#teenlock fanfiction
After probably ten years away from the fandom world, recently I have been reminiscing the days of RPing Johnlock on Omegle. Imagine my surprise and horror when I saw that Omegle shut down a few years back 💔
SO! I am hoping to find some new pals to RP Johnlock with!! Let me know if you are interested, or have a suggestion for a site that I could do this on!!
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vanimelda4 · 1 year
Hey! I've finally written a short single chapter story again!
If you're in the mood for fluffy Teenlock: give it a chance.
"Teenage Sherlock has the biggest crush on the waiter who works at the small café near the beach in the town where he lives.
Surely the feeling can't be mutual.
Surely John is nice to everyone.
Rating: teen (8665 words)
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mahaijpg · 1 year
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No it’s not the cover i drew for the french teenlock fanfic i’m currently writing… well maybe it is…
I may or may not translate it in english if some are interested ? But for the moment i’m not finished with the first chapter in french lmao 😭
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wheneverfeasible · 2 years
Someone shared this picture in a FB Johnlock group saying it gave them kid vibes and then it sparked a Johnlock AU fanfic idea for me and I….I know nothing about engineering or mechanics but I DID just finish reading the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer about a cyborg Cinderella who was a mechanic and I just…..lol what if I did write this?
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Hello beautiful!!!!! Do you know fanfictions where we look at Sherlock and/or John past especially exploring their relationships with their parents?? I'm looking for something near our bbc canon so no teenlock/au pls 🙏 love ya Steph!!!!!
Hey Nonny!
Ahhh, closest I got are these fic lists:
Meeting the Family With a Fake Relationship
Parents & Family
Parents & Families Pt 2
I know that's not exactly what you're looking for, so hopefully our Lovelies have something more relevant for you!
Anyone able to help us?
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topsyturvy-turtely · 3 years
[posted on tumblr because all my stories from wattpad were stolen and i'm scared now.]
Title: Volleyball
Sherlock had just recovered from a hit to the stomach that had taken his breath away. Now he was back in the game. Merely 3 minutes later the ball hit him straight in the face. Sherlock stumbled back and clutched his nose. It was bleeding. Fuck.
“Imma- I’ll just go home. It’s clearly not my day.”, he said and walked out. Fuck school anyways. He hated sports. He had grown too fast and he wasn’t used to his lanky body yet. The first hit to his stomach had been from Jim. He was actually on Sherlock’s team, but the boy always had this weird obsession with him and kept hurting him. So he doubted he had been hit by accident.
But the hit to his face was John Watson from the opposite team. He hated that fact. He always had sort of liked the boy. He had a kind smile, was obviously good in any sports and he looked amazing at everything he did. Especially when he stroked his hand through his hair. Maybe he was a bit too distracted by John’s face when the ball had come at him. Okay, maybe Sherlock had a crush on John…
“Hey.”, John said, awkwardly standing in the doorway. The boy looked up and quickly back down. John had no doubt he was mad at him. Slowly John walked over to him and knelt down before him. “Here, let me help you.” Big eyes looked at him. God, he looked so scared. This boy has been treated badly and his trust in other people was obviously scarred. With a steady hand, John quickly tied Sherlock’s shoe laces and sat back up, looking at Sherlock. Said boy was leaned back and struggled getting the bleeding under control.
“Hey, Sherlock”, John gently touched his shoulder. “You should lean forwards and hold your nose closed.”, he guided Sherlock’s neck forward, barely touching him at all. He saw Sherlock’s skin making goosebumps. Oh, shit. He must be so scared, John thought.
“Breathe through your mouth.”, he said at a lack of better words.
For a few seconds the boys just sat there in awkward silence. Finally Sherlock asked: “Did you hit me on purpose, too?”
“What?! God, no! Why would I do that?!”, John asked, shocked.
There was a minute of no response, and John doubted he’d get an answer when he heard Sherlock mumble: "Because everyone does."
“Well, then they are fuckers. I would never do that, believe me.”, John said, fists and heart clenching upon hearing those words. Bullies were fucking idiots.
After another minute, John gently placed his hand on Sherlock’s back. The boy’s body stiffened. John started making circles with his flat hand. “Should I stop?”, John asked. The last thing he wanted was to make Sherlock even more uncomfortable. Another pause, before Sherlock shook his head. His gaze was fixed on the floor the whole time. Slowly he relaxed under John’s soothing hand.
When ten minutes were over, John asked: “Has it stopped?” Sherlock checked and leaned back: “Yes.” He shot a quick look at John before he looked away again. He couldn’t believe his crush of two years was sitting next to him, being friendly and had rubbed his back. “Thank you, John.”, he said quietly, moving to get up.
“Hold on!”, John pulled his sleeve so Sherlock was facing him again. The shorter boy inspected his face with an intense stare. First he looked at his nose, then directly into his eyes – holding eye contact for an unnecessary long time. Then his gaze dropped to his mouth. John Watson licked his lips.
“I definitely wouldn’t fuck up such a pretty face on purpose.” Sherlock stared at him in shock. Had John- did he just-?! And then John winked at him. Sherlock felt everything inside him melt. If he hasn’t crushed on him before, he definitely would have now. With undoubtedly red cheeks he looked away.
John stood up. “Come on!”, he held his hand out. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Hesitantly Sherlock grabbed his hand, letting himself be pulled up. John released his hand, but took it again with his other hand and pulled him to the bathroom of the gym. “Hold on one second, I’ll grab my towel real quick.”, John said once they were at the sink. Off he was, leaving a very lost Sherlock back, who was currently fighting his emotions back. His heart was beating too fast, his stomach felt weird and out of control and Sherlock could still feel John’s hand in his. He stared at it in wonder. John Watson held my hand, he thought.
Sherlock heard approaching footsteps and quickly let his hand drop. He tried to look anywhere but at John. He looked just too good. His usually neat hair was a mess. The sports shirt clung tightly to his torso and you could see his muscles underneath. He was also wearing that darn adorable kind smile. Or was it a smirk? Sherlock couldn’t tell.
The boy let the water soak the towel he had gathered. Then he made a step towards Sherlock and smiled. “Come here, pretty boy.” Sherlock was sure his jaw had dropped to the floor. John in return just chuckled and pulled him closer. Sherlock wasn’t sure if this kind of closeness was needed. “Will you stop-“, he started. “Stop what?”, John Watson was definitely smirking now. “Flirting with you?” Sherlock was avoiding John’s gaze, because he felt his cheeks darken. “Ooh, see, I like that color on you, though.”, John said his voice grinning. Had John any idea of what he did to him? Immediately his brain answered his own question: Yes. And he likes it.
John gently grabbed his chin and turned his face towards him. He started cleaning Sherlock’s face with the towel. Meanwhile, Sherlock stared into his eyes. John looked very concentrated as he took care of Sherlock. His irises were of the deepest blue he had ever seen. He got lost in them.
Suddenly those blue black holes shot up at him. Smiling eyes. Internally Sherlock shook his head, externally he settled on looking out the window. He was hopelessly in love with the boy in front of him.
He didn’t see it coming when John whispered into his ear: “Meet me at the swing set, after school, will you?” Sherlock looked at John with big eyes. What was his plan? He didn’t know but he found himself nodding his head. “Fantastic!”, John stood on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheeks. “See you later, pretty boy!”, he said, and then he was jogging back to join the last ten minutes of sport.
Sherlock stood at the same spot for another two minutes, before he could finally muster the strength to gather his stuff and head towards the swing set. Smiling like an idiot.
[A/N: please tell me any mistakes and what you think of it. I literally wrote this at 3AM]
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Dani I'm sending you the "I can't do this" prompt.. I hope it inspires you 💗 and spreads the happy faces 🤗
“I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can.”
“No. Nope. Can’t.”
“Yes you can, just like we practiced.”
“That was you, not Sherlock bloody Holmes!” John waved a hand down the corridor to where the man in question was bent over his bookbag, swapping textbooks into his locker. “It’s easy asking you out.”
“Cheers,” Greg deadpanned, but smiled when John rolled his eyes with a huff.
“You know what I-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Greg dismissed with a wave, “but the words aren’t any different. You just go up and say ‘Hey, this project has been a lot of fun. Wanna see if we have chemistry?’” He clapped his hands together, stretching them out to his sides as he tipped his head with a grin. “Eh?”
John’s shoulders slumped.
“Alright, so maybe you leave the pun out of it,” Greg muttered, shrugging. “I don’t get it, mate, why are you so twisted up over this one? You’re the last person I expected to ever need dating advice.”
John sighed, his locker jangling as he leaned back against it, tipping his head at the ceiling. “I don’t know,” he said, skull grinding into the cool metal as he shook his head. “It just feels different.”
Greg let out a shrill croon. “Ooo, is our Johnny Boy in love!” He leaned forward, making kissing noises in the air until John whacked him in the sternum, sending him into a fit of coughs.
“No,” he said firmly, “I just…don’t wanna screw anything up. We’ve gotten to be good friends.”
“So I noticed,” Greg muttered, massaging his chest. “I’ve damn near been usurped. Two of you watching movies into the sunset together.”
“I tried to call you!”
“I’m kidding,” Greg chuckled, nudging him on the arm. “I know my best friend card doesn’t expire. We have something pure.” He lifted a hand to his heart, sniffling with melodrama, a grin cracking over his face when John snorted. “Seriously though, just march over there and say- Sherlock!”
John blinked at the overhead light, dropping his chin with a frown. “Sherlock what?”
“Greg,” a low voice greeted at his right, and John jumped, slamming back against the locker. Sherlock’s forehead furrowed under rain-frazzled curls, blue eyes sweeping John’s face. “Sorry,” he murmured, glancing between them, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
John shook his head, straightening up and trying to regain some of his dignity. “No, you-you didn’t.”
“We were actually just talking about you,” Greg oh-so-helpfully interjected, beaming back at John’s glare. “John wanted to ask you something.”
Sherlock turned to him, brow lifting, John barely getting his mouth open before Greg chimed in again.
“Oh, is that the time!?” he exclaimed, looking down at a watch that wasn’t there. “I’ve gotta get to French.”
“That’s not for another half hour,” Sherlock said, checking his actual timepiece, and Greg shrugged, backing away from them toward the stairwell.
“Yeah, but sometimes Ms. Ward gets there early.” He winked, darting away from them as Sherlock chuckled, John trying to swallow the knot in his throat.
“Anyway,” he muttered, shaking his head and looking to John, “what did you want to ask?”
John’s lips parted, a croaking sound emanating from the back of his throat. “Nothing really,” he muttered, mind scrambling. “Just…wondered how you were getting on with the conclusion.”
“Oh,” Sherlock said, a pinch in his brow John might have interpreted as disappointment if he’d had longer than a blink to examine it, “fine. I can email it to you tonight, if you want to look it over.”
“No, I- Friday’s fine.” He shook his head. “I trust you,” he added with a smile, trying to undercut the awkwardness he knew he was creating.
Sherlock smiled, tucking his chin and adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “Well, I have class, but do you want to get together after and look over everything one more time?” he asked, glancing at his watch again. “If you don’t mind hanging around. You’re done for the day, aren’t you?”
John nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t mind.” He shrugged, patting the messenger bag on his hip. “Give me a chance to start on some homework.”
“Alright,” Sherlock replied. “Wanna meet in the lounge at half 1?”
John wrinkled his nose, shaking his head. “Naw, too stuffy. How ‘bout that cafe on the corner? I’ll try to snag a table before the lunch crowd comes in.”
Sherlock twitched a shoulder. “Works for me. See ya then,” he said, and, with a flick of his wrist, turned away and started down the corridor, disappearing into the crowd of milling students.
John sighed, falling back against his locker with a clang.
Why were study dates so much easier than the real thing?
He snuck into the cafe just before the lunch rush of businessmen and chatting mothers, snagging a small table in the corner, far from the autumn draft whistling through the door. Pulling out his laptop, he made a show of looking busy, idly clicking through pages of their A-level Chemistry project while his gaze truly lingered on the door, awaiting a tall dark figure. He finished his first coffee within the hour, the crowd dwindling as he returned to the counter, keeping an eye on his things and joining the line for the register.
The bell over the door chimed behind him, and he turned, finding Sherlock flipping a wind-ruffled curl out of his eyes, smiling as he found John’s gaze.
“In the corner,” John said simply, pointing toward his open laptop. “I’ve already got the project up. What do you want?”
Sherlock frowned, and then shook his head. “I can get it,” he said, but John only smiled, waving a hand.
“No sense us both waiting in line. You can get the next one.”
A corner of Sherlock’s mouth lifted, and he nodded, tucking the half-drawn wallet back into his pocket. “Alright. Just a black coffee, two sugars. Maybe a medium?” he asked, as if for permission, and John smiled, shooing him away.
“Go guard my computer; it’s new,” he ordered, and Sherlock chuckled, shaking his head but obeying.
John watched as he scuttled between the chairs, dropping his bag beside John’s on the patterned tile floor. He gently lifted John’s computer, turning it to face his chair, and braced an elbow on the wood, balancing his chin on his palm as he began clicking through their project, brow wrinkling in thought.
His phone buzzed not a moment too soon, his staring about to cross the creepy threshold, and John shuffled up a place in line, wriggling his mobile from his pocket.
Did you ask him yet?
John rolled his eyes, swiping out a retort.
No. No thanks to you
I was creating an opportunity
You were creating an ulcer
Agree to disagree
John huffed, tucking the phone back in his pocket as he reached the register, completing his order and moving to the edge of the counter to wait, Greg sending a few more messages in the interim.
It’s gonna get harder the longer you wait. Half term is coming up. Who knows what will happen then.
He goes yachting with his family in the Mediterranean. Meets a tan young stranger who’s worth millions in olive oil.
They float off into the sunset eating said olive oil.
John chuckled to himself, shaking his head.
Are you just hungry or harboring secret gay fantasies I should know about?
We’re all a little gay for olive oil millionaires
John snorted, turning it into a cough as the woman waiting beside him glared.
I don’t think we all are Gregory
Quit trying to change the subject
I’m not, I’m trying to love and support you in your gay olive oil dreams
You’ve just gotta rip the bandaid off
Would you go to uni down there or would you two try the long distance thing?
Just ask him out. Then one way or the other you’ll know.
Either way you should move there after graduation, give me an escape from winter
You’re not invited to my gay olive oil villa until you ask out Sherlock Holmes
But I was best man at your wedding!
I gotta go, we’re heading out on our yacht: Extra Virgin. Ask him out!!!!
John sighed, moving to tuck the phone back into his pocket when it buzzed a final time.
And don’t forget the details
“John?” The barista dropped two cups to the counter, John turning his smile up with a nod.
“Thank you,” he bade, sweeping them up and making his way to their table, scanning the sides of the cups for distinguishing marks. “Alright, I think this one’s yours,” he said, hovering a cup down at Sherlock’s shoulder, “but, if it tastes like 90% milk, it’s probably my latte.”
Sherlock didn’t reply, John looking past the cup to find the man blinking up at him, cheeks pink and eyes wide, his lips pressed together in a tight line.
“Are you alright?” he asked, lowering Sherlock’s cup to the table and glancing at the page of their project currently displayed on the screen. “Okay, the graphs are pretty bad,” he admitted with a tilt of his head. “I haven’t figured out what all the buttons do yet; I’ve only had PCs before.”
“No, it- It’s not-” Sherlock muttered, closing his mouth as a swallow rolled down the front of his throat. He looked away, turning back to the computer, his finger sliding over the mousepad to click on a background window.
John’s fingers forgot their job, the coffee sliding a couple centimeters in his grip before his brain reestablished communication, his heart being a little slower on the uptake, stalled in his chest as he read through his conversation with Greg. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, his tongue undecided on if it wanted to lie or scream.
Sherlock’s head turned in his peripheral vision, but John couldn’t look at him, couldn’t move, the blood rushing to his face making him dizzy enough already. “I- Er…” He swallowed again, the click of it snapping in John’s ears. “We don’t go yachting,” he muttered, and John blinked, certain he’d fainted and was now hallucinating, “and…I’m free on Saturday.”
His heart kicked against his ribs. “What?” John murmured, dropping his gaze, and Sherlock smiled, cheeks darkening anew as he looked down at his hands twisting in his lap.
“Well,” he said, shrugging a shoulder, eyes glinting when he lifted his chin, sending John’s heart into cartwheels, “I do owe you a coffee.”
///credit to @mssmithlove1 for confirming how Apple products work///
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fangoddess221 · 3 years
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A Craving For Danger by Lola_hyuga
(E, vampire!Sherlock, human!John)
Hey, everyone!
I’m here to promote a fanfic that I beta’d. The author asked me to share it with as many people as I could, so here we are.
I also drew the cover myself ;)
It is updated every Monday (and occasionally on other week days, if the author feels like there is enough people reading it!)
Thank you
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“He fell asleep that night curled up on his side. There was a pressure in his chest like he was underwater, too far underwater, like the water around him was closing like a fist squashing the breath out cracking his ribs squeezing crushing pressing pressing pressing. But still the tears would not come” [Juxtaposition - @clueda]
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calipsolieu · 2 years
Es de mi agrado anunciarles que ya terminé de escribir mi fanfic The Two of Us!
Pueden encontrarlo en Wattpad:
También en AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22306675
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slightly-brazilian · 3 years
Today is the day I will publish my first teenlock! I can't wait to show you my AU with young Sherlock and Molly ❤
The story has a stubborn Sherlock going through difficulties because of a bully, and a fearless Molly willing to save everyone
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cutelock · 4 years
AU TeenLock by @cutelock Part - V
Part I , Part II , Part III , Part IV. Bonus
I couldn't gather my courage to go and meet him again. Instead I chose go to a medical school. There I learnt that I had a fascination for both medicine and war , so soon I started my training as an army doctor and after years of training, I became one.
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There I served for years . New experience helped me forget everything I left behind... Everything except ...one.
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After years of serving finally I decided to come back to London - living in cheap motels - couldn't afford London on my army pension - a flat share sounded like a good option but who would want me as a flatmate!?
I was walking my way back to my motel and it'd been raining all day.
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And yet, that was the first time it had rained after I came back. The last London rain I remembered, I had Sherlock with me - running , laughing , dancing.
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How was he ? in London? What was he doing? enjoying the London rain ? Or missing me like I was missing him ?
I must have....
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It was him , holding me again, saving me from falling - Sherlock Holmes - my Sherlock Holmes.
"Don't they teach you how to walk on a rainy day in the camp? " he asked
"How do you know? "
"Oh! I kept an eye on you. Also I am Sherlock Holmes , so it's not much of a deduction. "
"What's that supposed to mean ? "
" I assume you are living in motels and surviving on cheap meals - I know a place in central London which together we can easily afford. I can call the land lady if you are interested "
"I am"
"Good. "
"Sherlock , are we ... "
"Friends? Boyfriends? - you decide , it's all fine "
He left the hold of my hand and started walking . "Sherlock?" I whispered. " I love you "
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And then
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He kissed.
"we need to get rid of that thing from your face though , can't be seen wandering around with an old man"
"only if you grow back those curls "
"Done! "
"What did you mean when you said - deductions !? "
"Welcome to my world Doctor - You are gonna love it. "
...... And I do. I do love it.
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The two of us against the rest of the world. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - the Baker Street boys.
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working on 3 of my wips today whilst sat in the sunshine and day drinking 😎
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Do you know what Sherlock X reader fanfic is????
What on Earth is Sherlock X Reader fanfiction and why does it sound so terrifying?
Hang on. Is this- is this about me?
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MHITAS Update! No seriously.
IT LIVESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A heartfelt thank you to all the guys, gals, and nonbinary pals that encouraged, pushed, and waited. Thank you for helping me to finish what we started, not that this is the last chapter or anything, but it’s been a tough time getting back into this story, and I did miss it A Lot, so thank you for putting me on the path to the finish when I was surrounded by a bunch of those Mario Kart ‘YOU ARE GOING THE LITERAL OPPOSITE DIRECTION YOU ABSOLUTE TWATWAFFLE’ signs.
That’s what it feels like they’re saying, anyway.
At any rate, with all my love, here is Chapter 27.
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vanimelda4 · 4 years
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Teenlock fanfic list!
Okay, Teenlock is my jam and I have written a lot of it.
For who is interested or bored: here is a list with links to all of my Teenlock fics on ao3:
John should (not) drink alcohol - John and Sherlock meet in high school. Sherlock is secretly in love. John is perfect. There is a party and John can't handle his liquor.
Were the world mine - Loosely inspired by the movie "Were the World Mine".
Sherlock and John both end up being cast for the school's performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
The Sun always waits for the Moon- John and Sherlock grow up together, and consequently fall in love, in rural Indiana, USA.
Each chapter is inspired by a different song.
Link to Spotify playlist can be found in the notes.
Dancing is not a crime (unless you do it without me - Teenage John has a secret crush on this really hot guy who visits the absolute worst pub in London every Saturday just to dance.
Let's stay home tonight - John and Sherlock have been sharing a dorm room for the last three months.
They see fairly little of each other because Sherlock flees their shared habitat every chance he gets.
Midnight flight or "how and what in Italian" - Teenage John and Sherlock have recently broken up.
To get away from all the emotions that come with that John decides to go on a school trip to Italy....but....when Sherlock's your ex-boyfriend, things never go the way you plan....
Teenlock short stories series - A series of short stories that follows John and Sherlock through high school.
John's mother is livid.
Some boy named Sherlock Holmes appears to have been roughing up her son.
But does she have her facts straight?
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