#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and alaric. }
evilpenguinrika · 9 days
So I woke up lying in bed with only 6hrs of sleep under my belt, thinking more about--what I'm now calling the Hosie Jujutsu Kaisen AU--that post I made a while back
Mostly, I thought about how I can turn it into a Hosie thing, maybe Hope would have the same start/discovery as Itadori, minus eating nasty old fingers since I think it'd be interesting to try and come up with what Hope's cursed technique would be. I'd like to think that she'd be on the same level as Gojo to be honest. Like, she's a Tribrid, she's the only one of her kind. She's powerful af. Similar-ish vibes to Gojo.
Maybe when Hope transfers to Jujutsu Tech, that's where she meets the Saltzman Twins first. They do their usual thing like in LGCS where the twins show the new kid around and for Josie, she probably has a teeny crush on Hope but since it's just a crush she doesn't really do much about it or think much about it. But maybe after being on many missions with each other and fighting alongside with one another, Josie's teeny crush becomes a huge crush but also one of admiration. Lizzie teases Josie consistently about it.
Hope probably, at first, thinks Josie is cute, but like her, doesn't do much about it. Maybe there comes a situation where Hope is in trouble with a fight with one of the main baddies, Josie comes in to help, risking her life because the main bad guy is like really really really bad or idk listen it's too early for my brain to brain right now lmao. BUT ANYWHO so maybe Hope ends up appreciating Josie's bravery and they kinda hang out a bit more and idk maybe the Hosie is a slowburn strangers to friends to lovers.
In terms of the twins. Originally I played around with the idea that maybe both of them, because they're Siphoners, that they would both have no curse energy, like Maki, but use cursed tools to help them when on missions and such
But then I thought about it even more and I think I like keeping their Siphoner abilities. So what I came up with is that both Josie and Lizzie do have curse energy, but it's so incredibly weak that it's as though they don't even have it. And their cursed ability is that they absorb other people's curse energy, or objects with curse energy, and that fuels their own curse energy so they can fight.
Like, aside from their cursed ability being the same (basically siphoning and turning other curse energy into their own hehe) I would like to see how their cursed ability manifests differently in terms of fighting? But I'm not sure how that could work.
I'll give it a bit more thought, same with what Hope's cursed technique would be too.
Oh, I do know, that I think the twins would be able to use Domain Expansion and I think it'd be REALLY cool if it had something to do with the Prison World since I think in TVDU they said something about how Gemini Covens create Prison Worlds or something idk but that'd be hella cool for the twins to have.
okay that's all the ideas I have my brain is pooped goodbye
OH WAIT EDIT, ONE MORE THING i think Alaric would be like Toji, a sorcerer hunter since he was like, a vampire hunter in the show or something. SO THAT'D BE A NEAT THING just the twins' dad hunting sorcerers like them :) maybe the Gemini Coven/family in the AU took the twins, icing Alaric out because he's not a sorcerer after Jo was murdered by Kai, the usual stuff except the twins are a little older and not in the womb. So Alaric is getting revenge by killing sorcerers (he probably killed Kai)
okay now that's all the ideas i have brain is even more pooped goodbye
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andreal831 · 14 days
What do you think about the relationship between the Saltzman twins and Hope?
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I've only seen the first 10 episodes of Legacies and then spoiled most of it with tik tok edits. So I generally know what happens and the dynamics but can't form a full opinion.
From what I've seen, I really like that Legacies seemed to choose to focus on the friendships of the three main characters rather than on ships. Yes, I know everyone still ships them and I kind of like both Hosie and Hizzie. But I like that at the end of the day, it was the three of them above anything. It's one of the things that will probably push me to give the show another chance.
I also really like the idea of them working together as witches. Throughout TVDU, we are told how important covens are, yet we really don't get to see it. In TVD, Bonnie is on her own 99% of the time and in TO, the coven and ancestors spend more time infighting than anything. This is the first time we really get to see three powerful witches learn and grow together.
I think the show does a better job keeping the characters the right age. They are teenagers dealing with supernatural issues, but also regular high school drama. They fight like most sisters who are close in age would. If anything, I blame Caroline and Alaric for their issues. I've seen discourse on who is right, Josie, Lizzie, or Hope. But again, they are teenagers. It was up to Alaric and Caroline, as parents and school teachers, to teach them how to discuss and handle mental illness. I'm not surprised the show didn't do a great job considering how they treated it in their other shows.
Without even watching the show, I was sad when Josie left because it felt like the trio was the heart of the show. But again, I only know the general plotlines and characters, so it's hard for me to have a full formed discussion.
Thanks for the ask! I promise I will eventually watch Legacies!
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x05 Rewatch:
The Dryad, I've missed her
I actually love how they show the evolution of the school with stuff like adapting to monsters and giving the students a voice
No because who takes over Raf's spot on the Honor Council when he dies
"YoU'rE nOt GoNnA lOsE tHe ElEcTiOn OvEr An OuTfIt." Why is it so hard for Josie to just support her sister for once.
"Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman." You mean the Lizzie Saltzman, who does everything for her sister and sacrifices her life over and over again for every other student in that school?
"You still like it when I went low." "Oh, honey, you crush on me." Posie needed more than one season.
"We're not negotiating. Right, Ric?" "Uh ..." Dorian as headmaster would have been a great storyline.
Watching Rafael and Jed spar makes me realize that Finch never got to meet Rafael. What a wasted opportunity.
" You're mocking me." "Yeah but just a little bit." When I say Dorian and Alaric had more chemistry with the Dryad than they did with Emma or Mac ...
" Sometimes in the human world telling the truth can do more harm than good." OH THIS IS ABOUT THE MERGE. MM HMM.
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"I see it in their smiles, in their laughter. I still see her sometimes." Going to cry thinking about that last scene in TVD
"You straight up refuse to swim across the lake." "Excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons." And now he literally lives, immortal, ferrying across a lake.
Testing his ability to get away from you as fast as possible, Hope? Little Miss Hold on Tight?
So if Malivore's DNA showed up as literally everything, why did Landon's DNA show no supernatural history? Why didn't it raise any red flags?
"It's so nice to know you all love me as much as I thought you did." She's a comedian because I know she knows those kids hate her ass. They attended a book club reading of her diary. They laughed at her funeral. They did NOT love her and she knew it.
"Jackass Jed." If there's one thing the Saltzman twins know how to do best it's come up with nicknames.
"Say no more. I know how much it means to you and I would be happy to help." She needs a hug.
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Tell me again how it's Lizzie who's getting in the way of Josie's romantic life?
What is the SBS sex ed class like because the amount of STD jokes those students make is kind of wild.
Not Josie giving away Lizzie's pink sweater ... like we never even got to see her wear it before you did that ...
"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Oh boy do I have news for you Lizzie
No, because Handon's "I don't want to be special" x "I need to be special" dynamic is so delicious
"You know, you can only hold out hope for so long and be hurt by so many people before it starts to seems impossible to trust someone new." "Do you trust me?" "Of course I do." Handizzie excellence.
Why did they have to do S1 Jed so dirty
"I'm trying to rise above it. So let me freaking rise."
"I'm a tribrid. The only one of my kind. No one can represent my interests but me." So does Lizzie finally get her spot on the council after becoming a heretic?
Did the Honor Council just disappear after Hope was forgotten??
Imagine if Lizzie had brought the truth orb with her when she hunted down Hope and confessed to being in love with her
Josie using her father and her sister almost dying since Landon arrived as an excuse to kick him out is kind of funny when you remember that later she kills her sister and doesn't care when her father stuck in a coma and on his death bed.
"This school is family." Guess nobody there can like each other now
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That's TWO magical trees in the Legacies universe now ...
"What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" No because one day I will write an essay on how all of Josie's love interests end up hating Lizzie for no reason and/or misinformed reasons and there's one common denominator.
"It's not about you. It's about how you treat Josie." Is that not literally about her. Like if your problem is that she doesn't exist solely to serve Josie, isn't that having a problem with her??
"Did you think to ask her if she wanted to run for council before you assumed you'd win?" DID YOU?? BECAUSE THAT GIRL LOOKED LIKE SHE WANTED TO DIE AS SOON AS SHE HAD TO MAKE A DECISION ON THE SPOT LIKE THAT.
The irony in Penelope telling Lizzie that she's left Josie with no room for herself when it's actually the opposite way around. Like real quick Miss Park, which one of them are you telling that they can't pursue their interests because the other twin might want it too?
I will never understand why Penelope acted like Lizzie and Josie couldn't both run for council. It was an open election. All she had to do was put her name in.
"She spends all her energy taking care of you." To recap in the past four episodes she has spent her energy trying to win over Rafael, trying to convince everyone to hate Penelope and not talk about her, trying to get offensive magic put into the school curriculum, trying to get everyone to lose the football game, and trying to drive a deeper wedge between Hope and Lizzie during community service. Now which part of that is taking care of Lizzie?
"You are a black hole of time and energy and love." Is the time and energy and love in the room with us right now?
"She won't ever burn you world down." The foreshadowing to her literally burning the school down ...
Every day I wish Penelope would have been around to see Josie in her black lipstick era.
No because what happened to pretty shots like the Handon kiss? When did TV shows stop caring about cinematic beauty and nicely lit shots and fantastic coloring??
Sandwiches are a Handon thing
"I have a family friend who's expecting you." The fact that we never see Landon with the Mikaelson family friend ...
Every time I see Raf and Lizzie's scene, I think about that post about how lesbians use hetero sex as a form of self harm and there has never been a better example to exist in all of history. Like what part of being told that you're the worst person in the world makes you horny??
Also Lizzie Saltzman kiss a guy without crying challenge. Like sweetie if you're crying every time you have to kiss them, maybe it's for a reason.
Every time I hear Someone to You on the radio I get chills because of this episode
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anewkindofme · 11 months
Here are a current list of fandoms I make content for and how I’ve classified characters thus far! If I haven’t included one, just ask and I’ll classify them for you. :) I’ll also include my OTPs that I may put together to be caregivers as well as NOTPs that I will not write for.
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Caregivers: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Charlie Swan & Rosalie Hale.
Flips: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen & Jacob Black
Littles: Bella Swan, Emmett Cullen & Jasper Hale
Nuetrals: N/A
OTPs: Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice & Rosalie/Emmett (as caregivers only)
NOTPs: Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella
The Vampire Diaries Universe:
Caregivers: Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Keelin Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Freya Mikaelson, Cami O’Donnell, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson
Flips: None
Neutrals: Alaric Saltzman, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, John Gilbert & Miranda Gilbert
Littles: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Kol Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Marcel Gerard, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Jenna Sommers & Davina Claire
OTPs: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Bonnie, Hayley/Elijah, Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Matt, Keelin/Freya, Damon/Bonnie/Enzo & Klaus/Cami
NOTPs: Damon/Elena, Damon/Katherine & Stefan/Katherine
I do ship Stefan/Elena, Kol/Davina, Hope/Josie & Jeremy/Bonnie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
One Tree Hill:
Caregivers: Karen Roe, Keith Scott, Haley James Scott, Mouth McFadden, Quinn James, Chase Adams, Chris Keller & Clay Evans
Flips: Lucas Scott & Peyton Saywer
Neutrals: Dan Scott
Littles: Nathan Scott, Millie Huxtible, Brooke Davis & Alex Dupre
OTPs: Karen/Keith, Quinn/Clay, Peyton/Lucas (as caregivers) & Chris/Chase
NOTPs: Brooke/Lucas & Dan/Karen
I do ship Haley/Nathan, Brooke/Peyton & Mouth/Millie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Caregivers: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Flips: N/A
Neutrals: John Winchester & Mary Winchester
Littles: Sam Winchester & Jack Kline
OTPs: Dean/Castiel
Teen Wolf:
Caregivers: Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent & Peter Hale
Flips: Scott McCall & Lydia Martin
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Malia Tate, Stiles Stilinksi, Alison Argent & Liam Dunbar
OTPs: Noah/Melissa
I do ship Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Malia, Stiles/Lydia & Scott/Alison, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
Caregivers: Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Charlotte King, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Atticus Lincoln & Sheldon Wallace
Flips: Amelia Shepherd
Neutrals: Cristina Yang & Izzie Stevens
Littles: Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Jo Wilson, Andrew DeLuca, Lexi Grey & Dell Parker
OTPs: Meredith/Derek, Addison/Mark, Callie/Arizona & Charlotte/Amelia (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Owen Hunt/Anyone, Addison/Derek & Charlotte/Cooper
I do ship Mark/Lexi, April/Jackson, Alex/Jo & Andrew/Meredith, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Once Upon A Time:
Caregivers: Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle French, Maleficent, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff, Killian Jones (all versions), Henry Mills (S7 only), Ella Mills, Robin Hood, Queen Tiana, Ursula & Robin Hood-Mills/Margot
Flips: David Charming & Ruby Lucas
Nuetrals: Mother Gothel, Zelena Mills & Cora Mills
Littles: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Alice Jones, Will Scarlet, Drizella Tremaine, Queen Elsa, Lily Page & Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
OTPs: Tiana/Killian, Snow/David (as caregivers), Belle/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle/Killian, Maleficent/Ursula, Henry/Ella, Snow/Ruby/David (as caregivers), Ruby/Belle (as caregivers) & Kristoff/Anna
NOTPs: Killian/Emma, Henry/Drizella, Killian/Gothel & Zelena/Anyone
I do ship Emma/Neal, Emma/Elsa, Emma/Lily, Belle/Will, Snow/Regina & Alice/Margot, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Pretty Little Liars:
Caregivers: Emily Fields, Toby Cavanaugh, Caleb Rivers, Wayne Fields, Pam Fields, Mary Drake, Jason Dilaurentis & Maya St. Germain
Flips: Mona Vanderwaal, Alison Dilaurentis & Cece Drake
Neutrals: Veronica Hastings, Byron Montgomery, Peter Hastings, Ezra Fitz & Ella Montgomery.
Littles: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Mike Montgomery, Alex Drake & Hanna Marin
OTPs: Wayne/Pam, Maya/Emily, Alison/Emily (as caregivers) & Caleb/Toby
NOTPs: Ezra/Aria
I do ship Spencer/Toby, Hanna/Caleb, Mona/Mike, Aria/Spencer & Aria/Jason, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star:
Caregivers: Owen Strand, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie Han, Tommy Vega, Judson “Judd” Ryder, Eddie Dias & Paul Strickland
Flips: Carlos Reyes
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley
OTPs: Bobby/Athena & Hen/Tracie
I do also ship TK/Carlos, Howie/Maddie & Buck/Eddie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Criminal Minds:
Caregivers: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Will LaMontagne & Emily Prentiss
Flips: Derek Morgan & Jennifer “JJ” Jereau
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Spencer Reid & Penelope Garcia
OTPs: JJ/Hotch (as caregivers), Emily/Hotch and Will/JJ (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Penelope/Luke
I do ship Penelope/Derek but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
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pclyglct · 8 months
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[ jenny boyd | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome ELIZABETH “LIZZIE” SALTZMAN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 19/21 year old HERETIC, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be VOLATILE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their STRONG WILLED nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to BRUTAL by OLIVIA RODRIGO, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
hello! I'm S, and I'm happy to be here! a lil disclaimer first: I've watched all of Legacies, but I'm on s2 of TO (slooow progress), and s5 of TVD (no intention to finish), so wiki will be my source for kai/gemini/etc specifics not discussed in legacies!
name: elizabeth "lizzie" saltzman
age: turned at 19, currently 21
gender: cis woman (she/her)
hometown: mystic falls
current residence: new orleans
species: heretic (vampire/siphoner hybrid)
sexuality: bisexual (w/a preference for men)
positives: authentic, passionate, daring, strong willed, empathetic
negatives: selfish, volatile, impulsive, insecure, envious
house: slytherin
alignment: chaotic good
lizzie's canon life is pretty much the same, and can be found here!
come the end of legacies, lizzie remained with the salvatore school, helping her mother and her friends rebuild and welcome the new class
in the year following, as the OEA rose in prominence and threatened the school, lizzie still committed to the school's cause regardless, keen on not running away over a hopefully insignificant threat
unfortunately for her, the threat wasn't insignificant, and her dedication to the cause is what led to her sacrifice
she took a solo recruiting mission to visit a supposed troubled young witch in need of safe haven. it was supposed to be a low stakes endeavor, not even worthy of a proper day trip. in reality, the "troubled young witch" was working for the OEA, and what was meant to be a good Samaritan mission led to lizzie being captured, sacrificed, and trapped in the prison world
she was in there for 3 years, absolutely livid at the turn of events. the karma of the situation (or lack thereof because she was trying to be good and not run away and deal with things head on and take initiative and spread warmth and community and all that kumbaya nonsense) has led to some setbacks in her own personal growth, ngl, but she's working on that since her return
also worth noting that her time away has left her feeling just awful in general. prior to her sacrifice, she was just starting to embark on a journey of figuring out a future for her self, now that she was finally in a position of having one with the merge out of the question. but then the OEA became a thing causing trouble, and she was thrown into a prison world just as things started seriously changing in the real world. being trapped for so long stifled her and her growth, and she's come back to a world different than the one she left, all the people she's loved moved onto various different stages in their lives over the 3 years, and she hates that.
anyways, she's only just recently finally made her way to new orleans after her release, and she's got a lot of resentment at the OEA for her imprisonment, while also dealing with a lot of self-esteem issues stemming from a profound sense of aimlessness. she's doing her best to reorient herself to this new reality
parents: alaric saltzman (daddy issues), jo laughlin (bio mom), caroline forbes (mamma's girl)
siblings: josie saltzman (twin sister)
extended family: elena gilbert & damon salvatore (aunt & uncle), stefan salvatore (ex-step dad? / uncle), bonnie bennet (aunt)
past romantic relationships: rafael waithe (ex-fling), sebastian (ex-boyfriend), ethan (crush/dated), jen (ex-fling), mg (ex-boyfriend).
more dynamics: hope mikaelson (ex-sire bond/frenemies), landon kirby (hobbit), penelope park (frenemy), auora (unlikely ally), kaleb/jed/cleo/wade (super squad)
trapped together: lizzie spent 3 years in a prison world, she was bound to make all kinds of relationships with the people she was trapped with, and I want them all. friends in the prison world, roommates/neighbors, hookups, relationships, enemies, unlikely friends (!!!), people she worked with during her many (failed) attempts to escape, etc. and all of the above!
vampire mentor. the s2 stefan to her caroline. ideally, this is someone who was in the prison world with her. I imagine that in the year after legacies but before lizzie got trapped, she had started making decent headway into her vampirism with mg, but after getting trapped, I can def see her making it her mission to get through honing her skills totally, if only to help her get through the endless sameness of the days
baby vamps. similar to the above, except instead of a mentor, this was someone who was new to the vampire world with her, and they explored the ins and outs of vampirism together. also ideally in the prison world, likely to be a WC.
crush (m): lizzie is prone to superficial crushes, pure eye candy. it's a great distraction for her, something to pour her energy into easily, and easy is exactly what's she's looking for after being gone for so long. if anything real actually comes from it is something we can plot, but for now, this would just be someone easy on the eyes
crush (f): I hc that lizzie realized she was bi after spending time with the god Jen in s4. since this realization, she's leaned pretty hard into the exploring that part of herself loud and proud and open about it (likely to overcompensate for how out of her field/new being with women is for her), so she probs also has a fem crush too. she's likely to resemble more of her s1 rafael-era flirtation (re: awkward & rambly) with women than her smoother s3/4 semi-confidence.
fwb/fuck buddy: lizzie has got a lot of pent up frustration over her years away, and this person helps her release that. could be friendly arrangement between two peers, or just a fuck buddy who is only contacted when she's got an itch to scratch. this person, regardless of the their relationship to her, likely also is prone to hear lizzie vent her frustrations before/after (and possibly even during) sex because bb's a talker!
living situation. I imagine since her return and coming to new orleans, she's probably living with a family member (her mom most likely, maybe her sister), which is fine, but she'll eventually want to move out into her own space (she was on an independence journey away from her normal familial crutches before being trapped, after all), so potential roommates and neighbors would be fun plots.
friends. and of course, all the friends! lizzie is an extrovert who has a very hard time being alone, so she of course likes to build a community of people she can go to for all the things. shopping friends. foodie friends. gossip friends. unlikely friends. confidants. OEA revenge buddies. accountability buddies.
frenemies. and with friends, comes enemies, which lizzie is prone to making.
everything above are just suggestions off the top of my head; I'm rlly open to any and all plots for my girl lizzie! if you'd like to plot, you can reach out to me here or on discord (blodxreina)!
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pinkhysteria · 3 years
alaric in all those stills for 4x04….. who is matt davis blackmailing at the cw, WHAT dirt does he got on these ppl i really gotta know
no, literally, i keep seeing SO much of him, i have to just scroll quickly and ignore it 😭 
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
josie (legacies) tag drop.
#✶ ━━ feat. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ inspo. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ mannerisms. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ interactions. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ likes. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ headcanons. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse one. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse two. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse three. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse four. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and lizzie. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and hope. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { superhero squad. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and alaric. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and meredith. } 
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and caroline. }
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fortheboyzzz · 2 years
headcanons for klaroline being endgame and lizzie josie and hope being sisters?
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A/N: I just want to carify this is far far away from any universe where I ship Hizzie or Hosie.
The Mikaelsons happily welcome the three newest members of their family.
Especially after seeing how happy Klaus was on his and Caroline’s wedding day.
Hayley and Caroline patch all the high school drama up and often invite each other to have drinks as they bond over how much of a handful Klaus can be.
Meanwhile Klaus and Alaric refuse to be within less than ten feet of each other.
But Klaus loves the twins like they're his own.
The twins just admire Hayley.
And Caroline assures Hope that she’s not trying to replace her mom.
Freya loves to help Josie with her magic.
She’s also the one to sit down with both her and Lizzie to talk about the merge when they’re old enough.
Rebekah thoroughly enjoys taking Lizzie shopping any chance she gets.
Partly because she loves hearing all the gossip and shit talking, especially about Dana.
Neither Hayley, Marcel, or the rest of the family mind looking after the girls when Klaus and Caroline are away.
Klaus has offered the twins their own rooms but they’re content with sharing.
The girls make for an interesting dynamic.
“Lizzie, I told you to stay out of my room!” Hope angrily barges into the twins’ room.
“I didn’t go into your stupid room.”
“Then how did my headphones go missing?”
“Sorry,” Josie says shyly, putting her book down. “I lost mine so I borrowed them.”
Hope definitely has a bit of a bias towards Josie.
They just get along easier.
 On the other hand, she and Lizzie are always bickering and throwing remarks at each other.
And with the amount of peeple who’ve tried to come after Hope, Lizzie has definitely told her “I too find your existence annoying.”
 Klaus wants to rush to every argument he hears but Caroline says that they need to work it out themselves.
Lizzie and Hope constantly throw the “you’re not my real sister” card at each other.
Until Hope accidentally takes it too far and says “And Caroline’s not even your real mom!” in front of Caroline and instantly regrets it.
Klaus scolds her for it and tells her to apologize.
Since Hope doesn’t rely on Alaric to fulfil a father figure role, his relationship with the twins is healthier.
But with them slowly spending more and more time in New Orleans, that mixed with his resentment towards Klaus, Alaric starts drinking.
Which Caroline finds out when the girls  get back and Lizzie  goes straight to her room without saying a single word.
“Dad’s drinking again,” Josie says before going to cuddle with her sister.
Klaus is ready to tear him a new one but Caroline beats him to it.
Then she files for full custody.
Hope tries to comfort them with ice cream but just ends up joining the cuddle session.
There’s one time where Klaus finds Lizzie in the aftermath of an episode and rushes to make sure she’s okay.
“Do you think I’m broken?”
 His heart aches at the question, “If you’re broken then are a mosaic, your imperfections are what make you beautiful.”
And he later hangs up a mosaic above her bed.
That was their bonding moment.
 For Klaus and Josie’s moment, it was after she went dark.
She isolates herself for a while until Klaus comes to comfort her.
And makes a joke about her still being  a saint on her worst day compared to Elijah on a good day.
Caroline and Rebekah bumping heads when it comes to planning events, like the twins’ birthday party.
Family vacations.
Klaus pushing for Hope to tag along on family excursions.
Klaus being equally over protective of the twins’ dating life.
Josie, as embarrassed as she may be, tries to get her partners to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Lizzie on the other hand decides that sneaking around is the better option.
Until she gets caught.
“You’ve been sneaking out?!” he says, catching her climbing out the window.
“And skipping class,” Hope chimes in.
Which leads Lizzie to bring up Roman to throw some heat off of her.
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Legacies thought post:
So I do not post much Josie content on here unless it is in relation to a positive relationship with Lizzie, which is not often.(I do not want to fuel Josie/Kaylee hate) . But let's just get it out in the open Lizzie and Josie did not have a great relationship. Their whole thing was always steeped in weird ever-shifting power dynamics that were always unbalanced. That said I do not hate Josie as a character, ( also I love Kaylee Bryant). Though Legacies writing and the shows often poor handling of toxicity and mental illness is problematic, I think Josie and Lizzis offer sharp harsh parallels.
Josie can be shown as at times as ableist and she does in certain cases sabotage Lizzie and the way that people see her (like when she fuels that whole fight/fued between Lizzie and Hope) this is not acceptable behavior at all, ever. And Lizzie can be demonized as heartless and out of control and wanting to steal things from Josie, like relationships and their parents attention.
In reality Lizzie is not a perfect defendable character either and has many flaws which could have been picked at, making fun of or diminishing her struggle with her mental health was not the move. Being bipolar or struggling with mental illness did not make Lizzie selfish, she was selfish and struggled with healthy boundaries which was something that should have been taught and helped along by her parents but instead they kinda set the girls up to fail by leaving Josie to feel as if she had to mind/manage Lizzie's unkind or darker reactions.
Josie wasn't allowed/didn't allow herself to be her own person outside of her sisters trama and her issues with control. Josie resented the heck out of her for this and took shots at Lizzie in a slow sort of maybe unknowing or know retaliation. There is a specific kinda of trama in being the less visibly in need sibling in a home where ones child's struggles may throw the family into chaos. Josie's pain felt quiet to those around her so they didn't treat it as seriously.
I can recognize and relate to that as having had a mental health crisis in a home with a more visibly ill and in need siblings who most of, if not all, attention and resources were funneled into. It sucks to be slowly drowning from the pressure but all anyone around you can do is admire how well you swim.
Josie was at times ableist and toxic. Lizzie could be manipulative. They both did deep harm to themselves and others in protection and rejection of their entwined identities. Josie and Lizzie are not perfect examples, Legacies representation of mental health in media leaves much to be desired. A side note: Alaric was a shit father, Caroline for all intents and purposes was an absentee mom.
That said like Lizzie if you do. Like Josie if you do. Friends, beasties or shipers, Hizzie and Hosie alike. It's fine.
Let's be kind to each other and others in fan spaces. We like characters, we relate to some of them. But just because we participate in fandom this does not mean that source material for are favorite characters can't have problematic shit.
Be kind, and if you don't know if you were try better the next time.
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leianaberrie · 3 years
It's a shame they killed the Parker family in the season 6 finale they were more interesting than most of the characters that made into season 7 especially enzo why the hell they kept him instead of Kai ,Kai was more interesting, more funnier and his character was consistent and his chemistry with Kat is amazing
And if they couldn't keep Kai (because Chris wood was busy with another show) at least they could have kept liv, Tyler won't be screwed over and them being Josie and Lizzie makes more sense than Caroline and Alaric and she's definitely more interesting than the lame heretics and if she didn't flirt with Jeremy (which was pointless) her and Bonnie would be great friends
Yes, the entire Parker and Gemini Coven was wasted potential and not just because of Bonkai although that’s a significant loss. They were better characters, lore and dynamics than the heretics and Lily Salvatore who were more poor man’s Mikaelsons than their own thing. But all that went down the toilet because Julie didn’t want Kat to be the female lead after Nina left the show.
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 316: (here we go again😂)
(I’m combining after thoughts with live thoughts)
1) The soundtracks for this episode are amazing, they fit very well even for Finsie that I heard that a lot of people were complaining on Reddit.
2) I finally get my team Sowanby! I just feel so much from them! They kind of make a great team, but please, do not go on another heist again. You both sucks at that! The holes are, the museum don’t have a fucking alarm for Leonardo DaVinci’s work? Are you kidding me? And Landon beating the shit out of the guard but not putting him out first is so dumb. The worst is Cleo calling Landon’s name so loud, I can’t😂😂😂😂😂😂 you don’t want people to be on your back when you have the Malivore threat going on guys! And ha! You guys are on the headline! That’s why I really feel like these supernaturals are so outdated and solidified from modern technology, even in 2030! Are you going to tell me everything technology will still be the same like now?? Come on, there’ll be cameras watching everywhere. Like they can see Cleo using magic! I need my Trimini (or bridge) coven and Hope starting to integrate the supernatural world with the modern world. About Trimini and Hope future career, click here.
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3) the line about “many who shaped it are never acknowledged” I stand! After that, about the key card my random thoughts were about Landon being the one that stole the key card😂 just out of the blue and I’m proven wrong though.
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4) Landon bonding with Cleo!!!! They thought the same way, and “I can promise that anyone that have to get to you, they have to get to me” is so strong! But the scene after, is the moment I started really doubting Landon, the look is too alarming. But there are still Sowanby scenes😭😭😭 and the melted heart mud... I mean I genuinely believed that the spell didn’t work because Landon is also mud himself. But in hindsight it is horrific, like the serial killer is just standing next to you but and the signs are right in front of you.
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5) Malivore mud being artistically friendly! I can’t haha! Oh and when Holarke walked on Sowanby inspiring moment🤣🤣🤣I can’t, they act like both of them are cheating on one another it’s hilarious. Thank you for acknowledging each other Holarke and Sowanby🤣. By now, I should have known that’s MaliLandon. It’s humiliating because Holarke and Sowanby got me so happy that I didn’t see the clues lmao! Because there’s this line: “Following the footstep of the Renaissance greatest man? ” but this thing, Cleo only did it with Leonardo, with whom she slept with......
6) And damn, after that, I felt like a FOOL, CLOWN, WHATEVER after that! All I have for team Sowanby is fake 🙃🙃🙃🤡🤡🤡 Anyway we still have to admit that the promise still stand true right, cuz it’s literal.🤣🤣🤣 MaliLandon fulfills his promise by eating Cleo. TYPICAL.
7) Holarke! Clarke is still handsome as ever😍. We can see his presence is clearly affecting Josie and making Hope giving him information. Can we talk about how cute is he sleeping soundly here?
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8) Lizzie being the only unaffected queen here. AND IT’S FINALLY LIZZIE’S TURN FOR “AD SONNUM” I can totally see her pleasantness in doing that to somebody after being on the receiving end🤣🤣🤣 Josie and Hope had done it before so now we actually see her doing it. I somehow feel completed.
9) The look Hope and Josie shared. Hosie!
10) Josie is going to be the death of me! I like her look. And how the camera moving upward gosh! And I’m totally digressing here, what is a razzleberry? And what is a slush? I have no idea what they are, I just feel like tasting what she tasting now. Lizzie’s line, crashing and splashing😂 Am I colour blind? Cuz I really can’t tell whether Hope is wearing dark blue or dark green 😅 if it’s green, then the traffic lights colour are back again lol. If blue, then Hosie matching clothes! Did Finsie ever have matching colours? I’m just wondering.
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11) Hosie scene! They talked about how seeing Clarke traumatised Josie~~ damn and Josie says traumatised is her permanent resting state. I mean even on her birthday she was buried alive lmao. And Hope wants to help Josie stop the traumas by sacrificing herself to defeat Malivore, like by literally dying. Which she didn’t want because she didn’t want to live forever.
12) Holarke scene again! I love all those banters and their dynamics😂😂 how Hope is the only one that trusts Clarke now. The mimic spell! It’s their thing😍😍. Oh it totally surprised me that Clarke isn’t mud man anymore. I’m really happy for him, because he finally break himself out of the abuse! It seems like triad is totally gone?? But I still kind of think that there may be something more? And Clarke’s reaction to Hope opening the artefact! 🤣🤣🤣 and the way that Clarke sensed the familiarity with Cleo! Yea boy, she’s the inspiration to the creation of you.
13) Clarke keeps calling Hope and Landon kids🤣 how’s the feeling of getting kid!Hope kicking your ass and saving you😂😂😂 oh she’s totally your equal. Frenemies at best! YES! I love Holarke bonding. And the fact that Clarke being Hope inspiration to believe in friendship and her family now can help her to defeat Malivore, I Stan! Don’t lose sight of the corner! Josie! Lizzie! Clarke! Yes you have them! I’m glad that Clarke didn’t die, I’ll be so mad because the writer would be bringing him back for nothing. Oh the incendia is painful, affecting me more than the fake looking MaliLandon eating Cleo. The height difference again🤣 with Holarke this time.
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14) I love Maleb clothes, not really shipping them just short form for their bromance😂 but I do enjoy if there suggests shipping cuz it’s fun! Love that them being supportive of each other, superheroing, and the hero name🤣🤣they’re clueless too. Poor Kaleb and Cleo. I really need his backstory 😫
15) about hero names, I’m still having playback of “blursome and essential” in my mind. MG is looking at the mask longer than Kaleb, I feel like he’s missing Ethan, like a lot. Another thing is, since we see the effect of someone else being compelled so clearly, but we never seen Ethan’s compelling effects. Or it’s a budget matter? They must be kidding right? So maybe Ethan is really faking it? So that leads us to Lethan....
16) if my suspicion is true, then damn, Ethan is using Lizzie to get into SBS? I’m worried for Lizzie’s wellbeing. Also the look on Josie when Ethan drives near tight after she said like some eligible will fall out of the sky🤣🤣🤣 the timing is impeccable lmao. For real, Lizzie wanting Ethan to be Hope’s rebound after her kiss with him in the trio imagination, is ....so the trio is now sharing guys now? Jandon is still there in the history! It’ll be like a very messing love multi-triangle😌😌😌
17) the way Lizzie talked about how Hope is perfect the whole way and judging by the day when they arrived at SBS? That’s very long! Lmao, Lizzie are you sure you’re not in love with Hope? Hizzie rights! (I don’t even know when I started to ship Hizzie, it’s a mystery🤣) I think I can only talk like that about my love. Why don’t you make you and your sister Hope’s rebound? I’ll be happy with what I get🤣
18) The decision to bring Ethan on a tour, is so bad. What if ethan ended up enrolling SBS and Alaric can’t deny the application? Did she ever think of that?? And Josie and Mg is going to face the consequences in the near future🤣 dreadful! From there I already felt the cliche sweetness that when you’re trying to be a wingwoman and ended up “selling” yourself out🤣🤣 fuck CW for cutting the scenes of Lizzie’s epic facial expression when she was slapped with her own words😂😂😂anyway, it’s no way she can refuse the ask out after 315 where Lizzie still thinks that she can’t be the chosen one when Hope is there, but someone actually chooses her even after all the Hope is perfect speech. As much as I mourn for Methan and Mizzie, I’m happy that she got someone to tell her that. But I think they’re destined to backfire😅
19) so does the Mizzie “will they won’t they?” officially end here? I’m confused. Btw it’s really a way to mention Sebastian’s death being relocated permanently 🤣 oh wait...she knew that that prison world is destroyed forever right????? Someone save me.
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20) okay I have to go back before Ethan picked the twins up: while Lizzie is actually worrying about themselves being stranded, Josie is just more concerned about Hope? Hosie! Poor Josie, she never sees that she is Hope soft spot and can totally make Hope happy too. Look at your dumb joke at 103, Hope’s laugh is magnificent too. It’s because of you. And yes I’m with Josie, I just ship Hope with herself and her axe right now, don’t put her with anyone for at least 5 more episode please.
21) The one that doesn’t dissolve into goo! Now is Clarke! And the both of you my dear twins. Btw, the dna thing, where Clarke confirms that dna is still toxic... so it applies to Landon too right? And it’s now just more overwhelmingly apparent that handon sex is without protection. Yea so much for epic love. And this is about the possibility where (hopefully) it’s not MaliLandon when the sex scene happened.
22) Finsie time! I got to say, it’s really improving. Their scene is beautiful, finally. That feeling that they’re nice together is now going on continuous for me. I’m happy for them! They are now stepping up on Hosie, not derogatory, I’m just seeing some parallels from hosie here. The disclose of Ethan broken arm, where Hosie has done, before that there’s Clarke’s traumatising Josie thing with Hosie. Next, the focus on the hand holding, I’m thinking of 207 and others. The “me being here with you”, with hosie 308 “then I’ll be here with you”. The whole thing is very comforting for Josie. The hug is good too. We can see that they finally have some nice scene and the bgm is good for them.
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23) I have no idea what is magical agronomy, so I look it up. Again, that shows how Josie love plants, like someone in Reddit said they observed that Josie’s side of room has several plants. And in 307, the herbs, that she remembers. I think it can help a lot if Hope is starting a magical technology company. Josie’s interest in that can come in handy. They’ll make a great team. About TRIMINI INDUSTRIES tap here.
24) we are still missing Jed here. Justice for Jed. We need Jed real first name. Did anyone notice when the super squad faces MaliLandon there’s no werewolf present? They’re really downplaying that huh? But maybe I can be satisfied that they are not making Finch being there but not Jed.
25) We need to address this thing about Handon. It’s like one and a half time that Hope couldn’t recognise that Landon is not Landon right? We still have to give credits to her memories shared with Cleo actually make Cleo kind of recognise the difference? So half a time. I agree with Josie’s words that Landon makes Hope happy. I mean, yes, most of the time they failed in working but there’s still sweet scenes between them. So that’s actually what makes Handon tolerable. They are what makes me only do facepalm rather than skipping them. So yes of course Hope has happy moments with Landon. Just that it doesn’t mean that they’re good together.
26) it’s always Landon’s bros that first find out Landon wasn’t Landon😂 this time is Clarke. It’s Clarke that tell Hope, “Landon will never leave you”. That’s the inconsistency of the writers, not counting MaliLandon’s time, it’s still two times. And there’s time that some will argue that Landon’s feet literally walk away from Hope. So...that’s not true, do not stuff that in our throat anymore. “I always thought you two are destined to be together” is this the writer way of saying they’re not doing Handon anymore or otherwise? Cuz “thought” is past tense and “are” is present tense. I’m tired. It’s normal that Hope still wants Landon to be happy and still love him. But after the breakup, when she still doesn’t know that it’s MaliLandon, the “still dying to get Landon again” is obsession. Girl, it’s derogatory to your self-esteem. “If a mud man like me can beat his fate, maybe you kids can too” yea that’s Handon going on.
27) we shouldn’t need to be told that Handon is epic love multiple times. We should be able to feel them, see them ourselves. Why did I start approving Finsie now, because instead of them being only all talking and no showing, now we see them working well (until now). I have been widely accepting to any other legacies ships and why I never ship Handon? So really these multiple telling us that how good is Landon to Hope, is not working. I’ve never been so frustrated.
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28) Let’s appreciate the Handon parallel with 101. It’s interesting that how Landon is inside the cage and Hope is outside the cage again. The meaning of the cage has deep meaning here. Handon first kiss is in the cage, that kind of mean that their love is trapped there. Like how their relationship being so troublesome and bound by these fateful encounters. The lights are quite similar, handon always has this blue lighting for them, which sometimes it’s kind of weird. The first time it is Hope decorating the ceiling with stars for Landon. It’s sweet, but also implying that what Handon has is the false beauty of them and not keeping the cage symbolism in mind. In other way of interpreting it, this is the writer foreshadowing their endgame. Cuz they’re trapped there, no way in no way out.
29) I think I’m not the only one bothered by the mostly lack of real Landon appearance in s3. As we can see how MaliLandon words sits so right about, Landon not belonging to SBS if it weren’t Hope. Then he leaves with Cleo, that’s a thing for Sowanby too, they still don’t have roots with the school, and it’s a great bonding between them, friendship or not. It’s the bond between them that matter. In 314 315, we always see that the students were totally fine without Landon. Like the three trios paralleling? It’s sad that Landon is like bouncing here and there in SBS but never really belong. And now the writers kind of ripped his personal development. So now he has neither his pheonix powers nor fighting skills, great? And even Hope’s growth too. We are seeing her moving to a good direction and the writers have to drag her back in the hell hole. Hope needs to not always looking at Landon for her happiness, it’s not good for the both of them. Like MG said, be your own person.
30) THEORIES regarding Landon: a) It’s MaliLandon all the way? I hope not, it’s reminding me of Lost Girl that one of the characters slept with the father personating the person she loves, and got pregnant. Tell you what was more alarming? When the episode ended, I was recommended to move on to Lost Girl on CW seed. It’s disgusting! Why do you want to help make me hate Handon? I don’t even hate them initially! I’m like struggling to be logical and lean on the positive side here. Why I can’t move on from this possibility: first, I’ve always headcannon that Malivore has partial control over Landon. Like how Landon actually wasn’t lying in 102 103? That’s Malivore. And Handon, as genius as always, doesn’t talk about it. Second, the way that Landon dissolved, he was human back then, but he turns into goo? how does it even work? If he is human, toxic to dna will make him die, not become goo, right? Even if that wasn’t a problem, it can also be MaliLandon trying his luck. Third, Malivore purpose is to make the perfect legacy, he will totally give it a try to make tribrid-Malivore babies. Fourth, during the inspiration from Cleo, MaliLandon has Landon’s memories, enhancing the theories that Malivore has partial control over Landon, so even if it wasn’t MaliLandon, it’s still partial-MaliLandon. Fifth, after the inspiration, MaliLandon said that he doesn’t need Hope to tackle his problem or for his purposes, which means he initially wanted Hope, thinking getting to Hope can help with his purposes. It’s really not a far-fetched.
31) THEORIES regarding Landon: b) it’s real Landon during sex, but Malivore got him in the prison world. While having Landon’s personal growth ripped and Handon still dragging out are not pleasant at all, this is still a more pleasant theory for me. At least Landon did start fighting for himself after sometime, and while the sex is still partial-MaliLandon, at least it’s not MaliLandon. (I’m always using at least for Handon 🙃) maybe we can still have Landon fighting skills? Cuz I was happy for him about this though. But I just don’t think so. The evidence for this theory is, my feeling about Landon in 306 is that it kind of fits Landon personality, but he did start his violence there. Another thing is the letter. There’s care in “to whom it may concern”. However, that can be just me being simp. And there’s also possibilities that the partial control from Malivore is cultivating Landon’s behaviour starting there and slowly taking control. Because making a deal with the devil always has its consequences. It’s either that or Landon was taken after the letter.
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32) regarding the picture above, i just want to point out about another interesting point about the structure of the scene, if you scroll back and see sowanby picture with the door and another bonding talk, you can se that there’s always pillar and frames that’s framing or trapping them together. Like Handon. I mean that’s totally MaliLandon, so this pointing out is not mean to be romantic. It’s just a thought about how devastating that Cleo is stuck in something her whole life, especially the picture structure that implies that she’s stuck with MaliLandon again.
33) overall I’m thinking this is a good and disgusting episode. With all the unexpected twist, it’s really good, there’s actually layers in showing us that Landon is not Landon every time. Then those bonding. The soundtrack, the scenes. Disgusting, is about the theory, and how we are all tangled back to Handon again after we finally have some fresh air. Not to mention the always surprisingly convenient that Landon always has an excuse when we see Landon did something bad to Hope. Like he can never be making big mistake while only having little questionable doings that can’t possible tarnish him being the perfect person in the show. The first time he lies, Malivore controlled him. During the pageant competition, he is justified to walk away when he totally chose the wrong timing to ask that question, leaving Hope alone breaking in front of such important event. 207, monsters are coming for him, he’s protecting people by leaving. Musical episode, he needs to cross boundaries because it’s bound to be, without further reasoning it with Hope, when Hope specifically was very respectful of him in 111 about his songs. And now, this. That’s not him, we can’t blame him. He will never be blame for something big because the writers is biased. Very biased in making that Landon is better than anyone else in the show, so he’s the perfect guy for Hope. Like no one can compare with him. He’s almost perfect. Perfect than Hope.
34) Reflect on what Hope did in 308, MG is kind of right, she shouldn’t have touched it without fully prepared. Because it totally let Malivore running out free instead of him being an originally contained problem. It’s for the good view in whole. Heroes make hard decisions. There’s still the hair thing cut from Hope and Golem!Landon.
These pictures is my work, while it’s easy to get it yourself, and not that I’m professional in doing this. But I still did screenshot them one by one and did some editing. So please like or label the sources when you save or use it. ♥️
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arbitrarygreay · 2 years
So I was rereading my Legacies Shipping Megapost and this part of my take on Panda Squad stood out to me:
The problem, as usual, is that in canon Hope ditches them quite a lot! It’s almost like Hope is the Lizzie to the twins’ M.G.
And I started thinking more about it, and it really is true. The pattern of history with the twins, based on what I've seen in canon, is thus: Alaric and/or Caroline pushes the twins to make friends with Hope. The twins try to. It doesn't take (as Josie put it in S1E3, Hope "pokes", picking fights). The twins back off to respect the boundaries Hope has established. Alaric and/or Caroline try to force Hope into their activites anyways, which makes both the twins and Hope angry and lash out with each other (e.g. 11th birthday party). This further entrenches their very mixed feelings such that even when the twins do feel affection (such as Josie's crush), their good-odds prediction that Hope will rebuff them makes them stay defensive. It's easy to imagine a world where the twins were mean girls vs. Hope, but the way Hope treats them even after reconciliation seems to bear out the twins' side of things: that the twins did keep making sincere overtures, and Hope never took them up on it. On the other hand, there is the very real possibility that the twins indirectly bullied Hope, as we know the other witches laughed at Hope being the villain in Lizzie's Star Wars story. Others may have bullied Hope on the twins' behalf, as the twins complained to them about the situation, and the twins certainly had more social sway than Hope (similar to how we saw the witches treat Sebastian). That might explain why Hope would never trust the twins' direct attempts at friendship. But yeah, in canon, even after they've reconciled, Hope really is the Lizzie to the twins’ M.G. She rarely chooses to interact with the twins unless she wants something from them. When the twins ask for her help, she'll give it, and they work quite well together, but when Hope has free time, they aren't her top picks. Which, there is a very family vibe to that (family as the people you can take for granted), but it's also a bit of a buzzkill for certain ship metrics, particularly for teenage romance. It's off-putting how one-sided it is that the twins chase Hope, but not vice-versa. This is why the Cleo-Hope dynamic has a spark to it, as she's basically the only person besides Landon that Hope chases. (The reason that I love Panda Squad OT3 and not Lizzie-MG despite this similarity is that for all of that, the Pandas are dynamite when they are together, whereas Lizzie and MG don't accomplish much as a team, or enjoy it when they do, in the case of football. The Pandas are even fun when they're at odds with each other, while Lizzie-MG conflict only further sinks their ship.)
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laufire · 3 years
It makes perfect sense because she has limited information and she's, naturally, biased; but when Finch said that "when your sister is around you can't be messed up" right after Josie admitted she was glad in the moment she'd thought Lizzie had killed someone to get their father back I was so ???
Like, it's a confusing conclusion for her to reach because that line clearly fits with how Josie is often happy to hide behind Lizzie's more abrasive and impulsive meanness while she undeservedly remains the Good Twin on everyone's eyes (see Kaleb saying Josie and MG "got there in time" to stop Lizzie. She stopped herself and her plan would've worked otherwise, fam). Lizzie herself said something similar in s1, but now she's completely down and seems to have resigned herself to everyone else's interpretation of their dynamic, which is discouraging if understandable.
Slightly related to all that, this is one of the reasons I can't stand MG as Lizzie's love interest. Not only do I not find her supposedly strong interest in him believable -we've SEEN what Lizzie looks like when she's actually interested in something, and it's not this *passive*; Mizzie reads, again, as Lizzie giving in to others' interpretation of her own feelings.
But he can't even be completely on her corner, biased and even a little unfair to Josie the way Penelope, Finch, or even noir!Jade were. Which, btw, it's not something I'm criticising. I love that facet of those relationships AND I think it pairs great with the twins' dynamic (it might even be part of why I always lowkey ship Josie's LIs with Lizzie lol), aka the thing I love most about the show. I just want to see what something like that would look from the other side, just for a change.
There are characters that in one way or another clearly click better with Lizzie than with Josie (imo: Hope, Alaric, hilariously enough maybe Landon XD. Although I suspect my thoughts on this would be on the unpopular side lol), but none of them occupy the same role Finch does now or are biased against Josie, so it's just not the same.
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isagrimorie · 2 years
Legacies seasons 1 & 2 had such fun monster-of-the-week things but the main big bad of Legacies have been such major FLOPS.
Still better than Teen Wolf's weird pacing issues but that's not saying a lot.
Golden Trio version 1 (Hope, Lizzie, and Josie) with bonus squad: Kalen, MG, Raf, and Landon were great and Triad as the main big bad for s1 was Great Actually. Tapped into the Legacies theme of the show bringing in MG's connection to the group via his mother.
The happy days before we realized that the show would continue to re-use Malivore and the Necromancer over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Plots and characters threaded together.
Except for the part where I wish Hope was there during the siege more.
Season 2 had a great build-up to the Dark Josie arc with bonus Kai Parker providing more chaos. Building more relationship dynamics between Hope and Lizzie (my favorite!), I did actually like Josie and Landon. I know that's unpopular but they were sweet together.
Raf, unfortunately, is just reduced to re-living his traumas and then used as a puppet for Necromancer shenanigans. I hate it.
I know fans hated season 2, which I still find confusing since it felt like a fun season to me.
And then season 3 happened. The first time I watched in real-time and the season was plagued with the covid stoppage, and they were off to a bad start where they did the thing where 'Hope didn't wake up because she felt Landon was dying'.
Started out stupid, continued to be stupid culminating with Hope killing Landon. Also, I guess that was an advertisement for safe sex and how everyone should have protection during sex.
It's like when D'avin temporarily killed Sabine in Killjoys because they had unprotected sex.
Cribbing with Buffy in all the wrong ways and ensuring that Hope will never have a healthy relationship with sex again. A weird thing for a show set in a universe where it didn't have a weird hang-up over sex.
And now their strongest character in the TVD 'verse has that hang-up. I would never guess the one thing Hope would have over Buffy is a bigger hang-up regarding sex, but the Legacies writers did that.
Also doesn't give me the greatest confidence the episode where Hope a) has sex for the first time and b) kills her first love with her sex was written by Brett Matthews, current Legacies showrunner.
In season 2 they had a much better take on having sex for the first time. Maybe Barbara Brandon should've directed that episode instead of the white guy.
I miss Marguerite McIntyre (sheriff Liz Forbes) writing for Legacies.
Finally, in season 4 they're getting their groove back and I love, love how the show is setting up Hope and Lizzie on the opposite sides of the war. First by choice, and now because of the brand with Aurora, by coercion. It's some good food.
Unfortunately, Landon is still stuck in limbo and I like the kid he doesn't deserve to be there and every time it goes to the limbo scene I zone out. Because it's so Damned Boring and disconnected from everything else. I know they might connect it in some way but god, is it such a snooze fest.
I'm not a fan of Josie leaving the show but I loved Josie and Lizzie's last scene together because it broke my heart but also gave me such strong first Doctor to Susan goodbye vibes: "One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."
I do like they're changing Cleo's powers in a way that they won't always rely on Cleo to give inspiration or save the group's ass in a way that's reminiscent of how the MF gang relied on Bonnie. (In a highly negative way -- Bonnie deserved better).
Alaric needs another adult (who isn't Ted and the Necromancer) to talk to and it showed in 4x14.
Plus real!Vardemus actually worked a lot better than Clarke!Vardemus, which isn't a surprise.
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thefudge · 3 years
I have always wondered if the spooning scene between bonnie and kai actually happened
And if so wasn't he mad at her why did he want to spoon her if them feelings like julie plec said just all went away I don't buy that
from what i recall, this is what bonnie imagines kai would say in her dream, but it says a lot about bonnie and their dynamic that she would picture an intimate scenario like that. that being said, kai was def all about getting into her personal space so you could headcanon that there was a situation where he might've done it irl (and i'd argue he'd always be up for spooning her, no matter how "mad" he might be, because it combines taking her magic with getting to be close to her, and that's basically kai's dream date)
as for why the writers would add this little detail in that scene despite plec swearing up and down there was nothing there, it's because they love having their cake and eating it too, drawing in audiences with a cool 'enemies to lovers' dynamic while also making sure the attention stays on whatever plec actually cares about. the thing is, the way they wrote and introduced kai on the show, it's kind of impossible to divorce him from bonnie or to tone down their back and forth since his arc revolves around the prison world and using and being used by bonnie. it's like a) there's his family and his big grudge on them, b) his flirty complicated/antagonistic feelings for bonnie, and both of these things play into his identity and who he'd like to be. the writers tried to give him more complex scenes with other characters, but it only works with damon and josie, imo, because damon was the other person temporarily stuck in the prison world and kai sees him as a huge hypocrite and a worse version of himself (yeah, i stand by that), whereas josie is a really personal and fraught part of his past (this is why it also works when he interacts with his niece, josie). so, seeing kai interact with the rest of the characters always felt off to me. and idk if it's chris wood's acting choices but he adds a little difference when he talks to, say, caroline or alaric. there is a certain detachment and coldness underneath the playfulness, almost veering towards contempt, and that just isn't there when he interacts with bonnie. when he has scenes with the rest of the cast, they want something from him, whereas when he interacts with bonnie, he wants something from her but he's not even entirely sure what. anyway, the way i'm still in my feels about them years later...
tldr; sorry for this long-winded response, what i'm trying to say is that everything about kai (down to arc, plot, personality, even acting choices) is inevitably connected to bonnie, and that's why the showrunners ultimately under-utilized him and tried to pretend nothing was there
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pinkhysteria · 3 years
blaming danielle if alaric gets hope to flip that switch back btw <3
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