#❝ angst? angst. ❞ || MUN’S WRITING
aeongstarss · 1 year
jungjin city lights / somun x fem!reader
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a/n: hi everyone! this is my first ff I've written in a while. I hope you all enjoy it, please leave any requests or tips you have! enjoy :) warnings: mention of blood, knifes, violence, choking, drinking alcohol genre/type: fluff, semi slow burn, Y/N, angst, happy ending wc: 6.2k title track: once again - Kim Sejeong (Uncanny Counter OST season 2)
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* The sound of your blaring alarm wakes you up from your deep slumber. You tiredly roll over and hit the obnoxiously loud alarm. You look at the time with blurry eyes and roll around to go back to sleep until you realize; you’re late.. again. You shoot up out of your comfortable warm bed and rush to the bathroom. You quickly brush your teeth, not even bothering with your hair. You throw on the first pair of clothes you find on the floor and grab your backpack and run out the door. 
You’re 20 years old living in Jungjin, South Korea as a full time university student; so being on time is pretty important. You rush to your 9AM class, but you’re 3 minutes late. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm yourself before entering your class. Professor HaJoon has never been the lenient type. Always yelling at you and your classmates about the dumbest things. You dread this class. You open your eyes, ready to be confronted by your strict professor, except you are met with a sign hanging on the door. “CLASS CANCELED.” You whine and say out loud, “It’s 2023, don’t people communicate through email nowadays?” You hang your head low while standing in your spot. You hear someone next to you let out a breathy laugh. You snap your head and see a girl with curly hair standing next to you. She has cuts on her hands and a healing scar just above her right eyebrow. “Did I scare you?” the mysterious woman asks you. You stare at her for a second then nod ‘no’ quickly, without saying a word. She laughs, “I’m Do Ha-na. Nice to meet you.” You smile and introduce yourself. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you too, Ha-na.” She bows and walks away with both hands in her pockets. “Ahh, she’s cool.” you think to yourself. 
Now that class is canceled, you finally have a day to yourself since you don’t have any other classes today. You let out a sigh of relief and head towards the elevator. *DING* the large silver doors open and you are about to step inside. Suddenly, a hand grabs your arm and pulls you back. You let out a scream, but it is quickly silenced when a hand is placed over your mouth. You try your best to fight the attacker, but he is far too strong. You kick and scream, but he’s not budging. Suddenly, after what felt like hours of fighting back, the heavy weight of the man disappears. You gasp for air and run into the elevator, pressing the buttons in a hurry to get away. You look up out of fear. But there stands the same woman from earlier. Your eyes widen, “Ha-na?” you ask quietly. She smirks and walks towards you. You back up out of fear. She brings a hand to your head, and now you are sitting in your bed again, not remembering anything after Ha-na placed her touch on you. 
“Goodmorning, Y/N! Ah, afternoon.. Are you feeling any better?” Eun-Jeong says to you. Choi EunJeong has been your best friend since 2nd grade. You two are inseparable. Despite her intimidating appearance, she is the kindest and most loving person you have ever met. You nod and Eunjeong hugs you and gives you a friendly kiss on the forehead. You smile and playfully push her off. “Are you hungry? I’ve been craving noodles recently.” she says to you with a smile and genuine eyes. “I could definitely go for some noodles.” you say in a raspy voice. She cheers and you two begin getting ready for brunch.
While walking the streets of Jungjin, you find a corner shop called “Eonni’s noodles”. You step inside and are greeted by an older woman. “Welcome in!” she says with an energizing tone. You and Eunjeong smile and make your way to a table. While you sit down, you make eye contact with a man. He has black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a soft smile. You stare at him like a deer in headlights. He does the same back. Eunjeong looks over her shoulder and sees the man. She waves her hand in your face with furrowed eyebrows. You snap your attention back to your friend. “Y/N.. are you okay?” Your face slowly rises into a light pink. Your friend laughs and whispers. “He’s cute, don’t you think?” You look back over at him and he is still staring at you, until a middle aged man comes up and hits the boy's head with a rolled up newspaper. “Ah! Mo-tak!” the boy yells. “He is cute.” you reply through slight laughter. The older woman then comes to your table and introduces herself. “Sorry about the wait! I’m Chu Mae-ok. What can I get for you two?”
As you and Eunjeong finish slurping your noodles, you both sit back and process the delicious meal you just had. In the corner of your eye, you see the middle aged man pushing the young man out of the curtains. He comes stumbling out and fixes his clothes. He clears his throat and walks up to the table. “Hi.” he says. You and Eunjeong look at each other and you reply. “Hi.” The boy breaks eye contact for a second then takes your bowls without asking and scurries back behind the curtain. You and your friend shoot each other another look. “We didn’t even pay..” Eunjeong whispers. 10 minutes pass by with no one coming out from the curtains. You smack 25,000 won on the table and you two make your way out of the restaurant. 
While walking back to your dormitory, you get a call from your father. “I’m on the way.” you say with a shaky voice. She looks at you with concern. “I have to go.” you say. Nothing more nothing less. Your best friend has always been the understanding type. She nods and gives you a hug. You turn to leave your friend and begin jogging towards your childhood home which is just a few blocks away. As you’re running in a panic, you forgot to look before you crossed the street. All you remember is headlights and a loud horn blaring at you. 
White. White is all you see. You sit up from your lying position and are met with a young woman. “Where am I?” you say in a panic. The woman doesn’t answer you. “Am I dead?...” you yell. The woman scoffs in a playful tone. “Not exactly. You are in a coma. Right now, you are residing in Yung. A place between heaven and earth.” she explains. You smack both sides of your face and rub your eyes, hoping this is some sort of dream. You open your eyes and once again, you are met with the woman. She holds out her hand. You hesitate at first, but then take the woman's hand. She helps you up and motions for you to walk with her. Suddenly the white scene turns into an empty field. “I’m Ha-neul. Take a walk with me Y/N.” You don’t even question how she knows your name. You look around the field in confusion, slowly following behind Haneul. 
After a while of walking, she presents an option to you. “You can sign the contract and become a counter, or you will stay in your coma.” You look down, feeling defeated between the two difficult choices. The silence is louder than loud. The only voice you hear is your conscience. After a few seconds pass, which feels like hours, you blurt, “I’ll become a counter.” 
You shake Haneul’s hand and start to notice your hair curling up. You look at your hair with shock while Haneul laughs. “All counters have curly hair.” you look up at her and let out an awkward, nervous laugh. She smiles and leans in for a hug. 
Standing in the center of a noodle shop, staring at your feet, a loud voice announces “This is Y/N! Your new team member!” Chairman Choi says with excitement. You nod while keeping your head down from embarrassment. “God, this red jumpsuit is atrocious.” you think to yourself. You stay silent, zoning out at this point. The chairman gives you a hard slap on your back, making you jump and look up. Immediately you know where you are. Eonni’s noodles. After realizing everyone is wearing the same bright red jumpsuit, you lock eyes with the same young man you saw that day you went out to eat with Eunjeong. You stare at each other with wide eyes. “Do you two know each other?” Mae-ok says in a shocked stutter. You and the man say nothing. Chairman Choi breaks the loud and thick silence by introducing everyone. “This is Mae-ok, you can call her Miss Chu.” She smiles and bows. “This is Ga Mo-tak.” you recognise him. He’s the guy who hit the young boy on the head when he was staring at you. A smile appears on his face and he waves with one hand. “This is Do H-” “We met.” she says in a monotone voice. Your eyes widen once again. “Hana?” you say. She smirks and bows. “So it seems you know everyone already.” the chairman says laughing. “And this is our So-Mun.” “Finally. The handsome boy has a name afterall.” you think to yourself. You both smile at each other and then quickly look away. You bow and introduce yourself. “Hello everyone. I’m Y/N.” Everyone smiles, but the one who shines the brightest is Somun. “Let’s eat! Shall we?” Miss Chu says hurrying to the kitchen. 
Hours pass by of you and the other counters talking over noodles and soju. It’s a lot easier for you to open up when you’re intoxicated. After everyone has finally finished up their beer and noodles, Motak speaks up, “Okay, I’m gonna head to bed.” with a painfully obvious wink. The chairman and Miss Chu stand up quickly. She looks at her fake watch “Wow! Would you look at the time? You know, when you’re old you have to sleep earlier!” she says through a forced laugh, while pushing Chairman Choi out of the shop. Hana smirks and gets up without saying anything. Somun shoots them all a death stare before they can all go to their rooms. This leaves you and him alone. 
------------------—---next morning-----------------------
A loud yawn from Motak startles you awake. “Goodmorn-“ he says. Suddenly it’s silent again, nothing but the birds chirping and cars passing by on the busy street. You raise your head from the wooden table that you apparently fell asleep on and see Somun sleeping across from you. Your heart races. “Did we stay up that late last night that we couldn’t even walk to our beds?” you thought silently. You turn around and see Motak and Miss Chu standing there staring at you with their mouths open. Your eyes widen and you quickly turn around to avoid the embarrassment. Hana comes up and flicks Somun on the head. “Goodmorning, you two.” Somun looks behind his shoulder and looks at Hana in confusion. “You two?” he asks in a tired voice. She cocks her head towards you. Somun turns and is met with you, right across the table from him. He slams his head back down on the table, pretending to still be asleep, which obviously didn’t work. You laugh at his cuteness and get up to go shower. While walking away, you hear the counters footsteps scurry to the table, asking Somun a million questions. 
After your shower, you get dressed and make your way to the restaurant lobby. There sits a very scary and determined Somun. Last night, he was so cute and cheerful. But now, he looks… almost dangerous. You look around the room and see everyone zipping up their jumpsuits. Somun stands up and starts yelling, “As a way to welcome our new teammate, we are training today!” you almost laugh seeing how serious he looks but the tone in his voice is so unserious. You all get ready and make your way to the training garage. 
 It’s your first day on the job and you also don’t know your power yet. On top of that, you still have to attend school while being a counter. You walk behind the rest of the group, feeling nervous about your first day of training. Miss Chu seems to notice this and she slows down to walk at your pace, rubbing your right shoulder. “Y/N, we were all nervous when we first started. It’s okay to feel scared or even worried.” she says to reassure you. “It’s normal if you’re not the best on day one. As long as you continue to train and practice, you can do anything.” You smile and thank her for her kind and encouraging words. 
Once you all reach the training garage. Motak looks at the wall then looks at you, “You see those handprints?” he says, raising an eyebrow at you. You nod, “That blue one at the top, the one you can barely see? That’s Somuns.” You look at the hand print in shock. There’s no way anyone could reach that far up… it’s not humanly possible you think to yourself. You gulp and gather up the courage to test yourself on your first day as a counter. You look at your hands and see 5 black dots. You can feel your adrenaline pumping through your body. You’re gonna do this, and show them that they won’t regret having you as a part of their team. Motak covers your right hand in a dark purple paint. Motak, Hana, Somun and Miss Chu all watch from the sidelines as you prepare for your jump. You take a few steps back, and boom, you’re running towards the wall. You let out a loud scream and jump with all of your might. You feel like you’re flying. You have never jumped this high in your whole life, is this even possible? You land on the ground softly, and before you can even look to see how far up you made it, everyone is cheering for you. You look confused as your confidence was low, thinking you’d get maybe 5 feet off the ground if you were lucky. You tilt your head up, blocking the sun with your hand, to see your handprint just a few inches below Somuns. You stand there in awe, taking in what just happened. Everyone comes up to you and starts hugging you; Somun being the first to hug you. As soon as he touched you, you felt a spark. Not a romantic kind of spark, more like a jolt of energy. You have butterflies in your stomach and a bright smile on your face while the rest of the team joins in on the hug. 
-----——- time skip: 5 months -------——— 
You and Somun have gotten really close recently. You two do everything together. And sometimes, you two repeat the cycle of having a little too much to drink while getting lost in conversation and crashing on the wooden table. While being with Somun and the team so often, you learn that they never stop training and never let their guard down. Through all of this training for the past 5 months, you have discovered your counter power. Psychokinesis and speed. Sure, you’re not as good as Somun, but you’re a lot better than Motak. Hana and Somun were the ones who really helped you discover your talent. At first, you constantly strained yourself. Nose bleed after nose bleed. But after a while, you started to get the hang of things. You have your limits as everyone does. You still have loads of training to do, but none of this would be possible without your new family. 
 As you and Hana are cleaning up for the night, her neck twitches. You’ve been a part of the team long enough to know what this means. An evil spirit has step foot. She lets everyone know, and you all drop what you’re doing. You all run into the car, Mo tak being the driver.  “What level is it?” you ask. “Level three.” she replies. You have a moment of internal panic as you have only encountered level 1 and level 2 spirits. Somun notices that you’re feeling scared and nervous. He shyly intertwined his fingers with yours and gives you that reassuring smile that always makes you feel better. You take a deep breath and smile. What Somun doesn’t know is that he makes you 10x more nervous. His soft hand interlocked with yours gives you a sense of relief, but the dozens of butterflies dancing in your stomach say otherwise. He looks at you, “You can do this. We’ll all be by your side.” he says. You stare into his eyes, then accidentally take a glance at his lips. He seems to notice this and he lets out a light laugh and throws his head back. You have had many moments like this with him, but something about tonight is different. Maybe it’s the adrenaline rushing through your veins, or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve fallen hard for Somun. You mirror his behavior and lay your head back and try to muster up the confidence for this mission. Somun softly squeezes your hand and you reply to his action in the same manner. You stay like this until you arrive at the Jungjin Metro Station, where the level three evil spirit is. 
You all step out of the car, making your way to the ground floor of the station. There lay a woman and a child. You and Miss Chu make your way to the pair to make sure they are safe. Somun, Hana, and Motak split up to look for the spirit while you and Miss Chu take care of the pair. While carrying the mother and child, you walk up the stairs and see a man standing there. He is emitting such strong energy. An aura you have never felt in your life. You press your earpiece, “Found him.” you say. You and Miss Chu nod, knowing what to do in this situation. You run towards the spirit, attempting to lay a punch on him while Miss Chu runs out and brings the pair to safety. 
You miss your punch, as well as your balance. The spirit kicks you in the stomach, making you tumble down 2 flights of stairs. You grunt in pain and look up to see the spirit walking towards you. You didn’t know it was possible to be this strong. You are scared, and just want to lie there, but you were taught to never give up. You muster up the strength to sit up and push him away with the motion of your hand. He didn’t budge. Your eyes widen in fear as you try one more time to push him away with your psychokinetic possessed hand. This time, he flies back, but only by 2 feet. The spirit reaches out his hand and drags you. Your throat is now in the hands of a level 3 spirit. You are struggling for air, you are completely helpless as the spirit is holding you up in the air. You hang there, trying to fight him off for what felt like hours. You are about to die. You cough up blood and tears run down your face. The grip on your throat grows tighter and you close your eyes, letting out through a cracked voice “I’m sorry.” Suddenly, you can breathe. You collapse to the ground, gasping for air. You look up and see Miss Chu with a steel bar in her hand. She rushes to you to heal your throat. Just then, the spirit stands up to laugh while winding up his hand to punch the back of Miss Chu's head. You pull Miss Chu into your shoulder in an attempt to shield her from the hit. Just then, you hear footsteps. Is there another spirit? You think to yourself. You look up and in the speed of light, the spirit is hit by a force so powerful, it scares you. You and Miss Chu gasp, you look to your left, and through blurry tears, you see Somuns silhouette. Motak and Hana follow behind him. “Sorry to keep you waiting” Somun says in a cocky, but determined tone. You smile and try to speak, but your voice is completely gone. You look at Miss Chu and she hovers her hands above your throat, not having enough time to heal your stomach. You stand up and thank her. Now that your team is here, you can show your full potential with confidence. 
With speed being your strongest suit, you pounce at the spirit and land a direct kick on the side of his head. You go to strike a punch, but the spirit grabs your leg, penetrating it with a sharp butterfly knife. You scream in pain and collapse to the ground, blood pooling around your leg. Just in time, Hana quickly slides across the ground and grabs your head so it doesn’t hit the hard concrete. On the other hand, Somun is admitting such a strong and powerful energy. He drags the spirit to him, stepping on his chest. The spirit pushes Somun away with a motion of his hand. He stands up, beginning to limp away in an attempt to flee. You and Somun are the only ones who are able to stop him with psychokinesis. Somun is quick to stand back on his feet, but not quick enough; the spirit is getting away.
You notice this, and let out a loud yell, reaching out your hand. You will stop this spirit today, no matter what it takes. The spirit stops in his tracks. Your nose starts to bleed, but Motak strikes the spirit with the same metal bar. You sigh out, Hana catching you in her arms. The spirit falls to the floor. Before he can begin to laugh, Somun strikes punch after punch on the spirit. It’s bloody. You’ve seen a handful of bloody scenes, but there was so much more this time around. Somun pants, face bloody and eyebrows furrowed. You hate to admit this, but when he’s this serious and determined, you only fall harder for him. Somun gets off on top of the spirit, motioning his hand for Motak to summon it. The spirit lets out a loud scream and then collapses. You slump down, still in Hanas arms, wiping the blood from your nose. You smirk, feeling proud that you’ve defeated your first level three spirit, alongside your team. 
—------------- next morning —-------------
You wake up the next morning at around 10AM and grunt in pain, slowly sitting up while holding your stomach to look at your leg. “Feeling better?” Somun asks. You flinch and dart your eyes to him. There he is sitting next to you, holding an open book. You don’t even ask how he got in your room, you are just happy he’s there by your side. His hair is messy from not being brushed, and he’s still in his pajamas. You nod in response to his question and look curiously over at what he’s reading. “It’s called ‘The Melody of a Bird Whistle’.” He’s reading your favorite book. “I remember you saying that you enjoy when someone reads to you, and that it relaxes you. So I thought I would read a story to you to help you feel better.” he says shyly. Your heart melts at his sweetness. “Now that you mention it, the wound on my leg is closed. Was this your doing?” you ask. Somun laughs, “That’s Miss Chu’s doing.” You let out a silent ‘Ohh’ and laugh. While laughing, you grab your stomach and wince in pain. Somun places his hand on top of your free hand in a hurry, “Are you okay? You shouldn’t be laughing too much” he says. Your face lights up with a shade of red. “Yes, I’m okay. Thank you Somun. I can ask Miss Chu to heal my stomach.” After you assure him that you are okay, you expect him to move his hand away from yours out of relief, but instead he keeps in there, looking into your eyes. You look at him with a slight turn of your neck and furrowed eyebrows. “What?” you ask him. Somun looks away shyly. “You…” you tilt your head further “You look beautiful.” Your heart skips a beat at his words. This is so odd coming from him. Somun has always been kind towards you, but you’ve never seen him this sentimental or even affectionate. Maybe seeing you last night worried him. You are always worrying about him since he’s the strongest on the team. You smile, but before you can say anything, Somun slightly leans in while looking at your lips. You take a moment, but you lean in as well. The atmosphere is thick, but you feel so comfortable and safe with him by your side. “This is it! He’s going to kiss me!” you think silently. Just after you close your eyes, the door bursts open.
 “Goodmorning, sleepy heads!” Chairman Choi walks in interrupting your moment. You two pull away, before your lips can even touch. Choi yells and slams the door. He’s apologizing outside of the door. Miss Chu and Motak rush out, thinking something serious has happened. You hear the muffled voices of the adults outside the door. “They-They we’re about to kiss!” the Chairman yells out. Miss Chu and Motak yell in unison. “WHAT?” you can hear them scurrying around in a panic. You and Somun stare blankly at each other, then let out a silent laugh. You two take a moment to collect yourselves. He then helps you out of bed to have Miss Chu heal your stomach. Stepping out, Miss Chu starts apologizing over and over again. “Ah! I’m so sorry Y/N! I totally forgot about your stomach, I’ll-” you cut her off. “It’s okay Miss Chu. Thank you for everything.” Miss Chu smiles, then places her hands over your stomach. You whine as you can feel the bones in your ribcage mending back together. About 20 seconds pass by and you are back to normal. “Thank you Miss Chu! What would I do without you?” you say through a smile. She then gives you a hug and pats your head, “Let’s eat breakfast now that you’re awake!” 
Chairman Choi sits the final plate on the table and then takes a seat. The air is insanely thick. Hana is out this morning on a 10 mile run, so this leaves you, Somun and the adults. You all eat in silence, contradictory to the loud and energetic meals you all normally have. “Kids.” Motak speaks up after about 15 minutes of silence. You and Somun both look up from your bowls. Even though you two are both 20 years old, to Motak, you two are babies. You for sure thought you were gonna be in trouble. “You two go out and spend the day together. If any spirits come, we will take care of them.” he says. You won’t reject this offer. Usually Motak is very serious about everyone being at the noodle shop, ready to fight whenever. You and Somun nod slowly, in slight confusion, but stand up to walk to your rooms to begin getting ready for your first official date. 
You walk inside and immediately head to your vanity desk. While picking up your brushes you realize that Somun has never seen you with makeup, let alone any of the counters. You turn on your favorite song and begin your makeup. “Perfect!” you say while applying the last swipe of lip gloss. You smile at yourself in the mirror and play with your hair to make sure you have no flyaways. You want to impress him, and make sure you two have a good night. You give yourself one final smile in the mirror and head towards your closet. It’s early spring, so you choose to wear a black skirt, a black and white striped sweater, and knee high boots. It’ll keep you warm but not too warm. You walk over and spray your favorite perfume and throw on some minimal jewelry to compliment the outfit. You take one final glance in the mirror. You haven’t felt beautiful ever since you started this job. Usually you are all cut up and worn out. But today, you finally have the chance to treat and care for yourself. You take a deep breath in, and as soon as you exhale there’s a knock on your door. You didn’t feel nervous until you heard the knock. You take one more breath and reach for the handle. You open it up and see Somun standing, waiting for you. You two stare at each other then smile. Miss Chu and Motak are not-so-secretly watching behind the kitchen curtains. “You look nice.” you speak up. Somun smiles and throws his head down. “You look beautiful.” he says to you with glistening eyes. “Way to one up me!” you say jokingly. He laughs and motions for you to follow him. “Motak and Miss Chu, we see you staring at us!” you yell across the lobby. They quickly shut the curtains, pretending like nothing happened. “Okay okay, we’ll see you later!” Somun shouts. “Have fun and be safe!” Miss Chu says through the curtains. You and Somun nod and make your way out onto the busy streets of Jungjin. 
You and Somun find yourself walking around a modern art museum, admiring the art. You recommended this, knowing how much he loves to draw. After walking and talking for hours at the art gallery, listening to Somun explain every painting in immense detail, you are starting to feel tired. You have the idea to go to a cafe and sit down for a bit over coffee. He nods in agreement and you walk to the nearest coffee shop you see. 
Time flies by when you’re with Somun. The 3 hours at the art gallery and the 3 hours you’ve spent talking with each other has felt like 5 minutes. You notice the sun starting to set. “Somun, should we head home? It’s starting to get late.” you suggest. “I have one more place I want to go.” You nod your head and follow him out of the cafe doors. 
“Where are we going? We’ve been walking for 30 minutes, and these shoes are really uncomfortable” you whine. Somun laughs, “Don’t worry, we are almost there. Cover your eyes.” You are confused, “Why do I have to cover my eyes? It’s already dark out.” you complain. “Shh, just trust me.” Somun says putting both of his hands over your eyes. You sigh and continue walking for about another 2 minutes until Somun stops. “We’re here.” he whispers. You feel hesitant to open your eyes, you have no clue where you could be. He notices this. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Just open your eyes.” 
You open your eyes and are met with the beautiful shining skyline of Jungjin. You gasp and turn towards Somun smiling. You turn your attention back towards the city, admiring its beauty. Somun is admiring you and how happy you look. He suddenly grabs your hand and leads you to the top of a rock. Where did this sudden confidence come from? You ask yourself. But hey, you won’t complain. You two sit down on the ledge of the rock, admiring your hometown. You have never seen something this beautiful before. Tears start to fill your eyes. “Thank you, Somun.” you say turning to him. Somun smiles, looking into your eyes. You two lock eye contact, and you both start to gravitate towards each other. Somun cups your cheek with his hand and presses his lips against yours. You cup his hand with your own and kiss him back. He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you about something.” he says in a raspy whisper. You tilt your head replying, “What is it?” Somun looks away at the city for a few seconds and back at you, grabbing your hands in his. “I like you… a lot.” he says. Your heart skips a beat and you look at him with wide eyes. You quickly grab his face and lean in, smashing your lips against his. His hand is under your ear as you two share this passionate experience. You pull away this time, “Somun. I’ve liked you since day 1. When me and Eunjeong came into the shop. I was head over heels for you at first glance.” you confess. Somun blushes and tilts his head back. “I did too. Motak and Hana wouldn’t stop teasing me for the rest of the day.” he says. You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder. “I like you so much.” he confesses again. He kisses your forehead, then stands up, reaching out his hand. You accept his hand and you two begin walking home, fingers intertwined. 
---—————- next morning —------———-
You wake up the next morning with Somun cuddled against you. You turn your head and admire him. You smile and place a soft kiss on his lips before getting up to head to the kitchen. When you open the door, Miss Chu, Motak and Hana all come falling in. You stare at them laying by your feet. “Woah! How did we end up here?” Motak asks in an attempt to save themselves from their stalker-ish tendencies. You are surprised to see Hana there as well. “Good Morning guys.” you say in a flat voice. “Ah, Ah! Good Morning!” Miss Chu says while getting to her feet. “We didn’t hear you come in last night, we just wanted to check up and make sure you and Somun were okay!” You laugh and roll your eyes. “Yes Miss Chu, the date went well.” you say. She looks at you awkwardly as they all scurry away. You laugh as you follow them into the kitchen for breakfast. Miss Chu has prepared Gyeran bap, one of your favorite dishes. You all sit down and begin eating when you all hear a door creak open. There stands Somun with squinted eyes and messy hair. You can’t help but laugh at his cuteness. But you look around and notice everyone also staring at him. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion until you glance at him one more time. Red lipstick is smeared all over his face. Motak and Hana bust out laughing and you cover your face out of embarrassment. “I guess the date did go well!” Motak exclaims while giving Miss Chu a high five. Somun tilts his head then turns to the mirror beside him. His eyes widen and his face immediately turns red. He runs back into your room and slams the door. Through laughter, Motak raises your hand and yells, “Congrats to our new couple!” you shove your face into the table to avoid the embarrassment once again. 
Somun walks out again, lip stick free, “Are you guys bothering my girlfriend?” he asks. You two didn’t have the official “boyfriend and girlfriend” talk but it’s pretty obvious what you two are after last night's confession. The table swoons “Ooooo” and you keep your face hidden. Somun walks up to you and places a kiss on the hands that are covering your red face. “Yes everyone, the date went well. Y/N is my girlfriend.” he speaks up. You love Somuns confidence, but at times like this, you hate it. You eventually remove your hands from your face and look at everyone. You expected them to be laughing in your face saying things like “You’re dating THAT?” but instead you find them smiling and supporting you two. “You guys are cute.” Hana speaks up. Hana is not the type to express emotion, so when she does, you know that it’s genuine. Motak pats Somuns back with a little too much force and laughs. You stand up and motion for Somun to take a seat. He sits down and you walk to the kitchen to get him some breakfast. You sit the bowl down on the table and rub his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek, in hopes of embarrassing him. “Here you go, my love.” you say. The table swoons again and Somun whines out in embarrassment. You laugh and sit down, joining everyone for breakfast.
You feel safe and supported when with your team. You are beyond lucky to have met such wonderful people. But, you are particularly grateful to have met Somun, your boyfriend. They welcomed you in with open arms and stuck to their word to protect you. They have saved your life countless times, but you wouldn’t trade the world for it. You save others and this is what makes you happy. But you’re glad that you have a loving and supporting family beside you. 
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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//ooc rambling. Tw dementia mention
//Another long shift today, I won’t be home until late tonight. From now until late Saturday/Sunday mun may be busier and more afk. I’m scheduled for some long shifts today and Saturday, tomorrow is my all day volunteering. However I’m also helping care for a family member the next several who has a form of dementia. Idk how it’s gonna go, it’s already a rough start. So please bear with me 🙏 I haven’t forgotten my threads, many of them are trimmed and in drafts for me to reply. Along with rp prompts I’ve got in my inbox I haven’t answered yet.
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//The Solar "one-shot" turned into more lore and a second part to Sunset.
Warning for emetophobia and sickness. ALSO: there is an alternate version to the chapter I'm going to link below. It's the exact same as this one, except we see what happened between Midnight and Poppy when Poppy was dying. It's at the very end of the alternative to this chapter. If you'd like to read that version, you can. It'll be chapter two of Sunset.
Otherwise, this version is strictly a hurt-comfort sickfic. Please enjoy!//
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lordincognito · 2 months
// y'all sorry it's taking me so much to reply the heat is unbearable making it hard for me to concentrate on stuff. I hope it rains soon 😭
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secondbornavaricious · 3 months
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Writes a drabble about Greed having a nightmare of the night he hurt bido. :) should i post it here or nah?
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lashysdomain · 4 months
you ever think of how an illness progresses
but it's not an illness
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epitomees · 1 year
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enforcerrinzler · 11 months
What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
When do they fake a smile? How often?
What’s the lie your character says most often?
That he’s fine, not injured or not in pain. Rinzler is at minimum one of these things at all times. My Rinz basically got all the old uprising scars back + new ones when Clu captured him for the last time.
Basically Clu looked at what Dyson did last time but went ‘I can do better’, threw some psychological stuff into the mix and added a few of his own touches. So Rinz is always in pain, because now not only do the scars never fully heal, they never close at all.
Thus keeping them wholly dependent on Clu, he basically needs highly concentrated energy or else his body will start derezzing. Regular energy helps for awhile but not for nearly as long. Basically Uprising but Rinz is dying at a much more accelerated rate than Tron was.
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Currently Rinzler doesn’t have anyone they would call a ‘friend’. The closest thing would likely be with Klax, Nord, and Reeve (the security team he worked with in Uprising). Rinzler isn’t sure why but they work together better than the other programs Clu has him work with. And even though they may be annoying little glitches sometimes he almost enjoys the banter between them.
They are still only fellow soldiers though. That’s what Rinzler tells themself every time he feels a bit of disappointment when the team he’s assigned doesn’t have them on it.
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
Mainly just the audience, though I write Yori, Clu, and a few others as knowing how to read him well. Rinzler usually shows his emotions via body language and purrs (Unironically, and they hate it, it’s something he very much has to consciously control. Which they do get better with over time).
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Free will. Painting/drawing, I think Tron was very artistic (mainly inspired by Yori :3). When Clu had Rinzler on less of a tight leash he would let Rinzler have more ‘free time’. But somehow muscle memory and subconscious memory are stubborn as hell and they kept drawing/painting his friends bad programs and the ENCOM grid weird places so Clu quickly stopped that.
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Restraining myself from going on a multi page rant of Rinzler and Clu’s relationship.
If we are going off the last time Rinzler said I love you, it was after Yori’s death (kneeling over a pile of voxels and screaming).
They haven’t said it since, so very strict no usage, at least verbally.
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Tough love definitely. You know how a parent shakes their kid after they decided to play hide and seek in a giant mall for three hours? Rinzler constantly has to do that with Klax, Nord, and Reeve.
They don’t ever seem to stay out of trouble for more than two clicks but they are good at their jobs and though Rinzler wants to punch them sometimes they don’t make him want to throw himself back in the Sea of Simulation like 99% of the rest of the Occupation does.
When it comes to receiving, Rinzler due to various past and current circumstances, would prefer neither. But they are most familiar with tough love, so that’s what they would ‘prefer’. He has absolutely no idea what constitutes genuine tough love vs physical abuse when it comes to Clu or those that have power over him.
For Rinz love intrinsically equals pain, because Clu ‘loves’ him enough to rip out the awful ‘virus’ that constantly regrows in his system from his dip in the Sea of Simulation.
When do they fake a smile? How often?
Rinzler’s face under his mask is 90% of the time deadpan thousand yard stare of a wet exhausted gremlin who is done with everything and everyone. 9% of the time snarling or baring his teeth like a rabid dog, and 1% of the time genuinely smiling because he just pushed Dyson down the stairs.
If im being serious, probably only when Clu lets him take off his helmet. Which is not very often. Even then they are very conscious to keep their face controlled depending on what he thinks Clu wants to see. (This is not the case when his helmet is busted after Legacy. Rinz is so used to having his helmet cover his face that he just doesn’t really know how to control his face?? They were only really conscious of it when Clu was around because of the conditioned response he instilled.)
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misteria247 · 2 years
How about an angst story involving Raphael?
The story begins with our favorite red clad turtle once again going off and doing his own thing, despite his brothers, mainly Leonardo insisting that there should be caution taken in this mission that they're on. However Raphael doesn't really listen to his words of warning wanting nothing more than to bust some heads in and take down some bad guys. Because fighting is in his blood and it's what he lives for. The four turtles continue through their mission, Leonardo again bringing up being cautious about the place they're in and as it continues on Raphael starts to get that familiar prickle of irritation in his skin, because his brother is once again somewhat mother henning him and not taking action quick enough for him. Before the other two brothers know it Raphael and Leonardo start their familiar bickering that's quickly changing into a heated argument between them.
Donatello and Michelangelo try to get them both to cool down and to step back but neither of them are listening. Instead it continues on, biting words now being exchanged between them. They completely forget that they're in enemy territory, instead focusing on their argument on whether they should bust in and take them all down or proceed with caution. It finally comes to a head, and Raphael driven by his frustration and anger utters out a sentence that he's never said before.
"Ya know what?!? Sometimes I just wish you'd just disappear and get the fuck out of my life!!"
A deathly silence follows as soon as it's said, three pairs of eyes staring at their red clad brother in varying degrees of shock, anger and hurt. Donatello and Michelangelo look between the two of them, worried about how their leader was taken this. Leonardo just stares silently, his gaze filled with flashes of emotions before they shutter shut on them, going into a look of indifference. He doesn't reply to his brother's harsh and cutting words, knowing that he didn't truly mean them yet the wounds are deep and cut him. The group goes silent after that, with one of them silently fuming and too proud to say anything to fix the situation and the others silently pondering their own muddled feelings about the incident. All too soon they get to their destination for their mission and like many others an inevitable fight with the enemy breaks out. The boys fight them, doing their best to make it out in one piece when it happens.
Donatello and Leonardo are fighting off their enemies together as they try to get out, Michelangelo and Raphael close behind them when the sudden flashing of a red light catches the eye of the leader in blue. A loud beeping and then an explosion of fire and red and burning fills the air. Raphael grabs Michelangelo and yanks him back, barely managing to get them both out of the worst of the destruction of the bomb. However......
Leonardo and Donatello aren't as lucky as their other warmer colored brothers.
It was quick, the two cooler colored brothers were there one minute and then they were engulfed in flames and flying debris.
They don't survive.
Raphael and Michelangelo can only stare at the sight of their brothers, once there and now nothing more than charred bodies. Michelangelo let's out a heart wrenching scream, trying to go to get his two older brothers, but he's stopped by Raphael who's grabbed onto his shell and is now yanking him away from the bodies, knowing already that they didn't make it. Not when their soulless gaze stared up at nothing, not when their bodies are burned to a crisp and buried.
Leonardo and Donatello are gone.
And there was nothing they could do about it. Raphael shaken is forced to drag Michelangelo to safety, the two of them barely making it out alive. Michelangelo is kicking and screaming the entire time, desperately trying to fight Raphael to go and try to save their fallen brothers. All the while the words, cutting and sharp that Raphael had thrown at Leonardo ringing loudly in his head like a horrid omen. They manage to get home where their master awaits them. Splinter goes out to greet them only to notice that two of his sons are missing and the haunted looks on his other two son's faces. The rat is filled with dread as he realizes that his other two children have fallen in battle. Michelangelo finally goes limp in Raphael's grasp, his body trembling as he's suddenly filled with grief and despair at the death of his two older brothers. The orange turtle doesn't even think to stop the grief driven anger at bay instead lashing out at Raphael, his heart broken and his spirit crushed. He screams at his red brother, squirming out of his hold and letting his sorrow drive him. He looks at Raphael his eyes filled with pain and grief.
"It's all your fault! If you'd just listened to Leo-! If you hadn't said that awful thing he and Donnie would still be here-!!"
The sentence screamed out in his hysterical breakdown echoes around Raphael filling him with guilt and grief as he once again remembers the horrible thing he'd said shortly before everything had went wrong. As he remembered that pained look from Leonardo when he'd spoken those lies. Raphael had never wanted his older brother to go. Had never wanted him to get out of his life truly and in his anger he had said a lie to him.
And now Leonardo as well as Donatello were gone.
And he'd never gotten to apologize for the words he'd thrown at Leonardo.
Raphael at that moment breaks down, the guilt and pain and devastation finally hitting him all at once as the situation of what has occurred finally fully processes. That his brothers were gone and that he was responsible for it. The two turtles now broken and somewhat torn apart are now left amongst the world of the living with their master and father who has now fallen to his own grief as he finds himself having to pick up the shattered pieces that made up his two remaining sons.
But how could he when their two other family members are no longer with them?
*This silly little imagine aka Haha wouldn't it be fucked up if Raphael said something horrific in his anger and something happened shortly after making it suddenly impossible to fix the mistake he'd made thus throwing not only himself but his family into a grief stricken pile????*
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suzumenoken · 1 year
Genji Shimada Relationships/Intimacy Headcanons
Levels of intimacy for shipping/relationship purposes as headcannoned by me.
Under the cut, cause just like my Hanzo, I go into detail, but even more so here with Genji since I write him in varying points of his life. Admittedly its really complex and situational, so brace yourself, this gets long!
All SFW, angst and fluff included!
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Sexuality: I HC him straight. He's definitely been experimental a bit in his past, though.
Young Genji:
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Theme song: Death of a Strawberry - Dance Gavin Dance
Lvl 1) Someone's interested in him? Well, it's not the first time and certainly not the last. He's on a high horse and doesn't really filter his words and actions. He plays the fuckboy card damn well, it's all anyone sees when he's outside the walls of his estate. It will be no different towards someone who's actively trying to pursue him at first. They'll have to catch his attention for reasons other than the bullshit he's actively involved in. He'll just assume they're the same as everyone else if they show more interest in the delinquency/partying and his family name/history than him personally.
Lvl 2) They caught his attention by consistently showing interest in him, and just him. It likely won't be terribly pleasant for the pursuer because of his cheeky quips as he catches on, cause he does, and quickly, (or maybe they're into that, who knows) but persistence is an eye catcher. He'll be more inclined to talk to them.
Lvl 3) He's seeking them out specifically to talk to, hang out with and bother, trying to pull at their strings. He's pulling a bunch of tricks out his sleeve with a playful attitude to keep them on him. He'll slow down on certain activities, not holding as much of an interest in those things anymore as he does in the other person, now holding a bit of hope for the possibilities. Yet, that hope now grows with fear. He still holds his façade very strongly and struggles to be truly vulnerable. He'll need something to break him out of it/give him confidence that it's ok to show himself.
Lvl 3.5) A confession wouldn't really phase him, per-se, since he's been confessed to before, but as long as genuine time and effort has been given up front, he'll be more receptive, yet still clinging to his mask and won't put it down for just anyone. It'll either have to be forced off him or guided off. Depending on which path the other chooses to take with him, he'll respond accordingly, and this is either a dead end, or the start of something pretty wild. (Or it could already have been, he's a bit of a thrill seeker, so there you go.)
Lvl 4) So, he accepted their confession. Returned it, even. Whether he asks or they do, now he's giving it a shot. There's a crack in the front he's put on for so long, and out of it seeps heaps of genuine passion. He hasn't given up all of his habits, though, and still smokes (primarily), drinks (not as much), etc. Whether or not this is an issue to his s/o is interchangeable and he will accommodate where he can for them. They're something truly different and he slowly grows more attached with each day that passes.
Lvl 5) He's attentive, protective (very, considering his occupation) and god does he know how to love. He keeps disappearing from his home when he's not worked to the bone training or has to do anything for clan purposes to see his s/o, basically living a double life. That is until the canon event happens where he fights his brother and is struck down by him.
Note: if the s/o truly knows the extent of his family history and business, if their relationship is secret or not and more is up to the plot lines.
Blackwatch Genji:
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Theme song: WANNA DIE - n9neful & WHYTYLXR (Lyrics)
To be completely honest with you, he's not interested in a relationship at this point in his life. He'd be thrown off and even upset at anyone showing romantic interest in him when he's like this, and genuinely would wish better for them. He's got too much on his mind and is violently angry. He's really not going to be able to be pulled out of that right now, but they're welcome to try.
In the case it's an old flame/the person he was with before he became a cyborg, they won't know who he is instantly. He will try to keep it that way. If they do find out, he'll fight tooth and nail to keep them out of his life beyond anything that's necessary for several obvious reasons.
Note: Whether or not he recognizes its the old flame/partner is also up to plot.
Current Genji:
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Theme song: Sunset Memories - Tales of the Forgotten
Lvl 1) He doesn't really pay attention to anyone but his direct circle in Overwatch, so getting his attention is a little tough unless he's worked with directly. Also, if it's a verse based in canon, he's interested in Mercy, so any feelings would be unrequited, anyhow. However, in a verse where that's not the case, it'll definitely start with him not being interested in anyone. A friendship would have to build first, so obviously the interested party would need to introduce themselves somehow.
Lvl 2) Now he at least knows who they are, they're talking here and there, maybe they're a fellow agent and go on missions with him, it's purely business related. He's kind. Quiet. Sweet. The best way to appeal to him is to share his calm, and if they respond well, he will in return.
Lvl 3) The peace he begins to feel with the other grows to friendship. He appreciates their presence and keeps in contact. Nothing romantic, purely platonic. As friendship grows and time passes, the closer they get, the more attentive he becomes to them.
Lvl 3.5) They confess. He's known. If things have gone well up to this point, it's possible he has thought about it at least a little, himself, and isn't against it. If nothing has sparked at this point beyond the friendship, he'll keep it where it is and it will not progress. However if they did click, he will admit he is open to the opportunity if they are.
Lvl 4) He's got them & they've got him. Adding more romantic actions to their relationship, he's always near by when he can be. He's their support. Their protector. Their lover. He trusts them with his mask off, with his life, and will often show any physical affection he can as long as they're ok with it. He's not an incredibly jealous person, but will make it known just who he is if necessary.
Overall, in order:
Quality Time - (time spent in silence, in noise, anywhere, he wants to be there with them.)
Physical Touch - (even though he can only feel it on certain parts of his person like his face and anywhere the armor melds with his skin, he craves that because it reminds him he's still human.)
Gift giving - (he adores making them smile and wants to spoil them now and again.)
Words of affirmation - (voiced affection is important to hear, though he'll always place what's shown over what's said.)
Acts of service - (he never expects much to be done for him since he can very much handle himself, but it absolutely warms his heart when it is done.)
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lordsofhimlad · 1 year
Celegorm the Fair
Imagine for a moment, with me if you will, Celegorm looking at his hands, ones that had only ever had animal blood on them before then, and seeing them drenched in red, in elven blood, before he looked around him. Everyone seemed to be some grotesque caricature of themselves, a hideous twisted mask on their faces as they fight one another, and Huan seems worried about him. He stands and smiles and inwardly cries over what he has done and what he knows he will do again.
So he makes himself a mask, a caricature of his own but more physical and real than the rest. He wears it in battle, he wears it when he is not at ease and with his family. He becomes that monster that wears his body again and again and again each time he walks out his door with it. Curufin notices, of course he does as he was gifted the title 'the Crafty' for a reason, and he takes the mask in the night and makes it stronger and more durable. It takes an arrow for him once, and he survives because Curufin noticed before it was too late. Only it was always too late.
Then at Doriath Celegorm once again fights without it, Curufin said it was to be his end and Celegorm would have his brother see his face again before he dies. So Curufin dies and Celegorm's hands are drenched in blood again but there is no Huan and somehow everyone around seems more real this time, less like the caricatures they had once... but Celegorm feels like he is the fake one now. Like he lost something while he tried to shield what was left of the Hunter he had once been while wearing that mask and he asks the last to see him alive that he be burned with the mask because he wants it gone, as gone as the brother that had tried to help him save himself was.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
Small wishlist !
Toxic dynamics. Platonic and not platonic. Bad relationships, codependency, cheating, betrayal. And the more, the merrier.
Unrequited feelings (romantic, but also platonic). Let my muses suffer because their feelings are one-sided or have them dealing with the awkwardness of someone they know having one-sided feelings for them
Angst in general. Hurt my muses, betray them, hate them, be absolutely nasty. Let’s have one of our muses in a real bad situation and the other being hopeless to help.
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Me: l really want to write the scene of how Lucid got the scar across his chest. How he became perceived as a threat and Michael subdued him
Me: What if I write it from Michael’s perspective?
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
Here's your rare little reminder that Emet cares a lot about people. And he does view mortals as people, as much as he denies it. That's why it hurts. When they fuck it up, when they kill each other, when they die, when they hurt- it aches like a wound. He hates it. So he shuts it down. Covers that pain in anger and violence, lashes out, says things he doesn't mean with such outward conviction that it fools him too, sometimes. Those times are the easiest, but they make coming back to reality that much more painful, knowing just how much damage he's done.
And even though he's seen them fail again and again, he has faith in people, more than Elidibus and Lahabrea do. The entire plot of shadowbringers hinges on the fact that Emet has faith in us. That he wants us to try, fight, and win. That's why he's so angry when we fail, when we can't hold the light without it eating us alive- he placed his faith in us and we failed him. To us, it's a sudden turnaround, albeit predicted. To him, this is the millionth time.
And he's tired of it. It hurts, offering us a chance again and again, only to see us fail, life after life. He's so stubborn and angry afterward because he knows that if he offers us another chance, we'll just ruin it again. It's only when he's dying that he understands that we're finally strong enough to carry that torch. It's only then that he hesitantly, shakily, painfully uses the last of his strength to put his faith in us again with a few final words. "Remember... Remember us. Remember that we once lived."
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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Anonymous asked:
compliment all your twins 👀
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Ah... Here it is. The gentle soul who suggested the captain should show some affection toward his counterparts. The gentle soul that made him smile upon receiving such a request. The gentle soul which he promptly forgot and ultimately ignored, for a mixture of bad memories, haunting questions, and terrible nightmares was all he had to offer instead. An awkward, pensive stance is adopted. No doubt he is reflecting on his mistakes... But are they truly mistakes? The questions he posed as the small ghost of the past— they were worth posing. He may lie to everyone else, but he should at least be honest with himself. Even if that ends up bringing more misery in return.
«Admittedly...», he commences, somewhat bashful, «... perhaps my interactions with my twins have not been the healthiest as of late. Apologies for letting you down, strange yet respectable traveler. Do make sure to pay them a visit yourself and share some kind words. They do require it. They may at times smile. Sometimes, said expressions are naught but fabrications... And other times, they may very well be genuine. But even when the latter is the case... Well. The momentary happiness seems ever so fleeting». He would know. So, do him the favor, kind one. Make sure to leave some positivity for his beloved twins, so that they may know they do not walk on their own, without a single soul to support them on their journeys.
tagging @ccaptain & @abysshearted because I bullied them the most but this is your daily reminder to shower all the Kaeya muses in affection. They deserve it.
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hellsmayflower · 1 year
{{ Like on this for a head canon about my muse. }}
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