#❤️bumblebee speaks❤️
“So apparently there’s some sort of thing going on where some Starscream fragged a rat of some sort?”
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“I don’t know what that’s about but heh, sounds amusing at least!”
“Also sounds chaotic as hell.”
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Can I request TFP Bot Buddy who is like Bumblebee's sibling or twin? For angsty times, let's make Buddy brainwashed by the Cons and is forced to fight Team Prime and Bumblebee, who is probs still grieving about his sibling's supposed death, doesn't even know it is his sibling because they look different. Bumblebee doesn't even know it's Buddy, he just gets this feeling that they look familiar. Thanks ❤️
Buddy and Bee are going to go through some feelings whether they like it or not.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy being Bumblebee's Twin and getting brainwashed into becoming a Con
SFW, mention of injuries, Angst, Familial, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Bumblebee had lost his twin the same day he lost his voice box.
The two had been out on patrol when they had been ambushed by the Decepticons. He remembered the icy fear he felt when he was being held by the throat by the Big Bad of the Cons, while Buddy was soloing a bunch of Cons on their own attempting to get rid of them to go and help him.
He didn’t know what was worse at that moment, the giant claws digging into his pipes or seeing the chunks of armor flying off Buddy as they tried clawing their way to him with FEAR in their optics.
When Bumblebee woke up, he was absolutely devastated to find out that he could no longer speak and that his twin was missing.
He tried to leave the med bay multiple times that day to go look for them. Ratchet had to sedate him to make sure that he didn’t leave.
After a few weeks Buddy’s name was put in the killed in action section.
He refused to think that his twin was gone. They couldn’t be gone, not after all they went through.
But after a few years, he finally came to terms.
Buddy wasn’t coming back.
It was hard for many bots on the team that knew both twins, especially Optimus and Ratchet.
Optimus felt especially responsible for this, he sent the twins out on that mission. If he hadn’t then they would probably still be together right now.
Ratchet already felt horrible for not being able to fix Bumblebee’s voicebox but knowing that he couldn’t do anything to fix a broken spark made things worse.
It took forever to get Bumblebee out of the deep depressive state he was in.
To save some of the injury, the team didn’t bring Buddy up too often, maybe a reference or two but nothing too big.
“Hey Bumblebee, who’s Buddy? You guys sometimes talk about them, who are they?”--Raf
Most of the base freezing a bit.
“Did I say something wrong?”--Raf
“No, its just—”--Smokescreen
“Bep beep bop bop (They’re my twin. One of the best scouts the Autobots ever had in their ranks.)”--Bumblebee
“Really! You have a twin?”--Miko
“Twin? Wow! I didn’t know you bots had siblings.”--Jack
“What kind of stories you got about them?”--Raf
“Bep bep bop (its okay Bulkhead)”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee began to explain who Buddy was and that they went missing during the war.
He couldn’t bear to tell them that they were…
Jack, Miko, and Raf looked at him in awe, hearing all the stories this mysterious twin had gone through with or without him.
“Now they’re missing?”--Jack
“Bep (yes)”--Bumblebee
“Wow… I could imagine doing so many things without my family with me. You’re so strong for going on without Buddy. I bet if they were here right now, I bet they’d be so proud of you.”--Raf
“B…bep? (you think so?)”--Bumblebee
“I know so.”--Raf
“And just you wait Bee! When they come marching into the base one day looking for you, you’ll get to tell them all the stories you have!”--Miko
Bee could hardly speak with all the emotions starting to bubble in his throat.
Thankfully the others saw this and quickly tried to sidetrack the children giving Bee some time to escape the common room for a bit.
He escaped to his habsuite ready to let out a full sob when a blaring alarm came through the computers.
Bee quickly tried pushing some of the emotions down before heading to the common room.
“What’s the damage?”--Bulkhead
“There seems to be a heavy Decepticon presence in the area.”--Ratchet
“Close to the base?”--Arcee
“No exactly. But it’s in the area. Close by the canyons a couple klicks west.”--Ratchet
When they got there the Cons were at the bottom of a canyon next to a destroyed escape pod.
It must have been a big deal given that Megatron himself was there with Soundwave and Starscream.
A couple of Vechicons had come as well.
And what looked to be a new Con.
Must have been the Con from inside the pod.
They were talking to Megatron when the team decided to come out with their blaster out.
“Freeze Con’s!”--Smokescreen
“Ah. It seems that we have guests.”—Starscream
“Have you come to see the newest member of the Decepticon army.”--Megatron
Bee completely ignored the exchange that Prime and Megatron were talking about and solely focused his attention on the new Con.
The Con as it turned out was doing the same thing as he was. Even going as far as mirroring his stance.
What happened next shocked everyone present.
The new Con lunged at him in such incredible speed, he barely registered the punch before he hit the ground and saw the Con jumping upward going in for round two.
No shots had been fired.
No orders.
Purely unprovoked attack.
That’s when everyone started fighting.
Bee barely kept up with the new Cons rapid attacks before he was face to face with the end of a canon. He couldn’t describe what he felt seeing the cannon firing up and not being able to move. One shot and it would be over.
Ratchet from across the battlefield looking at Bumblebee frozen in place at the end of a cannon.
Optimus nearly getting whiplash seeing his scout frozen.
Megatron slugging him across the face.
The Con froze hearing the name and turned off their cannon.
The Con had hesitated, and they looked… frightened?
No that couldn’t be right.
He quickly moved away from the cannon trying to get some space between the two.
The Con simply stared at him before turning to the sky.
The rest of the Cons were retreating through the groundbridges Soundwave had produced.
“Decepticons! Retreat!”--Megatron
Con looking back at Bumblebee one more time before transforming and racing into the groundbridge.
Bumblebee just staring at the spot where the Con had left.
“Bumblebee! Bumblebee?!”--Ratchet
Ratchet looked over his injuries trying to find anything potentially fatal.
Optimus looking over his scout and medic in worry.
“Bumblebee, are you all right?”--Optimus
Bumblebee slowly nodding trying to get up.
Bulkhead and Smokescreen helping Bumblebee back on to his pedes.
“What was that?”--Smokescreen
“Bep beep… (I don’t know…)”--Bumblebee
Meanwhile, on the Nemesis.
The Con was no better on the other end.
They didn’t know what happened back on the battlefield.
They had gotten a bit of repriming from Megatron, but they could tell that he was more worried about them acting so out of character.
“As one of our best and only scouts, I expect you to know that what you did was extremely foolish. We need all the Decepticons we must be online and functional!”--Megatron
“I am sorry my Lord. I think I was in that pod for too long and needed to get it out of my system. I promise, this won’t happen again.”--Buddy
“Hmmm… I will let this one pass as you have just arrived and the given how you put the fear of Primus into Prime. Do not expect this to be a regular thing, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Thank you, my Lord.”--Buddy
That seemed a good enough excuse as they were dismissed from the throne room and headed straight to their old habsuite.
But they couldn’t shake the feeling they had when they saw the wide optics of the Autobot at the end of their canon.
They felt so disgusted with themselves at that moment and… scared?
No, they didn’t get scared.
They were going to prove it to themselves.
That yellow Autobot was going to be the first to go.
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Confessions | Knightverse Bumblebee x GN!human reader | SFW
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Word count: 1800+
Warnings: None. Just a first kiss. ( for once there is no smut 😅 )
Notes: This is a art trade for @bi-polar-geminii. Loved trying out something different with Bumblebee and my writing style. Hope you enjoy. ❤️
☕ Coffee
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Bumblebee enjoyed spending time with you whenever possible. You always made him feel special, and he returned the same by making you feel just the same. He understood you were very different, species wise, but that doesn’t stop his feelings from growing more fondly about you every passing day. The urge to confess keeps creeping, about to burst out at any moment, but he holds it all in fearing you’ll reject him, and so he continues to be your friend.
What he doesn’t know is that you feel the very same about him, but keep it all sealed up, despite just how much it’s bothering you. It feels like an itch you can’t reach and it’s growing more intense the more you spend time with him. You do ask yourself the worst that could happen and the worst scenarios always run through your head, over and over again it happens, and this is what holds you back. Its torture, and you’re unsure just how much longer you can hold it in.
On one of Bumblebee’s days off he drives you to one of your favourite spots to hang out together, someplace quiet, where it’s only just you two and mother nature surrounding. The drive is always nice and he places your favourite music, listening to you sing along with your hand out the rolled down window against the wind. The sound of your voice is a beautiful melody to Bumblebee’s audios, and he would love to sing along with you, but since he lost his voice all he can do is play whatever music you wanted. You’re happy, and that’s all that mattered to him.
Once you arrive, Bumblebee carries you across the thicket towards the river bank, settling you down once in the clear and you both take in your surroundings and nature's music. It’s beautifully relaxing. You breathe in deeply and let out a satisfied exhale while setting the sun observe into your skin. Bumblebee mimics this, just to be a part of your relaxation.
“Feel that sun, breathe in that fresh air, hear nature's music, this is the kind of life to live.” You say wearing a fond smile. “If only this was right in my backyard, it would be parricide.”
"Is that something you would like? Why not change your life to have this?" He asked through his radio over a few channels.
“Oh, as much as I would like to, I have work and friends I don’t want to leave. Sometimes that’s the way of life, but I have no regrets. What I already have is something that is irreplaceable, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” That’s the truth you speak as you offer him a sweet smile.
Bumblebee listens closely, enticed by your speech. You were such a wonderful human being that saw so much beauty in everything, so caring, beautiful. Finding the right channel through his radio, he goes to speak, to confess something that's been nagging in his helm.
"You're perfect, kind, and you-"
“Oh Bee, look over there.” You didn’t mean to cut him off but you notice something in the water struggling to swim. It’s a tiny Bumblebee, who had made an unfortunate mistake and got themselves submerged in the water. Without hesitation you take your shoes off and enter the shallow bank, gently using your hands you scoop it up, saving its life. There is little care about your clothes getting wet or dirty, all that mattered to you was the poor little guy.
Bumblebee watches this happen and tilts his head curiously at the small creature sitting in your hands, tired from the struggle, but resting calmly as they try to get themselves dry and regain their energy. He’s seen cruelness in the universe, even earth. Such a creature wasn’t always looked out for and so are forced to take care of themselves without help, and in this creature's final moments near death, they are saved by the most kind hearted human this universe didn’t deserve. Bugs die all the time, every day, but this bug won’t be one of them today.                 
“Poor thing.” You coo calmly at it, bringing your hand closer to your face. “Don’t worry little guy, you’re safe now. You can rest there for as long as you need.” Looking back at Bumblebee you give an innocent smile. “I know it might seem strange talking to a bug, but I believe all living things can understand us somehow, even though we can’t understand them, but there’s a connection and it's up to us to find it, to make that connection work. They need help sometimes and it's up to us to offer that help, it’s a choice. There’s beauty in this world and these little guys have a big part in it, pollinating the world and bringing life everywhere.” You explain to him, all the while you watch the fuzzy bumblebee in your hand with a smile. “Thank you, little one.”
Bumblebee tilts his helm curiously. “Why…appreciation?”
“Well, like I said, they help keep our world thriving, and without them our world wouldn’t be anything beautiful like it is. Like you and the autoboots, you’re here to protect earth and humans from decepticons. Without you, our world would be destroyed.”
Then, Bumblebee feels a heavy emotion, a dread. "We failed our world. Protecting yours is our priority. I don't want to fail you."
Tilting your head up, you listen to what he says to you, curious by the tone you picked up on. "I believe in you, Bee. You could never disappoint me. Sorry, I think I cut you off before. What were you going to say?"
Now it's Bumblebee's turn to hesitate, a shy little child worried about the outcome of what he truly wanted to say to you. Humming buzzing sound from him, before he finally confesses through his radio. "You complete me."
His words make your heart skip a beat. "I...I complete you? What do you mean by that?" You need to make sure, to dig deeper, find the source of what he just said to you.
Bumblebee stares at the crawling bee on her hand, desperately trying to clean and dry itself. He knows there's no backing out of it, and answers without looking at her.
"When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." A famous quote he found, and the only one he seemed to find and fit in the situation he brought himself in.
The confession truly takes your breath away, a warmth floods through your entire body, causing goosebumps to rush through your skin and tickling your tiny hairs. Still, as beautiful as his quote was, you needed more clarification, just to be sure.
"Bee, do you love me?" As forward as it sounded, it's all you could think of in the moment, to put it out there. Your eyes are fixed on him as you await his answer.
Through his sudden shyness, he tilts his helm at you and manages to give a simple nod, right before tearing his gaze away back onto the bug you continue to hold. It's something you've only dreamed about, a love confession from your favourite yellow bug, from Bumblebee.
Stepping closer you touch his surprisingly warm plating at his servo, gaining his attention, watching as his baby blue optics shift directly onto you, looking like a frightened child that tugs at your heart. There was no need to question further as to why he didn't say anything before, because you had also done it, keeping your feelings all bottled up. Both of you were worried about the outcome, but now it's all happening, and there is only one thing to do that struck your mind.
"Kiss me."
For a split second Bumblebee is confused before his optics glow brightly, happiness blooming through him hearing these words. Slowly he leans forward, his helm tilts, and you meet with him before sealing your soft lips over the grill of his mouth guard. It might not seem like it but you feel him kissing you back, gently pressing as you let the kiss linger for as long as possible. There's a concoction of emotions, your racing heart beats quickly, a bundle of nerves tightens at your chest, and a flood of happiness bursts through your whole body. The moment leaves you giggling silently on the inside, a love and affection latching onto the moment with what feels like butterflies fluttering around your stomach.
When the kiss is finally broken all you both can do is stare at one another closely, fond eyes and optics holding together before your beaming smile grows more. "Oh Bee, you've got a bee on you."
That he does. In the moment the tiny bee had crawled from her hand and onto his face, still crawling around but looking better than before. He doesn't mind, in fact he enjoys having the tiny bug on him, thinking it as a trust bond just like the bug had for you.
Your hand rests against his cheek plating, fingers gently soothing while he leans into your touch, humming in delight as the weight is lifted so quickly from the both of you, all worries and nerves no longer lingering.
"We're both a little silly." You hear yourself say. "But maybe that's what makes us perfect together. I want so much for us. You're not only my friend, but the one I've grown to love so much. Is this what you want, for something more between us?"
Bumblebee nods eagerly before looking up around, noticing the sun setting and the moon lightly appearing under the pink bubble gum sky and speaks through a channel of his radio. "What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon."
Letting out a pleasant giggle you hold your hand over across his servo. "As lovely as that sounds I don't think mother nature would appreciate that. I want you. I want our fairy tale, that's all I need."
Bumblebee lets out another low hum before moving his servo up to his face to allow the tiny bee to crawl onto his digit and bring it back down between you both. Finally, the bee had enough strength, twitching its fuzzy body and taking flight, flying around them both as if it was trying to thank them, before flying away and back to its colony through the vibrant trees.
It was a beautiful moment, one neither of you will ever forget. Turning to Bumblebee again, you kiss his cheek plating and beam brightly. "Can we stay a little longer? Maybe we could cuddle?"
He's more than happy to do that. "Happily ever after."
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atomicdarc · 4 months
Your hotshot design SLAMS.
Also can you tell me about hotshot in your au? :333
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AYY THANKS!!!! I love your au and your designs too ❤️
Well, he is one of the Autobots that stayed in South America, specifically in Brazil. He also has a Brazil and a River of January Sticker in his door/arm because in the reference that I had of the model of his car form was a Chevette C6 full of stickers, so I thought it would be nice put some on him too!
Hotshot will be like a older brother to Cliffjumper and Bumblebee, while Hotrod will be like a older brother to him —I'm even considering maybe make them be twins—.
Scavenger will be in the Autobots side too! —Since I'm using a lot of Armada as reference-— He will be the oldest one between all of them and the leader of the Brazilian division. He considers all his younger soldiers as sons. His relationship with Hotshot will not be so different, but he sees himself a lot on the boy, he remembers him of brighter days.
Oh and since Hotshot Brazilian VA is the same VA for Adam Sandler, yes, it'll be his voice. He also has an carioca accent because when a Cybetronian comes to earth and learn a new language besides English, depending of the place in the country where he learned it, they may have the respective accent of the region, so we can have things like:
Elita one with texan accent. Cyclonus talking stridently loud in Scottish accent. Demolisher with Russian accent, but his voice is pretty calm and soft. Rodimus speaking in Portuguese with a mineiro accent —sounds like a texan accent but even more stronger—
I'll work on his relationship with Wheeljack too, but I'm thinking of splitting Wheeljack in two characters. There will be Wheeljack and Rampage, since his name in Japanese version is Rampage. Wheeljack and Rampage will be brothers and work together as scientists! They will get along. Wheeljack enjoys Hotshot presence, but not Rampage since they had a past beef with each other. Also Wheeljack understands that it's not their fault and that it was an tragic incident involving both. Rampage was a Decepticon for a while, but his brother insistently convinced him to back to the Autobots. When he saw Hotshot for the first time since about a time, he yelled at him and almost strangled him to death, so since they noticed that wouldn't be a good idea to have them on the same division, they sent Rampage to the chilean division in the next month with Wheeljack who apologies immediately with Hotshot —who was shivering holding Hotrod's arm.— after the attack. As you can see Wheeljack is just a cutie who is trying to ease his little brother's trauma, but he can't find an effective way to do it. He doesn't blames Hotshot for nothing and he expects that helping his brother would help hotshot too, but they are pretty far of doing it.
Wheeljack will look like his original G1 design since Rampage will looks more like his Armada design.
That's it for now, there some details that I need to change on their history. And again, sorry if I did some writing mistakes, English is not my first language 😭
Thanks for the ask!
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otmaaromanovas · 8 months
I love OTMA and I love learning about them, but sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with sadness thinking about them. When I think about their fate, it's so devastating to me, it's hard to describe it. Everything that could have been, destroyed. The more you learn, the sadder it is. I know their parents, grandparents, etc. were not perfect but I will never know how those men could look at those pure, kind, beautiful girls and do what they did. And to this day I still see people saying they "deserved" what happened to them just because they don't like the tsarist government. It's sick. Sometimes I think if I had a time machine, I would have spirited the children off to England before measles ever ruined their plans. I want to see so badly what they could have become, and knowing that I never will hurts something awful. I thought you'd know more than most where I'm coming from and how I'm feeling ❤️
I'm so sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for months and I've only just got around to replying to it now! This ask made me think a lot - about OTMA, and also history in general.
History is bloody, it's cruel, and it's often so, so unfair. We wish we could go back and change the past, but no matter what we do, we can't. It's blunt, unchangeable, and uncomfortable. I know that feeling you describe all too well!
Yet through the darkness, something shines through the cracks: remembrance. Empires have risen and fallen, rulers have come and gone, but, often, it is the ordinary people that continue to live in our minds, simply because they are remembered - and they’re all truly just like us. Whether it's the doodles that a child did on his homework or the very first signature on a tablet: they were here. We really are not so different than the people who came before us.
I constantly find connections from the past to the present. A name shared with someone from the year 600, sepia photographs of a beloved pet, the same favourite perfume as a Grand Duchess. Centuries apart but drawn together by history. They live on through us, and remembrance is an important part of that. Making sure the next generation has all of that history, and more.
All of this to say that... we can't change the past. It's a sad fact. But we can remember it. When we remember someone, or an event, or whatever it is in history that is important to you, it lives on. So much of history has been lost because it hasn't survived, so tell your stories! Write down your thoughts! Talk about the people you love, the people you have lost. They're still they're with you. Every single person on this earth, whether it is today or thousands of years ago, is apart of the most special club of all: being apart of history. It doesn't matter if you're a king and live in a palace, or a student in a studio flat in the middle of the suburbs, or the little bumblebee that flies around the flowers, weaving in and out of the grass like how history weaves through time. We’re all important.
Another part of history is that it confronts us with tragedy. We look at these horrible things that have happened and think to ourselves, how could people have stood by and let this happen? Why didn't anybody do something? As I said, we can't change the past, but we can change the future. The people of the past are just like us. We’re just like them. But - we can learn from their crimes and build a better and safer, free, world. When you can, speak up, take action, help to form a world which, in hundreds of years time, historians won’t read about it and be confronted by that same uncomfortable feeling that we experience today. Use that frustration, that sadness, and change the world for the better.
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paradoxdesign · 7 months
Stop what you're doing. Put on some headphones and watch this video. Sadly it can only relay a small percentage of how I felt while making it but rest assured, it will comfort you!
After watching the video please read the words I leave here for you .❤️
"Where the burn speaks of tales from the hills, taking them to the Loch for storing them in the oceans vault.
And the gentle breeze stirrs the hairs on my arm, reassuring the imminent arrival of spring, emphasized by the soft drone of a bumblebee searching the first nectar.
Here where birds serenade the rolling landscape and the cool nights are scented with the smell of coal and wood fires.
Where there are so many horizons.
And life is pure
That is where I want to be..."
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phoenix-fell · 1 year
bumblebee got made cannon and people still expect blake to change her mind once the team gets to vacuo and she sees sun. black/sun copium is real
Mm idk I guess this might be a controversial opinion but we'll see. I'm a Bumbleby shipper through-and-through but I don't think shipping should be dictated by canon status. Ship who you like, whatever makes you happy. I have nothing against Black Sun, I don't ship it, but other people are allowed to so I mean, if they wanna write fanfics or whatever along those lines then that's totally up to them and they're entitled to. I just don't believe in like, hating on folk for their ship, you know? I'm happy on my Bumbleby highway, I don't worry about what others are doing in their own lanes as long as everyone's respectful. ❤️
My personal opinion is that the hype from CRWBY etc speaks for itself, I don't think they'll backtrack on BB if that's what you're worried about, I think we can see what it means to them and to the community that it's earned it's canon status.
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
 Hello! Can I request a romantic matchup? (Bsd)
Pronouns: she/her.
Gender Preference: either, but male leaning.
My Zodiacs: Leo sun, Cancer moon, Aquarius rising.
My Personality Type: INFP.
Appearance: I’m 5’6 and my body type is chubby/plus sized. I have a circle/oval shaped head with chubby cheeks. I have golden hair with blueish/grayish eyes. I like wearing comfy clothes but will dress up from time to time.
Personality: I’m quite reserved and aloof to the public eye. But once you get to know me, I joke around and tend to be sarcastic. I’m childish sometimes, but that’s not really a bad thing. My 3 main traits are probably: empathetic, observant and creative. I also love to daydream, which distracts me a lot, oops. My negative trait is that I’m lazy 80% of the time. I also tend to judge people fairly quickly without even speaking to them. Hehe… 😅
Hobbies: I enjoy drawing/coloring and reading. And I love playing genshin impact. I also like taking care of my pets and giving them attention/play.
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowded spaces and bugs. (Butterfly’s and bumblebees are the exception though.)
Music taste: I love listening to Mitski. So I would say alternative music.
Favorite movie: I like a lot of movies. But one that always stuck out to me - ever since I was a child was the “Swiss Family Robinson” film.
Thank you! ❤️
I will match you up with...
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-He also hates crowds too but somehow, he is able to find the best ways around it,maybe because of his deduction skills.0
-He likes kes games and eating snacks just as much as you do.
-Execpt it is even better when you are there.
-He also likes it when you show your true side, but he already knew what you were like.
-When you daydream, he plays around with you, like waving his hand in front of your face,putting his glasses on you, or quiz you on what he just said.
-He loves taking you to places like cat cafes or sweet shops. It's better than being at the agency.
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minhosbitterriver · 9 months
Hihihihi!! Hru!
I was wondering if you could write a stray kids x 9th member!reader where their a a maknae and their family lives far away so chans kinda a father figure for them? Like he looks after her and helps her fall asleep when they’re struggling, and maybe in skz vlogs or codes fans can see how much of a father figure he is to them. Its okay if you can’t ilyy bye❤️❤️
ꖛ ꙳꯬ 🦋 how he cares 𓂅 ໋⋅
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‧₊° pairing. chan x female reader ( platonically ! )
‧₊° content warnings. not proofread.
‧₊° rating. everyone
‧₊° summary. an episode of 2 kids’ show reveals just how deep your friendship with chan runs.
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2 Kids’ Show has come to mean a lot for STAY, a fact that warmed your heart as you glanced around the set which was definitely an upgrade to the old yellow room with the blue couch, although the latter was a symbol of simpler times in a lot of ways. Still, the dingy feeling of a garage being occupied by a band was an aesthetic you hadn’t realized you’d appreciate this much.
Minho was already sitting on his assigned velvety green chair, a small stack of talking-point cards with the freshly designed logo of the show printed on the back in his hands as he waited for his cue to begin. Chan stood by your side, chatting lightly with his hairstylist as she ensured that his hair was perfect. You were already set and ready to begin, no trace of the tingling anxiety that usually plagued you before interviews and you knew it was because the only people you’d have to interact with were the very same people you spoke to daily — this was a relief to you these days.
“Okay!” The manager announced with a sharp clap of his hands in order to attract everyone’s attention. All of the staff quickly made their ways to their needed positions and the hairstylist Chan had been speaking to left him be. “Ready? Scene!”
“Where two kids share their secret stories and music, this is 2 Kids’ Show,” announced Minho, pausing for a moment for a light applause — to which you and Chan obliged albeit belatedly to tease your friend. Minho’s eyes playfully narrowed in your and Chan’s direction, though he quickly moved on with a smile. “I am 2 Kids’ Show’s handsome MC, Lee Know.”
You cupped your hands around your mouth to cheer exaggeratedly, overcompensating for the lack of an enthusiastic applause just a moment prior. Minho winced away from you even with the distance between the two of you. “You were scolding Hyunjin and Jeongin before, you don’t have any grounds to complain saying I don’t cheer now!”
“I do have a complaint actually, you’re being too loud! It hurts my ears!” Minho rolled his eyes playfully before glancing back at the cards in his hands with an amused smile. “Anyway, as you can see, today we have a special pair with us — Stray Kids’ wolf and bumblebee duo that STAY have always loved. To me, they’re a good representation of an endearing friendship, our oldest and youngest members — Chan and Y/N!”
Chan pressed a hand on your lower back to urge you forward, and you let yourself be guided by him with a practiced bright grin as you waved at your group member. You end up seated in between the two men, quickly grabbing one of the cushions of the couch and placing it on your lap out of habit. Chan followed suit, but only so he could fiddle with the fuzz.
“It’s so strange seeing you as our MC,” you commented lightly.
“Is it? Good or bad?”
You shrug innocently. “I guess we’re going to have to wait and see!”
“Careful,” Minho teased with an exaggerated ominous grin. “I’m the one leading this interview.”
Chan chuckled beside you, though he remained quiet otherwise.
“Okay! Chan and Y/N how have you two been lately?”
You glance over at Chan, unsure of whether he should begin speaking of you, but he made the choice for you as he absentmindedly nodded at you whilst keeping his eyes glued on the pillow. With an understanding nod, you clear your throat and turn to face Minho. Chan has been a bit on the quieter side, evidently exhausted by the grueling hours of work and the pressure of the recent comeback almost weighing him down slightly — although he would never admit it. “I’ve been pretty good, actually. Yesterday was my day off, so I was able to tend to my plants at home.”
“Oh, how are they?”
A frown tugged at yourself, pushing your lower lip into a frown. “Titi, my tradescantia died, which was really sad since it’d managed to live so long. They’re really difficult to keep alive since they require a lot of water, and I’ve heard how often they tend to die so I was very proud of myself when I managed to keep it for a bit despite our busy schedule.”
“Oh, Titi died?” Chan questioned, highly surprised by this new piece of information. It wasn’t uncommon for you to call or text him whenever one of your plants died since you had a deep love for them and always took their ends straight to your heart — it was a failure you couldn’t bring yourself to forgive, and it always made you work harder with the next plant. Not to say that you didn’t have a green thumb, your experience caring for them since childhood was more than enough proof of your abilities, but death comes to all and yet it hurts nevertheless. Titi in particular had been struggling for quite a bit despite your constant attempts to make things better for her, and by the time you found her completely lifeless in your pot, you were painfully aware of Chan being asleep after spending all night awake.
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a slightly guilty smile. “It was quite tragic, actually. But my gardenia flowers have just started blooming a few days ago, and I’m really excited to see them in their prime. It’s also nerve-wracking because they’re also said to be extremely difficult to maintain and I really don’t want to deal with another Titi. Since I don’t have an actual garden in a subtropical country, I had to invest in a container so I can control the temperature. They’re actually said to thrive really well with moderate warmth that is somewhere between 18°C and 21°C and their soil must be kept consistently moist at all times and also —”
Minho splayed his hands in front of himself to signal for you to stop, and so you snapped your mouth shut as a slight tinge of color rose to your cheeks. “You know we love you, and I will ask you about this after the interview. But we should probably move on with the questions.”
“Right. Sorry.”
Chan chuckled a bit, reaching out to rub your back in small circles to soothe you like he always did. Minho, catching the kind gesture, grinned brightly and pointed at Chan’s hand that stopped immediately when caught.
“That’s actually one of the things we wanted to talk about here,” Minho announced with a slight glint of mischief. “I think it’ll be okay if I jump a few questions now that we’re on the topic and then circle back to the others, right?”
The three of you glanced at your manager and director, both of whom nodded and motioned for Minho to continue. Chan drew his hand back, focusing on the pillow once more.
“Right, so I think we’re all guilty of watching some of the videos that STAYs make online. I for one find them to be very entertaining, but I also noticed that there’s a greater amount of content made of you two — a lot of people really admire your friendship, so how’s that looking so far?”
This time, you nudged Chan’s knee with your own. He glanced up and cleared his own throat. “I love watching those videos, honestly. I think it’s really interesting to see how many STAYs can appreciate it. I know Y/N and I have been through a lot together and it really makes me appreciate her even more these days.”
“Channie,” you teased. “You make it sound like we’re dating.”
“I was just about to say! Right?” Minho burst out, chuckling as Chan rolled his eyes. It’s a joke as old as time, really, and it couldn’t be further from the truth — no matter how many fans believe it to be true. You didn’t blame those who viewed you and Chan as something more than friends, however, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it really comes down to it, and it’s a consequence of being an idol that you needed to embrace regardless of how frustrating it could be at times. All that being said, you and the boys have found a way to bring humor into the whole thing, which oftentimes makes it easier to deal with.
As Chan reached across from your body to swat at Minho with his pillow, you couldn’t help but giggle. “Anyway,” he continued as he sent his friend a pointed look. “I just think that after being friends for so long, it’s natural for us to become as close as we are. Besides, Y/N always needs me, which makes me very happy.”
His words seemed to warm every cell in your body, these thoughts of his were not new to you since it was something that he frequently mentioned during those late nights spent either working or having a drink together. It was the mere thought of you making him feel as wanted as you knew he deserved to feel that made you content, it was the least you could do for him when he sacrificed so much for everyone in the group on a daily basis.
“I think we’ve earned the right to be this close.” Minho cocked his head to the side, silently urging you to elaborate on your comment. “I mean, I’m not born or raised in Korea like most of the other members are, and the only ones who could really understand what it meant to be homesick were him and Felix. Oftentimes, I would find myself in bed just wide awake because I couldn’t help but obsess over my troubles. Every time my mind was just spinning like that, I knew I could count on Chan, to calm me down.
It’s especially sweet, too, because we all know Chan is a bit of a workaholic, but whenever someone needs him he just…stops and turns all of his focus on us and it made me feel very seen. He listens, and offers his own insights and is just like the big brother I always need around. Usually those nights end with us in the living room, and I’ll fall asleep to the sounds of his keyboards click-clacking as he continues working. Chan just has that soothing aura that helps so much.”
Chan could only watch as you spoke about him, those mini stars that only seemed to appear when watching his members. You held his gaze for only a moment, hoping he could feel the sincerity oozing from your expression.
“I think it’s safe to say that STAYs really do see that.” Minho was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, lips curled up into a soft lopsided smile as he watched the interaction between the two. All of the members shared their own special friendships with you that you adored and appreciated with every fiber of your being, but the fact that Chan was your platonic soulmate was an undeniable fact. “The fact that Y/N is our maknae also probably plays a part in this friendship. Chan, has there ever been a time in which Y/N felt like she was older?”
After a moment of careful consideration, Chan responded with: “I think Y/N can be very nurturing when she wants to be. She’s always making sure that I’ve drank enough water and she often brings me meals when she can because I do spend an awful lot of time working. But other than that, she’s still very much a big baby — OW!”
Your hand stung slightly from when you smacked his arm, guilt seeped into your smile since you hadn’t meant for it to hurt that much. Nevertheless, you stood your ground.
“Would a big baby be that strong?”
Minho chuckled at the scene. “I think you’re proving him right, though.”
“I’ll hit you too, you know.’
“Okay, okay, let us move on from this before you start getting all violent.” Although he was partly teasing, Minho was not a stranger to your slaps that always hit harder than you’d mean to, as though you were a large puppy that didn’t know its strength. “Y/N, has Chan ever felt like he was younger?”
“You didn’t even think about it,” Chan chortled.
“Don’t have to,” you said with a wicked grin curling up your lips. “He’s a big baby when he doesn’t get any attention and also when he’s sick.”
At this, Minho burst out laughing. “No, you’re right. She’s right.”
It was now Chan’s turn to let his hand fly and make contact with your arm, though his slap was significantly lighter than yours. You still pretended to be distressed due to the pain, clutching the area that he touched and twisting your face in mock suffering.
The questions on Minho’s talking-point cards continued rolling off of his tongue as the interview carried on. It was a time that, had the goal truly been to cover every single aspect of yours and Chan’s relationship, it’d never end. He was the kind of guy you trusted with everything, and you knew he felt the same way towards you. Bang Chan was your best friend, the brother you always needed, and your guide when in the darkness. By the time the cameras stopped rolling almost immediately after your collaborative singing in the end, the promise of buying lunch was on the tip of your tongue as you jogged to catch with his wider footsteps.
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word count: 2.2k 🦋 posted: 01 • 03 • 2024
💬 a note from green;
First of all, Happy New Years! Hope it’s 2024 is being kind to everyone thus far.
Secondly, thank you for the request my dear Anonnie! I really hope this is good, I’ve never written anything about a ninth member, much less in a platonic way so I struggled slightly on how to do it. I’m gonna be very honest right now and say that I am not a platonic anything haha, my girlfriend (who found my account recently) will tell you that much. We did a lot of “platonic” shit before we finally admitted that we were, in fact, not being platonic at all. So, yeah. I do love a challenge so I really appreciate it!
Finally, I’m finally feeling better! All I have is a mild cough, nothing too bad compared to what I was dealing before so be ready for more posts!
⨳ kofi ⨳
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( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx
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World Theater Day 2023 Hello friends, Today is a special day for me and for many of my friends - Theater Day 2023. This day this year I personally feel in a new way. I have never been so worried about all of us. As it was said a long time ago - when the guns speak, the muses are silent. But here are a few things from the wise Czesław Miłosz that I think might be relevant today: • SONG ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD • • On the day of the end of the world • The bee quietly circles over the nasturtium, • A fisherman repairs a shiny net. • Cheerful dolphins jump into the sea, • Sparrows sat on the fence • And the skin of the snake shines in the sun like copper. • • On the day of the end of the world • Women with umbrellas are walking across the field, • In the lawn on the edge, a drunk falls asleep, • The greengrocer calls us to the street, • And the yellow sail sails to the island, • And the sound of the violin, hovering above, • Starry night opens to us. • • And those who were waiting for lightning and thunder, • Disappointed. • And those who were waiting for the signs and the Archangel trumpet, • They do not believe that everything has already begun. • As long as the moon and sun are in the sky, • While the yellow bumblebee is visiting the rose, • And pink babies will be born, • I can't believe that everything has already begun. • • Only a gray-haired old man who could be a prophet, • But he is not a prophet - he does not curse us and does not judge, • Mumbling, tying tomatoes: • There will be no other end of the world, • There will be no other end of the world. 1944 And here is the traditional message from the International Theater Institute (ITI) in Paris: https://www.world-theatre-day.org/index.html Peace to all of us. Your Vic ❤️❤️❤️ (at Vancouver Puppet Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTkD5GPNmQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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(Portal opens, dumps the hydrobot down, closes)
Ope, there it goes again. OH LOOKIT DAT! ITS...uh...i think its bumblebee. I think you're taller than our bee honestly. Oh well, hi dere friend, names Riptide! Sorry bout the sudden appearance. Seems a weird portal keeps teleportin me across the...univer...multiv...thingaverse thingie. I keep going to places and i dont know why. But this place looks pretty cute! Wats up?
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Of course Bumblebee looked over seeing the portal, and muttered a soft. "Ah, here we go again, some crazy shenanigan stuff about to happen." It seemed like the yellow bot was used to it here. But of course upon seeing the blue hydrobot drop down, he looked over them, poking him a bit to see if he was ok. "You ok buddy?" The small bot asked, getting a smile from him when he saw he was. "Ok, good I'm glad you didn't get scrapped there. But it's nice to meet ya Riptide, don't worry, we've been getting a lot of multiverse visitors ourselves."
The Autobot smiled a bit, shaking his helm. "But the fact I'm finally taller then another Bee? That's so cool! Finally I'm not the shortest heh! But this place is nice, hope ya like it in Detroit for a while! But ah nothing much other then stopping the occasional baddie and all, you probably know how it is if you ever fought Decepticons or troublemakers before." The smaller said with a shrug of his own.
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kstrolotea · 2 years
Hi! May I take part on your free readings, please?
Hmmm... about me, I'm recently playing Animal Restaurant again and I think it's very fun. I love cute animals and food but I hate when a character comes to steal, someone orders food that I can't unlock or stinks the whole place lol (I usually don't notice bc I'm tapping as fast as I can to get customers)
If there's a song (or at least one I really like) is Momotaro by Wednesday Campanella. The tale is also very lively, imagine being born from a peach (is like Kaguya being born from bamboo)
And my fav flower could be lilly of the valley, I would like to have a tattoo with some
If it's okay, it would be nice if clairvoyance or tarot is used. The questions are:
1. What's my ideal career?
2. How will be my life in three years?
3. Am I with my future spouse? (Most of the time I've had readings that sound like him)
Thank you!!!
Thank you for allowing me to read for you! Please send feedback letting me know how accurate the mentions of your current situation are and how things play out for you❤️
I see you working somewhere quiet. you’re at a desk in a bedroom on a rainy day. it’s possible you live in the uk, ireland, or somewhere near there. the colors of the room are a soft pink and orange with some white, beige, and browns. you work for yourself or a small company. possibly a freelance copywriter or graphic designer. things feel cozy and peaceful. you are on a call with someone who speaks softly. it is rare that you speak to people over the phone. i see you doing mainly writing. this feels creative and peaceful to you. maybe you’re writing a book in your spare time. your boyfriend makes you coffee in the kitchen for when you get off your call to take a break soon.
page of swords, the lovers, knight of swords - it will feel very fresh and inspiring. things seem balanced and warm. in a commuted relationship—engaged to be married very soon to someone you’ve known for awhile. lots of projects and activities. you are always moving on to something new. very intellectually stimulated. possibly back in school or taking a random history of poetry course.
strength - i’m psyching myself out with this one… it feels like you’ve got your eye on someone and you desperately want it to be them so you’re bringing up the topic all the time and sticking yourself to their side like one of those annoying dryer sheets you find up your butt halfway through the day and the experience of finding it completely sours your mood for the rest of the evening. more than an answer, this card feels like a warning sign for you to be patient and chill the fuck out. i’m hearing something about enjoying the present moment instead of worrying about where things are going. i’m seeing you having a boyfriend right now where you’ve been around each other for awhile but the romantic relationship is fairly new, think 3 or 4 months ish, and you keep talking about marriage. not even asking him to marry you directly, but asking him for his hypothetical opinion on wedding cakes or showing him your pinterest board of dresses and rings and it’s freaking him out to the point of wanting to break up with you. your energy feels very frantic and fluttery like a bumblebee and he’s afraid of being stung. i see him shutting down emotionally, wanting to spend way less time with you, and making excuses to be at a friends house overnight or throughout the weekend. maybe he’s planning a trip without you. do you guys live together? did you just move in together within the past couple of months? i’m seeing two toothbrushes on the bathroom sink and you talking with a mouthful of toothpaste while he’s taking a dump so maybe it’s not a new relationship but a new living situation? unless you were friends for awhile and things moved way too quickly so you’re already living together within the first 6 months of making it official. those are the words i’m hearing from his head btw “way too quickly”. you need to be more patient.
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mycarhasasecret · 3 years
Can I get a scenario where after bumblebee gets his voice back the reader gets kinda flustered when he talks (because his VOICE omg, very attractive) and eventually they go for drive somewhere and he asks them about.
This is kinda between when they defeated Megatron and when they left for cybertron because there had to have a few days to move out all their stuff, right? Thanks ❤️
Sure! Asker specified TFP
The only thought you'd had when you first heard him speak was "oh my..."
His voice was one of the hottest sounds you'd ever heard, and it definitly took yoi by surprise. You liked him before, sure. But this boosted your attraction to a whole new level. You weren't really sure if you'd ever be able to maintain a normal conversation with him ever again.
When he asked you to go on a drive with him, you didn't really know what to think. He had said he needed some air, and wanted some company, someone to shoot the shit with. Raf was busy with homework, so he wondered if you were available. Of course, you said yes.
The drive was quiet, despite him saying he'd wanted someone to talk to. You took note of the tense air surrounding him, and decided to get to the bottom of what was actually going on.
"Bee? You okay? You seem a little tense..."
"Hmmm? Yeah, I'm fine! I'm great! No problems here! I am the most relaxed bot you'll ever meet!"
...That wasn't very convincing.
"It's just..."
"Well...I've kinda...had a thing for you for a while now... and now that I actually have the words to express myself I wanted to ask you...if you'd maybe...like to go out sometime...?"
"Yes! Of course!"
"Thank Primus. If you'd said no, then bringing you here would have been really awkward."
Just as he finished speaking, he stopped just at the edge of a cliff. Before you was the most beautiful view of the desert you'd ever seen. The golden sunset bounced off the plateaus, and the cacti casted haunting shadows over the ground. The beauty of the expanse took you breath away.
The both of you hung out there until well after nightfall, gazing at the stars and talking about nothing in particular. As he spoke, his voice seemed to wrap you up like a blanket and you fell into a deep sleep with Bumblebee by your side.
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illuminatingnun · 2 years
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22. 6 2022
A big catch-up post under the cut. First picture is from our capitals main train station (which is shit-ugly expect for this); forest at the border form when a tree fell onto the rails and we were stuck for almost two hours; a bumblebee at dad's plant at home; sourdough foccacia I made earlier this week; and a little reading session in our garden.
Currently reading: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel - The Alchemist (i.e. book 1) by Michael Scott
Today I am grateful for pleasant coworkers.
Day One: A brief introduction of yourself! Where are you at in life at the start of this challenge? How are you feeling? Are you happy with the way your life is right now? What do you hope to gain from this challenge? They say that starting is the hardest part. Do you find starting this challenge difficult?
Hi! I'm Reshi and I study spanish language and literature. And the start of this challenge I was freshly done with exams and happy to just take things easy and rest a bit. I was, and am, feeling happy and content, overall. I'm pretty content about my life right now - I can study, I can work and do things that I enjoy. Everyone I love is healthy and doing well, so what else can I ask for? While I didn't find starting this hard, I did put it off for a week because I either didn't have the time, content or was simply taking a break from social media.
Day Two: It's pride month! How do you indentify, gender-wise and sexuality-wise, if you're comfortable sharing? Do you do anything for pride?
For me personally, sexuality is very fluid and should only matter to those it directly includes (i.e. partner/s). But I do indentify as bisexual/asexual. For me personally the line between these two is very thin and I use it as a jumping rope. When it comes to gender, I'm a gal I guess? It doesn't matter to me all that much. I wanted to take part of the pride in the city I live in, but couldn't bc of work, so now I just wait and will go to pride to the capital, to visit my friends ❤️
Day Three: Do you have any tips for people sending professional emails or communicating with professors or teachers online? Do you prefer sending emails to people or taking with them in person?
Write down whether they use the formal form or informal - we have a teacher that demands formal way of speaking if we write in Czech, but informal if we use Spanish. Also, double check if you're using the correct title, some of them can be really pedantic about them (shout out to Denis for never using one and texting me like we're friends). Don't be afraid, they are only people. Try to be easy to understand and straight to the point. Write which class you're from, they teach hundreds of students. I think it really depens on who the teacher/professor in question is - some I prefer to write bc I know later I can review that email like a note, but other I prefer to talk to, because they tend to be more understanding that way.
Day Four: List five thing that make you happy.
1. That everyone I love is healthy and happy.
2. Our cats and kittens.
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3. Medieval reenactment.
4. Black tea.
5. A good book.
Day Five: Who is your all-time favourite teacher or professor and why?
Hm. From elementary it would be our geography teacher - young, rebellious, fruity, I had a crush on her at that time but also she was a great teacher. From high school it was my spanish lit teacher, also young, rebellious, fruity, had a crush on her. There is a theme as you may see. But in all honesty, I had many great teachers and I still do, but that would be for a whole essay.
Day Six: What have been some things that have changed for you this month? Are they big things, little things? How do you feel about these changes? How do you feel about change in general?
Yes! I have achieved one of my dreams, as in, Dream. I will also be moving out, changing apartments and I can't wait - I love the people I will live with (again, we lived together for some time). I've met my new roommate and he's great! I hope we'll be friends. So far I feel good about these changes - happy even, but that's because I made them, had the time to adjust and had at least some kind of power over them. Otherwise I hate unexpected change to my core.
Day Seven: Share your to-do list for today! Do you often make to-do lists? Do you find they help you?
- work✓
- drug store shopping ✓
- send email✓
I make them every time I need them - sometimes every day, sometimes once a week. I do find them helpful, they make it easier to organise my day/week, if I can see the tasks on paper. They also make sure that I won't forget anything, even if I can't to it that day and have to postpone - it's there, written down and waiting, not forgotten.
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alyssathorne · 2 years
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“Some of us, that day, she led inexorably through the gates of death. Some of us, innocent and unsuspecting, took, unwillingly, that one last step to oblivion. Some of us took very little sugar.” ⁃ Shirley Jackson, We Have Always Lived in The Castle. 🌿Still quite a few Blackwood Mini Masterpiece Magnets in stock. Prints are always available but the magnets are limited! www.alyssathorne.co 🌿 Artist statement for Blackwood: ____ I waited patiently for the blackberries to grow again in the yard. I snipped each stalk, pricked each thumb, said hello to many bumblebees, and ate quite a few berries during the making of this. There is, quite literally, a lot of my blood in this piece. Creating this work felt like weaving a spell that Merricat would be proud of. This book means a lot to me as does all of Shirley Jackson’s work. The way she writes speaks to my soul in a way that is hard to articulate. She knows every secret magic, every ghost in the walls. I feel a kinship with her books, I try to do what she did with my own work, making something that is still but somehow alive, something quietly vicious, beautiful, and unsuspecting. Something that makes you look twice and not see the same thing each time. I hope that Shirley would be proud of this piece. I sure am ❤️
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wellntruly · 6 years
Babylon Berlin: Second Pass, Episode 3
Alright, check-in on the new German words I’ve picked up since starting this show, and what I take their usage to be. If you speak German, get ready to laugh at me!
gut: good, but also used more affirmatively or to incite/approve action than I think English typically uses good? often translated as “alright” or “very well,” presumably to get this meaning across was: what, deeply frustrating to me as I can’t write “was” to mean what-but-Germanly because English has a “was” :( bitte: please, also used as like an opening—“bitte” someone might say while holding a door open, or “ja bitte” to answer the phone polizei: police, obvs jawohl: yessir right away sir wo: where, which I caught because it sounds like what I always wanted “où” to be in French (I was bad at French!) (I may be better at German??) warum: why, learned it just now—sounds like something an Ent would say and I support that bisher bei: “so far with”, still love this
And this isn’t German, but that’s exactly what’s an accomplishment about it: I now know immediately when people are speaking Russian instead.
Anyway, Episode 3! 
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a pretty still from Episode 3 for you
On second watch, this is a legwork episode. Rolling the Russians plot along probably most of all, plus developing some family stuff on the character side: the Wolters, the Ritters, and introducing: the Jänickes ❤️❤️💔
Meanwhile, I continue to study bits of German in just, the most pointless way, by getting real into toggling the subtitles and abusing Google Translate (despite a history of being burned!!). But I think I know why I keep doing it, and it’s because usually there’s more THERE in the original words. I’m watching this show with the dialogue in translation, and just in this one episode there’s two lines where I’m pretty sure the less poetic & interesting path was taken when the script was sieved into English. And when I burrow down into this language I don’t know and come snuffling back up with partly understood treasures, it’s like I’m getting more Babylon Berlin.
oh it’s naked times with Kardakov again! I realize you desperately need it otherwise you will be arrested on the spot for nudity, but still, harsh bro, to try to steal a homeless man’s coat
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hey one thing I only briefly commented on originally and now would like to discuss at length: Svetlana’s train-robbin outfit. she’s wearing a long grey-green coat open from the waist down, AS seems to be her cool-toned golden skirt (gold like gold!!), revealing her thigh-high black semi-sheer stockings when she kneels to open a hatch with her brown leather gloved hands. TREMENDOUS. I would wear every inch of this.
I love when she just PULLS A GUN on Pointy Russian Lad, everyone in this train yard is like wut
oKAY, just checked the German subtitles to try to figure out where the fuck the translator pulled “termagant” from, and IF Google Translate can be trusted (debatable), what they were calling Sveta was “you wild bumblebee”??!!!! TRANSLATOR, LEAVE IT NEXT TIME PLS OMG
(omg and hummel, because bees hum! German!)
I’m still not over Gereon silently swallowing a sigh and being like “it’s easier if I just pretend to be a john”
omg, Gereon’s giant eyeballs under his hat as he waits a tick to see just what this woman thinks he’s here for
nichte: “naught”. I’m gonna start saying naught. what do you remember? naught.
is the guy following Gereon around one of Edgar’s, just making sure our idiot son doesn’t get himself killed only his first month in Berlin
Gereon paid in full
LOVE this show’s crane shots, love love love ‘em
god Jänicke and Gräf really are buds! they’ve been smiling close and chatting in crowd scenes TWICE now and we’re only a bit into the third episode. tell me everything about this friendship. 
I don’t have the spoons to get into it here but y’know, it’s remarkable how much 1929 is 2019 in re: political demonstrations on the street and the police policy/response to them.
hey German q: why is the W in Wolter’s name pronounced how I, an American, would expect, and not akin to my V’s
hahaha, Gräf is so frustrated with whoever opened his darkroom door and then it’s just that Rath again, asking for an “enlargement”, and Gräf’s just like “—well what am I gonna do, say no to the weird haggard handsome guy?”
yeah I’m pretty certain Frau Ritter caught the syph from [whispers] her affair with Charlotte’s dad, re: later episode revelation to Bruno. I mean if she even caught it herself, and it wasn’t her husband having affairs and then passing infections on to her
I love that Lotte just hauls off and starts smacking this useless fucking man with a piece of firewood!! ja, du wilde hummel!
fantastic that Bruno has lip-reading spy Stefan drive him to his clandestine monarchist meetings, you fucking numbskull
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I’m just really struck by how beautiful the cinematography is in this show. the lighting and colors are so pretty.
Charlotte @ her sister just like “SNOBBY RELATIVE YOU CANT RELATE”
(seriously though this….fuck this is a thing I find deeply relatable about Charlotte. hey anyone else come from a household with on the whole wildly different interests and social circles than they do! it’s weird right?? I don’t think anyone who has similarly educated, worldly parents & siblings will ever understand what it’s like to grow up like we did, where growing up is growing out, out of reach, outré. until you have become: Snobby Relative.)
Emmi: “Are you going steady?” Gereon of the Middle Ages: “going steadily where?” Emmi: “dating, you cute grim idiot”
aw aw, -lein is the sweetheart diminutive! Emmilein, “Emmi dear.” can you use this for male nouns too or is there another gender variant? I gotta know all the cutesies!
ooo “wohin” is “where to”, nice, that’s satisfyingly constructed to me, with the “wo” where
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Gereon’s face journey as Bruno informs him he’s going to be hassling and intimidating civilians tomorrow as the strong-arm of the law: 👏
I’ll say that it sure is gratifying how quickly Inspector Rath notices the loose hanging phone and realizes something is wrong here. it’s such an easy way to show someone is a detective, and so often they don’t get to because of bad idiot-ball plotting
“Help me!” to the guy you were just scuffling with, god the rapidly shifting loyalties, I love this scene!! so much is happening! Weimar Berlin!
“They fell like bees in the frost” remains a TRANSCENDENTLY good line about war, Alexei Kardakov. believe utterly about how convincing you are an orator.
“Were you in the war?” “I followed my brother to the front.” ow, Raths….
“For her, the wrong son returned home.” seriously wtF
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Elisabeth’s horrified eye-widen here is just, saaaaaame
seriously Gereon what the Fuck! how are you functioning. well, I mean I guess we can see the answer to that: barely, in fact
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I caaaaaan’t, it’s the Jänickes!
they are SO CUTE, I WEEP. I’ve never seen a depiction of someone being So Frustrated as a way to show how much they love people! it’s so endearing. his tired bedhead and his parents just *beaming* at him. in all the shows I watched last year this scene has to be the most instantly effective at making me fall utterly, ride-or-die in love with a character/character set. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JÄNICKES, 😭MG
y’know what, I’ll offer you this tip for free, secret revolutionary groups: don’t TATTOO yourselves all with the same symbol! don’t do that!
Babylon Berlin Beblogging Masterpost
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