#⬖⟩⟩ cannon for your head and a penny for your thoughts? ( headcanons )
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year ago
I personally love your headcanons, so like just curious but what do you think would have happened if Yang (bless her) had actually physically died - let’s say instead of just swatting her to the side the blade actually stabbed her when she took the hit - in the Ever After, cause given what we do know, the options are:
1. Drink tea, whole body (plus soul?) ascends
2. Get murderized by a cat, clearly Alyx did not go back but at the same time she left a part of herself behind as a wish to help Jaune go back so you know (so no body but the soul ascends)
3. The usual ways that Afterans ascend like dying
Like assuming everything else remained the same (maybe Jinxy was in the mood to loot a corpse, I imagine that looting a dying Afteran must be quite profitable, they do come back with new stuff after all), imagine what the Blacksmith must have thought when another dead human appears but with an arguably more intact body and the worst possible phrasing of a dying wish on the planet.
I’d go insane id never be normal about it like I’m already not normal about how similar those two scenes were, and here I am, less normal
I think that if she had died within the ever after she’d ascend
Because that tea gave less of a vibe of being spiritually helpful and more of a just actual poison vibe
I also 100% think jinxy would rob the dead and disabled it would be INSANE if in this alternate timeline the first thing they see from Yang is her prosthetic being sold off by jinxy along with penny’s sword like obviously so so so painful also at this point makes him kinda a grave robber which is very funny
If it’s all about emotional acceptance then at that point yang would’ve accepted everything that was happening to her including her death because in her head everyone she loved was safe and going to get to the other side of the portal so it’s all fine and she in cannon accepted that she was dead even when she wasn’t she was like “oh I thought we were in hell” and was just suffering with that till Blake got her fairytale self insert dreams to come true (she’s so real for that I love her)
I think she might get herself stuck In between actually ascending tho because she refuses to address her feelings ever and would just accept that as the afterlife till she was told she could get back to her loved ones
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leffee · 1 year ago
More head cannons about your son?
I love my son. If someone saw this out of context that would be quite worrying. For real though, imagine actually having headcanons about you real, biological son. Goodness. But no, it's just funny gecko that I think of as a human or human with tail and ears and scales that I have projected everything on and more. The best thing is that those headcanons will probably never end bc I think about him constantly. So let's deliver hmhmh 10 more:
so this one is kinda complex, and not among my main ones, but it sure exists. If he were super in love with someone (as often, we'll go with Sunil, but it can be anyone) but for whatever reason didn't tell him about it, to relieve the tension and need to be with him, he would write some short (or longer, if he's in the mood) stories about himself and Sunil being a couple in love. So he's essentialy kinda writing fanfictions. Those aren't super good or anything, as I said, he writes them only to satisfy his own need to be with Sunil romantically, A bonus thingy dingy scenario: somehow Minka found out about that, read one of those stories and thought that it was actually pretty good. And in this scenario she's in love with Russell, didn't tell him either. And so Vinnie and Minka strike a deal, to satisfy each other's romantic cravings, they trade sometimes. So basically it looks like that: Minka paints some Vinnil stuff for Vinnie and he in turn writes her a short Russinka story. It actually works really well for them and they pretty much eat that up totally not feeding each other's obsessions. Even better if Sunil and Russell are already in relationships with others, then they can feed each other's delusions
he's just as much of eating lover as Penny Ling is. He can devour so much in one sitting. They have a traditon that once the school or now academic year ends they go to this one specific fast food place that they have been going to since forever, order a shit ton of food and eat all that. He also stress-eats sometimes
coffee doesn't work on him, or at least not in the way it was intended. It makes him sleepy instead. He still drinks it anyway sometimes, though tries not drinking too much or at all when he knows he'll need to be on any amount of alert soon
when he has dreams they are mostly fucked up dreams. Not necessarily scary, though those are possible too. Most of them aren't exactly nightmare material that you would wake up from covered in sweat and having trouble breathing, just disturbing and/or weird in nature. One reoccuring dream he has goes something like that: he's laying on the grass, as far as he can look there's just that, mid-height grass and night sky above. He can't move at all, no standing up, no turning his head, nothing. And then this pretty big shadow shows up, gradually covering him like something or someone is coming up to him from behind. He tries to see what that is, looking as far back as he can. He never saw what or who it is, but it always feel like it's just out of his field of view, like one more inch and he could see it. But alas he can't. And that shadow looms over him for the entirety of that dream. It used to be quite scary at the beginning but after experiencing this dream every now and then for years he's just kinda bored of it now
sometimes, when Russell and his dad go to the graveyard to visit Russell's mom's grave he goes with them. He's honestly not quite sure why, neither of his parents are dead, but it gives him some sort of weird catharsis. The only idea he has is that since they are visiting his friend's mom's grave then maybe he subconciously treats it as if he was coming to his dad's grave as well. Again, his dad's not dead, but Vinnie never sees him, he barely, very barely remembers him, so in a way he might as well be... Or maybe he just likes spending time with Russell and his dad that much. Even if it's in such way
him and Zoe like listening to music together. Like in a situation when all seven of them are driving somewhere whether in a car or on a train or something and it's been many hours so they are all just kinda tired at this point Zoe gets her headphones out, gives one of them to Vinnie, puts the other one in her ear of course and puts on some music. Vinnie doesn't have a specific music taste, he like what he likes and he found out that somehow every song Zoe has on her phone just hits the spot so damn well
I like to think he has picked up quite a few habits from Sunil over time. You know, the thing when people who spend a lot of time together pick up each other habits and that makes them get more similar to each other. Yeah, that's a real thing. Anyway, so he did end up with the habit of: saying "my friend" when adressing others, interwining his fingers when concerned as well as holding and playing with his tail (in a world where they have tails) when nervous or stressed. He doesn't do any of that as often as Sunil does, but admittedly, it appeared in his behavior, while it simply wasn't there before
his favourite kind of alcohol is liqueur but he's not picky, he will drink pretty much anything. There are very few things he will out-right refuse to drink under any circumstances
people who only knowing him from seeing or hearing either think he is super duper nice and a complete softie who couldn't protect himself and would never stand up for himself or that he's some sort of indestructible force that can and will destroy everything and everyone, always pissed and angry. Basically, the second kind folks saw him angry once and since he's super uncontrolable, very vocal about that, and seething with need to destroy something when feeling that way they just thought he's this way always. Halo effect, am I right?
You know the cocktail party effect? When you react to hearing your name even if you know it's not adressed at you? He doesn't have that, or rather he doesn't have that with Vincent. If he heard "Vinnie" yeah, he would react, but if he heard "Vincent" 99% of time his brain just doesn't react to that name. Even if you were looking straight into his eyes and called him that, he would be like "???" and look behind himself to see if you're maybe talking to someone behind him, because you're clearly not talking to him, right? He's Vinnie. He doesn't do it out of any ill intent or anything, he just genuinely most of the time doesn't think about the fact that Vinnie is not his actual name. Ah the beautiful duality of Vinnie and Vincent. I could give him an identity crisis or sth, but that's a long one, maybe another time
He's way better at theory than practise when it comes to dancing, he just doesn't want to admit it, especially to himself. Look, he's just not good at dancing, he'll never be, he's clumsy, this is just not working for him, he's just in heavy denial about it and thinks he can pursue it. One day he'll realize he can't. But anyway, I'm not taking everything away from him, he can be good at theory. Because he genuinely loves dancing, he even likes reading about it, learning the history, different kinds, all kinds in fact, when and what and who. That doesn't only include the real dances, for example he's very knowledgable about danse macabre, you know, the theme in art where all people are lead by Death in death dance representing how everybody no matter the differences will die one day? Yeah, he knows about stuff like that and can talk about it for hours actually
Ok, that's actually 11 headcanons but I couldn't stop myself :} hope you liked them.
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fooliery · 4 years ago
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uploading these bc they are relevant to my hcs but since ouma canonically doesnt brush his hair (or care for it really bc it gives him the shadow over his eyes when he doesnt) but in older aus where a few years have passed he lets his hair grow out (largely in postgame)
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depressedhatakekakashi · 3 years ago
past experiences coming to haunt you and mess with your current situation is such a troublesome thing to deal with lol, like maybe imagine your whole life being one bad day away from starving and then even years after youve become financially secure you still penny pinch and hoard or even willingly eat spoiled food because the thought of "wasting" something simply fills you with the same dread and anxiety of those times, or trusting someone and firmly knowing that that person cares for you and would never hurt you but you still compulsively hide things from them, even just simple innocent things like what show you watched last night because your first instinct is to try to defend/avoid a sudden burst of rage/emotion or a confrontation out of nowhere because that is the response that you are used to.
I like to imagine Naruto, outgoing and expressive guy who cares for his loved ones deeply, But sometimes he still finds himself hiding his troubles and doubts because he's used to thinking that "people don't like that" "people will find him lacking and leave him" because he built this whole thing™ in the first place for attention, any kind of attention but also to hide how much the neglect and hostility is affecting him i think, and so people are like "oh wow you never let anything get to you huh" and that's his thing, he's scared that people will abandon him at the first hint that he isn't as strong and unaffected as he actually is. Even though he knows his loved ones will never do that to him he's still scared.
This is an oddly specific headcanon that might not even make much sense but it's late at night and intrusive thoughts simply will not leave me 😔
This is a perfect head cannon though.
Naruto dealt with a lot and struggles a lot, and I think in Boruto we see that he’s still proud and happy when his froggy wallet is full so clearly he still has things about money that leave him feeling excited when he can see a little coin purse full.
I have some head cannons like this with Kakashi as well. Like, Kakashi clearly convinces Tenzo into buying lunch and on the one hand it can just be seen as ‘oh senpai teases and cons kohai into paying for lunch’ but on the other hand Kakashi also had a period where he had to fend for himself
He fished for his food and learned to cook because his caretaker, the person who was supposed to feed him when he was five, was gone.
He had to fend for himself
And i think some of the results of that hard living shine through in how adult Kakashi shirks away from paying for things (in one of the games he feigns being sick and gives onoki and han money to pay for a competition that some kids took part in, and bolts before choji gets there. Onoki and Han think he’s being sweet but man knew the bill was about to go up exponentially and bolted, leaving them with this huge bill. Like ya he contributed but not nearly enough)
Also how Naruto still eats ramen as an adult because it’s both a comfort and a habit. And i’m talking the instant cup of ramen. He has a wife who will cook for him and he STILL thrives off of instant ramen most days, and makes use of his ‘free ramen for life’ coupon from ichiraku
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moondrop04 · 4 years ago
WOW.......What A F***** Finale To End A Volume!!!! I was left surprised, shocked, sad, disappointed and ecstatic with the events that unfolded and also for the future of the RWBY series!!! I have so many theories and headcanons racking in my brain that I’m acting like a Giddy Little Troll 😆. So let’s jump right into the FINAL aftermath of Volume 8....
-(Tick-Tock Took Out The Vine) Before starting into this I want to give a shout out to CRWBY for starting out the episode with the “Warning” for the deaths that we were about to witness. I’m glad they were thoughtful for their fanbase’s wellbeing after watching this finale and hope they continue this trend of “warnings” in the future.
Now onto the first major character death of the episode......Vine 👀. I was fully expecting to see at least one of the Ace-Op members to die in the finale and I was actually quite surprised to see it only be Vine. Given the circumstances that Qrow, Vine, Elm, Marrow and Robyn were put into because of Harriet’s blind loyalty, it wouldn’t be too hard to have expected more characters to die in that situation.
Vine has always been the calm one within the team, so to see him willing to sacrifice himself to save his friends from death was a very touching moment. I was also honestly quite surprised he could used his semblance like that as well 😳. I kinda wished we had seen some more aspects of him extending his aura like that in previous episodes, but that’s just a bit of a small nit-pick of mine.
It’s also going to be interesting how this will impact the rest of the Ace-Op members going forward, especially Harriet. This will no doubt cause some inner turmoil for her character and only time will tell what type of effect it will hold in future dire situations .
-(Fighting For Your Beliefs) Hmmm......I’ll be honest......I was a bit disappointed with Winter and Ironwood’s fight 😓. Now I have a few reasons why I feel like this so let me explain....
1:I think the decision to make Ironwood fight with a “BFG” against Winter was a poor one. As we have seen in Volume 7 episode 11 we know that Ironwood can fight much better with his duel hand cannons. Watching him fight with a bigger weapon against a much more agile opponent didn’t feel right to me lol.
2: Having Winter win the fight using the maiden powers. Now I have no issue with Penny giving the powers to Winter, but I would have preferred if she could have found a way to defeat Ironwood without having the convenient power up. Winter is a very good fighter in her own right and I think having her defeat Ironwood with her abilities alone would mean much more before she was given the maiden powers by Penny.
3: Now I have said this before in previous posts but I would have liked it if Qrow was the one to fight Ironwood. There was indeed a bit of a build up for Qrow to fight Ironwood this volume so I do feel we were a bit blue-balled for that confrontation. Then after some time to think about it I feel the decision to make Winter be the one face Ironwood was the right one. Considering that this was the end of Atlas and that these two characters are the most associated with Atlas, made their fight against each other more fitting then leaving it up to Qrow.
The only positives I can give this fight is that it showcased more of Winter’s fighting potential and I was pleased how the animators made her fight with both Ironwood and later with Cinder. 😊
-(For Her Friends) Now onto definitely the most important part of this episode......Penny’s death. Now I’m really gonna be honest with all of you......I was not at all surprised that Penny died in the finale 😔. Ever since she gained the maiden powers she was always gonna have the “Red Flag” known as Cinder be connected to her. I more or less imagined that Penny’s powers would be taken by Cinder at some point and Penny would make some sacrificial play to save her friends while she still had her robot body. So when I witnessed her second death, as a REAL GIRL, I was shouting out “How could I be so RIGHT and so WRONG all at the same time!?” 😫
Now what has me intrigued about this second death is the part about Jaune’s involvement. I’m gonna keep my opinion about this choice from the writers neutral for now because I feel this is deeply connected to what they have already written for Volume 9. There’s is something they are planning for Jaune in the future and I want to see the whole picture of what they are drawing out before giving this either a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 😤
I have one more thing I want to bring up about this, and this is my opinion so if anyone wants to skip over this part I totally understand......so here it is. I truly believe Penny will be brought back to life in the future 🙂. When she first “died” back in volume 3 I fully believed she would be back eventually, so even if the circumstances are different this time around I am still having that same feeling that she will come back. I understand everyone else has their own feelings about what happen to Penny so I will not disapprove how everyone feels about it. It’s just how I feel about it is all 😊.....
-(The Captain Goes Down With His Ship) So.........this is the end of James Ironwood. As Atlas inevitably falls, so to does the man that represented as its symbol throughout the series and it’s aspects of strength, elitism and control.....
.......yeah I’m not buying it 😒
Something feels off if this is how he “permanently” dies..... I understand the symbolism of his “fall” parallels that of Atlas crashing down and being destroyed, but him dying doesn’t feel complete to me....
Not to mention this man has survived with half his body being destroyed in the past with what I believe to be nothing but his sheer will. So if I had to bet on anything I think he would have found a way to have survived Atlas’s crash and the flood that came afterwards....but I think he would be terribly wounded in the process....
There are also a few characters that I feel he hasn’t had a satisfying conclusion with that still needs to be addressed......Qrow, Oz and Glynda.
Also forgot to mention that apparently Arther Watts is dead too.....yeah I believe he’s not dead either 🤨. In fact I’m fully expecting Watts will survive but will be horribly burned and scarred the next time we see him. He will vow vengeance against Cinder and will stop at nothing to obtain his revenge on her. So it would be really lucky of him to find an unconscious and badly wounded general nearby that he could kidnap and experiment on to be his personal attack dog later to kill Cinder 🤔......wouldn’t that be a something to see lol
I’ll gladly wear some clown shoes and makeup in believing that we will be seeing both Ironwood and Watts again in the future, and if I’m wrong then I’ll gladly accept that L from everybody.....till then see you again next time general Ironwood and Arther Watts 🤗
-(Volume 9 and The Future Of RWBY) Alright! There is a couple of reasons why this post has taken me three weeks for me to write 😓.
First reason obviously is because of my job 😭. Some things have been happening at my work that has been stressing me out for weeks and honestly it’s been exhausting to even write anything....
Second reason is that over the course of the past few weeks after the finale aired I have been non-stop thinking of several headcannons, theories and speculations on what may happen in volume 9 and future volumes of RWBY 😆!! Don’t believe me? Here is some of the crazy s*** that came out of my head lol
-Team RWBY, Jaune and Neo meet the God Of Darkness
-The God Of Darkness gives Team RWBY power ups and new outfits to fight against Salem. Also gives Neo the ability to speak.
-Oscar vs Raven
-Salem sends Cinder to Vale to search for the Crown of Choice......but not alone. She gives Cinder 4 more experimental S.E.W Grimm to aid her and one of them happens to be Summer Rose.
-Horribly burned and scarred Watts kidnaps a wounded Ironwood and experiments on his body to change him into a complete cyborg with one objective......kill Cinder.
Believe me I have more context for each of those that I just addressed but that’s for separate posts that I hope to make in the future lol 🤗
Well that’s about all I got for that finale review and I literally cannot wait to see what happens next 😤 lol. I hope to engage with some of you in the fandom in the future and hope we get along 😎
Till next time........BUH-BYE!!!!
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piperdelaprim · 6 years ago
Penny Headcanons!
Penny is my favorite gal EVER !! Sis gets no headcanon content and she deserves more. I see so much potential in her character just from her design and !!! she just needs to be appreciated !! ok !! let's begin!!
This headcanon follows a 15/16-year-old Penny and her life before brawling and running away to Brawl Town!
• In this hc, Penny is an extended family member of the Junkers, her mother is sisters with Pam, so Penny has a different last name. Pam hadn't spoken to her sister in ages as well, and her sister has no clue that she and her niece Jessie were brawling.
• Penny hasn't always lived in Brawl Town. She used to live in an urban city, but she knew of the adventures Brawl Town had to offer for her.
• Penny had always been the adventurous and rebellious type. She originally had red hair, like Pam and Jessie's, but by the time she turned 15, she dyed it pink, even though her family didn't allow her to dye her hair at all.
• She didnt like the urban lifestyle. Penny had always wanted to stand out and be brave, and in an urban city, it's really challenging to do something like such.
• Her parents had never treated her as fairly as her other siblings, because she was the only girl amongst the siblings. She was always restricted to go out, have fun with her friends, and do cool things like the rest of her brothers got to do.
• Her parents never vocalized why they restricted her so much, it was ultimately because they thought their only girl should be protected. But because they never explained that to her, Penny inevitably saw this as her death sentence.
• She snuck out in the middle of the night a lot to go to convenience stores alone, and to explore the rest of the world---alone.
• Ironically though, she doesn't like doing things like drugs, alcohol and sex and everything in between that. She understands that people who do things like that want to grow up too fast, and that's not what she wanted.
• During her night time adventures, she basically just screwed around and had fun with herself.
• She did try drinking alcohol once though, she said it tasted like shit and wondered why everyone wanted to drink it so badly. She also tried weed and said it feels good, but it just "wasn't her style" to do drugs like that.
• She was always alone because she didn't want to have friends. All her friends at school didn't like her that much, and made fun of her for being too much of a straightedge. She found solitude in her adventures, but she was happy with it.
• She dreamed of brawling in Brawl Town. She wanted to fight for fun and take out her anger in that way.
• She is very talented at STEM in school, but her grades stated otherwise. She never bothered to do her work and turn anything in, but she was extremely knowledgeable in math, engineering, and science, but because she prefers to keep that detail on the downlow, nobody really knew. But one day, during her junior year of high school, she created a draft for her iconic cannon.
• The draft for her cannon started a fire inside her. This time, she wanted to brawl more than ever--and in the middle of the night, she gathered her lifetime savings and all her belongings into one tiny suitcase, and left her home through the window.
• With enough buses, she finally found herself in Brawl Town, about 6 hours after she left home.
• She didn't have a place to stay, but she found Barley's bar, and found herself walking inside it.
• Barley recited his iconic line when she walked in: "New customers!"
• Barley asked how old she was, because he knew that he would be responsible if a minor were to purchase drinks and got themselves in a situation. It's basically an anarchy in Brawl Town, so the age to buy drinks doesn't really matter.
• Penny said that it didn't matter because she hated alcohol anyway, but she told Barley that she's a new arrival and that she just needed a place to chill for a bit. Barley offered to have her sit down at the bar so they can talk.
• Barley listened to Penny's story, and was fascinated by her talent in STEM. He jokingly said: "I was made by a crazy scientist too!" He's referring to Dynamike.
• At the bar, Penny also ran into Darryl, who she thought was super chill and friendly, despite his appearance. Darryl hardly talked, but Penny appreciated how great of a listener he was.
• Barley offered to have her cannon built by Dynamike, and sent her over to his place.
• Dynamike built her cannon for free, and felt sympathetic toward Penny's story.
• Penny had no idea where her aunt and cousin were, so she asked him if he knew about their whereabouts, Dynamike didn't exactly know where, but he told her to catch Jessie brawling, she does it all the time.
• When Penny left Dynamike's she still had nowhere to stay, and it was getting dark out. Outside of his place, however, she found Jessie tweaking her turret. Penny decided to approach her, but she didn't recognize that it was her cousin--she hadn't seen her since a forever ago.
• Penny slowly approached her and greeted her with a very small "hi". Jessie stopped what she was doing and looked up at her. Jessie greeted her back, but looked at her in awe, as she recognized her face.
• "Penny?", she asked. Penny was very shocked as she thought she had never seen this person before. Penny then confusingly asks: "Yeah? Do we know eachother?"
• "Yes! Of course! You're my cousin, right?" and at this moment it struck Penny, it was her cousin, Jessie, who she hadn't seen since she was 7 years old.
• Jessie was very happy to see her at Brawl Town, since the only family she knew was her brother and her mom. She complimented her hair and said "You look great in pink!"
• When Penny explained that she had nowhere to stay, Jessie insisted heavily that she stays at their place, but Penny told Jessie that she was hesitant since she was worried that Pam would tell her mother about her whereabouts.
• Jessie explained that Pam and Penny's mom haven't spoken in 10 years for a large amount of reasons (headcanon on this coming soon), and wanted her to stay because she always wanted a big sister.
• Penny took that offer and was introduced to Pam, and Pam was very excited to see her again.
• Pam offered to support her beginnings in Brawling, and Penny promised she would bring so much riches back to the Junkers.
• Eventually she was able to. She became skilled with her cannon and brought home a bootload (pirate pun intended) of money, more than how much Pam and Jessie made, combined.
• She would team with Darryl, Barley, Dynamike, Jessie and Pam most of the time, and she considered them to be her true family.
• But back in Penny's house with her biological family, news spread of her disappearance everywhere. There was no trace of her to be found, and many communities including her school had tried their best to search for Penny, but with the mystery of Brawl Town, she was nowhere to be found--and everybody back there thought she was dead.
• Penny knew that this would happen, but her sympathy was to a very minimum. She didn't miss her family back home. She hated how she was treated, and she was grateful for the new opportunities and for the new family she found in Brawl Town.
• But eventually the thought of never having closure of what happened to your runaway daughter would get to her, and would sometimes think of running back, but she remembered how happy she became in Brawl Town, so for a long while, she hadn't seen her real family again, in fact, one could say she never looked back.
And thats it for now! I'm so excited to share these with you! Penny as a rebel and a runaway teen was exactly who I pictured in my head. I hope you like this! I definitely want to do more Penny headcanons so keep the lookout for them!
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leffee · 2 years ago
What’s your take on Russell? Ships for him any head cannons? you’re amazing btw.. Hi 👋
Hello, lovely, lovely anon, you are a superstar 👋. You're the amazing one here, giving me a free pass to talk about Russell like that. Stars, I want to give him a sloppy, platonic kiss on the mouth.
Anyway, let's start with ships, shall we? As I said before, I like all seven pets with basically anyone amongst themselves, but I mainly like him with Vinnie (of course I do), just two short kings, what a thought! Penny Ling - yeah, just, Penny is so shippable with anyone and those two have a lot of cute interactions and their personalities are so good together. Look, I have watched "Russell's up some fun" today, and those two are just... ah! Also with Minka. Oh, my stars. A big reason for it are for sure those two fics on Wattpad I mentioned in the last post, but besides that they have cute interactions as well. Have you seen them in "Go figure!"?? How Russell did his best to help Minka get Master Hop to train her? And then??? When they both were training he supported her so much and was so proud??? Honestly, I kinda forgot about it until recently, and this is just adorable. Also Russell x Sunil?? I don't actually have much to say here, but still, I really like it. I feel like I'm forgetting something hmmm, but those are the mains one I like.
Now headcanons, a lot for human au, but do with them as you will, you probably know the deal by now, so:
if anyone asked, yes, Russell is basically a leader of their group, but he himself is rather humble about it, saying that it's weird to have a leader in what is just a friends group
he has the best grades amongst our 7 cuties, but, he's not all that good at learning languages. He's not bad either, but they just don't come to him as naturally as math or physics
he has a pretty big backyard and a pool! Hence most of the time, especially during summer, others hang out in his house a lot. They don't even ask or announce it sometimes, they just come. It's worse when someone comes and he's not there lol
his mother is very much dead and he barely remembers her :(
others sometimes call him "dad", sometimes jokingly (cough cough Pepper), sometimes not
speaking of Pepper, he really admires her sometimes when she takes charge and acts very responsibly which does happen every now and then (seriously, she really gets that "Russell level of responsibility" every now and then in the show and I think we should talk more about this)
while perhaps not the no. 1 most protective person/pet in the group, sometimes, he has those days when he will methaporically murder anyone who dares offend one or more of his friends, especially if they offend the whole group. He would say something like "You know what? They're not perfect, they have a lot of flaws and can annoy me to no end sometimes, but they are my friends, this is my friend group and you have no right to say those things about them. I saw them in their worst moments but also their best, and belive me, they are the best friends I could ask for." He is just really thankful for them :)
he and Zoe have this really close, modeling relationship. While at first Zoe was sceptical about Russell being a model she ultimately not only got used to it, but also did her absolute best to guide him and help him as much as possible and Russell has never felt so much admiration to her than then
his inner Fun Russell comes out at the beggining of weekends but he also has to feel like he did everything he planned for himself for school or not, so basically when he can't think of any responsibilities he has to do during the weekend. It doesn't happen often, but it happens
he has "files" for all his friends where he has informations about their birthdays, favourite foods, any triggers, etc. Look, there's six of his closest friends and many more of others, his memory is not bad, but that's a lot of people/pets to keep track of
In short, I love him, and he's a comedy gold sometimes
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fooliery · 4 years ago
pregame ouma headcanon masterpost
first off, my pregame ouma is NOT the shy weepy type. there's literally nothing wrong with this interpretation i just take mine in a different direction and i think that's important to keep in mind. i’m basically asking you to put your preconceptions aside for this post.
warning for self harm (though not gone into too much detail) mentioned under the cut
typically, when i write overall pregame headcanons, i tend to try and keep some semblance of their ingame self (with maybe certain traits downplayed or exaggerated) the way they are in canon; pregame akamatsu claims she wants to be a protagonist (someone people can trust and see themselves in), pregame saihara has a nervous disposition similar to ch1 saihara, and pregame momota has a fierce determination reflected in his ingame character arc. they’re similar but not the same.
pregame ouma is his in game self’s flaws put under a magnifying glass. he’s a horrible, compulsive liar who will lie to himself to the point where he loses grip on who he really is. he provokes people because it’s a hobby, he thinks of himself as the only one who knows what’s best for everyone, he overthinks and often times he’ll mock others and hurt their feelings because it’s the “greater good”. above all else, he has a dangerous ego reflected in his ingame self. he’s a coward, he’s a hypocrite, he’s haughty.
his biggest flaw, especially in the world of team danganronpa, is his empathy. he cares for other people, sees the way they hurt others and get joy out of it, and is in turn disgusted. he believes that everyone can change for the better, which is why he despises the people around him. it turns him into a bitter and cynical husk of himself, where he’ll attack others (almost exclusively verbally) to take out his frustrations on the nonsensical way their world works. everywhere you turn, there are people smiling at the suffering of others. it’s a sickening thing. he’ll provoke people into attacking him as both a form of self harm and to instate his control over people who could so easily kill him for entertainment; if they let words affect them, they’re no better than him.
this means he does have a softer spot also reflected in his ingame self, but pregame ouma is so terrified of it being taken advantage of in their current society he’ll deny and lie about it ever existing to the point where even he believes it. instead of laughing and joking around and spending his past time pranking others, pregame ouma is so bitter he turns to internet forums, where he argues with people he sees lower than him just to rile them up, resulting in his numerous doxxings (which in and of itself is another form of self harm).
regarding him working for team danganronpa: he’s such a cynic he sees no way for the world to change after the damage danganronpa has wrought on it. this drives him into desperation: he auditions as an escape where either he dies for good or even if he survives, it’s as a completely different person. his work posing as his ingame self for interviews and the like is a “ends justifies the means” situation, plus it pays his rent and means he gets to live away from his parents. when he isn’t lashing out at people since he’s, you know, in a business situation, he’s just sort of quiet, does his work, and then immediately leaves for home. likewise, because of his doxxings, he does anonymous work where his ingame self’s name isn’t revealed: instead, he goes by his DICE codename “joker” and dons his DICE mask everywhere he goes, both for suspense and to protect his identity.
although he’s a bitter person, he still has that soft spot mentioned from earlier where he can’t help but empathize with others. an example of this is his interactions with my pregame kiibo (which others do not have to adhere to btw im just using him to illustrate a point): kiibo is reprogrammed into this completely subservient and complacent robot servant for team danganronpa’s purposes, as it’s convenient and they can just load in his true personality shortly before the game starts anyways. it’s kind of hard for ouma to conceptualize kiibo is literally programmed into having nearly no personality, opinions, or feelings: kiibo sports a human face, walks and talks like a human, and even if people say that he’s nothing more than a glorified computer, ouma can’t help but try to break the ice with chit chat and eke some kind of opinion out of him. kiibo looks like a human, ergo, it’s hard for him to conceptualize kiibo doesn’t behave like one either. it’s probably one of the few times he’ll let his guard down enough to extend kindness to someone else and part of that is due to the fact that despite kiibo’s ties to danganronpa, he poses like someone who isn’t normalized into the commodification of violence the way most others are.
tldr: pregame ouma is like ingame ouma but if he stopped being/pretending to be happy and took a nosedive STRAIGHT into cynicsville
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fooliery · 4 years ago
♡ + rantaro?
⬖ pairing and a ♡
✦ Who is the most affectionate?
for some reason i feel like amami would be more affectionate here. like the guy's grown up with a bajillion sisters and it was presumably a healthy family until he lost them all i don't think he has any sort of traumatic hangups about feeling or expressing love to someone he likes. ouma likes to hint at his feelings and get touchy but amami will actually be upfront about how he feels either physically or verbally.
✦ Who initiates the handholding?
also amami! like i said before i feel like in general amami has platonically held hands before and so when it comes to romantically holding hands he has no hangups about it and is really casual with it.
✦ Who worries more for the other?
amami. it's the caretaker instinct. ouma himself is really childish and i think amami has experience corralling someone from doing something that's going to end up harming them and he generally has a smart head on his shoulders.
✦ Who is more likely to ask for help?
ouma if only because amami is really self sufficient and doesn't seem to need much help with things. ouma, of course, does it in a really roundabout or over the top way though.
✦ Who is the one always losing the keys?
ouma. if he isn't losing the keys he's hiding them. and sometimes he says he's hiding them and then he admits that was a lie and he just lost the keys so go look for it.
✦ Who leaves little love notes for the other?
i also think this one is amami. most of them are reminders for ouma on things he has to do and remember.
and hey! it resembles canon if you think about it too hard!
✦ Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
amami but again it's because ouma hints wink wink nudges nudges about the idea of proposal and tries to subtly communicate his idea of a proposal he'd like. when amami does propose it's after travelling to some place ouma would like, like disneyland.
✦ Who introduced the other to their family first?
amami but like it's not a family dinner or anything it's ouma helping him find his sisters LMFAO
✦ Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
this one is ouma. amami is used to having his hair played with and styled, presumably by his sisters, and ouma plays into that role instead except he isn't really trying to make it look good.
✦ Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
amami bc he tends to be on top of his shit while ouma can spend the entire day writing and scheming and plotting.
✦ Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
this one would also be amami. he tends to be level-headed and can play the mediator, plus he'd try to empathize with ouma's side and come to a compromise.
✦ Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
ouma! surprise parties are his middle name. although part of me thinks amami would prefer something more on the downlow but he's not too upset about the surprises since ouma clearly enjoys them.
✦ Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
amami. ouma takes pinky promises seriously because he embraces having a child-like side no matter how old you are and amami plays into that.
✦ Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
this one would also be amami and if he doesn't put a blanket on him he just carries him off to bed. it's the caretaker instinct baybee!
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fooliery · 4 years ago
♡ + kiibo
⬖ pairing and a ♡
✦ Who is the most affectionate?
this is kinda complex because i'm like. i think ouma would be affectionate to kiibo through teasing. he teases him because he likes to get a rise out of him and at other times he'll tease him and it'll shift into something more affectionate either physically or verbally. the former he'll goad and tease kiibo about wanting to touch his robot body which ends up him stroking his hair or tenderly holding onto a limb. the latter where he talks about how he wants to see his robot functions and it shifts into about how cool he thinks kiibo is.
if we're talking affection without any teasing involved it's definitely kiibo though. i feel like he'd only ever be affectionate to ouma behind closed doors though and his affection is kinda clingy but if it's just overall affection then ouma wins out because he's not restrained by being in public or not.
✦ Who initiates the handholding?
kiibo! his love hotel makes this kinda obvious i think. handholding is tender in a way that kinda drives ouma off from initiating because like you can't really turn it into a teasing thing it's just really tender. ouma likes to keep him on his toes though so sometimes he'll be nice and rub his thumb into his palm and at other times he'll start mercilessly pinching at his palm just to hear him squeal.
✦ Who worries more for the other?
kiibo. this makes me think of in canon where even during the shitshow for ouma that was chapter 5 and EVEN WHEN he was convinced ouma was a remnant he still tried to write a letter to convince him to back down. i feel like kiibo would worry for him in that sorta mother hen way while ouma is doing his usual shenanigans that can involve him getting hurt but of course ouma never listens lol.
✦ Who is more likely to ask for help?
also kiibo. ouma has this dynamic thing he established goin on where he makes fun of kiibo for being a robot so he wouldn't really ask him for help.
✦ Who is the one always losing the keys?
kiibo cus ouma's not allowed to touch the car keys after the first driving incident
jokes aside i think kiibo likes to stay organized so ouma loses them more but like i've said in every other iteration of this question ouma just likes to hide the keys and be a bother in general. not only does he enjoy being a bother though it also means that by looking for the keys his partner ends up spending more time with him than if he didn't hide them.
✦ Who leaves little love notes for the other?
kiibo and ouma makes fun of him by reading his cheesy little love notes in a dramatic shakespearan actor type of voice.
✦ Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
kiibo. he kind of has to nag ouma about sleeping in bed with him too because i feel like ouma is the kind of person who doesn't really have qualms about where he's sleeping if he's tired enough or thinks getting into bed would be too much of a hassle. kiibo tried to carry him to bed once and threw his back out so it just ended with him lying on the floor next to him <3
✦ Who is more likely to propose to the other?
also kiibo! i haven't stated this in the previous memes so i'll say it now i don't really think ouma is the type to care about the title and weight that comes with marriage which is why if his partner seems interested in it he tries to drive them into doing it. he’s the sort of person to be like “i know how i feel for you and i know how intensely i feel for you and i don’t need a title for that to be validated and i dislike the stigma that can come with marriage.”
not only that but kiibo obviously craves a domestic life of being someone's spouse so of course he'll be the one who ends up proposing to ouma.
✦ Who introduced the other to their family first?
kiibo. and ouma makes the first worst impression ever to his professor.
I like to think he gets banned from going over to the professor's place and kiibo has to convince his father ouma isn't all that bad he's just Like That sometimes.
✦ Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
ouma! he hides it under the guise of being curious how similar kiibo's hair is to a human being's.
✦ Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
kiibo doesn't even need to eat or stay hydrated so he's going to be the one who makes sure ouma stays on top of his health. i don't think kiibo is the type to forget about charging but if he did ouma would just drag him to the nearest outlet and then complain about how heavy he is when he powers back on.
✦ Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
kiibo. he's fighting for his life in the gc when people ask him why on earth he decided to date ouma of all people. 🥰
✦ Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
ouma obviously but i think kiibo would try to surprise him from time to time because he sees how much ouma likes surprising others. the difference is that ouma tries to go above and beyond and kiibo's surprises would be really domestic in comparison but hey at least he's trying LOL
ouma. i have a surprise for you. look (opens hands to reveal a frog)
✦ Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
kiibo. it's because ouma is a liar and it's probably the only way kiibo gets any honestly or consistent behavior out of him. ouma takes pinky promises seriously too it's the only thing kiibo's got going for him LMFAO
✦ Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
kiibo! if kiibo went into sleep mode around ouma i promise you ouma wouldn't put a blanket on him. kiibo would wake up to ouma digging around in his robotic insides and touching and pulling all kinds of shit and it'd be the most harrowing experience of his life <3
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fooliery · 4 years ago
♡ hi king
⬖ pairing and a ♡
✦ Who is the most affectionate?
ouma! both physically and verbally. i feel like in general he's really touchy and has very little regard for other people's personal space, on top of being verbose and preferring to tease his partner above all else.
✦ Who initiates the handholding?
i'm gonna be honest i know what i just said but i feel like ouma really only would use pda for the express purpose of embarrassing saihara most of the time. he has an image to protect, after all; he's a scary supreme leader who could kill you with the snap of his fingers.
i feel like saihara would initiate it more because of this reason LOL
✦ Who worries more for the other?
saihara definitely. ouma is reckless and self-assured and thus when he does reckless shit he has this general belief it'll turn out okay (outside of extraordinary circumstance like chapter 5 as a whole). tfw ouma swears he can shred on rails with his skateboard so you go outside only to watch him eat shit on the concrete instead
✦ Who is more likely to ask for help?
DEFINITELY saihara. it's not that ouma thinks he's wholly above asking for help from other people but his preferred method of getting help is through indirect and tricky ways. when it comes to helping him out mentally, ouma is more likely to shut people out too. if he does ask for help, he does it in an dramatic over-the-top way that makes it look like it's a joke to him.
✦ Who is the one always losing the keys?
saihara is losing the keys because ouma is the one hiding them just to make his life a little bit harder <3 aren't you a detective anyways?
✦ Who leaves little love notes for the other?
i feel like this one would be ouma but it isn't even a romantic way, it's more to just tease him by putting on this overbearing doting persona. a sticky note on his lunch that says "make sure to eat today! and don't forget to change your shirt when it gets hot out or else you'll have to deal with some very icky sticky armpit stains from your sweating condition 😁💕" and he hopes saihara's coworkers sees the note and asks if it's from his mother.
✦ Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
To be honest i feel like ouma is going to be sleeping on the couch like 50% (and this is being generous) of their relationship from the sheer audacity this man has at times.
✦ Who is more likely to propose to the other?
i would say saihara if only because i can't really see ouma proposing. he pressures and hints and wink wink nudge nudge have you heard about proposal have you planned about proposing before in your life saihara-chan huh i bet a shut in like you could never even dream of doing an over the top cheesy proposal at disneyland or somewhere just as public nishishi!
✦ Who introduced the other to their family first?
saihara does. ouma if you count the time he tells him "welcome to the family dinner!" and he takes them to a senior home and tells saihara to pick out who should be ouma's grandmother as if they're at the pound picking out a dog to take home.
✦ Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
ouma. he canonically plays with his own hair and i feel like in his down time he can be a bit fidgetty if he doesn't find something for his hands to do. not only would he play with saihara's hair but he would give his ahoge its very own ponytail tie.
✦ Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
also saihara but i think they both would struggle with this lol. i feel like ouma would get so caught up in his planning and scheming that he completely loses track of time and it's not even intentional; likewise i think saihara ends up drowning in his casework and try to meet his quota above anything else.
✦ Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
ouma! not only does he have the confidence but he also has the cutting words to make most people either break down crying or be so baffled at the shit that flies out of his mouth that they either disengage or focus on telling him off over criticizing saihara. although i’d also like to say i think ouma is one to believe in self growth, becoming a better person, and relying on oneself and so i think he would be more likely to push saihara to stand up for himself instead; but in “who stands up for the other” i just think ouma ends up being the more likely one because when someone criticizes ouma it can be for a good reason and generally saihara can be avoidant of conflict.
✦ Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
ouma. he loves surprises and watching the reaction people have to it. i honestly kinda feel like saihara isn't a fan of surprises either which doesn't even deter him at all because ouma clearly doesn't mind whatever reaction people have to him so long as he gets their attention and the reaction is interesting. i've hidden glitter bombs around the house. have fun!
✦ Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
if we're talking about exclusively pinky promises, it would be ouma. it's his brand of childishness and playing games that he'd have saihara pinky promise and a lot of things and since pinky promises can't ever be broken he acts like there would be a grave consequence in breaking them. if it's just promises in general, it'd likely be saihara because making ouma promise something implies there's going to be a consistent behavior of going along with it that saihara wants out of him lol.
✦ Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
saihara, after he kicks ouma out of their bedroom for pretending to be a shadow man watching him sleep for the third time <3 i feel like if ouma saw saihara on the couch he's more likely to be the type who just lays down next to him. i'm specifically thinking of this meme people drew with almost every pairing of characters to ever exist
Saihara: [saihara and ouma are lying on the ground] Why are we lying in the parking lot?
Ouma: Your working habits knocked you unconscious and I lied down next to you so everybody would think we were chillin'.
Saihara: Oh. Thanks
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