just your 8ro 1n wa1t1ng, my guy. Th3 for3v3r 8ro.
IA: Also y3ah, cool. R3st your fac3.
EE: aight. take care, man. B)
-- eonianEmigrant [EE] ceased pestering isometricAstrourbanization [IA] --
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-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] began trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
IA: Rar3 s1ght1ng. A w1ld S1mula 1n 1ts natural ha81tat.
IA: Sup.
IA: R3stl3ss 3v3n1ng?
XE: II guess you could say that.
XE: Some-times II think it might be possible to find entertainment in the company of oth-ers.
XE: But not usually.
XE: Have you come to prove that there's still hope for my sanity, be-fore II completely slip a-way to the dark depths of enn-ui?
IA: Actually, 1 just cam3 to say h1. Lmao. R3lax.
IA: 1 h3ar a coupl3 of your 8ros ar3 caus1ng a ruckus.
IA: That has to 83 3xc1t1ng.
XE: When aren't my broth-ers caus-ing a ruck-us?
XE: Ex-cept, II haven't heard a-bout this... What do you know?
IA: Noth1ng 83s1d3s what w3nt down 1n th3 n3wsf33d. A troll nam3d Orphus was s1ght3d on Avalon.
IA: Sounds l1k3 1t's a throwdown.
XE: Oh my.
XE: Or-phus is Cit-rin's... ex? Kismesis.
XE: He kind of fucked off for a year or so.
IA: Ph3w.
IA: Should 1 call Troll Spr1ng3r? 83caus3 that's som3 crazy sh1t.
XE: It nev-er hurts to be pre-pared.
XE: My immediate family could book a whole sea-son with all our dra-ma, honestly.
XE: But II haven't experienced much of it my-self late-ly. II al-most miss it.
IA: Pl3as3. Drama 1s for p3opl3 who can afford pr3-matur3 ha1rl1n3s. 3h3h3h3.
IA: 8ut 8y all m3ans. T3ll m3 what's 833n up w1th you lat3ly.
IA: 1 l1k3 h3ar1ng from you.
XE: You already see me all the time at work.
XE: There isn't much else go-ing on... A-side from the part-y. But, shockingly, we were al-so there together.
IA: Okay, 3h3h3. Th3n 1 can t3ll you 1 hung out w1th 8acc1a y3st3rday. IA: 1t was gr3at. T3n out of t3n w1ll 83 do1ng 1t aga1n soon. IA: Also. Ch3ck out th1s cool n3w fr13nd.
IA: http://images.earthtouchnews.com/media/385812/Palmatogecko-rangei_Namib-gecko_2014_08_19.jpg
IA: 3xcus3 m3. Cool n3w fr13nd 1n h1gh d3f1n1t1on.
XE: Oh.........
XE: They're charm-ing.
IA: 1t holds the galaxy 1n 1ts w1s3 3y3s.
XE: II trust them.
XE: What hap-pened with Baccia? II can wa-ger a guess that he's still try-ing to fill out a pro-file on you, on-ly to discover there sim-ply are not e-nough psychiatric studies to cov-er this particular case.
IA: H3's don3 th1s for go1ng on a8out two sw33ps 8y now. St1ll no d1agnos1s.
IA: 1'm told 1 am someth1ng of a masoch1st though. Appar3ntly th1s counts as n3ws, 3h3h3h3.
XE: Sounds like the pot call-ing the kett-le black, in this case.
IA: 1 l1k3 to th1nk 1t's a mutually 83n3f1c1al dynam1c.
IA: Th3 k3y 1s allud1ng to you hav1ng "f33l1ngs" from t1m3 to t1m3.
XE: E-heh. That's ver-y charitable of you. That should keep him believing there's still hope for you yet.
IA: 1'm as opt1m1st1c as 1t g3ts for th3 futur3, 8rah. 8)
IA: Want to com3 w1th m3 to lunch som3 t1m3?
XE: II might be a-ble to clear some time in my bus-y schedule for that.
IA: Tomorrow sounds l1k3 a pr1m3 t1m3 for food18l3s. What's your stanc3 on sush1?
XE: II hap-pen to love su-shi.
XE: If my whole weeb persona wasn't indication e-nough of that.
IA: Don't hav3 to 83 a w338 to lov3 sush1.
IA: 8ut 1t's fuck1ng adora8l3 that you adm1t 1t.
XE: Shut up...
XE: II can al-low my-self some self awareness from time to time.
XE: Why not on the animes that II love so much?
IA: Adora81l1ty 1s allow3d. That 1s corr3ct.
XE: Cease.
IA: Okay.
IA: 1ntroduc1ng th3 su8j3ct chang3 for your comfort and pl3asur3.
IA: 1 start3d a n3w 1mposs1l3v3l d3s1gn and th1s on3 1s go1ng to mak3 you rag3 qu1t for sur3.
XE: II don't be-lieve it.
XE: Is this what we're do-ing af-ter lunch?
IA: Unl3ss you had oth3r plans for us.
XE: If II can think of anything else, II'm sure we can manage to fit it in.
IA: 1 l1k3 wh3r3 th1s 1s h3ad3d 83caus3...
IA: 1f you can't 83at th1s l3v3l, 1'm off1c1ally turn1ng 1t 1nto a cont3st at th3 shop.
IA: 1 w1ll pay good fuck1ng mon3y to s33 som3on3 83at a l3v3l you cannot.
XE: Save your boons for fu-ture lunch dates, be-cause it's not go-ing to hap-pen.
XE: If II can't beat it then it real-ly is impossible.
IA: All th3 mor3 r3ason to k33p my hop3s up.
IA: W3 l3arn from our hum1l1ty, S1mula.
XE: II have no idea what this "humility" is that you speak of.
IA: 1 suppos3 you hav3 no r3ason to know what th3 s3nt1m3nt f33ls l1k3. And you shouldn't. Hav3 you s33n you?
IA: M3anwh1l3... 1'm s1tt1ng pr3tty w1th a lot of good fortun3 for m3 to look forward to tomorrow.
IA: 1t's a rar3 occuranc3. 1 r3fus3 to not appr3c1at3 1t for all that 1t 1s.
XE: ...
XE: You're so sin-cere.
XE: It's weird.
IA: 1t tak3s mor3 3n3rgy to l13, 1 th1nk. Mor3 3n3rgy than 1 car3 to spar3.
IA: Wh3n 1 could 83 sp3nd1ng 1t 3ls3wh3r3.
IA: You should r3ally w1tn3ss most conv3rsat1ons 1 have w1th p3opl3.
XE: Are the mass-es just as baf-fled by you as II am?
IA: 1t's astound1ng.
XE: II think II would like to see this. As some-one who is get-ting used to it.
IA: You m1ght. 1t'll r3qu1r3 sp3nd1ng t1m3 w1th m3.
IA: But 1t's l1k3ly.
XE: A sacrifice II'm will-ing to make in the name of science... Or some-thing.
XE: You know, it's much more difficult to be coy with some-one when he is so notoriously straight for-ward him-self.
IA: 1t cut3 wh3n you try though.
IA: And th3 3ffort 1s not3d. 1 d1g that a lot too.
XE: 何てことだ!
XE: He's done it a-gain. Fuck-ing incredible.
IA: Th3r3 1s no n33d to f3ar. 1t g3ts 3as13r ov3r t1m3.
XE: II'm already tak-ing my first steps to-wards accepting and understanding this phenomenon but putt-ing it in-to prac-tice my-self.
XE: And II will ad-mit, II don't actually want you to stop when you call me cute. Which might be difficult to fa-thom, gi-ven how hum-ble II am.
IA: 1t's not d1ff1cult at all.
IA: All k1nds of flora l1k3 th31r chanc3 1n th3 sunl1ght. 1 don't 1mag1n3 you would 83 d1ff3r3nt.
XE: Now you're just be-ing chee-sy.
IA: As 1t's 833n 3sta8l1sh3d, 1f you would l1k3 for m3 to stop. Th3n 1 w1ll.
XE: ... No.
XE: Don't stop.
IA: 3h3h3. Th3n w3 cont1nu3.
IA: 8ut 1 hav3 to ask. You can say 1t's com3 out of 1nsp1rat1on 1n the dull of r3c3nt 3v3nts.
IA: Ar3 you s331ng anyon3 r1ght now?
XE: There are plent-y who wish they could be so luck-y... But no, II'm not.
IA: 1'm not 3sp3c1ally conc3rn3d a8out who any on3 3ls3 who could 83. 8ut 1 appr3c1at3 th3 h3ads up.
IA: 1 would just l1k3 to ask for stra1ght forward r3asons. And to 83 r3m1ss of any drama or what3v3r.
IA: That's not r3ally what 1'm h3r3 for.
IA: 8ut 1 do l1k3 you. And 1 would 3njoy s331ng wh3r3 th3 fondn3ss go3s.
XE: Oh.
XE: Yes.
XE: ...
XE: II like you too.
IA: 3h3h3h3. Cool.
IA: Th3n you und3rstand wh3n 1 ask you to lunch tomorrow... 1t'll qual1fy as a dat3?
XE: Yes.
XE: That is
XE: Acceptable.
IA: 1'm on3 lucky troll r1ght now.
XE: E-heh-heh.
XE: You certainly are.
XE: II'll leave you to consider just how much. II should make sure II'm well rest-ed for lunch, games, and what-ever else comes up.
IA: 1 can try to conta1n how stok3d 1 am. 8ut 1 gu3ss 1 can sav3 that for tomorrow.
IA: G3t your 83auty sl33ps.
XE: Yes. Good luck with that.
XE: And good-night, Ven-ras.
IA: N1ght, S1ms.
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] ceased trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
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-- ondoyantOpalescence [OO] began pestering isometricAstrourbanization [IA] at 15:12 --
OO: )(i, Venras!
IA: Naun3t.
IA: Oh h3y.
IA: 1 h3ard you w3r3 st1ll a8oard th3 SS ur1nat1ngUlcuscl3, 3h3h3h3.
IA: Sp3ak to m3.
OO: Yes, but only until everyone has mooved to their noo homes.
OO: I was wondering when yoo wanted too scope out the ship? o3o
IA: Pro8a8ly.
IA: Ch3ck out th1s sw33t 8l3p.
IA: http://the-long-dog.tumblr.com/post/151361728769/what-dis
OO: Ocray, that doesn't answer my question at all! But thank yoo for the coot video.
OO: I'm glad we alwaves have such profishional conversations. -3-
IA: L1st3n... 1'm pass1ng t1m3 look1ng 8usy. M3ls1a's nagg1ng aga1n.
IA: Don't g3t a hatchmat3.
IA: Just don't do 1t.
OO: I don't think I have too worry aboat that. Hehehe.
OO: Why don't yoo tell her yoar going too look at the ship and then sneak away? n3n
OO: I doo stuff like that all the time! Between yoo and me...
OO: Acshoally, leaving too hang out on the Unbreakable Oonion was just an excoose too go someplace different? But that turned out too be a pretty poor idea.
OO: So maybe don't listen too me? Whoo knows.
IA: Okay 8ut f1rst cons1d3r that 1 was 100% aga1nst hav1ng to 3qu1p actual pants. 8ut 3v3ryth1ng chang3d wh3n you sa1d th3 Un8r3aka8l3 On1on.
IA: And 3v3ryth1ng was sudd3nly okay 1n th3 world.
OO: .3.
OO: I said OoOoOoOonion! Like... Oo! Not Oo! I mean...
OO: O)(!
IA: 8)
IA: Fuck1ng wast3d.
OO: Hehehe.
OO: *)(e...
IA: 3h3h3h3.
IA: 1 l1v3.
OO: But doo yoo have pants on?
IA: Good qu3st1on. St1ll d38at1ng.
IA: On th3 su8j3ct of want1ng to ch3ck out n3w plac3s. Okay.
IA: 1t's hard to f33l 8ad for you 1f your 1d3a of a good t1m3 was to hang out on th3 UU.
IA: Sp3c1al d3l1v3ry for Naun3t. Non3 p1ty, l3ft 8rok3n laugh gask3ts.
IA: You d1d th1s to yours3lf, t8h.
OO: I wasn't fishing for pity! -3-
OO: It was just an ANECDOTE yoo silly buoy.
IA: Your lam3 squ1d m1s3ry k33ps m3 so young.
OO: Yoar lame!!!!!!!! ಠ3ಠ
IA: Ar3 you sudd3nly a pyrok1n3t1c cuz that 8urn was so s1ck.
IA: 1'm ly1ng down aga1n. 1 don't th1nk 1 can r3cov3r.
IA: That and fuck pants.
OO: Boom! Wasted!!!!!!!! )(ehehehe!
OO: Anywave, soot yoarshelf.
IA: 1 w1ll soot mys3lf.
IA: 1'm soot1ng mys3lf r1ght now.
IA: You'r3 full of h3lpful sugg3st1ons today. What g1v3s.
OO: I love to help! n3n
IA: Th3 s3cr3t1ckl3r str1k3s aga1n.
OO: No one is safe. O3O
IA: 1 know your gam3.
IA: 1 happ3n to 3m8rac3 my fals3 s3ns3 of s3cur1ty.
IA: On3 day, Naun3t w1ll kn33drop m3 from th3 sky, k1ll1ng m3 1nstantly.
OO: Yoo WIS)(.
OO: But also, if yoo keep making fun of me, it's more likely to happen then yoo might think...
OO: Unless... OoOoOoOo)(!
OO: That was the plan all along. O3O
IA: So you adm1t 1t. You'v3 always 833n out to g3t m3.
IA: Lol, th3n what? 8;)
OO: )(ehehehe.
IA: Unf. H3ll y3ah, k1ck my whol3 ass.
IA: Hav3 you 3v3r s33n m3? 1 walk around l1k3 1t's no8ody's 8us1n3ss. Pla1nly ask1ng for 1t.
IA: How do 1 mak3 1t past th3 front gat3? W3 just don't know.
OO: Troo enough! The only thing keeping me from helpfully punting yoo intoo the atmosphere is my steadfast devocean too staying classy.
OO: I can't shrimply beat yoo up... But maybe we could arrange some sort of dool?
OO: Where I slap yoo with a glove and stuff! n3n
OO: That sounds fun.
IA: Okay, 8ut who would com3 watch?
IA: W3 n33d 1nv1tat1ons for th1s sh1t.
OO: Whoo wouldn't?
OO: T)(ERE. I just made a post.
IA: D1tto.
IA: Th1s 1s V3nras Paxxas and 1 3ndors3 th1s m3ssag3.
OO: )(ooray!
IA: ...
IA: 1 just r3al1z3d you adv3rt1s3d on th3 UU thr3ad. Gd1.
IA: Okay, 1 gu3ss thos3 lam38oats can com3.
IA: 1t's not cool though, Naun3t. Not cool at all.
OO: n3~
IA: Why do 1 l3t you manag3 my ass-k1ck1ngs aga1n?
OO: Because I'm great at it, probubbly!
IA: 1 acknowl3dg3 that you ar3 argua8ly gr3at at som3 th1ngs.
OO: Aww... Yoar so sweet.
OO: When yoar not being STOOPID.
OO: <3
IA: 1'm only stup1d 83caus3 1 d1sagr33 w1th l1k3 70% of your tast3 1n d3c1s1ons.
OO: Yes? That's the point!
IA: ...1 must go.
IA: 1'll 83 th3 guy walk1ng around w1th a targ3t pract1c3 on my ass.
OO: And I'll be the foot wedged right in it! Sea yoo then.
IA: Hot.
IA: S33ya.
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] ceased pestering ondoyantOpalescence [OO] at 17:01 --
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