jnsnte · 6 months ago
this week's episode's all about.. 🗯️ ࣪ . ਏਓ ִ ۫ 🃁 𓂃 𝐞𝐬𝐭. ❨ 2OO1 ❩ 𓈒
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TUNEiN ◜🎙️ ﹏ ͘ ˖ ﹫yunjin is now on air ! ᶻ 𝘇 ݁ 𓈒 🐼ྀིྀ┊@lmhyng ᥫ᭡
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ratedfleur · 8 months ago
heaven and back 
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aespa karina x fem!reader  2k word count   genre  ౨ৎ explicit
🎥: your roomie, karina just wants to be a helping hand to get you to unwind, but then lust pays a visit once liquor is in your systems.
🎀: requested work.
🏷️: smut (MINORS DNI), fem bodied reader, pwp (no plot me thinks), drinking / liquor,  grinding / dirty dancing, brief petting, thigh riding, cunnilingus, brief stomach pressing, fingering, heavy on narration.
🔞 / nsfw links: imagine mood boards (1) & (2)
🎼: heaven and back - chase atlantic
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going out with karina on a weekend meant dealing with the devil, she always turned into some type of maniac when she was out and about, getting drunk after drinking a bottle or two.
a quarter past 2 am, you found yourself sitting by the bar, attempting to sober up despite your roommate ordering more drinks from the bar, even holding up the glass rim to your lips, making you drink it as she drunkenly smiled and giggled, cooing when she sees that a slither of liquor slipped from the corners of your lips when she tilts the glass a little too high. 
“o-ooh! sorry baby!” karina hiccuped as she giggled, wiping the drop of liquor with her thumb before popping it into her mouth, sucking it clean.
then you watched as she drank another glass of whatever liquor she purchased, downing it as if it was a glass of water. 
karina shot you a look before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, “y/n, you need to loosen up! why are you so boring!” karina asked as she held onto your shoulder, shaking you back and forth as she spoke in a slur.
shaking your head at her, you looked over at your watch before looking right back at karina who suddenly had a new row of glasses in front of her, all filled to the brim. 
“you need to loosen up, darling. come on, drink up and let’s have fun!” karina’s voice started to increase in volume when the music in the club started to get louder. 
maybe karina was right, you thought as you reached for a glass, eyes suddenly shy when you caught of karina’s expectant ones. 
she watched you with intent, a smile forming on her face as your lips touched the rim of the glass as you threw your head back as you downed the glass of liquor. 
proudly smiling as you took another glass, karina immediately grabbed a glass for herself and drank before downing another with you as she linked arms with you, cheering out loud before pulling you onto the dance floor. 
her body was smoothly moving against yours, karina always turned into a swan when she was on the dance floor, body immediately knowing how to move along to the beat.
karina had her front against your back, swaying and even subtly grinding against you as she played it off as if she was simply dancing. 
she always had a thing for you, especially when she met eyes with you when you knocked on her door asking if the spare bedroom was still up for rent. 
you could feel her hands plant themselves on your hips, pulling you closer to her as she grinded against you shamelessly. from the way karina was pressed against you, you could feel every bump and curve of her as she moved against your back.
karina even moved your hips against hers along to the beat, singing along to the songs to her heart’s content as she shamelessly moved and danced. 
swiftly turning around, your hands made their way around karina’s neck, hands meeting each other as you pulled karina closer towards you, singing along to the song as you both swayed along to the beat, slowly inching closer towards each other, leaving no space between you two.
by now, the close proximity between you two was getting to your heads, making your mind go cloudy as they filled up with lust as you both pulled each other closer towards the other, faces merely a few inches apart from each other. 
karina’s eyes shifted from your lips and your eyes that stared at her own cat like eyes that moved up and down your features, lips slowly etching a smile before she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss as she closed her eyes. 
it was short and yet impactful, her lips fit like a puzzle piece, fitting perfectly against each other’s. karina’s teeth sunk into your bottom lip as she pulled away, making you whimper as she let go of your bottom lip, smiling at you with such a teasing look in her eyes. 
“let’s get outta here and unwind, yeah?” karina said as she leaned into your ear, quite literally screaming into it as the music blasted against the walls of the club. 
watching as you nodded in response to her question, karina quickly placed a kiss on your lips before pulling you out of the dance floor and towards the bar, not forgetting to pay with one of her hands heavily pressed against your ass, shamelessly groping you in public as she smiled at you sweetly before pulling you out of the club and into a cab that drove you both to the apartment.
her hands were planted on your body the moment that you both stepped foot into the apartment, lips pressed against each other’s as you two blindly walked in the hallway as you kissed, teeth clashing against each other as you both attempted to nip at each other’s lips, giggling when it fails. 
you pull her towards the living room, pushing her to sit on the couch before you quickly shrugged off your top, doing the same with your long skirt as your eyes were transfixed on karina who was clumsily taking off her tube dress, throwing it on the ground along with your clothes that you dropped.
you went over to hover on top of karina’s lap as her lips latched themselves on your skin, kissing your skin softly as she went from your under boob, over your breast and nipple that she popped into her mouth briefly before moving upwards, stopping at your neck as she sucked and nipped, putting a few marks on your skin as you sighed in content, hips grinding against her lap as you shivered. 
feeling you shamelessly moved on top of her, karina slouched a bit before grabbing a hold of your thigh, lifting it before shifting you over for you to sit on her thigh, smiling at you when she feels your wetness hit her thigh. 
blushing as you sat on her thigh, your eyes cowered under karina’s gaze as she held you closer towards her, encouraging you to rock on her thigh.
moaning when you do rock on karina’s thigh, she even helps you move and grind harder on her thigh, rocking you back and forth. 
karina flexes her thigh, making you gasp when you grind harder against her, hips hurriedly moving back and forth as you held onto her shoulders for leverage. 
her eyes were drunkenly watching you, liking the sight of you on top of her as you pleasured yourself using her body. inching herself closer to you, her mouth found your tits, one hand teasing the other as she sucked and flicked her tongue on tit she had in her mouth.
all you could do was whimper, your hips started to shake as you rocked against her thigh in a broken rhythm, mind focusing on how her mouth felt against your breast.
your hands hastily went and held the back of karina’s head, pulling her closer to you as you went back to rocking back and forth her thigh, moaning out her name in ecstasy. 
she smiles against your tit before popping off and switching over to the other, playing fair and square as she touched you. karina’s other hand was wrapped around your waist, still helping you to move back and forth against her. 
“haahh.. rina-yah, i’m close!” you gasped, feeling karina flex her thigh again underneath you. she hums against your tit before speaking with a mouthful of you, “then cum, we’ve got all the time to ourselves.” karina replies. 
sighing in content, you shake in her hold, legs quivering underneath you as you soaked karina’s thigh with your cum and slick, making a mess on the couch. 
karina rubbed your hip in comfort, feeling you pant against her as you placed your head on her shoulder, arms wrapping around her waist for comfort.
“i�� i wanna make you feel good too, rina-yah.” you mutter, lips placing kisses on her shoulder as karina hummed, “up to you, baby. tonight is all about you though.” 
you shake your head, shakily sitting yourself up before you looked right into karina’s eyes, “i want it to be about us both.” you say before leaning in, kissing her softly before pulling away, getting on the floor in between karina’s legs which you pushed open, watching as her sweet slick dripped on the couch.
you reached from underneath her thighs before pulling her towards you, having karina’s lower half just dangling off the couch with you right in between her thighs. 
inching closer, you blew on her pussy briefly, making karina shudder before blushing when you chuckle, coming closer towards her cunt before sticking your tongue out, flicking her clit back and forth with the tip. 
her moans are rich in volume, sound bouncing off the walls of the apartment you both shared. karina’s hands gravitated towards your head, strands of hair getting lost in between her fingers as she grabbed a hold of them, pulling at your hair to pull you closer towards her cunt.
your eyes were fixated on karina, watching as she threw her head back, eyes closed as she moaned wantonly, feeling your fingers slip into her cunt before slipping in and out as you curled them inside of her. 
your fingers continued to work with magic as you felt karina’s cunt pulse around your fingers, thighs shaking as the tips of your fingers started to press against her gummy spot, making karina’s eyes roll back as she moaned in content, eyes turning teary when you press too hard at her spot whilst your other hand pressed her stomach, putting just enough pressure that has karina whining and moaning your name. 
she gasps when you poke deep into her cunt whilst your tongue busily licked at her clit, still flicking back and forth at her swollen nub that slowly grew red after all of the touching and sucking on it. 
karina’s whimpers start to gradually increase in volume, slowly erupting into loud moans as she called out your name, nearly screaming as you picked up the pace and fingered her. your fingers are busily curling in and out of her cunt, reaching deep inside of her as you slurped up her slick that dribbled out of her hole, not letting a drop get wasted.
you licked her up with a glint in your eyes, fixated on her pleasured expressions as she looked down on you, watching your face that was hidden deep in between her thighs, squeezing the sides of your head as she squirmed underneath you.
karina shuddered before she warned you, voice shaky as she spoke to you, hands pulling at your hair to pull you closer towards her cunt as your tongue inched even closer towards her if it was possible.
“are you close already?” you murmur fondly against her cunt, watching as karina nodded tearfully, now rocking her cunt against your face, flesh rubbing against flesh as you moaned when you get a mouthful of karina’s cunt. 
soon enough, karina couldn’t resist but prop her thighs on top of your shoulders as you knelt closer towards karina’s body, moaning as you pulled your fingers out of her before you delved deep into her cunt with your tongue, stilling it deep inside of her as you hummed, vibrating tones spreading all over karina’s body which causes her to shake and moan your name with a screech before she started to shake as she came all over your mouth, eyes rolling in ecstasy when she feels you slurping and drinking all of her cum up.
“just went to heaven and back, yeah?” you say with a smirk, pulling away from in between karina’s thighs with your lips all glossy from her slick and chin damp which yuo wiped away using the back of your hand, watching as karina blushed profusely as she nodded.
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moineauz · 9 days ago
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ welcome once more to the house ! to usher in the colder months and time spent in solitude, we suggest you stop by and play this record and perhaps read our collection that comes with. we hope this resonates with you dearly.
𓍢ִ໋ however, do note that this collection is one ridden with sorrow and angst. if you are expecting to find sparks of joy, then we kindly suggest our other operettas and articles instead.
𓍢ִ໋ please read further to preview the following 10 works that comprise this collection. this collection is limited to honkai star rail and is sfw.
directors note ノ hello everyone!! I am really excited to be doing this mini event, I hope you enjoy the fics as much as I do. all the fics here are loosely based/inspired off of each of mitski's songs from the album 'bury me at makeout creek'. thus, song credit goes all to her! i highly suggest you listen to her album as well. make sure to read to he bottom for spoilers and an important disclaimer.
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01. TEXAS REZNIKOFF WITH BOOTHILL ノ in which the memory of those bygone nights; smoking with grass and sowing seeds in wild prairies, haunts him in his waking hours. especially when your shadow warps around him. a home locked down only in memory.
02. TOWNIE WITH AVENTURINE ノin which the two of you chase after the skeleton of love through sparkling champagne and the ubiquitous flash of rolling dice. forever fleeing the hollow cavity of unaddressed nightmares; clinging onto desire. ravenous for that kind of ardency which throws you off balconices.
03. FIRST LOVE / LATE SPRING WITH YINGXING ノ you should of known that when he came home to you- bearing a new name- he was not the same man. nor the same boy who pressed kisses on your cheek, dressed under ancient peach trees. no, he is an old name, as fleeting as spring.
04. FRANCIS FOREVER WITH SUNDAY ノ his image still creates dances in your head. times spent under the shadow of his office and the golden hue of his iris. you thought you were better off now. nevertheless, forever still means forever.
05. I DON'T SMOKE WITH VERITAS RATIO ノdr. veritas ratio does not smoke. he is a doctor after all. yet, why then, does his lighter spark a flame? plumes of smoke drawing out with each breath as regret rises from his soul; seeping through the cracks of his visage, your smile the root of it all.
06. JOBLESS MONDAY WITH LUOCHA ノa traveling merchant- perpetually wandering the stars- saunters into your shop. a charmer, honest, deep. all the finite qualities you thirsted for. he took you out, spined you about and took the breath from your lungs; taking it with him.
07. DRUNK WALK HOME WITH GHALLAGHER ノin which you find yourself sitting on the curb side- dressed to attract the stars at your fingertips- waiting for a man who taught you how to laugh and tucked you deep into a dream. who understood your nature as you never understood his. who vanished and never came to pick you up for that date.
08. I WILL WITH DAN HENG ノ dan heng never longed for your care: to be held, possessed and desired. frightened as he may, he sealed up those nights in his chest. buried those nightmares and searched for the warmth of your chest; hiding those awful secrets, trying to be brave.
09. CARRY ME OUT WITH JING YUAN ノ jing yuan carried out your sentence with an unwavering resolve. now you are shackled to a prison in the depths of a land you once called home. yet, as time continues to bend and warp into nothing, you still whisper his name in chains, in the dark, at night. in hopes, that one day, it will be carried on.
10. LAST WORD OF A SHOOTING STAR WITH BLADE ノ death couldn’t come fast enough for blade; waiting long and perpetual years. eternity did not touch you and thus, you beamed like moon rays in early dusk even as a stelleron hunter yourself. yet, as blade held you in his arm, not knowing why you left your room so tidy and spoken like it was your last days, he realized something. it was all part of the script and you never told him your part.
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𓍢ִ໋ an important disclaimer from the house! the director and our staff do not condone, support or intend to romanticize toxic relationships or any subject matter that is deemed sensitive to some viewers. please be advised and take care of yourself. 🫶🏼
𓍢ִ໋ spoilers for hsr plot and characters . heavy angst . little to no comfort . smoking . betrayal . trust issues . lying . vanishing partners . a bit is substance use/mentions of alcohol . long to medium fic length . more might be added .
𓍢ִ໋ if you’d like to be added to the taglist then please send an ask!
updates ノ will be sporadic and periodic due to scheduling. updates will be in the order of the song.
taglist ノ @vxnuslogy . @tetrachrxmacy . @https-sourlimes
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ariseur · 7 months ago
id like to request a zack fair x reader... they're college roomates and zacks a total flirt and while reader denies it for funsies, after a really bad date with some frat boy, zack comforts her and she changes her mind?
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micellar water 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
zack fair (ffvii) x fem!reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
hii!! i didnt really specify that they were in college or who it was that reader had a bad date with, this is kinda in zack’s pov and him just being super whipped for you!! this is probably like the longest fic i’ve made so far soo.. i hope you guys enjoy lol
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of crying, mentions of kissing (eww!! cooties!!), zack’s just super sweet but also super goofy— like he’s the dude to say ‘scruba dub dub’ in the shower type goofy, him waiting for reader and utterly being the ultimate retriever bf (or more so friends to lovers in this), lmk if i missed anything 💕
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1789 words, 9782 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
“woah, you look hot—!” you scoffed, hearing the grin in zack’s voice from behind you while he sat on the couch. you looked at yourself in the mirror, seeing how the sleek dress hugged your figure as you fixed your hair, curves shown on display.
you snickered as you watched zack stare at you, feigning awe with his jaw dropped low and a hand hovering over his mouth. “yeah, yeah. save it for later, i got somewhere to be.” you tsk’ed as your eyes flickered around the living room, searching for your shoes. walking down the hall, you shouted, “did you hide my shoes again, zack?”
a beat of silence passes before you zack’s guilty voice traveled from the living room into the hallway, “maybe.”
zack pouted as you made your way back, huffing as you spotted your pumps placed not-so-subtle-y under his sword. “maybe i just don’t want you going out with another asshole again.”
“he wasn’t that much of an asshole—“
“he smelled like it—“
with the glare you gave him, zack decided to shut up seeing the heel protectively clutched in your hand. sure, you went out with a lot of shitty guys, zack thought. but it was nothing you couldn’t ever handle before.
your face quickly shifted to a sly grin, standing upright as you primped once again, perfecting your look. “why, you jealous, zack?”
“no, just being the cool ultimate amazing friend that i always am.” he stated it so matter of fact like— when really, the word “friend” left his tongue rather thickly, the word almost dying at the back of his throat. he’d never tell you, he thought. he didn’t want to ruin what you both had with some stupid feelings of his own.
you let out an unconvincing, “sure, sure.”
zack surfed through the channels on the tv, sprawled out on the couch as he still felt his legs burn from the amount of squats he had done after training. he pressed his lips disappointedly at how the tv lacked any good shows before he heard you yelp, “shit! it’s eight—!”
tilting his head at your clambering, he sat there in bemusement as he watched you run out the door— until your head popped in one last time, “food, fridge, i’ll be back before midnight!”
but as the door shut in a hurry, zack leaned his head back against the arm of the sofa. the apartment was silent except for the low crackling volume of whatever crappy show played on tv. his chest rose and fell as he let out a big sigh, slumping against the couch as his eyes drifted towards the wall.
great, he was alone and his unceremonious attempts at hiding your shoes failed. he almost felt dissatisfied, why couldn’t you just see that he liked you? or better yet, why couldn’t he just admit he liked you so you could reject him and get over it? zack wore his heart on his sleeve, so why was it so difficult now?
one hour turned into two, and two into three. it took everything for zack just to keep himself occupied. he moved around the apartment restlessly— doing squats, watching shit tv, even trying so far as to try making a new dish. keyword: try.
after a whole day of pretty much doing nothing waiting for you to come home, he decided to just tire himself out enough to pass out on the couch, sleep being his last resort. he lolled his head on the arm of the couch, resting it in the dent left from the hours before. zack took one last look at the clock as it read eleven o’clock. letting out a sigh, he closed his eyes while shifting on the small sofa trying to get comfortable. nothing much better to do when waiting then take a nap to speed up the process, yeah?
but when zack jolted awake at the sound of the door slamming, he sat upright while his eyes searched the room. not even having time to rub the sleep from his eyes, he looked around.
now dark with only the tv as his light source, the clock on the wall now read twelve o’five and your heels were now carelessly thrown against the door. zack turned his head towards the new source of light and was met with the bright luminescent rays of the bathroom accompanied with your silhouette in the doorway. and at first glance, zack would’ve brushed it off as you just being lazy— but his thoughts changed when he heard the wet sniffles and broken sighs, his ears perked up.
his back hit the cold air once he got up, leaving the warmth of the couch and making his way over to the lit bathroom. mako tinted eyes adjusted to the light as they settled on your blurry figure, hunched over the sink with eyeliner smudged across your eye while you tried to catch your breath— and that woke him up real quick.
“zack—!” you said, and god, did your shaky voice make his heart ache. his body reacted on its own accord, arms immediately reaching out towards you and embracing you. zack put one hand on the back of your head as your body shook with silent sobs. he could feel the tears starting to stain his shirt, one of his favorites although that didn’t seem to matter now that he didn’t mind it being coated with your sorrow.
he heard a small voice next to his ear, wavering as you tried maintain your composure as you said, “i’m sorry i woke you up.” with a comforting hand on his back, you rubbed at the trail of his spine, unknowing that zack’s eyebrows were knit together with a strong bewilderment— you’re over here crying, and you’re apologizing over waking him up?
“don’t say that.” he told you, and you could’ve sworn his arms locked around you tighter. trying to lighten the mood, he gives a weary chuckle, “i needed to wake up anyways.”
you didn’t laugh though, simply soaking in the affection brought upon you until he finally pulled away. the hand that kept you at arms length squeezed your shoulder while you sniffled and wiped under your eyes. “‘m glad i wore waterproof mascara, today.”
his lips twitched downwards, watching as you made a weak attempt to brush his concern off. “what happened tonight?”
and that seemed to make you cry even harder, making zack curse himself as his eyes widened. “okay—! okay! don’t answer—don’t answer that!” he stammered, trying in a desperate attempt to get you to stop crying. he didn’t know why he’d even ask that to a person who was currently sobbing and probably needed space?
“here, just..”
a loud yelp left your lips once you felt zack’s hands lift you up from the underside of your thighs and place you on the bathroom counter, the cold ceramic a deep contrast against the warmth of your skin.
you let yourself settle as you watched zack rummage through the wooden drawers of the sink, grumbling something along the lines of, “where’s that stupid water..?”
you cleared your throat, “what water?”
“the stupid water you use when you have the waterproof thingy on.”
“..micellar water?”
“yes! that—!” he pointed his finger at you in agreement, watching as you leaned over and opened the first drawer and pointed out the small clear tub of the product. he looked around in search of something— before letting out a small, “aha!” sound once he found a small towel. you softly grinned as you watched him douse the rag in a copious amount of
makeup remover, not even bothering to wring it out before turning towards you with a triumphant grin.
you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of his calloused hands— gentle under your chin while the other one wiped the makeup off your face. he made sure to softly pat your eyes, making sure to try and rid all the mascara off your lashes as best as he could without being too rough.
“y’see? i told you i was the coolest awesomest friend ever, didn’t i?” zack finally said. even with his teasing grin, his tone remained uncharacteristically soft.
“‘cool ultimate amazing friend’.” you corrected him, the corners of your lips quirking upwards while you talked. zack was lucky you couldn’t see his smile right now, just happy to admire yours in the dim white lighting of the bathroom. “right.” he said, nodding his head as if you could see him now.
he set the towel down as he examined your eyes, making sure he got all the makeup off. fluttering your eyes open, you gazed back at zack. in any other scenario, he would’ve brushed his staring off and used the makeup as an excuse— but really, even with your puffy eyes and swollen lips, and even in the cheap apartment complex lighting, he’d still think you’re beautiful. maybe the dingy details of the bathroom and the close proximity made it more intimate than needed.
leaning forward, your eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes, ensuring that he wanted the same thing as you. and when he had met you in the middle, bridging the gap between your parted lips with his own, it’s like a wave of coolness washed over his body. your hands came up to rest upon his jaw while he thought to himself; this was all he ever wanted, his dream girl right in front of him let alone kissing him.
sighing, you pulled away for a moment— hands still rested on his face. his eyes held nothing but adoration for you when he gazed up at you, the small height difference causing his eyes to look even more ethereal in the light, swirls of mako and the overhead bulbs evident in his dazed eyes. he only chased your lips for a split second before you let out a small laugh and a sniffle. he wasn’t just a ‘rebound’, you thought to yourself, zack fair was a man worth much, much more.
he closed his eyes and leaned in for one more kiss, hand on the back of your head as it buried itself in your hair, but not before mumbling against your lips a quick, “am i still the most ultimate awesomest friend ever?”
you grinned, “do you wanna be?”
“you’re over here sat on the counter kissing your ‘cool ultimate friend’—“
“‘cool ultimate amazing friend’—“
zack pouted, tilting his head before you leaned in for another kiss, removing the dramatic curve of his lips. you groaned in exasperation once he pulled away again, he was just teasing at this point, wasn’t he?—
“i think cool ultimate amazing boyfriend sounds better.” he grinned cheekily.
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applesontheground · 23 days ago
get a room 🦇
i got nothing to say for myself other than i love a good ol' 80s vamp who already sorta does the leather thing.
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NSFW | Word Count: 2,248 | Severen x GN Turned!Reader contains fuck it. these, canon typical/vampirism, teasing, leather kink & sensory play (if you can call it that) 🎼: x
You bashed open the stall door, taking your flannel shirt and shaking off any remnants of dust that you might’ve picked up from all the moving you had just done in a place that sure wasn't used to it, satisfied until you turned towards the bathroom mirror, running the sink water and starting with your stained hands.
You had dragged some gentleman into for something far too dirty to be left out in the open, and knowing it’d be a solid forty minutes or so before anyone else would walk in after you to see what you had left for cleanup, the risk was calculated.
He had thought it was going to be something to do with the glory hole on the left side of the wall, but he sure didn’t know what kind of dirty you were hinting at – and what kind of dirty you were capable of.
It'd help if you could see what you were doing now, but you figured when you rubbed another paper towel over your mouth and no pink nor red came off with it, looking at nothing reflecting back in the mirror, that you were going to fare just fine.
Severen had been stirring the pot while you were in the bathroom, making it even more pressing to leave as soon as possible. It was the one time his attitude and disposition were working in favor with your situation, almost hand in hand with the feeding habits.
“Speaking of bites, how’s the sugar farin’?” You slid onto the stool next to him as he asked, keeping one leg hanging off. Still, you grinned and replied, “Just fine, but I want you to come outside with me to smoke.”
“One thing ‘fore we leave these kind folk. Take a load off.” He hooked his hand around your thigh, trying to pull you onto your seat fully. You laughed, running your tongue over your bottom teeth before opening to show a fang still out, eyes a little panicked but quickly blinking the honest expression away before anyone could catch it.
We need to leave. NOW.
It would’ve been a better strategy to not show your desperation, because he only started to play with you a little more. “Well, I’ve been talking with these two gentlemen, you see, and it made me realize something about us.” The men sitting beside him looked anything but interested in holding a conversation, but you finally sucked in a breath, keeping your voice steady. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Don’t ya think it’s been a sec since we…” He trailed off, turning his head to you and smiling as you wiped your mouth. When he couldn’t stand your willful ignorance, he blurted it out, upper lip curled up and showing his top row of teeth as he put a slight thrust in his chair into it, “FUCKED?”
Ignoring the onlookers turning their eyes towards you in judgement, you bounced your eyebrows at him and looked down at your feet, uninterested as you considered what to say to that besides another plea to leave.
It wasn’t a purposeful neglect, the close quarters with your clan being the only thing that kept you from allowing him to slip a couple fingers in when cuddling at night, do more than purr in your ear, half awake and half hard against you. It killed you to ignore it, in fact, ignore him the way you did at times. You already felt pressure to be a good member of the team, not someone who would just be a hole for Severen to fill and play with in front of everyone to his own amusement.
It was a nice fantasy, though.
“Well,” You finally sighed, needing to save face as you looked towards the door one last time, “How ‘bout you appeal to something that I’d wanna snack on?” You smiled, praying that the sarcasm was read by him, and that despite the jests he knew you wouldn’t trade a quickie, a long night spent under the stars with him buried at the hilt inside and you unable to untangle your hands from his dark hair, or any “fuck” in between for just any other dusty vamp, or a man you planned to sip from afterwards for that matter.
The doors opening got your eyes torn away from his testy glare back, and you double took, consideration of ordering a shot to wade through the oncoming rough night paralyzed. The long, sleek appearance of the chaps over jeans was different, but something you had been teasing on. The added studs of color towards the bottom, covering their boots and complimenting the dark brown of the garments altogether, was only icing on the cake – and it didn’t help the man had long legs, perfect for the leather to really show off to everyone.
Despite your willingness to bump uglies with Severen, he didn’t dress like that, at least not often enough for you to associate it with his likes. Besides, you weren’t the kind of [boyfriend/girlfriend/partner] to ask him to alter his appearance. He was fine as he was, and the only lead he’d ever get was your jests that you only half meant to begin with.
Speak of the devil, he snorted next to you, throwing his cigarette into one of the shot glasses belonging to the man sitting on his other side while he wasn’t looking. “Clown convention just rolled into town.”
You made a face at that, pursing your lips in a pensive glance behind the two of you. Severen immediately caught on and scoffed, “Aw, [Y/N], hell no.”
“What?” You squinted at him, and when he only let your idiocy hang in the air between you, you smiled and looked back a second time. He rolled his eyes, and you finally admitted, “You know what? I think it looks great on him.”
“Fuckin’ yanking my balls.” He sneered, and you responded with a slow shake of your head. You then swiveled off your seat, heading for the exit before making sure he’d follow. Sure as shit, he almost mobbed after you, smiling as he leapt from the bar and broke in the same stride with you.
“Shit, what if I wore that some time? Would that get me back in the game, coach?” He then asked, holding the door open for you, and you turned to stare back as he followed you into the night.
Your smile twitched, and you saw his own looking back at you: he wanted you to admit it would look awful on a guy like himself, a reminder to circle your attention back. You didn’t slip from him often, and you could admit you even adored this asshole on good days, but sometimes he just got a little too…well, in your face.
It was something you were growing used to, almost letting it fit into your own subdued disposition, but God, it pushed your buttons. In turn, though, you knew what would get you your way with the man after a few trials and tribulations.
You leaned in and murmured almost shyly, “I’d only like it if we had a room to ourselves after I got a good look atcha.”
His pupils blew immediately, shoulders squaring in an inhale as you feigned from the conversation. Still grinning, you broke into a gallop after hearing the familiar croon from the rest of the group already coming down the street to meet you two.
Like riling up a dog, Severen was grabbing you from behind as the both of you approached, jostling you off your feet in a spin like it would show you who’s boss.
“You two should get a room.” Homer noted, rolling his eyes as he tried to look like he wasn’t associated with either of you. You grinned, a thought formed but you kept it to yourself, naturally averting from sharing with the guy just from the fact he looked so young.
That’s the plan.
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The next evening, you had been told to run off on your own by Severen himself. Worrying he had taken your joking a little too close to heart, you had a couple questions deep down in your agreeing expression, but when he told you to ‘get’ after letting it linger a bit too long for his liking, you just brushed it off and did as you were told. He’d get over it, as you had to get over all of his snarky comments and bully-esque teases in the same fashion.
Mae and Caleb had given you two questioning looks after such a taut exchange, and after you had stepped into the shoddy motel bathroom to clean your appearance up for a hunt on your own, they stopped you. Sev was already gone, having left promptly after you took your eyes off him.
“Hey, just so you know.” Mae warned, holding a strong eye contact that made your own stare widen, “I was told to relay something to [Y/N] before he left.”
“What?” You put a hand on your hip, squeezing a little anxiety out as you joked, “That I better not suck the soul out of anyone while eating ‘em tonight? He told me to go it alone.”
Mae reached into her pocket, and you now noted Caleb in the back with a wondering raise of his brow. She set a key in your hand, and mumbled, “He told me to tell you to come to Room 45 across the hotel from where we’re staying. Don’t know how he managed it, and hell, he didn’t say what for, but-“
“Aw, gross!” Homer suddenly yelled from out of view, “They’re gonna pork.”
“Oh shit, uh-“ You let her put the key in your hand, feeling as though you were reaching a temperature in your face that you shouldn’t be able to any more. You started making a beeline for the door, and spat before leaving, “At least we’re taking your advice and getting a room, buddy!”
You had to walk the streets for about an hour just to cool your jets, knowing there was about to be hell to pay, whatever he was planning wasn’t going to do much except give you an orgasm…if you were lucky. It was going to be an ordeal, a road towards that, and as the moon rose higher over your head, you knew it wasn’t in either of your favors to put it off for too long.
When you finally stopped grinding your teeth, accidentally poking your gums in the process from a few jabs from canines and even molars that couldn’t stop unsheathing, you clenched the key in your pants pocket and turned on your heels back towards the hotel.
It was just a little bit past midnight, distant police sirens perking your fogged senses as you made your way past the room with the rest of the clan, and found the fabled 45. Daunted, you pressed an ear up against it, and a beat lasted before a mockingly high voice called in an almost Antebellum tone, “Ooh! Do come in, Miss [L/N]! I was just powdering my nose!”
A sigh, then a breathless laugh of relief left your lungs. “Funny, funny man…” You groaned, unlocking the door and shouldering through, already trying to ease your own worries in the face of Severen, “Hey, babe, if this is about the shit I was slinging last night, I was ju-"
Your eyes adjusted to an even deeper dark than what you were walking in from, and the last of your words were choked out as you got an eyeful of him. No shirt, something about what he was left wearing looked like what you saw the night before adorning his legs. He uncrossed them so you could see chains trailing from the belt loops, jangling slightly for an affect he was surely orchestrating.
Approaching slow, he tipped his head to one side and teased, “Oh, look what we got here. Took those words right outta your little fuckin’ mouth, did I?” He sat up more, letting you stand between his splayed legs, and muttered, “Think I look like a fucking jackass, but I can tell it’s doing what I want to ya already. Things a man does for a little tail.”
“I didn’t say anything about what I’d do.” You reminded him. A bewildered smile was plastered to your face as your hands ran up from his knees, feeling the material with bumps forming over your arms, leather itself running under your palms stimulating that familiar pang within you; it was hard enough to keep your grip around someone looking good in leather, but leather on him was just as you feared: nearly impossible to handle. You didn’t know whether you wanted to tear it off or tell him to keep them on.
You slipped to your knees, hands resting on his own with your chin just inches away from his crotch, still looking into his eyes as you murmured, “What the fuck did I say to you, Sev?”
He smiled and grumbled as you practically felt the confidence sliding off of him, bathing you and enticing you to get even closer, “Slips my mind, cutiepie. Something about what you’d do if you saw me like this.”
“Well,” Sev’s hand stopped yours before getting too close to his waistband, resting on top and your other one matching in the freeze. You smiled as he gestured with his head downwards, “Best get to showin’ me, then.”
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kithtaehyung · 11 months ago
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— broken (LP) ; a three tangerines limited play
🎼 tracklist: amygdala - agust d // she's in the rain - the rose // like i need u - keshi // star - colde // lesson zero - epik high // twin flame - machine gun kelly // lifeline - the rose ++ others.
🎧 note: so... here it is. these are songs that fit the mood of 3tan11. lyrics may or may not matter, but this is also the limited play (LP) for now. the extended play (EP) will be released after the chapter drops. as with every post i make about this chapter.. pls give me strength. 📷 src: one
⟶ press play
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89845aaa · 2 months ago
Let’s play “What is the most pressing law enforcement issue”: The attempted assassination of Trump or the high protein breakfast at the democratic convention?
(🎼Jeopardy theme music)
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jackiequick · 1 year ago
Let me love you || Rooster Fanfic 🎼
Summary: Peachy feels like unsure about Rooster’s feeling for her until he heard what his heart is saying..
Song fic: Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) by Ne-Yo
Notes: Fluff
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x OC, Rooster x Peach
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Top Gun Maverick Au Series ✈️
The beach water was glitzy outside of the windows, the porch wasn’t fill up with groups of people and inside the music was playing. Soft tunes and gentle smiles. The Daggers were bouncing around the bar as Penny, Lucky and other servers ringed up their drinks. Even some burgers and fries was being given. The older members such as, Wraith, Sunset, Maverick, and Ark, were there too.
But Peach couldn’t care less. Lately it felt was Bradshaw was just playing around, her feelings felt mixed. How could Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw fall in love with a simple brunette like her? Her friends like Amber Kazansky was blonde and confident.
Simple answer, Rooster adored her. From her giggles to her eyes, the way they shine. He wasn’t one to tell the world his feelings however he was willing to show them.
JenPen was laying back against a table, scrolling on her phone half listening to Falcon talking about Frostbite and how she’s crushing on her. The young brunette glances around to not noticing her best friend anywhere. She can hear everything in the room, from Hangman and his pals to Amber and her ladies chitchatting away. The music played on and on.
Until the sound of keys rang across the bar. The smile played on the man’s face as his sunglasses tipped off his nose, slightly. The glowing sun kissed skin being covered with his Hawaiian shirt.  He played the keys with such eases that it catch everyone’s attention.
He sang, “Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel..Had no example of a love that was even remotely real. How can you understand something that you never had..Ooh baby if you let me, I can help you out with all of that…”
Lucky turned down the music completely, allowing the music that played on the piano fill up the room. Phoenix caught wind of this, lowing in the light letting the natural light shine across the windscreen onto the warm barrier of the bar. Summit appeared next to her getting a better view of it all. JenPen pressed record on her phone as she heard Falcon’s footsteps carry over to Frostbite who sat a few feet away from them originally.
As if the music that Rooster swiftly made locked into the entire room, as people started finding who they would like to be their partners.
Falcon to Frost.
Lucky to Phoenix.
Valkyrie to Cyclone.
Maverick to Penny.
Wraith to Ark.
And the list went on.
However the musical taste didn’t fill a certain someone’s ears, just yet. Rooster kept singing softly, glancing over his shoulders around the corner of the room. Georgia ‘Peach’ Wells kept sipping her drink, looking out the windowsill ever since Amber went to the bathroom to freshen up.
Rooster sang another chorus with a soft smile, “I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile..I would like to show you what true love can really do.”
This time, Georgia’s ears rang softly at the very sound. The lyrics filled up the wind in the air, like it was swaying her to look back and face the middle of the room. Her ears perked up and her eyes glitz over at the room. People swaying to the music, chatting and very flirty with cheeky smiles. She stood up, letting the music guide her.
The breeze of it filled up the room. The harmonic soundscape and the beating hearts that rose onto the floor. The breathtakingly smells of fresh water from the sea entered the bar and the birds outside singing softly. The cool air. It felt right.
Peach appeared softly among the crowd of Daggers, smiling at the sight. Rooster in his element. The keys bouncing against his fingers in gentle motions, the bench he sat was big enough for two. Georgia looked over her shoulder to notice Falcon, who was currently blushing next to Frostbite, signaling for her to sit down.
She hesitated for a moment, before taking a seat next to the dark curly haired blonde. She sat down with her hands on her lap, playing nudged his shoulder to get his attention.
“Girl let me love you. And I will love you. Until you learn to love yourself..” Bradley sang with ease, glancing at the women who sat down next to him with a soft smile, “Girl let me love you. And all your trouble. Don't be afraid, girl let me help..”
It was like the song spoke volumes to what Rooster meant. Georgia listened to his words with a blushing smile. Falcon was blushing was well as she talked to Frostbite. The song did speak volumes.
Summit smiled at JenPen friendly and held his hand jokingly, “A dance, m’lady?”
Jen laughed in return taking her friends hand, “Why yes, of course.”
Rooster kept singing softly with a glorious grin, “Heart that beats. Heart that beats. Girl let me love you. And I will love you..Until you learn to love yourself..”
Georgia smiled at him, leaning into his shoulder as he rested his head onto hers. Rooster’s mother always told him, if you want something go for it even if it might be a mistake in the end, it’s always good to try. In result, without a second later, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw leaned in and placed a small kiss into Georgina’s lips smiling softly. She smiled softly blushing with surprise and glee, placed a shy small kiss onto the piano man’s lips.
Lucky and Phoenix swayed to the song with smiles. Falcon confidently offered Frostbite a dance, in which the shy blonde agreed. It was good, it felt good. Real good.
Amber returned from the restrooms fixing her blonde curls, taken back by the sight in front of her. She was only gone for 12 or more minutes. She smiled sheepishly a little confused.
“Uh what did i miss?” Amber asked taking a seat next to Coyote who laughed muttering, ‘a lot’.
Hangman handed her a ice cold beer bottle and chuckled, “You were gone for a hot minute, sweetheart.”
The trio laughed, especially when JenPen and Summit went over to grab some more beer watching the sight in front of them.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it. Remember to like, share and comment.
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @msrochelleromanofffelton @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @t-nd-rfoot @levijeanqueen @rooster-84 @superspookyjanelle @hangmanbrainrot @withakindheartx @mak-32 @morgan108 @hanlueluver @starkleila etc
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zz-chikorita · 6 months ago
If Leon and Guzma and other characters from your fic were in a historical, real-world AU, what kind of jobs would they have? And what time period?
Oh shit I get to pick the occupation AND time period??? Ok. Give me a sec...
Let's talk 1920's USA🎼🎶🎷🎺🍻🥃🥂:
Guzma is a bootlegger. He started out solo but gained the trust and admiration of many if his peers and is now the head of the gang that bootlegs in that area. He goes by many names like The Boss, Don G, and The Passing Don, to name a few.
Leon is a jazz pianist. Although well known and loved in Europe for the classics, he immigrated to the US to pursue his passion for jazz. He faced far more discrimination due to the color of his skin in this country, making it difficult to get a foothold anywhere. He mainly plays for pennies at illegal speakeasies these days. He's very well liked by patrons for his upbeat personality and "exotic" good looks. His jazz nickname is "Champ"
Plumeria is a suffragette that frequents Guzma's main hang out. She's a sharp tongue and a very good card player. Guzma quickly learns to play her for drinks and not cold hard cash (or, worse, the shirt off his back).
Kukui was recently discharged from the Navy and currently works as a tailor. He comes to the speakeasy regularly to drink away his sorrows and flirt with the dancers.
Kalani is a mechanic who moonlights as a bar tender at the speakeasy. He's also not above helping Guzma out with those rattling vehicles that certainly don't have secret compartments he's installed to smuggle booze.
Raihan was a praised scholar over in Europe, but after immigrating, the best he can land is a job as a barber. The bar is a sweet reprieve from reality.
Piers is a jazz trumpeter. He use to be a jazz singer as well, however, he's decided to live life as the man he is and although he's successfully adjusted his speaking voice with practice, he is unable to make his singing voice sound any less feminine. He focuses solely on his horn now. Although, there's rumors that he will sing private encores for those few he truly trusts.
Imma write a little taste of this AU under the readmore:
Leon wiped the sweat from his brow before placing it back into the pocket of his suit with shaky hands. He's performed in front of audiences of hundreds of people! So, why is simply standing at an unmarked back door in a back alleyway getting to him?
He took a deep breath and patted his cheeks with his palms, an old habit that's become a ritual before every performance. In this case, it helps him keep his bloody nerves, if only a little.
Finally, he knocks on the door and does his best to straighten his suit.
After a moment of no response, Leon is about to knock again when a voice from the other side gruffly demands, "Password."
"P-password?" he replies dumbly.
"No password, no entry."
"Wait! I'm no with the police! A friend telt me ye have a piano? I'm just looking for a gig's all!"
Leon held his breath. There was mumbling on the other side of the door. It sounded like two voices. He looked over his shoulders and then gently pressed his ear to the door.
"...we been lookin' for someone casual. Keep the patrons entertained between sets."
"How ya know he's legit?! Could just be tryna get free booze! And what's with that voice? Queerest Brit I've ever heard!"
The next voice he heard he's certain he would've heard clearly even if he wasn't pressed up against the door:
"ACE! BLACLJACK! What the hell are you numbskulls arguing about this time?"
"There's some kid at the door," the more nasally 'numbskull' explains, "says he plays da keys."
Next thing Leon knew, the door gave way and he stumbled forward, the side of his face landing squarely in the broad chest of a man with a spotless, white suit with hair to match.
Leon quickly scrambled backwards, apologizing profusely.
The man roared with laughter and grabbed the young man by the front of his shirt, practically dragging him through the door.
"He's a bit of a gongoozler as well, eh? But tell you what, kid, I'll let it slide this time since you're so damn pretty." The man winked, and every nerve in Leon's body felt like it was lit aflame.
The man put his hand at Leon's mid back and began to lead him down a dimly lit hallway.
"You sure 'bout lettin' him in here?" the same 'numbskull' from before asked as they walked.
"Ace, the kid says he plays the keys. So let 'im play the keys! If it turns out he's lyin'-"
"We can just kick 'is ass later!" finished the other 'numbskull'.
The white-haired man waggled a finger at him with a grin on his face. "See? Blackjack knows what's up."
They arrived in a large room with a bar, some tables, a decent size stage, and a grand piano sitting just below it.
Being early in the day, there were not many people here. The dark skinned bartender eyed him from where he wiped down the bar. A couple patrons were passed out, bottle or glass in hand. In the very back corner booth, a group of men in suits quietly played cards. One, whose suit could only be described as cut sharp as a razor, appeared to be winning.
As they made their way to the piano, the man's hand still resting gently at the small of Leon's back, said man asked him, "What's your drink?"
"Oh...uh...whisky, I guess."
He called over for the bartender to pour a glass before setting a firm hand on each of Leon's shoulders and forcing him to sit on the piano bench.
Next thing he knew, a lowball glass was thrust into his hand. Without thinking, he started throwing it back.
"A'right, a'right, take it easy, kid," the white haired man scolded, a bit of amusement in his voice, snatching the glass from his hand and setting it up on top of the piano. "You play good, you can have the rest and then some, eh?"
"O-oh! Richt! Umm... what do ye want meh to play?"
"Whatever ya got," he replies cooly, leaning an elbow on the piano, "You sing too?"
"I... umm... I mean... I can... it just... isnae onything special."
The man hummed in thought.
"Alright then. Just play us somethin', don't worry 'bout singin'. If I happen to know it, maybe I'll sing with ya. Sound good?"
"Aye- er... yeah. Ok."
Leon took a breath to center himself. This is the easy part. All he's gotta do is focus on his playing and lose himself in it. Luckily, the few ounces of liquor he just ingested seemed to be helping his nerves as well.
He didn't really think about which song to play; he just started playing and hoped for the best. The tall man seemed to perk up with interest.
Next thing Leon knew, a deep sultry voice sang:
"There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far
Over land and sea
A little shy
And sad of eye
But very wise was he-"
Transfixed on the handsome man singing just in his peripheral vision, Leon failed to notice all the heads turning their way, some even beginning to nod in approval or sway to the deliciously languid rhythm.
"And then one day
One magic day he passed my way
And while we spoken of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me-"
As a professional, Leon didn't waver as the white-haired man moved to stand behind him, placing a large hand on each of his shoulders. Although, it didn't stop the hair on the back of his neck from standing on end.
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love-"
The man leaned down to his ear.
"And be loved...
in return."
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months ago
WME Invictus Games and London in the spring by u/SherbetTurbulent9787
WME, Invictus Games and London in the spring 🎶🎼 There is so much being made of the IG service being held in London in March (in a crypt apparently so nicely tone-deaf there. Right on brand for the dimwit) Predictably for the duo none of it is actually about the veterans. Instead, there are countless Harkle puff pieces about reconciliation with the RF and them being invited to kiss and make up while they're attending the IG. One day it's KC who's just desperate for his sons to be back together but Prince William won't relent! Today I saw a sinner had posted an article saying that Catherine will "put aside her ego"(the bare faced audacity of H&M!!) to make KC and POW happy because they both want the Harkes back!? It makes me wonder if this is their absolute, final, last chance with WME? (I know, I know, we've heard "last chance" until ou ears are bleeding) Have they been told that if they can't go to London and be seen to get some kind of relationship back on track with the RF then their representation by WME is done? I believe they still have time in their Netflix contract too even though it seems NF are just running out the clock. The latest puff pieces seem to have a different tone and feel to them than even their usual will they/won't they and the person who is allegedly preventing the reconciliation changes on a daily basis 😂. We'll know after the IG service if/when they go on their usual attack blitz when they don't get what they want - and they won't get what they want. Maybe Megaliar just wants to extend an olive branch to King Charles and give him a once in a lifetime opportunity to become part of a future billion dollar brand by merging Highgrove Estate with the soon-to-be global sensation that is...(checks notes) American Riviera Orchard, which as we know is the perfect name! 😂. Maybe they think if they play nice by attempting to, once again, bully the RF via PR in the press into doing what they want they might not be too late to get an invitation to the wedding of the year! Oh sorrry! I forgot they were invited! They received a Save the Date card didn't they? 😂 They're just so gracious they declined so it wouldn't be awkward! Silly me....​ post link: https://ift.tt/aoY1RNg author: SherbetTurbulent9787 submitted: April 08, 2024 at 10:45AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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jnsnte · 6 months ago
walking through the airport while this is blaring through your headphones just slap different.. 😭
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itskeisy · 11 months ago
Have you seen the prequel movie? If yes🌹>>>
A. In your opinion, please rate TBOSAS movie with 1-10 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 10 = I love it.)
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
B. For people who also read the novel.
Your opinions about the difference between the book and the movie :
Thank you 🎼
I have. A solid 9.5
The Hunger Games Saga rules. No doubt about it
Lil spoilers ahead ⚠️
I loved the actor’s performances. Everyone crush it. The songs were everything and more of what i hoped. The score was impeccable! The costumes were fenomenal. Over all excited my expectations.
ok I have two… they missed their opportunity to explain the origin of the mockingjays and the amazing line “The shows not over until the mockingjay sings”(disclaimer: have in mind I followed the production stage close and watched all interviews during the press tour so I knew what to expect)
The movie is a solid and faithful adaptation from Suzanne’s book.
The changes they made added and even made me love characters like Lucky Flickerman!! In the book I didn’t think much of him but in the movie I’m obsessed. Dr. Gaul was so intimidating and evil ufff chef kiss 🤌
A list of things that will stay with me when I think about tbosas
Jason Schwartzman as Lucky Flickerman being hilarious
Dr Gaul having a final say at that end of the 10th game
Katniss theme playing when Lucy mentioned her plant bane to Coriolanus
Coriolanus scene searching for Lucy Gray
The final score at the end of the movie
I’m watching for a second time later today 🥹
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lucygold95 · 2 years ago
Different Korean Phantoms' different 'The Music of the Night' lyrics.
🎼 3rd Production(2023-24) (3 versions!)
🎵 조승우 Phantom:
원하던 모든 꿈을 갖게 되리라
(You will get all the dreams you wanted;)
(Original English Lyrics: Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world)
새로운 세상 또 다른 삶을
(A new world and a different life.)
(OEL: Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before)
니 영혼, 다시 태어날 순간!
(The moment – when your soul is reborn! –)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
마침내 내 것이 될 순간...
(is the moment when (you) will finally be mine...)
(OEL: Only then can you belong to me.)
🎵 김주택 Phantom: (김주택's lyrics are same with 2nd production(2009 September - 2010)'s lyrics.)
원하던 모든 꿈을 갖게 되리라
(You will get all the dreams you wanted;)
새로운 세상 또 다른 삶을
(A new world and a different life.)
니 영혼, 나를 원한 이 순간!
(This moment – (when) your soul wants me! –)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
마침내 내 것이 될 순간...
(is the moment when (you) will finally be mine...)
🎵 전동석 Phantom: (전동석's lyrics are similar with 2nd production's press conference(2009 May 04) version lyrics.)
원하던 모든 꿈을 갖게 되리라
(You will get all the dreams you wanted;)
새로운 세상 또 다른 삶을
(A new world and a different life)
니 영혼, 가야만 할 그곳에!
((from) where your soul must go!)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
마침내 내 것이 될 순간...
((That) is the moment when (you) will finally be mine...)
* POTO team said they left special gifts(Unique directing and choreography details for Korean production), and I think these are part of that gifts.
🎼 1st Production(2001-02)
🎵 윤영석 Phantom(+ Alternate 김장섭)
(* 윤영석 played Phantom in 1st & 2nd productions and he plays André in 3rd production.)
새로운 세상을 향해서 떠나가
(Go to the new world,)
(OEL: Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world)
알던 세상은 떨쳐 버리고
(leave the world you knew before,)
(OEL: Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before)
영혼이 이끄는 그곳으로!
((Go) to the place where (your) soul leads!)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
그러면 내 사랑 될 테니...
(Then you'll be my love...)
(OEL: Only then can you belong to me.)
🎼 2nd Production's press conference(2009 May 04) version lyrics.
🎵 양준모 Phantom
원하던 모든 꿈을 갖게 되리라
(You will get all the dreams you wanted;)
(OEL: Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world)
새로운 세상 또 다른 삶을
(A new world and a different life.)
(OEL: Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before)
니 영혼, 가야만 할 그곳이!
(Where your soul must go!)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
나 또한 가야 할 곳이니...
(is where I also have to go...)
(OEL: Only then can you belong to me.)
🎼 2nd Production(2009 September - 2010)
🎵 윤영석 Phantom & 양준모 Phantom(+ 홍광호 Raoul -> 홍광호 Phantom)
원하던 모든 꿈을 갖게 되리라
(You will get all the dreams you wanted;)
(OEL: Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world)
새로운 세상 또 다른 삶을
(A new world and a different life.)
(OEL: Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before)
니 영혼, 나를 원한 이 순간!
(This moment – (when) your soul wants me! –)
(OEL: Let your soul take you where you long to be!)
마침내 내 것이 될 순간...
(is the moment when (you) will finally be mine...)
(OEL: Only then can you belong to me.)
(* This part was sung the same by all Korean Revival Phantoms, but 홍광호 Phantom sang other MOTN part in reverse.
Although 홍광호 did not participate in the 3rd production, 홍광호's reverse version lyrics became the official lyrics in the 3rd production.)
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harudnae · 2 years ago
Roger Pirates Week - Day 1 - Fun: Laughter / Song
🥁 *drumroll* 🥁
Let's start @rogerpirateswk with a DON !
When I discovered the prompt for today I knew I had to do something about that song 😏
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Also posted on AO3 on 2023.01.23
Rating: Teen
Pairing: none
Summary: Song, laughter and the mysterious ways of fate, through the eyes of a certain red-haired pirate.
Content warnings : spoilers for everything (includes Wano & Film: Red), fic timeline: from 38 years ago to post-current canon, canon character death (not depicted), drinking to cope, angst and feels, family feels, heavy feels, hopeful ending, POV Shanks if that wasn't obvious already
Word count: 3.6k
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🎼 The song that connects the past and present
Darkness. Yells and other loud sounds around.
Shanks cries, upset and uncomfortable.
Different, happier voices. A clicking sound. Then light... and new faces.
Shanks blinks, then giggles as his hands reach out towards the sun.
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"Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~"
Shanks curls into warm arms, one of his hands pressed against the big man's chest to feel the rumble of the deep voice lulling him to sleep.
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Shanks is happy he got a new friend.
Buggy's pretty cool.
Shanks shows him around the ship, and they play together when Rayleigh-san and Gaban-san aren't teaching them how to read, write, or something else grown-ups do.
Buggy's good at learning too, but he still forgets some of the verses in that song.
Shanks patiently teaches him, and they sing together until Buggy gets them right. "Hey ! Now you're good", he grins at his friend.
Buggy beams. "Gyahaha, cool. Say, how come you remember this one so easy ?"
"Hmm. I don't know. It's like I always knew them."
"How so ?"
Shanks frowns. "Hm. Wait, I know." He grabs Buggy's hand to drag him along as he searches for a crewmate.
They soon bump into the First Mate.
"Rayleigh-san ! Say, say, you know how we always sing Binks' Sake, Buggy knows it by heart now, I taught him. But how come I know it so well ?"
Rayleigh grins. "Well, Roger always sang that one when you were a baby and he rocked you to sleep. Could be that you've heard it so many times that the lyrics stuck better ?"
Shanks blinks as a blurry memory of being curled up in Captain Roger's arms resurfaces. "Ooh. Okay."
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Shanks is a fully-fledged Roger Pirate now, with his own share of chores, and he's trained enough to have permission to engage in fights with the rest of the crew.
Buggy joins too, and they make a great team together.
Shanks hopes things can remain like this forever. "...Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny traveling tale! Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~"
Buggy happily sings with him as they scrub the deck, always does when they do their chores : that song makes time pass faster, somehow.
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There's a huge party after Oden joins the crew, where the samurai sings a song of his own.
The Roger Pirates teach them the one they sing the most in return, as they sail together across the Blues.
Shanks laughs everytime Oden doesn't remember the lyrics, putting emphasis on the few verses he knows and singing slightly off-key nonsense in between.
They sing along all the way to the last island !
Well... almost all the way, because Shanks chooses to stay ashore to care for a feverish Buggy. By night at the inn, Shanks sings the lullaby version of his favorite song to his bed-ridden friend, hoping he sleeps more peacefully.
It seems to work somehow, because Buggy gets better in just a few days.
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Shanks cries as Captain Roger tells him about the last island.
It's unfair that Captain can't complete the One Piece while he's the first person in known history to reach Laugh Tale and learn everything there is to know about the hidden secrets of the world. It's unfair that there's such a long wait before it's even possible, and it's even more unfair that Shanks can't be the right one for that.
Shanks wants to carry Captain Roger's legacy so bad...
And then Captain disbands the crew, sets off on his own and disappears, only to be executed in his hometown the next year.
Shanks cries, heart and guts full of grief and resentment, soul lonely and broken.
It's unfair that the crowd in the plaza is happy and laughing while they understand absolutely nothing about Captain's last words. It's unfair that the lyrics to that song are so closely intertwined with Captain's dream when they won't sing it together anymore, and it's even more unfair that even his only friend leaves him there.
Shanks doesn't want to sing ever again.
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After spending a few months drinking his sorrow away, Shanks decides to set sail and gather his own crew. He recruits a few good men, and puts to good use all the lessons he learned during his time as a Roger Pirate to make a name for himself over the next years. He tells his crew early on not to call him "Captain" – he knows that technically, he is, but it hurts to hear that when he knows deep in his heart who's the only worthy Captain – and so, they settle for "Boss". It has a nice ring to it, and it doesn't reopen fresh wounds, so Shanks is fine with that.
They're a nice bunch, too : strong and skilled, always jolly, often teasing him about being an immature leader but ready to follow him wherever at his beck and call.
Shanks shrugs off the jokes about him being a bratty teenager – most of his men are older than him, and he admits that he's a dork sometimes.
They don't sing much, but they make up for it with regular fits of laughter.
It's somewhat healing, though Shanks feels his heart will always be a little broken, missing a piece of something dear.
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Another day, another loot ! The Red-Hair Pirates laugh together after defeating a rival crew.
"Look at all the riches !"
"We're gonna buy some good food with that !"
"Treasure ! Treasure !"
Shanks frowns as he hears an unusual sound in the middle of the cheerful yells. He strains his ear, follows the voice, and opens one of the treasure chests. "Huh ?!"
A few of his men gather around him and join him in gawking at the baby in the chest.
Shanks mutters, "What are you doing in there ?"
Beckman supplies, "Maybe she was kidnapped by the crew that we just fought ?"
Shanks groans, "You've got to be kidding me..."
The baby starts crying.
"Okay, okay, please stop crying..." Shanks facepalms, unsure what to do, and improvises a half-baked lullaby.
The baby stops crying, opens wide eyes at him and starts laughing, tiny hands reaching out for him.
Shanks stares at the baby as his first ever memory comes back clear as day : the surprised faces of Roger, Rayleigh and Gaban gathered above him. His gaze softens then, and he murmurs, "Is this fate ?" He cautiously takes the baby in the chest and holds her close, observing her, then declares, "We'll raise her."
"No way !"
"Eeeeeh ?"
"Uh, you sure, Boss ?"
Shanks grins wide and nods the affirmative. "Yeah."
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Shanks wonders how Captain Roger and the rest of his crew managed with two kids, while he and his men can't manage to get some sleep with just one aboard. And the baby's just been with them for a few weeks... "Ugh, why won't she sleep ? Uta keeps crying ! Ugh, what are we gonna do ?" As his crew complains too, Shanks hears a soft lullaby.
He gazes around and sees a woman singing to a baby cradled in her arms.
A memory of that song comes back unprompted, and he opens wide eyes. "Oh. Of course."
The next time Uta starts crying, Shanks starts singing Binks' Sake, shortly followed by his crew.
She curiously looks at them for a while, then starts laughing, cries and worries all forgotten.
Shanks keeps singing, and finds that he still remembers all the verses. And it's weird, but although his heart still aches a little as he reaches the end of the song, he finds comfort in hearing it again, and having new people – his new family – to sing along with.
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Uta really takes a liking to singing as she grows, and eventually she remembers the lyrics to every song the crew knows by heart, too.
Shanks proudly raises her both as his daughter and the musician of his crew, hope renewed as he realizes she's about old enough to match Captain's Roger prediction that someone would come and surpass his crew.
Uta guards the ship when they're away, much like Shanks used to in his time as a cabin boy.
Shanks lets her freely explore the loot they bring back after raiding ships in return.
"Shanks ! What's this fruit ? It tastes so bad !"
Shanks feels a cold shiver run down his spine as an image of Buggy drowning shortly after eating the Bara Bara no Mi flashes before his eyes. He runs to his daughter. "Uta ! Show me that fruit !"
Uta hands him a pink fruit with spiral patterns.
"Oh, shit."
The crew soon learns about Uta's Devil Fruit powers, as the next time she sings alongside them they all experience the same hallucination.
Shanks blinks awake after the song ends, and finds that this Devil Fruit is weirdly interesting. Dreams carried by song, huh ?
Uta keeps growing, and starts making her own songs, virtually taking them on dreamy journeys each time she entertains the Red-Hair Pirates with shows of her own.
Shanks particularly likes the endless landscapes she shows them as she performs Binks' Sake.
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Shanks got intel on the Gomu Gomu no Mi and with the help of his crew, manages to steal it from CP9, firmly intending to sell it for good money. He keeps it out of Uta's reach on the way to the Goa Kingdom in East Blue – no way he'll risk her eating another one, who knows what might happen – and hopes to find a buyer there.
They anchor the ship in Foosha Village, and before they've even set foot on the docks, a lively kid challenges them. "If you trouble us, I'll make you pay for it !"
Shanks simply chuckles. This boy has guts.
The boy – Luffy, as he learns shortly after – is also incredibly curious and stubborn. He follows them everywhere, asking endless streams of questions about life at sea and barely listening to the crew's answers, though he retains enough from the conversations that he soon tries to join the crew, begging Shanks to take him to sea.
Day after day, Shanks refuses.
Day after day, Luffy keeps trying.
Uta tries – and fails – to discourage Luffy, but eventually makes friend with him : while the Red-Hair Pirates plan their next trips, the kids explore the village together, compete against each other and develop a friendly rivalry. During the time they spend together, Uta also teaches Luffy the lyrics to Binks' Sake.
Though the boy always sings off-key, he quickly memorizes all the verses and happily joins the crew and their diva whenever she's throwing a show at Party's Bar.
Memories of the Oro Jackson and his time there flow back to Shanks without failing every time they do so now, and despite his heart tightening a bit at the thought, he softly smiles as he finds Uta and Luffy's friendship is not unlike the one he had with Buggy back then.
Luffy relentlessly keeps trying to join the crew, and even sneaks aboard once.
Fortunately, Uta finds him before they set sail for Elegia.
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Shanks returns to Foosha Village with a broken heart and a heavy weight on his shoulders, not unlike the day he lost his Captain. "Don't worry, Luffy. Uta left the ship to become a singer. That's all", he tells the worried kid welcoming them on the docks.
Luffy doesn't buy it, and gets seriously mad at him, refusing to talk to him anymore.
Over the next days while the boy remains at bay, Shanks drinks his troubles away. So much for a fated encounter... I really fucked things up.
Beck decides to go talk to Luffy after a while without a single news, and disappears for the day. He comes back long past sunset and doesn't drop a single word, either.
On the next day, the crowd in Party's Bar becomes silent when Luffy shows up wearing bandages and bandaids all over his face, and asks to be allowed aboard the ship once more.
Shanks customarily refuses, and asks him where he got hurt like this.
"I fell", Luffy says before climbing on the nearby stool.
"No way. How did you fall to get hurt like-"
Luffy braces his tightened fists on the bar, turns to Shanks, looks into his eyes with fierce determination and says again, "I fell !"
Shanks holds his serious gaze for a while before cracking a sly smile. "Okay, you fell. Then I have no further questions for you."
"I have no further questions for you too, because it's yours and Uta's business."
"You're talking like a grown-up", Shanks remarks.
Predictably, Luffy tries to use that as leverage to join the crew.
Shanks refuses, resumes teasing him, and under the roaring laughter of his crew, things seem to return to regain a semblance of normalcy despite Uta's absence... There's still an acute ache gnawing his heart, but Shanks conceals it, knowing now that time dulls even the deepest pains.
Luffy soon resumes his attempts to join the crew, coming up with the silliest reasons to be granted access aboard.
Shanks keeps dismissing any and each attempt he makes with gentle teasing and laughter.
One day, Luffy tells him that he's thought about what Uta told him once, and that he decided what his greatest dream would be, before proudly proclaiming his outrageous idea.
Shanks blinks in disbelief as he hears Captain Roger's voice echoing in his mind, saying the exact same words on the day he recruited Oden. Tears fall from his eyes at the memories, and then he has startled laugh as it dawns on him that Luffy is old enough to fit right into the prophecies of the young mermaid the Roger Pirates met on their last passage in Fish-Man Island. Say, Captain, do you think he's the one ? Fate works in weird ways, right ?
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Roughly a year passes, and Shanks still hasn't found a buyer for the Gomu Gomu no Mi, so he plans to travel up north and try his luck in another Blue.
Meanwhile, Luffy grows more and more reckless with his attempts to join the crew, and goes as far as planting a knife into his own cheek.
Hongo says the boy's lucky to have missed his eye as he patches him up.
Afterwards, back at Party's Bar, Luffy gets angry at Shanks once more after he refused to fight against the mountain bandit.
Shanks tries to reason with him, to no avail, and grabs his arm as he storms off.
Luffy's arm stretches while he keeps walking away.
Once Roux confirms with the boy that he did eat the Gomu Gomu no Mi, Shanks gives him a firm scolding and tells him about the curse that comes with being a Devil Fruit User.
(He also vows to himself there and then to never, ever, willingly approach a Devil Fruit again.)
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On the return from their following trip, Shanks is surprised not to be greeted by Luffy as usual.
Makino's not tending to her bar, and the mayor is nowhere to be seen either.
Shanks gathers his most trusted men and moves further inside the village.
They soon hear a commotion in a nearby street and find the source of all the noise.
Shanks maintains his composure, he even smiles – can't risk to frighten Luffy, not now, not ever – but a cold rage races through his veins as he takes in the sight of the mountain bandits from a few days ago, beating Luffy up – can't risk losing him too, either.
They're only small fry so Shanks doesn't even have to lift a finger before all of them are incapacitated in a way or another, courtesy of Roux and Beck.
Only Higuma remains, but he uses a smoke bomb to make a quick escape and carry Luffy away.
Shanks freaks out at the unforeseen hitch in his flawless rescue, more so now that he's fully aware of the possibility that Luffy is the one his Captain told him about.
The mayor begs him to find Luffy and save him.
As Shanks regains his calm, Makino tells him that Luffy took his and his crew's defense against the mountain bandit and his men earlier at the bar.
Shanks blinks in disbelief. Ah... Reminds me of Captain Roger.
In the meantime, his men split up then spread out across the village and beyond to find Higuma, and soon inform their Boss that the bandit got away in a dinghy.
Shanks rushes to the sea, and gets here barely just in time to save Luffy from drowning. He sacrifices his dominant arm in the process, and has to use Conqueror's Haki to get rid of the local Sea King responsible for his loss, but all is well that ends well.
Luffy's safe, albeit crying his heart out.
There's still hope.
The incident leaves Luffy quite shaken afterwards, and more determined than ever to get stronger. He visits Shanks everyday during his recovery and though he's still chatty as ever, he obviously tries to be more serious and focused during conversations, and he lets Shanks rest too. And he's upset by their imminent departure, but he doesn't even ask the Red-Hair Pirates to take him aboard when they decide to set sail towards the Grand Line. "I will become a pirate with my own strength", he proudly says as the crew loads supplies aboard the ship.
Shanks teases him as usual...
But Luffy surprises him once more as he yells, "I'll gather my own crew and it'll be stronger than yours ! And we'll find the world's greatest treasure !! I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates, no matter what !!"
Is this fate acting again ? Shanks opens wide eyes at the brazen declaration. "Oh, so you're gonna surpass us ?" He grins, and on a wild bet, he entrusts Luffy the last memento he has from Captain Roger, and tasks the boy with returning it once he's claimed his title. As he walks to his ship, Shanks feels a new hope growing inside his chest, soothing his aching heart. He recognizes all too well in the boy that claims he'll be the next Pirate King both the dreams of the first tenant of the title, and traits he showed himself when he was younger. Maybe I can help some more. "Everyone has their time to shine", eh, Captain ?
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Over the next handful of years, the Red-Hair Pirates become infamous all across the Blues.
Shanks acquires the title of Yonkou after proving to be a formidable enemy of the Marines and making alliances with several other crews.
It takes just a few more years before a familiar straw hat appears on the wanted posters delivered with the News Coo.
Shanks grins wide at the sight then, and throws a huge party to celebrate Luffy's rise to fame, not caring in the least that he and his crew are still hungover from the night before.
Everyone eats until they're full, drinks until they can barely walk, laughs loud enough to scare the birds away, and sings Binks' Sake over and over again.
Shanks heartily sings along, loud and hopeful again... And he doesn't wait too long before paying a visit to Rayleigh-san in Sabaody to tell him all about the kid.
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The Summit War leaves Shanks with yet another bitter aftertaste, pondering what ifs and aimless questions while he tries his best to keep composure for the sake of everyone else.
What if I'd known who Ace was when he came to meet me ? Did anyone else, did Whitebeard know who his father was ? What if I arrived earlier in Marineford ? Is Luffy going to be alright ?
He mostly manages, until the burial is over and everyone leaves for the New World. Then he locks himself in his cabin for a few days and drinks some more, the only comforting thought amidst all this is that he met Buggy again and got to catch up with him.
And yet again, fate keeps playing tricks on his sanity.
Luffy comes back to Marineford to ring the Ox Bell sixteen times... with former Shichibukai Jinbe and Rayleigh-san.
Shanks blinks in disbelief at the News Coo relating the event, and though he's relieved to know that Luffy is apparently in good hands, he doesn't want to keep his hopes up in case they get shattered once more.
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A couple of eventful years later – which just so happens to be the year Captain said someone would surpass him and his crew – Shanks returns to Elegia, rekindles his relationship with his daughter and sets sail towards Laugh Tale. And on the way there, Shanks finally meets Luffy as an equal on the high seas.
The boy has grown much more mature and much stronger, he gathered brilliant and amazing nakama around him, got himself a mighty ship, and earned the loyalty of thousand of pirates across the Blues along his travels, not to mention the countless outrageous feats he's accomplished on the way.
Shanks is happily convinced that Luffy is, indeed, the one that Captain Roger and Joy Boy were waiting for to complete their greatest dream. He thinks he couldn't possibly be prouder, and then-
The Straw Hats' musician pulls a violin out of nowhere unprompted, and starts playing the tune to Binks' Sake, to which the small crew happily starts singing along.
Shanks exhales a startled laugh as Uta joins their singing, and meets them for the verse, shortly followed by his whole crew. He keeps singing to the end, even as his voice wavers and a few tears stream down his cheeks over the last verse, "...Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny traveling tale !" Oh, Captain, I wish I could tell you all about this kid. Really, it's such a funny story...
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Additional A/N
Title stolen from Episode 380 😋
In Chapter 968, after Roger laughs, he says :
A tale full of laughs! (VIZ translation)
What a funny story! (Other translation I've seen around)
Tonda waraibanashi da! (Original text)
And then there's the last line of Binks' Sake / Binks no Sake :
Endless, aimless, this story on the uproarious seas! (VIZ translation)
Never-ending, ever-wandering, our funny traveling tale! (Other translation)
Hatenashi, atenashi, waraibanashi! (Original text)
I had been thinking for a while that the song lyrics were relevant to the plot, and I've been fully convinced ever since this chapter came out...
The last part of this story is obviously pure extrapolation and use of the fact that Uta is canon but Film: Red isn't (??), but I swear I spent half of the time writing this checking the timeline and everything so this story would be canon compliant 😂
In case you're looking for any of the Film: Red related extras :
Episodes 1029 and 1030
Uta's Special 1-Page Manga
Volume 4/4 : Chronicle of Uta
Volume 4 Billion : The Newborn Baby (Color version based on Oda's sketches & artist rendition, both can be found on the first link)
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applesontheground · 1 year ago
could you write a nsfw piece with patrick bateman and a timid fem reader who’s started working at the office with him, which he doesn’t like because yk, misogyny. so, he invites her over and he’s degrading her and just being cruel under the guise of just hooking up but she surprisingly likes it. thank you!
i could absolutely do this, anon! (forgive me for the misogyny, though, lol!)
lion's den 💼
NSFW | Word Count: 1,931 | Patrick Bateman x Female Reader contains DUBCON/unwanted touching, very casual workplace misogyny/sexual harrassment, mentions of drug use, degradation 🎼: x
Even after tenure had weathered you well into your position in the workplace, there was still a subtle hostility every time you sat in the line of mostly single, mostly lawless men. It honestly fascinated you to see such clean-cut faces never progress past what you might have seen on a college campus, to do the things they did outside of work – but you kept that to yourself.
Like you didn’t do a line in those club bathrooms every so often.
Any threat posed by you wouldn’t be taken kindly to. It was as though an elephant had stampeded through the room as you sat yourself at the conference table, a small portfolio splayed in front of you. The presence was loud enough, the mere appearance that you were the only woman there, and that there was no need for a throat clear or even an adjustment in your chair that would break such fragile silence.
This only became worse when you were directed to lead the conference, your branch at Pierce and Pierce being the one under question, and so early in the morning on top of it. Just one good thing for you after another. Your voice began to take control. Rather, set on top of the surface of the room as all your male coworkers acted like it was holding any actual water. Everything was so fabricated you were close to tearing your own hair out should you be left alone.
“Any questions?” You asked towards the end of the display you had put on, oblivious to what was about to happen as you closed the portfolio. “[Y/N], I’m sure you get this question a lot,” You glanced up, interested at first until you heard a snicker from the other side of the conference table. You held your breath, gaze frozen to your coworker Turner as he went on, “But you know, you could leave us to do this sort of planning.”
Your throat tightened, a confused smile crawling over your expression as you lied, “I’m sorry, but I don’t-“
“Boys. He means us as in men, sweetheart.” The snickering voice finally broke into his abrasive tone, and the table couldn’t help but laugh along. You smirked, the fake chuckle in your mouth drier than you had meant it as you clasped your hands together, a quiet murmur above the voices, “Yes, I am aware. Not now, though, but maybe one day.”
“One of us could pick you off the vine,” Your teeth pressed together in their interlock, pressure building badly in your face as the smile became jagged. “Settle down, have some kids...”
“Turner, cut the shit. Not at the conference,” Another piped up, but he was leaning back in his chair; a posture he had worn the moment you had opened your mouth.
He watched this from afar, a few catches of the eye all he got from you as he took it in. Something was starting to cave underneath that smile, he figured, but the utter disdain he caught as you closed your mouth to run your tongue over your teeth. A sign of disgust, she’s hiding it well.
I wouldn’t tolerate blatant undermining from these men, he then concurred, more for a stroke at his own ego than any kudos to you. It was simply a power play, and he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t flat out admit it was delicious to watch. A dark tress of his own psyche asked the question, looking to the man who was leading the berating in harmless breaths. Why does Turner think that he has any sort of control over [Y/N]? Besides being a man, his performance at best runs alongside hers – let alone struggles to maintain even her average pace.
When he looked back over to you, pulling from the cyclone behind his glassy brown eyes, he then caught the stare that was quickly moving on, throwing itself to the window in a surprised flash of [y/e/c].
Was she staring at me? His mouth twitched from behind a curled hand, still doing his best to appear disinterested.
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Maybe you could understand why there was such heavy drug use outside these walls now. Standing in a secluded break area, away from the council of airheads and with your cup of coffee, you recalled you had a flask in your office. Would anyone notice the spiked coffee? You thought with a smirk, but then seeing a glance of yourself in the crystal clear pot you were setting back in its place on the maker, you stomped the moment’s happiness back down with a following thought.
They’d notice if it was you.
“Oh, Miss [L/N]? Are you busy?” You almost didn’t recognize the voice of Jean, one of the secretaries for the VPs. You didn’t know if she was Constance or Bateman’s girl, but she cleared that up rather quickly with an introduction, stepping into the room with a downturned smile that did nothing to hide the intimidation she was feeling. “Jean, Mr. Bateman’s secretary. Have we spoken before?” You outstretched your hand and replied quietly, “Don’t believe so. Knew you helped one of the Vices here, though.”
She nodded hurriedly and mentioned, “Mr. Bateman told me that you were great at the meeting today. He…” She faltered, and you turned away from the counter fully, mug in hand and eyebrows furrowing. It was something you once again saw coming from a mile away, but still left the poor secretary to spit it out. “He wanted me to find you so that he could ask if you’d stop in his office at around two today. Go over your plans for the upcoming…uh-“
“Transfer?” You finished for her and smiled along when she beamed and nodded to you, “Yes, that. The transfer.”
You nodded, only thinking for a moment before answering, “Tell him I’ll be there, but I have another quick meeting at four. It’s a tight fit but I’m sure he’ll understand.”
Seeing that smile on her face again as she nodded for the third time in five minutes, you then admitted to her, “I’ll be honest, it felt like he was the only one taking me serious during the stand-up this morning.” Jean hummed in agreement, and mentioned, “He takes the girls here very…coldly, I think. I-It’s better than being laughed at, I suppose.” She paused, and then pleaded, “Oh, don’t tell him I said that.”
You winked at her, “Of course not. It’s between us.”
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At two, you went down the hall with your portfolio (just as infamous as you were at this point). Jean gave you a meek smile to see you enter the small office that came before Bateman’s quarters, and before she had even got on the phone to tell him the door opened.
“[L/N],” He greeted, and you caught that he was overtly warm as he gestured inside. You wondered if this was going to be anything of substance, but still walked in with the same level of mock joy. “Bateman, glad to meet with you.”
The door closed behind you, and there was an almost serene silence as he walked over to his desk. A careful finger dragged on the page of his open planner, checking something while you merely stood there.
“You know, I think Turner had a point.” Your eyes grew cold, staring at him as he stood from his desk, eyes still on his planner as he closed it. He then stated in a plain voice, “You’re far too incompetent to be leading this transfer.” You scoffed and were about to mention something about tenure when he suddenly froze up and looked at you. It wasn’t a friendly workplace stare or the stifled contempt you had seen from coworkers before. It was irritating, downright callous as he seemed to already be looking past you. You couldn’t help but stand a little straighter as he then approached, still in a leisurely stroll.
He got uncomfortably close, and you almost pressed into his office door as he murmured, “I think that you take disrespect far too often to ever be taken seriously, [Y/N]. It’s embarrassing.”
For once, you received this sort of comment from a sharp voice that was a little more than a complicated strain of hot air. He meant that, something he wasn’t just regurgitating from his peers. It was honest, and it was making your face catch fire as you muttered, “I’ve earned my place here just as well as half the trust-fund children who bought their way here, Bateman.”
Part of you was downright terrified of losing your pristine mask, frowning as you gave his well-fit suit a glance up and down. He was doing the same, and the two of you met eyes at the same time. He then sighed, “Well, I don’t think it’s going to get you anywhere. Especially not here."
You dug your tongue into your cheek, and snapped back, “I don’t need to be anywhere else besides here.” A pause, and you quickly clarified, “In this office, doing these busywork transfers and inventory checks so you men can go on, do coke and fuck whoever you want in your free time.”
He took in a breath, facing you and not shy to start backing you into the door. It should’ve made you leave, but that same hollow reminder that HR wouldn’t do anything kept you glued to the door, trying to stand your ground even while downright petrified. You wondered if Jean had heard the door shift from your shoulders sliding up against it.
It shouldn’t have made you wet, either, but knowing he was speaking his mind – his cruel, lucid mind – was going straight to the part of you that desired that. You desired drugs, you desired distraction, but you desired something real more than any of it.
Suddenly, his hand slid up your thigh, and your mouth fell open to yelp but he silenced you with nearly boxing you against the door, feeling the heat kept between your legs even through the layers of fabric, the guise of professionalism. The shock melted into pleasure as he watched you crumble bit by bit, pressing harder against your sex just for good measure.
“Do you bring this on yourself because you like it?” He then asked, scrunching his nose, “That’s deplorable.”
“Please,” You huffed, “It's only because you've been the only man who means it.” His neck straightened, no longer ogling your body to see you smile at him in a wicked prick of the lips, “I hear it all the time from these goddamn parrots we work with. Turner heard it from Allen, Allen heard it from Constance…But that’s the first time a man has had the brain power to call me deplorable.”
His hand left your crotch, and he almost seemed taken back by the way you smiled. You then asked, “Are you telling human resources about this, or are you going to make a woman do it?”
He scoffed now, and reminded you, “They wouldn’t do anything.”
Grinning, you agreed, “I know.”
He was stunned again, watching you adjust your clothes from where he had haphazardly pushed them aside. “Let me know if you have any more concerns about the transfer, Mr. Bateman.” You plainly stated, turning the knob to his office door before excusing yourself.
You closed the door, and Jean and you both jumped when his fist pounded against the door. You stood with your back to the wood, and when you met the secretary's eyes, you merely smiled.
"That wasn't cold at all."
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lordofthestrix · 2 years ago
🎼 (au in which one of our muses is teaching the other how to play an instrument). for gia because she already plays the violin but perhaps she can improve
Using my unfathomable powers as the slowest role-player in existence, I'm going to use this as a reply to this one as well! (Apologies for the immense delay)
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“An ardently avid and ambitious companion, is it not?” As nocturnal steps introduced the second figure inside the rehearsal room, it didn't appear that her questions were ignored. Instead, just the same as the reasons of the visitor to reach her, they had been put on hold in the presence of a more meaningful subject.
“Popular wisdom will claim that the absence of frets is part of what earned the instrument you are holding its wicked infamy and asserted difficulty. Where other musical allies openly provide some form of guidance, the violin relishes in challenging you to play it only if you dare. Murmuring its assent towards nothing less than the instinctive, perfect placement of your fingers. Surpass that rigorous first challenge and its bow will remain just as much of a diligent defiance. Press just slightly too hard at any point and the horrific, ear piercing screech of a hunting spirit will reach your melody. Press too lightly and even the most passionate intentions will be reduced to nothing but a surface scratch. But while these observations may be accurate on a technical level, they are missing the poetry of the affair." As he approached, Tristan directed some of his attention to that curious figure his sire adopted under his teachings for a while before a flaming crescendo.
"The truth is there is no other way to play the violin other than with the entirety of your soul. Muscle memory is simply one of the names we grant to it nowadays. It will jealously ask of you the wholeness of your secrets. Only as we deliver each occurred and imagined adventure and ordeal, we will finally, triumphantly wield it in a ravishing freedom like no other. Unfortunately, that also means that if some of our experiences are still burning in scorching pain within us..." His stare reached her hand meaningfully.
"Those were invitations to jazz, were they not? Not my most intimate form of poison but..Would you mind sharing your instrument with a stranger for a fleeting moment? Only if the room isn't overly occupied, of course"
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